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📄 emWin User Guide & Reference Manual

emWin User Guide & Reference Manual

Graphic Library with Graphic User Interface
Document: UM03001
Software Version: 6.46
Document revision: 0

Introduction to emWin

This introduction gives some information about this document. It also gives an overview of what features emWin consists of and what it requires.

Purpose of this document

This guide describes how to install, configure and use the emWin graphical user interface for embedded applications. It also explains the internal structure of the software and all the functions which are offered by emWin and intended for direct use (API, Application Programming Interface). Before actually using emWin, you should read or at least glance through this manual in order to become familiar with the software. The following steps are recommended:


A target system is not required in order to develop software with emWin; most of the software can be developed using the simulator. However, the final purpose is usually to be able to run the software on a target system.

Target system (hardware)

Your target system must:

The RAM needs to be 8-, 16- and 32-bit accessible. Memory requirements vary depending on which parts of the software are used and how efficient your target compiler is. It is therefore not possible to specify precise values, but the following applies to typical systems.

Small systems (no Window Manager)

Big systems (including Window Manager and widgets)

* Depending on the functionality used. The numbers above are only a rough estimation and can not reflect the exact requirements of an application. RAM requirement can be increased significantly when using large memory devices or when drawing PNG images. ROM requirements increase according to the number of fonts and/or images used in the application. All values are rough estimates and cannot be guaranteed. More details can be found in the chapter Performance and Resource Usage.


emWin can also be compiled for 64 bit architectures using a LP64 or LLP64 data model. Within the source code of emWin 64 bit data types are defined to ensure memory is accessed properly. Depending on which compiler is used to compile emWin it can be necessary to adapt the definition of PTR_ADDR to access addresses beyond the 32 bit range.

The definition of the 64 bit data models can be found in the file Global.h which is located in the GUI\Core directory of the emWin source code. If your architecture is not covered by the defines in Global.h please make sure to define PTR_ADDR in GUIConf.h according to your architecture.

Development environment (compiler)

The CPU used is of no importance; only an ANSI-compliant C compiler complying with at least one of the following international standard is required:

If your compiler has some limitations, let us know and we will inform you if these will be a problem when compiling the software. Any compiler for 16/32-bit CPUs or DSPs that we know of can be used. A C++ compiler is not required, but can be used. The application program can therefore also be programmed in C++ if desired.


The code of emWin requires a ’char’ type of 8 bits. If a ’char’ is 16 bits the code of emWin does not work right.


emWin is designed to provide an efficient, processor- and display controller-independent graphical user interface for any application that operates with a graphical display. It is compatible with single-task and multi-task environments, with a proprietary operating system or with any commercial RTOS. emWin is shipped as C source code. It may be adapted to any size physical and virtual display with any display controller and CPU. Its features include the following:


Graphic library


String/value output routines

Window Manager (WM)

Widgets for PC-like or smartphone-like look and feel

Touch-screen & mouse support

PC tools

Complete emWin system

The diagram below shows the individual components of a complete emWin system.


The touch controller components are marked as optional since they are not necessary for running emWin.

Examples and demos

To give you a better idea of what emWin can do, we have different demos available as “ready-to-use” simulation executables that you can find here.

The source of the sample applications is located in the folder Sample. The folder Sample\Application\GUIDemo contains an application program showing many features of emWin. All examples are also available at www.segger.com. Example code in this documentation is provided as code snippet, which might require further modifications.

Listed below are some of the provided demos:

Demo name Screenshot
Temperature Control
Washing Machine
Weather Forecast


With emWin’s tool AppWizard, users are able to create complete and ready-to-run emWin applications. It incorporates many of emWin’s core features such as widgets, animations, language management and motion support to be able to create stunning applications without writing any line of code. Therefore, no knowledge of the C language is required.

More information about AppWizard can be read under AppWizard or on our website.

Screen and coordinates

The screen consists of many dots that can be controlled individually. These dots are called pixels. Most of the text and drawing functions that emWin offers in its API to the user program can write or draw on any specified pixel.

The horizontal scale is called the X-axis, whereas the vertical scale is called the Y-axis. Coordinates are denoted as a pair consisting of an X- and a Y-value (X, Y). The X-coordinate is always first in routines that require X and Y coordinates. The upper left corner of the display (or a window) has per default the coordinates (0,0). Positive X-values are always to the right; positive Y-values are always down. The above graph illustrates the coordinate system and directions of the X- and Y- axes. All coordinates passed to an API function are always specified in pixels.

How to connect the display to the microcontroller

emWin handles all access to the display. Virtually any display controller can be supported, independently of how it is accessed. For details, refer to the chapter Configuration. Also, get in contact with us if your display controller is not supported. We are currently writing drivers for all display controllers available on the market and may already have a proven driver for the display controller that you intend to use. It is usually very simple to write the routines (or macros) used to access the display in your application SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH offers the service of making these customizations for you, if necessary with your target hardware. It does not really matter how the display is connected to the system as long as it is somehow accessible by software, which may be accomplished in a variety of ways. Most of these interfaces are supported by a driver which is supplied in source code form. This driver does not normally require modifications, but is configured for your hardware by making changes in the file LCDConf.h. Details about how to customize a driver to your hardware as necessary are provided in the chapter Display drivers. The most common ways to access the display are described as follows. If you simply want to understand how to use emWin, you may skip this section.

Display with memory-mapped display controller

The display controller is connected directly to the data bus of the system, which means the controller can be accessed just like a RAM. This is a very efficient way of accessing the display controller and is most recommended. The display addresses are defined to the segment LCDSEG, and in order to be able to access the display the linker/locator simply needs to be told where to locate this segment. The location must be identical to the access address in physical address space. Drivers are available for this type of interface and for different display controllers.

Display with display controller connected to port / buffer

For slower display controllers used on fast processors, the use of port-lines may be the only solution. This method of accessing the display has the disadvantage of being somewhat slower than direct bus-interface but, particularly with a cache that minimizes the accesses to the display, the display update is not slowed down significantly. All that needs to be done is to define routines or macros which set or read the hardware ports/buffers that the display is connected to. This type of interface is also supported by different drivers for the different display controllers.

Proprietary solutions: display without display controller

The display can also be connected without an display controller. In this case, the display data is usually supplied directly by the controller via a 4- or 8-bit shift register. These proprietary hardware solutions have the advantage of being inexpensive, but the disadvantage of using up much of the available computation time. Depending on the CPU, this can be anything between 20 and almost 100 percent; with slower CPUs, it is really not possible at all. This type of interface does not require a specific display driver because emWin simply places all the display data into the display cache. You yourself must write the hardware-dependent portion that periodically transfers the data in the cache memory to your display.

Data types

Since C does not provide data types of fixed lengths which are identical on all platforms, emWin uses, in most cases, its own data types as shown in the table below:

Data type Definition Description
I8 signed char 8-bit signed value
U8 unsigned char 8-bit unsigned value
I16 signed short 16-bit signed value
U16 unsigned short 16-bit unsigned value
I32 signed long 32-bit signed value
U32 unsigned long 32-bit unsigned value
I16P signed short 16-bit (or more) signed value
U16P unsigned short 16-bit (or more) unsigned value

For most 16/32-bit controllers, the settings will work fine. However, if you have similar defines in other sections of your program, you might want to change or relocate them. A recommended place is in the file Global.h.

Getting Started

The following chapter provides an overview of the basic procedures for setting up and configuring emWin on your target system. It also includes a simple program example.
If you find yourself unsure about certain areas, keep in mind that most topics are treated in greater detail in later chapters. You will most likely need to refer to other parts of the manual before you begin more complicated programming.

We recommend keeping emWin separate from your application files. It is good practice to keep all the program files (including the header files) together in the GUI subdirectories of your project’s root directory. The directory structure should be similar to the one seen in the picture. This practice has the advantage of being very easy to update to newer versions of emWin by simply replacing the GUI\ directories. Your application files can be stored anywhere.


When updating to a newer emWin version:
Since files may have been added, moved or deleted, the project directories may need to be updated accordingly.


The following table shows the contents of all GUI subdirectories.

Directory Contents
Config Configuration files
GUI\AppWizard AppWizard-related files
GUI\ConvertColor Color conversion routines used for color displays
GUI\ConvertMono Color conversion routines used for grayscale displays
GUI\Core emWin core files
GUI\DisplayDriver Display driver files
GUI\Font Font files
Additional modules
GUI\AntiAlias Anti-aliasing support
GUI\MemDev Memory Device support
GUI\MT MultiTouch support
GUI\VNC VNC support
GUI\Widget Widget library
GUI\WM Window Manager
Third-party modules (not included in shipments)
GUI\PNG PNG support with libpng library.
GUI\TrueType TTF and BDF font support with FreeType library.

Additional modules

These modules are sold separately from emWin BASE packages and can be optionally purchased with a shipment.

The emWin PRO package contains the following modules by default: AntiAlias, MemDev, Widget and WM.

Third-party modules

These modules are not included in the commercially sold emWin shipments for legal reasons. All modules containing third-party software can be downloaded for free from our website. You can find the download links in the corresponding sub-chapters.

Include directories

You should make sure that the include path contains the following directories (the order of inclusion is of no importance):


Always make sure that you have only one version of each file!

It is frequently a major problem when updating to a new version of emWin if you have old files included and therefore mix different versions. If you keep emWin in the directories as suggested (and only in these), this type of problem cannot occur. When updating to a newer version, you should be able to keep your configuration files and leave them unchanged. For safety reasons, we recommend backing up (or at least renaming) the GUI\ directories prior to updating.

Adding emWin to the target program

You basically have a choice between including only the source files that you are actually going to use in your project, which will then be compiled and linked, or creating a library and linking the library file. If your tool chain supports “smart” linking (linking in only the modules that are referenced and not those that are not referenced), there is no real need to create a library at all, since only the functions and data structures which are required will be linked. If your tool chain does not support “smart” linking, a library makes sense, because otherwise everything will be linked in and the program size will be excessively large. For some CPUs, we have example projects available to help you get started.

Creating a library

Building a library from the sources is a simple procedure. The first step is to copy the batch files (located under Sample\Makelib) into your project’s root directory. That means the parent directory containing the Config and the GUI folder. Then, make any necessary changes. There are a total of four batch files which need to be copied, described in the table below. The main file, Makelib.bat, will be the same for all systems and requires no changes. To build a library for your target system, you will normally need to make slight modifications to the other three smaller files. Finally, start the file Makelib.bat to create the library. The batch files assume that your GUI and Config subdirectories are set up as recommended.
The procedure for creating a library is illustrated in the flow chart below. The Makelib.bat file first calls Prep.bat to prepare the environment for the tool chain. Then it calls CC.bat for every file to be included in the library. It does this as many times as necessary. CC.bat adds each object file to a list that will be used by lib.bat. When all files to be added to the library have been listed, Makelib.bat then calls lib.bat, which uses a librarian to put the listed object files into the actual library. Of course you are free to create libraries in another way.

It is not recommended to create an emWin library including a compile-time configurable display driver. Detailed information about the configurability of emWin display drivers can be found in the section Available display drivers.

File Description
Makelib.bat Main batch file. No modification required.
Prep.bat Called by Makelib.bat to prepare environment for the tool chain to be used.
CC.bat Called by Makelib.bat for every file to be added to the library; creates a list of these object files which will then be used in the next step by the librarian in the lib.bat file.
Lib.bat Called by Makelib.bat to put the object files listed by CC.bat into a library.

The files as shipped assume that a Microsoft compiler is installed in its default location. If all batch files are copied to the root directory (directly above GUI) and no changes are made at all, a simulation library will be generated for the emWin simulation. In order to create a target library, however, it will be necessary to modify Prep.bat, CC.bat and lib.bat.

Adapting the library batch files to a different system

The following will show how to adapt the files by an example adaptation for the ARM Cortex-M4 CPU.

Adapting Prep.bat

Prep.bat is called at the beginning of Makelib.bat. As described above its job is to set the environment variables for the used tools and the environment variable PATH, so that the batch files can call the tools without specifying an absolute path. Assuming the compiler is installed in the folder C:\MTOOL the file Prep.bat could look as follows:


* File      : Prep.bat
* Parameters: None
* Purpose   : Sets path and other environment variables as required by tool chain
* This file is written for the CM4 GCC toolchain
* It needs to be modified if the compiler is installed in a different location.

ECHO PREP.BAT:            Preparing environment for CM4 GCC

if "%_PREP_CM4_GCC_%" == "_PREP_CM4_GCC_" goto cont

SET TOOLPATH=c:\Tool\C\Segger\SES_V452\
set PATH=%TOOLPATH%\gcc\arm-none-eabi\bin\;%PATH%

Adapting CC.bat

The job of CC.bat is to compile the passed source file and adding the file name of the object file to a link list. When starting MakeLib.bat it creates the following subdirectories relative to its position:

Directory Contents
Lib This folder should contain the library file after the build process.
Temp\Output Should contain all the compiler output and the link list file. Will be deleted after the build process.
Temp\Source MakeLib.bat uses this folder to copy all source and header files used for the build process. Will be deleted after the build process.

The object file should be created (or moved) to Temp\Output. This makes sure all the output will be deleted after the build process. Also the link list should be located in the output folder. The following shows an example for the GCC compiler:


* File      : CC.bat
* Parameters: %1 Name of file to compile (without extension; .c is added)
* Purpose   : Compile one file and add it to the list of files to put in
*             Library
* This file as is uses the GCC Compiler

ECHO CC.BAT:              Compiling %1.c with GCC compiler

  cc1 -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mlittle-endian -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp -DDEBUG=1 -DSKIP_TEST -O3 -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=soft -fomit-frame-pointer -quiet -Wall -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wextra -nostdinc "-I%GNU_C_INCLUDE%" -D__CROSSWORKS_ARM -fno-builtin -o temp/Output/%1.l temp/Source/%1.c
) else (
  cc1 -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mlittle-endian -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp -DDEBUG=1 -DSKIP_TEST -O3 -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=soft -fomit-frame-pointer -quiet -Wall -Wextra -Wlogical-op -Wfloat-equal -pedantic -nostdinc "-I%GNU_C_INCLUDE%" -D__CROSSWORKS_ARM -fno-builtin -o temp/Output/%1.l temp/Source/%1.c

as -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mlittle-endian -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=soft --traditional-format -EL "temp/Output/%1.l" -o "temp/Output/%1.o"
IF NOT EXIST temp\Lib.dat @ECHO create lib/libGUI.a>temp\Lib.dat
@ECHO addmod temp\output/%1.o>>temp/lib.dat

Adapting Lib.bat

After all source files have been compiled Lib.bat will be called from MakeLib.bat. The job is to create a library file using the link list created by CC.bat. The destination folder of the library file should be the Lib folder created by MakeLib.bat. The following shows an example for the GCC toolchain:


* File      : Lib.bat
* Parameters: None
* Purpose   : Put all (object) files in linklist into the library
* This file is written for the GCC toolchain

ECHO MAKELIB.BAT:         Creating GUI target library using GCC tool-chain

REM ****************************************
REM   Create library
REM ****************************************

@ECHO save>>temp\lib.dat
@ECHO end>>temp\lib.dat
ar -M<temp/lib.dat

C files to include in the project

Generally speaking, you need to include the core C files of emWin, the display driver, all font files you plan to use and any optional modules you have ordered with emWin:

Additional software packages

If you plan to use additional, optional modules you must also include their C files:

Target specifics

For displays with indirect interface hardware routines must be included. Examples for several kinds of indirect interface routines are available under Sample\LCD_X_Port.

RTOS specifics

Additional information

Be sure to include GUI.h in all emWin accessing source files.

CMake support

Since V6.46, emWin now also comes with CMake scripts. The CMake support makes it possible to include emWin in other CMake scripts or compile a library.

CMake options

To setup emWin and configure the CMake build, there are a few variables that can be set.

CMake option Default value Description
GUI_CM_CONFIG_DIR none The emWin configuration directory containing these files: LCDConf.c/.h, PIDConf.c/.h and GUIConf.c/.h.
GUI_CM_DISPLAY_DRIVERS “all” Semicolon-separated list of display drivers to be built. The default is that all display drivers in the directory will be built. An example list would be: GUIDRV_Lin;GUIDRV_FlexColor
GUI_CM_BUILD_APPWIZARD OFF Build with AppWizard subdirectory.
GUI_CM_BUILD_CORE ON Build with Core subdirectory.
GUI_CM_BUILD_CONVERTMONO ON Build with ConvertMono subdirectory.
GUI_CM_BUILD_CONVERTCOLOR ON Build with ConvertColor subdirectory.
GUI_CM_BUILD_DISPLAYDRIVER ON Build with DisplayDrivers subdirectory.
GUI_CM_BUILD_TOUCHDRIVER ON Build with TouchDrivers subdirectory.
GUI_CM_BUILD_FONT ON Build with Fonts subdirectory.
GUI_CM_BUILD_ANTIALIAS ON Build with AntiAliasing subdirectory.
GUI_CM_BUILD_WM ON Build with Window Manager subdirectory.
GUI_CM_BUILD_WIDGET ON Build with Widgets subdirectory.
GUI_CM_BUILD_MEMDEV ON Build with Memory Devices subdirectory.
GUI_CM_BUILD_PNG OFF Build with PNG subdirectory.
GUI_CM_BUILD_TRUETYPE OFF Build with TrueType subdirectory.
GUI_CM_BUILD_VNC OFF Build with VNC subdirectory.
GUI_CM_BUILD_MT OFF Build with MultiTouch subdirectory.

CMake integration

The main CMake script that has to be executed or included is in the main GUI directory, GUI\CMakeLists.txt


An excerpt of a CMake script that includes emWin in its build could look like this:

# Include all sub-directories
set(GUI_CM_BUILD_CORE          ON)
set(GUI_CM_BUILD_FONT          ON)
set(GUI_CM_BUILD_WM            ON)
set(GUI_CM_BUILD_PNG           ON)
set(GUI_CM_BUILD_VNC           ON)
set(GUI_CM_BUILD_MT            ON)
# Configure config dir and display drivers
# Add emWin

Configuring emWin

The Config folder should contain all configuration files. The chapter Configuration explains in detail how emWin should be configured.

Configuration macros

The following types of configuration macros are available:

Binary switch "B"

Switches can have a value of either 0 or 1, where 0 means deactivated and 1 means activated (actually anything other than 0 would work, but using 1 makes it easier to read a config file). These switches can enable or disable a certain functionality or behavior. Switches are the simplest form of configuration macro.

Numerical value "N"

Numerical values are used somewhere in the code in place of a numerical constant. Typical examples are in the configuration of the resolution of a display.

Selection switch "S"

Selection switches are used to select one out of multiple options where only one of those options can be selected. A typical example might be the selection of the type of display controller used, where the number selected denotes which source code (in which display driver) is used to generate object code.

Alias "A"

A macro which operates like a simple text substitute. An example is U8, which is replaced by the preprocessor with unsigned char.

Function replacement "F"

Macros can basically be treated like regular functions although certain limitations apply, as a macro is still put into the code as simple text replacement. Function replacements are mainly used to add specific functionality to a module (such as the access to a display) which is highly hardware-dependent. This type of macro is always declared using brackets (and optional parameters).

Type replacement "T"

Type replacement macros allow changing the types of certain values.

Initializing emWin

The following functions should be used to initialize and ’de-initialize’ emWin in order to start the configuration process (see chapter Configuration) or clear internal data from memory again.

Routine Description
GUI_Init() Initializes emWin internal data structures and variables.
GUI_IsInitialized() Returns the initialization state of emWin.
GUI_Exit() Clears emWin internal data from memory to make further calls of GUI_Init() possible.

Code example

The section The Hello world example program offers a code example that shows how emWin is initialized.



Initializes emWin internal data structures and variables.


int GUI_Init(void);

Return value

= 0 if successful.
≠ 0 if the initialization of the display driver fails.

Additional information

Executing this function is mandatory before using any emWin functions. The only exception is setting create flags for windows (see WM_SetCreateFlags()). If the Window Manager is used, the background window is created from within GUI_Init(). So if create flags are set up before GUI_Init() is called, the background window is created according to them.



Returns the initialization state of emWin.


int GUI_IsInitialized(void);

Return value

1 if emWin is already initialized
0 if not.



Clears emWin internal data from memory to make further calls of GUI_Init() possible.


void GUI_Exit(void);

Additional information

This function should be used if emWin represents a part of the application which is not used continuously and therefore has to be able to be turned on and off again. Please note that after GUI_Exit() was called emWin will not work properly until GUI_Init() is called again.

Using emWin with target hardware

The following is just a basic outline of the general steps that should be taken when starting to program with emWin. All steps are explained further in subsequent chapters.

Step 1: Configuring emWin

The first step is usually to customize emWin. For details about the configuration, refer to the chapter Configuration.

Step 2: Defining access addresses or access routines

For memory-mapped display controllers, the access addresses of the display simply need to be defined in the configuration file of the display controller. For port/buffer-accessed display controllers, interface routines must be defined. Examples of the required routines are available under Sample\LCD_X_Port.

Step 3: Compiling, linking and testing the example code

emWin comes with example code for both single- and multitask environments. Compile, link and test these little example programs until you feel comfortable doing so.

Step 4: Modifying the example program

Make simple modifications to the example programs. Add additional commands such as displaying text in different sizes on the display, showing lines and so on.

Step 5: In multitask applications: adapt to your OS (if necessary)

If multiple tasks should be able to access the display simultaneously, the macros GUI_MAXTASK and GUI_OS come into play, as well as the file GUITask.c. For details and example adaptations, refer to the chapter Configuration.

Step 6: Write your own application using emWin

By now you should have a clearer understanding of how to use emWin. Think about how to structure the program your application requires and use emWin by calling the appropriate routines. Consult the reference chapters later in this manual, as they discuss the specific emWin functions and configuration macros that are available.

The "Hello world" example program

In the following we will show the “Hello world” example program. If you like to see a wide range of emWin based sample applications as well as further simple tutorial applications, please have a look in the Sample folder of your emWin shipment or visit the “emWin Samples” section on www.segger.com.

A “Hello world” program has been used as a starting point for C programming since the early days, because it is essentially the smallest program that can be written. An emWin “Hello world” program is shown below and is available as BASIC_HelloWorld.c in the Sample\Tutorial folder shipped with emWin. The whole purpose of the program is to write “Hello world” in the upper left corner of the display. In order to be able to do this, the hardware of the application, the display controller and the GUI must be initialized first. emWin is initialized by a simple call of GUI_Init() in the beginning of the program. In this example, we assume that the hardware of your application is already initialized. The “Hello world” program looks as follows:

#include "GUI.h"
void MainTask(void) {
  GUI_DispString("Hello world!");

Adding functionality to the "Hello world" program

Our little program has not been doing too much so far. We can now extend the functionality a bit: after displaying “Hello world”, we would like the program to start counting on the display in order to be able to estimate how fast outputs to the display can be made. We can simply add a bit of code to the loop at the end of the main program, which is essentially a call to the function that displays a value in decimal form.

The example is available as BASIC_Hello1.c in the Sample folder.

#include "GUI.h"
void MainTask(void) {
  int i = 0;
  GUI_DispString("Hello world!");
  while(1) {
    GUI_DispDecAt( i++, 20,20,4);
    if (i > 9999) {
      i = 0;


Before emWin can be used on a target system, the software needs to be configured. Configuring means modifying the configuration files which usually reside in the (sub)directory Config. We try to keep the configuration as simple as possible, but there are some configuration routines which need to be modified in order for the system to work properly.

The following items need to be configured:

The following chapter explains the configuration of emWin in detail.

What needs to be configured?

The configuration is basically divided into two parts: GUI-configuration and LCD-configuration. GUI-configuration means configuration of available features, default colors and -fonts and the configuration of available memory. The LCD-configuration is more hardware dependent and has to define the physical size of the display, the display driver and the color conversion routines to be used. For details about color conversion routines, refer to the chapter Colors.

If a hardware is used which offers acceleration features as for example available with the ChromeART accelerator of some of the STM32 devices, the chapter Hardware acceleration contains more information.

A further part is configuring the simulation. But this is not required for the target hardware and not part of this chapter. For details about configuring the simulation, refer to the chapter Simulation.

Run-time- and compile-time configuration

There are C and include files to be configured. The configuration in the header files is fixed at compile time and can not be changed whereas the configuration done in the C files can be changed at run-time. This makes it possible to create a library which is largely configuration independent and can be used with any display and any driver. This requires that the configuration routines described in this chapter are not part of the library but of the application.

Initialization process of emWin

The illustration shows the process of initialization. To initialize emWin, the application only has to call GUI_Init(). The configuration routines explained below are called during the internal initialization process.


It is called at the very first beginning of the initialization process to make sure that memory is assigned to emWin. Within this routine GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory() must be called to assign a memory block to emWin. The functions are explained later in this chapter.


This function is called immediately after GUI_X_Config(). The main purpose of this routine is creating a display driver device and selecting the color conversion routines. Further it is responsible for setting the display size. If a touch screen is used it should also be configured here.


At a later point of the initialization process the function LCD_X_DisplayDriver() is called. It is called directly by the display driver. During the initialization process the task of this routine is putting the display controller into operation. A detailed description of the routine follows later in this chapter.

Run-time configuration

The following table shows the available run-time configuration files located in the subfolder Config:

Configuration file Purpose
GUIConf.c Configuration of available memory.
LCDConf.c Configuration of the display size, the display driver and the color conversion routines.
SIMConf.c Configuration of the simulation (not part of this chapter).
GUI_X.c Configuration of timing routines.

Customizing GUIConf.c

The purpose of this module is to provide emWin with the function GUI_X_Config() which is responsible for assigning a memory block to the memory management system. This requires knowledge about the memory requirement of the used components. The separate chapter Performance and Resource Usage contains a detailed description of the memory requirements (RAM and ROM) of the individual emWin modules.

Per default GUIConf.c is located in the (sub)directory and contains the routine GUI_X_Config() which is responsible to assign a memory block to emWin. It is not cogently required to leave it in the file GUIConf.c. The routine GUI_X_Config() can be located anywhere in the application.

Calling this function is the very first thing done during the process of initialization. It is responsible to assign a memory block to emWin. This block is managed by the internal memory management system. Please also refer to GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory().

API functions to be used in GUI_X_Config()

The following table shows the API functions which must be called within GUI_X_Config():

Routine Description
GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory() The function assigns the one and only memory block to emWin which is used by the internal memory management system.
GUI_RegisterAfterInitHook() Registers a hook function which gets called after the GUI has been initialized.
GUI_SetOnErrorFunc() Sets the hook function which is called from GUI_ErrorOut().
GUI_SetOnLogFunc() Sets the hook function which is called from GUI_Log().
GUI_SetOnWarnFunc() Sets the hook function which is called from GUI_Warn().
GUITASK_GetMaxTask() Returns the maximum number of possible tasks when multitasking is enabled.
GUITASK_SetMaxTask() Sets the maximum number of tasks from which emWin can be accessed when multitasking is enabled.


The function assigns the one and only memory block to emWin which is used by the internal memory management system. This function should be called typically from GUI_X_Config().


void GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory(void * p,
                            U32    NumBytes);


Parameter Description
p Pointer to the memory block which should be used by emWin.
NumBytes Size of the memory block in bytes.

Additional information

Note that not the complete memory block can be used by the application, because a small overhead is used by the management system itself. Each memory block requires approximately 12 additional bytes for management purpose. The assigned memory block needs to be accessible 8, 16 and 32 bit wise. It is used by emWin internally for memory allocation. Instead of using malloc() and free() the internal memory management uses that block for memory allocation. It is not used as frame buffer.



Registers a hook function which gets called after the GUI has been initialized.


void GUI_RegisterAfterInitHook(void                ( *pFunc)(),
                               GUI_REGISTER_INIT * pRegisterInit);


Parameter Description
pFunc Pointer to a function to be called.
pRegisterInit Pointer to a GUI_REGISTER_INIT structure.

Additional information

It is possible to set multiple function to be called after the GUI has been initialized. This requires a dedicated GUI_REGISTER_INIT structure for each function.

static void _Init0(void) {
static void _Init1(void) {
void GUI_X_Config(void) {
static GUI_REGISTER_INIT RegisterInit0;
static GUI_REGISTER_INIT RegisterInit1;

static U32 aMemory[GUI_NUMBYTES / 4];
GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory(aMemory, GUI_NUMBYTES);
GUI_RegisterAfterInitHook(_Init0, &RegisterInit0);
GUI_RegisterAfterInitHook(_Init1, &RegisterInit1);


Sets the hook function which is called from GUI_ErrorOut().


void GUI_SetOnErrorFunc(void ( *pFunc)(const char * s ));


Parameter Description
pFunc Pointer to the function which should be called by GUI_ErrorOut().

Additional information

The hook function gets a short error description in the string passed to the routine. It should contain the module and the function where the error occurred and a short description.

See also the description of GUI_ErrorOut().



Sets the hook function which is called from GUI_Log().


void GUI_SetOnLogFunc(void ( *pFunc)(const char * s ));


Parameter Description
pFunc Pointer to the function which should be called by GUI_Log().

Additional information

The hook function gets a log message in the string passed to the routine. The string contains the module and the function from where the log was sent.

See also the description of GUI_Log().



Sets the hook function which is called from GUI_Warn().


void GUI_SetOnWarnFunc(void ( *pFunc)(const char * s ));


Parameter Description
pFunc Pointer to the function which should be called by GUI_Warn().

Additional information

The hook function gets a warning in the string passed to the routine. The string contains the module and the function where the error occurred and a short description.

See also the description of GUI_Warn().



Returns the maximum number of possible tasks when multitasking is enabled.


int GUITASK_GetMaxTask(void);

Return value

Maximum number of possible tasks.



Sets the maximum number of tasks from which emWin can be accessed when multitasking is enabled.


void GUITASK_SetMaxTask(int MaxTask);


Parameter Description
MaxTask Number of tasks from which emWin is used at most.

Additional information

This function is intended to be called from GUI_X_Config(). It is necessary to use this function when working with a pre-compiled library. Otherwise GUI_MAXTASK can be defined. Further information can be found under GUI_MAXTASK.

Customizing LCDConf.c

The purpose of this module is to provide emWin with the required display configuration routine and the callback function for the display driver. These are the following functions:

Routine Description
LCD_X_Config() Configuration routine for creating the display driver device, setting the color conversion routines and the display size.
LCD_X_DisplayDriver() Callback routine called by the display driver for putting the display controller into operation.


As described in the table above this routine is responsible to create a display driver device, set the right color conversion routines and for configuring the physical display size.


void LCD_X_Config(void);

Additional information

Depending on the used display driver it could also be required to set the video RAM address, initialize a custom palette or some else. For information about any additional requirements, refer to Detailed display driver descriptions. The functions available for configuration purpose in this routine are listed and explained later in this chapter.


The following shows a typical example implementation:

// Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer
GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_LIN_16, GUICC_565, 0, 0);
// Display driver configuration
LCD_SetSizeEx    (0, 320, 240);
LCD_SetVSizeEx   (0, 320, 240);
LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx(0, (void *)0x200000);


This is the callback function of the display driver. It is called by the display driver for several jobs. It passes a command and a pointer to a data structure to the callback routine. The command tells the callback function what should be done. If the command requires parameters they are passed through the data pointer pData. It points to a structure whose format depends on the command.


int LCD_X_DisplayDriver(unsigned LayerIndex,
                        unsigned Cmd,
                        void   * pData);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Zero based layer index.
Cmd Command to be executed. Detailed descriptions below.
pData Pointer to a data structure.

Elements of structure LCD_X_SETVRAMADDR_INFO

Data type Element Description
void * pVRAM Pointer to the start address of the video RAM.

Return value

0 Command has been successfully executed.
-1 Command is not handled by the function.
-2 Error occured.

Additional information

For more information about the commands passed to the routine by the display driver, refer to Display drivers.


The folder Sample\LCDConf contains a lot of example implementations of this routine which can be used as starting point.

API functions to be used in LCD_X_Config()

The following table shows the API functions which are available for configuration purpose within LCD_X_Config():

Routine Description
GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink() Creates a display driver device and associates the color conversion routines to be used.
GUI_TOUCH_SetOrientation() The function configures the touch screen orientation.
GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate() Changes the calibration at runtime.
LCD_SetLUTEx() Sets the look-up table for the given layer.
LCD_SetSizeEx() Sets the physical size of the visible area of the given display/layer.
LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx() Sets the address of the video RAM.
LCD_SetVSizeEx() Sets the size of the virtual display area.

Aside from the function LCD_SetLUTEx() the descriptions of the LCD_…() functions can be found in the chapter Display drivers.

The descriptions of the GUI_TOUCH_…() functions can be found in the chapter Touch screen driver.


This routine creates the display driver device, sets the color conversion routines to be used for accessing the display and it links the driver device into the device list of the given layer. LCD_X_Config() is called immediately after GUI_X_Config(). This makes sure that the memory configuration already has been done and the driver is able to allocate memory.
The required memory for a display driver device is approx. 50 bytes + the driver specific memory. For details about the memory requirements of the individual display drivers, refer to the chapter Display drivers.


GUI_DEVICE *GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(const GUI_DEVICE_API     * pDeviceAPI,
                                     const LCD_API_COLOR_CONV * pColorConvAPI,
                                           U16                  Flags,
                                           int                  LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
pDeviceAPI Pointer to the display driver to be used. The chapter Display drivers contains a table of the available display drivers.
pColorConvAPI Pointer to the color conversion routines to be used. The chapter Colors contains a table with the available color conversion routines.
Flags Should be zero.
LayerIndex Layer which should be managed by the driver.

Return value

On success the function returns a pointer to the created device object, otherwise it returns NULL.

Additional information

Note that the used driver also determines the display orientation in some cases. This differs from driver to driver. For details about the display orientation, refer to the chapter Display drivers.

Customizing GUI_X.c

This file is the location of the timing routines, the debugging routines and the kernel interface routines:

Init routines


This function is being called on initialization of emWin.


void GUI_X_Init(void);

Additional information

Typically used to initialize a hardware timer to provide a time base used by the timing related GUI_X functions. This is not required when using an underlaying RTOS.

Timing routines


Returns after a specified time period in milliseconds.


void GUI_X_Delay(int Period);


Parameter Description
Period Period in milliseconds.


Called only from non-blocking functions of the Window Manager.


void GUI_X_ExecIdle(void);

Additional information

Called when there are no longer any messages which require processing. In this case the GUI is up to date.



Used by GUI_GetTime() to return the current system time in milliseconds.



Return value

The current system time in milliseconds, of type integer.

Debug routines


These routines are called by emWin with debug information in higher debug levels in case a problem (Error) or potential problem is discovered. The routines can be blank; they are not required for the functionality of emWin. In a target system, they are typically not required in a release (production) build, since a production build typically uses a lower debug level.


void GUI_X_ErrorOut(const char * s);
void GUI_X_Warn(const char * s);
void GUI_X_Log(const char * s);


Parameter Description
s Pointer to the string to be sent.

Additional information

This routine is called by emWin to transmit error messages or warnings, and is required if logging is enabled. The GUI calls this function depending on the configuration macro GUI_DEBUG_LEVEL. The following table lists the permitted values for GUI_DEBUG_LEVEL:

Value Symbolic name Description
0 GUI_DEBUG_LEVEL_NOCHECK No run-time checks are performed.
1 GUI_DEBUG_LEVEL_CHECK_PARA Parameter checks are performed to avoid crashes. (Default for target system)
2 GUI_DEBUG_LEVEL_CHECK_ALL Parameter checks and consistency checks are performed.
3 GUI_DEBUG_LEVEL_LOG_ERRORS Errors are recorded.
4 GUI_DEBUG_LEVEL_LOG_WARNINGS Errors and warnings are recorded. (Default for PC-simulation)
5 GUI_DEBUG_LEVEL_LOG_ALL Errors, warnings and messages are recorded.
Kernel interface routines

Detailed descriptions for these routines may be found in Execution Model: Single Task / Multitask.

Function replacement

The following table shows the API functions which are available for setting up custom defined functions for common purpose:

Routine Description
GUI_SetpfMemcpy() Sets a custom function for memcpy operations.
GUI_SetpfMemset() Sets a custom function for memset operations.
GUI_SetpfStrcmp() Sets a custom function for string compare operations.
GUI_SetpfStrcpy() Sets a custom function for string copy operations.
GUI_SetpfStrlen() Sets a custom function for getting the length of a string.


Sets a custom function for memcpy operations.


void GUI_SetpfMemcpy
                (void * ( *pFunc)(void * pDest , const void * pSrc , size_t Cnt ));


Parameter Description
pFunc Function to be used


Sets a custom function for memset operations.


void GUI_SetpfMemset(void * ( *pFunc)(void * pDest , int c , size_t Cnt ));


Parameter Description
pFunc Function to be used


Sets a custom function for string compare operations.


void GUI_SetpfStrcmp(int ( *pFunc)(const char * , const char * ));


Parameter Description
pFunc Function to be used


Sets a custom function for string copy operations.


void GUI_SetpfStrcpy(char * ( *pFunc)(char * , const char * ));


Parameter Description
pFunc Function to be used


Sets a custom function for getting the length of a string.


void GUI_SetpfStrlen(size_t ( *pFunc)(const char * ));


Parameter Description
pFunc Function to be used

Compile-time configuration

The following table shows the available compile time configuration files located in the subfolder Config:

Configuration file Purpose
GUIConf.h Configuration of possible number of used layers, default fonts and colors and available features (e.g. Widgets).
LCDConf.h Configuration of the used display driver(s).

In case a precompiled emWin library is used, changing the configuration files will not have any effect until the library is compiled again with the required settings. This applies to all of the defines explained in the following sections.

Customizing GUIConf.h

As described above the file should contain the configuration of available features and the configuration of the default font. Each emWin shipment comes with a GUIConf.h file which includes a basic configuration which can be used as a starting point.

Configuring the available features of emWin

The following table shows the available configuration macros:

Type Macro Default Description
B GUI_OS 0 Activate to enable multitasking support with multiple tasks calling emWin (see the chapter Execution Model: Single Task / Multitask).
B GUI_SUPPORT_AA 1 Enables support of anti-aliased drawing routines.
B GUI_SUPPORT_CURSOR (see expl.) Per default cursors are enabled if either GUI_SUPPORT_TOUCH or GUI_SUPPORT_MOUSE has been enabled. If cursors should be shown without enabling one of these options it should be set to 1.
B GUI_SUPPORT_MEMDEV 0 Enables optional Memory Device support.
B GUI_SUPPORT_MOUSE 0 Enables the optional mouse support.
B GUI_SUPPORT_ROTATION 1 Enables text rotation support.
B GUI_SUPPORT_SPY 0 Enables support for emWinSPY.
B GUI_SUPPORT_TOUCH 0 Enables optional touch-screen support.
T GUI_TIMER_TIME int Defines the type which is used for time values by the emWin Timer functionality.
B GUI_WINSUPPORT 0 Enables optional Window Manager support.
B GUI_SUPPORT_BIDI 1 Enables BiDi support for emWin. Set to 0 if not required and to save some ROM.
Default font and default color configuration

The following table shows the available configuration macros:

Type Macro Default Description
N GUI_DEFAULT_BKCOLOR GUI_BLACK Define the default background color.
N GUI_DEFAULT_COLOR GUI_WHITE Define the default foreground color.
S GUI_DEFAULT_FONT &GUI_Font6x8 Defines which font is used per default after GUI_Init(). If you do not use the default font, it makes sense to change to a different default, as the default font is referenced by the code and will therefore always be linked.
Please also refer to GUI_SetDefaultFont() which can be used for runtime configuration of the default font.

The default colors and fonts of the widgets which are part of the optional Window Manager can also be configured. For details, refer to the chapter Widgets (window objects).

Advanced GUI configuration options

The following table shows the available configuration macros:

Type Macro Default Description
S GUI_DEBUG_LEVEL 1 (target)
4 (simulation)
Defines the debug level, which determines how many checks (assertions) are performed by emWin and if debug errors, warnings and messages are output. Higher debug levels generate bigger code.
N GUI_MAXTASK 4 Define the maximum number of tasks from which emWin is called to access the display when multitasking support is enabled (see the chapter Execution Model: Single Task / Multitask.
F GUI_MEMCPY memcpy This macro allows replacement of the memcpy function.
F GUI_MEMSET memset This macro allows replacement of the memset function
N GUI_NUM_LAYERS 1 Defines the maximum of available layers/displays.
F GUI_POST_INIT - Defines a function to be called at the end of GUI_Init().
B GUI_TRIAL_VERSION 0 Marks the compiler output as evaluation version.
B GUI_WINSUPPORT 0 Enables optional Window Manager support.
N GUI_PID_BUFFER_SIZE 5 Maximum number of PID events managed by the input buffer.
N GUI_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE 10 Maximum number of key events managed by the input buffer.
GUI_MEMCPY (obsolete)


Please refer to GUI_SetpfMemcpy.

This macro allows replacement of the memcpy function of the GUI. On a lot of systems, memcpy takes up a considerable amount of time because it is not optimized by the compiler manufacturer. emWin contains an alternative memcpy routine, which has been optimized for 32 bit CPUs. On a lot of systems this routine should generate faster code than the default memcpy routine. However, this is still a generic C routine, which in a lot of systems can be replaced by faster code, typically using either a different C routine, which is better optimized for the particular CPU or by writing a routine in Assembly language.

To use the optimized emWin routine add the following define to the file GUIConf.h:

#define GUI_MEMCPY GUI__memcpy
GUI_MEMSET (obsolete)


Please refer to GUI_SetpfMemset.

This macro allows replacement of the memset function of the GUI. On a lot of systems, memset takes up a considerable amount of time because it is not optimized by the compiler manufacturer. We have tried to address this by using our own memset() Routine GUI__memset. However, this is still a generic C routine, which in a lot of systems can be replaced by faster code, typically using either a different C routine, which is better optimized for the particular CPU, by writing a routine in Assembly language or using the DMA.

If you want to use your own memset replacement routine, add the define to the GUIConf.h file.


It could make sense to have a function which is called after the GUI has been completely initialized. To be able to have that the macro could be defined as follows:


#define GUI_POST_INIT CustomFunction();

This macro can be used to mark the compiler output as an evaluation build. It should be defined if the software is given to a third party for evaluation purpose (typically with evaluation boards).

Note that a special license is required to do this; the most common licenses do not permit redistribution of emWin in source or object code (relinkable) form. Contact if you would like to do this.

If GUI_TRIAL_VERSION is defined, the following message is shown when calling GUI_Init():

This message is always shown in the upper left corner of the display and is normally visible for 1 second. The timing is implemented by a call of GUI_X_Delay(1000). The functionality of emWin is in no way limited if this switch is active.



Customizing LCDConf.h

This file contains general configuration options required for compiling the display driver(s) which need not to be changed at run-time. The available configuration options depend on the used display driver. For details about the available configuration options, refer to the chapter Display drivers. The detailed driver description shows the available configuration options for each display driver.

Framebuffer cache

For any other display driver than GUIDRV_Lin, it is possible to use a framebuffer cache to prevent flickering while emWin is drawing a new frame. Another important use case for caching is when it is not possible to read back pixel data from an indirect display controller.

emWin offers two possible ways to use a framebuffer cache, both of which are explained below.

Embedded caching: Cache integrated into a display driver

Some display drivers have framebuffer caches directly embedded into its driver module.

The advantage of this caching stragety is that the cache is better adapted to the specific needs of the display controller(s) supported by the driver.

Another advantage is less overhead, because only one display driver device is present in the device chain, instead of two devices (one driver and one cache).

Below listed are display drivers that offer an embedded cache. The corresponding chapters go into more detail for which bit depths an embedded cache is supported.

GUI_GCACHE: Global cache with optional color reducer

The GUI_GCACHE module is a global caching module that is completely independent of any display driver.

When to use

Due to its versatility, there are a lot of cases where it makes sense to use this caching module. The following are example cases when it makes sense to use GUI_GCACHE:

Example usage

To enable this cache, only a call of one of the creation functions is necessary after GUI_Init(). The line below enables a 4bpp GGACHE with 16 colors. The actual display driver created beforehand may have a different color depth.


Reducing memory footprint with the optional color reducer

The GUI_GCACHE optionally allows to run the cache with a reduced bit depth. For example, a display runs in 16bpp but the RAM is limited that only a 4bpp cache would fit into the RAM. In this case, create the GUI_GCACHE for 4bpp with the desired 4bpp color conversion. When the 4bpp cache frame is sent to the display, the color indices are expanded to the actual color depth of the display.

User allocated buffers

Through the routine GUI_GCACHE_CreateUserEx(), it is possible to pass a pointer to a pre-allocated buffer area which will be used to hold the cache data.

static U16 _aCache[LCD_XSIZE * LCD_YSIZE];

GUI_GCACHE_CreateUserEx(GUI_GCACHE_16, GUICC_M565, 0, &_aCache[0]);


There are some limitations around the bit depths of the GUI_GCACHE and the underlying LCD driver.



Routine Description
GUI_GCACHE_Create() Enables a global display cache that works with the given color depth and color conversion.
GUI_GCACHE_CreateEx() Enables a global display cache that works with the given color depth and color conversion for the given layer.
GUI_GCACHE_CreateUserEx() Enables a global display cache which works with the selected color depth for the given layer with a user-supplied pointer to the cache memory block.


Group of defines Description
GUI_GCACHE modes Available color depths for GUI_GCACHE.


Enables a global display cache that works with the given color depth and color conversion.


int GUI_GCACHE_Create(      int                  ( *pfMode)(GUI_DEVICE * ),
                      const LCD_API_COLOR_CONV * pColorConvAPI);


Parameter Description
pfMode  in  One of the modes listed under GUI_GCACHE modes.
pColorConvAPI  in  Color conversion to be used for the cache.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

For additional information see GUI_GCACHE_CreateUserEx().



Enables a global display cache that works with the given color depth and color conversion for the given layer.


int GUI_GCACHE_CreateEx(      int                  ( *pfMode)(GUI_DEVICE * ),
                        const LCD_API_COLOR_CONV * pColorConvAPI,
                              int                  LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
pfMode  in  One of the modes listed under GUI_GCACHE modes.
pColorConvAPI  in  Color conversion to be used for the cache.
LayerIndex Layer index to be used.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

For additional information see GUI_GCACHE_CreateUserEx().



Enables a global display cache which works with the selected color depth for the given layer with a user-supplied pointer to the cache memory block.


int GUI_GCACHE_CreateUserEx(      int                  ( *pfMode)(GUI_DEVICE * ),
                            const LCD_API_COLOR_CONV * pColorConvAPI,
                                  int                  LayerIndex,
                                  void               * pUserBuffer);


Parameter Description
pfMode  in  One of the modes listed under GUI_GCACHE modes.
pColorConvAPI  in  Color conversion to be used for the cache. Can be NULL to use the same color conversion as the display driver.
LayerIndex Layer index to be used.
pUserBuffer  in  Pointer to user-allocated buffer for the cache.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

Once enabled only the colors of the given color conversion can be used. Reading operations or XOR-operations will use the content of the cache.

Note that the bits per pixel specified with pfMode need to match the bits per pixel of the given color conversion pColorConvAPI.

The pointer passed to pUserBuffer has to be large enough to support the dimensions of the LCD:

LCD xSize * LCD ySize * bits per pixel of pColorConvAPI



GUI_GCACHE bit depths to be used for GUI_GCACHE_Create() and the other creation functions.


#define GUI_GCACHE_1     (&GUI_GCACHE_SetMode1bpp)
#define GUI_GCACHE_4     (&GUI_GCACHE_SetMode4bpp)
#define GUI_GCACHE_16    (&GUI_GCACHE_SetMode16bpp)


Definition Description
GUI_GCACHE_1 Use global cache with 1bpp color depth.
GUI_GCACHE_4 Use global cache with 4bpp color depth.
GUI_GCACHE_16 Use global cache with 16bpp color depth.

Framebuffer located in data cache area of CPU

If available it makes sense to enable a data cache on CPU side. That normally speeds up RAM access performance a lot. When using a direct addressable frame buffer (normally managed by GUIDRV_Lin) and if the frame buffer of the LCD-controller is located within a cached data memory area, it could happen, that the display shows some disturbance like shown on the screenshot to the right. Please note that this is not a malfunction of emWin. It is caused by the data cache of the CPU. The display driver (normally GUIDRV_Lin) writes into memory which is managed by the CPUs data cache. But unfortunately not all data is written directly into the RAM area of the frame buffer, but only into the data cache. In that case the LCD-controller does not have the correct data for generating the display signals. The following explains how to avoid that disturbance.


To be able to use a data cache, it is required that either the cache could be configured to work in ’write-through’ mode (please also refer to GUIDRV_Lin) or multiple buffers should be used (please also refer to Multiple Buffering). If a ’write-through’ mode is available, nothing else needs to be considered.

Using multiple buffers and a data cache

If the cache is not configurable, multiple buffering must be enabled and a cache clearance function should be set with GUI_DCACHE_SetClearCacheHook().

How it works

To be able to see always a screen without cache disturbance, it is required that emWin makes sure, the cache is cleared before the frame buffer becomes visible. That is done by calling the cache clearance function immediately before the back buffer becomes visible. In detail it is called immediately before the display driver callback function gets the command LCD_X_SHOWBUFFER.

When using the Window Manager

To make sure that all drawing operations are done automatically within the back buffer, the application should not draw anything outside the WM_PAINT event of the window manager.

Animations and multiple buffering

The most recommended way to use animation functions is animating window content and invalidating the according windows within the animations. That makes sure, multi buffering is used automatically after enabled by WM_MULTIBUF_Enable(). If the window manager is not available or when drawing with animations besides the Window Manager, a slice callback function using GUI_MULTIBUF_Begin() and GUI_MULTIBUF_End() should be used to make sure the DCache gets cleared. Please also refer to Using a slice callback function.

Memory device animation functions


The following applies to functions listed in the following chapters:

Normally those functions do not use multiple buffering. But in case of using a data cache, multiple buffering is required because all drawing operations need to be done within the back buffer before the cache is cleared and the back buffer becomes visible. For that case the function GUI_MEMDEV_MULTIBUF_Enable() should be used to enable that feature.

Available API functions

The following functions are available:

Routine Description
GUI_DCACHE_Clear() Calls the hook function set with GUI_DCACHE_SetClearCacheHook().
GUI_DCACHE_SetClearCacheHook() Sets up a function for clearing the cache of the given layer.


Calls the hook function set with GUI_DCACHE_SetClearCacheHook(). Normally this function does not need to be called. It should be called automatically by emWin.


void GUI_DCACHE_Clear(U32 LayerMask);


Parameter Description
LayerMask Bit mask of layers to be cleared.

Additional information

Please refer to GUI_DCACHE_SetClearCacheHook().



Sets up a function for clearing the cache of the given layer. That function is called immediately before a back buffer should become visible. That makes sure, no cache disturbance will be visible on the screen.


void GUI_DCACHE_SetClearCacheHook(void ( *pFunc)(U32 LayerMask ));


Parameter Description
pFunc Pointer to the function to be used.

Additional information

Parameter LayerMask passed to the hook function contains a bit mask of the layer(s) to be managed. The number of the bit represents the number of the layer. If for example the data cache of layer 2 should be cleared, bit 2 of the layer mask is set.


The following shows a sample implementation of a clear cache function:

static void _ClearCacheHook(U32 LayerMask) {
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < GUI_NUM_LAYERS; i++) {
    if (LayerMask & (1 << i)) {
      _CleanRange(_apVRAM[i], WIDTH * HEIGHT * NUM_BUFFERS * sizeof(U32));

Hardware acceleration

If a CPU or an LCD-controller offers hardware acceleration features some or even most of them could be used by emWin for accelerating the process of drawing operations. To be able to achieve that, different mechanisms need to be used dependent on the kind of hardware acceleration which should be used.

The following table shows a rough classification of the features which can be accelerated:

Group Purpose
Color conversion Some hardware like ChromART offers the possibility of converting colors from one format to a different format. For that many of the color conversion routines offers the possibility to set a hardware function for the process of color conversion.
Drawing of primitives Hardware accelerated drawing of primitives (also anti-aliased) could be achieved by calling primitive specific setters for passing custom defined functions to be used for drawing.
Filling, copy operations and bitmap drawing Those operations could be accelerated by setting custom drawing functions using LCD_SetDevFunc().
Alpha blending A custom function could be used to mix up the given foreground and background colors in accordance to the alpha values of the colors.
Mixing colors A custom function could be used to mix up the given foreground and background colors with the given intensity.
Alpha text drawing Drawing of anti-aliased text could be achieved by setting a custom function.
Palette conversion Conversion of bitmap palettes could be done by a custom function.
Drawing bitmaps within memory devices Some internal memory device operations could be accelerated by setting a custom function.
Memory device manipulation Manipulation of the contents of a memory device such as rotating, scaling or blending.
Drawing of SVGs The hardware accelerator is based on 2D vector operations which allows the rendering of vector paths which are crucial to the SVG file format.

Ready to use configurations

The following table shows some of the hardware accelerators which can be used with ready-to-use sample configurations that come with emWin. These sample configurations set up emWin to use most of the features of the hardware accelerators. They can be used on appropriate hardware with little or no modification:

Hardware Supported features
Renesas D/AVE 2D hardware IP core
  • Clipping
  • Drawing of anti-aliased primitives
  • Drawing of bitmaps (8-, 16- and 32 bpp)
  • Filling operations
  • Rectangle filling with alpha blending
  • Drawing of anti-aliased text
STM32 ChromART Accelerator
  • Color conversion
  • Drawing of bitmaps (8-, 16- and 32bpp)
  • Filling operations
  • Rectangle filling with alpha blending (only supported by some devices, for example by STM32L4R9I)
  • Drawing of anti-aliased text
  • Rectangular copy operations
NXP Pixel Pipeline
  • Color conversion
  • Drawing of 16 bpp and 32 bpp bitmaps and memory devices
  • Rectangle filling with alpha blending
  • Bulk color mixing
  • Rectangular copy operations
  • Color blending of memory devices
  • Scaling and flipping of bitmaps (opaque bitmaps only)
Vivante VGLite
  • Drawing of anti-aliased and non-anti-aliased primitives
  • Filling of anti-aliased and non-anti-aliased primitives
  • Scaling and rotation of memory devices
  • Scaling and flipping of bitmaps (with or without transparency)
  • Rendering of SVGs
  • Clipping
ThinkSilicon NemaVG / NemaGFX
STM32 NeoChrom Accelerator
  • Drawing of anti-aliased and non-anti-aliased primitives
  • Filling of anti-aliased and non-anti-aliased primitives
  • Scaling and rotation of memory devices
  • Scaling of bitmaps (with or without transparency)
  • Rendering of SVGs
  • Clipping

Please note that the absence of an accelerator in the above table does not mean that it is not supported by emWin. It does only mean that we do not have ready to use configuration files for it.

Using D/AVE 2D hardware IP core

A useful feature of D/AVE 2D hardware IP core is the ability to support a clipping rectangle. Furthermore, it offers a dedicated hardware module for performing anti-aliased drawing operations for anti-aliased shapes. Performing these operations by software requires a lot of CPU time. emWin offers an interface to route these operations to the D/AVE 2D hardware. That makes it ideal for very fast drawing of complex screens with anti-aliased shapes. Also, it is able to fill rectangular areas with a semi-transparent color which can be used for e.g. dimming screen areas. Configuration files can be found under Sample\LCDConf\GUIDRV_Lin\RX65N and Sample\LCDConf\GUIDRV_Lin\EK_RA6M3G.

Using ChromART accelerator

Nearly all functions provided by the ChromART accelerator can be used with emWin. Once configured correctly, it speeds up many drawing operations drastically. The sample folder of emWin contains configuration files which use almost all features of ChromART accelerator which can be found under Sample\LCDConf\GUIDRV_Lin\STM32xxx. Please note that the samples are only available if the driver GUIDRV_Lin is licensed.

The ChromART accelerators on ST devices are not all identical, e.g. the STM32L4R9I is able to fill rectangular areas with semitransparent colors, but this function is not provided by ChromART on some other ST devices. To take these differences into account, a separate configuration can be found under Sample\LCDConf\GUIDRV_Lin\STM32L4R9I.

Using NXP Pixel Pipeline

The main feature of the Pixel Pipeline which is alpha composition offers a versatile way of speeding up many intensive operations in emWin. Some of these operations are alpha blending, color mixing and the drawing of bitmaps and memory devices with any opacity.

Filling opaque and semi-transparent rectangles is also supported by the PXP.

Additionally, the PXP offers a scaling and flipping feature which is utilized for speeding up these operations with GUI_DrawBitmapEx().

Using Vivante VGLite

The VGLite API is a vector-based hardware drawing API. Through the use of vector paths, virtually any 2D primitive can be drawn. Primitives may be drawn anti-aliased or non-anti-aliased. Since vector paths support floating point coordinates, the use of high-resolution anti-aliasing coordinates is also supported. Furthermore, a clipping rectangle is supported as well.

VGLite also provides blitting API functions that can be used in conjunction with matrix transformations. This allows efficient rotation and scaling of memory devices or raster images. The advantage here over e.g. the PXP accelerator is that the rotation angle is not limited to 90° increments and the bitmap or memory device content may also be semi-transparent.

Byte alignments for blitting operations

Note: Blitting operations using the VGLite API always require a specific byte alignment of the bitmap data, depending on the format. For example, 32bpp bitmaps require an alignment of 64 bytes.

As for emWin operations delegated to VGLite, currently this only affects the functionality of rotating and scaling memory devices. This means to utilize hardware acceleration for this operation, the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the memory device have to be divisible by 16, to account for the 64-byte alignment.

Obvious workarounds for this limitation would be to crop the memory device content to a size that is divisible by 16. Or alternatively, increase the size so that is it divisible by 16 and fill the padding area with a background color or transparency.

Requirement of an operating system

VGLite requires high-level features of an embedded operating system, such as mutexes, semaphores, tasks and queues. This makes it mandatory to provide an interface to an operating system.

An interface to SEGGER embOS is implemented in the file vg_lite_os_embOS.c. We encourage to use it, but it may also be taken as a reference point to adapt the interface to another operating system.

Available API functions

The following table shows the available routines:

Routine Description
Color conversion
Setting up custom color conversion routines for the according fixed palette modes.
Filling, copy operations and bitmap drawing
LCD_SetDevFunc() The function sets additional and / or user defined functions of the display driver.
GUI_SetFuncDrawM565() Sets two custom routines for drawing M565 images.
Alpha blending
GUI_AlphaEnableFillRectHW() Enables filling a rectangle with a semi-transparent color.
GUI_SetFuncAlphaBlending() Setting up a custom defined function for doing alpha blending operations.
GUI_SetFuncDrawAlpha() Sets two custom routines for drawing memory devices with alpha value into another memory device and for drawing a bitmap with alpha value.
GUI_SetFuncDrawA8() Sets two custom routines for drawing A8 images.
Mixing colors
GUI_SetFuncMixColors() Setting up a custom defined function for blending a single background color value with the given color using the given intensity.
GUI_SetFuncMixColorsBulk() Setting up a custom defined function for bulk blending operations.
Alpha text drawing
GUI_AA_SetpfDrawCharAA4() Sets up a custom defined function for drawing alpha blending characters with 4 bits per pixel.
Palette conversion
GUI_SetFuncGetpPalConvTable() Sets a function pointer to a custom function, which converts an array of colors into an array of index values.
Drawing bitmaps within memory devices
GUI_MEMDEV_SetDrawMemdev16bppFunc() Sets a custom function for drawing 16bpp bitmaps within 16bpp memory devices.
Drawing shapes
GUI_SetFuncFillCircle() This function sets a function pointer which gets called to fill a circle.
GUI_SetFuncDrawCircle() This function sets a function pointer which gets called to draw a circle.
GUI_SetFuncFillRoundedRect() Sets a function pointer to fill a rounded rectangle by hardware.
GUI_SetFuncDrawRoundedRect() Sets a function pointer to draw a rounded rectangle by hardware.
GUI_SetFuncDrawLine() This function sets a function pointer which gets called to draw a line.
Drawing anti-aliased shapes
GUI_AA_SetFuncFillCircle() This function sets a function pointer which gets called to fill an anti aliased circle.
GUI_AA_SetFuncFillPolygon() This function sets a function pointer which gets called to fill an anti aliased polygon.
GUI_AA_SetFuncDrawCircle() This function sets a function pointer which gets called to draw an anti aliased circle.
GUI_AA_SetFuncDrawLine() This function sets a function pointer which gets called to draw an anti aliased line.
GUI_AA_SetFuncDrawPolyOutline() This function sets a function pointer which gets called to draw an anti aliased polygon.
GUI_AA_SetFuncDrawArc() This function sets a function pointer which gets called to draw an anti aliased arc.
Bitmap scaling
GUI_SetFuncDrawBitmapEx() Sets a custom function pointer for GUI_DrawBitmapEx().
Memory device manipulation
Setting up a custom routine for rotating and scaling a memory device.
GUI_MEMDEV_SetBlendFunc() Sets a custom routine for blending a color into a memory device.
JPEG decoding
GUI_JPEG_SetpfDrawEx() This function sets a function pointer to be used to decode and draw a JPEG file.
Color conversion

As explained in detail in Colors, color conversion in emWin is required for converting a color value into an index value and vice versa. That is done by the routines pointed by the fixed palette mode structures. These structures have pointers for converting single items and also for bulk conversion of multiple items. The most important color conversions offers the possibility for setting custom defined routines for bulk conversion.



These routines can be used to set custom routines for bulk color conversion for the according color conversion.


void GUICC_XXX_SetCustColorConv(tLCDDEV_Color2IndexBulk * pfColor2IndexBulk,
                                tLCDDEV_Index2ColorBulk * pfIndex2ColorBulk);


Parameter Description
pfColor2IndexBulk Routine to be used for converting multiple colors into index values.
pfIndex2ColorBulk Routine to be used for converting multiple index values into colors.

Additional information

The definition of tLCDDEV_Color2IndexBulk is as follows:

typedef void tLCDDEV_Color2IndexBulk(LCD_COLOR * pColor,
                                     void      * pIndex,
                                     U32         NumItems,
                                     U8          SizeOfIndex);

The definition of tLCDDEV_Index2ColorBulk is as follows:

typedef void tLCDDEV_Index2ColorBulk(void      * pIndex,
                                     LCD_COLOR * pColor,
                                     U32         NumItems,
                                     U8          SizeOfIndex);
Filling, copy operations and bitmap drawing

As already explained before the function LCD_SetDevFunc can be used for a couple of cases. Further the following function(s) exist:



Sets two custom routines for drawing M565 images. One for drawing into memory devices and a second one for drawing into the frame buffer.


int GUI_SetFuncDrawM565(GUI_DRAWMEMDEV_FUNC * pfDrawMemdevFunc,
                        GUI_DRAWBITMAP_FUNC * pfDrawBitmapFunc);


Parameter Description
pfDrawMemdevFunc Pointer to a function for drawing M565 images into memory devices.
pfDrawBitmapFunc Pointer to a function for drawing M565 images into the frame buffer.

Additional information

The prototype of the function used for memory devices is:

void GUI_DRAWMEMDEV_FUNC (      void * pDst,
                          const void * pSrc,
                                int    xSize,
                                int    ySize,
                                int    BytesPerLineDst,
                                int    BytesPerLineSrc);

The prototype of the function used for bitmaps is:

void GUI_DRAWBITMAP_FUNC (int         LayerIndex,
                          int         x,
                          int         y,
                          U32 const * p,
                          int         xSize,
                          int         ySize,
                          int         BytesPerLine);

This hardware accelleration functions are used for drawing high color bitmaps in M565 format.

Alpha blending


Enables filling a rectangle with a semi-transparent color.


void GUI_AlphaEnableFillRectHW(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff Turns filling a rectangle with a semi-transparent color on or off.

Additional information

This function requires a function for filling a rectangle by the hardware. Please refer to LCD_SetDevFunc().



Sets a custom defined routine for alpha blending operations. That routine is called by emWin if multiple foreground colors should be mixed up with the background.


void ( * GUI_SetFuncAlphaBlending(void ( * pFunc)
                                           (LCD_COLOR                  * pColorFG,
                                            LCD_COLOR                  * pColorBG,
                                            LCD_COLOR                  * pColorDst,
                                            U32 NumItems))) (LCD_COLOR * pColorFG,
                                            LCD_COLOR                  * pColorBG,
                                            LCD_COLOR                  * pColorDst,
                                            U32                          NumItems);


Parameter Description
pFunc Pointer to the function to be used.

Return value

Pointer to the previous used function.

Parameters of pFunc()

Data type Parameter Description
LCD_COLOR * pColorFG Pointer to the foreground color array.
LCD_COLOR * pColorBG Pointer to the background color array.
LCD_COLOR * pColorDest Pointer to a buffer for the result.
U32 NumItems Number of colors to be mixed up.


Sets two custom routines for drawing memory devices with alpha value into another memory device and for drawing a bitmap with alpha value.


int GUI_SetFuncDrawAlpha(GUI_DRAWMEMDEV_FUNC * pfDrawAlphaMemdevFunc,
                         GUI_DRAWBITMAP_FUNC * pfDrawAlphaBitmapFunc);


Parameter Description
pfDrawAlphaMemdevFunc Pointer to a function for drawing bitmaps in memory devices.
pfDrawAlphaBitmapFunc Pointer to a function for drawing bitmaps in frame buffer.

Additional information

The prototype of the function used for memory devices is:

void GUI_DRAWMEMDEV_FUNC (      void * pDst,
                          const void * pSrc,
                                int    xSize,
                                int    ySize,
                                int    BytesPerLineDst,
                                int    BytesPerLineSrc);

The prototype of the function used for bitmaps is:

void GUI_DRAWBITMAP32_FUNC (int         LayerIndex,
                            int         x,
                            int         y,
                            U32 const * p,
                            int         xSize,
                            int         ySize,
                            int         BytesPerLine);

This hardware accelleration functions are used for drawing 32 bpp alpha bitmaps.



Sets two custom routines for drawing A8 images. One for drawing into memory devices and a second one for drawing into the frame buffer.


int GUI_SetFuncDrawA8(GUI_DRAWMEMDEV_FUNC * pfDrawMemdevFunc,
                      GUI_DRAWBITMAP_FUNC * pfDrawBitmapFunc);


Parameter Description
pfDrawMemdevFunc Pointer to a function for drawing A8 images into memory devices.
pfDrawBitmapFunc Pointer to a function for drawing A8 images into the frame buffer.

Additional information

The prototype of the function used for memory devices is:

void GUI_DRAWMEMDEV_FUNC (      void * pDst,
                          const void * pSrc,
                                int    xSize,
                                int    ySize,
                                int    BytesPerLineDst,
                                int    BytesPerLineSrc);

The prototype of the function used for bitmaps is:

void GUI_DRAWBITMAP_FUNC (int         LayerIndex,
                          int         x,
                          int         y,
                          U32 const * p,
                          int         xSize,
                          int         ySize,
                          int         BytesPerLine);

This hardware accelleration functions are used for drawing antialiased TTF-fonts and non compressed 8 bit alpha bitmaps containing alpha channel only.

Mixing colors

Mixing up colors here means mixing up the given background with the given foreground using the given intensity.



Sets a custom defined routine for mixing up single colors.


LCD_COLOR ( * GUI_SetFuncMixColors(LCD_COLOR ( * pFunc)
                                                  (LCD_COLOR               Color,
                                                   LCD_COLOR               BkColor,
                                                   U8 Intens))) (LCD_COLOR Color,
                                                   LCD_COLOR               BkColor,
                                                   U8                      Intens);


Parameter Description
pFunc Pointer to the function to be used.

Parameters of pFunc()

Data type Parameter Description
LCD_COLOR Color Color to be blended with the given intensity.
LCD_COLOR BkColor Color of background.
U8 Intens Intensity to be used for the blending operation.


Sets up a custom defined function for bulk mixing operations. That is mainly used for fading memory devices. It mixes up the given background area with the given foreground area using the desired intensity.


void ( * GUI_SetFuncMixColorsBulk(void ( * pFunc)(U32               * pFG,
                                                  U32               * pBG,
                                                  U32               * pDst,
                                                  unsigned            OffFG,
                                                  unsigned            OffBG,
                                                  unsigned            OffDest,
                                                  unsigned            xSize,
                                                  unsigned            ySize,
                                                  U8 Intens))) (U32 * pFG,
                                                  U32               * pBG,
                                                  U32               * pDst,
                                                  unsigned            OffFG,
                                                  unsigned            OffBG,
                                                  unsigned            OffDest,
                                                  unsigned            xSize,
                                                  unsigned            ySize,
                                                  U8                  Intens);


Parameter Description
pFunc Pointer to the function to be used.

Parameters of pFunc()

Data type Parameter Description
U32 * pFG Pointer to the foreground color array.
U32 * pBG Pointer to the background color array.
U32 * pDst Pointer to the destination buffer for the result.
unsigned OffFG Currently not used.
unsigned OffBG Additional offset in pixels (xSizeBG - xSizeFG) to be added for incrementing the background pointer at the end of a line.
unsigned OffDest Currently not used.
unsigned xSize X-size of area to be converted.
unsigned ySize Y-size of area to be converted.
U8 Intens Intensity to be used when blending the foreground over the background.

Return value

Pointer to the previous used function.

Alpha text drawing

If transparent mode is active, no memory device is selected and no clipping is required a custom function could be used for drawing anti-aliased characters. In all other cases automatically the default function is used by emWin. Alpha text drawing means that the given character image consists of intensity values which need to be used to mix up the current background with the current foreground color.



Sets up a custom defined function for drawing alpha blending characters with 4 bits per pixel. The intensities to be used are stored in a byte array passed to the function. Each pixel is stored in one nibble. The leftmost pixel is stored in the uppermost nibble.


void GUI_AA_SetpfDrawCharAA4
      (int ( *pfDrawChar)(int LayerIndex , int x , int y , U8 const * p , int xSize , int ySize , int BytesPerLine ));


Parameter Description
pfDrawChar Pointer to the function to be used.

Parameters of pfDrawChar()

Data type Parameter Description
int LayerIndex Destination layer of drawing operation.
int xPos X-Position in screen coordinates to be used.
int yPos Y-Position in screen coordinates to be used.
const U8 * p Pointer to an array of bytes containing the intensity values to be used.
int xSize X-size of character to be drawn.
int ySize Y-size of character to be drawn.
int BytesPerLine Bytes per line of the intensity array.
Palette conversion

Palettes need to be converted when drawing device independent bitmaps with a color depth of 8 bits per pixel or less. The conversion routine converts the colors of the bitmap palette into index values to be used for drawing into the frame buffer. For that conversion process, normally done by emWin, a custom function can be set.



Sets a function pointer to a custom function, which converts an array of colors into an array of index values. It should return a pointer to the first entry of the index table.


void GUI_SetFuncGetpPalConvTable
      (LCD_PIXELINDEX * ( *pFunc)(const LCD_LOGPALETTE * pLogPal , const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap , int LayerIndex ));


Parameter Description
pFunc Pointer to the function to be used.

Parameters of pfFunc()

Data type Parameter Description
const LCD_LOGPALETTE * pLogPal Pointer to the array of colors to be converted.
const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap Pointer to the bitmap to be drawn.
int LayerIndex Layer index of drawing operation.

Elements of structure LCD_LOGPALETTE

Data type Element Description
int NumEntries Number of color values located in the palette.
char HasTrans 0 - No transparency should be used.
1 - Pixels with index 0 are treated as transparent.
const LCD_COLOR * pPalEntries Pointer to the array of color values.

Return value

A pointer to the array of index values of type LCD_PIXELINDEX.

Additional information

The process of drawing a bitmap within emWin and the mechanism of color conversion should be well known when using that function.

Drawing bitmaps within memory devices

A custom function for drawing bitmaps with a color depth of 16bpp into memory devices with a color depth of 16bpp can be used. The task of that function is copying the data of the bitmap to be drawn into the destination memory device.



Sets a custom function for drawing 16bpp bitmaps within 16bpp memory devices.


void GUI_MEMDEV_SetDrawMemdev16bppFunc
                               (GUI_DRAWMEMDEV_16BPP_FUNC * pfDrawMemdev16bppFunc);


Parameter Description
pfDrawMemdev16bppFunc Pointer to the function to be used.

Additional information

The definition of GUI_DRAWMEMDEV_16BPP_FUNC is as follows:

typedef void GUI_DRAWMEMDEV_16BPP_FUNC (      void * pDst,
                                        const void * pSrc,
                                              int    xSize,
                                              int    ySize,
                                              int    BytesPerLineDst,
                                              int    BytesPerLineSrc);


Data type Parameter Description
void * pDst Destination pointer for upper left pixel to be drawn.
const void * pSrc Source pointer for upper left pixel to be drawn.
int xSize X-size in pixels of area to be drawn.
int ySize Y-size in pixels of area to be drawn.
int BytesPerLineDst Stride value in bytes of destination area.
int BytesPerLineSrc Stride value in bytes of source bitmap.
Drawing shapes


This function sets a function pointer which gets called to fill a circle.


void GUI_SetFuncFillCircle(int ( *pfFillCircle)(int x0 , int y0 , int r ));


Parameter Description
pfFillCircle Function pointer to a function for filling a circle.

Parameters of pfFillCircle()

Data type Parameter Description
int x0 x position of the center of the circle.
int y0 y position of the center of the circle.
int r Radius of the circle.


This function sets a function pointer which gets called to draw a circle.


void GUI_SetFuncDrawCircle(int ( *pfDrawCircle)(int x0 , int y0 , int r ));


Parameter Description
pfDrawCircle Function pointer to a function for drawing a circle.

Parameters of pfDrawCircle()

Data type Parameter Description
int x0 x position of the center of the circle.
int y0 y position of the center of the circle.
int r Radius of the circle.


Sets a function pointer to fill a rounded rectangle by hardware.


void GUI_SetFuncFillRoundedRect
           (int ( *pfFillRoundedRect)(int x0 , int y0 , int x1 , int y1 , int r ));


Parameter Description
pfFillRoundedRect Pointer to the function to be called.

Parameters of pfFillRoundedRect()

Data type Parameter Description
int x0 Upper left X-position.
int y0 Upper left Y-position.
int x1 Lower right X-position.
int y1 Lower right Y-position.
int r Radius in pixels to be used.


Sets a function pointer to draw a rounded rectangle by hardware.


void GUI_SetFuncDrawRoundedRect
           (int ( *pfDrawRoundedRect)(int x0 , int y0 , int x1 , int y1 , int r ));


Parameter Description
pfDrawRoundedRect Pointer to the function to be called.

Parameters of pfDrawRoundedRect()

Data type Parameter Description
int x0 Upper left X-position.
int y0 Upper left Y-position.
int x1 Lower right X-position.
int y1 Lower right Y-position.
int r Radius in pixels to be used.


This function sets a function pointer which gets called to draw a line.


void GUI_SetFuncDrawLine(int ( *pfDrawLine)(int x0 , int y0 , int x1 , int y1 ));


Parameter Description
pfDrawLine Function pointer to a function for drawing a line.

Parameters of pfDrawLine()

Data type Parameter Description
int x0 Start x position of the line.
int y0 Start y position of the line.
int x1 End x position of the line.
int y1 End y position of the line.
Drawing anti-aliased shapes


This function sets a function pointer which gets called to fill an anti aliased circle.


void GUI_AA_SetFuncFillCircle(int ( *pfFillCircle)(int x0 , int y0 , int r ));


Parameter Description
pfFillCircle Function pointer to a function for filling a circle.

Parameters of pfFillCircle()

Data type Parameter Description
int x0 x position of the center of the circle.
int y0 y position of the center of the circle.
int r Radius of the circle.


This function sets a function pointer which gets called to fill an anti aliased polygon.


void GUI_AA_SetFuncFillPolygon
      (int ( *pfFillPolygon)(const GUI_POINT * pPoints , int NumPoints , int x0 , int y0 ));


Parameter Description
pfFillPolygon Function pointer to a function for filling a polygon.

Parameters of pfFillPolygon()

Data type Parameter Description
GUI_POINT * pPoints Pointer to a list of points.
int NumPoints Number of elements of pPoints.
int x0 x position of the start of the polygon.
int y0 y position of the start of the polygon.


This function sets a function pointer which gets called to draw an anti aliased circle.


void GUI_AA_SetFuncDrawCircle(int ( *pfDrawCircle)(int x0 , int y0 , int r ));


Parameter Description
pfDrawCircle Function pointer to a function for drawing a circle.

Parameters of pfDrawCircle()

Data type Parameter Description
int x0 x position of the center of the circle.
int y0 y position of the center of the circle.
int r Radius of the circle.


This function sets a function pointer which gets called to draw an anti aliased line.


void GUI_AA_SetFuncDrawLine
                          (int ( *pfDrawLine)(int x0 , int y0 , int x1 , int y1 ));


Parameter Description
pfDrawLine Function pointer to a function for drawing a line.

Parameters of pfDrawLine()

Data type Parameter Description
int x0 Start x position of the line.
int y0 Start y position of the line.
int x1 End x position of the line.
int y1 End y position of the line.


This function sets a function pointer which gets called to draw an anti aliased polygon.


void GUI_AA_SetFuncDrawPolyOutline
      (int ( *pfDrawPolyOutline)(const GUI_POINT * pSrc , int NumPoints , int Thickness , int x , int y ));


Parameter Description
pfDrawPolyOutline Function pointer to a function for drawing a polygon.

Parameters of pfDrawPolyOutline()

Data type Parameter Description
GUI_POINT * pPoints Pointer to a list of points.
int NumPoints Number of elements of pPoints.
int Thickness The thickness of the poly outline.
int x0 x position of the start of the polygon.
int y0 y position of the start of the polygon.


This function sets a function pointer which gets called to draw an anti aliased arc.


void GUI_AA_SetFuncDrawArc
         (int ( *pfDrawArc)(int x0 , int y0 , int rx , int ry , I32 a0 , I32 a1 ));


Parameter Description
pfDrawArc Function pointer to a function for drawing an arc.

Parameters of pfDrawArc()

Data type Parameter Description
int x0 Center x position of the arc.
int y0 Center y position of the arc.
int rx Radius in x direction.
int ry Radius in y direction.
int a0 Start of the arc in degrees.
int a1 End of the arc in degrees.
Bitmap scaling


Sets a custom function pointer for GUI_DrawBitmapEx().


void GUI_SetFuncDrawBitmapEx
      (int ( *pfDrawBitmapEx)(const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap , int x0 , int y0 , int xMag , int yMag ));


Parameter Description
pfDrawBitmapEx Function to be set.

Additional information

pfDrawBitmapEx should return 1 on error and 0 on success.

Note that the parameters x0 and y0 of pFunc already observe the center position and magnification. This means x0/y0 is always the upper left position of where the scaled bitmap is drawn on the display.

Parameters of pfDrawBitmapEx()

Data type Parameter Description
const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap Pointer to a GUI_BITMAP structure.
int x0 Top-left X position of where the scaled result should be drawn.
int y0 Top-left Y position of where the scaled result should be drawn.
int xMag Scaling factor for X axis in promille (100% = 1000). Negative values means the axis is flipped.
int yMag Scaling factor for Y axis in promille (100% = 1000). Negative values means the axis is flipped.
Memory device manipulation


Sets a custom routine that rotates and scales a memory device by the given parameters.

The LR routine receives low resolution coordinates as parameters while the HR routine receives high resolution coordinates (display coordinates multiplied by 8).


void GUI_MEMDEV_SetRotateFuncLR(int ( * pfRotate)(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hSrc,
                                                  GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hDst,
                                                  int               dx,
                                                  int               dy,
                                                  int               a1000,
                                                  int               Mag));
void GUI_MEMDEV_SetRotateFuncHR(int ( * pfRotate)(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hSrc,
                                                  GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hDst,
                                                  int               dx,
                                                  int               dy,
                                                  int               a1000,
                                                  int               Mag));


Parameter Description
pFunc Pointer to the function to be used.

Parameters of pFunc()

Data type Parameter Description
GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hSrc Source memory device.
GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hDst Destination memory device.
int dx Offset to the X position.
int dy Offset to the Y position.
int a1000 Rotation angle in 1000ths of degrees (1° = 1000).
int Mag Scaling factor in promille (100% = 1000).


Sets a custom routine for blending a color into a memory device.


void GUI_MEMDEV_SetBlendFunc
      (int ( *pfBlend)(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem , GUI_COLOR Color , U8 BlendIntens ));


Parameter Description
pFunc Pointer to the function to be used.

Parameters of pFunc()

Data type Parameter Description
GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem Memory device to be blended.
GUI_COLOR Color Blend color to be used.
U8 BlendIntens Blending intensity for Color.
JPEG decoding

If the used MCU is capable of decoding JPEG files, emWin offers an interface to reroute the decoding and drawing operations to hardware routines.

This offers a huge performance boost when displaying JPEG files compared to a software only solution. Especially if a movie file should be displayed (.emf or .avi) it makes sense to use the hardware decoder of a MCU.

The interface between emWin and the hardware decoder was developed on a STM32F769 MCU but can be configured to work on other MCUs which come with a hardware JPEG decoder.

Using hardware JPEG decoding

Every emWin shipment comes with a sample configuration file which is located under Sample\JPEGConf\STM32F769. It requires embOS and the hardware abstraction layer provided by ST because it was made to be used on a STM32F769. Using the hardware decoding functionality is basically achieved by setting a function pointer. This function will manage the process of decoding and drawing. Every time one of the functions GUI_JPEG_Draw() or GUI_JPEG_DrawEx() are used the set function pointer gets called.

If the function gets called, it is necessary to call the GetData function to receive as many bytes as required to start the JPEG decoding process. After receiving the data they get passed to the hardware routines and the decoding process starts. If required the GetData function has to be called multiple times until the decoding process has been finished.

After the process of hardware decoding the data needs to be converted from YCbCr format into RGB data. Unfortunately the STM32F769 offers no function to do that conversion per hardware. The JPEGConf.c mentioned before is an example on how to do this.

Once the data is completely converted into RGB data it is shown on the display (depending on the currently selected device).



This function sets a function pointer to be used to decode and draw a JPEG file.


void GUI_JPEG_SetpfDrawEx
      (int ( *pfDrawEx)(GUI_JPEG_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData , void * p , int x0 , int y0 ));


Parameter Description
pfDrawEx Pointer to the function to be used.

Additional information

If set, the function pointer gets called if GUI_JPEG_Draw() or GUI_JPEG_DrawEx() gets called. The MOVIE module of emWin makes also use of this function. The function pointer is described below.



This function pointer gets called every time a JPEG should be displayed. Within this function data needs to be received by the GetData function, the decoding process has to be performed as well as the drawing of the completely decoded JPEG on the display.


int ( * pfDrawEx)(GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                  void              * p,
                  int                 x0,
                  int                 y0);


Parameter Description
pfGetData Function pointer to a GetData function
p Data pointer which is passed to the GetData function.
x0 x position the JPEG file should be displayed.
y0 y position the JPEG file should be displayed.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.

Additional information

An example of the GetData function can be found under Getting data with the …Ex() functions. If this function returns 1 the default JPEG drawing routine of emWin gets called.

Memory management

emWin comes with its own memory management system which means the user does not have to allocate and free memory themself. Because emWin manages the memory itself, it is also easily possible to calculate the memory requirements of an emWin application.


With the function GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory() the user assigns emWin a single, contiguous block of memory which can reside in either internal or external memory. Once this memory block has been assigned to emWin, the user does not have to perform anymore manual memory management regarding emWin routines.

emWin now uses this given memory area for all dynamic memory allocations. Dynamic allocations are used in many places of the emWin API, e.g. Memory Devices, cache for indirect drivers, decompressing image data (e.g. JPEG, PNG) and many more operations.

One important exception is the GUIDRV_Lin driver which requires a memory block for the frame buffer provided by the user. emWin does not allocate the memory for the frame buffer.

The assigned memory block is entirely managed by emWin and should not be accessed by the user directly. Otherwise this might lead to unexpected behavior.

Block management

Memory in emWin is allocated in blocks. To manage these blocks, a few additional bytes are required for each block. This block overhead is located in its own memory block. Initially, this block is quite small since it only manages a few memory blocks. But this block will increase in size, e.g. when memory for a window application is required.

This overhead memory gets reused when blocks are getting deleted and created again, but it will not get freed by emWin. So this should not be mistaken as a memory leak, this is normal behavior.

Available API functions

The following functions allow control of memory usage at runtime. They can be used to e.g. prevent waste of memory.

Routine Description
GUI_ALLOC_GetMaxUsedBytes() This function returns the number of the maximum number of used bytes.
GUI_ALLOC_GetNumFreeBytes() This function returns the number of bytes which can be used for emWin functions.
GUI_ALLOC_GetMemInfo() This function fills the given info structure with information about the memory usage.
GUI_ALLOC_GetNumUsedBytes() This function returns the number of bytes which are already used by emWin functions.


This function returns the number of the maximum number of used bytes. This function is used to get the peak of used bytes.



Return value

Maximum number of used bytes.



This function returns the number of bytes which can be used for emWin functions.



Return value

Number of free bytes.



This function fills the given info structure with information about the memory usage.


void GUI_ALLOC_GetMemInfo(GUI_ALLOC_INFO * pInfo);


Parameter Description
pInfo Pointer to to a GUI_ALLOC_INFO structure.

Elements of structure GUI_ALLOC_INFO

Data type Element Description
U32 TotalBytes Total amount of bytes available.
U32 FreeBytes Number of free bytes.
U32 UsedBytes Number used bytes.
U32 AllocSize Number of bytes available for memory management.
U32 NumFixed Number of fixed bytes.
U32 MaxUsedBytes The peak of used bytes.


This function returns the number of bytes which are already used by emWin functions.



Return value

Number of used bytes.

Hook functions

emWin allows to set hook functions for various purposes, e.g. initialization or management of cache buffers.

Routine Description
GUI_SetAfterExitHook() Sets an optional function to be called during the process of deinitialization.
GUI_SetAfterInitHook() Sets an optional function to be called during the process of initialization.
GUI_SetControlHook() Sets a function which is called immediately before a display driver cache operation should be executed.
GUI_SetRefreshHook() Sets a callback function which waits until the vertical non display period has been reached before updating the screen.


Sets an optional function to be called during the process of deinitialization. It may be used for example to free memory the user has allocated.


void GUI_SetAfterExitHook(void ( *pFunc)());


Parameter Description
pFunc Pointer to a function called before GUI_Exit() returns.


Sets an optional function to be called during the process of initialization. It may be used for example for putting a PID into operation after the GUI has been initialized.


void GUI_SetAfterInitHook(void ( *pFunc)());


Parameter Description
pFunc Pointer to a function called immediately before GUI_Init() returns.

Additional information

This function should be called before GUI_Init() is called.



Under certain circumstances it could make sense to have a function which is called immediately before a display driver cache operation should be executed. It could be used for example if GUIDRV_Lin is used for managing the content of a layer and a custom function should be used for transferring it to the display.


void GUI_SetControlHook(void ( *pFunc)(int LayerIndex , int Cmd ));


Parameter Description
pFunc Callback function to be called before a driver cache operation should be executed.

Additional information

That function is called independently of the existence of a cache in the driver.



Sets a callback function which waits until the vertical non display period has been reached before updating the screen. Tearing effects could occur if the content of the frame buffer changes during the display controller is not in the vertical non display period and currently updating the screen. A detailed description of tearing effects can be found in the chapter Multiple Buffering. If tearing effects should not occur and the following assumptions are fulfilled that function can be used to avoid those effects:


void GUI_SetRefreshHook(void ( *pFunc)());


Parameter Description
pFunc Callback function to be called before a driver cache operation should be executed.

Additional information

When using this function it is important to avoid writing to the display controller for each drawing operation. This can be achieved by the cache locking mechanism. Details can be found in the section Cache group.


The PC simulation of emWin allows you to compile the same C source on your Windows PC using a native (typically Microsoft) compiler and create an executable for your own application. Doing so allows the following:

The resulting executable can be sent easily via e-mail.

Using the simulation

The emWin simulation requires Microsoft Visual C++ (version 6.00 or higher) and the integrated development environment (IDE) which comes with it. You will see a simulation of your LCD on your PC screen, which has the same resolution in X and Y and can display the exact same colors as your LCD once it has been properly configured. The entire graphic library API and Window Manager API of the simulation are identical to those on your target system; all functions will behave in the very same way as on the target hardware since the simulation uses the same C source code as the target system. The difference lies only in the lower level of the software: the display driver. Instead of using the actual display driver, the PC simulation uses a simulation driver which writes into a bitmap. The bitmap is then displayed on your screen using a second thread of the simulation. This second thread is invisible to the application; it behaves just as if the LCD routines were writing directly to the display.

Rotating and mirroring the screen

emWin supports rotating and/or mirroring of the screen. Please note that these features do not affect the simulation screen.

Using the simulation with the trial version of emWin

The trial version of emWin contains a full library which allows you to evaluate all available features of emWin. It also includes the emWin viewer (used for debugging applications), as well as demo versions of the Font Converter and the Bitmap Converter. Keep in mind that, being a trial version, you will not be able to view the source code of emWin or the simulation, but you will still be able to become familiar with what emWin can do.

Directory structure

The directory structure of the simulation in the trial version is shown below. The table below explains the contents of the folders:

Directory Content
Application Source of the demo program.
Config Configuration files used to build the library. Note that changes at the header files do not have any effect on the precompiled library!
Doc Document folder, contains emWin manual.
Exe Ready-to-use demo program.
GUI Library files and include files need to use the library.
Sample Simulation examples.
Simulation Files needed for the simulation.
Tool Contains all emWin tools, such as the emWin viewer, a demo version of the Bitmap and Font Converter and more.
Visual C++ workspace

The root directory shown above includes the Microsoft Visual C++ solution (SimulationTrial.sln) and the rest of the project files. The workspace allows you to modify an application program and debug it before compiling it on your target system. Double-click the solution file to open the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE. The directory structure of the Visual C++ workspace will look like the one shown below.

Compiling the demo program

The source files for the demo program are located in the Application directory as a ready-to-go simulation, meaning that you only need to rebuild and start it. Note that to rebuild the executable, you will need to have Microsoft Visual C++ (version 6.00 or later) installed.

Compiling the samples

The Sample directory contains ready-to-go examples that demonstrate different features of emWin and provide examples of some of their typical uses. In order to build any of these executables, their C source must be ’activated’ in the project. This is easily done with the following procedure:

Using the simulation with the emWin source

Directory structure

The root directory of the simulation can be anywhere on your PC, for example C:\Work\emWinSim. The directory structure will appear as shown below. This structure is very similar to that which we recommend for your target application (see Getting Started for more information).

The following table shows the contents of the folders:

Directory Content
Doc Contains the emWin documentation.
Sample Code examples, described later in this documentation.
Start All you need to create a new project with emWin.
Tool Tools shipped with emWin.

A new project can be started by making a copy of the Start-folder. It contains all required files for a new project. Subdirectories containing the emWin sources are in the Start\GUI folder and should contain the exact same files as the directories of the same names which are used for your target (cross) compiler. The files of the GUI subdirectories should not be changed, as this would make updating to a newer version of emWin more difficult. The Start\Config directory contains configuration files which need to be modified in order to reflect your target hardware settings (mainly LCD-size and colors which can be displayed).

Visual C++ workspace

The root directory shown above includes the Microsoft Visual C++ workspace (Simulation.dsw) and project files (Simulation.dsp). The workspace allows you to modify an application program and debug it before compiling it on your target system. The directory structure of the Visual C++ workspace will appear similar to that shown to the right. Here, the GUI folder is open to display the emWin subdirectories. Note that your GUI directory may not look exactly like the one pictured, depending on which additional features of emWin you have. The folders Core, Font and DisplayDriver are part of the basic emWin package and will always appear in the workspace directory.

Compiling the application

The simulation contains one or more application C files (located in the Application directory), which can be modified or removed and additional files can be added to the project. You should then rebuild the program within the Visual C++ workspace in order to test/debug it. Once you have reached a point where you are satisfied with the result and want to use the program in your application, you should be able to compile these same files on your target system and get the same result on the target display. The general procedure for using the simulation would be as follows:

Advanced features of the simulation

Clicking the right mouse button shows a context menu with several advanced functions:

Pause and Resume

These menu items allows to pause and to resume the application currently running in the simulation. The same can be done by pressing <F4> or <F5>. Trying to pause an already paused application or trying to resume an already running application causes an error message.

View system info

This menu item opens a further window with information of the memory currently used by the application. The window continuously shows the current status of memory consumption by showing the free and used bytes and the free and used number of memory blocks.

Copy to clipboard

This menu item copies the current contents of the display into the clipboard. This makes it easy to use it for documentation purpose with other applications.

Device simulation

The device simulation supports 3 views:

The table below shows the different views:

Generated frame view Custom bitmap view
Window view

The following will explain in detail how each option can be used.

Generated frame view

The simulation shows the display inside an automatically generated frame surrounding the display. The frame contains a small button which per default closes the application. This is the default behavior of the simulation for single layer systems. ’Single layer system’ means that only the first layer is initialized.

Custom bitmap view

The simulation can show the simulated display in a bitmap of your choice, typically your target device. The bitmap can be used to simulate the behavior of the entire target device. In order to simulate the appearance of the device, bitmaps are required.

Device bitmap

The first bitmap is usually a photo (top view) of the device, and needs to be named Device.bmp. It may be a separate file (in the same directory as the executable), or it may be included as a resource in the application. How to do this is explained later in this chapter.
The file should provide an area for the simulated display of the same size in pixels as the physical display resolution.
If there are any hardkeys to be simulated the bitmap should also show all of them in unpressed state.

Transparent areas need to be colored with exact the same color as defined with the function SIM_GUI_SetTransColor(), typically red (0xFF0000). These areas do not have to be rectangular; they can have an arbitrary shape (up to a certain complexity which is limited by your operating system, but is normally sufficient). Red is the default color for transparent areas, mainly because it is not usually contained in most bitmaps. To use a bitmap with red, the default transparency color may be changed with the function SIM_GUI_SetTransColor().

Hardkey bitmap

The second bitmap file is required for defining the hardkeys and must be named Device1.bmp. It contains the buttons in pressed state. The non hardkey area has to be filled with the transparent color. This is only a short description. For more details about how to simulate hardkeys, see Hardkey simulation.

Using separate files

When starting the simulation, it checks if the directory of the executable contains the bitmap files Device.bmp and Device1.bmp. If these files are available, they are used automatically and the resource bitmaps are ignored. Note that this is only valid with single layer systems.

Adding the bitmap to the application resources

The resource file of the simulation can be found under System\Simulation\Res\Simulation.rc. It contains the following section:

// Customizable bitmaps
IDB_DEVICE              BITMAP  DISCARDABLE     "Device.bmp"
IDB_DEVICE1             BITMAP  DISCARDABLE     "Device1.bmp"

This section can be used to set custom device files. More information can be found in the Win32 documentation.

Window view

Default for simulating a multiple layer system is showing each layer in a separate window without using bitmaps or a generated frames.

Device simulation API

All of the device simulation API functions should be called in the setup phase. The calls should be done from within the routine SIM_X_Config(), which is located in the file SIMConf.c in the configuration folder. The example below calls SIM_SetLCDPos() in the setup:

#include "LCD_SIM.h"
void SIM_X_Config() {
  SIM_GUI_SetLCDPos(50, 20); // Define the position of the LCD in the bitmap}


Routine Description
SIM_GUI_Delay() Stops execution of simulation thread for the given period.
SIM_GUI_EnableModifierKey() This function let modifier keys (ALT, CTRL) through to emWin.
SIM_GUI_ExecIdle() Called by the simulation on idle time.
SIM_GUI_GetCompositeTouch() Returns the layer index to be passed to emWin if the composite view is touched by the PID.
SIM_GUI_GetTime() Returns the period of time in ms elapsed since starting the simulation.
SIM_GUI_IsModifierKeyEnabled() This function indicates if modifier keys are turned on or not.
SIM_GUI_SaveBMP() Saves a BMP file containing the current layer.
SIM_GUI_SaveBMPEx() Saves a BMP file containing the given section of the current layer.
SIM_GUI_SaveCompositeBMP() Saves a BMP file containing the current content of the composite view.
SIM_GUI_SetCallback() Sets a callback function for receiving the handles of the simulation windows.
SIM_GUI_SetCompositeColor() Sets the background color of the composite window. (Only used with MultiLayer support)
SIM_GUI_SetCompositeSize() Enables composite window mode and sets the size of the composite window. (Only used with MultiLayer support)
SIM_GUI_SetCompositeTouch() Sets the layer index to be used for touch events on the composite view.
SIM_GUI_SetLCDColorBlack() Set the colors to be used as black on color monochrome displays.
SIM_GUI_SetLCDColorWhite() Set the colors to be used as white on color monochrome displays.
SIM_GUI_SetLCDPos() Sets the position for the simulated LCD within the target device bitmap.
SIM_GUI_SetMag() Sets magnification factors for X and/or Y axis.
SIM_GUI_SetTransColor() Sets the color to be used for transparent areas of device or hardkey bitmaps.
SIM_GUI_SetTransMode() Sets the transparency mode for the given layer.
SIM_GUI_ShowDevice() When using multiple layers, this function can be used to show the device bitmap.
SIM_GUI_UseCustomBitmaps() Tells the simulation to use the custom bitmaps from the application resource file.

Data structures

Structure Description
SIM_GUI_INFO Contains the window handles of the simulation.


Group of defines Description
Transparency modes Available transparency modes for layers.




Stops execution of simulation thread for the given period.


void SIM_GUI_Delay(int ms);


Parameter Description
ms Period to be used.


This function let modifier keys (ALT, CTRL) through to emWin.


void SIM_GUI_EnableModifierKey(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff Turn modifier keys on or off.


Called by the simulation on idle time.


void SIM_GUI_ExecIdle(void);


Returns the layer index to be passed to emWin if the composite view is touched by the PID.


int SIM_GUI_GetCompositeTouch(void);

Return value

Layer index passed to emWin if the composite view is touched.



Returns the period of time in ms elapsed since starting the simulation.


int SIM_GUI_GetTime(void);

Return value

Period of time in ms elapsed since starting the simulation.



This function indicates if modifier keys are turned on or not.


int SIM_GUI_IsModifierKeyEnabled(void);

Return value

0 Modifier keys are disabled
1 Modifier keys are enabled


Saves a BMP file containing the current layer.


int SIM_GUI_SaveBMP(const char * sFileName);


Parameter Description
sFileName Filename to be used.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Saves a BMP file containing the given section of the current layer.


int SIM_GUI_SaveBMPEx(const char * sFileName,
                            int    x0,
                            int    y0,
                            int    xSize,
                            int    ySize);


Parameter Description
sFileName Filename to be used.
x0 Left coordinate of the first pixels to be saved.
y0 Top coordinate of the first pixels to be saved.
xSize X-size in pixels of the section to be saved.
ySize Y-size in pixels of the section to be saved.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Saves a BMP file containing the current content of the composite view.


int SIM_GUI_SaveCompositeBMP(const char * sFileName);


Parameter Description
sFileName Filename to be used.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


If it is required to simulate more than the display window or hardkeys, you can set a callback function to receive the window handles of the simulation. This opens up the possibility e.g. to add additional controls outside of the display window like leds or sliders. Please note that the emWin functions can not be used there.


void SIM_GUI_SetCallback(int ( *pfCallback)(SIM_GUI_INFO * pInfo ));


Parameter Description
pfInfoCallback Pointer to the callback function. The function has to expect a pointer to a SIM_GUI_INFO structure as a parameter.

Elements of structure SIM_GUI_INFO

Data type Element Description
HWND hWndMain Handle to the main window.
HWND ahWndLCD[16] Array of handles to the display layers.
HWND ahWndColor[16] Array of handles to the palette layers.


When simulating a multiple layer system each layer can be shown in its own window. However, the physical display has only one area. It shows the result of the blended layers. The simulation shows the result in the composite window which can have its own size independent of the layers. Each layer can have its own position and its own size within the composite window. This means that not necessarily the complete area is covered by the layers. For this case (and also for transparency effects) this function sets the default background color of the composite window.


void SIM_GUI_SetCompositeColor(U32 Color);


Parameter Description
Color Background color to be used.

Additional information

This function does not have an effect when using SoftLayers.



This function also enables the composite window mode. It is used in SIM_X_Config().


As described above under SIM_GUI_SetCompositeColor() the size of the composite window is independent of the size of the layers. This function is used to set the size of the composite window, as well as enable the composite window mode.


void SIM_GUI_SetCompositeSize(int xSize,
                              int ySize);


Parameter Description
xSize Horizontal size in pixels.
ySize Vertical size in pixels.


This example screenshot shows the enabled composite window mode. The two layers are shown on the right and on the left is the composite window, which shows the two layers merged.



Sets the layer index to be passed to emWin if the composite view is touched by the PID.


void SIM_GUI_SetCompositeTouch(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index to be used for touch events on the composite view.


Set the colors to be used as black or white, respectively, on color monochrome displays.


int SIM_GUI_SetLCDColorBlack(int DisplayIndex,
                             int Color);
int SIM_GUI_SetLCDColorWhite(int DisplayIndex,
                             int Color);


Parameter Description
DisplayIndex Reserved for future use; must be 0.
Color RGB value of the color.

Additional information

These functions can be used to simulate the true background color of your display. The default color values are black and white, or 0x000000 and 0xFFFFFF. Refer to SIM_GUI_SetLCDColorBlack() for an example.

Example using default settings

void SIM_X_Config() {
  SIM_GUI_SetLCDPos(14,84);                // Define the position of the LCD
                                           // in the bitmap
  SIM_GUI_SetLCDColorBlack (0, 0x000000);  // Define the color used as black
  SIM_GUI_SetLCDColorWhite (0, 0xFFFFFF);  // Define the color used as white
  (used for colored monochrome displays)

Example using yellow instead of white

void SIM_X_Config() {
  SIM_GUI_SetLCDPos(14,84);                // Define the position of the LCD
                                           // in the bitmap
  SIM_GUI_SetLCDColorBlack (0, 0x000000);  // Define the color used as black
  SIM_GUI_SetLCDColorWhite (0, 0x00FFFF);  // Define the color used as white
  (used for colored monochrome displays)



Sets the position for the simulated LCD within the target device bitmap.


void SIM_GUI_SetLCDPos(int xPos,
                       int yPos);


Parameter Description
xPos X-position of the upper left corner for the simulated LCD (in pixels).
yPos Y-position of the upper left corner for the simulated LCD (in pixels).

Additional information

The X- and Y-positions are relative to the target device bitmap, therefore position (0,0) refers to the upper left corner (origin) of the bitmap and not your actual LCD. Only the origin of the simulated screen needs to be specified; the resolution of your display should already be reflected in the configuration files in the Config directory. The use of this function enables the use of the bitmaps Device.bmp and Device1.bmp . Note that the values need to be ≥ 0 for enabling the use of the bitmaps. If the use of the device bitmaps should be disabled, omit the call of this function in SIM_X_Init().



Sets magnification factors for X and/or Y axis.


void SIM_GUI_SetMag(int MagX,
                    int MagY);


Parameter Description
MagX Magnification factor for X axis.
MagY Magnification factor for Y axis.

Additional information

Per default the simulation uses one pixel on the PC for each pixel of the simulated display. The use of this function makes sense for small displays. If using a device bit- map together with a magnification > 1 the device bitmap needs to be adapted to the magnification. The device bitmap is not magnified automatically.



Sets the color to be used for transparent areas of device or hardkey bitmaps.


int SIM_GUI_SetTransColor(int Color);


Parameter Description
Color RGB value of the color in the format 00000000RRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBB.

Additional information

The default setting for transparency is bright red (0xFF0000). You would typically only need to change this setting if your bitmap contains the same shade of red.



Sets the transparency mode for the given layer.


void SIM_GUI_SetTransMode(int LayerIndex,
                          int TransMode);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Index of the layer for which the transparency mode should be set.
TransMode Permitted values are listed under Transparency modes.
Before After


When using multiple layers, this function can be used to show the device bitmap. By default each layer and the composite view are displayed in separate windows.


void SIM_GUI_ShowDevice(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff 1 for showing the bitmap, 0 for hiding it.

Additional information

If using a multi-layer configuration and showing the device bitmap, only the composite view is shown. Because of this, the routine SIM_GUI_SetCompositeSize() also needs to be called in SIM_X_Config().



As described earlier in this chapter it is possible to use device bitmaps from the application resources. This function tells the simulation to use the device- and hardkey bitmaps from the application resources and not to generate the default frame bitmap.


void SIM_GUI_UseCustomBitmaps(void);

Additional information

The emWin shipment contains per default 2 bitmaps, Device.bmp and Device1.bmp, located in Start\System\Simulation\Res which can be used as a starting point for your own bitmaps.

Data structures



Contains the window handles of the simulation. This structure is required for SIM_GUI_SetCallback().

Type definition

typedef struct {
  HWND  hWndMain;
  HWND  ahWndLCD[];
  HWND  ahWndColor[];

Structure members

Member Description
hWndMain Handle to the main window.
ahWndLCD Array of handles to the display layers.
ahWndColor Array of handles to the palette layers.


Transparency modes


Available transparency modes for layers.


#define GUI_TRANSMODE_ZERO          2


Definition Description
GUI_TRANSMODE_PIXELALPHA The alpha value is taken from the pixel data in order to mix colors with the according background.
GUI_TRANSMODE_ZERO In this mode pixels are fully transparent if the pixel data equals 0.

Hardkey simulation

The hardkey simulation can only be used in the custom bitmap view. Hardkeys may also be simulated as part of the device, and may be selected with the mouse pointer. The idea is to be able to distinguish whether a key or button on the simulated device is pressed or unpressed. A hardkey is considered “pressed” as long as the mouse button is held down; releasing the mouse button or moving the pointer off of the hardkey releases the key. A toggle behavior between pressed and unpressed may also be specified with the routine SIM_HARDKEY_SetMode(). In order to simulate hardkeys, you need a second bitmap of the device which is transparent except for the keys themselves (in their pressed state). As described earlier in this chapter, this bitmap can be in a separate file in the directory, or included as a resource in the executable. Hardkeys may be any shape, as long as they are exactly the same size in pixels in both Device.bmp and Device1.bmp. The following example illustrates this:

Device bitmap: unpressed hardkey state (Device.bmp) Device hardkey bitmap: pressed hardkey state (Device1.bmp)

When a key is “pressed” with the mouse, the corresponding section of the hardkey bitmap (Device1.bmp) will overlay the device bitmap in order to display the key in its pressed state. The keys may be polled periodically to determine if their states (pressed/unpressed) have changed and whether they need to be updated. Alternatively, a callback routine may be set to trigger a particular action to be carried out when the state of a hardkey changes.

Hardkey simulation API

The hardkey simulation functions are part of the standard simulation program shipped with emWin. If using a user defined emWin simulation these functions may not be available. The table below lists the available hardkey-simulation-related routines in alphabetical order within their respective categories. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow:

Routine Description
SIM_HARDKEY_GetNum() Returns the number of available hardkeys.
SIM_HARDKEY_GetState() Returns the state of a specified hardkey.
SIM_HARDKEY_SetCallback() Sets a callback routine to be executed when the state of a specified hardkey changes.
SIM_HARDKEY_SetMode() Sets the behavior for a specified hardkey.
SIM_HARDKEY_SetState() Sets the behavior for a specified hardkey.


Returns the number of available hardkeys.


int SIM_HARDKEY_GetNum(void);

Return value

The number of available hardkeys found in the bitmap.

Additional information

The numbering order for hardkeys is standard reading order (left to right, then top to bottom). The topmost pixel of a hardkey is therefore found first, regardless of its horizontal position. In the bitmap below, for example, the hardkeys are labeled as they would be referenced by the KeyIndex parameter in other functions:

It is recommended to call this function in order to verify that a bitmap is properly loaded.



Returns the state of a specified hardkey.


int SIM_HARDKEY_GetState(unsigned int i);


Parameter Description
KeyIndex Index of hardkey (0 = index of first key).

Return value

State of the specified hardkey.

0 unpressed.
1 pressed.


Sets a callback routine to be executed when the state of a specified hardkey changes.


SIM_HARDKEY_CB *SIM_HARDKEY_SetCallback(unsigned int     KeyIndex,
                                        SIM_HARDKEY_CB * pfCallback);


Parameter Description
KeyIndex Index of hardkey (0 = index of first key).
pfCallback Pointer to callback routine.

Return value

Pointer to the previous callback routine.

Additional information

Note that multi tasking support has to be enabled if GUI functions need to be called within the callback functions. Without multi tasking support only the GUI functions which are allowed to be called within an interrupt routine should be used. The callback routine must have the following prototype:

Prototype of SIM_HARDKEY_CB

void SIM_HARDKEY_CB(int KeyIndex,
                    int State);
Parameter Description
KeyIndex Index of hardkey (0 = index of first key).
State State of the specified hardkey. 0 for unpressed, 1 for pressed.


Sets the behavior for a specified hardkey.


int SIM_HARDKEY_SetMode(unsigned int KeyIndex,
                        int          Mode);


Parameter Description
KeyIndex Index of hardkey (0 = index of first key).
Mode Behavior mode. 0 for normal behavior (default), 1 for toggle behavior.

Additional information

Normal (default) hardkey behavior means that a key is considered pressed only as long as the mouse button is held down on it. When the mouse is released or moved off of the hardkey, the key is considered unpressed.

With toggle behavior, each click of the mouse toggles the state of a hardkey to pressed or unpressed. That means if you click the mouse on a hardkey and it becomes pressed, it will remain pressed until you click the mouse on it again.



Sets the behavior for a specified hardkey.


int SIM_HARDKEY_SetState(unsigned int i,
                         int          State);


Parameter Description
KeyIndex Index of hardkey (0 = index of first key).
State State of the specified hardkey. See table below.

Return value

Previous state of the key updated.

Additional information

This function is only usable when SIM_HARDKEY_SetMode() is set to 1 (toggle mode).

Integrating the emWin simulation into an existing simulation

In order to integrate the emWin simulation into an existing simulation, the source code of the simulation is not required. Only in some rare cases it is required to use the source code of the simulation. If required the source code of the simulation can be purchased separately and it is not part of a normal emWin shipment.
As described earlier in this chapter the basic package and the trial version contains a simulation library. The API functions of this library can be used if for example the emWin simulation should be added to an existing hardware or real time kernel (RTOS) simulation.
To add the emWin simulation to an existing simulation (written in C or C++, using the Win32 API), only a few lines of code need to be added.

Directory structure

The subfolder Simulation of the System folder contains the emWin simulation. The directory structure is shown on the right. The table below explains the contents of the subfolders:

Directory Content
Simulation Simulation source and header files to be used with and without the simulation source code. The folder also contains a ready to use simulation library.
Res Resource files.
SIM_GUI GUI simulation source code (optional).
WinMain Contains the WinMain routine.

Using the simulation library

The following steps will show how to use the simulation library to integrate the emWin simulation into an existing simulation:

Modifying WinMain

Every windows Win32 program starts with WinMain() (contrary to a normal C program from the command line, which starts with main(). All that needs to be done is to add a few lines of code to this routine.
The following function calls need to be added (normally in the order as it is shown in the following application code example):

Example application

The following application is available under Sample\WinMain\SampleApp.c and shows how to integrate the emWin simulation into an existing application:

#include <windows.h>
#include "GUI_SIM_Win32.h"
void MainTask(void);
*       _Thread
static DWORD __stdcall _Thread(void * Parameter) {
  return 0;
*       _WndProcMain
static LRESULT CALLBACK _WndProcMain(HWND   hWnd,   UINT   message, 
                                     WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
  SIM_GUI_HandleKeyEvents(message, wParam);
  switch (message) {
  case WM_DESTROY:
  return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
*       _RegisterClass
static void _RegisterClass(HINSTANCE hInstance) {
  memset(&wcex, 0, sizeof(wcex));
  wcex.cbSize        = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
  wcex.hInstance     = hInstance;
  wcex.style         = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
  wcex.lpfnWndProc   = (WNDPROC)_WndProcMain;
  wcex.hIcon         = 0;
  wcex.hCursor       = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
  wcex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_APPWORKSPACE + 1);
  wcex.lpszMenuName  = 0;
  wcex.lpszClassName = "GUIApplication";
*       WinMain
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                     LPSTR     lpCmdLine, int       nCmdShow) {
  DWORD ThreadID;
  MSG   Msg;
  HWND  hWndMain;
  // Register window class
  // Make sure the driver configuration is done
  // Create main window
  hWndMain = CreateWindow("GUIApplication", "Application window",
                          0, 0, 328, 267, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL);
  // Initialize the emWin simulation and create an LCD window
  SIM_GUI_Init(hInstance, hWndMain, lpCmdLine, "embOS - emWin Simulation");
  SIM_GUI_CreateLCDWindow(hWndMain, 0, 0, 320, 240, 0);
  // Create a thread which executes the code to be simulated
  CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)_Thread, NULL, 0, &ThreadID);
  // Main message loop
  while (GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {

Integration into the embOS Simulation


The following code example shows how to modify the existing SIM_OS.c of the embOS simulation in order to integrate the emWin simulation. Only four lines of coded have to be added to the function _WindowThread(). Add an include of GUI_SIM_Win32.h and the three function calls with prefix SIM_GUI_<FunctionName>() as shown below:

#include "GUI_SIM_Win32.h"
static DWORD WINAPI _WindowThread(LPVOID lpParameter) {
  BITMAP    BmpDevice;
  HINSTANCE hInstance;
  HACCEL    hAcceleratorTable;
  MSG       Msg;

  // Create a window. This window is used to simulate blinking LEDs.
  hInstance         = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
  hAcceleratorTable = LoadAccelerators(hInstance,
  _hBmpDevice       = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(SIM_OS_IDB_DEVICE),
                                         IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, 0);
  _hMenuPopup       = LoadMenu(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(SIM_OS_IDC_CONTEXTMENU));
  _hMenuPopup       = GetSubMenu(_hMenuPopup, 0);
  // Create main window
  GetObject(_hBmpDevice, sizeof(BmpDevice), &BmpDevice);
  _hWnd = CreateWindowEx(0, _sWindowClass, "embOS Simulation",
                         WS_SYSMENU | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE,
                         10, 20, BmpDevice.bmWidth, BmpDevice.bmHeight, NULL,
                         NULL, hInstance, NULL);
  if (_hWnd == NULL) {
    _ErrorWin32("Could not create window.");
    return -1;  // Error
  // Init emWin simulation and create window
  SIM_GUI_Init(hInstance, _hWnd, "", "embOS - emWin Simulation");
  SIM_GUI_CreateLCDWindow(_hWnd, 0, 0, 320, 240, 0);
  // Show main window
  ShowWindow(_hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
  // Create a timer which is periodically invalidating the Win32 window in order
  // to redraw it
  SetTimer(_hWnd, 0, SIM_OS_TIMER_PERIOD, _cbTimer);
  // Handle message loop
  while (GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {
    if (!TranslateAccelerator(_hWnd, hAcceleratorTable, &Msg)) {
  return 0;
Target program (main)

The emWin API can be called from one or more target threads. Without RTOS, the WIN32 API function CreateThread is normally used to create a target thread which calls the emWin API; within an RTOS simulation, a target task/thread (Created by the simulated RTOS) is used to call the emWin API. In other words: Use OS_CreateTask to create a task for the user interface. Below a modified embOS start application:

#include <windows.h>
#include "RTOS.H"
#include "HW_LED.h"
#include "GUI.h"
OS_STACKPTR int Stack0[128], Stack1[128], Stack2[2000]; // Task stacks
OS_TASK         TCB0,        TCB1,        TCB2;         // Task-control-blocks
void Task0(void) {
  while (1) {
void Task1(void) {
  while (1) {
void MainTask(void) {
  int i;
  while (1) {
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      GUI_DispStringAt("Hello world!", 1, 1);
*       main
void main(void) {
  OS_IncDI();           // Initially disable interrupts
  OS_InitKern();        // Initialize OS
  OS_InitHW();          // Initialize Hardware for OS
  // At least one task here needs to be created here
  OS_CREATETASK(&TCB0, "HP Task",  Task0,    100, Stack0);
  OS_CREATETASK(&TCB1, "LP Task",  Task1,     50, Stack1);
  OS_CREATETASK(&TCB2, "GUI Task", MainTask,  80, Stack2);
  OS_Start();           // Start multitasking

The following table shows the simulation before and after integrating the emWin simulation:

Before After

GUI simulation API

The table below lists the available routines for user defined simulation programs in alphabetical order within their respective categories. The functions are only available with the source code of the emWin simulation. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow:

Routine Description
SIM_GUI_CreateLCDInfoWindow() Creates a window which shows the available colors for the given layer.
SIM_GUI_CreateLCDWindow() Creates a window which simulates a LCD display with the given size at the given position.
SIM_GUI_Enable() Executes memory and driver configuration.
SIM_GUI_Exit() Stops the GUI simulation.
SIM_GUI_Init() Initializes the GUI simulation.
SIM_GUI_SetLCDWindowHook() Sets a hook function to be called from the simulation if the LCD window receives a message.


Creates a window which shows the available colors for the given layer.


HWND SIM_GUI_CreateLCDInfoWindow(HWND hParent,
                                 int  x,
                                 int  y,
                                 int  xSize,
                                 int  ySize,
                                 int  LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
hParent Handle of the parent window.
x X position in parent coordinates.
y Y position in parent coordinates.
xSize X size in pixel of the new window. Should be 160 if using a color depth between 1 and 8 or 128 if working in high color mode.
ySize Y size in pixel of the new window. Should be 160 if using a color depth between 1 and 8 or 128 if working in high color mode.
LayerIndex Index of the layer to be shown.

Return value

Handle of the created window.

Additional information

The created color window has no frame, no title bar and no buttons.


SIM_GUI_CreateLCDInfoWindow(hWnd, 0, 0, 160, 160, 0);




Creates a window which simulates a LCD display with the given size at the given position.


HWND SIM_GUI_CreateLCDWindow(HWND hParent,
                             int  x,
                             int  y,
                             int  xSize,
                             int  ySize,
                             int  LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
hParent Handle of the parent window.
x X position in parent coordinates.
y Y position in parent coordinates.
xSize X size in pixel of the new window.
ySize Y size in pixel of the new window.
LayerIndex Index of the layer to be shown.

Return value

Handle of the created window.

Additional information

All display output to the given layer will be shown in this window. The size of the window should be the same as configured in LCDConf.c. The created simulation window has no frame, no title bar and no buttons.



The function needs to be called at the beginning of the application to make sure that memory and driver will be configured at first.


void SIM_GUI_Enable(void);


The function should be called before the simulation returns to the calling process.


void SIM_GUI_Exit(void);


This function initializes the emWin simulation and should be called before any other SIM_GUI function call.


int SIM_GUI_Init(      HINSTANCE   hInst,
                       HWND        hWndMain,
                       char      * pCmdLine,
                 const char      * sAppName);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to current instance passed to WinMain.
hWndMain Handle to current instance passed to WinMain.
pCmdLine Pointer to command line passed to WinMain
sAppName Pointer to a string that contains the application name.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The parameters hWndMain and sAppName are used in case a message box should be displayed.



Sets a hook function to be called from the simulation if the LCD window receives a message.


void SIM_GUI_SetLCDWindowHook(SIM_GUI_tfHook * pfHook);


Parameter Description
pfHook Pointer to hook function.

Return value

The hook function should return 0 if the message has been processed. In this case the GUI simulation ignores the message.

emWin in Web Browsers: Emscripten support

With the use of WebAssembly, it is possible to run emWin applications in web browsers. This is achieved through Emscripten which is a complete compiler toolchain for compilation to WebAssembly.

By utilising Emscripten, virtually any emWin application can be compiled for any browser that supports WebAssembly.

Emscripten is made available under two permissive open source licenses: the MIT license and the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.

Copyright © 2013 Alon Zakai


With Emscripten, virtually any emWin application can be compiled for any browser that supports WebAssembly. This includes all major browsers:

Examples of how this looks in a browser environment can be found on our website on the emWin example page.



Compiling and running applications

emWin applications can be built with Emscripten with emWin’s new tool emWin4Web. Please see the corresponding chapter for more information on how to build.


This sub-section will go more into detail about the aforementioned limitations.

Multi-layer configurations

Configurations with multiple layers are not supported. This is because the framework running emWin does not have any hardware layers that we could draw into.

Applications without multi-buffering or framebuffer cache locking

The framework running the emWin application expects a signal from emWin to update the frame buffer. This is done using either the multi-buffering or the cache mechanism, because at this point the frame buffer content is up to date.

This requires the application to use either the multi-buffering or the cache lock/unlock function of emWin. A more sophisticated application using the window manager can handle this automatically. If the application runs without the window manager, the user must ensure that the following are called before and after drawing operations.

// Do your drawings, then unlock again.
// ...

SVG support in browsers

It is possible to render SVGs in applications that are compiled with emWin4Web. This is achieved with NanoVG and the NanoVG driver of emWin’s SVG module. To enable SVG support, the option --svg has to be passed to emWin4Web.

Since NanoVG uses OpenGL ES 2.0 as its rendering backend, Emscripten will convert these calls into WebGL which allows for fast vector graphics in a browser environment.


However, with the above described approach there are a few limitations:


emWin offers some utility functions which are intended for usage when compiling with Emscripten. This API is described here.


All the below functions will compile when emWin is not compiled with Emscripten, but they will not do anything.


Function Description
GUI_EMSCRIPTEN_GetNow() Retrieves the current date via JavaScript.
GUI_EMSCRIPTEN_GetNowTimezone() Retrieves the current date via JavaScript of a given timezone.



Retrieves the current date via JavaScript.




Parameter Description
pDate  out  Current date.

Additional information

Note: This function does nothing when emWin is not compiled with Emscripten.



Retrieves the current date via JavaScript of a given timezone. Under the hood, the method toLocaleString() of a JavaScript Date object is called.


void GUI_EMSCRIPTEN_GetNowTimezone(      GUI_EMSCRIPTEN_DATE * pDate,
                                   const char                * sTimezone);


Parameter Description
pDate  out  Current date.
sTimezone  in  String with timezone identifier to query the current time. sTimezone must be a valid match for the timeZone parameter of toLocaleString().

Additional information

Note: This function does nothing when emWin is not compiled with Emscripten.

Data structures

Data structure Description
GUI_EMSCRIPTEN_DATE Retrieves the current date via JavaScript of a given timezone.

Basic features

The following chapter contains all basic emWin features. These features are all part of the emWin BASE package.

Displaying Text

It is very easy to display text with emWin. Knowledge of only a few routines already allows you to write any text, in any available font, at any point on the display. We first provide a short introduction to displaying text, followed by more detailed descriptions of the individual routines that are available.

Basic routines

Text can be displayed just by calling GUI_DispString(). For example:

GUI_DispString("Hello world!");

The above code will display the text “Hello world” at the current text position. However, there are functions to display text using different fonts or at certain positions. Even when using byte-oriented displays the position can be specified pixel accurate. In addition to that, it is also possible to display decimal, hexadecimal and binary values. Details on how values can be displayed using emWin can be found in the chapter Displaying Values.

Control characters

Control characters are characters with a character code of less than 32. The control characters are defined as part of ASCII. emWin ignores all control characters except the following:

Char. Code ASCII code C Description
10 LF \n Line feed.
The current text position is changed to the beginning of the next line.
Per default, this is: X = 0.
Y += font-distance in pixels (as delivered by GUI_GetFontDistY()).


emWin does not interpret carriage return (\r) characters! Only new line characters (\n) should be used to display text in a new line!

Drawing modes

Text is displayed using the foreground and background color which are set using the functions GUI_SetColor() and GUI_SetBkColor() described below. In order to set a certain drawing mode to display strings or single characters the function GUI_SetTextMode() can be called using the flags described below.

Normal text

Displaying normal text is the default behavior. The characters are displayed using the foreground color. The background color is used to clear the background according to its width of the text and height of the currently selected font. Text can be displayed normally by specifying just GUI_TM_NORMAL or 0.

Reverse text

Text can be displayed in reverse mode by specifying GUI_TM_REV. This causes characters to be displayed using the background color and the background to be cleared using the foreground color.

Transparent text

Text can be displayed in transparent mode by specifying GUI_TM_TRANS. This causes characters to be displayed without the background to be cleared. In this case whatever was drawn before the text was displayed can still be seen.

XOR text

Text can be displayed in XOR mode by specifying GUI_TM_XOR. This causes characters to be displayed using the inverted colors of the background. This is done pixel-wise. This is also a transparent drawing mode, so the background remains unchanged. This mode is often used to in 1bpp-configurations to ensure readability, since black is inverted to white and vice versa. In case colors are used a single pixel is inverted as follows:

New pixel color = number of colors - actual pixel color - 1

Transparent reversed text

Text can be displayed in reverse and transparent mode by specifying (GUI_TM_TRANS | GUI_TM_REV). According to the transparent mode, the background is not cleared. According to the reverse mode, the characters are displayed using the background color.


Displays normal, reverse, transparent, XOR, and transparent reversed text:

GUI_DrawLine(80, 10, 240, 90);
GUI_DrawLine(80, 90, 240, 10);
GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("GUI_TM_NORMAL"            , 160, 10);
GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("GUI_TM_REV"               , 160, 26);
GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("GUI_TM_TRANS"             , 160, 42);
GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("GUI_TM_XOR"               , 160, 58);
GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("GUI_TM_TRANS | GUI_TM_REV", 160, 74);

Screenshot of above example


Every task has a current text position. This is the position relative to the origin of the display. This position is used by text displaying functions to place the next characters. Initially this position is (0,0) which is the upper left corner of the display. When using the Window Manager the position is used according to the current window. In order to set the text position the function GUI_GotoX(), GUI_GotoY() and GUI_GotoXY() can be used.

Text API

The table below lists the available text-related functions in alphabetical order within their respective categories. Detailed function descriptions can be found in the following sections.


Routine Description
Displaying text
GUI_DispCEOL() Clears the current line from the current position to the end.
GUI_DispChar() Displays a single character.
GUI_DispCharAt() Displays a single character at the specified position.
GUI_DispChars() Displays a character a specified number of times.
GUI_DispString() Displays a string.
GUI_DispStringAt() Displays a string at the specified position.
GUI_DispStringAtCEOL() Displays a string at the specified position and clears the current line to the end.
GUI_DispStringHCenterAt() Displays a string centered horizontally at the given position.
GUI_DispStringInRect() Displays a string in the specified rectangle.
GUI_DispStringInRectEx() Displays a string rotated in the specified rectangle.
GUI_DispStringInRectWrap() Displays a string wrapped in the specified rectangle.
GUI_DispStringInRectWrapEx() Displays a string rotated and wrapped in the specified rectangle.
GUI_DispStringLen() Displays a string at the current position with specified number of characters.
GUI_GetCharFromPos() Returns a character from a string at a given X-position in the current font.
GUI_GetShowMissingCharacters() Returns if showing of missing characters is enabled or not.
GUI_ShowMissingCharacters() This function enables displaying of missing characters.
GUI_WrapGetNumLines() Returns the number of lines required to display the given text with the given wrap mode at the given size using the current font.
GUI_WrapGetPositions() Calculates the wrapping positions of a string.
GUI_WrapSetSeparators() Allows to set an array of additional characters that are used for displaying wrapped strings.
Drawing modes
GUI_GetTextMode() Returns the currently selected text mode.
GUI_SetClearTextRectMode() Enables or disables the clear text rect mode.
GUI_SetTextMode() Sets the text mode to the parameter specified.
GUI_SetTextStyle() Sets the text style to the parameter specified.
GUI_GetTextAlign() Returns the current text alignment mode.
GUI_SetLBorder() Sets the left border for line feeds in the current window.
GUI_SetTextAlign() Sets the text alignment.
GUI_DispNextLine() Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line.
GUI_GotoX() Sets the X-position.
GUI_GotoXY() Sets the X- and Y-position.
GUI_GotoY() Sets the Y-position.
GUI_GetDispPosX() Returns the current X-position.
GUI_GetDispPosY() Returns the current Y-position.


Group of defines Description
Text alignment flags Define the alignment of a text.
Text drawing modes Define with which mode a text will be drawn.
Text rotation modes Rotate the text.
Text style flags Text style how a text will be displayed.


Enumeration type Description
GUI_WRAPMODE Configuration how text will be wrapped.
Displaying text


Clears the current line in the current window (or the display) from the current text position to the end of the window using the height of the current font.


void GUI_DispCEOL(void);


Shows “Hello world” on the display, waits 1 second and then displays “Hi” in the same place, replacing the old string:

GUI_DispStringAt("Hello world", 0, 0);
GUI_DispStringAt("Hi", 0, 0);


Displays a single character at the current text position in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispChar(U16 c);


Parameter Description
c Character to display

Additional information

This is the basic routine for displaying a single character. All other display routines (GUI_DispCharAt(), GUI_DispString(), etc.) call this routine to output the individual characters. Which characters are available depends on the selected font. If the character is not available in the current font, nothing is displayed.


Shows a capital A on the display:


Related topics



Displays a single character at the specified position in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispCharAt(U16  c,
                    I16P x,
                    I16P y);


Parameter Description
c Character to display
x X-position to write to in pixels of the client window.
y Y-position to write to in pixels of the client window.

Additional information

Displays the character with its upper left corner at the specified (X,Y) position. Writes the character using the routine GUI_DispChar(). If the character is not available in the current font, nothing is displayed.


Shows a capital A on the display in the upper left corner:


Related topics



Displays a character a specified number of times at the current text position in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispChars(U16P c,
                   int  NumChars);


Parameter Description
c Character to display
Cnt Number of repetitions (0 ≤ Cnt ≤ 32767).

Additional information

Writes the character using the routine GUI_DispChar() . If the character is not available in the current font, nothing is displayed.


Shows the line ****************************** on the display:

GUI_DispChars('*', 30);

Related topics



Displays the string passed as parameter at the current text position in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispString(const char * s);


Parameter Description
s String to display

Additional information

The string can contain the control character \n. This control character moves the current text position to the beginning of the next line.


Shows “Hello world” on the display and “Next line” on the next line:

GUI_DispString("Hello world");  //Disp text
GUI_DispString("\nNext line");  //Disp text

Related topics



Displays the string passed as parameter at a specified position in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispStringAt(const char * s,
                            int    x,
                            int    y);


Parameter Description
s String to display
x X-position to write to in pixels of the client window.
y Y-position to write to in pixels of the client window.


Shows “Position 50,20” at position 50,20 on the display:

GUI_DispStringAt("Position 50,20", 50, 20);  // Disp text

Related topics



Displays a given string at a specified position and clearing the remaining part of the line to the end by calling the routine GUI_DispCEOL(). This routine can be handy if one string is to overwrite another, and the overwriting string is or may be shorter than the previous one.


void GUI_DispStringAtCEOL(const char * s,
                                int    x,
                                int    y);


Parameter Description
s String to display
x X-position to write to in pixels of the client window.
y Y-position to write to in pixels of the client window.


Displays the string passed as parameter horizontally centered at a specified position in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispStringHCenterAt(const char * s,
                                   int    x,
                                   int    y);


Parameter Description
s String to display
x X-position to write to in pixels of the client window.
y Y-position to write to in pixels of the client window.


Displays the string passed as parameter at a specified position within a specified rectangle, in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispStringInRect(const char     * pText,
                                GUI_RECT * pRect,
                                int        TextAlign);


Parameter Description
s String to display
pRect Rectangle to write to in pixels of the client window.
TextAlign Text alignment mode to set. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.

Additional information

If the specified rectangle is too small, the text will be clipped.


Shows the word “Text” centered horizontally and vertically in the current window:

GUI_RECT rClient;
GUI_DispStringInRect("Text", &rClient, GUI_TA_HCENTER | GUI_TA_VCENTER);

Related topics



Displays the string passed as parameter at a specified position within a specified rectangle, in the current window using the current font and (optionally) rotates it.


void GUI_DispStringInRectEx(const char         * s,
                                  GUI_RECT     * pRect,
                                  int            TextAlign,
                                  int            MaxLen,
                            const GUI_ROTATION * pLCD_Api);


Parameter Description
s String to display
pRect Rectangle to write to in pixels of the client window.
TextAlign Text alignment mode. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.
MaxLen Maximum number of characters to be shown.
pLCD_Api Text rotation mode. See full list of available values under Text rotation modes.

Additional information

If the specified rectangle is too small, the text will be clipped. To make the function available the configuration switch GUI_SUPPORT_ROTATION must be activated (default).


Shows the word “Text” centered horizontally and vertically in the given rectangle:

GUI_RECT Rect = {10, 10, 40, 80};
char acText[] = "Rotated\ntext";
GUI_DispStringInRectEx(acText, &Rect, GUI_TA_HCENTER | GUI_TA_VCENTER,
                       strlen(acText), GUI_ROTATE_CCW);

Screenshot of above example



Displays a string at a specified position within a specified rectangle, in the current window using the current font and (optionally) wraps the text.


void GUI_DispStringInRectWrap(const char         * s,
                                    GUI_RECT     * pRect,
                                    int            TextAlign,
                                    GUI_WRAPMODE   WrapMode);


Parameter Description
s String to display
pRect Rectangle to write to in pixels of the client window.
TextAlign Text alignment mode. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.
WrapMode Text wrap mode. See full list of available values under GUI_WRAPMODE.


Shows a text centered horizontally and vertically in the given rectangle with word wrapping:

GUI_RECT     Rect     = {10, 10, 59, 59};
char         acText[] = "This example demonstrates text wrapping";
int          i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  GUI_DispStringInRectWrap(acText, &Rect, GUI_TA_LEFT, aWm[i]);
  Rect.x0 += 60;
  Rect.x1 += 60;

Screenshot of above example



Displays a string rotated at a specified position within a specified rectangle, in the current window using the current font and (optionally) wraps the text.


void GUI_DispStringInRectWrapEx(const char         * s,
                                      GUI_RECT     * pRect,
                                      int            TextAlign,
                                      GUI_WRAPMODE   WrapMode,
                                const GUI_ROTATION * pLCD_Api);


Parameter Description
s String to display.
pRect Rectangle to write to in pixels of the client window.
TextAlign Text alignment mode. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.
WrapMode Text wrap mode. See full list of available values under GUI_WRAPMODE.
pLCD_Api Text rotation mode. See full list of available values under Text rotation modes.


Displays the string passed as parameter with a specified number of characters at the current text position, in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispStringLen(const char * s,
                             int    MaxNumChars);


Parameter Description
s Should be a terminated array of 8-bit characters. Passing NULL as parameter is permitted.
MaxNumChars Number of characters to display.

Additional information

If the string has less characters than specified (is shorter), it is padded with spaces. If the string has more characters than specified (is longer), then only the given number of characters is actually displayed. This function is especially useful if text messages can be displayed in different languages (and will naturally differ in length), but only a certain number of characters can be displayed.

Related topics



Returns a character from a string at a given X-position in the current font.


U16 GUI_GetCharFromPos(const char * pText,
                             int    x,
                             int  * pIndex);


Parameter Description
pText Pointer to a string.
x X-position in pixels in the string.
pIndex Pointer to int. Zero-based position of the character in the string. Can be NULL if not needed.

Return value

= 0 No character found.
≠ 0 Character at the given X-position in a string.

Additional information

The function assumes the text begins at x = 0. Notice also that a font has to have been set that contains the characters in the given string.



Returns if showing of missing characters is enabled or not.


int GUI_GetShowMissingCharacters(void);

Return value

1 If enabled.
0 If not enabled.


This function enables displaying of missing characters.


void GUI_ShowMissingCharacters(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff Enables (1) or disables (0) displaying of missing characters.

Additional information

If a font does not contain a character to be displayed emWin skips this character. By calling this function a square gets displayed instead of the missing character.



Returns the number of lines required to display the given text with the given wrap mode at the given size using the current font.


int GUI_WrapGetNumLines(const char         * pText,
                              int            xSize,
                              GUI_WRAPMODE   WrapMode);


Parameter Description
pText String to display. Should be a \0-terminated array of 8-bit characters.
xSize X-size to be used to draw the text.
WrapMode See table below.

Return value

The number of lines which is required to display the given text.



Calculates the wrapping positions of a string. This function does not render the string but only calculates the wrapping positions within the string (in bytes) and the number of resulting lines.


int GUI_WrapGetPositions(const char         * pText,
                               int            xSize,
                               GUI_WRAPMODE   WrapMode,
                               int          * aPos,
                               int            NumItems);


Parameter Description
pText  in  Pointer to a zero-terminated string.
xSize Horizontal size of the rectangle the string pText is to be displayed in.
WrapMode Wrap mode to be used, see GUI_WRAPMODE.
aPos  out  Pointer to an int array where the byte wrapping positions will be written to.
NumItems Number of items available in the array pointed to by aPos.

Return value

Number of lines.



Allows to set an array of additional characters that are used for displaying wrapped strings.


void GUI_WrapSetSeparators(const U16 * pSep,
                                 int   NumSeps);


Parameter Description
pSep  in  Pointer to an array of U16 containing the characters to be used during word wrapping.
NumSeps Number of items in the array pointed to by pSep.

Additional information

One use-case would be to add the zero-width space (ZWSP) to the separators (0x200B). The ZWSP can be used to e.g. separate words in a Chinese string.

Drawing modes


Returns the currently selected text mode.


int GUI_GetTextMode(void);

Return value

The currently selected text mode.



Enables or disables the clear text rect mode.


U8 GUI_SetClearTextRectMode(unsigned OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff Enables or disable the clear text rect mode.

Return value

The previous selected mode.

Additional information

If the clear text rect mode is enabled the rectangular area when using GUI_DispStringInRect() gets cleared with the given background color.



Sets the text mode to the parameter specified.


int GUI_SetTextMode(int Mode);


Parameter Description
Mode Text mode. See full list of available values under Text drawing modes.

Return value

The previous selected text mode.

Additional information

Please note that GUI_TM_XOR can not be used with antialiased fonts.



Sets the text style to the parameter specified.


char GUI_SetTextStyle(char Style);


Parameter Description
Style Text style to set. See full list of available values under Text style flags.

Return value

The previous selected text style.



Returns the current text alignment mode.


int GUI_GetTextAlign(void);

Return value

The current text alignment mode.



Sets the left border for line feeds in the current window.


int GUI_SetLBorder(int x);


Parameter Description
x New left border (in pixels, 0 is left border).


Sets the text alignment for the next displayed string in the current window.


int GUI_SetTextAlign(int Align);


Parameter Description
TextAlign Text alignment mode to set. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.

Return value

The selected text alignment mode.

Additional information

Setting the text alignment does not affect GUI_DispChar…()-functions. Text alignment is valid only for the current window.


Displays the value 1234 with the center of the text at x = 100, y = 100:

GUI_DispDecAt(1234, 100, 100, 4);


Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line which can be adjusted using the function GUI_SetLBorder().


void GUI_DispNextLine(void);


Set the current text write position.


char GUI_GotoXY(int x,
                int y);
char GUI_GotoX(int x);
char GUI_GotoY(int y);


Parameter Description
y New Y-position (in pixels, 0 is top border).

Return value

= 0 on success.
≠ 0 if the set text position is right or below outside the window. Consequtive drawing operations can be omitted in this case.


Shows a string at position (20, 20) on the display:

GUI_DispString("The value is");


Returns the current X-position.


int GUI_GetDispPosX(void);

Return value

The current X-position.



Returns the current Y-position.


int GUI_GetDispPosY(void);

Return value

The current Y-position.

Text alignment flags


Define the alignment of a text. Horizontal and vertical flags are OR-combinable.


#define GUI_TA_LEFT       (0)
#define GUI_TA_HCENTER    (2 << 0)
#define GUI_TA_RIGHT      (1 << 0)
#define GUI_TA_TOP        (0)
#define GUI_TA_VCENTER    (3 << 2)
#define GUI_TA_BOTTOM     (1 << 2)


Definition Description
Horizontal alignment
GUI_TA_LEFT Align X-position left (default).
GUI_TA_HCENTER Center X-position.
GUI_TA_RIGHT Align X-position right.
Vertical alignment
GUI_TA_TOP Align Y-position with top of characters (default).
GUI_TA_VCENTER Center Y-position.
GUI_TA_BOTTOM Align Y-position with bottom pixel line of font.
Text drawing modes


These flags define with which mode a text will be drawn. These flags are OR-combinable.


#define GUI_TM_NORMAL    (0)
#define GUI_TM_XOR       (1 << 0)
#define GUI_TM_TRANS     (1 << 1)
#define GUI_TM_REV       (1 << 2)


Definition Description
GUI_TM_NORMAL Default mode, characters are displayed using the foreground color, background color is used to clear the background according to width and height of the text.
GUI_TM_XOR Characters are displayed using the inverted colors of the background (pixel-wise).
GUI_TM_TRANS Characters are displayed without the background being cleared.
GUI_TM_REV Characters are displayed using the background color, foreground color is used to clear the background according to width and height of the text.

Additional information

More information about text drawing modes can be found under Drawing modes.

Text rotation modes


These macros are necessary for text rotation. They are used for example by the function GUI_DispStringInRectEx().


#define GUI_ROTATE_0      0
#define GUI_ROTATE_180    &LCD_APIList180
#define GUI_ROTATE_CW     &LCD_APIListCW


Definition Description
GUI_ROTATE_0 Does not rotate the text. Shows it from left to right.
GUI_ROTATE_180 Rotates the text by 180 degrees.
GUI_ROTATE_CW Rotates the text clockwise.
GUI_ROTATE_CCW Rotates the text counter clockwise.
Text style flags


Text style how a text will be displayed.


#define GUI_TS_NORMAL        (0)
#define GUI_TS_UNDERLINE     (1 << 0)
#define GUI_TS_STRIKETHRU    (1 << 1)
#define GUI_TS_OVERLINE      (1 << 2)


Definition Description
GUI_TS_NORMAL Renders text normal (default).
GUI_TS_UNDERLINE Renders text underlined.
GUI_TS_STRIKETHRU Renders text in strike through type.
GUI_TS_OVERLINE Renders text in overline type.


Configuration how text will be wrapped.

Type definition

typedef enum {

Enumeration constants

Constant Description
GUI_WRAPMODE_NONE No wrapping will be performed.
GUI_WRAPMODE_WORD Text is wrapped word wise.
GUI_WRAPMODE_CHAR Text is wrapped char wise.

Additional information

If word wrapping should be performed and the given rectangle is too small for a word, char wrapping is executed at this word.

Displaying Values

The preceding chapter explained how to show strings on the display. Of course you may use strings and the functions of the standard C library to display values. However, this can sometimes be a difficult task. It is usually much easier (and much more efficient) to call a routine that displays the value in the form that you want. emWin supports different decimal, hexadecimal and binary outputs. The individual routines are explained in this chapter.
All functions work without the usage of a floating-point library and are optimized for both speed and size. Of course sprintf() may also be used on any system. Using the routines in this chapter can sometimes simplify things and save both ROM space and execution time.

Value API

The table below lists the available value-related routines in alphabetical order within their respective categories. Detailed descriptions of the routines can be found in the sections that follow.

Routine Description
Displaying decimal values
GUI_DispDec() Displays the given value in decimal form with the specified number of characters.
GUI_DispDecAt() Displays the given value in decimal form at the specified position with specified number of characters.
GUI_DispDecMin() Displays the given value in decimal form with minimum number of characters.
GUI_DispDecShift() Displays long value in decimal form with decimal point at current position with specified number of characters.
GUI_DispDecSpace() Display value in decimal form at current position with specified number of characters, replace leading zeros with spaces.
GUI_DispSDec() Display value in decimal form at current position with specified number of characters and sign.
GUI_DispSDecShift() Display long value in decimal form with decimal point at current position with specified number of characters and sign.
Displaying floating-point values
GUI_DispFloat() Display floating-point value with specified number of characters.
GUI_DispFloatFix() Display floating-point value with fixed no. of digits to the right of decimal point.
GUI_DispFloatMin() Display floating-point value with minimum number of characters.
GUI_DispSFloatFix() Display floating-point value with fixed no. of digits to the right of decimal point and sign.
GUI_DispSFloatMin() Display floating-point value with minimum number of characters and sign.
Displaying binary values
GUI_DispBin() Display value in binary form at current position.
GUI_DispBinAt() Display value in binary form at specified position.
Displaying hexadecimal values
GUI_DispHex() Display value in hexadecimal form at current position.
GUI_DispHexAt() Display value in hexadecimal form at specified position.
Version of emWin
GUI_GetVersionString() Returns a string containing the current version of emWin.
Displaying decimal values


Displays a value in decimal form with a specified number of characters at the current text position, in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispDec(I32 v,
                 U8  Len);


Parameter Description
v Value to display.
Minimum -2147483648 (= -2^31).
Maximum 2147483647 (= 2^31 -1).
Len Number of digits to display (max. 10).

Additional information

Leading zeros are not suppressed (are shown as 0). If the value is negative, a minus sign is shown.


// Display time as minutes and seconds
GUI_DispDec(Min, 2);
GUI_DispString(" Sec:");
GUI_DispDec(Sec, 2);

Related topics



Displays a value in decimal form with a specified number of characters at a specified position, in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispDecAt(I32  v,
                   I16P x,
                   I16P y,
                   U8   Len);


Parameter Description
v Value to display.
Minimum -2147483648 (= -2^31).
Maximum 2147483647 (= 2^31 -1).
x X-position to write to in pixels of the client window.
y Y-position to write to in pixels of the client window.
Len Number of digits to display (max. 10).

Additional information

Leading zeros are not suppressed (are shown as 0). If the value is negative, a minus sign is shown.


// Update seconds in upper right corner
GUI_DispDecAT(Sec, 200, 0, 2);

Related topics



Displays a value in decimal form at the current text position in the current window using the current font. The length of the value does not require to be specified. The minimum length will automatically be used.


void GUI_DispDecMin(I32 v);


Parameter Description
v Value to display.
Minimum -2147483648 (= -2^31).
Maximum 2147483647 (= 2^31 -1).

Additional information

The maximum number of displayed digits is 10. This function should not be used if values have to be aligned but differ in the number of digits. Try one of the functions which require specification of the number of digits to use in this case.


// Show result
GUI_DispString("The result is :");

Related topics



Displays a long value in decimal form with a specified number of characters and with decimal point at the current text position, in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispDecShift(I32 v,
                      U8  Len,
                      U8  Shift);


Parameter Description
v Value to display.
Minimum -2147483648 (= -2^31).
Maximum 2147483647 (= 2^31 -1).
Len Number of digits to display (max. 10).
Shift Number of digits to show to right of decimal point.

Additional information

Watch the maximum number of 9 characters (including sign and decimal point).



Displays a long value in decimal form with a specified number of characters and with decimal point at the current text position, in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispDecSpace(I32 v,
                      U8  MaxDigits);


Parameter Description
v Value to display. Minimum -2147483648 (= -2^31). Maximum 2147483647 (= 2^31 -1).
MaxDigits Number of digits to display, including leading spaces. Maximum number of digits displayed is 10 (excluding leading spaces).

Additional information

If values have to be aligned but differ in the number of digits, this function is a good choice.


// Show result
GUI_DispString("The result is :");
GUI_DispDecSpace(Result, 10);

Related topics



Displays a value in decimal form (with sign) with a specified number of characters at the current text position, in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispSDec(I32 v,
                  U8  Len);


Parameter Description
v Value to display. Minimum -2147483648 (= -2^31). Maximum 2147483647 (= 2^31 -1).
Len Number of digits to display (max. 10).

Additional information

Leading zeros are not suppressed. This function is similar to GUI_DispDec, but a sign is always shown in front of the value, even if the value is positive.

Related topics



Displays a long value in decimal form (with sign) with a specified number of characters and with decimal point at the current text position, in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispSDecShift(I32 v,
                       U8  Len,
                       U8  Shift);


Parameter Description
v Value to display.
Minimum -2147483648 (= -2^31).
Maximum 2147483647 (= 2^31 -1).
Len Number of digits to display. (max. 8, if Shift is set; max. 9, if Shift is not set)
Shift Number of digits to show to right of decimal point.

Additional information

A sign is always shown in front of the value. Watch the maximum number of 9 characters (including sign and decimal point).


long Value = 12345;

GUI_DispSDecShift(Value, 7, 3);

Screenshot of above example

Displaying floating point values


Displays a floating point value with a specified number of characters at the current text position in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispFloat(     float f,
                   char Len);


Parameter Description
v Value to display.
Minimum 1.2 E-38; maximum 3.4 E38.
Len Number of digits to display. (max. 10).

Additional information

Leading zeros are suppressed. The decimal point counts as one character. If the value is negative, a minus sign is shown.


// Shows different possibilities to display floating point values.
float f = 123.45678;

GUI_DispStringAt("GUI_DispFloat:\n", 0, 0);
GUI_DispFloat(f, 9);
GUI_DispFloat(-f, 9);
GUI_DispStringAt("GUI_DispFloatFix:\n", 0, 20);
GUI_DispFloatFix(f, 9, 2);
GUI_DispFloatFix(-f, 9, 2);
GUI_DispStringAt("GUI_DispSFloatFix:\n", 0, 40);
GUI_DispSFloatFix(f, 9, 2);
GUI_DispSFloatFix(-f, 9, 2);
GUI_DispStringAt("GUI_DispFloatMin:\n", 0, 60);
GUI_DispFloatMin(f, 3);
GUI_DispFloatMin(-f, 3);
GUI_DispStringAt("GUI_DispSFloatMin:\n", 0, 80);
GUI_DispSFloatMin(f, 3);
GUI_DispSFloatMin(-f, 3);

Screenshot of above example



Displays a floating-point value with specified number of total characters and a specified number of characters to the right of the decimal point, at the current text position in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispFloatFix(     float f,
                      char Len,
                      char Decs);


Parameter Description
v Value to display.
Minimum 1.2 E-38; maximum 3.4 E38.
Len Number of digits to display. (max. 10).
Decs Number of digits to show to the right of the decimal point.

Additional information

Leading zeros are not suppressed. If the value is negative, a minus sign is shown.



Displays a floating-point value with a minimum number of decimals to the right of the decimal point, at the current text position in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispFloatMin(     float f,
                      char Fract);


Parameter Description
v Value to display.
Minimum 1.2 E-38; maximum 3.4 E38.
Fract Minimum number of characters to display.

Additional information

Leading zeros are suppressed. If the value is negative, a minus sign is shown. The length does not need to be specified. The minimum length will automatically be used. If values have to be aligned but differ in the number of digits, one of the “…Fix()”-functions should be used instead.



Displays a floating-point value (with sign) with a specified number of total characters and a specified number of characters to the right of the decimal point, in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispSFloatFix(     float f,
                       char Len,
                       char Fract);


Parameter Description
v Value to display.
Minimum 1.2 E-38; maximum 3.4 E38.
Len Number of digits to display (max. 10).
Decs Number of digits to show to the right of the decimal point.

Additional information

Leading zeros are not suppressed. A sign is always shown in front of the value.



Displays a floating-point value (with sign) with a minimum number of decimals to the right of the decimal point, at the current text position in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispSFloatMin(     float f,
                       char Fract);


Parameter Description
v Value to display.
Minimum 1.2 E-38; maximum 3.4 E38.
Fract Minimum number of digits to display.

Additional information

Leading zeros are suppressed. A sign is always shown in front of the value. The length does not need to be specified. The minimum length will automatically be used. If values have to be aligned but differ in the number of digits, one of the “…Fix()”-functions should be used instead.

Displaying binary values


Displays a value in binary form at the current text position in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispBin(U32 v,
                 U8  Len);


Parameter Description
v Value to display, 32-bit.
Len Number of digits to display (including leading zeros).

Additional information

As with decimal and hexadecimal values, the least significant bit is rightmost.


// Show binary value 7, result: 000111
U32 Input = 0x7;
GUI_DispBin(Input, 6);

Related topics




Displays a value in binary form at a specified position in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispBinAt(U32  v,
                   I16P x,
                   I16P y,
                   U8   Len);


Parameter Description
v Value to display, 32-bit.
x X-position to write to in pixels of the client window.
y Y-position to write to in pixels of the client window.
Len Number of digits to display (including leading zeros).

Additional information

As with decimal and hexadecimal values, the least significant bit is rightmost.


// Show binary input status
GUI_DispBinAt(Input, 0, 0, 8);

Related topics

Displaying hexadecimal values


Displays a value in hexadecimal form at the current text position in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispHex(U32 v,
                 U8  Len);


Parameter Description
v Value to display, 32-bit.
Len Number of digits to display.

Additional information

As with decimal and binary values, the least significant bit is rightmost.


// Show value of AD-converter
GUI_DispHex(Input, 4);

Related topics



Displays a value in hexadecimal form at a specified position in the current window using the current font.


void GUI_DispHexAt(U32  v,
                   I16P x,
                   I16P y,
                   U8   Len);


Parameter Description
v Value to display, 32-bit.
x X-position to write to in pixels of the client window.
y Y-position to write to in pixels of the client window.
Len Number of digits to display.

Additional information

As with decimal and binary values, the least significant bit is rightmost.


// Show value of AD-converter at specified position
GUI_DispHexAt(Input, 0, 0, 4);

Related topics



Returns a string containing the current version of emWin.


char *GUI_GetVersionString(void);

Return value

Returns a pointer to an array of chars containing the current emWin version.


// Displays the current version at the current cursor position

2-D Graphic Library

emWin contains a complete 2-D graphic library which should be sufficient for most applications. The routines supplied with emWin can be used with or without clipping (refer to the chapter The Window Manager (WM)) and are based on fast and efficient algorithms. Currently, only the GUI_DrawArc() function requires floating-point calculations.

Graphic API

The table below lists the available graphic-related routines in alphabetical order within their respective categories. Detailed descriptions can be found in the sections that follow.


Routine Description
Drawing related functions
GUI_AddRect() This function resizes the given rectangle.
GUI_GetClientRect() Returns the current available drawing area.
GUI_GetClipRect() Returns the currently set clip rectangle.
GUI_GetDrawMode() Returns the current drawing mode.
GUI_GetPenSize() Returns the current pen size.
GUI_GetPixelIndex() Returns the color index of a given position.
GUI_SetClipRect() Sets the rectangle used for clipping.
GUI_SetDrawMode() Selects the specified drawing mode.
GUI_SetPenSize() Sets the pen size in pixels.
Basic drawing routines
GUI_Clear() Fills the display/the active window with the background color.
GUI_ClearRect() Fills a rectangular area with the background color.
GUI_CopyRect() Copies a rectangle area on the display.
GUI_DrawFrame() Draws a frame of the given size within the specified area.
GUI_DrawFrameEx() Draws a frame in the current window at the position specified in the rectangle passed to the function.
GUI_DrawGradientH() Draws a rectangle filled with a horizontal color gradient.
GUI_DrawGradientHEx() Draws a horizontal color gradient from a GUI_RECT pointer.
GUI_DrawGradientV() Draws a rectangle filled with a vertical color gradient.
GUI_DrawGradientVEx() Draws a vertical color gradient from a GUI_RECT pointer.
GUI_DrawGradientRoundedH() Draws a rectangle with rounded corners filled with a horizontal color gradient.
GUI_DrawGradientRoundedHEx() Draws a rectangle with rounded corners filled with a horizontal color gradient.
GUI_DrawGradientRoundedV() Draws a rectangle with rounded corners filled with a vertical color gradient.
GUI_DrawGradientRoundedVEx() Draws a vertical color gradient with rounded corners from a GUI_RECT pointer.
GUI_DrawGradientMH() Draws a rectangle filled with a horizontal multi color gradient.
GUI_DrawGradientMHEx() Draws a rectangle filled with a horizontal multi color gradient.
GUI_DrawGradientMV() Draws a rectangle filled with a vertical multi color gradient.
GUI_DrawGradientMVEx() Draws a vertical multi color gradient from a GUI_RECT pointer.
GUI_DrawPixel() Draws a single pixel.
GUI_DrawPoint() Draws a point.
GUI_DrawRect() Draws a rectangle.
GUI_DrawRectEx() Draws a rectangle from a GUI_RECT structure.
GUI_DrawRoundedFrame() Draws a frame with rounded corners.
GUI_DrawRoundedFrameEx() Draws a frame with rounded corners from a GUI_RECT structure.
GUI_DrawRoundedRect() Draws a rectangle with rounded corners.
GUI_DrawRoundedRectEx() Draws a rectangle with rounded corners from a GUI_RECT structure.
GUI_FillRect() Draws a filled rectangle.
GUI_FillRectEx() Draws a filled rectangle from a GUI_RECT structure.
GUI_FillRoundedRect() Draws a filled rectangle with rounded corners.
GUI_FillRoundedRectEx() Draws a filled rectangle with rounded corners from a GUI_RECT structure.
GUI_InvertRect() Invert a rectangular area.
Alpha blending
GUI_EnableAlpha() Enables/disables automatic alpha blending.
GUI_PreserveTrans() Makes sure that alpha channel remains after drawing operations.
GUI_RestoreUserAlpha() Restores the previous state of user alpha blending
GUI_SetAlpha() Sets the current alpha blending value. (Obsolete)
GUI_SetUserAlpha() Sets an additional value which is used to calculate the actual alpha blending value to be used.
Drawing bitmaps
GUI_DrawBitmap() Draws a bitmap.
GUI_DrawBitmapEx() Draws a scaled bitmap.
GUI_DrawBitmapMag() Draws a magnified bitmap.
GUI_SetAlphaMask8888() Can be used for setting an additional AND and OR mask to be used for drawing the pixels of 32bpp bitmaps.
Drawing streamed bitmaps
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream() Creates a bitmap from a given stream of any type.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamIDX() Creates a bitmap from an index based bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamRLE1() Creates a bitmap from an RLE1 bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamRLE4() Creates a bitmap from an RLE4 bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamRLE8() Creates a bitmap from an RLE8 bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream444_12() Creates a bitmap from a 12bpp (444_12) bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream444_12_1() Creates a bitmap from a 12bpp (444_12_1) bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamM444_12() Creates a bitmap from a 12bpp (M444_12) bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamM444_12_1() Creates a bitmap from a 12bpp (M444_12_1 bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream444_16() Creates a bitmap from a 12bpp (444_16) bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamM444_16() Creates a bitmap from a 12bpp (444_16_1) bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamA555() Creates a bitmap with an alpha channel from a 16bpp (A555) bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamAM555() Creates a bitmap with an alpha channel from a 16bpp (AM555) bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamA565() Creates a bitmap with an alpha channel from a 16bpp (A565) bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamAM565() Creates a bitmap with an alpha channel from a 16bpp (AM565) bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream565() Creates a bitmap from a 16bpp (565) bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamM565() Creates a bitmap from a 16bpp (M565) bitmap stream with red and blue swapped.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream555() Creates a bitmap from a 16bpp (555) bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamM555() Creates a bitmap from a 16bpp (M555) bitmap stream with red and blue swapped.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamRLE16() Creates a bitmap from an RLE16 (565) bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamRLEM16() Creates a bitmap from an RLEM16 (M565) bitmap stream with red and blue swapped.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream24() Creates a bitmap from a 24 bit bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamAlpha() Creates a bitmap from a 32 bit bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamRLEAlpha() Creates a bitmap from an RLE compressed 8 bit alpha bitmap stream.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamRLE32() Creates a bitmap from an RLE32 bitmap stream.
GUI_DrawStreamedBitmap() Draws a bitmap from an indexed based bitmap stream (1 - 8bpp).
GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapAuto() Draws a bitmap from a bitmap stream of any supported format.
GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapEx() Draws a bitmap from an indexed based bitmap stream (1 - 8bpp) without loading the complete image.
GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapExAuto() Draws a bitmap from a bitmap stream of any supported format without loading the complete image.
GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapA555Ex() Draws a bitmap from a 16bpp (A555) bitmap stream with alpha channel without loading the complete image.
GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapAM555Ex() Draws a bitmap from a 16bpp (AM555) bitmap stream with alpha channel without loading the complete image.
GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapA565Ex() Draws a bitmap from a 16bpp (AM565) bitmap stream with alpha channel without loading the complete image.
GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapAM565Ex() Draws a bitmap from a 16bpp (AM565) bitmap stream with alpha channel without loading the complete image.
GUI_DrawStreamedBitmap555Ex() Draws a bitmap from a 16bpp (555) bitmap stream without loading the complete image.
GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapM555Ex() Draws a bitmap from a 16bpp (M555) bitmap stream without loading the complete image.
GUI_DrawStreamedBitmap565Ex() Draws a bitmap from a 16bpp (565) bitmap stream without loading the complete image.
GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapM565Ex() Draws a bitmap from a 16bpp (M565) bitmap stream without loading the complete image.
GUI_DrawStreamedBitmap24Ex() Draws a bitmap from a 24bpp bitmap stream without loading the complete image.
GUI_GetStreamedBitmapInfo() Returns information about the given stream.
GUI_GetStreamedBitmapInfoEx() Returns information about the given stream which can be located on any kind of media.
GUI_SetStreamedBitmapHook() Sets a hook function for GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapEx().
Drawing lines
GUI_DrawHLine() Draws a horizontal line.
GUI_DrawLine() Draws a line from a specified starting point to a specified endpoint in the current window (absolute coordinates).
GUI_DrawLineRel() Draws a line from the current (x, y) position to an endpoint specified by X-distance and Y-distance in the current window (relative coordinates).
GUI_DrawLineTo() Draws a line from the current position to a specified endpoint.
GUI_DrawPolyLine() Draws a polyline.
GUI_DrawVLine() Draws a vertical line.
GUI_GetLineStyle() Returns the current line style used by the function GUI_DrawLine.
GUI_MoveRel() Moves the current line pointer relative to its current position.
GUI_MoveTo() Moves the current line pointer to the given position.
GUI_SetLineStyle() Sets the current line style used by the function GUI_DrawLine().
Drawing polygons
GUI_DrawPolygon() Draws the outline of a polygon.
GUI_EnlargePolygon() Enlarges a polygon.
GUI_FillPolygon() Draws a filled polygon.
GUI_MagnifyPolygon() Magnifies a polygon by a specified factor.
GUI_RotatePolygon() Rotates a polygon by a specified angle.
Drawing circles
GUI_DrawCircle() Draws the outline of a circle.
GUI_FillCircle() Draws a filled circle.
Drawing ellipses
GUI_DrawEllipse() Draws the outline of an ellipse.
GUI_DrawEllipseXL() Draws the outline of a large ellipse.
GUI_FillEllipse() Draws a filled ellipse.
Drawing arcs
GUI_DrawArc() Draws an arc.
GUI_DrawArcHR() Draws an arc of specified dimensions at a specified position in the current window.
GUI_DrawArcHREx() Draws an arc with optionally rounded ends.
Drawing a graph
GUI_DrawGraph() Draws a graph.
Drawing barcodes
GUI_BARCODE_Draw() Draws a barcode.
GUI_BARCODE_GetXSize() Returns the X-size of a given barcode without drawing it.
Drawing QR codes
GUI_QR_Create() Creates a QR-code bitmap.
GUI_QR_CreateFramed() Creates a QR-code bitmap with a white frame around it.
GUI_QR_Delete() Deletes a QR-code bitmap.
GUI_QR_Draw() Draws a QR-code bitmap.
GUI_QR_GetInfo() Fills an information structure.
Drawing a pie chart
GUI_DrawPie() Draws a circle sector.
GUI_DrawPieHR() Draws a circle sector.
Drawing a spline
GUI_SPLINE_Create() Creates a spline.
GUI_SPLINE_Delete() Deletes a spline.
GUI_SPLINE_Draw() Draws a spline.
GUI_SPLINE_DrawAA() Draw an anti aliased spline.
GUI_SPLINE_GetY() Return the Y-value of a point.
GUI_SPLINE_GetXSize() Returns the X-size of a spline.
Info about screen changes
GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_Create() Creates a DIRTYDEVICE object.
GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_CreateEx() Creates a DIRTYDEVICE object in the given layer.
GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_Delete() Deletes a DIRTYDEVICE object.
GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_DeleteEx() Deletes a DIRTYDEVICE object from the given layer.
GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_Fetch() Fetches information from a DIRTYDEVICE.
GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_FetchEx() Fetches information from a DIRTYDEVICE of the given layer.
YUV device
GUI_YUV_Create() Creates a YUV device in the current layer.
GUI_YUV_CreateEx() Creates a YUV device in the given layer with the given period.
GUI_YUV_Delete() Deletes the YUV device of the current layer.
GUI_YUV_DeleteEx() Deletes the YUV device of the given layer.
GUI_YUV_GetpData() Returns a pointer to the YUV plane of the current layer and the size of the plane in bytes.
GUI_YUV_GetpDataEx() Returns a pointer to the YUV plane of the given layer and the size of the plane in bytes.
GUI_YUV_InvalidateArea() Invalidates the given area of the current layer.
GUI_YUV_SetPeriod() Sets the recalculation period of the YUV device in the current layer.
GUI_YUV_SetPeriodEx() Sets the period to be used for (re)calculation.

Data structures

Structure Description
GUI_ALPHA_STATE Used for storing the alpha value with GUI_SetUserAlpha().
GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_INFO Information about a streamed bitmap.
GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_PARAM Contains a command to be used by a set hook function for GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapEx().
GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_INFO Information about the dirty device.
GUI_GRADIENT_INFO Information used for drawing multi-color gradients.
GUI_POINT Point on the screen.
GUI_QR_INFO Information about a QR code.
GUI_RECT Rectangle on the screen.


Group of defines Description
Axis values Defines to distinguish between the X and Y axis.
Barcode types Type of barcode to be drawn.
Drawing modes Mode to be used for drawing operations.
ECC levels for QR codes Error correction level to be used for a QR code.
Line styles Style how a line is drawn.


Prototype Description
GUI_DTA_GET_DATA_FUNC GetData function used for streamed bitmaps (DTA), for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_II.


This function resizes the given rectangle.


void GUI_AddRect(      GUI_RECT * pDest,
                 const GUI_RECT * pRect,
                       int        Dist);


Parameter Description
pDest Pointer to a rectangle where the modified rectangle gets stored in.
pRect Pointer to the original rectangle.
Dist Value to be added to the rect. If negative it gets substracted.


The current client rectangle depends on using the Window Manager or not. If using the Window Manager the function uses WM_GetClientRect to retrieve the client rectangle. If not using the Window Manager the client rectangle corresponds to the complete LCD display.


void GUI_GetClientRect(GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to the GUI_RECT-structure which is filled with the coordinates of the client rectangle.


Returns the currently set clip rectangle.


GUI_RECT *GUI_GetClipRect(void);

Return value

Pointer to the currently set clip rectangle.



Returns the current drawing mode.


GUI_DRAWMODE GUI_GetDrawMode(void);

Return value

The currently selected drawing mode, see at Drawing modes.



Returns the current pen size.


U16 GUI_GetPenSize(void);

Return value

The current pen size.



Returns the color index of a given position.


unsigned GUI_GetPixelIndex(int x,
                           int y);


Parameter Description
x Absolute x-position of the pixel
y Absolute y-position of the pixel

Return value

The color index of the given position.



Sets the clipping rectangle used for limiting the output.


GUI_RECT *GUI_SetClipRect(const GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to the rectangle which should be used for clipping. A NULL pointer should be used to restore the default value.

Return value

Pointer to the old clipping rectangle.

Additional information

The clipping area is limited to the configured (virtual) display size per default. Under some circumstances it can be useful to use a smaller clipping rectangle, which can be set using this function. The rectangle referred to should remain unchanged until the function is called again with a NULL pointer.


The following example shows how to use the function:

GUI_RECT Rect = {10, 10, 100, 100};
. // Draw something...


Selects the specified drawing mode.




Parameter Description
dm Drawing mode to set. Full list of permitted values can be found under Drawing modes.

Return value

The previously set drawing mode.

Additional information

If using colors, an inverted pixel is calculated as follows:


// Showing two circles, the second one XOR-combined with the first:
GUI_FillCircle(120, 64, 40);
GUI_FillCircle(140, 84, 40);

Screenshot of above example



Sets the pen size to be used for further drawing operations.


U16 GUI_SetPenSize(U16 PenSize);


Parameter Description
PenSize Pen size in pixels to be used.

Return value

Previous pen size.

Additional information

The pen size should be ≥ 1. It is not possible to combine line styles with a pen size > 1.

The following vector drawing operations are affected by the pen size:

Basic drawing routines

The basic drawing routines allow drawing of individual points, horizontal and vertical lines and shapes at any position on the display. Any available drawing mode can be used. Since these routines are called frequently in most applications, they are optimized for speed as much as possible. For example, the horizontal and vertical line functions do not require the use of single-dot routines.



Clears the current window.


void GUI_Clear(void);

Additional information

If no window has been defined, the current window is the entire display. In this case, the entire display is cleared.


GUI_DispStringAt("Hello world", 0, 0);  // Display text.
GUI_Delay(1000);                        // Wait 1 second.
GUI_Clear();                            // Clear screen.


Clears a rectangular area at a specified position in the current window by filling it with the background color.


void GUI_ClearRect(int x0,
                   int y0,
                   int x1,
                   int y1);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position.
y0 Upper left Y-position.
x1 Lower right X-position.
y1 Lower right Y-position.

Related topics



Copies the content of the given rectangular area to the specified position.


void GUI_CopyRect(int x0,
                  int y0,
                  int x1,
                  int y1,
                  int xSize,
                  int ySize);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position of the source rectangle.
y0 Upper left Y-position of the source rectangle.
x1 Upper left X-position of the destination rectangle.
y1 Upper left Y-position of the destination rectangle.
xSize X-size of the rectangle.
ySize Y-size of the rectangle.

Additional information

The source and destination rectangle may overlap each other.



Draws a frame of the given size within the specified area.

The difference between GUI_DrawRect() and GUI_DrawFrame() is that if the rectangle to be drawn is thicker than 1 px


void GUI_DrawFrame(int x0,
                   int y0,
                   int x1,
                   int y1,
                   int Size);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position.
y0 Upper left Y-position.
x1 Lower right X-position.
y1 Lower right Y-position.
Size Width of the frame.


Draws a frame in the current window at the position specified in the rectangle passed to the function.

To learn about the difference between GUI_DrawRect() and GUI_DrawFrame(), see the description of GUI_DrawFrame().


void GUI_DrawFrameEx(const GUI_RECT * pRect,
                           int        Size);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT-structure containing the coordinates of the frame.
Size Width of the frame.


Draws a rectangle filled with a horizontal color gradient.


void GUI_DrawGradientH(int       x0,
                       int       y0,
                       int       x1,
                       int       y1,
                       GUI_COLOR Color0,
                       GUI_COLOR Color1);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position.
y0 Upper left Y-position.
x1 Lower right X-position.
y1 Lower right Y-position.
Color0 Color to be drawn on the leftmost side of the rectangle.
Color1 Color to be drawn on the rightmost side of the rectangle.


GUI_DrawGradientH(0, 0, 99, 99, 0x0000FF, 0x00FFFF);

Screenshot of above example



Draws a horizontal color gradient from a GUI_RECT pointer.


void GUI_DrawGradientHEx(const GUI_RECT  * pRect,
                               GUI_COLOR   Color0,
                               GUI_COLOR   Color1);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.
Color0 Color to be drawn on the leftmost side of the rectangle.
Color1 Color to be drawn on the rightmost side of the rectangle.


Draws a rectangle filled with a vertical color gradient.


void GUI_DrawGradientV(int       x0,
                       int       y0,
                       int       x1,
                       int       y1,
                       GUI_COLOR Color0,
                       GUI_COLOR Color1);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position.
y0 Upper left Y-position.
x1 Lower right X-position.
y1 Lower right Y-position.
Color0 Color to be drawn on the topmost side of the rectangle.
Color1 Color to be drawn on the bottommost side of the rectangle.


GUI_DrawGradientV(0, 0, 99, 99, 0x0000FF, 0x00FFFF);

Screenshot of above example



Draws a vertical color gradient from a GUI_RECT pointer.


void GUI_DrawGradientVEx(const GUI_RECT  * pRect,
                               GUI_COLOR   Color0,
                               GUI_COLOR   Color1);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.
Color0 Color to be drawn on the topmost side of the rectangle.
Color1 Color to be drawn on the bottommost side of the rectangle.


Draws a rectangle with rounded corners filled with a horizontal color gradient.


void GUI_DrawGradientRoundedH(int       x0,
                              int       y0,
                              int       x1,
                              int       y1,
                              int       rd,
                              GUI_COLOR Color0,
                              GUI_COLOR Color1);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position.
y0 Upper left Y-position.
x1 Lower right X-position.
y1 Lower right Y-position.
rd Radius to be used for the rounded corners.
Color0 Color to be drawn on the leftmost side of the rectangle.
Color1 Color to be drawn on the rightmost side of the rectangle.


GUI_DrawGradientRoundedH(0, 0,  99, 99, 25, 0x0000FF, 0x00FFFF);

Screenshot of above example



Draws a rectangle with rounded corners filled with a horizontal color gradient.


void GUI_DrawGradientRoundedHEx(const GUI_RECT  * pRect,
                                      int         rd,
                                      GUI_COLOR   Color0,
                                      GUI_COLOR   Color1);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.
rd Radius to be used for the rounded corners.
Color0 Color to be drawn on the leftmost side of the rectangle.
Color1 Color to be drawn on the rightmost side of the rectangle.


Draws a rectangle with rounded corners filled with a vertical color gradient.


void GUI_DrawGradientRoundedV(int       x0,
                              int       y0,
                              int       x1,
                              int       y1,
                              int       rd,
                              GUI_COLOR Color0,
                              GUI_COLOR Color1);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position.
y0 Upper left Y-position.
x1 Lower right X-position.
y1 Lower right Y-position.
rd Radius to be used for the rounded corners.
Color0 Color to be drawn on the leftmost side of the rectangle.
Color1 Color to be drawn on the rightmost side of the rectangle.


GUI_DrawGradientRoundedV(0, 0, 99, 99, 25, 0x0000FF, 0x00FFFF);

Screenshot of above example



Draws a vertical color gradient with rounded corners from a GUI_RECT pointer.


void GUI_DrawGradientRoundedVEx(const GUI_RECT  * pRect,
                                      int         rd,
                                      GUI_COLOR   Color0,
                                      GUI_COLOR   Color1);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.
rd Radius to be used for the rounded corners.
Color0 Color to be drawn on the leftmost side of the rectangle.
Color1 Color to be drawn on the rightmost side of the rectangle.


These functions draw a multi color gradient either horizontal or vertical.


void GUI_DrawGradientMH(int                 x0,
                        int                 y0,
                        int                 y1,
                        GUI_GRADIENT_INFO * pGradientInfo,
                        int                 NumColors);
void GUI_DrawGradientMV(int                 x0,
                        int                 y0,
                        int                 x1,
                        GUI_GRADIENT_INFO * pGradientInfo,
                        int                 NumColors);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position.
y0 Upper left Y-position.
x1 Lower right X-position.
pGradientInfo Pointer to a GUI_GRADIENT_INFO structure.
NumColors Number of colors in pGradientInfo.

Additional information

The member Pos of the GUI_GRADIENT_INFO structure is used to define the start and end position of the colors. It defines also the size of the gradient (commonly known as y1).


#include "GUI.h"
*       MainTask
void MainTask(void) {
    {0,   GUI_RED},
    {60,  GUI_GREEN},
    {120, GUI_BLUE},  // Resulting in a gradient with a size of 120 Pixel
  GUI_DrawGradientMH(0, 0, 120, &aInfo[0], GUI_COUNTOF(aInfo));
  while (1) {


These functions draw a multi color gradient either horizontal or vertical from a GUI_RECT pointer. See the functions GUI_DrawGradientMH() and GUI_DrawGradientMV() for more information.


void GUI_DrawGradientMHEx(GUI_RECT          * pRect,
                          GUI_GRADIENT_INFO * pGradientInfo,
                          int                 NumColors);
void GUI_DrawGradientMVEx(GUI_RECT          * pRect,
                          GUI_GRADIENT_INFO * pGradientInfo,
                          int                 NumColors);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.
pGradientInfo Pointer to a GUI_GRADIENT_INFO structure.
NumColors Number of colors in pGradientInfo.

Additional information

The member Pos of the GUI_GRADIENT_INFO structure is used to define the start and end position of the colors. It defines also the size of the gradient.



Draws a pixel at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_DrawPixel(int x,
                   int y);


Parameter Description
x X-position of pixel.
y Y-position of pixel.

Related topics



Draws a point with the current pen size at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_DrawPoint(int x,
                   int y);


Parameter Description
x X-position of point.
y Y-position of point.

Related topics



Draws a rectangle at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_DrawRect(int x0,
                  int y0,
                  int x1,
                  int y1);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position.
y0 Upper left Y-position.
x1 Lower right X-position.
y1 Lower right Y-position.


Draws a rectangle in the current window at the position specified in the rectangle passed to the function.


void GUI_DrawRectEx(const GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT-structure containing the coordinates of the rectangle


Draws a frame at a specified position in the current window with rounded corners an a specified width.


void GUI_DrawRoundedFrame(int x0,
                          int y0,
                          int x1,
                          int y1,
                          int r,
                          int w);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position.
y0 Upper left Y-position.
x1 Lower right X-position.
y1 Lower right Y-position.
r Radius to be used for the rounded corners.
w Width in which the frame is drawn.


Draws a frame at a specified position in the current window with rounded corners an a specified width.


void GUI_DrawRoundedFrameEx(const GUI_RECT * pRect,
                                  int        r,
                                  int        w);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.
r Radius to be used for the rounded corners.
w Width in which the frame is drawn.


Draws a rectangle at a specified position in the current window with rounded corners.


void GUI_DrawRoundedRect(int x0,
                         int y0,
                         int x1,
                         int y1,
                         int r);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position.
y0 Upper left Y-position.
x1 Lower right X-position.
y1 Lower right Y-position.
r Radius to be used for the rounded corners.


Draws a rectangle at a specified position in the current window with rounded corners.


void GUI_DrawRoundedRectEx(const GUI_RECT * pRect,
                                 int        r);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.
r Radius to be used for the rounded corners.


Draws a filled rectangular area at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_FillRect(int x0,
                  int y0,
                  int x1,
                  int y1);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position.
y0 Upper left Y-position.
x1 Lower right X-position.
y1 Lower right Y-position.

Additional information

Uses the current drawing mode, which normally means all pixels inside the rectangle are set.

Related topics



Draws a filled rectangular area in the current window at the position specified in the rectangle passed to the function.


void GUI_FillRectEx(const GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT-structure containing the coordinates of the rectangle.


Draws a filled rectangle at a specified position in the current window with rounded corners.


void GUI_FillRoundedRect(int x0,
                         int y0,
                         int x1,
                         int y1,
                         int r);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position.
y0 Upper left Y-position.
x1 Lower right X-position.
y1 Lower right Y-position.
r Radius to be used for the rounded corners.


Draws a filled rectangle at a specified position in the current window with rounded corners.


void GUI_FillRoundedRectEx(const GUI_RECT * pRect,
                                 int        r);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure containing the coordinates of the rectangle.
r Radius to be used for the rounded corners.


Draws an inverted rectangular area at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_InvertRect(int x0,
                    int y0,
                    int x1,
                    int y1);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position.
y0 Upper left Y-position.
x1 Lower right X-position.
y1 Lower right Y-position.

Related topics

Alpha blending

Alpha blending is a method of combining a foreground image with the background to create the appearance of semi transparency. An alpha value determines how much of a pixel should be visible and how much of the background should show through.

Color information

emWin internally works with 32 bits of color information. It is important to know that emWin is able to use 2 different color formats. For details please refer to Logical colors. That chapter explains the differences between both logical color modes. Important here is to know that when using the default logical color format (ABGR) an alpha value of 0 means opaque and a value of 255 means completely transparent. In case of using ARGB the meaning is vice versa: 0 means completely transparent and 255 means opaque. The documentation assumes using the default format (ABGR).

How it works

The alpha blending is done completely automatically once it is enabled by using the function GUI_EnableAlpha(). This makes emWin regard the upper 8 bits of the color information as alpha value. Enabling alpha blending is required only for functions which use the background or foreground color. Bitmaps which already contain alpha values (32bpp) are automatically displayed properly, so enabling alpha blending is not required in this case.


The following small example shows how it works:

GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("Alphablending", 45, 41);
GUI_SetColor(GUI_MAKE_COLOR((0x40uL << 24) | 0x0000FF));
GUI_FillRect(0, 0, 49, 49);
GUI_SetColor(GUI_MAKE_COLOR((0x80uL << 24) | 0x00FF00));
GUI_FillRect(20, 20, 69, 69);
GUI_SetColor(GUI_MAKE_COLOR((0xC0uL << 24) | 0xFF0000));
GUI_FillRect(40, 40, 89, 89);

Older versions

In older versions it was required to use the function GUI_SetAlpha() for blending the foreground with the current background color information. This also works but is no longer required.



Enables or disables automatic alpha blending.


unsigned GUI_EnableAlpha(unsigned OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff 1 enables automatic alpha blending, 0 disables it.

Return value

Old state.

Additional information

After enabling automatic alpha blending the color information of each object automatically determines its transparency. It is recommended to disable the function after it has been used to avoid unwanted behavior.


If alpha blending does not get disabled after using it, it might have a heavy impact on the overall performance.



Makes sure that alpha channel remains after drawing operations. Drawing items using an alpha value normally requires mixing the content of the framebuffer with the item color. Mixing is done by using the alpha channel of the item color as intensity information for mixing the colors. After the drawing operation the alpha value is normally lost. But there could be situations where mixing is not wanted, for example when working with a multi layer hardware. If the alpha values of a bitmap or set by GUI_SetAlpha() should remain as alpha channel in the frame buffer this function should be called immediately before the drawing operation. To avoid unwanted behavior and side effects on other drawing operations it is recommended to disable that function after use.


unsigned GUI_PreserveTrans(unsigned OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff 1 enables transparency preserving, 0 disables it.

Return value

Old state.



Restores the previous state of user alpha blending. Saved in the structure passed to the function.


U32 GUI_RestoreUserAlpha(GUI_ALPHA_STATE * pAlphaState);


Parameter Description
pAlphaState Pointer to a GUI_ALPHA_STATE structure containing information of the previous state to be restored.

Return value

Current user alpha value.



GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("Alphablending", 45, 41);
GUI_SetUserAlpha(&AlphaState, 0xC0);
GUI_FillRect(0, 0, 49, 49);
GUI_FillRect(20, 20, 69, 69);
GUI_FillRect(40, 40, 89, 89);



Enables software alpha blending for all subsequent drawing operations.


Parameter Description
Alpha Alpha value to be used for all subsequent drawing operations. Default is 0 which means no alpha blending.

Return value

Previous value used for alpha blending.

Additional information

The function sets the alpha value to be used for all subsequent drawing operations. A value of 0 for parameter Alpha means opaque (alpha blending disabled) and a value of 255 means completely transparent (invisible).
Note that software alpha blending increases the CPU load. Further it is strongly recommended to set the alpha value back to the default value after finishing the drawing operations.


extern const GUI_BITMAP _LogoBitmap;
GUI_FillCircle(100, 50, 49);
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  U8 Alpha;
  Alpha = (i * 255 / 100);
  GUI_DrawHLine(i, 100 - i, 100 + i);
GUI_DrawBitmap(&_LogoBitmap, 30, 30);
GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("Alphablending", 100, 3);
GUI_SetAlpha(0);                        /* Set back to default (opaque) */

Screenshot of above example



Sets an additional value which is used to calculate the actual alpha value to be used.


U32 GUI_SetUserAlpha(GUI_ALPHA_STATE * pAlphaState,
                     U32               UserAlpha);


Parameter Description
pAlphaState Pointer to an GUI_ALPHA_STATE structure to be used to save the current state.
UserAlpha Value to be used.

Return value

Previous value used for alpha blending.

Additional information

The actual alpha value is calculated as follows:

Alpha = AlphaFromObject + ((255 - AlphaFromObject) * UserAlpha) / 255

The function GUI_RestoreUserAlpha() can be used to restore the previous state of the function.

Drawing bitmaps

Generally emWin is able to display any bitmap image at any display position. On 16 bit CPUs (sizeof(int) = 2), the size of one bitmap per default is limited to 64 KB. If larger bitmaps should be displayed with a 16 bit CPU, refer to the chapter Configuration.



Draws a bitmap image at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_DrawBitmap(const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap,
                          int          x0,
                          int          y0);


Parameter Description
pBitmap Pointer to the bitmap to display.
x X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.

Additional information

The picture data is interpreted as bit stream starting with the most significant bit (msb) of the first byte. A new line always starts at an even byte address, as the n th line of the bitmap starts at offset (n * BytesPerLine). The bitmap can be shown at any point in the client area. Usually, the Bitmap Converter is used to generate bitmaps. Detailed information can be found in the chapter Bitmap Converter.


extern const GUI_BITMAP bmSeggerLogoBlue;  /* declare external Bitmap */

void main() {
  GUI_DrawBitmap(&bmSeggerLogoBlue, 45, 20);

Screenshot of above example



This routine makes it possible to scale and/or to mirror a bitmap on the display.


void GUI_DrawBitmapEx(const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap,
                            int          x0,
                            int          y0,
                            int          xCenter,
                            int          yCenter,
                            int          xMag,
                            int          yMag);


Parameter Description
pBitmap Pointer to the bitmap to display.
x0 X-position of the anchor point in the display.
y0 Y-position of the anchor point in the display.
xCenter X-position of the anchor point in the bitmap. Specifies the bitmap pixel of the bitmap which should be displayed at x0 on the screen independent of scaling or mirroring.
yCenter Y-position of the anchor point in the bitmap. Specifies the bitmap pixel of the bitmap which should be displayed at y0 on the screen independent of scaling or mirroring.
xMag Scale factor of X-direction in the unit 1/1000. A negative value mirrors the x-axis.
yMag Scale factor of Y-direction in the unit 1/1000. A negative value mirrors the y-axis.

Additional information

This function can not be used to draw RLE-compressed bitmaps and bitmaps in the format A565.



This routine makes it possible to magnify a bitmap on the display.


void GUI_DrawBitmapMag(const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap,
                             int          x0,
                             int          y0,
                             int          xMul,
                             int          yMul);


Parameter Description
pBitmap Pointer to the bitmap to display.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
XMul Magnification factor of X-direction.
YMul Magnification factor of Y-direction.


That routine takes only effect on drawing non compressed true color bitmaps (GUI_DRAW_BMP8888 and GUI_DRAW_BMPM8888I). It can be used to set additional masks used for drawing the pixels of a non compressed true color bitmap.


void GUI_SetAlphaMask8888(U32 OrMask,
                          U32 AndMask);


Parameter Description
OrMask Value to be OR combined with each pixel.
AndMask Value to be AND combined with each pixel.
Drawing streamed bitmaps

Streamed bitmaps can be located in addressable area (RAM or ROM) as well as external memory (e.g. on removable devices).

Drawing from addressable memory

There are 2 possibilities to display streamed bitmaps which are located on addressable memory. The first one is to use the function GUI_DrawStreamedBitmap() or the function GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapAuto(). The second one is to create a GUI_BITMAP according to the streamed bitmap and use it for a regular call of e.g. GUI_DrawBitmap().

Drawing from external memory

Streamed bitmaps which are located on external memory can be drawn using the …Ex() functions. …Ex() functions require a pointer to a user defined GetData() function (see FileAccess) in order to have emWin retrieve the stream self-dependently. If the format of the streamed bitmap is unknown at runtime, the function GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapExAuto() should be used.


The …Ex() functions require to have enough free memory which is assigned to emWin to store at least one line of pixel data. If there is not enough free memory, the function will return immediately without having anything drawn. Using the …Auto() function causes the linker to add all functions referenced by the …Auto() function. If there is not enough memory the according function for the specific format should be used (e.g. GUI_DrawStreamedBitmap565Ex()).

Available bitmap formats

The following table shows the currently supported formats and the availability of according …Ex() functions:

Format Description …Ex() function available
IDX Index based* bitmaps 1-8bpp. Yes
444_12 12bpp Bitmaps, 4 bits blue, 4 bits green, 4 bits red. Yes
444_12_1 12bpp Bitmaps, 4 bits blue, 4 bits green, 4 bits red. Yes
444_16 12bpp Bitmaps, 4 bits blue, 4 bits green, 4 bits red. Yes
M444_16 12bpp Bitmaps, 4 bits red, 4 bits green, 4 bits blue. Yes
M444_12 12bpp Bitmaps, 4 bits red, 4 bits green, 4 bits blue. Yes
M444_12_1 12bpp Bitmaps, 4 bits red, 4 bits green, 4 bits blue. Yes
555 16bpp high color bitmaps, 5 bits blue, 5 bits green, 5 bits red. Yes
M555 16bpp high color bitmaps, 5 bits red, 5 bits green, 5 bits blue. Yes
565 16bpp high color bitmaps, 5 bits blue, 6 bits green, 5 bits red. Yes
M565 16bpp high color bitmaps, 5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue. Yes
A555 16bpp high color bitmaps, 5 bits blue, 5 bits green, 5 bits red, 8 bit alpha channel Yes
AM555 16bpp high color bitmaps, 5 bits red, 5 bits green, 5 bits blue, 8 bit alpha channel Yes
A565 16bpp high color bitmaps, 5 bits blue, 6 bits green, 5 bits red, 8 bit alpha channel Yes
AM565 16bpp high color bitmaps, 5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue, 8 bit alpha channel Yes
24 24bpp true color bitmaps, 8 bits blue, 8 bits green, 8 bits red. Yes
Alpha 32bpp true color bitmaps, 8 bits alpha, 8 bits blue, 8 bits green, 8 bits red. No
RLEAlpha 8bpp alpha channel bitmaps, compressed. No
RLE1 1bpp index based bitmaps, RLE compressed. No
RLE4 4bpp index based bitmaps, RLE compressed. Yes
RLE8 8bpp index based bitmaps, RLE compressed. Yes
RLE16 16bpp (565) high color bitmaps, RLE compressed. Yes
RLEM16 16bpp (M565) high color bitmaps, RLE compressed. Yes
RLE32 32bpp (8888) true color bitmaps with alpha channel, RLE compressed. Yes


* Index based bitmaps consist of a palette of colors stated as 32bit values. All other bitmaps do not have a palette and therefore have the bitmap data stored in the format specified in the table.



The function creates a bitmap structure by passing any type of bitmap stream.


int GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream(      GUI_BITMAP     * pBMP,
                                     GUI_LOGPALETTE * pPAL,
                               const void           * p);


Parameter Description
pBMP Pointer to a GUI_BITMAP structure to be initialized by the function.
pPAL Pointer to a GUI_LOGPALETTE structure to be initialized by the function.
p Pointer to the data stream.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

This function should be used if the data stream can consist of several kinds of bitmap formats or unknown. Disadvantage of using this function is that it has a significant memory footprint. If memory usage (ROM) is a concern, it may be better to use the format specific functions below. All pointers passed to this function have to remain vaild as long as the bitmap should be used (e.g. take care if using stack variables).


The following example shows how the GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream() functions can be used to create and draw a bitmap:

void DrawBitmap(const void * pData, int xPos, int yPos) {
  GUI_BITMAP     Bitmap;
  GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream(&Bitmap, &Palette, pData);
  GUI_DrawBitmap(&Bitmap, xPos, yPos);


These functions create bitmap structures by passing bitmap streams of a known format.


int GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream<FORMAT>(      GUI_BITMAP     * pBMP,
                                             GUI_LOGPALETTE * pPAL,
                                       const void           * p);


Parameter Description
pBMP Pointer to a GUI_BITMAP structure to be initialized by the function.
pPAL Pointer to a GUI_LOGPALETTE structure to be initialized by the function.
p Pointer to the data stream.

Supported data stream formats

The following table shows the supported data stream formats for each function:

Function Supported stream format
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamIDX() Streams of index based bitmaps.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamRLE1() Streams of RLE1 compressed bitmaps.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamRLE4() Streams of RLE4 compressed bitmaps.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamRLE8() Streams of RLE8 compressed bitmaps.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamA555() Streams of high color bitmaps with alpha channel (A555).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamAM555() Streams of high color bitmaps with alpha channel (AM555).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamA565() Streams of high color bitmaps with alpha channel (A565).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamAM565() Streams of high color bitmaps with alpha channel (AM565).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream444_12() Streams 12bpp bitmaps (444_12).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream444_12_1() Streams 12bpp bitmaps (444_12_1).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream444_16() Streams 12bpp bitmaps (444_16).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamM444_12() Streams 12bpp bitmaps (M444_12).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamM444_12_1() Streams 12bpp bitmaps (M444_12_1).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamM444_16() Streams 12bpp bitmaps (M444_16).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream565() Streams of high color bitmaps (565).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamM565() Streams of high color bitmaps (M565).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream555() Streams of high color bitmaps (555).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamM555() Streams of high color bitmaps (M565).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamRLE16() Streams of RLE16 compressed bitmaps.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamRLEM16() Streams of RLE16 compressed bitmaps, red and blue swapped.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStream24() Streams of 24bpp bitmaps (true color).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamAlpha() Streams of 32bpp bitmaps (true color with alpha channel).
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamRLEAlpha() Streams of RLE compressed 8bpp alpha bitmaps.
GUI_CreateBitmapFromStreamRLE32() Streams of RLE32 compressed bitmaps (true color with alpha channel).

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.

Additional information

These functions should be used if the data stream consists of a known format. This avoids linking of unused code and keeps the binary code small.



Draws a bitmap from an indexed based bitmap data stream. Note that this routine only works for indexed bitmap streams. If the format is not known, GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapAuto() should be used. Alternatively, GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapXXX() with the corresponding format can be used.


void GUI_DrawStreamedBitmap(const void * p,
                                  int    x,
                                  int    y);


Parameter Description
p Pointer to the data stream.
x X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.

Additional information

The Bitmap Converter can be used to create bitmap data streams. The format of these streams does not equal the format of a bmp file. Details can be found in the chapter Bitmap Converter.



Draws a bitmap from a bitmap data stream of any supported format.


void GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapAuto(const void * p,
                                      int    x,
                                      int    y);


Parameter Description
p Pointer to the data stream.
x X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.

Additional information

Additional information can be found under GUI_DrawStreamedBitmap().



This function can be used for drawing index based bitmap data streams if not enough RAM or ROM is available to keep the whole file within the addressable memory (RAM or ROM). The GUI library calls the function pointed by the parameter pfGetData to read the data. This GetData function needs to return the number of read bytes.


int GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapEx(      GUI_DTA_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                             const void                  * p,
                                   int                     x,
                                   int                     y);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
x X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The function requires at least memory for one line of bitmap data. For more details please also refer to the function GUI_SetStreamedBitmapHook().



This function can be used for drawing bitmap data streams of any supported format if not enough RAM or ROM is available to keep the whole file within the addressable memory (RAM or ROM). The GUI library calls the function pointed by the parameter pfGetData to read the data. This GetData function needs to return the number of read bytes.


int GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapExAuto(      GUI_DTA_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                                 const void                  * p,
                                       int                     x,
                                       int                     y);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
x X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The function requires at least memory for one line of bitmap data.



This function can be used for drawing bitmap data streams of the respective format if not enough RAM or ROM is available to keep the whole file within the addressable memory (RAM or ROM). The GUI library calls the function pointed by the parameter pfGetData to read the data. This GetData function needs to return the number of read bytes.


int GUI_DrawStreamedBitmap<XXX>Ex(      GUI_DTA_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                                  const void                  * p,
                                        int                     x,
                                        int                     y);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
x X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.

Additional information

The functions require at least memory for one line of bitmap data.



Returns a structure with information about the given data stream.


void GUI_GetStreamedBitmapInfo(const void                  * p,
                                     GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_INFO * pInfo);


Parameter Description
p Pointer to the data stream.
pInfo Pointer to a GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_INFO structure to be filled by the function.


Returns a structure with information about the given data stream which does not need to be located in the addressable ROM or RAM area of the CPU.


int GUI_GetStreamedBitmapInfoEx(      GUI_DTA_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                                const void                  * p,
                                      GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_INFO * pInfo);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
pInfo Pointer to a GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_INFO structure to be filled by the function.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Elements of structure GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_INFO

The elements of the structure GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_INFO are listed under GUI_GetStreamedBitmapInfo.



Sets a hook function to be able to manipulate the palette of a streamed bitmap which is not located in the addressable area of the CPU. The hook function is called when executing GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapEx().


void GUI_SetStreamedBitmapHook(GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_CALLBACK pfStreamedBitmapHook);


Parameter Description
pfStreamedBitmapHook Hook function to be called by GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapEx().

Prototype of hook function

void * Hook(GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_PARAM * pParam);


Parameter Description
pParam Pointer to a GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_PARAM structure


static void * _cbStreamedBitmapHook(GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_PARAM * pParam) {
  void * p = NULL;
  int    i, NumColors;
  U32    Color;
  U32  * pColor;
  switch (pParam->Cmd) {
    // Allocate buffer for palette data
    p = malloc(pParam->v);
    // Release buffer
    // Do something with the palette...
    NumColors = pParam->v;
    pColor    = (U32 *)pParam->p;
    Color     = *(pColor + pParam->v - 1);
    for (i = NumColors - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
      *(pColor + i + 1) = *(pColor + i);
    *pColor = Color;
  return p;
Drawing lines

The most frequently used drawing routines are those that draw a line from one point to another.



Draws a horizontal line one pixel thick from a specified starting point to a specified endpoint in the current window.


void GUI_DrawHLine(int y0,
                   int x0,
                   int x1);


Parameter Description
y Y-position.
x0 X-starting position.
x1 X-end position.

Additional information

If x1 < x0, nothing will be displayed.
With most LCD controllers, this routine is executed very quickly because multiple pixels can be set at once and no calculations are needed. If it is clear that horizontal lines are to be drawn, this routine executes faster than the GUI_DrawLine() routine.



Draws a line from a specified starting point to a specified endpoint in the current window (absolute coordinates).


void GUI_DrawLine(int x0,
                  int y0,
                  int x1,
                  int y1);


Parameter Description
x0 X-starting position.
y0 Y-starting position.
x1 X-end position.
y1 Y-end position.

Additional information

If part of the line is not visible because it is not in the current window or because part of the current window is not visible, this is due to clipping.



Draws a line from the current (x, y) position to an endpoint specified by X-distance and Y-distance in the current window (relative coordinates).


void GUI_DrawLineRel(int dx,
                     int dy);


Parameter Description
dx Distance in X-direction to end of line to draw.
dy Distance in Y-direction to end of line to draw.


Draws a line from the current (X,Y) position to an endpoint specified by X- and Y-coordinates in the current window.


void GUI_DrawLineTo(int x,
                    int y);


Parameter Description
x X-end position.
y Y-end position.


Connects a predefined list of points with lines in the current window.


void GUI_DrawPolyLine(const GUI_POINT * pPoints,
                            int         NumPoints,
                            int         x0,
                            int         y0);


Parameter Description
pPoint Pointer to the polyline to display.
NumPoints Number of points specified in the list of points.
x X-position of origin.
y Y-position of origin.

Additional information

The starting point and endpoint of the polyline do not need to be identical.



Draws a vertical line one pixel thick from a specified starting point to a specified endpoint in the current window.


void GUI_DrawVLine(int x0,
                   int y0,
                   int y1);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position.
y0 Y-starting position.
y1 Y-end position.

Additional information

If y1 < y0, nothing will be displayed. With most LCD controllers, this routine is executed very quickly because multiple pixels can be set at once and no calculations are needed. If it is clear that vertical lines are to be drawn, this routine executes faster than the GUI_DrawLine() routine.



Returns the current line style used by the function GUI_DrawLine.


U8 GUI_GetLineStyle(void);

Return value

Current line style used by the function GUI_DrawLine.



Moves the current line pointer relative to its current position.


void GUI_MoveRel(int dx,
                 int dy);


Parameter Description
dx Distance to move in X.
dy Distance to move in Y.

Related topics



Moves the current line pointer to the given position.


void GUI_MoveTo(int x,
                int y);


Parameter Description
x New position in X.
y New position in Y.


Sets the current line style used by the function GUI_DrawLine().


U8 GUI_SetLineStyle(U8 LineStyle);


Parameter Description
LineStyle New line style to be used. A full list of available values can be found under Line styles.

Return value

Previous line style used by the function GUI_DrawLine().

Additional information

This function sets only the line style used by GUI_DrawLine(). The style will be used only with a pen size of 1.

Drawing polygons

The polygon drawing routines can be helpful when drawing vectorized symbols.



Draws the outline of a polygon defined by a list of points in the current window.


void GUI_DrawPolygon(const GUI_POINT * pPoints,
                           int         NumPoints,
                           int         x0,
                           int         y0);


Parameter Description
pPoint Pointer to the polygon to display.
NumPoints Number of points specified in the list of points.
x X-position of origin.
y Y-position of origin.

Additional information

The polyline drawn is automatically closed by connecting the endpoint to the starting point.



Enlarges a polygon on all sides by a specified length in pixels.


void GUI_EnlargePolygon(      GUI_POINT * pDest,
                        const GUI_POINT * pSrc,
                              int         NumPoints,
                              int         Len);


Parameter Description
pDest Pointer to the destination polygon.
pSrc Pointer to the source polygon.
NumPoints Number of points specified in the list of points.
Len Length (in pixels) by which to enlarge the polygon.

Additional information

Make sure the destination array of points is equal to or larger than the source array.


const GUI_POINT aPoints[] = {
  { 40, 20},
  {  0, 20},
  { 20,  0}
GUI_POINT aEnlargedPoints[GUI_COUNTOF(aPoints)];
void Sample(void) {
  int i;
  GUI_FillPolygon(aPoints, GUI_COUNTOF(aPoints), 140, 110);
  for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
    GUI_EnlargePolygon(aEnlargedPoints, aPoints, GUI_COUNTOF(aPoints), i * 5);
    GUI_FillPolygon(aEnlargedPoints, GUI_COUNTOF(aPoints), 140, 110);

Screenshot of above example



Draws a filled polygon defined by a list of points in the current window.


void GUI_FillPolygon(const GUI_POINT * pPoints,
                           int         NumPoints,
                           int         x0,
                           int         y0);


Parameter Description
pPoint Pointer to the destination polygon.
NumPoints Number of points specified in the list of points.
x X-position of origin.
y Y-position of origin.

Additional information

The polyline drawn is automatically closed by connecting the endpoint to the starting point. It is not required that the endpoint touches the outline of the polygon.
Rendering a polygon is done by drawing one or more horizontal lines for each y-position of the polygon.



Magnifies a polygon by a specified factor.


void GUI_MagnifyPolygon(      GUI_POINT * pDest,
                        const GUI_POINT * pSrc,
                              int         NumPoints,
                              int         Mag);


Parameter Description
pDest Pointer to the destination polygon.
pSrc Pointer to the source polygon.
NumPoints Number of points specified in the list of points.
Mag Factor used to magnify the polygon.

Additional information

Make sure the destination array of points is equal to or larger than the source array. Note the difference between enlarging and magnifying a polygon. Calling the function GUI_EnlargePolygon() with the parameter Len = 1 will enlarge the polygon by one pixel on all sides, whereas the call of GUI_MagnifyPolygon() with the parameter Mag = 1 will have no effect.


const GUI_POINT aPoints[] = {
  {  0, 20},
  { 40, 20},
  { 20,  0}
GUI_POINT aMagnifiedPoints[GUI_COUNTOF(aPoints)];
void Sample(void) {
  int Mag, y = 0, Count = 4;
  for (Mag = 1; Mag <= 4; Mag *= 2, Count /= 2) {
    int i, x = 0;
    GUI_MagnifyPolygon(aMagnifiedPoints, aPoints, GUI_COUNTOF(aPoints), Mag);
    for (i = Count; i > 0; i--, x += 40 * Mag) {
      GUI_FillPolygon(aMagnifiedPoints, GUI_COUNTOF(aPoints), x, y);
    y += 20 * Mag;

Screenshot of above example



Rotates a polygon by a specified angle.


void GUI_RotatePolygon(      GUI_POINT * pDest,
                       const GUI_POINT * pSrc,
                             int         NumPoints,
                             float       Angle);


Parameter Description
pDest Pointer to the destination polygon.
pSrc Pointer to the source polygon.
NumPoints Number of points specified in the list of points.
Angle Angle in radian used to rotate the polygon.

Additional information

Make sure the destination array of points is equal to or larger than the source array.


The following example shows how to draw a polygon. It is available as 2DGL_DrawPolygon.c in the examples shipped with emWin.

#include "GUI.h"
*           The points of the arrow
static const GUI_POINT aPointArrow[] = {
  {  0,  -5},
  {-40, -35},
  {-10, -25},
  {-10, -85},
  { 10, -85},
  { 10, -25},
  { 40, -35},
static GUI_POINT aPointRotate[GUI_COUNTOF(aPointArrow)];
*               Draws a polygon
static void DrawPolygon(void) {
  int r;
  int Cnt =0;
  GUI_DispStringAt("Polygons of arbitrary shape ", 0, 0);
  GUI_DispStringAt("in any color", 120, 20);
  /* Rotate and draw polygon */
  r = 45.0 / (2.0 * 3.141592);
  GUI_RotatePolygon(&aPointRotate[0], &aPointArrow[0], GUI_COUNTOF(aPointArrow), r);
  GUI_FillPolygon (&aPointRotate[0],7,100,100);
*                 main
void main(void) {

Screenshot of above example

Drawing circles


Draws the outline of a circle of specified dimensions, at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_DrawCircle(int x0,
                    int y0,
                    int r);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
y0 Y-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
r Radius of the circle (half the diameter). Must be a positive value.


for (i = 10; i < 50; i += 3) {
  GUI_DrawCircle(120, 60, i);

Screenshot of above example



Draws a filled circle of specified dimensions at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_FillCircle(int x0,
                    int y0,
                    int r);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
y0 Y-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
r Radius of the circle (half the diameter). Must be a positive value.



Screenshot of above example

Drawing ellipses


Draws the outline of an ellipse of specified dimensions, at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_DrawEllipse(int x0,
                     int y0,
                     int rx,
                     int ry);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
y0 Y-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
rx X-radius of the ellipse (half the diameter). Must be a positive value.
ry Y-radius of the ellipse (half the diameter). Must be a positive value.

Additional information

This routine is based on integer calculation. Too large ellipses cause overflows which lead to unexpected results. In that case GUI_DrawEllipseXL() should be used instead.


See the GUI_FillEllipse example.



Draws the outline of a large ellipse.


void GUI_DrawEllipseXL(int x0,
                       int y0,
                       int rx,
                       int ry);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
y0 Y-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
rx X-radius of the ellipse (half the diameter). Must be a positive value.
ry Y-radius of the ellipse (half the diameter). Must be a positive value.


Draws a filled ellipse of specified dimensions at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_FillEllipse(int x0,
                     int y0,
                     int rx,
                     int ry);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
y0 Y-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
rx X-radius of the ellipse (half the diameter). Must be a positive value.
ry Y-radius of the ellipse (half the diameter). Must be a positive value.


// Demo ellipses
GUI_FillEllipse(100, 180, 50, 70);
GUI_DrawEllipse(100, 180, 50, 70);
GUI_FillEllipse(100, 180, 10, 50);

Screenshot of above example

Drawing arcs


Draws an arc of specified dimensions at a specified position in the current window. An arc is a section of the outline of a circle.


void GUI_DrawArc(int x0,
                 int y0,
                 int rx,
                 int ry,
                 int a0,
                 int a1);


Parameter Description
x0 Horizontal position of the center in pixels of the client window.
y0 Vertical position of the center in pixels of the client window.
rx X-radius (pixels).
ry Y-radius (pixels). Currently this parameter is not used. The rx parameter is used instead.
a0 Starting angle (degrees).
a1 Ending angle (degrees).

Additional information

There are two things to note about the angle parameters a0 and a1:

The image below demonstrates the counter-clockwise angle measurement and shows where the angles are located on the circular axis.

Marked in red is an example arc with starting angle a0 = 0° and ending angle a1 = 120°.


void DrawArcScale(void) {
  int x0 = 160;
  int y0 = 180;
  int i;
  char ac[4];
  GUI_SetPenSize( 5 );
  GUI_SetColor( GUI_BLACK ); 
  GUI_DrawArc( x0,y0,150, 150,-30, 210 );
  for (i=0; i<= 23; i++) {
    float a = (-30+i*10)*3.1415926/180;
    int x = -141*cos(a)+x0;
    int y = -141*sin(a)+y0;
    if (i%2 == 0)
      GUI_SetPenSize( 5 );
      GUI_SetPenSize( 4 );
    if (i%2 == 0) {
      x = -123*cos(a)+x0;
      y = -130*sin(a)+y0;
      sprintf(ac, "%d", 10*i);

Screenshot of above example



Draws an arc of specified dimensions at a specified position in the current window. An arc is a section of the outline of a circle.


void GUI_DrawArcHR(int x0,
                   int y0,
                   int rx,
                   int ry,
                   int a0,
                   int a1);


Parameter Description
x0 Horizontal position of the center in pixels of the client window.
y0 Vertical position of the center in pixels of the client window.
rx X-radius (pixels).
ry Y-radius (pixels).
a0 Starting angle (degrees * 1000).
a1 Ending angle (degrees * 1000).


Draws an arc with optionally rounded ends. An arc is a section of the outline of a circle.


void GUI_DrawArcHREx(int x0,
                     int y0,
                     int r,
                     int a0,
                     int a1,
                     int c0,
                     int c1);


Parameter Description
x0 Horizontal position of the center in pixels of the client window.
y0 Vertical position of the center in pixels of the client window.
r Radius (in px).
a0 Starting angle (degrees * 1000).
a1 Ending angle (degrees * 1000).
c0 1 if start of arc should be rounded, 0 if not.
c1 1 if end of arc should be rounded, 0 if not.
Drawing graphs


Draws a graph at once.


void GUI_DrawGraph(I16 * pay,
                   int   NumPoints,
                   int   x0,
                   int   y0);


Parameter Description
paY Pointer to an array containing the Y-values of the graph.
NumPoints Number of Y-values to be displayed.
x0 Starting point in x.
y0 Starting point in y.

Additional information

The function first sets the line-cursor to the position specified with x0, y0 and the first Y-value of the given array. Then it starts drawing lines to x0 + 1, y0 + *(paY + 1), x0 + 2, y0 + *(paY + 2) and so on.


#include "GUI.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
I16 aY[100];
void MainTask(void) {
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < GUI_COUNTOF(aY); i++) {
    aY[i] = rand() % 50;
  GUI_DrawGraph(aY, GUI_COUNTOF(aY), 0, 0);

Screenshot of above example

Drawing barcodes


Draws a barcode of the given type at the specified position.


int GUI_BARCODE_Draw(      int    xPos,
                           int    yPos,
                           int    ModuleSize,
                           int    ySize,
                           int    Type,
                     const char * sBarcode);


Parameter Description
xPos X-position to be used.
yPos Y-position to be used.
ModuleSize Size of one module, that means width of the smallest bar in pixels
ySize Y-size of the barcode. Cannot be lower than three times the module size.
Type Type of the barcode to be drawn. See full list of available values under Barcode types.
sBarcode String containing the data to be used for the barcode. The ITF barcode can only display numbers.

Return value

0 on success
-1 on error.

Additional information

The data string for ITF barcodes should contain an even amount of numbers. If it does not, a leading zero will be added to the code automatically due to technical limitations.


Barcodes can be drawn in any color. But please note that the contrast between bars and spaces has to be high enough so the code can be read successfully by a scanner.
We recommend using the ’standard’ colors barcodes consist of, which are white for the background (spaces) and black for the foreground (bars).


GUI_BARCODE_Draw(0, 0, 3, 60, GUI_BARCODE_ITF, "131072");
GUI_BARCODE_Draw(0, 0, 2, 60, GUI_BARCODE_128, "SEGGER");

Screenshots of above examples



Returns the X-size of a given barcode without drawing it.


int GUI_BARCODE_GetXSize(      int    Type,
                               int    ModuleSize,
                         const char * sBarcode);


Parameter Description
Type Type of the barcode to be drawn. See list below.
ModuleSize Size of one module, that means width of the smallest bar in pixels.
sBarcode String containing the data to be used for the barcode. The ITF barcode can only display numbers.

Return value

X-size of the barcode on success, -1 on error.

Drawing QR codes

It should be made sure of that the QR code is surrounded by a bright colored frame of at least the pixel size of one ’module’. Alternatively, GUI_QR_CreateFramed() may be called to draw a QR code with the white frame around it.

Memory requirement

This formula calculates the approx. number of required bytes for a QR bitmap.

NumReqBytes = (sqrt(((4 * Version) + 17) * Pixelsize) / 8) + 48


Creates an QR-code bitmap which can be drawn with GUI_QR_Draw().


GUI_HMEM GUI_QR_Create(const char * pText,
                             int    PixelSize,
                             int    EccLevel,
                             int    Version);


Parameter Description
pText UTF-8 text to be used for the QR-code.
PixelSize Size in pixels of one ’Module’.
EccLevel Error correction level to be used. See full list of available values under ECC levels for QR codes.
Version Desired size in modules of the QR-code. If set to 0 (recommended) the size will be calculated automatically. Must be between 1 and 40. If it is less than required for the given text with the given EccLevel, the function fails.

Return value

Valid handle on success, 0 on error.

Additional information

After the QR code is no longer used, it should be deleted with GUI_QR_Delete().



Creates an QR-code bitmap which can be drawn with GUI_QR_Draw(). A white frame by the size of one module will be added.


GUI_HMEM GUI_QR_CreateFramed(const char * pText,
                                   int    PixelSize,
                                   int    EccLevel,
                                   int    Version);


Parameter Description
pText UTF-8 text to be used for the QR-code.
PixelSize Size in pixels of one ’Module’.
EccLevel Error correction level to be used. See full list of available values under ECC levels for QR codes.
Version Desired size in modules of the QR-code. If set to 0 (recommended) the size will be calculated automatically. Must be between 1 and 40. If it is less than required for the given text with the given EccLevel, the function fails.

Return value

Valid handle on success, 0 on error.

Additional information

After the QR code is no longer used, it should be deleted with GUI_QR_Delete().



Frees the memory used for the QR-code.


void GUI_QR_Delete(GUI_HMEM hQR);


Parameter Description
hQR Handle of the QR-code to be deleted.

Additional information

A QR-code should be removed if it is no longer used.



Draws the given QR-code at the given pixel position.


void GUI_QR_Draw(GUI_HMEM hQR,
                 int      xPos,
                 int      yPos);


Parameter Description
hQR Handle of the QR-code to be drawn.
xPos X-position to be used.
yPos Y-position to be used.


Returns a structure containing information about the given QR-code.


void GUI_QR_GetInfo(GUI_HMEM      hQR,
                    GUI_QR_INFO * pInfo);


Parameter Description
hQR Handle of the QR-code to be deleted.
pInfo Pointer to a structure of type GUI_QR_INFO
Drawing pie charts


Draws a circle sector.


void GUI_DrawPie(int x0,
                 int y0,
                 int r,
                 int a0,
                 int a1,
                 int Type);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
y0 Y-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
r Radius of the circle (half the diameter).
a0 Starting angle (degrees).
a1 End angle (degrees).
Type (reserved for future use, should be 0)


int i, a0, a1;
const unsigned aValues[]  = { 100, 135, 190, 240, 340, 360};
const GUI_COLOR aColors[] = { GUI_BLUE, GUI_GREEN,   GUI_RED, 
                              GUI_CYAN, GUI_MAGENTA, GUI_YELLOW };
for (i = 0; i < GUI_COUNTOF(aValues); i++) {
  a0 = (i == 0) ? 0 : aValues[i - 1];
  a1 = aValues[i];
  GUI_DrawPie(100, 100, 50, a0, a1, 0);

Screenshot of above example



Draws a circle sector.


void GUI_DrawPieHR(int x0,
                   int y0,
                   int r,
                   I32 a0,
                   I32 a1);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
y0 Y-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
r Radius of the circle (half the diameter).
a0 Starting angle (degrees * 1000).
a1 End angle (degrees * 1000).
Drawing splines



This function creates a spline handle with the given parameters.


GUI_HMEM GUI_SPLINE_Create(const int      * px,
                           const int      * py,
                                 unsigned   NumPoints);


Parameter Description
px Pointer to an array of values for x coordinates.
py Pointer to an array of values for y coordinates.
NumPoints Number of points to be used.

Return value

A handle of a spline. If zero, creation failed.

Additional information

The amount of points for x and y coordinates have to be the same. Please note that the values for the x coordinates have to be in a increasing order. It is not possible to create a spline where px[0] > px[1].



This function deletes the memory allocated for a spline while it was created.


void GUI_SPLINE_Delete(GUI_HMEM hSpline);


Parameter Description
hSpline Handle of the spline to be deleted.


This function draws a spline created with GUI_SPLINE_Create() at the given position.


void GUI_SPLINE_Draw(GUI_HMEM hSpline,
                     int      x,
                     int      y);


Parameter Description
hSpline Handle of a spline.
x Position in x.
y Position in y.


This function draws a spline created with GUI_SPLINE_Create() at the given position using anti aliasing.


void GUI_SPLINE_DrawAA(GUI_HMEM hSpline,
                       int      x,
                       int      y,
                       unsigned Width);


Parameter Description
hSpline Handle of a spline.
x Position in x.
y Position in y.
Width Width of the spline to be drawn.

Additional information

The color which is used to mix the anti aliased pixels with can be set using GUI_SetBkColor(). This only makes sense on a solid colored background. If the background consists of multiple colors the draw mode should be set to transparent by a call of GUI_SetDrawMode(GUI_TM_TRANS).



This function returns the y coordinate corresponding to the given Index.


                    unsigned   Index,
                    float    * py);


Parameter Description
hSpline Handle of a spline.
Index Position in x.
py Outpointer to store the y value as floating value (can be NULL).

Return value

The y value corresponding to the given index value.

Additional information

IT is possible to use either the return value or if a higher precision is required the value stored in the third parameter. If the return value of this function is sufficient in regards of precision the last parameter can be NULL.



This function returns the X-size required for the spline to be drawn.


unsigned GUI_SPLINE_GetXSize(GUI_HMEM hSpline);


Parameter Description
hSpline Handle of a spline.

Return value

X-size in pixel required to draw the complete spline.

Info about screen changes


Creates a DIRTYDEVICE object.

A DITRTYDEVICE is an object which makes it possible to monitor the changed area of the screen. In combination with GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_Fetch() it makes it possible, to check if the content of the screen has been changed. If changes have been detected the function GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_Fetch() returns 1 and fills up an information structure with size and position of the changed area. If nothing has been changed GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_Fetch() returns 0.

In case of working with multiple layers the function does not monitor all layers simultaneously. For each layer a separate DIRTYDEVICE needs to be created (if monitoring is required).

Calling GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_Create() creates such an monitoring object in the currently selected layer which then automatically monitors all screen drawing operations. If no longer used it can be deleted with GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_Delete().


int GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_Create(void);

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

A DIRTYDEVICE is also able to return advanced information like a pointer to the first changed pixel, the number of bytes used per pixel and the stride value in pixels from one line of data to the next line. To be able to use those features, a linear addressable driver is required. Further, the DIRTYDEVICE needs to be created in LCD_X_Config() immediately after the driver of the layer was created.



Creates a DIRTYDEVICE in the given layer. For details please refer to the function GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_Create().


int GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_CreateEx(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex LayerIndex to be used.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Removes the DIRTYDEVICE of the currently selected layer. If not possible the function returns an error.


int GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_Delete(void);

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Removes the DIRTYDEVICE of the given layer. If not possible the function returns an error.


int GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_DeleteEx(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex LayerIndex to be used.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Fetches the current information from a DIRTYDEVICE.

The function fills the given structure with the coordinates and the size of the changed screenarea of the current layer. If no changes have been detected since the last call the function returns 0.




Parameter Description
pInfo Pointer to the GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_INFO-structure which is filled with size and coordinates of the changed area.

Return value

0 if no changes have been detected
1 if changes are detected.


Fetches the current information from a DIRTYDEVICE in a given layer.

The function fills the given structure with the coordinates and the size of the changed screenarea of the given layer.


                            int                    LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
pInfo Pointer to the GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_INFO-structure which is filled with size and coordinates of the changed area.
LayerIndex Layer index to be used.

Elements of structure GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_INFO

Refer to GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_Fetch for the elements of the structure GUI_DIRTYDEVICE_INFO.

Return value

0 if no changes have been detected
1 if changes are detected.
YUV device


Creates a YUV device in the current layer. For details please refer to GUI_YUV_CreateEx().


int GUI_YUV_Create(void);

Return value

= 0 if successful.
≠ 0 if the creation fails.


Creates a YUV device in the given layer with the given period. It allocates an additional buffer for a YUV plane for the complete given layer. Memory requirement is 2 bytes per pixel. Please note that YUV devices are supported only for display drivers with direct interface like GUIDRV_Lin. In the given period it (re)calculates the ’dirty’ framebuffer area from RGB data into YUV data.


int GUI_YUV_CreateEx(int      LayerIndex,
                     unsigned Period);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex The layer to be used.
Period The period in ms to be used.

Return value

= 0 if successful.
≠ 0 if the creation fails.

Additional information

Please note that the calculation from RGB to YUV requires a lot of CPU load.



Deletes the YUV device of the current layer.


int GUI_YUV_Delete(void);

Return value

= 0 if successful.
≠ 0 on error.


Deletes the YUV device of the given layer.


int GUI_YUV_DeleteEx(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex The layer to be used.

Return value

= 0 if successful.
≠ 0 on error.


Returns a pointer to the YUV plane of the current layer and the size of the plane in bytes.


U32 *GUI_YUV_GetpData(U32 * pSize);


Parameter Description
pSize Pointer to a U32 value for returning the plane size.

Return value

Pointer to the YUV plane.



Returns a pointer to the YUV plane of the given layer and the size of the plane in bytes.


U32 *GUI_YUV_GetpDataEx(int   LayerIndex,
                        U32 * pSize);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex The layer to be used.
pSize Pointer to a U32 value for returning the plane size.

Return value

Pointer to the YUV plane.



Invalidates the given area of the current layer. During the next interval that area will be (re)calculated.


void GUI_YUV_InvalidateArea(int x,
                            int y,
                            int xSize,
                            int ySize);


Parameter Description
x X-position in pixels.
y Y-position in pixels.
xSize X-size in pixels.
ySize Y-size in pixels.


Sets the recalculation period of the YUV device in the current layer.


int GUI_YUV_SetPeriod(unsigned Period);


Parameter Description
Period The period in ms to be used

Return value

= 0 if successful.
≠ 0 on error.


Sets the period to be used for (re)calculation.


int GUI_YUV_SetPeriodEx(int      LayerIndex,
                        unsigned Period);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex The layer to be used
Period The period in ms to be used

Return value

= 0 if successful.
≠ 0 on error.
Data structures


Used for storing the alpha value with GUI_SetUserAlpha().

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U32  UserAlpha;

Structure members

Member Description
UserAlpha Alpha value to be used.

See also



Information about a streamed bitmap.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  XSize;
  int  YSize;
  int  BitsPerPixel;
  int  NumColors;
  int  HasTrans;

Structure members

Member Description
XSize Pixel size in X of the image.
YSize Pixel size in Y of the image.
BitsPerPixel Number of bits per pixel.
NumColors Number of colors in case of an index based image.
HasTrans In case of an index based image 1 if transparency exist, 0 if not.

See also



Contains a command to be used by a set hook function for GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapEx().

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int    Cmd;
  U32    v;
  void * p;

Structure members

Member Description
Cmd Command to be executed.
v Depends on the command to be executed.
p Depends on the command to be executed.
Supported values for member Cmd
GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_GET_BUFFER When receiving this command the application can spend a buffer for the palette of a bitmap stream.
p - Pointer to the buffer or NULL
v - Requested buffer size
GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_RELEASE_BUFFER If the application has spend a buffer for the palette here the buffer should be released.
p - Pointer to buffer to be released
v - not used
GUI_BITMAPSTREAM_MODIFY_PALETTE This command is sent after loading the palette and before drawing the image to be able to modify the palette of the streamed image.
p - Pointer to palette data
v - Number of colors in palette

See also



Information about the dirty device.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  void * pData;
  int    x0;
  int    y0;
  int    xSize;
  int    ySize;
  int    LineOff;
  int    BytesPerPixel;
  int    IsDirty;

Structure members

Member Description
pData Pointer to the first changed pixel.
x0 Leftmost position of changed area.
y0 Topmost position of changed area.
xSize Size in X of changed area.
ySize Size in Y of changed area.
LineOff Number of pixels (stride) from one line to the next line.
BytesPerPixel Number of bytes required per pixel.
IsDirty Indicates if dirty pixels exist.

See also


*1 Only available if the DIRTYDEVICE is created before the driver has been created.



Information used for drawing multi-color gradients.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U16        Pos;
  GUI_COLOR  Color;

Structure members

Member Description
Pos Start position of color. The next entry is the end position. The last entry also defines the x1 / y1 position of the gradient, either if it’s a horizontal or vertical gradient.
Color Color to be used.

Additional information

The member Pos is used to define the start and end position of the colors. It defines also the size of the gradient.

See also



Implementation of a point on the screen.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  I16P x;
  I16P y;

Structure members

Member Description
x X-position of the point.
y Y-position of the point.


Information about a QR code.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  Version;
  int  Width;
  int  Size;

Structure members

Member Description
Version Version according to QR code documentation.
Width Number of ’Modules’.
Size Size of bitmap in pixels.

See also



Implementation of a rectangle on the screen.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  I16 x0;
  I16 y0;
  I16 x1;
  I16 y1;

Structure members

Member Description
x0 X-position of top left point of the rectangle.
y0 Y-position of top left point of the rectangle.
x1 X-position of bottom right point of the rectangle.
y1 Y-position of bottom right point of the rectangle.
Axis values


Defines to distinguish between the X and Y axis. Used in various emWin functions.


#define GUI_COORD_X    0
#define GUI_COORD_Y    1


Definition Description
Barcode types


Type of barcode to be drawn.


#define GUI_BARCODE_ITF    0
#define GUI_BARCODE_128    1


Definition Description
GUI_BARCODE_ITF Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) which can display an even amount of digits.
GUI_BARCODE_128 Code128 which can display all 128 ASCII characters.
Drawing modes


These flags define the mode to be used for drawing operations.


#define GUI_DM_NORMAL    (0)
#define GUI_DM_XOR       (1 << 0)
#define GUI_DM_TRANS     (1 << 1)
#define GUI_DM_REV       (1 << 2)


Definition Description
GUI_DM_NORMAL Default: The content of the display is overdrawn by the graphic.
GUI_DM_XOR The content of the display is inverted when it is overdrawn. Restrictions are listed below.
GUI_DM_TRANS When drawing shapes with a background and foreground color the background color will be transparent.
GUI_DM_REV Swaps background and foreground color.


ECC levels for QR codes


Error correction level to be used by the Reed-Solomon error correction for a QR code.


#define GUI_QR_ECLEVEL_L    0
#define GUI_QR_ECLEVEL_M    1
#define GUI_QR_ECLEVEL_Q    2
#define GUI_QR_ECLEVEL_H    3


Definition Description
GUI_QR_ECLEVEL_L About 7% or less errors can be corrected.
GUI_QR_ECLEVEL_M About 15% or less errors can be corrected.
GUI_QR_ECLEVEL_Q About 25% or less errors can be corrected.
GUI_QR_ECLEVEL_H About 30% or less errors can be corrected.
Line styles


Style how a line is drawn.


#define GUI_LS_SOLID         (0)
#define GUI_LS_DASH          (1)
#define GUI_LS_DOT           (2)
#define GUI_LS_DASHDOT       (3)
#define GUI_LS_DASHDOTDOT    (4)


Definition Description
GUI_LS_SOLID Lines are drawn solid (default).
GUI_LS_DASH Lines are drawn dashed.
GUI_LS_DOT Lines are drawn dotted.
GUI_LS_DASHDOT Lines are drawn alternating with dashes and dots.
GUI_LS_DASHDOTDOT Lines are drawn alternating with dashes and double dots.


GetData function used for streamed bitmaps (DTA), for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_II.

Type definition


Displaying bitmap files

The recommended and most efficient way to display a bitmap known at compile time is to use the Bitmap Converter to convert it into a C file and add it to the project / makefile. Details about the Bitmap Converter can be found in the chapter Bitmap Converter.

If the application needs to display images not known at compile time, the image needs to be available in a graphic file format supported by emWin. In this case, the image file can reside in memory or on an other storage device; it can be displayed even if the amount of available memory is less than the size of the image file. emWin currently supports BMP-, JPEG- and GIF-files. PNG-file support can be achieved by adding the PNG-library available on our website which comes with its own BSD style license. More details about PNG support can be found under PNG file support.

BMP file support

Although bitmaps which can be used with emWin are normally compiled and linked as C files with the application, there may be situations when using these types of structures is not desirable. A typical example would be an application that continuously references new images, such as bitmaps downloaded by the user. The following functions support bmp files which have been loaded into memory.

For images that you plan to re-use (e.g. a company logo) it is much more efficient to compile and link it as C file which can be used directly by emWin. This may be easily done with the Bitmap Converter.

Supported formats

The BMP file format has been defined by Microsoft. emWin supports the BMP file format version 3. That contains a couple of different image formats shown in the table below:

Bits per pixel Indexed Compression Supported
1 yes no yes
4 yes no yes
4 yes yes yes
8 yes no yes
8 yes yes yes
16 no no yes
24 no no yes
32 no no yes

The table below lists the available BMP file related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed function descriptions follow:


Routine Description
GUI_BMP_Draw() Draws a BMP file which has been loaded into memory.
GUI_BMP_DrawEx() Draws a BMP file which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_BMP_DrawScaled() Draws a BMP file with scaling which has been loaded into memory.
GUI_BMP_DrawScaledEx() Draws a BMP file with scaling which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_BMP_EnableAlpha() Enables alpha channel for 32bpp V3 BMP files.
GUI_BMP_GetXSize() Returns the X-size of a BMP file loaded into memory.
GUI_BMP_GetXSizeEx() Returns the X-size of a BMP file which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_BMP_GetYSize() Returns the Y-size of a bitmap loaded into memory.
GUI_BMP_GetYSizeEx() Returns the Y-size of a BMP file which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_BMP_Serialize() Creates a BMP file.
GUI_BMP_SerializeEx() Creates a BMP file from the given rectangle.
GUI_BMP_SerializeExBpp() Creates a BMP file from the given rectangle using the specified color depth.


Prototype Description
GUI_BMP_GET_DATA_FUNC GetData function used for the BMP format, for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_I.


Draws a Windows bmp file, which has been loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window.


int GUI_BMP_Draw(const void * pBMP,
                       int    x0,
                       int    y0);


Parameter Description
pBMP Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the bmp file resides.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.

Return value

= 0 on success.
≠ 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

The table at the beginning of the chapter shows the supported BMP file formats. The example 2DGL_DrawBMP.c shows how to use the function.



Draws a bmp file, which does not have to be loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window.


                   void                  * p,
                   int                     x0,
                   int                     y0);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.

Return value

= 0 on success.
≠ 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

This function is used for drawing bmp files if not enough RAM is available to load the whole file into memory. The GUI library then calls the function pointed by the parameter pfGetData to read the data. The GetData function needs to return the number of requested bytes. The maximum number of bytes requested by the GUI is the number of bytes needed for drawing one line of the image.



Draws a bmp file, which has been loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window using scaling.


int GUI_BMP_DrawScaled(const void * pFileData,
                             int    x0,
                             int    y0,
                             int    Num,
                             int    Denom);


Parameter Description
pFileData Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the bmp file resides.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
Num Numerator to be used for scaling.
Denom Denominator used for scaling.

Return value

= 0 on success.
≠ 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

The function scales the image by building a fraction with the given numerator and denominator. If for example an image should be shrunk to 2/3 of size the parameter Num should be 2 and Denom should be 3.



Draws a bmp file, which does not have to be loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window using scaling.


int GUI_BMP_DrawScaledEx(GUI_BMP_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                         void                  * p,
                         int                     x0,
                         int                     y0,
                         int                     Num,
                         int                     Denom);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
Num Numerator to be used for scaling.
Denom Denominator used for scaling.

Return value

= 0 on success.
≠ 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

The function scales the image by building a fraction with the given numerator and denominator. If for example an image should be shrunk to 2/3 of size the parameter Num should be 2 and Denom should be 3. For more details, refer to GUI_BMP_DrawEx().



Enables semi-transparency for BMP files with a color depth of 32bpp.


void GUI_BMP_EnableAlpha(void);

Additional information

The BMP file format has been defined 1990 by Microsoft. The version of that format is V3. There do not exist earlier versions. In the further course Microsoft defined V4 (with Windows 95) and V5 (with Windows 98). But applications with support for those formats are very rarely. Unfortunately the defacto standard V3 does not support semi-transparency, whereas V4 and V5 offers that feature.
The bitmap converter of emWin is able to save images with alpha channel as 32bpp BMP-file. It simply preserves the alpha values in the upper 8 bits of each pixel. These bits are not used in the V3 standard for 32bpp BMP-files. To be able to draw this kind of images saved by the BitmapConverter GUI_BMP_EnableAlpha() needs to be called. It should be mentioned that this kind of alpha channel support is not the same as defined in the newer versions V4 and V5.
Using GUI_BMP_EnableAlpha() makes only sense, if the alpha channel of 32bpp BMP-files is definitively used, because observing the alpha channel decreases the drawing performance slightly.



Returns the X-size of a specified bitmap which has been loaded into memory.


int GUI_BMP_GetXSize(const void * pBMP);


Parameter Description
pBMP Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the bmp file resides.

Return value

X-size of the bitmap.



Returns the X-size of a specified bmp file which does not have to be loaded into memory.


                       void                  * p);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.

Return value

X-size of the bitmap.



Returns the Y-size of a specified bitmap which has been loaded into memory.


int GUI_BMP_GetYSize(const void * pBMP);


Parameter Description
pBMP Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the bmp file resides.

Return value

Y-size of the bitmap.



Returns the Y-size of a specified bmp file which does not have to be loaded into memory.


                       void                  * p);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.

Return value

Y-size of the bitmap.



The function creates a BMP file containing the complete content of the LCD. The BMP file is created using the color depth which is used in emWin at a maximum of 24 bpp. In case of using a color depth of less than 8bpp the color depth of the BMP file will be 8bpp.
The currently selected device is used for reading the pixel data. If a Memory Device is selected its content is written to the file.
This function does not support storing compressed BMP data.


void GUI_BMP_Serialize(GUI_CALLBACK_VOID_U8_P * pfSerialize,
                       void                   * p);


Parameter Description
pfSerialize Pointer to serialization function
p Pointer to user defined data passed to serialization function


The following example shows how to create a BMP file under windows.

static void _DrawSomething(void) {
  /* Draw something */
  GUI_DrawLine(10, 10, 100, 100);
static void _WriteByte2File(U8 Data, void * p) {
  U32 nWritten;
  WriteFile(*((HANDLE *)p), &Data, 1, &nWritten, NULL);
static void _ExportToFile(void) {
  HANDLE hFile = CreateFile("C:\\GUI_BMP_Serialize.bmp", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0,
                            CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);
  GUI_BMP_Serialize(_WriteByte2File, &hFile);
void MainTask(void) {


The function creates a BMP file containing the given area. The BMP file is created using the color depth which is used in emWin at a maximum of 24 bpp. In case of using a color depth of less than 8bpp the color depth of the BMP file will be 8bpp. The currently selected device is used for reading the pixel data. If a Memory Device is selected its content is written to the file.
This function does not support storing compressed BMP data.


void GUI_BMP_SerializeEx(GUI_CALLBACK_VOID_U8_P * pfSerialize,
                         int                      x0,
                         int                      y0,
                         int                      xSize,
                         int                      ySize,
                         void                   * p);


Parameter Description
pfSerialize Pointer to user defined serialization function. See prototype below.
x0 Start position in X to create the BMP file.
y0 Start position in Y to create the BMP file.
xSize Size in X.
ySize Size in Y.
p Pointer to user defined data passed to serialization function.


void GUI_CALLBACK_VOID_U8_P(U8 Data, void * p);

Additional information

An example can be found in the description of GUI_BMP_Serialize().



The function creates a BMP file containing the given area using the specified color depth. In case of using a color depth of less than 8bpp the color depth of the BMP file will be 8bpp. The color depth should be a multiple of 8. In case of a system color depth of more than 8bpp the color depth needs to be 16bpp or more. The currently selected device is used for reading the pixel data. If a Memory Device is selected its content is written to the file.
This function does not support storing compressed BMP data.


void GUI_BMP_SerializeExBpp(GUI_CALLBACK_VOID_U8_P * pfSerialize,
                            int                      x0,
                            int                      y0,
                            int                      xSize,
                            int                      ySize,
                            void                   * p,
                            int                      BitsPerPixel);


Parameter Description
pfSerialize Pointer to user defined serialization function. See prototype below.
x0 Start position in X to create the BMP file.
y0 Start position in Y to create the BMP file.
xSize Size in X.
ySize Size in Y.
p Pointer to user defined data passed to serialization function.
BitsPerPixel Color depth.


void GUI_CALLBACK_VOID_U8_P(U8 Data, void * p);

Additional information

An example can be found in the description of GUI_BMP_Serialize() above.



GetData function used for the BMP format, for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_I.

Type definition


JPEG file support

JPEG (pronounced “jay-peg”) is a standardized compression method for full-color and gray-scale images. JPEG is intended for compressing “real-world” scenes; line drawings, cartoons and other non-realistic images are not its strong suit. JPEG is lossy, meaning that the output image is not exactly identical to the input image. Hence you must not use JPEG if you have to have identical output bits. However, on typical photographic images, very good compression levels can be obtained with no visible change, and remarkably high compression levels are possible if you can tolerate a low-quality image.

Supported JPEG compression methods

This software implements JPEG baseline, extended-sequential and progressive compression processes. Provision is made for supporting all variants of these processes, although some uncommon parameter settings are not implemented yet. For legal reasons, code for the arithmetic-coding variants of JPEG is not distributed. It appears that the arithmetic coding option of the JPEG spec is covered by patents owned by IBM, AT&T, and Mitsubishi. Hence arithmetic coding cannot legally be used without obtaining one or more licenses. For this reason, support for arithmetic coding has not been included. (Since arithmetic coding provides only a marginal gain over the unpatented Huffman mode, it is unlikely that very many implementations will support it.)


The JPEG file support does not contain provision for the hierarchical or lossless processes defined in the standard.

Furthermore, only JPEG files based on the yCbCr and gray scale color spaces are supported.

Converting a JPEG file to C source

Under some circumstances it can be useful to add a JPEG file as C file to the project. In this case the JPEG file first needs to be converted to a C file. This can be done using the tool Bin2C.exe shipped with emWin. It can be found in the Tools subfolder. It converts the given binary file (in this case the JPEG file) to a C file. The filename of the C file is the same as the binary file name with the file extension .c. The following steps will show how to embed a JPEG file using Bin2C:


The following example shows how to display the converted JPEG file:

#include "GUI.h"
#include "Image.c" /* Include the converted C file */
void MainTask(void) {
  GUI_JPEG_Draw(acImage, sizeof(acImage), 0, 0);
Displaying JPEG files

The graphic library first decodes the graphic information. If the image has to be drawn the decoding process takes considerable time. If a JPEG file is used in a frequently called callback routine of the Window Manager, the decoding process can take a considerable amount of time. The calculation time can be reduced by the use of Memory Devices. The best way would be to draw the image first into a Memory Device. In this case the decompression would be executed only one time. For more information about Memory Devices, refer to chapter Memory Devices.

Hardware support for decoding JPEG files

It is possible to use a hardware JPEG decoder of a MCU. For further information, please refer to JPEG decoding.

IDCT configuration

Through the configuration define GUI_JPEG_CONFIG_IDCT, it is possible to select one of the five available software algorithms that compute the Inverse Discrete Cosine Transformation (IDCT) during the decoding process of a JPEG image.

The configuration define can be redefined in the GUI_Conf.h header. Below is an example, the I32_SCALAR algorithm is selected as the default.


Available IDCT algorithms

Configuration options Description
GUI_IDCT_I16_SCALAR 16-bit integer algorithm, scalar.
GUI_IDCT_I16_NEON 16-bit integer algorithm, in vectorized Neon.
GUI_IDCT_I16_HELIUM 16-bit integer algorithm, in vectorized Helium.
GUI_IDCT_I32_SCALAR 32-bit integer algorithm, scalar.
GUI_IDCT_I32_HELIUM 32-bit integer algorithm, in vectorized Helium.

Platform compatibility

The scalar algorithms (I16 and I32) can be used on all platforms.

The Helium algorithms are intended to be used with CPUs of the ARM v8.1-M architecture, e.g. Cortex-M85 and Corted-M55.

The Neon algorithms run on ARM’s A-profile and R-profile processors, e.g. ARM Cortex-A9.

Notes on performance

Memory usage

The JPEG decompression uses approximately 33 KB RAM for decompression independent of the image size and a size dependent amount of bytes. The RAM requirement can be calculated as follows:

Approx. RAM requirement = X-Size of image * 80 bytes + 33 KB

The X-size dependent amount depends on the compression type of the JPEG file. The following table shows some examples:

Compression Size of image in pixels RAM usage (KB) RAM usage, size dependent (KB)
H1V1 160x120 45 12
H2V2 160x120 46 13
GRAY 160x120 38 4

The memory required for the decompression is allocated dynamically by the emWin memory management system. After drawing the JPEG image the complete RAM will be released.

Progressive JPEG files

Contrary to baseline and extended-sequential JPEG files progressive JPEGs consist of multiple scans. Each of these scans is based on the previous scan(s) and refines the appearance of the JPEG image. This requires scanning the whole file even if only one line needs to be decompressed.

The structure member Progressive of the structure GUI_JPEG_INFO indicates whether a JPEG image is progressive or not.


The table below lists the available JPEG file related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed function descriptions follow:


Routine Description
GUI_JPEG_Draw() Draws a JPEG file which has been loaded into memory.
GUI_JPEG_DrawEx() Draws a JPEG file which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_JPEG_DrawScaled() Draws a JPEG file with scaling which has been loaded into memory.
GUI_JPEG_DrawScaledEx() Draws a JPEG file with scaling which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_JPEG_GetInfo() Fills a GUI_JPEG_INFO structure with information about a JPEG file, which has been loaded into memory.
GUI_JPEG_GetInfoEx() Fills a GUI_JPEG_INFO structure with information about a JPEG file, which does not have to be loaded into memory.
GUI_JPEG_SetpfWritePixels() Sets function pointer to copy the decoded JPEG to the display.

Data structures

Structure Description
GUI_JPEG_INFO Information about a JPEG image.


Structure Description
GUI_JPEG_GET_DATA_FUNC GetData function used for the JPEG format, for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_I.
GUI_JPEG_WRITECLIPPEDPIXELS_FUNC Function that retrieves the decoded result of a JPEG and writes the pixels to the display.


Draws a JPEG file, which has been loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window.


int GUI_JPEG_Draw(const void * pFileData,
                        int    DataSize,
                        int    x0,
                        int    y0);


Parameter Description
pFileData Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the JPEG file resides.
DataSize Number of bytes of the JPEG file.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 if the function fails. (The current implementation always returns 0).

Additional information

The Sample folder contains the example 2DGL_DrawJPG.c which shows how to use the function.



Draws a JPEG file, which does not have to be loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window.


                    void                   * p,
                    int                      x0,
                    int                      y0);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.

Return value

= 0 on success.
≠ 0 if the function fails. (The current implementation always returns 0.)

Additional information

This function is used for drawing jpegs if not enough RAM is available to load the whole file into memory. The JPEG library then calls the function pointed by the parameter pfGetData to read the data.
The GetData function should return the number of available bytes. This may be less or equal the number of requested bytes. The function needs at least to return 1 new byte. The Sample folder contains the example 2DGL_DrawJPGScaled.c which shows how to use a GetData function.



Draws a JPEG file, which has been loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window using scaling.


int GUI_JPEG_DrawScaled(const void * pFileData,
                              int    DataSize,
                              int    x0,
                              int    y0,
                              int    Num,
                              int    Denom);


Parameter Description
pFileData Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the jpeg file resides.
DataSize Number of bytes of the JPEG file.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
Num Numerator to be used for scaling.
Denom Denominator used for scaling.

Return value

= 0 on success.
≠ 0 if the function fails. (The current implementation always returns 0).

Additional information

The function scales the image by building a fraction with the given numerator and denominator. If for example an image should be shrunk to 2/3 of size the parameter Num should be 2 and Denom should be 3.
The Sample folder contains the example 2DGL_DrawJPGScaled.c which shows how to draw scaled JPEGs.



Draws a JPEG file, which does not have to be loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window using scaling.


int GUI_JPEG_DrawScaledEx(GUI_JPEG_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                          void                   * p,
                          int                      x0,
                          int                      y0,
                          int                      Num,
                          int                      Denom);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
Num Numerator to be used for scaling.
Denom Denominator used for scaling.

Return value

= 0 on success.
≠ 0 if the function fails. (The current implementation always returns 0).

Additional information

The function scales the image by building a fraction with the given numerator and denominator. If for example an image should be shrunk to 2/3 of size the parameter Num should be 2 and Denom should be 3.
For more details, refer to GUI_JPEG_DrawEx(). The Sample folder contains the example 2DGL_DrawJPGScaled.c which shows how to use the function.



Fills a GUI_JPEG_INFO structure with information about a JPEG file, which has been loaded into memory.


int GUI_JPEG_GetInfo(const void          * pFileData,
                           int             DataSize,
                           GUI_JPEG_INFO * pInfo);


Parameter Description
pFileData Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the JPEG file resides.
DataSize Number of bytes of the JPEG file.
pInfo Pointer to a GUI_JPEG_INFO structure to be filled by the function.

Return value

= 0 on success.
≠ 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

The Sample folder contains the example 2DGL_DrawJPG.c which shows how to use the function.



Fills a GUI_JPEG_INFO structure with information about a JPEG file, which does not have to be loaded into memory.


                       void                   * p,
                       GUI_JPEG_INFO          * pInfo);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
pInfo  out  Pointer to a GUI_JPEG_INFO structure to be filled by the function.

Return value

= 0 on success.
≠ 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

For more details about the function and the parameters pfGetData and p, refer to GUI_JPEG_GetInfo() and GUI_JPEG_DrawEx(). The Sample folder contains the example 2DGL_DrawJPGScaled.c which shows how to use the function.



Sets function pointer to copy the decoded JPEG to the display. This function can be utilized to measure performance of JPEG decoder.


                                        (GUI_JPEG_WRITECLIPPEDPIXELS_FUNC * pFunc);


Parameter Description
pFunc Pointer to a function of the type GUI_JPEG_WRITECLIPPEDPIXELS_FUNC.

Return value

Pointer to the previously set function.



Information about a JPEG image.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  XSize;
  int  YSize;
  int  Progessive;

Structure members

Member Description
XSize X-size of the image.
YSize Y-size of the image.
Progessive Indicates if JPEG is progressive or not

See also



GetData function used for the JPEG format, for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_I.

Type definition



Function that retrieves the decoded result of a JPEG and writes the pixels to the display.

Type definition

                                        (      int                  x0,
                                               int                  y0,
                                               int                  xSize,
                                               LCD_COLOR          * pColor,
                                               GUI_JPEG_DCONTEXT  * pContext,
                                         const LCD_API_COLOR_CONV * pColorConvAPI);


Parameter Description
x0 X drawing position of the JPEG.
y0 Y drawing position of the JPEG.
xSize Width of one line.
pColor  in  Pointer to decoded JPEG data.
pContext  in  Pointer to JPEG context.
pColorConvAPI  in  Pointer to selected color conversion API.

GIF file support

The GIF file format (Graphic Interchange Format) has been developed by the CompuServe Information Service in the 1980s. It has been designed to transmit images across data networks.

The GIF standard supports interlacing, transparency, application defined data, animations and rendering of raw text. Unsupported data like raw text or application specific data will be ignored by emWin.

GIF files uses the LZW (Lempel-Zif-Welch) file compression method for compressing the image data. This compression method works without loosing data. The output image is exactly identical to the input image.

Converting a GIF file to C source

Under some circumstances it can be useful to add a GIF file as C file to the project. This can be done by exactly the same way as described before under JPEG file support.

Displaying GIF files

The graphic library first decodes the graphic information. If the image has to be drawn the decoding process takes considerable time. If a GIF file is used in a frequently called callback routine of the Window Manager, the decoding process can take a considerable amount of time. The calculation time can be reduced by the use of Memory Devices. The best way would be to draw the image first into a Memory Device. In this case the decompression would be executed only one time. For more information about Memory Devices, refer to the chapter Memory Devices.

Memory usage

The GIF decompression routine of emWin needs about 16Kbytes of dynamically allocated RAM for decompression. After drawing an image the RAM which was used for decompression will be released.


The table below lists the available GIF file related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed function descriptions follow:


Routine Description
GUI_GIF_Draw() Draws the first image of a GIF file which has been loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_DrawEx() Draws the first image of a GIF file which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_DrawSub() Draws the given sub image of a GIF file which has been loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_DrawSubEx() Draws the given sub image of a GIF file which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_DrawSubScaled() Draws the given sub image of a GIF file with scaling which has been loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_DrawSubScaledEx() Draws the given sub image of a GIF file with scaling which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_GetComment() Returns the given comment of a GIF file which has been loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_GetCommentEx() Returns the given comment of a GIF file which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_GetImageInfo() Returns information about the given sub image of a GIF file which has been loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_GetImageInfoEx() Returns information about the given sub image of a GIF file which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_GetInfo() Returns information about a GIF file which has been loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_GetInfoEx() Returns information about a GIF file which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_GetXSize() Returns the X-size of a bitmap loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_GetXSizeEx() Returns the X-size of a bitmap which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_GetYSize() Returns the Y-size of a bitmap loaded into memory.
GUI_GIF_GetYSizeEx() Returns the Y-size of a bitmap which does not need to be loaded into memory.

Data structures

Structure Description
GUI_GIF_IMAGE_INFO Information about a sub-image in a GIF file.
GUI_GIF_INFO Information about a sub-image in a GIF file.


Structure Description
GUI_GIF_GET_DATA_FUNC GetData function used for the GIF format, for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_I.


Draws the first image of a gif file, which has been loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window.


int GUI_GIF_Draw(const void * pGIF,
                       U32    NumBytes,
                       int    x0,
                       int    y0);


Parameter Description
pGIF Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the gif file resides.
NumBytes Number of bytes of the gif file.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

If the file contains more than one image, the function shows only the first image of the file. Transparency and interlaced images are supported.



Draws a gif file, which does not have to be loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window.


                   void                  * p,
                   int                     x0,
                   int                     y0);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

This function is used for drawing gif files if not enough RAM is available to load the whole file into memory. The library calls the function pointed by the parameter pfGetData to read the data. The GetData function should return the number of available bytes. This could be less or equal the number of requested bytes. The function needs at least to return 1 new byte.



Draws the given sub image of a gif file, which has been loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window.


int GUI_GIF_DrawSub(const void * pGIF,
                          U32    NumBytes,
                          int    x0,
                          int    y0,
                          int    Index);


Parameter Description
pGIF Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the gif file resides.
NumBytes Number of bytes of the gif file.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
Index Zero-based index of sub image to be shown.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

The function manages the background pixels between the current and the previous image. If for example sub image #3 should be drawn at offset x20/y20 with a size of w10/h10 and the previous sub image was shown at x15/y15 with a size of w20/h20 and the background needs to be redrawn, the function fills the pixels between the images with the background color. The file 2DGL_DrawGIF.c of the Sample folder shows how to use the function.



Draws the given sub image of a gif file, which does not have to be loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window.


int GUI_GIF_DrawSubEx(GUI_GIF_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                      void                  * p,
                      int                     x0,
                      int                     y0,
                      int                     Index);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
Index Zero-based index of sub image to be shown.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

This function is used for drawing gif images if not enough RAM is available to load the whole file into memory. The GUI library then calls the function pointed by the parameter pfGetData to read the data.
For more details, refer to the GUI_GIF_DrawEx().



Draws the given sub image of a gif file, which has been loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window using scaling.


int GUI_GIF_DrawSubScaled(const void * pGIF,
                                U32    NumBytes,
                                int    x0,
                                int    y0,
                                int    Index,
                                int    Num,
                                int    Denom);


Parameter Description
pGIF Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the gif file resides.
NumBytes Number of bytes of the gif file.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
Index Zero-based index of sub image to be shown.
Num Numerator to be used for scaling.
Denom Denominator used for scaling.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

The function scales the image by building a fraction with the given numerator and denominator. If for example an image should be shrunk to 2/3 of size the parameter Num should be 2 and Denom should be 3.



Draws the given sub image of a gif file, which does not have to be loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window using scaling.


int GUI_GIF_DrawSubScaledEx(GUI_GIF_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                            void                  * p,
                            int                     x0,
                            int                     y0,
                            int                     Index,
                            int                     Num,
                            int                     Denom);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
Index Zero-based index of sub image to be shown.
Num Numerator to be used for scaling.
Denom Denominator used for scaling.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

The function scales the image by building a fraction with the given numerator and denominator. If for example an image should be shrunk to 2/3 of size the parameter Num should be 2 and Denom should be 3.



Returns the given comment from a GIF image, which has been loaded into memory.


int GUI_GIF_GetComment(const void * pGIF,
                             U32    NumBytes,
                             U8   * pBuffer,
                             int    MaxSize,
                             int    Index);


Parameter Description
pGIF Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the gif file resides.
NumBytes Number of bytes of the gif file.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer to be filled with the comment.
MaxSize Size of the buffer.
Index Zero based index of comment to be returned.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

A GIF file can contain 1 or more comments. The function copies the comment into the given buffer. If the comment is larger than the given buffer only the bytes which fit into the buffer will be copied. The file 2DGL_DrawGIF.c of the Sample folder shows how to use the function.



Returns the given comment from a GIF image, which does not have to be loaded into memory.


int GUI_GIF_GetCommentEx(GUI_GIF_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                         void                  * p,
                         U8                    * pBuffer,
                         int                     MaxSize,
                         int                     Index);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
pBuffer  out  Pointer to a buffer to be filled with the comment.
MaxSize Size of the buffer.
Index Zero based index of comment to be returned.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

For details, refer to GUI_GIF_GetComment().



Returns information about the given sub image of a GIF file, which has been loaded into memory.


int GUI_GIF_GetImageInfo(const void               * pGIF,
                               U32                  NumBytes,
                               GUI_GIF_IMAGE_INFO * pInfo,
                               int                  Index);


Parameter Description
pGIF Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the gif file resides.
NumBytes Number of bytes of the gif file.
pInfo Pointer to a GUI_GIF_IMAGE_INFO structure which will be filled by the function.
Index Zero based index of sub image.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

If an image needs be shown as a movie this function should be used to get the time the sub image should be visible and the next sub image should be shown. If the delay member is 0 the image should be visible for 1/10 second.



Returns information about the given sub image of a GIF file, which does not need to be loaded into memory.


int GUI_GIF_GetImageInfoEx(GUI_GIF_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                           void                  * p,
                           GUI_GIF_IMAGE_INFO    * pInfo,
                           int                     Index);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
pInfo  out  Pointer to a GUI_GIF_IMAGE_INFO structure which will be filled by the function.
Index Zero based index of sub image.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

For more details, refer to GUI_GIF_GetImageInfo().



Returns an information structure with information about the size and the number of sub images within the given GIF file, which has been loaded into memory.


int GUI_GIF_GetInfo(const void         * pGIF,
                          U32            NumBytes,
                          GUI_GIF_INFO * pInfo);


Parameter Description
pGIF Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the gif file resides.
NumBytes Number of bytes of the gif file.
pInfo Pointer to a GUI_GIF_INFO structure which will be filled by this function.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.


Returns an information structure with information about the size and the number of sub images within the given GIF file, which does not need to be loaded into memory.


int GUI_GIF_GetInfoEx(GUI_GIF_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                      void                  * p,
                      GUI_GIF_INFO          * pInfo);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
pInfo Pointer to a GUI_GIF_INFO structure which will be filled by this function.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.


Returns the X-size of a specified GIF image, which has been loaded into memory.


int GUI_GIF_GetXSize(const void * pGIF);


Parameter Description
pGIF Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the gif file resides.

Return value

X-size of the GIF image.



Returns the X-size of a specified GIF image, which does not need to be loaded into memory.


                       void                  * p);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.

Return value

X-size of the GIF image.



Returns the Y-size of a specified GIF image, which has been loaded into memory.


int GUI_GIF_GetYSize(const void * pGIF);


Parameter Description
pGIF Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the bmp file resides.

Return value

Y-size of the GIF image.



Returns the Y-size of a specified GIF image, which does not need to be loaded into memory.


                       void                  * p);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.

Return value

Y-size of the GIF image.



Information about a sub-image in a GIF file.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  xPos;
  int  yPos;
  int  xSize;
  int  ySize;
  int  Delay;

Structure members

Member Description
xPos X-position of the last drawn image.
yPos Y-position of the last drawn image.
xSize X-size of the last drawn image.
ySize Y-size of the last drawn image.
Delay Time in 1/100 seconds the image should be shown in a movie.

See also



Information about a sub-image in a GIF file.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  xSize;
  int  ySize;
  int  NumImages;

Structure members

Member Description
xSize Pixel size in X of the image.
ySize Pixel size in Y of the image.
NumImages Number of sub-images in the file.

See also



GetData function used for the GIF format, for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_I.

Type definition


PNG file support

The PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format is an image format which offers lossless data compression and alpha blending by using a non-patented data compression method. Version 1.0 of the PNG specification has been released in 1996. Since the end of 2003 PNG is an international standard (ISO/IEC 15948). PNG support for emWin can be achieved by using the ’libpng’ library from Glenn Randers-Pehrson, Guy Eric Schalnat and Andreas Dilger. An adapted version of this library ready to use with emWin is available on our website. That library can be added to emWin in order to to use the PNG API as explained later in this chapter.


The use of ’libpng’ library is subject to a BSD style license and copyright notice in the file GUI\PNG\png.h of the downloadable library. The original version of the library is available for free under www.libpng.org.

Converting a PNG file to C source

Under some circumstances it can be useful to add a PNG file as C file to the project. This can be done by exactly the same way as described before under JPEG file support. Further the Bitmap Converter is able to load PNG files and can convert them into C bitmap files.

Displaying PNG files

The graphic library first decodes the graphic information. If the image has to be drawn the decoding process takes considerable time. If a PNG file is used in a frequently called callback routine of the Window Manager, the decoding process can take a considerable amount of time. The calculation time can be reduced by the use of Memory Devices. The best way would be to draw the image first into a Memory Device. In this case the decompression would be executed only one time. For more information about Memory Devices, refer to the chapter Memory Devices.

Memory usage

The PNG decompression uses approximately 21 KB of RAM for decompression independent of the image size and a size dependent amount of bytes. The RAM requirement can be calculated as follows: Approx. RAM requirement = (xSize + 1) * ySize * 4 + 54 KB


The table below lists the available PNG file related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed function descriptions follow:


Routine Description
GUI_PNG_Draw() Draws the PNG file which has been loaded into memory.
GUI_PNG_DrawEx() Draws the PNG file which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_PNG_GetXSize() Returns the X-size of a bitmap loaded into memory.
GUI_PNG_GetXSizeEx() Returns the X-size of a bitmap which does not need to be loaded into memory.
GUI_PNG_GetYSize() Returns the Y-size of a bitmap loaded into memory.
GUI_PNG_GetYSizeEx() Returns the Y-size of a bitmap which does not need to be loaded into memory.


Draws a png file, which has been loaded into memory, at a specified position in the current window.


int GUI_PNG_Draw(const void * pFileData,
                       int    FileSize,
                       int    x0,
                       int    y0);


Parameter Description
pFileData Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the png file resides.
FileSize Number of bytes of the png file.
x0 X-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner of the bitmap in the display.

Return value

= 0 on success.
≠ 0 if the function fails. (The current implementation always returns 0).

Additional information

The Sample folder contains the example 2DGL_DrawPNG.c which shows how to use the function.



Returns the X-size of a specified PNG image, which has been loaded into memory.


int GUI_PNG_GetXSize(const void * pFileData,
                           int    FileSize);


Parameter Description
pFileData Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the png file resides.
FileSize Size of the file in bytes.

Return value

X-size of the PNG image.



Returns the Y-size of a specified PNG image, which has been loaded into memory.


int GUI_PNG_GetYSize(const void * pFileData,
                           int    FileSize);


Parameter Description
pFileData Pointer to the start of the memory area in which the png file resides.
FileSize Size of the file in bytes.

Return value

Y-size of the PNG image.



GetData function used for the PNG format, for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_II.

Type definition


Displaying Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a vector-based image format written in XML. The main advantage of SVGs over raster image formats (such as BMP, PNG, JPEG or GIF) is that they can be scaled to any size without losing quality.

SVG is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and is supported by most web browsers and desktop graphics software.

To render SVGs in emWin, one of the below 2D hardware vector graphic APIs has to be bound to emWin. The advantage is a huge performance boost through the use of a GPU.

The following 2D vector APIs are supported:

Supported features

emWin supports a subset of the SVG 1.1 specification. Below is a list of currently supported features.

Note: The support of a specific feature also depends on the selected SVG driver. For more details please refer to the section Limitations.

Non-supported features

Below are some major features of the SVG 1.1 specification which are currently not supported. This may change with future updates.

CSS support

Rudimentary parsing of CSS rules and selectors is a part of the SVG parsing module.

The below listed selectors are supported.

Selector Example Description
.class .intro Selects all elements with class=“intro”.
#id #firstname Selects the element with id=“firstname”.
* * Selects all elements.

Please note that it’s currently only possible to select one class at a time. This means a selector like .class1.class2 would only select class1.


API binding

In order to render SVGs with emWin, a 2D vector API has to be bound to emWin’s SVG module. This is possible with both emWin source code and precompiled emWin libraries.

The following APIs are supported:

Step 1: Add source code

The first, obvious step is to add the code or static library and header files of the desired API to the project.

Step 2: Add define switches

The next step is to add defines to GUI_Conf.h to declare that the given source code of an API has been added.

API Define(s)
Khronos OpenVG 1.1
Vivante VGLite 2.0
ThinkSilicon NemaVG 1.1.5
Mikko Mononen’s NanoVG

*Optional, needs to be declared if OpenVG is used with EGL.

When using the emWin source code, the API binding is now done.

Step 3: Bind API (required for emWin libraries)

The next step is required when using a precompiled emWin library that was built without statically linking to the desired 2D vector API. In other words, during compilation of the emWin library one of the above GUI_SVG_HAS_ defines was not defined.

A structure that maps the desired API needs to be set during runtime. With this structure, the calls to the vector API will be redirected.

The API functions can be bound by either statically linking them to an API struct or dynamically linking and loading them into an API struct.

This is done with the routine GUI_SVG_DRIVER_BindAPI() or GUI_SVG_DRIVER_BindDynamicAPI(), respectively. Examples on how this step is done can be found under each respective SVG driver section.

Step 4: Select SVG driver (required for emWin libraries)

The final step is to select the desired SVG driver as the rendering backend for the SVG module. To do so, the routine GUI_SVG_DRIVER_Select() has to be called with one of the below symbols as the parameter to select a given driver.

API Driver symbol
ThinkSilicon NemaVG 1.1.5 GUI_SVG_DRIVER_NEMAVG
Raster image module binding

The SVG module is able to render raster images embedded into an SVG. The images need to be embedded into an <image> tag, they are either Base64 or ASCII encoded. Please note that it is not possible to only link to a file.

Supported image formats

Below are the supported raster image formats. Each module needs to be activated manually, as to not automatically reference the modules even when they’re not used.

There are two ways to activate an image module:

Image Format Define Routine
SVG module initialization

This section shows how to use some of the SVG API functions in the correct order to initialize emWin’s SVG module.

Most of the functions are to be called optionally, as the initialization process is done automatically when the SVG API functions are used normally. But they can help separating the initialization workload from GUI_SVG_Draw…() function calls.

// Binding API functions to SVG driver if it was not done during
// compile-time.
// Optional: Hooking in custom code specific to the selected OpenVG implementation.
// Optional: Selecting and initializing SVG driver during runtime.
// Optional: Enable raster image modules during runtime. Only required if SVGs
// with embedded images are to be drawn and if this has not already been done
// during compile time.
// Optional: Manually initializing the SVG module, which also initializes
// the currently selected SVG driver if this was not already done before.
// Drawing an SVG...
GUI_SVG_Draw(_acSVG, sizeof(_acSVG), 0, 0);


The interface between the SVG standard and each 2D vector graphic API is implemented in SVG drivers. This section will explain each driver in detail.

Initialization of hardware components

It depends on the SVG driver, if hardware components of the GPU need to be manually initialized or if they are initialized by the driver.

API functions

The driver code either directly references the third-party API functions used by the driver (if the GUI_SVG_HAS_… define has been set) or indirectly through a function pointer table (set with GUI_SVG_DRIVER_BindAPI()).

GUI_SVG_DRIVER_VGLITE - Vivante VGLite driver

Initialization of hardware components

This driver does not initialize the GPU, this must be done before using the SVG module, e.g. in LCDConf.c.

API header files

Once the GUI_SVG_HAS_VGLITE define has been added to GUIConf.h, the required header files of the API will be included. The path to each header file is wrapped in a define which can be adapted in GUIConf.h as well, if required.

Below is a list of all header file defines that can be overwritten.

Define Default value

Driver selection during compile time (static linking, emWin source code)

If emWin source is available, this driver can be activated during compile time. To do so, add the following define to GUI_Conf.h:


Driver selection during runtime (static linking, emWin library)

If a precompiled library is used, the driver can be activated during runtime as well. To do so, the pointers to the API functions need to be declared in a structure and set to the SVG module.

#include "GUI_SVG_VGLite.h"
// Declare structure with API pointers
// Enables VGLite API for drawing SVGs.

Driver selection during runtime (dynamic linking, emWin source code or library, VGLite dynamic library)

In case VGLite shall be loaded during runtime from a Dynamic Link Library (DLL), the below code can be used to load the API functions as well as activate the SVG driver.

#include "GUI_SVG_VGLite.h"
#include <windows.h>

*       Static data
static HMODULE                   _hDLL;

*       _cbLoadFunction
static void (* _cbLoadFunction(const char * sFunction))(void) {
  return (void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(_hDLL, sFunction);

*       _Init
static void _Init(void) {
  // Load DLL.
  _hDLL = LoadLibrary("VGLite.dll");
  // Load API and activate VGLite driver.
GUI_SVG_DRIVER_OPENVG - Khronos OpenVG driver

Initialization of hardware components

This driver does not initialize the GPU, this must be done before using the SVG module, e.g. in LCDConf.c.

API header files

Once the corresponding GUI_SVG_HAS_OPENVG define (and optionally the GUI_SVG_HAS_EGL define) have been added to GUIConf.h, the required header files will be included. The path to each header file is wrapped in a define which can be adapted in GUIConf.h as well, if required.

Below is a list of all header file defines that can be overwritten.

Define Default value

Driver selection during compile time (static linking, emWin source code)

If emWin source is available, this driver can be activated during compile time. To do so, add the following define(s) to GUI_Conf.h:

#define GUI_SVG_HAS_EGL       // Optionally, add this if EGL is used

Driver selection during runtime (static linking, emWin library)

If a precompiled emWin library is used, the driver can be activated during runtime as well. To do so, the pointers to the API functions need to be declared in a structure and set to the SVG module.

The below code examples can be used if an OpenVG (and optionally EGL) implementation is used as source code.

If OpenVG is used with EGL, the below code can be used to select this driver:

#include "GUI_SVG_OpenVG.h"
// Declare structure with API pointers
// Enables OpenVG and EGL APIs for drawing SVGs.

To use OpenVG without EGL, use the below code:

#include "GUI_SVG_OpenVG.h"
// Declare structure with API pointers
// Enables OpenVG APIs for drawing SVGs.

Driver selection during runtime (dynamic linking, emWin source code or library, OpenVG dynamic library)

In case an OpenVG implementation shall be loaded during runtime from a Dynamic Link Library (DLL), the below code can be used to load the API functions as well as activate the SVG driver.

#include "GUI_SVG_OpenVG.h"
#include <windows.h>

*       Static data
static HMODULE                   _hDLL;

*       _cbLoadFunction
static void (* _cbLoadFunction(const char * sFunction))(void) {
  return (void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(_hDLL, sFunction);

*       _Init
static void _Init(void) {
  // Load DLL.
  _hDLL = LoadLibrary("ShivaVG.dll");
  // Load API and activate OpenVG driver.
Notes on the implementation

Below explained are some implementation caveats of the OpenVG driver that should be taken heed of.

Availability of EGL

Whether or not EGL is available in the OpenVG implementation to be used, the usage of EGL in emWin’s OpenVG driver can be switched on or off. To do so

Direct rendering: OpenVG with EGL

When EGL is available in an OpenVG implementation, the OpenVG driver will try to directly render into the current render target. In order to render directly, EGLs pixmap surface API is used, rather than EGLs window surface API.

To create a pixmap surface with EGL, the routine eglCreatePixmapSurface() must be implemented.

Indirect rendering: OpenVG without EGL

When EGL is not used, the routines vgWritePixels() and vgReadPixels() are used to read and write pixel data between OpenVG and emWin.


Some OpenVG implementations may require to initialize additional contexts. In order to hook in implementation specific code, GUI_SVG_DRIVER_SetHooks() may be used.


The emWin simulation contains the OpenVG implementation ShivaVG as a dynamic link library (DLL). This library has been added because it uses OpenGL as a rendering backend which offers a huge performance boost over Khronos’ reference implementation.


The use of the ShivaVG library is subject to the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) 2.1 license.

A modified version of the library is included in the emWin shipment as a dynamic link library (DLL). The source code of this modified version can be downloaded on our website.

The original version of the library by Ivan Leben can be found on GitHub.


The emWin simulation project contains a configuration file GUI_SVG_ShivaVG_Win32.c which automatically loads the ShivaVG DLL when it is present. After it has been loaded, the necessary SVG hooks are also set to initialize the library automatically.


If the ShivaVG DLL is used, the define GUI_SVG_HAS_OPENVG must not be added to GUI_Conf.h!

GUI_SVG_DRIVER_NEMAVG - ThinkSilicon NemaVG driver

Initialization of hardware components

This driver initializes the GPU by calling nema_init() beforehand.

API header files

Once the corresponding GUI_SVG_HAS_NEMAVG define has been added to GUIConf.h, the required header files of the API will be included. The path to the header file is wrapped in a define which can be adapted in GUIConf.h as well, if required.

Below is a list of all header file defines that can be overwritten.

Define Default value

Driver selection during compile time (static linking, emWin source code)

If emWin source is available, this driver can be activated during compile time. To do so, add the following define to GUI_Conf.h:


Driver selection during runtime (static linking, emWin library)

If a precompiled library is used, the driver can be activated during runtime as well. To do so, the pointers to the API functions need to be declared in a structure and set to the SVG module.

#include "GUI_SVG_NemaVG.h"
// Declare structure with API pointers
// Enables NemaVG API for drawing SVGs.

Driver selection during runtime (dynamic linking, emWin source code or library, NemaVG dynamic library)

In case NemaVG shall be loaded during runtime from a Dynamic Link Library (DLL), the below code can be used to load the API functions as well as activate the SVG driver.

#include "GUI_SVG_NemaVG.h"
#include <windows.h>

*       Static data
static HMODULE                   _hDLL;

*       _cbLoadFunction
static void (* _cbLoadFunction(const char * sFunction))(void) {
  return (void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(_hDLL, sFunction);

*       _Init
static void _Init(void) {
  // Load DLL.
  _hDLL = LoadLibrary("NemaVG.dll");
  // Load API and activate NemaVG driver.

Initialization of hardware components

This driver does not initialize the GPU, this must be done before using the SVG module, e.g. in LCDConf.c.

Initialization of contexts

The driver also does not create any OpenGL contexts automatically. This must be done before the SVG driver is initialized. The creation and deletion of the OpenGL context can be hooked into the driver with the routine GUI_SVG_DRIVER_SetHooks().

The driver will only initialize and provide an interface to NanoVG. It depends on the selected rendering backend which initialization function is called. More details about the rendering backend can be read below.

API header files

Once the corresponding GUI_SVG_HAS_NANOVG define has been added to GUIConf.h, the required header files of the API will be included. The path to the header file is wrapped in a define which can be adapted in GUIConf.h as well, if required.

Below is a list of all header file defines that can be overwritten.

Define Default value
NanoVG header files
OpenGL header files (rendering backend)

Render backend selection

The NanoVG API supports a wide range of OpenGL-based rendering backends which are the following:

Along with the GUI_SVG_HAS_NANOVG define in GUIConf.h, it’s also possible to select the render backend used in emWin’s SVG driver. To do so, the GUI_SVG_NANOVG_RENDER_BACKEND can be assigned one of the below values.

This is only required if a different rendering backend than OpenGL ES 2.0 shall be used, since this is the default selection if the define is not overriden.

Define Rendering backend

Driver selection during compile time (static linking, emWin source code)

If emWin source is available, this driver can be activated during compile time. To do so, add the following define to GUI_Conf.h:


Driver selection during runtime (static linking, emWin library)

If a precompiled library is used, the driver can be activated during runtime as well. To do so, the pointers to the API functions need to be declared in a structure and set to the SVG module.

#include "GUI_SVG_NanoVG.h"
// Declare structure with API pointers
// Enables NanoVG API for drawing SVGs.

Driver selection during runtime (dynamic linking, emWin source code or library, NanoVG dynamic library)

In case NanoVG shall be loaded during runtime from a Dynamic Link Library (DLL), the below code can be used to load the API functions as well as activate the SVG driver.


During compilation time the selection of NanoVG’s rendering backend must be made. This cannot be changed during runtime, therefore GUI_SVG_DRIVER_BindDynamicAPI() will always load the functions of the default backend which is OpenGL ES 2.0.

#include "GUI_SVG_NanoVG.h"
#include <windows.h>

*       Static data
static HMODULE                   _hDLL;

*       _cbLoadFunction
static void (* _cbLoadFunction(const char * sFunction))(void) {
  return (void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(_hDLL, sFunction);

*       _Init
static void _Init(void) {
  // Load DLL.
  _hDLL = LoadLibrary("NanoVG.dll");
  // Load API and activate NanoVG driver.

Affine transformations

Affine transformations are a type of geometric transformations that preserve parallelism and ratios of distances. They can be used to manipulate SVG elements, such as scaling, rotating, skewing, or translating them. Affine transformations are be expressed by 3x3 matrices that map coordinates from one coordinate system to another.

emWin’s SVG API provides three different ways to apply affine transformations to an SVG, which are described below. All API functions are listed and described in more detail later in this chapter under SVG API.

Method 1: Using the basic API

Using one of the basic API functions allows to draw an SVG with only one function call and also applying some basic affine transformations to it.

An example would be:

// Draw the Ghostscript tiger at 50,50 scaled and with
// an angle.
GUI_SVG_DrawScaledRotated(_acTiger, sizeof(_acTiger),
                          50, 50, // Position
                          0.5f,   // Scaled to 50%
                          20.0f); // Rotated CCW by 20\deg around center point.
Method 2: Using the handle API

Creating an SVG handle allows more complex affine transformations in a step-by-step fashion. The transformations may be in any order, why is explained in more detail further below.

GUI_SVG_Handle hSvg;

hSvg = GUI_SVG_Create(_acTiger, sizeof(_acTiger));
// Perform transformations, order can be arbitrary.
GUI_SVG_Scale(hSvg, 1.1f, 1.0f);
GUI_SVG_Translate(hSvg, 30, 0);
GUI_SVG_Rotate(hSvg, 90.0f);
GUI_SVG_DrawH(hSvg, 0, 0);

Note on the transformation order

Matrix multiplication is not commutative, this means it is crucial in which order the transformations such as scaling, rotation, etc. are performed.

Internally, the transformations are performed in the usual order as in the formula below. M is the resulting transformation matrix applied to the SVG, S is the scaling matrix, R is the rotation matrix and T is the translation matrix.

M = S * R * T

However, the user may call the SVG transformation routines in any order. Each transformation type is applied to a separate matrix. During drawing with GUI_SVG_DrawH(), all matrices are applied to the SVG in the correct order.

But note that there is only one matrix per transformation type, e.g. only one matrix for scaling. So multiple calls won’t override the previous operation. For instance, the two below calls won’t result in a scaling of 25%, but rather 12,5%.

GUI_SVG_Scale(hSvg, 0.5f, 0.5f);
GUI_SVG_Scale(hSvg, 0.25f, 0.25f); // Will be multiplied with the scaling factors
                                   // set in the previous line.

To reset all affine transformation matrices of an SVG object, GUI_SVG_Identity() may be used.

Method 3: Setting a transformation matrix directly

When using an SVG object, alternatively to using the SVG API to perform the transformations, the user may also perform the transformations themself and set a custom transformation matrix.

When this is done, only this matrix will be used for the transformations. Other transformations set by e.g. GUI_SVG_Scale() won’t be applied.

Note that here the usual transformation order applies here. Below is an example on how to use a custom matrix:

GUI_SVG_Handle hSvg;

hSvg = GUI_SVG_Create(_acTiger, sizeof(_acTiger));
// Apply transformations to custom matrix in the correct order.
// Rotate CW around origin and scale.
GUI_MATRIX_Rotate(&Mat, -45.0f);
GUI_MATRIX_Scale(&Mat, 1.25f, 1.25f);
// Set matrix and draw.
GUI_SVG_Transform(hSvg, &Mat);
GUI_SVG_DrawH(hSvg, &Mat);

Caching mode


Please note that the caching mode requires the Memory Device add-on!

For systems with lots of RAM available or systems that don’t use GUIDRV_Lin as the display driver, a caching mode has been introduced to the SVG module.

When caching mode has been enabled with GUI_SVG_EnableCacheMode() the current state of the SVG will be rendered into an internal bitmap before it is drawn with GUI_SVG_DrawH().

Optionally, this rendering step can be extracted from GUI_SVG_DrawH() by calling GUI_SVG_Render() beforehand.

Since the SVG will be rendered into a memory device which is directly accessible in memory, caching mode is an alternative for systems without a directly accessible framebuffer.


Below is a simple code example that shows how to render an SVG using cache mode.

GUI_SVG_Handle hSVG;
// Create SVG handle with caching mode.
hSVG = GUI_SVG_Create(_acTiger, sizeof(_acTiger));
GUI_SVG_EnableCacheMode(hSVG, 1);
// Optional: If supported color depth does not support
// transparency, a background color should be set to fill
// the bitmap with.
// Optional: Render the SVG beforehand.
// Draw SVG, will draw the bitmap rendered in the prev. line.
GUI_SVG_DrawH(hSVG, 0, 0);

Memory footprint

Based on which SVG features are used, during parsing internal data is dynamically allocated and associated with an SVG handle.

The memory footprint of an SVG handle is composed of the following:

Component Number of bytes
SVG handle 380
1x gradient 80 (linear)
84 (radial)
1x CSS rule Size of the rule string + size of the attribute and value strings + 12 bytes
1x embedded raster image 4 byte for each pixel of the raster image.
Cache bitmap 4 byte for each pixel of the bitmap, size equals to the SVG’s boundary box.
SVG file buffer (when the file is read from external memory) 512 (default), or size set with GUI_SVG_SetFileBufferSize().


Render target limitations

The SVG module (rather, the selected 2D vector API) can only render into a buffer that is directly accessible through a pointer to a memory block. This can be either the framebuffer or the currently selected memory device.

Note: This limitation can be bypassed by using cache mode (see Caching mode) if the SVG driver supports rendering into memory devices.

Render target OpenVG VGLite NemaVG NanoVG
Memory device

Color format limitations

The rendering of SVGs is limited to render targets with a certain color conversion, depending on the selected SVG driver. Any other color conversions that are not listed below are not supported.

Note: This limitation can be bypassed by using cache mode (see Caching mode) if the SVG driver supports rendering into memory devices.

Color format OpenVG VGLite NemaVG NanoVG
32 bits per pixel
24 bits per pixel
16 bits per pixel

Feature limitations

Below is a detailed list of SVG features that are handled by the SVG drivers. The table shows the relevant tags (e.g. <tag>) and attributes (e.g. attribute: value).

Since not all APIs support the same feature subset, it is recommended to check the SVG file for definitions and whether they are supported by the selected API.

For details about the below listed features, please refer to the SVG 1.1 specification.

SVG feature OpenVG VGLite NemaVG NanoVG
Primitives (stroking and filling)
Rounded rectangles
Quadratic curves
Cubic curves
Line cap styles
stroke-linecap: butt
stroke-linecap: round
stroke-linecap: square
Line join styles
stroke-linejoin: miter
stroke-linejoin: round
stroke-linejoin: bevel
Line dashing
Gradients (stroking and filling)
fx, fy (radial gradient focal points)
spread: pad
spread: repeat
spread: reflect
Miscellanous features
<image> (PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF)
*1 No native support of arc segments. The arcs are approximated with Bezier curves so that they can be rendered by the driver.


The SVG coordinate system heavily relies on matrices. To simplify basic matrix calculations, the below API functions have been introduced.


Routine Description
GUI_MATRIX_Equals() Compares if the values of two 3x3 matrices are equal.
GUI_MATRIX_GetCellPtr() Returns a pointer to a matrix cell based on a row and column index.
GUI_MATRIX_Initialize() Initializes the values of a given 3x3 matrix.
GUI_MATRIX_Identity() Sets the matrix to the identity matrix.
GUI_MATRIX_Multiply() Multiplies a given 3x3 matrix with another 3x3 matrix.
GUI_MATRIX_MultiplyPoint() Multiplies a given point in floating point coordinates with a 3x3 matrix.
GUI_MATRIX_Rotate() Rotates a given 3x3 matrix clockwise or counter- clockwise by the given angle a.
GUI_MATRIX_Scale() Scales a given 3x3 matrix by sx and sy.
GUI_MATRIX_Shear() Shears a given 3x3 matrix by shx and shy.
GUI_MATRIX_Translate() Translates a given 3x3 matrix by tx and ty.

Data structures

Structure Description
GUI_MATRIX A column-major 3x3 matrix used for all kinds of affine transformations.
GUI_POINTF Defines a point in floating point coordinates.


Compares if the values of two 3x3 matrices are equal.


int GUI_MATRIX_Equals(const GUI_MATRIX * p0,
                      const GUI_MATRIX * p1);


Parameter Description
p0  in  Pointer to a GUI_MATRIX structure to be compared with p1.
p1  in  Pointer to a GUI_MATRIX structure to be compared with p0.

Return value

1 The matrices p0 and p1 are equal.
0 The matrices p0 and p1 are not equal.


Returns a pointer to a matrix cell based on a row and column index.


float *GUI_MATRIX_GetCellPtr(GUI_MATRIX * pMatrix,
                             unsigned     Row,
                             unsigned     Col);


Parameter Description
pMatrix  in  Pointer to a GUI_MATRIX structure.
Row Zero-based row index in the matrix.
Col Zero-based column index in the matrix.

Return value

= NULL Invalid parameters.
NULL Pointer to the matrix cell at Row and Col.


Initializes the values of a given 3x3 matrix.


void GUI_MATRIX_Initialize(GUI_MATRIX * pMatrix,
                           float        sx,
                           float        shx,
                           float        tx,
                           float        shy,
                           float        sy,
                           float        ty,
                           float        w0,
                           float        w1,
                           float        w2);


Parameter Description
pMatrix  out  Pointer to a GUI_MATRIX structure that is filled with the given values.
sx Value to be copied to pMatrix->sx.
shx Value to be copied to pMatrix->shx.
tx Value to be copied to pMatrix->tx.
shy Value to be copied to pMatrix->shy.
sy Value to be copied to pMatrix->sy.
ty Value to be copied to pMatrix->ty.
w0 Value to be copied to pMatrix->w0.
w1 Value to be copied to pMatrix->w1.
w2 Value to be copied to pMatrix->w2.

Additional information

This routine can be used for a better readable initialization of the matrix:

GUI_MATRIX_Initialize(&Mat, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,  // sx, shx, tx
                            0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,  // shy, sy, ty
                            0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // w0,  w1, w2


Sets the matrix to the identity matrix.


void GUI_MATRIX_Identity(GUI_MATRIX * pMatrix);


Parameter Description
pMatrix  out  Pointer to a GUI_MATRIX structure that is filled with the identity matrix.


Multiplies a given 3x3 matrix with another 3x3 matrix.


void GUI_MATRIX_Multiply(      GUI_MATRIX * pMatrix,
                         const GUI_MATRIX * pMult);


Parameter Description
pMatrix  in/out  Pointer to a GUI_MATRIX structure that is to be multiplied with pMult.
pMult  in  Matrix that is multiplied with pMatrix.


Multiplies a given point in floating point coordinates with a 3x3 matrix.


void GUI_MATRIX_MultiplyPoint(const GUI_MATRIX * pMatrix,
                                    GUI_POINTF * pPoint);


Parameter Description
pMatrix  in  Pointer to a GUI_MATRIX structure that is to be multiplied with pPoint.
pPoint  in/out  Pointer to a GUI_POINTF structure to be multiplied with pMatrix.


Rotates a given 3x3 matrix clockwise or counter- clockwise by the given angle a.


void GUI_MATRIX_Rotate(GUI_MATRIX * pMatrix,
                       float        a);


Parameter Description
pMatrix  in/out  Pointer to a GUI_MATRIX structure that is to be rotated.
a Angle in degrees to rotate the matrix with.


Scales a given 3x3 matrix by sx and sy.


void GUI_MATRIX_Scale(GUI_MATRIX * pMatrix,
                      float        sx,
                      float        sy);


Parameter Description
pMatrix  in/out  Pointer to a GUI_MATRIX structure that is to be scaled.
sx Scaling factor in x.
sy Scaling factor in y.


Shears a given 3x3 matrix by shx and shy.


void GUI_MATRIX_Shear(GUI_MATRIX * pMatrix,
                      float        shx,
                      float        shy);


Parameter Description
pMatrix  in/out  Pointer to a GUI_MATRIX structure that is to be sheared.
shx Shearing factor in x.
shy Shearing factor in y.


Translates a given 3x3 matrix by tx and ty.


void GUI_MATRIX_Translate(GUI_MATRIX * pMatrix,
                          float        tx,
                          float        ty);


Parameter Description
pMatrix  in/out  Pointer to a GUI_MATRIX structure that is to be translated.
tx Translation distance in x.
ty Translation distance in y.
Data structures


A column-major 3x3 matrix used for all kinds of affine transformations.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  float  sx;
  float  shy;
  float  w0;
  float  shx;
  float  sy;
  float  w1;
  float  tx;
  float  ty;
  float  w2;

Structure members

Member Description
sx The scaling factor in the x-direction.
shy The shearing factor in the y-direction.
w0 Should be left as 0.0F to ensure affinity.
shx The shearing factor in the x-direction.
sy Scaling factor in y.
w1 Should be left as 0.0F to ensure affinity.
tx The translation factor in the x-direction.
ty The translation factor in the y-direction.
w2 Should be left as 1.0F to ensure affinity.

Additional information

emWin uses column-major matrices which means that the matrix elements are stored in columns from top to bottom and left to right.

The order is the same as in OpenVG, therefore GUI_MATRIX is implicitly convertible to the 3x3 matrix type used in OpenVG.



Defines a point in floating point coordinates.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  float  x;
  float  y;

Structure members

Member Description
x X coordinate in floating points.
y Y coordinate in floating points.


The table below lists the available SVG routines. All functions are listed in alphabetical order within their respective categories. Detailed descriptions of the routines can be found in the sections that follow.

Notes on the SVG API

The SVG API provides a “basic API” which allows drawing of SVG files the same way as any other image file format in emWin, for example GUI_SVG_Draw() or GUI_SVG_DrawEx(). Here, only one function call is required and no handles need to be created.

Additionally, there is also handle-oriented API which allows the usage of SVG files as handles. The advantage here is that when drawing the SVG, the global SVG data does not need to be read every time the file is drawn, because this is done only once during the creation of the handle. Furthermore, the handle-based API is required if the user wants to perform affine matrix transformations themselves.


Routine Description
Basic routines
GUI_SVG_Draw() Draws a given SVG file from accessible memory at a given position.
GUI_SVG_DrawEx() Draws a given SVG file from external memory at a given position.
GUI_SVG_DrawScaled() Draws a given SVG file from accessible memory at a given position with a the given scale factor.
GUI_SVG_DrawScaledEx() Draws a given SVG file from external memory at a given position with a given scaling factor.
GUI_SVG_DrawScaledRotated() Draws a given SVG file from accessible memory at a given position with a the given scale factor and rotation angle.
GUI_SVG_DrawScaledRotatedEx() Draws a given SVG file from external memory at a given position with a given scaling factor.
GUI_SVG_GetInfo() Fills an information structure from a file in accessible memory.
GUI_SVG_GetInfoEx() Fills an information structure from a file in non-accessible memory.
Handle-related routines
GUI_SVG_Create() Creates an SVG handle from a file located in addressable memory.
GUI_SVG_CreateEx() Creates an SVG handle from a file in external memory.
GUI_SVG_Delete() Deletes an SVG handle.
GUI_SVG_DrawH() Renders an SVG file at the given position.
GUI_SVG_EnableCacheMode() Enables or disables caching mode for this SVG handle.
GUI_SVG_GetInfoH() Fills an information structure from an SVG handle.
GUI_SVG_Identity() Resets the matrices related to the SVG object to the identity matrix.
GUI_SVG_Render() Renders the SVG into the internal memory device.
GUI_SVG_Rotate() Sets the counter-clockwise rotation angle for rotations around the center point.
GUI_SVG_RotateEx() Sets the counter-clockwise rotation angle for rotations around any given point.
GUI_SVG_Scale() Sets scaling factors in the X and Y direction that will be used when drawing an SVG with GUI_SVG_DrawH().
GUI_SVG_ScaleToSize() Sets the scaling factors so that the SVG is draw in the dimensions xSize and ySize when GUI_SVG_DrawH() is called.
GUI_SVG_SetBkColor() Sets a background color used for filling the internal cache bitmap.
GUI_SVG_Transform() Sets a custom transformation matrix.
GUI_SVG_Translate() Sets the translation factors that will be used when drawing an SVG with GUI_SVG_DrawH().
SVG module related routines
GUI_SVG_Enable() Initializes or de-initializes the SVG module and the currently selected SVG driver.
GUI_SVG_EnablePNG() Enables the drawing of PNGs that are embedded into SVGs.
GUI_SVG_EnableJPEG() Enables the drawing of JPEGs that are embedded into SVGs.
GUI_SVG_EnableGIF() Enables the drawing of GIFs that are embedded into SVGs.
GUI_SVG_EnableBMP() Enables the drawing of BMPs that are embedded into SVGs.
GUI_SVG_SetDPI() Sets the DPI (dots per inch) value used for parsing and displaying SVGs.
GUI_SVG_SetFileBufferSize() Sets the byte size of the buffer that will be used when an SVG file is read from external memory.
SVG driver related routines
GUI_SVG_DRIVER_BindAPI() Binds the required 2D vector API functions to the given SVG driver.
GUI_SVG_DRIVER_BindDynamicAPI() Dynamically loads and binds the required 2D vector API functions to the given SVG driver.
GUI_SVG_DRIVER_GetSelected() Returns the currently selected SVG driver.
GUI_SVG_DRIVER_HasBoundAPI() Checks if the given SVG driver has bound API functions.
GUI_SVG_DRIVER_Select() Selects a given driver for rendering SVGs.
GUI_SVG_DRIVER_SetHooks() Sets the desired hooks functions to a given SVG driver.

Data structures

Structure Description
GUI_SVG_BBOX Boundary box of an SVG based on the currently set parameters like position, scaling, rotation, etc.
GUI_SVG_HOOKS Allows to hook in into various spots during the SVG drawing process.
GUI_SVG_INFO Information about an SVG document, generated by the GUI_SVG_GetInfo…() functions.
GUI_SVG_VIEWBOX The SVG’s view box, as it is defined by the viewBox attribute in the <svg> tag.
GUI_SVG_EGL_API_STRUCT Maps the required EGL functions of the Khronos OpenVG API.
GUI_SVG_GL_API_STRUCT Maps the required OpenGL functions required for NanoVG.
GUI_SVG_NANOVG_API_STRUCT Maps the required functions of the NanoVG API.
GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_API_STRUCT Maps the required functions of the ThinkSilicon NemaVG API.
GUI_SVG_OPENVG_API_STRUCT Maps the required functions of the Khronos OpenVG API.
GUI_SVG_VGLITE_API_STRUCT Maps the required functions of the Vivante VGLite API.


Prototype Description
GUI_SVG_GET_DATA_FUNC GetData function used for the SVG format, for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_II.
GUI_SVG_LOAD_API_CALLBACK Callback used to load a given routine.


Macro Description
GUI_SVG_DECLARE_EGL_API Macro to define a structure of the type GUI_SVG_EGL_API_STRUCT filled with the correct function pointers.
GUI_SVG_DECLARE_NANOVG_API Macro to define a structure of the type GUI_SVG_EGL_API_STRUCT filled with the correct function pointers.
GUI_SVG_DECLARE_NEMAVG_API Macro to define a structure of the type GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_API_STRUCT filled with the correct function pointers.
GUI_SVG_DECLARE_OPENVG_API Macro to define a structure of the type GUI_SVG_OPENVG_API_STRUCT filled with the correct function pointers.
GUI_SVG_DECLARE_OPENVG_AND_EGL_API Macro to define a structure of the type GUI_SVG_OPENVG_API_STRUCT filled with the correct function pointers as well as a pointer to a GUI_SVG_EGL_API_STRUCT structure.
GUI_SVG_DECLARE_VGLITE_API Macro to define a structure of the type GUI_SVG_VGLITE_API_STRUCT filled with the correct function pointers.
GUI_SVG_DRIVER All available SVG drivers for run-time usage with the GUI_SVG_DRIVER_..
Basic routines


Draws a given SVG file from accessible memory at a given position.


int GUI_SVG_Draw(const void  * pFile,
                       U32     FileSize,
                       float   x,
                       float   y);


Parameter Description
pFile  in  Pointer to a SVG file in binary form.
FileSize Byte size of the array pointed to by pFile.
x X-position to draw SVG in current window.
y Y-position to draw SVG in current window.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Draws a given SVG file from external memory at a given position.


                   void                  * p,
                   float                   x,
                   float                   y);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  User-defined pointer passed to pfGetData.
x X-position to draw SVG in current window.
y Y-position to draw SVG in current window.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Draws a given SVG file from accessible memory at a given position with a the given scale factor.


int GUI_SVG_DrawScaled(const void  * pFile,
                             U32     FileSize,
                             float   x,
                             float   y,
                             float   Scale);


Parameter Description
pFile  in  Pointer to a SVG file in binary form.
FileSize Byte size of the array pointed to by pFile.
x X-position to draw SVG in current window.
y Y-position to draw SVG in current window.
Scale Scale factor applied to X and Y.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Draws a given SVG file from external memory at a given position with a given scaling factor.


int GUI_SVG_DrawScaledEx(GUI_SVG_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                         void                  * p,
                         float                   x,
                         float                   y,
                         float                   Scale);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  User-defined pointer passed to pfGetData.
x X-position to draw SVG in current window.
y Y-position to draw SVG in current window.
Scale Scaling factor used for X and Y.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Draws a given SVG file from accessible memory at a given position with a the given scale factor and rotation angle.

The SVG will be rotated around its center point in the counter- clockwise direction.


int GUI_SVG_DrawScaledRotated(const void  * pFile,
                                    U32     FileSize,
                                    float   x,
                                    float   y,
                                    float   Scale,
                                    float   Angle);


Parameter Description
pFile  in  Pointer to a SVG file in binary form.
FileSize Byte size of the array pointed to by pFile.
x X-position to draw SVG in current window.
y Y-position to draw SVG in current window.
Scale Scale factor applied to X and Y.
Angle Rotation angle for CCW rotation around center point. Use negative angles to perform a CW rotation.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Draws a given SVG file from external memory at a given position with a given scaling factor.


int GUI_SVG_DrawScaledRotatedEx(GUI_SVG_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                                void                  * p,
                                float                   x,
                                float                   y,
                                float                   Scale,
                                float                   Angle);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  User-defined pointer passed to pfGetData.
x X-position to draw SVG in current window.
y Y-position to draw SVG in current window.
Scale Scaling factor used for X and Y.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Fills an information structure from a file in accessible memory.


int GUI_SVG_GetInfo(const void         * pFile,
                          U32            FileSize,
                          GUI_SVG_INFO * pInfo);


Parameter Description
pFile  in  Pointer to a SVG file in binary form.
FileSize Byte size of the array pointed to by pFile.
pInfo  out  Pointer to a GUI_SVG_INFO structure to be filled with information about the SVG file.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Fills an information structure from a file in non-accessible memory.


int GUI_SVG_GetInfoEx(GUI_SVG_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                      void                  * p,
                      GUI_SVG_INFO          * pInfo);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  User-defined pointer passed to pfGetData.
pInfo  out  Pointer to a GUI_SVG_INFO structure to be filled with information about the SVG file.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Creates an SVG handle from a file located in addressable memory.


GUI_SVG_Handle GUI_SVG_Create(const void * pFile,
                                    U32    FileSize);


Parameter Description
pFile  in  Pointer to a SVG file in binary form.
FileSize Byte size of the array pointed to by pFile.

Return value

Handle to an SVG object.



Creates an SVG handle from a file in external memory.


                                void                  * p);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  User-defined pointer passed to pfGetData.

Return value

Handle to an SVG object.



Deletes an SVG handle.


void GUI_SVG_Delete(GUI_SVG_Handle hSVG);


Parameter Description
hSVG Handle to an SVG object.


Renders an SVG file at the given position. The currently set affine transformation matrix is used for transformation.


int GUI_SVG_DrawH(GUI_SVG_Handle hSVG,
                  float          x,
                  float          y);


Parameter Description
hSVG Handle to an SVG object.
x X-position in client coordinates.
y Y-position in client coordinates.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.

Additional information

Note that the given position (x,y) is only used within the scope of this function. The affine transformation matrix is not translated using these values.



Enables or disables caching mode for this SVG handle.

Caching mode will render the SVG into an internal memory device every time one of the SVG parameters is changed (e.g. transformations, background color changed, …).

When GUI_SVG_DrawH() is called, the bitmap will be rendered if required and then the bitmap will be drawn.


void GUI_SVG_EnableCacheMode(GUI_SVG_Handle hSVG,
                             int            Enable);


Parameter Description
hSVG Handle to an SVG object.
Enable 1 for enabling cache mode, 0 for disabling.

Additional information

Note: Caching mode requries the Memory Devices add-on.



Fills an information structure from an SVG handle.


int GUI_SVG_GetInfoH(GUI_SVG_Handle   hSVG,
                     GUI_SVG_INFO   * pInfo);


Parameter Description
hSVG Handle to an SVG object.
pInfo  out  Pointer to a GUI_SVG_INFO structure to be filled with information about the SVG file.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Resets the matrices related to the SVG object to the identity matrix. In other words, this clears everything previously set by any of the following routines:


void GUI_SVG_Identity(GUI_SVG_Handle hSVG);


Parameter Description
hSVG Handle to an SVG object.


Renders the SVG into the internal memory device.

It is optional to call this function, since a call of GUI_SVG_DrawH() will also render the memory device cache again if it’s invalid. With this function the rendering can be abstracted from the draw function.


int GUI_SVG_Render(GUI_SVG_Handle hSVG);


Parameter Description
hSVG Handle to an SVG object.

Return value

0 On success.
1 Rendering failed due to not enough RAM being available for the internal memory device.
2 Invalid handle hSVG.

Additional information

This function only has an effect when caching mode has been enabled for this SVG handle with GUI_SVG_EnableCacheMode().



Sets the counter-clockwise rotation angle for rotations around the center point.

The rotation parameters will be used when drawing the SVG with GUI_SVG_DrawH().

A negative angle can be passed to perform a clockwise rotation.


void GUI_SVG_Rotate(GUI_SVG_Handle hSVG,
                    float          Angle);


Parameter Description
hSVG Handle to an SVG object.
Angle Rotation angle in degrees. If positive the rotation is CCW, if negative the rotation is CW.


Sets the counter-clockwise rotation angle for rotations around any given point.

The rotation parameters will be used when drawing the SVG with GUI_SVG_DrawH().

A negative angle can be passed to perform a clockwise rotation.


void GUI_SVG_RotateEx(GUI_SVG_Handle hSVG,
                      float          Angle,
                      float          x,
                      float          y);


Parameter Description
hSVG Handle to an SVG object.
Angle Rotation angle in degrees. If positive the rotation is CCW, if negative the rotation is CW.
x X position of the rotation point in unscaled viewport coordinates.
y Y position of the rotation point in unscaled viewport coordinates.


Sets scaling factors in the X and Y direction that will be used when drawing an SVG with GUI_SVG_DrawH().

By default the scaling will be done around the origin point. To set a point other than the origin point to perform the scaling around, use GUI_SVG_ScaleEx().


void GUI_SVG_Scale(GUI_SVG_Handle hSVG,
                   float          xScale,
                   float          yScale);


Parameter Description
hSVG Handle to an SVG object.
xScale Scaling factor in X (1.0F = 100%).
yScale Scaling factor in Y (1.0F = 100%).


Sets the scaling factors so that the SVG is draw in the dimensions xSize and ySize when GUI_SVG_DrawH() is called.

The scaling is performed around the origin point of the SVG (0,0).


void GUI_SVG_ScaleToSize(GUI_SVG_Handle hSVG,
                         float          xSize,
                         float          ySize);


Parameter Description
hSVG Handle to an SVG object.
xSize Desired xSize of the SVG, in pixels. Can be left as 0 for uniform scaling based on given ySize.
ySize Desired ySize of the SVG, in pixels. Can be left as 0 for uniform scaling based on given xSize.


Sets a background color used for filling the internal cache bitmap.


void GUI_SVG_SetBkColor(GUI_SVG_Handle hSVG,
                        GUI_COLOR      BkColor);


Parameter Description
hSVG Handle to an SVG object.
BkColor Background fill color.

Additional information

This function only has an effect when caching mode has been enabled for this SVG handle with GUI_SVG_EnableCacheMode().



Sets a custom transformation matrix. The set matrix will be applied instead of the transformations set by GUI_SVG_Scale(), GUI_SVG_Translate() and GUI_SVG_Rotate().


void GUI_SVG_Transform(      GUI_SVG_Handle   hSVG,
                       const GUI_MATRIX     * pMatrix);


Parameter Description
hSVG Handle to an SVG object.
pMatrix  in  Pointer to a GUI_MATRIX structure, a copy of this matrix will be saved in the SVG object.


Sets the translation factors that will be used when drawing an SVG with GUI_SVG_DrawH().


void GUI_SVG_Translate(GUI_SVG_Handle hSVG,
                       float          x,
                       float          y);


Parameter Description
hSVG Handle to an SVG object.
x X-position of translation in LCD coordinates.
y Y-position of translation in LCD coordinates.


Initializes or de-initializes the SVG module and the currently selected SVG driver.

It is optional to call this function before drawing SVGs.

It may be desirable to call this function beforehand, because otherwise the driver initialization takes places right before the first time an SVG is drawn. Based on the selected 2D vector API (e.g. OpenVG with OpenGL as the rendering backend), the initialization might take a bit longer.


int GUI_SVG_Enable(int Enable);


Parameter Description
Enable 1 for enabling the SVG module, 0 for disabling.

Return value

= 0 On success.
≠ 0 On error.


Enables the drawing of PNGs that are embedded into SVGs.


void GUI_SVG_EnablePNG(void);

Additional information

The PNG module can also be activated during compile-time by defining the macro GUI_SVG_ENABLE_PNG.



Enables the drawing of JPEGs that are embedded into SVGs.


void GUI_SVG_EnableJPEG(void);

Additional information

The JPEG module can also be activated during compile-time by defining the macro GUI_SVG_ENABLE_JPEG.



Enables the drawing of GIFs that are embedded into SVGs.


void GUI_SVG_EnableGIF(void);

Additional information

The GIF module can also be activated during compile-time by defining the macro GUI_SVG_ENABLE_GIF.



Enables the drawing of BMPs that are embedded into SVGs.


void GUI_SVG_EnableBMP(void);

Additional information

The BMP module can also be activated during compile-time by defining the macro GUI_SVG_ENABLE_BMP.



Sets the DPI (dots per inch) value used for parsing and displaying SVGs. The default value is 90 DPI.

If units like mm (millimeters), cm (centimeters) or in (inches) are used, it may be desirable to modify the DPI value to manipulate the parameters that are calculated for drawing.


unsigned GUI_SVG_SetDPI(unsigned NumDotsPerInch);


Parameter Description
NumDotsPerInch New DPI value.

Return value

Old DPI value.



Sets the byte size of the buffer that will be used when an SVG file is read from external memory.


unsigned GUI_SVG_SetFileBufferSize(unsigned NumBytes);


Parameter Description
NumBytes Byte size of the buffer. Default is 512 bytes. Allowed range is 16 bytes up to 1 MB, the input value will be adjusted to these limits if it doesn’t match.

Return value

Old buffer size.

Additional information

If reading the SVG file from a file system or external memory is a bottleneck and the system has a lot of RAM, it makes sense to increase the size of this buffer. With a bigger buffer there will be lesser accesses to the file system or external memory.



Binds the required 2D vector API functions to the given SVG driver.


void GUI_SVG_DRIVER_BindAPI(      GUI_SVG_DRIVER * pDriver,
                            const void           * pAPI);


Parameter Description
pDriver  in  Pointer to SVG driver, has to be one the drivers listed under SVG drivers.
pAPI  in  Pointer to an API struct, the type has to match the driver pDriver; see below table.

Additional information

The use-case of this function is when an emWin library is used where the required routines of the 2D vector API were not compiled with.

Required type based on SVG driver

SVG driver (pDriver) API struct type (pAPI)


Dynamically loads and binds the required 2D vector API functions to the given SVG driver.


void GUI_SVG_DRIVER_BindDynamicAPI(GUI_SVG_DRIVER            * pDriver,
                                   void                      * pAPI,
                                   GUI_SVG_LOAD_API_CALLBACK * cbLoadFunction);


Parameter Description
pDriver  in  Pointer to SVG driver, has to be one of the values defined under GUI_SVG_DRIVER.
pAPI  in/out  Pointer to an API struct, the type has to match the currently selected driver; see table under GUI_SVG_DRIVER_BindAPI().
cbLoadFunction  in  Callback that loads a given API function and returns its address.


Returns the currently selected SVG driver.



Return value

Currently selected SVG driver, is one of the values listed under GUI_SVG_DRIVER.



Checks if the given SVG driver has bound API functions.




Parameter Description
pDriver  in  Pointer to SVG driver, has to be one of the values defined under GUI_SVG_DRIVER.

Return value

0 Driver has no bound API functions, it cannot function.
1 Driver has bound API functions, it can be used.


Selects a given driver for rendering SVGs. If a different driver is selected than the current one, the old one will be de-initialized and the new driver will be initialized.


int GUI_SVG_DRIVER_Select(GUI_SVG_DRIVER * pDriver);


Parameter Description
pDriver  in  Pointer to SVG driver, has to be one of the values defined under GUI_SVG_DRIVER.
Can be NULL to clear the selection of the current driver.

Return value

0 New driver successfully selected.
1 Invalid parameters.
2 Initialization of new driver failed, driver selection cleared.
3 Driver selection cleared, no driver is selected.


Sets the desired hooks functions to a given SVG driver.


void GUI_SVG_DRIVER_SetHooks(      GUI_SVG_DRIVER * pDriver,
                             const GUI_SVG_HOOKS  * pHooks);


Parameter Description
pDriver  in  Pointer to SVG driver, has to be one of the values defined under GUI_SVG_DRIVER.
pHooks  in  Pointer to a GUI_SVG_HOOKS struct that contains pointers to the desired hook functions.
Data structures


Boundary box of an SVG based on the currently set parameters like position, scaling, rotation, etc.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  float  xMin;
  float  yMin;
  float  xMax;
  float  yMax;

Structure members

Member Description
xMin Minimum X position on the display in floating point coordinates.
yMin Minimum Y position on the display in floating point coordinates.
xMax Maximum X position on the display in floating point coordinates.
yMax Maximum Y position on the display in floating point coordinates.


Allows to hook in into various spots during the SVG drawing process.

Only the desired hooks need to be set. The hooks can be set with GUI_SVG_SetHooks().

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8   (* pfPreInitDriverHook) (void); 
  U8   (* pfPostInitDriverHook)(void); 
  void (* pfDeinitDriverHook)  (void); 
  void (* pfSwitchBufferHook)  (void); 
  void (* pfBeginDrawHook)     (void); 
  void (* pfEndDrawHook)       (void); 

Structure members

Member Description
pfPreInitDriverHook Called before the SVG driver is initialized. May return 1 on error to abort the driver initialization.
pfPostInitDriverHook Called when the SVG driver initialization has finished. May return 1 on error to abort the driver initialization.
pfDeinitDriverHook Called after the SVG driver has been de-initialized.
pfSwitchBufferHook Called during the drawing process, after the drawing commands have been flushed.
pfBeginDrawHook Called at the end of the initialization of the drawing process of an SVG.
pfEndDrawHook Called once the SVG drawing process has finished.


Information about an SVG document, generated by the GUI_SVG_GetInfo…() functions.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  GUI_SVG_BBOX     BBox;
  float            xSize;
  float            ySize;

Structure members

Member Description
ViewBox Viewbox of the SVG, defines the coordinate range.
BBox Boundary box of the SVG, based on the currently set affine transformation matrix.
xSize Viewport width of the SVG, defined by the “width” attribute in the <svg> tag.
ySize Viewport height of the SVG, defined by the “height” attribute in the <svg> tag.

Additional information

In case the “width” and “height” attributes of the SVG are in any other unit than pixels, the dimensions will be converted into pixels internally. Therefore, the struct members Width and Height are always in pixels. The conversion from other units into pixels is done using the currently set DPI (see GUI_SVG_SetDPI()).



The SVG’s view box, as it is defined by the viewBox attribute in the <svg> tag.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  float  x;
  float  y;
  float  xSize;
  float  ySize;

Structure members

Member Description
x X position of the view box.
y Y position of the view box.
xSize Width of the view box.
ySize Height of the view box.


Maps the required EGL functions of the Khronos OpenVG API.

Using EGL is optional since some OpenVG implementations do not implement the EGL API.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  GUI_SVG_EGL_GETDISPLAY_FUNC          * pfGetDisplay;
  GUI_SVG_EGL_DESTROYSURFACE_FUNC      * pfDestroySurface;
  GUI_SVG_EGL_CREATECONTEXT_FUNC       * pfCreateContext;
  GUI_SVG_EGL_INITIALIZE_FUNC          * pfInitialize;
  GUI_SVG_EGL_BINDAPI_FUNC             * pfBindAPI;
  GUI_SVG_EGL_CHOOSECONFIG_FUNC        * pfChooseConfig;
  GUI_SVG_EGL_MAKECURRENT_FUNC         * pfMakeCurrent;
  GUI_SVG_EGL_GETERROR_FUNC            * pfGetError;

Structure members

Member Description
pfGetDisplay Pointer to EGL function eglGetDisplay()
pfCreatePixmapSurface Pointer to EGL function eglCreatePixmapSurface()
pfDestroySurface Pointer to EGL function eglDestroySurface()
pfCreateContext Pointer to EGL function eglCreateContext()
pfInitialize Pointer to EGL function eglInitialize()
pfBindAPI Pointer to EGL function eglBindAPI()
pfChooseConfig Pointer to EGL function eglChooseConfig()
pfMakeCurrent Pointer to EGL function eglMakeCurrent()
pfGetError Pointer to EGL function eglGetError()


Maps the required OpenGL functions required for NanoVG.

For more details about these functions, please refer to the OpenGL API documentation.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  GUI_SVG_GL_CLEAR_FUNC      * pfClear;

Structure members

Member Description
pfClear Pointer to OpenGL function glClear().
pfReadPixels Pointer to OpenGL function glReadPixels().


Maps the required functions of the NanoVG API.

A structure of this type can be set with GUI_SVG_DRIVER_BindAPI() when a precompiled emWin library is used, that was compiled without the NanoVG code (meaning GUI_SVG_HAS_NANOVG was not defined.

For more details about these functions, please refer to the NanoVG API documentation.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  GUI_SVG_GL_API_STRUCT                 GL;
  GUI_SVG_NANOVG_CREATE_FUNC          * pfCreate;
  GUI_SVG_NANOVG_DELETE_FUNC          * pfDelete;
  GUI_SVG_NANOVG_FILL_FUNC            * pfFill;
  GUI_SVG_NANOVG_LINECAP_FUNC         * pfLineCap;
  GUI_SVG_NANOVG_LINETO_FUNC          * pfLineTo;
  GUI_SVG_NANOVG_MOVETO_FUNC          * pfMoveTo;
  GUI_SVG_NANOVG_QUADTO_FUNC          * pfQuadTo;
  GUI_SVG_NANOVG_RECT_FUNC            * pfRect;
  GUI_SVG_NANOVG_SCISSOR_FUNC         * pfScissor;
  GUI_SVG_NANOVG_STROKE_FUNC          * pfStroke;
  GUI_SVG_NANOVG_TRANSFORM_FUNC       * pfTransform;

Structure members

Member Description
GL Functions for OpenGL rendering backend.
pfBeginFrame Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgBeginFrame).
pfBeginPath Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgBeginPath).
pfBezierTo Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgBezierTo).
pfClosePath Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgClosePath).
pfCreate Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgCreate).
pfCreateImageRGBA Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgCreateImageRGB).
pfDelete Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgDelete).
pfDeleteImage Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgDeleteImage).
pfEndFrame Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgEndFrame).
pfFill Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgFill).
pfFillColor Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgFillColor).
pfFillPaint Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgFillPaint).
pfGlobalAlpha Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgGlobalAlpha).
pfImagePattern Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgImagePattern).
pfLineCap Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgLineCap).
pfLineJoin Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgLineJoin).
pfLineTo Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgLineTo).
pfMiterLimit Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgMiterLimit).
pfMoveTo Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgMoveTo).
pfPathWinding Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgPathWinding).
pfQuadTo Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgQuadTo).
pfRect Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgRect).
pfResetScissor Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgResetScissor).
pfResetTransform Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgResetTransform).
pfRGBA Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgRGBA).
pfScissor Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgScissor).
pfShapeAntiAlias Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgShapeAntiAlias).
pfStroke Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgStroke).
pfStrokeColor Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgStrokeColor).
pfStrokeWidth Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgStrokeWidth).
pfTransform Pointer to NanoVG function (nvgTransform).


Maps the required functions of the ThinkSilicon NemaVG API.

A structure of this type can be set with GUI_SVG_DRIVER_BindAPI() when a precompiled emWin library is used, that was compiled without the NemaVG code (meaning GUI_SVG_HAS_NEMAVG was not defined.

For more details about these functions, please refer to the NemaVG API documentation.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_INIT_FUNC                * pfInit;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_SETCLIP_FUNC             * pfSetClip;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_CLSUBMIT_FUNC            * pfClSubmit;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_CLWAIT_FUNC              * pfClWait;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_CLREWIND_FUNC            * pfClRewind;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_CLDESTROY_FUNC           * pfClDestroy;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_VGINIT_FUNC              * pfVgInit;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_VGDEINIT_FUNC            * pfVgDeinit;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_SETBLEND_FUNC            * pfVgSetBlend;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_SETQUALITY_FUNC          * pfVgSetQuality;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_DRAWPATH_FUNC            * pfVgDrawPath;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_DRAWRECT_FUNC            * pfVgDrawRect;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_PATHCREATE_FUNC          * pfVgPathCreate;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_PATHDESTROY_FUNC         * pfVgPathDestroy;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_GRADCREATE_FUNC          * pfVgGradCreate;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_GRADSET_FUNC             * pfVgGradSet;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_GRADDESTROY_FUNC         * pfVgGradDestroy;
  GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_PAINTCREATE_FUNC         * pfVgPaintCreate;

Structure members

Member Description
pfInit Pointer to NemaVG function nema_init()
pfSetClip Pointer to NemaVG function nema_set_clip()
pfBindDstTex Pointer to NemaVG function nema_bind_dst_tex()
pfClCreateSized Pointer to NemaVG function nema_cl_create_sized()
pfClBindCircular Pointer to NemaVG function nema_cl_bind_circular()
pfClSubmit Pointer to NemaVG function nema_cl_submit()
pfClWait Pointer to NemaVG function nema_cl_wait()
pfClRewind Pointer to NemaVG function nema_cl_rewind()
pfClDestroy Pointer to NemaVG function nema_cl_destroy()
pfVgInit Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_init()
pfVgDeinit Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_deinit()
pfVgHandleLargeCoords Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_handle_large_coords()
pfVgSetBlend Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_set_blend()
pfVgSetFillRule Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_set_fill_rule()
pfVgSetQuality Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_set_quality()
pfVgDrawPath Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_draw_path()
pfVgDrawRect Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_draw_rect()
pfVgPathCreate Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_path_create()
pfVgPathSetMatrix Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_path_set_matrix()
pfVgPathSetShape Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_path_set_shape()
pfVgPathDestroy Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_path_destroy()
pfVgGradCreate Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_grad_create()
pfVgGradSet Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_grad_set()
pfVgGradDestroy Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_grad_destroy()
pfVgPaintCreate Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_paint_create()
pfVgPaintSetType Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_paint_set_type()
pfVgPaintSetGradLinear Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_paint_set_grad_linear()
pfVgPaintSetGradRadial2 Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_paint_set_grad_radial2()
pfVgPaintSetOpacity Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_paint_set_opacity()
pfVgPaintSetPaintColor Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_paint_set_paint_color()
pfVgPaintSetStrokeWidth Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_paint_set_stroke_width()
pfVgPaintSetTex Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_paint_set_tex()
pfVgPaintSetTexMatrix Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_paint_set_tex_matrix()
pfVgPaintDestroy Pointer to NemaVG function nema_vg_paint_destroy()


Maps the required functions of the Khronos OpenVG API.

A structure of this type can be set with GUI_SVG_DRIVER_BindAPI() when a precompiled emWin library is used, that was compiled without the OpenVG code (meaning GUI_SVG_HAS_OPENVG and GUI_SVG_HAS_EGL were not defined.

For more details about these functions, please refer to the OpenVG API documentation.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  GUI_SVG_OPENVG_FLUSH_FUNC          * pfFlush;
  GUI_SVG_OPENVG_FINISH_FUNC         * pfFinish;
  GUI_SVG_OPENVG_SETF_FUNC           * pfSetF;
  GUI_SVG_OPENVG_SETI_FUNC           * pfSetI;
  GUI_SVG_OPENVG_GETF_FUNC           * pfGetF;
  GUI_SVG_OPENVG_GETI_FUNC           * pfGetI;
  const GUI_SVG_EGL_API_STRUCT       * pEGL;

Structure members

Member Description
pfLoadMatrix Pointer to OpenVG function vgLoadMatrix()
pfGetMatrix Pointer to OpenVG function vgGetMatrix()
pfCreatePath Pointer to OpenVG function vgCreatePath()
pfDestroyPath Pointer to OpenVG function vgDestroyPath()
pfCreateImage Pointer to OpenVG function vgCreateImage()
pfDestroyImage Pointer to OpenVG function vgDestroyImage()
pfDrawImage Pointer to OpenVG function vgDrawImage()
pfImageSubData Pointer to OpenVG function vgImageSubData()
pfAppendPathData Pointer to OpenVG function vgAppendPathData()
pfDrawPath Pointer to OpenVG function vgDrawPath()
pfCreatePaint Pointer to OpenVG function vgCreatePaint()
pfSetPaint Pointer to OpenVG function vgSetPaint()
pfDestroyPaint Pointer to OpenVG function vgDestroyPaint()
pfFlush Pointer to OpenVG function vgFlush()
pfFinish Pointer to OpenVG function vgFinish()
pfWritePixels Pointer to OpenVG function vgWritePixels()
pfReadPixels Pointer to OpenVG function vgReadPixels()
pfSetF Pointer to OpenVG function vgSetf()
pfSetI Pointer to OpenVG function vgSeti()
pfSetFV Pointer to OpenVG function vgSetfv()
pfSetIV Pointer to OpenVG function vgSetiv()
pfGetF Pointer to OpenVG function vgGetf()
pfGetI Pointer to OpenVG function vgGeti()
pfGetFV Pointer to OpenVG function vgGetfv()
pfGetIV Pointer to OpenVG function vgGetiv()
pfSetParameterF Pointer to OpenVG function vgSetParameterf()
pfSetParameterI Pointer to OpenVG function vgSetParameteri()
pfSetParameterFV Pointer to OpenVG function vgSetParameterfv()
pfSetParameterIV Pointer to OpenVG function vgSetParameteriv()
pfGetParameterF Pointer to OpenVG function vgGetParameterf()
pfGetParameterI Pointer to OpenVG function vgGetParameteri()
pfGetParameterFV Pointer to OpenVG function vgGetParameterfv()
pfGetParameterIV Pointer to OpenVG function vgGetParameteriv()
pEGL Pointer to a GUI_SVG_EGL_API_STRUCT structure. May be NULL if EGL is not to be used.


Maps the required functions of the Vivante VGLite API.

A structure of this type can be set with GUI_SVG_DRIVER_BindAPI() when a precompiled emWin library is used, that was compiled without the VGLite code (meaning GUI_SVG_HAS_VGLITE was not defined.

For more details about what each function does, please refer to the VGLite API documentation.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  GUI_SVG_VGLITE_BLIT_FUNC             * pfBlit;
  GUI_SVG_VGLITE_DRAWPATH_FUNC         * pfDrawPath;
  GUI_SVG_VGLITE_INITPATH_FUNC         * pfInitPath;
  GUI_SVG_VGLITE_INITPATH_FUNC         * pfInitArcPath;
  GUI_SVG_VGLITE_FLUSH_FUNC            * pfFlush;
  GUI_SVG_VGLITE_FINISH_FUNC           * pfFinish;

Structure members

Member Description
pfBlit Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_blit()
pfDrawPath Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_draw()
pfInitPath Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_init_path()
pfInitArcPath Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_init_arc_path()
pfClearPath Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_clear_path()
pfSetDrawPathType Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_set_draw_path_type()
pfSetStroke Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_set_stroke()
pfUpdateStroke Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_update_stroke()
pfSetLinGrad Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_set_linear_grad()
pfUpdateLinGrad Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_update_linear_grad()
pfGetLinGradMatrix Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_get_linear_grad_matrix()
pfDrawLinGrad Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_draw_linear_gradient()
pfClearLinGrad Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_clear_linear_grad()
pfSetRadGrad Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_set_rad_grad()
pfUpdateRadGrad Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_update_rad_grad()
pfGetRadGradMatrix Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_get_rad_grad_matrix()
pfDrawRadGrad Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_draw_radial_gradient()
pfClearRadGrad Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_clear_rad_grad()
pfEnableScissor Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_enable_scissor()
pfDisableScissor Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_disable_scissor()
pfSetScissor Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_set_scissor()
pfFlush Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_flush()
pfFinish Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_finish()
pfQueryFeature Pointer to VGLite function vg_lite_query_feature()


GetData function used for the SVG format, for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_II.

Type definition



Callback used to load a given routine. The callback receives the name of the routine to be loaded as a string and should return its address as a void function pointer.

The main use case of this callback is to load a function from a DLL.

Type definition

typedef void (* GUI_SVG_LOAD_API_CALLBACK(const char * sFunction);


Parameter Description
sFunction  in  Name of the routine to be loaded as a zero-terminated string.

Return value

Address of the function casted to a void function pointer.



Macro to define a structure of the type GUI_SVG_EGL_API_STRUCT filled with the correct function pointers.


   static const GUI_SVG_EGL_API_STRUCT VAR_NAME = {    \
   eglGetDisplay,                                    \
   eglCreatePixmapSurface,                           \
   eglDestroySurface,                                \
   eglCreateContext,                                 \
   eglInitialize,                                    \
   eglBindAPI,                                       \
   eglChooseConfig,                                  \
   eglMakeCurrent,                                   \
   eglGetError,                                      \


Parameter Description
VAR_NAME Identifier name to be used for the structure variable.


Parameter Description
VAR_NAME Identifier name to be used for the structure variable.


Macro to define a structure of the type GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_API_STRUCT filled with the correct function pointers.


   static const GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_API_STRUCT VAR_NAME = {        \
   nema_init,                                               \
   nema_set_clip,                                           \
   nema_bind_dst_tex,                                       \
   nema_cl_create_sized,                                    \
   nema_cl_bind_circular,                                   \
   nema_cl_submit,                                          \
   nema_cl_wait,                                            \
   nema_cl_rewind,                                          \
   nema_cl_destroy,                                         \
   nema_vg_init,                                            \
   (GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_VGDEINIT_FUNC *)nema_vg_deinit,          \
   nema_vg_handle_large_coords,                             \
   nema_vg_set_blend,                                       \
   nema_vg_set_fill_rule,                                   \
   nema_vg_set_quality,                                     \
   nema_vg_draw_path,                                       \
   nema_vg_draw_rect,                                       \
   (GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_PATHCREATE_FUNC *)nema_vg_path_create,   \
   nema_vg_path_set_matrix,                                 \
   nema_vg_path_set_shape,                                  \
   nema_vg_path_destroy,                                    \
   nema_vg_grad_create,                                     \
   nema_vg_grad_set,                                        \
   nema_vg_grad_destroy,                                    \
   (GUI_SVG_NEMAVG_PAINTCREATE_FUNC *)nema_vg_paint_create, \
   nema_vg_paint_set_type,                                  \
   nema_vg_paint_set_grad_linear,                           \
   nema_vg_paint_set_grad_radial2,                          \
   nema_vg_paint_set_opacity,                               \
   nema_vg_paint_set_paint_color,                           \
   nema_vg_paint_set_stroke_width,                          \
   nema_vg_paint_set_tex,                                   \
   nema_vg_paint_set_tex_matrix,                            \
   nema_vg_paint_destroy,                                   \


Parameter Description
VAR_NAME Identifier name to be used for the structure variable.


Macro to define a structure of the type GUI_SVG_OPENVG_API_STRUCT filled with the correct function pointers.


   static const GUI_SVG_OPENVG_API_STRUCT VAR_NAME = { \
   vgLoadMatrix,                                     \
   vgGetMatrix,                                      \
   vgCreatePath,                                     \
   vgDestroyPath,                                    \
   vgCreateImage,                                    \
   vgDestroyImage,                                   \
   vgDrawImage,                                      \
   vgImageSubData,                                   \
   vgAppendPathData,                                 \
   vgDrawPath,                                       \
   vgCreatePaint,                                    \
   vgSetPaint,                                       \
   vgDestroyPaint,                                   \
   vgFlush,                                          \
   vgFinish,                                         \
   vgWritePixels,                                    \
   vgReadPixels,                                     \
   vgSetf,                                           \
   vgSeti,                                           \
   vgSetfv,                                          \
   vgSetiv,                                          \
   vgGetf,                                           \
   vgGeti,                                           \
   vgGetfv,                                          \
   vgGetiv,                                          \
   vgSetParameterf,                                  \
   vgSetParameteri,                                  \
   vgSetParameterfv,                                 \
   vgSetParameteriv,                                 \
   vgGetParameterf,                                  \
   vgGetParameteri,                                  \
   vgGetParameterfv,                                 \
   vgGetParameteriv,                                 \
   EGL_PTR,                                          \


Parameter Description
VAR_NAME Identifier name to be used for the structure variable.
EGL_PTR Optional pointer to GUI_SVG_EGL_API_STRUCT if EGL API should be used. If not, it must be left as NULL.


Macro to define a structure of the type GUI_SVG_OPENVG_API_STRUCT filled with the correct function pointers as well as a pointer to a GUI_SVG_EGL_API_STRUCT structure.


   GUI_SVG_DECLARE_EGL_API(_EGL);                       \


Parameter Description
VAR_NAME Identifier name to be used for the structure variable.


Macro to define a structure of the type GUI_SVG_VGLITE_API_STRUCT filled with the correct function pointers.


   static const GUI_SVG_VGLITE_API_STRUCT VAR_NAME = { \
   vg_lite_blit,                                     \
   vg_lite_draw,                                     \
   vg_lite_init_path,                                \
   vg_lite_init_arc_path,                            \
   vg_lite_clear_path,                               \
   vg_lite_set_draw_path_type,                       \
   vg_lite_set_stroke,                               \
   vg_lite_update_stroke,                            \
   vg_lite_set_linear_grad,                          \
   vg_lite_update_linear_grad,                       \
   vg_lite_get_linear_grad_matrix,                   \
   vg_lite_draw_linear_gradient,                     \
   vg_lite_clear_linear_grad,                        \
   vg_lite_set_rad_grad,                             \
   vg_lite_update_rad_grad,                          \
   vg_lite_get_rad_grad_matrix,                      \
   vg_lite_draw_radial_gradient,                     \
   vg_lite_clear_rad_grad,                           \
   vg_lite_enable_scissor,                           \
   vg_lite_disable_scissor,                          \
   vg_lite_set_scissor,                              \
   vg_lite_flush,                                    \
   vg_lite_finish,                                   \
   vg_lite_query_feature,                            \


Parameter Description
VAR_NAME Identifier name to be used for the structure variable.


All available SVG drivers for run-time usage with the GUI_SVG_DRIVER_… routines.




Definition Description


emWin supports color displays, grayscale (monochrome with different intensities) and black/white displays. An existing emWin application can be used with different kinds of displays. If an existing application should be used with a new display only the display configuration (normally located in LCDConf.c) needs to be changed. To achieve this the application uses ’logical colors’. That logical color format is independent of the color (or better pixel-) format required for the display controller.

Color management

If an application uses a color for a drawing operation that color normally should be a ’logical color’ containing 8 bits for each color channel and 8 bits for the alpha channel. The display controller normally requires a different format, called ’index value’ in this document. ’Logical colors’ are independent of the used hardware. The format of the ’index values’ depend on the requirements of the display controller. Wherever emWin draws anything on the display it converts the ’logical color’ used by the application into an ’index value’ for the controller. That conversion is done automatically by the color conversion routines configured in the display configuration routine LCD_X_Config() which should set up the routines to be used. That could be done separately for each layer.

emWin supports different ways of color conversion:

Fixed palette mode

Using a fixed palette mode is the most recommended way of color conversion. It sets up conversion routines for converting a color into an index value and vice versa. emWin provides a large set of predefined fixed palette modes explained later in this chapter.

Application defined color conversion

If none of the predefined fixed palette modes match the requirements a custom color conversion could be used. That simply means custom defined routines for converting a color into an index value and vice versa. Details explained later in this chapter.

Custom palette mode

If a display controller with a palette based color management is used, either one of the fixed palette modes could be used or a custom palette could be defined.
In case of using a custom palette emWin converts the logical colors by using an optimized version of the “least-square deviation search”. It compares the color to display (the logical color) with all the available palette colors and uses the one that the LCD-metric considers closest. Please note that using a custom palette mode could degrade the performance. Details about how to use a custom palette explained later in this chapter.

Logical colors

A logical color contains 8 bits for each color component and 8 bits for the alpha channel. Since V5.30 emWin supports 2 logical color formats:

Logical color format ABGR

For a long period of time the above format was the only supported logical color format. That implies that the used logical color format of all applications using emWin written within that period is also the same.

Logical color format ARGB (default)

Because of more and more hardware platforms using a slightly different pixel format we decided to add the option of using ARGB as logical color format to be able to improve performance significantly under certain circumstances. Please note that the alpha definition of the ARGB format is also different to the ABGR format.
This format is the default setting since version 5.48 of emWin. To use the ABGR format add the following to your GUIConf.h:

#define GUI_USE_ARGB  0

Switching to ARGB

Using that logical color format could make sense if a display controller is used which supports exactly that color format as index value. In that case the performance could be improved significantly, for example when using an on chip LCD controller with hardware acceleration.


In previous versions of emWin it was required to configure emWin to use the ARGB format. Since version 5.48 this format is the default and no changes to the GUIConf.h are required any longer.

Under certain circumstances it might be necessary to switch back to the old configuration. If this is necessary just add the following to your GUIConf.h:

#define GUI_USE_ARGB 0
Required changes in existing applications

When switching from ABGR to ARGB or vice versa some things have to be considered.


Wherever colors are defined as hexadecimal values in the application the values have to be changed or even better a conversion macro has to be used. The following table shows the use of the same color with ARGB, ABGR and conversion macro:

File Description
ARGB GUI_SetColor(0xA02010);
ABGR GUI_SetColor(0xFF1020A0);
Conversion macro GUI_SetColor(GUI_MAKE_COLOR(0xFF1020A0));

Of course all predefined color values will be changed automatically.

32 bpp Memory devices

emWin contains a couple of functions to be used with 32 bpp memory devices only. Those functions expect a determined memory device format. When working in ABGR mode that format is GUICC_8888. When switching to ARGB that format is GUICC_M8888I.

DIB bitmaps

Palette based bitmaps created by the bitmap converter contains an array of palette colors. Example:

static GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_COLOR _Colors8x1[] = {
  0x000000, 0xC04040, 0x40C020, 0xC0A000,
  0x4020E0, 0xC040A0, 0x00FFFF, 0xFFFFFF

All existing bitmaps need to be changed:

static GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_COLOR _Colors8x1[] = {
  0xFF000000, 0xFF4040C0, 0xFF20C040, 0xFF00A0C0,
  0xFFE02040, 0xFFA040C0, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xFFFFFFFF

If an application contains a large number of bitmaps a better way would be to convert the bitmaps again with new settings for the bitmap converter.

Configuring the BitmapConverter

In order to configure the bitmap converter to save colors directly in ARGB instead of ABGR the option available under Options → Save colors in ARGB mode should be activated.

Predefined colors

In addition to self-defined colors, some standard colors are predefined in emWin, as shown in the following table:


/* Set background color to magenta */

The color bar test routine

The color bar example program is used to show 13 color bars in the following order:

This simple routine may be used on all displays in any color format. Of course, the results vary depending on the colors that can be displayed; the routine requires a display size of 320 * 240 in order to show all colors. The routine is used to demonstrate the effect of the different color settings for displays. It may also be used by a test program to verify the functionality of the display, to check available colors and grayscales, as well as to correct color conversion. The screenshots are taken from the windows simulation and will look exactly like the actual output on your display if your settings and hardware are working properly. The routine is available as COLOR_ShowColorBar.c in the examples shipped with emWin.

Fixed palette modes

The following table lists the available fixed palette color modes and the necessary identifiers which need to be used when creating a driver- or a Memory Device. Detailed descriptions follow.

Identifier No. available colors Mask
GUICC_1 black and white 0x01 -> 00000001
GUICC_2 4 grayscales 0x03 -> 00000011
GUICC_4 16 grayscales 0x0F -> 00001111
GUICC_5 32 grayscales 0x1F -> 00011111
GUICC_16 16 0x0F -> 00001111
GUICC_1616I 16 + 4 bit alpha blending 0xFF -> 11111111
GUICC_111 8 0x07 -> 00000BGR
GUICC_M111 8 0x07 -> 00000RGB
GUICC_222 64 0x3F -> 00BBGGRR
GUICC_M222 64 0x3F -> 00RRGGBB
GUICC_M2222I 64 0x3F -> AARRGGBB
GUICC_8 256 grayscales 0xFF -> 11111111
GUICC_233 256 0xFF -> BBGGGRRR
GUICC_323 256 0xFF -> BBBGGRRR
GUICC_332 256 0xFF -> BBBGGGRR
GUICC_444_12 4096 0x0FFF -> 0000BBBBGGGGRRRR
GUICC_M444_12 4096 0x0FFF -> 0000RRRRGGGGBBBB
GUICC_444_12_1 4096 0xFFF0 -> BBBBGGGGRRRR0000
GUICC_444_16 4096 0x7BDE -> 0BBBB0GGGG0RRRR0
GUICC_M444_16 4096 0x7BDE -> 0RRRR0GGGG0BBBB0
GUICC_M4444I 4096 + 4 bit alpha blending 0xFFFF -> AAAARRRRGGGGBBBB
GUICC_M1555I 32768 + 1 bit transparency 0xFFFF -> TRRRRRGGGGGBBBBB
GUICC_666_9 262144 0x01FF01FF -> 0000000BBBBBBGGG0000000GGGRRRRRR
GUICC_M666_9 262144 0x01FF01FF -> 0000000RRRRRRGGG0000000GGGBBBBBB
GUICC_666_18 262144 0x00FCFCFC -> 00000000BBBBBB00GGGGGG00RRRRRR00
GUICC_M666_18 262144 0x00FCFCFC -> 00000000RRRRRR00GGGGGG00BBBBBB00
GUICC_822216 256 0xFF - Bits are not explicitly assigned to a color.
GUICC_84444 240 0xFF - Bits are not explicitly assigned to a color.
GUICC_8666 232 0xFF - Bits are not explicitly assigned to a color.
GUICC_8666_1 233 (232 + transparency) 0xFF - Bits are not explicitly assigned to a color.
GUICC_88666I 232 + 8 bits alpha blending 0xFFFF -> AAAAAAAACCCCCCCC
2 (black and white) 0x00000001


R - Red
G - Green
B - Blue
C - Color (in case of no explicit bit assignment to colors)
T - Transparency bit
A - Alpha mask

Detailed fixed palette mode description

The following gives a detailed description of the available colors in each predefined fixed palette mode.

GUICC_1: 1 bpp (black and white)

Use of this mode is necessary for monochrome displays with 1 bit per pixel.

Available colors: 2
GUICC_2: 2 bpp (4 grayscales)

Use of this mode is necessary for monochrome displays with 2 bits per pixel.

Available colors: 2 × 2 = 4
GUICC_4: 4 bpp (16 grayscales)

Use of this mode is necessary for monochrome displays with 4 bits per pixel.

Available colors: 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16
GUICC_5: 5 bpp (32 grayscales)

Use of this mode is necessary for monochrome displays with 5 bits per pixel.

Available colors: 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 32
GUICC_111: 3 bpp (2 levels per color)

Use this mode if the basic 8 colors are enough, if your hardware supports only one bit per pixel and color or if you do not have sufficient video memory for a higher color depth.

Available colors: 2 × 2 × 2 = 8
Color mask: BGR
GUICC_M111: 3 bpp (2 levels per color), red and blue swapped

Use this mode if the basic 8 colors are enough, if your hardware supports only one bit per pixel and color or if you do not have sufficient video memory for a higher color depth. The available colors are the same as those in 111 mode.

Available colors: 2 × 2 × 2 = 8
Color mask: RGB
GUICC_16: 4 bpp (16 colors)

This mode can be used if the basic 16 colors are enough, if the hardware supports only 4 bits per pixel or if you do not have sufficient video memory for a higher color depth.

Available colors: 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16
GUICC_1616I: 8 bpp (16 colors + 4 bits alpha mask)

Same colors as in GUICC_16. The lower 4 bits contain the color and the upper 4 bits are used for alpha blending.

Available colors: 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16
Color mask: AAAACCCC
(AAAA = 0xF - opaque)
(AAAA = 0x0 - transparent)
GUICC_222: 6 bpp (4 levels per color)

This mode is a good choice if your hardware does not have a palette for every individual color. 2 bits per pixel and color are reserved; usually 1 byte is used to store one pixel.

Available colors: 4 × 4 × 4 = 64
Color mask: BBGGRR
GUICC_M222: 6 bpp (4 levels per color), red and blue swapped

This mode is a good choice if your hardware does not have a palette for every individual color. 2 bits per pixel and color are reserved; usually 1 byte is used to store one pixel. The available colors are the same as those in 222 mode.

Available colors: 4 × 4 × 4 = 64
Color mask: RRGGBB
GUICC_M2222I: 6 bpp (4 levels per color) + 2 bit alpha, red and blue swapped

This mode was introduced for the GUIDRV_S1D13C00 display driver. It has a 6 bit color depths but uses the remaining 2 bits as alpha channel.

Available colors: 4 × 4 × 4 = 64
Color mask: AARRGGBB
(AA = 0xC0 - opaque)
(AA = 0x00 - transparent)
GUICC_8: 8 bpp (256 grayscales)

This mode uses 8 bpp for grayscales only. This is the smoothes possible grayscale mode.

Available colors: 256 shades of gray.
GUICC_233: 8 bpp

This mode supports 256 colors. 3 bits are used for the red and green components of the color and 2 bits for the blue component. As shown in the picture, the result is 8 grades for green and red and 4 grades for blue. We discourage the use of this mode because it do not contain real shades of gray.

Available colors: 4 × 8 × 8 = 256
Color mask: BBGGGRRR
GUICC_M233: 8 bpp, red and blue swapped

This mode supports 256 colors. 3 bits are used for the red and green components of the color and 2 bits for the blue component. The result is 8 grades for green and blue and 4 grades for red. We discourage the use of this mode because it do not contain real shades of gray.

Available colors: 4 × 8 × 8 = 256
Color mask: RRGGGBBB
GUICC_323: 8 bpp

This mode supports 256 colors. 3 bits are used for the red and blue components of the color and 2 bits for the green component. As shown in the picture, the result is 8 grades for blue and red and 4 grades for green. We discourage the use of this mode because it do not contain real shades of gray.

Available colors: 8 × 4 × 8 = 256
Color mask: BBBGGRRR
GUICC_M323: 8 bpp, red and blue swapped

This mode supports 256 colors. 3 bits are used for the red and blue components of the color and 2 bits for the green component. The available colors are the same as those in 323 mode. The result is 8 grades for red and blue and 4 grades for green. We discourage the use of this mode because it do not contain real shades of gray.

Available colors: 8 × 4 × 8 = 256
Color mask: RRRGGBBB
GUICC_332: 8 bpp

This mode supports 256 colors. 3 bits are used for the blue and green components of the color and 2 bits for the red component. As shown in the picture, the result is 8 grades for green and blue and 4 grades for red. We discourage the use of this mode because it do not contain real shades of gray.

Available colors: 8 × 8 × 4 = 256
Color mask: BBBGGGRR
GUICC_M332: 8 bpp, red and blue swapped

This mode supports 256 colors. 3 bits are used for the red and green components of the color and 2 bits for the blue component. The result is 8 grades for red and green and only 4 grades for blue. We discourage the use of this mode because it do not contain real shades of gray.

Available colors: 8 × 8 × 4 = 256
Color mask: RRRGGGBB

The red, green and blue components are each 4 bits.

Available colors: 16 × 16 × 16 = 4096
Color mask: 0000BBBBGGGGRRRR

The red, green and blue components are each 4 bits. One bit between the color components is not used. The available colors are the same as those in 444_12 mode.

Available colors: 16 × 16 × 16 = 4096
Color mask: 0BBBB0GGGG0RRRR0
GUICC_M444_12: red and blue swapped

The red, green and blue components are each 4 bits. The available colors are the same as those in 444_12 mode.

Available colors: 16 × 16 × 16 = 4096
GUICC_M444_16: red and blue swapped

The red, green and blue components are each 4 bits. One bit between the color components is not used. The available colors are the same as those in 444_12 mode.

Available colors: 16 × 16 × 16 = 4096
Color mask: 0RRRR0GGGG0BBBB0

The red, green and blue components are each 4 bits. The lower 4 bits of the color mask are not used. The available colors are the same as those in 444_12 mode.

Available colors: 16 × 16 × 16 = 4096
Color mask: BBBBGGGGRRRR0000
GUICC_M4444I: 12 bits colors + 4 bits alpha mask

The red, green and blue components are each 4 bits, the upper 4 bits are used for alpha blending.

Available colors: 16 × 16 × 16 = 4096
(AAAA = 0xF - opaque)
(AAAA = 0x0 - transparent)
GUICC_555: 15 bpp

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color-depth of 15 bpp. The red, green and blue components are each 5 bits.

Available colors: 32 × 32 × 32 = 32768
GUICC_M555: 15 bpp, red and blue swapped

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color-depth of 15 bpp. The red, green and blue components are each 5 bits. The available colors are the same as those in 555 mode.

Available colors: 32 × 32 × 32 = 32768
GUICC_M1555I: 15 bits colors + 1 bit transparency

The available colors are the same as those in 565 mode. The red, green and blue components are each 5 bits, the upper bit is used for transparency.

Available colors: 32 × 32 × 32 = 32768
(A = 1 - opaque)
(A = 0 - transparent)
GUICC_565: 16 bpp

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color-depth of 16 bpp. The red and the blue component is 5 bits and the green component is 6 bit.

Available colors: 32 × 64 × 32 = 65536
GUICC_M565: 16 bpp, red and blue swapped

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color-depth of 16 bpp. The available colors are the same as those in 565 mode.

Available colors: 32 × 64 × 32 = 65536
GUICC_666: 18 bpp

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color-depth of 18 bpp. The red, green and blue component is 6 bit.

Available colors: 64 × 64 × 64 = 262144 Color mask: BBBBBBGGGGGGRRRRRR
GUICC_M666: 18 bpp, red and blue swapped

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color-depth of 18 bpp. The red, green and the blue component is 6 bit.

Available colors: 64 × 64 × 64 = 262144 Color mask: RRRRRRGGGGGGBBBBBB
GUICC_666_9: 18 bpp

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color-depth of 18 bpp. The red, green and blue component is 6 bit.

Available colors: 64 × 64 × 64 = 262144
Color mask: 0000000BBBBBBGGG0000000GGGRRRRRR
GUICC_M666_9: 18 bpp, red and blue swapped

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color-depth of 18 bpp. The red, green and blue component is 6 bit.

Available colors: 64 × 64 × 64 = 262144 Color mask: 0000000RRRRRRGGG0000000GGGBBBBBB
GUICC_666_18: 18 bpp

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color-depth of 18 bpp. The red, green and blue component is 6 bit.

Available colors: 64 × 64 × 64 = 262144
Color mask: 00000000BBBBBB00GGGGGG00RRRRRR00
GUICC_M666_18: 18 bpp, red and blue swapped

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color-depth of 18 bpp. The red, green and blue component is 6 bit.

Available colors: 64 × 64 × 64 = 262144 Color mask: 00000000RRRRRR00GGGGGG00BBBBBB00
GUICC_822216: 8 bpp, 2 levels per color + 8 grayscales + 16 levels of alpha blending

This mode can be used with a programmable color lookup table (LUT), supporting a total of 256 possible colors and alpha blending support. It supports the 8 basic colors, 8 grayscales and 16 levels of alpha blending for each color / grayscale. With other words it can be used if only a few colors are required but more levels of alpha blending.

Available colors: (2 × 2 × 2 + 8) × 16 = 256
GUICC_84444: 8 bpp, 4 levels per color + 16 grayscales + 4(3) levels of alpha blending

This mode can be used with a programmable color lookup table (LUT), supporting a total of 240 possible colors and alpha blending support. 4 levels of intensity are available for each color, in addition to 16 grayscales and 4 levels of alpha blending for each color / grayscale. With other words it can be used if only a few levels of alpha blending are required and different shades of colors.

Available colors: (4 × 4 × 4 + 16) × 3 = 240
GUICC_8666: 8bpp, 6 levels per color + 16 grayscales

This mode is most frequently used with a programmable color lookup table (LUT), supporting a total of 256 possible colors using a palette. The screenshot gives an idea of the available colors; this mode contains the best choice for general purpose applications. Six levels of intensity are available for each color, in addition to 16 grayscales.

Available colors: 6 × 6 × 6 + 16 = 232
GUICC_8666_1: 8bpp, 6 levels per color + 16 grayscales + transparency

This mode is most frequently used with MultiLayer configurations and a programmable color lookup table (LUT), supporting a total of 256 possible colors using a palette. The difference between 8666 and 86661 is, that the first color indices of the 86661 mode are not used. So the color conversion routine GUI_Color2Index() does never return 0 which is used for transparency.

Available colors: 6 × 6 × 6 + 16 = 232
GUICC_88666I: 16bpp - 8 bits color (6 levels per color + 16 grayscales) + 8 bits alpha blending

The available colors of this mode are exactly the same as described under GUICC_8666. The upper 8 bits are used for alpha blending.

(AAAAAAAA = 0xFF - opaque)
(AAAAAAAA = 0x00 - transparent)
GUICC_888: 24 bpp

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color depth of 24 bpp. The red, green and blue components are each 8 bits.

Available colors: 256 × 256 × 256 = 16777216
GUICC_M888: 24 bpp, red and blue swapped

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color depth of 24 bpp. The red, green and blue components are each 8 bits.

Available colors: 256 × 256 × 256 = 16777216
GUICC_8888: 32 bpp

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color depth of 32 bpp, where the lower 3 bytes are used for the color components and the upper byte is used for alpha blending. The red, green, blue and alpha blending components are each 8 bits.

Available colors: 256 × 256 × 256 = 16777216
GUICC_8888I: 32 bpp

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color depth of 32 bpp, where the lower 3 bytes are used for the color components and the upper byte is used for alpha blending. The red, green, blue and alpha blending components are each 8 bits. The alpha component is inverted.

(AAAAAAAA = 0xFF - opaque)
(AAAAAAAA = 0x00 - transparent)
GUICC_M8888: 32 bpp, red and blue swapped

Use of this mode is necessary for a display controller that supports RGB colors with a color depth of 32 bpp, where the lower 3 bytes are used for the color components and the upper byte is used for alpha blending. The red, green, blue and alpha blending components are each 8 bits.

Available colors: 256 × 256 × 256 = 16777216
GUICC_M8888I: 32 bpp, red and blue swapped

The color mode is exactly the same as described under GUICC_M8888 with the difference, that alpha blending is inverted.

(AAAAAAAA = 0xFF - opaque)
(AAAAAAAA = 0x00 - transparent)
GUICC_0: Custom palette mode

How to use a custom palette mode is described under Application defined color conversion.

GUICC_1_2, GUICC_1_4, ... GUICC_1_24

These color conversion routines make it possible, to use display drivers which require a color depth of more than 1bpp, with emWin packages containing no support for colors or grayscales. The routines ensure that each color of the whole palette of possible colors will be converted into black or white.


If the available emWin package does not contain color- or gray scale support and only a driver, which requires index values of 16 bits is available, GUICC_1_16 can be used. This color conversion scheme ensures that each color of the whole 16 bit palette will be converted into 0xFFFF (normally white) or 0x0000 (normally black).

Application defined color conversion

If none of the fixed palette modes matches the need of color conversion this mode makes it possible to use application defined color conversion routines. The purpose of these routines is converting an RGB value into an index value for the hardware and vice versa.

Example of defining custom color conversion routines

The following example should explain how it works:

static unsigned _Color2Index_User(LCD_COLOR Color) {
  unsigned Index;
  /* Add code for converting the RGB value to an index value for the hardware */
  return Index;
static LCD_COLOR _Index2Color_User(unsigned Index) {
  LCD_COLOR Color;
  /* Add code for converting the index value into an RGB value */
  return Color;
static unsigned _GetIndexMask_User(void) {
  return 0xffff; /* Example for using 16 bits */
const LCD_API_COLOR_CONV LCD_API_ColorConv_User = {

The function LCD_Color2Index_User is called by emWin if a RGB value should be converted into an index value for the display controller whereas the function LCD_Index2Color_User() is called if an index value should be converted into a RGB value.
LCD_GetIndexMask_User should return a bit mask value, which has each bit set to 1 which is used by the display controller and unused bits should be set to 0. For example the index mask of GUICC_44416 mode is 0BBBB0GGGG0RRRR0, where 0 stands for unused bits. The bit mask for this mode is 0x7BDE.

Example of using custom color conversion routines

As described in the chapter Configuration a pointer to an API table is required for creating the display driver device. As shown in the example above the API table consists of function pointers to the color conversion routines.
A good location for the API table and the color conversion routines is the configuration file LCDConf.c located in the Config folder. The routines can be used as follow in the function LCD_X_Config which is responsible to create the display driver device:

void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  // Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer
  GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_LIN_16, &LCD_API_ColorConv_User, 0, 0);

Custom palette mode

If none of the fixed palette modes fulfills the requirements of the application emWin is able to use a custom palette. A custom palette simply lists all the available colors in the same order as they are used by the hardware. This means that no matter what colors the display controller/display combination is able to display, emWin will be able to simulate them in the PC simulation and handle these colors correctly in the target system. Working with a custom palette requires a color depth ≤ 8 bpp.

A custom palette is typically configured during the initialization in the function LCD_X_Config() which is responsible for creating and configuring the display driver device. This requires setting the look-up table entries using the function LCD_SetLUTEntryEx() which in turn is called by the functions LCD_SetLUT() and LCD_SetLUTEx(). These functions are implemented in the custom palette mode module GUICC_0.c, but might require modification according to the used hardware. Detailed information can be found in the according function descriptions in the section Look-up table API.


The following example should show how a custom palette can be used. It passes the palette to the function:

static const LCD_COLOR _aColors_16[] = {
  0x000000,  0x0000FF,  0x00FF00,  0x00FFFF,
  0xFF0000,  0xFF00FF,  0xFFFF00,  0xFFFFFF,
  0x000000,  0x000080,  0x008000,  0x008080,
  0x800000,  0x800080,  0x808000,  0x808080,
static const LCD_PHYSPALETTE _aPalette_16 = {
  COUNTOF(_aColors_16), _aColors_16
void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  // Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer
  // Set user palette data (only required if no fixed palette is used)
  LCD_SetLUTEx(0, _aPalette_16);

Elements of structure LCD_PHYSPALETTE

Data type Element Description
int NumEntries Number of entries to be stored in the look-up table.
const LCD_COLOR * pPalEntries Pointer to an array of colors. The number of elements in this array has to match at least the value stored in NumEntries.
Look-up table API
Routine Description
LCD_SetLUT() Sets the look-up table for the currently selected layer.
LCD_SetLUTEx() Sets the look-up table for the given layer.
LCD_SetLUTEntryEx() Sets one entry in the look-up table.


Sets the look-up table for the currently selected layer. This function is defined in the module GUICC_0.c. It may require modification according to the used hardware.


void LCD_SetLUT(const LCD_PHYSPALETTE * pPalette);


Parameter Description
pPalette Pointer to a LCD_PHYSPALETTE structure.


Sets the look-up table for the given layer. This function is defined in the module GUICC_0.c. It may require modification according to the used hardware.


void LCD_SetLUTEx(      int               LayerIndex,
                  const LCD_PHYSPALETTE * pPalette);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Index of the layer to set the look-up table for.
pPalette Pointer to an LCD_PHYSPALETTE structure.


Sets one entry in the look-up table.


int LCD_SetLUTEntryEx(int       LayerIndex,
                      U8        Pos,
                      LCD_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Index of the layer the look-up entry has to be set for.
Pos Position in the look-up table to use for this color.
Color 32-bit color value.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Gamma correction

Gamma correction can simply be achieved with custom color conversion routines. The trick is converting the colors twice. Please note that gamma correction does not work within the simulation.

Color2Index - conversion

It should first make the gamma correction of the color to be converted. The result of the gamma correction then should be passed to the Color2Index-function of the desired fixed palette mode, whose result then should be returned.

Index2Color - conversion

It should first convert the index to a color with the Color2Index-function of the desired fixed palette mode. The result then should be passed to the gamma correction routine whose result then should be returned.


The sample folder LCDConf\Common\ contains the sample file LCDConf_GammaCorrection.c. It shows in detail how gamma correction can be used.

Color API

The following table lists the available color-related functions in alphabetical order within their respective categories. Detailed description of the routines can be found in the sections that follow.

Basic functions
GUI_GetBkColor() Returns the current background color.
GUI_GetBkColorIndex() Returns the index of the current background color.
GUI_GetColor() Returns the current foreground color.
GUI_GetColorIndex() Returns the index of the current foreground color.
GUI_GetDefaultColor() Returns currently set default foreground color.
GUI_GetDefaultBkColor() Returns currently set default background color.
GUI_SetBkColor() Sets the default background color.
GUI_SetBkColorIndex() Sets the index of the current background color.
GUI_SetBlendBkColor() Blends two colors and sets it as the current background color.
GUI_SetBlendBkColorEx() Blends two colors with a given intensity range and sets it as the current background color.
GUI_SetBlendColor() Blends two colors and sets it as the current foreground color.
GUI_SetBlendColorEx() Blends two colors with a given intensity range and sets it as the current foreground color.
GUI_SetColor() Sets the current foreground color.
GUI_SetColorIndex() Sets the index of the current foreground color.
GUI_SetDefaultColor() Sets the default foreground color.
GUI_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color.
Conversion functions
GUI_BlendColors() Blends two color with the given intensity.
GUI_Color2Index() Returns the index of a specified RGB color value.
GUI_Color2VisColor() Returns the next available color of the system as an RGB color value.
GUI_ColorIsAvailable() Checks if the given color is available.
GUI_Index2Color() Returns the RGB color value of a specified index.
Basic functions


Returns the current background color.


GUI_COLOR GUI_GetBkColor(void);

Return value

The current background color.



Returns the index of the current background color.


int GUI_GetBkColorIndex(void);

Return value

The current background color index.



Returns the current foreground color.


GUI_COLOR GUI_GetColor(void);

Return value

The current foreground color.



Returns the index of the current foreground color.


int GUI_GetColorIndex(void);

Return value

The current foreground color index.



Returns currently set default foreground color.


GUI_COLOR GUI_GetDefaultColor(void);

Return value

The default foreground color.



Returns currently set default background color.


GUI_COLOR GUI_GetDefaultBkColor(void);

Return value

The current default background color.



Sets the default background color.


void GUI_SetBkColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color for background, 24-bit RGB value.


Sets the index of the current background color.


void GUI_SetBkColorIndex(LCD_PIXELINDEX Index);


Parameter Description
Index Index of the color to be used.


Blends two colors and sets it as the current background color.


                              GUI_COLOR Color1,
                              U8        Intens);


Parameter Description
Color0 RGB value of the first color.
Color1 RGB value of the second color.
Intens Intensity to be used to blend the colors (0 - 255).

Return value

Resulting color of blending between Color0 and Color1.



Blends two colors with a given intensity range and sets it as the current background color.


                                GUI_COLOR Color1,
                                U16       Intens,
                                U16       IMax);


Parameter Description
Color0 RGB value of the first color.
Color1 RGB value of the second color.
Intens Intensity to be used to blend the colors.
IMax Defines range of intensity.

Return value

Resulting color of blending between Color0 and Color1.



Blends two colors and sets it as the current foreground color.


                            GUI_COLOR Color1,
                            U8        Intens);


Parameter Description
Color0 RGB value of the first color.
Color1 RGB value of the second color.
Intens Intensity to be used to blend the colors (0 - 255).

Return value

Resulting color of blending between Color0 and Color1.



Blends two colors with a given intensity range and sets it as the current foreground color.


                              GUI_COLOR Color1,
                              U16       Intens,
                              U16       IMax);


Parameter Description
Color0 RGB value of the first color.
Color1 RGB value of the second color.
Intens Intensity to be used to blend the colors.
IMax Defines range of intensity.

Return value

Resulting color of blending between Color0 and Color1.



Sets the current foreground color.


void GUI_SetColor(GUI_COLOR color);


Parameter Description
Color Color for foreground, 24-bit RGB value.


Sets the index of the current foreground color.


void GUI_SetColorIndex(LCD_PIXELINDEX Index);


Parameter Description
Index Index of the color to be used.


Sets the default foreground color.


void GUI_SetDefaultColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color for foreground, 24-bit RGB value.


Sets the default background color.


void GUI_SetDefaultBkColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color for foreground, 24-bit RGB value.
Conversion functions


Blends two color with the given intensity.


                          GUI_COLOR Color1,
                          U16       Intens,
                          U16       IMax);


Parameter Description
Color0 RGB value of the first color.
Color1 RGB value of the second color.
Intens Intensity to be used to blend the colors.
IMax Defines range of intensity.

Return value

A combination of the given colors according to the intensity.

Additional information

IMax is used to define the range of the intensity. For example, if a value of 4 is passed as IMax. Intens can have a value between 0 to 4. The maximum value is 0xFFFF.



Returns the index of a specified RGB color value.


int GUI_Color2Index(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color RGB value of the color to be calculated.

Return value

The color index.



Returns the next available color of the system as an RGB color value.


GUI_COLOR GUI_Color2VisColor(GUI_COLOR color);


Parameter Description
Color RGB value of the color.

Return value

The RGB color value of the nearest available color.



Checks if the given color is available.


char GUI_ColorIsAvailable(GUI_COLOR color);


Parameter Description
Color RGB value of the color.

Return value

1 if color is available
0 if not.


Returns the RGB color value of a specified index.


GUI_COLOR GUI_Index2Color(int Index);


Parameter Description
Index Index of the color to be converted.

Return value

The RGB color value.


This chapter describes the various methods of font support in emWin. The most common fonts are shipped with emWin as C font files. All of them contain the ASCII character set and most of them do also contain the characters included in the ISO 8859-1 character set. In fact, you will probably find that these fonts are fully sufficient for your application. For detailed information about the individual fonts, refer to Standard fonts.

emWin is compiled for 8-bit characters, allowing for a maximum of 256 different character codes out of which the first 32 are reserved as control characters. The availability of characters depends on the font. In order to display certain characters selecting an according font may be required. For accessing the complete ’Basic Multilingual Plane’ (BMP, plane 0) of the Unicode codespace UTF8 decoding could be enabled. Details can be found in the chapter Language Support.

TrueType font files (TTF) can also be used directly. Support for those kind of fonts can be achieved by adding the FreeType library which comes with its own BSD style license. More details about TTF support and a download link can be found under TrueType Font (TTF) format.


The first way of font support was the possibility to use C files with font definitions containing bitmaps with 1bpp pixel information for each character. This kind of font support was limited to use only the fonts which are compiled with the application. Over time, the font support has been improved regarding font quality, ROM requirement, performance, scalability and the ability to add further fonts at run time. In the meantime emWin fonts cover anti-aliasing, drawing of compound characters like required in Thai language, fonts located on external non addressable media and TrueType support. Except the TrueType font format, which is a vector font, all other kinds of fonts are bitmap fonts.


Some characters are required within a font to measure certain font parameters such as the height of lower and upper case characters.

TrueType fonts

TTF and BDF fonts created during runtime with the FreeType engine are using the following characters for measurements:

Character Purpose
g Measurement of the height of lower case characters.
M Measurement of the height of upper case characters.

The above characters can be changed using the routine GUI_FT_SetMeasurementChars().

Font types

emWin supports different internal types of fonts defined by emWin supports TrueType and BDF fonts through the FreeType library.


To avoid confusion (especially with new emWin users), with emWin V6.36 the old font formats that were formerly known as Standard fonts have been renamed to Legacy fonts.

In most cases font formats formerly known as Extended fonts should be used, because they are much more memory efficient. Therefore these formats are now called Standard fonts.

The new names give a more accurate description about the formats, because legacy font formats should only be used if absolutely necessary.

Standard proportional bitmap fonts

Each character of an extended proportional bitmap font has its own height and its own width. The pixel information is saved with 1bpp and covers only the areas of the glyph bitmaps.

Standard proportional bitmap fonts with 2 bpp anti-aliasing information

Each character has the same height and its own width. The pixel information is saved with 2bpp anti-aliasing information and covers only the areas of the glyph bitmaps.

Standard proportional bitmap fonts with 4 bpp anti-aliasing information

Each character has the same height and its own width. The pixel information is saved with 4bpp anti-aliasing information and covers only the areas of the glyph bitmaps.

Standard proportional bitmap fonts, framed

In case the background color is unknown at compile time, it might be preferable to use a framed font. A framed font is always drawn in transparent mode regardless of the current settings. The character pixels are drawn in the currently selected foreground color and the frame is drawn in background color. A good contrast between foreground and background color makes sure, that the text can be read on any background.


Framed fonts are not suitable for compound characters like in the Thai or Arabic language.

The picture below shows some framed text in front of a photo:

Monospaced bitmap fonts

Each character of a monospaced bitmap font has the same size. In a proportional font each character has its own width, whereas in a monospaced font the width is defined only one time. The pixel information is saved with 1bpp and covers the whole character area. Some of the standard fonts that are included in emWin are in the monospaced format. But monospaced fonts cannot be created using the Font Converter.

Legacy proportional bitmap fonts

Each character of a proportional bitmap font has the same height and its own width. The pixel information is saved with 1bpp and covers the whole character area.

Legacy anti-aliased fonts with 2 bpp anti-aliasing information

Each character has the same height and its own width. The pixel information is saved with 2bpp anti-aliasing information and covers the whole character area.

Legacy anti-aliased fonts with 4 bpp anti-aliasing information

Each character has the same height and its own width. The pixel information is saved with 4bpp anti-aliasing information and covers the whole character area.

Standard font types

The following table shows the difference between the standard font types. The images only show the pixel information saved in the font file.

Std. prop. bitmap font Std. prop. bitmap font, framed Std. prop. bitmap font, AA2 Std. prop. bitmap font, AA4

Legacy font types

The following table shows the difference between the legacy font types. The images only show the pixel information saved in the font file.

Leg. prop. bitmap font Leg. prop. bitmap font, AA2 Leg. prop. bitmap font, AA4

FreeType library support

emWin supports the use of TrueType and BDF fonts through the FreeType library. More detail about this is described later in this chapter.

Font file formats

The following explains the differences between the supported font formats, when to use them and what is required to be able to use them.

C file format

This is the most common way of using fonts. When using fonts in form of C files, we recommend compiling all available fonts and linking them as library modules or putting all of the font object files in a library which you can link with your application. This way you can be sure that only the fonts which are needed by your application are actually linked. The Font Converter may be used to create additional fonts.

When to use

This format should be used if the fonts are known at compile time and if there is enough addressable memory available for the font data.


In order to be able to use a font C file in your application, the following requirements must be met:

Format description

A font C file contains at first the pixel information of all characters included by the font. It is followed by a character information table with size information about each character. This table is followed by range information structures for each contiguous area of characters contained in the font file, whereas each structure points to the next one. Note that this method can enlarge a font file a lot if using many separate characters. After the range information structures a GUI_FONT structure follows with the main information like type, pixel size and so on of the font.

System Independent Font (SIF) format

System independent fonts are binary data blocks containing the font information. The Font Converter can be used to create system independent fonts. This tool is not part of the basic package. A short description follows later in this chapter.

When to use

This format should be used if the fonts are not known at compile time and if there is enough addressable memory available for the font data.


In order to be able to use a SIF font file in your application, it is required that the whole file reside in addressable memory (ROM or RAM).

Format description

The structure of a SIF file is nearly the same as of a C file. It contains the same information in binary format. The sequence of the file components is vice versa: General font information followed by range information structures, character information table and at least pixel information of all characters.

External Bitmap Font (XBF) format

As well as SIF fonts XBF fonts are binary data blocks containing the font information and the Font Converter can be used to create XBF files. The Font Converter is not part of the emWin basic package. Details on how to create external bitmap fonts can be found in the chapter Font Converter.


Contrary to other fonts, XBF fonts do not have to reside in memory when they are used, whereas all other kinds of emWin fonts need to reside in memory completely. The XBF font file can remain on any external media while it is used. Data access is done by a GetData callback function. The advantage of XBF fonts is that it is possible to use very large fonts on systems with little memory.

XBF fonts offer a performance advantage when using fonts including lots of characters which do not follow each other directly in sequence. This kind of character set would cause the Font Converter to create a C file font containing many GUI_FONT_PROP structures having a pointer to the according next one. The more GUI_FONT_PROP structures exist in a font the longer it might take to display a character. XBF fonts just use a memory offset so each character can be found in the same amount of time.

When to use

This format should be used if there is not enough addressable memory available for the font data and if there is any kind of external media available for storing the fonts.


In order to be able to use a XBF font in your application, a GetData callback function is required which is responsible for getting font data.

Format description

This format differs in general from SIF and C file format. At first it contains a small block of general font information including the lowest character code and the highest character code. It is followed by an access table containing offset and data size information for each character between lowest and highest character code. If a character does not exist, this information is zero for the according character. The access table is followed by the character information of all characters containing pixel data and character size information.

File content

(all values LSB):
Header (18 Bytes)
  4 Bytes ID (0x47, 0x55, 0x49, 0x58, "GUIX")
  16 Bits ySize of font
  16 Bits yDist of font, to be used for cursor increment
  16 Bits Baseline position from top
  16 Bits Height in pixels of lowercase characters
  16 Bits Height in pixels of capital characters
  16 Bits First codepoint in access table
  16 Bits Last codepoint in access table
Character Access table (6 Bytes for each entry)
  32 Bits Position of bitmap information in file (0 means character is not available)
  16 Bits Size of bitmap information
Bitmap Information (Standard font format)
  12 Bytes header:
    16 Bits X-distance in pixels to be used for cursor increment
    16 Bits X-size of bitmap
    16 Bits Y-size of bitmap
    16 Bits X-position of bitmap
    16 Bits Y-position of bitmap
    16 Bits Bytes per line of bitmap
  Bitmap (Size - 12 bytes) 
Bitmap Information (Legacy font format)
  4 Bytes header:
    16 Bits X-size of bitmap
    16 Bits Y-size of bitmap
  Bitmap (Size - 4 bytes)
iType and iTypeSpark font engine support

Since version V5.20 emWin supports using the iType® font engine, since V5.30 it also supports the iTypeSpark® engine. The iType® and iTypeSpark® font engines are font rendering subsystems developed by Monotype Imaging. They offer a host of advanced capabilities including font linking, font management and discovery, support for various industry standards and font formats in a small memory footprint. iType® and iTypeSpark® can be implemented into various platforms. Based on OpenType®, TrueType® and PostScript® font formats and packaged as ANSI C code for broad, flexible integration, iType® meets stringent size requirements for any applications, including those that support East Asian languages requiring thousands of characters. The glue code to be able to use the those font engines is freely available under the following links:



The emWin library by SEGGER does not provide the Monotype® font engines itself. It provides only the glue code required to be able to use the iType® or the iTypeSpark® library. Please contact Monotype Imaging under monotypeimaging.com for a license request if required.

When to use

This format could be used if high quality fonts need to be scalable at run-time and/or advanced font effects are required.


In general the requirements are similar to the requirements of the true type font support described on the next page. For detailed information about requirements and performance please also contact Monotype Imaging under monotypeimaging.com.

TrueType Font (TTF) format

The functionality of emWin can be enhanced by making use of TrueType fonts. TrueType is an outline font standard developed by Apple Computer. It offers font developers a high degree of control over how their fonts are displayed at various font heights. Contrary to bitmap fonts which are based on bitmaps for each character, TrueType fonts are based on vector graphics. The advantage of the vector representation is the loss-free scalability.

This implies that each character first needs to be rasterized into a bitmap before it is drawn. To avoid rasterization each time a character is drawn the bitmap data normally is cached by the font engine. This requires a fast CPU and enough RAM. TTF support for emWin can be achieved by using the FreeType font library from David Turner, Robert Wilhelm and Werner Lemberg which is not part of emWin. An adapted version of this library ready to use with emWin is available on our website. That library can be added to emWin in order to use the TTF API as explained later in this chapter.


The use of FreeType font library is subject to a BSD style license with credit clause (freetype.org) also included in GUI\TrueType\FTL.txt of the zip file. The original version of the library is available for free under freetype.org.

When to use

This format should be used if fonts need to be scalable at run-time.


The TTF engine allocates its memory via the non-emWin functions malloc() and free(). It must be made sure that these functions work before using the TTF engine.

Format description

For details about the TTF format, refer to the information available under apple.com.

Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF)

The Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format is a bitmap based font format developed by Adobe. The content of BDF files is intended to be readable for humans as well as computers.

Since it is a bitmap based format, fonts have a fixed size and cannot be scaled. The glyph bitmaps have a color depth of 1bpp, thus BDF fonts do not support anti-aliasing.

BDF support for emWin can be achieved by using the FreeType font library from David Turner, Robert Wilhelm and Werner Lemberg which is not part of emWin. An adapted version of this library ready to use with emWin is available on our website. That library can be added to emWin in order to use the BDF API as explained later in this chapter.

Unlike with TTF fonts, the FreeType cache is not used for displaying BDF fonts, since the format is based on bitmaps instead of outlines.


The use of FreeType font library is subject to a BSD style license with credit clause (freetype.org) also included in GUI\TrueType\FTL.txt of the zip file. The original version of the library is available for free under freetype.org.

When to use

Since BDF is an old format and emWin already provides other bitmap based formats, it should only really be used e.g. when BDF fonts have been licensed previously and are still intended to be used.

Format description

For further details about the BDF format, refer to the specification published by Adobe.


Currently, anti-aliased BDF fonts are not supported.

Converting a TTF file to C source

Under some circumstances it can be useful to add a TTF file as C file to the project, for example if no file system is available. This can be done by using the tool Bin2C.exe shipped with emWin. It can be found in the Tools subfolder. It converts the given binary file (in this case the TTF file) to a C file.

Declaring custom fonts

The most recommended way of declaring the prototypes of custom fonts is to put them into an application defined header file. This should be included from each application source file which uses these fonts. It could look like the following example:

#include "GUI.h"

Note that this kind of declaring prototypes does not work if the fonts should be used with emWin configuration macros like BUTTON_FONT_DEFAULT or similar. In this case the fonts need to be declared in the configuration file GUIConf.h. The declaration in this case can look like the following example:

typedef struct GUI_FONT GUI_FONT;

extern const GUI_FONT GUI_FontApp1;

#define EDIT_FONT_DEFAULT   &GUI_FontApp1

The typedef is required because the structure GUI_FONT has not been defined at the early point where GUIConf.h is included by emWin.

Selecting a font

emWin offers different fonts, one of which is always selected. This selection can be changed by calling the function GUI_SetFont() or one of the GUI_XXX_CreateFont() functions, which select the font to use for all text output to follow for the current task.

If no font has been selected by your application, the default font is used. This default is configured in GUIConf.h and can be changed. You should make sure that the default font is one that you are actually using in your application because the default font will be linked with your application and will therefore use up ROM memory.

Changing the font style during run-time

Instead of predefining font styles such as bold, italic, etc. using the Font Converter, certain font styles can also be applied to fonts during run-time.

The table below shows which font style is supported by which font type and which function can be used to set the style to the font.

Note: All of the styles can be combined with each other, if they are available for the given font type.

Font style C SIF XBF BDF TTF
bold - - - GUI_BDF_EmboldenFont() GUI_TTF_EmboldenFont()
italic - - - - GUI_TTF_ObliqueFont()
underlined GUI_SetTextStyle(GUI_TS_UNDERLINE)
strikethrough GUI_SetTextStyle(GUI_TS_STRIKETHRU)
overlined GUI_SetTextStyle(GUI_TS_OVERLINE)


Kerning is the process of adjusting the space between two specific characters to promote a visually pleasing and rhythmic flow between letters. The more the text takes center stage, the more the eyes notice small imperfections in it. And one of the most common imperfections is the space between the letters, known as kerning. emwin allows to activate kerning for standard- and TTF fonts. Legacy fonts unfortunately do not support kerning.

Standard fonts

Kerning can be used with standard- and TTF-fonts. Monospaced- and legacy fonts unfortunately do not support kerning. In case of using standard fonts the format (C, SIF, XBF) does not matter. Each format can be used with kerning.

Creating a kerning table

To be able to activate kerning a kerning table is required. It contains the kerning distance for each pair of codepoints. Please note that such a kerning table should exactly fit to the font it is used with. A kerning table can be created with the FontConverter (File/Save kerning table):

The result is a C-file containing the kerning pairs for the font:

// Kerning pairs
GUI_CONST_STORAGE U16 aMyFont_64_Kerning[] = {
  0x0020, 0x0041, (U16)-3, 0x0020, 0x0054, (U16)-1, 0x0020, 0x0059, (U16)-1, ...
  0x0041, 0x0020, (U16)-3, 0x0041, 0x0054, (U16)-4, 0x0041, 0x0056, (U16)-4, ...
  0x0077, 0x002E, (U16)-3, 0x0079, 0x002C, (U16)-4, 0x0079, 0x002E, (U16)-4, 

// Number of kerning pairs: 95
U32 MyFont_64_Kerning_NumPairs = (sizeof(aMyFont_64_Kerning) / sizeof(aMyFont...

This file (or the content of it) needs to be added to the project. It contains the table and the number of pairs. More details can be found in chapter Font Converter.

Activating kerning

Once the font and the kerning table exists, only one function call is required to attach the kerning table to the font structure. This should be done with GUI_AttachKerning():

static GUI_KERNING_INFO _KerningData;

// Activate kerning for MyFont_64
GUI_AttachKerning(&GUI_FontMyFont_64_AA4, &_KerningData, aMyFont_64_Kerning, ...
Kerning with TTF fonts

When working directly with TTF fonts no extra kerning table is required. The function GUI_TTF_EnableKerning() can be used to switch kerning on and off for the given font. But please note that not any TTF font contains a kerning table. In short: Not any TTF font supports kerning. The FreeType-library contains the function FT_HAS_KERNING() which can be used to check whether kerning is supported or not.

Font API

The table below lists the available font-related routines in alphabetical order within their respective categories. Detailed descriptions can be found in the following sections.


Routine Description
SIF file related font functions
GUI_SIF_CreateFont() Sets the font to be used by passing a pointer to system independent font data.
GUI_SIF_DeleteFont() Deletes a font created by GUI_SIF_CreateFont().
TTF file related font functions
GUI_TTF_AddRowBottom() Adds or removes the given number of rows to/from the bottom edge of the TTF font.
GUI_TTF_AddRowTop() Adds or removes the given number of rows to/from the top edge of the TTF font.
GUI_TTF_CreateFont() Creates and selects an emWin font by using a TTF font file.
GUI_TTF_CreateFontAA() Creates and selects an antialised emWin font by using a TTF font file.
GUI_TTF_EmboldenFont() Renders the given TTF font as bold.
GUI_TTF_EmboldenFontEx() Renders the given TTF font as bold.
GUI_TTF_EnableKerning() Enables kerning (if possible).
GUI_TTF_GetFamilyName() The function returns the font family name defined in the font file.
GUI_TTF_GetStyleName() The function returns the style name (bold, regular, …) defined in the font file.
GUI_TTF_ObliqueFont() Renders the given TTF font as oblique.
GUI_TTF_ObliqueFontEx() Renders the given TTF font as oblique.
XBF file related font functions
GUI_XBF_CreateFont() Creates and selects a font by passing a pointer to a callback function, which is responsible for getting data from the XBF font file.
GUI_XBF_DeleteFont() Deletes an XBF font pointed by the parameter pFont.
BDF file related font functions
GUI_BDF_CreateFont() Creates and selects an emWin font by using a BDF font file.
GUI_BDF_DeleteFont() Frees all allocated memory for an emWin font created from a BDF font file.
GUI_BDF_EmboldenFont() Renders the given BDF font as bold.
GUI_BDF_EmboldenFontEx() Renders the given BDF font as bold.
GUI_BDF_GetFamilyName() The function returns the font family name defined in the font file.
GUI_BDF_GetStyleName() The function returns the style name (bold, regular, …) defined in the font file.
GUI_BDF_SetLetterSpacing() Sets a spacing that is added/subtracted to each letter of the font.
FreeType related font functions
GUI_FT_DestroyCache() This function frees all memory allocated by the FreeType cache system and destroys the cache.
GUI_FT_Done() This function frees all memory allocated by the FreeType engine and its internal cache system.
GUI_FT_GetMeasurementChars() Returns the characters that are used for measuring the font metrics of newly created TTF and BDF fonts.
GUI_FT_SetCacheSize() Sets the size parameters used to create the cache on the first call of GUI_TTF_CreateFont() or GUI_BDF_CreateFont().
GUI_FT_SetMeasurementChars() Sets the characters that are used for measuring the font metrics of newly created TTF and BDF fonts.
Common font-related functions
GUI_GetCharDistX() Returns the width in pixels (X-size) used to display a specified character in the currently selected font.
GUI_GetDefaultFont() Returns the default currently set default font.
GUI_GetFallbackFont() Returns a font which contains the given character.
GUI_GetFont() Returns a pointer to the currently selected font.
GUI_GetFontDistY() Returns the Y-spacing of the currently selected font.
GUI_GetFontInfo() Calculates a pointer to a GUI_FONTINFO structure of a particular font.
GUI_GetFontSizeY() Returns the height in pixels (Y-size) of the currently selected font.
GUI_GetLeadingBlankCols() Returns the number of leading blank pixel columns in the currently selected font for the given character.
GUI_GetLeadingBlankRows() Returns the number of leading blank pixel rows in the currently selected font for the given character.
GUI_GetStringDistX() Returns the X-size used to display a specified string in the currently selected font.
GUI_GetStringDistXEx() Returns the X-size used to display a number of characters of a string in the currently selected font.
GUI_GetTextExtend() Calculates the text rectangle for drawing the given string.
GUI_GetTrailingBlankCols() Returns the number of trailing blank pixel columns in the currently selected font for the given character.
GUI_GetTrailingBlankRows() Returns the number of trailing blank pixel rows in the currently selected font for the given character.
GUI_GetYDistOfFont() Returns the Y-spacing of a particular font.
GUI_GetYSizeOfFont() Returns the Y-size of a particular font.
GUI_IsInFont() Evaluates whether a particular font contains a specified character or not.
GUI_SetDefaultFont() Sets the font to be used by default for text output.
GUI_SetFallbackFont() Sets a fallback font which is used if the default font does not conatin the required characters.
GUI_SetFont() Sets the font to be used for text output.
GUI_SetFuncGetFallbackFont() Sets a callback function which is called to retreive a fallback font.

Data structures

Structure Description
GUI_FONTINFO This structure is used when retrieving information about a font.
GUI_TTF_DATA Contains the raw data of a TTF font file.


Group of defines Description
Font info flags Flags that define the type of a font.
SIF font types SIF font types to be used by GUI_SIF_CreateFont().
XBF font types XBF font types to be used by GUI_XBF_CreateFont().


Prototype Description
GUI_XBF_GET_DATA_FUNC A callback which is used for loading XBF files into RAM, e.g.


Sets the font to be used by passing a pointer to system independent font data.


void GUI_SIF_CreateFont(const void         * pFontData,
                              GUI_FONT     * pFont,
                        const GUI_SIF_TYPE * pFontType);


Parameter Description
pFontData Pointer to the system independent font data.
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure in RAM filled by the function.
pFontType See a full list of available values under SIF font types.

Additional information

Contrary to the emWin standard fonts which must be compiled and linked with the application program, system independent fonts (SIF) are binary data blocks containing the font information. The Font Converter can be used to create system independent fonts. This tool is not part of the basic package. A short description follows later in this chapter. For details about how to create system independent fonts, refer to the chapter Font Converter.
When using this function emWin needs to fill a GUI_FONT structure with the font information. The user needs to pass a pointer to this structure in the parameter pFont. The contents of this structure must remain valid during the use of the font. The function does not know what kind of font should be created. To tell the function the type of the font to be created it must be passed in the parameter pFontType. This has been done to avoid linkage of code which is not required.


static GUI_FONT _Font;  // Font structure in RAM

GUI_SIF_CreateFont(_DownloadedFont, &_Font, GUI_SIF_TYPE_PROP);
GUI_DispString("Hello World!");


Deletes a font pointed by the parameter pFont.


void GUI_SIF_DeleteFont(GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to the font to be deleted.

Additional information

After using a font created with GUI_SIF_CreateFont() the font should be deleted if not used anymore.


static GUI_FONT _Font;  // Font structure in RAM

GUI_SIF_CreateFont(_DownloadedFont, &_Font, GUI_SIF_TYPE_PROP);
// Use the font

The emWin implementation of TTF file support is based on the FreeType font library from David Turner, Robert Wilhelm and Werner Lemberg. For details, refer to TrueType Font (TTF) format.



Adds or removes the given number of rows to/from the bottom edge of the TTF font.


void GUI_TTF_AddRowBottom(GUI_FONT * pFont,
                          int        NumRows);


Parameter Description
pFont  in/out  Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which has been created using GUI_TTF_CreateFont().
NumRows Number of rows to be added. If NumRows is negative, the amount will be removed.


Adds or removes the given number of rows to/from the top edge of the TTF font.


void GUI_TTF_AddRowTop(GUI_FONT * pFont,
                       int        NumRows);


Parameter Description
pFont  in/out  Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which has been created using GUI_TTF_CreateFont().
NumRows Number of rows to be added. If NumRows is negative, the amount will be removed.


Creates and selects an emWin font by using a TTF font file.


int GUI_TTF_CreateFont(GUI_FONT   * pFont,
                       GUI_TTF_CS * pCS);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure in RAM filled by the function.
pCS Pointer to a GUI_TTF_CS structure containing the creation parameters.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

When using the function the first time it initializes the TTF engine and the internal cache system. If the cache should use other values as defined per default it needs to be configured before the first call of this function. For details how to configure the cache, refer to GUI_TTF_SetCacheSize().

The internal data cache manages the complete mechanism of creating fonts and caching bitmap data. Font faces are uniquely identified from the cache by the address given in parameter pTTF and the parameter FaceIndex, which normally is 0. If the same font file for example should be used for creating fonts of different sizes the parameter pTTF should point to the same location of a GUI_TTF_DATA structure. The parameter PixelHeight specifies the height of the surrounding rectangle between the glyphs ’g’ and ’f’. The value PixelHeight does not represent the offset between lines.


GUI_TTF_CS   Cs0, Cs1;
GUI_FONT     Font0, Font1;
// Set parameters for accessing the font file
Data.pData      = aTTF;         // Address
Data.NumBytes   = sizeof(aTTF); // Size
// Set creation parameters of first font
Cs0.pTTF        = &Data;        // Use address of GUI_TTF_DATA
Cs0.PixelHeight = 24;           // Pixel height
Cs0.FaceIndex   = 0;            // Initialize to 0
// Set creation parameters of second font
Cs1.pTTF        = &Data;        // Use address of GUI_TTF_DATA
Cs1.PixelHeight = 48;           // Pixel height
Cs1.FaceIndex   = 0;            // Initialize to 0
// Create 2 fonts
GUI_TTF_CreateFont(&Font0, &Cs0);
GUI_TTF_CreateFont(&Font1, &Cs1);
// Draw something using the fonts
GUI_DispString("Hello world\n");
GUI_DispString("Hello world");


Creates and selects an antialised emWin font by using a TTF font file.


int GUI_TTF_CreateFontAA(GUI_FONT   * pFont,
                         GUI_TTF_CS * pCS);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure in RAM filled by the function.
pCS Pointer to a GUI_TTF_CS structure containing the creation parameters.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.
Before After


Renders the given TTF font as bold. An optimal strength for embolding is calculated using this formula:

Embolding str. in px = (2⅔ * Font size in pt) / 64

To override the embolding strength, GUI_TTF_EmboldenFontEx() can be used.


int GUI_TTF_EmboldenFont(GUI_FONT * pFont,
                         U8         Embolden);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which has been created using GUI_TTF_CreateFont().
Embolden 1 for embolding the font, 0 for disabling.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.

Additional information

Please note the following:

Before After


Renders the given TTF font as bold. A custom strength can be used for this which is expressed in the 26.6 fractional pixel format (1 unit = 1/64 pixel).


int GUI_TTF_EmboldenFontEx(GUI_FONT * pFont,
                           I32        Strength);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which has been created using GUI_TTF_CreateFont().
Strength Strength for embolding used for X and Y in 26.6 fractional pixels (1 unit = 1/64 pixel), e.g.: 56 equals 0.875 pixels of added thickness.
0 disables embolding.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.

Additional information

Negative strength values are also legal to make the font thinner.

Refer to GUI_TTF_EmboldenFont() for general notes on embolding TTF fonts.

For more information about the 26.6 fractional pixel format, please refer to the FreeType documentation.

Before After


Enables kerning (if possible).


int GUI_TTF_EnableKerning(GUI_FONT * pFont,
                          int        OnOff);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which has been created using GUI_TTF_CreateFont().
OnOff 0 - Disables kerning 1 - Enables kerning


The function returns the font family name defined in the font file.


int GUI_TTF_GetFamilyName(GUI_FONT * pFont,
                          char     * pBuffer,
                          int        NumBytes);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which has been created using GUI_TTF_CreateFont().
pBuffer Buffer to be filled with the family name.
NumBytes Size of buffer in bytes.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


The function returns the style name (bold, regular, …) defined in the font file.


int GUI_TTF_GetStyleName(GUI_FONT * pFont,
                         char     * pBuffer,
                         int        NumBytes);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which has been created using GUI_TTF_CreateFont().
pBuffer Buffer to be filled with the style name.
NumBytes Size of buffer in bytes.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.
Before After


Renders the given TTF font as oblique. The letters of the font are slanted by an angle of 9.568° to the right.


int GUI_TTF_ObliqueFont(GUI_FONT * pFont,
                        U8         Oblique);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which has been created using GUI_TTF_CreateFont().
Oblique 1 for obliqueing the font, 0 for disabling.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.

Additional information

Please note the following:

Before After


Renders the given TTF font as oblique. The letters of the font are slanted to the right by a given angle.


int GUI_TTF_ObliqueFontEx(GUI_FONT * pFont,
                          I32        Angle);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which has been created using GUI_TTF_CreateFont().
Angle Angle * 1000 (10° = 10000). Angle must be between 1 and 45000 (0.001° to 45°). If a 0 is passed, obliqueing is disabled for the font.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.

Additional information

Note that the character width remains unchanged in order for the font to appear oblique. An angle too large means the font would be too wide to be displayed entirely.

Refer to GUI_TTF_ObliqueFont() for additional notes.



Creates and selects a font by passing a pointer to a callback function, which is responsible for getting data from the XBF font file.


int GUI_XBF_CreateFont(      GUI_FONT              * pFont,
                             GUI_XBF_DATA          * pXBF_Data,
                       const GUI_XBF_TYPE          * pFontType,
                             GUI_XBF_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                             void                  * pVoid);


Parameter Description
pFont  out  Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure in RAM filled by the function.
pXBF_Data  out  Pointer to a GUI_XBF_DATA structure in RAM filled by the function.
pFontType  in  See a full list of available values under XBF font types.
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
pVoid  in  Application defined pointer passed to the ’GetData’ callback function.

Return value

0 on success
1 if font creation fails.

Additional information

The function requires pointers to a GUI_FONT structure and a GUI_XBF_DATA structure. The function will fill these structures with font information. It is required, that the contents of these structures remain valid during the usage of the font.

The function does not know what kind of XBF font has to be created, so the parameter pFontType has to be used to tell the function the type of the font to be created. This has been done to avoid unnecessary linkage of code.

The maximum number of data bytes per character is limited to 200 per default. If the number of characters exceed this limit banding is used to display the remaining characters. This should cover the most requirements. If loading a character with more bytes a warning will be generated in the debug version. The default value can be increased by adding the following define to the file GUIConf.h:

#define GUI_MAX_XBF_BYTES 500 // Sets the maximum number of bytes/chars to 500


Deletes an XBF font pointed by the parameter pFont.


void GUI_XBF_DeleteFont(GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to the font to be deleted.

Additional information

After using a font created with GUI_XBF_CreateFont() the font should be deleted if not used anymore.



Creates and selects an emWin font by using a BDF font file.


int GUI_BDF_CreateFont(      GUI_FONT * pFont,
                       const U8       * pData,
                             U32        Size);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure in RAM filled by the function.
pData Pointer to data buffer that contains the BDF font file.
Size Size of the data buffer.

Return value

0 Success.
1 Error.

Additional information

When using the function the first time it initializes the TTF engine. The routine GUI_BDF_DeleteFont() deletes a font. By calling GUI_BDF_Done() all memory allocated by the TTF engine will be deleted.



Frees all allocated memory for an emWin font created from a BDF font file.


int GUI_BDF_DeleteFont(GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to font.

Return value

0 Font was successfully deleted.
1 Error when deleting the font.

Additional information

To free all memory allocated by the TTF engine, call GUI_FT_Done().



Renders the given BDF font as bold.


int GUI_BDF_EmboldenFont(GUI_FONT * pFont,
                         U8         Embolden);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which has been created using GUI_BDF_CreateFont().
Embolden 1 for embolding the font, 0 for disabling.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Renders the given BDF font as bold. A custom strength can be used for this which is expressed in the 26.6 fractional pixel format (1 unit = 1/64 pixel).


int GUI_BDF_EmboldenFontEx(GUI_FONT * pFont,
                           I32        Strength);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which has been created using GUI_BDF_CreateFont().
Strength Strength for embolding used for X and Y in 26.6 fractional pixels. 0 disables embolding.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.

Additional information

For more information about the 26.6 fractional pixel format, please refer to the FreeType documentation.



The function returns the font family name defined in the font file.


int GUI_BDF_GetFamilyName(GUI_FONT * pFont,
                          char     * pBuffer,
                          int        NumBytes);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which has been created using GUI_BDF_CreateFont().
pBuffer Buffer to be filled with the family name.
NumBytes Size of buffer in bytes.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


The function returns the style name (bold, regular, …) defined in the font file.


int GUI_BDF_GetStyleName(GUI_FONT * pFont,
                         char     * pBuffer,
                         int        NumBytes);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which has been created using GUI_BDF_CreateFont().
pBuffer Buffer to be filled with the style name.
NumBytes Size of buffer in bytes.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Sets a spacing that is added/subtracted to each letter of the font. The value is added to the characters cursor distance. The new cursor distance cannot be negative.


int GUI_BDF_SetLetterSpacing(GUI_FONT * pFont,
                             int        Spacing);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which has been created using GUI_BDF_CreateFont().
Spacing Absolute spacing in pixels to be added to each character (can also be negative).

Return value

Old spacing value.



This function frees all memory allocated by the FreeType cache system and destroys the cache.


void GUI_FT_DestroyCache(void);

Additional information

The next time GUI_TTF_CreateFont() or GUI_BDF_CreateFont() is used, emWin automatically creates and initializes a new cache.



This function frees all memory allocated by the FreeType engine and its internal cache system.


void GUI_FT_Done(void);

Additional information

The next time GUI_TTF_CreateFont() or GUI_BDF_CreateFont() is used, emWin automatically initializes the TTF engine and creates and initializes a new cache.



Returns the characters that are used for measuring the font metrics of newly created TTF and BDF fonts.


void GUI_FT_GetMeasurementChars(U16 * pLowerHeight,
                                U16 * pUpperHeight);


Parameter Description
pLowerHeight Pointer to an U16 to store the character used to measure the height of a lower case letter.
pUpperHeight Pointer to an U16 to store the character used to measure the height of an upper case letter.


Sets the size parameters used to create the cache on the first call of GUI_TTF_CreateFont() or GUI_BDF_CreateFont().


void GUI_FT_SetCacheSize(unsigned MaxFaces,
                         unsigned MaxSizes,
                         U32      MaxBytes);


Parameter Description
MaxFaces Maximum number of font faces the cache should be able to handle simultaneously. 0 selects default value.
MaxSizes Maximum number of size objects the cache should be able to handle simultaneously. 0 selects default value.
MaxBytes Maximum number of bytes used for the bitmap cache. 0 selects default value.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

If for example 3 font faces should be used, each with 2 sizes, the cache should be able to manage 6 size objects. The default values used by the TTF engine are: 2 faces, 4 size objects and 200K of bitmap data cache.



Sets the characters that are used for measuring the font metrics of newly created TTF and BDF fonts.

The default characters are:

It makes sense to change the measurement characters if the BDF or TTF fonts that are used do not contain the default characters.


void GUI_FT_SetMeasurementChars(U16 LowerHeight,
                                U16 UpperHeight);


Parameter Description
LowerHeight Character for measuring the height of lower case letters
UpperHeight Character for measuring the height of upper case letters.

Additional information

The set characters are used for all TTF and BDF fonts that are created afterwards.



Returns the width in pixels (X-size) used to display a specified character in the currently selected font.


int GUI_GetCharDistX(U16 c);


Parameter Description
c Character to calculate width from.


Returns the default currently set default font.


GUI_FONT *GUI_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

This function returns a pointer to the currently set default font.



Returns a font which contains the given character.


GUI_FONT *GUI_GetFallbackFont(U16 c);


Parameter Description
c Character which needs to be within the font.

Return value

Returns a pointer to a fallback font.

Additional information

This function requires a fallback font set or callback function to retreive a fallback font. Please refer to GUI_SetFuncGetFallbackFont() and GUI_SetFallbackFont().



Returns a pointer to the currently selected font.


GUI_FONT *GUI_GetFont(void);

Return value

This function returns a pointer to the currently selected font.



Returns the Y-spacing of the currently selected font.


int GUI_GetFontDistY(void);

Return value

This function returns the Y-spacing of the currently selected font.

Additional information

The Y-spacing is the vertical distance in pixels between two adjacent lines of text. The returned value is the YDist value of the entry for the currently selected font. The returned value is valid for both proportional and monospaced fonts.



Calculates a pointer to a GUI_FONTINFO structure of a particular font.


void GUI_GetFontInfo(const GUI_FONT     * pFont,
                           GUI_FONTINFO * pFontInfo);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to the font.
pFontInfo Pointer to a GUI_FONTINFO structure.


Gets the info of GUI_Font6x8. After the calculation FontInfo.Flags contains the flag GUI_FONTINFO_FLAG_MONO.

GUI_GetFontInfo(&GUI_Font6x8, &FontInfo);


Returns the height in pixels (Y-size) of the currently selected font.


int GUI_GetFontSizeY(void);

Return value

Size of the currently selected font in pixels.

Additional information

The returned value is the YSize value of the entry for the currently selected font. This value is less than or equal to the Y-spacing returned by the function GUI_GetFontDistY(). The returned value is valid for both proportional and monospaced fonts.



Returns the number of leading blank pixel columns in the currently selected font for the given character.


int GUI_GetLeadingBlankCols(U16 c);


Parameter Description
c Character to be used.

Return value

≠ -1 Number of leading blank pixel columns in the currently selected font for the given character.
= -1 On error.


The result for the character ’B’ shown in the screenshot above would be 2.



Returns the number of leading blank pixel rows in the currently selected font for the given character.


int GUI_GetLeadingBlankRows(U16 c);


Parameter Description
c Character to be used.

Return value

≠ -1 Number of leading blank pixel columns in the currently selected font for the given character.
= -1 On error.

Additional information

Please note that only EXT fonts support that function.


The result for the character ’B’ shown in the screenshot above would be 5.



Returns the X-size used to display a specified string in the currently selected font.


int GUI_GetStringDistX(const char * s);


Parameter Description
s Pointer to the string.

Return value

≠ -1 X-size used to display a specified string in the currently selected font.
= -1 Error.


Returns the X-size used to display a number of characters of a string in the currently selected font.


int GUI_GetStringDistXEx(const char * s,
                               int    n);


Parameter Description
s Pointer to the string.
n Number of characters counted from the beginning.

Return value

≠ -1 X-size used to display a specified string in the currently selected font.
= -1 Error.


Calculates the text rectangle for drawing the given string. The rectangle is calculated based on the currently set font and position.


void GUI_GetTextExtend(      GUI_RECT * pRect,
                       const char     * s,
                             int        MaxNumChars);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to GUI_RECT-structure to store result.
s Pointer to the string.
Len Number of characters of the string.


Returns the number of trailing blank pixel columns in the currently selected font for the given character.


int GUI_GetTrailingBlankCols(U16 c);


Parameter Description
c Character to be used.

Return value

≠ -1 Number of trailing blank pixel columns in the currently selected font for the given character.
= -1 On error.


The result for the character ’B’ shown in the screenshot above would be 1.



Returns the number of trailing blank pixel rows in the currently selected font for the given character.


int GUI_GetTrailingBlankRows(U16 c);


Parameter Description
c Character to be used.

Return value

≠ -1 Number of trailing blank pixel columns in the currently selected font for the given character.
= -1 On error.

Additional information

Please note that only EXT fonts support that function.


The result for the character ’B’ shown in the screenshot above would be 7.



Returns the Y-spacing of a particular font.


int GUI_GetYDistOfFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to the font.

Return value

Y-spacing of the font.

Additional information

Please refer to GUI_GetFontDistY().



Returns the Y-size of a particular font.


int GUI_GetYSizeOfFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to the font.

Return value

Y-size of the font.

Additional information

Additional information can be found in the description of GUI_GetFontSizeY().



Evaluates whether a particular font contains a specified character or not.


char GUI_IsInFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont,
                        U16        c);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to the font.
c Character to be searched for.

Return value

1 if the character was found.
0 if the character was not found.

Additional information

If the pointer pFont is set to 0, the currently selected font is used.


Evaluates whether the font GUI_FontD32 contains an “X”:

if (GUI_IsInFont(&GUI_FontD32, 'X') == 0) {
  GUI_DispString("GUI_FontD32 does not contain 'X'");


Sets the font to be used by default for text output.


void GUI_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to the font to be selected as default

Additional information

This function is intended to be used in GUI_X_Config(). Defining GUI_DEFAULT_FONT is not mandatory anymore. If there is neither defined GUI_DEFAULT_FONT nor GUI_SetDefaultFont is called, GUI_Font6x8 will be set as the default Font. If none of the emWin fonts shall be used, GUI_DEFAULT_FONT has to be defined by NULL and a custom font needs to be set as default with this function.



Sets a fallback font which is used if the default font does not conatin the required characters.


GUI_FONT *GUI_SetFallbackFont(const GUI_FONT * pNewFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to the font to be used.

Return value

Returns a pointer to the previously set font.



Sets the font to be used for text output.


GUI_FONT *GUI_SetFont(const GUI_FONT * pNewFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to the font to be selected and used.

Return value

Returns a pointer to the previously selected font so that it may be buffered.


Displays example text in 3 different sizes, restoring the former font afterwards:

const GUI_FONT GUI_FLASH * OldFont;
OldFont = GUI_SetFont(&GUI_Font8x16);                   // Buffer old font
GUI_DispStringAt("This text is 8 by 16 pixels", 0, 0);
GUI_DispStringAt("This text is 6 by 8 pixels", 0, 20);
GUI_DispStringAt("This text is proportional", 0, 40);
GUI_SetFont(OldFont);                                   // Restore old font

Screenshot of above example


Displays text and value in different fonts:

GUI_DispString("The result is: ");  // Disp text
GUI_DispDec(42,2);                  // Disp value

Screenshot of above example



Sets a callback function which is called to retreive a fallback font.


void GUI_SetFuncGetFallbackFont(const GUI_FONT * ( *pfcbGetFallbackFont)(U16 c ));


Parameter Description
pfcbGetFallbackFont Pointer to the callback function
Data structures


This structure is used when retrieving information about a font.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U16  Flags;
  U8   Baseline;
  U8   LHeight;
  U8   CHeight;

Structure members

Member Description
Flags Flags that define the type of the font. Permitted values are explained in Font info flags.
Baseline Height of the baseline. The baseline is the line where most, but not all characters are ’placed on’. The lowest part of an ’A’ is on the baseline.
LHeight Height of a lower case character such as ’a’ or ’x’.
CHeight Height of an upper case character such as ’A’ or ’X’.

See also


Type definition

typedef struct {
  U32            aImageTypeBuffer[];
  int            PixelHeight;
  int            FaceIndex;
  I32            BoldStrength;
  I32            aObliqueMatrix[];
  U8             EmFlags;

Structure members

Member Description
pTTF Pointer to GUI_TTF_DATA structure which contains location and size of font file.
aImageTypeBuffer Internal use.
PixelHeight Pixel height of new font. It means the height of the surrounding rectangle between the glyphs ’g’ anf ’f’. Please notice that it is not the distance between two lines of text. With other words the value returned by GUI_GetFontSizeY() is not identically with this value.
FaceIndex Some font files can contain more than one font face. In case of more than one face this index specifies the zero based face index to be used to create the font. Usually 0.
BoldStrength Internal use.
aObliqueMatrix Internal use.
EmFlags Internal use.

See also



Contains the raw data of a TTF font file.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const void * pData;
  U32          NumBytes;

Structure members

Member Description
pData Pointer to TTF font file in addressable memory area.
NumBytes Size of file in bytes.

See also

Font info flags


These flags define of what type a font is. See the chapter Font types for a detailed explanation of the font types.


#define GUI_FONTINFO_FLAG_PROP       (1 << 0)
#define GUI_FONTINFO_FLAG_MONO       (1 << 1)
#define GUI_FONTINFO_FLAG_AA         (1 << 2)
#define GUI_FONTINFO_FLAG_AA2        (1 << 3)
#define GUI_FONTINFO_FLAG_AA4        (1 << 4)
#define GUI_FONTINFO_FLAG_PROPFRM    (1 << 5)


Definition Description
GUI_FONTINFO_FLAG_PROP Font is proportional.
GUI_FONTINFO_FLAG_MONO Font is monospaced.
GUI_FONTINFO_FLAG_AA Font is an antialiased font.
GUI_FONTINFO_FLAG_AA2 Font is an antialiased font with 2bpp anti-aliasing.
GUI_FONTINFO_FLAG_AA4 Font is an antialiased font with 4bpp anti-aliasing.
GUI_FONTINFO_FLAG_PROPFRM Font is proportional and framed.
SIF font types


Available font type defines to be used by the pFontType parameter in function GUI_SIF_CreateFont().


#define GUI_SIF_TYPE_PROP_FRM        &GUI_SIF_APIList_Prop_Frm


Definition Description
GUI_SIF_TYPE_PROP_LEG Should be used if the parameter pFont points to a legacy proportional font.
GUI_SIF_TYPE_PROP_LEG_AA2 Should be used if the parameter pFont points to a legacy proportional font that uses 2bpp anti-aliasing.
GUI_SIF_TYPE_PROP_LEG_AA4 Should be used if the parameter pFont points to a legacy proportional font that uses 4bpp anti-aliasing.
GUI_SIF_TYPE_PROP_FRM Should be used if the parameter pFont points to a standard proportional framed font.
GUI_SIF_TYPE_PROP_STD Should be used if the parameter pFont points to a standard proportional font.
GUI_SIF_TYPE_PROP_STD_AA2 Should be used if the parameter pFont points to a standard proportional font that uses 2bpp anti-aliasing.
GUI_SIF_TYPE_PROP_STD_AA4 Should be used if the parameter pFont points to a standard proportional font that uses 4bpp anti-aliasing.
XBF font types


Available font type defines to be used by the pFontType parameter in function GUI_XBF_CreateFont().


#define GUI_XBF_TYPE_PROP_FRM        &GUI_XBF_APIList_Prop_Frm


Definition Description
GUI_XBF_TYPE_PROP_LEG Should be used if the parameter pFont points to a legacy proportional font.
GUI_XBF_TYPE_PROP_FRM Should be used if the parameter pFont points to a standard proportional font.
GUI_XBF_TYPE_PROP_STD Should be used if the parameter pFont points to a standard framed proportional font.
GUI_XBF_TYPE_PROP_STD_AA2 Should be used if the parameter pFont points to a standard proportional font that uses 2bpp anti-aliasing.
GUI_XBF_TYPE_PROP_STD_AA4 Should be used if the parameter pFont points to a standard proportional font that uses 4bpp anti-aliasing.


A callback which is used for loading XBF files into RAM, e.g. from a file system.

For more details about GetData functions in general, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.

Type definition

typedef int GUI_XBF_GET_DATA_FUNC(U32    Off,
                                  U16    NumBytes,
                                  void * pVoid,
                                  void * pBuffer);


Parameter Description
Off Current byte offset in the file.
NumBytes Number of bytes to be read.
pVoid  in  Parameter is passed to the callback function when requesting font data. It can be used for example to pass a file handle to the callback function.
pBuffer  in  Pointer to a preallocated buffer where the read file data should be written to.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


static  GUI_FONT     Font;     // GUI_FONT structure in RAM
static  GUI_XBF_DATA XBF_Data; // GUI_XBF_DATA structure in RAM
static int _cbGetData(U32 Off, U16 NumBytes, void * pVoid, void * pBuffer) {
  // The pVoid pointer may be used to get a file handle
  ...// TBD
  // Set file pointer to the given position
  ...// TBD
  // Read the required number of bytes into the given buffer
  ...// TBD
  // Return 0 on success. Return 1 if the function fails.
GUI_XBF_CreateFont(&Font, &XBF_Data, GUI_XBF_TYPE_PROP, _cbGetData, pVoid);

Character sets


emWin supports the full set of ASCII characters. These are the following 96 characters from 32 to 127:

Hex 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
2x ! # $ % & ( ) * + , - . /
3x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
4x @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
5x P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
6x ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
7x p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~

Unfortunately, as ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, it is designed for American needs. It does not include any of the special characters used in European languages, such as Ä, Ö, Ü, á, à, and others. There is no single standard for these ”European extensions“ of the ASCII set of characters—several different ones exist. The one used on the Internet and by most Windows programs is ISO 8859-1, a superset of the ASCII set of characters.

ISO 8859-1 Western Latin character set

emWin supports the ISO 8859-1, which defines characters as listed below:

Code Description Char
160 Non-breaking space  
161 Inverted exclamation mark ¡
162 Cent sign ¢
163 Pound sign £
164 Currency sign ¤
165 Yen sign ¥
166 Broken bar ¦
167 Section sign §
168 Diaeresis (Umlaut) ¨
169 Copyright sign ©
170 Feminine Ordinal Indicator ª
171 Left-pointing double angle quotation mark (Guillemet) «
172 Not sign ¬
173 Soft hyphen ­
174 Registered sign ®
175 Macron accent ¯
176 Degree symbol °
177 Plus-minus sign ±
178 Superscript two ²
179 Superscript three ³
180 Acute accent ´
181 Micro sign µ
182 Pilcrow sign
183 Middle dot ·
184 Cedilla ¸
185 Superscript one ¹
186 Masculine ordinal indicator º
187 Right-pointing double angle quotation mark (Guillemet) »
188 Vulgar fraction one quarter ¼
189 Vulgar fraction one half ½
190 Vulgar fraction three quarters ¾
191 Inverted Question Mark ¿
192 Latin Capital Letter A with grave À
193 Latin Capital letter A with acute Á
194 Latin Capital letter A with circumflex Â
195 Latin Capital letter A with tilde Ã
196 Latin Capital letter A with diaeresis Ä
197 Latin Capital letter A with ring above Å
198 Latin Capital letter Æ Æ
199 Latin Capital letter C with cedilla Ç
200 Latin Capital letter E with grave È
201 Latin Capital letter E with acute É
202 Latin Capital letter E with circumflex Ê
203 Latin Capital letter E with diaeresis Ë
204 Latin Capital letter I with grave Ì
205 Latin Capital letter I with acute Í
206 Latin Capital letter I with circumflex Î
207 Latin Capital letter I with diaeresis Ï
208 Latin Capital letter Eth Ð
209 Latin Capital letter N with tilde Ñ
210 Latin Capital letter O with grave Ò
211 Latin Capital letter O with acute Ó
212 Latin Capital letter O with circumflex Ô
213 Latin Capital letter O with tilde Õ
214 Latin Capital letter O with diaeresis Ö
215 Multiplication sign ×
216 Latin Capital letter O with stroke Ø
217 Latin Capital letter U with grave Ù
218 Latin Capital letter U with acute Ú
219 Latin Capital Letter U with circumflex Û
220 Latin Capital Letter U with diaeresis Ü
221 Latin Capital Letter Y with acute Ý
222 Latin Capital Letter Thorn Þ
223 Latin Small Letter sharp S ß
224 Latin Small Letter A with grave à
225 Latin Small Letter A with acute á
226 Latin Small Letter A with circumflex â
227 Latin Small Letter A with tilde ã
228 Latin Small Letter A with diaeresis ä
229 Latin Small Letter A with ring above å
230 Latin Small Letter Æ æ
231 Latin Small Letter C with cedilla ç
232 Latin Small Letter E with grave è
233 Latin Small Letter E with acute é
234 Latin Small Letter E with circumflex ê
235 Latin Small Letter E with diaeresis ë
236 Latin Small Letter I with grave ì
237 Latin Small Letter I with acute í
238 Latin Small Letter I with circumflex î
239 Latin Small Letter I with diaeresis ï
240 Latin Small Letter Eth ð
241 Latin Small Letter N with tilde ñ
242 Latin Small Letter O with grave ò
243 Latin Small Letter O with acute ó
244 Latin Small Letter O with circumflex ô
245 Latin Small Letter O with tilde õ
246 Latin Small Letter O with diaeresis ö
247 Division sign ÷
248 Latin Small Letter O with stroke ø
249 Latin Small Letter U with grave ù
250 Latin Small Letter U with acute ú
251 Latin Small Letter U with circumflex û
252 Latin Small Letter U with diaeresis ü
253 Latin Small Letter Y with acute ý
254 Latin Small Letter Thorn þ
255 Latin Small Letter Y with diaeresis ÿ

Unicode is the ultimate in character coding. It is an international standard based on ASCII and ISO 8859-1. Contrary to ASCII, UNICODE requires 16-bit characters because all characters have their own code. Currently, more than 30,000 different characters are defined. However, not all of the character images are defined in emWin. It is the responsibility of the user to define these additional characters.

Standard fonts

emWin is shipped with a selection of fonts which should cover most of your needs. The standard font package contains monospaced and proportional fonts in different sizes and styles. Monospaced fonts are fonts with a fixed character width, in which all characters have the same width in pixels. Proportional fonts are fonts in which each character has its own individual pixel-width. The following sections provide an overview of emWin standard fonts.

Font identifier naming convention

All standard fonts are named as follows. The components of the naming convention are explained in the table below:

Element Description
GUI_Font Standard prefix for all fonts shipped with emWin.
<style> Specifies a non-standard font style. Example: Comic style in GUI_FontComic18B_ASCII.
<width> Width of characters, contained only in monospaced fonts.
<height> Height of the font in pixels.
<MagX> Factor of magnification in X, contained only in magnified fonts.
<MagY> Factor of magnification in Y, contained only in magnified fonts.
H Abbreviation for “high”. Only used if there is more than one font with the same height. It means that the font appears “higher” than other fonts.
B Abbreviation for “bold”. Used in bold fonts.
<characterset> Specifies the contents of characters:
ASCII: Only ASCII characters 0x20-0x7E (0x7F).
1: ASCII characters and European extensions 0xA0 - 0xFF.
HK: Hiragana and Katakana.
1HK: ASCII, European extensions, Hiragana and Katakana.
D: Digit fonts, character set: +-.0123456789.

Example 1


Element Description
GUI_Font Standard font prefix.
16 Height in pixels.
ASCII Font contains ASCII characters only.

Example 2


Element Description
GUI_Font Standard font prefix.
8 Width of characters.
x15 Height in pixels.
B Bold font.
ASCII Font contains ASCII characters only.

Example 3


Element Description
GUI_Font Standard font prefix.
8 Width of characters.
x16 Height in pixels.
x1 Magnification factor in X.
x2 Magnification factor in Y.
Font file naming convention

The names for the font files are similar to the names of the fonts themselves. The files are named as follows:

Element Description
F Standard prefix for all fonts files shipped with emWin.
<width> Width of characters, contained only in monospaced fonts.
<height> Height of the font in pixels.
H Abbreviation for “high”. Only used if there is more than one font with the same height. It means that the font appears “higher” than other fonts.
B Abbreviation for “bold”. Used in bold fonts.
<characterset> Specifies the contents of characters:
ASCII: Only ASCII characters 0x20-0x7E (0x7F).
1: ASCII characters and European extensions 0xA0 - 0xFF.
HK: Hiragana and Katakana.
1HK: ASCII, European extensions, Hiragana and Katakana.
D: Digit fonts.
Measurement, ROM-size and character set of fonts

The following sections describe the standard fonts shipped with emWin. For each font there is a measurement diagram, an overview of all characters included and a table containing the ROM size in bytes and the font files required for use.

The following parameters are used in the measurement diagrams:

Element Description
F Size of font in Y.
B Distance of base line from the top of the font.
C Height of capital characters.
L Height of lowercase characters.
U Size of underlength used by letters such as “g”, “j” or “y”.
Proportional fonts

The following screenshot gives an overview of all available proportional fonts:

Font details

The following table shows the measurement, ROM size and used files of the fonts:

Font name Measurement ROM size in bytes Used files
GUI_Font8_ASCII F: 8, B: 7, C: 7, L: 5, U: 1 1562 F08_ASCII.c
GUI_Font8_1 F: 8, B: 7, C: 7, L: 5, U: 1 1562 + 1586 F08_ASCII.c F08_1.c
GUI_Font10_ASCII F: 10, B: 9, C: 8, L: 6, U: 1 1800 F10_ASCII.c
GUI_Font10_1 F: 10, B: 9, C: 8, L: 6, U: 1 1800 + 2456 F10_ASCII.c F10_1.c
GUI_Font10S_ASCII F: 10, B: 8, C: 6, L: 4, U: 2 1760 F10S_ASCII.c
GUI_Font10S_1 F: 10, B: 8, C: 6, L: 4, U: 2 1760 + 1770 F10S_ASCII.c F10S_1.c
GUI_Font13_ASCII F: 13, B: 11, C: 8, L: 6, U: 2 2076 F13_ASCII.c
GUI_Font13_1 F: 13, B: 11, C: 8, L: 6, U: 2 2076 + 2149 F13_ASCII.c F13_1.c
GUI_Font13B_ASCII F: 13, B: 11, C: 8, L: 6, U: 2 2222 F13B_ASCII.c
GUI_Font13B_1 F: 13, B: 11, C: 8, L: 6, U: 2 2222 + 2216 F13B_ASCII.c F13B_1.c
GUI_Font13H_ASCII F: 13, B: 11, C: 9, L: 7, U: 2 2232 F13H_ASCII.c
GUI_Font13H_1 F: 13, B: 11, C: 9, L: 7, U: 2 2232 + 2291 F13H_ASCII.c F13H_1.c
GUI_Font13HB_ASCII F: 13, B: 11, C: 9, L: 7, U: 2 2690 F13HB_ASCII.c
GUI_Font13HB_1 F: 13, B: 11, C: 9, L: 7, U: 2 2690 + 2806 F13HB_ASCII.c F13HB_1.c
GUI_Font16_ASCII F: 16, B: 13, C: 10, L: 7, U: 3 2714 F16_ASCII.c
GUI_Font16_1 F: 16, B: 13, C: 10, L: 7, U: 3 2714 + 3850 F16_ASCII.c F16_1.c
GUI_Font16_HK F: 16, B: 13, C: 10, L: 7, U: 3 6950 F16_HK.c
GUI_Font16_1HK F: 16, B: 13, C: 10, L: 7, U: 3 120 + 6950 + 2714 + 3850 F16_1HK.c F16_HK.c F16_ASCII.c F16_1.c
GUI_Font16B_ASCII F: 16, B: 13, C: 10, L: 7, U: 3 2690 F16B_ASCII.c
GUI_Font16B_1 F: 16, B: 13, C: 10, L: 7, U: 3 2690 + 2790 F16B_ASCII.c F16B_1.c
GUI_FontComic18B_ASCII F: 18, B: 15, C: 12, L: 9, U: 3 3572 FComic18B_ASCII.c
GUI_FontComic18B_1 F: 18, B: 15, C: 12, L: 9, U: 3 3572 + 4334 FComic18B_ASCII.c FComic18B_1.c
GUI_Font20_ASCII F: 20, B: 16, C: 13, L: 10, U: 4 4044 F20_ASCII.c
GUI_Font20_1 F: 20, B: 16, C: 13, L: 10, U: 4 4044 + 4244 F20_ASCII.c F20_1.c
GUI_Font20B_ASCII F: 20, B: 16, C: 13, L: 10, U: 4 4164 F20B_ASCII.c
GUI_Font20B_1 F: 20, B: 16, C: 13, L: 10, U: 4 4164 + 4244 F20B_ASCII.c F20B_1.c
GUI_Font24_ASCII F: 24, B: 20, C: 17, L: 13, U: 4 4786 F24_ASCII.c
GUI_Font24_1 F: 24, B: 20, C: 17, L: 13, U: 4 4786 + 5022 F24_ASCII.c F24_1.c
GUI_Font24B_ASCII F: 24, B: 19, C: 15, L: 11, U: 5 4858 F24B_ASCII.c
GUI_Font24B_1 F: 24, B: 19, C: 15, L: 11, U: 5 4858 + 5022 F24B_ASCII.c F24B_1.c
GUI_FontComic24B_ASCII F: 24, B: 20, C: 17, L: 13, U: 4 6146 FComic24B_ASCII.c
GUI_FontComic24B_1 F: 24, B: 20, C: 17, L: 13, U: 4 6146 + 5598 FComic24B_ASCII.c FComic24B_1.c
GUI_Font32_ASCII F: 32, B: 26, C: 20, L: 15, U: 6 7234 F32_ASCII.c
GUI_Font32_1 F: 32, B: 26, C: 20, L: 15, U: 6 7234 + 7734 F32_ASCII.c F32_1.c
GUI_Font32B_ASCII F: 32, B: 25, C: 20, L: 15, U: 7 7842 F32B_ASCII.c
GUI_Font32B_1 F: 32, B: 25, C: 20, L: 15, U: 7 7842 + 8118 F32B_ASCII.c F32B_1.c

The following shows all characters of all proportional standard fonts:





































Proportional fonts, framed

The following screenshot shows the currently available framed proportional fonts:

Font details

The following table shows the measurement, ROM size and used file of the font:

Font name Measurement ROM size in bytes Used files
GUI_Font20F_ASCII F: 20, B: 19, C: 19, L: 19, U: 1 5248 F20F_ASCII.c

The following shows all characters of the font:


Monospaced fonts

The following screenshot gives an overview of all available monospaced fonts:

Font details

The following table shows the measurement, ROM size and used files of the fonts:

Font name Measurement ROM size in bytes Used files
GUI_Font4x6 F: 6, B: 5, C: 5, L: 4, U: 1 620 F4x6.c
GUI_Font6x8 F: 8, B: 7, C: 7, L: 5, U: 1 1840 F6x8.c
GUI_Font6x8_ASCII F: 8, B: 7, C: 7, L: 5, U: 1 1568 F6x8_ASCII.c
GUI_Font6x8_1 F: 8, B: 7, C: 7, L: 5, U: 1 1568 + 1584 F6x8_ASCII.c F6x8_1.c
GUI_Font6x9 F: 9, B: 7, C: 7, L: 5, U: 2 1840 (same ROM location as GUI_Font8x16) F6x8.c
GUI_Font8x8 F: 8, B: 7, C: 7, L: 5, U: 1 1840 F8x8.c
GUI_Font8x8_ASCII F: 8, B: 7, C: 7, L: 5, U: 1 1568 F8x8_ASCII.c
GUI_Font8x8_1 F: 8, B: 7, C: 7, L: 5, U: 1 1568 + 1584 F8x8_ASCII.c F8x8_1.c
GUI_Font8x9 F: 9, B: 7, C: 7, L: 5, U: 2 1840 (same ROM location as GUI_Font8x16) F8x8.c
GUI_Font8x10_ASCII F: 10, B: 9, C: 9, L: 7, U: 1 1770 F8x10_ASCII.c
GUI_Font8x12_ASCII F: 12, B: 10, C: 9, L: 6, U: 2 1962 F8x12_ASCII.c
GUI_Font8x13_ASCII F: 13, B: 11, C: 9, L: 6, U: 2 2058 F8x13_ASCII.c
GUI_Font8x13_1 F: 13, B: 11, C: 9, L: 6, U: 2 2058 + 2070 F8x13_ASCII.c F8x13_1.c
GUI_Font8x15B_ASCII F: 15, B: 12, C: 9, L: 7, U: 3 2250 F8x15_ASCII.c
GUI_Font8x15B_1 F: 15, B: 12, C: 9, L: 7, U: 3 2250 + 2262 F8x15B_ASCII.c F8x15B_1.c
GUI_Font8x16 F: 16, B: 12, C: 10, L: 7, U: 4 3304 F8x16.c
GUI_Font8x17 F: 17, B: 12, C: 10, L: 7, U: 5 3304 (same ROM location as GUI_Font8x16) F8x16.c
GUI_Font8x18 F: 18, B: 12, C: 10, L: 7, U: 6 3304 (same ROM location as GUI_Font8x16) F8x16.c
GUI_Font8x16x1x2 F: 32, B: 24, C: 20, L: 14, U: 8 3304 (same ROM location as GUI_Font8x16) F8x16.c
GUI_Font8x16x2x2 F: 32, B: 24, C: 20, L: 14, U: 8 3304 (same ROM location as GUI_Font8x16) F8x16.c
GUI_Font8x16x3x3 F: 48, B: 36, C: 30, L: 21, U: 12 3304 (same ROM location as GUI_Font8x16) F8x16.c
GUI_Font8x16_ASCII F: 16, B: 12, C: 10, L: 7, U: 4 3572 + 4334 F8x16_ASCII.c
GUI_Font8x16_1 F: 16, B: 12, C: 10, L: 7, U: 4 4044 F8x16_ASCII.c F8x16_1.c

The following shows all characters of all monospaced standard fonts:
























Digit fonts (proportional)

The following screenshot gives an overview of all available proportional digit fonts:

Font details

The following table shows the measurement, ROM size and used files of the fonts:

Font name Measurement ROM size in bytes Used files
GUI_FontD32 F: 32, C: 31 1574 FD32.c
GUI_FontD48 F: 48, C: 47 3512 FD48.c
GUI_FontD64 F: 64, C: 63 5384 FD64.c
GUI_FontD80 F: 80, C: 79 8840 FD80.c

The following shows all characters of all proportional digit fonts:





Digit fonts (monospaced)

The following screenshot gives an overview of all available monospaced digit fonts:

Font details

The following table shows the measurement, ROM size and used files of the fonts:

Font name Measurement ROM size in bytes Used files
GUI_FontD24x32 F: 32, C: 31 1606 FD24x32.c
GUI_FontD36x48 F: 48, C: 47 3800 FD36x48.c
GUI_FontD48x64 F: 64, C: 63 5960 FD48x60.c
GUI_FontD60x80 F: 80, C: 79 9800 FD60x80.c

The following shows all characters of all monospaced digit fonts:






Animations can be achieved by playing GIF animations, movies or showing animated graphic objects. Whereas GIF animations and movies can be used only for playing a fixed sequence of pictures, the animation object of emWin is able to draw runtime generated scenes of one or multiple independent animated objects, which could be used to reflect dynamic application data. The following chapter explains how the animation object could be used to achieve user defined animations.


Bringing up motion into an application could be done by several ways. If a fixed sequence of pictures does not work and one or more objects should change their properties like position, color, shape, size or whatever within a given period of time, emWin offers an animation object for exactly that purpose. It is able to animate multiple animation items during the timeline of an animation. Animation item means a custom defined routine which receives a position value from the animation object. That value is calculated in dependence of the current point in time. The calculation could be done by predefined or custom defined methods.

Each item has its own start and end time which determine if it is called or not during the execution.

Creating an animation object

Creating an animation object is done by passing the duration and the minimum time per ’slice’ to the creation routine. Optionally a custom defined void pointer and a pointer to a ’slice callback’ routine could be passed. The term ’slice’ will be explained later. After the handle of an animation object is available one or more animation items could be added to the animation.

The diagram shows an animation with several items within the animation period where each item has its own start and end time. emWin does not limit the number of items. Start time and end time of each item have to be within the timeline of the animation.


// Creating an animation of 4 seconds and a min time/slice of 50ms
hAnim = GUI_ANIM_Create(4000, 50, NULL, NULL);

Adding items to an animation

An animation item is a routine which receives information from the animation object during the period of execution. When adding an item its start time, end time, ’method of position calculation’ and animation routine to be called should be passed. Further an optional void pointer could be used which is passed to the animation routine during the animation is executed.


static void _AnimDrawSomething(GUI_ANIM_INFO * pInfo, void * pVoid) {
void Application(void){
  GUI_ANIM_AddItem(hAnim,  500, 2500, ANIM_LINEAR, pVoid, _AnimDrawSomething);

Position calculation

Each item has its own start and end time within the timeline of the animation. If the current point of time is within the period of an item, the animation object calculates a position value. The following table shows the available methods for calculating the position value:


The value passed to the application is between 0 and GUI_ANIM_RANGE. If for example ANIM_ACCEL is used and the animation item is currently exactly in the middle the value passed to the application is 0.5 * 0.5 * GUI_ANIM_RANGE.


That value is defined by emWin as follows:

Type Macro Default Description
v GUI_ANIM_RANGE 32767 Define the default range of an animation.

The value could be changed on demand.

Custom defined position calculation

If the above predefined methods do not meet the requirements a custom defined routine could be used. The below sample shows how that works. The routine is called by the animation object each time a single position value is required. The routine gets start time, end time and current time of the animation item. Its job is to calculate a value in dependence of the given parameters. The predefined methods of emWin generate values between 0 and GUI_ANIM_RANGE. If a custom defined routine is used the range could be different.


void Application(void) {
  GUI_ANIM_AddItem(hAnim, ..., ..., _CalcPosition, ..., ...);

Executing an animation

Simply call GUI_ANIM_StartEx(). That function offers the possibility to run an animation a determined number of times or within an endless loop. GUI_ANIM_Stop() could be used to stop an animation which is running. Alternatively GUI_ANIM_Exec() could be called periodically to keep an animation alive, but most recommended is using automatic mode.

Each time emWin executes an animation (auto mode or with GUI_ANIM_Exec()) it checks which items of the given animation are within the current point of time. That collection of items represents one slice of animation items which are called at the given point of time. The animation diagram at the beginning for example shows the points of time t0 and t1. The t0 slice consists of items 0, 1, 2 and n and the t1 slice of item 2 and 3. The following example shows how an animation could be executed:


void Application(void) {
  GUI_ANIM_StartEx(hAnim, -1, NULL);  // Start animation in endless loop
  while (1) {
Using a slice callback function

Before calling the first item of an animation slice and after calling the last item an optional callback function could be called. A slice callback function could be used for example to avoid flickering. Before drawing the first item the application could switch to the back buffer or lock the cache and after drawing the last item the back buffer could be made visible or the cache could be unlocked. To use a slice callback function a pointer to that function should be passed to the creation routine.


static void _cbSliceInfo(int State, void * pVoid) {
  switch (State) {
  case GUI_ANIM_END:
void Application(void) {
  hAnim = GUI_ANIM_Create(..., ..., pVoid, _cbSliceInfo);
Animation item

An animation item is simply a routine which is executed by the animation object. It is called by passing a pointer to a GUI_ANIM_INFO structure and the application defined void pointer passed to GUI_ANIM_AddItem().


static void _AnimDrawRect(GUI_ANIM_INFO * pInfo,
                          void          * pVoid);
Using a delete callback function

A delete callback is a routine that will be called when an animation has ended. This can be useful e.g. when a window handle should be deleted after an animation has finished. A delete callback is also called, when GUI_ANIM_Delete() is called for an animation.


static void _OnDelete(void * pVoid);


A delete callback can be set for an animation by passing the function pointer to GUI_ANIM_StartEx(). The void pointer passed to GUI_ANIM_Create() as third parameter will also be passed to the delete callback of that animation.


static void _OnDelete(void * pVoid) {
  ANIM_DATA * pData;
  pData = (ANIM_DATA *)pVoid;
hAnim = GUI_ANIM_Create(ANIM_PERIOD, 50, &Data, NULL);
GUI_ANIM_StartEx(hAnim, 1, _OnDelete);

Animations API

The following table lists the animation related API functions.


Routine Description
GUI_ANIM_AddItem() Adds an item to the given animation.
GUI_ANIM_AddItemById() Adds an item to the given animation.
GUI_ANIM_Create() Creates an animation object.
GUI_ANIM_CreateWithId() Creates an animation object.
GUI_ANIM_Delete() Deletes an animation object and all of its data.
GUI_ANIM_DeleteAll() Deletes all animations.
GUI_ANIM_DeleteById() Deletes an animation object and all of its data.
GUI_ANIM_Exec() Should be used to keep the given animation alive.
GUI_ANIM_Get() Returns the handle of the given animation.
GUI_ANIM_GetData() Returns the optional void pointer passed to the animation with GUI_ANIM_Create().
GUI_ANIM_GetFirst() Returns the handle of the first animation to be executed automatically.
GUI_ANIM_GetItemData() Returns the optional void pointer passed to an animation item with GUI_ANIM_AddItem().
GUI_ANIM_GetNext() Returns the handle of the next animation to be executed after the given animation.
GUI_ANIM_GetNumItems() Returns the number of items in an animation.
GUI_ANIM_GetPeriod() Returns the period of the given animation.
GUI_ANIM_IsRunning() Returns if an animation is running.
GUI_ANIM_Start() Sets the start time of the given animation.
GUI_ANIM_StartEx() Starts the given animation automatically.
GUI_ANIM_StartExId() Sets the start time of the given animation and processes the animation automatically.
GUI_ANIM_Stop() Stops the animation correspondig to the given handle.
GUI_ANIM_StopById() Stops the animation correspondig to the given handle.

Data structures

Structure Description
GUI_ANIM_INFO Contains information about the current state of an animation.


Group of defines Description
Animation states List of possible states for an animation.


Adds an item to the given animation.


int GUI_ANIM_AddItem(GUI_ANIM_HANDLE        hAnim,
                     GUI_TIMER_TIME         ts,
                     GUI_TIMER_TIME         te,
                     GUI_ANIM_GETPOS_FUNC   pfGetPos,
                     void                 * pVoid,
                     GUI_ANIMATION_FUNC   * pfAnim);


Parameter Description
hAnim Handle of animation object to be used.
ts Relative start time in ms.
te Relative end time in ms. Needs to be > ts.
pfGetPos Pointer to a routine for calculating the position value.
pVoid Optional void pointer passed to the animation function during the execution.
pfAnim Pointer to the animation function (item) to be executed by the object.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

Start and end time are relative to the time value set when calling GUI_ANIM_Start().



Adds an item to the given animation.


int GUI_ANIM_AddItemById(I16                    Id,
                         GUI_TIMER_TIME         ts,
                         GUI_TIMER_TIME         te,
                         GUI_ANIM_GETPOS_FUNC   pfGetPos,
                         void                 * pVoid,
                         GUI_ANIMATION_FUNC   * pfAnim);


Parameter Description
Id Id of animation object to be used.
ts Relative start time in ms.
te Relative end time in ms. Needs to be > ts.
pfGetPos Pointer to a routine for calculating the position value.
pVoid Optional void pointer passed to the animation function during the execution.
pfAnim Pointer to the animation function (item) to be executed by the object.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

Start and end time are relative to the time value set when calling GUI_ANIM_Start().



Creates an animation object.


                                unsigned         MinTimePerSlice,
                                void           * pVoid,
                                void             ( *pfSlice)(int , void * ));


Parameter Description
Period Duration in ms of the whole animation. Maximum value is 0x20000.
MinTimePerSlice Minimum time of one animation slice in ms.
pVoid Optional void pointer passed to the slice callback function and/or the delete function.
pfSlice Optional slice callback function.

Return value

Handle of the animation object or 0 if no memory is available.

Additional information

The value MinTimePerSlice determines the frame rate when executing the animation with GUI_ANIM_Exec(). The given time determines the minimum period between the execution of 2 slices of animation items.



Creates an animation object.


                                      unsigned         MinTimePerSlice,
                                      void           * pVoid,
                                      void             ( *pfSlice)(int , void * ),
                                      I16              Id);


Parameter Description
Period Duration in ms of the whole animation. Maximum value is 0x20000.
MinTimePerSlice Minimum time of one animation slice in ms.
pVoid Optional void pointer passed to the slice callback function and/or the delete function.
pfSlice Optional slice callback function.
Id Id of the animation.

Return value

Handle of the animation object or 0 if no memory is available.

Additional information

The value MinTimePerSlice determines the frame rate when executing the animation with GUI_ANIM_Exec(). The given time determines the minimum period between the execution of 2 slices of animation items.



Deletes an animation object and all of its data.


void GUI_ANIM_Delete(GUI_ANIM_HANDLE hAnim);


Parameter Description
hAnim Handle of animation object to be used.


Deletes all animations. Also calls the deletion function for each animation if it is set.


void GUI_ANIM_DeleteAll(void);


Deletes an animation object and all of its data.


int GUI_ANIM_DeleteById(I16 Id);


Parameter Description
Id Id of animation object to be used.


Should be used to keep the given animation alive. The function needs to be called periodically.




Parameter Description
hAnim Handle of animation object to be used.

Return value

0 if the given animation is within its timeline.
1 if the animation period is expired.

Additional information

Within a typical execution loop the application should give other tasks a chance to do something. That can be done by simply calling GUI_Delay().


while (GUI_ANIM_Exec(hAnim) == 0) {
  GUI_X_Delay(5); // Idle time for other tasks


Returns the handle of the given animation.




Parameter Description
Id Id of animation object to be returned.

Return value

Handle of animation object, 0 on error.



Returns the optional void pointer passed to the animation with GUI_ANIM_Create().


void *GUI_ANIM_GetData(GUI_ANIM_HANDLE hAnim);


Parameter Description
hAnim Animation handle.

Return value

Void pointer passed to the animation.



Returns the handle of the first animation to be executed automatically.




Returns the optional void pointer passed to an animation item with GUI_ANIM_AddItem().


void *GUI_ANIM_GetItemData(GUI_ANIM_HANDLE hAnim,
                           unsigned        Index);


Parameter Description
hAnim Animation handle.
Index Index of animation item.

Return value

Void pointer passed to the animation item.



Returns the handle of the next animation to be executed after the given animation.




Parameter Description
hAnim Animation handle.

Return value

Handle of next animation to executed.



Returns the number of items in an animation.


int GUI_ANIM_GetNumItems(GUI_ANIM_HANDLE hAnim);


Parameter Description
hAnim Animation handle.

Return value

Number of items present in the given animation.



Returns the period of the given animation.




Parameter Description
hAnim Handle of animation object to be used.

Return value

Period of the given animation.



Returns if an animation is running.


int GUI_ANIM_IsRunning(GUI_ANIM_HANDLE hAnim);


Parameter Description
hAnim Animation handle.

Return value

0 if the animation is not running.
1 if the animation is running.


Sets the start time of the given animation.




Parameter Description
hAnim Handle of animation object to be used.

Additional information

The function does nothing but setting the current time as start time. From that moment GUI_ANIM_Exec() should return 0 for the given animation period.



Sets the start time of the given animation and processes the animation automatically.


                      int             NumLoops,
                      void            ( *pfOnDelete)(void * pVoid ));


Parameter Description
hAnim Handle of animation object to be used.
NumLoops Number of loops the animation should be executed.
-1 causes the animation to run endlessly until it is stopped with GUI_ANIM_Stop().
pfOnDelete Function pointer to a function which should be executed on deletion of the animation.

Additional information

This function should be used instead of GUI_ANIM_Start() since it is no longer necessary to call GUI_ANIM_Start() in combination GUI_ANIM_Exec() and handle the animation process on your own. GUI_ANIM_StartEx() handles the process automatically.



Sets the start time of the given animation and processes the animation automatically.


int GUI_ANIM_StartExId(I16  Id,
                       int  NumLoops,
                       void ( *pfOnDelete)(void * pVoid ));


Parameter Description
Id Id of animation object to be used.
NumLoops Number of loops the animation should be executed.
-1 causes the animation to run endlessly until it is stopped with GUI_ANIM_Stop().
pfOnDelete Function pointer to a function which should be executed on deletion of the animation.

Additional information

This function should be used instead of GUI_ANIM_Start() since it is no longer necessary to call GUI_ANIM_Start() in combination GUI_ANIM_Exec() and handle the animation process on your own. GUI_ANIM_StartEx() handles the process automatically.



Stops the animation correspondig to the given handle.




Parameter Description
hAnim Handle of animation object to be used.


Stops the animation correspondig to the given handle.


int GUI_ANIM_StopById(I16 Id);


Parameter Description
Id Id of animation object to be used.

Return value

0 on success, 1 on error.

Data structures


Contains information about the current state of an animation.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int              Pos;
  int              State;
  GUI_TIMER_TIME   Period;
  unsigned         Index;

Structure members

Member Description
Pos Position value calculated by the selected position calculation routine.
State State of the animation. See Animation states for valid values.
hAnim Handle of the animation object.
Period Period of the animation object.
Index Item index
Animation states


Describes the current state of an animation. Sent with the State member of the GUI_ANIM_INFO structure to an animation callback.


#define GUI_ANIM_START      0
#define GUI_ANIM_RUNNING    1
#define GUI_ANIM_END        2


Definition Description
GUI_ANIM_START First execution.
GUI_ANIM_RUNNING Passed to all items which are not the first and not the last.
GUI_ANIM_END Last execution.


With the movie file support of emWin it is possible to show movies. The movie file can be in two different formats. Besides our own movie format (EMF) it is also possible to display AVI files.


EMF format

One way to play movies with the emWin API functions is to create files of the emWin specific (E)mWin (M)ovie (F)ile format. These EMF files are containers for single JPEG files. The most recommended way to create such movie files each emWin-shipment contains the tool MakeMovie in the \Tools folder.

AVI format

Another way to show movies is to use the AVI format (Audio Video Interleave) which was introduced Microsoft. To be able to show AVI files these files must reside in a specific format. Please refer to Requirements.

The easiest way to create an AVI file which fits the requirements is to use the tool MakeMovie in the \Tools folder.


In opposite to movie file rendering using different frame methods the EMF file format contains complete JPEG files for each frame. The advantage of this format is that not more than one frame is required in memory.

RAM requirement

For the rendering process of an EMF file it is required to have enough dynamic RAM as required for rendering a single JPEG file plus the file size of a single JPEG file. The RAM requirement for rendering a JPEG file can be found in the chapter JPEG file support.

Requirement = JPEG requirement + File size of a single JPEG file

Please note that File size does not mean the whole movie file. It means the size of the biggest JPEG file of the movie only.

ROM requirement

Apart from the ROM requirement of the movie file itself approx. 22 KByte of additional ROM for the binary code for rendering JPEG based movie files are required.


To achieve a fluently rendering of the movie a frame rate of 25 frames/seconds is recommended.

AVI files

There are two requirements to be able to display AVI files with emWin.
The codec to be used in AVI file has to be MJPEG and the AVI file has to contain an index list called idx1 list.
The AVI files can also contain sound files, but these are not handled by emWin, yet.

Creating movies using MakeMovie.exe

Each emWin-shipment comes with the tool MakeMovie.exe in the \Tools folder:

It uses the open source tool FFmpeg which is available under ffmpeg.org. It is free software licensed under the LGPL or GPL. It is able to convert files of nearly any movie file source format into any desired destination format. Because the tool is licensed under the LGPL we do not ship this tool directly. It can be loaded from ffmpeg.org. We recommend version 5.1 or newer.

Setting up the location of ffmpeg.exe

When starting MakeMovie the first time, the location of ffmpeg.exe needs to be specified:


If the location of ffmpeg is known the browse button can be used to locate the executable of the tool.


A convenient option to locate ffmpeg.exe is also the search button. It tries to find the tool in the application drive.

If an executable has been found you can choose it or continue the search.

Available conversion options

The following options are available:

Option Description
Video quality (1 - 31) Set up the desired video quality.
Frame rate (10 - 120 FPS) Select the desired frame rate.
File format (AVI/EMF) Select file format to be generated.
Resolution Set up desired resolution in pixels.
Save presets Saves the current parameters as default for later conversions.

Video quality

Parameter for the sparsely documented option -q. Specifies the video quality of the file to be generated.

  • 1
- Best quality, largest file size and most decoding effort.
  • 31
- Poor quality, smallest file size and smallest decoding effort.

To find the best compromise, we recommend playing with this parameter until a satisfactory quality and decoding performance is found.

Frame rate

We have limited the frame rate to a range of 10-120 FPS.

File format

It allows to choose one of the former described movie formats.


We recommend using the same aspect ratio for the movie to be generated and the source video.


Pressing ’Ok’ after setting up the parameters the file conversion will be started.


The conversion may take more or less time in dependence of the size of the source video and the CPU performance of the host.

After the conversion has been done, a dialog shows the success or failure. The generated file can be found in the same folder than the source file.

The file name is automatically generated according to the following scheme:


Bitmap-EMF files

About Bitmap-EMFs

Bitmap-based emWin movie files (EMF) have been added to emWin as an alternative format for GIF animations and standard EMFs. The format is composed of bitmap frames which are saved in emWin’s DTA format. Since this format makes use of uncompressed bitmaps, the time required for drawing frames is greatly reduced. The format outperforms JPEGs and GIFs, especially on hardware targets, since no encoding of the frames is required.

The format also allows the use of any emWin bitmap format available (expect RLE compressed formats), as well as color formats.


The bitmap-based EMF format is an uncompressed format, therefore the files are intended to be stored on external memory due to the large file size.

Generating Bitmap-EMFs

Bitmap-EMFs can be generated from GIF animations using the Bitmap Converter. The corresponding chapter provides information about how the files can be converted, see Converting GIFs into Bitmap-EMFs.

Memory requirement

As hinted above, the Bitmap-EMF format is quite memory intensive, since it is an uncompressed format aimed at performance. The memory requirement for an EMF file is dependent on the bit depth and bitmap dimensions.

To calculate the memory requirement, the following formula may be used:

NumBytesPal      = (NumColors * 4);
NumBytesPerFrame = ((((xSize * Bpp) + 7) / 8) * ySize) + NumBytesPal + 16;
NumBytesEMF      = (NumFrames * NumBytesPerFrame) + (NumFrames * 8) + 24;

Playing a movie

Bitmap-EMFs can be created and run the same way as standard emWin movies using GUI_MOVIE_CreateEx() and GUI_MOVIE_Show().

Sample program to run EMF from external memory

The sample program below runs EMF files from external memory under both the Windows simulation and on a hardware target using emFile.

#include "DIALOG.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef WIN32
  #include <windows.h>
  #include "FS.h"

*       Defines
#ifdef WIN32
  #define FILE_PATH "c:\\Temp\\Anim.emf"
  #define FILE_PATH "Anim.emf"

*       Static data

*       Static code
*       _GetData
* Function description
*   Reading data directly from file system
int _GetData(void * p, const U8 ** ppData, unsigned NumBytes, U32 Off) {
  U32 NumBytesRead;
#ifdef WIN32
  HANDLE hFile;

  hFile = *(HANDLE *)p;
  SetFilePointer(hFile, Off, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
  ReadFile(hFile, (U8 *)*ppData, NumBytes, &NumBytesRead, NULL);
  FS_FILE * pFile;

  pFile = (FS_FILE *)p;
  FS_SetFilePos(pFile, Off, FS_FILE_BEGIN);
  NumBytesRead = FS_Read(pFile, (U8 *)*ppData, NumBytes);
  return NumBytesRead;

*       _cbNotify
* Function description
*   Uses multiple buffering (if available) to avoid tearing effects.
static void _cbNotify(GUI_HMEM hMovie, int Notification, U32 CurrentFrame) {
  switch (Notification) {
    // Begin multi-buffering if available.
    // End multi-buffering.

*       Public code
*       MainTask
void MainTask(void) {
#ifdef WIN32
  HANDLE           hFile;
  #define PARAM    &hFile
  FS_FILE        * pFile;
  const char       acVolumeName[64];
  #define PARAM    pFile

  // Init emWin.

#ifdef WIN32
  // Start emFile.
  // Enable long file name support.
  // Mount volume.
  FS_GetVolumeName(0, acVolumeName, sizeof(acVolumeName));
  if (FS_Mount(acVolumeName) > 0) {
    // Open file.
    pFile = FS_FOpen(FILE_PATH, "r");
  // Get info about movie.
  if(GUI_MOVIE_GetInfoEx(_GetData, PARAM, &Info) == 0) {
    // Create movie handle and show it in an endless loop.
    hMovie = GUI_MOVIE_CreateEx(_GetData, PARAM, _cbNotify);
    if (hMovie) {
      GUI_MOVIE_Show(hMovie, 0, 0, 1);

  while (1) {

/*************************** End of file ****************************/

emWin Movie Player

Every emWin shipment comes with a tool named emWinPlayer. This tool makes it possible to show the previously created EMF on a Computer with a Windows operating system. This might come in handy since there is no need of a running application to watch the created EMF.

When using the emWinPlayer it provides the user with information about the currently running EMF. It shows the currently displayed frame and the time of this frame. This will make it easier to change the movie at a specific position.

To show an EMF either open a file vie the menu bar or ’drag and drop’ the file to be played into the player. The EMF starts playing automatically. The control panel allows to jump at the beginning or the end of movie, step frame wise and to play/pause the movie file. With a click on the progress bar it is also possible to jump to a position in the movie.


The emWin movie player does not yet support bitmap-based EMFs.

Screenshot of the tool

Movies API

The table below lists the available movie-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions follow:


Routine Description
GUI_MOVIE_Create() Creates a movie using a file which is completely available in addressable RAM or ROM.
GUI_MOVIE_CreateEx() Creates a movie using a file which is not available in addressable RAM or ROM.
GUI_MOVIE_Delete() Deletes the given movie from memory.
GUI_MOVIE_DrawFrame() Draws a single frame of a movie.
GUI_MOVIE_GetFrameIndex() Returns the current frame number of the given movie.
GUI_MOVIE_GetInfo() Fills a GUI_MOVIE_INFO structure with information about the given movie.
GUI_MOVIE_GetInfoEx() Fills a GUI_MOVIE_INFO structure with information about the given movie not being available in RAM or ROM.
GUI_MOVIE_GetInfoH() Fills a GUI_MOVIE_INFO structure with information about the given movie using an existing movie handle.
GUI_MOVIE_GetNumFrames() Returns the number of frames of a movie.
GUI_MOVIE_GetPos() Returns the drawing position and resolution of the given movie.
GUI_MOVIE_GotoFrame() Sets the frame index to be shown at next.
GUI_MOVIE_IsPlaying() Returns if the given movie is currently playing.
GUI_MOVIE_Pause() Stops playing the given movie immediately.
GUI_MOVIE_Play() Continues playing of the given movie.
GUI_MOVIE_SetPeriod() Sets the period to be used for one single frame in ms.
GUI_MOVIE_SetpfNotify() Set a notification callback function.
GUI_MOVIE_SetPos() Sets the drawing position to be used for the given movie.
GUI_MOVIE_SetSecondHandle() This function sets an optional second void pointer.
GUI_MOVIE_Show() Starts playing the given movie at the given position.

Data structures

Structure Description
GUI_MOVIE_INFO Information about a movie.


Group of defines Description
Movie notifications Notifications sent to the movie’s callback function.


Prototype Description
GUI_MOVIE_GET_DATA_FUNC GetData function used for emWin movie files (EMF), for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_II.


Creates a movie using a file which is completely available in addressable RAM or ROM.


GUI_MOVIE_HANDLE GUI_MOVIE_Create(const void           * pFileData,
                                        U32              FileSize,
                                        GUI_MOVIE_FUNC * pfNotify);


Parameter Description
pFileData Pointer to the memory location of the file.
FileSize Size of file in bytes.
pfNotify Optional pointer to a notification function of type GUI_MOVIE_FUNC. If set, this function would be called for each frame.

Prototype of GUI_MOVIE_FUNC

                    int              Notification,
                    U32              CurrentFrame);

The permitted values for the Notification parameter are listed under Movie notifications.

Return value

Movie handle on success, 0 on error.

Additional information

The callback function can be used to achieve overlays for specific frames or for using multiple buffers for the drawing process. The sample folder contains the sample BASIC_ShowMovies.c which shows how to use that feature in detail.



Creates a movie using a file which is not available in addressable RAM or ROM. A user defined GetData() function is used to fetch the file data.


                                    void                    * pParam,
                                    GUI_MOVIE_FUNC          * pfNotify);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
pParam  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
pfNotify  in  Optional pointer to a notification function as described under GUI_MOVIE_Create().

Return value

Movie handle on success, 0 on error.

Additional information

When playing a movie not from an addressable memory location, the movie function of emWin reads the file frame by frame. That means that only one file access is required for each frame. But that also means that enough RAM needs to be available for buffering a complete JPEG file. For more information please also refer to GUI_MOVIE_Create().



Deletes the given movie from memory.




Parameter Description
hMovie Handle to the movie to be deleted.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

If the movie is currently playing, the function stops it. It is not required to call GUI_MOVIE_Pause() explicitly.



Draws the given frame of the movie at the given position.


                         int              Index,
                         int              x,
                         int              y);


Parameter Description
hMovie Handle to the movie to be deleted.
Index Index of the frame to be shows.
x X-position in screen coordinates to be used.
y Y-position in screen coordinates to be used.


If the movie is already playing the function returns the index of the next frame to be shown. If the movie is currently stopped/paused, it returns the frame index of the last shown image.




Parameter Description
hMovie Handle to the movie to be deleted.

Return value

Frame index as described above.



Fills a GUI_MOVIE_INFO structure with information about the given movie. The movie needs to be available in an addressable memory location.


int GUI_MOVIE_GetInfo(const void           * pFileData,
                            U32              FileSize,
                            GUI_MOVIE_INFO * pInfo);


Parameter Description
pFileData Pointer to the memory location of the file.
FileSize Size of file in bytes.
pInfo Pointer to a structure of type GUI_MOVIE_INFO to be filled by the function.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Fills a GUI_MOVIE_INFO structure with information about the given movie. The movie does not need to be available in an addressable memory location.


                        void                    * pParam,
                        GUI_MOVIE_INFO          * pInfo);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
pParam  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData.
pInfo  out  Pointer to a structure of type GUI_MOVIE_INFO to be filled by the function.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Fills a GUI_MOVIE_INFO structure with information about the given movie using an existing movie handle.


                       GUI_MOVIE_INFO   * pInfo);


Parameter Description
hMovie Handle of the movie.
pInfo Pointer to a structure of type GUI_MOVIE_INFO to be filled by the function.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Returns the number of frames of a movie.


int GUI_MOVIE_GetNumFrames(GUI_MOVIE_HANDLE hMovie);


Parameter Description
hMovie Handle of the movie.

Return value

Number of frames present in the movie.



Returns the drawing position and resolution of the given movie.


                     int              * pxPos,
                     int              * pyPos,
                     int              * pxSize,
                     int              * pySize);


Parameter Description
hMovie Handle of the movie.
pxPos Pointer to an integer to be filled with the drawing position in x. May be NULL.
pyPos Pointer to an integer to be filled with the drawing position in y. May be NULL.
pxSize Pointer to an integer to be filled with the horizontal resolution in x. May be NULL.
pySize Pointer to an integer to be filled with the horizontal resolution in y. May be NULL.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Sets the frame index to be shown at next.


                        U32              Frame);


Parameter Description
hMovie Handle of the movie.
Frame Number of the desired frame.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

If the given frame index is not in the range of the given file, the function stops the movie and returns with an error.



Returns if the given movie is currently playing.




Parameter Description
hMovie Handle of the movie.

Return value

1 Movie is playing active
0 Movie is not playing.
-1 On error.


Stops playing the given movie immediately. Can be continued later with GUI_MOVIE_Play().




Parameter Description
hMovie Handle of the movie.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Continues playing of the given movie.




Parameter Description
hMovie Handle of the movie.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Sets the period to be used for one single frame in ms.


                        unsigned         Period);


Parameter Description
hMovie Handle of the movie.
Period Period to be used in ms.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

This function can be used to vary the speed of a movie. If the period is too short to be achieved by the hardware emWin skips the next image(s).



This function should be used when the JPEG decoding is performed by hardware. GUI_MOVIE_SetpfNotify() sets a callback function to signalize if a movie is running or not. An example on how to use this function can be found under Sample\JPEG-Conf\STM32F769. Further it is required to set up hardware decoding by hardware. Please refer to Using hardware JPEG decoding.


void GUI_MOVIE_SetpfNotify(GUI_MOVIE_FUNC * pfNotify);


Parameter Description
hMovie Handle of the movie.
Period Period to be used in ms.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The parameter pfNotify has the same prototype as described at Prototype of GUI_MOVIE_FUNC. Although it has the same prototype, it has not the functionality. The intention of this function pointer is to signal when a movie starts and ends.



Sets the drawing position to be used for the given movie.


                     int              xPos,
                     int              yPos);


Parameter Description
hMovie Handle of the movie.
xPos X-position in screen coordinates to be used.
yPos Y-position in screen coordinates to be used.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

It is not required that the given position makes the movie completely visible. It can be partly or completely outside of the visible screen.



This function sets an optional second void pointer. This is used in order to avoid stuttering of the movie when playing long movie files.

Stuttering could be caused by moving the file pointer from the beginning to the end area of the file and vice versa. The file pointer is moved large distances in big files when frames and offset tables are read which are far apart.

Using a second file pointer for accessing the offset table usually helps with this stuttering problem.

You only have to open the movie file twice in read mode. This second file handle is passed to this function and the GetData() function will get passed the second pointer if it is set and offsets are being read.


void GUI_MOVIE_SetSecondHandle(GUI_MOVIE_HANDLE   hMovie,
                               void             * pParamTable);


Parameter Description
hMovie Handle of the movie.
pParamTable  in  Void pointer passed to the GetData() function when accessing offset table.


Starts playing the given movie at the given position.


                   int              xPos,
                   int              yPos,
                   int              DoLoop);


Parameter Description
hMovie Handle of the movie.
xPos X-position in screen coordinates to be used.
yPos Y-position in screen coordinates to be used.
DoLoop 1 if the movie should be shown in an endless loop, 0 if not.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

If the given movie is already playing the function returns an error. But the movie remains playing.

Data structures


Information about a movie.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  xSize;
  int  ySize;
  int  msPerFrame;
  U32  NumFrames;

Structure members

Member Description
xSize Horizontal resolution of the movie in pixels.
ySize Vertical resolution of the movie in pixels.
msPerFrame Period of one frame in ms.
NumFrames Number of frames of the movie file.

See also

Movie notifications


Notifications sent to the movie’s callback function. The callback function can be set with GUI_MOVIE_SetpfNotify().




Definition Description
GUI_MOVIE_NOTIFICATION_PREDRAW Sent immediately before a frame is drawn.
GUI_MOVIE_NOTIFICATION_POSTDRAW Sent immediately after a frame is drawn.
GUI_MOVIE_NOTIFICATION_START Sent when starting to play a movie.
GUI_MOVIE_NOTIFICATION_STOP Sent when the movie has stopped.
GUI_MOVIE_NOTIFICATION_DELETE Sent when the movie has been deleted.


GetData function used for emWin movie files (EMF), for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_II.

Type definition


Pointer Input Devices

emWin provides support for pointer-input-devices. Pointer input devices can be touch-screen, mouse or joystick. The basic emWin package includes a driver for analog touch-screens, a PS2 mouse driver, as well as an example joystick driver. Other types of touch-panel and mouse devices can also be used with the appropriate drivers.

The software for input devices is located in the subdirectory GUI\Core.


Pointer input devices are devices such as mice, touch-screens and joysticks. Multiple pointer input devices can be used in a single application to enable simultaneous mouse/touch-screen/joystick use. Basically all a PID driver does is calling the routine GUI_PID_StoreState() whenever an event (such as a moved mouse, or a pressed touch screen) has been detected.

PID events are stored in a FIFO which is processed by the Window Manager. If the Window Manager is not used (respectively deactivated), the application is responsible for reacting on PID events.

Pointer input device API

The table below lists the pointer input device routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions follow.


This API is used by the PID-driver; if you use a PID-driver shipped with emWin, your code does not need to call these routines.


Routine Description
GUI_PID_GetCurrentState() Fills the given GUI_PID_STATE structure with the most recently stored PID state.
GUI_PID_GetState() Fills the given GUI_PID_STATE structure with the current state information and returns if the input device is currently pressed.
GUI_PID_IsEmpty() Returns if the PID buffer is empty.
GUI_PID_IsPressed() Returns if the most recent state of the PID is pressed.
GUI_PID_SetHook() Sets an optional function to be called immediately before storing a new PID event into the input buffer.
GUI_PID_StoreState() Stores the current state of the pointer input device.

Data structures

Structure Description
GUI_PID_STATE Stores the position of the pointer input device.


Fills the given GUI_PID_STATE structure with the most recently stored PID state.


void GUI_PID_GetCurrentState(GUI_PID_STATE * pState);


Parameter Description
pState Pointer to a GUI_PID_STATE structure.

Additional information

This function performs a non-destructive read on the PID FIFO.



Fills the given GUI_PID_STATE structure with the current state information and returns if the input device is currently pressed.


int GUI_PID_GetState(GUI_PID_STATE * pState);


Parameter Description
pState Pointer to a GUI_PID_STATE structure.

Return value

1 if input device is currently pressed
0 if not pressed.

Additional information

This function does a destructive read on the PID FIFO: If the FIFO contains unread values, it reads and eliminates the first value in the FIFO . If the FIFO is empty, it returns the last value written to it. If no value has ever been written into the PID FIFO, all values in pState are set to 0.




Returns if the PID buffer is empty.


int GUI_PID_IsEmpty(void);

Return value

1 if the PID buffer is empty.
0 if entries were found in the PID buffer.


Returns if the most recent state of the PID is pressed.


int GUI_PID_IsPressed(void);

Return value

1 if input device is currently pressed
0 if not pressed.

Additional information

This function does not modify the PID FIFO.



Sets an optional function to be called immediately before storing a new PID event into the input buffer.


void GUI_PID_SetHook(void ( *pfHook)(GUI_PID_STATE * ));


Parameter Description
pfHook Pointer to a function which is called immediately before a new PID event is added to the input buffer.

Additional information

This function is usefull if it is required to have widgets within multiple layers. Dependent on the given coordinates the element ’Layer’ could be modified before the data is added to the input buffer. Please be aware that this function is called by directly by GUI_PID_StoreState(). In case of using a touch ISR it is called from that ISR. Calling further GUI functions within the hook function is not allowed. Please keep in mind that this function can be called very often and keep the workload low.



Stores the current state of the pointer input device.


void GUI_PID_StoreState(const GUI_PID_STATE * pState);


Parameter Description
pState Pointer to a structure of type GUI_PID_STATE.

Additional information

This function can be used from an interrupt service routine. The PID input manager of emWin contains a FIFO buffer which is able to hold up to 5 PID events per default. If a different size is required this value can be changed. Details can be found in the section Advanced GUI configuration options.

Data structures


Stores the position of the pointer input device.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  x;
  int  y;
  U8   Pressed;
  U8   Layer;

Structure members

Member Description
x Horizontal position of the PID in window coordinates.
y Vertical position of the PID in window coordinates.
Pressed If the message is originated by a touch screen this value can be 0 (unpressed) or 1 (pressed).
If the message is originated by a mouse each bit represents a mouse button (0 for unpressed and 1 for pressed state):
  • Bit 0 represents the first button (normally the left button)
  • Bit 1 represents the second button (normally the right button)
  • Bit 2 represents the third button (normally the middle button)
The remaining bits can be used for further buttons.
Layer ID of layer.

Mouse driver

Mouse support consists of two “layers”: a generic layer and a mouse driver layer. Generic routines refer to those functions which always exist, no matter what type of mouse driver you use. The available mouse driver routines, on the other hand, will call the appropriate generic routines as necessary, and may only be used with the PS2 mouse driver supplied with emWin. If you write your own driver, it is responsible for calling the generic routines.

The generic mouse routines will in turn call the corresponding PID routines.

Generic mouse driver API

The table below lists the generic mouse routines in alphabetical order. These functions may be used with any type of mouse driver. Detailed descriptions follow.

Routine Description
GUI_MOUSE_GetState() Returns the current state of the mouse.
GUI_MOUSE_StoreState() Stores the current state of the mouse.


Returns the current state of the mouse.


int GUI_MOUSE_GetState(GUI_PID_STATE * pState);


Parameter Description
pState Pointer to a structure of type GUI_PID_STATE.

Return value

1 if mouse is currently pressed.
0 if not pressed.

Additional information

This function will call GUI_PID_GetState().



Stores the current state of the mouse.


void GUI_MOUSE_StoreState(const GUI_PID_STATE * pState);


Parameter Description
pState Pointer to a structure of type GUI_PID_STATE.

Additional information

This function will call GUI_PID_StoreState(). This function can be used from an interrupt service routine.


State.x = _MousepositionX; /* Screen position in X of mouse device */
State.y = _MousepositionY; /* Screen position in Y of mouse device */
State.Pressed = 0;
if (_LeftButtonPressed) {
  State.Pressed |= 1;      /* Set bit 0 if left button is pressed */
if (_RightButtonPressed) {
  State.Pressed |= 2;      /* Set bit 1 if right button is pressed */
PS2 mouse driver

The driver supports any type of PS2 mouse

Using the PS2 mouse driver

The driver is very easy to use. In the startup code, the initialization function GUI_MOUSE_DRIVER_PS2_Init() should be called. The application should somehow notice when a byte is received from the mouse. When this happens, the function GUI_MOUSE_DRIVER_PS2_OnRx() should be called and the byte received passed as parameter. The driver in turn then calls GUI_PID_StoreState as required. The reception of the byte is typically handled in an interrupt service routine.

An example ISR could look as follows: (Note that this is of course different for different systems)

void interrupt OnRx(void) {
  char Data;
  Data = UART_REG;                  // Read data from the hardware
  GUI_MOUSE_DRIVER_PS2_OnRx(Data);  // Pass it on to the driver
PS2 mouse driver API

The table below lists the available mouse driver routines in alphabetical order.

Routine Description
GUI_MOUSE_DRIVER_PS2_Init() Initializes the mouse driver.
GUI_MOUSE_DRIVER_PS2_OnRx() Must be called from receive interrupt routines.


Initializes the mouse driver.


void GUI_MOUSE_DRIVER_PS2_Init(void);


Must be called from receive interrupt routines.


void GUI_MOUSE_DRIVER_PS2_OnRx(unsigned char Data);


Parameter Description
Data Byte of data received by ISR.

Additional information

The PS2 mouse driver is a serial driver, meaning it receives 1 byte at a time. You need to ensure that this function is called from your receive interrupt routine every time a byte (1 character) is received.

Touch screen driver

A touch screen driver will typically simply call GUI_PID_StoreState() as described earlier. Any type of touch screen can be supported this way. It is the responsibility of the user to write the driver code (which is usually fairly simple).

The most common way of interfacing a touch screen is the 4-pin analog interface, for which a driver is supplied.

Generic touch screen API

The generic touch screen API is used with any type of driver (analog, digital, etc.). A driver calls the appropriate routines as necessary. If you write your own driver, it has to call the generic routines.

The table below lists the generic touch-screen routines in alphabetical order. These functions may be used with any type of touch-screen driver. Detailed descriptions follow.

Routine Description
GUI_TOUCH_GetState() Returns the current state of the touch-screen.
GUI_TOUCH_StoreState() Stores the current state of the touch screen using X- and Y-coordinates as parameters.
GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx() Stores the current state of the touch screen.


Returns the current state of the touch-screen.


int GUI_TOUCH_GetState(GUI_PID_STATE * pState);


Parameter Description
pState Pointer to a structure of type GUI_PID_STATE.

Return value

1 if touch-screen is currently pressed.
0 if not pressed.


Stores the current state of the touch screen using X- and Y-coordinates as parameters.


void GUI_TOUCH_StoreState(int x,
                          int y);


Parameter Description
x X-position.
y Y-position.

Additional information

This function can be used from an interrupt service routine. It calls the function GUI_PID_StoreState(). It is assumed that the touch panel is not pressed, if this function is called with negative values. A detailed example of a touch handling routine can be found in Sample\GUI_X\GUI_X_Touch_StoreState.c.


int x, y;
if (_TouchIsPressed) {
  x = _TouchPositionX; /* Current position in X of touch device */
  y = _TouchPositionY; /* Current position in Y of touch device */
} else {
  x = y = -1;          /* Use -1 if touch is not pressed */
GUI_TOUCH_StoreState(x, y);


Stores the current state of the touch screen.


void GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx(const GUI_PID_STATE * pState);


Parameter Description
pState Pointer to a structure of type GUI_PID_STATE.

Additional information

This function will call GUI_PID_StoreState(). A detailed example of a touch handling routine can be found in Sample\GUI_X\GUI_X_Touch_StoreState.c.


State.x = _TouchPositionX;
State.y = _TouchPositionY;
if (_TouchIsPressed) {
  State.Pressed = 1;
} else {
  State.Pressed = 0;
The analog touch screen driver

The emWin touch-screen driver handles analog input (from an 8-bit or better A/D converter), debouncing and calibration of the touch-screen. The touch-screen driver continuously monitors and updates the touch-panel through the use of the function GUI_TOUCH_Exec() , which calls the appropriate generic touchscreen API routines when it recognizes that an action has been performed or something has changed.

How an analog touch screen works

The touch panel consists of 2 thin conducting layers of glass, normally insulated from each other. If the user presses the touch panel, the two layers are connected at that point. If a voltage is applied to the Y-layer, when pressed, a voltage can be measured at the X+/X-terminals. This voltage depends on the touch position. The same thing holds true the other way round. If a voltage is applied to the X-layer, when pressed, a voltage can be measured at the Y+/Y-terminals.

Setting up the analog touch screen

Putting a touch panel into operation should be done in the following steps:

The following shows a detailed description of each step.

Implementing the hardware routines

The first step of implementing a touch screen should be filling the hardware routines with code. These routines are:

A module GUI_TOUCH_X.c containing the empty routines is located in the folder Sample\GUI_X. You can use this module as a starting point. The activate routines should prepare the measurement by switching on the measurement voltage. GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateX() for example should prepare the measurement in Y by switching on the measurement voltage in X. Further it should switch of the voltage in Y and disable the measurement in X.
The measurement routines should return the measurement result of a A/D converter. Later in this chapter you will find an example implementation of the hardware routines.

Implementing regular calls to GUI_TOUCH_Exec()

The second step of implementing a touch screen is to make sure, that the function GUI_TOUCH_Exec() will be called in regular intervals. The application should call it about 100 times/second. If a real-time operating system is used, the easiest way to make sure this function is called is to create a separate task. When not using a multitasking system, an interrupt service routine may do the job. The function GUI_TOUCH_Exec() measures x- and y-axis in turns. So complete measurements are done once both axes were measured.

Verifying proper operation with the oscilloscope

After implementing the call of GUI_TOUCH_Exec() make sure the hardware works. The easiest way to do this is to measure the supply and measurement voltages of the touch panel with a oscilloscope. The following table shows a typical result. The first column shows the supply voltage of an axis, the second column shows the result of measuring the measurement voltage when pressing in the middle of the touch panel.

Supply voltage Measurement voltage

Use example to determine calibration values

The third step is to get the minimum and maximum values of the A/D converter. emWin needs this values to convert the measurement result to the touch position in pixels. These 4 values are:

Value How to get them
GUI_TOUCH_AD_TOP Press the touch at the top and write down the analog input value in Y.
GUI_TOUCH_AD_BOTTOM Press the touch at the bottom and write down the analog input value in Y.
GUI_TOUCH_AD_LEFT Press the touch at the left and write down the analog input value in X.
GUI_TOUCH_AD_RIGHT Press the touch at the right and write down the analog input value in X.

The example folder of emWin contains a small program which can be used to get these values from your touch panel. It is located in the folder Sample\Tutorial and its name is TOUCH_Sample.c. Run this example on your hardware. The output should be similar to the screenshot at the right side.

Use GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate() with the above values

The last step is adding a call to GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate() using the calibration values. The recommended location for calibrating the touch screen is the initialization routine LCD_X_Config() which is located in LCDConf.c. similar to following example:

#define GUI_TOUCH_AD_TOP    877
#define GUI_TOUCH_AD_LEFT   232
#define GUI_TOUCH_AD_RIGHT  918
void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  // Initialize display driver
  // Set orientation of touch screen (only required when using
  TouchOrientation = (GUI_MIRROR_X * LCD_GetMirrorX()) |
                     (GUI_MIRROR_Y * LCD_GetMirrorY()) |
                     (GUI_SWAP_XY * LCD_GetSwapXY())   ;
  // Calibrate touch screen
Runtime calibration

In practice the exact values for the configuration file can be determined only for one touch panel. Because there are small differences between the parts of a series it could be very needful to calibrate each device at run-time. This can be done by using the function GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate(). The Sample folder contains the example TOUCH_Calibrate.c which shows, how a touch screen can be calibrated at run time:

Hardware routines

The following four hardware-dependent functions need to be added to your project if you use the driver supplied with emWin, as they are called by GUI_TOUCH_Exec() when polling the touch-panel. A suggested place is in the file GUI_X.c. These functions are as follows:

Routine Description
GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateX() Prepares measurement for Y-axis.
GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateY() Prepares measurement for X-axis.
GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureX() Returns the X-result of the A/D converter.
GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureY() Returns the Y-result of the A/D converter.


These routines are called from GUI_TOUCH_Exec() to activate the measurement of the X- and the Y-axes. GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateX() switches on the measurement voltage to the X-axis; GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateY() switches on the voltage to the Y- axis. Switching on the voltage in X means the value for the Y-axis can be measured and vice versa.


void GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateX(void);
void GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateY(void);


These routines are called from GUI_TOUCH_Exec() to return the measurement values from the A/D converter for the X- and the Y-axes.


int GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureX(void);
int GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureY(void);

Example implementation

The following shows an example implementation of the touch hardware routines for a Renesas M16C/80 controller:

void GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateX(void) {
  U8 Data;
  asm("fclr i");                   /* Disable interrupts            */
  Data = P10;                      /* Read port data                */
  Data |=  (1 << 2)  | (1 << 3);   /* Switch on power in X 
                                      and enable measurement in Y   */
  Data &= ~((1 << 4) | (1 << 5));  /* Switch off power in Y 
                                      and disable measurement in X  */
  P10  = Data;                     /* Write port data               */
  asm("fset i");                   /* Enable interrupts             */
void GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateY(void) {
  U8 Data;
  asm("fclr i");                   /* Disable interrupts            */
  Data = P10;                      /* Read port data                */
  Data |=  (1 << 5)  | (1 << 4);   /* Switch on power in Y 
                                      and enable measurement in X   */
  Data &= ~((1 << 3) | (1 << 2));  /* Switch off power in X
                                      and disable measurement in Y  */
  P10  = Data;                     /* Write port data               */
  asm("fset i");                   /* Enable interrupts             */
static void ReadADCx(int channel) {
  ADCON0 = channel                 /* Select channel 0-7            */
         | (0 << 3)                /* One shot mode                 */
         | (0 << 6)                /* A-D conversion start (0=stop) */
         | (0 << 7);               /* FAD/4 select                  */
  ADCON1 = (0 << 0)                /* A-D sweep select (XX)         */
         | (0 << 2)                /* No sweep mode                 */
         | (0 << 3)                /* 8 bit mode                    */
         | (0 << 4)                /* FAD4 select                   */
         | (1 << 5)                /* VRef connected                */
         | (0 << 6);               /* Anex0/1 not used              */
  ADCON2 = (1 << 0);               /* Use example and hold          */
  ADIC   = 0;                      /* Reset IR flag                 */
  ADCON0 |= (1 << 6);              /* Start conversion              */
  while  ((ADIC & (1 << 3)) == 0); /* Wait for end of conversion    */
  ADCON0 &= ~(6 << 0);             /* Start conversion = 0          */
int GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureX(void) {
  return AD0;
int GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureY(void) {
  return AD1;
Driver API for analog touch screens

The table below lists the available analog touch screen driver routines in alphabetical order. These functions only apply if you are using the driver included with emWin.

Routine Description
GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate() Changes the calibration at runtime.
GUI_TOUCH_Exec() Polls the touch-screen by calling the TOUCH_X routines to activate the measurement of the X- and Y-axes.
GUI_TOUCH_GetxPhys() Returns a measurement value of the x-coordinate given from the A/D-converter.
GUI_TOUCH_GetyPhys() Returns a measurement value of the y-coordinate given from the A/D-converter.
GUI_TOUCH_SetOrientation() The function configures the touch screen orientation.


Changes the calibration at runtime.


int GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate(int Coord,
                        int Log0,
                        int Log1,
                        int Phys0,
                        int Phys1);


Parameter Description
Coord GUI_COORD_X for X-axis, GUI_COORD_Y for Y-axis.
Log0 Logical value 0 in pixels.
Log1 Logical value 1 in pixels.
Phys0 A/D converter value for Log0.
Phys1 A/D converter value for Log1.

Additional information

The function takes as parameters the axis to be calibrated, two logical values in pixels for this axis and two corresponding physical values of the A/D converter. Since the logical value Log0 usually is set to 0, Log1 should contain the (x- or y-)size decreased by 1.



Polls the touch-screen by calling the TOUCH_X routines to activate the measurement of the X- and Y-axes. It is required that this function is called for about 100 times per second, since there is only one axis measured per call. Therefore a complete measurement of the touch screen is done with 2 calls of GUI_TOUCH_Exec().


void GUI_TOUCH_Exec(void);

Additional information

If you are using a real-time operating system, the easiest way to make sure this function is called is to create a separate task. When not using a multitask system, you can use an interrupt service routine to do the job. This function calls GUI_TOUCH_StoreState().



Returns a measurement value of the x- or y-coordinate given from the A/D-converter.


int GUI_TOUCH_GetyPhys(void);

Return value

Measurement value of the x- or y-coordinate.

Additional information

A sample which shows how to use these functions is located in the folder Sample\Tutorial with the name TOUCH_Sample.c. Run this example on your hardware.



The function configures the touch screen orientation. If the touch screen for example already has been configured to work with the default orientation and the display now needs to be turned or mirrored, this function can be used to configure the touch driver to use the same orientation as the display without changing anything at the hardware routines.


void GUI_TOUCH_SetOrientation(unsigned Orientation);


Parameter Description
Orientation One or more “OR”-combined values of the values to be found under Orientation flags.

Additional information

Please note that this function has no effect when passing touch in-out to emWin by using the functions GUI_PID_StoreState(), GUI_TOUCH_StoreState() and GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx().

Configuring the analog touch-screen driver

The touch screen driver is completely run-time configurable.

GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate() should be used to specify the physical values returned by the A/D converter for 2 positions per axis. If the display needs to be turned or mirrored, GUI_TOUCH_SetOrientation() can be used to set a new orientation without changing anything at the hardware routines.

Configuring the touch screen should be done before emWin manages any touch input.


#define TOUCH_AD_LEFT  0x3c0
#define TOUCH_AD_RIGHT 0x034
#define TOUCH_AD_TOP  0x3b0
#define TOUCH_AD_BOTTOM 0x034
Orientation = (GUI_MIRROR_X * LCD_GetMirrorXEx(0)) |
              (GUI_MIRROR_Y * LCD_GetMirrorYEx(0)) |
              (GUI_SWAP_XY  * LCD_GetSwapXYEx (0)) ;

Touch screen calibration

Normally a touch screen is mounted over the display. That means the data measured by the touch screen need to be translated into pixel coordinates of the display. To be able to do that transformation, the calibration algorithm needs to calculate transformation coefficients first. That can be done with a different number of points. The more points are available for coefficient calculation, the better the result. If rotation should be considered, at least 3 points are required for coefficient calculation.

2-Point Calibration

The classical calibration algorithm of emWin uses 2-point calibration. That means the calibration is done by passing 2 reference points (pixel coordinates) and 2 sample values (measurement results) for each axis to the calibration routine. Normally those points are near to the min- and max-values of each axis. The resulting calibration coefficients of a 2-point-calibration do not consider rotation. Only scaling and transformation could be considered. The following diagram shows the recommended position of the points to be used:

3-Point Calibration

A third calibration point makes it possible to consider scaling, transformation and rotation between reference- and sample values. The following diagram shows the recommended position of the points to be used:

N-Point Calibration

The more points are available, the better is the result of coefficient calculation. The following diagrams show the recommended positions for a 5- and a 9-point calibration:

Using calibration with the analog touch screen driver

The analog touch screen driver shipped with emWin automatically uses the touch screen calibration routines. To be able to use it the calibration has to be initialized by calculating the calibration coefficients. That could be done by calling GUI_TOUCH_Calibrate() explained in chapter The analog touch screen driver for a 2-point calibration. If 3 or more points should be used the function GUI_TOUCH_CalcCoefficients() should be called.

Using calibration with a custom touch screen driver

If there is an already existing a touch screen driver available and the internal analog touch screen driver of emWin is not used, the way of using the calibration routines is different. The most simple way is calling GUI_TOUCH_CalcCoefficients() for coefficient calculation. The second step is calling GUI_TOUCH_EnableCalibration(). That makes sure, that all touch events will be calibrated automatically before they are stored into the PID-buffer of emWin. It is also possible to use the calibration API functions by the application before an event is stored into the PID buffer.

Calibration API

The table below lists the available calibration routines in alphabetical order.

Routine Description
GUI_TOUCH_CalcCoefficients() This routine is required for initializing the process of calibration.
GUI_TOUCH_CalibratePoint() The function converts the given sample point into screen coordinates in pixels and checks if the given values are within the display area.
GUI_TOUCH_EnableCalibration() This function may be used if the calibration routines should be used with a custom touch screen driver.
GUI_TOUCH_TransformPoint() Calibrates the given point without any check.


This routine is required for initializing the process of calibration. To be able to calibrate a point via GUI_TOUCH_CalibratePoint() or GUI_TOUCH_TransformPoint() coefficient values are required for transforming the given values into pixel coordinates. These coefficients are calculated by the given reference values and the according sample values passed to this routine. As explained at the beginning of this subchapter coefficient calculation can be done with at least 2 points. To achieve the best possible result it is recommended to use 3 or more points.


int GUI_TOUCH_CalcCoefficients(int   NumPoints,
                               int * pxRef,
                               int * pyRef,
                               int * pxSample,
                               int * pySample,
                               int   xSize,
                               int   ySize);


Parameter Description
NumPoints Number of points used for calculating the calibration coefficients.
pxRef Pointer to an array of reference values for X-axis.
pyRef Pointer to an array of reference values for Y-axis.
pxSample Pointer to an array of sample values for X-axis.
pySample Pointer to an array of sample values for Y-axis.
xSize X-size in pixels of the touch screen.
ySize Y-size in pixels of the touch screen.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.


The function converts the given sample point into screen coordinates in pixels and checks if the given values are within the display area. If not an error is returned.


int GUI_TOUCH_CalibratePoint(int * px,
                             int * py);


Parameter Description
px Pointer to a sample coordinate of the X-axis.
py Pointer to a sample coordinate of the Y-axis.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

Coefficients need to be calculated first.



This function may be used if the calibration routines should be used with a custom touch screen driver. When using a custom touch screen driver normally GUI_TOUCH_StoreState() or GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx() is used for putting touch events into the PID-buffer of emWin. The default behavior of emWin is storing the coordinates into the buffer without calibration. If enabled each coordinate will be calibrated before it is stored into the buffer.


void GUI_TOUCH_EnableCalibration(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff 1 for enabling calibration, 0 for disabling (default).

Additional information

When using the analog touch screen driver of emWin this function is not required.



Calibrates the given point without any check.


int GUI_TOUCH_TransformPoint(int * px,
                             int * py);


Parameter Description
px Pointer to a sample coordinate of the X-axis.
py Pointer to a sample coordinate of the Y-axis.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

Coefficients need to be calculated first.

Joystick input example

The following example shows how the pointer input device API can be used to process the input from a joystick:

*         _JoystickTask
* Purpose:
*   Periodically read the Joystick and inform emWin using
*   GUI_PID_StoreState.
*   It supports dynamic acceleration of the pointer.
*   The Joystick is a simple, standard 5 switch (digital) type.
static void _JoystickTask(void) {
  int Stat;
  int StatPrev = 0;
  int TimeAcc = 0;   // Dynamic acceleration value
  int xMax, yMax;
  xMax = LCD_GetXSize() - 1;
  yMax = LCD_GetYSize() - 1;
  while (1) {
    Stat = HW_ReadJoystick();
    // Handle dynamic pointer acceleration
    if (Stat == StatPrev) {
      if (TimeAcc < 10) {
    } else {
      TimeAcc = 1;
    if (Stat || (Stat != StatPrev)) {
      // Compute the new coordinates
      if (Stat & JOYSTICK_LEFT) {
        State.x -= TimeAcc;
      if (Stat & JOYSTICK_RIGHT) {
        State.x += TimeAcc;
      if (Stat & JOYSTICK_UP) {
        State.y -= TimeAcc;
      if (Stat & JOYSTICK_DOWN) {
        State.y += TimeAcc;
      // Make sure coordinates are still in bounds
      if (State.x < 0) {
        State.x = 0;
      if (State.y < 0) {
        State.y = 0;
      if (State.x >= xMax) {
        State.x = xMax;
      if (State.y > yMax) {
        State.y = yMax;
      // Inform emWin
      State.Pressed = (Stat & JOYSTICK_ENTER) ? 1: 0;
      StatPrev = Stat;

Multiple Buffering

Multiple Buffering is a method of using more than one frame buffer. Basically it works as follows: With multiple buffers enabled there is a front buffer which is used by the display controller to generate the picture on the screen and one or more back buffers which are used for the drawing operations. After completing the drawing operations the back buffer becomes the visible front buffer.

With two buffers, one front and one back buffer, it is normally called “double buffering”, with two back buffers and one front buffer it is called “triple buffering”.

In general it is a method which is able to avoid several unwanted effects:

The following section explains in detail how it works, the requirements to be able to use this feature, how to configure emWin and the advantage of “triple buffering” against “double buffering”. Further it explains how to configure the optional Window Manager for automatic use of Multiple Buffering.

How it works

Multiple Buffering is the use of more than one frame buffer, so that the display ever shows a screen which is already completely rendered, even if a drawing operation is in process. When starting the process of drawing the current content of the front buffer is copied into a back buffer. After that all drawing operations take effect only on this back buffer. After the drawing operation has been completed the back buffer becomes the front buffer. Making the back buffer the visible front buffer normally only requires the modification of the frame buffer start address register of the display controller.

Now it should be considered that a display is being refreshed continuously by the display controller approximately 60 times per second. After each period there is a vertical synchronization signal, normally known as VSYNC signal. The best moment to make the back buffer the new front buffer is this signal. If not considering the VSYNC signal tearing effects can occur.

Tearing effect

Double Buffering

With double buffering only 2 buffers are available: One front and one back buffer. When starting the drawing operation the current content of the front buffer is copied into the back buffer. After completing the operation the back buffer should become the visible front buffer.

As explained above the best moment for doing this is reacting on the VSYNC signal of the display controller. Here the disadvantage of double buffering against triple buffering is revealed: Either the frame buffer start address is changed immediately at the end of the drawing operation or after waiting until the next VSYNC signal. This means that either tearing effects could occur or the performance slows down because of waiting for the next VSYNC signal.

Triple Buffering

As the name implies there are 3 buffers available: One front and 2 back buffers. When starting the drawing operation the current content of the front buffer is copied into the first back buffer. After completing the operation the back buffer should become the visible front buffer. Contrary to the double buffer solution it is not required to switch to the buffer immediately. Switching to the new front buffer could be done on the next VSYNC signal of the display controller which can be achieved by an interrupt service routine (ISR). Most of the display controllers which are able to deal with more than one frame buffer provide the VSYNC signal as interrupt source. Within the ISR the pending front buffer should become visible. Until the pending front buffer becomes visible it is not used for further drawing operations. If a further drawing operation is initiated before the pending front buffer has become visible the second back buffer is used for the drawing operation. If a new buffer is ready until waiting for the VSYNC signal it becomes the new pending front buffer and so on. This always protects the front buffer against writing operations.

It should be mentioned that changing the display buffer start address on some display controllers only takes effect when drawing the next frame. In this case the solution without ISR works as well as with ISR. Only if changing the address takes effect directly an ISR is required to avoid tearing effects.


The following list shows the requirements for using multiple buffers:


Multiple Buffering can not be used with virtual screens.


In general there are 2 routines in the configuration file LCDConf.c which need to be modified, the display configuration routine LCD_X_Config() and the driver callback function LCD_X_DisplayDriver().


Basically one thing needs to be done here: Enabling the use of multiple buffers.

Basic configuration

The first thing which has to be done before creating the display driver device is configuring the multiple buffer interface. This is normally done in LCD_X_Config(). It is strictly required to enable Multiple Buffering before creating the display driver device as shown in the following code snippet:

void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  // Initialize MultiBuffering
  // Set display driver and color conversion

Callback routine for copying the buffers

Further a callback routine for copying the buffers can be set. As explained above at the beginning of the drawing operation it is required to copy the content of the current front buffer to the back buffer. Normally a simple memcpy operation is used to do this. But if the used display controller for example consists of a BitBLT-engine which is able to do the copy operation it could be desired to use it for the copy operation. Or a DMA based routine should be used to do the copy operation. In these cases a custom defined callback function can be used for this operation. It can be installed after creating the display driver device as shown in the following code snippet:

static void _CopyBuffer(int LayerIndex, int IndexSrc, int IndexDst) {
  unsigned long BufferSize, AddrSrc, AddrDst;
  //  Calculate the size of one frame buffer
  BufferSize = (XSIZE * YSIZE * BITSPERPIXEL) / 8;
  //  Calculate source- and destination address
  AddrSrc  = _VRamBaseAddr + BufferSize * IndexSrc;
  AddrDst  = _VRamBaseAddr + BufferSize * IndexDst;
  memcpy((void *)AddrDst, (void *)AddrSrc, BufferSize);
void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  // Initialize multibuffering
  // Set display driver and color conversion
  // Set custom callback function for copy operation
  LCD_SetDevFunc(0, LCD_DEVFUNC_COPYBUFFER, (void (*)())_CopyBuffer);

The above sample implementation makes no sense, because the simple call of memcpy() equals the default behavior of the display driver. It makes only sense to use a custom copy buffer function if there is any possibility to accelerate the copy operation.

Buffers in non-consecutive RAM areas

If the RAM on a device is not large enough to hold all buffers used for multiple buffering consecutively, it is possible to pass multiple RAM addresses to emWin. By calling LCD_SetBufferPtr() it is possible to tell emWin the addresses of every single buffer location.

static const U32 _aBufferPTR[] = {
  0x00000100, // Begin of On-Chip RAM
  0x00800000  // Begin of Expansion RAM
LCD_SetBufferPtrEx(0, (void **)_aBufferPTR);

After the drawing process has been completed the back buffer should become visible. The display driver sends a LCD_X_SHOWBUFFER command to the display driver callback function. The callback function then has to react on the command and should make sure that the buffer becomes visible. This can be done either by an ISR or by directly writing the right address into the frame buffer start address of the display controller.

With ISR

The following code snippet shows a sample implementation:

static void _ISR_EndOfFrame(void) {
  unsigned long Addr, BufferSize;
  if (_PendingBuffer >= 0) {
    // Calculate address of the given buffer
    BufferSize = (XSIZE * YSIZE * BITSPERPIXEL) / 8;
    Addr       = _VRamBaseAddr + BufferSize * _PendingBuffer;
    // Tell LCD controller the new frame buffer address
    AT91C_LCDC_BA1 = Addr;
    // Send a confirmation that the buffer is visible now
    _PendingBuffer = -1;
int LCD_X_DisplayDriver(unsigned LayerIndex, unsigned Cmd, void * p) {
  switch (Cmd) {
    pData = (LCD_X_SHOWBUFFER_INFO *)p;
    // Remember buffer index to be used by ISR
    _PendingBuffer = pData->Index;

The above implementation assumes the existence of an ISR which is executed at the next VSYNC signal.

Without ISR

If there is no ISR available alternatively the address can be set directly with the disadvantage that tearing effects could occur.
The following code snippet shows a sample implementation:

int LCD_X_DisplayDriver(unsigned LayerIndex, unsigned Cmd, void * p) {
 unsigned long      BufferSize;
 unsigned long      Addr;
 switch (Cmd) {
  // Calculate address of the given buffer
  BufferSize = (XSIZE * YSIZE * BITSPERPIXEL) / 8;
  Addr       = _VRamBaseAddr + BufferSize * pData->Index;
  // Make the given buffer visible
  AT91C_LCDC_BA1 = Addr;
  // Send a confirmation that the buffer is visible now

Automatic use of multiple buffers with the WM

The optional Window Manager (WM) is able to use the multiple buffer feature automatically. The function WM_MULTIBUF_Enable() can be used to enable this function. If enabled the WM first switches to the back buffer before redrawing the invalid windows. After drawing all invalid windows the new screen becomes visible. This hides the process of drawing a screen window by window.

Multiple Buffering API

The following table lists the available routines of the multiple buffer support.

Routine Description
GUI_MULTIBUF_Begin() Needs to be called immediately before the drawing process.
GUI_MULTIBUF_BeginEx() Needs to be called immediately before the drawing process in the given layer.
GUI_MULTIBUF_Config() The function needs to be called during initialization in order to enable the use of Multiple Buffering.
GUI_MULTIBUF_ConfigEx() The function needs to be called during initialization in order to enable the use of Multiple Buffering for the given layer.
GUI_MULTIBUF_Confirm() This function needs to be called immediately after a new buffer has become visible.
GUI_MULTIBUF_ConfirmEx() This function needs to be called immediately after a new buffer has become visible in the given layer.
GUI_MULTIBUF_End() This function needs to be called after the new screen has been completely drawn.
GUI_MULTIBUF_EndEx() This function needs to be called after the new screen has been completely drawn for the given layer.
GUI_MULTIBUF_GetNumBuffers() The function returns the number of buffers configured.
GUI_MULTIBUF_GetNumBuffersEx() The function returns the number of buffers configured for the given layer.
GUI_MULTIBUF_UseSingleBuffer() Lets the multi buffering use one frame for all layers.


Needs to be called immediately before the drawing process.


void GUI_MULTIBUF_Begin(void);

Additional information

This function makes sure that the current front buffer will be copied into the back buffer which then is used for all subsequent drawing operations. The copy operation is normally done by the display driver itself. As explained earlier this can also be achieved by a custom callback function.



Needs to be called immediately before the drawing process in the given layer.


void GUI_MULTIBUF_BeginEx(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer to be used.


The function needs to be called during initialization in order to enable the use of Multiple Buffering. This is done typically from within LCD_X_Config().


void GUI_MULTIBUF_Config(int NumBuffers);


Parameter Description
NumBuffers Number of buffers to be used. The following numbers are self-explanatory:
2 - Double buffering
3 - Triple buffering

Additional information

The function needs to be called before creating the display driver device.



The function needs to be called during initialization in order to enable the use of Multiple Buffering for the given layer. This is done typically from within LCD_X_Config().


void GUI_MULTIBUF_ConfigEx(int LayerIndex,
                           int NumBuffers);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer to be used.
NumBuffers Number of buffers to be used. The following numbers are self-explanatory:
2 - Double buffering
3 - Triple buffering


This function needs to be called immediately after a new buffer has become visible.


void GUI_MULTIBUF_Confirm(int BufferIndex);


Parameter Description
Index Index of buffer which has been made visible.

Additional information

The function is typically called by the ISR which switches to the new front buffer or by the display driver callback function.



This function needs to be called immediately after a new buffer has become visible in the given layer.


void GUI_MULTIBUF_ConfirmEx(int LayerIndex,
                            int BufferIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer to be used.
Index Index of buffer which has been made visible.


This function needs to be called after the new screen has been completely drawn.


void GUI_MULTIBUF_End(void);

Additional information

When calling this function the display driver sends an LCD_X_SHOWBUFFER command to the display driver callback routine which then has to make the given buffer the front buffer.



This function needs to be called after the new screen has been completely drawn for the given layer.


void GUI_MULTIBUF_EndEx(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer to be used.


The function returns the number of buffers configured.


int GUI_MULTIBUF_GetNumBuffers(void);

Return value

The number of buffers configured for the current layer.



The function returns the number of buffers configured for the given layer.


int GUI_MULTIBUF_GetNumBuffersEx(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer to be used.

Return value

The number of buffers configured for the specified layer.



Lets the multi buffering use one frame for all layers.


void GUI_MULTIBUF_UseSingleBuffer(void);

Additional information

The function needs to be called before creating the display driver device.

Keyboard Input

emWin provides support for any kind of keyboards. Any type of keyboard driver is compatible with emWin.

The software for keyboard input is located in the subdirectory GUI\Core and part of the basic package.


A keyboard input device uses ASCII character coding in order to be able to distinguish between characters. For example, there is only one “A” key on the keyboard, but an uppercase “A” and a lowercase “a” have different ASCII codes (0x41 and 0x61, respectively).

emWin predefined character codes

emWin also defines character codes for other “virtual” keyboard operations. These codes are listed in the table below, and defined in an identifier table in GUI.h. A character code in emWin can therefore be any extended ASCII character value or any of the following predefined emWin values.

Predefined virtual key code Description
GUI_KEY_BACKSPACE Backspace key.
GUI_KEY_TAB Tab key.
GUI_KEY_BACKTAB Shift + Tab key.
GUI_KEY_ENTER Enter/return key.
GUI_KEY_LEFT Left arrow key.
GUI_KEY_UP Up arrow key.
GUI_KEY_RIGHT Right arrow key.
GUI_KEY_DOWN Down arrow key.
GUI_KEY_HOME Home key (move to beginning of current line).
GUI_KEY_END End key (move to end of current line).
GUI_KEY_SHIFT Shift key.
GUI_KEY_CONTROL Control key.
GUI_KEY_ESCAPE Escape key.
GUI_KEY_INSERT Insert key.
GUI_KEY_DELETE Delete key.
GUI_KEY_SPACE Space key.
GUI_KEY_PGUP Page up key.
GUI_KEY_PGDOWN Page down key.

Driver layer API

The keyboard driver layer handles keyboard messaging functions. These routines notify the Window Manager when specific keys (or combinations of keys) have been pressed or released. The table below lists the driver-layer keyboard routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions follow.

Routine Description
GUI_StoreKeyMsg() Stores a key message in the keyboard buffer.
GUI_SendKeyMsg() Sends a key message to the window with the input focus.


Stores a key message in the keyboard buffer.


void GUI_StoreKeyMsg(int Key,
                     int PressedCnt);


Parameter Description
Key May be any extended ASCII character (between 0x20 and 0xFF) or any predefined emWin character code.
Pressed Key state. 1 for pressed state, 0 for released (unpressed) state.

Additional information

This function can be used from an interrupt service routine. The keyboard input manager of emWin contains a FIFO buffer which is able to hold up to 10 keyboard events per default. If a different size is required this value can be changed. Details can be found in the section Advanced GUI configuration options.

The Window Manager polls the keyboard buffer automatically and sends according keyboard messages to the currently focussed window.



Sends a key message to the window with the input focus. If no window has the input focus, the function GUI_StoreKeyMsg() is called to store the data to the input buffer.


void GUI_SendKeyMsg(int Key,
                    int PressedCnt);


Parameter Description
Key May be any extended ASCII character (between 0x20 and 0xFF) or any predefined emWin character code.
Pressed Key state (see GUI_StoreKeyMsg()).

Additional information

This function should not be called from an interrupt service routine.

Application layer API

The table below lists the application-layer keyboard routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions follow.

Routine Description
GUI_ClearKeyBuffer() Clears the key buffer.
GUI_GetKey() Returns the key that was last written to the buffer.
GUI_GetKeyPressed() Returns pressed state of the key that was last written to the buffer.
GUI_GetKeyState() Returns the current key state.
GUI_StoreKey() Stores a key in the buffer.
GUI_WaitKey() Waits for a key to be pressed.


Clears the key buffer.


void GUI_ClearKeyBuffer(void);


Returns the key that was last written to the buffer.


int GUI_GetKey(void);

Return value

Codes of characters in the key buffer; 0 if no key is buffered.



Returns pressed state of the key that was last written to the buffer.


int GUI_GetKeyPressed(void);

Return value

Pressed state of the key that was last written to the buffer.

Additional information

To get the state of the key which is returned by GUI_GetKey() this function should be called immediately before calling GUI_GetKey().



Returns the current key state.


void GUI_GetKeyState(GUI_KEY_STATE * pState);


Parameter Description
pState Pointer to structure of type GUI_KEY_STATE which is filled by the function.


Stores a key in the buffer.


void GUI_StoreKey(int Key);


Parameter Description
Key May be any extended ASCII character (between 0x20 and 0xFF) or any predefined emWin character code.

Additional information

This function is typically called by the driver and not by the application itself.



Waits for a key to be pressed.


int GUI_WaitKey(void);

Return value

The pressed key.

Additional information

The application is “blocked”, meaning it will not return until a key is pressed.

Data structure



Data structure used to store a key state.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  Key;
  int  Pressed;

Structure members

Member Description
Key Key code.
Pressed 1, if the key is pressed.
0, if the key is not pressed.
-1, if the state could not be determined.

Language Support

Text written in a language like Arabic, Thai or Chinese contains characters, which are normally not part of the fonts shipped with emWin. This chapter explains the basics like the Unicode standard, which defines all available characters worldwide and the UTF-8 encoding scheme, which is used by emWin to decode text with Unicode characters. It also explains how to enable bidirectional (and right to left) text support to be able to render Arabic or Hebrew scripts. A further subchapter explains how to render text with Shift-JIS (Japanese Industry Standard) encoding.


Unicode is an international standard defined by the Unicode consortium. For each meaningful character or text element of all known cultures it contains a unique digital code point. Further it contains the bidirectional algorithm for right-to-left scripts like Hebrew and Arabic, which are also supported by emWin.

The Unicode Standard defines a codespace of 1,114,112 code points in the range from 0 to 0x10FFFF containing a repertoire of more than 128,000 characters covering more than 135 scripts. This codespace is divided into seventeen planes, numbered 0 to 16. emWin supports the complete Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP, plane 0) which covers the code points from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. This BMP contains characters for almost all modern languages, and a large number of special characters. Characters outside the BMP are currently not supported.

UTF-8 encoding

ISO/IEC 10646-1 defines a multi-octet character set called the Universal Character Set (UCS) which encompasses most of the world’s writing systems. Multi-octet characters, however, are not compatible with many current applications and protocols, and this has led to the development of a few UCS transformation formats (UTF), each with different characteristics.

UTF-8 has the characteristic of preserving the full ASCII range, providing compatibility with file systems, parsers and other software that rely on ASCII values but are transparent to other values.

In emWin, UTF-8 characters are encoded using sequences of 1 to 3 octets. If the high-order bit is set to 0, the remaining 7 bits being used to encode the character value. In a sequence of n octets, n > 1, the initial octet has the n higher-order bits set to 1, followed by a bit set to 0. The remaining bit(s) of that octet contain bits from the value of the character to be encoded. The following octet(s) all have the higher-order bit set to 1 and the following bit set to 0, leaving 6 bits in each to contain bits from the character to be encoded.

The following table shows the encoding ranges:

Character range UTF-8 Octet sequence
0000 - 007F 0xxxxxxx
0080 - 07FF 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
0800 - FFFF 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx

Encoding example

The text “Halöle” contains ASCII characters and European extensions. The following hex dump shows this text as UTF-8 encoded text:

48 61 6C C3 B6 6C 65

Programming examples

If we want to display a text containing non-ASCII characters, we can do this by manually computing the UTF-8 codes for the non-ASCII characters in the string. However, if your compiler supports UTF-8 encoding (Sometimes called multi-byte encoding), even non-ASCII characters can be used directly in strings.

// Example using ASCII encoding:
GUI_UC_SetEncodeUTF8();       /* required only once to activate UTF-8*/
// Example using UTF-8 encoding:
GUI_UC_SetEncodeUTF8();       /* required only once to activate UTF-8*/
Unicode characters

The character output routine used by emWin (GUI_DispChar()) does always take an unsigned 16-bit value (U16) and has the basic ability to display a character defined by Unicode. It simply requires a font which contains the character you want to display.

UTF-8 strings

This is the most recommended way to display Unicode. You do not have to use special functions to do so. If UTF-8-encoding is enabled each function of emWin which handles with strings decodes the given text as UTF-8 text.

Using U2C.exe to convert UTF-8 text into C code

The Tool subdirectory of emWin contains the tool U2C.exe to convert UTF-8 text to C code. It reads an UTF-8 text file and creates a C file with C strings. The following steps show how to convert a text file into C strings and how to display them with emWin:

Step 1: Creating a UTF-8 text file

Save the text to be converted in UTF-8 format. You can use Notepad.exe to do this. Load the text under Notepad.exe:

Choose File → Save As…. The file dialog should contain a combo box to set the encoding format. Choose “UTF-8” and save the text file.

Step 2: Converting the text file into a C-code file

Start U2C.exe. After starting the program you need to select the text file to be converted. After selecting the text file the name of the C file should be selected. Output of U2C.exe:

"1 - \xe3\x82\xa8\xe3\x83\xb3\xe3\x82\xb3\xe3\x83\xbc"
"2 - \xe3\x83\x86\xe3\x82\xad\xe3\x82\xb9\xe3\x83\x88"
"3 - \xe3\x82\xb5\xe3\x83\x9d\xe3\x83\xbc\xe3\x83\x88"
"1 - encoding"
"2 - text"
"3 - support"

Step 3: Using the output in the application code

The following example shows how to display the UTF-8 text with emWin:

#include "GUI.h"
static const char * _apStrings[] = {
  "1 - \xe3\x82\xa8\xe3\x83\xb3\xe3\x82\xb3\xe3\x83\xbc"
  "2 - \xe3\x83\x86\xe3\x82\xad\xe3\x82\xb9\xe3\x83\x88",
  "3 - \xe3\x82\xb5\xe3\x83\x9d\xe3\x83\xbc\xe3\x83\x88",
  "1 - encoding",
  "2 - text",
  "3 - support"
void MainTask(void) {
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < GUI_COUNTOF(_apStrings); i++) {
  while(1) {
Unicode API

The table below lists the available routines in alphabetical order within their respective categories. Detailed descriptions of the routines can be found in the sections that follow.

Routine Description
UTF-8 functions
GUI_UC_ConvertUC2UTF8() Converts the given double byte Unicode string into UTF-8 format.
GUI_UC_ConvertUTF82UC() Converts the given UTF-8 string into Unicode format.
GUI_UC_EnableBIDI() This function enables support for bidirectional text.
GUI_UC_EnableThai() This function enables support for Thai script.
GUI_UC_Encode() This function encodes a given character with the current encoding settings.
GUI_UC_GetBaseDir() Returns the current basic text direction.
GUI_UC_GetCharCode() This function decodes a character from a given text.
GUI_UC_GetCharSize() This function returns the number of bytes used to encode the given character.
GUI_UC_SetBaseDir() Sets the basic text direction to be used.
GUI_UC_SetEncodeSJIS() Enables SJIS character encoding.
GUI_UC_SetEncodeNone() Disables character encoding.
GUI_UC_SetEncodeUTF8() Enables UTF-8 encoding.
Double byte functions
GUI_UC_DispString() This function displays the given double byte string.


Converts the given double byte Unicode string into UTF-8 format.


int GUI_UC_ConvertUC2UTF8(const U16  * s,
                                int    Len,
                                char * pBuffer,
                                int    BufferSize);


Parameter Description
s Pointer to Unicode string to be converted.
Len Number of Unicode characters to be converted.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer to write in the result.
BufferSize Buffer size in bytes.

Return value

The function returns the number of bytes written to the buffer.

Additional information

UTF-8 encoded characters can use up to 3 bytes. To be on the safe side the recommended buffer size is: Number of Unicode characters * 3.

If the buffer is not big enough for the whole result, the function returns when the buffer is full.



Converts the given UTF-8 string into Unicode format.


int GUI_UC_ConvertUTF82UC(const char * s,
                                int    Len,
                                U16  * pBuffer,
                                int    BufferSize);


Parameter Description
s Pointer to UFT-8 string to be converted.
Len Length in bytes of the string to be converted.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer to write in the result.
BufferSize Buffer size in words.

Return value

The function returns the number of Unicode characters written to the buffer.

Additional information

If the buffer is not big enough for the whole result, the function returns when the buffer is full.



This function enables support for bidirectional text.


int GUI_UC_EnableBIDI(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff 1 to enable BIDI support, 0 to disable it.

Return value

The previous state of BIDI support.

Additional information

Once this function is linked approximately 97 KBytes of ROM are additionally used (about 25 KBytes of code and 72 KByte const data). The BiDi module uses a look up table for some characters. This table requires about 72 KByte of ROM. It is possible to reduce the size of this table by enabling (1) or disabling (0) code points with the following:


Where <X> can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, A, D, F and represents the first digit of the according Unicode range.

For example:


The above example excludes all character information of the codepoint ranges 0x2000-0x2FFF and 0xF000-0xFFFF.



This function enables support for Thai script.


int GUI_UC_EnableThai(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff 1 to enable Thai support, 0 to disable it.

Return value

The previous state of Thai support.

Additional information

If Thai support is enabled emWin observes 2 situations:



This function encodes a given character with the current encoding settings.


int GUI_UC_Encode(char * s,
                  U16    Char);


Parameter Description
s Pointer to a buffer to store the encoded character.
Char Character to be encoded.

Return value

The number of bytes stored to the buffer.

Additional information

The function assumes that the buffer has at least 3 bytes for the result.



Returns the current basic text direction.


int GUI_UC_GetBaseDir(void);

Return value

Basic text direction.



This function decodes a character from a given text.


U16 GUI_UC_GetCharCode(const char * s);


Parameter Description
s Pointer to the text to be encoded.

Return value

The encoded character.



This function returns the number of bytes used to encode the given character.


int GUI_UC_GetCharSize(const char * s);


Parameter Description
s Pointer to the text to be encoded.

Return value

Number of bytes used to encode the given character.

Additional information

This function is used to determine how much bytes a pointer has to be incremented to point to the next character.


The following example shows how to use the function:

static void _Display2Characters(const char * pText) {
  int Size;
  U16 Character;
  Size       = GUI_UC_GetCharSize(pText);  // Size to increment pointer
  Character  = GUI_UC_GetCharCode(pText);  // Get first character code
  GUI_DispChar(Character);                 // Display first character
  pText     += Size;                       // Increment pointer
  Character  = GUI_UC_GetCharCode(pText);  // Get next character code
  GUI_DispChar(Character);                 // Display second character


Sets the basic text direction to be used.


void GUI_UC_SetBaseDir(int Dir);


Parameter Description
Dir (see table below)
Permitted values for element Dir
GUI_BIDI_BASEDIR_LTR Basic text direction is ’left to right’.
GUI_BIDI_BASEDIR_RTL Basic text direction is ’right to left’.
GUI_BIDI_BASEDIR_AUTO Basic text direction is calculated automatically: If the first character with strong directionality is RTL the basic text direction is set to RTL.


Enables SJIS character encoding.


void GUI_UC_SetEncodeSJIS(void);

Additional information

This function call is required before using an SJIS font.



Disables character encoding.


void GUI_UC_SetEncodeNone(void);

Additional information

After calling this function each byte of a text will be handled as one character. This is the default behavior of emWin.



Enables UTF-8 encoding.


void GUI_UC_SetEncodeUTF8(void);

Additional information

After calling GUI_UC_SetEncodeUTF8() each string related routine of emWin encodes a given sting in accordance to the UTF-8 transformation.



This function displays the given double byte string.


void GUI_UC_DispString(const U16 * s);


Parameter Description
s Pointer to double byte string.

Additional information

If you need to display double byte strings you should use this function. Each character has to be defined by a 16 bit value.

Text- and language resource files

To be able to change the text of an application without modifying one line of code the text- and language resource file API functions can be used. They offer the possibility to use one or more simple text files or one CSV (Comma Separated Value) file containing text in multiple languages. These files can reside in addressable RAM or at any non addressable medium like NAND flash or a file system.

Unicode support

If the used range of characters exceeds the ASCII set the text files should contain UTF-8 text. Other encodings like UC16 are not supported by this module.

Loading files from RAM

When using the files directly from RAM emWin does not allocate the required strings again. It uses the RAM location of the files directly. But because text- and CSV files do not contain zero delimited strings, emWin modifies the given text by replacing the line delimiters (CRLF) (text files) or field delimiters (CSV files) by a zero byte. Therefore the files have to reside in RAM, not in ROM.

Loading files from non addressable areas

It is also possible to use the files from non addressable areas or any other location in ROM. In these cases emWin uses a GetData function for getting the file data. In the first step (GUI_LANG_LoadTextEx(), GUI_LANG_LoadCSVEx()) emWin only remembers size and file offset of the text locations within the files. Only when accessing the text with GUI_LANG_GetText() the text will be allocated in RAM, read from the file and converted in a legal zero delimited string.

Each time a string gets return by GUI_LANG_GetText() it stores the string in the RAM. Once a string is located in the RAM the function returns the string from the RAM. This makes the reading process much faster. If there is not much RAM available it is possible to use the function GUI_LANG_GetTextBuffered(). This function uses a buffer of a fixed size and does not keep the string to be displayed in RAM. On the other hand this requires more reading accesses and is slower than reading the string from RAM.

Rules for CSV files

Because the term ’CSV file’ does not exactly determine the file format, here are the rules which have to be obeyed:

Rules for text files

A text file is a simple file where each line contains one text element. Rules to obey:

Text- and language resource file API

The table below shows the available routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
Text file functions
GUI_LANG_LoadText() Loads a text file from a RAM location.
GUI_LANG_LoadTextEx() Loads a text file using the given GetData function from any area.
CSV file functions
GUI_LANG_LoadCSV() Loads a CSV file from a RAM location.
GUI_LANG_LoadCSVEx() Loads a CSV file from any location by using a GetData function.
Common functions
GUI_LANG_Clear() Frees all allocated resources.
GUI_LANG_GetLang() Returns the current language index.
GUI_LANG_GetNumItems() Returns the number of available text items of the given language.
GUI_LANG_GetText() Returns a pointer to the requested text item of the current language.
GUI_LANG_GetTextBuffered() Copies the requested text of the current language into the given buffer.
GUI_LANG_GetTextBufferedEx() Copies the requested text of the given language into the given buffer.
GUI_LANG_GetTextEx() Returns a pointer to the requested text item.
GUI_LANG_GetTextLen() Returns the length of a text item of the current language.
GUI_LANG_GetTextLenEx() Returns the length of a text item.
GUI_LANG_SetLang() Sets the language to be used by the function GUI_LANG_GetText().
GUI_LANG_SetMaxNumLang() Sets the maximum number of languages to be used.
GUI_LANG_SetSep() Sets the separator to be used when reading a CSV file.


Prototype Description
GUI_LANG_GET_DATA_FUNC GetData function used for the language module, for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_II.


Loads a text file from a RAM location.


int GUI_LANG_LoadText(U8  * pFileData,
                      U32   FileSize,
                      int   IndexLang);


Parameter Description
pFileData Pointer to the first byte of the file.
FileSize Size of the given file in bytes.
IndexLang Index of the language.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.

Additional information

The given file needs to reside in RAM. As explained at the beginning of the chapter emWin converts the given text items into zero delimited strings.



Loads a text file using the given GetData function from any area.


                        void                   * p,
                        int                      IndexLang);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Pointer passed to the GetData() function.
IndexLang Index of the language.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.

Additional information

Data is accessed by the given GetData function. The pointer p can be used by the application.

Prototype of the 'GetData' function

int GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC(      void   * p,
                      const U8   * * ppData,
                            unsigned NumBytesReq,
                            U32      Off);
Parameter Description
p Application defined void pointer.
ppData The location the pointer points to has to be filled by the ’GetData’ function.
NumBytesReq Number of requested bytes.
Off Offset to be used to address the requested bytes within the file.


The following shows a sample implementation of the GetData function for use under Windows:

static int _GetData(void * pVoid, const U8 ** ppData, unsigned NumBytes, U32 Off) {
  DWORD  NumBytesRead;
  HANDLE hFile;
  U8   * pData;
  pData = (U8 *)*ppData;
  hFile = *(HANDLE *)pVoid;
  if (SetFilePointer(hFile, Off, 0, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
    return 0;
  if (!ReadFile(hFile, pData, NumBytes, &NumBytesRead, 0)) {
    return 0;
  return NumBytesRead;


Loads a CSV file from a RAM location.


int GUI_LANG_LoadCSV(U8  * pFileData,
                     U32   FileSize);


Parameter Description
pFileData Pointer to the first byte of the file.
FileSize Size of the given file in bytes.

Return value

The function returns the number of available languages of the given file.

Additional information

The given file needs to reside in RAM. As explained at the beginning of the chapter emWin converts the given text items to zero delimited strings. This function call first deletes all existing text resources. It is not possible to use a text file including one language and a CSV file including further languages. Either text files or CSV files should be used.



Loads a CSV file from any location by using a GetData function.


                       void                   * p);


Parameter Description
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Pointer passed to the GetData() function.

Return value

The function returns the number of available languages.

Additional information

As explained at the beginning of the chapter emWin converts the given text items to zero delimited strings. This function call first deletes all existing text resources. It is not possible to use a text file including one language and a CSV file including further languages. Either text files or CSV files should be used. If the return value is 0 it might be possible that the maximum number of lanuages is too small. Call GUI_LANG_SetMaxNumLang() to increase the number of lanuages.



Frees all allocated resources.


void GUI_LANG_Clear(void);


Returns the current language index.


int GUI_LANG_GetLang(void);

Return value

Current index of the language.



Returns the number of available text items of the given language.


int GUI_LANG_GetNumItems(int IndexLang);


Parameter Description
IndexLang Index of the given language.

Return value

Number of available text items of the given language.



Returns a pointer to the requested text item of the current language.


char *GUI_LANG_GetText(int IndexText);


Parameter Description
IndexText Index of the text item to be returned.

Return value

Pointer to the requested text item.

Additional information

If a GetData function is used, the first time a text item is requested it will be allocated, read and converted once. In case of using a GetData function this could save memory if not all text items are used by the application.



Copies the requested text of the current language into the given buffer.


int GUI_LANG_GetTextBuffered(int    IndexText,
                             char * pBuffer,
                             int    SizeOfBuffer);


Parameter Description
IndexText Index of the text item to be returned.
pBuffer Pointer to an application defined buffer.
SizeOfBuffer Size of the application defined buffer.

Return value

0 on success.
1 if the text could not be found.


Copies the requested text of the given language into the given buffer.


int GUI_LANG_GetTextBufferedEx(int    IndexText,
                               int    IndexLang,
                               char * pBuffer,
                               int    SizeOfBuffer);


Parameter Description
IndexText Index of the text item to be returned.
IndexLang Index of the language.
pBuffer Pointer to an application defined buffer.
SizeOfBuffer Size of the application defined buffer.

Return value

0 on success.
1 if the text could not be found.


Returns a pointer to the requested text item.


char *GUI_LANG_GetTextEx(int IndexText,
                         int IndexLang);


Parameter Description
IndexText Index of the text item to be returned.
IndexLang Index of the requested language.

Return value

NULL Pointer to the requested text item.
= NULL Invalid parameters or not enough memory available.

Additional information

If a GetData function is used, the first time a text item is requested it will be allocated, read and converted once. In case of using a GetData function this could save memory if not all text items are used by the application.

Please note that this function allocates a fixed memory block which can lead to bigger memory holes. It is more recommended to use GUI_LANG_GetTextBuffered() or GUI_LANG_GetTextBufferedEx() since these functions do not allocate memory.

When GUI_LANG_Clear() is called, the buffers allocated by this function will be freed. If the language text is still required after GUI_LANG_Clear() has been called, GUI_LANG_GetTextBuffered()/GUI_LANG_GetTextBufferedEx() should be used instead.



Returns the length of a text item of the current language.


int GUI_LANG_GetTextLen(int IndexText);


Parameter Description
IndexText Index of the text item.

Return value

-1 Error. =! -1: Length of the text item.


Returns the length of a text item.


int GUI_LANG_GetTextLenEx(int IndexText,
                          int IndexLang);


Parameter Description
IndexText Index of the text item.
IndexLang Index of the language.

Return value

-1 Error. =! -1: Length of the text item.


Sets the language to be used by the function GUI_LANG_GetText() .


int GUI_LANG_SetLang(int IndexLang);


Parameter Description
IndexLang Index of the language to be used.

Return value

Previous index of the language.



Sets the maximum number of languages to be used.


unsigned GUI_LANG_SetMaxNumLang(unsigned MaxNumLang);


Parameter Description
MaxNumLang Maximum number of languages

Return value

Previous maximum number of languages.

Additional information

This function has to be called before any other function of the language module is called. A good place for the function call would be GUI_X_Config().



Sets the separator to be used when reading a CSV file.


U16 GUI_LANG_SetSep(U16 Sep);


Parameter Description
Sep Separator to be used for CSV files.

Return value

Previously used separator.

Additional information

The default separator is a comma. Some applications use TABs or semicolons as separator. This function can be used to change the separator. It does not check if the given separator makes sense. So it is the applications responsibility to set the right value. The function has no effect on reading text files.



GetData function used for the language module, for more details see GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_II.

Type definition


Right to left- and bidirectional text

Whereas most scripts are written from the left to the right (LTR), there are some scripts like Hebrew and Arabic which are written from the right to the left (RTL). Bidirectional (BIDI) text contains text with both directionalities. To be able to apply the correct visual alignment, a couple of rules need to be followed to get the right visual alignment of the text. BIDI text support is part of the emWin basic package.

Bidirectional text algorithm

The Unicode consortium has defined the rules for combining RTL- and LTR text in the Unicode standard. It prescribes an algorithm for how to convert the logical sequence of characters into the correct visual presentation observing a set of rules. emWin follows up these rules to get the right visual order before drawing the text. It observes the rules of the bidirectional text algorithm of the Unicode standard 8.0.0.


The following example shows how bidirectional text is rendered by emWin:

UTF-8 text Rendering
\xd8\xb9\xd9\x84\xd8\xa7 1, 2, 345 \xd8\xba\xd9\x86\xd9\x8a XYZ
Basic text direction

It is important to set the appropriate base direction for text so that the bidirectional algorithm produces the expected ordering of the text. The visual order of text, especially text with brackets and single RTL characters, depends on the basic text direction.


The following example shows a simple text with different basic text directions:

Basic text direction Rendering

emWin also supports mirroring of some neutral characters in RTL aligned text. This is important if for example RTL aligned text contains parenthesis. The mirroring is done by replacing the code of the character to be mirrored with the code of a mirror partner whose image fits to the mirrored image. This is done by a fast way using a table containing all characters with existing mirror partners. Note that support for mirroring further characters is not supported.

ROM and stack requirement

The bidirectional text alignment uses approx. 80 KB of ROM and approx. 800 bytes of additional stack.

Reducing ROM requirement

The above mentioned ROM requirement is caused by a large table with information of the BiDi category for each character. If the application do not require the complete range of codepoints (0x0000 - 0xFFFF) the ROM requirement can be reduced. For detailed information please refer to GUI_UC_EnableBIDI.

Maximum characters per line

The maximum number of characters in bidirectional text per line is limited to 200 by default. In case this has to be changed, e.g. if more characters are needed, the user may change the define GUI_BIDI_MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE located in the file GUI_ConfDefaults.h. Note that one character equals to 4 bytes of stack needed.


Arabic support

The basic difference between western languages and Arabic is, that Arabic scripts are written from the right to the left and that it does not know uppercase and lowercase characters. Further the character codes of the text are not identical with the character index in the font file used to render the character, because the notation forms of the characters depend on the positions in the text. Arabic support is part of the emWin basic package.

Notation forms

The Arabic base character set is defined in the Unicode standard within the range from 0x0600 to 0x06FF. Unfortunately these character codes can not directly be used to get the character of the font for drawing it, because the notation form depends on the character position in the text. One character can have up to 4 different notation forms:

But not each character is allowed to be joined to the left and to the right (double- joined). The character Hamza for example always needs to be separated and Alef is only allowed at the end or separated. Character combinations of the letters Lam and Alef should be transformed to a ligature. This means one character substitutionally for the combination of Lam and Alef.

The above description shows, that the notation form is normally not identical to the character code of the text. The following table shows how emWin transforms the characters to the notation form in dependence of the text position:

Base Isolated Final Initial Medial Character
0x0621 0xFE80 - - - Hamza
0x0622 0xFE81 0xFE82 - - Alef with Madda above
0x0623 0xFE83 0xFE84 - - Alef with Hamza above
0x0624 0xFE85 0xFE86 - - Waw with Hamza above
0x0625 0xFE87 0xFE88 - - Alef with Hamza below
0x0626 0xFE89 0xFE8A 0xFE8B 0xFE8C Yeh with Hamza above
0x0627 0xFE8D 0xFE8E - - Alef
0x0628 0xFE8F 0xFE90 0xFE91 0xFE92 Beh
0x0629 0xFE93 0xFE94 - - Teh Marbuta
0x062A 0xFE95 0xFE96 0xFE97 0xFE98 Teh
0x062B 0xFE99 0xFE9A 0xFE9B 0xFE9C Theh
0x062C 0xFE9D 0xFE9E 0xFE9F 0xFEA0 Jeem
0x062D 0xFEA1 0xFEA2 0xFEA3 0xFEA4 Hah
0x062E 0xFEA5 0xFEA6 0xFEA7 0xFEA8 Khah
0x062F 0xFEA9 0xFEAA - - Dal
0x0630 0xFEAB 0xFEAC - - Thal
0x0631 0xFEAD 0xFEAE - - Reh
0x0632 0xFEAF 0xFEB0 - - Zain
0x0633 0xFEB1 0xFEB2 0xFEB3 0xFEB4 Seen
0x0634 0xFEB5 0xFEB6 0xFEB7 0xFEB8 Sheen
0x0635 0xFEB9 0xFEBA 0xFEBB 0xFEBC Sad
0x0636 0xFEBD 0xFEBE 0xFEBF 0xFEC0 Dad
0x0637 0xFEC1 0xFEC2 0xFEC3 0xFEC4 Tah
0x0638 0xFEC5 0xFEC6 0xFEC7 0xFEC8 Zah
0x0639 0xFEC9 0xFECA 0xFECB 0xFECC Ain
0x063A 0xFECD 0xFECE 0xFECF 0xFED0 Ghain
0x0641 0xFED1 0xFED2 0xFED3 0xFED4 Feh
0x0642 0xFED5 0xFED6 0xFED7 0xFED8 Qaf
0x0643 0xFED9 0xFEDA 0xFEDB 0xFEDC Kaf
0x0644 0xFEDD 0xFEDE 0xFEDF 0xFEE0 Lam
0x0645 0xFEE1 0xFEE2 0xFEE3 0xFEE4 Meem
0x0646 0xFEE5 0xFEE6 0xFEE7 0xFEE8 Noon
0x0647 0xFEE9 0xFEEA 0xFEEB 0xFEEC Heh
0x0648 0xFEED 0xFEEE - - Waw
0x0649 0xFEEF 0xFEF0 - - Alef Maksura
0x064A 0xFEF1 0xFEF2 0xFEF3 0xFEF4 Yeh
0x067E 0xFB56 0xFB57 0xFB58 0xFB59 Peh
0x0686 0xFB7A 0xFB7B 0xFB7C 0xFB7D Tcheh
0x0698 0xFB8A 0xFB8B - - Jeh
0x06A9 0xFB8E 0xFB8F 0xFB90 0xFB91 Keheh
0x06AF 0xFB92 0xFB93 0xFB94 0xFB95 Gaf
0x06CC 0xFBFC 0xFBFD 0xFBFE 0xFBFF Farsi Yeh

Character combinations of Lam and Alef are transformed into ligatures. The following table shows how emWin transforms these combinations into ligatures, if the first letter is a Lam (code 0x0644):

Second letter Ligature (final) Ligature (elsewhere)
0x622, Alef with Madda above 0xFEF6 0xFEF5
0x623, Alef with Hamza above 0xFEF8 0xFEF7
0x625, Alef with Hamza below 0xFEFA 0xFEF9
0x627, Alef 0xFEFC 0xFEFB
How to enable Arabic support

Per default emWin writes text always from the left to the right and there will be no Arabic character transformation as described above. To enable support for bidirectional text and Arabic character transformation, add the following line to your application:


If enabled, emWin follows the rules of the bidirectional algorithm, described by the Unicode consortium, to get the right visual order before drawing text.


The Sample folder contains the example FONT_Arabic, which shows how to draw Arabic text. It contains an emWin font with Arabic characters and some small Arabic text examples.

Font files used with Arabic text

Font files used to render Arabic text need to include at least all characters defined in the Arabic range 0x600-0x6FF and the notation forms and ligatures listed in the tables of this chapter.

Thai language support

The Thai alphabet uses 44 consonants and 15 basic vowel characters. These are horizontally placed, left to right, with no intervening space, to form syllables, words, and sentences. Vowels are written above, below, before, or after the consonant they modify, although the consonant always sounds first when the syllable is spoken. The vowel characters (and a few consonants) can be combined in various ways to produce numerous compound vowels (diphthongs and triphthongs).


As explained above the Thai language makes an extensive usage of compound characters. To be able to draw compound characters in emWin, a new font type is needed, which contains all required character information like the image size, image position and cursor incrementation value. From version 4.00 emWin supports a new font type with this information. This also means that older font types can not be used to draw Thai text.


The standard fonts of emWin do not contain font files with Thai characters. To create a Thai font file, the Font Converter of version 3.04 or newer is required.


The Thai language support does not need additional ROM nor RAM.

How to enable Thai support

Support of the Thai language has to be enabled by calling GUI_UC_EnableThai().


The Sample folder contains the example FONT_ThaiText.c, which shows how to draw Thai text. It contains an emWin font with Thai characters and some small Thai text examples.

Font files used with Thai text

Font files used to render Thai text need to include at least all characters defined in the Thai range 0xE00-0xE7F.

Shift JIS support

Shift JIS (Japanese Industry Standard) is a character encoding method for the Japanese language. It is the most common Japanese encoding method. Shift JIS encoding makes generous use of 8-bit characters, and the value of the first byte is used to distinguish single- and multiple-byte characters.

The Shift JIS support of emWin is only needed if text with Shift JIS encoding needs to be rendered.

You need no special function calls to draw a Shift JIS string. The main requirement is a font file which contains the Shift JIS characters.

Creating Shift JIS fonts

The Font Converter can generate a Shift JIS font for emWin from any Windows font. When using a Shift JIS font, the functions used to display Shift JIS characters are linked automatically with the library.

Detailed information on how to create Shift-JIS fonts and implement them in a project can be found in the chapter Font Converter.


Currently emWin is not able to make text transitions required for drawing Devanagari and similar scripts. It does not contain an engine for complete complex script support. Because of this only RTF and Arabic transitions are supported.

Some widgets, as well as our demonstration code, require time-related functions. The other parts of the emWin graphic library do not require a time base.

The demonstration code makes heavy use of the routine GUI_Delay(), which delays for a given period of time. A unit of time is referred to as a tick.

Timing and execution API

The table below lists the available timing- and execution-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.

Routine Description
GUI_Delay() Delays for a specified period of time.
GUI_Exec() Executes callback functions (typically redrawing of windows).
GUI_Exec1() Executes a callback function (one job only; typically redrawing a window).
GUI_GetTime() Returns the current system time.
GUI_GetTimeSlice() Returns the currently set minimum time in milliseconds with which a GUI_X_Delay() will get called within GUI_Delay().
GUI_SetTimeSlice() Sets the minimum time with which a GUI_X_Delay() gets called within GUI_Delay().


Delays for a specified period of time.


void GUI_Delay(int Period);


Parameter Description
Period Minimum period in ticks until function should return.

Additional information

The time unit (tick) is usually milliseconds (depending on GUI_X_ functions). GUI_Delay() only executes idle functions for the given period. If the Window Manager is used, the delay time is used for the updating of invalid windows (through execution of WM_Exec()). Please note that the given period is a minimum period. Larger drawing operations of the WM for example could take more time than the given period. This function will call GUI_X_Delay().



Executes callback functions (typically redrawing of windows).


int GUI_Exec(void);

Return value

0 if there were no jobs performed.
1 if a job was performed.

Additional information

This function will automatically call GUI_Exec1() repeatedly until it has completed all jobs—essentially until a 0 value is returned. Normally this function does not need to be called by the user application. It is called automatically by GUI_Delay().



Executes a callback function (one job only; typically redrawing a window).


int GUI_Exec1(void);

Return value

0 if there were no jobs performed.
1 if a job was performed.

Additional information

This routine may be called repeatedly until 0 is returned, which means all jobs have been completed. This function is called automatically by GUI_Exec().



Returns the current system time.



Return value

The current system time in ticks.

Additional information

This function calls GUI_X_GetTime(). GUI_TIMER_TIME is explained under GUI_TIMER_TIME.



Returns the currently set minimum time in milliseconds with which a GUI_X_Delay() will get called within GUI_Delay().


int GUI_GetTimeSlice(void);

Return value

Value set as time slice in ms.

Additional information

Prior to version 5.38 of emWin the minimum time a GUI_Delay() took was 5ms. With the function GUI_SetTimeSlice() the minimum time can be set.



Sets the minimum time with which a GUI_X_Delay() gets called within GUI_Delay().


void GUI_SetTimeSlice(int TimeSlice);


Parameter Description
TimeSlice Minimum time to be used within a GUI_Delay().

Additional information

The default value for the minimum time is 5ms.

Verbosity API

The table below lists the available verbosity related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.

Routine Description
GUI_ErrorOut() Shows a message box with an error and stops execution.
GUI_Log() Prints out logging messages.
GUI_Warn() Prints out warning messages.


Shows a message box with an error and stops execution. This function is called by emWin in case of serious errors which causes the system to stop execution. A pointer to a string is passed which contains a short error description. The error message contains the module and function where the error occurred and a short description. The simulation automatically shows a message box with the error message in debug mode. To be able to intercept these major errors on the target system, the function GUI_SetOnErrorFunc() can be used to set up a custom routine which is called by GUI_ErrorOut().


void GUI_ErrorOut(const char * s);


Parameter Description
s Error string which is passed on to the function GUI_X_ErrorOut() and to the user defined error handling function.

Additional information

Detailed information on how to set up a user defined error handling function can be found in the description of the function GUI_SetOnErrorFunc() in the chapter Configuration.



Prints out logging messages. Logging messages printed for example when memory for handles is allocated or freed. A pointer to a string is passed which contains the logging message. It contains the module and function where the log message was sent and a short description. To be able to intercept these loggings on the target system, the function GUI_SetOnLogFunc() can be used to set up a custom routine which is called by GUI_Log().


void GUI_Log(const char * s);


Parameter Description
s Error string which is passed on to the function GUI_X_Log() and to the user defined error handling function.

Additional information

Detailed information on how to set up a user defined logging handling function can be found in the description of the function GUI_SetOnLogFunc() in the chapter Configuration.



Prints out warning messages. For example when false parameters have been passed to a function, a warning will be printed with this function. A pointer to a string is passed which contains a short warning. The string contains the module and function where the warning occurred and a short description. To be able to intercept these warnings on the target system, the function GUI_SetOnWarnFunc() can be used to set up a custom routine which is called by GUI_Warn().


void GUI_Warn(const char * s);


Parameter Description
s Error string which is passed on to the function GUI_X_Warn() and to the user defined warning handling function.

Additional information

Detailed information on how to set up a user defined error handling function can be found in the description of the function GUI_SetOnErrorFunc() in the chapter Configuration.

Timer API

The table below lists the available timer-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.

Routine Description
GUI_TIMER_Create() Creates a timer.
GUI_TIMER_Delete() Deletes the given timer.
GUI_TIMER_Restart() Restarts the given timer.
GUI_TIMER_SetPeriod() Sets the timer period.


Creates a timer. When the timer expires the timer callback function is called.


                                  GUI_TIMER_TIME       Time,
                                  PTR_ADDR             Context,
                                  U16                  Flags);


Parameter Description
cb Pointer to the user defined timer callback function which is called when the timer expires. Prototype is shown below.
Time Destination time. The created timer expires when the system time exceeds this value.
Context Timer context which is returned unchanged via timer callback function.
Flags Not used. Reserved for future use.


Parameter Description
pTM Pointer to a GUI_TIMER_MESSAGE structure which is explained below. Changes which are done from within the callback function are not applied. In order to have another context, a new timer should be created.

Elements of structure GUI_TIMER_MESSAGE

Data type Element Description
GUI_TIMER_TIME Time Contains the time value when the timer expired.
U32 Context User defined context value which was specified at creation of the timer.
GUI_TIMER_HANDLE hTimer Handle of the expired timer.


This define can be set to the desired type in the file GUIConf.h. The default type is int.


The data type must be signed.

Return value

Handle to the created timer. 0, if no timer was created.

Additional information

Timers are not deleted automatically. To delete a timer the function GUI_TIMER_Delete() can be used. Restarting a timer can be achieved with GUI_TIMER_Restart().



Deletes the given timer.




Parameter Description
hObj Timer handle.

Return value

Handle to the created timer. 0, if no timer was created.

Additional information

Timers are deleted immediately. After deleting a timer the according callback function will not be triggered.



Restarts the given timer.




Parameter Description
hObj Timer handle.


Sets the timer period. The period defines the time which has to pass until the callback function is triggered again.


                         GUI_TIMER_TIME   Period);


Parameter Description
hObj Timer handle.
Period Timer period.

Additional information

This period is used only when the timer is restarted.

Advanced features

The following chapter contains all advanced emWin features. Some of these features are part of the emWin PRO package and they all can be purchased seperately.

The Window Manager (WM)

When using the emWin Window Manager (WM), everything which appears on the display is contained in a window—a rectangular area on the screen. A window can be of any size, and you can display multiple windows on the screen at once, even partially or entirely in front of other windows.

The Window Manager supplies a set of routines which allow you to easily create, move, resize, and otherwise manipulate any number of windows. It also provides lower-level support by managing the layering of windows on the display and by alerting your application to display changes that affect its windows.

The emWin Window Manager is a separate (optional) software item and is not included in the emWin basic package. The software for the Window Manager is located in the subdirectory GUI\WM.

Description of terms

Windows are rectangular in shape, defined by their origin (the X- and Y-coordinates of the upper left corner) as well as their X- and Y-sizes (width and height, respectively). A window in emWin:

Active window

The window which is currently being used for drawing operations is referred to as the active window. It is not necessarily the same as the topmost window.

Callback routines

Callback routines are defined by the user program, instructing the graphic system to call a specific function when a specific event occurs. Normally they are used to automatically redraw a window when its content has changed.

Child windows

A child window is one that is defined relative to another window, called the parent. Whenever a parent window moves, its child or children move correspondingly. A child window is always completely contained within its parent, and will be clipped if necessary. Multiple child windows with the same parent are considered “siblings” to one another.

Client area

The client area of a window is simply its usable area. If a window contains a frame or title bar, then the client area is the rectangular inner area. If there is no such frame, then the coordinates of the client area are identical to those of the window itself.

Clipping, clip area

Clipping is the process of limiting output to a window or part of it. The clip area of a window is its visible area. This is the window area minus the area obstructed by siblings of higher Z-order, minus any part that does not fit into the visible area of the parent window.


Coordinates are usually 2 dimensional coordinates, expressed in units of pixels. A coordinate consists of 2 values. The first value specifies the horizontal component (also called the x-coordinate), the second value specifies the vertical component (also called the y-coordinate).

Current window

See active window.

Desktop coordinates

Desktop coordinates are coordinates of the desktop window. The upper left position (the origin) of the display is (0,0).

Desktop window

The desktop window is automatically created by the Window Manager, and always covers the entire display area. This is done for each layer, so each layer has its own desktop window. The desktop is always the bottommost window, and when no other window has been defined, it is the default (active) window. All windows are descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.) of the desktop window of the currently selected layer. The desktop window has a buffer wich can hold data with the size of a void data type. This allows the user to add user data, e.g. a pointer to a structure.

Early clipping

This is the default clipping mode. In this mode clipping is performed before windows receive paint events. In case the current window needs to be clipped, it will receive more than one WM_PAINT message within a single drawing process.
In the late clipping mode, windows always receive only one single WM_PAINT message. In this mode clipping is performed within the drawing operations.


When a new window is created, the WM assigns it a unique identifier called a handle. The handle is used in any further operations performed on that particular window.

Hiding windows

A hidden window is not visible, although it still exists (has a handle). When a window is created, it is hidden by default if no create flag is specified. Showing a window makes it visible; hiding it makes it invisible.

Late clipping

See early clipping.

Parent coordinates

Parent coordinates are window coordinates relative to the parent window. The upper left position (the origin) of the window is (0,0).

Parent windows

See child windows.

Showing windows

See Hiding windows.


See child windows.


A window that has transparency contains areas that are not redrawn with the rest of the window. These areas operate as though the window behind “shows through” them. In this case, it is important that the window behind is redrawn before the window with transparency. The WM automatically handles redrawing in the correct order.


A valid window is a fully updated window which does not need redrawing. An invalid window does not yet reflect all updates and therefore needs to be redrawn, either completely or partially. When changes are made that affect a particular window, the WM marks that window as invalid. The next time the window is redrawn (either manually or by a callback routine) it will be validated.

Window coordinates

Window coordinates are coordinates of a window. The upper left position (the origin) of the window is (0,0).

Z-position, bottom/top

Although a window is displayed on a two-dimensional screen in terms of X and Y, the WM also manages what is known as a Z-position, or depth coordinate—a position in a virtual third dimension which determines its placement from background to foreground. Windows can therefore appear on top of or beneath one another.
Setting a window to the bottom will place it “underneath” all of its sibling windows (if any); setting it to the top will place it “on top of” its siblings. When a window is created, it is set to the top by default if no create flag is specified.

Callback mechanism, invalidation, rendering and keyboard input

The idea behind the callback mechanism that emWin offers for windows and window objects (widgets) is that of an event-driven system. As in most windowing systems, the principle is that the flow of control is not just from the user program to the graphic system, but also from the user program to the graphic system and back up to the user program by means of the callback routines provided by the user program. This mechanism—often facetiously referred to as the Hollywood principle (“Don’t call us, we’ll call you!”)—is needed by the Window Manager mainly in order to trigger the redrawing of windows. This contrasts with classical programming, but it makes it possible to exploit the invalidation logic of the Window Manager.

Rendering using callbacks

In order to create a window with a callback, you must have a callback routine. The routine is used as part of the WM_CreateWindow() function when creating the window (the cb parameter). All callback routines must have the following prototype:


void Callback(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);
Parameter Description
pMsg Pointer to a data structure of type WM_MESSAGE.

The action performed by the callback routine depends on the type of message it receives. The prototype above is usually followed by a switch statement, which defines different behaviors for different messages using one or more case statements (typically at least WM_PAINT).

Processing the WM_PAINT message

When a window receives a WM_PAINT message, it should repaint itself. Before sending this message to the window, the WM makes sure it is selected. A non-transparent window (default!) has to repaint its entire invalid area. The easiest way is to repaint the entire area of the window. The clipping mechanism of the WM makes sure that only the invalid area will be redrawn. In order to accelerate the drawing process, it can make sense to only repaint the invalid area. How to get the invalid area is described later in this chapter (Information is part of the message).

A transparent window on the other hand does not have to redraw the entire invalid area; it can leave the window area partially untouched. This untouched area will then be transparent.

Before the WM sends a WM_PAINT message to a transparent window, the area below has been redrawn (by sending a WM_PAINT message to the window(s) below).


Do not draw outside of WM_PAINT!

The messages WM_PAINT, WM_PRE_PAINT and WM_POST_PAINT should only process drawing operations.

Of course, this rule only not apply when another drawing device other than the driver is currently selected, e.g. a memory device or a dirty device.

When processing the WM_PAINT message, the callback routine should do nothing but redrawing the contents of the window. When processing the WM_PAINT, WM_PRE_PAINT or WM_POST_PAINT event, the following functions may not be called: WM_SelectWindow(), WM_Paint(), WM_DeleteWindow() and WM_CreateWindow(). Also any other functions which changes the properties of a window may not be called: WM_Move(), WM_Resize(), …


Creates a callback routine to automatically redraw a window:

void WinHandler(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
  case WM_PAINT:
    GUI_DispStringAt("Hello world",0,0);

The messages WM_PRE_PAINT and WM_POST_PAINT are sent directly before and after the WM_PAINT messages are processed.

Overwriting callback functions

The default behavior of widgets and windows in emWin is defined in their callback functions. If the behavior of a widget has to be changed, or if the functionality of a window needs to be enhanced to meet custom needs, it is recommended to overwrite the internal callback function. This is done in a few simple steps:

Step 1: Creating a custom callback function

The first step is to implement a function using the following prototype:

void Callback(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);

Step 2: Messages

The second step is to implement a reaction to certain messages.
Since custom callback functions do not need to handle all possible messages, it is recommended to make use of a switch / case condition. This makes it possible to easily add or remove one message specific code, without affecting another. The parameter pMsg contains the Id of the message (pMsg->MsgId). A complete list of messages handled by the Window Manager may be reviewed under Message IDs.

Step 3: Processing the default callback

The third step is to make sure all messages which are not handled by the custom callback function, are handled by the internal (default) callback function. The recommended way to do this is to use the default case of the switch / case condition to call the internal callback function.

Internal callback functions are different for each type of window. The internal callback functions for widgets are named <WIDGET>_Callback(). All other types of windows use the function WM_DefaultProc() for message handling.

switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
case WM_PAINT:
case WM_SIZE:

Step 4: Setting the custom callback function to be used

The last step to do is setting the newly created callback function to be used by a window or widget. This is done with a simple call of WM_SetCallback(). Detailed information can be found under WM_SetCallback.

Background window redrawing and callback

During initialization of the Window Manager, a window containing the whole LCD area is created as a background window. The handle of this window is WM_HBKWIN. The WM does not redraw areas of the background window automatically, because there is no default background color. That means if you create a further window and then delete it, the deleted window will still be visible. The routine WM_SetDesktopColor() needs to be specified in order to set a color for redrawing the background window.
You can also set a callback function to take care of this problem. If a window is created and then deleted as before, the callback routine will trigger the WM to recognize that the background window is no longer valid and redraw it automatically. For more information on using a callback routine to redraw the background, see the example at the end of the chapter.


Invalidation of a window or a part of it tells the WM that the invalid area of the window should be redrawn the next time GUI_Exec() or GUI_Delay() is called. The invalidation routines of emWin do not redraw the invalid part of a window. They only manage the invalid areas of the windows.

The invalid area of a window

The WM uses just one rectangle per window to store the smallest rectangle containing the entire invalid area. If for example a small part in the upper left corner and a small part in the lower right corner becomes invalid, the complete window is invalidated.

Why using invalidation

The advantage of using window invalidation in opposite of drawing each window immediately is that the window will be drawn only one time even if it is invalidated more than one time. If for example several properties of a window need to be changed (for example the background color, the font and the size of the window) it takes more time to draw the window immediately after each property has been changed than drawing the window only one time after all properties have been changed.

Redrawing of invalid windows

The function GUI_Exec() redraws all invalid windows. This is done by sending one or more WM_PAINT messages to each invalid window.

Tiling mechanism

Until here it should be clear, that drawing of a window normally is done by sending a WM_PAINT message. But if a window is partly covered by a child window or any other window, it is very important to know that it receives more than one WM_PAINT message. The WM cuts the non covered area of the window to be drawn into a number of sub rectangles. During that process it sets the clipping area to each of the rectangular areas and sends a single WM_PAINT message for each of the rectangles to the window. The more fragmented the window area is, the more rectangles exist and the more messages are send. Because of that the WM_PAINT handler should not do time consuming calculations.

The sample below shows the tiling mechanism required for drawing the background window covered by a FRAMEWINDOW widget. The widget consists of 2 windows, the main window and the client area. The main window is a transparent window which is drawn on top of the background and has no effect on the tiling algorithm whereas the client area is opaque and causes tiling of the background. The WM generates tiles around the client area from the top to the bottom and from the left to the right. The tiling algorithm implies that the number of tiles increases with the number of covered areas.

The screenshot below shows the above sample with an additional small window at the bottom right edge. When starting the drawing process of a non transparent window the WM first sends a WM_PRE_PAINT message. After that the window receives a WM_PAINT message for each tile. And after drawing the last tile the WM sends a final WM_POST_PAINT message.
The more areas covering a non transparent window the more tiles are required for drawing the window.

Drawing without tiling

Under some circumstances it may could make sense to suppress tiling. That could be achieved by using the flag WM_CF_LATE_CLIP explained later in this chapter.

Rendering of transparent windows

If a transparent window needs to be drawn, the WM automatically makes sure, that the background of the window is drawn before the transparent window receives a WM_PAINT message. This is done by redrawing all window areas below the invalid area of the transparent window first before sending a WM_PAINT message to the transparent window.
To make sure the Window Manager can handle the redrawing of transparent windows it is necessary to redraw the window in reaction to the WM_PAINT message. Otherwise it can not be guaranteed that the appearance of a transparent window will be correctly.
The use of transparent windows is more CPU-intensive than the use of non transparent windows. If performance is a problem, trying to avoid transparent windows may be an option.

Automatic use of Memory Devices

The default behavior of the Window Manager is sending a WM_PAINT message to each window which needs to be redrawn. This can cause flickering effects. To suppress these ’per window’ flickering effects Memory Devices can be used automatically for the drawing operation. This can be achieved by setting the flag WM_CF_MEMDEV when creating the window, by setting the default creation flags with WM_SetCreateFlags() or by using the function WM_EnableMemdev(). The WM then redirects the output of the WM_PAINT message into a Memory Device which is copied to the display once the actual drawing was performed. If not enough memory for the whole window is available banding is used automatically. The according Memory Device is created internally just before the WM_PAINT message is sent and is removed immediately after the drawing is finished.
In case a transparent window should be drawn, the below area will also be drawn into the Memory Device.
Detailed information about Memory Devices can be found in the chapter Memory Devices.

Performance gain with Static Memory Devices

Similar to the flag WM_CF_MEMDEV the flag WM_CF_STATIC exists. Using this option for a window can be achieved by setting the flag WM_CF_STATIC when creating the window or by setting the default creation flags with WM_SetCreateFlags(). A detailed description of SMDs can be found in the chapter Memory Devices .

Automatic use of multiple frame buffers

The WM is able to use automatically multiple frame buffers if they are available. This can be achieved by the function WM_MULTIBUF_Enable(). If enabled the Window Manager redirects the output of all drawing functions to the invisible back buffer before it draws the invalid windows. After the last invalid window has been drawn the WM makes the back buffer visible. This feature is available only if the display driver supports multiple buffers and if there is enough RAM to store at least 2 frame buffers. More information can be found in the chapter Multiple Buffering.

Automatic use of display driver cache

The WM automatically uses the display driver cache if available. If available it locks the buffer before it starts to draw the invalid windows. After the last window has been drawn the WM unlocks the cache.

Keyboard input

The Window Manager handles keyboard input automatically. It polls the keyboard buffer and sends according keyboard messages to the currently focused window. The keyboard buffer can be filled using the function GUI_StoreKeyMsg().

Motion support

Motion support enables the ability to move windows by gestures. It can be used with any pointer input device (PID) like a touch screen, a mouse or a joystick. If motion support is enabled the respective window can be put into movement simply with a gesture. After releasing the PID the movement is decelerated within a specified period. Movement operations can be also initiated by API functions instead of gestures.

Enabling motion support of the WM

First of all motion support needs to be enabled before it can be used. This can be done by calling the function WM_MOTION_Enable() once. Without calling this function once the motion support functions will not work.

Basic motion support for a window

To be able to use motion support for a window it needs to be enabled for each window which should be movable. In case of a movable parent window with several child windows motion support needs only be enabled for the parent window. There are 2 possibilities to achieve basic motion support for a window:

Using creation flags

To achieve movability for a window it can be created with one or more or-combined creation flags. The following table shows the available creation flags:

Flag Description
WM_CF_MOTION_R Enables circular movability for objects within the window.
WM_CF_MOTION_X Enables movability for the X axis.
WM_CF_MOTION_Y Enables movability for the Y axis.


hWin = WM_CreateWindowAsChild(0, 0, 40, 40, hParent,
                              WM_CF_SHOW | WM_CF_MOTION_X | WM_CF_MOTION_Y, cbWin, 0);


Of course the motion flags can also be used with widget creation functions.

Using API function

To achieve movability for a window after it has been created without movability flags the function WM_MOTION_SetMoveable() explained later in this chapter can be used.

Motion processing by application

The easiest way to achieve movable windows is setting up basic motion support. The WM then automatically moves the window when dragging the PID. But in certain situations it could make sense to process the motion information by the application instead of moving the whole window. That makes it possible to move any kind of content within a window, achieving edge snapping, overlapping or circular moves. In order to make use of that kind of advanced motion features the callback function of the movable window has to be adapted. In case the WM recognizes PID movement it sends a WM_MOTION message to the window. In order to achieve advanced motion support an appropriate reaction to the WM_MOTION message needs to be implemented.


As explained in the message description WM_MOTION the Data.p element of the WM_MOTION message points to a WM_MOTION_INFO structure. The element Cmd of this structure contains information about the current operation. The following table shows the possible values of the element Cmd:

Flag Description
WM_MOTION_INIT Sent to a window to initiate a motion operation.
WM_MOTION_MOVE Sent to a window to achieve custom moving operations.
WM_MOTION_GETPOS Sent to get the current position of custom moving operations.


If a PID move has been detected by the WM it first checks if there is any visible window available under the PID position which is already movable. This makes it possible to achieve moving operations for windows which are partially or totally covered by child windows. If the WM does not find an already movable window it sends the command to the ’top window’ of the PID position.
If the window is not already movable when receiving this command the element Flags of the WM_MOTION_INFO structure can be used to enable motion support. The creation flags explained earlier can be used here to achieve automatic motion support. The Flags element simply needs to be OR-combined with the desired flag(s).

WM_MOTION_INIT and custom motion support

Custom motion support means that the moving operation is not done automatically by the WM but by the callback routine of the window. This can be useful if for example radial motions are required or if the content of a window should be moved instead of the window itself. To achieve custom motion support the Flags element needs to be OR-combined with the flag WM_MOTION_MANAGE_BY_WINDOW.


Sent to a window with custom motion support enabled. The elements dx and dy of the WM_MOTION_INFO structure can be used to achieve the custom moving operation.


Sent to a window with custom motion support enabled. The task of the callback routine here is returning the current position. This needs to be done with the elements xPos and yPos of the WM_MOTION_INFO structure.


The elements SnapX and SnapY of the WM_MOTION_INFO structure can be used to achieve snapping. These values determine a kind of grid for snapping. This means that the deceleration of the movement operation will stop exactly on a grid position. Also if there currently is no movement and the window is only released it will snap into the next grid position.


Overlapping means a short distance a window/object could be moved beyond its boundary. When releasing the PID it will move to its boundary automatically. The element Overlap of the WM_MOTION_INFO structure can be used to achieve overlapping. It is recommended to use at maximum the half of the snapping distance.


Several samples in the tutorial folder show how to achieve overlapping, snapping, circular moves and how to use advanced motion support.

Motion support for circular moves

That kind of motion support can be used to turn items around the center of a window. Windows can not be rotated. To enable support for circular moves the flag WM_CF_MOTION_R should be used which should be set within the WM_MOTION_INIT message. Moving the items need to be managed by the application. Because of that also the flag WM_MOTION_MANAGE_BY_WINDOW explained earlier must be set. The values in 1/10 degrees to be used are passed to the application in the element da of the WM_MOTION_INFO structure available within the message WM_MOTION_MOVE. The KNOB widget for example is completely based on motion support for circular moves.


static void _OnMotion(WM_HWIN hWin, WM_MOTION_INFO * pInfo) {
  switch (pInfo->Cmd) {
    _DoMotion(hObj, pInfo->da);
Widgets with motion support

Some of the widgets provide motion support which can be enabled by calling <WIDGET>_EnableMotion().

If needed, an overlapping value in pixels can also be set by calling <WIDGET>_SetOverlap(). The overlapping value is the distance in pixels that the user can drag the content above the start and end position.

Widget Routine
SWIPELIST None, motion is always active.

Window manager and multiple layers

A hardware with multiple layers offers a range of new possibilities. This subchapter should give some guidelines and explain the most important pitfalls. We highly recommend to consider the following rules.

Drawing operations

One of the most important recommendations is using the invalidation mechanism of the window manager for drawing operations. If something should be drawn in a further layer a window with callback function should be used and the drawing operation should be done within WM_PAINT.


Do not draw outside of a WM_PAINT message! It can lead to unexpected behavior.

On the first glance it often looks easy to use GUI_SelectLayer() and draw something outside of the current window in a different layer. But please note that this most often leads in unexpected behavior of the GUI. Multiple buffering, clipping and calculation of invalid state could fail in that case, even if it seems to work on the first glance.

Window relationship

A child window must be created in the same layer as its parent window. The WM won’t work as expected if that rule is not observed. WM_CreateWindow() currently does not fail in that case, but the WM does not work correctly if the parent window is in a different layer than its child window.


Most LCD controllers with multiple layers support an alpha channel for semi transparency effects. That requires an alpha value in the alpha channel of the frame buffer after executing a drawing operation. Please note that the default behavior of emWin is using the given alpha values (for example of an PNG image) for mixing up the current background with the foreground and not leaving any alpha values. The function GUI_PreserveTrans() should be used before/after those drawing operations. The same applies for drawing anti-aliased text.

Touch input

Within a multiple layer application it could make sense to have touch sensitive widgets in more than one layer. But the touch pad does not ’know’ something about different layers. The normal behavior is setting the element Layer of the GUI_PID_STATE structure within the touch ISR. The used value should be the layer index containing the touch sensitive widgets.

If it is required to manage touch input in different layers a callback function could be set with GUI_PID_SetHook(). That callback function is called immediately before a GUI_PID_STATE element is added to the input buffer. Dependent on the coordinates the application could change the Layer element. Please note that is is not required to change the coordinates. This is done by the WM automatically.

Memory devices

Currently a memory device which should be drawn in a WM_PAINT event, needs to be created in the same layer as the window which should draw the memory device.


A ToolTip in emWin is a small window with one line of text, which appears in conjunction with a pointer input device (PID), usually a mouse. The user hovers the PID over a ’tool’, without clicking it, and a small ToolTip window with information about the item being hovered over may appear. After a short time the window disappears automatically. ToolTips make sense for active elements like any kind of button or similar widgets/windows, which can be used as tool for changing something. But they can be used with any kind of window.

How they work

A ToolTip belongs to a particular parent (or grandparent) window. When the PID hovers over a tool window without any motion, after a specified time (PERIOD_FIRST) the ToolTip window occurs. If the PID remains over the tool without motion, the ToolTip automatically disappears after a specified period of no motion (PERIOD_SHOW). It remains until the PID does not move for this period. If the PID is clicked or hovers out of the tool window the ToolTip disappears. If the PID remains in the parent area and the PID then hovers again over a tool of the same parent, the ToolTip occurs immediately after a very short period (PERIOD_NEXT) of no motion. If the PID moves out of the parent area, the next time a ToolTip occurs is again after PERIOD_FIRST. Appearance and timing can be configured at runtime.

Creating ToolTips


The functions and structures mentioned in the following are described in detail later in this chapter under ToolTip related functions.

The function WM_TOOLTIP_Create() should be used for creating a ToolTip object. It requires a handle to the parent (or grand parent) window. Optional a pointer to an array of TOOLTIP_INFO structures can be passed which is used for adding the desired tools to the ToolTip object. These structures should contain the IDs of the tools and the text to be shown. Alternatively the function WM_TOOTIP_AddTool() can be used to add the tools. This makes sense if the tool window does not have an Id.

Creating ToolTips for dialog items

As mentioned above the TOOLTIP_INFO structure is used to address the desired tools by its IDs. Because the items of a dialog normally have an Id this is quite easy.


The following example shows how it works:

#include "DIALOG.h"
#define ID_BUTTON_0 (GUI_ID_USER + 0x01)
#define ID_BUTTON_1 (GUI_ID_USER + 0x02)
static const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO _aDialogCreate[] = {
  { FRAMEWIN_CreateIndirect, "Framewin",         0, 0,  0, 320, 240, 0, 0, 0 },
  { BUTTON_CreateIndirect, "Button 0", ID_BUTTON_0, 5,  5,  80,  20, 0, 0, 0 },
  { BUTTON_CreateIndirect, "Button 1", ID_BUTTON_1, 5, 30,  80,  20, 0, 0, 0 },
static const TOOLTIP_INFO _aInfo[] = {
  { ID_BUTTON_0, "I am Button 0" },
  { ID_BUTTON_1, "I am Button 1" },
static void _ShowDialog(void) {
  WM_HWIN hWin;
  hWin = GUI_CreateDialogBox(_aDialogCreate, GUI_COUNTOF(_aDialogCreate), 0,
                              WM_HBKWIN, 0, 0);
  hInfo = WM_TOOLTIP_Create(hWin, _aInfo, GUI_COUNTOF(_aInfo));
  while (1) {
Creating ToolTips for simple windows

Because simple windows normally do not have an Id, there exists a function for adding tools without using IDs. The function WM_TOOLTIP_AddTool() can be used to do this by passing the tool window handle and the required text to be shown.


The following example shows how it works:

#include <stddef.h>
#include "WM.h"
static void _cbParent(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
  case WM_PAINT:
    GUI_DispString("Parent window");
static void _cbTool(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
  case WM_PAINT:
    GUI_DispString("Tool window");
void MainTask(void) {
  WM_HWIN hTool, hParent;
  hParent = WM_CreateWindow(0, 0, 200, 100, WM_CF_SHOW, _cbParent, 0);
  hTool   = WM_CreateWindowAsChild(20, 20, 100, 50, hParent, WM_CF_SHOW, _cbTool, 0);
  hToolTip = WM_TOOLTIP_Create(hParent, NULL, 0);
  WM_TOOLTIP_AddTool(hToolTip, hTool, "I am a ToolTip");
  while (1) {


The following section shows which system messages are used by emWin, how to use the message data and how to use application defined messages.

Message structure

When a callback routine is called, it receives the message specified as its pMsg parameter. This message is actually a WM_MESSAGE data structure, a full description of the structure can be read under WM_MESSAGE.

List of messages


A full list of messages sent by emWin can be found under Message IDs.

System-defined messages

These kind of messages are sent by the GUI library. Do not send system defined messages from the user application to a window or a widget.



This message is sent immediately after a window has been created, giving the window the chance to initialize and create any child windows.


This message contains no data.



This message is sent just before a window is deleted, telling the window to free its data structures (if any).


This message contains no data.



This message is sent to a window to request its Id. All emWin widgets handle this message. Application defined windows should handle this message in their callback routine. Otherwise this message will be ignored.


The callback routine of the window should store the Id in the Data.v value.



This message is sent to a window to receive the client rectangle without the effect size. The effect size which is typically 0-3 pixels (2 pixels with the standard 3D effect).


The Data.p pointer of the messages points to a GUI_RECT structure which has to be filled with the proper coordinates of the client rectangle.



This message is sent to a window immediately after the creation of the dialog and before the dialog is displayed. Dialog procedures typically use this message to initialize widgets and carry out any other initialization tasks that affect the appearance of the dialog box.


This message contains no data.



Sent to the window currently containing the focus if a key has been pressed.


The Data.p pointer of the message points to a WM_KEY_INFO structure.



This message is sent to a window immediately after it has been moved. If the window has any child windows, they will be moved first. Also each child window will receive this message after it has been moved. The message is sent regardless if the window is visible or not.


The Data.p pointer of the message points to a WM_MOVE_INFO structure.



Informs a parent window that something has occurred in one of its child window. These messages are typically sent by widgets to their parent windows to give them a chance to react on the event.


The Data.v value of the message contains the notification code of the message. For more information about the notification codes, refer to the appropriate widget.



This message is sent to a window if its visibility is changed and the configuration switch WM_SUPPORT_NOTIFY_VIS_CHANGED is set to 1. The visibility of a window changes if

Typical application

Applications which show a video in a window using a hardware decoder. The hardware decoder can write directly into the display, bypassing emWin, if the window containing the video is completely visible. If the visibility changes, the hardware decoder needs to be reprogrammed.


The following shows a typical reaction on this message:

  if (WM_IsCompletelyVisible(WM_GetClientWindow(pMsg->hWin))) {

The Sample folder of emWin contains the example WM_Video.c which shows how to use the message.


This message contains no data.



The WM sends this message to a window if it has become invalid (partially or complete) and needs to be drawn. When a window receives a WM_PAINT message, it should repaint itself. Before sending this message to the window, the WM makes sure it is selected. More details about how to react on the WM_PAINT message is described earlier in this chapter under Callback mechanism, invalidation, rendering and keyboard input.


The Data.p pointer of the message points to a GUI_RECT structure containing the invalid rectangle of the window in screen coordinates. This information could be used to optimize the paint function.



The WM sends this message to a window right after the last WM_PAINT message was processed.


This message contains no data.



The WM sends this message to a window before the first WM_PAINT is sent.


This message contains no data.



The WM sends this message to a window after a callback function has been set.


This message contains no data.



Sent to a window if it gains or loses the input focus.


If the window gains the input focus, the Data.v value is set to 1. If the window ’accepts’ the input focus, it should set the Data.v value to 0 in reaction on this message.
If the window loses the input focus, the Data.v value is set to 0.



Sent to a window to change the Id. All emWin widgets handle this message. Application defined windows should handle this message in their callback routine. Otherwise this message will be ignored.


The Data.v value contains the new Id of the window.



Sent to a window after its size has changed. Gives the window the chance to reposition its child windows (if any).


This message contains no data.



This message will be sent to a window when a timer created by WM_CreateTimer() has expired.


The Data.v value contains the handle of the expired timer.



Sent to a window immediately after WM_SetUserData() has been called.

Pointer input device (PID) messages

These kind of messages are sent by the GUI library in reaction of PID input. Do not send this messages from the user application to a window or a widget.



A WM_MOTION message is sent to a window to achieve advanced motion support. It is sent if a pointer input device is moved over a movable window and to initiate a moving operation. Detailed information about Motion Support can be found in the section Motion support.


The Data.p pointer of the message points to a WM_MOTION_INFO structure.



A WM_MOUSEOVER message is sent to a window if a pointer input device touches the outline of a window. It is sent only if mouse support is enabled. This message is not sent to disabled windows.
To enable mouse support, add the following line to the file GUIConf.h:



The Data.p pointer of the message points to a GUI_PID_STATE structure. The structure member Pressed is always set to 0 when receiving a WM_MOUSEOVER message.



A WM_MOUSEOVER_END message is sent to a window if the mouse pointer has been moved out of the window. It is sent only if mouse support is enabled. This message is not sent to disabled windows.


The Data.p pointer of the message points to a GUI_PID_STATE structure. For details about this structure, refer to the message WM_MOUSEOVER.



Sent to the window affected by the pointer input device when the pressed state has changed. The affected window is the visible window at the input position. With other words: If the user releases for example the touch screen over a window, the pressed state changes from 1 (pressed) to 0 (unpressed). In this case a WM_PID_STATE_CHANGED message is sent to the window. This message is sent before the touch message is sent. An invisible window does not receive this message. Transparent windows are handled the same way as visible windows. This message is not sent to disabled windows.


The Data.p pointer of the message points to a WM_PID_STATE_CHANGED_INFO structure.



A WM_TOUCH message is sent to a window once the PID

Windows receive this message, if one of the actions above happens over the visible area and if they are not disabled.

If a window should not receive touch messages the create flag WM_CF_UNTOUCHABLE can be used. This causes the touch input to be routed to its parent window.


The Data.p pointer of the message points to a GUI_PID_STATE structure. Data.p = NULL means that the PID was moved out of bounds in pressed state.



This message is sent to the parent window if the outline of a child window has been touched with a pointer input device in pressed or unpressed state. This message is not sent to disabled windows.


The Data.p pointer of the message points to the WM_MESSAGE sent to the child window. Details about the message data can be found under WM_TOUCH. The message has to be dereferenced twice to get access to the GUI_PID_STATE attached to this message.


//                       -> WM_TOUCH message          -> GUI_PID_STATE
pState = (GUI_PID_STATE *)((WM_MESSAGE *)pMsg->Data.p)->Data.p;

The following example explains what happens if a pointer input device is dragged over a dialog with a button:

Position Description
1 The pointer input device (PID) is pressed at this position. This causes the WM to send the following WM_PID_STATE_CHANGED message to the window at this position: x = Horizontal position in desktop coordinates. y = Vertical position in desktop coordinates. State = 1 StatePrev = 0 The WM also sends a WM_TOUCH message with the same x and y coordinates to the window: x = Horizontal position in desktop coordinates. y = Vertical position in desktop coordinates. Pressed = 1
2 The PID is dragged to this position. The window below (the button) will receive no WM_PID_STATE_CHANGED message, because the PID remains in pressed state. The WM only sends a WM_TOUCH message to the window: x = Horizontal position in desktop coordinates. y = Vertical position in desktop coordinates. Pressed = 1
3 The PID is released at this position. This causes the WM to send the following WM_PID_STATE_CHANGED message to the window at this position: x = Horizontal position in desktop coordinates. y = Vertical position in desktop coordinates. State = 0 StatePrev = 1 The WM also sends a WM_TOUCH message with the same x and y coordinates to the window: x = Horizontal position in desktop coordinates. y = Vertical position in desktop coordinates. Pressed = 0
System-defined notification codes

A message of this type is sent from a window to its parent window to notify it of a change in the child window. This gives the parent window the chance to react on this event. The message contains a hWinSrc element which is a handle to the widget which caused the message. Detailed information about which notification messages are utilized by a widget can be found in the according Widget description in the chapter Widgets (window objects).


Do not send system defined notification codes from the user application to a window.

A full list of notification codes can be found under Notification codes.

Application-defined messages

The application program can define additional messages for its own usage. In order to ensure that they custom message Ids do not equal the Ids which are predefined in emWin, user-defined messages start numbering at WM_USER. Defining custom messages is recommended as follows:

#define MY_MESSAGE_AAA (WM_USER + 0)
#define MY_MESSAGE_BBB (WM_USER + 1)

Configuration options

Type Macro Default Description
B WM_SUPPORT_NOTIFY_VIS_CHANGED 0 Enables the WM to send a WM_NOTIFY_VIS_CHANGED message to a window if its visibility is changed.
B WM_SUPPORT_TRANSPARENCY 1 Enable support for transparent windows. If set to 0 the additional code for transparency support is not included.

Per default emWin does not inform windows if their visibility has changed. If enabled, the WM sends WM_NOTIFY_VIS_CHANGED messages.


Per default emWin supports transparent windows. This means per default the additional code used to handle transparent windows is linked if the WM is used. If the application does not use transparent windows the memory requirement of the application can be reduced if WM_SUPPORT_TRANSPARENCY is set to 0.


The following table lists the available routines of the emWin Window Manager API. All functions are listed in alphabetical order within their respective categories. Detailed descriptions of the routines can be found later in the chapter.


Routine Description
Basic functions
WM_Activate() Activates the Window Manager.
WM_AttachWindow() Attaches a window to a new parent window.
WM_AttachWindowAt() Attaches a window to a new parent window at the given position.
WM_BroadcastMessage() Sends the given message to all existing windows.
WM_BringToBottom() Places a specified window underneath its siblings.
WM_BringToTop() Places a specified window on top of its siblings.
WM_ClrHasTrans() Clears the has transparency flag (sets it to 0).
WM_CreateWindow() Creates a window.
WM_CreateWindowAsChild() Creates a window as a child window.
WM_Deactivate() Deactivates the Window Manager.
WM_DefaultProc() Default message handler.
WM_DeleteWindow() Deletes a specified window.
WM_DeleteWindowSecure() Deletes a window safely.
WM_DetachWindow() Detaches a window from its parent window.
WM_DisableWindow() Disables the specified window.
WM_EnableWindow() Sets the specified window to enabled state.
WM_Exec() Redraws invalid windows by executing callbacks (all jobs).
WM_Exec1() Redraws one invalid window by executing one callback (one job only).
WM_ForEachDesc() Iterates over all descendants of the given window.
WM_GetActiveWindow() Returns handle of the active window.
WM_GetCallback() Returns a pointer to the callback function of the given window.
WM_GetCapture() Returns the window that currently has the capture.
WM_GetChild() Returns the window handle of the requested child item (widget).
WM_GetClientRect() Returns the coordinates of the client area in the active window in window coordinates.
WM_GetClientRectEx() Returns the coordinates of the client area of a window in window coordinates.
WM_GetDesktopWindow() Returns the handle of the desktop window.
WM_GetDesktopWindowEx() Returns the window handle of the specified desktop window.
WM_GetDialogItem() Returns the window handle of a dialog box item (widget).
WM_GetFirstChild() Returns the handle of a specified window’s first child window.
WM_GetFocusedWindow() Returns the handle of the window with the input focus.
WM_GetHasTrans() Returns the current value of the has transparency flag.
WM_GetInvalidRect() Returns the invalid rectangle of a window in desktop coordinates.
WM_GetModalLayer() Returns the current modal layer.
WM_GetModalWindow() Returns the modal window.
WM_GetNextSibling() Returns the handle of a specified window’s next sibling.
WM_GetNumInvalidWindows() Returns the number of currently invalid windows.
WM_GetOrgX() Returns the origin in X of the active window.
WM_GetOrgY() Returns the origin in Y of the active window.
WM_GetParent() Returns the handle of a specified window’s parent window.
WM_GetPrevSibling() Returns the handle of a specified window’s previous sibling.
WM_GetStayOnTop() Returns the current value of the stay on top flag.
WM_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with WM_SetUserData().
WM_GetWindowOrgX() Returns the origin in X of a window.
WM_GetWindowOrgY() Returns the origin in Y of a window.
WM_GetWindowRect() Returns the coordinates of the active window in desktop coordinates.
WM_GetWindowRectEx() Returns the coordinates of a window in desktop coordinates.
WM_GetWindowSizeX() Return the X-size of a specified window.
WM_GetWindowSizeY() Return the Y-size of a specified window.
WM_HasCaptured() Checks if the given window has captured PID input.
WM_HasFocus() Checks if the given window has the input focus.
WM_HideWindow() Makes a specified window invisible.
WM_InvalidateArea() Invalidates a certain section of the display.
WM_InvalidateRect() Invalidates a part of a window.
WM_InvalidateWindow() Invalidates a window.
WM_IsCompletelyCovered() Checks if the given window is completely covered or not.
WM_IsCompletelyVisible() Checks if the given window is completely visible or not.
WM_IsEnabled() This function returns if a window is enabled or not.
WM_IsUntouchable() Returns whether the given window has the untouchable flag set.
WM_IsVisible() Determines whether or not a specified window is visible.
WM_IsWindow() Determines whether or not a specified handle is a valid window handle.
WM_MakeModal() This function makes the window work in ’modal’ mode.
WM_MoveChildTo() Sets the position of a window in window coordinates.
WM_MoveTo() Sets the position of a window in desktop coordinates.
WM_MoveWindow() Moves a window to another position.
WM_NotifyParent() Sends a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message to the given window.
WM_Paint() Draws or redraws a specified window immediately.
WM_PaintWindowAndDescs()() Draws a given window and all descendant windows immediately.
WM_ReleaseCapture() Releases capturing of mouse- and touchscreen-input.
WM_ResizeWindow() Changes the size of a specified window by adding (or subtracting) the given differences.
WM_Rect2Screen() Converts the given rectangle holding coordinates relative to the given window into screen positions.
WM_Rect2Client() Converts the given rectangle holding coordinates relative to the screen into coordinates relative to the window.
WM_Screen2hWin() Returns the window which lies at the specified position.
WM_Screen2hWinEx() Returns the window which lies at the specified position.
WM_SelectWindow() Selects a window to be used for drawing operations.
WM_SendMessage() Sends a message to a specified window.
WM_SendMessageNoPara() Sends a message without parameters to a specified window.
WM_SendToParent() Sends the given message to the parent window of the given window.
WM_SetCallback() Sets a callback routine to be executed by the Window Manager.
WM_SetCapture() Routes all PID-messages to the given window.
WM_SetCaptureMove() Moves a window according to the given PID state.
WM_SetCreateFlags() Sets the flags to be used as default when creating a new window.
WM_SetDesktopColor() Sets the color for the desktop window.
WM_SetDesktopColorEx() Sets the color for the desktop window in a multi layer environment.
WM_SetEnableState() Sets the window to an enabled or disabled state.
WM_SetFocus() Sets the input focus to a specified window.
WM_SetHasTrans() Enables transparency for the given window.
WM_SetId() This function sends a WM_SET_ID message to the given window.
WM_SetModalLayer() Sets the layer to be used as modal layer.
WM_SetpfPollPID() Sets a function to be called by the WM for polling the PID.
WM_SetSize() Sets the new size of a window.
WM_SetUntouchable() This function makes a window ’untouchable’.
WM_SetWindowPos() Sets the size and the position of a window.
WM_SetXSize() Sets the new X-size of a window.
WM_SetYSize() Sets the new Y-size of a window.
WM_SetStayOnTop() Sets the stay on top flag.
WM_SetTransState() This function sets or clears the flags WM_CF_HASTRANS and WM_CF_CONST_OUTLINE of the given window.
WM_SetUserClipRect() Reduces the clipping area temporarily.
WM_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a window.
WM_ShowWindow() Makes a specified window visible.
WM_Update() Draws the invalid part of the specified window immediately.
WM_UpdateWindowAndDescs() Draws the invalid part of a given window and the invalid part of all descendant windows.
WM_ValidateRect() Validates parts of a window.
WM_ValidateWindow() Validates a window.
WM_XY2Screen() Converts window coordinate into screen coordinates.
WM_XY2Client() Converts screen coordinates into window coordinates.
Motion support
WM_MOTION_Enable() Enables motion support for the WM.
WM_MOTION_SetDeceleration() Sets the deceleration for the current movement.
WM_MOTION_SetDefaultPeriod() Sets the default period for movements.
WM_MOTION_SetMotion() Sets speed and deceleration for the desired movement.
WM_MOTION_SetMoveable() Sets movability flags for the given window.
WM_MOTION_SetMovement() Sets speed and distance for the desired movement.
WM_MOTION_SetSpeed() Sets the speed for the desired movement.
WM_MOTION_SetThreshold() Sets the minimum distance required for starting a move.
ToolTip related functions
WM_TOOLTIP_AddTool() Adds a tool to an existing ToolTip object.
WM_TOOLTIP_Create() Creates a ToolTip object for the given dialog.
WM_TOOLTIP_Delete() Deletes the given ToolTip object.
WM_TOOLTIP_SetDefaultColor() Sets the default colors to be used for drawing ToolTips.
WM_TOOLTIP_SetDefaultFont() Sets the font to be used for displaying the text of ToolTips.
WM_TOOLTIP_SetDefaultPeriod() Sets the default periods to be used for showing ToolTips.
Multiple Buffering support
WM_MULTIBUF_Enable() This function enables or disables the automatic use of Multiple Buffering by the Window Manager.
Memory Device support (optional)
WM_DisableMemdev() Disables the use of Memory Devices for redrawing a window.
WM_EnableMemdev() Enables the use of Memory Devices for redrawing a window.
Timer related
WM_CreateTimer() Creates a timer which sends a WM_TIMER message to a window.
WM_DeleteTimer() Deletes the given timer.
WM_GetTimerId() Gets the Id of the given timer.
WM_RestartTimer() Restarts the given timer with the given period.
Widget related functions
WM_GetClientWindow() Returns the handle of the client window.
WM_GetContentRect() Returns the content rectangle of the current window.
WM_GetContentRectEx() Returns the content rectangle of a given window.
WM_GetId() Returns the ID of a widget.
WM_GetInsideRect() Returns the size of the active window less the border.
WM_GetInsideRectEx() Returns the size of a window less the border.
WM_GetScrollbarH() Returns the handle of an attached horizontal SCROLLBAR.
WM_GetScrollbarV() Returns the handle of an attached vertical SCROLLBAR.
WM_GetScrollerH() Returns the handle of an attached horizontal SCROLLER.
WM_GetScrollerV() Returns the handle of an attached vertical SCROLLER.
WM_GetScrollPartner() Returns the scroll partner of a given SCROLLBAR or SCROLLER handle.
WM_GetScrollPosH() Returns the horizontal scroll position of a window.
WM_GetScrollPosV() Returns the vertical scroll position of a window.
WM_GetScrollState() Gets the state of a SCROLLBAR widget.
WM_SetScrollPosH() Sets the horizontal scrolling position of a window.
WM_SetScrollPosV() Sets the vertical scrolling position of a window.
WM_SetScrollState() Sets the state of a specified SCROLLBAR widget.

Data structures

Structure Description
TOOLTIP_INFO Contains the information about a ToolTip.
WM_KEY_INFO Contains information about a pressed key.
WM_MESSAGE Contains the data for a message sent by a window.
WM_MOTION_INFO Contains information about a move with motion support.
WM_MOVE_INFO Stores the distance of a window move operation.
WM_PID_STATE_CHANGED_INFO Information about the changed PID state.
WM_SCROLL_STATE Saves the scrollstate of a scrollbar.


Group of defines Description
Message IDs List of all messages sent by the Window Manager.
Motion flags Flags for motion support.
Motion messages Commands sent with a WM_MOTION message.
Notification codes List of all notification codes sent with WM_NOTIFY_PARENT.
ToolTip color indexes Color indexes for ToolTip related routines.
ToolTip period indexes Period indexes for ToolTip related routines.
Window create flags Flags that define a window upon creation.
Using the WM API functions

Many of the WM functions have window handles as parameters. Observe the following rules when using handles:

Basic functions


Activates the Window Manager.


void WM_Activate(void);

Additional information

The WM is activated by default after initialization. This function only needs to be called if there has been a previous call of WM_Deactivate().



The given window will be detached from its parent window and attached to the new parent window. The new origin in window coordinates of the new parent window will be the same as the old origin in window coordinates of the old parent window.


void WM_AttachWindow(WM_HWIN hWin,
                     WM_HWIN hParent);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
hWinParent Window handle of the new parent.

Additional information

If the given window handle is 0 or both handles are the same the function returns immediately.
If only the given parent window handle is 0 the function detaches the given window and returns; the window remains unattached.



The given window will be detached from its parent window and attached to the new parent window. The given position will be used to set the origin of the window in window coordinates of the parent window.


void WM_AttachWindowAt(WM_HWIN hWin,
                       WM_HWIN hParent,
                       int     x,
                       int     y);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
hWinParent Window handle of the new parent.
x X position of the window in window coordinates of the parent window.
y Y position of the window in window coordinates of the parent window.

Additional information

If the given window handle is 0 or both handles are the same the function returns immediately.
If only the given parent window handle is 0 the function detaches the given window, moves it to the new position and returns; the window remains unattached.



Places a specified window underneath its siblings.


void WM_BringToBottom(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Additional information

The window will be placed underneath all other sibling windows, but will remain in front of its parent.



Places a specified window on top of its siblings.


void WM_BringToTop(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Additional information

The window will be placed on top of all other sibling windows and its parent.



Sends the given message to all existing windows.


int WM_BroadcastMessage(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);


Parameter Description
pMsg Pointer to the message structure to be sent.

Return value

Returns 0.

Additional information

A window should not delete itself or a parent window in reaction of a broadcasted message.



Clears the has transparency flag (sets it to 0).


void WM_ClrHasTrans(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Additional information

When set, this flag tells the Window Manager that a window contains sections which are not redrawn and will therefore be transparent. The WM then knows that the back- ground needs to be redrawn prior to redrawing the window in order to make sure the transparent sections are restored correctly.
When the flag is cleared with WM_ClrHasTrans(), the WM will not automatically redraw the background before redrawing the window.



Creates a window of a specified size at a specified location.


WM_HWIN WM_CreateWindow(int           x0,
                        int           y0,
                        int           width,
                        int           height,
                        U32           Style,
                        WM_CALLBACK * cb,
                        int           NumExtraBytes);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position in desktop coordinates.
y0 Upper left Y-position in desktop coordinates.
width X-size of window.
height Y-size of window.
Style Window create flags which are OR-combinable. See a full list under Window create flags.
cb Pointer to callback routine, or NULL if no callback used.
NumExtraBytes Number of extra bytes to be allocated, normally 0.

Return value

Handle to the created window.

Additional information

Several create flags can be combined by using the OR operator. Negative-position coordinates may be used.


Creates a window with callback:

hWin2 = WM_CreateWindow(100, 10, 180, 100, WM_CF_SHOW, &_cbWin, 0);

Creates a window without callback:

hWin2 = WM_CreateWindow(100, 10, 180, 100,WM_CF_SHOW, NULL, 0);


Creates a window as a child window.


WM_HWIN WM_CreateWindowAsChild(int           x0,
                               int           y0,
                               int           width,
                               int           height,
                               WM_HWIN       hParent,
                               U32           Style,
                               WM_CALLBACK * cb,
                               int           NumExtraBytes);


Parameter Description
x0 Upper left X-position in window coordinates of the parent window.
y0 Upper left Y-position in window coordinates of the parent window.
width X-size of window. If 0, X-size of client area of parent window.
height Y-size of window. If 0, Y-size of client area of parent window.
hWinParent Handle of parent window.
Style Window create flags (see Window create flags).
cb Pointer to callback routine, or NULL if no callback used.
NumExtraBytes Number of extra bytes to be allocated, normally 0.

Return value

Handle to the created window.

Additional information

If the hWinParent parameter is set to 0, the background window is used as parent. A child window is placed on top of its parent and any previous siblings by default, so that if their Z-positions are not changed, the “youngest” window will always be topmost.
The Z-positions of siblings may be changed, although they will always remain on top of their parent regardless of their order.



Deactivates the Window Manager.


void WM_Deactivate(void);

Additional information

After calling this function, the clip area is set to the complete LCD area and the WM will not execute window callback functions.



Default message handler.


void WM_DefaultProc(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);


Parameter Description
pMsg Pointer to message.

Additional information

Use this function to handle unprocessed messages as in the following example:

static WM_RESULT cbBackgroundWin(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
  case WM_PAINT:


Deletes a specified window.


void WM_DeleteWindow(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Additional information

Before the window is deleted, it receives a WM_DELETE message. This message is typically used to delete any objects (widgets) it uses and to free memory dynamically allocated by the window.

If the specified window has any existing child windows, these are automatically deleted before the window itself is deleted. Child windows therefore do not need to be separately deleted.

Before the window will be deleted it sends a WM_NOTIFICATION_CHILD_DELETED message to its parent window.



Deletes a window safely. The window is deleted upon the next execution of GUI_Exec(). This routine should be used if e.g. a window should be deleted within its callback.


void WM_DeleteWindowSecure(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.


Detaches a window from its parent window. Detached windows will not be redrawn by the Window Manager.


void WM_DetachWindow(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.


Disables the specified window. The WM does not pass user input messages (touch, mouse, joystick, …) to a disabled window.


void WM_DisableWindow(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Additional information

A widget that is disabled will typically appear gray, and will not accept input from the user. However, the actual appearance may vary (depends on widget/configuration settings, etc.).
A disabled window will not receive the following messages: WM_TOUCH, WM_TOUCH_CHILD, WM_PID_STATE_CHANGED and WM_MOUSEOVER.



Sets the specified window to enabled state. An enabled window receives pointer input device (PID) messages (touch, mouse, joystick, …) from the WM.


void WM_EnableWindow(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of window.

Additional information

This is the default setting for any widget.



This function takes care of handling window related input and redrawing of invalid windows.


int WM_Exec(void);

Return value

0 if there were no jobs performed (or only one window has been drawn).
1 if a job was performed.

Additional information

This function keeps the WindowManager ’alive’. WM_Exec() gets also called by GUI_Exec(). A return value of 0 does not necessarily mean that nothing has been done by the Window Manager. If only one window is invalid and no input has to be processed, WM_Exec() will return 0 as well.
To check if something has been done, albeit WM_Exec() returns zero, the function WM_GetNumInvalidWindows() can be used.

r = WM_GetNumInvalidWindows();
r |= WM_Exec();
if (r) {
  // Something has been done

In general this function does not need to be called by the user application and it is recommended to call GUI_Exec() instead. Therefore, it is also called by GUI_Delay(), which is recommended in a multitasking environment.



This function handles one job. This means, handling either one touch input or one paint event.


int WM_Exec1(void);

Return value

0 if there were no jobs performed.
1 if a job was performed.

Additional information

This routine may be called repeatedly until 0 is returned, which means all jobs have been completed.
It is recommended to call the function GUI_Exec1() instead.



Iterates over all descendants of the given window. A descendant of a window is a child window or a grand child window or a child of a grand child and so on.


void WM_ForEachDesc(WM_HWIN        hWin,
                    WM_tfForEach * pcb,
                    void         * pData);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
pcb Pointer to callback function to be called by WM_ForEachDesc.
pData User data to be passed to the callback function.

Additional information

This function calls the callback function given by the pointer pcb for each descendant of the given window. The parameter pData will be passed to the user function and can be used to point to user defined data.

Prototype of callback function

void CallbackFunction(WM_HWIN hWin,
                      void  * pData);


The following example shows how the function can be used. It creates 3 windows, the first as a child window of the desktop, the second as a child window of the first window and the third as a child window of the second window. After creating the window it uses WM_ForEachDesc() to move each window within its parent window:

static void _cbWin(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  GUI_COLOR Color;
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
  case WM_PAINT:
    WM_GetUserData(pMsg->hWin, &Color, 4);
static void _cbDoSomething(WM_HWIN hWin, void * p) {
  int Value = *(int *)p;
  WM_MoveWindow(hWin, Value, Value);
void MainTask(void) {
  WM_HWIN hWin_1, hWin_2, hWin_3;
  int Value = 10;
  hWin_1 = WM_CreateWindow( 10, 10, 100, 100, WM_CF_SHOW, _cbWin, 4);
  hWin_2 = WM_CreateWindowAsChild(10, 10, 80, 80, hWin_1, WM_CF_SHOW, _cbWin, 4);
  hWin_3 = WM_CreateWindowAsChild(10, 10, 60, 60, hWin_2, WM_CF_SHOW, _cbWin, 4);
  WM_SetUserData(hWin_1, &aColor[0], 4);
  WM_SetUserData(hWin_2, &aColor[1], 4);
  WM_SetUserData(hWin_3, &aColor[2], 4);
  while(1) {
    WM_ForEachDesc(WM_HBKWIN, _cbDoSomething, (void *)&Value);
    Value *= -1;


Returns the handle of the active window used for drawing operations.


WM_HWIN WM_GetActiveWindow(void);

Return value

The handle of the active window.

Additional information

This function should be used only when the message WM_PAINT is processed in a window callback function.



Returns a pointer to the callback function of the given window.


WM_CALLBACK *WM_GetCallback(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Additional information

Pointer of type WM_CALLBACK which points to the callback function of the given window. If the window has no callback function, NULL is returned.



Returns the window that currently has the capture. This function can be useful to retrieve the current capture state to reset it afterwards.


WM_HWIN WM_GetCapture(int * pAutoRelease);


Parameter Description
pAutoRelease  out  Pointer to an integer to save the currently saved auto release option.

Return value

≠ 0 Window that currently has the capture.
= 0 No window currently has the capture.


Returns the window handle of the requested child item (widget).


                    int     Id);


Parameter Description
hDialog Parent handle of the widget.
Id Window Id of the widget.

Return value

The window handle of the widget.

Additional information

In contrast to WM_GetDialogItem() the function does not work recursively. This means that this function will only return direct children but e.g. no grandchildren.



Returns the coordinates of the client area in the active window in window coordinates. That means x0 and y0 of the GUI_RECT structure will be 0, x1 and y1 corresponds to the size - 1.


void WM_GetClientRect(GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.


Returns the coordinates of the client area of a window in window coordinates. That means x0 and y0 of the GUI_RECT structure will be 0, x1 and y1 corresponds to the size - 1.


void WM_GetClientRectEx(WM_HWIN    hWin,
                        GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.


Returns the handle of the desktop window.


WM_HWIN WM_GetDesktopWindow(void);

Return value

The handle of the desktop window.

Additional information

The desktop window is always the bottommost window and any further created windows are its descendants.



Returns the handle of the specified desktop window when working in a multi layer environment.


WM_HWIN WM_GetDesktopWindowEx(unsigned int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Index of layer.

Return value

The handle of the specified desktop window.



Returns the window handle of a dialog box item (widget).


WM_HWIN WM_GetDialogItem(WM_HWIN hWin,
                         int     Id);


Parameter Description
hDialog Parent handle of the widget.
Id Window Id of the widget.

Return value

The window handle of the widget.

Additional information

This function is always used when creating dialog boxes, since the window Id of a widget used in a dialog must be converted to its handle before it can be used.



Returns the handle of a specified window’s first child window.


WM_HWIN WM_GetFirstChild(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

Handle of the window’s first child window; 0 if no child window exists.

Additional information

A window’s first child window is the first child created to that particular parent. If the Z-positions of the windows have not been changed, it will be the window directly on top of the specified parent.



Returns the handle of the window with the input focus.


WM_HWIN WM_GetFocusedWindow(void);

Return value

Handle of the window with the input focus or 0 if no window has the input focus.



Returns the current value of the has transparency flag.


int WM_GetHasTrans(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

0 no transparency
1 window has transparency

Additional information

When set, this flag tells the Window Manager that a window contains sections which are not redrawn and will therefore be transparent. The WM then knows that the background needs to be redrawn prior to redrawing the window in order to make sure the transparent sections are restored correctly.



Returns the invalid rectangle of a window in desktop coordinates.


int WM_GetInvalidRect(WM_HWIN    hWin,
                      GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT-structure for storing the invalid rectangle.

Return value

0 if nothing is invalid.
1 otherwise.


Returns the current modal layer. Per default there does not exist a modal layer. In that case the function returns -1.


int WM_GetModalLayer(void);

Return value

≥ 0 Index of current modal layer.
= -1 No modal layer is used.

Additional information

Additional information can be found in the description of WM_SetModalLayer().



Returns the modal window.


WM_HWIN WM_GetModalWindow(void);

Return value

= 0 If there is no modal window.
≠ 0 Handle of the modal window.


Returns the handle of a specified window’s next sibling.


WM_HWIN WM_GetNextSibling(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

Handle of the window’s next sibling.
0 if none exists.

Additional information

A window’s next sibling is the next child window that was created relative to the same parent. If the Z-positions of the windows have not been changed, it will be the window directly on top of the one specified.



Returns the number of currently invalid windows.


int WM_GetNumInvalidWindows(void);

Return value

Number of invalid windows.



Returns the X- or Y-position (respectively) of the origin of the active window in desktop coordinates.


int WM_GetOrgX(void);
int WM_GetOrgY(void);

Return value

X- or Y-position of the origin of the active window in desktop coordinates.



Returns the handle of a specified window’s parent window.


WM_HWIN WM_GetParent(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

Handle of the window’s parent window.
0 if none exists.

Additional information

The only case in which no parent window exists is if the handle of the desktop window is used as parameter.



Returns the handle of a specified window’s previous sibling.


WM_HWIN WM_GetPrevSibling(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

Handle of the window’s previous sibling.
0 if none exists.

Additional information

A window’s previous sibling is the previous child window that was created relative to the same parent. If the Z-positions of the windows have not been changed, it will be the window directly below of the one specified.



Returns the current value of the stay on top flag.


int WM_GetStayOnTop(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

0 stay on top flag not set
1 stay on top flag set


Retrieves the data set with WM_SetUserData().


int WM_GetUserData(WM_HWIN   hWin,
                   void    * pDest,
                   int       NumBytes);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
pDest Pointer to buffer.
SizeOfBuffer Size of buffer.

Return value

≠ 0 Number of bytes retrieved.
= 0 If the given handle is NULL.

Additional information

The maximum number of bytes returned by this function is the number of ExtraBytes specified when creating the window. This function must not be used with widgets. If used with widgets wrong values will be returned. The widget specific function

< WIDGET>_SetUserData() has to be used.


Returns the X- or Y-position (respectively) of the origin of the specified window in desktop coordinates.


int WM_GetWindowOrgX(WM_HWIN hWin);
int WM_GetWindowOrgY(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

X- or Y-position of the client area in pixels.



Returns the coordinates of the active window in desktop coordinates.


void WM_GetWindowRect(GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.


Returns the coordinates of a window in desktop coordinates.


void WM_GetWindowRectEx(WM_HWIN    hWin,
                        GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.

Additional information

If the given window handle is 0 or the given pointer to the GUI_RECT structure is NULL the function returns immediately.



Return the X- or Y-size (respectively) of a specified window.


int WM_GetWindowSizeX(WM_HWIN hWin);
int WM_GetWindowSizeY(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

X- or Y-size of the window in pixels.
Defined as x1-x0+1 in horizontal direction, y1-y0+1 in vertical direction, where x0, x1, y0, y1 are the leftmost/rightmost/topmost/bottommost positions of the window. If the given window handle is 0 the function returns the size of the desktop window.



Checks if the given window has captured PID input.


int WM_HasCaptured(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

1 if the given window has captured mouse- and touchscreen-input.
0 if not.

Additional information

If the given window handle is invalid or 0 the function returns a wrong result.



Checks if the given window has the input focus.


int WM_HasFocus(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

1 if the given window has the input focus.
0 if not.

Additional information

If the given window handle is invalid or 0 the function returns a wrong result.



Makes a specified window invisible.


void WM_HideWindow(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Additional information

The window will not immediately appear “invisible” after calling this function. The invalid areas of other windows (areas which appear to lie “behind” the window which should be hidden) will be redrawn when executing WM_Exec(). If you need to hide (draw over) a window immediately, you should call WM_Paint() to redraw the other windows.



Invalidates a specified, rectangular area of the display.


void WM_InvalidateArea(const GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure with desktop coordinates.

Additional information

Calling this function will tell the WM that the specified area is not updated.
This function can be used to invalidate any windows or parts of windows that overlap or intersect the area. The coordinates of the GUI_RECT structure have to be in desktop coordinates.



Invalidates a specified, rectangular area of a window.


void WM_InvalidateRect(      WM_HWIN    hWin,
                       const GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure with window coordinates of the parent window.

Additional information

Calling this function will tell the WM that the specified area is not updated.
The next time the Window Manager is executed so the window is redrawn, the area will be redrawn as well. The GUI_RECT structure has to be filled with window coordinates.



Invalidates a specified window.


void WM_InvalidateWindow(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Additional information

Calling this function tells the WM that the specified window is not updated.



Checks if the given window is completely covered or not.


char WM_IsCompletelyCovered(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

1 if the given window is completely covered.
0 if not.

Additional information

If the given window handle is invalid or 0 the function returns a wrong result.



Checks if the given window is completely visible or not.


char WM_IsCompletelyVisible(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

1 if the given window is completely visible.
0 if it is clipped at its parents borders.

Additional information

If the given window handle is invalid or 0 the function returns a wrong result.



This function returns if a window is enabled or not.


int WM_IsEnabled(WM_HWIN hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Window handle.

Return value

1 if the window is enabled.
0 if not.

Additional information

A widget that is disabled will typically appear gray, and will not accept input from the user. However, the actual appearance may vary (depends on widget/configuration settings, etc.)



Returns whether the given window has the untouchable flag set.


int WM_IsUntouchable(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

-1 Error.
0 Window is not untouchable.
1 Window is untouchable.


Determines whether or not a specified window is visible.


int WM_IsVisible(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

0 if the window is not visible.
1 if the window is visible.


Determines whether or not a specified handle is a valid window handle.


int WM_IsWindow(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

0 handle is not a valid window handle.
1 handle is a valid window handle.

Additional information

This function should be used only if absolutely necessary. The more windows exist the more time will be used to evaluate, if the given handle is a window.



This function makes the window work in ’modal’ mode. This means pointer device input will only be sent to the ’modal’ window or a child window of it if the input position is within the rectangle of the modal window.


void WM_MakeModal(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle. 0 removes the modal state from the current modal window.


Moves a specified window to a certain position.


void WM_MoveChildTo(WM_HWIN hWin,
                    int     x,
                    int     y);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
x New X-position in window coordinates of the parent window.
y New Y-position in window coordinates of the parent window.


Moves a specified window to a certain position.


void WM_MoveTo(WM_HWIN hWin,
               int     x,
               int     y);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
x New X-position in desktop coordinates.
y New Y-position in desktop coordinates.


Moves a specified window by a certain distance.


void WM_MoveWindow(WM_HWIN hWin,
                   int     dx,
                   int     dy);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
dx Horizontal distance to move.
dy Vertical distance to move.


Sends a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message to the given window.


void WM_NotifyParent(WM_HWIN hWin,
                     int     Notification);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
Notification Value to send to the parent window.

Additional information

The Notification parameter will be sent in the Data.v element of the message. The macro WM_NOTIFICATION_USER can be used for defining application defined messages:



Draws or redraws a specified window immediately.


void WM_Paint(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Additional information

The window is redrawn reflecting all updates made since the last time it was drawn.



Paints the given window and all its descendants.


void WM_PaintWindowAndDescs(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Additional information

The function draws the complete window regions by invalidating them before drawing.



Converts the given rectangle holding coordinates relative to the screen into coordinates relative to the window.


void WM_Rect2Client(WM_HWIN    hWin,
                    GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
pRect Pointer to a rectangle with coordinates relative to the screen.


Converts the given rectangle holding coordinates relative to the given window into screen positions.


void WM_Rect2Screen(WM_HWIN    hWin,
                    GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
pRect Pointer to a rectangle with coordinates relative to the window.

Additional information

This function is useful when using Memory Devices in combination with windows/widgets, because Memory Device use coordinates relative to the screen.



Releases capturing of mouse- and touchscreen-input.


void WM_ReleaseCapture(void);

Additional information

Use WM_SetCapture() to send all mouse- and touchscreen-input to a specific window.



Changes the size of a specified window by adding (or subtracting) the given differences.


void WM_ResizeWindow(WM_HWIN hWin,
                     int     dx,
                     int     dy);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
dx Difference in X.
dy Difference in Y.


Returns the window which lies at the specified position.


WM_HWIN WM_Screen2hWin(int x,
                       int y);


Parameter Description
x X-coordinate
y Y-coordinate

Return value

Handle to the found window.



Returns the window which lies at the specified position.


WM_HWIN WM_Screen2hWinEx(WM_HWIN hStop,
                         int     x,
                         int     y);


Parameter Description
hStop Handle of a descendant (low-level window) to stop at.
x X-coordinate
y Y-coordinate

Return value

Handle to the found window. If hStop was found the handle to its parent window is returned.



Selects a window to be used for drawing operations. The selected window is also called the active window.


WM_HWIN WM_SelectWindow(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

The previously selected window.

Additional information

If using this function it is possible to paint into a window from outside of the Window Manager, in general this is not recommended. Further you will not benefit from the automatic multi buffering and memory device feature of the Window Manager. Use this function very rarely and only as a last choice.

This function should not be called within a paint function called by the Window Manager. If the Window Manager sends a WM_PAINT message the target window already has been selected.

When working with a multi layer configuration the function switches also to the layer of the top level parent window of the given window.

If the given window handle is 0 the function selects the first created window, normally the first desktop window.


Sets a window with handle hWin2 to the active window, sets the background color, and then clears the window:



Sends a message to a specified window.


void WM_SendMessage(WM_HWIN      hWin,
                    WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
pMsg Pointer to a WM_MESSAGE structure. See Elements of structure WM_MESSAGE.

Additional information

This function can be also used to send custom messages as described in the section Application-defined messages.



Sends a message without parameters to a specified window.


void WM_SendMessageNoPara(WM_HWIN hWin,
                          int     MsgId);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
MsgId Id of message to be sent.

Additional information

If only a message Id should be sent to a window this should be done with this function, because it does not need a pointer to a WM_MESSAGE structure. Note that the receiving window gets no further information except the message Id.
This function can be used to send application-defined messages. Refer to the chapter Application-defined messages.



Sends the given message to the parent window of the given window.


void WM_SendToParent(WM_HWIN      hChild,
                     WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
pMsg Pointer to WM_MESSAGE-structure.


Sets a callback routine to be executed by the Window Manager.


WM_CALLBACK *WM_SetCallback(WM_HWIN       hWin,
                            WM_CALLBACK * cb);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
cb Pointer to callback routine.

Return value

Pointer to the previous callback routine.

Additional information

The given window will be invalidated. This makes sure the window will be redrawn.



Routes all PID-messages to the given window.


void WM_SetCapture(WM_HWIN hObj,
                   int     AutoRelease);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
AutoRelease 1 if capturing should end when the user releases the touch.


Moves a window according to the given PID state. This function is intended to be used in a window callback function. It should react to the message WM_TOUCH if the PID is in pressed state.


void WM_SetCaptureMove(      WM_HWIN         hWin,
                       const GUI_PID_STATE * pState,
                             int             MinVisibility,
                             int             LimitTop);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of the window which should be moved.
pState Pointer to the PID state.
MinVisibility Defines the minimum visibility of the parent window in pixels. The window will not be moved farther than the parent window reduced by the minimum visibility.
LimitTop Defines a number of top pixel lines which can not be moved outside the parent rectangle. The bottom pixel lines which are excluded are allowed to be moved outside the parent rectangle.


The following example application shows a callback function of a window which is moved using WM_SetCaptureMove():

static void _cbWin(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  const GUI_PID_STATE * pState;
  WM_HWIN hWin;
  hWin = pMsg->hWin;
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
  case WM_TOUCH:
    pState = (const GUI_PID_STATE *)pMsg->Data.p;
    if (pState) {
      if (pState->Pressed) {
        WM_SetCaptureMove(hWin, pState, 0, 0);
  case WM_PAINT:
void MainTask(void) {
  WM_HWIN hWin;
  hWin = WM_CreateWindow(10, 10, 200, 100, WM_CF_SHOW, _cbWin, 0);
  while (1) { GUI_Delay(1); }


Sets the flags to be used as default when creating a new window.


U32 WM_SetCreateFlags(U32 Flags);


Parameter Description
Flags Window create flags (see Window create flags).

Return value

Former value of this parameter.

Additional information

The flags specified here are binary ORed with the flags specified in the WM_CreateWindow() and WM_CreateWindowAsChild() routines.
The flag WM_CF_MEMDEV is frequently used to enable Memory Devices on all windows. Setting create flags is permitted before GUI_Init() is called. This causes the background window to be also affected by the create flags.


WM_SetCreateFlags(WM_CF_MEMDEV);  // Auto. use Memory Devices on all windows


Sets the color for the desktop window.


GUI_COLOR WM_SetDesktopColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color for desktop window, 24-bit RGB value.

Return value

The previously selected desktop window color.

Additional information

The default setting for the desktop window is not to repaint itself. If this function is not called, the desktop window will not be redrawn at all; therefore other windows will remain visible even after they are deleted.
Once a color is specified with this function, the desktop window will repaint itself. In order to restore the default, call this function and specify GUI_INVALID_COLOR.



Sets the color for the desktop window in a multi layer environment.


GUI_COLOR WM_SetDesktopColorEx(GUI_COLOR    Color,
                               unsigned int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
Color Color for desktop window, 24-bit RGB value.
LayerIndex Index of the layer.

Return value

The previously selected desktop window color.

Additional information

See WM_SetDesktopColor().



Sets the window to an enabled or disabled state.


void WM_SetEnableState(WM_HWIN hWin,
                       int     State);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
State 1 to enable window, 0 to disable window.


Sets the input focus to a specified window.


int WM_SetFocus(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

= 0 if window accepted focus.
≠ 0 if it could not.

Additional information

The window receives a WM_SET_FOCUS message which gives it the input focus. If for some reason the window could not accept the focus, nothing happens.



Enables transparency for the given window.


void WM_SetHasTrans(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Additional information

Using this function causes the Window Manager to redraw the background of the given window in order to have the transparent parts updated before the actual window is drawn.



This function sends a WM_SET_ID message to the given window.


void WM_SetId(WM_HWIN hObj,
              int     Id);


Parameter Description
hObj Window handle.
Id Id to be sent to the window.

Additional information

This function can be used to change the Id of a widget. It works with every widget. When using this function with an application defined window, the callback function of the window should handle the message. Otherwise it will be ignored.



emWin supports one modal window on each layer per default. But sometimes it could make sense to have only one modal window. To be able to achieve that function could be used. Once a modal layer has been set only windows of that layer will receive input.


int WM_SetModalLayer(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer to be set as modal layer, -1 means no modal layer

Return value

≥ 0 Index of previous modal layer.
= -1 No modal layer was used previously.
= -2 Error.


Sets a function which will be called by the Window Manager in order to poll the pointer input device (touch-screen or mouse).


WM_tfPollPID *WM_SetpfPollPID(WM_tfPollPID * pf);


Parameter Description
pf Pointer to a function of type WM_tfPollPID.

Return value

≥ 0 Index of previous modal layer.
= -1 No modal layer was used previously.
= -2 Error.

Additional information

The function type is defined as follows:

typedef void WM_tfPollPID(void);


Example of a touch-screen handled as a device:

void ReadTouch(void) {
  // ...read touchscreen


Sets the new size of a window.


void WM_SetSize(WM_HWIN hWin,
                int     xSize,
                int     ySize);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
XSize New size in X.
YSize New size in Y.


This function makes a window ’untouchable’. It has the same effect than the create flag WM_CF_UNTOUCHABLE.


int WM_SetUntouchable(WM_HWIN hWin,
                      int     OnOff);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
OnOff Enables (1) or disables (0) touch for a specific window.

Return value

Old status.

0 Window was previously not untouchable.
1 Window was previously untouchable.

Additional information

Calling this function will cause a window to route touch input to its parent. This way it is possible to place window over another window, but the lower window will still receive touch input.



Sets the size and the position of a window.


void WM_SetWindowPos(WM_HWIN hWin,
                     int     xPos,
                     int     yPos,
                     int     xSize,
                     int     ySize);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
xPos New position in X in desktop coordinates.
yPos New position in Y in desktop coordinates.
xSize New size in X.
ySize New size in Y.


Sets the new X-size of a window.


int WM_SetXSize(WM_HWIN hWin,
                int     XSize);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
XSize New size in X.


Sets the new Y-size of a window.


int WM_SetYSize(WM_HWIN hWin,
                int     YSize);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
YSize New size in Y.


Sets the stay on top flag.


void WM_SetStayOnTop(WM_HWIN hWin,
                     int     OnOff);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
OnOff 1 for setting “Stay on stop” flag, 0 for clearing it.


This function sets or clears the flags WM_CF_HASTRANS and WM_CF_CONST_OUTLINE of the given window.


void WM_SetTransState(WM_HWIN  hWin,
                      unsigned State);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
State Combination of the flags WM_CF_HASTRANS and WM_CF_CONST_OUTLINE.

Additional information

Details about the flags WM_CF_CONST_OUTLINE and WM_CF_HASTRANS can be found in the function description of WM_CreateWindow().



Temporarily reduces the clip area of the current window to a specified rectangle.


GUI_RECT *WM_SetUserClipRect(const GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure defining the clipping region in desktop coordinates.

Return value

Pointer to the previous clip rectangle.

Additional information

A NULL pointer can be passed in order to restore the default settings. The clip rectangle will automatically be reset by the WM when callbacks are used.
The specified rectangle must be relative to the current window. You cannot enlarge the clip rectangle beyond the current window rectangle.
Your application must ensure that the specified rectangle retains its value until it is no longer needed; that is, until a different clip rectangle is specified or until a NULL pointer is passed. This means that the rectangle structure passed as parameter should not be an auto variable (usually located on the stack) if the clip rectangle remains active until after the return. In this case, a static variable should be used.


This example is taken from the drawing routine of a progress indicator. The progress indicator must write text on top of the progress bar, where the text color has to be different on the left and right parts of the bar. This means that half of a digit could be in one color, while the other half could be in a different color. The best way to do this is to temporarily reduce the clip area when drawing each part of the bar as shown below:

/* Draw left part of the bar */
    r.x0=0; r.x1=x1-1; r.y0=0; r.y1 = GUI_YMAX;
    GUI_GotoXY(xText,yText); GUI_DispDecMin(pThis->v); GUI_DispChar('%');
/* Draw right part of the bar */
    r.x0=r.x1; r.x1=GUI_XMAX;
    GUI_GotoXY(xText,yText); GUI_DispDecMin(pThis->v); GUI_DispChar('%');

Screenshot of progress bar



Sets the extra data of a window. Memory for extra data is reserved with the parameter NumExtraBytes when creating a window.


int WM_SetUserData(      WM_HWIN   hWin,
                   const void    * pSrc,
                         int       NumBytes);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
pSrc Pointer to buffer.
NumBytes Size of buffer.

Return value

Number of bytes written.

Additional information

It is important to specify the maximum number of bytes used as user data when creating the window. To be able to do that the function WM_CreateUser() has to be used. In case of creating widgets which should use user data the function(s)

< WIDGET>_CreateUser() must be used. This function must not be used with widgets. If used with widgets memory will be corrupted. Instead, the widget specific function <WIDGET>_SetUserData() has to be used. The maximum number of bytes used to store user data is the number of ExtraBytes specified when creating a window.


Makes a specified window visible.


void WM_ShowWindow(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Return value

Number of bytes written.

Additional information

The window will not immediately be visible after calling this function. It will be redrawn when executing WM_Exec(). If you need to show (draw) the window immediately, you should call WM_Paint().



Draws the invalid part of the specified window immediately.


void WM_Update(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Additional information

After updating a window its complete region is marked as valid.



Paints the invalid part of the given window and the invalid part of all its descendants.


void WM_UpdateWindowAndDescs(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.

Additional information

The function only draws the invalid window regions.



Validates a specified, rectangular area of a window.


void WM_ValidateRect(      WM_HWIN    hWin,
                     const GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure with window coordinates of the parent window.

Additional information

Calling this function will tell the WM that the specified area is updated.
Normally this function is called internally and does not need to be called by the user application. The coordinates of the GUI_RECT structure have to be in desktop coordinates.



Validates a specified window.


void WM_ValidateWindow(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure with window coordinates of the parent window.

Additional information

Calling this function will tell the WM that the specified window is updated.
Normally this function is called internally and does not need to be called by the user application.



Converts the given coordinates (relative to the given window) into screen coordinates.


void WM_XY2Screen(WM_HWIN   hWin,
                  int     * px,
                  int     * py);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
px Pointer to a x position to be converted.
py Pointer to a y position to be converted.

Additional information

This function is very useful when using Memory Devices in combination with windows/widgets, because Memory Device use coordinates relative to the screen.



Converts the given coordinates (relative to the screen) into coordinates relative to the given window.


void WM_XY2Client(WM_HWIN   hWin,
                  int     * px,
                  int     * py);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
px Pointer to a x position to be converted.
py Pointer to a y position to be converted.
Motion support


Enables motion support for the WM. Needs to be called once at the beginning of the program.


void WM_MOTION_Enable(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff 1 for enabling motion support, 0 for disabling it.


Can be used to set the deceleration of the current moving operation.


void WM_MOTION_SetDeceleration(WM_HWIN hWin,
                               int     Axis,
                               I32     Deceleration);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
Axis Desired axis. See Axis values for valid values.
Deceleration Deceleration in pixel / (s * s)

Additional information

Makes only sense if the given window is already moving.



Sets the default value to be used for the duration of the deceleration phase after the PID has been released. If the window is already moving the window decelerates its motion until it stops. If the window is not moving but snapping is used the window moves within that period to the next raster position. If the window is already moving and snapping is used the window decelerates its motion until it stops to the nearest raster position given by the current speed.


unsigned WM_MOTION_SetDefaultPeriod(unsigned Period);


Parameter Description
Period Period to be used.

Return value

Previous default value of the period.



Starts a moving operation with the given speed and deceleration.


void WM_MOTION_SetMotion(WM_HWIN hWin,
                         int     Axis,
                         I32     Speed,
                         I32     Deceleration);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
Axis Desired axis. See Axis values for valid values.
Speed Speed to be used.
Deceleration Deceleration to be used.

Return value

Previous default value of the period.

Additional information

The moving operation then can be affected by further motion functions.



Enables movability of the given window.


void WM_MOTION_SetMoveable(WM_HWIN hWin,
                           U32     Flags,
                           int     OnOff);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
Flags Permitted values are listed under Motion flags.
OnOff 1 for enabling, 0 for disabling.
Permitted values for parameter Flags
WM_CF_MOTION_R Enables circular movability for objects within the window.
WM_CF_MOTION_X Enables / disables movability for the X axis.
WM_CF_MOTION_Y Enables / disables movability for the Y axis.

Additional information

Motion support of a window can also be set with creation flags when creating the window or within the callback routine of the window. Details can be found in the section Motion support.



Starts a moving operation with the given speed for the given distance.


void WM_MOTION_SetMovement(WM_HWIN hWin,
                           int     Axis,
                           I32     Speed,
                           I32     Dist);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
Axis Desired axis. See Axis values for valid values.
Speed Speed in pixels / s to be used. Positive and negative values are supported.
Dist Distance to be used. Needs to be a positive value.

Additional information

The moving operation stops automatically if the given distance is reached.



Starts moving the given window with the given speed.


void WM_MOTION_SetSpeed(WM_HWIN hWin,
                        int     Axis,
                        I32     Speed);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
Axis Desired axis. See Axis values for valid values.
Speed Speed in pixels / s to be used.


Sets the number of pixels required for starting a move operation. When holding down a finger on a touchscreen the touch controller normally generates a lot of input containing different coordinates. The threshold value can be used to avoid moving in that case.


void WM_MOTION_SetThreshold(unsigned Threshold);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
Axis Desired axis. See Axis values for valid values.
Speed Speed in pixels / s to be used.

In addition to the introduction at the beginning of the chapter the following contains the detailed descriptions of the ToolTip related functions.



Adds a tool to an existing ToolTip object.


int WM_TOOLTIP_AddTool(      WM_TOOLTIP_HANDLE   hToolTip,
                             WM_HWIN             hTool,
                       const char              * pText);


Parameter Description
hToolTip Handle of ToolTip object.
hTool Handle of tool window.
pText Pointer to a string.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

This function can be used for adding tools by passing the window Id and a string pointer. The given string is copied into the dynamic memory of emWin and does not need to remain valid.



Creates a ToolTip object for the given dialog.


                                    const TOOLTIP_INFO * pInfo,
                                          unsigned       NumItems);


Parameter Description
hDlg Handle of the dialog containing the tools as child- or grand child windows.
pInfo Pointer to an array of TOOLTIP_INFO structures. Can be NULL.
NumItems Number of tools to be added.

Return value

Handle to the ToolTip object on success, 0 on failure.

Additional information

If one of the parameters pInfo or NumItems is 0 the function only creates the ToolTip object. It is the responsibility of the application to delete the object if it is no longer used.



Deletes the given ToolTip object.




Parameter Description
hToolTip Handle of ToolTip object to be deleted.


Sets the default colors to be used for drawing ToolTips.


GUI_COLOR WM_TOOLTIP_SetDefaultColor(unsigned  Index,
                                     GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index See ToolTip color indexes for a list of possible values.
Color Default color to be used.

Return value

Previous used color.



Sets the font to be used for displaying the text of ToolTips.


GUI_FONT *WM_TOOLTIP_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Font to be used.

Return value

Previous default font used for ToolTips.



Sets the default periods to be used for showing ToolTips.


unsigned WM_TOOLTIP_SetDefaultPeriod(unsigned Index,
                                     unsigned Period);


Parameter Description
Index See ToolTip period indexes for a list of possible values.
Period Period to be used.

Return value

Previously used value.

Multiple Buffering support


This function enables or disables the automatic use of Multiple Buffering by the Window Manager.


int WM_MULTIBUF_Enable(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff 1 to enable the automatic use of multiple buffers. 0 to disable the automatic use of multiple buffers.

Return value

Previous state.

Additional information

Detailed information on how to use Multiple Buffering can be found in the chapter Multiple Buffering.

Memory Device support (optional)

When a Memory Device is used for redrawing a window, all drawing operations are automatically routed to a Memory Device context and are executed in memory. Only after all drawing operations have been carried out is the window redrawn on the LCD, reflecting all updates at once. The advantage of using Memory Devices is that any flickering effects (which normally occur when the screen is continuously updated as drawing operations are executed) are eliminated.

For more information on how Memory Devices operate, see the chapter Memory Devices.



Disables the use of Memory Devices for redrawing a window.


void WM_DisableMemdev(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.


Enables the use of Memory Devices for redrawing a window.


void WM_EnableMemdev(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.


Creates a timer which sends a message to the given window after the given time period has expired. The timer is associated to the given window.


WM_HTIMER WM_CreateTimer(WM_HWIN hWin,
                         int     UserId,
                         int     Period,
                         int     Mode);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of window to be informed.
UserId User defined Id. Can be set to 0 if not using multiple timers for the same window.
Period Time period after which the given window should receive a message.
Mode (reserved for future use, should be 0)

Return value

Handle of the timer.

Additional information

The function creates a ’one shot timer’ which sends a WM_TIMER message to the given window. After the timer period has expired the timer object remains valid and can be restarted using the function WM_RestartTimer() or deleted with WM_DeleteTimer(). Once a window is deleted the Window Manager automatically deletes all timers associated to the window.


static void _cbWin(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
  case WM_TIMER:
      ... do something ...
    WM_RestartTimer(pMsg->Data.v, 1000);
static void _DemoTimer(void) {
  WM_HWIN hWin;
  WM_HTIMER hTimer;
  hWin   = WM_CreateWindow(10, 10, 100, 100, WM_CF_SHOW, _cbWin, 0);
  hTimer = WM_CreateTimer(hWin, 0, 1000, 0);
  while (1) {


Deletes the given timer.


void WM_DeleteTimer(WM_HTIMER hTimer);


Parameter Description
hTimer Handle of the timer to be deleted.

Additional information

After a timer has expired the timer object remains valid and will not be deleted automatically. If it is not used anymore it should be deleted using this function. Once a window is deleted the Window Manager automatically deletes all timers associated to the window.



Gets the Id of the given timer.


int WM_GetTimerId(WM_HTIMER hTimer);


Parameter Description
hTimer Handle of the timer.

Return value

The Id of the timer which was previously set within the function WM_CreateTimer().



Restarts the given timer with the given period.


void WM_RestartTimer(WM_HTIMER hTimer,
                     int       Period);


Parameter Description
hTimer Handle of the timer to be restarted.
Period New period to be used.

Additional information

If this function gets called with Period set to zero the timer gets restarted with the period set on creation. After the period has expired a WM_TIMER message will be sent to the window assigned to the timer. For details, refer to WM_CreateTimer().



Returns the handle of the client window. The function sends a message to the active window to retrieve the handle of the client window. If the window does not handle the message the handle of the current window will be returned.


WM_HWIN WM_GetClientWindow(WM_HWIN hObj);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of widget.

Return value

Handle of the client window.

Additional information

Use this function to retrieve the client window handle of a FRAMEWIN widget.



Returns the content rectangle of the current window. The rectangle is in client coordinates.

The content rectangle of a window is the area that shows the actual content. For example for a LISTVIEW widget the content rectangle is the inside rectangle without its attached HEADER widget. For most widgets, it is the inside rectangle.


void WM_GetContentRect(GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
pRect  out  Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.


Returns the content rectangle of a given window. The rectangle is in client coordinates.

The content rectangle of a window is the area that shows the actual content. For example for a LISTVIEW widget the content rectangle is the inside rectangle without its attached HEADER widget. For most widgets, it is the inside rectangle.


void WM_GetContentRectEx(WM_HWIN    hWin,
                         GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
hWin Window handle.
pRect  out  Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.


Returns the ID of a specified widget window.


int WM_GetId(WM_HWIN hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of widget.

Return value

> 0 ID of the widget which was specified at creation or set using WM_SetId().
= 0 will be returned if the specified window is not a widget.


Returns the coordinates of the client area of the active widget less the border size. The function sends a message to the active window to retrieve the inside rectangle. If the widget does not handle the message (that means the widget has no border) WM_GetClientRect will be used to calculate the rectangle. The result is given in window coordinates. That means x0 and y0 of the GUI_RECT structure corresponds to the border size in x and y, x1 and y1 corresponds to the size of the window less the border size - 1.
This function sends the WM_GET_INSIDE_RECT message to the given window which should be filled by the user. This message is quite helpful when creating an own widget.


void WM_GetInsideRect(GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.


Returns the coordinates of a window less the border size.


void WM_GetInsideRectEx(WM_HWIN    hWin,
                        GUI_RECT * pRect);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of widget.
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.

Additional information

For details, refer to WM_GetInsideRect().



If the given window has a horizontal SCROLLBAR attached the function returns the handle of that SCROLLBAR.


WM_HWIN WM_GetScrollbarH(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of a window which has a horizontal SCROLLBAR attached.

Return value

≠ 0 Handle of the horizontal SCROLLER widget.
= 0 If no horizontal SCROLLBAR widget is attached.

Additional information

Additional information can be found in SCROLLBAR: Scroll bar widget.



If the given window has a vertical SCROLLBAR attached the function returns the handle of that SCROLLBAR.


WM_HWIN WM_GetScrollbarV(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of a window which has a vertical SCROLLBAR attached.

Return value

≠ 0 Handle of the vertical SCROLLER widget.
= 0 If no vertical SCROLLBAR widget is attached.

Additional information

Additional information can be found in SCROLLBAR: Scroll bar widget.



If the given window has a vertical SCROLLER attached the function returns the handle of that SCROLLER.


WM_HWIN WM_GetScrollerV(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of a window which has a vertical SCROLLER attached.

Return value

≠ 0 Handle of the vertical SCROLLER widget.
= 0 If no vertical SCROLLER widget is attached.

Additional information

Additional information can be found in SCROLLER: Scroll widget.



If the given window has a horizontal SCROLLER attached the function returns the handle of that SCROLLER.


WM_HWIN WM_GetScrollerH(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of a window which has a horizontal SCROLLER attached.

Return value

≠ 0 Handle of the horizontal SCROLLER widget.
= 0 If no horizontal SCROLLER widget is attached.

Additional information

Additional information can be found in SCROLLER: Scroll widget.



Returns the scroll partner of a given SCROLLBAR or SCROLLER handle. For example, for a horizontal SCROLLBAR/SCROLLER its scroll partner would be its vertical counterpart.


WM_HWIN WM_GetScrollPartner(WM_HWIN hScroll);


Parameter Description
hScroll Handle to a SCROLLER or SCROLLBAR widget.

Return value

= 0 No scroll partner available.
≠ 0 Scroll partner of given SCROLLER or SCROLLBAR.


Returns the horizontal scrolling position of a window.


int WM_GetScrollPosH(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of a window which has a horizontal SCROLLBAR attached.

Return value

Position of the horizontal SCROLLBAR widget (0 < n)
0, if no horizontal SCROLLBAR widget is attached.

Additional information

Additional information can be found in SCROLLBAR: Scroll bar widget.



Returns the vertical scrolling position of a window.


int WM_GetScrollPosV(WM_HWIN hWin);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of a window which has a horizontal SCROLLBAR attached.

Return value

Position of the horizontal SCROLLBAR widget (0 < n)
0, if no horizontal SCROLLBAR widget is attached.

Additional information

Additional information can be found in SCROLLBAR: Scroll bar widget.



Fills a data structure with information of the current state of a specified SCROLLBAR widget.


void WM_GetScrollState(WM_HWIN           hObj,
                       WM_SCROLL_STATE * pScrollState);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of scroll bar widget.
pScrollState Pointer to a data structure of type WM_SCROLL_STATE.

Additional information

This function does not return since the state of a scroll bar is defined by more than one value.
It has no effect on other types of widgets or windows. Additional information can be found in SCROLLBAR: Scroll bar widget.



Sets the horizontal scrolling position of a window.


void WM_SetScrollPosH(WM_HWIN  hWin,
                      unsigned ScrollPos);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of a window which has a horizontal SCROLLBAR attached.
ScrollPos New scroll position of the scroll bar.

Additional information

Additional information can be found in SCROLLBAR: Scroll bar widget.



Sets the vertical scrolling position of a window.


void WM_SetScrollPosV(WM_HWIN  hWin,
                      unsigned ScrollPos);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of a window which has a vertical SCROLLBAR attached.
ScrollPos New scroll position of the scroll bar.

Additional information

Additional information can be found in SCROLLBAR: Scroll bar widget.



Sets the state of a specified SCROLLBAR widget.


void WM_SetScrollState(      WM_HWIN           hWin,
                       const WM_SCROLL_STATE * pState);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of scroll bar widget.
Data structures


Contains the information about a ToolTip.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int          Id;
  const char * pText;

Structure members

Member Description
Id Id of the ToolTip.
pText String containing the text of the ToolTip.


Contains information about a pressed key.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  Key;
  int  PressedCnt;

Structure members

Member Description
Key The key which has been pressed.
> 0 if the key has been pressed, 0 if the key has been released.


Contains the data for a message sent by a window.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int            MsgId;
  WM_HWIN        hWin;
  WM_HWIN        hWinSrc;
  union {
    const void * p;
    int          v;
    GUI_COLOR    Color;
    void      (* pFunc)(void);
  } Data;

Structure members

Member Description
MsgId Type of message.
hWin Destination window.
hWinSrc Source window.
Data Data union. See elements below.
Elements of Data
p Message-specific data pointer.
v Message-specific data value.
Color Message-specific color.
pFunc Message-specific function pointer.


Contains information about a move with motion support.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8              Cmd;
  U8              FinalMove;
  U8              StopMotion;
  U8              IsDragging;
  int             dx;
  int             dy;
  int             da;
  int             xPos;
  int             yPos;
  int             Period;
  int             SnapX;
  int             SnapY;
  U8              IsOutside;
  unsigned        Overlap;
  U32             Flags;
  GUI_PID_STATE * pState;
  GUI_HMEM        hContext;
  int             Dest;

Structure members

Member Description
Cmd Command. See Motion messages.
FinalMove Set to 1 on the final moving operation.
StopMotion Can be set to 1 to stop motion immediately.
IsDragging Is set to 1 if the PID is pressed, 0 if released.
dx Distance in X to be used to move the window.
dy Distance in Y to be used to move the window.
da Distance in 1/10 degrees to be used to move an item.
xPos Used to return the current position in X for custom moving operations.
yPos Used to return the current position in Y for custom moving operations.
Period Duration of the moving operation after the PID has been released.
SnapX Raster size in X for snapping operations, 0 if no snapping is required.
SnapY Raster size in Y for snapping operations, 0 if no snapping is required.
IsOutside If motion is managed by window.
Overlap Overlapping distance allowed for dragging operations.
Flags To be used to enable motion support.
pState Internal use.
hContext Internal use.
Dest Internal use.


Stores the distance of a window move operation.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  dx;
  int  dy;

Structure members

Member Description
dx Difference between old and new position on the X-axis.
dy Difference between old and new position on the Y-axis.


Information about the changed PID state. Sent to a window with the WM_PID_STATE_CHANGED message.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  x;
  int  y;
  U8   State;
  U8   StatePrev;

Structure members

Member Description
x Horizontal position of the PID in window coordinates.
y Vertical position of the PID in window coordinates.
State Pressed state (> 0 if PID is pressed).
StatePrev Previous pressed state.


Saves the scrollstate of a scrollbar.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  NumItems;
  int  v;
  int  PageSize;

Structure members

Member Description
NumItems Number of items.
v Current value.
PageSize Number of items visible on one page.
Message IDs


List of all messages sent by the Window Manager. The member MsgId of the WM_MESSAGE structure contains one of these values to identify a message.


#define WM_CREATE                0x0001
#define WM_MOVE                  0x0003
#define WM_SIZE                  0x0005
#define WM_DELETE                11
#define WM_TOUCH                 0x0240
#define WM_TOUCH_CHILD           13
#define WM_KEY                   14
#define WM_PAINT                 0x000F
#define WM_MOUSEOVER             16
#define WM_MOUSEOVER_END         18
#define WM_PID_STATE_CHANGED     17
#define WM_GET_INSIDE_RECT       20
#define WM_GET_ID                21
#define WM_SET_ID                22
#define WM_INIT_DIALOG           29
#define WM_SET_FOCUS             30
#define WM_GET_ACCEPT_FOCUS      31
#define WM_NOTIFY_PARENT         38
#define WM_PRE_PAINT             46
#define WM_POST_PAINT            47
#define WM_MOTION                48
#define WM_USER_DATA             52
#define WM_SET_CALLBACK          53
#define WM_TIMER                 0x0113
#define WM_USER                  0x0400


Definition Description
WM_CREATE Sent immediately after a window has been created, giving the window the chance to initialize and create any child windows.
WM_MOVE Sent to a window immediately after it has been moved.
WM_SIZE Sent to a window after its size has changed.
WM_DELETE Sent just before a window is deleted, telling the window to free its data structures (if any).
WM_TOUCH Sent to a window once a pointer input device is pressed, pressed and moved or released over its area.
WM_TOUCH_CHILD Sent to a parent window if a child window has been touched by the pointer input device.
WM_KEY Sent to the window currently containing the focus if a key has been pressed.
WM_PAINT Sent to a window after it has become invalid and it should be redrawn.
WM_MOUSEOVER Sent to a window if a pointer input device touches the outline of a window. Only sent if mouse support is enabled.
WM_MOUSEOVER_END Sent to a window if a pointer input device has been moved out of the outline of a window. Only sent if mouse support is enabled.
WM_PID_STATE_CHANGED Sent to the window pointed by the pointer input device when the pressed state has been changed.
WM_GET_INSIDE_RECT Send to a window to get the client rectangle without the effect size.
WM_GET_ID Sent to a window to request the Id of the window.
WM_SET_ID Sent to a window to change the window Id.
WM_INIT_DIALOG Sent to a dialog window immediately after the creation of the dialog.
WM_SET_FOCUS Sent to a window if it gains or loses the input focus.
WM_GET_ACCEPT_FOCUS Sent to a window to determine if the window is able to receive the input focus.
WM_NOTIFY_PARENT Informs a parent window that something has occurred in one of its child windows. The information is detailed as a notification code.
WM_NOTIFY_VIS_CHANGED Sent to a window if its visibility has been changed.
WM_PRE_PAINT Sent to a window before the first WM_PAINT message is sent.
WM_POST_PAINT Sent to a window after the last WM_PAINT message was processed.
WM_MOTION Sent to a window to achieve advanced motion support.
WM_USER_DATA Sent to a window after user data has been set.
WM_SET_CALLBACK Sent to a window after a callback has been set.
WM_TIMER Sent to a window after a timer has expired.
WM_USER The WM_USER constant can be used by applications to define private messages, usually of the form (WM_USER + X), where X is an integer value.

Additional information


Motion flags


Flags for motion support. The flags are supposed to be OR-combined with the member Flags of the WM_MOTION_INFO structure.


#define WM_MOTION_MANAGE_BY_WINDOW    (1 << 0)


Definition Description
WM_MOTION_MANAGE_BY_WINDOW Window movement is managed by window itself.
Motion messages


Commands sent with a WM_MOTION message. The command can be found in the member Cmd of the WM_MOTION_INFO structure.


#define WM_MOTION_INIT          0
#define WM_MOTION_MOVE          1
#define WM_MOTION_GETPOS        2
#define WM_MOTION_GETDEST       4
#define WM_MOTION_GETSNAP       5


Definition Description
WM_MOTION_INIT Sent to a window to initiate a motion operation.
WM_MOTION_MOVE Sent to a window to achieve custom moving operations.
WM_MOTION_GETPOS Sent to get the current position of custom moving operations.
WM_MOTION_GETDEST Sent to receive the desired position to move to
WM_MOTION_GETSNAP Sent to receive the nearest snap position

Additional information

More information about these commands can be read under WM_MOTION message and WM_MOTION_INFO.

Motion overlap flags


Flags for setting overlap behavior of widgets. The overlap will come into effect if a distance has been set.


#define WM_MOTION_OVERLAP_TOP       (1 << 4)
#define WM_MOTION_OVERLAP_BOTTOM    (1 << 5)
#define WM_MOTION_OVERLAP_LEFT      (1 << 6)
#define WM_MOTION_OVERLAP_RIGHT     (1 << 7)


Definition Description
WM_MOTION_OVERLAP_TOP Overlap will be active at the top edge of the widget.
WM_MOTION_OVERLAP_BOTTOM Overlap will be active at the bottom edge of the widget.
WM_MOTION_OVERLAP_LEFT Overlap will be active at the left edge of the widget.
WM_MOTION_OVERLAP_RIGHT Overlap will be active at the right edge of the widget.
Notification codes


List of all notifications sent by the Window Manager. A notification code is sent with a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message and can be read with pMsg->Data.v.


#define WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED                   1
#define WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED                  2
#define WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT                 3
#define WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED               4
#define WM_NOTIFICATION_GOT_FOCUS                 8
#define WM_NOTIFICATION_LOST_FOCUS                9
#define WM_NOTIFICATION_STARTED                   22
#define WM_NOTIFICATION_STOPPED                   23


Definition Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED This notification message will be sent when the window has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED This notification message will be sent when a clicked widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT This notification message will be sent when the pointer was moved out of the window while it is clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED This notification message will be sent when the selection of a widget has changed.
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED This notification message will be sent when a widget specific value has changed.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SCROLLBAR_ADDED This notification message will be sent when a SCROLLBAR widget has been added to the window.
WM_NOTIFICATION_CHILD_DELETED This notification message will be sent from a window to its parent before it is deleted.
WM_NOTIFICATION_GOT_FOCUS This notification message will be sent once a window receives and accepts the focus.
WM_NOTIFICATION_LOST_FOCUS This notification message will be sent when the window has lost the focus.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SCROLL_CHANGED This notification message will be sent when the scroll position of an attached SCROLLBAR widget has changed.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SCROLLER_ADDED This notification message will be sent when a SCROLLER widget has been added to the window.
WM_NOTIFICATION_OVERLAP_TOP_ENTERED This notification message will be sent when the top overlap area of a widget was entered.
WM_NOTIFICATION_OVERLAP_BOTTOM_ENTERED This notification message will be sent when the bottom overlap area of a widget was entered.
WM_NOTIFICATION_OVERLAP_LEFT_ENTERED This notification message will be sent when the left overlap area of a widget was entered.
WM_NOTIFICATION_OVERLAP_RIGHT_ENTERED This notification message will be sent when the right overlap area of a widget was entered.
WM_NOTIFICATION_OVERLAP_RELEASED This notification message will be sent when the overlap area of a widget was entered and has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_STARTED This notification message will be sent when a widget has been started.
WM_NOTIFICATION_STOPPED This notification message will be sent when a widget has been stopped.
ToolTip color indexes


Color indexes for ToolTip related routines.


#define WM_TOOLTIP_CI_BK       0
#define WM_TOOLTIP_CI_FRAME    1
#define WM_TOOLTIP_CI_TEXT     2


Definition Description
WM_TOOLTIP_CI_BK Color to be used for the background.
WM_TOOLTIP_CI_FRAME Color to be used for the thin frame.
WM_TOOLTIP_CI_TEXT Color to be used for the text.
ToolTip period indexes


Period indexes for ToolTip related routines.


#define WM_TOOLTIP_PI_FIRST    0
#define WM_TOOLTIP_PI_SHOW     1
#define WM_TOOLTIP_PI_NEXT     2


Definition Description
WM_TOOLTIP_PI_FIRST Period to be used the first time the PID is hovered over a tool. The ToolTip appears after the PID has not moved for at least this period. Default is 1000 ms.
WM_TOOLTIP_PI_SHOW Period to be used for showing the ToolTip. The ToolTip disappears after the PID remains for at least this period without moving. Default is 5000 ms.
WM_TOOLTIP_PI_NEXT Period to be used if the PID hovers over a tool of the same parent as before. The ToolTip appears after the PID is not moved for at least this period. Default is 50 ms.
Window create flags


Flags that define a window upon creation. These flags can be passed to the create window function as flag-parameter. The flags are combinable using the binary OR-operator.


#define WM_CF_HASTRANS            (1UL << 0)
#define WM_CF_HIDE                (0UL << 1)
#define WM_CF_SHOW                (1UL << 1)
#define WM_CF_MEMDEV              (1UL << 2)
#define WM_CF_STAYONTOP           (1UL << 3)
#define WM_CF_DISABLED            (1UL << 4)
#define WM_CF_ACTIVATE            (1UL << 5)  /* Is (re)used as WM_SF_INVALID */
#define WM_CF_FGND                (0UL << 6)
#define WM_CF_BGND                (1UL << 6)
#define WM_CF_ANCHOR_RIGHT        (1UL << 7)
#define WM_CF_ANCHOR_BOTTOM       (1UL << 8)
#define WM_CF_ANCHOR_LEFT         (1UL << 9)
#define WM_CF_ANCHOR_TOP          (1UL << 10)
#define WM_CF_CONST_OUTLINE       (1UL << 11)
#define WM_CF_LATE_CLIP           (1UL << 12)
#define WM_CF_MEMDEV_ON_REDRAW    (1UL << 13)
#define WM_SF_INVALID_DRAW        (1UL << 14) /* Tells the WM to redraw the window using the static memory device */
#define WM_SF_DELETE              (1UL << 15) /* The window will be deleted on the next time WM_Exec() is called */
#define WM_CF_STATIC              (1UL << 16)
#define WM_CF_MOTION_X            (1UL << 17)
#define WM_CF_MOTION_Y            (1UL << 18)
#define WM_CF_GESTURE             (1UL << 19)
#define WM_CF_ZOOM                (1UL << 20)
#define WM_CF_MOTION_R            (1UL << 21)
#define WM_CF_UNTOUCHABLE         (1UL << 22)
#define WM_CF_APPWIZARD           (1UL << 23) /* Window is an AppWizard object */
#define WM_CF_MEMDEV_CLIPPING     (1UL << 24)


Definition Description
WM_CF_HASTRANS Has transparency flag. Must be defined for windows whose client area is not entirely filled. To set this flag after the window has been created the function WM_SetTransState() should be used.
WM_CF_HIDE Hide window after creation (default).
WM_CF_SHOW Show window after creation.
WM_CF_MEMDEV Automatically use a Memory Device for drawing. This will avoid flickering and also improve the output speed in most cases, as clipping is simplified. The Window Manager creates a Memory Device for the current window according to the configured color depth and window size. The Memory Device is deleted immediately after the drawing process was finished.
In order to draw images into a remaining Memory Device the IMAGE widget can be used with the creation flag IMAGE_CF_MEMDEV. Details can be found in the section IMAGE: Image widget. Note that the Memory Device package is required (and needs to be enabled in the configuration) in order to be able to use this flag. If Memory Devices are not enabled, this flag is ignored.
WM_CF_STAYONTOP Make sure window stays on top of all siblings created without this flag.
WM_CF_DISABLED Window is disabled after creation. This means it receives no PID (mouse and touch) input.
WM_CF_ACTIVATE Internal use.
WM_CF_FGND Put window in foreground after creation (default).
WM_CF_BGND Put window in background after creation.
WM_CF_ANCHOR_RIGHT Anchors the right edge of the new window relative to the right edge of the parent window. If the position of the parent windows right edge will be adjusted due to a size change, the position of new window will also be adjusted.
WM_CF_ANCHOR_BOTTOM Anchors the bottom edge of the new window relative to the bottom edge of the parent window. If the position of the parent windows bottom edge will be adjusted due to a size change, the position of new window will also be adjusted.
WM_CF_ANCHOR_LEFT Anchors the left edge of the new window relative to the left edge of the parent window (default). If the position of the parent windows left edge will be adjusted due to a size change, the position of new window will also be adjusted.
WM_CF_ANCHOR_TOP Anchors the top edge of the new window relative to the top edge of the parent window (default). If the position of the parent windows top edge will be adjusted due to a size change, the position of new window will also be adjusted.
WM_CF_CONST_OUTLINE This flag is an optimization for transparent windows. It gives the Window Manager a chance to optimize redrawing and invalidation of transparent windows. A transparent window is normally redrawn as part of the background, which is less efficient than redrawing the window separately. However, this flag may NOT be used if the window has semi transparency (alpha blending / anti-aliasing with background) or the outline (the shape) changes with the window’s states. To set this flag after the window has been created the function WM_SetTransState() should be used.
WM_CF_LATE_CLIP This flag can be used to tell the WM that the clipping should be done in the drawing routines (late clipping). The default behavior of the WM is early clipping. That means that the clipping rectangle will be calculated before a WM_PAINT message will be sent to a window. In dependence of other existing windows it might be necessary to send more than one WM_PAINT message to a window. If using WM_CF_LATE_CLIP the WM makes sure only one message will be sent to an invalid window and the clipping will be done by the drawing routines. The Sample folder of emWin contains the example WM_LateClipping.c to show the effect.
WM_CF_MEMDEV_ON_REDRAW Equals WM_CF_MEMDEV with the difference that the according window is drawn the first time without using a Memory Device. The WM will automatically use a Memory Device for redrawing. This flag can be used as a replacement of WM_CF_MEMDEV. It typically accelerates the initial rendering of the window, but maintains the advantage of flicker free updates.
WM_SF_INVALID_DRAW Internal use.
WM_SF_DELETE Internal use.
WM_CF_STATIC A static memory device is used for drawing. That means if a window with this flag receives a WM_PAINT message, emWin first checks if a static memory device exists. If not, it will be created and the content of the window/widget will be (pre)rendered in the memory device. If such a window is moved to a new position, only the already existing memory needs to be drawn at the new position. This kind of drawing a window could improve the performance a lot, but needs a large amount of RAM.
WM_CF_MOTION_X Window can be moved automatically in X axis.
WM_CF_MOTION_Y Window can be moved automatically in Y axis.
WM_CF_GESTURE Marks the window to be able to receive gesture messages. This requires gesture support.
WM_CF_ZOOM Window can be scaled automatically by multi-touch gesture input.
WM_CF_MOTION_R This enables the window to be rotated.
WM_CF_UNTOUCHABLE A window created with this flag routes its touch input to its parent. This makes a window ’untouchable’.
WM_CF_APPWIZARD Internal use.
WM_CF_MEMDEV_CLIPPING Reactivates the window manager when drawing into memory devices created via WM_CF_MEMDEV. Otherwise it can happen that invisible windows (e.g. a window covered completely by another window) still draws its content into a memory device but the memory device doesn’t get drawn to the LCD. With this flag these unnecessary drawing operations can be avoided. Attention, if there is a non transparent window in the foreground, which is smaller than the window in the back, tiling will be used and multiple paint events into the memory device will be performed!


The following example illustrates the difference between using a callback routine for redrawing the background and not having one. It also shows how to set your own callback function. The example is available as WM_Redraw.c in the examples shipped with emWin:

*                SEGGER MICROCONTROLLER SYSTEME GmbH                 *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
*                                                                    *
*                    emWin example code                              *
*                                                                    *
File        : WM_Redraw.c
Purpose     : Demonstrates the redrawing mechanism of the Window Manager
#include "GUI.H"
*            Callback routine for background window
static void cbBackgroundWin(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
  case WM_PAINT:
*            Callback routine for foreground window
static void cbForegroundWin(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
  case WM_PAINT:
    GUI_DispString("Foreground window");
*         Demonstrates the redraw mechanism of emWin
static void DemoRedraw(void) {
  GUI_HWIN hWnd;
  while(1) {
    /* Create foreground window */
    hWnd = WM_CreateWindow(10, 10, 100, 100, WM_CF_SHOW, cbForegroundWin, 0);
    /* Show foreground window */
    /* Delete foreground window */
    GUI_DispStringAt("Background of window has not been redrawn", 10, 10);
    /* Wait a while, background will not be redrawn */
    /* Set callback for Background window */
    WM_SetCallback(WM_HBKWIN, cbBackgroundWin);
    /* Create foreground window */
    hWnd = WM_CreateWindow(10, 10, 100, 100,WM_CF_SHOW, cbForegroundWin, 0);
    /* Show foreground window */
    /* Delete foreground window */
    /* Wait a while, background will be redrawn */
    /* Delete callback for Background window */
    WM_SetCallback(WM_HBKWIN, 0);
*                 main
void main(void) {

Widgets (window objects)

Widgets are windows with object-type properties. They are called controls in the Windows environments and make up the elements of the user interface. They can react automatically to certain events. For example, a button can appear in a different state if it is pressed. Widgets have properties which may be changed at any time during their existence. They are typically deleted as soon as they are not used any longer. Similar to windows, widgets are referenced by handles which are returned by the respective create function.

Widgets require the Window Manager. Once a widget is created, it is treated just like any other window. The WM ensures that it is properly displayed (and redrawn) whenever necessary. The use of widgets is not mandatory for applications or user interfaces, but they decrease development time.

Since widgets are essentially windows it is possible to use most of the Window Manager API functions as well.

Some basics

Available widgets

The following table shows the appearance of the currently available widgets. Some of the widgets support skinning. This method of changing the appearance is explained in detail in chapter Skinning. The second screenshot shows the appearance when skinning is enabled for the widget:

Name Screenshot (classic) Screenshot (skinned) Description
Button which can be pressed. Text or bitmaps may be displayed on a button.
Check box which may be checked or unchecked.
Dropdown listbox, opens a listbox when pressed.
Single-line edit field which prompts the user to type a number or text.
Frame window. Creates the typical GUI look.
Gauge widget, basically a radial progress bar.
Graph widget, used to show curves or measured values.
Header control, used to manage columns.
Icon view widget. Useful for icon based platforms as found in common hand held devices.
Image widget. Displays several image formats automatically.
Keyboard widget. Screen keyboard for (MULTI)EDIT input.
Listbox which highlights items as they are selected by the user.
Listview widgets are used to creates tables.
Menu widgets are used to create horizontal and vertical menus.
Widget for displaying movie files with control elements.
Multiedit widgets are used to edit multiple lines of text.
Multipage widgets are used to create dialogs with multiple pages.
Progress bar used for visualization.
QR code.
Radio button which may be selected. Only one button may be selected at a time.
Rotary dial widget which can be rotated to return uncountable values.
PC-style scrollbar which may be horizontal or vertical.
Smartphone-like scrollbar widget which may be horizontal or vertical.
Slider bar used for changing values.
Spinning box to display and adjust a specific value.
Swipelist widgets are used for creating swipeable lists which can be moved by swiping the finger (or any other PID) over the touch screen.
Switch which can be toggled.
Static text labels typically used in dialogs.
Scrolling text to display multiple strings one after each other.
Treeview widget for managing hierarchical lists.
Scrollable rotating wheel that displays lists of texts and/or bitmaps.

Obsolete widgets

The following widgets are obsolete but are still included in emWin for compatibility reasons. The widgets have been replaced with newer versions, which are linked to at the beginning of the section of the widget.

Name Screenshot (classic) Screenshot (skinned) Description
Replaced by: ROTARY
Knob widget which can be used to adjust uncountable values.
Replaced by: WHEEL
Listwheel widget. The data can be moved and accelerated via pointer input device.
Custom widget types

emWin users have the possibility to create custom types of widgets. This can be done using a custom callback function for an existing widget in order to preserve certain functionality. In case it is required to implement a new type of widget it is recommended to use a simple window as starting point and follow the instructions in AN03002_Custom_Widget_Type.pdf which can also be found in the Doc-folder.

Understanding the redrawing mechanism

A widget draws itself according to its properties. This is done when WM_Exec(), GUI_Exec() or GUI_Delay() is called. In a multitasking environment, a background task is normally used to call WM_Exec() and update the widgets (and all other windows with callback functions).

When a property of a widget is changed, the window of the widget (or part of it) is marked as invalid, but it is not immediately redrawn. Therefore, the section of code executes very fast. The redrawing is done by the WM at a later time or it can be forced by calling WM_Paint() for the widget (or WM_Exec() until all windows are redrawn).

How to use widgets

Suppose we would like to display a progress bar. All that is needed is the following code:

PROGBAR_Handle hProgBar;
GUI_DispStringAt("Progress bar", 100, 20);
hProgBar = PROGBAR_Create(100, 40, 100, 20, WM_CF_SHOW);

The first line reserves memory for the handle of the widget. The last line actually creates the widget. The widget will then automatically be drawn by the Window Manager once WM_Exec() is called the next time, what may happen in a separate task.
Member functions are available for each type of widget which allow modifications to their appearance. Once the widget has been created, its properties can be changed by calling its member functions. These functions take the handle of the widget as their first argument. In order to make the progress bar created above show 45% and to change the bar colors from their defaults (dark gray/light gray) to green/red, the following section of code may be used:

PROGBAR_SetBarColor(hProgBar, 0, GUI_GREEN);
PROGBAR_SetBarColor(hProgBar, 1, GUI_RED);
PROGBAR_SetValue(hProgBar, 45);

Default configuration

All widgets also have one or more configuration macros which define various default settings such as fonts and colors used. The available configuration options are listed for each widget in their respective sections later in the chapter. The default configurations have to be set prior using the widget. Otherwise, the set properties will not be taken into account.

How widgets communicate

Widgets are often created as child windows. The parent window may be any type of window, even another widget. A parent window usually needs to be informed whenever something occurs with one of its children in order to ensure synchronization. Child window widgets communicate with their parent window by sending a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message whenever an event occurs. The notification code sent as part of the message depends on the event.

Most widgets have one or more notification codes defining different types of events. The available notification codes for each widget (if any) are listed under their respective sections.


The appearance of a widget can be modified by using the member functions of the respective widget. Some of the widgets support skinning. If skinning is used for a widget the ’skin’ determines the appearance of the widget and some of the member functions have no effect. Details can be found in the chapter Skinning.

Dynamic memory usage for widgets

In embedded applications it is usually not very desirable to use dynamic memory at all because of fragmentation effects. There are a number of different strategies that can be used to avoid this, but they all work in a limited way whenever memory areas are referenced by a pointer in the application program. For this reason, emWin uses a different approach: all objects (and all data stored at run-time) are stored in memory areas referenced by a handle. This makes it possible to relocate the allocated memory areas at run-time, thus avoiding the long-term allocation problems which occur when using pointers. All widgets are thus referenced by handles.

Determine the type of a widget

The type of a widget can be determined by calling the routine WIDGET_GetType() on the given widget handle. The routine will return a unique ID that identifies the widget type.

Configuration options

Type Macro Default Description
B WIDGET_USE_PARENT_EFFECT 0 If set to 1, each ’child widget’ of a widget, has the same effect as the parent widget. If for example a listbox needs to create a scroll bar, the new scroll bar has the same effect as the listbox.
B WIDGET_USE_SCHEME_LARGE 0 If set to 1, the default appearance of the widgets is large sized. That means that all widgets which show text are configured to use large sized default fonts.
B WIDGET_USE_SCHEME_MEDIUM 0 If set to 1, the default appearance of the widgets is medium sized. That means that all widgets which show text are configured to use medium sized default fonts.
B WIDGET_USE_SCHEME_SMALL 1 If set to 1, the default appearance of the widgets is small sized. That means that all widgets which show text are configured to use small sized default fonts.
B WIDGET_USE_FLEX_SKIN 0 If set to 1, widgets are drawn using the Flex Skin by default. Detailed information about skinning can be found in the chapter Skinning.


The table below shows the default appearance of the widget schemes:


Widget IDs

In order to be able to separate all widgets from each other IDs can be assigned. This is usually done by using the according parameter of the <WIDGET>_Create…() functions. To make sure that every widget has its unique Id, predefined symbols may be used. The predefined symbols are listed in the subsections of the according widgets. If the predefined symbols do not match ones requirements, custom unique IDs may be defined as follows:

#define MY_WIDGET_ID_0 (GUI_ID_USER + 0)
#define MY_WIDGET_ID_1 (GUI_ID_USER + 1)
#define MY_WIDGET_ID_2 (GUI_ID_USER + 2)
#define MY_WIDGET_ID_3 (GUI_ID_USER + 3)

General widget API

WM routines used for widgets

Since widgets are essentially windows, they are compatible with any of the Window Manager API routines. The handle of the widget is used as the hWin parameter and the widget is treated like any other window. The WM functions most commonly used with widgets are listed as follows:

Routine Description
WM_DeleteWindow() Deletes a specified window.
WM_DisableWindow() Disables the specified window.
WM_EnableMemdev() Enables the use of Memory Devices for redrawing a window.
WM_InvalidateWindow() Invalidates a specified window.
WM_Paint() Draws or redraws a specified window immediately.

The complete list of WM-related functions can be found in the chapter The Window Manager (WM).

Common routines

The table below lists available widget-related routines in alphabetical order. These functions are common to all widgets, and are listed here in order to avoid repetition. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow. The additional member functions available for each widget may be found in later sections.

Routine Description
<WIDGET>_Callback() Default callback function.
<WIDGET>_CreateIndirect() Used for automatic creation in dialog boxes.
<WIDGET>_CreateUser() Creates a widget using extra bytes as user data.
WIDGET_GetMinTimePerFrame() Returns the minimum time per frame used for animations that are created by widgets.
WIDGET_GetType() Returns the type ID of a given widget.
<WIDGET>_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with <WIDGET>_SetUserData.
<WIDGET>_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a widget.
WIDGET_EnableStreamAuto() Enables support for all streamed bitmap formats.
WIDGET_GetDefaultEffect() Returns the default effect used for widgets.
WIDGET_SetDefaultEffect() Sets the default effect used for widgets.
WIDGET_SetEffect() Sets the effect for the given widget.
WIDGET_SetFocusable() Sets the ability to receive the input focus.
WIDGET_SetMinTimePerFrame() Sets the minimum time per frame used for animations that are created by widgets.


Default callback function of the widgets to be used from within overwritten callback function.


void <WIDGET>_Callback(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);
Parameter Description
pMsg Pointer to a data structure of type WM_MESSAGE.

Additional information

A default callback function of a widget should not be called directly. It is only to be used from within an overwritten callback function.
This function replaces the default callback of a standard window when overwriting a WIDGET callback function (WM_DefaultProc()).
For details about the WM_MESSAGE data structure, refer to Messages.



Creates a widget to be used in dialog boxes.


<WIDGET>_Handle <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO * pCreateInfo,
                                              WM_HWIN                  hParent,
                                              int                      x0,
                                              int                      y0,
                                              WM_CALLBACK            * cb);
Parameter Description
pCreateInfo Pointer to a GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure (see below).
hParent Handle of parent window.
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
cb Pointer to a callback function. Not used, reserved for future usage. To set a custom callback to the widget, WM_SetCallback() has to be used after the widget has been created.

Additional information

Any widget may be created indirectly by using the appropriate prefix. For example: BUTTON_CreateIndirect() to indirectly create a button widget, CHECKBOX_CreateIndirect() to indirectly create a check box widget, and so on.

A widget only needs to be created indirectly if it is to be included in a dialog box. Otherwise, it may be created directly by using the <WIDGET>_Create() functions. See the chapter Dialogs for more information about dialog boxes.

Resource table

The GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO data structure is defined in the dialog resource table as follows:

typedef struct {
  GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_FUNC * pfCreateIndirect;     // Create function
  const char             * pName;                // Text (not used for all widgets)
  I16                      Id;                   // Window ID of the widget
  I16                      x0, y0, xSize, ySize; // Size and position of the widget
  I16                      Flags;                // Widget-specific flags (or 0)
  I32                      Para;                 // Widget-specific parameter (or 0)
  U32                      NumExtraBytes;        // Number of extra bytes usable
                                                 // with <WIDGET>_SetUserData &
                                                 //      <WIDGET>_GetUserData

Widget flags and parameters are optional, and vary depending on the type of widget. The available flags and parameters for each widget (if any) will be listed under the appropriate section later in this chapter.



Creates a widget using extra bytes as user data. This function is similar to the <WIDGET>_CreateEx() function of the appropriate widget in every case except the additional parameter NumExtraBytes.


<WIDGET>_Handle <WIDGET>_CreateUser(int x0,
                                    int y0,
                                    ... ...,
                                    int Id,
                                    int NumExtraBytes);
Parameter Description
NumBytes Number of extra bytes to be allocated

Return value

Handle of the created widget.
0 if the function fails.

Additional information

For more information about the other parameters the appropriate <WIDGET>_CreateEx() functions can be referred to.



Returns the minimum time per frame used for animations that are created by widgets.


U16 WIDGET_GetMinTimePerFrame(void);

Return value

Minimum time per frame used for animations.



Returns the type ID of a given widget.


U32 WIDGET_GetType(WM_HWIN hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of widget.

Return value

= 0 Undefined widget type.
≠ 0 Unique widget type ID, see Widget type IDs.


Retrieves the data set with <WIDGET>_SetUserData.


int <WIDGET>_GetUserData(<WIDGET>_Handle hObj,
                         void          * pDest,
                         int             NumBytes);
Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the widget
pDest Pointer to buffer
NumBytes Number of bytes to read

Return value

Number of bytes read.

Additional information

The maximum number of bytes returned by this function is the number of extra bytes specified when creating the widget using <WIDGET>_CreateUser() or <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect().



Sets the extra data of a widget.


int <WIDGET>_SetUserData(<WIDGET>_Handle hObj,
                         void          * pDest,
                         int             NumBytes);
Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the widget
pDest Pointer to buffer
NumBytes Number of bytes to write

Return value

Number of bytes written.

Additional information

The maximum number of bytes used to store user data is the number of extra bytes specified when creating the widget using <WIDGET>_CreateUser() or <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect().



Enables drawing of all supported streamed bitmap formats for widgets like ICONVIEW and IMAGE widget.


void WIDGET_EnableStreamAuto(void);

Additional information

Per default support for drawing all streamed bitmap formats is enabled. To be able to spare ROM that support could be disabled by adding the following line to GUIConf.h:



Returns the default effect used for widgets.


const WIDGET_EFFECT * WIDGET_GetDefaultEffect(void);

Return value

The result of the function is a pointer to a WIDGET_EFFECT structure.

Additional information

For more information, refer to WIDGET_SetDefaultEffect.



Sets the default effect used for widgets.


const WIDGET_EFFECT * WIDGET_SetDefaultEffect(const WIDGET_EFFECT * pEffect);


Parameter Description
pEffect Pointer to a WIDGET_EFFECT structure. See table below.
Permitted values for parameter pEffect
&WIDGET_Effect_3D Sets the default effect to 3D.
&WIDGET_Effect_None Sets the default effect to None.
&WIDGET_Effect_Simple Sets the default effect to Simple.

Return value

Previous used default effect.

Additional information

The following table shows the appearance of some widgets in dependence of the used effect:

3D None Simple


Sets the effect for the given widget.


void WIDGET_SetEffect(      WM_HWIN         hObj,
                      const WIDGET_EFFECT * pEffect);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of widget.
pEffect Pointer to a WIDGET_EFFECT structure. For details, refer to WIDGET_SetDefaultEffect.


Sets the ability to receive the input focus.


void WIDGET_SetFocusable(WM_HWIN hObj,
                         int     State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of widget.
State (see table below)
Permitted values for parameter State
1 Widget can receive the input focus.
0 Widget can’t receive the input focus.


Sets the minimum time per frame used for animations that are created by widgets.


U16 WIDGET_SetMinTimePerFrame(U16 MinTimePerFrame);


Parameter Description
MinTimePerFrame Period to be used.

Return value

Previous value.

Widget type IDs


Unique type IDs for all widget types.


#define WIDGET_TYPE_BUTTON              /* BUTT */   0x42555454UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_CHECKBOX            /* CHEC */   0x43484543UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_DROPDOWN            /* DROP */   0x44524F50UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_EDIT                /* EDIT */   0x45444954UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_FRAMEWIN            /* FRAM */   0x4652414DUL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_FRAMEWIN_CLIENT     /* FRAC */   0x46524143UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_GRAPH               /* GRAP */   0x47524150UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_HEADER              /* HEAD */   0x48454144UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_KEYBOARD            /* KEYB */   0x4B455942UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_LISTBOX             /* LISB */   0x4C495342UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_LISTVIEW            /* LISV */   0x4C495356UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_LISTWHEEL           /* LISW */   0x4C495357UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_MENU                /* MENU */   0x4D454E55UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_MOVIE               /* MOVI */   0x4D4F5649UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_MULTIEDIT           /* MULE */   0x4D554C45UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_MULTIPAGE           /* MULP */   0x4D554C50UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_PROGBAR             /* PROG */   0x50524F47UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_RADIO               /* RADI */   0x52414449UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_SCROLLBAR           /* SCRO */   0x5343524FUL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_SLIDER              /* SLID */   0x534C4944UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_SWIPELIST           /* SWIP */   0x53574950UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_TEXT                /* TEXT */   0x54455854UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_TREEVIEW            /* TREE */   0x54524545UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_ICONVIEW            /* ICON */   0x49434F4EUL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_IMAGE               /* IMAG */   0x494D4147UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_SPINBOX             /* SPIN */   0x5350494EUL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_KNOB                /* KNOB */   0x4B4E4F42UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_WINDOW              /* WIND */   0x57494E44UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_ROTARY              /* ROTA */   0x524F5441UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_SWITCH              /* SWIT */   0x53574954UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_TICKER              /* TICK */   0x5449434BUL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_GAUGE               /* GAUG */   0x47415547UL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_QRCODE              /* QRCO */   0x5152434FUL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_SCROLLER            /* SCRL */   0x5343523CUL
#define WIDGET_TYPE_WHEEL               /* WHEL */   0x5748454CUL


Definition Description
User drawn widgets

Some widgets supports owner drawing, for example the LISTBOX widget. If the user draw mode of a widget has been activated a application-defined function of type WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC will be called to draw the widget (item). The prototype of an application-defined owner draw function should be defined as follows:


Parameter Description
pDrawItemInfo Pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int Cmd See table below.
int ItemIndex Zero based index of item to be drawn.
int Col Zero based column index of item to be drawn.
int x0 x0 window coordinate which is used to draw the item.
int y0 y0 window coordinate which is used to draw the item.
int x1 x1 window coordinate which is used to draw the item.
int y1 y1 window coordinate which is used to draw the item.
Permitted values for parameter Cmd
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_XSIZE The function returns the x-size (width) in pixels of the given item.
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_YSIZE The function returns the y-size (height) in pixels of the given item.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW The function draws the given item at the given position.
WIDGET_DRAW_BACKGROUND The background of the widget should be drawn.
WIDGET_DRAW_OVERLAY This command is sent after all other drawing operations have been finished and enables the possibility to draw some overlaying items above the widget.

Return value

Depends on the given command.

Reaction to commands

The function has to react to the command given in the WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. This can be done in one of 2 ways:


The commands listed below are supported and should be reacted to by the function. As explained above, the default owner draw function should be called for all not handled functions. This can save code size (for example if the height is the same as the default height) and makes sure that your code stays compatible if additional commands are introduced in future versions of the software.


The X-size in pixels of the given item has to be returned.


The Y-size (height) in pixels of the given item has to be returned.


The given item has to be drawn. x0 and y0 of the WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure specify the position of the item in window coordinates. The item has to fill its entire rectangle; the rectangle is defined by the starting position x0, y0 supplied to the function and the sizes returned by the function as reaction to the commands WIDGET_ITEM_GET_YSIZE, WIDGET_ITEM_GET_XSIZE. It may NOT leave a part of this rectangular area unpainted. It can not paint outside of this rectangular area because the clip rectangle has been set before the function call.

BUTTON: Button widget

BUTTON widgets are commonly used as the primary user interface element for touchscreens. If the button has the input focus, it also reacts on the keys GUI_KEY_SPACE and GUI_KEY_ENTER. Buttons may be displayed with text, as shown below, or with a bitmap.


All BUTTON-related routines are located in the file(s) BUTTON*.c, BUTTON.h.
All identifiers are prefixed BUTTON.


…is available for this widget. The screenshot above shows the widget using the default skin. Details can be found in the chapter Skinning.


This widget uses skinning in combination with the flex skin. To change the style of the skin use the function <WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps().

Other functions to change the look might work only with the classic skin.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N BUTTON_3D_MOVE_X 1 Number of pixels that text/bitmap moves in horizontal direction in pressed state.
N BUTTON_3D_MOVE_Y 1 Number of pixels that text/bitmap moves in vertical direction in pressed state.
N BUTTON_ALIGN_DEFAULT GUI_TA_HCENTER | GUI_TA_VCENTER Alignment used to display the button text.
N BUTTON_BKCOLOR0_DEFAULT 0xAAAAAA Background color, unpressed state.
N BUTTON_BKCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Background color, pressed state.
N BUTTON_FOCUSCOLOR_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Default color for rendering the focus rectangle.
S BUTTON_FONT_DEFAULT &GUI_Font13_1 Font used for button text.
B BUTTON_REACT_ON_LEVEL 0 See description below.
N BUTTON_TEXTCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Text color, unpressed state.
N BUTTON_TEXTCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Text color, pressed state.

There are 2 ways for a BUTTON widget to handle PID events.

The default way of handling PID events for the BUTTON widget is reacting on level changes only. This means BUTTON widgets react only if the PID state changes on the BUTTON. This can be enabled by calling the function BUTTON_SetReactOnLevel().

The obsolete (and former default) way is recognizing and processing all PID events which happen in the BUTTON area. This includes PIDs moved in the BUTTON area in pressed state. The BUTTON widget would “accept” the pressed state and change its state accordingly. The disadvantage of this mode is that BUTTONs may be clicked by mistake. This logic can be enabled either by defining BUTTON_REACT_ON_LEVEL with 0 or by calling the function BUTTON_SetReactOnTouch().

Example for an unwanted BUTTON click

This example shows how a BUTTON widget may be mistakenly clicked without the BUTTON being configured to react on level. In the example the mouse is clicked once. The click closes the expanded DROPDOWN and subsequently clicks the BUTTON behind.


The default for the BUTTON widget is to use a white background in the pressed state. This has been done purposely because it makes it very obvious that the button is pressed, on any kind of display. If you want the background color of the BUTTON widget to be the same in both its pressed and unpressed states, change BUTTON_BKCOLOR1_DEFAULT to BUTTON_BKCOLOR0_DEFAULT.

Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make BUTTON widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_BUTTON0    0x170
#define GUI_ID_BUTTON1    0x171
#define GUI_ID_BUTTON2    0x172
#define GUI_ID_BUTTON3    0x173
#define GUI_ID_BUTTON4    0x174
#define GUI_ID_BUTTON5    0x175
#define GUI_ID_BUTTON6    0x176
#define GUI_ID_BUTTON7    0x177
#define GUI_ID_BUTTON8    0x178
#define GUI_ID_BUTTON9    0x179
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a BUTTON widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT BUTTON has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the BUTTON widget without releasing.
Keyboard reaction

The BUTTON widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Reaction
GUI_KEY_ENTER If the key is pressed, the BUTTON reacts as it has been pressed and immediately released.
GUI_KEY_SPACE If the key is pressed, the BUTTON state changes to pressed. If the keys is released, the BUTTON state changes to unpressed.

The table below lists the available emWin BUTTON-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
BUTTON_Create() Creates a BUTTON widget. (Obsolete)
BUTTON_CreateAsChild() Creates a BUTTON widget as a child window. (Obsolete)
BUTTON_CreateEx() Creates a BUTTON widget.
BUTTON_CreateIndirect() Creates a BUTTON widget from a resource table entry.
BUTTON_CreateUser() Creates a BUTTON widget using extra bytes as user data.
BUTTON_GetBitmap() Returns a pointer to the optional BUTTON bitmap.
BUTTON_GetBkColor() Returns the background color of the given BUTTON widget.
BUTTON_GetDefaultBkColor() Returns the default background color for BUTTON widgets.
BUTTON_GetDefaultFont() Returns the pointer to the font used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.
BUTTON_GetDefaultTextAlign() Returns the default text alignment used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.
BUTTON_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.
BUTTON_GetFont() Returns a pointer to the font used to display the text of the given BUTTON widget.
BUTTON_GetText() Retrieves the text of the specified BUTTON widget.
BUTTON_GetTextAlign() Returns the alignment of the BUTTON text.
BUTTON_GetTextColor() Returns the text color of the given BUTTON widget.
BUTTON_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with BUTTON_SetUserData().
BUTTON_IsPressed() Returns if the BUTTON is pressed or not.
BUTTON_SetBitmap() Sets the bitmap used when displaying the BUTTON.
BUTTON_SetBitmapEx() Sets the bitmap used when displaying the BUTTON.
BUTTON_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of a BUTTON widget.
BUTTON_SetBMP() Sets the bitmap to be displayed on the specified BUTTON widget.
BUTTON_SetBMPEx() Sets the bitmap to be displayed at the specified position on the given BUTTON widget.
BUTTON_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color used for BUTTON widgets.
BUTTON_SetDefaultFocusColor() Sets the default focus rectangle color for BUTTON widgets. (Obsolete)
BUTTON_SetDefaultFont() Sets a pointer to a GUI_FONT structure used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.
BUTTON_SetDefaultTextAlign() Sets the default text alignment used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.
BUTTON_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default text color used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.
BUTTON_SetFocusColor() Sets the color used to render the focus rectangle of the BUTTON widget. (Obsolete)
BUTTON_SetFocusable() Sets the ability to receive the input focus.
BUTTON_SetFont() Sets the font of the BUTTON widget.
BUTTON_SetFrameColor() Sets the color of BUTTON frame. (Obsolete)
BUTTON_SetPressed() Sets the state of the button to pressed or unpressed.
BUTTON_SetReactOnLevel() Sets all BUTTON widgets to react on level changes of the PID.
BUTTON_SetReactOnTouch() Sets all BUTTON widgets to react on touch events.
BUTTON_SetStreamedBitmap() Sets the streamed bitmap used when displaying the BUTTON widget.
BUTTON_SetStreamedBitmapEx() Sets the streamed bitmap used when displaying the BUTTON widget.
BUTTON_SetText() Sets the text.
BUTTON_SetTextAlign() Sets the text alignment of the BUTTON widget.
BUTTON_SetTextColor() Set the color(s) for the text.
BUTTON_SetTextOffset() Adjusts the position of the BUTTON text considering the current text alignment setting.
BUTTON_SetToggleMode() Enables toggle mode for the BUTTON widget.
BUTTON_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a BUTTON widget.
BUTTON_Toggle() Toggles the state of the given BUTTON.


Group of defines Description
BUTTON bitmap indexes Bitmap indexes for BUTTON widget.
BUTTON color indexes Color indexes for BUTTON widget.


This function is deprecated, BUTTON_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a BUTTON widget of a specified size at a specified location.


BUTTON_Handle BUTTON_Create(int x0,
                            int y0,
                            int xSize,
                            int ySize,
                            int Id,
                            int Flags);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the button (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the button (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the button (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the button (in pixels).
Id ID to be returned when button is pressed.
Flags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).

Return value

Handle of the created BUTTON widget; 0 if the function fails.



This function is deprecated, BUTTON_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a BUTTON widget as a child window.


BUTTON_Handle BUTTON_CreateAsChild(int     x0,
                                   int     y0,
                                   int     xSize,
                                   int     ySize,
                                   WM_HWIN hParent,
                                   int     Id,
                                   int     Flags);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the button (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the button (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the button (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the button (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the BUTTON widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
Id ID to be returned when button is pressed.
Flags Window create flags (see Window create flags).

Return value

Handle of the created BUTTON widget; 0 if the function fails.



Creates a BUTTON widget of a specified size at a specified location.


BUTTON_Handle BUTTON_CreateEx(int     x0,
                              int     y0,
                              int     xSize,
                              int     ySize,
                              WM_HWIN hParent,
                              int     WinFlags,
                              int     ExFlags,
                              int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the button (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the button (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the button (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the button (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the BUTTON widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags Not used yet, reserved for future use.
Id Window ID of the widget.

Return value

Handle of the created BUTTON widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

If the possibility of storing user data is a matter the function BUTTON_CreateUser() should be used instead.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The elements Flags and Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure are not used.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function BUTTON_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Returns a pointer to the optional BUTTON bitmap.


                             unsigned int  Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
Index See BUTTON bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Pointer to the bitmap, 0 if no bitmap exists.

Additional information

For details about how to set a button bitmap, refer to BUTTON_SetBitmap() and BUTTON_SetBitmapEx().



Returns the background color of the given BUTTON widget.


                            unsigned int  Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
Index See BUTTON color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Background color of the given BUTTON widget.



Returns the default background color for BUTTON widgets.


GUI_COLOR BUTTON_GetDefaultBkColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See BUTTON color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default background color for BUTTON widgets.



Returns the pointer to the font used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.


GUI_FONT *BUTTON_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Pointer to the font used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.



Returns the default text alignment used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.


int BUTTON_GetDefaultTextAlign(void);

Return value

Default text alignment used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.



Returns the default text color used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.


GUI_COLOR BUTTON_GetDefaultTextColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See BUTTON color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default text alignment used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.



Returns a pointer to the font used to display the text of the given BUTTON widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.

Return value

Pointer to the font used to display the text of the given BUTTON widget.



Retrieves the text of the specified BUTTON widget.


void BUTTON_GetText(BUTTON_Handle   hObj,
                    char          * pBuffer,
                    int             MaxLen);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
pBuffer Pointer to buffer.
MaxLen Size of buffer.


Returns the alignment of the BUTTON text.


int BUTTON_GetTextAlign(BUTTON_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.

Return value

Alignment of the BUTTON text.



Returns the text color of the given BUTTON widget.


                              unsigned int  Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
Index See BUTTON color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Text color of the given BUTTON widget.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns if the BUTTON is pressed or not.


unsigned BUTTON_IsPressed(BUTTON_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.

Return value

1 if the button is pressed.
0 if the button is not pressed.


Sets the bitmap(s) to be used when displaying a specified BUTTON widget.


void BUTTON_SetBitmap(      BUTTON_Handle   hObj,
                            unsigned int    Index,
                      const GUI_BITMAP    * pBitmap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
Index See BUTTON bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.
pBitmap Pointer to the bitmap structure.

Return value

If only a bitmap for the unpressed state is set the button will show it also when it is pressed or disabled. To deactivate a previously set bitmap, NULL has to be passed as pBitmap.



Sets the bitmap(s) to be used when displaying a specified BUTTON widget.


void BUTTON_SetBitmapEx(      BUTTON_Handle   hObj,
                              unsigned int    Index,
                        const GUI_BITMAP    * pBitmap,
                              int             x,
                              int             y);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
Index See BUTTON bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.
pBitmap Pointer to the bitmap structure.
x X-position for the bitmap relative to the button.
y Y-position for the bitmap relative to the button.

Return value

If only a bitmap for the unpressed state is set the BUTTON widget will show it also when it is pressed or disabled.



Sets the background color of a BUTTON widget.


void BUTTON_SetBkColor(BUTTON_Handle hObj,
                       unsigned int  Index,
                       GUI_COLOR     Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
Index See BUTTON color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Background color to be set.


Sets the bitmap to be displayed on the specified BUTTON widget.


void BUTTON_SetBMP(      BUTTON_Handle   hObj,
                         unsigned int    Index,
                   const void          * pBitmap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
Index See BUTTON bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.
pBitmap Pointer to bitmap file data.

Additional information

If a bitmap was set only for the unpressed state, it will be also displayed in pressed or disabled state. For additional information regarding bitmap files, refer to BMP file support.



Sets the bitmap to be displayed at the specified position on the given BUTTON widget.


void BUTTON_SetBMPEx(      BUTTON_Handle   hObj,
                           unsigned int    Index,
                     const void          * pBitmap,
                           int             x,
                           int             y);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
Index See BUTTON bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.
pBitmap Pointer to bitmap file data
x X-position for the bitmap relative to the button.
y Y-position for the bitmap relative to the button.

Additional information

If only a bitmap for the unpressed state is set the BUTTON widget will show it also when it is pressed or disabled. For additional information regarding bitmap files, refer to BMP file support.



Sets the default background color used for BUTTON widgets.


void BUTTON_SetDefaultBkColor(GUI_COLOR Color,
                              unsigned  Index);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used.
Index See BUTTON color indexes for a full list of permitted values.


This function is deprecated and only works in conjunction with the classic skin (BUTTON_SetSkinClassic()). Skinning props should be used instead which can be set via BUTTON_SetSkinFlexProps().


Sets the default focus rectangle color for BUTTON widgets.


GUI_COLOR BUTTON_SetDefaultFocusColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Default color to be used for BUTTON widgets.

Return value

Previous default focus rectangle color.

Additional information

For more information, refer to BUTTON_SetFocusColor().



Sets a pointer to a GUI_FONT structure used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.


void BUTTON_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to GUI_FONT structure to be used.


Sets the default text alignment used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.


void BUTTON_SetDefaultTextAlign(int Align);


Parameter Description
Align Text alignment mode. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.


Sets the default text color used to display the text of BUTTON widgets.


void BUTTON_SetDefaultTextColor(GUI_COLOR Color,
                                unsigned  Index);


Parameter Description
Color Default text color to be used.
Index See BUTTON color indexes for a full list of permitted values.


This function is deprecated and only works in conjunction with the classic skin (BUTTON_SetSkinClassic()). Skinning props should be used instead which can be set via BUTTON_SetSkinFlexProps().

Before After


Sets the color used to render the focus rectangle of the BUTTON widget.


GUI_COLOR BUTTON_SetFocusColor(BUTTON_Handle hObj,
                               GUI_COLOR     Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
Color Color to be used for the focus rectangle.

Return value

Previous color of the focus rectangle.

Additional information

The focus rectangle is only visible if the widget has the input focus.



Sets the ability to receive the input focus.


void BUTTON_SetFocusable(BUTTON_Handle hObj,
                         int           State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
State See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Index
1 Button can receive the input focus
0 Button can’t receive the input focus


Sets the font of the BUTTON widget.


void BUTTON_SetFont(      BUTTON_Handle   hObj,
                    const GUI_FONT      * pfont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
pFont Pointer to the font.

Additional information

If no font is selected, BUTTON_FONT_DEF will be used.



This function is deprecated and only works in conjunction with the classic skin (BUTTON_SetSkinClassic()). Skinning props should be used instead which can be set via BUTTON_SetSkinFlexProps().


Sets the color of BUTTON frame.


void BUTTON_SetFrameColor(BUTTON_Handle hObj,
                          GUI_COLOR     Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
Color Color of the frame.


Sets the state of the button to pressed or unpressed.


void BUTTON_SetPressed(BUTTON_Handle hObj,
                       int           State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
State State, 1 for pressed, 0 for unpressed


Sets all BUTTON widgets to react on level changes of the PID.


void BUTTON_SetReactOnLevel(void);

Additional information

Alternatively to this function the configuration option BUTTON_REACT_ON_LEVEL can be used.



Sets all BUTTON widgets to react on touch events.


void BUTTON_SetReactOnTouch(void);

Additional information

The default behavior of BUTTON widgets is reacting on touch events.



Sets the streamed bitmap(s) to be used when displaying a specified BUTTON widget.


void BUTTON_SetStreamedBitmap(      BUTTON_Handle       hObj,
                                    unsigned int        Index,
                              const GUI_BITMAP_STREAM * pBitmap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
Index See BUTTON bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.
pBitmap Pointer to a bitmap stream.

Additional information

For details about streamed bitmaps, refer to Drawing streamed bitmaps.


BUTTON_SetStreamedBitmap(hButton, BUTTON_CI_UNPRESSED, (const GUI_BITMAP_STREAM*)acImage);


Sets the streamed bitmap(s) to be used when displaying the specified BUTTON widget.


void BUTTON_SetStreamedBitmapEx(      BUTTON_Handle       hObj,
                                      unsigned int        Index,
                                const GUI_BITMAP_STREAM * pBitmap,
                                      int                 x,
                                      int                 y);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
Index See BUTTON bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.
pBitmap Pointer to a bitmap stream.
x X-position for the bitmap relative to the button.
y Y-position for the bitmap relative to the button.

Additional information

For details about streamed bitmaps, refer to Drawing streamed bitmaps.



Sets the text to be displayed on the BUTTON widget.


int BUTTON_SetText(      BUTTON_Handle   hObj,
                   const char          * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
s Text to display.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Sets the text alignment of the BUTTON widget.


void BUTTON_SetTextAlign(BUTTON_Handle hObj,
                         int           Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
Align Text alignment mode. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.

Additional information

The default value of the text alignment is GUI_TA_HCENTER | GUI_TA_VCENTER.



Sets the text color of the BUTTON widget.


void BUTTON_SetTextColor(BUTTON_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned int  Index,
                         GUI_COLOR     Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
Index See BUTTON color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Text color to be set.


Adjusts the position of the BUTTON text considering the current text alignment setting.


void BUTTON_SetTextOffset(BUTTON_Handle hObj,
                          int           xPos,
                          int           yPos);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
xPos Offset to be used for the x-axis. Default is 0.
yPos Offset to be used for the y-axis. Default is 0.


Enables toggle mode for the BUTTON widget. With this mode enabled, the BUTTON toggles between the pressed and unpressed state each time it is clicked.


void BUTTON_SetToggleMode(BUTTON_Handle hObj,
                          int           OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling toggle mode, 0 for disabling it.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().



Toggles the state of the given BUTTON.


int BUTTON_Toggle(BUTTON_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of BUTTON widget.

Return value

-1 Error occurred.
0 If state was set to unpressed.
1 If state was set to pressed.
BUTTON bitmap indexes


Bitmap indexes for BUTTON widget.


#define BUTTON_BI_PRESSED      1
#define BUTTON_BI_DISABLED     2


Definition Description
BUTTON_BI_UNPRESSED Bitmap for disabled state.
BUTTON_BI_PRESSED Bitmap for pressed state.
BUTTON_BI_DISABLED Bitmap for unpressed state.
BUTTON color indexes


Color indexes for BUTTON widget.


#define BUTTON_CI_PRESSED      1
#define BUTTON_CI_DISABLED     2


Definition Description
BUTTON_CI_UNPRESSED Color for disabled state.
BUTTON_CI_PRESSED Color for pressed state.
BUTTON_CI_DISABLED Color for unpressed state.

The Sample folder contains the following examples which show how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of WIDGET_ButtonRound.c:

CHECKBOX: Checkbox widget

One of the most familiar widgets for selecting various choices is the check box. A check box may be checked or unchecked by the user, and any number of boxes may be checked at one time. If using a keyboard interface the state of a focused check box can be toggled by the <SPACE> key. A box will appear gray if it is disabled, as seen in the table below where each of the possible check box appearances are illustrated:

Unchecked Checked Third state


All CHECKBOX-related routines are located in the file(s) CHECKBOX*.c, CHECKBOX.h.
All identifiers are prefixed CHECKBOX.


…is available for this widget. The screenshot above shows the widget using the default skin. Details can be found in the chapter Skinning.


This widget uses skinning. To change the look it is recommended to use the function <WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps(). Other functions to change the look might work only with the classic skin.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N CHECKBOX_BKCOLOR_DEFAULT 0xC0C0C0 Default background color.
N CHECKBOX_BKCOLOR0_DEFAULT 0x808080 Background color of the default image, disabled state.
N CHECKBOX_BKCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Background color of the default image, enabled state.
N CHECKBOX_FGCOLOR0_DEFAULT 0x101010 Foreground color of the default image, disabled state.
N CHECKBOX_FGCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Foreground color of the default image, enabled state.
N CHECKBOX_FOCUSCOLOR_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Color used to render the focus rectangle.
S CHECKBOX_FONT_DEFAULT &GUI_Font13_1 Default font used to display the optional CHECKBOX text.
S CHECKBOX_IMAGE0_DEFAULT (see table above) Pointer to bitmap used to draw the widget if checked, disabled state.
S CHECKBOX_IMAGE1_DEFAULT (see table above) Pointer to bitmap used to draw the widget if checked, enabled state.
N CHECKBOX_SPACING_DEFAULT 4 Spacing used to display the optional CHECKBOX text beside the box.
N CHECKBOX_TEXTCOLOR_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Default color used to display the optional CHECKBOX text.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make CHECKBOX widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_CHECK0    0x120
#define GUI_ID_CHECK1    0x121
#define GUI_ID_CHECK2    0x122
#define GUI_ID_CHECK3    0x123
#define GUI_ID_CHECK4    0x124
#define GUI_ID_CHECK5    0x125
#define GUI_ID_CHECK6    0x126
#define GUI_ID_CHECK7    0x127
#define GUI_ID_CHECK8    0x128
#define GUI_ID_CHECK9    0x129
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a check box widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT CHECKBOX has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the box without releasing.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Message Description
GUI_KEY_SPACE Toggles the checked state of the CHECKBOX widget.

The table below lists the available emWin CHECKBOX-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
CHECKBOX_Check() Set the state of CHECKBOX to checked. (Obsolete)
CHECKBOX_Create() Creates a CHECKBOX widget. (Obsolete)
CHECKBOX_CreateEx() Creates a CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_CreateIndirect() Creates a CHECKBOX widget from resource table entry.
CHECKBOX_CreateUser() Creates a CHECKBOX widget using extra bytes as user data.
CHECKBOX_GetBkColor() Returns the currently set background color of the CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_GetBoxBkColor() Returns the currently set background color used in the box of the CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_GetDefaultAlign() Returns the default text alignment used for CHECKBOX widgets.
CHECKBOX_GetDefaultBkColor() Returns the default background color of new CHECKBOX widgets.
CHECKBOX_GetDefaultFont() Returns a pointer to a GUI_FONT structure used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.
CHECKBOX_GetDefaultSpacing() Returns the default spacing between box and text used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.
CHECKBOX_GetDefaultTextAlign() Returns the default alignment used to display the text of CHECKBOX widgets.
CHECKBOX_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.
CHECKBOX_GetFocusColor() This function returns the color currently used as focus color.
CHECKBOX_GetFont() Returns the currently set font.
CHECKBOX_GetImage() Returns the image set for the given index.
CHECKBOX_GetState() Returns the current state of the given CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_GetText() Returns the optional text of the given CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_GetTextAlign() This function returns the text alignment of the given TEXT widget.
CHECKBOX_GetTextColor() This function returns the color currently used the text.
CHECKBOX_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with CHECKBOX_SetUserData().
CHECKBOX_IsChecked() Returns the current state (checked or not checked) of a specified CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_SetBkColor() Sets the background color used to display the background of the CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_SetBoxBkColor() Sets the background color of the box area. (Obsolete)
CHECKBOX_SetDefaultAlign() Sets the default text alignment used for new CHECKBOX widgets.
CHECKBOX_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color used for new CHECKBOX widgets.
CHECKBOX_SetDefaultFocusColor() Sets the color used to render the focus rectangle of new CHECKBOX widgets.
CHECKBOX_SetDefaultFont() Sets a pointer to a GUI_FONT structure used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.
CHECKBOX_SetDefaultImage() Sets the default image to be shown when a box has been checked.
CHECKBOX_SetDefaultSpacing() Sets the default spacing between box and text used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.
CHECKBOX_SetDefaultTextAlign() Sets the default alignment used to display the text of CHECKBOX widgets.
CHECKBOX_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default text color used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.
CHECKBOX_SetFocusColor() Sets the color of the focus rectangle.
CHECKBOX_SetFont() Sets the font of the CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_SetImage() Sets the image to be shown when CHECKBOX widget been checked.
CHECKBOX_SetNumStates() Sets the number of possible states of the CHECKBOX widget (2 or 3).
CHECKBOX_SetSpacing() Sets the spacing between the box and the check box text.
CHECKBOX_SetState() Sets the state of the CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_SetText() Sets the text of the CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_SetTextAlign() Sets the alignment used to display the text of the CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_SetTextColor() Sets the color used to display the text of the CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_Uncheck() Set the state of CHECKBOX to unchecked. (Obsolete)


Group of defines Description
CHECKBOX bitmap indexes Bitmap indexes for CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX color indexes Color indexes for CHECKBOX widget.


This function is deprecated, CHECKBOX_SetState() should be used instead.

Before After


Sets the state of a specified CHECKBOX widget to checked.


void CHECKBOX_Check(CHECKBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.


This function is deprecated, CHECKBOX_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a CHECKBOX widget of a specified size at a specified location.


CHECKBOX_Handle CHECKBOX_Create(int     x0,
                                int     y0,
                                int     xSize,
                                int     ySize,
                                WM_HWIN hParent,
                                int     Id,
                                int     Flags);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the check box (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the check box (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the check box (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the check box (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window.
Id ID to be returned.
Flags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).

Return value

Handle of the created CHECKBOX widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

If the parameters xSize or ySize are 0 the size of the bitmap will be used as default size of the check box.



Creates a CHECKBOX widget of a specified size at a specified location.


CHECKBOX_Handle CHECKBOX_CreateEx(int     x0,
                                  int     y0,
                                  int     xSize,
                                  int     ySize,
                                  WM_HWIN hParent,
                                  int     WinFlags,
                                  int     ExFlags,
                                  int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the check box (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the check box (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the check box (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the check box (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window.
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags Not used yet, reserved for future use.
Id ID to be returned.

Return value

Handle of the created CHECKBOX widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

If the parameters xSize or ySize are 0 the size of the default check mark bitmap (11 * 11 pixels) plus the effect size will be used as default size of the check box. If the desired size of the check box is different to the default size it can be useful to set a user defined check mark image using the function CHECKBOX_SetImage().

If check box text should be shown with the widget the size should be large enough to show the box + text + spacing between box and text.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The elements Flags and Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure are not used.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function CHECKBOX_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Returns the currently set background color of the CHECKBOX widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.

Return value

The color currently used as background color.



Returns the currently set background color used in the box of the CHECKBOX widget.


                                 int             Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.
Index See Checkbox color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Background color used for the corresponding state.



Returns the default text alignment used for CHECKBOX widgets.


int CHECKBOX_GetDefaultAlign(void);

Return value

Default text alignment. Refer to Text alignment flags a list of permitted values.



Returns the default background color of new CHECKBOX widgets.


GUI_COLOR CHECKBOX_GetDefaultBkColor(void);

Return value

Default background color of new CHECKBOX widgets.

Additional information

The background color returned by this function is not the background color shown in the box, but the background color of the rest of the widget.

For more information, refer to CHECKBOX_SetBoxBkColor().



Returns a pointer to a GUI_FONT structure used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.


GUI_FONT *CHECKBOX_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.

Additional information

For more information, refer to CHECKBOX_SetFont().



Returns the default spacing between box and text used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.


int CHECKBOX_GetDefaultSpacing(void);

Return value

Default spacing between box and text used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.

Additional information

For more information, refer to CHECKBOX_SetSpacing().



Returns the default alignment used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.


int CHECKBOX_GetDefaultAlign(void);

Return value

Default alignment used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.

Additional information

For more information, refer to CHECKBOX_SetTextAlign().



Returns the default text color used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.


GUI_COLOR CHECKBOX_GetDefaultTextColor(void);

Return value

Default text color used to display the text of new check box widgets.

Additional information

For more information, refer to CHECKBOX_SetTextColor().



This function returns the color currently used as focus color.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.

Return value

The color currently used to draw the focus.



Returns the currently set font.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.

Return value

A pointer the font which is used for the CHECKBOX.



Returns the image set for the given index.


                              unsigned int    Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.
Index See Checkbox bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

A pointer the image used with the given index.



Returns the current state of the given CHECKBOX widget.


int CHECKBOX_GetState(CHECKBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.

Return value

Current state of the given CHECKBOX widget.

Additional information

Per default a check box can have 2 states, checked (1) and unchecked (0). With the function CHECKBOX_SetNumStates() the number of possible states can be increased to 3. If the check box is in the third state the function returns 2.
For more information, refer to CHECKBOX_SetNumStates().



Returns the optional text of the given CHECKBOX widget.


int CHECKBOX_GetText(CHECKBOX_Handle   hObj,
                     char            * pBuffer,
                     int               MaxLen);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.
pBuffer Pointer to buffer to which the text will be copied.
MaxLen Buffer size in bytes.

Return value

Length of the text copied into the buffer.

Additional information

If the CHECKBOX widget contains no text the function returns 0 and the buffer remains unchanged.



This function returns the text alignment of the given TEXT widget.


int CHECKBOX_GetTextAlign(CHECKBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.

Return value

Returns the currently used text alignment.



This function returns the color currently used the text.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.

Return value

The color currently used displaying the text.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns the current state (checked or not checked) of a specified CHECKBOX widget.


int CHECKBOX_IsChecked(CHECKBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.

Return value

0 not checked
1 checked
Before After


Sets the background color used to display the background of the CHECKBOX widget.


void CHECKBOX_SetBkColor(CHECKBOX_Handle hObj,
                         GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.
Color Color to be used to draw the background or GUI_INVALID_COLOR to work in transparent mode.

Additional information

If the check box should work in transparent mode GUI_INVALID_COLOR should be used.



This function is deprecated and only works in conjunction with the classic skin (CHECKBOX_SetSkinClassic()). Skinning props should be used instead which can be set via CHECKBOX_SetSkinFlexProps().

Before After


Sets the background color of the box area.


                                 GUI_COLOR       Color,
                                 int             Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.
Color Color to be used.
Index See Checkbox color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Previous background color.

Additional information

The color set by this function will only be visible, if the images used by the widget are transparent or no image is used. The default images of this widget are transparent.



Sets the default text alignment used for new CHECKBOX widgets.


void CHECKBOX_SetDefaultAlign(int Align);


Parameter Description
Align Text alignment flags. See Text alignment flags for a full list of permitted values.


Sets the default background color used for new CHECKBOX widgets.


void CHECKBOX_SetDefaultBkColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used, GUI_INVALID_COLOR for transparency.

Additional information

For more information, refer to CHECKBOX_SetBkColor.



Sets the color used to render the focus rectangle of new CHECKBOX widgets.




Parameter Description
Color Color to be used.

Return value

Previous color used to render the focus rectangle.

Additional information

For mode information, refer to CHECKBOX_SetFocusColor().



Sets a pointer to a GUI_FONT structure used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.


void CHECKBOX_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to GUI_FONT structure to be used.

Additional information

For mode information, refer to CHECKBOX_SetFont().



Sets the images used for new CHECKBOX widgets to be shown if they has been checked.


void CHECKBOX_SetDefaultImage(const GUI_BITMAP   * pBitmap,
                                    unsigned int   Index);


Parameter Description
pBitmap Pointer to bitmap.
Index See Checkbox bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Additional information

The image has to fill the complete inner area of the CHECKBOX widget.



Sets the default spacing between box and text used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.


void CHECKBOX_SetDefaultSpacing(int Spacing);


Parameter Description
Spacing Number of pixels between box and text used for new CHECKBOX widgets.

Additional information

For more information, refer to CHECKBOX_SetSpacing().



Sets the default alignment used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.


void CHECKBOX_SetDefaultTextAlign(int Align);
Parameter Description
Align Text alignment mode. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.

Additional information

For more information, refer to CHECKBOX_SetTextAlign().



Sets the default text color used to display the text of new CHECKBOX widgets.


void CHECKBOX_SetDefaultTextColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used.

Additional information

For more information, refer to CHECKBOX_SetTextColor().

Before After


Sets the color used to render the focus rectangle.


                                 GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.
Color Color to be used.

Return value

Previous color of the focus rectangle.

Additional information

The focus rectangle is only visible if the widget has the input focus.



Sets the font of the CHECKBOX widget.


void CHECKBOX_SetFont(      CHECKBOX_Handle   hObj,
                      const GUI_FONT        * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.
pFont Pointer to the font.
Before After


Sets the images to be shown if the CHECKBOX widget has been checked.


void CHECKBOX_SetImage(      CHECKBOX_Handle   hObj,
                       const GUI_BITMAP      * pBitmap,
                             unsigned int      Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.
pBitmap Pointer to bitmap.
Index See CHECKBOX bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Additional information

The image has to fill the complete inner area of the check box. If using this function make sure, the size of the check box used to create the widget is large enough to show the bitmap and (optional) the text.



This function sets the number of possible states of the given CHECKBOX widget.


void CHECKBOX_SetNumStates(CHECKBOX_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned        NumStates);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.
NumStates Number of possible states of the given check box. Currently supported are 2 or 3 states.

Additional information

Per default a check box supports 2 states: checked (1) and unchecked (0). If the check box should support a third state the number of possible states can be increased to 3.

Before After


Sets the number of pixels between box and text of a given CHECKBOX widget.


void CHECKBOX_SetSpacing(CHECKBOX_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned        Spacing);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.
Spacing Number of pixels between box and text to be used.

Additional information

The default spacing is 4 pixels. The function CHECKBOX_SetDefaultSpacing() or the configuration macro CHECKBOX_SPACING_DEFAULT can be used to set the default value.

Before After


Sets the new state of the given CHECKBOX widget.


void CHECKBOX_SetState(CHECKBOX_Handle hObj,
                       unsigned        State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.
State Zero-based number of new state.
Permitted values for parameter State
0 Unchecked
1 Checked
2 Third state

Additional information

The passed state should not be greater than the number of possible states set with CHECKBOX_SetNumStates() minus 1.

Before After


Sets the optional text shown beside the box.


void CHECKBOX_SetText(      CHECKBOX_Handle   hObj,
                      const char            * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.
s Pointer to text to be shown beside the box.

Additional information

Clicking on the text beside the box has the same effect as clicking into the box.

Before After


Sets the alignment used to display the text beside the box.


void CHECKBOX_SetTextAlign(CHECKBOX_Handle hObj,
                           int             Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.
Align Text alignment mode. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.

Additional information

Per default the text alignment is GUI_TA_LEFT | GUI_TA_VCENTER. The function CHECKBOX_SetDefaultTextAlign() and the configuration macro CHECKBOX_TEXTALIGN_DEFAULT can be used to set a user defined default value.

Before After


Sets the color used to display the text of the CHECKBOX widget.


void CHECKBOX_SetTextColor(CHECKBOX_Handle hObj,
                           GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.
Color Desired color of check box text.

Additional information

Per default the text color of a check box text is GUI_BLACK. The function CHECKBOX_SetDefaultTextColor() and the configuration macro CHECKBOX_TEXTCOLOR_DEFAULT can be used to set a user defined default color.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().



This function is deprecated, CHECKBOX_SetState() should be used instead.

Before After


Sets the state of a specified CHECKBOX widget to unchecked.


void CHECKBOX_Uncheck(CHECKBOX_Handle hObj);
Parameter Description
hObj Handle of CHECKBOX widget.

Additional information

This is the default setting for CHECKBOX widgets.

CHECKBOX bitmap indexes


Bitmap indexes for CHECKBOX widget.


#define CHECKBOX_BI_ACTIV_3STATE         5


Definition Description
CHECKBOX_BI_INACTIV_UNCHECKED Bitmap displayed when the CHECKBOX is unchecked and disabled.
CHECKBOX_BI_ACTIV_UNCHECKED Bitmap displayed when the CHECKBOX is unchecked and enabled.
CHECKBOX_BI_INACTIV_CHECKED Bitmap displayed when the CHECKBOX is checked and disabled.
CHECKBOX_BI_ACTIV_CHECKED Bitmap displayed when the CHECKBOX is checked and enabled.
CHECKBOX_BI_INACTIV_3STATE Bitmap displayed when the CHECKBOX is in the third state and disabled.
CHECKBOX_BI_ACTIV_3STATE Bitmap displayed when the CHECKBOX is in the third state and enabled.
CHECKBOX color indexes


Color indexes for CHECKBOX widget.




Definition Description
CHECKBOX_CI_DISABLED Color used for disabled state.
CHECKBOX_CI_ENABLED Color used for enabled state.

The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of WIDGET_Checkbox.c:

DROPDOWN widgets are used to select one element of a list with several columns. It shows the currently selected item in non open state. If the user opens a DROPDOWN widget a LISTBOX appears to select a new item.



All DROPDOWN-related routines are located in the file(s) DROPDOWN*.c, DROPDOWN.h.
All identifiers are prefixed DROPDOWN.

If mouse support is enabled, the open list reacts on moving the mouse over it.


…is available for this widget. The screenshot above shows the widget using the default skin. Details can be found in the chapter Skinning.


This widget uses skinning. To change the look it is recommended to use the function <WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps(). Other functions to change the look might work only with the classic skin.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N DROPDOWN_ALIGN_DEFAULT GUI_TA_LEFT Text alignment used to display the dropdown text in closed state.
S DROPDOWN_FONT_DEFAULT &GUI_Font13_1 Default font.
N DROPDOWN_BKCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Background color, unselected state.
N DROPDOWN_BKCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_GRAY Background color, selected state without focus.
N DROPDOWN_BKCOLOR2_DEFAULT GUI_BLUE Background color, selected state with focus.
N DROPDOWN_KEY_EXPAND GUI_KEY_SPACE Key which can be used to expand the DROPDOWN list.
N DROPDOWN_KEY_SELECT GUI_KEY_ENTER Key which can be used to select an item from the open dropdown list.
N DROPDOWN_TEXTCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Text color, unselected state.
N DROPDOWN_TEXTCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Text color, selected state without focus.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make DROPDOWN widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_DROPDOWN0    0x180
#define GUI_ID_DROPDOWN1    0x181
#define GUI_ID_DROPDOWN2    0x182
#define GUI_ID_DROPDOWN3    0x183
#define GUI_ID_DROPDOWN4    0x184
#define GUI_ID_DROPDOWN5    0x185
#define GUI_ID_DROPDOWN6    0x186
#define GUI_ID_DROPDOWN7    0x187
#define GUI_ID_DROPDOWN8    0x188
#define GUI_ID_DROPDOWN9    0x189
Notification codes

The following events are sent from the widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT DROPDOWN has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the widget without releasing.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SCROLL_CHANGED The scroll position of the optional scroll bar of the opened DROPDOWN widget has been changed.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED The selection of the DROPDOWN list has been changed.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Reaction
GUI_KEY_ENTER Selects an item from the open DROPDOWN list and closes the list.

The table below lists the available emWin DROPDOWN-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
DROPDOWN_AddString() Adds a new element to the DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_Clear() Removes all text items from the DROPDOWN.
DROPDOWN_Collapse() Closes the DROPDOWN list.
DROPDOWN_Create() Creates a DROPDOWN widget. (Obsolete)
DROPDOWN_CreateEx() Creates a DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_CreateIndirect() Creates a DROPDOWN widget from a resource table entry.
DROPDOWN_CreateUser() Creates a DROPDOWN widget using extra bytes as user data.
DROPDOWN_DecSel() Decrements selection.
DROPDOWN_DecSelExp() Decrements selection in expanded state.
DROPDOWN_DeleteItem() Deletes the given item of the DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_EnableMotion() Enables motion support for the given DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_Expand() Opens the list of the DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_GetBkColor() Returns the background color of the given DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_GetColor() Returns the color used for either the button or the arrow.
DROPDOWN_GetDefaultFont() Returns the default font of DROPDOWN widgets.
DROPDOWN_GetFont() Returns the font currently used by the widget.
DROPDOWN_GetItemDisabled() Returns the state of the given item.
DROPDOWN_GetItemText() Returns the text of a specific item of the given DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_GetListbox() Returns the handle of the attached LISTBOX widget in expanded state.
DROPDOWN_GetNumItems() Returns the number of items in the given DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_GetSel() Returns the number of the currently selected item in a specified DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_GetSelExp() Returns the index of the currently selected item of the attached LISTBOX in expanded state.
DROPDOWN_GetTextColor() Returns the color of the text.
DROPDOWN_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with DROPDOWN_SetUserData().
DROPDOWN_IncSel() Increments selection.
DROPDOWN_IncSelExp() Increments selection in expanded state.
DROPDOWN_InsertString() Inserts a string to the DROPDOWN widget at the given position.
DROPDOWN_SetAutoScroll() Enables the automatic use of a vertical scroll bar in the DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the given DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_SetColor() Sets the color of the button or the arrow of the given DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_SetDefaultColor() Sets the default colors for the arrow and the button of new DROPDOWN widgets.
DROPDOWN_SetDefaultFont() Sets the default font used for new DROPDOWN widgets.
DROPDOWN_SetDefaultScrollbarColor() Sets the default colors used for the optional scroll bar in the DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_SetFont() Sets the font used to display the given DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_SetItemDisabled() Sets the enabled state of the given item.
DROPDOWN_SetItemSpacing() Sets an additional spacing below the items of the DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_SetListHeight() Sets the height in pixels to be used for the expanded list of the DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_SetScrollbarColor() Sets the colors of the optional scroll bar in the DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_SetScrollbarWidth() Sets the width of the scroll bars used by the list of the given DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_SetSel() Sets the current selection.
DROPDOWN_SetSelExp() Sets the selected item of the attached LISTBOX in expanded state.
DROPDOWN_SetText() Removes all text items from the DROPDOWN and replaces it with new text items.
DROPDOWN_SetTextAlign() Sets the alignment used to display the text of the DROPDOWN widget in closed state.
DROPDOWN_SetTextColor() Sets the text color of the given DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_SetTextHeight() Sets the height of the rectangle used to display the dropdown text in closed state.
DROPDOWN_SetUpMode() Enables opening of the list to the upper side of the DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a DROPDOWN widget.


Group of defines Description
DROPDOWN color indexes Color indexes for DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN create flags Create flags for DROPDOWN widget.
DROPDOWN notification codes Notification codes sent by DROPDOWN widget.


Adds a new element to the DROPDOWN widget.


void DROPDOWN_AddString(      DROPDOWN_Handle   hObj,
                        const char            * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.
s Pointer to string to be added


Removes all text items from the DROPDOWN.


void DROPDOWN_Clear(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.


Closes the dropdown list of the DROPDOWN widget.


void DROPDOWN_Collapse(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.


This function is deprecated, DROPDOWN_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a DROPDOWN widget of a specified size at a specified location.


                                int     x0,
                                int     y0,
                                int     xSize,
                                int     ySize,
                                int     Flags);


Parameter Description
hWinParent Handle of parent window
x0 Leftmost pixel of the DROPDOWN widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the DROPDOWN widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the DROPDOWN widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the DROPDOWN widget in open state (in pixels).
Flags Window create flags. Typically, WM_CF_SHOW to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).

Return value

Handle of the created DROPDOWN widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

The ySize of the widget in closed state depends on the font used to create the widget. You can not set the ySize of a closed DROPDOWN widget.


Creates a DROPDOWN widget of a specified size at a specified location.


DROPDOWN_Handle DROPDOWN_CreateEx(int     x0,
                                  int     y0,
                                  int     xSize,
                                  int     ySize,
                                  WM_HWIN hParent,
                                  int     WinFlags,
                                  int     ExFlags,
                                  int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the DROPDOWN widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the DROPDOWN widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the DROPDOWN widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the DROPDOWN widget in open state (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new DROPDOWN widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags See DROPDOWN create flags.
Id Window ID of the widget.

Return value

Handle of the created DROPDOWN widget; 0 if the function fails.


The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function DROPDOWN_CreateEx().


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function DROPDOWN_CreateEx() can be referred to.


Decrement the selection, moves the selection of a specified DROPDOWN widget up by one item.


void DROPDOWN_DecSel(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget


Decrements the selection of the attached LISTBOX in expanded state.


void DROPDOWN_DecSelExp(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget


Deletes the given item of the DROPDOWN widget.


void DROPDOWN_DeleteItem(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned int    Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.
Index Zero based index of the item to be deleted.

Additional information

If the index is greater than the number of items < 1 the function returns immediately.


Enables motion support for the given DROPDOWN widget.


void DROPDOWN_EnableMotion(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                           int             Flags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.
Flags DROPDOWN_CF_MOTION for motion support on vertical axis, 0 for disabling.

Additional information

If motion support isn’t enabled for the window manager, it will be activated automatically.

Note that motion support cannot be used in conjunction with scrollbars. This means that enabling motion support on one axis will remove a scrollbar attached to the same axis.


Opens the list of the DROPDOWN widget.


void DROPDOWN_Expand(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.

Additional information

The DROPDOWN list remains open until an element has been selected or the focus has been lost.


Returns the background color of the given DROPDOWN widget.


                              unsigned int    Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.
Index Index for background color. See DROPDOWN color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The background color used with the corresponding index value.


Returns the color used for either the button or the arrow.


                            unsigned int    Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.
Index Index for background color. See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Index
DROPDOWN_CI_ARROW Color of small arrow within the button.

Return value

The color of the button or the arrow.


Returns the default font of DROPDOWN widgets.


GUI_FONT *DROPDOWN_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Returns a pointer to the default font used by DROPDOWN widgets.


Returns the font currently used by the widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget

Return value

A pointer to the currently set font.


Returns the state of the given item.


unsigned DROPDOWN_GetItemDisabled(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                                  unsigned        Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget
Index Zero-based index of the item.

Return value

1 if the given item is disabled
0 if not.


Returns the text of a specific item of the given DROPDOWN widget.


int DROPDOWN_GetItemText(DROPDOWN_Handle   hObj,
                         unsigned          Index,
                         char            * pBuffer,
                         int               MaxSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget
Index Zero-based index of the item.
pBuffer Pointer to a char buffer which is filled with the text.
MaxSize Maximum number of chars which can be stored by pBuffer.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Returns the handle of the attached LISTBOX widget in expanded state.


LISTBOX_Handle DROPDOWN_GetListbox(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.

Return value

Handle of the attached LISTBOX widget in expanded state, 0 if DROPDOWN is in collapsed state.


Returns the number of items in the given DROPDOWN widget.


int DROPDOWN_GetNumItems(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.

Return value

Number of items in the given DROPDOWN widget.


Returns the number of the currently selected item in a specified DROPDOWN widget.


int DROPDOWN_GetSel(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.

Return value

Number of the currently selected item.


Returns the index of the currently selected item of the attached LISTBOX in expanded state.


int DROPDOWN_GetSelExp(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.

Return value

Index of the currently selected item.


Returns the color used for text to be displayed.


                                unsigned int    Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.
Index Index for background color. See DROPDOWN color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The color of the text corresponding to the given index.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().


Increment the selection, moves the selection of a specified DROPDOWN widget down by one item.


void DROPDOWN_IncSel(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.


Increments the selection of the attached LISTBOX in expanded state.


void DROPDOWN_IncSelExp(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.


Inserts a string to the DROPDOWN widget at the given position.


void DROPDOWN_InsertString(      DROPDOWN_Handle   hObj,
                           const char            * s,
                                 unsigned int      Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.
s Pointer to the string to be inserted.
Index Zero based index of the position.

Additional information

If the given index is greater than the number of items the string will be appended to the end of the dropdown list.


Enables the automatic use of a vertical scroll bar in the DROPDOWN widget.


void DROPDOWN_SetAutoScroll(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                            int             OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.
OnOff See table below.
Permitted values for parameter OnOff
0 Disable automatic use of a scroll bar.
1 Enable automatic use of a scroll bar.

Additional information

If enabled the DROPDOWN widget checks if all elements fits into the listbox. If not a vertical scroll bar will be added.

Before After


Sets the background color of the given DROPDOWN widget.


void DROPDOWN_SetBkColor(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned int    Index,
                         GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.
Index Index for background color. See DROPDOWN color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be set.
Before After


Sets the color of the button or the arrow of the given DROPDOWN widget.


void DROPDOWN_SetColor(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                       unsigned int    Index,
                       GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.
Index Index of desired item. See table below.
Color Color to be used.
Permitted values for parameter Index
DROPDOWN_CI_ARROW Color of small arrow within the button.


Sets the default colors for the arrow and the button of new DROPDOWN widgets.


GUI_COLOR DROPDOWN_SetDefaultColor(int       Index,
                                   GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index Refer to DROPDOWN_SetColor().
Color Color to be used.


Sets the default font used for new DROPDOWN widgets.


void DROPDOWN_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to GUI_FONT structure.


Sets the default colors used for the optional scroll bar in the DROPDOWN widget.


GUI_COLOR DROPDOWN_SetDefaultScrollbarColor(int       Index,
                                            GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index Refer to DROPDOWN_SetScrollbarColor().
Color Color to be used.


Sets the font used to display the given DROPDOWN widget.


void DROPDOWN_SetFont(      DROPDOWN_Handle   hObj,
                      const GUI_FONT        * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget
pFont Pointer to the font.
Before After


Sets the enabled state of the given item.


void DROPDOWN_SetItemDisabled(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                              unsigned        Index,
                              int             OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget
Index Zero-based index of the item.
OnOff 1 for enabled, 0 for disabled.
Before After


Sets an additional spacing below the items of the DROPDOWN widget.


void DROPDOWN_SetItemSpacing(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                             unsigned        Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget
Value Number of pixels used as additional space between the items of the DROPDOWN widget.


Sets the height in pixels to be used for the expanded list of the DROPDOWN widget.


int DROPDOWN_SetListHeight(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned        Height);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget
Height Height to be used.

Return value

Previously used height for the DROPDOWN list in pixels.

Before After


Sets the colors of the optional scroll bar in the DROPDOWN widget.


void DROPDOWN_SetScrollbarColor(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                                unsigned        Index,
                                GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget
Index Index of desired item. See SCROLLBAR color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.


Sets the width of the scroll bars used by the list of the given DROPDOWN widget.


void DROPDOWN_SetScrollbarWidth(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                                unsigned        Width);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget
Width Width of the scroll bar(s) used by the dropdown list of the given DROPDOWN widget.


Sets the selected item of a specified DROPDOWN widget.


void DROPDOWN_SetSel(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                     int             Sel);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget
Sel Element to be selected.


Sets the selected item of the attached LISTBOX in expanded state.


void DROPDOWN_SetSelExp(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                        int             Sel);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget
Sel Element to be selected.


Removes all text items from the DROPDOWN and replaces it with new text items.


void DROPDOWN_SetText(      DROPDOWN_Handle   hObj,
                      const GUI_ConstString * ppText);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.
ppText Pointer to an array of string pointers containing the elements to be displayed. Last element of the array must be NULL.
Before After


Sets the alignment used to display the text of the DROPDOWN widget in closed state.


void DROPDOWN_SetTextAlign(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                           int             Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget
Align Alignment used to display the dropdown text in closed state.


Sets the background color of the given DROPDOWN widget.


void DROPDOWN_SetTextColor(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned int    Index,
                           GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget
Index Index for background color. See DROPDOWN color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be set.
Before After


Sets the height of the rectangle used to display the text of DROPDOWN widget in closed state.


void DROPDOWN_SetTextHeight(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned        TextHeight);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget.
TextHeight Height of the rectangle used to display the text in closed state.

Additional information

Per default the height of the DROPDOWN widget depends on the used font. Using this function with TextHeight > 0 means the given value should be used. TextHeight = 0 means the default behavior should be used.

Before After


Enables opening of the list to the upper side of the DROPDOWN widget.


int DROPDOWN_SetUpMode(DROPDOWN_Handle hObj,
                       int             OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of DROPDOWN widget
OnOff 1 for enabling, 0 for disabling ’up mode’.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().



Color indexes for DROPDOWN widget.


#define DROPDOWN_CI_UNSEL       0
#define DROPDOWN_CI_SEL         1


Definition Description
DROPDOWN_CI_UNSEL Unselected element.
DROPDOWN_CI_SEL Selected element, without focus.
DROPDOWN_CI_SELFOCUS Selected element, with focus.


These flags can be used when creating a DROPDOWN widget via DROPDOWN_CreateEx(). 0 can be specified for the ExFlags parameter, if no flags should be used.


#define DROPDOWN_CF_UP               (1 << 1)
#define DROPDOWN_CF_MOTION           (1 << 2)


Definition Description
DROPDOWN_CF_AUTOSCROLLBAR Enable automatic use of a scroll bar. For details, refer to DROPDOWN_SetAutoScroll().
DROPDOWN_CF_UP Creates a DROPDOWN widget which opens the dropdown list above the widget. This flag is useful if the space below the widget is not sufficient for the dropdown list.
DROPDOWN_CF_MOTION Enables motion support on the vertical axis.


Notifications sent by DROPDOWN widget to its parent widget through a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message.




Definition Description
DROPDOWN_NOTIFICATION_EXPANDED Sent when the list of the DROPDOWN has been expanded.
DROPDOWN_NOTIFICATION_COLLAPSED Sent when the list of the DROPDOWN has been collapsed.

The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of WIDGET_Dropdown.c:

EDIT: Edit widget

EDIT widgets are commonly used as the primary user interface for text input:

Blank EDIT widget EDIT widget with user input

You can also use EDIT widgets for entering values in binary, decimal, or hexadecimal modes. A decimal-mode edit field might appear similar to those in the following table. The background color of EDIT widgets by default turns gray if disabled:

EDIT widget with user input (decimal) Disabled EDIT widget


All EDIT-related routines are located in the file(s) EDIT*.c, EDIT.h.
All identifiers are prefixed EDIT.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N EDIT_BKCOLOR0_DEFAULT 0xc0c0c0 Background color, disabled state.
N EDIT_BKCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Background color, enabled state.
N EDIT_BORDER_DEFAULT 1 Width of border, in pixels.
S EDIT_FONT_DEFAULT &GUI_Font13_1 Font used for edit field text.
N EDIT_PASSWORD_CHAR_DEFAULT ’*’ Default character used in password mode.
N EDIT_TEXTCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Text color, disabled state.
N EDIT_TEXTCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Text color, enabled state.
N EDIT_XOFF 1 Distance in X to offset text from left border of EDIT widget.

Available alignment flags are:

Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make EDIT widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_EDIT0    0x100
#define GUI_ID_EDIT1    0x101
#define GUI_ID_EDIT2    0x102
#define GUI_ID_EDIT3    0x103
#define GUI_ID_EDIT4    0x104
#define GUI_ID_EDIT5    0x105
#define GUI_ID_EDIT6    0x106
#define GUI_ID_EDIT7    0x107
#define GUI_ID_EDIT8    0x108
#define GUI_ID_EDIT9    0x109
Notification codes

The following events are sent from an EDIT widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED Widget has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED Widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT Widget has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the widget without releasing.
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED Value (content) of the EDIT widget has changed.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Reaction
GUI_KEY_UP Increases the current character. If for example the current character (the character below the cursor) is a ’A’ it changes to ’B’.
GUI_KEY_DOWN Decreases the current character. If for example the current character is a ’B’ it changes to ’A’.
GUI_KEY_RIGHT Moves the cursor one character to the right.
GUI_KEY_LEFT Moves the cursor one character to the left.
GUI_KEY_BACKSPACE If the widget works in text mode, the character before the cursor is deleted.
GUI_KEY_DELETE If the widget works in text mode, the current is deleted.
GUI_KEY_INSERT If the widget works in text mode, this key toggles the edit mode between GUI_EDIT_MODE_OVERWRITE and GUI_EDIT_MODE_INSERT. For details, refer to EDIT_SetInsertMode().
GUI_KEY_HOME Moves the cursor to its first position.
GUI_KEY_END Moves the cursor to its last position.

The table below lists the available emWin EDIT-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
EDIT_AddKey() Adds user input to a specified EDIT widget.
EDIT_Create() Creates an EDIT widget. (Obsolete)
EDIT_CreateAsChild() Creates an EDIT widget as a child window. (Obsolete)
EDIT_CreateEx() Creates an EDIT widget.
EDIT_CreateIndirect() Creates an EDIT widget from resource table entry.
EDIT_CreateUser() Creates an EDIT widget using extra bytes as user data.
EDIT_EnableAutoScroll() Toggles automatic text scrolling of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_EnableBlink() Enables/disables a blinking cursor
EDIT_EnableInversion() Enables/disables an inverted cursor (default is inverting)
EDIT_GetBkColor() Returns the background color of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_GetBorderSize() Returns the border size of an EDIT widget.
EDIT_GetCharAtPixel() Returns the character at the given pixel position.
EDIT_GetCursorCharPos() Returns the character related position of the cursor.
EDIT_GetCursorPixelPos() Returns the pixel related position of the cursor in window coordinates.
EDIT_GetDefaultBkColor() Returns the default background color used for EDIT widgets.
EDIT_GetDefaultFont() Returns the default font used for EDIT widgets.
EDIT_GetDefaultTextAlign() Returns the default text alignment used for EDIT widgets.
EDIT_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color used for EDIT widgets.
EDIT_GetFloatValue() Returns the current value of the EDIT widget as floating point value.
EDIT_GetFont() Returns a pointer to the used font.
EDIT_GetMinMax() This function is used to retrieve the minimum and maximum value set for the EDIT widget in decimal mode.
EDIT_GetNumChars() Returns the number of characters of the specified EDIT widget.
EDIT_GetSel() Returns the current selection.
EDIT_GetSelText() Copies the selected text into a buffer.
EDIT_GetText() Retrieves the user input of a specified EDIT widget.
EDIT_GetTextAlign() This function returns the currently set alignment of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_GetTextColor() Returns the text color.
EDIT_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with EDIT_SetUserData().
EDIT_GetValue() Returns the current value of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetBinMode() Enables the binary edit mode of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetBorderSize() Sets the border size of an EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetCursorAtChar() Sets the EDIT widget cursor to a specified character position.
EDIT_SetCursorAtPixel() Sets the EDIT widget cursor to a specified pixel position.
EDIT_SetDecMode() Enables the decimal edit mode of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color used for EDIT widgets.
EDIT_SetDefaultFont() Sets the default font used for EDIT widgets.
EDIT_SetDefaultTextAlign() Sets the default text alignment for EDIT widgets.
EDIT_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default text color used for EDIT widgets.
EDIT_SetFloatMode() Enables the floating point edit mode of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetFloatValue() The function can be used to set the floating point value of the EDIT widget if working in floating point mode.
EDIT_SetFocusable() Sets focusability of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetFont() Sets the used font of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetHexMode() Enables the hexadecimal edit mode of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetInsertMode() Enables or disables the insert mode of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetMaxLen() Sets the maximum number of characters to be edited by the given EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetPasswordChar() Sets the global password character used for EDITs in password mode.
EDIT_SetPasswordMode() Enables password mode for the given EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetpfAddKeyEx() Sets a function which is called to add a character.
EDIT_SetSel() Sets the current selection.
EDIT_SetText() Sets the text.
EDIT_SetTextAlign() Sets the text alignment of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetTextColor() Sets the text color of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetTextMode() Sets the edit mode of the EDIT widget back to text mode.
EDIT_SetValue() Sets the current value of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetUlongMode() Enables the unsigned long decimal edit mode of the EDIT widget.
EDIT_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of an EDIT widget.


Group of defines Description
EDIT color indexes Color indexes for EDIT widget.
EDIT flags Flags used for EDIT widgets.


Adds user input to a specified EDIT widget.


void EDIT_AddKey(EDIT_Handle hObj,
                 int         Key);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget
Key Character to be added.

Additional information

The specified character is added to the user input of the EDIT widget. If the last character should be erased, the key GUI_KEY_BACKSPACE can be used. If the maximum count of characters has been reached, another character will not be added.



This function is deprecated, EDIT_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates an EDIT widget of a specified size at a specified location.


EDIT_Handle EDIT_Create(int x0,
                        int y0,
                        int xSize,
                        int ySize,
                        int Id,
                        int MaxLen,
                        int Flags);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the edit field (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the edit field (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the edit field (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the edit field (in pixels.
Id ID to be returned.
MaxLen Maximum count of characters.
Flags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).

Return value

Handle of the created EDIT widget; 0 if the function fails.



This function is deprecated, EDIT_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates an EDIT widget as a child window.


EDIT_Handle EDIT_CreateAsChild(int     x0,
                               int     y0,
                               int     xSize,
                               int     ySize,
                               WM_HWIN hParent,
                               int     Id,
                               int     Flags,
                               int     MaxLen);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the edit field relative to the parent window.
y0 Y-position of the edit field relative to the parent window.
xSize Horizontal size of the edit field (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the edit field (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window.
Id ID to be assigned to the EDIT widget.
Flags Window create flags (see Window create flags).
MaxLen Maximum count of characters.

Return value

Handle of the created EDIT widget; 0 if the function fails.



Creates an EDIT widget of a specified size at a specified location.


EDIT_Handle EDIT_CreateEx(int     x0,
                          int     y0,
                          int     xSize,
                          int     ySize,
                          WM_HWIN hParent,
                          int     WinFlags,
                          int     ExFlags,
                          int     Id,
                          int     MaxLen);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new EDIT widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags Not used, reserved for future use.
Id Window ID of the widget.
MaxLen Maximum count of characters.

Return value

Handle of the created EDIT widget; 0 if the function fails.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Flags is used according to the parameter Align of the function EDIT_SetTextAlign(). The element Para is used according to the parameter MaxLen of the function EDIT_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function EDIT_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Toggles automatic text scrolling of the EDIT widget. With this mode, when text is entered or deleted and the cursor moves out of the widget, the text is automatically scrolled so that the cursor remains visible.


void EDIT_EnableAutoScroll(EDIT_Handle hObj,
                           int         OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
OnOff 1 enables automatic scrolling, 0 disables it.

Additional information

Automatic text scrolling is enabled by default.


Enables/disables a blinking cursor.


void EDIT_EnableBlink(EDIT_Handle hObj,
                      int         Period,
                      int         OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
Period Blinking period
OnOff 1 enables blinking, 0 disables blinking

Additional information

This function calls GUI_X_GetTime().



Toggles between inversion mode.


int EDIT_EnableInversion(EDIT_Handle hObj,
                         int         OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
OnOff 1 enables inverting, 0 disables inverting

Return value

Previous used mode.

0 No inversion.
1 Inversion mode.

Additional information

The text cursor per default is drawn by inverting the character which is currently edited. If a cursor with a dedicated text- and background color is required, inversion can be deactivated and the functions EDIT_SetTextColor() and EDIT_SetBkColor() may be used for setting the cursor color.



Returns the background color of the EDIT widget.


GUI_COLOR EDIT_GetBkColor(EDIT_Handle  hObj,
                          unsigned int Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
Index Color index. See EDIT color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Background color of the EDIT widget.



Returns the border size of an EDIT widget.


int EDIT_GetBorderSize(EDIT_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.

Return value

= -1 Error.
≠ -1 Border size of the EDIT widget.


Returns the character at the given pixel position.


U16 EDIT_GetCharAtPixel(EDIT_Handle   hObj,
                        int           x,
                        int           y,
                        int         * pIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
x X-position.
y Y-position.
pIndex Pointer to int. Zero-based position of the character in the string. Can be NULL if not needed.

Return value

= 0 No character found.
≠ 0 The character at the given pixel position.


Returns the character related position of the cursor.


int EDIT_GetCursorCharPos(EDIT_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.

Return value

Character related position of the cursor.

Additional information

The widget returns the character position if it has the focus or not. This means the cursor position is also returned, if the cursor is currently not visible in the widget.



Returns the pixel related position of the cursor in window coordinates.


void EDIT_GetCursorPixelPos(EDIT_Handle   hObj,
                            int         * pxPos,
                            int         * pyPos);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
pxPos Pointer to integer variable for the X-position in window coordinates.
pyPos Pointer to integer variable for the Y-position in window coordinates.

Additional information

The widget returns the pixel position if it has the focus or not. This means the cursor position is also returned, if the cursor is currently not visible in the widget.



Returns the default background color used for EDIT widgets.


GUI_COLOR EDIT_GetDefaultBkColor(unsigned int Index);


Parameter Description
Index Color index. See table below.

Return value

Default background color used for EDIT widgets.



Returns the default font used for EDIT widgets.


GUI_FONT *EDIT_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Default font used for EDIT widgets.



Returns the default text alignment used for EDIT widgets.


int EDIT_GetDefaultTextAlign(void);

Return value

Default text alignment used for EDIT widgets.



Returns the default text color used for EDIT widgets.


GUI_COLOR EDIT_GetDefaultTextColor(unsigned int Index);


Parameter Description
Index Has to be 0, reserved for future use.

Return value

Default text color used for EDIT widgets.



Returns the current value of the EDIT widget as floating point value.


float EDIT_GetFloatValue(EDIT_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.

Return value

The current value.

Additional information

The use of this function makes only sense if the edit field is in floating point edit mode.



Returns a pointer to the used font.


GUI_FONT *EDIT_GetFont(EDIT_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.

Return value

Pointer to the used font.



This function is used to retrieve the minimum and maximum value set for the EDIT widget in decimal mode.


void EDIT_GetMinMax(EDIT_Handle   hObj,
                    int         * pMin,
                    int         * pMax);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
pMin Pointer to retrieve the minimum value.
pMax Pointer to retrieve the maximum value.

Additional information

This function works only for an EDIT widget used in decimal mode that has a minimum and a maximum value set. Otherwise pMin and pMax are getting set to 0.



Returns the number of characters of the specified EDIT widget.


int EDIT_GetNumChars(EDIT_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.

Return value

Number of characters of the specified EDIT widget.



Returns the current selection.


void EDIT_GetSel(EDIT_Handle   hObj,
                 int         * pFirstChar,
                 int         * pLastChar);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
pFirstChar Pointer to an int where the number of the first selected char will be stored in.
pLastChar Pointer to an int where the number of the last selected char will be stored in.


Copies the selected text into a buffer.


void EDIT_GetSelText(EDIT_Handle   hObj,
                     char        * sDest,
                     int           MaxLen);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
sDest Pointer to buffer.
MaxLen Size of buffer.


Retrieves the user input of a specified EDIT widget.


void EDIT_GetText(EDIT_Handle   hObj,
                  char        * sDest,
                  int           MaxLen);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
sDest Pointer to buffer.
MaxLen Size of buffer.


This function returns the currently set alignment of the EDIT widget.


int EDIT_GetTextAlign(EDIT_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.

Return value

The currently set text alignment for the given EDIT widget.



Returns the text color.


GUI_COLOR EDIT_GetTextColor(EDIT_Handle  hObj,
                            unsigned int Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
Index Color index. See EDIT color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The currently set text color.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns the current value of the EDIT widget. The current value is only useful if the EDIT widget is in binary, decimal or hexadecimal mode.


I32 EDIT_GetValue(EDIT_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.

Return value

The current value.



Enables the binary edit mode of the EDIT widget. The given value can be modified in the given range.


void EDIT_SetBinMode(EDIT_Handle hEdit,
                     U32         Value,
                     U32         Min,
                     U32         Max);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
Value Value to be modified.
Min Minimum value.
Max Maximum value.


Sets the background color of the EDIT widget.


void EDIT_SetBkColor(EDIT_Handle  hObj,
                     unsigned int Index,
                     GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
Index Color index. See EDIT color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be set.


Sets the EDIT widget cursor to a specified character position.


void EDIT_SetCursorAtChar(EDIT_Handle hObj,
                          int         Pos);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
Pos Character position to set cursor to.

Additional information

The character position works as follows:
0: left of the first (leftmost) character,
1: between the first and second characters,
2: between the second and third characters, and so on.



Sets the EDIT widget cursor to a specified pixel position.


void EDIT_SetCursorAtPixel(EDIT_Handle hObj,
                           int         xPos);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
xPos Pixel position to set cursor to.


Enables the decimal edit mode of the EDIT widget. The given value can be modified in the given range.


void EDIT_SetDecMode(EDIT_Handle hEdit,
                     I32         Value,
                     I32         Min,
                     I32         Max,
                     int         Shift,
                     U8          Flags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
Value Value to be set.
Min Minimum value.
Max Maximum value.
Shift If > 0 it specifies the position of the decimal point.
Flags See EDIT flags for a full list of permitted values.


Sets the default background color used for EDIT widgets.


void EDIT_SetDefaultBkColor(unsigned int Index,
                            GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
Index Color index. See table below.
Color Color to be used.


Sets the default font used for EDIT widgets.


void EDIT_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to the font to be set as default.


Sets the default text alignment for EDIT widgets.


void EDIT_SetDefaultTextAlign(int Align);


Parameter Description
Align Default text alignment. For details, refer to EDIT_SetTextAlign().


Sets the default text color used for EDIT widgets.


void EDIT_SetDefaultTextColor(unsigned int Index,
                              GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
Index Has to be 0, reserved for future use.
Color Color to be used.


Enables the floating point edit mode of the EDIT widget. The given value can be modified in the given range.


void EDIT_SetFloatMode(EDIT_Handle hEdit,
                       float       Value,
                       float       Min,
                       float       Max,
                       int         Shift,
                       U8          Flags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
Value Value to be modified.
Min Minimum value.
Max Maximum value.
Shift Number of post decimal positions.
Flags See EDIT flags for a full list of permitted values.

Additional information

The float calculation of the EDIT widget is based on 32 bit signed integer calculation. If using 4 decimal places, the values have to be internally multiplied with 104. That exceeds the range of 231. Editing values with 9 digits (before and after decimal point) will work.



The function can be used to set the floating point value of the EDIT widget if working in floating point mode.


void EDIT_SetFloatValue(EDIT_Handle hObj,
                        float       Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
Value New floating point value of the EDIT widget.

Additional information

The use of this function makes only sense if the EDIT widget works in floating point mode. If working in text mode the function has no effect. If working in binary, decimal or hexadecimal mode the behavior of the EDIT widget is undefined.



Sets the focusability of the EDIT widget.


void EDIT_SetFocusable(EDIT_Handle hObj,
                       int         State);
Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
State If State is set to 0, the EDIT widget is set not to be focusable. Otherwise it is set to be focusable.


Sets the used font of the EDIT widget.


void EDIT_SetFont(      EDIT_Handle   hObj,
                  const GUI_FONT    * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
pFont Pointer to the font.


Enables the hexadecimal edit mode of the EDIT widget. The given value can be modified in the given range.


void EDIT_SetHexMode(EDIT_Handle hEdit,
                     U32         Value,
                     U32         Min,
                     U32         Max);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
Value Value to be modified.
Min Minimum value.
Max Maximum value.


Enables or disables the insert mode of the EDIT widget.


int EDIT_SetInsertMode(EDIT_Handle hObj,
                       int         OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
OnOff 0 for disabling insert mode, 1 for enabling insert mode.

Return value

Returns the previous insert mode state.

Additional information

The use of this function makes only sense if the EDIT widget operates in text mode or in any user defined mode. If working in hexadecimal, binary, floating point or decimal mode the use of this function has no effect except that it changes the appearance of the cursor.



Sets the maximum number of characters to be edited by the given EDIT widget.


void EDIT_SetMaxLen(EDIT_Handle hObj,
                    int         MaxLen);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
MaxLen Number of characters.


Sets the global password character used for EDITs in password mode.


U16 EDIT_SetPasswordChar(U16 PasswordChar);


Parameter Description
PasswordChar New character to be used.

Return value

Old password character.



Enables password mode for the given EDIT widget.


void EDIT_SetPasswordMode(EDIT_Handle hObj,
                          int         OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling password mode, 0 for disabling.


Sets the function pointer which is used by the EDIT widget to call the function which is responsible for adding characters.


void EDIT_SetpfAddKeyEx(EDIT_Handle      hObj,
                        tEDIT_AddKeyEx * pfAddKeyEx);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
pfAddKeyEx Function pointer to the function to be used to add a character.

Additional information

If working in text mode (default) or one of the modes for editing values, the EDIT widget uses its own routines to add a character. The use of this function only makes sense if the default behavior of the EDIT widget needs to be changed. If pfAddKeyEx returns 0 the default key handling of the EDIT will still happen. If pfAddKeyEx returns 1 the EDIT will not execute the default handling.

Before After


Used to set the current selection of the EDIT widget.


void EDIT_SetSel(EDIT_Handle hObj,
                 int         FirstChar,
                 int         LastChar);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
FirstChar Zero based index of the first character to be selected. -1 if no character should be selected.
LastChar Zero based index of the last character to be selected. -1 if all characters from the first character until the last character should be selected.

Additional information

Selected characters are usually displayed in reverse. Setting the cursor position deselects all characters.


EDIT_SetSel(hEdit,  0, -1);  // Selects all characters of the widget
EDIT_SetSel(hEdit, -1,  0);  // Deselects all characters
EDIT_SetSel(hEdit,  0,  2);  // Selects the first 3 characters


Sets the text to be displayed in the EDIT widget.


void EDIT_SetText(      EDIT_Handle   hObj,
                  const char        * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
s Text to display.


Sets the text alignment of the EDIT widget.


void EDIT_SetTextAlign(EDIT_Handle hObj,
                       int         Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
Align Or-combination of text alignment flags. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.


Sets the text color of the EDIT widget.


void EDIT_SetTextColor(EDIT_Handle  hObj,
                       unsigned int Index,
                       GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
Index Index for text color. See EDIT color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be set.


Sets the edit mode of the EDIT widget back to text mode.


void EDIT_SetTextMode(EDIT_Handle hEdit);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.

Additional information

If one of the functions EDIT_SetBinMode(), EDIT_SetDecMode(), EDIT_SetFloatMode() or EDIT_SetHexMode() has been used to set the EDIT widget to one of the numeric edit modes, this function sets the edit mode back to text mode. It also clears the content of the EDIT widget.



Sets the current value of the EDIT widget. Only useful if binary, decimal or hexadecimal edit mode is set.


void EDIT_SetValue(EDIT_Handle hObj,
                   I32         Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
Value New value.


Enables the unsigned long decimal edit mode of the EDIT widget. The given value can be modified in the given range.


void EDIT_SetUlongMode(EDIT_Handle hEdit,
                       U32         Value,
                       U32         Min,
                       U32         Max);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of EDIT widget.
Value Value to be modified.
Min Minimum value.
Max Maximum value.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

EDIT color indexes


Color indexes for EDIT widget.


#define EDIT_CI_DISABLED    0
#define EDIT_CI_ENABLED     1
#define EDIT_CI_CURSOR      2


Definition Description
EDIT_CI_DISABLED Color index for the disabled state.
EDIT_CI_ENABLED Color index for the enabled state.
EDIT_CI_CURSOR Color to be used for the cursor. This is only taken into account if the cursor is not in inversion mode (EDIT_EnableInversion(0)).
EDIT flags


These flags are used if the EDIT widget is in decimal or float mode. This can be activated by calling EDIT_SetDecMode() or EDIT_SetFloatMode(). These flags are OR-combinable.


#define GUI_EDIT_NORMAL                     (0 << 0)
#define GUI_EDIT_SIGNED                     (1 << 0)


Definition Description
GUI_EDIT_NORMAL Edit in normal mode. A sign is displayed only if the value is negative.
GUI_EDIT_SIGNED “+” and “-” sign is displayed.
GUI_EDIT_SUPPRESS_LEADING_ZEROES Does not show leading zeroes.

The Sample folder contains the following examples which show how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of WIDGET_Edit.c:

Screenshot of WIDGET_EditWinmode.c:

FRAMEWIN: Frame window widget

FRAMEWIN widgets give your application a PC application-window appearance. They consist of a surrounding frame, a title bar and a user area. The color of the title bar changes to show whether the window is active or inactive, as seen below:

Active frame window Inactive frame window


All FRAMEWIN-related routines are located in the file(s) FRAMEWIN*.c, FRAMEWIN.h.
All identifiers are prefixed FRAMEWIN.

You can attach predefined buttons to the title bar as seen below or you can attach your own buttons to a title bar:

Description Frame window
Frame window with minimize-, maximize- and close button.
Frame window with minimize-, maximize- and close button in maximized state.
Frame window with minimize-, maximize- and close button in minimized state


…is available for this widget. The screenshot above shows the widget using the default skin. Details can be found in the chapter Skinning.


This widget uses skinning. To change the look it is recommended to use the function <WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps(). Other functions to change the look might work only with the classic skin.

Structure of the frame window

The following diagram shows the detailed structure and looks of a frame window:

The frame window actually consists of 2 windows; the main window and a child window. The child window is called Client window. It is important to be aware of this when dealing with callback functions: There are 2 windows with 2 different callback functions. When creating child windows, these child windows are typically created as children of the client window; their parent is therefor the client window.

Detail Description
B Border size of the frame window. The default size of the border is 3 pixels.
H Height of the title bar. Depends on the size of the used font for the title.
D Spacing between title bar and client window. (1 pixel)
Title bar The title bar is part of the frame window and not a separate window.
Client window The client window is a separate window created as a child window of the frame window.
Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
B FRAMEWIN_ALLOW_DRAG_ON_FRAME 1 Allows dragging the widget on the surrounding frame.
N FRAMEWIN_BARCOLOR_ACTIVE_DEFAULT 0xff0000 Title bar background color, active state.
N FRAMEWIN_BARCOLOR_INACTIVE_DEFAULT 0x404040 Title bar background color, inactive state.
N FRAMEWIN_BORDER_DEFAULT 3 Outer border width, in pixels.
Color of client window area.
Font used for title bar text.
N FRAMEWIN_IBORDER_DEFAULT 1 Inner border width, in pixels.
Title bar text color, active state.
Title bar text color, inactive state.
N FRAMEWIN_TITLEHEIGHT_DEFAULT 0 Default height of title bar.
Keyboard reaction

The widget can not gain the input focus and does not react on keyboard input.


The table below lists the available emWin FRAMEWIN-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
FRAMEWIN_AddButton() Adds a button to the title bar of the FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_AddCloseButton() Adds a close button to the title bar of the FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_AddMaxButton() Adds a maximize button to the title bar of the FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_AddMenu() Adds the given menu to a FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_AddMinButton() Adds a minimize button to the title bar of the FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_Create() Creates a FRAMEWIN widget. (Obsolete)
FRAMEWIN_CreateAsChild() Creates a FRAMEWIN widget as a child window. (Obsolete)
FRAMEWIN_CreateEx() Creates a FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_CreateIndirect() Creates a FRAMEWIN widget from a resource table entry.
FRAMEWIN_CreateUser() Creates a FRAMEWIN widget using extra bytes as user data.
FRAMEWIN_GetActive() Returns if the given FRAMEWIN widget is in active state or not.
FRAMEWIN_GetBarColor() Returns the color of the title bar of the given FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_GetBorderSize() Returns the border size of the given FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_GetDefaultBarColor() Returns the default color for title bars in FRAMEWIN widgets.
FRAMEWIN_GetDefaultBorderSize() Returns the default border size of FRAMEWIN widgets.
FRAMEWIN_GetDefaultClientColor() Returns the default color of client areas in FRAMEWIN widgets.
FRAMEWIN_GetDefaultFont() Returns the default font used for captions of FRAMEWIN widgets.
FRAMEWIN_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color of the title.
FRAMEWIN_GetDefaultTitleHeight() Returns the default height of title bars in FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_GetFont() Returns a pointer to the font used to draw the title text.
FRAMEWIN_GetText() Returns the title text.
FRAMEWIN_GetTextAlign() Returns the text alignment of the title text.
FRAMEWIN_GetTitleHeight() Returns the height of title bar of the given FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with FRAMEWIN_SetUserData().
FRAMEWIN_IsMinimized() Returns if the FRAMEWIN widget is minimized or not.
FRAMEWIN_IsMaximized() Returns if the FRAMEWIN widget is maximized or not.
FRAMEWIN_Maximize() Enlarges a FRAMEWIN widget to the size of its parent window.
FRAMEWIN_Minimize() Hides the client area of the given FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_OwnerDraw() Default function for drawing the title bar of a FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_Restore() Restores a minimized or maximized FRAMEWIN widget to its old size and position.
FRAMEWIN_SetActive() Sets the state of a specified FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_SetBarColor() Sets the color of the title bar of a specified FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_SetBorderSize() Sets the border size of a specified FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_SetClientColor() Sets the color of the client window area of a specified FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultBarColor() Sets the default color for title bars in FRAMEWIN widgets.
FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultBorderSize() Sets the default border size of FRAMEWIN widgets.
FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultClientColor() Sets the default color for client areas in FRAMEWIN widgets.
FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultFont() Sets the default font used to display the title in FRAMEWIN widgets.
FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default text color of the title.
FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultTitleHeight() Sets the size in Y for the title bar.
FRAMEWIN_SetFont() Sets the title font of the FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_SetMoveable() Sets a FRAMEWIN widget to a moveable or fixed state.
FRAMEWIN_SetOwnerDraw() Enables the FRAMEWIN widget to be owner drawn.
FRAMEWIN_SetResizeable() Sets the resizable state of the given FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN_SetText() Sets the title text.
FRAMEWIN_SetTextAlign() Sets the text alignment of the title bar.
FRAMEWIN_SetTextColor() Sets the color of the title text for both states, active and inactive.
FRAMEWIN_SetTextColorEx() Sets the text color for the given state.
FRAMEWIN_SetTitleHeight() Sets the height of the title bar.
FRAMEWIN_SetTitleVis() Sets the visibility flag of the title bar.
FRAMEWIN_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a FRAMEWIN widget.


Group of defines Description
FRAMEWIN button flags Determine on which side of the FRAMEWIN a button should be added.
FRAMEWIN create flags Create flags that define the behavior of the FRAMEWIN widget.
FRAMEWIN states State of the FRAMEWIN used for various functions.
Before After


Adds a button to the title bar of the FRAMEWIN widget.


                           int             Flags,
                           int             Off,
                           int             Id);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
Flags See FRAMEWIN button flags for a full list of permitted values.
Off X-offset used to create the BUTTON widget
Id ID of the BUTTON widget

Return value

Handle of the BUTTON widget.

Additional information

The button will be created as a child window from the FRAMEWIN widget. So the Window Manager keeps sure it will be deleted when the FRAMEWIN widget will be deleted.

The button can be created at the left side or at the right side of the title bar depending on the parameter Flags. The parameter Offset specifies the space between the button and the border of the FRAMEWIN widget or the space between the previous created button.

Before After


Adds a close button to the title bar of the FRAMEWIN widget.


                                int             Flags,
                                int             Off);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
Flags See FRAMEWIN button flags for a full list of permitted values.
Off X-offset used to create the BUTTON widget

Return value

Handle of the close button.

Additional information

When the user presses the close button the frame window and all its children will be deleted.

Before After Maximized


Adds a maximize button to the title bar of the FRAMEWIN widget.


                              int             Flags,
                              int             Off);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
Flags See FRAMEWIN button flags for a full list of permitted values.
Off X-offset used to create the BUTTON widget

Return value

Handle of the maximize button.

Additional information

When the user presses the maximize button the first time the FRAMEWIN widget will be enlarged to the size of its parent window. The second use of the button will reduce the frame window to its old size and restores the old position.

Before After


Adds the given menu to a FRAMEWIN widget. The menu is shown below the title bar.


void FRAMEWIN_AddMenu(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj,
                      WM_HWIN         hMenu);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of frame window.
hMenu Handle of MENU widget to be added.

Return value

Handle of the maximize button.

Additional information

The added MENU is attached as a child of the FRAMEWIN widget. If the FRAMEWIN widget has been created with a callback routine, the function makes sure, that the WM_MENU messages are passed to the client window of the FRAMEWIN widget.

Before After Maximized


Adds a minimize button to the title bar of the FRAMEWIN widget.


                              int             Flags,
                              int             Off);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
Flags See FRAMEWIN button flags for a full list of permitted values.
Off X-offset used to create the BUTTON widget

Return value

Handle of the minimize button.

Additional information

When the user presses the minimize button the first time the client area of the FRAMEWIN widget will be hidden and only the title bar remains visible. The second use of the button will restore the FRAMEWIN widget to its old size.



This function is deprecated, FRAMEWIN_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a FRAMEWIN widget of a specified size at a specified location.


FRAMEWIN_Handle FRAMEWIN_Create(const char        * pText,
                                      WM_CALLBACK * cb,
                                      int           Flags,
                                      int           x0,
                                      int           y0,
                                      int           xSize,
                                      int           ySize);


Parameter Description
pTitle Title displayed in the title bar.
cb Pointer to callback routine of client area.
Flags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
x0 Leftmost pixel of the frame window (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the frame window (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the frame window (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the frame window (in pixels).

Return value

Handle of the created FRAMEWIN widget; 0 if the function fails.



This function is deprecated, FRAMEWIN_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a FRAMEWIN widget as a child window.


FRAMEWIN_Handle FRAMEWIN_CreateAsChild(      int           x0,
                                             int           y0,
                                             int           xSize,
                                             int           ySize,
                                             WM_HWIN       hParent,
                                       const char        * pText,
                                             WM_CALLBACK * cb,
                                             int           Flags);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the FRAMEWIN widget relative to the parent window.
y0 Y-position of the FRAMEWIN widget relative to the parent window.
xSize Horizontal size of the FRAMEWIN widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the FRAMEWIN widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window.
pText Text to be displayed in the title bar.
cb Optional pointer to a custom callback function for the client window.
Flags Window create flags (see Window create flags).

Return value

Handle of the created FRAMEWIN widget; 0 if the function fails.



Creates a FRAMEWIN widget of a specified size at a specified location.


FRAMEWIN_Handle FRAMEWIN_CreateEx(      int           x0,
                                        int           y0,
                                        int           xSize,
                                        int           ySize,
                                        WM_HWIN       hParent,
                                        int           WinFlags,
                                        int           ExFlags,
                                        int           Id,
                                  const char        * pTitle,
                                        WM_CALLBACK * cb);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the FRAMEWIN widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the FRAMEWIN widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the FRAMEWIN widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the FRAMEWIN widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new FRAMEWIN widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags See FRAMEWIN create flags.
Id Window ID of the FRAMEWIN widget.
pTitle Title displayed in the title bar.
cb Optional pointer to a custom callback function for the client window.

Return value

Handle of the created FRAMEWIN widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

The user callback routine is typically used for 2 purposes:



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function FRAMEWIN_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function FRAMEWIN_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Returns if the given FRAMEWIN widget is in active state or not.


int FRAMEWIN_GetActive(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.

Return value

1 if FRAMEWIN widget is in active state
0 if not.


Returns the color of the title bar of the given FRAMEWIN widget.


                               unsigned        Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
Index See FRAMEWIN states for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Color of the title bar as RGB value.



Returns the border size of the given FRAMEWIN widget.


int FRAMEWIN_GetBorderSize(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.

Return value

The border size of the given FRAMEWIN widget.



Returns the default color for title bars in FRAMEWIN widgets.


GUI_COLOR FRAMEWIN_GetDefaultBarColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See FRAMEWIN states for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Pointer to the default title bar color used for FRAMEWIN widgets in the specified state.



Returns the default border size of FRAMEWIN widgets.


int FRAMEWIN_GetDefaultBorderSize(void);

Return value

Default border size of FRAMEWIN widgets.



Returns the default color of client areas in FRAMEWIN widgets.


GUI_COLOR FRAMEWIN_GetDefaultClientColor(void);

Return value

Pointer to the default client area color.



Returns the default font used for captions of FRAMEWIN widgets.


GUI_FONT *FRAMEWIN_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Pointer to the default font used for captions of captions widgets.



Returns the default text color of the title.


GUI_COLOR FRAMEWIN_GetDefaultTextColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See FRAMEWIN states for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default text color of the title.



Returns the default height of title bars in FRAMEWIN widget.


int FRAMEWIN_GetDefaultTitleHeight(void);

Return value

Default title bar height. For more information about the title height, refer to FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultTitleHeight().



Returns a pointer to the font used to draw the title text.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.

Return value

Pointer to the font used to draw the title text.



Returns the title text.


void FRAMEWIN_GetText(FRAMEWIN_Handle   hObj,
                      char            * pBuffer,
                      int               MaxLen);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
pBuffer Pointer to buffer to be filled with the title text.
MaxLen Buffer size in bytes.

Additional information

If the buffer size is smaller than the title text the function copies MaxLen .



Returns the text alignment of the title text.


int FRAMEWIN_GetTextAlign(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.

Return value

The currently used text alignment. For details about text alignment, refer to GUI_SetTextAlign().



Returns the height of title bar of the given FRAMEWIN widget.


int FRAMEWIN_GetTitleHeight(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget

Return value

The height of title bar of the given FRAMEWIN widget. For more information about the title height, refer to FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultTitleHeight.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns if the FRAMEWIN widget is minimized or not.


int FRAMEWIN_IsMinimized(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget

Return value

1 if the FRAMEWIN widget is minimized
0 if not.


Returns if the FRAMEWIN widget is maximized or not.


int FRAMEWIN_IsMaximized(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget

Return value

1 if the FRAMEWIN widget is maximized
0 if not.
Before After


Enlarges a FRAMEWIN widget to the size of its parent window.


void FRAMEWIN_Maximize(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget

Additional information

When calling this function the FRAMEWIN widget will show the same behavior as when the user presses the maximize button. The FRAMEWIN widget will be enlarged to the size of its parent window.

Before After


Hides the client area of the given FRAMEWIN widget.


void FRAMEWIN_Minimize(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget

Additional information

When calling this function the FRAMEWIN widget will show the same behavior as when the user presses the minimize button. The FRAMEWIN widget will be enlarged and only the title bar remains visible.



OwnerDraw routines for FRAMEWIN widgets are deprecated and only work in conjunction the classic skin.


Default function for drawing the title bar of a FRAMEWIN widget.


int FRAMEWIN_OwnerDraw(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo);


Parameter Description
pDrawItemInfo Pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure.

Return value

Returns 0.

Additional information

This function is useful if FRAMEWIN_SetOwnerDraw() is used. It should be called for all unhandled commands passed to the owner draw function. For more information, refer to the section explaining user drawn widgets and FRAMEWIN_SetOwnerDraw().

Before After


Restores a minimized or maximized FRAMEWIN widget to its old size and position.


void FRAMEWIN_Restore(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.

Return value

Returns 0.

Additional information

If the given FRAMEWIN widget is neither maximized nor minimized the function takes no effect.

Before After


Sets the state of a specified FRAMEWIN widget. Depending on the state, the color of the title bar will change.


void FRAMEWIN_SetActive(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj,
                        int             State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
State See FRAMEWIN states for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Returns 0.

Additional information

This function is obsolete. If pointing with a input device to a child of a FRAMEWIN widget the FRAMEWIN widget will become active automatically. It is not recommended to use this function. If using this function to set a FRAMEWIN widget to active state, it is not warranted that the state becomes inactive if an other FRAMEWIN widget becomes active.

Before After


Sets the color of the title bar of a specified FRAMEWIN widget.


void FRAMEWIN_SetBarColor(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned        Index,
                          GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
Index See FRAMEWIN states for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be set.
Before After


Sets the border size of a specified FRAMEWIN widget.


void FRAMEWIN_SetBorderSize(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned        Size);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
Size New border size of the FRAMEWIN widget.

Additional information

This function has no effect when using Flex Skin (default).

Before After


Sets the color of the client window area of a specified FRAMEWIN widget.


void FRAMEWIN_SetClientColor(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj,
                             GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
Color Color to be set.


Sets the default color for title bars in FRAMEWIN widgets.


void FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultBarColor(unsigned  Index,
                                 GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index See FRAMEWIN states for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be set.


Sets the default border size of FRAMEWIN widgets.


void FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultBorderSize(int DefaultBorderSize);


Parameter Description
BorderSize Size to be set.


Sets the default color for client areas in FRAMEWIN widgets.


void FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultClientColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be set.


Sets the default font used to display the title in FRAMEWIN widgets.


void FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to font to be used as default.


Sets the default text color of the title.


void FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultTextColor(unsigned  Index,
                                  GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index See FRAMEWIN states for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.


Sets the size in Y for the title bar.


void FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultTitleHeight(int Height);


Parameter Description
Height Size to be set

Additional information

The default value of the title height is 0. That means the height of the title depends on the font used to display the title text. If the default value is set to a value > 0 each new FRAMEWIN widget will use this height for the title height and not the height of the font of the title.

Before After


Sets the title font of the FRAMEWIN widget.


void FRAMEWIN_SetFont(      FRAMEWIN_Handle   hObj,
                      const GUI_FONT        * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
pFont Pointer to the font.


Sets a FRAMEWIN widget to a moveable or fixed state.


void FRAMEWIN_SetMoveable(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj,
                          int             State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
State State of frame window. See table below.
Permitted values for parameter State
0 Frame window is fixed (non-moveable).
1 Frame window is moveable.

Additional information

The default state of a FRAMEWIN widget after creation is fixed. Moveable state means, the FRAMEWIN widget can be dragged with a pointer input device (PID). To move the FRAMEWIN widget, it first needs to be touched with a PID in pressed state in the title area. Moving the pressed PID now moves also the widget. If the config macro FRAMEWIN_ALLOW_DRAG_ON_FRAME is 1 (default), the FRAMEWIN widget can also be dragged on the surrounding frame. This works only if the FRAMEWIN widget is not in resizable state.



OwnerDraw routines for FRAMEWIN widgets are deprecated and only work in conjunction the classic skin.


Enables the FRAMEWIN widget to be owner drawn.


void FRAMEWIN_SetOwnerDraw(FRAMEWIN_Handle         hObj,
                           WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC * pfDrawItem);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
pfDrawItem Pointer to owner draw function.

Supported commands

Additional information

This function sets a function pointer to a function which will be called by the widget if a FRAMEWIN widget has to be drawn. It gives you the possibility to draw a complete customized title bar, not just plain text. pfDrawItem is a pointer to an application-defined function of type WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC which is explained at the beginning of the chapter.


The following shows a typical owner draw function:

int _OwnerDraw(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo) {
  GUI_RECT Rect;
  char acBuffer[20];
  switch (pDrawItemInfo->Cmd) {
    Rect.x0 = pDrawItemInfo->x0 + 1;
    Rect.x1 = pDrawItemInfo->x1 - 1;
    Rect.y0 = pDrawItemInfo->y0 + 1;
    Rect.y1 = pDrawItemInfo->y1;
    FRAMEWIN_GetText(pDrawItemInfo->hWin, acBuffer, sizeof(acBuffer));
    GUI_DrawGradientH(pDrawItemInfo->x0, pDrawItemInfo->y0, 
                      pDrawItemInfo->x1, pDrawItemInfo->y1,
                      GUI_RED, GUI_GREEN);
    GUI_DispStringInRect(acBuffer, &Rect, 
    return 0;
  return FRAMEWIN_OwnerDraw(pDrawItemInfo);
void CreateFrameWindow(void) {
  FRAMEWIN_SetOwnerDraw(hWin, _OwnerDraw);

Screenshot of above example

Before After


Sets the resizable state of the given FRAMEWIN widget.


void FRAMEWIN_SetResizeable(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj,
                            int             State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
State 1 if the frame window should be resizable, 0 if not.

Additional information

If the FRAMEWIN widget is in resizable state its size can be changed by dragging the borders. If a pointer input device points over the border, the cursor will change to a resize cursor (if cursor is on and if optional mouse support is enabled). If pointing to the edge of the border, the X and Y size of the window can be changed simultaneously.

Before After


Sets the title text.


void FRAMEWIN_SetText(      FRAMEWIN_Handle   hObj,
                      const char            * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
s Text to display as the title.
Before After


Sets the text alignment of the title bar.


void FRAMEWIN_SetTextAlign(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj,
                           int             Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
Align Alignment attribute for the title. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.

Additional information

If this function is not called, the default behavior is to display the text centered.

Before After


Sets the color of the title text for both states, active and inactive.


void FRAMEWIN_SetTextColor(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj,
                           GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
Color Color to be set.
Before After


Sets the text color for the given state.


void FRAMEWIN_SetTextColorEx(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj,
                             unsigned        Index,
                             GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
Index See FRAMEWIN states for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.
Before After


Sets the height of the title bar.


int FRAMEWIN_SetTitleHeight(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj,
                            int             Height);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
Height Height of the title bar.

Additional information

Per default the height of the title bar depends on the size on the font used to display the title text. When using FRAMEWIN_SetTitleHeight() the height will be fixed to the given value. Changes of the font takes no effect concerning the height of the title bar. A value of 0 will restore the default behavior.

Before After


Sets the visibility flag of the title bar.


void FRAMEWIN_SetTitleVis(FRAMEWIN_Handle hObj,
                          int             Show);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of FRAMEWIN widget.
Show 1 for visible (default), 0 for hidden


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

FRAMEWIN button flags


These flags determine on which side of the FRAMEWIN widget a button should be added.


#define FRAMEWIN_BUTTON_RIGHT    (1 << 0)
#define FRAMEWIN_BUTTON_LEFT     (1 << 1)


Definition Description
FRAMEWIN_BUTTON_RIGHT The BUTTON will be created at the right side.
FRAMEWIN_BUTTON_LEFT The BUTTON will be created at the left side.
FRAMEWIN create flags


Create flags that define the behavior of the FRAMEWIN widget. These flags are OR-combinable and can be specified upon creation of the widget via the ExFlags parameter of FRAMEWIN_CreateEx().


#define FRAMEWIN_CF_ACTIVE       (1 << 3)
#define FRAMEWIN_CF_MOVEABLE     (1 << 4)
#define FRAMEWIN_CF_TITLEVIS     (1 << 5)
#define FRAMEWIN_CF_MINIMIZED    (1 << 6)
#define FRAMEWIN_CF_MAXIMIZED    (1 << 7)
#define FRAMEWIN_CF_DRAGGING     (1 << 8)


Definition Description
FRAMEWIN_CF_ACTIVE Active-state of the frame window. See FRAMEWIN_SetActive().
FRAMEWIN_CF_MOVEABLE Sets the frame window to a moveable state. See FRAMEWIN_SetMoveable().
FRAMEWIN_CF_TITLEVIS Visibility of the frame window’s title. See FRAMEWIN_SetTitleVis().
FRAMEWIN_CF_MINIMIZED Minimized-state of the frame window. See FRAMEWIN_Minimize().
FRAMEWIN_CF_MAXIMIZED Maximized-state of the frame window. See FRAMEWIN_Maximize().


State of the FRAMEWIN used for various functions.


#define FRAMEWIN_CI_ACTIVE      1


Definition Description

The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of WIDGET_FrameWin.c:

GAUGE: Gauge widget

The GAUGE widget displays a value in a certain range like a progress bar, but instead the progress is displayed in a radial manner. A GAUGE is consists of two arcs that are drawn, a background line and a foreground line. The foreground line’s length shows the set value of the GAUGE widget. Depending on the given angle, the widget can obviously also show two circles instead of two arcs.


All GAUGE-related routines are in the file(s) GAUGE.c and GAUGE.h.
All identifiers are prefixed with GAUGE.

The GAUGE shown below has a gray background line and and green foreground line.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N GAUGE_COLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Color of the background line.
N GAUGE_COLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_DARKGRAY Color of the foreground line.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make GAUGE widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_GAUGE0    0x340
#define GUI_ID_GAUGE1    0x341
#define GUI_ID_GAUGE2    0x342
#define GUI_ID_GAUGE3    0x343
#define GUI_ID_GAUGE4    0x344
#define GUI_ID_GAUGE5    0x345
#define GUI_ID_GAUGE6    0x346
#define GUI_ID_GAUGE7    0x347
#define GUI_ID_GAUGE8    0x348
#define GUI_ID_GAUGE9    0x349
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a GAUGE widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED The value of the GAUGE widget has been changed.
Keyboard reaction

The widget can not receive input focus and therefore does not react on any keys.


The table below lists the available emWin GAUGE-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
GAUGE_CreateIndirect() Creates a GAUGE widget from a resource table entry.
GAUGE_CreateUser() Creates a GAUGE widget.
GAUGE_EnableCCW() When enabled, the widget works counterclockwise.
GAUGE_GetRange() Gets the range in angles where the GAUGE will be drawn.
GAUGE_GetValue() Returns the current value of a GAUGE.
GAUGE_SetAlign() Sets the alignment of the arc drawn in the GAUGE widget.
GAUGE_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the GAUGE widget.
GAUGE_SetColor() Sets the color of the line drawn in the GAUGE widget.
GAUGE_SetOffset() Sets an X and Y offset to the arc drawn in the GAUGE widget.
GAUGE_SetRadius() Sets the radius of the GAUGE.
GAUGE_SetRange() Sets the range in angles where the GAUGE will be drawn.
GAUGE_SetRoundedEnd() When enabled, the background line will be drawn with a rounded edge on the ends.
GAUGE_SetRoundedValue() When enabled, the foreground line will be drawn with a rounded edge on the ends.
GAUGE_SetValue() Sets a new value for the GAUGE widget.
GAUGE_SetValueRange() Defines the range of the values shown by the GAUGE widget.
GAUGE_SetWidth() Sets the width of the line drawn in the GAUGE widget.


Group of defines Description
GAUGE curved flags Define if the GAUGE’s arcs should have rounded edges.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The elements Flags and Para of the resource passed as parameter are not used.



Creates a GAUGE widget.


GAUGE_Handle GAUGE_CreateUser(int     x0,
                              int     y0,
                              int     xSize,
                              int     ySize,
                              WM_HWIN hParent,
                              int     WinFlags,
                              int     ExFlags,
                              int     Id,
                              int     NumExtraBytes);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the GAUGE widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the GAUGE widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the GAUGE widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the GAUGE widget (in pixels).
hParent Parent window of the GAUGE widget.
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags See GAUGE curved flags.
Id ID of the GAUGE widget.
NumExtraBytes Number of extra bytes to be allocated.

Return value

Handle of the GAUGE widget.



When enabled, the widget works counterclockwise.


void GAUGE_EnableCCW(GAUGE_Handle hObj,
                     int          OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GAUGE widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling, 0 for disabling.


Returns the current value of a GAUGE.


I32 GAUGE_GetValue(GAUGE_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GAUGE widget.

Return value

Value of the GAUGE widget.



Gets the range in angles where the GAUGE will be drawn.


void GAUGE_GetRange(GAUGE_Handle   hObj,
                    I32          * pAng0,
                    I32          * pAng1);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GAUGE widget.
pAng0 Pointer to I32 for starting point.
pAng1 Pointer to I32 for ending point.


Sets the alignment of the arc drawn in the GAUGE widget.


void GAUGE_SetAlign(GAUGE_Handle hObj,
                    int          Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GAUGE widget.
Align Alignment of the arc in the widget area. Text alignment flags can be used.
Before After


Sets the background color of the GAUGE widget.


void GAUGE_SetBkColor(GAUGE_Handle hObj,
                      GUI_COLOR    BkColor);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GAUGE widget.
BkColor New background color.
Before After


Sets the color of the line drawn in the GAUGE widget.


void GAUGE_SetColor(GAUGE_Handle hObj,
                    unsigned     Index,
                    GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GAUGE widget.
Index Line index, 0 for the background line, 1 for the foreground line.
Color Color of the specified line.


Sets an X and Y offset to the arc drawn in the GAUGE widget.


void GAUGE_SetOffset(GAUGE_Handle hObj,
                     int          xOff,
                     int          yOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GAUGE widget.
xOff X-offset in pixels.
yOff Y-offset in pixels.


Sets the radius of the GAUGE.


void GAUGE_SetRadius(GAUGE_Handle hObj,
                     int          Radius);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GAUGE widget.
Radius Radius to be used.


Sets the range in angles where the GAUGE will be drawn.


void GAUGE_SetRange(GAUGE_Handle hObj,
                    I32          Ang0,
                    I32          Ang1);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GAUGE widget.
Ang0 Angle of starting point.
Ang1 Angle of ending point.

Additional information

The angles have to be specified in 100th of degrees. For example, 90° equals to 9000.

Before After


When enabled, the background line will be drawn with a rounded edge on the ends.


void GAUGE_SetRoundedEnd(GAUGE_Handle hObj,
                         int          OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GAUGE widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling, 0 for disabling.
Before After


When enabled, the foreground line will be drawn with a rounded edge on the ends. The foreground line is the line that displays the GAUGE’s value.


void GAUGE_SetRoundedValue(GAUGE_Handle hObj,
                           int          OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GAUGE widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling, 0 for disabling.
Before After


Sets a new value for the GAUGE widget.


void GAUGE_SetValue(GAUGE_Handle hObj,
                    I32          Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GAUGE widget.
Value New value to be set.


Defines the range of the values shown by the GAUGE widget.


void GAUGE_SetValueRange(GAUGE_Handle hObj,
                         I32          Min,
                         I32          Max);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GAUGE widget.
Min Minimum value to be set.
Max Maximum value to be set.
Before After


Sets the width of the line drawn in the GAUGE widget.


void GAUGE_SetWidth(GAUGE_Handle hObj,
                    unsigned     Index,
                    int          Width);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GAUGE widget.
Index Line index, 0 for the background line, 1 for the foreground line.
Width Width of the specified line.
GAUGE curved flags


With these flags the drawing of the widget’s arc lines can be set to have round edges. The flags can be used upon creation of the GAUGE widget.


#define GAUGE_CURVED_VALUE     (1 << 0)
#define GAUGE_CURVED_END       (1 << 1)
#define GAUGE_DIRECTION_CCW    (1 << 2)


Definition Description
GAUGE_CURVED_VALUE The arc that is drawn for the GAUGE’s value will have a curved edge on the beginning and end of the line.
GAUGE_CURVED_END The background arc will be drawn with a curved edge on the beginning and end of the line.
GAUGE_DIRECTION_CCW Widget works counterclockwise

GRAPH: Graph widget

GRAPH widgets can be used to visualize data. Typical applications for GRAPH widgets are showing measurement values or the curve of a function graph. Multiple curves can be shown simultaneously. Horizontal and vertical scales can be used to label the curves. A grid with different horizontal and vertical spacing can be shown on the background. If the data array does not fit into the visible area of the graph, the widget can automatically show scroll bars which allow scrolling through large data arrays.

Structure of the graph widget

A GRAPH widget consists of different kinds objects:

The following diagram shows the detailed structure of a graph widget:

The following table explains the details of the diagram above:

Detail Description
Border The optional border is part of the graph widget.
Frame A thin line around the data area, part of the graph widget.
Grid Shown in the background of the data area, part of the graph widget.
Data area Area, in which grid and data objects are shown.
Data object(s) For each curve one data object should be added to the graph widget.
Application defined graphic An application defined callback function can be used to draw any application defined text and/or graphics.
Scrollbar(s) If the range of the data object is bigger than the data area of the graph widget, the graph widget can automatically show a horizontal and/or a vertical scroll bar.
Scale object(s) Horizontal and vertical scales can be attached to the graph widget.
X-Size X-Size of the data area.
Y-Size Y-Size of the data area.
Creating and deleting a graph widget

The process of creating a GRAPH widget should be the following:

Once attached to the graph widget the data and scale objects need not to be deleted by the application. This is done by the graph widget.


The following shows a small example how to create and delete a GRAPH widget:

GRAPH_DATA_Handle  hData;
GRAPH_SCALE_Handle hScale;
WM_HWIN hGraph;
hGraph = GRAPH_CreateEx(10, 10, 216, 106, WM_HBKWIN, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, GUI_ID_GRAPH0);
hData  = GRAPH_DATA_YT_Create(GUI_DARKGREEN, NumDataItems, aData0, MaxNumDataItems);
GRAPH_AttachData(hGraph, hData);
GRAPH_AttachScale(hGraph, hScale);
  Do something with the widget...
Drawing process

As explained above a GRAPH widget consists of different parts and ’sub’ objects. The following will explain, in which sequence the widget is drawn:

Supported types of curves

The requirements for showing a curve with continuously updated measurement values can be different to the requirements when showing a function graph with X/Y coordinates. For that reason the widget currently supports 2 kinds of data objects, which are shown in the table below:


This data object is used to show curves which consist of an array of points. The object data is drawn as a polyline. A typical application for using this data object is drawing a function graph.


This data object is used to show curves with one Y-value for each X-position on the graph. A typical application for using this data object is showing a curve with continuously updated measurement values.

Configuration options
Graph widget
Type Macro Default Description
N GRAPH_BKCOLOR_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Default background color of the data area.
N GRAPH_BORDERCOLOR_DEFAULT 0xC0C0C0 Default background color of the border.
N GRAPH_FRAMECOLOR_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Default color of the thin frame line.
N GRAPH_GRIDCOLOR_DEFAULT GUI_DARKGRAY Default color used to draw the grid.
N GRAPH_GRIDSPACING_X_DEFAULT 50 Default horizontal spacing of the grid.
N GRAPH_GRIDSPACING_Y_DEFAULT 50 Default vertical spacing of the grid.
N GRAPH_BORDER_L_DEFAULT 0 Default size of the left border.
N GRAPH_BORDER_T_DEFAULT 0 Default size of the top border.
N GRAPH_BORDER_R_DEFAULT 0 Default size of the right border.
N GRAPH_BORDER_B_DEFAULT 0 Default size of the bottom border.
Scale object
Type Macro Default Description
S GRAPH_SCALE_FONT_DEFAULT &GUI_Font6x8 Default font used to draw the values.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make GRAPH widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_GRAPH0    0x220
#define GUI_ID_GRAPH1    0x221
#define GUI_ID_GRAPH2    0x222
#define GUI_ID_GRAPH3    0x223
#define GUI_ID_GRAPH4    0x224
#define GUI_ID_GRAPH5    0x225
#define GUI_ID_GRAPH6    0x226
#define GUI_ID_GRAPH7    0x227
#define GUI_ID_GRAPH8    0x228
#define GUI_ID_GRAPH9    0x229
Keyboard reaction

The widget can not gain the input focus and does not react on keyboard input.


The table below lists the available emWin GRAPH-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
Common routines
GRAPH_AttachData() Attaches a data object to an existing GRAPH widget.
GRAPH_AttachScale() Attaches a scale object to an existing GRAPH widget.
GRAPH_CreateEx() Creates a GRAPH widget.
GRAPH_CreateIndirect() Creates a GRAPH widget from a resource table entry.
GRAPH_CreateUser() Creates a GRAPH widget using extra bytes as user data.
GRAPH_DetachData() Detaches a data object from a GRAPH widget.
GRAPH_DetachScale() Detaches a scale object from a GRAPH widget.
GRAPH_GetColor() This function returns one of the colors set for the GRAPH widget.
GRAPH_GetScrollValue() Returns the current scroll value for the given scroll bar.
GRAPH_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with GRAPH_SetUserData().
GRAPH_InvertScrollbar() Inverts the direction of the attached scrollbars.
GRAPH_SetAutoScrollbar() Sets the automatic use of scroll bars.
GRAPH_SetBorder() Sets the left, top, right and bottom border of the given GRAPH widget.
GRAPH_SetColor() Sets the desired color of the given GRAPH widget.
GRAPH_SetGridDistX() Sets the horizontal grid spacing.
GRAPH_SetGridDistY() Sets the vertical grid spacing.
GRAPH_SetGridFixedX() Fixes the grid in X-axis.
GRAPH_SetGridOffX() Adds an offset used to show the vertical grid lines.
GRAPH_SetGridOffY() Adds an offset used to show the horizontal grid lines.
GRAPH_SetGridVis() Sets the visibility of the grid lines.
GRAPH_SetLineStyleH() Sets the line style used to draw the horizontal grid lines.
GRAPH_SetLineStyleV() Sets the line style used to draw the vertical grid lines.
GRAPH_SetScrollValue() Sets the scroll value for the given scroll bar.
GRAPH_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a GRAPH widget.
GRAPH_SetUserDraw() Sets the user draw function.
GRAPH_SetVSizeX() Sets the virtual size in X-axis.
GRAPH_SetVSizeY() Sets the virtual size in Y-axis.
GRAPH_DATA_YT related routines
GRAPH_DATA_YT_AddValue() Adds a new data item to a GRAPH_DATA_YT object.
GRAPH_DATA_YT_Clear() Clears all data items of the data object.
GRAPH_DATA_YT_Create() Creates a GRAPH_DATA_YT object.
GRAPH_DATA_YT_Delete() Deletes the given data object.
GRAPH_DATA_YT_GetValue() Returns value for the given index.
GRAPH_DATA_YT_MirrorX() Mirrors the x-axis of the widget.
GRAPH_DATA_YT_SetAlign() Sets the alignment of the data.
GRAPH_DATA_YT_SetColor() This function sets a color for the given data object.
GRAPH_DATA_YT_SetOffY() Sets a vertical offset used to draw the object data.
GRAPH_DATA_XY related routines
GRAPH_DATA_XY_AddPoint() Adds a new data item to a GRAPH_DATA_XY object.
GRAPH_DATA_XY_Clear() Clears all data items of the data object.
GRAPH_DATA_XY_Create() Creates a GRAPH_DATA_XY object.
GRAPH_DATA_XY_Delete() Deletes the given data object.
GRAPH_DATA_XY_GetLineVis() Returns if the line of the data object is visible.
GRAPH_DATA_XY_GetPoint() Returns a point for the given index.
GRAPH_DATA_XY_GetPointVis() Returns if the points of a data object have been made visible.
GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetColor() This function sets a color for the given data object.
GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetLineStyle() Sets the line style used to draw the polyline.
GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetLineVis() Sets the visibility of the data object’s line.
GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetOffX() Sets a horizontal offset used to draw the polyline.
GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetOffY() Sets a vertical offset used to draw the polyline.
GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetOwnerDraw() Sets the owner callback function.
GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetPenSize() Sets the pen size used to draw the polyline.
GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetPointVis() Makes all points of a data object visible.
Scale related routines
GRAPH_SCALE_Create() Creates a GRAPH_SCALE object.
GRAPH_SCALE_Delete() Deletes the given scale object.
GRAPH_SCALE_SetFactor() Sets a factor used to calculate the numbers to be drawn.
GRAPH_SCALE_SetFont() Sets the font used to draw the scale numbers.
GRAPH_SCALE_SetNumDecs() Sets the number of post decimal positions to be shown.
GRAPH_SCALE_SetOff() Sets an offset used to ’shift’ the scale object in positive or negative direction.
GRAPH_SCALE_SetPos() Sets the position for showing the scale object within the GRAPH widget.
GRAPH_SCALE_SetTextColor() Sets the text color used to draw the numbers.
GRAPH_SCALE_SetTickDist() Sets the distance from one number to the next.


Group of defines Description
GRAPH alignment flags Determine the alignment of the date of a graph.
GRAPH color indexes Color indexes used by the GRAPH widget.
GRAPH create flags Create flags used for GRAPH widgets.
GRAPH user draw stages Color indexes used by the GRAPH widget.
SCALE create flags Create flags used for scale objects.
Before After


Attaches a data object to an existing GRAPH widget.


void GRAPH_AttachData(GRAPH_Handle      hObj,
                      GRAPH_DATA_Handle hData);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget
hData Handle of the data object to be added to the widget. The data object should be created with GRAPH_DATA_YT_Create() or GRAPH_DATA_XY_Create().

Additional information

Once attached to a GRAPH widget the application does not need to destroy the data object.
The GRAPH widget deletes all attached data objects when it is deleted. For details about how to create data objects, refer to GRAPH_DATA_YT_Create() and GRAPH_DATA_XY_Create().



Attaches a scale object to an existing GRAPH widget.


void GRAPH_AttachScale(GRAPH_Handle       hObj,
                       GRAPH_SCALE_Handle hScale);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget
hScale Handle of the scale to be added.

Additional information

Once attached to a GRAPH widget the application does not need to destroy the scale object. The GRAPH widget deletes all attached scale objects when it is deleted. For details about how to create scale objects, refer to GRAPH_SCALE_Create.



Creates a new GRAPH widget of a specified size at a specified location.


GRAPH_Handle GRAPH_CreateEx(int     x0,
                            int     y0,
                            int     xSize,
                            int     ySize,
                            WM_HWIN hParent,
                            int     WinFlags,
                            int     ExFlags,
                            int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new button window will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags See GRAPH create flags.
Id Window Id of the widget.

Return value

Handle of the created GRAPH widget; 0 if the function fails.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function GRAPH_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function GRAPH_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Detaches a data object from a GRAPH widget.


void GRAPH_DetachData(GRAPH_Handle      hObj,
                      GRAPH_DATA_Handle hData);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget
hData Handle of the data object to be detached from the widget.

Additional information

Once detached from a GRAPH widget the application needs to destroy the data object. Detaching a data object does not delete it. For more details about deleting data objects, refer to GRAPH_DATA_YT_Delete() and GRAPH_DATA_XY_Delete().



Detaches a scale object from a GRAPH widget.


void GRAPH_DetachScale(GRAPH_Handle       hObj,
                       GRAPH_SCALE_Handle hScale);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget
hScale Handle of the scale object to be detached from the widget.

Additional information

Once detached from a GRAPH widget the application needs to destroy the scale object. Detaching a scale object does not delete it. For more details about deleting scale objects, refer to GRAPH_SCALE_Delete().



This function returns one of the colors set for the GRAPH widget.


                         unsigned     Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget
Index See GRAPH color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The color which corresponds to the given index.



Returns the current scroll value for the given scroll bar.


I32 GRAPH_GetScrollValue(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                         U8           Coord);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget
Coord See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Coord
GUI_COORD_X Get the horizontal scroll value.
GUI_COORD_Y Get the vertical scroll value.

Return value

Current scroll value. -1, if scroll value could not be determined.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



This function inverts the direction of the attached scrollbars.


void GRAPH_InvertScrollbar(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                           U8           Coord);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget
Coord See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Coord
GUI_COORD_X Inverts the horizontal scrollbar.
GUI_COORD_Y Inverts the vertical scrollbar.


Sets the automatic use of scroll bars.


void GRAPH_SetAutoScrollbar(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                            U8           Coord,
                            U8           OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget
Coord See table below.
OnOff 1 the scroll bar should be used automatically. 0, if the scroll bar should not be created automatically.
Permitted values for parameter Coord
GUI_COORD_X Toggle automatic creation of the horizontal scrollbar.
GUI_COORD_Y Toggle automatic creation of the vertical scrollbar.
Before After


Sets the left, top, right and bottom border of the given GRAPH widget.


void GRAPH_SetBorder(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                     unsigned     BorderL,
                     unsigned     BorderT,
                     unsigned     BorderR,
                     unsigned     BorderB);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget.
BorderL Size in pixels from the left border.
BorderT Size in pixels from the top border.
BorderR Size in pixels from the right border.
BorderB Size in pixels from the bottom border.

Additional information

The border size is the number of pixels between the widget effect frame and the data area of the GRAPH widget. The frame, the thin line around the data area, is only visible if the border size is at least one pixel. For details about how to set the color of the border and the thin frame, refer to GRAPH_SetColor().

Before After


Sets the desired color of the given GRAPH widget.


                         GUI_COLOR    Color,
                         unsigned     Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget.
Color Color to be used for the desired item.
Index See GRAPH color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Previous color used for the desired item.

Before After


These functions set the distance from one grid line to the next.


unsigned GRAPH_SetGridDistX(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned     Value);
unsigned GRAPH_SetGridDistY(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned     Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget.
Value Distance in pixels from one grid line to the next, default is 50 pixel.

Return value

Previous grid line distance.

Additional information

The first vertical grid line is drawn at the leftmost position of the data area and the first horizontal grid line is drawn at the bottom position of the data area, except an offset is used.



Fixes the grid in X-axis.


unsigned GRAPH_SetGridFixedX(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                             unsigned     OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget.
OnOff 1 if grid should be fixed in X-axis, 0 if not (default).

Return value

Previous value used.

Additional information

In some situations it can be useful to fix the grid in X-axis. A typical application would be a YT-graph, to which continuously new values are added and horizontal scrolling is possible. In this case it could be desirable to fix the grid in the background. For details about how to activate scrolling for a GRAPH widget, refer to GRAPH_SetVSizeX().



Adds an offset used to show the vertical grid lines. Similar to GRAPH_SetGridOffY().


unsigned GRAPH_SetGridOffX(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned     Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget.
Value Offset to be used.

Return value

Previous offset used to draw the vertical grid lines.

Before After


Adds an offset used to show the horizontal grid lines.


unsigned GRAPH_SetGridOffY(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned     Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget.
Value Offset to be used.

Return value

Previous offset used to draw the horizontal grid lines.

Additional information

When rendering the grid the widget starts drawing the horizontal grid lines from the bottom of the data area and uses the current spacing. In case of a zero point in the middle of the Y-axis it could happen, that there is no grid line in the middle. In this case the grid can be shifted in Y-axis by adding an offset with this function. A positive value shifts the grid down and negative values shifts it up.

For details about how to set the grid spacing, refer to the functions GRAPH_SetGridDistX() and GRAPH_SetGridDistY().

Before After


Sets the visibility of the grid lines.


unsigned GRAPH_SetGridVis(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned     OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget.
OnOff 1 if the grid should be visible, 0 if not (default).

Return value

Previous value of the grid visibility.

Before After


These functions are used to set the line style used to draw the horizontal and vertical grid lines.


U8 GRAPH_SetLineStyleH(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                       U8           LineStyle);
U8 GRAPH_SetLineStyleV(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                       U8           LineStyle);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget.
LineStyle Line style to be used. For details about the supported line styles, refer to GUI_SetLineStyle().
Default is GUI_LS_SOLID.

Return value

Previous line style used to draw the horizontal/vertical grid lines.

Additional information

Note that using other styles than GUI_LS_SOLID will need more time to show the grid.

Before After


Sets the scroll value for the given scroll bar.


void GRAPH_SetScrollValue(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                          U8           Coord,
                          U32          Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget.
Coord See table below.
Value Scroll value to set.
Permitted values for parameter Coord
GUI_COORD_X Set the horizontal scroll value.
GUI_COORD_Y Set the vertical scroll value.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

Before After


Sets the user draw function. This function is called by the widget during the drawing process to give the application the possibility to draw user defined data.


void GRAPH_SetUserDraw(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                       void         ( *pUserDraw)(WM_HWIN , int ));


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget
pUserDraw Pointer to application function to be called by the widget during the drawing process.

Additional information

The user draw function is called at the beginning after filling the background of the data area and after drawing all GRAPH items like described at the beginning of the chapter. On the first call the clipping region is limited to the data area. On the last call it is limited to the complete GRAPH widget area except the effect frame.


The user draw routine is called with a parameter State, available values for this parameter are listed under GRAPH user draw stages.


static void _UserDraw(WM_HWIN hWin, int Stage) {
  switch (Stage) {
    // Draw for example a user defined grid...
    // Draw for example a user defined scale or additional text...
static void _CreateGraph(void) {
  WM_HWIN hGraph;
  hGraph = GRAPH_CreateEx(10, 10, 216, 106, WM_HBKWIN, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, GUI_ID_GRAPH0);
  GRAPH_SetUserDraw(hGraph, _UserDraw);  // Enable user draw
Before After


The functions set the virtual size in X and Y-axis.


unsigned GRAPH_SetVSizeX(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned     Value);
unsigned GRAPH_SetVSizeY(GRAPH_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned     Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of GRAPH widget.
Value Virtual size in pixels in X or Y axis.

Return value

Previous virtual size of the widgets data area in X or Y-axis.

Additional information

If the widgets virtual size is bigger than the visible size of the data area, the widget automatically shows a scroll bar. If for example a data object, created by the function GRAPH_DATA_YT_Create(), contains more data than can be shown in the data area, the function GRAPH_SetVSizeX() can be used to enable scrolling. A function call like GRAPH_SetVSizeX(NumDataItems) enables the horizontal scroll bar, provided that the number of data items is bigger than the X-size of the visible data area.

Before After


Adds a new data item to a GRAPH_DATA_YT object.


void GRAPH_DATA_YT_AddValue(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj,
                            I16               Value);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.
Value Value to be added to the data object.

Additional information

The given data value is added to the data object. If the data object is ’full’, that means it contains as many data items as specified in parameter MaxNumItems during the creation, it first shifts the data items by one before adding the new value. So the first data item is shifted out when adding a data item to a ’full’ object. The value 0x7FFF can be used to handle invalid data values. These values are excluded when drawing the GRAPH. The following screenshot shows a graph with 2 gaps of invalid data:

Before After


Clears all data items of the data object.


void GRAPH_DATA_YT_Clear(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.


Creates a GRAPH_DATA_YT object. This kind of object requires for each point on the x-axis a value on the y-axis. Typically used for time related graphs.


GRAPH_DATA_Handle GRAPH_DATA_YT_Create(      GUI_COLOR   Color,
                                             unsigned    MaxNumItems,
                                       const I16       * pItems,
                                             unsigned    NumItems);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used to draw the data.
MaxNumItems Maximum number of data items.
pItems Pointer to data to be added to the object. The pointer should point to an array of I16 values.
NumItems Number of data items to be added.

Return value

Handle of data object if creation was successful, otherwise 0.

Additional information

The last data item is shown at the rightmost column of the data area. If a data object contains more data as can be shown in the data area of the GRAPH widget, the function GRAPH_SetVSizeX() can be used to show a scroll bar which makes it possible to scroll through large data objects.
Once attached to a GRAPH widget a data object does not need to be deleted by the application. This is automatically done during the deletion of the GRAPH widget.



Deletes the given data object.


void GRAPH_DATA_YT_Delete(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object to be deleted.

Additional information

When a GRAPH widget is deleted it deletes all currently attached data objects. So the application needs only to delete unattached data objects.



Returns value for the given index.


int GRAPH_DATA_YT_GetValue(GRAPH_DATA_Handle   hDataObj,
                           I16               * pValue,
                           U32                 Index);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.
pValue Pointer to a I16 variable.
Index Index of data to be received.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.
Before After


Mirrors the x-axis of the widget.


void GRAPH_DATA_YT_MirrorX(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj,
                           int               OnOff);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.
OnOff 1 for mirroring the x-axis, 0 for default view.

Additional information

Per default the data is drawn from the right to the left. After calling this function the data is drawn from the left to the right.

Before After


Sets the alignment of the data.


void GRAPH_DATA_YT_SetAlign(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj,
                            int               Align);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.
Align Alignment of the data. See GRAPH alignment flags.


This function sets a color for the given data object.


                                 GUI_COLOR         Color);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle to data object.
Color Color to be set.
Before After


Sets a vertical offset used to draw the object data.


void GRAPH_DATA_YT_SetOffY(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj,
                           int               Off);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.
Off Vertical offset which should be used to draw the data.

Additional information

The vertical range of data, which is shown by the data object, is the range (0) - (Y-size of data area - 1). In case of using a scroll bar the current scroll position is added to the range.


If for example the visible data range should be -200 to -100 the data needs to be shifted in positive direction by 200 pixels:

GRAPH_DATA_YT_SetOffY(hDataObj, 200);

Before After


Adds a new data item to a GRAPH_DATA_XY object.


void GRAPH_DATA_XY_AddPoint(GRAPH_DATA_Handle   hDataObj,
                            GUI_POINT         * pPoint);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.
pPoint Pointer to a GUI_POINT structure to be added to the data object.

Additional information

The given point is added to the data object. If the data object is ’full’, that means it contains as many points as specified in parameter MaxNumItems during the creation, it first shifts the data items by one before adding the new point. So the first point is shifted out when adding a new point to a ’full’ object.



Clears all data items of the data object.


void GRAPH_DATA_XY_Clear(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.


Creates a GRAPH_DATA_XY object. This kind of object is able to store any pairs of values which will be connected by adding order.


GRAPH_DATA_Handle GRAPH_DATA_XY_Create(      GUI_COLOR   Color,
                                             unsigned    MaxNumItems,
                                       const GUI_POINT * pItems,
                                             unsigned    NumItems);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used to draw the data.
MaxNumItems Maximum number of points.
pData Pointer to data to be added to the object. The pointer should point to a GUI_POINT array.
NumItems Number of points to be added.

Return value

Handle of data object if creation was successful, otherwise 0.

Additional information

Once attached to a GRAPH widget a data object does not need to be deleted by the application. This is automatically done during the deletion of the GRAPH widget.



Deletes the given data object.


void GRAPH_DATA_XY_Delete(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Data object to be deleted.

Additional information

When a GRAPH widget is deleted it deletes all currently attached data objects. So the application needs only to delete unattached data objects.



Returns if the line of the data object is visible.


unsigned GRAPH_DATA_XY_GetLineVis(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.

Return value

0 Line is not visible.
1 Line is visible.


Returns a point for the given index.


int GRAPH_DATA_XY_GetPoint(GRAPH_DATA_Handle   hDataObj,
                           GUI_POINT         * pPoint,
                           U32                 Index);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.
pPoint Pointer to a GUI_POINT structure.
Index Index of data to be received.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.


Returns if the points of a data object have been made visible.


unsigned GRAPH_DATA_XY_GetPointVis(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.

Return value

0 Points are not made visible.
1 Points are made visible.


This function sets a color for the given data object.


                                 GUI_COLOR         Color);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.
Color Color to be set.
Before After


Sets the line style used to draw the polyline.


void GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetLineStyle(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj,
                                U8                LineStyle);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.
LineStyle New line style to be used. For details about the supported line styles refer to GUI_SetLineStyle().


Note that only curves with line style GUI_LS_SOLID (default) can be drawn with a pen size > 1.



Sets the visibility of the data object’s line.


unsigned GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetLineVis(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj,
                                  unsigned          OnOff);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.
OnOff 1 to make the line visible, 0 to clear visibility flag.

Return value

0 If line was not previously visible.
1 If line was previously visible.
Before After


Sets a vertical or horizontal offset used to draw the polyline.


void GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetOffX(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj,
                           int               Off);
void GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetOffY(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj,
                           int               Off);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.
Off Horizontal/vertical offset which should be used to draw the polyline.

Additional information

The range of data shown by the data object is (0, 0) - (X-size of data area - 1, Y-size of data area - 1). In case of using scroll bars the current scroll position is added to the respective range. To make other ranges of data visible this function should be used to set an offset, so that the data is in the visible area.


If for example the visible data range should be (100, -1200) - (200, -1100) the following offsets need to be used:

GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetOffX(hDataObj, -100);
GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetOffY(hDataObj, 1200);


Sets the owner callback function. This function is called by the widget during the drawing process to give the application the possibility to draw additional items on top of the widget.


void GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetOwnerDraw(GRAPH_DATA_Handle       hDataObj,
                                WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC * pfOwnerDraw);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.
Color Color to be set.

Supported commands

Additional information

The owner draw function is called after background, scales and grid lines are drawn.


The following code snippet shows an example of an user draw function:

static int _cbData(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo) {
  switch (pDrawItemInfo->Cmd) {
    GUI_DrawRect(pDrawItemInfo->x0 - 3, pDrawItemInfo->y0 - 3,
                 pDrawItemInfo->x0 + 3, pDrawItemInfo->y0 + 3);
  return 0;
void MainTask(void) {
  WM_HWIN            hGraph;
  GRAPH_DATA_Handle  hData;
  hGraph = GRAPH_CreateEx (140, 100, 171, 131, 0, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, GUI_ID_GRAPH0);
  hData  = GRAPH_DATA_XY_Create(USER_DEFINED_COLOR, 126, 0, 0);
  GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetOwnerDraw(hData, _cbData);
Before After


Sets the pen size used to draw the polyline.


void GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetPenSize(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj,
                              U8                PenSize);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.
PenSize Pen size which should be used to draw the polyline.


Note that only curves with line style GUI_LS_SOLID (default) can be drawn with a pen size > 1.

Before After


Makes all points of a data object visible. Each point has a small marking.


unsigned GRAPH_DATA_XY_SetPointVis(GRAPH_DATA_Handle hDataObj,
                                   unsigned          OnOff);


Parameter Description
hDataObj Handle of data object.
OnOff 1 to make all points visible, 0 to just show the line.

Return value

0 If points were not previously visible.
1 If points were previously visible.

The GRAPH widget supports horizontal and vertical scales for labeling purpose. The following describes the available functions for using scales.



Creates a GRAPH_SCALE object.


GRAPH_SCALE_Handle GRAPH_SCALE_Create(int      Pos,
                                      int      TextAlign,
                                      unsigned Flags,
                                      unsigned TickDist);


Parameter Description
Pos Position relative to the left/top edge of the GRAPH widget.
TextAlign Text alignment used to draw the numbers. See Text alignment flags.
Flags See SCALE create flags.
TickDist Distance from one tick mark to the next.

Return value

Handle of the scale object if creation was successful, otherwise 0.

Additional information

A horizontal scale object starts labeling from the bottom edge of the data area to the top and a vertical scale object from the left edge (horizontal scale) to the right, where the first position is the zero point. The parameter TickDist specifies the distance between the numbers.

The parameter Pos specifies in case of a horizontal scale the vertical distance in pixels from the top edge of the GRAPH widget to the scale text. In case of a vertical scale the parameter specifies the horizontal distance from the left edge of the GRAPH widget to the horizontal text position. Note that the actual text position also depends on the text alignment specified with parameter TextAlign.

The scale object draws a number for each position which is within the data area. In case of a horizontal scale there is one exception: If the first position is 0 no number is drawn at this position.

Once attached to a GRAPH widget a scale object does not need to be deleted by the application. This is automatically done during the deletion of the GRAPH widget.



Deletes the given scale object.


void GRAPH_SCALE_Delete(GRAPH_SCALE_Handle hScaleObj);


Parameter Description
hScaleObj Handle of scale object to be deleted.

Additional information

When a GRAPH widget is deleted it deletes all currently attached scale objects. So the application needs only to delete unattached scale objects.

Before After


Sets a factor used to calculate the numbers to be drawn.


float GRAPH_SCALE_SetFactor(GRAPH_SCALE_Handle hScaleObj,
                            float              Factor);


Parameter Description
hScaleObj Handle of scale object.
Factor Factor to be used to calculate the number.

Return value

Old factor used to calculate the numbers.

Additional information

Without using a factor the unit of the scale object is ’pixel’. So the given factor should convert the pixel value to the desired unit.

Before After


Sets the font used to draw the scale numbers.


GUI_FONT *GRAPH_SCALE_SetFont(      GRAPH_SCALE_Handle   hScaleObj,
                              const GUI_FONT           * pFont);


Parameter Description
hScaleObj Handle of scale object.
pFont Font to be used.

Return value

Previous used font used to draw the numbers.

Before After


Sets the number of post decimal positions to be shown.


int GRAPH_SCALE_SetNumDecs(GRAPH_SCALE_Handle hScaleObj,
                           int                NumDecs);


Parameter Description
hScaleObj Handle of scale object.
NumDecs Number of post decimal positions.

Return value

Previous number of post decimal positions.

Before After


Sets an offset used to ’shift’ the scale object in positive or negative direction.


int GRAPH_SCALE_SetOff(GRAPH_SCALE_Handle hScaleObj,
                       int                Off);


Parameter Description
hScaleObj Handle of scale object.
Off Offset used for drawing the scale.

Return value

Previous used offset.

Additional information

As described under the function GRAPH_SCALE_Create() a horizontal scale object starts labeling from the bottom edge of the data area to the top and a vertical scale object from the left edge (horizontal scale) to the right, where the first position is the zero point. In many situations it is not desirable, that the first position is the zero point. If the scale should be ’shifted’ in positive direction, a positive offset should be added, for negative direction a negative value.

Before After


Sets the position for showing the scale object within the GRAPH widget.


int GRAPH_SCALE_SetPos(GRAPH_SCALE_Handle hScaleObj,
                       int                Pos);


Parameter Description
hScaleObj Handle of scale object.
Pos Position, at which the scale should be shown.

Return value

Previous position of the scale object.

Additional information

The parameter Pos specifies in case of a horizontal scale the vertical distance in pixels from the top edge of the GRAPH widget to the scale text. In case of a vertical scale the parameter specifies the horizontal distance from the left edge of the GRAPH widget to the horizontal text position. Note that the actual text position also depends on the text alignment of the scale object.

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Sets the text color used to draw the numbers.


                                   GUI_COLOR          Color);


Parameter Description
hScaleObj Handle of scale object.
Color Color to be used to show the numbers.

Return value

Previous color used to show the numbers.

Before After


Sets the distance from one number to the next.


unsigned GRAPH_SCALE_SetTickDist(GRAPH_SCALE_Handle hScaleObj,
                                 unsigned           Value);


Parameter Description
hScaleObj Handle of scale object.
Dist Distance in pixels between the numbers.

Return value

Previous distance between the numbers.

GRAPH alignment flags


Flags that define the alignment of the date of a graph.


#define GRAPH_ALIGN_RIGHT    (0 << 0)
#define GRAPH_ALIGN_LEFT     (1 << 0)


Definition Description
GRAPH_ALIGN_RIGHT The data is aligned at the right edge (default).
GRAPH_ALIGN_LEFT The data is aligned at the left edge.
GRAPH color indexes


Color indexes used by the GRAPH widget.


#define GRAPH_CI_BK        0
#define GRAPH_CI_BORDER    1
#define GRAPH_CI_FRAME     2
#define GRAPH_CI_GRID      3


Definition Description
GRAPH_CI_BK Background color.
GRAPH_CI_BORDER Color of the border area.
GRAPH_CI_FRAME Color of the thin frame line.
GRAPH_CI_GRID Color of the grid.
GRAPH create flags


Create flags used for GRAPH objects.


#define GRAPH_CF_GRID_FIXED_X         (1 << 0)
#define GRAPH_CF_AVOID_SCROLLBAR_H    (1 << 1)
#define GRAPH_CF_AVOID_SCROLLBAR_V    (1 << 2)


Definition Description
GRAPH_CF_GRID_FIXED_X This flag ’fixes’ the grid in X-axis. That means if horizontal scrolling is used, the grid remains in its position.
GRAPH_CF_AVOID_SCROLLBAR_H Automatic use of a horizontal scrollbar is disabled. (Default).
GRAPH_CF_AVOID_SCROLLBAR_V Automatic use of a vertical scrollbar is disabled. (Default).
GRAPH user draw stages


Stages sent to a user draw routine with the Stage parameter. For more information, refer to GRAPH_SetUserDraw().


#define GRAPH_DRAW_FIRST           0
#define GRAPH_DRAW_LAST            2


Definition Description
GRAPH_DRAW_FIRST Gives the application the possibility to perform drawing operations at the beginning of the drawing process.
GRAPH_DRAW_AFTER_BORDER Gives the application the possibility to perform drawing operations after the border was drawn.
GRAPH_DRAW_LAST Performs final drawing operations.
SCALE create flags


Create flags used for scale objects.


#define GRAPH_SCALE_CF_HORIZONTAL    (0 << 0)
#define GRAPH_SCALE_CF_VERTICAL      (1 << 0)


Definition Description
GRAPH_SCALE_CF_HORIZONTAL Creates a horizontal scale object.
GRAPH_SCALE_CF_VERTICAL Creates a vertical scale object.

The Sample folder contains the following examples which show how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of WIDGET_GraphXY.c:

Screenshot of WIDGET_GraphYT.c:

HEADER: Header widget

HEADER widgets are used to label columns of a table:


All HEADER-related routines are located in the file(s) HEADER*.c, HEADER.h.
All identifiers are prefixed HEADER.

If a pointer input device (PID) is used, the width of the HEADER items can be managed by dragging the dividers by the PID.

Behavior with mouse

If mouse support is enabled, the cursor is on and the PID is moved nearby a divider the cursor will change to signal, that the divider can be dragged at the current position.

Behavior with touch screen

If the widget is pressed nearby a divider and the cursor is on the cursor will change to signal, that the divider can now be dragged.

Screenshot of drag-able divider

Predefined cursors

There are 2 predefined cursors as shown below:

GUI_CursorHeaderM (default) GUI_CursorHeaderMI

You can also create and use your own cursors when using a HEADER widget as described later in this chapter.


…is available for this widget. The screenshot above shows the widget using the default skin. Details can be found in the chapter Skinning.


This widget uses skinning. To change the look it is recommended to use the function <WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps(). Other functions to change the look might work only with the classic skin.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N HEADER_BKCOLOR_DEFAULT 0xAAAAAA Default value of background color.
S HEADER_CURSOR_DEFAULT &GUI_CursorHeaderM Default cursor.
S HEADER_FONT_DEFAULT &GUI_Font13_1 Default font.
N HEADER_BORDER_H_DEFAULT 2 Horizontal space between text and border.
N HEADER_BORDER_V_DEFAULT 0 Vertical space between text and border.
B HEADER_SUPPORT_DRAG 1 Enable/disable dragging support.
N HEADER_TEXTCOLOR_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Default value of text color.
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a HEADER widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED Widget has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED Widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT Widget has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the widget without releasing.
Keyboard reaction

The widget can not gain the input focus and does not react on keyboard input.


The table below lists the available emWin HEADER-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.

Routine Description
HEADER_AddItem() Adds an item to an already existing HEADER widget.
HEADER_Create() Creates a HEADER widget. (Obsolete)
HEADER_CreateAttached() Creates a HEADER widget attached to a window.
HEADER_CreateEx() Creates a HEADER widget.
HEADER_CreateIndirect() Creates a HEADER widget from a resource table entry.
HEADER_CreateUser() Creates a HEADER widget using extra bytes as user data.
HEADER_DeleteItem() Deletes an item from the HEADER widget.
HEADER_GetBkColor() Returns the background color of the given HEADER widget.
HEADER_GetBorderH() Returns the horizontal border size of the HEADER.
HEADER_GetBorderV() Returns the vertical border size of the HEADER.
HEADER_GetColumnFromPos() Returns the index of the column matching the given X-position.
HEADER_GetDefaultBkColor() Returns the default background color used when creating a HEADER widget.
HEADER_GetDefaultBorderH() Returns the value used for the horizontal spacing when creating a HEADER widget.
HEADER_GetDefaultBorderV() Returns the value used for the vertical spacing when creating a HEADER widget.
HEADER_GetDefaultCursor() Returns a pointer to the cursor displayed when dragging the width of an item.
HEADER_GetDefaultFont() Returns a pointer to the default font used when creating a HEADER widget.
HEADER_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color used when creating a HEADER widget.
HEADER_GetFont() Returns the font of the given HEADER widget.
HEADER_GetHeight() Returns the height of the given HEADER widget.
HEADER_GetItemText() Returns the text for displaying an item with the given index.
HEADER_GetItemWidth() Returns the item width of the given HEADER widget.
HEADER_GetNumItems() Returns the number of items of the given HEADER widget.
HEADER_GetSel() Returns the current selection of the HEADER widget.
HEADER_GetTextColor() Returns the text color of the given HEADER widget.
HEADER_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with HEADER_SetUserData().
HEADER_SetBitmap() Sets the bitmap used when displaying the specified item.
HEADER_SetBitmapEx() Sets the bitmap used when displaying the specified item.
HEADER_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the given HEADER widget.
HEADER_SetBMP() Sets the bitmap used when displaying the specified item.
HEADER_SetBMPEx() Sets the bitmap used when displaying the specified item.
HEADER_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color used when creating a HEADER widget.
HEADER_SetDefaultBorderH() Sets the value used for the horizontal spacing when creating a HEADER widget.
HEADER_SetDefaultBorderV() Sets the value used for the vertical spacing when creating a HEADER widget.
HEADER_SetDefaultCursor() Sets the cursor which will be displayed when dragging the width of an HEADER item.
HEADER_SetDefaultFont() Sets the default font used when creating a HEADER widget.
HEADER_SetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color used when creating a HEADER widget.
HEADER_SetDragLimit() Sets the limit for dragging the dividers on or off.
HEADER_SetFixed() Fixes the given number of columns at their horizontal positions.
HEADER_SetFont() Sets the font used when displaying the given HEADER widget.
HEADER_SetHeight() Sets the height of the given HEADER widget.
HEADER_SetItemText() Sets the text used when displaying the specified item.
HEADER_SetItemWidth() Sets the width of the specified HEADER item.
HEADER_SetScrollPos() Sets the horizontal scrolling position of the HEADER widget in pixels.
HEADER_SetStreamedBitmap() Sets the bitmap used when displaying the specified item.
HEADER_SetStreamedBitmapEx() Sets the bitmap used when displaying the specified item.
HEADER_SetTextAlign() Sets the text alignment of the specified HEADER item.
HEADER_SetTextColor() Sets the text color used when displaying the widget.
HEADER_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a HEADER widget.


Adds an item to an already existing HEADER widget.


void HEADER_AddItem(      HEADER_Handle   hObj,
                          int             Width,
                    const char          * s,
                          int             Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
Width Width of the new item.
s Text to be displayed.
Align Text alignment mode to set. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.

Additional information

The Width-parameter can be 0. If Width = 0 the width of the new item will be calculated by the given text and by the default value of the horizontal spacing.



This function is deprecated, HEADER_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a HEADER widget of a specified size at a specified location.


HEADER_Handle HEADER_Create(int     x0,
                            int     y0,
                            int     xSize,
                            int     ySize,
                            WM_HWIN hParent,
                            int     Id,
                            int     Flags,
                            int     ExFlags);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the HEADER widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the HEADER widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the HEADER widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the HEADER widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of the parent window
Id Id of the new HEADER widget
Flags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags (Reserved for later use)

Return value

Handle of the created HEADER widget; 0 if the function fails.



Creates a HEADER widget which is attached to an existing window.


HEADER_Handle HEADER_CreateAttached(WM_HWIN hParent,
                                    int     Id,
                                    int     SpecialFlags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle HEADER of widget
Id Id of the HEADER widget
SpecialFlags (Not used, reserved for later use)

Return value

Handle of the created HEADER widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

An attached HEADER widget is essentially a child window which will position itself on the parent window and operate accordingly.



Creates a HEADER widget of a specified size at a specified location.


HEADER_Handle HEADER_CreateEx(int     x0,
                              int     y0,
                              int     xSize,
                              int     ySize,
                              WM_HWIN hParent,
                              int     WinFlags,
                              int     ExFlags,
                              int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new HEADER widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags Not used, reserved for future use.
Id Window ID of the widget.

Return value

Handle of the created HEADER widget; 0 if the function fails.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. For details the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect() should be referred to. The element Flags is used according to the parameter WinFlags of the function HEADER_CreateEx(). The element Para is not used.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function HEADER_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Deletes an item from the HEADER widget.


void HEADER_DeleteItem(HEADER_Handle hObj,
                       unsigned      Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
Index Index of HEADER item.


Returns the background color of the given HEADER widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.

Return value

The background color of the given HEADER widget.



Returns the horizontal border size of the HEADER.


U8 HEADER_GetBorderH(HEADER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.

Return value

Horizontal border size of the HEADER.



Returns the vertical border size of the HEADER.


U8 HEADER_GetBorderV(HEADER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.

Return value

Vertical border size of the HEADER.



Returns the index of the column matching the given X-position.


int HEADER_GetColumnFromPos(HEADER_Handle hObj,
                            int           x);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
x X-position of the item.

Return value

= -1 Error.
≠ -1 Zero-based index of the item matching the X-position.


Returns the default background color used when creating a HEADER widget.


GUI_COLOR HEADER_GetDefaultBkColor(void);

Return value

Default background color used when creating a HEADER widget.



Returns the value used for the horizontal spacing when creating a HEADER widget.


int HEADER_GetDefaultBorderH(void);

Return value

Value used for the horizontal spacing when creating a HEADER widget.

Additional information

Horizontal spacing means the horizontal distance in pixel between text and the horizontal border of the item. Horizontal spacing takes effect only if the given width of a new item is 0.



Returns the value used for the vertical spacing when creating a HEADER widget.


int HEADER_GetDefaultBorderV(void);

Return value

Value used for the vertical spacing when creating a HEADER widget.

Additional information

Vertical spacing means the vertical distance in pixel between text and the vertical border of the HEADER widget.



Returns a pointer to the cursor displayed when dragging the width of an item.


GUI_CURSOR *HEADER_GetDefaultCursor(void);

Return value

Pointer to the cursor displayed when dragging the width of an item.



Returns a pointer to the default font used when creating a HEADER widget.


GUI_FONT *HEADER_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Pointer to the default font used when creating a HEADER widget.



Returns the default text color used when creating a HEADER widget.


GUI_COLOR HEADER_GetDefaultTextColor(void);

Return value

Default text color used when creating a HEADER widget.



Returns the font of the given HEADER widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.

Return value

The currently set font of the given HEADER widget.



Returns the height of the given HEADER widget.


int HEADER_GetHeight(HEADER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.

Return value

Height of the given HEADER widget.



Returns the text for displaying an item with the given index.


int HEADER_GetItemText(HEADER_Handle   hObj,
                       unsigned        Index,
                       char          * pBuffer,
                       int             MaxSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
Index Index of HEADER item.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer to hold the retrieved text.
MaxSize The size of pBuffer.


Returns the item width of the given HEADER widget.


int HEADER_GetItemWidth(HEADER_Handle hObj,
                        unsigned int  Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
Index Index of the item.

Return value

Width of the item.



Returns the number of items of the given HEADER widget.


int HEADER_GetNumItems(HEADER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.

Return value

Number of items of the given HEADER widget.



Returns the current selection of the HEADER widget.


int HEADER_GetSel(HEADER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.

Return value

Current selection.



Returns the text color of the given HEADER widget.


GUI_COLOR HEADER_GetTextColor(HEADER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.

Return value

The text color of the given HEADER widget.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Sets the bitmap used when displaying the specified item.


void HEADER_SetBitmap(      HEADER_Handle   hObj,
                            unsigned        Index,
                      const GUI_BITMAP    * pBitmap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget
Index Index of the item
pBitmap Pointer to a bitmap structure to be displayed

Additional information

One item of a HEADER widget can contain text and a bitmap. Have a look at the example at HEADER_SetBitmapEx().



Sets the bitmap used when displaying the specified item.


void HEADER_SetBitmapEx(      HEADER_Handle   hObj,
                              unsigned        Index,
                        const GUI_BITMAP    * pBitmap,
                              int             x,
                              int             y);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget
Index Index of the item
pBitmap Pointer to a bitmap structure to be displayed
x Additional offset in x
y Additional offset in y

Additional information

One item of a HEADER widget can contain text and a bitmap.


HEADER_Handle hHeader;
hHeader = HEADER_Create(10, 10, 100, 40, WM_HBKWIN, 1234, WM_CF_SHOW, 0);
HEADER_AddItem(hHeader, 50, "Phone", GUI_TA_BOTTOM | GUI_TA_HCENTER);
HEADER_AddItem(hHeader, 50, "Code" , GUI_TA_BOTTOM | GUI_TA_HCENTER);
HEADER_SetBitmapEx(hHeader, 0, &bmPhone, 0, -15);
HEADER_SetBitmapEx(hHeader, 1, &bmCode,  0, -15);

Screenshot of above example



Sets the background color of the given HEADER widget.


void HEADER_SetBkColor(HEADER_Handle hObj,
                       GUI_COLOR     Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
Color Background color to be set.


Sets the bitmap used when displaying the specified item.


void HEADER_SetBMP(      HEADER_Handle   hObj,
                         unsigned int    Index,
                   const void          * pBitmap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget
Index Index of HEADER item
pBitmap Pointer to bitmap file data

Additional information

For additional information regarding bitmap files, refer to the chapter Displaying bitmap files.



Sets the bitmap used when displaying the specified item.


void HEADER_SetBMPEx(      HEADER_Handle   hObj,
                           unsigned int    Index,
                     const void          * pBitmap,
                           int             x,
                           int             y);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget
Index Index of HEADER item
pBitmap Pointer to bitmap file data
x Additional offset in x
y Additional offset in y

Additional information

For additional information regarding bitmap files, refer to the chapter Displaying bitmap files.



Sets the horizontal border size of the HEADER.


void HEADER_SetBorderH(HEADER_Handle hObj,
                       U8            Border);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
Border New horizontal border size.


Sets the vertical border size of the HEADER.


void HEADER_SetBorderV(HEADER_Handle hObj,
                       U8            Border);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
Border New vertical border size.


Sets the default background color used when creating a HEADER widget.




Parameter Description
Color Background color to be used

Return value

Previous default background color.



Sets the value used for the horizontal spacing when creating a HEADER widget.


int HEADER_SetDefaultBorderH(int Spacing);


Parameter Description
Spacing Value to be used

Return value

Previous default value.

Additional information

Horizontal spacing means the horizontal distance in pixel between text and the horizontal border of the item. Horizontal spacing takes effect only if the given width of a new item is 0.



Sets the value used for the vertical spacing when creating a HEADER widget.


int HEADER_SetDefaultBorderV(int Spacing);


Parameter Description
Spacing Value to be used

Return value

Previous default value.

Additional information

Vertical spacing means the vertical distance in pixel between text and the vertical border of the HEADER widget.



Sets the cursor which will be displayed when dragging the width of an HEADER item.


GUI_CURSOR *HEADER_SetDefaultCursor(const GUI_CURSOR * pCursor);


Parameter Description
pCursor Pointer to the cursor to be shown when dragging the width of an HEADER item

Return value

Pointer to the previous default cursor.

Additional information

There are 2 predefined cursors shown at the beginning of this chapter.



Sets the default font used when creating a HEADER widget.


GUI_FONT *HEADER_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to font to be used

Return value

Pointer to previous default font.



Returns the default text color used when creating a HEADER widget.


GUI_COLOR HEADER_SetDefaultTextColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used

Return value

Previous default value.



Sets the limit for dragging the dividers on or off. If the limit is on, a divider can only be dragged within the widget area. If the limit is off, it can be dragged outside the widget.


void HEADER_SetDragLimit(HEADER_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned      OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
OnOff 1 for setting the drag limit on, 0 for off.


Fixes the given number of columns at their horizontal positions.


unsigned HEADER_SetFixed(HEADER_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned      Fixed);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
Fixed Number of columns to be fixed at their horizontal positions.

Return value

Old value of fixed columns.

Additional information

Using this function makes sense if one or more columns should remain at their horizontal positions during scrolling operations.



Sets the font used when displaying the given HEADER widget.


void HEADER_SetFont(      HEADER_Handle   hObj,
                    const GUI_FONT      * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
pFont Pointer to font to be used.


Sets the height of the given HEADER widget.


void HEADER_SetHeight(HEADER_Handle hObj,
                      int           Height);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
Height New height.


Sets the text used when displaying the specified item.


void HEADER_SetItemText(      HEADER_Handle   hObj,
                              unsigned int    Index,
                        const char          * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
Index Index of HEADER item.
s Pointer to string to be displayed.

Additional information

One HEADER item can contain a string and a bitmap.



Sets the width of the specified HEADER item.


void HEADER_SetItemWidth(HEADER_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned int  Index,
                         int           Width);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
Index Index of HEADER item.
Width New width.


Sets the horizontal scrolling position of the HEADER widget in pixels.


void HEADER_SetScrollPos(HEADER_Handle hObj,
                         int           ScrollPos);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
ScrollPos New scroll position in pixels.


Sets the bitmap used when displaying the specified item.


void HEADER_SetStreamedBitmap(      HEADER_Handle       hObj,
                                    unsigned int        Index,
                              const GUI_BITMAP_STREAM * pBitmap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget
Index Index of the item
pBitmap Pointer to streamed bitmap data to be displayed

Additional information

For additional information regarding streamed bitmap files, refer to the chapter 2-D Graphic Library.



Sets the bitmap used when displaying the specified item.


void HEADER_SetStreamedBitmapEx(      HEADER_Handle       hObj,
                                      unsigned int        Index,
                                const GUI_BITMAP_STREAM * pBitmap,
                                      int                 x,
                                      int                 y);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget
Index Index of the item
pBitmap Pointer to streamed bitmap data to be displayed
x Additional offset in x
y Additional offset in y

Additional information

For additional information regarding streamed bitmap files, refer to the chapter 2-D Graphic Library.



Sets the text alignment of the specified HEADER item.


void HEADER_SetTextAlign(HEADER_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned int  Index,
                         int           Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
Index Index of HEADER item.
Align Text alignment mode to set. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.


Sets the text color used when displaying the widget.


void HEADER_SetTextColor(HEADER_Handle hObj,
                         GUI_COLOR     Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of HEADER widget.
Color Color to be used.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().


The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of WIDGET_Header.c:

ICONVIEW: Icon view widget

The ICONVIEW widget can be used for icon based menus often required in hand held devices like mobile telephones or pocket organizers. It shows a list of icons where each icon can be labeled with optional text. Icon view widgets support transparency and alpha blending. So any content can be shown in the background. The currently selected icon can be highlighted by a solid color or with an alpha blending effect, which lets the background shine through. If required a scroll bar can be shown.

ICONVIEW with transparency ICONVIEW without transparency


All ICONVIEW-related routines are located in the file(s) ICONVIEW*.c, ICONVIEW*.h.
All identifiers are prefixed ICONVIEW.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N ICONVIEW_BKCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Background color, unselected state.
N ICONVIEW_BKCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_BLUE Background color, selected state.
N ICONVIEW_TEXTCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Text color, unselected state.
S ICONVIEW_FONT_DEFAULT GUI_Font13_1 Font to be used for drawing the labels.
N ICONVIEW_FRAMEX_DEFAULT 5 Free space between the icons and the left and right border of the widget.
N ICONVIEW_FRAMEY_DEFAULT 5 Free space between the icons and the top and bottom border of the widget.
N ICONVIEW_SPACEX_DEFAULT 5 Free horizontal space between the icons.
N ICONVIEW_SPACEY_DEFAULT 5 Free vertical space between the icons.
N ICONVIEW_ALIGN_DEFAULT GUI_TA_HCENTER | GUI_TA_BOTTOM Default alignment to be used for drawing the labels.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make ICONVIEW widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_ICONVIEW0    0x250
#define GUI_ID_ICONVIEW1    0x251
#define GUI_ID_ICONVIEW2    0x252
#define GUI_ID_ICONVIEW3    0x253
#define GUI_ID_ICONVIEW4    0x254
#define GUI_ID_ICONVIEW5    0x255
#define GUI_ID_ICONVIEW6    0x256
#define GUI_ID_ICONVIEW7    0x257
#define GUI_ID_ICONVIEW8    0x258
#define GUI_ID_ICONVIEW9    0x259
Notification codes

The following events are sent from an ICONVIEW widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED Widget has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED Widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT Widget has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the widget area without releasing.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SCROLL_CHANGED The scroll position of the optional scroll bar has been changed.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED The selection of the widget has been changed.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Reaction
GUI_KEY_RIGHT Moves the selection to the next icon.
GUI_KEY_LEFT Moves the selection to the previous icon.
GUI_KEY_DOWN Moves the selection down.
GUI_KEY_UP Moves the selection up.
GUI_KEY_HOME Moves the selection to the first icon.
GUI_KEY_END Moves the selection to the last icon.

The table below lists the available emWin ICONVIEW-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
ICONVIEW_AddBitmapItem() Adds a new bitmap icon to the widget.
ICONVIEW_AddStreamedBitmapItem() Adds a new streamed bitmap icon to the widget.
ICONVIEW_CreateEx() Creates an ICONVIEW widget.
ICONVIEW_CreateIndirect() Creates an ICONVIEW widget from a resource table entry.
ICONVIEW_CreateUser() Creates an ICONVIEW widget using extra bytes as user data.
ICONVIEW_DeleteItem() Deletes an existing item.
ICONVIEW_EnableStreamAuto() Enables full support for streamed bitmaps.
ICONVIEW_GetBkColor() Returns the background color of the widget.
ICONVIEW_GetFont() Returns the font of the widget.
ICONVIEW_GetItemBitmap() Retrieves the bitmap of a specified ICONVIEW item.
ICONVIEW_GetItemText() Retrieves the text of a specified ICONVIEW item.
ICONVIEW_GetItemUserData() Retrieves the previously stored user data from a specific item.
ICONVIEW_GetNumItems() Returns the number of items in the given ICONVIEW widget.
ICONVIEW_GetReleasedItem() This function returns the index of the released ICONVIEW item.
ICONVIEW_GetSel() Returns the zero based index of the currently selected icon.
ICONVIEW_GetTextColor() Returns the text color of the widget.
ICONVIEW_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with ICONVIEW_SetUserData().
ICONVIEW_InsertBitmapItem() Inserts a new bitmap icon to the widget.
ICONVIEW_InsertStreamedBitmapItem() Inserts a new streamed bitmap icon to the widget.
ICONVIEW_OwnerDraw() Default function for drawing a ICONVIEW widget.
ICONVIEW_SetBitmapItem() Sets a bitmap to be used by a specific item.
ICONVIEW_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the widget.
ICONVIEW_SetFont() Sets the font to be used for drawing the icon labels.
ICONVIEW_SetFrame() Sets the size of the frame between the border of the widget and the icons.
ICONVIEW_SetIconAlign() Sets the icon alignment.
ICONVIEW_SetItemText() Sets the text of a specific item.
ICONVIEW_SetItemUserData() Stores user data in a specific item.
ICONVIEW_SetOwnerDraw() Sets a custom defined drawing function.
ICONVIEW_SetSel() Sets the current selection.
ICONVIEW_SetSpace() Sets the space between icons in x- or y-direction.
ICONVIEW_SetStreamedBitmapItem() Sets a streamed bitmap to be used by a specific item.
ICONVIEW_SetTextAlign() Sets the text align of the item texts.
ICONVIEW_SetTextColor() Sets the color to be used to draw the labels.
ICONVIEW_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of an ICONVIEW widget.
ICONVIEW_SetWrapMode() Sets the wrapping mode to be used for the given ICONVIEW widget.


Group of defines Description
ICONVIEW alignment flags Alignment flags used for ICONVIEW_SetIconAlign().
ICONVIEW color indexes Color indexes used by the ICONVIEW widget.
ICONVIEW create flags Create flags used for ICONVIEW widgets.
Before After


Adds a new bitmap icon to the widget.


int ICONVIEW_AddBitmapItem(      ICONVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                           const GUI_BITMAP      * pBitmap,
                           const char            * pText);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
pBitmap Pointer to a bitmap structure used to draw the icon.
pText Text to be used to label the icon.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

Note that the bitmap pointer needs to remain valid.

Before After


Adds a new streamed bitmap icon to the widget.


int ICONVIEW_AddStreamedBitmapItem(      ICONVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                                   const void            * pStreamedBitmap,
                                   const char            * pText);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
pStreamedBitmap Pointer to a bitmap stream used to draw the icon.
pText Text to be used to label the icon.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

The pointer to the bitmap stream needs to remain valid.



Creates an ICONVIEW widget of a specified size at a specified location.


ICONVIEW_Handle ICONVIEW_CreateEx(int     x0,
                                  int     y0,
                                  int     xSize,
                                  int     ySize,
                                  WM_HWIN hParent,
                                  int     WinFlags,
                                  int     ExFlags,
                                  int     Id,
                                  int     xSizeItems,
                                  int     ySizeItems);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget in parent coordinates.
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget in parent coordinates.
xSize Horizontal size of the widget in pixels.
ySize Vertical size of the widget in pixels.
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new widget will be a child window of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags See ICONVIEW create flags.
Id Window ID of the widget.
xSizeItem Horizontal icon size in pixels.
ySizeItem Vertical icon size in pixels.

Return value

Handle of the new widget, 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

If the widget should be transparent, the parameter WinFlags should be or-combined with WM_CF_HASTRANS.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect().
The upper 16 bit of the element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure are used according to the parameter ySizeItems of the function ICONVIEW_CreateEx(). The lower 16 bit of the element Para are used according to the parameter xSizeItems of the function ICONVIEW_CreateEx(). The element Flags is used according to the parameter WinFlags of the function ICONVIEW_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function ICONVIEW_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Deletes an existing item of the ICONVIEW widget.


void ICONVIEW_DeleteItem(ICONVIEW_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned        Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
Index Index of the item to be deleted.


Enables full support for streamed bitmaps.


void ICONVIEW_EnableStreamAuto(void);

Additional information

The ICONVIEW widget supports only index based streamed bitmaps by default. Calling this function enables support for all kinds of streamed bitmaps. This causes all drawing functions for streamed bitmaps to be referenced by the linker.



Returns the background color of the widget.


                              int             Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
Index See ICONVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The background color of the given widget.



Returns the font of the widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.

Return value

The font of the given widget.



Retrieves the bitmap of a specified ICONVIEW item.


                                   int             ItemIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
ItemIndex Index of the item to be used.

Return value

Pointer to the bitmap of the given item.



Retrieves the text of a specified ICONVIEW item.


int ICONVIEW_GetItemText(ICONVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                         int               Index,
                         char            * pBuffer,
                         int               MaxSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
Index Index of the item to be deleted.
pBuffer Buffer to retrieve the text.
MaxSize Maximum length of text to copy to the buffer.

Return value

The length of the actually copied text is returned.



Retrieves the previously stored user data from a specific item.


U32 ICONVIEW_GetItemUserData(ICONVIEW_Handle hObj,
                             int             Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
Index Index of the item.

Return value

User data stored in the item as U32.



Returns the number of items in the given ICONVIEW widget.


int ICONVIEW_GetNumItems(ICONVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.

Return value

Number of items.



This function returns the index of the released ICONVIEW item.


int ICONVIEW_GetReleasedItem(ICONVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.

Return value

Zero based index of last released item.



Returns the zero based index of the currently selected icon.


int ICONVIEW_GetSel(ICONVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.

Return value

Zero based index of the currently selected icon.



Returns the text color of the widget.


                                int             Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
Index See ICONVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The text color of the given widget.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Inserts a new bitmap icon to the widget.


int ICONVIEW_InsertBitmapItem(      ICONVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                              const GUI_BITMAP      * pBitmap,
                              const char            * pText,
                                    int               Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
pBitmap Pointer to a bitmap structure used to draw the icon.
pText Text to be used to label the icon.
Index Index position to insert the item at.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

See ICONVIEW_AddBitmapItem() for screenshots. Note that the bitmap pointer needs to remain valid.



Inserts a new streamed bitmap icon to the widget.


int ICONVIEW_InsertStreamedBitmapItem(      ICONVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                                      const void            * pStreamedBitmap,
                                      const char            * pText,
                                            int               Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
pStreamedBitmap Pointer to a bitmap stream used to draw the icon.
pText Text to be used to label the icon.
Index Index position to insert the item at.

Return value

= 0 on success
≠ 0 on error.

Additional information

See ICONVIEW_AddBitmapItem() for screenshots. The pointer to the bitmap stream needs to remain valid.



Default function for drawing a ICONVIEW widget.


int ICONVIEW_OwnerDraw(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo);


Parameter Description
pDrawItemInfo Pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure.

Return value

Returns 0.

Additional information

This function is useful if ICONVIEW_SetOwnerDraw() has been used. It can be used from the custom drawing routine for managing all not handled commands. For more information please refer to ICONVIEW_SetOwnerDraw().

Before After


Sets a bitmap to be used by a specific item.


int ICONVIEW_SetBitmapItem(      ICONVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                                 int               Index,
                           const GUI_BITMAP      * pBitmap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
Index Index of the item.
pBitmap Pointer to the bitmap to be used.

Return value

Returns 0.

Additional information

The pointer to the bitmap structure needs to remain valid.

Before After


Sets the background color of the widget.


void ICONVIEW_SetBkColor(ICONVIEW_Handle hObj,
                         int             Index,
                         GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
Index See ICONVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used for drawing the background.

Additional information

The upper 8 bits of the 32 bit color value can be used for an alpha blending effect. For more details about alpha blending, refer to GUI_SetAlpha().

Before After


Sets the font to be used for drawing the icon labels.


void ICONVIEW_SetFont(      ICONVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                      const GUI_FONT        * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure to be used to draw the icon labels.
Before After


Sets the size of the frame between the border of the widget and the icons.


void ICONVIEW_SetFrame(ICONVIEW_Handle hObj,
                       int             Coord,
                       int             Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
Coord See permitted values for this parameter below.
Value Distance to be set.
Permitted values for parameter Coord
GUI_COORD_X X-direction.
GUI_COORD_Y Y-direction.
Before After


Sets the icon alignment.


void ICONVIEW_SetIconAlign(ICONVIEW_Handle hObj,
                           int             IconAlign);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
IconAlign Alignment of the icons. See ICONVIEW alignment flags.
Before After


Sets the text of a specific item.


void ICONVIEW_SetItemText(      ICONVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                                int               Index,
                          const char            * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
Index Index of the item.
pText Pointer to the text to be used.


Stores user data in a specific item.


void ICONVIEW_SetItemUserData(ICONVIEW_Handle hObj,
                              int             Index,
                              U32             UserData);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
Index Index of the item.
UserData 32 bit user data to be stored.


Sets an application defined owner draw function for the widget which is responsible for drawing the widget.


void ICONVIEW_SetOwnerDraw(ICONVIEW_Handle         hObj,
                           WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC * pfDrawItem);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
pfOwnerDraw Pointer to owner draw function.

Supported commands

Additional information

This function sets a pointer to an application defined function which will be called by the widget when a data item has to be drawn or when the x or y size of a item is needed. pfDrawItem is a pointer to an application-defined function of type WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC which is explained at the beginning of the chapter.


The following example uses a bitmap for drawing the widget background:

static int _OwnerDraw(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo) {
  switch (pDrawItemInfo->Cmd) {
    GUI_DrawBitmap(&Bitmap, 0, 0);
    return ICONVIEW_OwnerDraw(pDrawItemInfo);
  return 0;
Before After


Sets the current selection.


void ICONVIEW_SetSel(ICONVIEW_Handle hObj,
                     int             Sel);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
Sel New selection.
Before After


Sets the space between icons in x- or y-direction.


void ICONVIEW_SetSpace(ICONVIEW_Handle hObj,
                       int             Coord,
                       int             Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
Coord See permitted values for this parameter below.
Value Distance to be set.
Permitted values for parameter Coord
GUI_COORD_X X-direction.
GUI_COORD_Y Y-direction.
Before After


Sets a streamed bitmap to be used by a specific item.


int ICONVIEW_SetStreamedBitmapItem(      ICONVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                                         int               Index,
                                   const void            * pStreamedBitmap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
Index Index of the item.
pStreamedBitmap Pointer to the bitmap stream to be used.

Additional information

The pointer to the bitmap stream needs to remain valid.

Before After


Sets the text align of the item texts.


void ICONVIEW_SetTextAlign(ICONVIEW_Handle hObj,
                           int             TextAlign);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
TextAlign Text alignment mode. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.
Before After


Sets the color to be used to draw the labels.


void ICONVIEW_SetTextColor(ICONVIEW_Handle hObj,
                           int             Index,
                           GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
Index See ICONVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().



Sets the wrapping mode to be used for the given ICONVIEW widget.


void ICONVIEW_SetWrapMode(ICONVIEW_Handle hObj,
                          GUI_WRAPMODE    WrapMode);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of ICONVIEW widget.
WrapMode See table below.
ICONVIEW alignment flags


Alignment flags similar to the Text alignment flags used for aligning the icons of an ICONVIEW widget using the routine ICONVIEW_SetIconAlign(). These flags are also OR-combinable.


#define ICONVIEW_IA_HCENTER    (0 << 0)
#define ICONVIEW_IA_LEFT       (1 << 0)
#define ICONVIEW_IA_RIGHT      (2 << 0)
#define ICONVIEW_IA_VCENTER    (0 << 2)
#define ICONVIEW_IA_BOTTOM     (1 << 2)
#define ICONVIEW_IA_TOP        (2 << 2)


Definition Description
Horizontal alignment
ICONVIEW_IA_LEFT Align X-position left.
ICONVIEW_IA_HCENTER Center X-position. (default)
ICONVIEW_IA_RIGHT Align X-position right.
Vertical alignment
ICONVIEW_IA_TOP Align Y-position with top of characters.
ICONVIEW_IA_VCENTER Center Y-position. (default)
ICONVIEW_IA_BOTTOM Align Y-position with bottom pixel line of font.
ICONVIEW color indexes


Color indexes used by the ICONVIEW widget.


#define ICONVIEW_CI_BK          0
#define ICONVIEW_CI_UNSEL       0
#define ICONVIEW_CI_SEL         1


Definition Description
ICONVIEW_CI_BK Color used to draw the widget background.
ICONVIEW_CI_UNSEL Color of an unselected item.
ICONVIEW_CI_SEL Color of a selected item.
ICONVIEW_CI_DISABLED Color used in disabled state.

Additional information

ICONVIEW_CI_BK is only used by the routines ICONVIEW_GetBkColor() and ICONVIEW_SetBkColor() instead of ICONVIEW_CI_UNSEL.

ICONVIEW create flags


Create flags for the ICONVIEW widget. These flags can be passed to ICONVIEW_CreateEx() via the ExFlags parameter.




Definition Description
ICONVIEW_CF_AUTOSCROLLBAR_V A vertical scroll bar will be added if the widget area is too small to show all icons.

The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the widget can be used:

Screenshot of WIDGET_Iconview.c:

IMAGE: Image widget

IMAGE widgets are used to display images of different formats from internal as well as from external memory.


All IMAGE-related routines are located in the file(s) IMAGE*.c, IMAGE.h.
All identifiers are prefixed IMAGE.

Configuration options

The IMAGE widget can be configured using an OR-combination of flags as ExFlags-parameter at creation. A full list of flags can be found under IMAGE create flags.

Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make IMAGE widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_IMAGE0    0x270
#define GUI_ID_IMAGE1    0x271
#define GUI_ID_IMAGE2    0x272
#define GUI_ID_IMAGE3    0x273
#define GUI_ID_IMAGE4    0x274
#define GUI_ID_IMAGE5    0x275
#define GUI_ID_IMAGE6    0x276
#define GUI_ID_IMAGE7    0x277
#define GUI_ID_IMAGE8    0x278
#define GUI_ID_IMAGE9    0x279
Notification codes

The following events are sent from an IMAGE widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED The widget has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED The widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT The pointer was moved out of the widget area while the PID was in pressed state.

The table below lists the available IMAGE-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
IMAGE_CreateEx() Creates an IMAGE widget.
IMAGE_CreateIndirect() Creates a IMAGE widget from a resource table entry.
IMAGE_CreateUser() Creates a IMAGE widget using extra bytes as user data.
IMAGE_EnableLQ() Enables low-quality mode for the IMAGE widget.
IMAGE_GetImageSize() Returns the X- and Y-size of the image set to the widget.
IMAGE_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with IMAGE_SetUserData().
IMAGE_SetAlign() Sets an alignment to the widget’s image.
IMAGE_SetAlpha() Blends the image with an alpha value.
IMAGE_SetAngle() Rotates the image by a given angle.
IMAGE_SetBitmap() Sets a bitmap to be displayed.
IMAGE_SetBMP() Sets a BMP file to be displayed.
IMAGE_SetBMPEx() Sets a BMP file to be displayed from external memory.
IMAGE_SetDTA() Sets a DTA file to be displayed.
IMAGE_SetDTAEx() Sets a DTA file to be displayed from external memory.
IMAGE_SetGIF() Sets a GIF file to be displayed.
IMAGE_SetGIFEx() Sets a GIF file to be displayed from external memory.
IMAGE_SetJPEG() Sets a JPEG file to be displayed.
IMAGE_SetJPEGEx() Sets a JPEG file to be displayed from external memory.
IMAGE_SetOffset() Sets an X- and Y-offset to the widget’s image.
IMAGE_SetPNG() Sets a PNG file to be displayed.
IMAGE_SetPNGEx() Sets a PNG file to be displayed from external memory.
IMAGE_SetScale() Scales the image by a given factor.
IMAGE_SetTiled() Enables tiled mode for an IMAGE widget.
IMAGE_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of an IMAGE widget.


Group of defines Description
IMAGE create flags Create flags used for IMAGE widgets.


Creates an IMAGE widget of a specified size at a specified location.


IMAGE_Handle IMAGE_CreateEx(int     x0,
                            int     y0,
                            int     xSize,
                            int     ySize,
                            WM_HWIN hParent,
                            int     WinFlags,
                            int     ExFlags,
                            int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the IMAGE widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags See IMAGE create flags.
Id Window ID of the widget.

Return value

Handle of the created IMAGE widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

If the possibility of storing user data is a matter the function IMAGE_CreateUser() should be used instead.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. For details the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect() should be referred to. The element Flags is used according to the parameter WinFlags of the function IMAGE_CreateEx(). The element Para is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function IMAGE_CreateEx(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function IMAGE_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function IMAGE_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Enables low-quality mode for the IMAGE widget. This ensures a faster performance for rotating the image with IMAGE_Rotate(), but results in a lower image quality.


void IMAGE_EnableLQ(IMAGE_Handle hObj,
                    int          OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of IMAGE widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling, 0 for disabling.


Returns the X- and Y-size of the image set to the widget.


int IMAGE_GetImageSize(IMAGE_Handle   hObj,
                       int          * pxSize,
                       int          * pySize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of IMAGE widget.
pxSize Pointer to an integer to store the X-size.
pySize Pointer to an integer to store the Y-size.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Sets an alignment to the widget’s image.


void IMAGE_SetAlign(IMAGE_Handle hObj,
                    int          Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of IMAGE widget.
Align Alignment of the image.


Blends the image with an alpha value.


U8 IMAGE_SetAlpha(IMAGE_Handle hObj,
                  U8           Alpha);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of IMAGE widget.
Alpha Alpha value (0-255).

Return value

Old alpha value.



Rotates the image by a given angle.


int IMAGE_SetAngle(IMAGE_Handle hObj,
                   unsigned     Angle);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of IMAGE widget.
Angle Angle in degrees * 1000 (e.g. 45000 equals 45°).

Return value

Old angle.



Sets a bitmap to be displayed.


void IMAGE_SetBitmap(      IMAGE_Handle   hObj,
                     const GUI_BITMAP   * pBitmap);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of IMAGE widget.
pBitmap Pointer to the bitmap.


These functions set a file of one of the formats listed below to be displayed:


void IMAGE_Set<FORMAT>(      IMAGE_Handle hObj,
                       const void       * pData,
                             U32          FileSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of IMAGE widget.
pData Pointer to the IMAGE data.
FileSize Size of the IMAGE data.

Additional information

The PNG functionality requires the PNG library which can be downloaded from www.segger.com. Animated GIF files are displayed automatically. Please make sure that each sub image of a GIF file replaces the previous one.

With a photo editing tool, such as GIMP, it is possible to convert a GIF file into the proper format. Follow these steps to create such a GIF file with GIMP:



These functions set a file of one of the formats listed below to be displayed from external memory:


void IMAGE_Set<FORMAT>Ex(IMAGE_Handle        hObj,
                         GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                         void              * pVoid);

Additional information

The PNG functionality requires the PNG library which can be downloaded from www.segger.com. Animated GIF files are displayed automatically.



Sets an X- and Y-offset to the widget’s image.


void IMAGE_SetOffset(IMAGE_Handle hObj,
                     int          xOff,
                     int          yOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of IMAGE widget.
xOff X-offset set to image.
yOff Y-offset set to image.


Scales the image by a given factor.


int IMAGE_SetScale(IMAGE_Handle hObj,
                   unsigned     Scale);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of IMAGE widget.
Scale Factor * 1000 (e.g. 2000 equals 200% scale)

Return value

Old scale value.

Before After


Enables tiled mode for an IMAGE widget. With tiled mode, the entire area of the widget is filled with the set image, even if the image is smaller than the widget area.


void IMAGE_SetTiled(IMAGE_Handle hObj,
                    int          OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of IMAGE widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling tiled mode, 0 for disabling it.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

IMAGE create flags


Create flags for the IMAGE widget. These flags can be passed to ICONVIEW_CreateEx() via the ExFlags parameter.


#define IMAGE_CF_MEMDEV      (1 << 0)
#define IMAGE_CF_TILE        (1 << 1)
#define IMAGE_CF_ALPHA       (1 << 2)
#define IMAGE_CF_ATTACHED    (1 << 3)
#define IMAGE_CF_AUTOSIZE    (1 << 4)
#define IMAGE_CF_LQ          (1 << 5)


Definition Description
IMAGE_CF_MEMDEV Makes the IMAGE widget use an internal Memory Device for drawing. Contrary to the Memory Device which is created by the Window Manager’s automatic use of Memory Devices (WM_CF_MEMDEV), this device stays valid all the time. It has to be ensured that the emWin memory pool which is defined by the function GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory() (in GUIConf.c), is big enough to store the complete data. If the Memory Device can not be created, the image is drawn directly. This might possibly mean loss of performance.
IMAGE_CF_TILE Uses tiling to fill up the whole area of the widget.
IMAGE_CF_ALPHA Needs to be set if alpha blending is required (PNG).
IMAGE_CF_ATTACHED Widget size is fixed to the parent border.
IMAGE_CF_AUTOSIZE Widget size is taken from the attached image.
IMAGE_CF_LQ Fast mode (lower quality) should be used for rotating/scaling.

KEYBOARD: Keyboard widget

The KEYBOARD widget offers a fully configurable screen keyboard to enter characters. With more and more embedded targets having touch screens and using smartphone-like interfaces, the KEYBOARD widget fits right in being similar in appearance and usage to a typical smartphone keyboard.

To keep the positioning of the individual keys as simple as possible, keys can be added as whole key lines, that are scaled to the size of the widget automatically. The widget also enables the use of long press keys, much like with most smartphone keyboards. This way, it is possible to access even dozens of characters by only pressing one key.


All KEYBOARD-related routines are located in the file(s) KEYBOARD.c, KEYBOARD.h.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N KEYBOARD_COLOR_KEY_DEFAULT GUI_MAKE_COLOR(0x383838) Color used for keys.
N KEYBOARD_COLOR_FKEY_DEFAULT GUI_MAKE_COLOR(0x262626) Color of function key, such as shift.
N KEYBOARD_COLOR_LONG_DEFAULT GUI_GRAY_AA Text color of long press character on a key.
N KEYBOARD_BKCOLOR_DEFAULT GUI_MAKE_COLOR(0x080808) Background color of keyboard.
N KEYBOARD_BKCOLOR_SHIFTLOCK GUI_MAKE_COLOR(0xFE9741) Color of shift lock symbol.
N KEYBOARD_FRAMERADIUS_DEFAULT 3 Radius of frame used for a key.
N KEYBOARD_FRAMESIZE_DEFAULT 0 Size of frame used for a key.
N KEYBOARD_SPACEX_DEFAULT 8 Total space in X between the keys.
N KEYBOARD_SPACEY_DEFAULT 8 Total space in Y between the keys.
N KEYBOARD_PERIOD_DEFAULT 200 Period for a longpress.
N KEYBOARD_PERIOD_REPEAT_DEFAULT 50 Period for repeated actions, such as holding the backspace key.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make KEYBOARD widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_KEYBOARD0    0x360
#define GUI_ID_KEYBOARD1    0x361
#define GUI_ID_KEYBOARD2    0x362
#define GUI_ID_KEYBOARD3    0x363
#define GUI_ID_KEYBOARD4    0x364
#define GUI_ID_KEYBOARD5    0x365
#define GUI_ID_KEYBOARD6    0x366
#define GUI_ID_KEYBOARD7    0x367
#define GUI_ID_KEYBOARD8    0x368
#define GUI_ID_KEYBOARD9    0x369
Keyboard reaction

The widget can not gain the input focus and does not react on keyboard input.

Predefined keyboard layouts

To make the usage of the widget easier, some keyboard layout have already been defined for this widget. Refer to KEYBOARD_SetLayout() to learn how to set a layout to a KEYBOARD widget.


Some of the predefined layouts come in a simplified version and an advanced version with additional long press characters. The long press versions are marked with an
_LP suffix.

Layout Screenshot Description
Layout used for Arabic.
QWERTZ layout, used for German.
QWERTY layout, used for the English language.
AZERTY layout, main layout used for the French language.
Numpad layout.
JCUKEN/ЙЦУКЕН layout, main Cyrillic keyboard layout for the Russian language.
Structure and definition of the widget

A KEYBOARD widget consists of a number of keys. Most keys (letters and numbers) are added to the keyboard via the definition of a key line. Keys can also be added individually and their appearance can be defined via text or using a bitmap.

The code of the predefined keyboard layouts can be taken as reference if a custom layout is desired.

Key lines

Lines of keys can be defined and added to a keyboard, for example a line of characters would be QWERTYUIOP. With key lines, each key does not have to be added individually. Nor does each key have to be positioned and sized individually. The size and position of each key is calculated from the position and size of a key line.

A key line can be defined using the KEYDEF_LINE structure.

Fixed key lines

Fixed key lines are key lines that remain unchanged when the shift key or the switch key is pressed. An example for this in the QWERTY layout would be the first line that contains the numbers 0 to 9.

Key lines Fixed key line

Shift key

A shift key is used to change between lower case key lines and upper case key lines.

Shift key unpressed Shift key pressed

A shift key is defined using the KEYDEF_SHIFT structure. The key has four states: normal (default), shift (one press), shift locked (two presses) and an extra state (three presses). The appearance of the states can be defined by passing an array of KEYDEF_BUTTON structures. Each KEYDEF_BUTTON element points to a bitmap. Alternatively, text can be added in order for it to be displayed on the key.

static const KEYDEF_SHIFT _KeyShift = { {   0, 600,  120, 200 },
                                        { { NULL,  &_acShift0_16x16,  sizeof(_acShift0_16x16) },
                                          { NULL,  &_acShift0_16x16,  sizeof(_acShift1_16x16) },
                                          { NULL,  &_acShift0_16x16,  sizeof(_acShift0_16x16) },
                                          { NULL,  NULL,              0                       }  } };

Switch key

A switch key is used to change between lower/upper case key lines and extra key lines. Extra key lines are intended to be used for special characters.

Switch key unpressed Switch key pressed

A switch key is defined using the KEYDEF_SWITCH structure. The key has two states: normal (default) and switched (one press). Just like for the shift key, the appearance of each state can be defined by passing an an array of KEYDEF_BUTTON structures. Each element can either point to a bitmap or a string.

static const KEYDEF_SWITCH _KeySwitch = { {   0, 800,  150, 200 },  { { "!#1",  NULL,  0 }, 
                                                                      { "ABC",  NULL,  0 } } };

Other keys

Any other keys that are not a part of a key line are added to the keyboard using the KEYDEF_KEY structure. The position and size must be specified first using the KEYDEF_AREA structure. Then the character code that the key should print is specified. The last structure member is of the type KEYDEF_BUTTON to define the appearance of the key.

static const KEYDEF_KEY _KeyBackspace = { { 880, 600,  120, 200 },     // Position and size of
                                                                       // key in promille
                                          0x0008,                      // Code (for KEYDEF_KEY only)
                                          { NULL,                      // Text
                                            &_acBackspace_24x16,       // Pointer to streamed bitmap
                                                                       // or bitmap structure
                                            sizeof(_acBackspace_24x16) // Size of streamed bitmap
                                          } };
Long press characters

When an additional character or multiple additional characters have been set for a key, they can be accessed by performing a long press. This behavior is very much alike to the one of a smartphone keyboard.

The first character in the list of long press characters will be shown in small in the upper right corner of the key. If multiple long press characters are set, a dialog will open. The dialog shows all available long press characters. The user is able to select a character by holding the press and moving to the left or to the right.

Import and export of layouts

The KEYBOARD widget also offers the possibility to export and import layouts. The layouts are saved as a .skbd file and have to be stored in accessible memory (RAM or ROM).

Import of layouts

Layouts can be imported using the routine KEYBOARD_SetStreamedLayout(). The API description also offers an example implementation using the Windows API.

Export of layouts

Layouts can be exported using the routine KEYBOARD_ExportLayout(). The API description also offers an example implementation using the Windows API.


The table below lists the available emWin KEYBOARD-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
KEYBOARD_CreateUser() Creates a new KEYBOARD widget.
KEYBOARD_CreateIndirect() Creates a KEYBOARD widget from a resource table entry.
KEYBOARD_ExportLayout() Exports a KEYBOARD layout to an .skbd file.
KEYBOARD_ExportPatternFile() Exports a font pattern file for a given KEYBOARD layout.
KEYBOARD_GetDefaultColor() Returns the default color of the KEYBOARD widget.
KEYBOARD_GetDefaultFrameSize() Returns the default frame size of the KEYBOARD widget.
KEYBOARD_GetDefaultPeriod() Returns the default period of the KEYBOARD widget.
KEYBOARD_GetDefaultRadius() Returns the default frame radius of the KEYBOARD widget.
KEYBOARD_GetDefaultSpace() Returns the default space of the KEYBOARD widget.
KEYBOARD_GetKeyRect() Used to retreive the rectangle area of a key with the given Unicode code point.
KEYBOARD_LockShiftState() Locks the state of the shift key.
KEYBOARD_SetLayout() Sets a layout to a KEYBOARD widget.
KEYBOARD_SetStreamedLayout() Sets a streamed layout from an external .skbd file to a KEYBOARD widget.
KEYBOARD_SetColor() Sets the color of a KEYBOARD widget.
KEYBOARD_SetDefaultColor() Sets a default color for newly created KEYBOARD widgets.
KEYBOARD_SetDefaultFrameSize() Sets a default frame size for newly created KEYBOARD widgets.
KEYBOARD_SetDefaultPeriod() Sets a default period for newly created KEYBOARD widgets.
KEYBOARD_SetDefaultRadius() Sets a default radius for newly created KEYBOARD widgets.
KEYBOARD_SetDefaultSpace() Sets a default space for newly created KEYBOARD widgets.
KEYBOARD_SetFont() Sets a font to the KEYBOARD widget.
KEYBOARD_SetPeriod() Sets the period of a KEYBOARD widget.
KEYBOARD_SetRadius() Sets the radius of the keys of a KEYBOARD widget.
KEYBOARD_SetShiftState() Sets the state of the shift key.
KEYBOARD_SetSpace() Sets the space between the keys of a KEYBOARD widget.

Data structures

Structure Description
KEYDEF_KEYBOARD Configuration structure to define the entire layout of a KEYBOARD widget.
KEYBOARD_CODES Structure that is used for storing pointers to arrays of long press characters.
KEYDEF_AREA This structure is used to define the position and size of keys on the keyboard.
KEYDEF_KEY Structure that defines a single key to be used in a keyboard.
KEYDEF_SHIFT Configuration structure to define a shift key for the keyboard.
KEYDEF_SWITCH Configuration structure to define a switch key for the keyboard.
KEYDEF_BUTTON Structure that holds information about how a key should look like.
KEYDEF_LINE Structure that defines one line of characters of a keyboard.


Group of defines Description
KEYBOARD color indexes Color indexes used for KEYBOARD widgets.
KEYBOARD font indexes Font indexes used for KEYBOARD widgets.
KEYBOARD period indexes Period indexes used for KEYBOARD widgets.


Creates a new KEYBOARD widget.


KEYBOARD_Handle KEYBOARD_CreateUser(      int               x0,
                                          int               y0,
                                          int               xSize,
                                          int               ySize,
                                          WM_HWIN           hParent,
                                          int               WinFlags,
                                          int               ExFlags,
                                    const KEYDEF_KEYBOARD * pKeyboard,
                                          int               Id,
                                          int               NumExtraBytes);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the KEYBOARD (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the KEYBOARD (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the KEYBOARD (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the KEYBOARD (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window.
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags Not used yet, reserved for future use.
pKeyboard Pointer to a data structure of type KEYDEF_KEYBOARD which defines the desired layout. Can be zero.
Id Window ID of the widget.
NumExtraBytes Number of extra bytes to be allocated for user data.

Return value

Handle of the created KEYBOARD widget.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The elements Flags and Para of the resource passed as parameter are not used.



Exports a KEYBOARD layout to an .skbd file. The exported layout can be stored on external memory and imported using KEYBOARD_SetStreamedLayout().


void KEYBOARD_ExportLayout(      GUI_CALLBACK_VOID_U8_P * pfSerialize,
                                 void                   * pVoid,
                           const KEYDEF_KEYBOARD        * pKeyboard);


Parameter Description
pfSerialize Pointer to serialization callback function.
pVoid Pointer to file handle.
pKeyboard Pointer to a data structure of type KEYDEF_KEYBOARD containing the layout to be exported.


Below is a sample implementation that uses the Windows API functions.

*       _WriteByte2File
static void _WriteByte2File(U8 Data, void * p) {
  HANDLE hFile;
  DWORD  NumBytesWritten;

  hFile = (HANDLE)p;
  WriteFile(hFile, &Data, 1, &NumBytesWritten, NULL);

*       _StreamLayout
static void _StreamLayout() {
  HANDLE hFile;

  hFile = CreateFile("C:\\Temp\\Layout.skbd", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);
  KEYBOARD_ExportLayout(_WriteByte2File, (void *)hFile, &KEYBOARD_ENG);


Exports a font pattern file for a given KEYBOARD layout. This pattern file can be used when creating a font with the FontConverter for activating all required characters for the layout.


void KEYBOARD_ExportPatternFile(      GUI_CALLBACK_VOID_U8_P * pfSerialize,
                                      void                   * pVoid,
                                const KEYDEF_KEYBOARD        * pKeyboard);


Parameter Description
pfSerialize Pointer to serialization callback function.
pVoid Pointer to file handle.
pKeyboard Pointer to a data structure of type KEYDEF_KEYBOARD to be used.

Additional information

Information on how to use pattern files with the FontConverter tool can be read under Pattern files.



Returns the default color of the KEYBOARD widget.


GUI_COLOR KEYBOARD_GetDefaultColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index Color index. Refer to KEYBOARD color indexes.

Return value

GUI_INVALID_COLOR Default color for given index.


Returns the default frame size of the KEYBOARD widget.


int KEYBOARD_GetDefaultFrameSize(void);

Return value

Default frame size.



Returns the default period of the KEYBOARD widget.


unsigned KEYBOARD_GetDefaultPeriod(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index Period index. Refer to KEYBOARD period indexes.

Return value

= 0 On error.
≠ 0 Default period for given index.


Returns the default frame radius of the KEYBOARD widget.


int KEYBOARD_GetDefaultRadius(void);

Return value

Default frame radius.



Returns the default space of the KEYBOARD widget.


int KEYBOARD_GetDefaultSpace(unsigned Axis);


Parameter Description
Axis Desired axis. See Axis values for valid values.

Return value

= -1 On error.
≠ -1 Default space on given axis.


Used to retreive the rectangle area of a key with the given Unicode code point.


int KEYBOARD_GetKeyRect(KEYBOARD_Handle   hObj,
                        GUI_RECT        * pRect,
                        U32               cKey);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to KEYBOARD widget.
pRect  out  Pointer to a GUI_RECT to retrieve the rectangular area.
cKey Code point of the key.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.

Additional information

Only the rectangle of visible keys can be retrieved. It might be necessary to switch the mode before retreiving a rectangle.



Locks the state of the shift key.


void KEYBOARD_LockShiftState(KEYBOARD_Handle hObj,
                             unsigned        OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to KEYBOARD widget.
OnOff 1 - Shift- and switch key are locked, 0 - Shift- and switch key are not locked


Sets a layout to a KEYBOARD widget.


int KEYBOARD_SetLayout(      KEYBOARD_Handle   hObj,
                       const KEYDEF_KEYBOARD * pKeyboard);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to KEYBOARD widget.
pKeyboard Pointer to a data structure of type KEYDEF_KEYBOARD.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.

Additional information

A list of predefined layouts can be found under Predefined keyboard layouts.


KEYBOARD_SetLayout(hKeyboard, &KEYBOARD_ENG);


Sets a streamed layout from an external .skbd file to a KEYBOARD widget.


int KEYBOARD_SetStreamedLayout(      KEYBOARD_Handle   hObj,
                               const void            * pVoid,
                                     U32               Size);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to KEYBOARD widget.
pVoid Pointer to streamed data. The data has to remain valid after the function has been called.
Size Size of streamed data in bytes.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Below is a sample implementation that uses the Windows API functions.

static void _LoadStreamedLayout(void) {
  HANDLE hFile;
  DWORD  FileSize;
  char * pData;
  DWORD  NumBytesRead;

  hFile    = CreateFile("C:\\Temp\\Layout.skbd", GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);
  FileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
  pData    = (char *)malloc(FileSize);
  ReadFile(hFile, pData, FileSize, &NumBytesRead, NULL);
  KEYBOARD_SetStreamedLayout(hKeyboard, pData, NumBytesRead);

Alternatively, the .skbd file can also be converted into an array (using the Bin2C tool) and stored in accessible memory.

KEYBOARD_SetStreamedLayout(hKeyboard, _acLayout, sizeof(_acLayout));


Sets the color of a KEYBOARD widget.


void KEYBOARD_SetColor(KEYBOARD_Handle hObj,
                       unsigned        Index,
                       GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to KEYBOARD widget.
Index Color index. Refer to KEYBOARD color indexes.
Color Color to use for specified index.


Sets a default color for newly created KEYBOARD widgets.


void KEYBOARD_SetDefaultColor(unsigned  Index,
                              GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index Color index. Refer to KEYBOARD color indexes.
Color New default color.


Sets a default frame size for newly created KEYBOARD widgets.


void KEYBOARD_SetDefaultFrameSize(int FrameSize);


Parameter Description
FrameSize New default frame size.


Sets a default period for newly created KEYBOARD widgets.


void KEYBOARD_SetDefaultPeriod(unsigned Index,
                               unsigned Period);


Parameter Description
Index Period index. Refer to KEYBOARD period indexes.
Period New default period.


Sets a default radius for newly created KEYBOARD widgets.


void KEYBOARD_SetDefaultRadius(int Radius);


Parameter Description
Radius New default radius.


Sets a default space for newly created KEYBOARD widgets.


void KEYBOARD_SetDefaultSpace(unsigned Axis,
                              int      Space);


Parameter Description
Axis Desired axis. See Axis values for valid values.
Space New default space.


Sets a font to the KEYBOARD widget.


void KEYBOARD_SetFont(      KEYBOARD_Handle   hObj,
                            unsigned          Index,
                      const GUI_FONT        * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to KEYBOARD widget.
Index Font index. Refer to KEYBOARD font indexes.
pFont Font to be used.


Sets the period of a KEYBOARD widget. The period can be for long pressing a key or holding a key (such as backspace), depending on the period index.


void KEYBOARD_SetPeriod(KEYBOARD_Handle hObj,
                        unsigned        Index,
                        unsigned        Period);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to KEYBOARD widget.
Index Period index. Refer to KEYBOARD period indexes.
Period New period to use.


Sets the radius of the keys of a KEYBOARD widget.


void KEYBOARD_SetRadius(KEYBOARD_Handle hObj,
                        unsigned        Radius);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to KEYBOARD widget.
Radius New radius to be used.


Sets the state of the shift key.


void KEYBOARD_SetShiftState(KEYBOARD_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned        State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to KEYBOARD widget.
State New state to be used.


Sets the space between the keys of a KEYBOARD widget.


void KEYBOARD_SetSpace(KEYBOARD_Handle hObj,
                       unsigned        Axis,
                       unsigned        Space);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to KEYBOARD widget.
Axis Desired axis. See Axis values for valid values.
Space New space to be used used.
Data structures


Configuration structure to define the entire layout of a KEYBOARD widget. A pointer to a filled structure of this type can be passed to KEYBOARD_SetLayout() or KEYBOARD_CreateUser().

If any keyboard components are not needed for the layout, such as certain keys or shift lines etc., NULL can be passed instead.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const char          * pLongName;
  const KEYDEF_KEY    * pDefBackspace;
  const KEYDEF_KEY    * pDefEnter;
  const KEYDEF_KEY    * pDefSpace;
  const KEYDEF_SHIFT  * pDefShift;
  const KEYDEF_SWITCH * pDefSwitch;
  unsigned              NumFixedLines;
  unsigned              NumCodesLines;
  unsigned              NumShiftLines;
  unsigned              NumExtraLines;
  const KEYDEF_LINE **  ppLineFixed;
  const KEYDEF_LINE **  ppLineCodes;
  const KEYDEF_LINE **  ppLineShift;
  const KEYDEF_LINE **  ppLineExtra;
  unsigned              wLong;
  unsigned              hLong;

Structure members

Member Description
pLongName Name of the layout. The name is only used by AppWizard, therefore the pointer can be NULL.
pDefBackspace Pointer to key definition of backspace key.
pDefEnter Pointer to key definition of enter key.
pDefSpace Pointer to key definition of space key.
pDefShift Pointer to the definition structure of the shift key.
pDefSwitch Pointer to the definition structure of the switch key.
NumFixedLines Number of fixed lines of characters in the keyboard that will not be affected by the shift or switch key.
NumCodesLines Number of lines of characters in the keyboard that are shown when neither shift nor switch has been pressed.
NumShiftLines Number of lines of characters to be shown when the shift key has been pressed.
NumExtraLines Number of lines of characters to be shown when the switch key has been pressed.
ppLineFixed Pointer to an array of definition structures for the fixed lines of characters.
ppLineCodes Pointer to an array of definition structures for the lines shown by default.
ppLineShift Pointer to an array of definition structures for the lines shown when the shift key is pressed.
ppLineExtra Pointer to an array of definition structures for the lines shown when the switch key is pressed.
wLong Width of a long press key in the long press dialog. The size is specified in promille and relative to the KEYBOARD widget’s size.
hLong Height of a long press key in the long press dialog. The size is specified in promille and relative to the KEYBOARD widget’s size.


  // Long name
  // Special keys...
  // Numbers of key lines...
  // Pointers to key lines...
  // Size of longpress key
   80,  // Width  in promille of keyboard's x-size
  200,  // Height in promille of keyboard's y-size


Structure that is used for storing pointers to arrays of long press characters.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  unsigned    NumCodes;
  const U16 * pCodes;

Structure members

Member Description
NumCodes Number of characters.
pCodes Pointer to an array of character codes.


static const U16 _aLong21_00[]   = { 0x002d, 0x0179, 0x017b, 0x017d };
static const U16 _aLong21_01[]   = { 0x0027 };
static const U16 _aLong21_02[]   = { 0x0022, 0x00c7, 0x0106, 0x010c };
static const KEYBOARD_CODES _aLong21[] = {
  { GUI_COUNTOF(_aLong21_00), _aLong21_00 },
  { GUI_COUNTOF(_aLong21_01), _aLong21_01 },
  { GUI_COUNTOF(_aLong21_02), _aLong21_02 },

The pointer to the array containing pointers to the long press arrays is then passed as last member of the KEYDEF_LINE structure.

static const KEYDEF_LINE _AlphaUpper2 = { { 150, 600,  700, 200 },
                                          { GUI_COUNTOF(_aAlphaUpper2), _aAlphaUpper2 },
                                          _aLong21 };


This structure is used to define the position and size of keys on the keyboard.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  unsigned  x;
  unsigned  y;
  unsigned  w;
  unsigned  h;

Structure members

Member Description
x X-position.
y Y-position.
w Width.
h Height.

Additional information

All positions and sizes are entered in promille. This way, the sizes and positions are relative to the keyboard’s window size.

For example, if the width of a key line is defined as 1000, that means the line will span over the entire keyboard widget, since 1000‰equals 100%. If the keyboard widget has an x-size of 400 px, the line will also have an x-size of 400.



Structure that defines a single key to be used in a keyboard.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const KEYDEF_AREA    Area;
  U16                  Code;
  const KEYDEF_BUTTON  Button;

Structure members

Member Description
Area Pointer to data structure of type KEYDEF_AREA that defines the position and size of the key.
Code Character code that is inserted when the key is pressed.
Button Pointer to data structure of type KEYDEF_BUTTON that defines the appearance of the key.


static const KEYDEF_KEY _KeyBackspace = { { 880, 600,  120, 200 },     // Position and size of
                                                                       // key in promille
                                          0x0008,                      // Code (for KEYDEF_KEY only)
                                          { NULL,                      // Text
                                            &_acBackspace_24x16,       // Pointer to streamed bitmap
                                                                       // or bitmap structure
                                            sizeof(_acBackspace_24x16) // Size of streamed bitmap
                                          } };


Configuration structure to define a shift key for the keyboard. A shift key is used to switch between lower and upper case letters.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const KEYDEF_AREA    Area;
  const KEYDEF_BUTTON  aButton[];

Structure members

Member Description
Area Data structure of type KEYDEF_AREA that defines position and size of the shift key.
aButton Array of type KEYDEF_BUTTON that holds the definition of appearance of four states. The four states are: normal, shift, shift locked and extra.


static const KEYDEF_SHIFT _KeyShift = { {   0, 600,  120, 200 }, 
                                        { { NULL, &_acShift0_16x16, sizeof(_acShift0_16x16) },
                                          { NULL, &_acShift0_16x16, sizeof(_acShift1_16x16) },
                                          { NULL, &_acShift0_16x16, sizeof(_acShift0_16x16) },
                                          { NULL, NULL,             0                       } } };


Configuration structure to define a switch key for the keyboard. A switch key is used to switch between different lines of characters, mostly used for switching between letters and special characters.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const KEYDEF_AREA    Area;
  const KEYDEF_BUTTON  aButton[];

Structure members

Member Description
Area Data structure of type KEYDEF_AREA that defines position and size of the switch key.
aButton Array of type KEYDEF_BUTTON that holds the appearance definition for pressed and unpressed state.


static const KEYDEF_SWITCH _KeySwitch = { { 0, 800, 150, 200 }, 
                                          { { "!#1", NULL, 0 }, 
                                            { "ABC", NULL, 0 } } };


Structure that holds information about how a key should look like. This structure is used by KEYDEF_KEY, KEYDEF_SHIFT and KEYDEF_SWITCH.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const char * pText;
  const void * pBm;
  U32          Size;

Structure members

Member Description
pText Pointer to text shown for the key.
pBm Pointer to streamed bitmap shown for the key.
Size Array size of streamed bitmap.

Additional information

The streamed bitmap should ideally contain a compressed alpha channel (type: “Alpha channel, compressed). This is necessary so the given shift color can be applied to the key bitmap.


Either a text or a bitmap can be set for a key, this means either the pointer pBm or pText in this structure must be NULL.



Structure that defines one line of characters of a keyboard.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  KEYDEF_AREA            Area;
  KEYBOARD_CODES         Codes;
  const KEYBOARD_CODES * pCodesLong;

Structure members

Member Description
Area Data structure of type KEYDEF_AREA that defines position and size of the line.
Codes Data structure of type KEYBOARD_CODES that hold the character codes to be used for the line.
pCodesLong Pointer to an array of the type KEYBOARD_CODES that holds the character codes for long press.
Note: The number of elements in the array must be equal to the number of codes defined in the previous member Codes.

Additional information

The given key codes defined in Codes are spread equally and horizontally over the area defined in the member Area.


static const KEYDEF_LINE _AlphaUpper2  = { { 150, 600,  700, 200 },
                                           { GUI_COUNTOF(_aAlphaUpper2), _aAlphaUpper2 },
                                           _aLong21 };
KEYBOARD color indexes


Color indices for KEYBOARD widget.


#define KEYBOARD_CI_KEY        0
#define KEYBOARD_CI_FKEY       1
#define KEYBOARD_CI_CODE       3
#define KEYBOARD_CI_LONG       4
#define KEYBOARD_CI_BK         5
#define KEYBOARD_CI_MARK       6


Definition Description
KEYBOARD_CI_KEY Color of key.
KEYBOARD_CI_FKEY Color of function key, such as shift.
KEYBOARD_CI_PRESSED Pressed color of a key.
KEYBOARD_CI_CODE Text color of character on a key.
KEYBOARD_CI_LONG Text color of long press character on a key.
KEYBOARD_CI_BK Background color of widget.
KEYBOARD_CI_MARK Color of shift-lock symbol.
KEYBOARD font indexes


Font indexes for KEYBOARD widget.


#define KEYBOARD_FI_CODE    0
#define KEYBOARD_FI_LONG    1


Definition Description
KEYBOARD_FI_CODE Font used for text displayed on a key.
KEYBOARD_FI_LONG Font used for smaller long press characters displayed on a key.
KEYBOARD period indexes


Period indices for KEYBOARD widget.


#define KEYBOARD_PI_REPEAT       1


Definition Description
KEYBOARD_PI_LONGPRESS Period it takes for a long press to open the long press dialog.
KEYBOARD_PI_REPEAT Period for repeated actions, such as holding the backspace key.

LISTBOX: List box widget

LISTBOX widgets are used to select one element of a list. A list box can be created without a surrounding frame window, as shown below, or as a child window of a FRAMEWIN widget (see the additional screenshots at the end of the section). As items in a list box are selected, they appear highlighted. Note that the background color of a selected item depends on whether the list box window has input focus.

List box with focus List box without focus


All LISTBOX-related routines are in the file(s) LISTBOX*.c, LISTBOX.h.
All identifiers are prefixed LISTBOX.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N LISTBOX_BKCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Background color, unselected state.
N LISTBOX_BKCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_GRAY Background color, selected state without focus.
N LISTBOX_BKCOLOR2_DEFAULT GUI_BLUE Background color, selected state with focus.
N LISTBOX_TEXTCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Text color, unselected state.
N LISTBOX_TEXTCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Text color, selected state without focus.
N LISTBOX_TEXTCOLOR2_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Text color, selected state with focus.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make LISTBOX widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_LISTBOX0    0x110
#define GUI_ID_LISTBOX1    0x111
#define GUI_ID_LISTBOX2    0x112
#define GUI_ID_LISTBOX3    0x113
#define GUI_ID_LISTBOX4    0x114
#define GUI_ID_LISTBOX5    0x115
#define GUI_ID_LISTBOX6    0x116
#define GUI_ID_LISTBOX7    0x117
#define GUI_ID_LISTBOX8    0x118
#define GUI_ID_LISTBOX9    0x119
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a LISTBOX widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT LISTBOX has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the box without releasing.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SCROLL_CHANGED The scroll position of the optional scroll bar has been changed.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED The selection of the LISTBOX widget has changed.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Reaction
GUI_KEY_SPACE If the widget works in multi selection mode this key toggles the state of the current selected item.
GUI_KEY_RIGHT If the maximum X-size of the list box items is larger than the list box itself this key scrolls the list box content to the left.
GUI_KEY_LEFT If the maximum X-size of the list box items is larger than the list box itself this key scrolls the list box content to the right.
GUI_KEY_DOWN Moves the selection bar down.
GUI_KEY_UP Moves the selection bar up.
GUI_KEY_HOME Sets the selection to the first item.
GUI_KEY_END Sets the selection to the last item.
GUI_KEY_PGUP Moves the selection one page up.
GUI_KEY_PGDOWN Moves the selection one page down.

The table below lists the available emWin LISTBOX-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
LISTBOX_AddString() Adds an item to a LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_Clear() Removes all items from the LISTBOX.
LISTBOX_Create() Creates a LISTBOX widget. (Obsolete)
LISTBOX_CreateAsChild() Creates a LISTBOX widget as a child window. (Obsolete)
LISTBOX_CreateEx() Creates a LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_CreateIndirect() Creates a LISTBOX widget from resource table entry.
LISTBOX_CreateUser() Creates a LISTBOX widget using extra bytes as user data.
LISTBOX_DecSel() Decrements selection.
LISTBOX_DeleteItem() Deletes an element.
LISTBOX_EnableMotion() Enables motion support for the given LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_EnableWrapMode() Enables scrolling from the end to the beginning and vice versa.
LISTBOX_GetBkColor() Returns the background color of the widget.
LISTBOX_GetDefaultBkColor() Returns the default background color for new LISTBOX widgets.
LISTBOX_GetDefaultFont() Returns the default font used for creating LISTBOX widgets.
LISTBOX_GetDefaultScrollStepH() Returns the default horizontal scroll step used for creating LISTBOX widgets.
LISTBOX_GetDefaultTextAlign() Returns the default text alignment for new LISTBOX widgets.
LISTBOX_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color for new LISTBOX widgets.
LISTBOX_GetFixedScrollPos() Returns the currently set fixed scroll position value in pixels.
LISTBOX_GetFont() Returns a pointer to the font used to display the text of the LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_GetItemDisabled() Returns if the given item of the LISTBOX widget has been disabled.
LISTBOX_GetItemSel() Returns the selection state of the given LISTBOX item.
LISTBOX_GetItemSpacing() This function returns the distance between the different items of a LISTBOX.
LISTBOX_GetItemText() Returns the text of the given item of the LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_GetMulti() Returns if the multi selection mode of the given LISTBOX widget is active.
LISTBOX_GetNumItems() Returns the number of items in a specified LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_GetOwner() Returns the ’owner’ of the widget.
LISTBOX_GetScrollStepH() Returns the horizontal scroll step of the given LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_GetSel() Returns the zero based index of the currently selected item in a specified LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_GetTextAlign() Returns the text alignment of the given LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_GetTextColor() Returns the text color of the widget.
LISTBOX_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with LISTBOX_SetUserData().
LISTBOX_GetVisItemIndices() Retrieves the index of the first and last visible item.
LISTBOX_IncSel() Increment the selection of the LISTBOX widget (moves the selection bar of a specified LISTBOX widget down by one item).
LISTBOX_InsertString() Inserts an element into a LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_InvalidateItem() Invalidates an item of a owner drawn LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_IsItemPartiallyVisible() Returns if an item of the LISTBOX is partially visible, fully visible or not visible at all.
LISTBOX_OwnerDraw() Default function to handle a LISTBOX entry.
LISTBOX_SetAutoScrollH() Enables/disables the automatic use of a horizontal scroll bar.
LISTBOX_SetAutoScrollV() Enables/disables the automatic use of a vertical scroll bar.
LISTBOX_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color for new LISTBOX widgets.
LISTBOX_SetDefaultFont() Sets the default font used for creating LISTBOX widgets.
LISTBOX_SetDefaultScrollStepH() Sets the default horizontal scroll step used when creating a LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_SetDefaultTextAlign() Sets the default text alignment for new LISTBOX widgets.
LISTBOX_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default text color for new LISTBOX widgets.
LISTBOX_SetFixedScrollPos() Enables the fixed scroll mode for the given LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_SetFont() Sets the font of the LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_SetItemDisabled() Modifies the disable state of the given list item of the LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_SetItemSel() Modifies the selection state of the given item of the LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_SetItemSpacing() Sets an additional spacing below the items of a LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_SetMulti() Switches the multi selection mode of a LISTBOX on or off.
LISTBOX_SetOwnerDraw() Sets the LISTBOX widget to be owner drawn.
LISTBOX_SetScrollbarColor() Sets the colors of the optional scroll bar.
LISTBOX_SetScrollbarWidth() Sets the width of the scroll bars used by the given LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_SetScrollStepH() Sets the horizontal scroll step of the given LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_SetSel() Sets the selected item of a specified LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_SetString() Sets the content of the given item.
LISTBOX_SetTextAlign() The function sets the text alignment used to display each item of the LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_SetTextColor() Sets the text color of the LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a LISTBOX widget.


Group of defines Description
LISTBOX color indexes Color indexes used by the LISTBOX widget.
LISTBOX fixed scroll mode flags Defines used for the fixed scroll mode of the widget.


Adds an item to an already existing LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_AddString(      LISTBOX_Handle   hObj,
                       const char           * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
s Text to display.


Removes all items from the LISTBOX.


void LISTBOX_Clear(LISTBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTBOX widget.


This function is deprecated, LISTBOX_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a LISTBOX widget of a specified size at a specified location.


LISTBOX_Handle LISTBOX_Create(const GUI_ConstString * ppText,
                                    int               x0,
                                    int               y0,
                                    int               xSize,
                                    int               ySize,
                                    int               Flags);


Parameter Description
ppText Pointer to an array of string pointers containing the elements to be displayed.
x0 Leftmost pixel of the LISTBOX widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the LISTBOX widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the LISTBOX widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the LISTBOX widget (in pixels).
Flags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).

Return value

Handle of the created LISTBOX widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

If the parameter ySize is greater than the required space for drawing the content of the widget, the y-size will be reduced to the required value. The same applies to the xSize parameter.



This function is deprecated, LISTBOX_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a LISTBOX widget as a child window.


LISTBOX_Handle LISTBOX_CreateAsChild(const GUI_ConstString * ppText,
                                           WM_HWIN           hWinParent,
                                           int               x0,
                                           int               y0,
                                           int               xSize,
                                           int               ySize,
                                           int               Flags);


Parameter Description
ppText Pointer to an array of string pointers containing the elements to be displayed.
hParent Handle of parent window.
x0 X-position of the LISTBOX widget relative to the parent window.
y0 Y-position of the LISTBOX widget relative to the parent window.
xSize Horizontal size of the LISTBOX widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the LISTBOX widget (in pixels).
Flags Window create flags (see Window create flags).

Return value

Handle of the created LISTBOX widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

If the parameter ySize is greater than the space required for drawing the content of the widget, the Y-size will be reduced to the required value. If ySize = 0 the Y-size of the widget will be set to the Y-size of the client area from the parent window. The same applies for the Xsize parameter.



Creates a LISTBOX widget of a specified size at a specified location.


LISTBOX_Handle LISTBOX_CreateEx(      int               x0,
                                      int               y0,
                                      int               xSize,
                                      int               ySize,
                                      WM_HWIN           hParent,
                                      int               WinFlags,
                                      int               ExFlags,
                                      int               Id,
                                const GUI_ConstString * ppText);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new HEADER widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags Not used, reserved for future use.
Id Window ID of the widget.
ppText Pointer to an array of string pointers containing the elements to be displayed. The last entry of this array has to be NULL.

Return value

Handle of the created LISTBOX widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

If an array of string pointers is set as last parameter, please make sure that the last entry in this array is NULL.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function LISTBOX_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function LISTBOX_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Decrement the selection of the LISTBOX widget (moves the selection bar of a specified LISTBOX widget up by one item).


void LISTBOX_DecSel(LISTBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.

Additional information

Note that the numbering of items always starts from the top with a value of 0; therefore, decrementing the selection will actually move the selection one row up.



Deletes an element from a LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_DeleteItem(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                        unsigned       Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Index Zero-based index of element to be deleted.


Enables motion support for the given LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_EnableMotion(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                          int            Flags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Flags See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Flags
0 Disables motion support.
LISTBOX_CF_MOTION_H Enables horizontal motion support.
LISTBOX_CF_MOTION_V Enables vertical motion support.

Additional information

If motion support isn’t enabled for the window manager, it will be activated automatically.

Note that motion support cannot be used in conjunction with scrollbars. This means that enabling motion support on one axis will remove a scrollbar attached to the same axis.



Enables scrolling from the end to the beginning and vice versa. That avoids scrolling from the end through the whole content of the list. If for example the last set of items of the LISTBOX are currently visible and the user attempts scrolling to the next element the beginning of the list will be shown.


void LISTBOX_EnableWrapMode(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                            int            OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling wrap mode, 0 (default) for disabling.


Returns the background color of the widget.


                             unsigned       Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Index See LISTBOX color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The background color of the given widget.



Returns the default background color for new LISTBOX widgets.


GUI_COLOR LISTBOX_GetDefaultBkColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See LISTBOX color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default background color for new LISTBOX widgets.



Returns the default font used for creating LISTBOX widgets.


GUI_FONT *LISTBOX_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Pointer to the default font.



Returns the default horizontal scroll step used for creating LISTBOX widgets. The horizontal scroll step defines the number of pixels to be scrolled if needed.


int LISTBOX_GetDefaultScrollStepH(void);

Return value

Default horizontal scroll step.



Returns the default text alignment for new LISTBOX widgets.


int LISTBOX_GetDefaultTextAlign(void);

Return value

Default text alignment for new LISTBOX widgets.

Additional information

For more information, refer to LISTBOX_SetTextAlign().



Returns the default text color for new LISTBOX widgets.


GUI_COLOR LISTBOX_GetDefaultTextColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See LISTBOX color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default text color for new LISTBOX widgets.



Returns the currently set fixed scroll position value in pixels. It makes sense to use this function to retrieve the fixed scroll position if LISTBOX_FM_CENTER was previously used with LISTBOX_SetFixedScrollPos().


U16 LISTBOX_GetFixedScrollPos(LISTBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.

Return value

Currently set fixed scroll position of the LISTBOX.



Returns a pointer to the font used to display the text of the LISTBOX widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.

Return value

Pointer to the font used to display the text of the LISTBOX widget.



Returns if the given item of the LISTBOX widget has been disabled.


int LISTBOX_GetItemDisabled(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned       Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Index Zero based index of item.

Return value

1 if item has been disabled
0 if not.


Returns the selection state of the given LISTBOX item. The selection state of a LISTBOX item can be modified in multi selection mode only.


int LISTBOX_GetItemSel(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                       unsigned       Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Index Zero based index of item.

Return value

1 if item has been selected
0 if not.


This function returns the distance between the different items of a LISTBOX.


unsigned LISTBOX_GetItemSpacing(LISTBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.

Return value

The distance between the items in pixel.



Returns the text of the given item of the LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_GetItemText(LISTBOX_Handle   hObj,
                         unsigned         Index,
                         char           * pBuffer,
                         int              MaxSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Index Zero based item index.
pBuffer Pointer to buffer to store the item text.
MaxSize Size of the buffer.

Additional information

The function copies the text of the given LISTBOX item into the given buffer.



Returns if the multi selection mode of the given LISTBOX widget is active.


int LISTBOX_GetMulti(LISTBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.

Additional information

1 if active
0 if not.


Returns the number of items in a specified LISTBOX widget.


unsigned LISTBOX_GetNumItems(LISTBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.

Return value

Number of items in the LISTBOX widget.



Returns the ’owner’ of the widget. If it does not have an ’owner’ it returns its parent.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.

Return value

Owner or parent of the widget.

Additional information

A LISTBOX is used to represent the list of a DROPDOWN widget in expanded state. In that case the ’owner’ is the DROPDOWN widget.



Returns the horizontal scroll step of the given LISTBOX widget.


int LISTBOX_GetScrollStepH(LISTBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.

Return value

Horizontal scroll step of the given LISTBOX widget.



Returns the zero based index of the currently selected item in a specified LISTBOX widget. In multi selection mode the function returns the index of the focused element.


int LISTBOX_GetSel(LISTBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.

Return value

Zero-based index of the currently selected item.

Additional information

If no element has been selected the function returns -1.



Returns the text alignment of the given LISTBOX widget.


int LISTBOX_GetTextAlign(LISTBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.

Return value

Text alignment of the given LISTBOX widget.

Additional information

For more information, refer to LISTBOX_SetTextAlign().



Returns the text color of the widget.


                               unsigned       Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Index See LISTBOX color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The text color of the given widget.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Retrieves the index of the first and last visible item. The function also returns the total number of visible items.


U32 LISTBOX_GetVisItemIndices(LISTBOX_Handle   hObj,
                              int            * pFirst,
                              int            * pLast);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTBOX widget.
pFirst  out  Pointer to an integer that stores the zero-based index of the first visible row of the LISTBOX.
pLast  out  Pointer to an integer that stores the zero-based index of the last visible row of the LISTBOX.

Return value

= -1 Error.
≠ -1 Number of visible items.

Additional information

This function also takes partially visible items into account. By using the function LISTBOX_IsItemPartiallyVisible(), it can be checked if a row is only partially visible, fully visible or not visible at all.



Increment the selection of the LISTBOX widget (moves the selection bar of a specified LISTBOX widget down by one item).


void LISTBOX_IncSel(LISTBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Index See table below.

Additional information

Note that the numbering of items always starts from the top with a value of 0; therefore incrementing the selection will actually move the selection one row down.



Inserts an element into a LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_InsertString(      LISTBOX_Handle   hObj,
                          const char           * s,
                                unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
s Pointer to string to be inserted.
Index Zero based index of element to be inserted.


Invalidates an item of a owner drawn LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_InvalidateItem(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                            int            Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Index Zero based index of element to be invalidated or LISTBOX_ALL_ITEMS if all items should be invalidated.

Additional information

This function only needs to be called if an item of an owner drawn LISTBOX widget has been changed. If a LISTBOX API function (like LISTBOX_SetString()) has been used to modify a LISTBOX item LISTBOX_InvalidateItem() does not need to be called. It needs to be called if the user decides, that for example the vertical size of an item has been changed. With other words if no LISTBOX API function has been used to modify the item this function needs to be called.


If all items of a LISTBOX should be invalidated use this define as Index parameter.



Returns if an item of the LISTBOX is partially visible, fully visible or not visible at all.


U32 LISTBOX_IsItemPartiallyVisible(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                                   int            Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTBOX widget.
Index Zero-based index of the row to be checked.

Return value

-1 Item is fully visible.
0 Item is not visible at all.
1 Item is partially visible.


Default function to handle a LISTBOX entry.


int LISTBOX_OwnerDraw(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo);


Parameter Description
pDrawItemInfo Pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure.

Additional information

This function is useful if LISTBOX_SetOwnerDraw() has been used. It can be used from your drawing function to retrieve the original x size of a LISTBOX entry and/or to display the text of a LISTBOX entry and should be called for all unhandled commands. For more information, refer to the section explaining user drawn widgets, LISTBOX_SetOwnerDraw() and to the provided example.



Enables/disables the automatic use of a horizontal scroll bar.


void LISTBOX_SetAutoScrollH(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                            int            State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
OnOff See table below.
Permitted values for parameter OnOff
0 Disable automatic use of a horizontal scroll bar.
1 Enable automatic use of a horizontal scroll bar.

Additional information

If enabled the LISTBOX widget checks if all elements fits into the LISTBOX widget. If not a horizontal scroll bar will be attached to the window.



Enables/disables the automatic use of a vertical scroll bar.


void LISTBOX_SetAutoScrollV(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                            int            State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
OnOff See table below.
Permitted values for parameter OnOff
0 Disable automatic use of a vertical scroll bar.
1 Enable automatic use of a vertical scroll bar.

Additional information

If enabled the LISTBOX widget checks if all elements fits into the LISTBOX widget. If not a vertical scroll bar will be added.



Sets the background color of the LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_SetBkColor(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                        unsigned       Index,
                        GUI_COLOR      color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Index See LISTBOX color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be set.


Sets the default background color for new LISTBOX widgets.


void LISTBOX_SetDefaultBkColor(unsigned  Index,
                               GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index See LISTBOX color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Desired background color.


Sets the default font used for creating LISTBOX widgets.


void LISTBOX_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to the font.


Sets the default horizontal scroll step used when creating a LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_SetDefaultScrollStepH(int Value);


Parameter Description
Value Number of pixels to be scrolled.


Sets the default text alignment for new LISTBOX widgets.


void LISTBOX_SetDefaultTextAlign(int Align);


Parameter Description
Align Default text alignment for new LISTBOX widgets.

Additional information

For more information, refer to LISTBOX_SetTextAlign().



Sets the default text color for new LISTBOX widgets.


void LISTBOX_SetDefaultTextColor(unsigned  Index,
                                 GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index See LISTBOX color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Desired text color.


Enables the fixed scroll mode for the given LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_SetFixedScrollPos(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                               U16            FixedScrollPos,
                               U8             Mode);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
FixedScrollPos Scroll position the LISTBOX should be fixed to (in pixels, only used if Mode = LISTBOX_FM_ON).
Mode Sets the desired mode. See LISTBOX fixed scroll mode flags.

Additional information

If Mode = LISTBOX_FM_CENTER, a fixed scroll position will be calculated so that the item is in the middle of the widget. The calculated value can be retrieved with LISTBOX_GetFixedScrollPos().



Sets the font of the LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_SetFont(      LISTBOX_Handle   hObj,
                     const GUI_FONT       * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
pFont Pointer to the font.


Modifies the disable state of the given list item of the LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_SetItemDisabled(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                             unsigned       Index,
                             int            OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Index Zero based index of the LISTBOX item.
OnOff 1 for disabled, 0 for not disabled.

Additional information

When scrolling through a LISTBOX widget disabled items will be skipped. You can not scroll to a disabled item of a LISTBOX widget.



Modifies the selection state of the given item of the LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_SetItemSel(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                        unsigned       Index,
                        int            OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Index Zero based index of the LISTBOX item.
OnOff 1 for selected, 0 for not selected.

Additional information

Setting the selection state of a LISTBOX item makes only sense when using the multi selection mode. See also LISTBOX_SetMulti().

Before After


Sets an additional spacing below the items of a LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_SetItemSpacing(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned       Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Value Number of pixels used as additional spacing between the items.


Switches the multi selection mode of a LISTBOX on or off.


void LISTBOX_SetMulti(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                      int            Mode);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Mode 0 for off, 1 for on.

Additional information

The multi selection mode enables the LISTBOX widget to have more than one selected element. Using the space key would toggle the selection state of a LISTBOX item.



Sets the LISTBOX widget to be owner drawn.


void LISTBOX_SetOwnerDraw(LISTBOX_Handle          hObj,
                          WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC * pfDrawItem);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
pfDrawItem Pointer to owner draw function.

Supported commands

Additional information

This function sets a function pointer to a function which will be called by the widget if a LISTBOX item has to be drawn and when the x or y size of a item is needed. It gives you the possibility to draw anything as LISTBOX item, not just plain text. pfDrawItem is a pointer to a application-defined function of type WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC which is explained at the beginning of the chapter.


If ItemIndex < 0, the command refers to the empty area where no items of the LISTBOX are drawn.

Structure of the user defined owner draw function

The following shows the structure of a typical owner draw function. It assumes that your LISTBOX entries are 30 pixels wider than and have the same height as the item drawn by the default function:

static int _OwnerDraw(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo) {
  switch (pDrawItemInfo->Cmd) {
    return LISTBOX_OwnerDraw(pDrawItemInfo) + 30; /* Returns the default xSize+10 */
    /* Your code to be added to draw the LISTBOX item */
    return 0;
  return LISTBOX_OwnerDraw(pDrawItemInfo);   /* Def. function for unhandled cmds */ 


The source code of this example is available in the examples as WIDGET_ListBoxOwnerDraw.c.

Before After


Sets the colors of the optional scroll bar.


void LISTBOX_SetScrollbarColor(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                               unsigned       Index,
                               GUI_COLOR      Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Index Index of desired item. See SCROLLBAR color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.


Sets the width of the scroll bars used by the given LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_SetScrollbarWidth(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                               unsigned       Width);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Width Width of the scroll bar(s) used by the given LISTBOX widget.


Sets the horizontal scroll step of the given LISTBOX widget. The horizontal scroll step defines the number of pixels to be scrolled if needed.


void LISTBOX_SetScrollStepH(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                            int            Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Value Number of pixels to be scrolled.


Sets the selected item of a specified LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_SetSel(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                    int            NewSel);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Sel Element to be selected.


Sets the content of the given item.


void LISTBOX_SetString(      LISTBOX_Handle   hObj,
                       const char           * s,
                             unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
s Pointer to string containing the new content.
Index Zero-based index of element to be changed.
Before After


The function sets the text alignment used to display each item of the LISTBOX widget.


void LISTBOX_SetTextAlign(LISTBOX_Handle hObj,
                          int            Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Align Text alignment to be used. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.

Additional information

The default alignment of list boxes is GUI_TA_LEFT. Per default the height of each item depends on the height of the font used to render the LISTBOX items. So vertical text alignment makes only sense if the function LISTBOX_SetItemSpacing() is used to set an additional spacing below the items.



Sets the text color of the LISTBOX widget.


                               unsigned       Index,
                               GUI_COLOR      Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTBOX widget.
Index Index for text color (see LISTBOX_SetBackColor).
Color Color to be set.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

LISTBOX color indexes


Color indexes used by the LISTBOX widget.


#define LISTBOX_CI_UNSEL       0
#define LISTBOX_CI_SEL         1


Definition Description
LISTBOX_CI_UNSEL Color of unselected element.
LISTBOX_CI_SEL Color of selected element.
LISTBOX_CI_SELFOCUS Color of selected element with focus.
LISTBOX_CI_DISABLED Color of disabled element.
LISTBOX fixed scroll mode flags


Defines used for the fixed scroll mode of the widget. Refer to LISTBOX_SetFixedScrollPos() for more information.


#define LISTBOX_FM_OFF       0
#define LISTBOX_FM_ON        1
#define LISTBOX_FM_CENTER    2


Definition Description
LISTBOX_FM_OFF Disables the fixed scroll mode.
LISTBOX_FM_ON Enables the fixed scroll mode.
LISTBOX_FM_CENTER Tries to keep the selected item in the center.

The Sample folder contains the following examples which show how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of WIDGET_SimpleListBox.c

Screenshot(s) of WIDGET_ListBox.c

LISTVIEW: Listview widget

LISTVIEW widgets are used to select one element of a list with several columns. To manage the columns a LISTVIEW widget contains a HEADER widget. A LISTVIEW can be created without a surrounding frame window or as a child window of a FRAMEWIN widget. As items in a listview are selected, they appear highlighted. Note that the background color of a selected item depends on whether the LISTVIEW window has input focus. The table below shows the appearance of the LISTVIEW widget:

Description LISTVIEW widget
No focus
No surrounding FRAMEWIN
No SCROLLBAR attached
Grid lines not visible
Has input focus
No surrounding FRAMEWIN
No SCROLLBAR attached
Grid lines not visible
Has input focus
With surrounding FRAMEWIN
No SCROLLBAR attached
Grid lines not visible
Has input focus
With surrounding FRAMEWIN
SCROLLBAR attached
Grid lines not visible
Has input focus
With surrounding FRAMEWIN
SCROLLBAR attached
Grid lines visible


All LISTVIEW-related routines are located in the file(s) LISTVIEW*.c, LISTVIEW.h.
All identifiers are prefixed LISTVIEW.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N LISTVIEW_BKCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Background color, unselected state.
N LISTVIEW_BKCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_GRAY Background color, selected state without focus.
N LISTVIEW_BKCOLOR2_DEFAULT GUI_BLUE Background color, selected state with focus.
N LISTVIEW_BKCOLOR3_DEFAULT GUI_LIGHTGRAY Background color, disabled state.
S LISTVIEW_FONT_DEFAULT &GUI_Font13_1 Default font.
N LISTVIEW_SCROLLSTEP_H_DEFAULT 10 Defines the number of pixels to be scrolled if needed.
N LISTVIEW_TEXTCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Text color, unselected state.
N LISTVIEW_TEXTCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Text color, selected state without focus.
N LISTVIEW_TEXTCOLOR2_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Text color, selected state with focus.
N LISTVIEW_TEXTCOLOR3_DEFAULT GUI_GRAY Text color, disabled state.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make LISTVIEW widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW0    0x200
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW1    0x201
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW2    0x202
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW3    0x203
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW4    0x204
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW5    0x205
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW6    0x206
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW7    0x207
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW8    0x208
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW9    0x209
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a LISTVIEW widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED Widget has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED Widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT Widget has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the widget without releasing.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SCROLL_CHANGED The scroll position has changed either through an attached scrollbar or through motion support (see LISTVIEW_EnableMotion()).
WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED The selection of the list box has changed.
WM_NOTIFICATION_OVERLAP_TOP_ENTERED Sent when the overlap area was entered at the top of the LISTVIEW.
WM_NOTIFICATION_OVERLAP_BOTTOM_ENTERED Sent when the overlap area was entered at the bottom of the LISTVIEW.
WM_NOTIFICATION_OVERLAP_RELEASED Sent after a dragged overlap area has been released.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Reaction
GUI_KEY_UP Moves the selection bar up.
GUI_KEY_DOWN Moves the selection bar down.
GUI_KEY_RIGHT If the total amount of the column width is > than the inside area of the listview, the content scrolls to the left.
GUI_KEY_LEFT If the total amount of the column width is > than the inside area of the listview, the content scrolls to the right.
GUI_KEY_PGUP Moves the selection one page up.
GUI_KEY_PGDOWN Moves the selection one page down.
GUI_KEY_HOME Moves the selection to the first element of the list.
GUI_KEY_END Moves the selection to the last element of the list.

The table below lists the available emWin LISTVIEW-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
LISTVIEW_AddColumn() Adds a column to a LISTVIEW.
LISTVIEW_AddRow() Adds a row to a LISTVIEW.
LISTVIEW_Clear() Removes all items from the LISTVIEW.
LISTVIEW_CompareDec() Compare function for comparing 2 integer values.
LISTVIEW_CompareText() Compare function for comparing 2 strings.
LISTVIEW_Create() Creates a LISTVIEW widget. (Obsolete)
LISTVIEW_CreateAttached() Creates a LISTVIEW widget attached to a window.
LISTVIEW_CreateEx() Creates a LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_CreateIndirect() Creates a LISTVIEW widget from a resource table entry.
LISTVIEW_CreateUser() Creates a LISTVIEW widget using extra bytes as user data.
LISTVIEW_DecSel() Decrements selection.
LISTVIEW_DeleteAllRows() Deletes all rows from the given LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_DeleteColumn() Deletes the given column.
LISTVIEW_DeleteRow() Deletes the given row.
LISTVIEW_DisableRow() Sets the state of the given row to disabled.
LISTVIEW_DisableSort() Disables sorting of the given LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_EnableCellSelect() Enables or disables cell selection mode of the given LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_EnableMotion() Enables motion support for the given LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_EnableRow() The function sets the state of the given row to enabled.
LISTVIEW_EnableSort() Enables sorting for the given LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_GetBkColor() Returns the background color of the given LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_GetDefaultBkColor() Gets the default background color for new LISTVIEW widgets.
LISTVIEW_GetDefaultFont() Gets the default font for new LISTVIEW widgets.
LISTVIEW_GetDefaultGridColor() Gets the default color of the grid lines for new LISTVIEW widgets.
LISTVIEW_GetDefaultScrollStepH() Gets the default scrolling distance for horizontal scrolling.
LISTVIEW_GetDefaultTextColor() Gets the default text color for new LISTVIEW widgets.
LISTVIEW_GetFont() Returns a pointer to the font used to display the text of the LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_GetGridColor() Returns the grid color of the LISTVIEW.
LISTVIEW_GetHeader() Returns the handle of the HEADER widget.
LISTVIEW_GetItemRect() Returns the rectangle of the given LISTVIEW cell by copying the coordinates to the given GUI_RECT structure.
LISTVIEW_GetItemText() Copies the text of the specified item to the given buffer.
LISTVIEW_GetItemTextLen() Returns the length in characters of the given text item.
LISTVIEW_GetItemTextSorted() Copies the text of the specified item to the given buffer.
LISTVIEW_GetLBorder() Returns the size of the left border within a cell of a LISTVIEW.
LISTVIEW_GetNumColumns() Returns the number of columns of the given LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_GetNumRows() Returns the number of rows of the given LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_GetOverlap() Returns the overlap parameters of the given LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_GetRBorder() Returns the size of the right border within a cell of a LISTVIEW.
LISTVIEW_GetScrollStepH() Returns the currently set horizontal scrolling distance.
LISTVIEW_GetSel() Returns the index of the currently selected row in a specified LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_GetSelCol() Returns the index of the currently selected column.
LISTVIEW_GetSelUnsorted() Returns the index of the currently selected row in unsorted state.
LISTVIEW_GetTextAlign() Returns the currently set text alignment for the given column.
LISTVIEW_GetTextColor() Returns the text color of the given LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with LISTVIEW_SetUserData().
LISTVIEW_GetUserDataRow() Returns the user data of the given row.
LISTVIEW_GetVisRowIndices() Retrieves the index of the first and last visible item.
LISTVIEW_GetWrapMode() Returns the currently used mode for wrapping text.
LISTVIEW_IncSel() Increments selection.
LISTVIEW_InsertRow() Inserts a new row into the LISTVIEW at the given position.
LISTVIEW_IsRowPartiallyVisible() Returns if a row of the LISTVIEW is partially visible, fully visible or not visible at all.
LISTVIEW_OwnerDraw() Default function for managing drawing operations of one cell.
LISTVIEW_RowIsDisabled() Returns if a row has been disabled.
LISTVIEW_SetAutoScrollH() Enables/disables the automatic use of a horizontal scroll bar.
LISTVIEW_SetAutoScrollV() Enables/disables the automatic use of a vertical scroll bar.
LISTVIEW_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the given LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_SetColumnWidth() Sets the width of the given column.
LISTVIEW_SetCompareFunc() Sets the compare function for the given column.
LISTVIEW_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color for new LISTVIEW widgets.
LISTVIEW_SetDefaultFont() Sets the default font for new LISTVIEW widgets.
LISTVIEW_SetDefaultGridColor() Sets the default color of the grid lines for new LISTVIEW widgets.
LISTVIEW_SetDefaultScrollStepH() Sets the default scrolling distance for horizontal scrolling.
LISTVIEW_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default text color for new LISTVIEW widgets.
LISTVIEW_SetFixed() Fixes the given number of columns at their horizontal positions.
LISTVIEW_SetFont() Sets the font of the LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_SetGridColor() Sets the grid color of the LISTVIEW.
LISTVIEW_SetGridVis() Sets the visibility flag of the grid lines.
LISTVIEW_SetHeaderHeight() Sets the height of the attached HEADER widget.
LISTVIEW_SetItemBitmap() Sets a bitmap as background of the given cell.
LISTVIEW_SetItemBkColor() Sets the background color of the given cell.
LISTVIEW_SetItemText() Sets the text of one cell of the LISTVIEW widget specified by row and column.
LISTVIEW_SetItemTextColor() Sets the text color of the given cell.
LISTVIEW_SetLBorder() Sets the number of pixels used for the left border within each cell of the LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_SetOverlap() Enables motion overlapping for the given LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_SetOwnerDraw() Sets an application defined owner draw function for the widget which is responsible for drawing a cell.
LISTVIEW_SetRBorder() Sets the number of pixels used for the right border within each cell of the LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_SetRowHeight() Sets a constant row height.
LISTVIEW_SetScrollPos() Scrolls the LISTVIEW to a given column and row.
LISTVIEW_SetScrollStepH() Sets a distance in pixels for horizontal scrolling.
LISTVIEW_SetSel() Sets the current selected row.
LISTVIEW_SetSelCol() Sets the current selected column.
LISTVIEW_SetSelUnsorted() Sets the current selection in unsorted state.
LISTVIEW_SetSort() Sets the column and sorting order to be sorted by.
LISTVIEW_SetTextAlign() Sets the alignment for the given column.
LISTVIEW_SetTextColor() Sets the text color of the given LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a LISTVIEW widget.
LISTVIEW_SetUserDataRow() Sets the user data of the given row.
LISTVIEW_SetWrapMode() Sets the wrapping mode which should be used for the cells of the given LISTVIEW widget.


Group of defines Description
LISTVIEW color indexes Color indexes used by the LISTVIEW widget.


Adds a new column to a LISTVIEW widget.


int LISTVIEW_AddColumn(      LISTVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                             int               Width,
                       const char            * s,
                             int               Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Width Width of the new column
s Text to be displayed in the HEADER widget
Align Text alignment mode to set. In case of -1 the default alignment for LISTVIEW widgets is used. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.

Additional information

The Width-parameter can be 0. If Width = 0 the width of the new column will be calculated by the given text and by the default value of the horizontal spacing. You can only add columns to an ’empty’ LISTVIEW widget. If it contains 1 or more rows you can not add a new column.



Adds a new row to a LISTVIEW widget.


int LISTVIEW_AddRow(      LISTVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                    const GUI_ConstString * ppText);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
ppText Pointer to array containing the text of the LISTVIEW cells

Additional information

The ppText-array should contain one item for each column. If it contains less items the remaining cells left blank.



Removes all items from the LISTVIEW.


void LISTVIEW_Clear(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget


Compare function for comparing 2 integer values.


int LISTVIEW_CompareDec(const void * p0,
                        const void * p1);


Parameter Description
p0 Void pointer to first value.
p1 Void pointer to second value.

Return value

< 0 if value of cell 0 greater than value of cell 1.
= 0 if value of cell 0 identical to value of cell 1.
> 0 if value of cell 0 less than value of cell 1.

Additional information

The purpose of this function is to be used by the listviews sorting algorithm if the cell text represents integer values. For details about how to use this function for sorting, refer also to LISTVIEW_SetCompareFunc(). The Sample folder contains the example WIDGET_SortedListview.c which shows how to use the function.



Function for comparison of 2 strings.


int LISTVIEW_CompareText(const void * p0,
                         const void * p1);


Parameter Description
p0 Void pointer to first text.
p1 Void pointer to second text.

Return value

> 0 if text of cell 0 greater than text of cell 1.
= 0 if text of cell 0 identical to text of cell 1.
< 0 if text of cell 0 less than text of cell 1.

Additional information

The purpose of this function is to be used by the listviews sorting algorithm. For details about how to use this function for sorting, refer also to LISTVIEW_SetCompareFunc(). The Sample folder contains the example WIDGET_SortedListview.c which shows how to use the function.



This function is deprecated, LISTVIEW_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a LISTVIEW widget of a specified size at a specified location.


LISTVIEW_Handle LISTVIEW_Create(int     x0,
                                int     y0,
                                int     xSize,
                                int     ySize,
                                WM_HWIN hParent,
                                int     Id,
                                int     Flags,
                                int     ExFlags);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of the parent window
Id Id of the new widget
Flags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
SpecialFlags (Reserved for later use)

Return value

Handle of the created LISTVIEW widget; 0 if the function fails.



Creates a LISTVIEW widget which is attached to an existing window.


LISTVIEW_Handle LISTVIEW_CreateAttached(WM_HWIN hParent,
                                        int     Id,
                                        int     SpecialFlags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Id Id of the new LISTVIEW widget
SpecialFlags (Not used, reserved for later use)

Return value

Handle of the created LISTVIEW widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

An attached LISTVIEW widget is essentially a child window which will position itself on the parent window and operate accordingly.



Creates a LISTVIEW widget of a specified size at a specified location.


LISTVIEW_Handle LISTVIEW_CreateEx(int     x0,
                                  int     y0,
                                  int     xSize,
                                  int     ySize,
                                  WM_HWIN hParent,
                                  int     WinFlags,
                                  int     ExFlags,
                                  int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new LISTVIEW widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags Not used, reserved for future use.
Id Window ID of the widget.

Return value

Handle of the created LISTVIEW widget; 0 if the function fails.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function LISTVIEW_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function LISTVIEW_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Decrement the listview selection (moves the selection bar of a specified listview up by one item, if possible).


void LISTVIEW_DecSel(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget

Additional information

Note that the numbering of items always starts from the top with a value of 0; therefore, decrementing the selection will actually move the selection one row up.



Deletes all rows from the given LISTVIEW widget.


void LISTVIEW_DeleteAllRows(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.


Deletes the specified column of the LISTVIEW widget.


void LISTVIEW_DeleteColumn(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned        Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Index Zero-based index of column to be deleted.

Additional information

Note that the numbering of items always starts from the left with a value of 0.



Deletes the specified row of the LISTVIEW widget.


void LISTVIEW_DeleteRow(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                        unsigned        Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Index Zero-based index of row to be deleted.

Additional information

Note that the numbering of items always starts from the top with a value of 0.

Before After


The function sets the state of the given row to disabled.


void LISTVIEW_DisableRow(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned        Row);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
Row Zero-based index of the row to be disabled.

Additional information

When scrolling through a LISTVIEW widget disabled items will be skipped. You can not scroll to a disabled listview item.



Disables sorting of the given LISTVIEW widget. After calling this function the content of the LISTVIEW widget will be shown unsorted.


void LISTVIEW_DisableSort(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget

Additional information

For details about how to use sorting in LISTVIEW widgets, refer to LISTVIEW_SetCompareFunc() and LISTVIEW_SetSort(). The Sample folder contains the example WIDGET_SortedListview.c which shows how to use the function.

Before After


Enables or disables cell selection mode of the given LISTVIEW widget. If cell selection is enabled it is possible to select a cell via the keys up, down, left and right.


void LISTVIEW_EnableCellSelect(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                               unsigned        OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
OnOff 1 to enable and 0 to disable cell selection mode.


Enables motion support for the given LISTVIEW widget.


void LISTVIEW_EnableMotion(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                           int             Flags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTVIEW widget.
Flags See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Flags
0 Disables motion support.
LISTVIEW_CF_MOTION_H Enables horizontal motion support.
LISTVIEW_CF_MOTION_V Enables vertical motion support.

Additional information

If motion support isn’t enabled for the window manager, it will be activated automatically.

Note that motion support cannot be used in conjunction with SCROLLBAR widgets. This means that enabling motion support on one axis will remove a scrollbar attached to the same axis. This does however not apply to SCROLLER widgets.

Before After


The function sets the state of the given row to enabled.


void LISTVIEW_EnableRow(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                        unsigned        Row);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
Row Zero-based index of the row to be disabled.

Additional information

Refer to LISTVIEW_DisableRow().



Enables sorting for the given LISTVIEW widget. After calling this function the content of the listview can be rendered sorted after clicking on the header item of the desired column, by which the LISTVIEW widget should sort its data. Note that this works only after a compare function for the desired column has been set.


void LISTVIEW_EnableSort(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget

Additional information

For details about how to set a compare function, refer to LISTVIEW_SetCompareFunc(). The Sample folder contains the example WIDGET_SortedListview.c which shows how to use the function.



Returns the background color of the given LISTVIEW widget.


                              unsigned        Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Index Color index. See LISTVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Background color of the given LISTVIEW widget.



Gets the default background color for new LISTVIEW widgets.


GUI_COLOR LISTVIEW_GetDefaultBkColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index Index of default background color. See LISTVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default background color.



Gets the default font for new LISTVIEW widgets.


GUI_FONT *LISTVIEW_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Pointer to the default font.



Gets the default color of the grid lines for new LISTVIEW widgets.


GUI_COLOR LISTVIEW_GetDefaultGridColor(void);

Return value

Default grid color.



Gets the default scrolling distance for horizontal scrolling.


int LISTVIEW_GetDefaultScrollStepH(void);

Return value

Default scrolling distance.



Gets the default text color for new LISTVIEW widgets.


GUI_COLOR LISTVIEW_GetDefaultTextColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index Index of default text color. See LISTVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default text color.



Returns a pointer to the font used to display the text of the LISTVIEW widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget

Return value

Pointer to the font used to display the text of the LISTVIEW widget.



Returns the grid color of the LISTVIEW.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget

Return value

Grid color of the LISTVIEW.



Returns the handle of the HEADER widget.


HEADER_Handle LISTVIEW_GetHeader(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget

Return value

Handle of the HEADER widget.

Additional information

Each LISTVIEW widget contains a HEADER widget to manage the columns. You can use this handle to change the properties of the LISTVIEW-HEADER, for example to change the text color of the HEADER widget.


LISTVIEW_Handle hListView = LISTVIEW_Create(10, 80, 270, 89, 0, 1234, WM_CF_SHOW, 0);
HEADER_Handle   hHeader   = LISTVIEW_GetHeader(hListView);
HEADER_SetTextColor(hHeader, GUI_GREEN);


Returns the rectangle of the given LISTVIEW cell by copying the coordinates to the given GUI_RECT structure.


void LISTVIEW_GetItemRect(LISTVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                          U32               Col,
                          U32               Row,
                          GUI_RECT        * pRect);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Col Zero-based index of the cell’s column.
Row Zero-based index of the cell’s row
pRect Pointer to a rectangle to be filled with the item coordinates.


Copies the text of the specified item to the given buffer.


void LISTVIEW_GetItemText(LISTVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                          unsigned          Column,
                          unsigned          Row,
                          char            * pBuffer,
                          unsigned          MaxSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Column Zero-based index of the cell’s column.
Row Zero-based index of the cell’s row
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer to be filled by the routine.
MaxSize Size in bytes of the buffer.

Additional information

If the text of the cell does not fit into the buffer, the number of bytes specified by the parameter MaxSize will be copied to the buffer.



Returns the length in characters of the given text item.


unsigned LISTVIEW_GetItemTextLen(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                                 unsigned        Column,
                                 unsigned        Row);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Column Zero-based index of the cell’s column.
Row Zero-based index of the cell’s row

Return value

Length in characters of the given text item.



Copies the text of the specified item to the given buffer. Parameter Row specifies the index of the sorted LISTVIEW widget.


void LISTVIEW_GetItemTextSorted(LISTVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                                unsigned          Column,
                                unsigned          Row,
                                char            * pBuffer,
                                unsigned          MaxSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Column Zero-based index of the cell’s column.
Row Zero-based sorted index of the cell’s row.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer to be filled by the routine.
MaxSize Size in bytes of the buffer.

Additional information

If the text of the cell does not fit into the buffer, the number of bytes specified by the parameter MaxSize will be copied to the buffer.



Returns the size of the left border within a cell of a LISTVIEW. This value can be set with LISTVIEW_SetLBorder().


unsigned LISTVIEW_GetLBorder(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.

Return value

Size of left border.



Returns the number of columns of the given LISTVIEW widget.


unsigned LISTVIEW_GetNumColumns(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget

Return value

Number of columns of the given LISTVIEW widget.



Returns the number of rows of the given LISTVIEW widget.


unsigned LISTVIEW_GetNumRows(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget

Return value

Number of rows of the given LISTVIEW widget.



Returns the overlap parameters of the given LISTVIEW widget.


unsigned LISTVIEW_GetOverlap(LISTVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                             int             * pPeriod,
                             U8              * pFlags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTVIEW widget.
pPeriod  out  Pointer to store the currently set moving back period.
pFlags  out  Pointer to store the currently set overlap flags.

Return value

Overlapping value in pixels.

Additional information

See LISTVIEW_SetOverlap() for additional information on overlapping distance.



Returns the size of the right border within a cell of a LISTVIEW. This value can be set with LISTVIEW_SetRBorder().


unsigned LISTVIEW_GetRBorder(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.

Return value

Size of right border.



Returns the currently set horizontal scrolling distance.


int LISTVIEW_GetScrollStepH(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget

Return value

> 0 Distance in px for horizontal scrolling.
= 0 Column-wise scrolling is active.
= -1 Invalid handle.


Returns the index of the currently selected row in a specified LISTVIEW widget.


int LISTVIEW_GetSel(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget

Return value

Index of the currently selected row.



Returns the index of the currently selected column.


int LISTVIEW_GetSelCol(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget

Return value

Index of the currently selected column.



Returns the index of the currently selected row in unsorted state.


int LISTVIEW_GetSelUnsorted(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget

Return value

Index of the currently selected row in unsorted state.

Additional information

This function returns the actual index of the selected row, whereas the function LISTVIEW_GetSel() only returns the index of the sorted row. The actual (unsorted) row index should be used in function calls as row index. The Sample folder contains the example WIDGET_SortedListview.c which shows how to use the function.



Returns the currently set text alignment for the given column.


int LISTVIEW_GetTextAlign(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned        ColIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
ColIndex Zero-based index of column.

Return value

= -1 On error.
≠ -1 Text alignment of given column. Refer to Text alignment flags.


Returns the text color of the given LISTVIEW widget.


                                unsigned        Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
Index Index of color. See LISTVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Text color of the given LISTVIEW widget.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns the user data of the given row.


U32 LISTVIEW_GetUserDataRow(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned        Row);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
Row Zero-based index of row.

Return value

User data of the given row.

Additional information

Details on how to set user data for a row can be found in the description of the function LISTVIEW_SetUserDataRow().



Retrieves the index of the first and last visible item. The function also returns the total number of visible items.


int LISTVIEW_GetVisRowIndices(LISTVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                              int             * pFirst,
                              int             * pLast);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
pFirst Pointer to an integer that stores the zero-based index of the first visible row of the LISTVIEW.
pLast Pointer to an integer that stores the zero-based index of the last visible row of the LISTVIEW.

Return value

= -1 Error.
≠ -1 Number of visible items.

Additional information

This function also takes partially visible rows into account. By using the function LISTVIEW_IsRowPartiallyVisible(), it can be checked if a row is only partially visible, fully visible or not visible at all.



Returns the currently used mode for wrapping text.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.

Return value

Currently used wrap mode.

Additional information

Details on how to use text wrapping can be found in the description of the function LISTVIEW_SetWrapMode().



Increment the selection of the LISTVIEW widget (moves the selection bar of a specified LISTVIEW down by one item).


void LISTVIEW_IncSel(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.


Inserts a new row into the LISTVIEW at the given position.


int LISTVIEW_InsertRow(      LISTVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                             unsigned          Index,
                       const GUI_ConstString * ppText);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
Index Index of the new row.
ppText Pointer to a string array containing the cell data of the new row.

Return value

0 if function succeed
1 if an error occurs.

Additional information

The ppText-array should contain one item for each column. If it contains less items the remaining cells left blank.
If the given index is ≥ the current number of rows, the function LISTVIEW_AddRow() will be used to add the new row.
The Sample folder contains the example WIDGET_SortedListview.c which shows how to use the function.



Returns if a row of the LISTVIEW is partially visible, fully visible or not visible at all.


int LISTVIEW_IsRowPartiallyVisible(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                                   unsigned        Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Index Zero-based index of the row to be checked.

Return value

-1 Error.
0 Row is not visible at all.
1 Row is partially visible.
2 Row is fully visible.


Default function for managing drawing operations of one cell.


int LISTVIEW_OwnerDraw(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo);


Parameter Description
pDrawItemInfo Pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure.

Return value

Depends on the command in the Cmd element of the WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure pointed by pDrawItemInfo.

Additional information

This function is useful if LISTVIEW_SetOwnerDraw() is used. It can be used to retrieve the original size of a data item and/or to draw the text of a data item and should be called for all commands which are not managed by the application defined owner draw function.

The following commands are managed by the default function:



Returns if a row has been disabled.


unsigned LISTVIEW_RowIsDisabled(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                                unsigned        Row);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
Row Zero-based index of the row to be checked.

Return value

0 Row is not disabled.
1 Row is disabled.

Additional information

Rows of a LISTVIEW widget can be disabled using LISTVIEW_DisableRow() and enabled with LISTVIEW_EnableRow().



Enables/disables the automatic use of a horizontal scroll bar.


void LISTVIEW_SetAutoScrollH(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                             int             State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
State See table below.
Permitted values for parameter OnOff
0 Disable automatic use of a horizontal scroll bar.
1 Enable automatic use of a horizontal scroll bar.

Additional information

If enabled the LISTVIEW checks if all columns fit into the widgets area. If not a horizontal scroll bar will be added.



Enables/disables the automatic use of a vertical scroll bar.


void LISTVIEW_SetAutoScrollV(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                             int             State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
State See table below.
Permitted values for parameter OnOff
0 Disable automatic use of a vertical scroll bar.
1 Enable automatic use of a vertical scroll bar.

Additional information

If enabled the LISTVIEW checks if all rows fit into the widgets area. If not a vertical scroll bar will be added.



Sets the background color of the given LISTVIEW widget.


void LISTVIEW_SetBkColor(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned int    Index,
                         GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
Index Index for background color. See LISTVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be set.

Additional information

To set the background color for a single cell the function LISTVIEW_SetItemBkColor() should be used. The Sample folder contains the example WIDGET_SortedListview.c which shows how to use the function.



Sets the width of the given column.


void LISTVIEW_SetColumnWidth(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                             unsigned int    Index,
                             int             Width);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
Index Number of column
Width New width


Sets the compare function for the given column. A compare function needs to be set if the LISTVIEW widget should be sorted by the given column.


void LISTVIEW_SetCompareFunc
               (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                unsigned        Column,
                int             ( *fpCompare)(const void * p0 , const void * p1 ));


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
Column Index of the desired column for which the compare function should be set.
fpCompare Function pointer to compare function.

Additional information

If the sorting feature of the listview widget is used, the widget uses a compare function to decide if the content of one cell is greater, equal or less than the content of the other cell.

Per default no compare function is set for the LISTVIEW columns. For each column which should be used for sorting, a compare function needs to be set. The cells of the LISTVIEW widget contain text. But sometimes the text represents data of other types like dates, integers or others. So different compare functions are required for sorting. emWin provides 2 compare functions:

Function can be used for comparing cells containing text.
Function can be used for comparing cells which text, where the content represents integer values.

The compare function should return a value >0, if the content of the second cell is greater than the content of the first cell and <0, if the content of the second cell is less than the content of the first cell or 0 if equal.
Also user defined compare functions can be used. The prototype of a application-defined function should be defined as follows:


int APPLICATION_Compare(const void * p0,
                        const void * p1);
Parameter Description
p0 Pointer to NULL terminated string data of the first cell.
p1 Pointer to NULL terminated string data of the second cell.


int APPLICATION_Compare(const void * p0, const void * p1) {
  return strcmp((const char *)p1, (const char *)p0);
void SetAppCompareFunc(WM_HWIN hListView, int Column) {
  LISTVIEW_SetCompareFunc(hListView, Column, APPLICATION_Compare);

The Sample folder contains the example WIDGET_SortedListview.c which shows how to use the function.



Sets the default background color for new LISTVIEW widgets.


GUI_COLOR LISTVIEW_SetDefaultBkColor(unsigned  Index,
                                     GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index Index of default background color. See LISTVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be set as default

Return value

Previous default background color.



Sets the default font for new LISTVIEW widgets.


GUI_FONT *LISTVIEW_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to font used for new LISTVIEW widgets.

Return value

Pointer to the previous default font.



Sets the default color of the grid lines for new LISTVIEW widgets.




Parameter Description
Color New default value.

Return value

Previous default grid color.



Sets the default scrolling distance for horizontal scrolling.


int LISTVIEW_SetDefaultScrollStepH(int Dist);


Parameter Description
Dist New default value.

Return value

Previous default scrolling distance.



Sets the default text color for new LISTVIEW widgets.


GUI_COLOR LISTVIEW_SetDefaultTextColor(unsigned  Index,
                                       GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index Index of default text color. See LISTVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be set as default.

Return value

Previous default text color.



Fixes the given number of columns at their horizontal positions.


unsigned LISTVIEW_SetFixed(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned        Fixed);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
Fixed Number of columns to be fixed at their horizontal positions.

Return value

Old number of fixed columns.

Additional information

Using this function makes sense if one or more columns should remain at their horizontal positions during scrolling operations.



Sets the font of the LISTVIEW widget.


void LISTVIEW_SetFont(      LISTVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                      const GUI_FONT        * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
pFont Pointer to the font.


Sets the visibility flag of the grid lines. When creating a LISTVIEW the grid lines are disabled per default.


int LISTVIEW_SetGridVis(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                        int             Show);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
Show Sets the visibility of the grid lines.
Permitted values for parameter Show
0 Not visible.
1 Visible

Return value

Previous value of the visibility flag.



Sets the height of the attached HEADER widget.


void LISTVIEW_SetHeaderHeight(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                              unsigned        HeaderHeight);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
Show Height of the attached HEADER widget to be set.

Additional information

Setting the height to 0 causes the HEADER widget not to be displayed.

Before After


Sets a bitmap as background of the given cell.


void LISTVIEW_SetItemBitmap(      LISTVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                                  unsigned          Column,
                                  unsigned          Row,
                                  int               xOff,
                                  int               yOff,
                            const GUI_BITMAP      * pBitmap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget.
Column Number of column.
Row Number of row.
xOff Offset for the leftmost pixel of the bitmap to be drawn.
yOff Offset for the topmost pixel of the bitmap to be drawn.
pBitmap Pointer to the bitmap.
Before After


Sets the background color of the given cell.


void LISTVIEW_SetItemBkColor(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                             unsigned        Column,
                             unsigned        Row,
                             unsigned        Index,
                             GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Column Number of columns.
Row Number of rows.
Index Index of background color. See LISTVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.

Additional information

This function overwrites the default background color for the given cell set by LISTVIEW_SetBkColor().



Sets the text of one cell of the LISTVIEW widget specified by row and column.


void LISTVIEW_SetItemText(      LISTVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                                unsigned          Column,
                                unsigned          Row,
                          const char            * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Column Number of column.
Row Number of row.
s Text to be displayed in the table cell.
Before After


Sets the text color of the given cell.


void LISTVIEW_SetItemTextColor(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                               unsigned        Column,
                               unsigned        Row,
                               unsigned        Index,
                               GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Column Number of column.
Row Number of row.
Index Index of text color. See LISTVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.

Additional information

This function overwrites the default text color for the given cell set by LISTVIEW_SetTextColor().



Sets the text of the given item in a sorted LISTVIEW widget.


void LISTVIEW_SetItemTextSorted(      LISTVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                                      unsigned          Column,
                                      unsigned          Row,
                                const char            * pText);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Column Number of column.
Row Number of row.
pText Pointer to the given NULL terminated text.
Before After


Sets the number of pixels used for the left border within each cell of the LISTVIEW widget.


void LISTVIEW_SetLBorder(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned        BorderSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
BorderSize Number of pixels to be used.

Additional information

Using this function has no effect to the HEADER widget used by the LISTVIEW widget.



Enables motion overlapping for the given LISTVIEW widget. This requires motion support to be enabled for the widget (see LISTVIEW_EnableMotion()).

When active, the widget also sends notifications to its parent window when the overlapping area is entered and left. See Notification codes.


void LISTVIEW_SetOverlap(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned        Overlap,
                         int             Period,
                         U8              Flags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTVIEW widget.
Overlap Overlapping distance in pixels.
Period Period in ms for moving back the list when it was released after it was dragged into the overlap area.
Flags OR-combination of overlap flags:
WM_MOTION_OVERLAP_TOP to enable overlap on the top edge.
WM_MOTION_OVERLAP_BOTTOM to enable overlap on the bottom edge.


Sets an application defined owner draw function for the widget which is responsible for drawing a cell.


void LISTVIEW_SetOwnerDraw(LISTVIEW_Handle         hObj,
                           WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC * pfOwnerDraw);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
pfOwnerDraw Pointer to owner draw function.

Supported commands

Additional information

This function sets a pointer to an application defined function which will be called by the widget when a cell has to be drawn or when the x or y size of a item is needed. It gives you the possibility to draw anything as data item, not just plain text. pfDrawItem is a pointer to an application-defined function of type WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC which is explained at the beginning of the chapter. Also, please refer to LISTVIEW_OwnerDraw().

Before After


Sets the number of pixels used for the right border within each cell of the LISTVIEW widget.


void LISTVIEW_SetRBorder(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned        BorderSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
BorderSize Number of pixels to be used.

Additional information

Using this function has no effect to the header widget used by the listview.



Sets a constant row height.


unsigned LISTVIEW_SetRowHeight(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                               unsigned        RowHeight);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
RowHeight Constant row height to set. In case RowHeight = 0, the height of the current font is used instead.

Return value

Previous value of the row height set by this function.

Additional information

Per default the height of the rows depends on the height of the used font.



Scrolls the LISTVIEW to a given column and row. The specified cell will appear in the upper-left corner of the widget.


void LISTVIEW_SetScrollPos(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned        Col,
                           unsigned        Row);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Col Column to scroll to.
Row Row to scroll to.


Sets a distance in pixels for horizontal scrolling. This distance is is applied when using arrow keys or clicking the left or right arrows on the scrollbar.

Setting the distance to 0 will enable column-wise scrolling.


int LISTVIEW_SetScrollStepH(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                            int             Dist);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Dist > 0: Distance in px for horizontal scrolling.
= 0: Column-wise scrolling.

Return value

≠ -1 Old value.
= -1 Invalid LISTVIEW handle or invalid Dist value.


Sets the selected row of a specified LISTVIEW widget.


void LISTVIEW_SetSel(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                     int             NewSel);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Sel Row to be selected.

Additional information

Pass -1 as parameter Sel to select no row.



Sets the selected column of the given LISTVIEW widget. Makes sense in combination with LISTVIEW_EnableCellSelect().


void LISTVIEW_SetSelCol(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                        int             NewCol);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
NewCol Column to be selected.


Sets the index of the currently selected row in unsorted state.


void LISTVIEW_SetSelUnsorted(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                             int             Sel);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Sel Zero-based selection index in unsorted state.

Additional information

This function sets the actually index of the selected row, whereas the function LISTVIEW_SetSel() sets the index of the sorted row. The actual (unsorted) row index should be used in function calls as row index.
The Sample folder contains the example WIDGET_SortedListview.c which shows how to use the function.

Before After


This function sets the column to be sorted by and the sorting order.


unsigned LISTVIEW_SetSort(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned        Column,
                          unsigned        Reverse);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Column Column to be sorted by.
Reverse 0 for normal sorting order (greatest element at the top), 1 for reverse order.

Return value

0 if function was successfully
1 if not.

Additional information

Before calling this function a compare function needs to be set for the desired column. For details about how to set a compare function, refer to LISTVIEW_SetCompareFunc(). The Sample folder contains the example WIDGET_SortedListview.c which shows how to use the function.



Sets the alignment for the given column.


void LISTVIEW_SetTextAlign(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned int    Index,
                           int             Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Index Number of column
Align Text alignment mode to set. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.


Sets the text color of the given LISTVIEW widget.


void LISTVIEW_SetTextColor(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned int    Index,
                           GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Index Index for text color. See LISTVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be set.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().



Sets the user data of the given row.


void LISTVIEW_SetUserDataRow(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                             unsigned        Row,
                             U32             UserData);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
Row Row for which the user data should be set
UserData Value to be associated with the row.

Additional information

Sets the 32-bit value associated with the row. Each row has a corresponding 32-bit value intended for use by the application.



Sets the wrapping mode which should be used for the cells of the given LISTVIEW widget.


void LISTVIEW_SetWrapMode(LISTVIEW_Handle hObj,
                          GUI_WRAPMODE    WrapMode);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
WrapMode See table below.
LISTVIEW color indexes


Color indexes to be used by the LISTVIEW widget.


#define LISTVIEW_CI_UNSEL       0
#define LISTVIEW_CI_SEL         1


Definition Description
LISTVIEW_CI_UNSEL Unselected element.
LISTVIEW_CI_SEL Selected element, without focus.
LISTVIEW_CI_SELFOCUS Selected element, with focus.
LISTVIEW_CI_DISABLED Disabled element.

The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of WIDGET_ListView.c

The MENU widget can be used to create several kinds of MENUs. Each MENU item represents an application command or a submenu. MENUs can be shown horizontally and/or vertically. Menu items can be grouped using separators. Separators are supported for horizontal and vertical MENUs. Selecting a MENU item sends a WM_MENU message to the owner of the MENU or opens a submenu. If mouse support is enabled the MENU widget reacts on moving the mouse over the items of a MENU widget. The shipment of emWin contains an application example which shows how to use the MENU widget. It can be found under Sample\Application\Reversi.c. The table below shows the appearance of a horizontal MENU widget with a vertical submenu:

Description Menu using WIDGET_Effect_3D1L Menu using WIDGET_Effect_Simple
Color display
(8666 mode)
Monochrome display
(16 gray scales)
Black/white display


All MENU-related routines are located in the file(s) MENU*.c, MENU.h.
All identifiers are prefixed MENU.


…is available for this widget. The screenshot above shows the widget using the default skin. Details can be found in the chapter Skinning.


This widget uses skinning. To change the look it is recommended to use the function <WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps(). Other functions to change the look might work only with the classic skin.

To inform its owner about selecting an item or opening a submenu the MENU widget sends a message of type WM_MENU to its owner.



This message is sent to inform the owner of a MENU about selecting an item or opening a submenu. Disabled MENU items will not send this message.


The Data.p pointer of the message points to a MENU_MSG_DATA structure.


The following example shows how to react on a WM_MENU message:

void Callback(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  MENU_MSG_DATA * pData;
  WM_HWIN hWin = pMsg->hWin;
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
  case WM_MENU:
    pData = (MENU_MSG_DATA *)pMsg->Data.p;
    switch (pData->MsgType) {
      switch (pData->ItemId) {
      case ID_MENU_ITEM0:
        ... /* React on selection of menu item 0 */
      case ID_MENU_ITEM1:
        ... /* React on selection of menu item 1 */
      case ...
Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N MENU_BKCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_LIGHTGRAY Background color for enabled and unselected items.
N MENU_BKCOLOR1_DEFAULT 0x980000 Background color for enabled and selected items.
N MENU_BKCOLOR2_DEFAULT GUI_LIGHTGRAY Background color for disabled items.
N MENU_BKCOLOR3_DEFAULT 0x980000 Background color for disabled and selected items.
N MENU_BKCOLOR4_DEFAULT 0x7C7C7C Background color for active submenu items.
N MENU_BORDER_BOTTOM_DEFAULT 2 Border between item text and item bottom.
N MENU_BORDER_LEFT_DEFAULT 4 Border between item text and left edge of item.
N MENU_BORDER_RIGHT_DEFAULT 4 Border between item text and right edge of item.
N MENU_BORDER_TOP_DEFAULT 2 Border between item text and item top.
S MENU_EFFECT_DEFAULT WIDGET_Effect_3D1L Default effect.
S MENU_FONT_DEFAULT GUI_Font13_1 Font used.
N MENU_TEXTCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Text color for enabled and unselected items.
N MENU_TEXTCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Text color for enabled and selected items.
N MENU_TEXTCOLOR2_DEFAULT 0x7C7C7C Text color for disabled items.
N MENU_TEXTCOLOR3_DEFAULT GUI_LIGHTGRAY Text color for disabled and selected items.
N MENU_TEXTCOLOR4_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Text color for active submenu items.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Reaction
  • If the MENU is horizontal, the selection moves one item to the right.
  • If the MENU is vertical and the current item is a submenu, the submenu opens and the input focus moves to the submenu.
  • If the MENU is vertical and the current item is not a submenu and the top level MENU is horizontal, the next item of the top level MENU opens and the input focus moves to it.
  • If the MENU is horizontal the selection moves one item to the left.
  • If the MENU is vertical and the MENU is not the top level MENU, the current MENU closes and the focus moves to the previous MENU. If the previous MENU is horizontal the previous submenu of it opens and the focus moves to the previous submenu.
  • If the MENU is horizontal and the current MENU item is a submenu this submenu opens.
  • If the MENU is vertical, the selection moves to the next item.
  • If the MENU is vertical, the selection moves to the previous item.
  • If the MENU is not the top level MENU the current MENU will be closed and the focus moves to the previous MENU.
  • If the MENU is the top level MENU, the current MENU item becomes unselected.
  • If the current MENU item is a submenu, the submenu opens and the focus moves to the submenu.
  • If the current MENU item is not a submenu, all submenus of the top level MENU closes and a MENU_ON_ITEMSELECT message will be sent to the owner of the MENU.

The table below lists the available emWin MENU-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
MENU_AddItem() Adds an item to an existing MENU widget.
MENU_Attach() Attaches the given MENU widget at the given position with the given size to a specified WINDOW.
MENU_CreateEx() Creates a MENU widget.
MENU_CreateIndirect() Creates a MENU widget from a resource table entry.
MENU_CreateUser() Creates a MENU widget using extra bytes as user data.
MENU_DeleteItem() Deletes a given MENU item from a MENU widget.
MENU_DisableItem() Disables the given MENU item.
MENU_EnableItem() Enables the given MENU item.
MENU_GetBkColor() Returns the background color of the widget.
MENU_GetDefaultBkColor() Returns the default background color used to draw new MENU items.
MENU_GetDefaultBorderSize() Returns the default border size used for new MENU widgets.
MENU_GetDefaultEffect() Returns the default effect for new MENU widgets.
MENU_GetDefaultFont() Returns a pointer to the default font used to display the MENU item text of new MENU widgets.
MENU_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color for new MENU widgets.
MENU_GetFont() Returns the font of the widget.
MENU_GetItem() Retrieves information about the given MENU item.
MENU_GetItemText() Returns the text of the given MENU item.
MENU_GetNumItems() Returns the number of items of the given MENU widget.
MENU_GetOwner() Returns the owner WINDOW of the given MENU widget.
MENU_GetTextColor() Returns the text color of the widget.
MENU_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with MENU_SetUserData().
MENU_InsertItem() Inserts a MENU item at the given position.
MENU_Popup() Opens the given MENU at the given position.
MENU_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the given MENU widget.
MENU_SetBorderSize() Sets the border size of the given MENU widget.
MENU_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color used to draw new MENU items.
MENU_SetDefaultBorderSize() Sets the default border size used for new MENU widgets.
MENU_SetDefaultEffect() Sets the default effect for new MENU widgets.
MENU_SetDefaultFont() Sets the pointer to the default font used to display the MENU item text of new MENU widgets.
MENU_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default text color for new MENU widgets.
MENU_SetFont() Sets the pointer to the font used to display the item text of the MENU widget.
MENU_SetItem() Sets the item information for the given MENU item.
MENU_SetOwner() Sets the owner WINDOW of the MENU widget that will be informed with WM_MENU messages.
MENU_SetSel() Sets the selected item of the given MENU widget.
MENU_SetTextColor() Sets the text color of the given MENU widget.
MENU_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a MENU widget.

Data structures

Structure Description
MENU_ITEM_DATA This structure serves as a container to set or retrieve information about MENU items.
MENU_MSG_DATA This structure is used in conjunction with the WM_MENU message, specific to the MENU widget.


Group of defines Description
MENU border indexes Border indexes used by functions to set the border properties of a MENU widget.
MENU color indexes Color indexes used by the MENU widget.
MENU create flags Create flags used by MENU_CreateEx().
MENU item flags Flags used by the MENU_ITEM_DATA structure.
MENU message types Types of messages sent via the MENU_MSG_DATA structure with the WM_MENU message.
Before After


This function adds a new item to the end of the given MENU widget.


void MENU_AddItem(      MENU_Handle      hObj,
                  const MENU_ITEM_DATA * pItemData);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
pItemData Pointer to a MENU_ITEM_DATA structure containing the information of the new item.

Additional information

If using a MENU widget with several submenus the Id of the MENU items should be unique. Different submenus should not contain MENU items with the same IDs. When adding items to a MENU widget and no fixed sizes are used the size of the MENU will be adapted.


Attaches the given MENU widget at the given position with the given size to a specified WINDOW.


void MENU_Attach(MENU_Handle hObj,
                 WM_HWIN     hDestWin,
                 int         x,
                 int         y,
                 int         xSize,
                 int         ySize,
                 int         Flags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
hDestWin Handle to the WINDOW to which the MENU widget should be attached.
x X position in window coordinates of the MENU widget.
y Y position in window coordinates of the MENU widget.
ySize Fixed Y size of the MENU. For details, refer to MENU_CreateEx().
xSize Fixed X size of the MENU. For details, refer to MENU_CreateEx().
Flags Reserved for future use

Additional information

After creating a MENU widget this function can be used to attach the MENU widget to an existing window.


Creates a MENU widget of a specified size at a specified location.


MENU_Handle MENU_CreateEx(int     x0,
                          int     y0,
                          int     xSize,
                          int     ySize,
                          WM_HWIN hParent,
                          int     WinFlags,
                          int     ExFlags,
                          int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Fixed horizontal size of the widget (in pixels). 0 if MENU should handle the xSize.
ySize Fixed vertical size of the widget (in pixels). 0 if MENU should handle the ySize.
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window). In some cases it can be useful to create the MENU widget in ’unattached’ state and attach it later to an existing window. For this case WM_UNATTACHED can be used as parameter.
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags See MENU create flags.
Id Window ID of the widget.

Return value

Handle of the created MENU widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

The parameters xSize and/or ySize specifies if a fixed width and/or height should be used for the MENU widget.
If these parameters are > 0, fixed sizes should be used. If for example the MENU should be attached as a horizontal MENU to the top of a WINDOW it can be necessary to use a fixed X size which covers the whole top of the window. In this case the parameter xSize can be used to set a fixed X size of the MENU. When attaching or deleting items of a MENU with a fixed size the size of the widget does not change. If the values are 0, the MENU handles its size itself. That means the size of the MENU depends on the size of the current MENU items of a MENU widget. If items are added or removed the size of the widget will be adapted.


The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function MENU_CreateEx().


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function MENU_CreateEx() can be referred to.

Before After


Deletes a given MENU item from a MENU widget.


void MENU_DeleteItem(MENU_Handle hObj,
                     U16         ItemId);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
ItemId Id of the MENU item to be deleted.

Additional information

If the item does not exist the function returns immediately. When deleting items from a MENU widget and no fixed sizes are used the window size will be adapted.

Before After


Disables the given MENU item.


void MENU_DisableItem(MENU_Handle hObj,
                      U16         ItemId);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
ItemId Id of the MENU item to be disabled.

Additional information

If a disabled MENU item is selected, the MENU widget does not send the WM_MENU message to the owner. A disabled submenu item can not be opened.

Before After


Enables the given MENU item.


void MENU_EnableItem(MENU_Handle hObj,
                     U16         ItemId);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
ItemId Id of the MENU item to be enabled.

Additional information

For details, refer to MENU_DisableItem().


Returns the background color of the widget.


GUI_COLOR MENU_GetBkColor(MENU_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned    ColorIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
Index See MENU color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The background color of the given widget.


Returns the default background color used to draw new MENU items.


GUI_COLOR MENU_GetDefaultBkColor(unsigned ColorIndex);


Parameter Description
ColorIndex See MENU color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default background color used to draw new MENU items.

Additional information

For details, refer to MENU_SetBkColor().


Returns the default border size used for new MENU widgets.


U8 MENU_GetDefaultBorderSize(unsigned BorderIndex);


Parameter Description
BorderIndex See MENU border indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default border size used for new MENU widgets.

Additional information

For details, refer to MENU_SetBorderSize().


Returns the default effect for new MENU widgets.


WIDGET_EFFECT *MENU_GetDefaultEffect(void);

Return value

The result of the function is a pointer to a WIDGET_EFFECT structure.

Additional information

For more information, refer to WIDGET_SetDefaultEffect().


Returns a pointer to the default font used to display the MENU item text of new MENU widgets.


GUI_FONT *MENU_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Pointer to the default font used to display the MENU item text of new MENU widgets.


Returns the default text color for new MENU widgets.


GUI_COLOR MENU_GetDefaultTextColor(unsigned ColorIndex);


Parameter Description
ColorIndex See MENU color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default text color for new MENU widgets.

Additional information

For details, refer to MENU_SetDefaultTextColor().


Returns the font of the widget.


GUI_FONT *MENU_GetFont(MENU_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.

Return value

Pointer to the font of the given widget.


Retrieves information about the given MENU item.


void MENU_GetItem(MENU_Handle      hObj,
                  U16              ItemId,
                  MENU_ITEM_DATA * pItemData);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
ItemId Id of the requested MENU item.
pItemData Pointer to a MENU_ITEM_DATA structure to be filled by the function.

Additional information

If using a MENU widget with several submenus the handle of the widget needs to be the handle of the menu/submenu containing the requested item or the handle of a higher menu/submenu.

The function sets the element pText of the MENU_ITEM_DATA structure to 0. To retrieve the MENU item text the function MENU_GetItemText() should be used. Refer to the beginning of the MENU chapter for details about the MENU_ITEM_DATA data structure.


Returns the text of the given MENU item.


void MENU_GetItemText(MENU_Handle   hObj,
                      U16           ItemId,
                      char        * pBuffer,
                      unsigned      BufferSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
ItemId Id of the requested MENU item.
pBuffer Buffer to be filled by the function.
BufferSize Maximum number of bytes to be retrieved.


Returns the number of items of the given MENU widget.


unsigned MENU_GetNumItems(MENU_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.

Return value

Number of items of the given MENU widget.


Returns the owner WINDOW of the given MENU widget.


WM_HWIN MENU_GetOwner(MENU_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.

Return value

Owner WINDOW of the given MENU widget.


Returns the text color of the widget.


GUI_COLOR MENU_GetTextColor(MENU_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned    ColorIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
Index See MENU color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The text color of the given widget.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().

Before After


Inserts a MENU item at the given position.


void MENU_InsertItem(      MENU_Handle      hObj,
                           U16              ItemId,
                     const MENU_ITEM_DATA * pItemData);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
ItemId Id of the MENU item the new item should be inserted before.
pItemData Pointer to a MENU_ITEM_DATA structure containing the information of the new item.


Opens the given MENU at the given position. After selecting a MENU item or after touching the display outside the MENU the popup MENU will be closed.


void MENU_Popup(MENU_Handle hObj,
                WM_HWIN     hDestWin,
                int         x,
                int         y,
                int         xSize,
                int         ySize,
                int         Flags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
hDestWin Handle to the window to which the MENU should be attached.
x X position in window coordinates of the MENU widget.
y Y position in window coordinates of the MENU widget.
xSize Fixed X size of the MENU. For details, refer to MENU_CreateEx().
ySize Fixed Y size of the MENU. For details, refer to MENU_CreateEx().
Flags Reserved for future use

Additional information

After selecting a MENU item or after touching the display outside the popup MENU the MENU will be closed. Note that the MENU will not be deleted automatically. The Sample folder contains the example WIDGET_PopupMenu.c which shows how to use the function.

Before After


Sets the background color of the given MENU widget.


void MENU_SetBkColor(MENU_Handle hObj,
                     unsigned    ColorIndex,
                     GUI_COLOR   Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
ColorIndex See MENU color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.
Before After

The following code is executed between the screenshots above:

MENU_SetBorderSize(hMenuGame, MENU_BI_LEFT, 20);
Before After

The following code is executed between the screenshots above:

MENU_SetBorderSize(hMenu, MENU_BI_LEFT, 10);
MENU_SetBorderSize(hMenu, MENU_BI_RIGHT, 10);


Sets the border size of the given MENU widget.


void MENU_SetBorderSize(MENU_Handle hObj,
                        unsigned    BorderIndex,
                        U8          BorderSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
BorderIndex See MENU border indexes for a full list of permitted values.
BorderSize Size to be used.


Sets the default background color used to draw new MENU items.


void MENU_SetDefaultBkColor(unsigned  ColorIndex,
                            GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
ColorIndex See MENU color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.

Additional information

For details, refer to MENU_SetBkColor().


Sets the default border size used for new MENU widgets.


void MENU_SetDefaultBorderSize(unsigned BorderIndex,
                               U8       BorderSize);


Parameter Description
BorderIndex See MENU border indexes for a full list of permitted values.
BorderSize Border size to be used.

Additional information

For details, refer to MENU_SetBorderSize().


Sets the default effect for new MENU widgets.


void MENU_SetDefaultEffect(const WIDGET_EFFECT * pEffect);


Parameter Description
pEffect Pointer to a WIDGET_EFFECT structure.

Additional information

For more information, refer to WIDGET_SetDefaultEffect().


Sets the pointer to the default font used to display the MENU item text of new MENU widgets.


void MENU_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to the GUI_FONT structure to be used.

Additional information

For details, refer to MENU_SetFont().


Sets the default text color for new MENU widgets.


void MENU_SetDefaultTextColor(unsigned  ColorIndex,
                              GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
ColorIndex See MENU color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used

Additional information

For details, refer to MENU_SetTextColor().

Before After


Sets the pointer to the font used to display the item text of the MENU widget.


void MENU_SetFont(      MENU_Handle   hObj,
                  const GUI_FONT    * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
pFont Pointer to the GUI_FONT structure to be used.
Before After


Sets the item information for the given MENU item.


void MENU_SetItem(      MENU_Handle      hObj,
                        U16              ItemId,
                  const MENU_ITEM_DATA * pItemData);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
ItemId Id of the MENU item to be changed.
pItemData Pointer to a MENU_ITEM_DATA structure containing the new information.


Sets the owner WINDOW of the MENU widget that will be informed with WM_MENU messages.


void MENU_SetOwner(MENU_Handle hObj,
                   WM_HWIN     hOwner);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
hOwner Handle of the owner WINDOW which should receive the WM_MENU messages of the MENU widget.

Additional information

If no owner is set the parent WINDOW of the MENU widget will receive WM_MENU messages. In case the WM_MENU messages are not intended to be sent to the parent WINDOW, this function can be used to set another recipient for the messages.

Before After


Sets the selected item of the given MENU widget.


int MENU_SetSel(MENU_Handle hObj,
                int         Sel);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
Sel Zero-based index of MENU item to be selected.

Return value

The function returns the zero based index of the previous selected MENU item.

Additional information

A value <0 for parameter Sel deselects the MENU items.

Before After


Sets the text color of the given MENU widget.


void MENU_SetTextColor(MENU_Handle hObj,
                       unsigned    ColorIndex,
                       GUI_COLOR   Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MENU widget.
ColorIndex See MENU color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().


This structure serves as a container to set or retrieve information about MENU items.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const char * pText;
  U16          Id;
  U16          Flags;
  MENU_Handle  hSubmenu;

Structure members

Member Description
pText MENU item text.
Id Id of the MENU item.
Flags See MENU item flags.
hSubmenu If the item represents a submenu this element contains the handle of the submenu.


This structure is used in conjunction with the WM_MENU message, specific to the MENU widget. The Data.p pointer of the message points to a MENU_MSG_DATA structure.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U16  MsgType;
  U16  ItemId;

Structure members

Member Description
MsgType See MENU message types.
ItemId Id of MENU item.


Border indexes used by functions to set the border properties of a MENU widget.


#define MENU_BI_LEFT      0
#define MENU_BI_RIGHT     1
#define MENU_BI_TOP       2
#define MENU_BI_BOTTOM    3


Definition Description
MENU_BI_LEFT Border between item text and left edge of item.
MENU_BI_RIGHT Border between item text and right edge of item.
MENU_BI_TOP Border between item text and item top.
MENU_BI_BOTTOM Border between item text and item bottom.


Color indexes used by the MENU widget.


#define MENU_CI_ENABLED           0
#define MENU_CI_SELECTED          1
#define MENU_CI_DISABLED          2
#define MENU_CI_DISABLED_SEL      3


Definition Description
MENU_CI_ENABLED Color of enabled and not selected MENU items.
MENU_CI_SELECTED Color of enabled and selected MENU items.
MENU_CI_DISABLED Color of disabled MENU items.
MENU_CI_DISABLED_SEL Color of disabled and selected MENU items.
MENU_CI_ACTIVE_SUBMENU Color of active submenu items.


Create flags used when creating a MENU widget. These flags are used for the ExFlags parameter of MENU_CreateEx().


#define MENU_CF_HORIZONTAL    (0 << 0)
#define MENU_CF_VERTICAL      (1 << 0)


Definition Description
MENU_CF_HORIZONTAL Creates a horizontal MENU.
MENU_CF_VERTICAL Creates a vertical MENU.


Flags used by the MENU_ITEM_DATA structure.


#define MENU_IF_DISABLED     (1 << 0)
#define MENU_IF_SEPARATOR    (1 << 1)


Definition Description
MENU_IF_DISABLED Indicates that item is disabled.
MENU_IF_SEPARATOR Indicates that item is a separator.


Types of messages sent with the MsgType parameter of the MENU_MSG_DATA structure. A pointer to this structure is sent via the Data.p pointer of a WM_MENU message.


#define MENU_ON_ITEMSELECT      0
#define MENU_ON_INITMENU        1


Definition Description
MENU_ON_ITEMSELECT This message is sent to the owner of a MENU immediately after a MENU item is selected. The ItemId element of the MENU_MSG_DATA structure contains the Id of the pressed MENU item.
MENU_ON_INITMENU This message is sent to the owner of MENU immediately before the MENU opens. This enables the application to modify the MENU before it is shown.
MENU_ON_ITEMACTIVATE The owner window of a MENU will receive this message after a MENU item has been highlighted. The message is not sent after highlighting a submenu.
MENU_ON_ITEMPRESSED After pressing a MENU item this message will be sent to the owner window of the widget. It will be sent also for disabled MENU items.

The Sample folder contains the sample WIDGET_Menu.c which shows how the widget can be used. Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of WIDGET_Menu.c

MOVIE: Movie widget

The MOVIE widget offers capability to display supported movie formats while also providing basic controls like pause, play and a progress bar.


All MOVIE-related routines are located in the file(s) MOVIE*.c, MOVIE.h.
All identifiers are prefixed MOVIE.

General information

Basic information about emWin movie files can be read in the chapter Movies.

The MOVIE widget supports the following input formats:

  • Audio Video Interleave
  • emWin Movie Files (JPEG-based and bitmap-based)

The MakeMovie tool can be used for converting a variety of input video formats into the movie formats that emWin supports. More info can be found under Creating movies using MakeMovie.exe.

Widget controls

Play and pause

The widget can be paused and played by tapping anywhere inside the widget area.

If the control panel is not shown, a click will first open the panel first and a second click will pause the video.

Center play button

While the video is paused, the MOVIE widget will show a play symbol if a bitmap has been set with MOVIE_SetCenterBitmap().

Control panel

When the widget is clicked, the control panel will move in with an animation. The periods for moving in an out can be set with MOVIE_SetPeriod().

Progress bar

The lower part of the control panel contains a progress bar which displays the current frame position of the movie.

Colors can be set for the left and for the right part of the progress bar using MOVIE_SetColor().

By touching the progress bar or within the control panel, the user can move the current frame to a desired position, just like in commonly known video players or apps.

Control buttons

Control buttons can be added to the control panel. A button is added by setting the corresponding bitmap(s).

The bitmaps can be added using MOVIE_SetPanelBitmaps(). We recommend to use alpha bitmaps. In this case the colors for the alpha bitmaps can be set with MOVIE_SetColor().

Button name Example Description
Pause/play button
Pauses or plays the video.
Begin button
Jumps to the beginning of the video.
Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N MOVIE_COLOR_CENTER_DEFAULT GUI_RED Color to be used for the center play bitmap. Only used if the set bitmap is an alpha bitmap.
N MOVIE_COLOR_PANEL_DEFAULT GUI_RED Color to be used for panel button bitmaps. Only used for alpha bitmaps.
N MOVIE_COLOR_PROGBAR_LEFT_DEFAULT GUI_RED Color to be used to fill the left part of the progress bar.
N MOVIE_COLOR_PROGBAR_RIGHT_DEFAULT GUI_GRAY Color to be used to fill the right part of the progress bar.
N MOVIE_COLOR_BK_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Color to be used to fill the background of the widget.
N MOVIE_PERIOD_SHIFT_IN_DEFAULT 150 Animation period in ms for shifting in the control panel.
N MOVIE_PERIOD_SHIFT_OUT_DEFAULT 300 Animation period in ms for shifting out the control panel.
N MOVIE_PERIOD_INACTIVE_DEFAULT 3000 Timer period in ms it takes for the shifting out animation of the control panel to trigger.
N MOVIE_YSIZE_PANEL_DEFAULT 24 Vertical size of the control panel.
N MOVIE_YSIZE_PROGBAR_DEFAULT 4 Vertical size of the progress bar.
N MOVIE_SPACE_DEFAULT 10 Horizontal spacing between the control panel buttons.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make MOVIE widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_MOVIE0    0x400
#define GUI_ID_MOVIE1    0x401
#define GUI_ID_MOVIE2    0x402
#define GUI_ID_MOVIE3    0x403
#define GUI_ID_MOVIE4    0x404
#define GUI_ID_MOVIE5    0x405
#define GUI_ID_MOVIE6    0x406
#define GUI_ID_MOVIE7    0x407
#define GUI_ID_MOVIE8    0x408
#define GUI_ID_MOVIE9    0x409

The table below lists the available emWin MOVIE-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
MOVIE_CreateIndirect() Creates a MOVIE widget from a resource table entry.
MOVIE_CreateUser() Creates a MOVIE widget of a specified size at a specified location and allocates a given number of additional bytes.
MOVIE_GetBarSize() Returns the vertical progress bar size of the widget.
MOVIE_GetColor() Returns the requested color of the widget.
MOVIE_GetDefaultColor() Returns the default color of the given index used for newly created MOVIE widgets.
MOVIE_GetDefaultPeriod() Returns the default period of the given index used for newly created MOVIE widgets.
MOVIE_GetDefaultSizeBar() Returns the default vertical size of the progress bar for newly created MOVIE widgets.
MOVIE_GetDefaultSizePanel() Returns the default vertical size of the control panel for newly created MOVIE widgets.
MOVIE_GetDefaultSpace() Returns the default horizontal space between the buttons in the control panel for newly created MOVIE widgets.
MOVIE_GethMovie() Returns the movie handle associated with the given MOVIE widget.
MOVIE_GetInfo() Fills the given GUI_MOVIE_INFO structure.
MOVIE_GetPanelSize() Returns the vertical panel size of the widget.
MOVIE_GetPeriod() Returns the requested period of the widget.
MOVIE_GetSpace() Returns the horizontal space between the buttons in the control panel.
MOVIE_GetUserData() Retrieves the extra data of a MOVIE widget.
MOVIE_GotoFrame() The movie jumps to a requested frame.
MOVIE_Pause() Pauses the movie.
MOVIE_Play() Resumes/plays the movie.
MOVIE_SetBarSize() Sets the vertical size of the progress bar in the control panel.
MOVIE_SetCenterBitmap() Sets a new bitmap (play button) to be displayed in the widget’s center while the movie is paused.
MOVIE_SetColor() Sets a new color of the given color index.
MOVIE_SetColors() Convenience function for MOVIE_SetColor() that takes in all color values at once.
MOVIE_SetData() Sets movie file data in ROM to the widget.
MOVIE_SetDataEx() Sets external movie file data to the widget.
MOVIE_SetDefaultColor() Sets a new default color of the given index for newly created MOVIE widgets.
MOVIE_SetDefaultPeriod() Sets a new default period of the given index for newly created MOVIE widgets.
MOVIE_SetDefaultSizeBar() Sets a new default vertical size of the progress bar for newly created MOVIE widgets.
MOVIE_SetDefaultSizePanel() Sets a new default size for the control panel for newly created MOVIE widgets.
MOVIE_SetDefaultSpace() Sets a new default horizontal space between the buttons in the control panel for newly created MOVIE widgets.
MOVIE_SetPanelBitmaps() Sets the bitmaps displayed in the panel.
MOVIE_SetPeriod() Sets a period of the given index.
MOVIE_SetPeriods() Convenience function for MOVIE_SetPeriod() to set all periods at once.
MOVIE_SetPanelSize() Sets the vertical size of the control panel.
MOVIE_SetSizes() Convenience function that sets all panel sizes at once.
MOVIE_SetSpace() Sets the horizontal spacing between the buttons in the control panel.
MOVIE_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a MOVIE widget.


Group of defines Description
MOVIE bitmap indexes Bitmap indexes for MOVIE widgets.
MOVIE color indexes Color indexes for MOVIE widgets.
MOVIE period indexes Period indexes for MOVIE widgets.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect().



Creates a MOVIE widget of a specified size at a specified location and allocates a given number of additional bytes.


MOVIE_Handle MOVIE_CreateUser(int     x0,
                              int     y0,
                              int     xSize,
                              int     ySize,
                              WM_HWIN hParent,
                              int     WinFlags,
                              int     ExFlags,
                              int     Id,
                              int     NumExtraBytes);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new MOVIE widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags Unused, reserved for future use.
Id Window ID of the widget.
NumExtraBytes Number of extra bytes to be allocated.

Return value

= 0 Creation of the MOVIE failed.
≠ 0 Handle of the created MOVIE widget.


Returns the vertical progress bar size of the widget.


int MOVIE_GetBarSize(MOVIE_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.

Return value

= -1 On error.
≠ -1 Progress bar size of the given MOVIE widget.


Returns the requested color of the widget.


                         unsigned     Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.
Index See MOVIE color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

GUI_INVALID_COLOR Color of the given index.


Returns the default color of the given index used for newly created MOVIE widgets.


GUI_COLOR MOVIE_GetDefaultColor(unsigned ColorIndex);


Parameter Description
ColorIndex See MOVIE color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

GUI_INVALID_COLOR Default color of the given index.


Returns the default period of the given index used for newly created MOVIE widgets.


int MOVIE_GetDefaultPeriod(unsigned PeriodIndex);


Parameter Description
PeriodIndex See MOVIE period indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

= -1 On error.
≠ -1 Default period of the given index.


Returns the default vertical size of the progress bar for newly created MOVIE widgets.


int MOVIE_GetDefaultSizeBar(void);

Return value

Default vertical size of the progress bar.



Returns the default vertical size of the control panel for newly created MOVIE widgets.


int MOVIE_GetDefaultSizePanel(void);

Return value

Default vertical size of the control panel.



Returns the default horizontal space between the buttons in the control panel for newly created MOVIE widgets.


int MOVIE_GetDefaultSpace(void);

Return value

Default horizontal space between the buttons in the control panel.



Returns the movie handle associated with the given MOVIE widget. The handle can be used for calling general movie functions prefixed with GUI_MOVIE.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.

Return value

= 0 On error.
≠ 0 Movie handle of the given widget.


Fills the given GUI_MOVIE_INFO structure. It contains resolution in pixels, ms per frame and total number of frames.


int MOVIE_GetInfo(MOVIE_Handle     hObj,
                  GUI_MOVIE_INFO * pInfo);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.
pInfo Pointer to a GUI_MOVIE_INFO structure.

Return value

= 0 On success.
≠ 0 On error.


Returns the vertical panel size of the widget.


int MOVIE_GetPanelSize(MOVIE_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.

Return value

= -1 On error.
≠ -1 Panel size of the MOVIE widget.


Returns the requested period of the widget.


int MOVIE_GetPeriod(MOVIE_Handle hObj,
                    unsigned     Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.
Index See MOVIE period indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

= -1 On error.
≠ -1 Period of given index.


Returns the horizontal space between the buttons in the control panel.


int MOVIE_GetSpace(MOVIE_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.

Return value

= -1 On error.
≠ -1 Space between the buttons in the control panel.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



The movie jumps to a requested frame.


void MOVIE_GotoFrame(MOVIE_Handle hObj,
                     U32          Frame);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.
Frame Zero-based frame index the movie should jump to.


Pauses the movie.


int MOVIE_Pause(MOVIE_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.

Return value

= -1 On error.
≠ -1 On success.


Resumes/plays the movie.


int MOVIE_Play(MOVIE_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.

Return value

= -1 On error.
≠ -1 On success.


Sets the vertical size of the progress bar in the control panel.


void MOVIE_SetBarSize(MOVIE_Handle hObj,
                      int          ySizeBar);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.
ySizeBar New vertical size of the progress bar.


Sets a new bitmap (play button) to be displayed in the widget’s center while the movie is paused.

Typically, this would be a bitmap that shows a “play” icon.


void MOVIE_SetCenterBitmap(      MOVIE_Handle   hObj,
                           const GUI_BITMAP   * pBmPlay);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.
pBmPlay  in  Pointer to GUI_BITMAP structure to be used as the center play bitmap.


Sets a new color of the given color index.


void MOVIE_SetColor(MOVIE_Handle hObj,
                    unsigned     Index,
                    GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.
Index See MOVIE color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color New color to be set.


Convenience function for MOVIE_SetColor() that takes in all color values at once.


void MOVIE_SetColors(MOVIE_Handle hObj,
                     GUI_COLOR    ColorCenter,
                     GUI_COLOR    ColorPanel,
                     GUI_COLOR    ColorLeft,
                     GUI_COLOR    ColorRight,
                     GUI_COLOR    ColorBk);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.
ColorCenter New color to be used for center bitmaps (only used for alpha bitmaps). See MOVIE_SetCenterBitmap().
ColorPanel New color to be used for panel button bitmaps (only used for alpha bitmaps). See MOVIE_SetPanelBitmaps().
ColorLeft Color the left part of the progress bar is drawn.
ColorRight Color the right part of the progress bar is drawn.
ColorBk Background color the widget is filled with.


Sets movie file data in ROM to the widget. The widget will automatically create a movie handle and display it.

To start the movie, the widget can be clicked or MOVIE_Start() can be called.


void MOVIE_SetData(      MOVIE_Handle     hObj,
                   const U8             * pData,
                         U32              Size,
                         int              DoLoop,
                         GUI_MOVIE_FUNC * pfNotify);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a MOVIE widget.
pData  in  Pointer to movie file data in ROM.
Size Number of bytes that pData points to.
DoLoop 1 if the movie should loop, 0 if not.
pfNotify  in  Optional pointer to a notification callback as described under GUI_MOVIE_Create().


Sets external movie file data to the widget. The widget will automatically create a movie handle and display it.

To start the movie, the widget can be clicked or MOVIE_Start() can be called.


void MOVIE_SetDataEx(MOVIE_Handle              hObj,
                     GUI_MOVIE_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData,
                     void                    * pVoidImage,
                     void                    * pVoidTable,
                     int                       DoLoop,
                     GUI_MOVIE_FUNC          * pfNotify);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a MOVIE widget.
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
pVoidImage  in  Void pointer passed to the function pointed by pfGetData. This parameter should point to the movie file data. Typically this could also be a pointer to a file handle if a file system is used.
pVoidTable  in  Void pointer passed to the GetData() function when accessing offset table. More information can be found under GUI_MOVIE_SetSecondHandle().
DoLoop 1 if the movie should loop, 0 if not.
pfNotify  in  Optional pointer to a notification callback as described under GUI_MOVIE_Create().


Sets a new default color of the given index for newly created MOVIE widgets.


void MOVIE_SetDefaultColor(unsigned  ColorIndex,
                           GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
ColorIndex See MOVIE color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color New default color to be set.


Sets a new default period of the given index for newly created MOVIE widgets.


void MOVIE_SetDefaultPeriod(unsigned PeriodIndex,
                            int      Period);


Parameter Description
PeriodIndex See MOVIE period indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Period New default period to be set.


Sets a new default vertical size of the progress bar for newly created MOVIE widgets.


void MOVIE_SetDefaultSizeBar(int SizeBar);


Parameter Description
SizeBar New default vertical size of the progress bar.


Sets a new default size for the control panel for newly created MOVIE widgets.


void MOVIE_SetDefaultSizePanel(int SizePanel);


Parameter Description
SizePanel New default size for the control panel to be set.


Sets a new default horizontal space between the buttons in the control panel for newly created MOVIE widgets.


void MOVIE_SetDefaultSpace(int Space);


Parameter Description
Space New default horizontal space.


Sets the bitmaps displayed in the panel.

If alpha bitmaps are used, a color can be set with MOVIE_SetColor(MOVIE_CI_PANEL).


void MOVIE_SetPanelBitmaps(      MOVIE_Handle   hObj,
                           const GUI_BITMAP   * pBmPlay,
                           const GUI_BITMAP   * pBmPause,
                           const GUI_BITMAP   * pBmStart);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.
pBmPlay  in  Bitmap used for the play button in the panel.
pBmPause  in  Bitmap used for the pause button in the panel.
pBmStart  in  Bitmap used for the start button in the panel. Optional, can be NULL.

Additional information

The play and pause bitmaps are both required, otherwise the panel will not be shown. The start bitmap is optional.



Sets a period of the given index.


void MOVIE_SetPeriod(MOVIE_Handle hObj,
                     unsigned     PeriodIndex,
                     int          Period);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.
PeriodIndex See MOVIE period indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Period New period to be used.


Convenience function for MOVIE_SetPeriod() to set all periods at once.


void MOVIE_SetPeriods(MOVIE_Handle hObj,
                      int          PeriodShiftIn,
                      int          PeriodShiftOut,
                      int          PeriodInactive);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.
PeriodShiftIn Animation period in ms for shifting in the control panel.
PeriodShiftOut Animation period in ms for shifting out the control panel.
PeriodInactive Timer period in ms it takes for the shifting out animation of the control panel to trigger.


Sets the vertical size of the control panel.


void MOVIE_SetPanelSize(MOVIE_Handle hObj,
                        int          ySizePanel);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.
ySizePanel New vertical size of the widget’s control panel.


Convenience function that sets all panel sizes at once.


void MOVIE_SetSizes(MOVIE_Handle hObj,
                    int          ySizePanel,
                    int          ySizeBar,
                    int          Space);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.
ySizePanel New vertical size of the widget’s control panel.
ySizeBar New vertical size of the progress bar.
Space New horizontal spacing value for the buttons.


Sets the horizontal spacing between the buttons in the control panel.


void MOVIE_SetSpace(MOVIE_Handle hObj,
                    int          Space);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to MOVIE widget.
Space New horizontal spacing value for the buttons.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

MOVIE bitmap indexes


Bitmap indexes for MOVIE widget.


#define MOVIE_BI_PANEL_PLAY     1


Definition Description
MOVIE_BI_CENTER_PLAY Bitmap to be shown as play button in the center of the widget.
MOVIE_BI_PANEL_PLAY Bitmap for panel play button.
MOVIE_BI_PANEL_PAUSE Bitmap for panel pause button.
MOVIE_BI_PANEL_BEGIN Bitmap for panel begin button.
MOVIE color indexes


Color indexes for MOVIE widget.


#define MOVIE_CI_CENTER    0
#define MOVIE_CI_PANEL     1
#define MOVIE_CI_BK        2
#define MOVIE_CI_LEFT      3
#define MOVIE_CI_RIGHT     4


Definition Description
MOVIE_CI_CENTER Color for center bitmap.
MOVIE_CI_PANEL Color for panel bitmaps.
MOVIE_CI_BK Color for background if MOVIE does not fill the complete widget area.
MOVIE_CI_LEFT Color for progress bar (left).
MOVIE_CI_RIGHT Color for progress bar (right).
MOVIE period indexes


Period indexes for MOVIE widgets.


#define MOVIE_PI_SHIFT_IN     0
#define MOVIE_PI_SHIFT_OUT    1
#define MOVIE_PI_INACTIVE     2


Definition Description
MOVIE_PI_SHIFT_IN The length in ms for shifting in the panel.
MOVIE_PI_SHIFT_OUT The length in ms for shifting out the panel.
MOVIE_PI_INACTIVE Period it takes from releasing the widget until the shifting operation is started.

MULTIEDIT: Multi line text widget

The MULTIEDIT widget enables you to edit text with multiple lines. You can use it as a simple text editor or to display static text. The widget supports scrolling with and without scroll bars.


All MULTIEDIT-related routines are in the file(s) MULTIEDIT*.c, MULTIEDIT.h. All identifiers are prefixed MULTIEDIT.

The table below shows the appearance of the MULTIEDIT widget:

Description Frame window
Edit mode,
automatic horizontal scroll bar,
non wrapping mode,
insert mode
Edit mode,
automatic vertical scroll bar,
word wrapping mode,
overwrite mode
Read only mode,
word wrapping mode
Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N MULTIEDIT_BKCOLOR1_DEFAULT 0xC0C0C0 Background color read only mode.
N MULTIEDIT_HBORDER_DEFAULT 1 Horizontal border between widget edge and text.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make MULTIEDIT widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_MULTIEDIT0    0x190
#define GUI_ID_MULTIEDIT1    0x191
#define GUI_ID_MULTIEDIT2    0x192
#define GUI_ID_MULTIEDIT3    0x193
#define GUI_ID_MULTIEDIT4    0x194
#define GUI_ID_MULTIEDIT5    0x195
#define GUI_ID_MULTIEDIT6    0x196
#define GUI_ID_MULTIEDIT7    0x197
#define GUI_ID_MULTIEDIT8    0x198
#define GUI_ID_MULTIEDIT9    0x199
Notification codes

The following events are sent from the widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED Widget has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED Widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT Widget has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the widget without releasing.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SCROLL_CHANGED The scroll position of the optional scroll bar has been changed.
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED The text of the widget has been changed.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Reaction
GUI_KEY_UP Moves the cursor one line up.
GUI_KEY_DOWN Moves the cursor one line down.
GUI_KEY_RIGHT Moves the cursor one character to the right.
GUI_KEY_LEFT Moves the cursor one character to the left.
GUI_KEY_END Moves the cursor to the end of the current row.
GUI_KEY_HOME Moves the cursor to the begin of the current row.
GUI_KEY_BACKSPACE If the widget works in read/write mode this key deletes the character before the cursor.
GUI_KEY_DELETE If the widget works in read/write mode this key deletes the character below the cursor.
GUI_KEY_INSERT Toggles between insert and overwrite mode.
GUI_KEY_ENTER If the widget works in read/write mode this key inserts a new line (\n) at the current position. If the widget works in read only mode the cursor will be moved to the beginning of the next line.
GUI_KEY_PGUP Scrolls the MULTIEDIT page wise up.
GUI_KEY_PGDOWN Scrolls the MULTIEDIT page wise down.

The table below lists the available emWin MULTIEDIT-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
MULTIEDIT_AddKey() Adds user input to a specified MULTIEDIT widget.
MULTIEDIT_AddText() Adds the given text at the current cursor position.
MULTIEDIT_Create() Creates a MULTIEDIT widget. (Obsolete)
MULTIEDIT_CreateEx() Creates a MULTIEDIT widget.
MULTIEDIT_CreateIndirect() Creates a MULTIEDIT widget from a resource table entry.
MULTIEDIT_CreateUser() Creates a MULTIEDIT widget using extra bytes as user data.
MULTIEDIT_EnableBlink() Enables/disables a blinking cursor.
MULTIEDIT_EnableMotion() Enables motion scrolling for the MULTIEDIT widget.
MULTIEDIT_GetBkColor() Returns the background color of the widget.
MULTIEDIT_GetCursorCharPos() Returns the number of the character at the cursor position.
MULTIEDIT_GetCursorPixelPos() Returns the pixel position of the cursor in window coordinates.
MULTIEDIT_GetDefaultAlign() Returns the default text alignment of new MULTIEDIT widgets.
MULTIEDIT_GetDefaultBkColor() Returns the default background color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.
MULTIEDIT_GetDefaultCursorColor() Returns the default foreground or background cursor color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.
MULTIEDIT_GetDefaultFont() Returns the default font for new MULTIEDIT widgets.
MULTIEDIT_GetDefaultHBorder() Returns the default horizontal border for new MULTIEDIT widgets.
MULTIEDIT_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.
MULTIEDIT_GetFont() Returns the font of the widget.
MULTIEDIT_GetNumChars() Returns the number of characters of the MULTIEDIT widget.
MULTIEDIT_GetPrompt() Returns the current prompt text.
MULTIEDIT_GetText() Returns the current text.
MULTIEDIT_GetTextColor() Returns the text color of the widget.
MULTIEDIT_GetTextSize() Returns the buffer size used to store the current text (and prompt).
MULTIEDIT_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with MULTIEDIT_SetUserData().
MULTIEDIT_SetAutoScrollH() Enables/disables the automatic use of a horizontal scroll bar.
MULTIEDIT_SetAutoScrollV() Enables/disables the automatic use of a vertical scroll bar.
MULTIEDIT_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the given MULTIEDIT widget.
MULTIEDIT_SetBufferSize() Sets the maximum number of bytes used by text and prompt.
MULTIEDIT_SetCursorCharPos() This function sets the cursor to the given position where x is the character in a line and y is line.
MULTIEDIT_SetCursorColor() Sets the background or foreground cursor color of the given MULTIEDIT widget.
MULTIEDIT_SetCursorOffset() Sets the cursor position to the given character.
MULTIEDIT_SetCursorPixelPos() This function sets the cursor to the given position, where x and y are the coordinates in pixels relative to the widget.
MULTIEDIT_SetDefaultAlign() Sets the default text alignment for new MULTIEDIT widgets.
MULTIEDIT_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.
MULTIEDIT_SetDefaultCursorColor() Sets the default cursor color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.
MULTIEDIT_SetDefaultFont() Sets the default font for new MULTIEDIT widgets.
MULTIEDIT_SetDefaultHBorder() Sets the default horizontal border for new MULTIEDIT widgets.
MULTIEDIT_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default text color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.
MULTIEDIT_SetFocusable() Sets the focusability of the given MULTIEDIT widget.
MULTIEDIT_SetFont() Sets the font.
MULTIEDIT_SetHBorder() Sets the size of the horizontal border.
MULTIEDIT_SetInsertMode() Enables/disables the insert mode.
MULTIEDIT_SetInvertCursor() Enables/disables the inversion mode of cursor.
MULTIEDIT_SetMaxNumChars() Sets the maximum number of characters used by text and prompt.
MULTIEDIT_SetPasswordMode() Enables/disables the password mode.
MULTIEDIT_SetPrompt() Sets the prompt text.
MULTIEDIT_SetReadOnly() Enables/disables the read only mode.
MULTIEDIT_SetText() Sets the text.
MULTIEDIT_SetTextAlign() Sets the text alignment.
MULTIEDIT_SetTextColor() Sets the text color.
MULTIEDIT_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a MULTIEDIT widget.
MULTIEDIT_SetWrapChar() Enables the char wrapping mode.
MULTIEDIT_SetWrapNone() Enables the non wrapping mode.
MULTIEDIT_SetWrapWord() Enables the word wrapping mode.
MULTIEDIT_ShowCursor() This function enables or disables the cursor of the MULTIEDIT widget.


Group of defines Description
MULTIEDIT color indexes Color indexes used by the MULTIEDIT widget.
MULTIEDIT cursor color indexes Cursor color indexes used by the MULTIEDIT widget.
MULTIEDIT create flags Create flags used by MULTIEDIT_CreateEx().


Adds user input to a specified MULTIEDIT widget.


                     U16              Key);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
Key Character to be added.

Return value

1 if Key has been consumed.
0 if Key was not handled.

Additional information

The specified character is added to the user input of the MULTIEDIT widget. If the maximum count of characters has been reached, another character will not be added.



Adds the given text at the current cursor position.


                      const char             * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
s Pointer to a NULL terminated text to be added.

Additional information

If the number of characters exceeds the limit set with the function MULTIEDIT_SetMaxNumChars() the function will add only the characters of the text which fit into the widget respecting the limit.
If the the function MULTIEDIT_SetMaxNumChars() has not been called the MULTIEDIT widget increases its buffer automatically to hold the complete text.



This function is deprecated, MULTIEDIT_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a MULTIEDIT widget of a specified size at a specified location.


MULTIEDIT_HANDLE MULTIEDIT_Create(      int       x0,
                                        int       y0,
                                        int       xSize,
                                        int       ySize,
                                        WM_HWIN   hParent,
                                        int       Id,
                                        int       Flags,
                                        int       ExFlags,
                                  const char    * pText,
                                        int       MaxLen);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the MULTIEDIT widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the MULTIEDIT widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the MULTIEDIT widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the MULTIEDIT widget (in pixels).
hParent Parent window of the MULTIEDIT widget.
Id ID of the MULTIEDIT widget.
Flags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags in the chapter The Window Manager (WM) for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags See MULTIEDIT create flags.
pText Text to be used.
MaxLen Maximum number of bytes for text and prompt.
s Pointer to a NULL terminated text to be added.

Return value

Handle of the created MULTIEDIT widget; 0 if the function fails.



Creates a MULTIEDIT widget of a specified size at a specified location.


MULTIEDIT_HANDLE MULTIEDIT_CreateEx(      int       x0,
                                          int       y0,
                                          int       xSize,
                                          int       ySize,
                                          WM_HWIN   hParent,
                                          int       WinFlags,
                                          int       ExFlags,
                                          int       Id,
                                          int       BufferSize,
                                    const char    * pText);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new MULTIEDIT widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags See MULTIEDIT create flags.
Id Window ID of the widget.
BufferSize Initial text buffer size of the widget. Use MULTIEDIT_SetMaxNumChars() to set the maximum number of characters.
pText Text to be used.

Return value

Handle of the created MULTIEDIT widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

If the text set for the MULTIEDIT widget exceeds the number of bytes allocated at creation (BufferSize) the widget increases the buffer automatically. To avoid this the user can call MULTIEDIT_SetMaxNumChars().



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is used according to the parameter BufferSize of the function MULTIEDIT_CreateEx(). The element Flags is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function MULTIEDIT_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function MULTIEDIT_CreateEx() can be referred to.


Enables/disables a blinking cursor.


                           int              Period,
                           int              OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
Period Blinking period
OnOff 1 enables blinking, 0 disables blinking

Additional information

This function calls GUI_X_GetTime().



Enables motion scrolling for the MULTIEDIT widget.


                            int              Flags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
Flags See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Flags
0 Disables motion support.
MULTIEDIT_CF_MOTION_H Enables horizontal motion support.
MULTIEDIT_CF_MOTION_V Enables vertical motion support.

Additional information

If motion support isn’t enabled for the window manager, it will be activated automatically.

Note that motion support cannot be used in conjunction with scrollbars. This means that enabling motion support on one axis will remove a scrollbar attached to the same axis and vice versa.



Returns the background color of the widget.


                               unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
Index See MULTIEDIT color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Additional information

This function calls GUI_X_GetTime().



Returns the number of the character at the cursor position.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.

Return value

Number of the character at the cursor position.

Additional information

The widget returns the character position if it has the focus or not. This means the cursor position is also returned, if the cursor is currently not visible in the widget.



Returns the pixel position of the cursor in window coordinates.


                                 int              * pxPos,
                                 int              * pyPos);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
pxPos Pointer to integer variable for the X-position in window coordinates.
pyPos Pointer to integer variable for the Y-position in window coordinates.

Additional information

The widget returns the pixel position if it has the focus or not. This means the cursor position is also returned, if the cursor is currently not visible in the widget.



Returns the default text alignment of new MULTIEDIT widgets.


int MULTIEDIT_GetDefaultAlign(void);

Return value

Default text alignment of new MULTIEDIT widgets.



Returns the default background color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.


GUI_COLOR MULTIEDIT_GetDefaultBkColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See MULTIEDIT color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default background color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.



Returns the default foreground or background cursor color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.


GUI_COLOR MULTIEDIT_GetDefaultCursorColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See MULTIEDIT cursor color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default foreground or background cursor color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.



Returns the default font for new MULTIEDIT widgets.


GUI_FONT *MULTIEDIT_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Default font for new MULTIEDIT widgets.



Returns the default horizontal border for new MULTIEDIT widgets.


unsigned MULTIEDIT_GetDefaultHBorder(void);

Return value

Default horizontal border for new MULTIEDIT widgets.



Returns the default text color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.


GUI_COLOR MULTIEDIT_GetDefaultTextColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See MULTIEDIT color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default text color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.



Returns the font of the widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.

Return value

Pointer to the font of the given widget.



Returns the number of characters of the MULTIEDIT widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.

Return value

Number of characters present in the specified MULTIEDIT widget.



Returns the current prompt text.


                         char             * sDest,
                         int                MaxLen);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
sDest Buffer for the prompt text to be returned.
MaxLen Maximum number of bytes to be copied to sDest.

Additional information

The function copies the current prompt text to the buffer given by sDest. The maximum number of bytes copied to the buffer is given by MaxLen.



Returns the current text.


                       char             * sDest,
                       int                MaxLen);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
sDest Buffer for the text to be returned.
MaxLen Maximum number of bytes to be copied to sDest.

Additional information

The function copies the current text to the buffer given by sDest. The maximum number of bytes copied to the buffer is given by MaxLen.



Returns the text color of the widget.


                                 unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
Index See MULTIEDIT color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The text color of the given widget.



Returns the buffer size used to store the current text (and prompt).




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.

Return value

Buffer size used to store the current text (and prompt).



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Enables/disables the automatic use of a horizontal scroll bar.


                              int              OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling automatic use of a horizontal scroll bar, 0 for disabling.

Additional information

Enabling the use of a automatic horizontal scroll bar only makes sense with the non wrapping mode explained later in this chapter. If enabled the MULTIEDIT widget checks if the width of the non wrapped text fits into the client area. If not a horizontal scroll bar will be attached to the window.

Note that enabling scrollbars will disable motion support for the widget.



Enables/disables the automatic use of a vertical scroll bar.


                              int              OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling automatic use of a vertical scroll bar, 0 for disabling.

Additional information

If enabled the MULTIEDIT widget checks if the height of the text fits into the client area. If not a vertical scroll bar will be attached to the window.

Note that enabling scrollbars will disable motion support for the widget.



Sets the background color of the given MULTIEDIT widget.


                          unsigned         Index,
                          GUI_COLOR        color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
Index See MULTIEDIT color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Background color to be used.


Sets the maximum number of bytes used by text and prompt.


                             int              BufferSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
BufferSize Maximum number of bytes.

Additional information

The function clears the current content of the MULTIEDIT widget and allocates the given number of bytes for the text and for the prompt.



This function sets the cursor to the given position where x is the character in a line and y is line. 0, 0 is the very first character. 0, 1 would be the the first character of the second line and so on.


                                int              x,
                                int              y);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
x X - Character position of the line.
y Y - Index of line.


Sets the background or foreground cursor color of the given MULTIEDIT widget.


                              unsigned         Index,
                              GUI_COLOR        color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
Index See MULTIEDIT color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.

Additional information

These colors are taken into account only if the inversion mode of the cursor is disabled.



Sets the cursor position to the given character.


                               int              Offset);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
Offset New cursor position.

Additional information

The number of characters used for the prompt has to be added to the parameter Offset. If a prompt is used the value for parameter Offset should not be smaller than the number of characters used for the prompt.



This function sets the cursor to the given position, where x and y are the coordinates in pixels relative to the widget.


                                 int              x,
                                 int              y);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
xPos Y position in pixels.
xPos Y position in pixels.


Sets the default text alignment for new MULTIEDIT widgets.


void MULTIEDIT_SetDefaultAlign(int Align);


Parameter Description
Align See Text alignment flags. Only horizontal left and right alignment flags are applicable!


Sets the default background color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.


void MULTIEDIT_SetDefaultBkColor(GUI_COLOR Color,
                                 unsigned  Index);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used.
Index See MULTIEDIT color indexes for a full list of permitted values.


Sets the default cursor color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.


void MULTIEDIT_SetDefaultCursorColor(GUI_COLOR Color,
                                     unsigned  Index);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used.
Index See MULTIEDIT color indexes for a full list of permitted values.


Sets the default font for new MULTIEDIT widgets.


void MULTIEDIT_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure to be used.


Sets the default horizontal border for new MULTIEDIT widgets.


void MULTIEDIT_SetDefaultHBorder(unsigned HBorder);


Parameter Description
HBorder New horizontal border to be used.


Sets the default text color for new MULTIEDIT widgets.


void MULTIEDIT_SetDefaultTextColor(GUI_COLOR Color,
                                   unsigned  Index);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used.
Index See MULTIEDIT color indexes for a full list of permitted values.


Sets the focusability of the given MULTIEDIT widget.


                            int              State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling focusability, 0 for disabling.

Additional information

The text can not be aligned to the center if the widget is focusable. To change text alignment, the function MULTIEDIT_SetTextAlign() can be used.



Sets the font used to display the text and the prompt.


                       const GUI_FONT         * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
pFont Pointer to font to be used.


Sets the size of the border between the text and the widget in horizontal direction.


                          unsigned         HBorder);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
HBorder Size of the border in pixels.


Enables/disables the insert mode. The default behaviour is overwrite mode.


                             int              OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling insert mode, 0 for disabling.


Enables/disables the inversion mode of cursor. The default behaviour is invert mode.


                               int              OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling invert mode, 0 for disabling.

Additional information

Cursor colors need to be set.



Sets the maximum number of characters used by text and prompt.


                              unsigned         MaxNumChars);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the MULTIEDIT widget.
MaxNumChars Maximum number of characters.


Enables/disables the password mode.


                               int              OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the MULTIEDIT widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling password mode, 0 for disabling.

Additional information

The password mode enables you to conceal the user input.



Sets the prompt text.


void MULTIEDIT_SetPrompt(      MULTIEDIT_HANDLE   hObj,
                         const char             * pPrompt);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the MULTIEDIT widget.
sPrompt Pointer to the new prompt text.

Additional information

The prompt text is displayed first. The cursor can not be moved into the prompt.



Enables/disables the read only mode.


                           int              OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the MULTIEDIT widget.
OnOff 1 for enabling read-only mode, 0 for disabling.

Additional information

If the read only mode has been set the widget does not change the text. Only the cursor will be moved.



Sets the text to be handled by the MULTIEDIT widget.


                       const char             * pNew);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the MULTIEDIT widget.
pNew Pointer to the text to be handled by the MULTIEDIT widget.

Additional information

The function copies the given text to the buffer allocated when creating the widget. The current text can be retrieved by MULTIEDIT_GetText().



Sets the text alignment for the given MULTIEDIT widget.


                            int              Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the MULTIEDIT widget.
Align See Text alignment flags. Only horizontal left and right alignment flags are applicable!

Additional information

The text can not be horizontally centered if the widget is focusable. To change focusability of the widget, the function MULTIEDIT_SetFocusable() can be used.



Sets the text color.


                            unsigned         Index,
                            GUI_COLOR        color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the MULTIEDIT widget.
Index See MULTIEDIT color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Text color to be used.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().



Enables the char wrapping mode.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.

Additional information

If the char wrapping mode has been set the text will be wrapped at the last character that still fits in the line.



Enables the non wrapping mode.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.

Additional information

’Non wrapping’ means line wrapping would be done only at new lines. If the horizontal size of the text exceeds the size of the client area the text will be scrolled.



Enables the word wrapping mode.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.

Additional information

If the word wrapping mode has been set the text at the end of a line will be wrapped at the beginning of the last word (if possible).



This function enables or disables the cursor of the MULTIEDIT widget.


                         unsigned         OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIEDIT widget.
OnOff 0 hide cursor, 1 show cursor

Return value

This function returns the previous state of the cursor.

MULTIEDIT color indexes


Color indexes used by the MULTIEDIT widget.


#define MULTIEDIT_CI_EDIT        0


Definition Description
MULTIEDIT_CI_EDIT Color in edit mode.
MULTIEDIT_CI_READONLY Color in read-only mode.
MULTIEDIT cursor color indexes


Color indexes used for the cursor of the MULTIEDIT widget.




Definition Description
MULTIEDIT_CI_CURSOR_BK Background color for cursor
MULTIEDIT_CI_CURSOR_FG Foreground color for cursor
MULTIEDIT create flags


Create flags that define the behavior of the FRAMEWIN widget. These flags are OR-combinable and can be specified upon creation of the widget via the ExFlags parameter of MULTIEDIT_CreateEx().


#define MULTIEDIT_CF_READONLY           (1 << 0)
#define MULTIEDIT_CF_INSERT             (1 << 2)
#define MULTIEDIT_CF_PASSWORD           (1 << 5)
#define MULTIEDIT_CF_SHOWCURSOR         (1 << 6)
#define MULTIEDIT_CF_MOTION_H           (1 << 7)
#define MULTIEDIT_CF_MOTION_V           (1 << 8)
#define MULTIEDIT_CF_USE_COPY           (1 << 9)


Definition Description
MULTIEDIT_CF_READONLY Enables read only mode.
MULTIEDIT_CF_INSERT Enables insert mode.
MULTIEDIT_CF_AUTOSCROLLBAR_V Automatic use of a vertical scroll bar.
MULTIEDIT_CF_AUTOSCROLLBAR_H Automatic use of a horizontal scroll bar.
MULTIEDIT_CF_PASSWORD Enables password mode.
MULTIEDIT_CF_MOTION_H Enables motion support on X-axis.
MULTIEDIT_CF_MOTION_V Enables motion support on Y-axis.
MULTIEDIT_CF_USE_COPY Enables copyrect optimization

The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with it.

Screenshot of WIDGET_Multiedit.c

MULTIPAGE: Multiple page widget

A MULTIPAGE widget is analogous to the dividers in a notebook or the labels in a file cabinet. By using a MULTIPAGE widget, an application can define multiple pages for the same area of a window or dialog box. Each page consists of a certain type of information or a group of widgets that the application displays when the user selects the corresponding page. To select a page the tab of the page has to be clicked. If not all tabs can be displayed, the MULTIPAGE widget automatically shows a small scroll bar at the edge to scroll the pages.
The Sample folder contains the file WIDGET_Multipage.c which shows how to create and use the MULTIPAGE widget.


All MULTIPAGE-related routines are located in the file(s) MULTIPAGE*.c, MULTIPAGE.h.
All identifiers are prefixed MULTIPAGE.

Description MULTIPAGE widget
MULTIPAGE widget with 3 pages,
alignment top/left.
MULTIPAGE widget with 6 pages,
alignment bottom/right.


…is available for this widget. The screenshot above shows the widget using the default skin. Details can be found in the chapter Skinning.


This widget uses skinning. To change the look it is recommended to use the function <WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps(). Other functions to change the look might work only with the classic skin.

Structure of MULTIPAGE widget

A MULTIPAGE widget with n pages consists of n+2 windows:

The page windows will be added to the client window of the widget. The diagram at the right side shows the structure of the widget.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N MULTIPAGE_BKCOLOR0_DEFAULT 0xD0D0D0 Default background color of pages in disabled state.
N MULTIPAGE_BKCOLOR1_DEFAULT 0xC0C0C0 Default background color of pages in enabled state.
S MULTIPAGE_FONT_DEFAULT &GUI_Font13_1 Default font used by the widget.
N MULTIPAGE_TEXTCOLOR0_DEFAULT 0x808080 Default text color of pages in disabled state.
N MULTIPAGE_TEXTCOLOR1_DEFAULT 0x000000 Default text color of pages in enabled state.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make MULTIPAGE widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_MULTIPAGE0    0x230
#define GUI_ID_MULTIPAGE1    0x231
#define GUI_ID_MULTIPAGE2    0x232
#define GUI_ID_MULTIPAGE3    0x233
#define GUI_ID_MULTIPAGE4    0x234
#define GUI_ID_MULTIPAGE5    0x235
#define GUI_ID_MULTIPAGE6    0x236
#define GUI_ID_MULTIPAGE7    0x237
#define GUI_ID_MULTIPAGE8    0x238
#define GUI_ID_MULTIPAGE9    0x239
Notification codes

The following events are sent from the widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED Widget has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED Widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT Widget has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the widget without releasing.
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED The text of the widget has been changed.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Reaction
GUI_KEY_PGUP Switches to the next page.
GUI_KEY_PGDOWN Switches to the previous page.

The table below lists the available emWin MULTIPAGE-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
MULTIPAGE_AddEmptyPage() Adds a page to a MULTIPAGE widget without the requirement to attach a window.
MULTIPAGE_AddPage() Adds a page to a MULTIPAGE widget.
MULTIPAGE_AttachWindow() Attaches a window to a certain page of the MULTIPAGE widget.
MULTIPAGE_CreateEx() Creates a MULTIPAGE widget.
MULTIPAGE_CreateIndirect() Creates a MULTIPAGE widget from a resource table entry.
MULTIPAGE_CreateUser() Creates a MULTIPAGE widget using extra bytes as user data.
MULTIPAGE_DeletePage() Deletes a page from a MULTIPAGE widget.
MULTIPAGE_DisablePage() Disables a page from a MULTIPAGE widget.
MULTIPAGE_EnablePage() Enables a page from a MULTIPAGE widget.
MULTIPAGE_EnableScrollbar() Configures the given MULTIPAGE widget to make use of an automatic scroll bar.
MULTIPAGE_GetBkColor() Returns the background color.
MULTIPAGE_GetDefaultAlign() Returns the default tab alignment for new MULTIPAGE widgets.
MULTIPAGE_GetDefaultBkColor() Returns the default background color for new MULTIPAGE widgets.
MULTIPAGE_GetDefaultFont() Returns a pointer to the font used to display the text in the tabs of new MULTIPAGE widgets.
MULTIPAGE_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color used to display the text in the tabs of new MULTIPAGE widgets.
MULTIPAGE_GetFont() Returns the font of the widget.
MULTIPAGE_GetNumTabs() Returns the number of all tabs in a MULTIPAGE widget.
MULTIPAGE_GetPageText() Returns the text of the given page.
MULTIPAGE_GetSelection() Returns the current selection.
MULTIPAGE_GetTabHeight() Returns the height for all tabs.
MULTIPAGE_GetTabWidth() Returns the width for the given tab.
MULTIPAGE_GetTextColor() Returns the text color of the widget.
MULTIPAGE_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with MULTIPAGE_SetUserData().
MULTIPAGE_GetWindow() Returns the handle of the window displayed in the given page.
MULTIPAGE_IsPageEnabled() Returns if the given page of a MULTIEDIT widget is enabled or not.
MULTIPAGE_SelectPage() Sets the currently selected page of a MULTIPAGE widget.
MULTIPAGE_SetAlign() Sets the alignment for the tabs.
MULTIPAGE_SetBitmap() Sets a bitmap to be displayed on the given tab.
MULTIPAGE_SetBitmapEx() Sets a bitmap to be displayed at the specified position on the given tab.
MULTIPAGE_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the given MULTIPAGE widget.
MULTIPAGE_SetDefaultAlign() Sets the default tab alignment for new MULTIPAGE widgets.
MULTIPAGE_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color used for new MULTIPAGE widgets.
MULTIPAGE_SetDefaultBorderSizeX() Sets the default border size on the x-axis.
MULTIPAGE_SetDefaultBorderSizeY() Sets the default border size on the y-axis.
MULTIPAGE_SetDefaultFont() Sets the default font used by new MULTIPAGE widgets.
MULTIPAGE_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default text color used by new MULTIPAGE widgets.
MULTIPAGE_SetFont() Selects the font for the widget.
MULTIPAGE_SetRotation() Sets the rotation mode of the given widget.
MULTIPAGE_SetTabHeight() Sets the height for all tabs.
MULTIPAGE_SetTabWidth() Sets the width for the given tab.
MULTIPAGE_SetText() Sets the text displayed in the tab of a given page.
MULTIPAGE_SetTextAlign() Sets the text alignment for the given MULTIPAGE widget.
MULTIPAGE_SetTextColor() Sets the text color.
MULTIPAGE_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a MULTIPAGE widget.


Group of defines Description
MULTIPAGE alignment flags Alignment flags used by MULTIPAGE_SetAlign().
MULTIPAGE bitmap indexes Bitmap indexes used by the MULTIPAGE widget.
MULTIPAGE color indexes Color indexes used by the MULTIPAGE widget.
MULTIPAGE create flags Create flags used by the MULTIPAGE widget.
Before After


Adds a new page to a given MULTIPAGE widget.


void MULTIPAGE_AddEmptyPage(      MULTIPAGE_Handle   hObj,
                                  WM_HWIN            hWin,
                            const char             * pText);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
hWin Handle of window to be shown in the given page.
pText Pointer to text to be displayed in the tab of the page.

Additional information

It is recommended, that all windows added to a MULTIPAGE widget handle the complete client area of the MULTIPAGE widget when processing the WM_PAINT message. If no window has to be added, hWin can be specified with 0.

Before After


Adds a new page to a given MULTIPAGE widget.


void MULTIPAGE_AddPage(      MULTIPAGE_Handle   hObj,
                             WM_HWIN            hWin,
                       const char             * pText);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
hWin Handle of window to be shown in the given page.
pText Pointer to text to be displayed in the tab of the page.

Additional information

It is recommended, that all windows added to a MULTIPAGE widget handle the complete client area of the MULTIPAGE widget when processing the WM_PAINT message.



Attaches a window to a certain page of the MULTIPAGE widget.


                               unsigned         Index,
                               WM_HWIN          hWin);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Index Index of the page the window has to be added to.
pText Pointer to text to be displayed in the tab of the page.

Additional information

It is recommended, that all windows added to a MULTIPAGE widget handle the complete client area of the MULTIPAGE widget when processing the WM_PAINT message.



Creates a MULTIPAGE widget of a specified size at a specified position.


MULTIPAGE_Handle MULTIPAGE_CreateEx(int     x0,
                                    int     y0,
                                    int     xSize,
                                    int     ySize,
                                    WM_HWIN hParent,
                                    int     WinFlags,
                                    int     ExFlags,
                                    int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the MULTIPAGE widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Y-position of the MULTIPAGE widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the MULTIPAGE widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the MULTIPAGE widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags Not used yet, reserved for future use.
Id Window ID of the MULTIPAGE widget.

Return value

Handle of the new MULTIPAGE widget.

Additional information

The size of the tabs depends on the size of the font used for the MULTIPAGE widget.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function MULTIPAGE_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function MULTIPAGE_CreateEx() can be referred to.

Before After


Removes a page from a MULTIPAGE widget and optional deletes the window.


void MULTIPAGE_DeletePage(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned         Index,
                          int              Delete);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Index Zero based index of the page to be removed from the MULTIPAGE widget.
Delete If >0 the window attached to the page will be deleted.
Before After


Disables a page from a MULTIPAGE widget.


void MULTIPAGE_DisablePage(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Index Zero based index of the page to be disabled.

Additional information

A disabled page of a window can not be selected by clicking the tab of the page. The default state of MULTIEDIT pages is ’enabled’.

Before After


Enables a page of a MULTIPAGE widget.


void MULTIPAGE_EnablePage(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.

Additional information

The default state of MULTIEDIT pages is ’enabled’.

With scrollbar Without scrollbar


Configures the given MULTIPAGE widget to make use of an automatic scroll bar.


void MULTIPAGE_EnableScrollbar(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj,
                               unsigned         OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
OnOff 1 = Enable automatic scroll bar.
0 = Disable automatic scroll bar.

Additional information

Calling this function takes effect only before the first page has been added to the widget. The automatic scroll bar is enabled by default.



Returns the background color of the widget.


                               unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Index See MULTIPAGE color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The background color of the given widget.



Returns the default tab alignment for new MULTIPAGE widgets.


unsigned MULTIPAGE_GetDefaultAlign(void);

Return value

Default tab alignment for new MULTIPAGE widgets.

Additional information

The following table shows the alignment values returned by this function:

Alignment Appearance of MULTIPAGE widget


Returns the default background color for new MULTIPAGE widgets.


GUI_COLOR MULTIPAGE_GetDefaultBkColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See MULTIPAGE color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default background color for new MULTIPAGE widgets.



Returns a pointer to the font used to display the text in the tabs of new MULTIPAGE widgets.


GUI_FONT *MULTIPAGE_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Pointer to the font used to display the text in the tabs of new MULTIPAGE widgets.



Returns the default text color used to display the text in the tabs of new MULTIPAGE widgets.


GUI_COLOR MULTIPAGE_GetDefaultTextColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See MULTIPAGE color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default text color used to display the text in the tabs of new MULTIPAGE widgets.



Returns the font of the widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.

Return value

A pointer to the font of the given widget.



Returns the number of all tabs in a MULTIPAGE widget.


int MULTIPAGE_GetNumTabs(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.

Return value

Number of all tabs in a MULTIPAGE widget.



Returns the text of the given page.


int MULTIPAGE_GetPageText(MULTIPAGE_Handle   hObj,
                          unsigned           Index,
                          char             * pBuffer,
                          int                MaxLen);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Index Index of the page.
pBuffer User defined buffer which is filled with the page text.
MaxLen Maximum length of the text to be copied.

Return value

Length of the copied text.



Returns the zero based index of the currently selected page of a MULTIPAGE widget.


int MULTIPAGE_GetSelection(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.

Return value

Zero-based index of the currently selected page of a MULTIPAGE widget.



Returns the height for all tabs.


int MULTIPAGE_GetTabHeight(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.

Return value

Height for all tabs in a MULTIPAGE widget.



Returns the width for the given tab.


int MULTIPAGE_GetTabWidth(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj,
                          int              Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Index Index of the tab.

Return value

Width of a specific tab in a MULTIPAGE widget.



Returns the text color of the widget.


                                 unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Index See MULTIPAGE color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The text color of the given widget.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns the handle of the window displayed in the given page.


                            unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Index Zero-based index of page.

Return value

Handle of the window displayed in the given page.



Returns if the given page of a MULTIEDIT widget is enabled or not.


int MULTIPAGE_IsPageEnabled(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Index Zero-based index of requested page.

Return value

1 if the given page is enabled.
0 if the given page is disabled.
Before After


Sets the currently selected page of a MULTIPAGE widget.


void MULTIPAGE_SelectPage(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Index Zero-based index of page to be selected.
Before After


Sets the tab alignment for the given MULTIPAGE widget.


void MULTIPAGE_SetAlign(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj,
                        unsigned         Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Align See MULTIPAGE alignment flags for a full list of permitted values.

Additional information

For more information, refer to MULTIPAGE_GetDefaultAlign().

Before After


Sets a bitmap to be displayed on the given tab. The bitmap is horizontally and vertically aligned to the center of the tab.


int MULTIPAGE_SetBitmap(      MULTIPAGE_Handle   hObj,
                        const GUI_BITMAP       * pBitmap,
                              int                Index,
                              int                State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
pBitmap Pointer to the bitmap to be used for the given tab.
Index Index of the tab.
State State of the tab for which the bitmap has to be used. See MULTIPAGE bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.
Before After


Sets a bitmap to be displayed on the given tab adjusting the position from the center to the right, left, top and bottom according to the x and y values.


int MULTIPAGE_SetBitmapEx(      MULTIPAGE_Handle   hObj,
                          const GUI_BITMAP       * pBitmap,
                                int                x,
                                int                y,
                                int                Index,
                                int                State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the MULTIPAGE widget.
pBitmap Pointer to the bitmap to be used for the given tab.
x Adjustment value for the x position of the bitmap. 0 means horizontally centered.
y Adjustment value for the y position of the bitmap. 0 means vertically centered.
Index Index of the tab.
State State of the tab for which the bitmap has to be used. See MULTIPAGE bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.
Before After


Sets the background color of the given MULTIPAGE widget.


void MULTIPAGE_SetBkColor(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj,
                          GUI_COLOR        Color,
                          unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Color Color to be used.
Index See MULTIPAGE color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Additional information

The function only sets the background color for the MULTIPAGE widget. The child windows added to the widget are not affected. That means if the complete client area is drawn by windows added to the widget, only the background color of the tabs changes.



Sets the default tab alignment for new MULTIPAGE widgets.


void MULTIPAGE_SetDefaultAlign(unsigned Align);


Parameter Description
Align Tab alignment used for new MULTIPAGE widgets.

Additional information

For more information about the tab alignment, refer to MULTIPAGE_GetDefaultAlign() and MULTIPAGE_SetAlign().



Sets the default background color used for new MULTIPAGE widgets.


void MULTIPAGE_SetDefaultBkColor(GUI_COLOR Color,
                                 unsigned  Index);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used.
Index See MULTIPAGE color indexes for a full list of permitted values.


Sets the default border size on the x-axis.


void MULTIPAGE_SetDefaultBorderSizeX(unsigned Size);


Parameter Description
Size Border size to be used.


Sets the default border size on the y-axis.


void MULTIPAGE_SetDefaultBorderSizeY(unsigned Size);


Parameter Description
Size Border size to be used.


Sets the default font used to display the text in the tabs of new MULTIPAGE widgets.


void MULTIPAGE_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to GUI_FONT structure to be used.

Additional information

The horizontal and vertical size of the tabs depends on the size of the used font.



Sets the default text color used to display the text in the tabs of new MULTIPAGE widgets.


void MULTIPAGE_SetDefaultTextColor(GUI_COLOR Color,
                                   unsigned  Index);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used.
Index See MULTIPAGE color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Before After


Sets the font used to display the text in the tabs of a given MULTIPAGE widget.


void MULTIPAGE_SetFont(      MULTIPAGE_Handle   hObj,
                       const GUI_FONT         * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
pFont Pointer to GUI_FONT structure used to display the text in the tabs.

Additional information

The vertical and horizontal size of the tabs depend on the size of the used font and the text shown in the tabs.

Before After


Sets the rotation mode of the given widget.


void MULTIPAGE_SetRotation(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned         Rotation);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Rotation Rotation mode. See MULTIPAGE create flags.
Before After


Sets the height for all tabs.


void MULTIPAGE_SetTabHeight(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj,
                            int              Height);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Height Height to be set.
Before After


Sets the width for the given tab.


void MULTIPAGE_SetTabWidth(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj,
                           int              Width,
                           int              Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Width Width to be set.
Index Index of the tab.
Before After


Sets the text displayed in the tab of a given page.


void MULTIPAGE_SetText(      MULTIPAGE_Handle   hObj,
                       const char             * s,
                             unsigned           Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
pText Pointer to the text to be displayed.
Index Zero based index of the page.
Before After


Sets the text alignment for the given MULTIPAGE widget.


void MULTIPAGE_SetTextAlign(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned         Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Align Text alignment. See table below.

Additional information

Setting the text alignment can have a visual impact only in case the tab width was changed. Otherwise the width is set according to the width of the text.

Before After


Sets the color used to display the text in the tabs of a MULTIPAGE widget.


void MULTIPAGE_SetTextColor(MULTIPAGE_Handle hObj,
                            GUI_COLOR        Color,
                            unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of MULTIPAGE widget.
Color Color to be used.
Index See MULTIPAGE color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Additional information

Setting the text alignment can have a visual impact only in case the tab width was changed. Otherwise the width is set according to the width of the text.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

MULTIPAGE alignment flags


These flags are used by MULTIPAGE_SetAlign() and define the tab alignment of a MULTIPAGE widget. Horizontal and vertical flags are OR-combinable.


#define MULTIPAGE_ALIGN_LEFT      (0 << 0)
#define MULTIPAGE_ALIGN_RIGHT     (1 << 0)
#define MULTIPAGE_ALIGN_TOP       (0 << 2)
#define MULTIPAGE_ALIGN_BOTTOM    (1 << 2)


Definition Description
MULTIPAGE_ALIGN_LEFT Aligns the tabs at the left side.
MULTIPAGE_ALIGN_RIGHT Aligns the tabs at the right side.
MULTIPAGE_ALIGN_TOP Aligns the tabs at the top of the widget.
MULTIPAGE_ALIGN_BOTTOM Aligns the tabs at the bottom of the widget.
MULTIPAGE bitmap indexes


Bitmap indexes used by the MULTIPAGE widget.




Definition Description
MULTIPAGE color indexes


Color indexes used by the MULTIPAGE widget.




Definition Description
MULTIPAGE_CI_DISABLED Color for disabled pages.
MULTIPAGE_CI_ENABLED Color for enabled pages.
MULTIPAGE create flags


Create flags used when creating a MULTIPAGE widget or when using the routine MULTIPAGE_SetRotation().


#define MULTIPAGE_CF_ROTATE_CW    (1 << 3)


Definition Description
MULTIPAGE_CF_ROTATE_CW Arranges the tabs at the vertical side and rotates the tab text by 90 degrees clockwise.


When specifying 0 instead of a flag, the widget is displayed in default horizontal mode.


The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of WIDGET_Multipage.c

PROGBAR: Progress bar widget

PROGBAR widgets are commonly used in applications for visualization; for example, a tank fill-level indicator or an oil-pressure indicator. Example screenshots can be found at the beginning of the chapter and at end of this section.


All PROGBAR-related routines are in the file(s) PROGBAR*.c, PROGBAR.h.
All identifiers are prefixed PROGBAR.


…is available for this widget. The screenshot above shows the widget using the default skin. Details can be found in the chapter Skinning.


This widget uses skinning. To change the look it is recommended to use the function <WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps(). Other functions to change the look might work only with the classic skin.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
(dark gray)
Left bar color.
(light gray)
Right bar color.
N PROGBAR_DEFAULT_TEXTCOLOR1 0x000000 Text color, right bar.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make PROGBAR widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_PROGBAR0    0x210
#define GUI_ID_PROGBAR1    0x211
#define GUI_ID_PROGBAR2    0x212
#define GUI_ID_PROGBAR3    0x213
#define GUI_ID_PROGBAR4    0x214
#define GUI_ID_PROGBAR5    0x215
#define GUI_ID_PROGBAR6    0x216
#define GUI_ID_PROGBAR7    0x217
#define GUI_ID_PROGBAR8    0x218
#define GUI_ID_PROGBAR9    0x219
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a PROGBAR widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED Value of the PROGBAR widget has changed.
Keyboard reaction

The widget can not gain the input focus and does not react on keyboard input.


The table below lists the available emWin PROGBAR-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
PROGBAR_Create() Creates a PROGBAR widget. (Obsolete)
PROGBAR_CreateAsChild() Creates a PROGBAR widget as a child window. (Obsolete)
PROGBAR_CreateEx() Creates a PROGBAR widget.
PROGBAR_CreateIndirect() Creates a PROGBAR widget from resource table entry.
PROGBAR_CreateUser() Creates a PROGBAR widget using extra bytes as user data.
PROGBAR_GetBarColor() Returns the color(s) of the PROGBAR widget.
PROGBAR_GetFont() Returns the font of the PROGBAR widget.
PROGBAR_GetMinMax() Returns the minimum and maximum values of the PROGBAR.
PROGBAR_GetTextColor() Returns the text color(s) of the PROGBAR widget.
PROGBAR_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with PROGBAR_SetUserData().
PROGBAR_GetValue() Returns the current value of the given PROGBAR widget.
PROGBAR_SetBarColor() Sets the color(s) of the PROGBAR widget.
PROGBAR_SetFont() Select the font for the text.
PROGBAR_SetMinMax() Set the minimum and maximum values used for the bar.
PROGBAR_SetText() Sets the text displayed inside the PROGBAR widget.
PROGBAR_SetTextAlign() Sets the text alignment.
PROGBAR_SetTextColor() Sets the text color of the PROGBAR widget.
PROGBAR_SetTextPos() Sets the text position in pixels.
PROGBAR_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a PROGBAR widget.
PROGBAR_SetValue() Sets the value of the PROGBAR widget.


Group of defines Description
PROGBAR create flags Create flags used by the PROGBAR widget.


This function is deprecated, PROGBAR_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a PROGBAR widget of a specified size at a specified location.


PROGBAR_Handle PROGBAR_Create(int x0,
                              int y0,
                              int xSize,
                              int ySize,
                              int Flags);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the PROGBAR widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the PROGBAR widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the PROGBAR widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the PROGBAR widget (in pixels).
Flags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).

Return value

Handle of the created PROGBAR widget; 0 if the function fails.



This function is deprecated, PROGBAR_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a PROGBAR widget as a child window.


PROGBAR_Handle PROGBAR_CreateAsChild(int     x0,
                                     int     y0,
                                     int     xSize,
                                     int     ySize,
                                     WM_HWIN hParent,
                                     int     Id,
                                     int     Flags);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the PROGBAR widget relative to the parent window.
y0 Y-position of the PROGBAR widget relative to the parent window.
xSize Horizontal size of the PROGBAR widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the PROGBAR widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window.
Id ID to be returned.
Flags Window create flags (see Window create flags).

Return value

Handle of the created PROGBAR widget; 0 if the function fails.



Creates a PROGBAR widget of a specified size at a specified location.


PROGBAR_Handle PROGBAR_CreateEx(int     x0,
                                int     y0,
                                int     xSize,
                                int     ySize,
                                WM_HWIN hParent,
                                int     WinFlags,
                                int     ExFlags,
                                int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the PROGBAR widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the PROGBAR widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the PROGBAR widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the PROGBAR widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new PROGBAR widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags See PROGBAR create flags.
Id Window ID of the PROGBAR widget.

Return value

Handle of the created PROGBAR widget; 0 if the function fails.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function PROGBAR_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function PROGBAR_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Returns the color(s) of the PROGBAR widget.


                              unsigned int   Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of PROGBAR widget.
Index See table below. Other values are not permitted.
Permitted values for parameter Index
0 Left/lower portion of the PROGBAR widget.
1 Right/upper portion of the PROGBAR widget.

Return value

The color(s) of the PROGBAR widget.



Returns the font of the PROGBAR widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of PROGBAR widget.

Return value

The font of the PROGBAR widget.



Copies the minimum value and maximum value of the given PROGBAR widget to the given integer pointers.


void PROGBAR_GetMinMax(PROGBAR_Handle   hObj,
                       int            * pMin,
                       int            * pMax);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of PROGBAR widget.
pMin Minimum value (Range: -16383 < Min ≤ 16383).
pMax Maximum value (Range: -16383 < Max ≤ 16383).


Returns the text color(s) of the PROGBAR widget.


                               unsigned int   Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of PROGBAR widget.
Index See table below. Other values are not permitted.
Permitted values for parameter Index
0 Left/lower portion of the text.
1 Right/upper portion of the text.

Return value

The text color(s) of the PROGBAR widget.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns the current value of the given PROGBAR widget.


int PROGBAR_GetValue(PROGBAR_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of PROGBAR widget.

Return value

Current value of the PROGBAR widget.



Sets the color(s) of the PROGBAR widget.


void PROGBAR_SetBarColor(PROGBAR_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned int   Index,
                         GUI_COLOR      color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of PROGBAR widget.
Index See table below. Other values are not permitted.
Color Color to set (24-bit RGB value).
Permitted values for parameter Index
0 Left/lower portion of the PROGBAR widget.
1 Right/upper portion of the PROGBAR widget.


Selects the font for the text display inside the PROGBAR widget.


void PROGBAR_SetFont(      PROGBAR_Handle   hObj,
                     const GUI_FONT       * pfont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of PROGBAR widget.
Index See table below. Other values are not permitted.
Color Color to set (24-bit RGB value).

Additional information

If this function is not called, the default font for PROGBAR widgets (the GUI default font) will be used. However, the default font of the PROGBAR widget may be changed in the GUIConf.h file. Simply define the default font as follows (example):



Sets the minimum and maximum values used for the PROGBAR widget.


void PROGBAR_SetMinMax(PROGBAR_Handle hObj,
                       int            Min,
                       int            Max);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of PROGBAR widget.
Min Minimum value (Range: -16383 < Min ≤ 16383).
Max Maximum value (Range: -16383 < Max ≤ 16383)

Additional information

If this function is not called, the default values of Min = 0, Max = 100 will be used.



Sets the text displayed inside the PROGBAR widget.


void PROGBAR_SetText(      PROGBAR_Handle   hObj,
                     const char           * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of PROGBAR widget.
s Text to display. A NULL pointer is permitted; in this case a percentage value will be displayed.

Additional information

If this function is not called, a percentage value will be displayed as the default. If you do not want to display any text at all, you should set an empty string.



Sets the text alignment.


void PROGBAR_SetTextAlign(PROGBAR_Handle hObj,
                          int            Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of PROGBAR widget.
Align See Text alignment flags. Only horizontal flags are applicable!

Additional information

If this function is not called, the default behavior is to display the text centered.



Sets the text color of the PROGBAR widget.


void PROGBAR_SetTextColor(PROGBAR_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned int   Index,
                          GUI_COLOR      color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of PROGBAR widget.
Index See table below. Other values are not permitted.
Color Color to set (24-bit RGB value).
Permitted values for parameter Index
0 Left portion of the text.
1 Right portion of the text.


Sets the text position in pixels.


void PROGBAR_SetTextPos(PROGBAR_Handle hObj,
                        int            XOff,
                        int            YOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of PROGBAR widget.
XOff Number of pixels to move text in horizontal direction. Positive number will move text to the right.
YOff Number of pixels to move text in vertical direction. Positive number will move text down.

Additional information

The values move the text the specified number of pixels within the widget. Normally, the default of (0,0) should be sufficient.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().



Sets the value of the PROGBAR widget.


void PROGBAR_SetValue(PROGBAR_Handle hObj,
                      int            v);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of PROGBAR widget.
v Value to set.

Additional information

The bar indicator will be calculated with regard to the max/min values. If a percentage is automatically displayed, the percentage will also be calculated using the given min/max values as follows:
p = 100% * (v-Min)/(Max-Min)
The default value after creation of the widget is 0.

PROGBAR create flags


Create flags used for the PROGBAR widget. These flags are specified when creating the widget with PROGBAR_CreateEx().


#define PROGBAR_CF_HORIZONTAL    (0 << 0)
#define PROGBAR_CF_VERTICAL      (1 << 0)


Definition Description
PROGBAR_CF_VERTICAL A vertical PROGBAR widget will be created. Vertical PROGBAR widgets do not show any text.
PROGBAR_CF_HORIZONTAL A horizontal PROGBAR widget will be created (default).

The Sample folder contains the following examples which show how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of WIDGET_SimpleProgbar.c

Screenshot of WIDGET_Progbar.c

QRCODE: QR code widget

The QRCODE widget is used for displaying QR codes. The widget draws a QR code with the given parameters and also adds a white frame around the code which is necessary for scanning.


All QRCODE-related routines are located in the file(s) QRCODE.c, QRCODE.h.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N QRCODE_COLOR_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Default color to draw the bright pixels.
N QRCODE_BKCOLOR_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Default default color to draw the dark pixels.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make QRCODE widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_QRCODE0    0x350
#define GUI_ID_QRCODE1    0x351
#define GUI_ID_QRCODE2    0x352
#define GUI_ID_QRCODE3    0x353
#define GUI_ID_QRCODE4    0x354
#define GUI_ID_QRCODE5    0x355
#define GUI_ID_QRCODE6    0x356
#define GUI_ID_QRCODE7    0x357
#define GUI_ID_QRCODE8    0x358
#define GUI_ID_QRCODE9    0x359
Keyboard reaction

The widget can not gain the input focus and does not react on keyboard input.


The table below lists the available emWin QRCODE-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
QRCODE_CreateIndirect() Creates a QRCODE widget from a resource table entry.
QRCODE_CreateUser() Creates a QRCODE widget.
QRCODE_SetEccLevel() Sets the error correction level of a QRCODE widget.
QRCODE_SetVersion() Sets the version of the QR code.
QRCODE_SetPixelSize() Sets the size of one pixel in the QRCODE widget.
QRCODE_SetText() Sets the text to be used to draw the QRCODE widget.
QRCODE_SetWiFiText() Sets the text of a QRCODE widget told hold WiFi login data.


Group of defines Description
QRCODE WiFi encryption types Macros for WiFi password encryption types.


The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The elements Flags and Para of the resource passed as parameter are not used.



Creates a QRCODE widget.


QRCODE_Handle QRCODE_CreateUser(      int       x0,
                                      int       y0,
                                      int       xSize,
                                      int       ySize,
                                      WM_HWIN   hParent,
                                      U32       WinFlags,
                                      int       ExFlags,
                                      int       Id,
                                const char    * pText,
                                      int       PixelSize,
                                      int       EccLevel,
                                      int       Version,
                                      int       NumExtraBytes);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the QRCODE widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the QRCODE widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the QRCODE widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the QRCODE widget (in pixels).
hParent Parent window of the QRCODE widget.
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags Not used yet, reserved for future use.
Id ID of the QRCODE widget.
pText UTF-8 text to be used for the QR-code.
PixelSize Size in pixels of one ’Module’.
EccLevel Error correction level to be used. See full list of available values under ECC levels for QR codes.
NumModules Desired size in modules of the QR-code. If set to 0 (recommended) the size will be calculated automatically. Must be between 1 and 40. If it is less than required for the given text with the given EccLevel, the function fails.
NumExtraBytes Number of extra bytes to be allocated.

Return value

Handle of the QRCODE widget.



Sets the error correction level of a QRCODE widget.


void QRCODE_SetEccLevel(QRCODE_Handle hObj,
                        int           EccLevel);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of QRCODE widget.
EccLevel Error correction level to be used. See full list of available values under ECC levels for QR codes.


Sets the version of the QR code. The version indicates the size of the total code.


void QRCODE_SetVersion(QRCODE_Handle hObj,
                       int           Version);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of QRCODE widget.
Version Should be between 1 and 40. If set to 0, the size will be calculated automatically.


Sets the size of one pixel in the QRCODE widget.


void QRCODE_SetPixelSize(QRCODE_Handle hObj,
                         int           PixelSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of QRCODE widget.
PixelSize Size of one pixel to be used.


Sets the text to be used to draw the QRCODE widget.


void QRCODE_SetText(      QRCODE_Handle   hObj,
                    const char          * pText);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of QRCODE widget.
pText Text to be used for the widget.


Sets the text of a QRCODE widget told hold WiFi login data. When scanning the QR code with a smartphone, the phone will try to log into the specified WiFi network.


void QRCODE_SetWiFiText(      QRCODE_Handle   hObj,
                        const char          * pSSID,
                              U8              Encryption,
                        const char          * pPassword,
                              U8              Hidden);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of QRCODE widget.
pSSID SSID of the network.
Encryption See QRCODE WiFi encryption types.
pPassword Password of the network.
Hidden 0 if the network is not hidden, 1 if it is hidden.
QRCODE WiFi encryption types


These macros are to be used for the Encryption parameter of QRCODE_SetWiFiText().


#define QRCODE_WIFI_WPA    0
#define QRCODE_WIFI_WEP    1


Definition Description
QRCODE_WIFI_WPA If the WiFi password is WPA encrypted.
QRCODE_WIFI_WEP If the WiFi password is WEP encrypted.

RADIO: Radio button widget

Radio buttons, like check boxes, are used for selecting choices. A dot appears when a RADIO button is turned on or selected. The difference from check boxes is that the user can only select one RADIO button at a time. When a button is selected, the other buttons in the widget are turned off, as shown to the right. One RADIO button widget may contain any number of buttons, which are always arranged vertically.


All RADIO-related routines are located in the file(s) RADIO*.c, RADIO.h. All identifiers are prefixed RADIO.

The table below shows the classic appearances of a RADIO widget. The default appearance of the widget uses the newer skin, as seen below the table.

Enabled Disabled


…is available for this widget. The screenshot above shows the widget using the default skin. Details can be found in the chapter Skinning.


This widget uses skinning. To change the look it is recommended to use the function <WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps(). Other functions to change the look might work only with the classic skin.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
S RADIO_IMAGE0_DEFAULT (see table above) Default outer image used to show a disabled RADIO button.
S RADIO_IMAGE1_DEFAULT (see table above) Default outer image used to show a enabled RADIO button.
S RADIO_IMAGE_CHECK_DEFAULT (see table above) Default inner image used to mark the selected item.
N RADIO_FONT_DEFAULT &GUI_Font13_1 Default font used to render the text of the RADIO widget.
N RADIO_DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR GUI_BLACK Default text color of RADIO widget.
N RADIO_DEFAULT_BKCOLOR 0xC0C0C0 Default background color of RADIO buttons if no transparency is used.
N RADIO_FOCUSCOLOR_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Default color for rendering the focus rectangle.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make RADIO widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_RADIO0    0x150
#define GUI_ID_RADIO1    0x151
#define GUI_ID_RADIO2    0x152
#define GUI_ID_RADIO3    0x153
#define GUI_ID_RADIO4    0x154
#define GUI_ID_RADIO5    0x155
#define GUI_ID_RADIO6    0x156
#define GUI_ID_RADIO7    0x157
#define GUI_ID_RADIO8    0x158
#define GUI_ID_RADIO9    0x159
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a RADIO widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED RADIO button has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED RADIO button has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT RADIO button has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the button without releasing.
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED Value (selection) of the RADIO widget has changed.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Reaction
GUI_KEY_RIGHT Increments the selection by 1.
GUI_KEY_DOWN Increments the selection by 1.
GUI_KEY_LEFT Decrements the selection by 1.
GUI_KEY_UP Decrements the selection by 1.

The table below lists the available emWin RADIO-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
RADIO_Create() Creates a RADIO widget. (Obsolete)
RADIO_CreateEx() Creates a RADIO widget.
RADIO_CreateIndirect() Creates a RADIO widget from resource table entry.
RADIO_CreateUser() Creates a RADIO widget using extra bytes as user data.
RADIO_Dec() Decrements the selection by 1.
RADIO_GetBkColor() Returns the background color of the RADIO widget.
RADIO_GetDefaultFont() Returns the default font used to display the optional text next to new RADIO buttons.
RADIO_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color used to display the optional text next to new RADIO buttons.
RADIO_GetFocusColor() Returns the color used to render the focus rectangle of the RADIO button.
RADIO_GetFont() Returns the font set for this widget.
RADIO_GetImage() Returns a pointer to the set image of a RADIO.
RADIO_GetNumItems() Returns the number of items in a RADIO widget.
RADIO_GetSpacing() Returns the vertical spacing between the items.
RADIO_GetText() Returns the optional text of the given RADIO widget.
RADIO_GetTextColor() Returns the text color of the RADIO widget.
RADIO_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with RADIO_SetUserData().
RADIO_GetValue() Returns the currently selected button.
RADIO_Inc() Increments the selection by a value of 1.
RADIO_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the RADIO widget.
RADIO_SetDefaultFocusColor() Sets the default focus rectangle color for new RADIO buttons.
RADIO_SetDefaultFont() Sets the default font used to display the optional text next to new RADIO buttons.
RADIO_SetDefaultImage() Sets the images used to draw new RADIO buttons.
RADIO_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default text color used to display the optional text next to new RADIO buttons.
RADIO_SetFocusColor() Sets the color used to render the focus rectangle of the RADIO button.
RADIO_SetFont() Sets the font used to display the optional text next to the RADIO buttons.
RADIO_SetGroupId() Sets the group ID of the RADIO widget.
RADIO_SetImage() Sets the images used to draw the RADIO button.
RADIO_SetSpacing() Sets the vertical spacing between the items.
RADIO_SetText() Sets the text.
RADIO_SetTextColor() Sets the text color used to show the optional text beside the RADIO buttons.
RADIO_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a RADIO widget.
RADIO_SetValue() Sets the current button selection.


Group of defines Description
RADIO bitmap indexes Bitmap indexes used for setting the bitmaps of a RADIO widget.


This function is deprecated, RADIO_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a RADIO widget of a specified size at a specified location.


RADIO_Handle RADIO_Create(int      x0,
                          int      y0,
                          int      xSize,
                          int      ySize,
                          WM_HWIN  hParent,
                          int      Id,
                          int      Flags,
                          unsigned Para);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the RADIO widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the RADIO widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the RADIO widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the RADIO widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window.
Id ID to be returned.
Flags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
Para Number of buttons in the group.
v Value to set.

Return value

Handle of the created RADIO widget; 0 if the function fails.



Creates a RADIO widget of a specified size at a specified location.


RADIO_Handle RADIO_CreateEx(int     x0,
                            int     y0,
                            int     xSize,
                            int     ySize,
                            WM_HWIN hParent,
                            int     WinFlags,
                            int     ExFlags,
                            int     Id,
                            int     NumItems,
                            int     Spacing);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new RADIO widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags Not used, reserved for future use.
Id Window ID of the widget.
NumItems Number of items contained by the RADIO widget. (default is 2)
Spacing Number of vertical pixels used for each item of the RADIO widget.

Return value

Handle of the created RADIO widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

If creating a RADIO widget make sure, that the given ySize is enough to show all items. The value should be at least NumItems * Spacing. If the given value of NumItems is ≤ 0 a default value of 2 is used.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. For details the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect() should be referred to. The element Flags of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The following table shows the use of the element Para:

Bits Description
0 - 7 Number of items of the RADIO widget. If 0, a default value of 2 items is used.
8 - 15 Number of vertical pixels used for each item. If 0 the height of the default image is used.
16 - 23 Not used, reserved for future use.
24 - 31 Not used, reserved for future use.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function RADIO_CreateEx() can be referred to.

Before After


Decrements the selection by 1.


void RADIO_Dec(RADIO_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.

Additional information

Note that the numbering of the buttons always starts from the top with a value of 0; therefore, decrementing the selection will actually move the selection one button up.



Returns the background color of the RADIO widget.


GUI_COLOR RADIO_GetBkColor(RADIO_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.

Return value

The background color of the widget.



Returns the default font used to display the optional text next to new RADIO buttons.


GUI_FONT *RADIO_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Default font used to display the optional text next to the RADIO buttons.

Additional information

For information about how to add text to a RADIO widget, refer to RADIO_SetText().



Returns the default text color used to display the optional text next to new RADIO buttons.


GUI_COLOR RADIO_GetDefaultTextColor(void);

Return value

Default text color used to display the optional text next to new RADIO buttons.

Additional information

For information about how to add text to a RADIO widget, refer to RADIO_SetText().



Returns the color used to render the focus rectangle of the RADIO button.


GUI_COLOR RADIO_GetFocusColor(RADIO_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.

Return value

The color of the focus rectangle.



Returns the font set for this widget.


GUI_FONT *RADIO_GetFont(RADIO_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.

Return value

A pointer to the font of the widget.



Returns a pointer to the set image of a RADIO.


                           unsigned int Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to RADIO widget.
Index See RADIO bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Pointer to a GUI_BITMAP structure of the set image.



Returns the number of items in a RADIO widget.


int RADIO_GetNumItems(RADIO_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.

Return value

Number of items in the RADIO widget.



Returns the vertical spacing between the items.


U16 RADIO_GetSpacing(RADIO_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.

Return value

Vertical spacing between the items.



Returns the optional text of the given RADIO widget.


int RADIO_GetText(RADIO_Handle   hObj,
                  unsigned       Index,
                  char         * pBuffer,
                  int            MaxLen);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.
Index Index of the desired item.
pBuffer Pointer to buffer to which the text will be copied.
MaxLen Buffer size in bytes.

Return value

Length of the text copied into the buffer.

Additional information

If the desired item of the RADIO widget contains no text the function returns 0 and the buffer remains unchanged.



Returns the text color of the RADIO widget.


GUI_COLOR RADIO_GetTextColor(RADIO_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.

Return value

The text color of the widget.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns the currently selected button.


int RADIO_GetValue(RADIO_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.

Return value

The value of the currently selected button. If no button is selected (in case of using a RADIO button group) the return value is -1.

Additional information

For information about how to use groups of RADIO buttons, refer to RADIO_SetGroupId().

Before After


Increments the selection by a value of 1.


void RADIO_Inc(RADIO_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.

Additional information

Note that the numbering of the buttons always starts from the top with a value of 0; therefore, incrementing the selection will actually move the selection one button down.

Before After


Sets the background color of the RADIO widget.


void RADIO_SetBkColor(RADIO_Handle hObj,
                      GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.
Color Color to be used for the background. (range 0x000000 and 0xFFFFFF or a valid color define) GUI_INVALID_COLOR to make background transparent

Additional information

The background of this widget can either be filled with any available color or trans- parent. If a valid RGB color is specified, the background is filled with the color, other- wise the background (typically the content of the parent window) is visible. If the background is transparent, the widget is treated as transparent window, otherwise as non-transparent window. Note that using a background color allows more efficient (faster) rendering. If skinning is active this function should not be used.



Sets the default focus rectangle color for new RADIO buttons.


GUI_COLOR RADIO_SetDefaultFocusColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.
Color Color to be used for the background. (range 0x000000 and 0xFFFFFF or a valid color define) GUI_INVALID_COLOR to make background transparent

Return value

Previous default focus rectangle color.

Additional information

For more information, refer to RADIO_SetFocusColor().



Sets the default font used to display the optional text next to new RADIO buttons.


void RADIO_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to GUI_FONT structure used to show the text of new RADIO widgets.

Additional information

For information about how to add text to a RADIO widget, refer to RADIO_SetText().



Sets the images used to draw new RADIO buttons.


void RADIO_SetDefaultImage(const GUI_BITMAP   * pBitmap,
                                 unsigned int   Index);


Parameter Description
pBitmap Pointer to the bitmap.
Index See RADIO bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Additional information

Two images are used to display a RADIO button. One image is used to draw the outer frame used to display a unselected RADIO button. In dependence of the current state it will be the bitmap referenced by RADIO_BI_ACTIVE (default) or by RADIO_BI_ACTIVE. The second image (referenced by RADIO_BI_CHECK) is used to mark the currently selected button.



Sets the default text color used to display the optional text next to new RADIO buttons.


void RADIO_SetDefaultTextColor(GUI_COLOR TextColor);


Parameter Description
TextColor New color to be used.

Additional information

For information about how to add text to a RADIO widget, refer to RADIO_SetText().

Before After


Sets the color used to render the focus rectangle of the RADIO button.


GUI_COLOR RADIO_SetFocusColor(RADIO_Handle hObj,
                              GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.
Color Color to be used for the focus rectangle.

Return value

Previous color of the focus rectangle.

Additional information

The focus rectangle is only visible if the widget has the input focus.

Before After


Sets the font used to display the optional text next to the RADIO buttons.


void RADIO_SetFont(      RADIO_Handle   hObj,
                   const GUI_FONT     * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.
pFont Pointer to GUI_FONT structure to be used to display the text.

Additional information

For information about how to add text to a RADIO widget, refer to RADIO_SetText().

Before After


Sets the group ID of the RADIO widget.


void RADIO_SetGroupId(RADIO_Handle hObj,
                      U8           NewGroupId);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.
GroupId ID of the RADIO button group. Must be between 1 and 255. If the value is 0 the RADIO widget is not assigned to a RADIO button group.

Additional information

This command can be used to create groups of RADIO buttons. The behavior of one group is the same as the behavior of one RADIO button. This makes it possible to create for example 2 RADIO widgets side by side with 3 buttons each and build one group of them.


The following example shows how to create a group of 2 RADIO widgets as shown in the screenshot at the beginning of the function description:

hRadio_0 = RADIO_CreateEx(10, 10, 60, 0, WM_HBKWIN, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, 1234, 3, 20);
RADIO_SetText(hRadio_0, "Red", 0);
RADIO_SetText(hRadio_0, "Green", 1);
RADIO_SetText(hRadio_0, "Blue", 2);
hRadio_1 = RADIO_CreateEx(65, 10, 60, 0, WM_HBKWIN, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, 1234, 3, 20);
RADIO_SetText(hRadio_1, "Magenta", 0);
RADIO_SetText(hRadio_1, "Cyan", 1);
RADIO_SetText(hRadio_1, "Yellow", 2);
RADIO_SetGroupId(hRadio_0, 1);
RADIO_SetGroupId(hRadio_1, 1);


Sets the images used to draw the RADIO button.


void RADIO_SetImage(      RADIO_Handle   hObj,
                    const GUI_BITMAP   * pBitmap,
                          unsigned int   Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.
pBitmap Pointer to the bitmap.
Index See RADIO bitmap indexes.

Additional information

See RADIO_SetDefaultImage().



Sets the vertical spacing between the items.


void RADIO_SetSpacing(RADIO_Handle hObj,
                      U16          Spacing);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.
Spacing Spacing between items in pixels.


Sets the optional text shown next to the RADIO buttons.


void RADIO_SetText(      RADIO_Handle   hObj,
                   const char         * s,
                         unsigned       Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.
pText Pointer to the text to be shown next to the specified RADIO button.
Index Zero based index of the RADIO button.
Before After

Additional information

If using a RADIO widget without text (old style) the focus rectangle is drawn around the buttons of the widget. If using RADIO button text the focus rectangle is shown around the text of the currently selected RADIO button of the widget.


The following example shows how to add the text shown in the screenshot above:

RADIO_SetText(hRadio_0, "Red",   0);
RADIO_SetText(hRadio_0, "Green", 1);
RADIO_SetText(hRadio_0, "Blue",  2);
Before After


Sets the text color used to show the optional text beside the RADIO buttons.


void RADIO_SetTextColor(RADIO_Handle hObj,
                        GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.
Color Color used to show the text.

Additional information

For information about how to add text to a RADIO widget, refer to RADIO_SetText().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().



Sets the current button selection.


void RADIO_SetValue(RADIO_Handle hObj,
                    int          v);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of RADIO widget.
v Value to be set.

Additional information

The topmost RADIO button in a RADIO widget always has the 0 value, the next button down is always 1, the next is 2, etc.

RADIO bitmap indexes


Bitmap indexes used by routines to change the bitmaps of a RADIO widget.


#define RADIO_BI_INACTIVE    0
#define RADIO_BI_ACTIVE      1
#define RADIO_BI_CHECK       2


Definition Description
RADIO_BI_INACTIVE Outer image used to show a disabled RADIO button.
RADIO_BI_ACTIVE Outer image used to show a enabled RADIO button.
RADIO_BI_CHECK Inner image used to mark the selected item.

The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of DIALOG_Radio.c

ROTARY: Rotary widget

The ROTARY widget is a reworked version of the KNOB widget, therefore they share some similarities. Just as the KNOB, the ROTARY is a widget the user can rotate. From the rotation degree values are determined which can be used within the application.

A ROTARY widget consists of a background bitmap and a marker bitmap. Optionally, the marker bitmap can be rotated while the widget is rotating, but the background bitmap does not rotate.


All ROTARY-related routines are located in the file(s) ROTARY.c and ROTARY.h.
All identifiers are prefixed with ROTARY.

Ticks and tick size

Just as with the KNOB widget, a ROTARY is divided into ticks. A tick describes the smallest range of movement of a ROTARY widget. The smallest size of one tick (tick size = 1) equates to 1/10 of a degree. Therefore it takes 3600 ticks to fulfill one round. The size of one tick can be set with the function ROTARY_SetTickSize().

Ticksize Ticks for one round
60 60
36 100
300 12

Memory requirements

While the KNOB widget uses a memory device for the entire background, the ROTARY widget doesn’t. This is not necessary since the background of the ROTARY is not rotated. Only the marker of a ROTARY can be rotated. If the user chooses to rotate the marker, the memory usage will be a bit higher, depending on the size of the marker bitmap.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N ROTARY_PERIOD_DEFAULT 1500 Period in ms it takes the ROTARY to stop.
N ROTARY_TICKSIZE_DEFAULT 1 Size of one tick in 1/10 of degree.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make ROTARY widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_ROTARY0    0x310
#define GUI_ID_ROTARY1    0x311
#define GUI_ID_ROTARY2    0x312
#define GUI_ID_ROTARY3    0x313
#define GUI_ID_ROTARY4    0x314
#define GUI_ID_ROTARY5    0x315
#define GUI_ID_ROTARY6    0x316
#define GUI_ID_ROTARY7    0x317
#define GUI_ID_ROTARY8    0x318
#define GUI_ID_ROTARY9    0x319
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a ROTARY widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT ROTARY has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the ROTARY area without releasing.
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED The value of the ROTARY widget has been changed.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus. Depending on the arrow key, per press the size of one tick is either added or subtracted to the ROTARY’s angle.

Key Reaction
Routine Description
ROTARY_AddAngle() Adds an angle to a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_AddValue() Adds a given value to a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_CreateEx() Creates a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_CreateIndirect() Creates a ROTARY widget from a resource table entry.
ROTARY_CreateUser() Creates a ROTARY widget using extra bytes as user data.
ROTARY_GetAngle() Returns the current angle of a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_GetImageSize() Returns the size of the background image.
ROTARY_GetMarkerSize() Returns the size of the marker bitmap.
ROTARY_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with ROTARY_SetUserData().
ROTARY_GetValue() Returns the value of a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_SetAngle() Sets the current angle of a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_SetBitmap() Sets the background bitmap of a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_SetDoRotate() Sets the marker image of a ROTARY widget to be rotated.
ROTARY_SetMarker() Sets the marker bitmap of a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_SetOffset() Sets the offset of a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_SetPeriod() Sets the period of a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_SetRadius() Sets the radius of a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_SetRange() Sets the usable range of a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_SetSnap() Sets a snap position for a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_SetTickSize() Sets the tick size of a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_SetValue() Sets the value of a ROTARY widget.
ROTARY_SetValueRange() Sets the usable range of values of a ROTARY widget.


Adds an angle to a ROTARY widget.


void ROTARY_AddAngle(ROTARY_Handle hObj,
                     I32           Delta);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
Delta Angle in 10ths of degrees to be added.


Adds a given value to a ROTARY widget.


void ROTARY_AddValue(ROTARY_Handle hObj,
                     I32           Delta);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
Delta Value to be added.


Creates a ROTARY widget.


ROTARY_Handle ROTARY_CreateEx(int     x0,
                              int     y0,
                              int     xSize,
                              int     ySize,
                              WM_HWIN hParent,
                              int     WinFlags,
                              int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the ROTARY widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the ROTARY widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the ROTARY widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the ROTARY widget (in pixels).
hParent Parent window of the ROTARY widget.
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
Id ID of the ROTARY widget.

Return value

Handle of ROTARY widget.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The elements Flags and Para of the resource passed as parameter are not used.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function KNOB_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Returns the current angle of a ROTARY widget.


I32 ROTARY_GetAngle(ROTARY_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.

Return value

Angle of the ROTARY widget.



Returns the size of the background image.


int ROTARY_GetImageSize(ROTARY_Handle   hObj,
                        int           * pxSize,
                        int           * pySize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
pxSize Pointer to an integer to store the x-size.
pySize Pointer to an integer to store the y-size.

Return value

0 If the routine succeeds.
1 If the routine fails.


Returns the size of the marker bitmap.


int ROTARY_GetMarkerSize(ROTARY_Handle   hObj,
                         int           * pxSize,
                         int           * pySize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
pxSize Pointer to an integer to store the x-size.
pySize Pointer to an integer to store the y-size.

Return value

0 If the routine succeeds.
1 If the routine fails.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns the value of a ROTARY widget. This value depends on the set range of the widget.


I32 ROTARY_GetValue(ROTARY_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.

Return value

Value of the ROTARY widget.



Sets the current angle of a ROTARY widget. The angle has to be within the valid range.


void ROTARY_SetAngle(ROTARY_Handle hObj,
                     I32           Pos);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
Pos Angle in 10ths of degrees to be added.


Sets the background bitmap of a ROTARY widget. This bitmap won’t be rotated.


void ROTARY_SetBitmap(      ROTARY_Handle   hObj,
                      const GUI_BITMAP    * pBitmap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
pBitmap Pointer to a bitmap.
Before After


Sets the marker image of a ROTARY widget to be rotated.


void ROTARY_SetDoRotate(ROTARY_Handle hObj,
                        U8            DoRotate);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
DoRotate If the marker bitmap should be rotated.
Before After


Sets the marker bitmap of a ROTARY widget.


void ROTARY_SetMarker(      ROTARY_Handle   hObj,
                      const GUI_BITMAP    * pBitmap,
                            int             Radius,
                            I32             Offset,
                            U8              DoRotate);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
pBitmap Pointer to a bitmap to be set as marker.
Radius Mid-point difference between widget and marker bitmap.
Offset Angle offset in 10ths of degrees for drawing marker.
DoRotate If the marker bitmap should be rotated.


Sets the offset of a ROTARY widget.


void ROTARY_SetOffset(ROTARY_Handle hObj,
                      int           Offset);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
Offset Offset to be set.


Sets the period of a ROTARY widget. This period determines when the rotation of the widget stops.


void ROTARY_SetPeriod(ROTARY_Handle hObj,
                      I32           Period);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
Period Period to be set.

Additional information

The default period is 1500ms. The maximum value for the period is 46340ms.

Before After


Sets the radius of a ROTARY widget.


void ROTARY_SetRadius(ROTARY_Handle hObj,
                      int           Radius);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
Radius Radius of the ROTARY widget.


Sets the usable range of a ROTARY widget.


void ROTARY_SetRange(ROTARY_Handle hObj,
                     U32           AngPositive,
                     U32           AngNegative);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
AngPositive Starting angle in 10ths of degrees .
AngNegative Ending angle in 10ths of degrees .


Sets a snap position for a ROTARY widget. A snap position is a position measured in ticks where the widget automatically stops rotating.


void ROTARY_SetSnap(ROTARY_Handle hObj,
                    I32           Snap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
Snap Snap position to be set.

Additional information

The default value is 0. If set to 0, there is no snap position.



Sets the tick size of a ROTARY widget. The tick size is measured in 10th of degrees.


void ROTARY_SetTickSize(ROTARY_Handle hObj,
                        I32           TickSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
TickSize Tick size of the ROTARY widget.

Additional information

This routine has to be called before any other ROTARY related routines, except any ROTARY_Create…() routines of course.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

Before After


Sets the value of a ROTARY widget.


void ROTARY_SetValue(ROTARY_Handle hObj,
                     I32           Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
Value Value to be added.

Additional information

The angle depends on the range set with ROTARY_SetRange() and ROTARY_SetValueRange().



Sets the usable range of values of a ROTARY widget.


int ROTARY_SetValueRange(ROTARY_Handle hObj,
                         I32           Min,
                         I32           Max);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a ROTARY widget.
Min Minimum value.
Max Maximum value.

Return value

0 If the routine succeeds.
1 If the routine fails.

SCROLLBAR: Scroll bar widget


For more modern-looking GUIs the SCROLLER widget may be used instead.

Scroll bars are used for scrolling through list boxes or any other type of window. They may be created horizontally, as shown below, or vertically.

A scroll bar is typically attached to an existing window, for example the list box shown below:


All SCROLLBAR-related routines are located in the file(s) SCROLLBAR*.c, SCROLLBAR.h.
All identifiers are prefixed SCROLLBAR.


…is available for this widget. The screenshot above shows the widget using the default skin. Details can be found in the chapter Skinning.


This widget uses skinning. To change the look it is recommended to use the function <WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps(). Other functions to change the look might work only with the classic skin.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N SCROLLBAR_COLOR_SHAFT_DEFAULT 0x808080 Color of the shaft.
N SCROLLBAR_COLOR_THUMB_DEFAULT 0xc0c0c0 Color of the thumb area.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make SCROLLBAR widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_SCROLLBAR0    0x140
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLBAR1    0x141
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLBAR2    0x142
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLBAR3    0x143
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLBAR4    0x144
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLBAR5    0x145
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLBAR5    0x146
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLBAR7    0x147
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLBAR8    0x148
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLBAR9    0x149
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a scroll bar widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_SCROLLBAR_ADDED SCROLLBAR has just been added (attached) to an existing window. The window needs to be informed so that it can initialize the scroll bar.
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED Value of SCROLLBAR has changed, either by moving the thumb or by pressing the arrow buttons.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Message Description
GUI_KEY_RIGHT Increments the current value of the SCROLLBAR widget by 1.
GUI_KEY_DOWN Increments the current value of the SCROLLBAR widget by 1.
GUI_KEY_PGDOWN Increments the current value of the SCROLLBAR widget by a value which represents 1 page.
GUI_KEY_LEFT Decrements the current value of the SCROLLBAR widget by 1.
GUI_KEY_UP Decrements the current value of the SCROLLBAR widget by 1.
GUI_KEY_PGUP Decrements the current value of the SCROLLBAR widget by a value which represents 1 page.

The table below lists the available emWin SCROLLBAR-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
SCROLLBAR_AddValue() Increments or decrements the value of the SCROLLBAR widget by a specified value.
SCROLLBAR_Create() Creates a SCROLLBAR widget. (Obsolete)
SCROLLBAR_CreateAttached() Creates a SCROLLBAR widget attached to a window.
SCROLLBAR_CreateEx() Creates a SCROLLBAR widget.
SCROLLBAR_CreateIndirect() Creates a SCROLLBAR widget from resource table entry.
SCROLLBAR_CreateUser() Creates a SCROLLBAR widget using extra bytes as user data.
SCROLLBAR_Dec() Decrements the current value of the given SCROLLBAR widget by a value of 1.
SCROLLBAR_GetColor() Returns the color attributes of the SCROLLBAR.
SCROLLBAR_GetDefaultWidth() Returns the default width of a SCROLLBAR widget.
SCROLLBAR_GetNumItems() Returns the number of SCROLLBAR items.
SCROLLBAR_GetPageSize() Returns the page size.
SCROLLBAR_GetThumbSizeMin() Returns the minimum thumb size in pixels.
SCROLLBAR_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with SCROLLBAR_SetUserData().
SCROLLBAR_GetValue() Returns the value of the current item.
SCROLLBAR_Inc() Increments the current value of the given SCROLLBAR widget by a value of 1.
SCROLLBAR_SetColor() Sets the color of a SCROLLBAR widget.
SCROLLBAR_SetDefaultColor() Sets the default colors for new SCROLLBAR widgets.
SCROLLBAR_SetDefaultWidth() Sets the default width of SCROLLBAR widgets.
SCROLLBAR_SetNumItems() Sets the number of items for scrolling.
SCROLLBAR_SetPageSize() Sets the page size.
SCROLLBAR_SetState() Sets the state of a SCROLLBAR widget.
SCROLLBAR_SetThumbSizeMin() Sets the minimum thumb size in pixels.
SCROLLBAR_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a SCROLLBAR widget.
SCROLLBAR_SetValue() Sets the value of the given SCROLLBAR widget.
SCROLLBAR_SetWidth() Sets the width of the given SCROLLBAR widget.


Group of defines Description
SCROLLBAR color indexes Color indexes for SCROLLBAR widget.
SCROLLBAR create flags Create flags to be used for creating SCROLLBAR widgets.


Increments or decrements the value of the SCROLLBAR widget by a specified value.


void SCROLLBAR_AddValue(SCROLLBAR_Handle hObj,
                        int              Add);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SCROLLBAR.
Add Number of items to increment or decrement at one time.

Additional information

The SCROLLBAR widget cannot exceed the value set in SCROLLBAR_SetNumItems(). For example, if a window contains 200 items and the scroll bar is currently at value 195, incrementing the bar by 3 items will move it to value 198. However, incrementing by 10 items will only move the bar as far as value 200, which is the maximum value for this particular window.



This function is deprecated, SCROLLBAR_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a SCROLLBAR widget of a specified size at a specified location.


SCROLLBAR_Handle SCROLLBAR_Create(int     x0,
                                  int     y0,
                                  int     xSize,
                                  int     ySize,
                                  WM_HWIN hParent,
                                  int     Id,
                                  int     WinFlags,
                                  int     SpecialFlags);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the SCROLLBAR widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the SCROLLBAR widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the SCROLLBAR widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the SCROLLBAR widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window.
Id ID to be returned.
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
SpecialFlags Special creation flags. Permitted values are listed under SCROLLBAR_CreateEx().

Return value

Handle of the created SCROLLBAR widget; 0 if the function fails.



Creates a scroll bar which is attached to an existing window.


SCROLLBAR_Handle SCROLLBAR_CreateAttached(WM_HWIN hParent,
                                          int     SpecialFlags);


Parameter Description
hParent Handle of parent window.
SpecialFlags Special creation flags. Permitted values are listed under SCROLLBAR_CreateEx().

Return value

Handle of the created SCROLLBAR widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

An attached SCROLLBAR widget is essentially a child window which will position itself on the parent window and operate accordingly.
Vertical attached SCROLLBAR widgets will be automatically placed on the right side of the parent window; horizontal SCROLLBAR widgets on the bottom. Since no more than one horizontal and one vertical SCROLLBAR widget can be attached to a parent window, no ID needs to be passed as parameter. The following fixed ID’s will automatically be assigned when an attached SCROLLBAR widget is created: GUI_ID_HSCROLL for a horizontal SCROLLBAR widget, and GUI_ID_VSCROLL for a vertical SCROLLBAR widget.


Creates a list box with an attached SCROLLBAR widget:

LISTBOX_Handle hListBox; 
hListBox = LISTBOX_Create(ListBox, 50, 50, 100, 100, WM_CF_SHOW); 

Screenshots of above example

The picture on the left shows the list box as it appears after creation. On the right it is shown with the attached vertical scroll bar:

Before After


Creates a SCROLLBAR widget of a specified size at a specified location.


SCROLLBAR_Handle SCROLLBAR_CreateEx(int     x0,
                                    int     y0,
                                    int     xSize,
                                    int     ySize,
                                    WM_HWIN hParent,
                                    int     WinFlags,
                                    int     ExFlags,
                                    int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new SCROLLBAR widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags OR-combination of special creation flags. See SCROLLBAR create flags for a list of permitted values.
Id Window ID of the widget.

Return value

Handle of the created SCROLLBAR widget; 0 if the function fails.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function SCROLLBAR_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function SCROLLBAR_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Decrements the current value of the given SCROLLBAR widget by a value of 1.


void SCROLLBAR_Dec(SCROLLBAR_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SCROLLBAR widget.

Additional information

The definition of an “item” is application-specific, although in most cases it is equal to one line. Items are numbered top to bottom or left to right, beginning with a value of 0.



Returns the color attribute of the given SCROLLBAR widget.


                             int              Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SCROLLBAR widget.
Index See SCROLLBAR color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The color set for the different areas of the SCROLLBAR.



Returns the default width used to create a SCROLLBAR widget.


int SCROLLBAR_GetDefaultWidth(void);

Return value

Default width used to create a SCROLLBAR widget.



Returns the number of SCROLLBAR items.


int SCROLLBAR_GetNumItems(SCROLLBAR_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SCROLLBAR widget.

Return value

The number of SCROLLBAR items.



Returns the page size.


int SCROLLBAR_GetPageSize(SCROLLBAR_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SCROLLBAR widget.

Return value

The number of items specified to be one page.



Returns the minimum thumb size in pixels.


int SCROLLBAR_GetThumbSizeMin(void);

Return value

Minimum thumb size in pixels.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns the value of the current item.


int SCROLLBAR_GetValue(SCROLLBAR_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SCROLLBAR widget.

Return value

The value of the current item.



Increments the current value of the given SCROLLBAR widget by a value of 1.


void SCROLLBAR_Inc(SCROLLBAR_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SCROLLBAR widget.

Additional information

The definition of an “item” is application-specific, although in most cases it is equal to one line. Items are numbered top to bottom or left to right, beginning with a value of 0.

Before After


Sets the color attribute of the given SCROLLBAR widget.


                             int              Index,
                             GUI_COLOR        Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SCROLLBAR widget.
Index See SCROLLBAR color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.

Return value

Previous color used for the given index.



Sets the default color attributes for new SCROLLBAR widgets.


                                    unsigned int Index);


Parameter Description
Color Color used as default for newly created SCROLLBAR widgets.
Index (see table under SCROLLBAR_SetColor)

Return value

Previous default color.



Sets the default width used to create a SCROLLBAR widget.


int SCROLLBAR_SetDefaultWidth(int DefaultWidth);


Parameter Description
DefaultWidth Default width to use for new SCROLLBAR widgets.

Return value

Previous default width.



Sets the number of items for scrolling.


void SCROLLBAR_SetNumItems(SCROLLBAR_Handle hObj,
                           int              NumItems);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SCROLLBAR widget.
NumItems Number of items to be set.

Additional information

The definition of an “item” is application-specific, although in most cases it is equal to one line. The number of items is the maximum value. The SCROLLBAR widget can not go beyond this value.



Sets the page size.


void SCROLLBAR_SetPageSize(SCROLLBAR_Handle hObj,
                           int              PageSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SCROLLBAR widget.
PageSize Page size (in number of items).

Additional information

Page size is specified as the number of items to one page. If the user pages up or down, either with the keyboard or by mouse-clicking in the SCROLLBAR area, the window will be scrolled up or down by the number of items specified as one page.



Sets the state of a SCROLLBAR widget.


void SCROLLBAR_SetState(      SCROLLBAR_Handle   hObj,
                        const WM_SCROLL_STATE  * pState);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SCROLLBAR widget.
pState Pointer to a data structure of type WM_SCROLL_STATE.


Sets the minimum thumb size in pixels.


int SCROLLBAR_SetThumbSizeMin(int ThumbSizeMin);


Parameter Description
ThumbSizeMin Minimum thumb size to be set.

Return value

Old minimum thumb size in pixels.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().



Sets the value of the given SCROLLBAR widget.


void SCROLLBAR_SetValue(SCROLLBAR_Handle hObj,
                        int              v);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SCROLLBAR widget.
v Value to be set.


Sets the width of the given SCROLLBAR widget.


int SCROLLBAR_SetWidth(SCROLLBAR_Handle hObj,
                       int              Width);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SCROLLBAR widget.
Width Width to be set.
SCROLLBAR color indexes


Color indexes for SCROLLBAR widget.




Definition Description
SCROLLBAR_CI_THUMB Color of thumb area.
SCROLLBAR_CI_SHAFT Color of shaft.
SCROLLBAR_CI_ARROW Color of arrows.
SCROLLBAR create flags


These flags can be used when creating a SCROLLBAR widget via SCROLLBAR_CreateEx(). These values can be OR-combined.


#define SCROLLBAR_CF_VERTICAL     (1 << 3)
#define SCROLLBAR_CF_FOCUSABLE    (1 << 4)


Definition Description
SCROLLBAR_CF_VERTICAL Creates a vertical SCROLLBAR widget.
SCROLLBAR_CF_FOCUSABLE Creates a focusable SCROLLBAR widget.

The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of WIDGET_ScrollbarMove.c

SCROLLER: Scroll widget

The SCROLLER widget is a newer version of the SCROLLBAR with a more modern UI.

SCROLLERs are used to indicate the scrolling position in a window with scrollable content. This especially makes sense if motion scrolling is enabled. Also, they can optionally be used to scroll through the window the SCROLLER is attached to.

A SCROLLER is typically attached to an existing window or widget, as shown below:

SCROLLERs may be created horizontally or vertically.

SCROLLERs can be attached to certain emWin widgets that have scrollable content and attaching to custom widgets is also possible, as described further below.


All SCROLLER-related routines are located in the file(s) SCROLLER*.c, SCROLLER.h.
All identifiers are prefixed SCROLLER.

Structure of the SCROLLER widget

The following diagram shows the detailed structure and look of the SCROLLER widget:

Details Description
SP Spacing, can be set with SCROLLER_SetSpacing().
TR Width of thumb rectangle, can be set with SCROLLER_SetSize().
Widget x-size The SCROLLER widget’s x-size is the result of SP + TR.
Widget y-size The SCROLLER widget’s y-size is the y-size of the parent window’s content rectangle. The content rectangle can be retrieved using WM_GetContentRectEx().
Radius The radius of the thumb rectangle, can be set with SCROLLER_SetRadius().
Parent window Parent window the SCROLLER is attached to.

Horizontal SCROLLERs

The above diagram is analogous for horizontal SCROLLERs, except that

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N SCROLLER_COLOR_ACTIVE_DEFAULT GUI_MAKE_COLOR(0x50606060) Color of the SCROLLER in its active state.
N SCROLLER_RADIUS_DEFAULT 3 Radius of the rounded rectangle.
N SCROLLER_SIZE_DEFAULT 6 Horizontal SCROLLER: Height of the thumb rectangle.
Vertical SCROLLER: Width of the thumb rectangle.
N SCROLLER_SPACING_DEFAULT 24 Spacing to be added to be SCROLLER widget area.
N SCROLLER_FADE_IN_PERIOD_DEFAULT 200 Period for fading in, from inactive to active state.
N SCROLLER_FADE_OUT_PERIOD_DEFAULT 200 Period for fading out, from active to inactive state.
N SCROLLER_INACTIVE_PERIOD_DEFAULT 200 Timer period for when the SCROLLER should become inactive after it stopped moving or has been released.
N SCROLLER_ANIM_PERIOD_DEFAULT 150 Duration of scrolling animation.
N SCROLLER_ANIM_EASE_FADE_DEFAULT ANIM_ACCELDECEL Animation ease to be used for the fading animation.
N SCROLLER_ANIM_EASE_SCROLL_DEFAULT ANIM_ACCELDECEL Animation ease to be used for the scrolling animation.
N SCROLLER_ALIGNMENT_THUMB_DEFAULT (GUI_ALIGN_RIGHT | GUI_ALIGN_BOTTOM) Alignment of the thumb rectangle within the SCROLLER window.
N SCROLLER_THUMB_SIZE_MIN_DEFAULT 10 Horizontal SCROLLER: Minimum width of the thumb rectangle.
Vertical SCROLLER: Minimum height of the thumb rectangle.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make SCROLLER widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_SCROLLER0    0x380
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLER1    0x381
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLER2    0x382
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLER3    0x383
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLER4    0x384
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLER5    0x385
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLER6    0x386
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLER7    0x387
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLER8    0x388
#define GUI_ID_SCROLLER9    0x389

When a SCROLLER is attached to another window, the following IDs are used, based on whether the SCROLLER is vertical or horizontal.

Notification codes

The following events are sent from a SCROLLER widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED SCROLLER has been clicked (only sent if touch mode is active).
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED SCROLLER has been released (only sent if touch mode is active).
WM_NOTIFICATION_SCROLLER_ADDED SCROLLER has just been added (attached) to an existing window. The window is notified so that it can initialize the SCROLLER.
Widget behavior

Widget states

The SCROLLER is in active state during scrolling and in inactive state when it is not being moved. Both states have their own color.

Most interactions that alter the scrolling position of the SCROLLER’s parent widget set the SCROLLERs state to active to indicate the scrolling movement. This can be one of the following movements:

When the SCROLLER has entered the active state by touch or motion scrolling, it will stay in the active state as long as the touch is not released.

Inactive timer

When the touch has been released or movement has stopped, after a given delay the SCROLLER will fade back into the inactive state. This delay can be set with SCROLLER_SetPeriod() and the period index SCROLLER_PI_INACTIVE.


The widget can fade between the active and inactive state. This can be enabled or disabled with SCROLLER_EnableFade(), or by passing the flag SCROLLER_CF_FADING when creating the widget. The fading period can be set using SCROLLER_SetPeriod() with the period index SCROLLER_PI_FADE.

Touch input

If touch input is not enabled, the SCROLLER simply acts as an indicator widget that displays the current scroll state. Any touch input gets sent to the below parent widget.

Alternatively, touch can be activated which allows for quick scrolling through the parent’s content. Touch can be enabled or disabled by calling SCROLLER_EnableTouch() or by passing the flag SCROLLER_CF_TOUCH when creating the SCROLLER.

When touch is enabled and the user touches outside the thumb rectangle, the thumb and scroll state will be animated to the given position in a given amount of time. The time for this scrolling animation can be set with SCROLLER_SetPeriod() and the period index SCROLLER_PI_ANIM_SCROLL.

The thumb rectangle can also be clicked and dragged to a new position.

Automatic resizing

If a vertical and horizontal SCROLLER are added to a widget and both have touch input active, one SCROLLER will be resized so that there are no conflicts between the two touch areas. This is explained in more detail under SCROLLER_EnableAutoResize().

Attaching SCROLLERs to widgets

The SCROLLER can be attached to all widgets, that provide native motion support. This is typically indicated when the given widget has a routine <WIDGET>_EnableMotion(). SCROLLERs can be attached to the following widgets:

Attaching a SCROLLER

A SCROLLER can be attached to any of the above mentioned widgets using SCROLLER_CreateAttached().

hListview = LISTVIEW_CreateEx(0, 0, LCD_GetXSize(), LCD_GetYSize(), WM_HBKWIN,
                              WM_CF_SHOW, 0, GUI_ID_LISTVIEW0);
hScroller = SCROLLER_CreateAttached(hListview, SCROLLER_CF_VERTICAL |
                                               SCROLLER_CF_FADING   |

Overwritten callbacks

When a custom callback is used for one of the above mentioned widgets, it should be made sure that the custom callback calls the widget’s default callback for all messages that are not handled by the custom callback, as well as all unhandled WM_NOTIFY_PARENT notifications.

Attaching SCROLLERs to custom widgets

Before a SCROLLER widget can be attached to a custom widget or window, there are a few steps necessary. These steps are listed below.

Widget requirements

The widget should store the scrolling information (for horizontal and/or vertical scrolling, as desired) in memory. The widget’s content should obviously move based on this scrolling value.

For this, the structure WM_SCROLL_STATE can be used. All values should be in pixels. The structure contains the three required values to save the scrolling position:

Widget interfacing

Now, a structure of the type SCROLLER_INTERFACE_API has to be filled. This structure contains four functions required for the interfacing between the SCROLLER and the custom parent widget:


The function pfUpdateScrollPos should set the current scroll state that is saved in the parent widget to the SCROLLER widget. This can be done like this:

*       _UpdateScrollPos
static void _UpdateScrollPos(WM_HWIN hParent, SCROLLER_Handle hScroller) {

  // Retrieve scroll state from parent widget...
  PARENT_GetScrollState(hParent, &State);
  // Set the scroll state to SCROLLER
  SCROLLER_SetScrollState(hScroller, &State);


The function pfValueChanged is called when the SCROLLER sends a WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED notification to its parent widget. The parameter pNewState contains the new scroll state. The function should set this scroll state to the parent widget. Optionally, the scroll state can be manipulated, before it is set.

*       _OnValueChanged
static void _OnValueChanged(WM_HWIN hParent, SCROLLER_Handle hScroller, WM_SCROLL_STATE * pNewState) {
  // Set new scroll state to parent and redraw parent.


The function pfScrollerAdded() gets called right after the SCROLLER has been created and attached to the parent widget. In this function, the parent window should check if the size of the content actually justifies the use of SCROLLERs. If e.g. a list is too short to scroll through, the SCROLLER can be hidden at this point. Below is an example implementation.

*       _OnScrollerAdded
static void _OnScrollerAdded(WM_HWIN hParent, SCROLLER_Handle hScroller) {
  WM_HWIN hScroller;
  U8      IsRequired;
  int     ListSize;
  int     ySize;
  ySize      = WM_GetYSize(hParent);
  ListSize   = PARENT_GetListSize(hParent);
  IsRequired = (ListSize > ySize) ? 1 : 0;
  if (IsRequired) {
  } else {


The function pfGetContentRect() gets called when the parent window receives a WM_GET_CONTENT_RECT message. In this function, the parent window should return its content rectangle in client coordinates. The attached SCROLLER’s position and size will be derived from the content rectangle.

*       _GetContentRect
static void _GetContentRect(WM_HWIN hParent, GUI_RECT * pRect) {
  // Reduce client rectangle by 20px on all vertices.
  WM_GetClientRectEx(hParent, pRect);
  GUI_AddRect(pRect, pRect, -20);

If the content rectangle should be the same as the window’s client rectangle, the entry in SCROLLER_INTERFACE_API can be left as NULL, so that the WM_GET_CONTENT_RECT message will be handled by WM_DefaultProc().

Add the message handler to the parent widget's callback

Now, the message handler SCROLLER_ParentMsgHandler() has to be added to the parent window’s callback. It has to be made sure of that the following messages are passed to this handler after they have been processed by the parent window’s callback, but before they are being passed to WM_DefaultProc().

This can be ensured by a callback structure like shown below. If SCROLLER_ParentMsgHandler() does not handle the given message, the routine will return 1.

*       _cb
static void _cb(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
    // Handle messages.
    // No 'return' statements in the messages WM_MOTION, WM_NOTIFY_PARENT
    // and WM_GET_CONTENT_RECT before SCROLLER_ParentMsgHandler() is called.
  // Send messages also to the SCROLLER's message handler.
  if (SCROLLER_ParentMsgHandler(pMsg)) {

Overlap (optional)

If the parent window has motion support active and uses an overlapping value for swiping, two things have to be observed:

Manually set the active state (optional)

In some cases it can make sense if the parent widget also manually controls the SCROLLER’s active state. This can e.g. be desirable when the parent widget’s scroll state can be changed by key inputs and the SCROLLER should change its visual state during this event.

To do so, the routine SCROLLER_SetState() can be used to manually set the desired state.

Attach SCROLLER to custom widget

After all these steps have been executed properly, the given widget supports the use of SCROLLER widgets. Now, a SCROLLER widget can be attached to the window and the interface API can be set.

static const SCROLLER_INTERFACE_API _InterfaceAPI = {
  _UpdateScrollPos,    // pfUpdateScrollPos
  _OnScrollerAdded,    // pfScrollerAdded
  _OnValueChanged,     // pfValueChanged
  _GetContentRect,     // pfGetContentRect

WM_HWIN hParent;
WM_HWIN hScroller;

hScroller = SCROLLER_CreateAttached(hParent, SCROLLER_CF_VERTICAL);
SCROLLER_SetInterfaceAPI(hScroller, &_InterfaceAPI);

The table below lists the available emWin SCROLLER-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
SCROLLER_AttachToWindow() Attaches the given SCROLLER to a new parent window.
SCROLLER_CreateAttached() Creates a scroll bar which is attached to an existing window.
SCROLLER_CreateIndirect() Creates a SCROLLER widget from a resource table entry.
SCROLLER_CreateUser() Creates a SCROLLER widget of a specified size at a specified location and allocates a given number of additional bytes.
SCROLLER_EnableAutoResize() Enables or disables automatic resizing of SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_EnableFade() Enables or disables fading mode for the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_EnableTouch() Enables or disables touch input for the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_GetAlign() Returns the given alignment set to the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_GetAlignOffset() Returns the alignment offset set to the SCROLLER rectangle.
SCROLLER_GetAnimEase() Returns the animation ease for a given animation of the SCROLLER.
SCROLLER_GetBkColor() Returns the background color of the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_GetColor() Returns the given color of the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_GetDefaultAlign() Returns the given default alignment for SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_GetDefaultAlignOffset() Returns the default alignment offset for newly created SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_GetDefaultAnimEase() Returns the default animation ease for a given animation for SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_GetDefaultBkColor() Returns the default background color of the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_GetDefaultColor() Returns the given default color for SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_GetDefaultPeriod() Returns the given default period for SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_GetDefaultRadius() Returns the default radius used for SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_GetDefaultThumbSizeMin() Returns the default minimum thumb size used for SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_GetDefaultSize() Returns the default width/height used for the SCROLLER rectangle.
SCROLLER_GetDefaultSpacing() Returns the default spacing used for newly created SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_GetPeriod() Returns the given period of the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_GetRadius() Returns the radius of the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_GetScrollState() Retrieves the current scroll state of the SCROLLER.
SCROLLER_GetSize() Returns the thickness of the SCROLLER thumb rectangle.
SCROLLER_GetSpacing() Returns the spacing of the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_GetThumbRect() Returns the current thumb rectangle in coordinates relative to the SCROLLER.
SCROLLER_GetThumbSizeMin() Returns the minimum thumb size of the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_GetUserData() Retrieves the extra data of a SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_OwnerDraw() Default function for managing drawing operations of the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_ParentMsgHandler() Message handler called from the callback of the SCROLLER’s parent widget.
SCROLLER_PreventIntersect() Automatically limits the movement area both SCROLLERs if a widget has a vertical and horizontal SCROLLER attached.
SCROLLER_SetAlign() Sets the given alignment of the SCROLLER.
SCROLLER_SetAlignOffset() Sets the alignment offset to the SCROLLER rectangle in pixels.
SCROLLER_SetAnimEase() Sets the animation ease for a given animation of the SCROLLER.
SCROLLER_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_SetColor() Sets the given color to the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_SetContentRect() Allows to set a custom rectangle that will be used to determine the size of the SCROLLER.
SCROLLER_SetDefaultAlign() Set the given default alignment for newly created SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_SetDefaultAlignOffset() Set the default alignment offset for newly created SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_SetDefaultAnimEase() Sets the default animation ease for a given animation for SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color of the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_SetDefaultColor() Sets the given default color for newly created SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_SetDefaultPeriod() Sets the given default period for newly created SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_SetDefaultRadius() Sets the default radius for newly created SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_SetDefaultThumbSizeMin() Sets the default minimum thumb size for newly created SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_SetDefaultSize() Sets the default width/height of the SCROLLER rectangle.
SCROLLER_SetDefaultSpacing() Sets the default spacing used for newly created SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER_SetInterfaceAPI() Sets the function pointers for the interface between the parent widget and the SCROLLER.
SCROLLER_SetOwnerDraw() Sets an application defined owner draw function for the widget which is responsible for drawing the SCROLLER bar.
SCROLLER_SetPeriod() Sets the given color to the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_SetRadius() Sets the radius of the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_SetScrollState() Sets the scroll state of the SCROLLER.
SCROLLER_SetSize() Sets the thickness of the SCROLLER thumb rectangle.
SCROLLER_SetSpacing() Sets the spacing for the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_SetState() Manually sets the state of the SCROLLER to active or inactive.
SCROLLER_SetThumbSizeMin() Sets the minimum thumb size for the SCROLLER widget.
SCROLLER_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a SCROLLER widget.

Data structures

Structure Description
SCROLLER_INTERFACE_API Interface API between the SCROLLER and its parent widget.


Group of defines Description
SCROLLER alignment indexes Alignment indexes for SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER animation indexes Animation indexes used for SCROLLER_SetAnimEase().
SCROLLER color indexes Color indexes for SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER create flags Create flags for SCROLLER widgets.
SCROLLER period indexes Period indexes for SCROLLER widgets.


Attaches the given SCROLLER to a new parent window. The SCROLLER is resized according to new parent window.


void SCROLLER_AttachToWindow(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                             WM_HWIN         hNewParent);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SCROLLER widget.
hNewParent Handle of new parent window.

Additional information

The new parent window will receive a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message with WM_NOTIFICATION_SCROLLER_ADDED as the notification ID.



Creates a scroll bar which is attached to an existing window.


SCROLLER_Handle SCROLLER_CreateAttached(WM_HWIN hParent,
                                        int     ExFlags);


Parameter Description
hParent Handle of parent window.
ExFlags Special creation flags. Permitted values are listed under SCROLLER create flags.

Return value

= 0 Creation of the SCROLLER failed e.g. because the parent widget already has a SCROLLER with the same orientation attached.
≠ 0 Handle of the created SCROLLER widget.

Additional information

An attached SCROLLER widget is essentially a child window which will position itself on the parent window and operate accordingly.

Vertically attached SCROLLER widgets will be automatically placed on the right side of the parent window; horizontal SCROLLER widgets on the bottom. Since no more than one horizontal and one vertical SCROLLER widget can be attached to a parent window, no ID needs to be passed as parameter. The following fixed ID’s will automatically be assigned when an attached SCROLLER widget is created:



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect().



Creates a SCROLLER widget of a specified size at a specified location and allocates a given number of additional bytes.


SCROLLER_Handle SCROLLER_CreateUser(int     x0,
                                    int     y0,
                                    int     xSize,
                                    int     ySize,
                                    WM_HWIN hParent,
                                    int     WinFlags,
                                    int     ExFlags,
                                    int     Id,
                                    int     NumExtraBytes);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new SCROLLER widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags OR-combination of special creation flags. See SCROLLER create flags for a list of permitted values.
Id Window ID of the widget.
NumExtraBytes Number of extra bytes to be allocated.

Return value

= 0 Creation of the SCROLLER failed e.g. because the parent widget already has a SCROLLER with the same orientation attached.
≠ 0 Handle of the created SCROLLER widget.


Enables or disables automatic resizing of SCROLLER widgets.

Automatic resizing will come into effect if the two touch areas of a horizontal and vertical SCROLLER would collide. The two touch areas would only collide if the following is true:

According to the given paramters, automatic resizing can be enabled or disabled and the desired SCROLLER to be resized can be set.


void SCROLLER_EnableAutoResize(int EnableAutoResize,
                               int Vertical);


Parameter Description
EnableAutoResize 1 for enabling, 0 for disabling.
Vertical 1 if vertical SCROLLER should be reduced in size, 0 if horizontal SCROLLER should be reduced in size.

Additional information

Automatic resizing is enabled by default. The default is that horizontal SCROLLERs will be reduced in size.


The example below demonstrates how SCROLLERs are resized if auto resizing is enabled. The client area of the vertical SCROLLER is marked green while the horizontal SCROLLER is marked red.

Auto resize enabled for horizontal SCROLLER Auto resize enabled for vertical SCROLLER Auto resize disabled
SCROLLER_EnableAutoResize(1, 0); SCROLLER_EnableAutoResize(1, 1); SCROLLER_EnableAutoResize(0, 0);
The horizontal SCROLLER is reduced in size in favor of the vertical SCROLLER. The vertical SCROLLER is reduced in size in favor of the horizontal SCROLLER. Both SCROLLERs are not resized and the widgets overlap.


Enables or disables fading mode for the SCROLLER widget.


void SCROLLER_EnableFade(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                         U8              OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.
OnOff 1 for enabling, 0 for disabling.


Enables or disables touch input for the SCROLLER widget.


void SCROLLER_EnableTouch(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                          U8              OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.
OnOff 1 for enabling, 0 for disabling.


Returns the given alignment set to the SCROLLER widget.


U8 SCROLLER_GetAlign(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                     unsigned int    AlignIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.
AlignIndex See SCROLLER alignment indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

≠ 0 Alignment set to SCROLLER widget.
= 0 Error.


Returns the alignment offset set to the SCROLLER rectangle.


I16 SCROLLER_GetAlignOffset(SCROLLER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.

Return value

Alignment offset of the SCROLLER rectangle in pixels.



Returns the animation ease for a given animation of the SCROLLER. More detailed information about animation ease can be read in the chapter “Animations” under Position calculation.


                                          unsigned int    AnimIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a SCROLLER widget.
AnimIndex See SCROLLER animation indexes.

Return value

= NULL Invalid parameters.
NULL Pointer to position calculation function.


Returns the background color of the SCROLLER widget.


                              unsigned int    ColorIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a SCROLLER widget.
ColorIndex See SCROLLER color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Returns the given background color of the SCROLLER widget.



Returns the given color of the SCROLLER widget.


                            unsigned int    ColorIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.
ColorIndex See SCROLLER color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Given color set to the SCROLLER widget.



Returns the given default alignment for SCROLLER widgets.


U8 SCROLLER_GetDefaultAlign(unsigned int AlignIndex);


Parameter Description
AlignIndex See SCROLLER alignment indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

≠ 0 The given default alignment for SCROLLER widgets.
= 0 Error.


Returns the default alignment offset for newly created SCROLLER widgets.


I16 SCROLLER_GetDefaultAlignOffset(void);

Return value

Default alignment offset.



Returns the default animation ease for a given animation for SCROLLER widgets.


GUI_ANIM_GETPOS_FUNC SCROLLER_GetDefaultAnimEase(unsigned int AnimIndex);


Parameter Description
AnimIndex See SCROLLER animation indexes.

Return value

= NULL Invalid parameters.
NULL Pointer to position calculation function.


Returns the default background color of the SCROLLER widget.


GUI_COLOR SCROLLER_GetDefaultBkColor(unsigned int ColorIndex);


Parameter Description
ColorIndex See SCROLLER color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

GUI_INVALID_COLOR Default background color.


Returns the given default color for SCROLLER widgets.


GUI_COLOR SCROLLER_GetDefaultColor(unsigned int ColorIndex);


Parameter Description
ColorIndex See SCROLLER color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

GUI_INVALID_COLOR The given default color for SCROLLER widgets.


Returns the given default period for SCROLLER widgets.


int SCROLLER_GetDefaultPeriod(unsigned int PeriodIndex);


Parameter Description
PeriodIndex See SCROLLER period indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

≠ -1 The given default period for SCROLLER widgets.
= -1 Error.


Returns the default radius used for SCROLLER widgets.


I16 SCROLLER_GetDefaultRadius(void);

Return value

Default radius for SCROLLER widgets.



Returns the default minimum thumb size used for SCROLLER widgets.


I16 SCROLLER_GetDefaultThumbSizeMin(void);

Return value

Default minimum thumb size used for SCROLLER widgets.



Returns the default width/height used for the SCROLLER rectangle. This depends on whether the widget is vertical or horizontal.


I16 SCROLLER_GetDefaultSize(void);

Return value



Returns the default spacing used for newly created SCROLLER widgets.

The spacing and thumb size are added to determine the overall height (if the SCROLLER is horizontal) or the overall width (if the SCROLLER is vertical) and therefore the touch area of the widget.


I16 SCROLLER_GetDefaultSpacing(void);

Return value

Default spacing used for SCROLLER widgets.



Returns the given period of the SCROLLER widget.


int SCROLLER_GetPeriod(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                       unsigned int    PeriodIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.
PeriodIndex See SCROLLER period indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

≠ -1 The given period in ms of the SCROLLER widget.
= -1 Error.


Returns the radius of the SCROLLER widget.


I16 SCROLLER_GetRadius(SCROLLER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.

Return value

≠ -1 Radius of the SCROLLER widget.
= -1 Error.


Retrieves the current scroll state of the SCROLLER. Under normal circumstances, this routine does not have to be called as the scroll state should be set automatically.


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a SCROLLER widget.
pState  out  New scroll state.


Returns the thickness of the SCROLLER thumb rectangle. Size refers to the width of the SCROLLER rectangle if the widget is vertical or height of the rectangle if the widget is horizontal.


I16 SCROLLER_GetSize(SCROLLER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.

Return value

≠ -1 Size of the SCROLLER widget.
= -1 Error.


Returns the spacing of the SCROLLER widget.

The spacing and thumb size are added to determine the overall height (if the SCROLLER is horizontal) or the overall width (if the SCROLLER is vertical) and therefore the touch area of the widget.


I16 SCROLLER_GetSpacing(SCROLLER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a SCROLLER widget.

Return value

= -1 Error.
≠ -1 Spacing of the SCROLLER.


Returns the current thumb rectangle in coordinates relative to the SCROLLER.


void SCROLLER_GetThumbRect(SCROLLER_Handle   hObj,
                           GUI_RECT        * pRect);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a SCROLLER widget.
pRect  out  Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.


Returns the minimum thumb size of the SCROLLER widget. Thumb size refers to the SCROLLER rectangle length if the widget is horizontal and the rectangle height if the widget is vertical.


I16 SCROLLER_GetThumbSizeMin(SCROLLER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.

Return value

≠ -1 Minimum thumb size of the SCROLLER widget.
= -1 Error.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Default function for managing drawing operations of the SCROLLER widget.


int SCROLLER_OwnerDraw(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo);


Parameter Description
pDrawItemInfo  in  Pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure.

Return value

Depends on the command in the Cmd element of the WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure pointed to by pDrawItemInfo.

Additional information

This function is useful if SCROLLER_SetOwnerDraw() is used. It can be used to draw the thumb and background of the widget manually.

The following commands are managed by the default function (in the order of calling):


The following elements of the WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure are usable:

Element Description
hWin Handle of SCROLLER widget.
x0 x0 of the background rectangle.
y0 y0 of the background rectangle.
x1 x1 of the background rectangle.
y1 y1 of the background rectangle.
ItemIndex -1 during fading animation, or color index which is listed under SCROLLER color indexes.
p Only if ItemIndex = -1 (during fade animation): Pointer to an I16 which contains the current animation position. This value ranges from 0 to GUI_ANIM_RANGE, while 0 equals the inactive state and GUI_ANIM_RANGE equals the active state.


The following elements of the WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure are usable:

Element Description
hWin Handle of SCROLLER widget.
x0 x0 of the thumb rectangle.*
y0 y0 of the thumb rectangle.*
x1 x1 of the thumb rectangle.*
y1 y1 of the thumb rectangle.*
ItemIndex -1 during fading animation, or color index which is listed under SCROLLER color indexes.
p Only if ItemIndex = -1 (during fade animation): Pointer to an I16 which contains the current animation position. This value ranges from 0 to GUI_ANIM_RANGE, while 0 equals the inactive state and GUI_ANIM_RANGE equals the active state.

* High resolution coordinates. In order to convert them to pixel coordinates, scale down by 4. To retrieve the thumb rectangle in pixel coordinates, the function SCROLLER_GetThumbRect() can also be used.



Message handler called from the callback of the SCROLLER’s parent widget.

Note: This function is only to be called when custom widgets or windows should support SCROLLER widgets.


int SCROLLER_ParentMsgHandler(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);


Parameter Description
pMsg  in  Pointer to WM_MESSAGE structure.

Return value

0 Message was handled.
1 Message was not handled.

Additional information

This routine handles the following messages:

Important: This message handler needs to be called after the parent widget’s callback has handled the above messages. Also make sure that WM_DefaultProc() does not handle the messages first.



Automatically limits the movement area both SCROLLERs if a widget has a vertical and horizontal SCROLLER attached. This will prevent over crossing of two SCROLLERs. This limit only comes into effect if both SCROLLER widgets are overlapping.


void SCROLLER_PreventIntersect(int Enable);


Parameter Description
Enable 1 for enabling, 0 for disabling.


The example below demonstrates how the SCROLLERs are automatically prevented from crossing over each other.

Disabled Enabled (default)


Sets the given alignment of the SCROLLER.


void SCROLLER_SetAlign(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                       unsigned int    AlignIndex,
                       U8              Align);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.
AlignIndex See SCROLLER alignment indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Align New alignment.


Sets the alignment offset to the SCROLLER rectangle in pixels.


void SCROLLER_SetAlignOffset(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                             I16             Offset);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.
Offset Alignment offset in pixels


Sets the animation ease for a given animation of the SCROLLER. More detailed information about animation ease can be read in the chapter “Animations” under Position calculation.


void SCROLLER_SetAnimEase(SCROLLER_Handle      hObj,
                          unsigned int         AnimIndex,
                          GUI_ANIM_GETPOS_FUNC pfEase);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a SCROLLER widget.
AnimIndex See SCROLLER animation indexes.
pfEase Pointer to position calculation function.
Before After


Sets the background color of the SCROLLER widget.


void SCROLLER_SetBkColor(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned int    ColorIndex,
                         GUI_COLOR       BkColor);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a SCROLLER widget.
ColorIndex See SCROLLER color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
BkColor New background color.
Before After


Sets the given color to the SCROLLER widget.


void SCROLLER_SetColor(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                       unsigned int    ColorIndex,
                       GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.
ColorIndex See SCROLLER color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color New color.


Allows to set a custom rectangle that will be used to determine the size of the SCROLLER.

Normally, the parent’s content rectangle is used for determining the size and position of the SCROLLER. But in some situations the horizontal and vertical SCROLLER may need a different rectangle for this step, so with this function it can be overriden.


void SCROLLER_SetContentRect(      SCROLLER_Handle   hObj,
                             const GUI_RECT        * pRect);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a SCROLLER widget.
pRect  in  Override rectangle to be used (will be copied).


Set the given default alignment for newly created SCROLLER widgets.


void SCROLLER_SetDefaultAlign(unsigned int AlignIndex,
                              U8           Align);


Parameter Description
AlignIndex See SCROLLER alignment indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Align New alignment.


Set the default alignment offset for newly created SCROLLER widgets.


void SCROLLER_SetDefaultAlignOffset(I16 Offset);


Parameter Description
Offset New alignment offset.


Sets the default animation ease for a given animation for SCROLLER widgets.


void SCROLLER_SetDefaultAnimEase(unsigned int         AnimIndex,
                                 GUI_ANIM_GETPOS_FUNC pfEase);


Parameter Description
AnimIndex See SCROLLER animation indexes.
pfEase  in  Pointer to position calculation function.


Sets the default background color of the SCROLLER widget.


void SCROLLER_SetDefaultBkColor(unsigned int ColorIndex,
                                GUI_COLOR    BkColor);


Parameter Description
ColorIndex See SCROLLER color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
BkColor New default background color.


Sets the given default color for newly created SCROLLER widgets.


void SCROLLER_SetDefaultColor(unsigned int ColorIndex,
                              GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
ColorIndex See SCROLLER color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color New color.


Sets the given default period for newly created SCROLLER widgets.


void SCROLLER_SetDefaultPeriod(unsigned int PeriodIndex,
                               int          Period);


Parameter Description
PeriodIndex See SCROLLER period indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Period New period. Must be ≥ 0.


Sets the default radius for newly created SCROLLER widgets.


void SCROLLER_SetDefaultRadius(I16 Radius);


Parameter Description
Radius New radius to be used for the SCROLLER rectangle. Must be ≥ 0.


Sets the default minimum thumb size for newly created SCROLLER widgets.


void SCROLLER_SetDefaultThumbSizeMin(I16 ThumbSize);


Parameter Description
ThumbSize Minimum thumb size used for SCROLLER widgets. Must be ≥ 1.


Sets the default width/height of the SCROLLER rectangle. This depends on whether the widget is vertical or horizontal.


void SCROLLER_SetDefaultSize(I16 Size);


Parameter Description
Size Default width/height used for SCROLLER widgets. Must be ≥ 1.


Sets the default spacing used for newly created SCROLLER widgets.

The spacing and thumb size are added to determine the overall height (if the SCROLLER is horizontal) or the overall width (if the SCROLLER is vertical) and therefore the touch area of the widget.


void SCROLLER_SetDefaultSpacing(I16 Spacing);


Parameter Description
Spacing New spacing used for SCROLLER widgets. Must be ≥ 0.


Sets the function pointers for the interface between the parent widget and the SCROLLER.

Note: This function is only necessary for attaching SCROLLER widgets to custom widgets or windows.


void SCROLLER_SetInterfaceAPI(      SCROLLER_Handle          hObj,
                              const SCROLLER_INTERFACE_API * pAPI);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a SCROLLER widget.
pAPI  in  Pointer to a SCROLLER_INTERFACE_API structure. The structure pointed to has to stay persistent in memory!


Sets an application defined owner draw function for the widget which is responsible for drawing the SCROLLER bar.


void SCROLLER_SetOwnerDraw(SCROLLER_Handle         hObj,
                           WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC * pfOwnerDraw);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a SCROLLER widget.
pfOwnerDraw Pointer to owner draw function.

Additional information

This function sets a pointer to an application defined function which will be called by the widget when a cell has to be drawn or when the x or y size of a item is needed. It gives you the possibility to draw anything as data item, not just plain text. pfDrawItem is a pointer to an application-defined function of type WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC which is explained at the beginning of the chapter. Also, please refer to SCROLLER_OwnerDraw().



Sets the given color to the SCROLLER widget.


void SCROLLER_SetPeriod(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                        unsigned int    PeriodIndex,
                        int             Period);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.
PeriodIndex See SCROLLER period indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Period New period in ms, must be ≥ 0. A period of 0 will prevent the use of the given animation or timer.
Before After


Sets the radius of the SCROLLER widget.


void SCROLLER_SetRadius(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                        I16             Radius);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.
Radius New radius. Must be ≥ 0.

Additional information

If the radius is too large that no rounded rectangle with the given rectangle height/width can be drawn, the rectangle is drawn without rounded corners instead.



Sets the scroll state of the SCROLLER. Under normal circumstances, this routine does not have to be called as the scroll state should be set automatically.


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a SCROLLER widget.
pState  in  New scroll state.
Before After


Sets the thickness of the SCROLLER thumb rectangle.

Vertical SCROLLERs: Width of the thumb rectangle.

Horizontal SCROLLERs: Height of the thumb rectangle.


void SCROLLER_SetSize(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                      I16             Size);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.
Size New size. Must be ≥ 0.

Additional information

A new widget size will be set automatically. The widget size is calculated as shown below:

Before After


Sets the spacing for the SCROLLER widget. The spacing is the empty part of the SCROLLER widget area that is not part of the thumb rectangle.


void SCROLLER_SetSpacing(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                         I16             Spacing);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a SCROLLER widget.
Spacing New spacing for SCROLLER widget. Must be ≥ 0.

Additional information

A new widget size will be set automatically. The widget size is calculated as shown below:



Manually sets the state of the SCROLLER to active or inactive.

When setting the state to active, the inactive timer will be started automatically. The timer will not be started if the parameter NoTimer is set to 1.


void SCROLLER_SetState(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                       U8              Active,
                       U8              NoTimer);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.
Active 1 for active, 0 for inactive.
NoTimer If 1 and Active = 1, the inactive timer will not be started. The SCROLLER would then stay in the active state until normal interaction will start the inactive timer again (e.g. moving the SCROLLER by touch and releasing touch).

Additional information

This routine’s main purpose is to be used when SCROLLERs are attached to custom widgets. The routine can be used to manually set the appearance of the SCROLLER to active, when e.g. the parent’s scroll state was changed by key inputs, or some other input that is not normal touch input.



Sets the minimum thumb size for the SCROLLER widget. Thumb size refers to the SCROLLER rectangle length if the widget is horizontal and the rectangle height if the widget is vertical.


void SCROLLER_SetThumbSizeMin(SCROLLER_Handle hObj,
                              I16             ThumbSize);


Parameter Description
hObj SCROLLER handle.
ThumbSize New minimum thumb size of the SCROLLER widget. Must be ≥ 1.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().



Interface API between the SCROLLER and its parent widget.

This structure is only needed when attaching SCROLLERs to custom widgets or windows.

See also the function SCROLLER_SetInterfaceAPI().

Type definition

typedef struct {
  void (* pfUpdateScrollPos)(WM_HWIN hParent, SCROLLER_Handle hScroller);
  void (* pfScrollerAdded)  (WM_HWIN hParent, SCROLLER_Handle hScroller);
  void (* pfValueChanged)   (WM_HWIN hParent, SCROLLER_Handle hScroller, WM_SCROLL_STATE * pNewState);
  void (* pfGetContentRect) (WM_HWIN hParent, GUI_RECT * pRect);

Structure members

Member Description
pfUpdateScrollPos Routine for setting the scroll state of the parent widget to the SCROLLER.
pfScrollerAdded Routine that is called when the parent receives the WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message with a WM_NOTIFICATION_SCROLLER_ADDED notification.
pfValueChanged Routine that is called when the parent receives the WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message with a WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED notification sent by SCROLLER widgets. This routine sets the new scroll state of the SCROLLER to the parent widget.
pfGetContentRect Routine for retrieving the content rectangle of the parent, called when parent receives a WM_GET_CONTENT_RECT message.
SCROLLER alignment indexes


Alignment indexes for SCROLLER widgets.


#define SCROLLER_AI_THUMB        1


Definition Description
SCROLLER_AI_WIDGETPOS The alignment of the SCROLLER widget within its parent widget (left or right, bottom or top).
SCROLLER_AI_THUMB The alignment of the thumb rectangle within the SCROLLER widget.
Allowed values for vertical SCROLLERs:
Allowed values for horizontal SCROLLERs:
SCROLLER animation indexes


Animation indexes used for SCROLLER_SetAnimEase().


#define SCROLLER_ANIM_FADE      0


Definition Description
SCROLLER_ANIM_FADE Animation for fading between the active and inactive state.
SCROLLER_ANIM_SCROLL Animation for animating the scroll state when the SCROLLER was clicked outside of the thumb rectangle.
SCROLLER color indexes


Color indexes for SCROLLER widgets.


#define SCROLLER_CI_ACTIVE      0


Definition Description
SCROLLER_CI_ACTIVE Color for active state (when the scroller is moving or receives touch input).
SCROLLER_CI_INACTIVE Color for inactive state.
SCROLLER create flags


Create flags for SCROLLER widgets.


#define SCROLLER_CF_FADING        (1 << 0)
#define SCROLLER_CF_TOUCH         (1 << 1)
#define SCROLLER_CF_VERTICAL      (1 << 3)
#define SCROLLER_CF_HORIZONTAL    (0 << 3)


Definition Description
SCROLLER_CF_FADING Enables automatic fading between the active and inactive state of the SCROLLER.
SCROLLER_CF_TOUCH Enables touch input for the SCROLLER.
SCROLLER period indexes


Period indexes for SCROLLER widgets.


#define SCROLLER_PI_FADE_IN        0
#define SCROLLER_PI_FADE_OUT       1
#define SCROLLER_PI_INACTIVE       2


Definition Description
SCROLLER_PI_FADE_IN The length in ms for fading in, from inactive to active color.
SCROLLER_PI_FADE_OUT The length in ms for fading out, from active color to inactive color.
SCROLLER_PI_INACTIVE Period it takes from releasing the widget until the fade operation is started.
SCROLLER_PI_ANIM_SCROLL Period for animating the changing of the scroll state when the SCROLLER was moved by touch.

SLIDER: Slider widget

SLIDER widgets are commonly used for modifying values through the use of a slider bar. The widget consists of a slider bar and tick marks beside the bar. These tick marks can be used to snap the slider bar while dragging it. For details about how to use the tick marks for snapping refer to the function SLIDER_SetRange().


All SLIDER-related routines are located in the file(s) SLIDER*.c, SLIDER.h.
All identifiers are prefixed SLIDER.


…is available for this widget. The screenshot above shows the widget using the default skin. Details can be found in the chapter Skinning.


This widget uses skinning. To change the look it is recommended to use the function <WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps(). Other functions to change the look might work only with the classic skin.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N SLIDER_BKCOLOR0_DEFAULT 0xc0c0c0 Background color.
N SLIDER_COLOR0_DEFAULT 0xc0c0c0 Slider (thumb) color.
N SLIDER_FOCUSCOLOR_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Default color for rendering the focus rectangle.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make SLIDER widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_SLIDER0    0x130
#define GUI_ID_SLIDER1    0x131
#define GUI_ID_SLIDER2    0x132
#define GUI_ID_SLIDER3    0x133
#define GUI_ID_SLIDER4    0x134
#define GUI_ID_SLIDER5    0x135
#define GUI_ID_SLIDER6    0x136
#define GUI_ID_SLIDER7    0x137
#define GUI_ID_SLIDER8    0x138
#define GUI_ID_SLIDER9    0x139
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a SLIDER widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED SLIDER widget has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED SLIDER widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED Value of the SLIDER widget has changed by moving the thumb.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Description
GUI_KEY_RIGHT Increments the current value of the SLIDER widget by one item.
GUI_KEY_LEFT Decrements the current value of the SLIDER widget by one item.

The table below lists the available emWin SLIDER-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
SLIDER_Create() Creates a SLIDER widget. (Obsolete)
SLIDER_CreateEx() Creates a SLIDER widget.
SLIDER_CreateIndirect() Creates a SLIDER widget from resource table entry.
SLIDER_CreateUser() Creates a SLIDER widget using extra bytes as user data.
SLIDER_Dec() Decrements the value of the SLIDER widget.
SLIDER_EnableFocusRect() Enables or disables the focus rectangle.
SLIDER_GetBkColor() Returns the background color of the SLIDER widget.
SLIDER_GetFocusColor() Return the color focus rectangle of the SLIDER widget.
SLIDER_GetRange() The function returns the range of the given SLIDER widget.
SLIDER_GetUserData() Returns the data set with SLIDER_SetUserData().
SLIDER_GetValue() Returns the current value of the SLIDER widget.
SLIDER_Inc() Increments the value of the SLIDER widget.
SLIDER_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the SLIDER widget.
SLIDER_SetDefaultFocusColor() Sets the default focus rectangle color for new SLIDER widgets.
SLIDER_SetFocusColor() Sets the color used to render the focus rectangle of the SLIDER widget.
SLIDER_SetInvertDir() This function inverts the slider.
SLIDER_SetNumTicks() Sets the number of tick marks of the SLIDER widget.
SLIDER_SetRange() Sets the range of the SLIDER widget.
SLIDER_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a SLIDER widget.
SLIDER_SetValue() Sets the current value of the SLIDER widget.
SLIDER_SetWidth() Sets the width of the SLIDER widget.


Group of defines Description
SLIDER create flags Create flags for SLIDER widget.


This function is deprecated, SLIDER_CreateEx() should be used instead.


Creates a SLIDER widget of a specified size at a specified location.


SLIDER_Handle SLIDER_Create(int     x0,
                            int     y0,
                            int     xSize,
                            int     ySize,
                            WM_HWIN hParent,
                            int     Id,
                            int     WinFlags,
                            int     SpecialFlags);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the slider (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the slider (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the slider (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the slider (in pixels).
hParent Handle of the parent window.
Id Id to be returned
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
SpecialFlags Special creation flag (see indirect creation flag under SLIDER_CreateIndirect).

Return value

Handle of the created SLIDER widget; 0 if the function fails.



Creates a SLIDER widget of a specified size at a specified location.


SLIDER_Handle SLIDER_CreateEx(int     x0,
                              int     y0,
                              int     xSize,
                              int     ySize,
                              WM_HWIN hParent,
                              int     WinFlags,
                              int     ExFlags,
                              int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of the parent window. If 0, the new SLIDER widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags See SLIDER create flags.
Id Window ID of the widget.

Return value

Handle of the created SLIDER widget; 0 if the function fails.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function SLIDER_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function SLIDER_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Decrements the current value of the SLIDER widget by one item.


void SLIDER_Dec(SLIDER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SLIDER widget.


This function enables or disables the rectangle shown when a slider has the focus.


void SLIDER_EnableFocusRect(SLIDER_Handle hObj,
                            int           OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SLIDER widget.
OnOff Enables (1) or disables (0) the focus rect.


Returns the background color of the SLIDER widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SLIDER widget.

Return value

The background color of the SLIDER widget.



Return the color focus rectangle of the SLIDER widget.


GUI_COLOR SLIDER_GetFocusColor(SLIDER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SLIDER widget.

Return value

The color of the focus rectangle of the SLIDER widget.



The function returns the range of the given SLIDER widget.


void SLIDER_GetRange(SLIDER_Handle   hObj,
                     int           * pMin,
                     int           * pMax);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SLIDER widget.
pMin Pointer to an int to be used to return the min-value. Should not be NULL.
pMax Pointer to an int to be used to return the max-value. Should not be NULL.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns the current value of the SLIDER widget.


int SLIDER_GetValue(SLIDER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SLIDER widget.

Return value

The current value of the SLIDER widget.



Increments the current value of the SLIDER widget by one item.


void SLIDER_Inc(SLIDER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SLIDER widget.


Sets the background color of the SLIDER widget.


void SLIDER_SetBkColor(SLIDER_Handle hObj,
                       GUI_COLOR     Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SLIDER widget.
Color Color to be used for the background. (range 0x000000 and 0xFFFFFF or a valid color define) GUI_INVALID_COLOR to make background transparent.

Additional information

The background of this widget can either be filled with any available color or transparent. If a valid RGB color is specified, the background is filled with the color, otherwise the background (typically the content of the parent window) is visible. If the background is transparent, the widget is treated as transparent window, otherwise as non-transparent window. Note that using a background color allows more efficient (faster) rendering.

This widget is per default a transparent window. The appearance of a transparent windows background depends on the appearance of the parent window. When a transparent window needs to be redrawn first the background will be drawn by sending a WM_PAINT message to the parent window.

If using this function with a valid color the status of the window will be changed from transparent to non transparent and if the window needs to be redrawn the background will be filled with the given color.

If GUI_INVALID_COLOR is passed to the function the status will be changed from non transparent to transparent.



Sets the default focus rectangle color for new SLIDER widgets.


GUI_COLOR SLIDER_SetDefaultFocusColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Default color to be used for new slider bars.

Return value

Previous default focus rectangle color.

Additional information

For more information, refer to SLIDER_SetFocusColor.

Before After


Sets the color used to render the focus rectangle of the SLIDER widget.


GUI_COLOR SLIDER_SetFocusColor(SLIDER_Handle hObj,
                               GUI_COLOR     Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SLIDER widget.
Color Color to be used for the focus rectangle.

Return value

Previous color of the focus rectangle.

Additional information

The focus rectangle is only visible if the widget has the input focus.



This function inverts the slider.


void SLIDER_SetInvertDir(SLIDER_Handle hObj,
                         int           OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SLIDER widget.
OnOff Enables (1) or disables (0) the inversion of the slider widget.
Before After


Sets the number of tick marks of the SLIDER widget.


void SLIDER_SetNumTicks(SLIDER_Handle hObj,
                        int           NumTicks);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SLIDER widget.
NumTicks Number of tick marks drawn.

Additional information

After creating a SLIDER widget the default number of tick marks is 10. The tick marks have no effect to snap the slider bar while dragging it.



Sets the range of the SLIDER widget.


void SLIDER_SetRange(SLIDER_Handle hObj,
                     int           Min,
                     int           Max);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SLIDER widget.
Min Minimum value.
Max Maximum value.

Additional information

After creating a SLIDER widget the default range is set to 0 - 100.


If a value should be modified in the range of 0 - 2499 set the range as follows:

SLIDER_SetRange(hSlider, 0, 2499);

If a value should be modified in the range of 100 - 499 set the range as follows:

SLIDER_SetRange(hSlider, 100, 499);

If a value should be modified in the range of 0 to 5000 and the slider bar should change the value in steps of 250 set the range and the tick marks as follows. The result returned by SLIDER_GetValue() should be multiplied with 250:

SLIDER_SetRange(hSlider, 0, 20);
SLIDER_SetNumTicks(hSlider, 21);


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().



Sets the current value of the SLIDER widget.


void SLIDER_SetValue(SLIDER_Handle hObj,
                     int           v);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SLIDER widget.
v Value to be set.
Before After


Sets the width of the SLIDER widget.


void SLIDER_SetWidth(SLIDER_Handle hObj,
                     int           Width);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SLIDER widget.
Width Width to be set.
SLIDER create flags


Create flags for SLIDER widgets which define the rotation of a SLIDER.


#define SLIDER_CF_VERTICAL      (1 << 3)


Definition Description
SLIDER_CF_HORIZONTAL Creates a horizontal slider (default).
SLIDER_CF_VERTICAL Creates a vertical slider.

The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the widget can be used:

Note that several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of DIALOG_SliderColor.c

SPINBOX: Spinning box widget

SPINBOX widgets are used to manage values which need to be adjustable in a fast but still precise manner. A SPINBOX consists of 2 buttons and an embedded EDIT widget.


All SPINBOX-related routines are located in the file(s) SPINBOX*.c and SPINBOX.h.
All identifiers are prefixed SPINBOX.


…is available for this widget. The screenshot above shows the widget using the default skin. Details can be found in the chapter Skinning.


This widget uses skinning. To change the look it is recommended to use the function <WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps(). Other functions to change the look might work only with the classic skin.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BUTTON_BKCOLOR0 0xAAAAAA Background color for the button state disabled.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BUTTON_BKCOLOR1 GUI_WHITE Background color for the button state pressed.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BUTTON_BKCOLOR2 GUI_LIGHTGRAY Background color for the button state unpressed.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BUTTON_UCOLOR0 GUI_GRAY_C8 Background color for the button state disabled.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BUTTON_UCOLOR1 GUI_WHITE Background color for the button state pressed.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BUTTON_UCOLOR2 GUI_LIGHTGRAY Background color for the button state unpressed.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BUTTON_LCOLOR0 0x505050 Background color for the button state disabled.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BUTTON_LCOLOR1 GUI_GRAY Background color for the button state pressed.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BUTTON_LCOLOR2 GUI_LIGHTGRAY Background color for the button state unpressed.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BUTTON_OCOLOR0 0x3F3F3F Background color for the button state disabled.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BUTTON_OCOLOR1 GUI_BLACK Background color for the button state pressed.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BUTTON_OCOLOR2 GUI_DARKGRAY Background color for the button state unpressed.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BKCOLOR0 0xC0C0C0 Background color for the edit state disabled.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BKCOLOR1 GUI_WHITE Background color for the edit state enabled.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_TEXTCOLOR0 0x3F3F3F Background color for the edit state disabled.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_TEXTCOLOR1 GUI_BLACK Background color for the edit state enabled.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_TRIANGLE_COLOR0 GUI_GRAY_3F Background color for the button state disabled.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_TRIANGLE_COLOR1 GUI_BLACK Background color for the button state pressed.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_TRIANGLE_COLOR2 GUI_DARKGRAY Background color for the button state unpressed.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_MIN 0 Minimum value.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_MAX 100 Maximum value.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_STEP 1 Value will be increased/decreased by this amount when a button is clicked.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_BUTTON_SIZE 0 X-Size of the buttons.
N SPINBOX_DEFAULT_EDGE SPINBOX_EDGE_RIGHT Determines the position of the buttons. See table below.
N SPINBOX_TIMER_PERIOD_START 400 Once a button is pressed for this amount of time, a timer is created to increase/decrease the value continuously.
N SPINBOX_TIMER_PERIOD 50 Once the timer is created values are adjusted at intervals of this amount of time.
Possible values to be defined as SPINBOX_DEFAULT_EDGE
SPINBOX_EDGE_LEFT Buttons are displayed on the left edge of the widget.
SPINBOX_EDGE_RIGHT Buttons are displayed on the right edge of the widget.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make SPINBOX widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_SPINBOX0    0x280
#define GUI_ID_SPINBOX1    0x281
#define GUI_ID_SPINBOX2    0x282
#define GUI_ID_SPINBOX3    0x283
#define GUI_ID_SPINBOX4    0x284
#define GUI_ID_SPINBOX5    0x285
#define GUI_ID_SPINBOX6    0x286
#define GUI_ID_SPINBOX7    0x287
#define GUI_ID_SPINBOX8    0x288
#define GUI_ID_SPINBOX9    0x289
Notification codes

The following events are sent from the spinbox widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED Button has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED Button has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT Pointer has been moved out of the widget area.
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED The value of the SPINBOX widget has changed.
Keyboard reaction

The widget is able to receive the input focus. All key events are forwarded to the embedded edit widget. Detailed information can be taken from the EDIT widget section.


The table below lists the available emWin SPINBOX-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
SPINBOX_CreateEx() Creates a SPINBOX widget.
SPINBOX_CreateIndirect() Creates a SPINBOX widget. (Obsolete)
SPINBOX_CreateUser() Creates a SPINBOX widget using extra bytes as user data.
SPINBOX_EnableBlink() Enables/disables blinking of the cursor.
SPINBOX_GetBkColor() Returns the background color of the SPINBOX widget.
SPINBOX_GetButtonBkColor() Returns the background color of the buttons.
SPINBOX_GetDefaultButtonSize() Returns the default x-size of the buttons.
SPINBOX_GetEditHandle() Returns the handle to the attached EDIT widget.
SPINBOX_GetFont() Returns the font of the SPINBOX widget.
SPINBOX_GetRange() Gets the minimum and maximum value set for the SPINBOX.
SPINBOX_GetTextColor() Returns the text color.
SPINBOX_GetUserData() Retrieves the data which was previously set with SPINBOX_SetUserData().
SPINBOX_GetValue() Returns the value of the SPINBOX widget.
SPINBOX_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the SPINBOX widget.
SPINBOX_SetButtonBkColor() Sets the background color of the buttons.
SPINBOX_SetButtonSize() Sets the button size of the given SPINBOX widget.
SPINBOX_SetDefaultButtonSize() Sets the default x-size of the buttons.
SPINBOX_SetEdge() Sets the edge to display the buttons on.
SPINBOX_SetEditMode() Sets the spinbox widget to either edit or step mode.
SPINBOX_SetFont() Sets the font used to display the value.
SPINBOX_SetRange() Sets the minimum and maximum value.
SPINBOX_SetStep() Sets the value to be used for incrementing and decrementing in ’Step’ mode.
SPINBOX_SetTextColor() Sets the color of the displayed value.
SPINBOX_SetTimerPeriod() This function sets the time it takes before the SPINBOX widget starts increasing or decreasing its value automatically when a button keeps beeing pressed.
SPINBOX_SetUserData() Stores user data using the extra bytes which were reserved by SPINBOX_CreateUser().
SPINBOX_SetValue() Sets the value of the SPINBOX.


Group of defines Description
SPINBOX color indexes Color indexes used by SPINBOX widgets.
SPINBOX edge flags Flags used by SPINBOX_SetEdge().
SPINBOX edit mode flags Flags used by SPINBOX_SetEditMode().
SPINBOX timer indexes Timer indexes used by SPINBOX_SetTimerPeriod().


Creates a SPINBOX widget.


SPINBOX_Handle SPINBOX_CreateEx(int     x0,
                                int     y0,
                                int     xSize,
                                int     ySize,
                                WM_HWIN hParent,
                                int     WinFlags,
                                int     Id,
                                int     Min,
                                int     Max);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of the parent window. If 0, the widget will be created as a child of the top-level window (desktop).
WinFlags Window create flags. In order to make the widget visible immediately WM_CF_SHOW should be used. The complete list of available parameters can be found under Window create flags.
Id Window ID to be set for the widget.
Min Minimum permitted value.
Max Maximum permitted value.

Return value

Handle of the created SPINBOX widget. If an error occurred during creation, 0 is returned.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Flags of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The upper 16 bit of the element Para are used according to the parameter Max of the function SPINBOX_CreateEx(). The lower 16 bit of the element Para are used according to the parameter Min of the function SPINBOX_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function SPINBOX_CreateEx() can be referred to.


Enables/disables blinking of the cursor.


void SPINBOX_EnableBlink(SPINBOX_Handle hObj,
                         int            Period,
                         int            OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.
Period Period in which the cursor is turned off and on.
OnOff 1 enables blinking, 0 disables blinking.


Returns the background color of the SPINBOX widget.


                             unsigned int   Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.
Index See SPINBOX color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Background color of the SPINBOX widget.



Returns the background color of the buttons.


                                   unsigned int   Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.
Index See SPINBOX color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Background color of the buttons.



Returns the default x-size of the buttons.


U16 SPINBOX_GetDefaultButtonSize(void);

Return value

Default x-size of the buttons.



Returns the handle to the attached EDIT widget.


EDIT_Handle SPINBOX_GetEditHandle(SPINBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.

Return value

Handle of the attached EDIT widget.



Returns the font of the SPINBOX widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.

Return value

A pointer to the font of the SPINBOX widget.



Gets the minimum and maximum value set for the SPINBOX.


void SPINBOX_GetRange(SPINBOX_Handle   hObj,
                      I32            * pMin,
                      I32            * pMax);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to the SPINBOX widget.
pMin Minimum value.
pMax Maximum value.


Returns the color of the displayed value.


                               unsigned int   Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.
Index See SPINBOX color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The color of the value to be displayed.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns the value of the SPINBOX widget.


I32 SPINBOX_GetValue(SPINBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.

Return value

Value of the SPINBOX widget.

Before After


Sets the background color of the SPINBOX widget.


void SPINBOX_SetBkColor(SPINBOX_Handle hObj,
                        unsigned int   Index,
                        GUI_COLOR      Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.
Index See SPINBOX color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used for the background.
Before After


Sets the background color of the buttons.


void SPINBOX_SetButtonBkColor(SPINBOX_Handle hObj,
                              unsigned int   Index,
                              GUI_COLOR      Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.
Index See SPINBOX color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used for the background.
Before After


Sets the button size of the given SPINBOX widget.


void SPINBOX_SetButtonSize(SPINBOX_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned       ButtonSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.
ButtonSize Button size in pixels to be used.
Before After


Sets the default x-size of the buttons.


void SPINBOX_SetDefaultButtonSize(U16 ButtonSize);


Parameter Description
x New default x-size of the buttons.

Additional information

If the default button size is set to 0, the size of the button is determined automatically on creation.

Before After


Sets the edge to display the buttons on.


void SPINBOX_SetEdge(SPINBOX_Handle hObj,
                     U8             Edge);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.
Edge See SPINBOX edge flags for a full list of permitted values.


Sets the spinbox widget to either edit or step mode.


void SPINBOX_SetEditMode(SPINBOX_Handle hObj,
                         U8             EditMode);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.
EditMode See SPINBOX edit mode flags.

Additional information

The widget supports the ’Step’ mode (default) and the ’Edit’ mode. ’Step’ mode means each time one of the buttons is pressed the value of the box is incremented or decremented by the step value. ’Edit’ mode means each single digit can be modified separately. If ’Edit’ mode is selected the EDIT field becomes editable and a cursor appears. When pressing a button the focused digit will be incremented or decremented by 1. In ’Edit’ mode the EDIT field also accepts digits as keyboard input.

Before After


Sets the font used to display the value.


void SPINBOX_SetFont(      SPINBOX_Handle   hObj,
                     const GUI_FONT       * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to the SPINBOX widget.
pFont Pointer to the font to be used.


Sets the minimum and maximum value.


void SPINBOX_SetRange(SPINBOX_Handle hObj,
                      I32            Min,
                      I32            Max);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to the SPINBOX widget.
Min Minimum value.
Max Maximum value.


Sets the value to be used for incrementing and decrementing in ’Step’ mode.


U16 SPINBOX_SetStep(SPINBOX_Handle hObj,
                    U16            Step);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to the SPINBOX widget.
Step Value to be used.

Return value

Previous used step value.

Before After


Sets the color of the displayed value.


void SPINBOX_SetTextColor(SPINBOX_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned int   Index,
                          GUI_COLOR      Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.
Index See SPINBOX color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be set for the text.


This function sets the time it takes before the SPINBOX widget starts increasing or decreasing its value automatically when a button keeps beeing pressed.


void SPINBOX_SetTimerPeriod(SPINBOX_Handle hObj,
                            U32            Index,
                            U32            Period);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.
Index Timer index. See SPINBOX timer indexes.
Period Color to be set for the text.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

Before After


Sets the value of the SPINBOX.


void SPINBOX_SetValue(SPINBOX_Handle hObj,
                      I32            Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the SPINBOX widget.
v Value to be set.
SPINBOX color indexes


Color indexes used for SPINBOX widgets.


#define SPINBOX_CI_ENABLED     1
#define SPINBOX_CI_PRESSED     2


Definition Description
SPINBOX_CI_DISABLED Color for disabled state.
SPINBOX_CI_ENABLED Color for enabled state.
SPINBOX_CI_PRESSED Color for pressed state (only for buttons).
SPINBOX edge flags


Flags used by the routine SPINBOX_SetEdge() to define the button placement of a SPINBOX widget.


#define SPINBOX_EDGE_RIGHT     0
#define SPINBOX_EDGE_LEFT      1


Definition Description
SPINBOX_EDGE_RIGHT Buttons are displayed on the right edge of the widget.
SPINBOX_EDGE_LEFT Buttons are displayed on the left edge of the widget.
SPINBOX_EDGE_CENTER Buttons are displayed on the left and right edges of the widget.
SPINBOX edit mode flags


Flags used for activating edit mode for a SPINBOX widget. For more information, refer to SPINBOX_SetEditMode().


#define SPINBOX_EM_STEP    0
#define SPINBOX_EM_EDIT    1


Definition Description
SPINBOX_EM_STEP Pressing a button adds or subtracts the step value.
SPINBOX_EM_EDIT Pressing a button increments or decrements a digit.
SPINBOX timer indexes


Timer indexes used by the routine SPINBOX_SetTimerPeriod().


#define SPINBOX_TI_TIMERINC      1


Definition Description
SPINBOX_TI_TIMERSTART Time it takes to start auto increase/decrease of its value.
SPINBOX_TI_TIMERINC Time between two increments/decrements.

The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the widget can be used:

Screenshot of WIDGET_Spinbox.c

SWIPELIST: Swipelist widget

A SWIPELIST widget enables smooth scrolling of a list by swiping over the touchscreen or any other pointer input device (PID). Each SWIPELIST item can show several lines of text and/or a bitmap. It is also possible to assign one or more windows/widgets to each item. When swiping over the touchscreen the list follows the PID. After releasing the PID the list is decelerated smoothly until it stops. The interface of the SWIPELIST allows per default reacting on click-, release- and selection change events.


All SWIPELIST-related routines are located in the file(s) SWIPELIST*.c, SWIPELIST.h.
All identifiers are prefixed SWIPELIST.

Structure of the SWIPELIST widget

The following diagram shows the detailed structure and look of an item of the SWIPELIST widget:

Information about the different diagram indices can be found in the table below.

Details Description
B Bottom border used for all items. (Default: 5 pixels)
BS Size between bitmap and text (bitmap space) used for all items. (Default: 5 pixels)
L Left border used for all items. (Default: 5 pixels)
R Right border used for all items. (Default: 5 pixels)
S Separator line can be set individual for all items. (Default: 1 pixel)
T Top border used for all items. (Default: 5 pixels)

The following diagram shows the structure and look of a SWIPELIST widget:

SWIPELIST widgets consists of items. Separator items are items with different properties.

Details Description
I_0 Separator item of SWIPELIST widget. (ItemIndex = 0)
+ text (alignment: vertical center, left)
I_1 Item of SWIPELIST widget. (ItemIndex = 1)
+ bitmap (alignment: top, right)
+ text (alignment: bottom, left)
I_2 Item of SWIPELIST widget. (ItemIndex = 2)
+ bitmap (alignment: bottom, left)
+ text (alignment: Top, left)
I_3 Item of SWIPELIST widget. (ItemIndex = 3)
+ bitmap (alignment: top, horizontal center)
+ Text (alignment: top, horizontal center)
I_4 Item of SWIPELIST widget. (ItemIndex = 4)
+ bitmap (alignment: bottom, horizontal center)
+ text (alignment: bottom, right)
S Separator line can be set individual for all items. (Default: 1 pixel)
Difference between separator items and items

Separator items are useful to group items by different topics. They will be drawn (by default) with different fonts and colors.
All API-functions can be used for separator items, too.

Item Separator item
Fonts One font for the header text.
One font for the text.
One font for all texts.
Font colors Two colors for the header text (SEL & UNSEL)
Two colors for the text (SEL & UNSEL)
One color for all texts.
Background color Two colors for background (SEL & UNSEL) One color for the background.
Selection One item can be selected at same time.
This item change the look (SEL-colors)
Can not be selected.
Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_BITMAP_SPACE 5 Space between text and bitmap.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_BORDERSIZE_B 5 Border of bottom for items.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_BORDERSIZE_L 5 Border of left side for items.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_BORDERSIZE_R 5 Border of right side for items.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_BORDERSIZE_T 5 Border of top for items.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_ITEM_BK_COLOR_UNSEL GUI_BLACK Background color for unselected items.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_ITEM_BK_COLOR_SEL GUI_BLUE Background color for selected item.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_ITEM_HEADER_COLOR_UNSEL GUI_WHITE Header text color for unselected items.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_ITEM_HEADER_COLOR_SEL GUI_WHITE Header text color for selected item.
S SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_ITEM_HEADER_FONT &GUI_Font16_1 Font for item header text.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_ITEM_SEP_COLOR GUI_GRAY Color of the separator line for items.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_ITEM_SEP_SIZE 1 Size of the separator line for items.
S SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_ITEM_TEXT_FONT &GUI_Font13_1 Font for item text.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_MIN_MOVE 5 Minimum pixels to start a moving operation.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_OVERLAP 0 Overlapping distance.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_PERIOD_OVERLAP 200 Period for automatic moving back when overlap area is entered and released.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_SEP_ITEM_BK_COLOR GUI_GRAY Background color for separator item.
S SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_SEP_ITEM_FONT &GUI_Font20_1 Font for separator item.
N SWIPELIST_DEFAULT_TEXT_ALIGN GUI_TA_LEFT | GUI_TA_VCENTER Text alignment for separator items and items.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make SWIPELIST widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_SWIPELIST0    0x320
#define GUI_ID_SWIPELIST1    0x321
#define GUI_ID_SWIPELIST2    0x322
#define GUI_ID_SWIPELIST3    0x323
#define GUI_ID_SWIPELIST4    0x324
#define GUI_ID_SWIPELIST5    0x325
#define GUI_ID_SWIPELIST6    0x326
#define GUI_ID_SWIPELIST7    0x327
#define GUI_ID_SWIPELIST8    0x328
#define GUI_ID_SWIPELIST9    0x329
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a SWIPELIST widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED Item of SWIPELIST widget has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED Item of SWIPELIST widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED Item of SWIPELIST widget has been clicked and the pointer has been moved out of the item area.
WM_NOTIFICATION_OVERLAP_TOP_ENTERED Sent when the overlap area was entered at the top of the SWIPELIST.
WM_NOTIFICATION_OVERLAP_BOTTOM_ENTERED Sent when the overlap area was entered at the bottom of the SWIPELIST.
WM_NOTIFICATION_OVERLAP_RELEASED Sent after a dragged overlap area has been released.

The table below lists the available emWin SWIPELIST-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
SWIPELIST_AddItem() Adds a new item.
SWIPELIST_AddItemText() Adds a text to the item.
SWIPELIST_AddSepItem() Adds a new separator item.
SWIPELIST_CreateEx() Creates a SWIPELIST widget.
SWIPELIST_CreateIndirect() Creates a SWIPELIST widget from a resource table entry.
SWIPELIST_CreateUser() Creates a SWIPELIST widget using extra bytes as user data.
SWIPELIST_DeleteItem() Deletes an item from the SWIPELIST widget.
SWIPELIST_GetBitmap() Returns a pointer to the optional bitmap of the item.
SWIPELIST_GetBitmapSpace() Returns the space between text and bitmap.
SWIPELIST_GetBkColor() Returns the background color.
SWIPELIST_GetBorderSize() Returns the size of the border.
SWIPELIST_GetDefaultBitmapSpace() Returns the default space between text and bitmap.
SWIPELIST_GetDefaultBkColor() Returns the default background color.
SWIPELIST_GetDefaultBorderSize() Returns the default border size.
SWIPELIST_GetDefaultFont() Returns a pointer to the default font.
SWIPELIST_GetDefaultOverlap() Returns the default overlap value used for new widgets.
SWIPELIST_GetDefaultSepColor() Returns the default color of the separator line.
SWIPELIST_GetDefaultSepSize() Returns the default size of the separator line.
SWIPELIST_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default color of the text.
SWIPELIST_GetDefaultTextAlign() Returns the default alignment of the text.
SWIPELIST_GetDefaultThreshold() Returns the default threshold value.
SWIPELIST_GetFont() Returns a pointer to the font.
SWIPELIST_GetItemSize() Returns the size (in pixels) of the given item.
SWIPELIST_GetItemUserData() Retrieves the previously stored user data from a given item.
SWIPELIST_GetNumItems() Returns the number of items.
SWIPELIST_GetNumText() Returns the number of texts in a item.
SWIPELIST_GetOverlap() Returns the overlap parameters of the given SWIPELIST widget.
SWIPELIST_GetReleasedItem() Returns the item index of the last released item.
SWIPELIST_GetScrollPos() Returns the scroll position of the widget.
SWIPELIST_GetSelItem() Returns the current selected item index of the given SWIPELIST widget. Returns the current selected item.
SWIPELIST_GetSepColor() Returns the color of the separator line for the given item.
SWIPELIST_GetSepSize() Returns the size of the separator line.
SWIPELIST_GetText() Returns the text of the given item.
SWIPELIST_GetTextAlign() Returns the text alignment.
SWIPELIST_GetTextColor() Returns the color of the text.
SWIPELIST_GetThreshold() Returns the threshold value of the widget.
SWIPELIST_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with SWIPELIST_SetUserData().
SWIPELIST_IsSepItem() Returns if the given item is a separator item.
SWIPELIST_ItemAttachWindow() Attaches a window to the item.
SWIPELIST_ItemDetachWindow() Detaches a window.
SWIPELIST_OwnerDraw() Default function for drawing the SWIPELIST widget.
SWIPELIST_SetAttachedWindowPos() Sets the position of an attached window.
SWIPELIST_SetBitmap() Sets a pointer to the bitmap.
SWIPELIST_SetBitmapSpace() Sets the space between text and bitmap.
SWIPELIST_SetBkColor() Sets the background color.
SWIPELIST_SetBorderSize() Sets the size of the border.
SWIPELIST_SetDefaultBitmapSpace() Sets the default space between text and bitmap.
SWIPELIST_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color.
SWIPELIST_SetDefaultBorderSize() Sets the default size of the border.
SWIPELIST_SetDefaultFont() Sets a pointer to the font used as default.
SWIPELIST_SetDefaultOverlap() Sets the default overlap value used for new widgets.
SWIPELIST_SetDefaultSepColor() Sets the default color of the separator line.
SWIPELIST_SetDefaultSepSize() Sets the default size of the separator line.
SWIPELIST_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default color of the text.
SWIPELIST_SetDefaultTextAlign() Sets the default alignment of the text.
SWIPELIST_SetDefaultThreshold() Sets the default threshold value.
SWIPELIST_SetFont() Sets a pointer to the used font.
SWIPELIST_SetItemSize() Sets the size of the item.
SWIPELIST_SetItemUserData() Stores user data in a specific item.
SWIPELIST_SetOverlap() Enables overlapping for the given SWIPELIST widget.
SWIPELIST_SetOwnerDraw() Sets the SWIPELIST widget to be owner drawn.
SWIPELIST_SetScrollPos() Sets the scroll position of the SWIPELIST widget.
SWIPELIST_SetScrollPosItem() Sets the scroll position to an item.
SWIPELIST_SetSepColor() Sets the color of a separator line.
SWIPELIST_SetSepSize() Sets the size of a separator line.
SWIPELIST_SetText() Sets a text.
SWIPELIST_SetTextAlign() Sets alignment of the text.
SWIPELIST_SetTextColor() Sets color of the text.
SWIPELIST_SetThreshold() Sets the threshold value.
SWIPELIST_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a SWIPELIST widget.


Group of defines Description
SWIPELIST background color indexes Color indexes for the background of SWIPELIST widgets.
SWIPELIST bitmap alignment flags Flags used for SWIPELIST_SetBitmap().
SWIPELIST border indexes Border indexes used for SWIPELIST_SetBorderSize().
SWIPELIST font indexes Font indexes for SWIPELIST widgets.
SWIPELIST item color indexes Color indexes for SWIPELIST widgets.
Before After


Adds a new item with header text to the SWIPELIST widget.


int SWIPELIST_AddItem(      SWIPELIST_Handle   hObj,
                      const char             * sText,
                            int                ItemSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
sText Pointer to the text to be handled by the SWIPELIST widget.
ItemSize Size of the item (in pixels).

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

If ItemSize is too small for sText the item size will be modified by the widget. If sText is 0 then no header text will be drawn.

Before After


Adds a text to the given item of the SWIPELIST widget.


int SWIPELIST_AddItemText(      SWIPELIST_Handle   hObj,
                                unsigned           ItemIndex,
                          const char             * sText);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.
sText Pointer to the text to be handled by the SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

An item can have an undefined number of texts. Each text will begin in a new line. If the size of the items are to small for the new text the item size will be modified by the widget. If SWIPELIST_AddItem does not set a header text then this function will set the header text at first call.

Before After


Adds a new separator item to the SWIPELIST widget.


int SWIPELIST_AddSepItem(      SWIPELIST_Handle   hObj,
                         const char             * sText,
                               int                ItemSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
sText Pointer to the text to be handled by the SWIPELIST widget.
ItemSize Size (in pixels) of the item used as separator.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

Separator items do not send any notification massages to the parent window of the SWIPELIST widget. They do not change the style if they are clicked. The separator size of the previous item will be set to 0.



Creates a SWIPELIST widget of a specified size at a specified location.


SWIPELIST_Handle SWIPELIST_CreateEx(int     x0,
                                    int     y0,
                                    int     xSize,
                                    int     ySize,
                                    WM_HWIN hParent,
                                    int     WinFlags,
                                    int     ExFlags,
                                    int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the button relative to the parent window.
y0 Y-position of the button relative to the parent window.
xSize Horizontal size of the SWIPELIST widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the SWIPELIST widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window.
WinFlags Window create flags. In order to make the widget visible immediately WM_CF_SHOW should be used. The complete list of available parameters can be found under Window create flags.
ExFlags Not used yet, reserved for future use.
Id Window ID of the widget.

Return value

Handle of the created SWIPELIST widget; 0 if the function fails.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function SWIPELIST_CreateEx() can be referred to.

Before After


Deletes an item from the SWIPELIST widget.


void SWIPELIST_DeleteItem(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned         ItemIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.

Additional information

If windows are attached to the item, those windows will be deleted, too.



Returns a pointer to the optional bitmap of the item.


                                unsigned         ItemIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

Pointer to the bitmap, 0 if no bitmap exist.



Returns number of pixels used as space between the bitmap and the text of the SWIPELIST widget.


int SWIPELIST_GetBitmapSpace(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

Number of pixels between the bitmap and the text.



Returns the specific background color of the SWIPELIST widget.


                               unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
Index See SWIPELIST background color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Specific background color of the SWIPELIST widget.



Returns the border of the SWIPELIST widget.


int SWIPELIST_GetBorderSize(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
Index See SWIPELIST border indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Border size of the SWIPELIST widget.



Returns the default number of pixels used as space between the bitmap and the text for new SWIPELIST widgets.


int SWIPELIST_GetDefaultBitmapSpace(void);

Return value

Default number of pixels used as space between the bitmap and the text for new SWIPELIST widgets.



Returns the specific default background color of the SWIPELIST widget.


GUI_COLOR SWIPELIST_GetDefaultBkColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See SWIPELIST background color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Specific default background color of the SWIPELIST widget.



Returns the default border size (in pixels) of new SWIPELIST widgets.


int SWIPELIST_GetDefaultBorderSize(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See SWIPELIST border indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Border size used for new SWIPELIST widgets.



Returns a pointer to the specific default font used for new SWIPELIST widgets.


GUI_FONT *SWIPELIST_GetDefaultFont(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See SWIPELIST font indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Pointer to the specific default font used for new SWIPELIST widgets.



Returns the default overlap value used for new widgets.


unsigned SWIPELIST_GetDefaultOverlap(int * pPeriod,
                                     U8  * pFlags);


Parameter Description
pPeriod  out  Pointer to store the default overlap period.
pFlags  out  Pointer to store the default overlap flags.

Return value

The default value for overlapping dragging operations.

Additional information

See SWIPELIST_SetOverlap() for additional information on overlapping distance.



Returns the default color of the separator line used for all new items.


GUI_COLOR SWIPELIST_GetDefaultSepColor(void);

Return value

Default color of the separator line used for all new items.



Returns the default size (in pixels) of the separator line used for all new items.


unsigned SWIPELIST_GetDefaultSepSize(void);

Return value

Default size (in pixels) of the separator line used for all new items.



Returns the specific default text color used by new SWIPELIST widgets.


GUI_COLOR SWIPELIST_GetDefaultTextColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index See SWIPELIST background color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Specific default text color used by new SWIPELIST widgets.



Returns the default text align for all new items of the SWIPELIST widget.


int SWIPELIST_GetDefaultTextAlign(void);

Return value

Default text align for all new items of the SWIPELIST widget.



Returns the default threshold value used for new widgets. Please also refer to the function SWIPELIST_SetThreshold().


int SWIPELIST_GetDefaultThreshold(void);

Return value

Default threshold value.



Returns a pointer of the specified font of the SWIPELIST widget.


                            unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
Index See SWIPELIST font indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Pointer of the specified font, 0 if index is not correct.



Returns the size (in pixels) of the given item.


int SWIPELIST_GetItemSize(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned         ItemIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

Size of the item, -1 if failed.



Retrieves the previously stored user data from a given item.


U32 SWIPELIST_GetItemUserData(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                              unsigned         ItemIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

User data of the given item.



Returns the number of items in the SWIPELIST widget.


int SWIPELIST_GetNumItems(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

Number of items in the SWIPELIST widget.



Returns the number of texts in the item of the SWIPELIST widget.


int SWIPELIST_GetNumText(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned         ItemIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

Number of texts in the item of the SWIPELIST widget.

Additional information

Number of texts added with the function SWIPELIST_AddItemText() inclusive the header text added with the function SWIPELIST_AddItem().



Returns the overlap parameters of the given SWIPELIST widget.


unsigned SWIPELIST_GetOverlap(SWIPELIST_Handle   hObj,
                              int              * pPeriod,
                              U8               * pFlags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
pPeriod  out  Pointer to store the currently set moving back period.
pFlags  out  Pointer to store the currently set overlap flags.

Return value

Overlapping value in pixels.

Additional information

See SWIPELIST_SetOverlap() for additional information on overlapping distance.



Returns the item index of the last released item.


int SWIPELIST_GetReleasedItem(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

Item index of the last released item, -1 if no item has been released.



Returns the current scroll position (in pixels) of the SWIPELIST widget.


int SWIPELIST_GetScrollPos(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

Current scroll position (in pixels) of the SWIPELIST widget.



Returns the current selected item index of the given SWIPELIST widget.


int SWIPELIST_GetSelItem(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

Current selected item index, -1 if currently no item is selected.



Returns the color of the separator line for the given item.


                                unsigned         ItemIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

Color of the separator line of the given item.



Returns the size (in pixels) of the separator line for the given item.


int SWIPELIST_GetSepSize(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned         ItemIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

Size (in pixels) of the separator line for the given item.



Returns the text of the given item.


void SWIPELIST_GetText(SWIPELIST_Handle   hObj,
                       unsigned           ItemIndex,
                       unsigned           TextIndex,
                       char             * pBuffer,
                       int                MaxSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.
TextIndex Index of an text of an item.
pBuffer Pointer to buffer filled by the function.
MaxSize Size of the buffer in bytes.

Additional information

The function copies the text of the given item to the buffer given by pBuffer. The maximum number of bytes copied to the buffer is given by MaxSize.



Returns the text alignment of the given item.


int SWIPELIST_GetTextAlign(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned         ItemIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

Text alignment of the item.



Returns the specific text color of the SWIPELIST widget.


                                 unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
Index See SWIPELIST item color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Specific text color of the SWIPELIST widget.



Returns the minimum number of pixels required for a swipe operation.


int SWIPELIST_GetThreshold(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

Threshold value used by the widget.

Additional information

Please also refer to SWIPELIST_SetThreshold.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns if the given item is a separator item.


int SWIPELIST_IsSepItem(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                        U32              ItemIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.

Return value

1 If the item is a separator item.
0 If the item is not a separator item.
-1 Error: Index out of bounds.
Before After


Attaches the window/widget to the given item of the SWIPELIST widget.


int SWIPELIST_ItemAttachWindow(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                               unsigned         ItemIndex,
                               WM_HWIN          hWin,
                               int              x0,
                               int              y0);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.
hWin Handle of the window that should be attached.
x0 X-position of the window that should be added to the item.
y0 Y-position of the window that should be added to the item.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

If the size of the window is bigger then the item size the window will not be attached to the item and the function returns 1. If the given position will bring the window out of the item area the position will be fixed to the end of the item area.

Before After


Detaches the window from the item of the SWIPELIST widget.


void SWIPELIST_ItemDetachWindow(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                                WM_HWIN          hWin);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
hWin Handle of the window that should be detached.


Default function to draw an item of the SWIPELIST widget.


int SWIPELIST_OwnerDraw(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo);


Parameter Description
pDrawItemInfo Pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure.

Additional information

This function is useful if SWIPELIST_SetOwnerDraw has been used. It can be used from the application defined drawing function to display anything of the item by the SWIPELIST widget.

Before After


Sets the position of the attached window in the item of the SWIPELIST.


void SWIPELIST_SetAttachedWindowPos(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                                    WM_HWIN          hWin,
                                    int              x0,
                                    int              y0);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
hWin Handle of the window that is attached to an item of the SWIPELIST widget.
x0 New x-position of the window that is attached to an item.
y0 New y-position of the window that is attached to an item.
Before After


Sets a bitmap to be displayed with the given alignment Within the item.


void SWIPELIST_SetBitmap(      SWIPELIST_Handle   hObj,
                               unsigned           ItemIndex,
                               int                Align,
                         const GUI_BITMAP       * pBitmap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.
Align OR-combination of bitmap alignment flags. See SWIPELIST bitmap alignment flags.
pBitmap Pointer to an bitmap structure to be displayed.

Additional information

If the alignment of the bitmap is vertical and horizontal central then no text will be displayed.

Before After


Set the space (in pixels) between the text and the bitmap of the SWIPELIST widget.


void SWIPELIST_SetBitmapSpace(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                              unsigned         Size);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
Size Number of pixels used as space.
Before After


Sets the specific background color of the SWIPELIST widget.


void SWIPELIST_SetBkColor(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned         Index,
                          GUI_COLOR        Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
Index See SWIPELIST background color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Background color to be set.
Before After


Sets the specific border size (in pixels) of the SWIPELIST widget.


void SWIPELIST_SetBorderSize(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                             unsigned         Index,
                             unsigned         Size);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
Index See SWIPELIST border indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Size Number of pixels used as border.


Sets the default space (in pixels) between text and bitmap for new SWIPELIST widgets.


void SWIPELIST_SetDefaultBitmapSpace(unsigned Size);


Parameter Description
Size Number of pixels used as space.


Sets the default color of the specific background for new SWIPELIST widget.


void SWIPELIST_SetDefaultBkColor(unsigned  Index,
                                 GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index See SWIPELIST background color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Background color to be set.


Sets the default size (in pixels) of the specific border for new SWIPELIST widgets.


void SWIPELIST_SetDefaultBorderSize(unsigned Index,
                                    unsigned Size);


Parameter Description
Index See SWIPELIST border indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Size Number of pixels used as border.


Sets the pointer to the default font to display the specific text of new SWIPELIST widgets.


void SWIPELIST_SetDefaultFont(      unsigned   Index,
                              const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
Index See SWIPELIST font indexes for a full list of permitted values.
pFont Pointer to the font to be used.


Sets the default overlap value used for new widgets.


void SWIPELIST_SetDefaultOverlap(unsigned Overlap,
                                 int      Period,
                                 U8       Flags);


Parameter Description
Overlap The new default value to be set for overlapping dragging operations.
Period Default period to be used for moving back when the list was released while being dragged into overlap area.
Flags Default overlap flags.
WM_MOTION_OVERLAP_TOP to enable overlap at the top edge.
WM_MOTION_OVERLAP_BOTTOM to enable overlap at the bottom edge.

Additional information

See SWIPELIST_SetOverlap() for additional information on overlapping distance.



Sets the default color of the separator line for new items.


void SWIPELIST_SetDefaultSepColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color of the separator line.


Sets the default size (in pixels) of the separator line for new items.


void SWIPELIST_SetDefaultSepSize(unsigned Size);


Parameter Description
Size Number of pixels used as separator line.


Sets the default color of the specific text for new SWIPELIST widgets.


void SWIPELIST_SetDefaultTextColor(unsigned  Index,
                                   GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index See SWIPELIST item color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color used for the specific text.


Sets the default text alignment for new items.


void SWIPELIST_SetDefaultTextAlign(int Align);


Parameter Description
Align Text alignment to be set (see GUI_SetTextAlign()).


Sets the default threshold value to be used for new widgets. For details please also refer to SWIPELIST_SetThreshold().


void SWIPELIST_SetDefaultThreshold(int Threshold);


Parameter Description
Threshold The new default value to be set for minimum amount of movement.
Before After


Sets the pointer to the font used for display the specific text of the SWIPELIST widget.


void SWIPELIST_SetFont(      SWIPELIST_Handle   hObj,
                             unsigned           Index,
                       const GUI_FONT         * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
Index See SWIPELIST font indexes for a full list of permitted values.
pFont Pointer to the font to be used.
Before After


Sets the size of the given item.


void SWIPELIST_SetItemSize(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned         ItemIndex,
                           unsigned         Size);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.
Size Number of pixels used for the item.


Sets a 32 bit value assigned to the given item of the SWIPELIST widget.


void SWIPELIST_SetItemUserData(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                               unsigned         ItemIndex,
                               U32              UserData);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.
UserData 32 bit user data to be stored.


Enables overlapping for the given SWIPELIST widget.

When active, the widget also sends notifications to its parent window when the overlapping area is entered and left. See Notification codes.


void SWIPELIST_SetOverlap(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned         Overlap,
                          int              Period,
                          U8               Flags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
Overlap Overlapping distance in pixels.
Period Period in ms for moving back the list when it was released after it was dragged into the overlap area.
Flags OR-combination of overlap flags:
WM_MOTION_OVERLAP_TOP to enable overlap on the top edge.
WM_MOTION_OVERLAP_BOTTOM to enable overlap on the bottom edge.

Additional information

The overlapping value determines how many additional pixels the SWIPELIST can be dragged when the beginning or end of the list is reached. When the list is dragged and released, the list will move back to the normal position.

The table below demonstrates this. The left image shows the list being at the top and in the right image the list is being dragged by the set overlapping distance.

Default Dragged by overlapping distance


Sets the SWIPELIST widget to be owner drawn.


void SWIPELIST_SetOwnerDraw(SWIPELIST_Handle        hObj,
                            WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC * pfDrawItem);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
pfDrawItem Pointer to owner draw function.

Supported commands

Additional information

This function sets a pointer to a function which will be called by the widget if an item of the SWIPELIST has to be drawn. It gives you the possibility to draw complete customized items. pfDrawItem is a pointer to an application defined function of type WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC which is explained at the beginning of the chapter.

Before After


Sets the scroll position (in pixels) of the SWIPELIST widget.


void SWIPELIST_SetScrollPos(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                            int              Pos);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
Pos Number of pixels of the scroll position.
Before After


Sets the scroll position to see the given item on first position.


void SWIPELIST_SetScrollPosItem(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                                unsigned         ItemIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.

Additional information

If the list is to short to set the scoll position to see the given item on first position, the scroll position will be set to the end of the list.

Before After


Sets the color of the separator line of a given item.


void SWIPELIST_SetSepColor(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned         ItemIndex,
                           GUI_COLOR        Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.
Color Color of the separator line of a specific item.
Before After


Sets size (in pixels) of the separator line of a given item.


void SWIPELIST_SetSepSize(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned         ItemIndex,
                          int              Size);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.
Size Number of pixel used for the size of the separator line.
Before After


Sets/Changes a text of an item.


void SWIPELIST_SetText(SWIPELIST_Handle   hObj,
                       unsigned           ItemIndex,
                       unsigned           TextIndex,
                       char             * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.
TextIndex Index of the text in the item.
sText Text to be displayed.
Before After


Sets the text alignment of a given item.


void SWIPELIST_SetTextAlign(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned         ItemIndex,
                            int              Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
ItemIndex Index of an item of the SWIPELIST widget.
Align Text alignment to be set. List of flags can be found under Text alignment flags.
Before After


Sets the color of the text used by the SWIPELIST widget.


void SWIPELIST_SetTextColor(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned         Index,
                            GUI_COLOR        Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
Index See SWIPELIST item color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color for the text.


Sets the minimum distance required for a scoll operation.


int SWIPELIST_SetThreshold(SWIPELIST_Handle hObj,
                           int              Threshold);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of SWIPELIST widget.
Threshold New threshold value.

Return value

Previous threshold value.

Additional information

Pressing the PID selects the swipelist item below the PID position. Swiping the PID in pressed state deselects the item and starts the swipe operation. The threshold value defines the minimum number of pixels required to release the selection and start swiping.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

SWIPELIST background color indexes


Color indexes used for SWIPELIST routines to return or set the background color of SWIPELIST items.


#define SWIPELIST_CI_BK               3


Definition Description
SWIPELIST_CI_BK_ITEM_UNSEL Background of an unselected item.
SWIPELIST_CI_BK_ITEM_SEL Background of a selected item.
SWIPELIST_CI_BK_SEP_ITEM Background of a separator item.
SWIPELIST bitmap alignment flags


Flags to align the bitmaps of a SWIPELIST widget. These flags are used by the routine SWIPELIST_SetBitmap() and can be OR-combined.


#define SWIPELIST_BA_LEFT       (0 << 0)
#define SWIPELIST_BA_RIGHT      (1 << 0)
#define SWIPELIST_BA_HCENTER    (2 << 0)
#define SWIPELIST_BA_VCENTER    (3 << 2)
#define SWIPELIST_BA_TOP        (0 << 2)
#define SWIPELIST_BA_BOTTOM     (1 << 2)


Definition Description
Horizontal alignment
SWIPELIST_BA_LEFT Align X-position left (default).
SWIPELIST_BA_RIGHT Align X-position right.
Vertical alignment
SWIPELIST_BA_BOTTOM Align Y-position with bottom pixel line of font.
SWIPELIST_BA_TOP Align Y-position with top of characters (default).
SWIPELIST border indexes


Border indexes to e.g. change the border size of the SWIPELIST widget. A routine that uses these index flags is SWIPELIST_SetBorderSize().


#define SWIPELIST_BI_LEFT      0
#define SWIPELIST_BI_RIGHT     1
#define SWIPELIST_BI_TOP       2


Definition Description
SWIPELIST_BI_LEFT Left border of the items.
SWIPELIST_BI_RIGHT Right border of the items.
SWIPELIST_BI_TOP Top border of the items.
SWIPELIST_BI_BOTTOM Bottom border of the items.
SWIPELIST font indexes


Font indexes used for SWIPELIST routines.


#define SWIPELIST_FI_SEP_ITEM       0


Definition Description
SWIPELIST_FI_SEP_ITEM Font used by the separator item.
SWIPELIST_FI_ITEM_HEADER Font used by the header of the item.
SWIPELIST_FI_ITEM_TEXT Font used by the text of the item.
SWIPELIST item color indexes


Color indexes used for SWIPELIST routines to return or set the color of an item.




Definition Description
SWIPELIST_CI_ITEM_HEADER_UNSEL Color used for drawing the header text of an unselected item.
SWIPELIST_CI_ITEM_HEADER_SEL Color used for drawing the header text of a selected item.
SWIPELIST_CI_ITEM_TEXT_UNSEL Color used for drawing the text for an unselected item.
SWIPELIST_CI_ITEM_TEXT_SEL Color used for drawing the text of a selected item.
SWIPELIST_CI_SEP_ITEM_TEXT Color used for drawing the text of a separator item.

The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the widget can be used:

Screenshot of WIDGET_SwipeList.c

SWITCH: Switch widget

A SWITCH widget is a toggleable switch with two states. The widget is similar to the switches seen on most modern smartphones, e.g. in a phone settings application. A SWITCH widget can have two states, a ’left’ state when the thumb is on the left and a ’right’ state when the thumb is on the right. Optionally, each state has its own text that is shown inside of the switch.

The widget can be clicked to be toggled, or its thumb can be dragged from one side along to the other side, as seen on most smartphones. To be able to drag the thumb, motion support has to be enabled by calling WM_MOTION_Enable(1).

Left state Right state


All SWITCH-related routines are located in the file(s) SWITCH*.c, SWITCH.h.
All identifiers are prefixed SWITCH.
Memory Devices are required to use the SWITCH widget.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N SWITCH_COLORLEFT_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Text color for text shown in ’left’ state.
N SWITCH_COLORRIGHT_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Text color for text shown in ’right’ state.
N SWITCH_PERIOD_DEFAULT 80 Animation period for a toggle operation.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make SWITCH widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_SWITCH0    0x330
#define GUI_ID_SWITCH1    0x331
#define GUI_ID_SWITCH2    0x332
#define GUI_ID_SWITCH3    0x333
#define GUI_ID_SWITCH4    0x334
#define GUI_ID_SWITCH5    0x335
#define GUI_ID_SWITCH6    0x336
#define GUI_ID_SWITCH7    0x337
#define GUI_ID_SWITCH8    0x338
#define GUI_ID_SWITCH9    0x339
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a BUTTON widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT SWITCH has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the SWITCH area without releasing.
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED The state of the SWITCH widget has been changed.

The table below lists the available SWITCH-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
SWITCH_AnimState() Sets the SWITCH widget to the desired state and shows the toggle animation.
SWITCH_CreateIndirect() Creates a SWITCH widget from a resource table entry.
SWITCH_CreateUser() Creates a SWITCH widget.
SWITCH_DisableAnimation() Option for disabling the animation of a SWITCH when clicking the widget.
SWITCH_GetDefaultFont() Returns the default font for SWITCH widgets.
SWITCH_GetDefaultPeriod() Returns the default period for SWITCH widgets.
SWITCH_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color for SWITCH widgets.
SWITCH_GetState() Returns the state of a SWITCH widget.
SWITCH_GetUserData() Retrieves the extra data set with SWITCH_SetUserData().
SWITCH_SetBitmap() Sets a bitmap for a state of the SWITCH widget.
SWITCH_SetDefaultFont() Sets the default font for SWITCH widgets.
SWITCH_SetDefaultPeriod() Sets the default period for SWITCH widgets.
SWITCH_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default text color for SWITCH widgets.
SWITCH_SetFont() Sets the font of a SWITCH widget.
SWITCH_SetMode() Sets the mode of a SWITCH widget.
SWITCH_SetPeriod() Sets the period to stop the animation of a SWITCH widget.
SWITCH_SetState() Sets the state of a SWITCH widget.
SWITCH_SetText() Sets a text on either the left or right side of the SWITCH widget.
SWITCH_SetTextColor() Sets the text color of a SWITCH widget.
SWITCH_SetThumbSize() Sets the size of the thumb.
SWITCH_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a SWITCH widget.
SWITCH_Toggle() Toggles the state of a SWITCH widget.


Group of defines Description
SWITCH bitmap indexes Bitmap indexes used by the SWITCH widget.
SWITCH color indexes Color indexes used by the SWITCH widget.
SWITCH modes Modes a SWITCH widget can be set to.
SWITCH text indexes Text indexes used by the SWITCH widget.
SWITCH states Possible states a SWITCH widget can be in.


Sets the SWITCH widget to the desired state and shows the toggle animation.


void SWITCH_AnimState(SWITCH_Handle hObj,
                      int           State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SWITCH widget.
State See table below.


The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect().



Creates a SWITCH widget.


SWITCH_Handle SWITCH_CreateUser(int     x0,
                                int     y0,
                                int     xSize,
                                int     ySize,
                                WM_HWIN hParent,
                                int     WinFlags,
                                int     ExFlags,
                                int     Id,
                                int     NumExtraBytes);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the SWITCH widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the SWITCH widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the SWITCH widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the SWITCH widget (in pixels).
hParent Parent window of the SWITCH widget.
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags Not used yet, reserved for future use.
Id ID of the SWITCH widget.
NumExtraBytes Number of extra bytes to be allocated.

Return value

Handle of the SWITCH widget.



Option for disabling the animation of a SWITCH when clicking the widget.


void SWITCH_DisableAnimation(SWITCH_Handle hObj,
                             U8            Disable);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SWITCH widget.
Disable 1 for disabling animations, 0 for enabling animations (default).


Returns the default font for SWITCH widgets.


GUI_FONT *SWITCH_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Default font for SWITCH widgets.



Returns the default period for SWITCH widgets. This is the duration of the animation when the SWITCH widget is clicked.


unsigned SWITCH_GetDefaultPeriod(void);

Return value

Default period for SWITCH widgets.



Returns the default text color for SWITCH widgets.


GUI_COLOR SWITCH_GetDefaultTextColor(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index Text index. See SWITCH text indexes.

Return value

Default text color for SWITCH widgets.



Returns the state of a SWITCH widget.


int SWITCH_GetState(SWITCH_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SWITCH widget.

Return value

-1 Invalid state.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Sets a bitmap for a state of the SWITCH widget.


void SWITCH_SetBitmap(      SWITCH_Handle   hObj,
                            unsigned int    Index,
                      const GUI_BITMAP    * pBitmap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SWITCH widget.
Index See SWITCH bitmap indexes.
pBitmap Pointer to a bitmap.


Sets the default font for SWITCH widgets.


void SWITCH_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to a font to be set.


Sets the default period for SWITCH widgets.


void SWITCH_SetDefaultPeriod(unsigned Period);


Parameter Description
Period Period to be set.


Sets the default text color for SWITCH widgets.


void SWITCH_SetDefaultTextColor(GUI_COLOR Color,
                                unsigned  Index);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be set.
Index Color index. See SWITCH color indexes.
Before After


Sets the font of a SWITCH widget.


void SWITCH_SetFont(      SWITCH_Handle   hObj,
                    const GUI_FONT      * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SWITCH widget.
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT.


Sets the mode of a SWITCH widget. The mode can be set to either disclose mode (default) or fade mode.


void SWITCH_SetMode(SWITCH_Handle hObj,
                    int           Mode);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SWITCH widget.
Mode See SWITCH modes.

Disclose mode

In disclose mode the bitmap of the new state is disclosed while the old state bitmap disappears under the thumb.

Fade mode

In fade mode both state bitmaps are faded into each other.



Sets the period to stop the animation of a SWITCH widget.


void SWITCH_SetPeriod(SWITCH_Handle hObj,
                      I32           Period);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SWITCH widget.
Period Animation period. Maximum value: 46340.
Before After


Sets the state of a SWITCH widget.


void SWITCH_SetState(SWITCH_Handle hObj,
                     int           State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SWITCH widget.
State See SWITCH states.
Before After


Sets a text on either the left or right side of the SWITCH widget.


int SWITCH_SetText(      SWITCH_Handle   hObj,
                         unsigned int    Index,
                   const char          * pText);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SWITCH widget.
Index Text index. See SWITCH text indexes.
pText Pointer to a string.

Return value

0 If the routine succeeded.
1 If the routine failed.
Before After


Sets the text color of a SWITCH widget.


void SWITCH_SetTextColor(SWITCH_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned int  Index,
                         GUI_COLOR     Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SWITCH widget.
Index See SWITCH color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.


Sets the size of the thumb.


void SWITCH_SetThumbSize(SWITCH_Handle hObj,
                         int           xSize,
                         int           ySize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SWITCH widget.
xSize xSize of the thumb.
ySize ySize of the thumb.

Additional information

This function is used if the user intends to use the SWITCH without bitmaps. If bitmaps are used the thumb size is taken from the thumb bitmaps.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

Before After


Toggles the state of a SWITCH widget.


void SWITCH_Toggle(SWITCH_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of a SWITCH widget.
SWITCH bitmap indexes


Bitmap indexes used by the SWITCH widget for handling bitmaps.


#define SWITCH_BI_BK_LEFT           0
#define SWITCH_BI_BK_RIGHT          1
#define SWITCH_BI_BK_DISABLED       2
#define SWITCH_BI_THUMB_LEFT        3
#define SWITCH_BI_THUMB_RIGHT       4


Definition Description
SWITCH_BI_BK_LEFT Background bitmap for left state.
SWITCH_BI_BK_RIGHT Background bitmap for right state.
SWITCH_BI_BK_DISABLED Background bitmap for disabled state.
SWITCH_BI_THUMB_LEFT Thumb bitmap for left state.
SWITCH_BI_THUMB_RIGHT Thumb bitmap for right state.
SWITCH_BI_THUMB_DISABLED Thumb bitmap for disabled state.
SWITCH color indexes


Color indexes used by the SWITCH widget.


#define SWITCH_CI_LEFT        0
#define SWITCH_CI_RIGHT       1


Definition Description
SWITCH_CI_LEFT Color for left state.
SWITCH_CI_RIGHT Color for right state.
SWITCH_CI_DISABLED Color for disabled state.
SWITCH modes


Modes a SWITCH widget can be set to. See SWITCH_SetMode() for more information.


#define SWITCH_MODE_FADE        (1 << 0)
#define SWITCH_MODE_DISCLOSE    (1 << 1)


Definition Description
SWITCH_MODE_FADE Fade mode. Both state bitmaps are faded into each other.
SWITCH_MODE_DISCLOSE Disclose mode. Bitmap of the new state is disclosed.
SWITCH text indexes


Text indexes used by the SWITCH widget.


#define SWITCH_TI_LEFT     0
#define SWITCH_TI_RIGHT    1


Definition Description
SWITCH_TI_LEFT Text shown for the left state.
SWITCH_TI_RIGHT Text shown for the right state.
SWITCH states


List of defines of the possible states a SWITCH widget can be in.


#define SWITCH_STATE_LEFT     0


Definition Description
SWITCH_STATE_LEFT Left state, the thumb is on the left side of the widget.
SWITCH_STATE_RIGHT Right state, the thumb is on the right side of the widget.

TEXT: Text widget

Text widgets are typically used in order to display fields of text in dialog boxes, as shown in the message box below:

Of course, text fields may also be used for labeling other widgets, as follows:


All TEXT-related routines are located in the file(s) TEXT*.c, TEXT.h. All identifiers are prefixed TEXT.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N TEXT_DEFAULT_BK_COLOR GUI_INVALID_COLOR Transparent background per default.
S TEXT_FONT_DEFAULT &GUI_Font13_1 Font used.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make TEXT widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_TEXT0    0x160
#define GUI_ID_TEXT1    0x161
#define GUI_ID_TEXT2    0x162
#define GUI_ID_TEXT3    0x163
#define GUI_ID_TEXT4    0x164
#define GUI_ID_TEXT5    0x165
#define GUI_ID_TEXT6    0x166
#define GUI_ID_TEXT7    0x167
#define GUI_ID_TEXT8    0x168
#define GUI_ID_TEXT9    0x169
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a TEXT widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED The widget has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED The widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT The pointer was moved out of the widget area while the PID was in pressed state.
Keyboard reaction

The widget can not gain the input focus and does not react on keyboard input.


The table below lists the available emWin TEXT-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
TEXT_Create() Creates a TEXT widget. (Obsolete)
TEXT_CreateAsChild() Creates a TEXT widget as a child window. (Obsolete)
TEXT_CreateEx() Creates a TEXT widget.
TEXT_CreateIndirect() Creates a TEXT widget from resource table entry.
TEXT_CreateUser() Creates a TEXT widget using extra bytes as user data.
TEXT_GetBkColor() Returns the current background color.
TEXT_GetDefaultFont() Returns the default font used for TEXT widgets.
TEXT_GetDefaultFrameColor() Returns the default frame color used for framed fonts.
TEXT_GetDefaultRotation() Returns the default text rotation mode.
TEXT_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color.
TEXT_GetDefaultWrapMode() Returns the default mode for wrapping text used for TEXT widget. Returns the default mode for wrapping text.
TEXT_GetFont Returns the default mode for wrapping text used for TEXT widget. Returns the pointer to the font of the TEXT widget.
TEXT_GetFrameColor Returns the default mode for wrapping text used for TEXT widget.
TEXT_GetNumLines Returns the default mode for wrapping text used for TEXT widget.
TEXT_GetRotation Returns the default mode for wrapping text used for TEXT widget.
TEXT_GetText Returns the default mode for wrapping text used for TEXT widget.
TEXT_GetTextAlign Returns the default mode for wrapping text used for TEXT widget.
TEXT_GetTextColor Returns the default mode for wrapping text used for TEXT widget.
TEXT_GetTextOffset Returns the default mode for wrapping text used for TEXT widget.
TEXT_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with TEXT_SetUserData().
TEXT_GetWrapMode Returns the default mode for wrapping text used for TEXT widget. Returns the currently used mode for wrapping text.
TEXT_SetBkColor Returns the default mode for wrapping text used for TEXT widget. Sets the background color for the text.
TEXT_SetDec Returns the default mode for wrapping text used for TEXT widget. Sets a value to be displayed.
TEXT_SetDefaultFont() Sets the default font used for TEXT widgets.
TEXT_SetDefaultFrameColor() Sets the default frame color used for framed fonts.
TEXT_SetDefaultRotation() Sets the default rotation mode for new TEXT widgets.
TEXT_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default text color used for TEXT widgets.
TEXT_SetDefaultWrapMode() Sets the default text wrapping mode used for new TEXT widgets.
TEXT_SetFont Sets the default text wrapping mode used for new TEXT widgets.
TEXT_SetFrameColor Sets the default text wrapping mode used for new TEXT widgets.
TEXT_SetRotation Sets the default text wrapping mode used for new TEXT widgets.
TEXT_SetText Sets the default text wrapping mode used for new TEXT widgets.
TEXT_SetTextAlign Sets the default text wrapping mode used for new TEXT widgets.
TEXT_SetTextColor Sets the default text wrapping mode used for new TEXT widgets.
TEXT_SetTextOffset Sets the default text wrapping mode used for new TEXT widgets.
TEXT_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a TEXT widget.
TEXT_SetWrapMode Sets the default text wrapping mode used for new TEXT widgets.


Group of defines Description
TEXT create flags Create flags used by the TEXT widget.


This function is deprecated, TEXT_CreateEx() should be used instead.



This function is deprecated, TEXT_CreateEx() should be used instead.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function TEXT_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function TEXT_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Returns the default font used for TEXT widgets.


GUI_FONT *TEXT_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Pointer to the default font used for TEXT widgets.



Returns the default frame color used for framed fonts.


GUI_COLOR TEXT_GetDefaultFrameColor(void);

Return value

Default frame color.



Returns the default text rotation mode.


GUI_ROTATION *TEXT_GetDefaultRotation(void);

Return value

Default text rotation mode.

Additional information

Refer to Text rotation modes for a list of possible values.



Returns the default text color used for TEXT widgets.


GUI_COLOR TEXT_GetDefaultTextColor(void);

Return value

Default text color.



Returns the default mode for wrapping text used for TEXT widget.


GUI_WRAPMODE TEXT_GetDefaultWrapMode(void);

Return value

Default wrap mode.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Sets the default font used for TEXT widgets.


void TEXT_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to the font to be set as default.


Sets the default frame color used for framed fonts.


void TEXT_SetDefaultFrameColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used.


Sets the default rotation mode for new TEXT widgets.


GUI_ROTATION *TEXT_SetDefaultRotation(const GUI_ROTATION * pLCD_Api);


Parameter Description
pLCD_Api Text rotation mode. See Text rotation modes for a list of possible values.

Return value

Default text rotation mode.



Sets the default text color used for TEXT widgets.


void TEXT_SetDefaultTextColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used.


Sets the default text wrapping mode used for new TEXT widgets.




Parameter Description
WrapMode Default text wrapping mode used for new TEXT widgets. See GUI_WRAPMODE.

Return value

Previous default text wrapping mode.

Additional information

The default wrapping mode for TEXT widgets is GUI_WRAPMODE_NONE. For details about text wrapping, refer to GUI_DispStringInRectWrap().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

TEXT create flags


Create flags used by the TEXT widget. These flags are used for the ExFlags parameter of TEXT_CreateEx().


#define TEXT_CF_LEFT       (0)
#define TEXT_CF_HCENTER    (2 << 0)
#define TEXT_CF_RIGHT      (1 << 0)
#define TEXT_CF_TOP        (0)
#define TEXT_CF_VCENTER    (3 << 2)
#define TEXT_CF_BOTTOM     (1 << 2)


Definition Description
Horizontal alignment
TEXT_CF_LEFT Align X-position left.
TEXT_CF_HCENTER Center X-position.
TEXT_CF_RIGHT Align X-position right.
Vertical alignment
TEXT_CF_TOP Align Y-position with top of characters.
TEXT_CF_VCENTER Center Y-position.
TEXT_CF_BOTTOM Align Y-position with bottom pixel line of font.

Additional information

These flags are identical to the Text alignment flags and can be used the same way, meaning horizontal and vertical flags can be OR-combined.


There is no dedicated example for this widget, since many of the emWin samples use it, for example:

TICKER: Ticker widget

Ticker widgets are used to present multiple information in a moving text. The text is scrolling from right to left.


All TICKER-related routines are located in the file(s) TICKER*.c, TICKER.h. All identifiers are prefixed TICKER.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N TICKER_DEFAULT_BK_COLOR GUI_INVALID_COLOR Transparent background per default.
N TICKER_DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR GUI_BLACK Black text color used as default.
N TICKER_DEFAULT_FRAME_COLOR GUI_WHITE White text frame used as default.
N TICKER_DEFAULT_TICKDIST 50 Default tick distance.
N TICKER_DEFAULT_PERIOD 1000 Default animation period.
N TICKER_DEFAULT_DIST 30 Default distance between items.
N TICKER_DEFAULT_TICK_ANIM_SLICE_TIME 40 Default time slice of animations.
S TICKER_FONT_DEFAULT &GUI_Font13_1 Default font.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make TICKER widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_TICKER0    0x410
#define GUI_ID_TICKER1    0x411
#define GUI_ID_TICKER2    0x412
#define GUI_ID_TICKER3    0x413
#define GUI_ID_TICKER4    0x414
#define GUI_ID_TICKER5    0x415
#define GUI_ID_TICKER6    0x416
#define GUI_ID_TICKER7    0x417
#define GUI_ID_TICKER8    0x418
#define GUI_ID_TICKER9    0x419
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a TICKER widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED The widget has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED The widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT The pointer was moved out of the widget area while the PID was in pressed state.
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED The first visible item has changed.
Keyboard reaction

The widget can not gain the input focus and does not react on keyboard input.


The table below lists the available emWin TICKER-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
TICKER_CreateUser() Creates a TICKER widget using extra bytes as user data.
TICKER_CreateIndirect() Creates a TICKER widget from resource table entry.
TICKER_GetBkColor() Returns the current background color.
TICKER_GetCurrentItemIndex() Returns the current item index.
TICKER_GetClickedItemIndex() Returns the last clicked item index.
TICKER_GetDefaultAnimDist() Returns the default distance used for the TICKER animation.
TICKER_GetDefaultAnimPeriod() Returns the default period used for the TICKER animation.
TICKER_GetDefaultBkColor() Returns the default background color used for TICKER widgets.
TICKER_GetDefaultDist() Returns the default distance between twi TICKER text items.
TICKER_GetDefaultFont() Returns the default font used for TICKER widgets.
TICKER_GetDefaultFrameColor() Returns the default frame color used for framed fonts.
TICKER_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color used for TICKER widgets.
TICKER_GetFont() Returns a pointer to the font used to display the text of the given TICKER widget.
TICKER_GetItemText() Copies the text of the given TICKER widget to the given buffer.
TICKER_GetTextAlign() Returns the alignment of the given TICKER widget.
TICKER_GetTextColor() Returns the text color of the given TICKER widget.
TICKER_GetFrameColor() Returns the frame color used for framed fonts of the given TICKER widget.
TICKER_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with TICKER_SetUserData().
TICKER_MoveToItem() Moves to the given item with an animation.
TICKER_MoveToNextItem() Moves to the next item with an animation.
TICKER_MoveToPrevItem() Moves to the previous item with an animation.
TICKER_SetBkColor() Sets the background color of the TICKER widget.
TICKER_SetConsecutive() Sets the background color of the TICKER widget.
TICKER_SetContinuousMode() Used to set widget into continous mode.
TICKER_SetCurrentItemIndex() Sets the current item being display at first.
TICKER_SetDefaultAnimDist() Sets the default distance used for TICKER widget animation.
TICKER_SetDefaultAnimPeriod() Sets the default period used for TICKER widget animation.
TICKER_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color used for TICKER widgets.
TICKER_SetDefaultDist() Sets the default distance between two TICKER text items.
TICKER_SetDefaultFont() Sets the default font used for TICKER widgets.
TICKER_SetDefaultFrameColor() Sets the default frame color used for framed fonts.
TICKER_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default text color used for TICKER widgets.
TICKER_SetFont() Sets the font to be used for a specified TICKER widget.
TICKER_SetFrameColor() Sets the frame color for fonts of a specified TICKER widget.
TICKER_SetItemDist() Sets the distance between two items.
TICKER_SetItems() Sets the text to be used for a specified TICKER widget.
TICKER_SetItemText() Sets the text to be used for a specified TICKER widget.
TICKER_SetMovement() Sets movement properties of the TICKER widget.
TICKER_SetTextAlign() Sets the text alignment of a specified TICKER widget.
TICKER_SetTextColor() Sets the text color of a specified TICKER widget.
TICKER_SetWrapMode() Sets the wrapping mode of the TICKER widget.
TICKER_Start() Starts the TICKER.
TICKER_Stop() Stops the TICKER.
TICKER_SetUserData() Sets extra data of a TICKER widget.


The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function TICKER_CreateUser().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser().



Returns the current background color of the given TICKER widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.

Return value

The current background color.



Returns the current item index.


U32 TICKER_GetCurrentItemIndex(TICKER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the TICKER widget.

Return value

Index of the current item.



Returns the last clicked item index.


U32 TICKER_GetClickedItemIndex(TICKER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the TICKER widget.

Return value

Index of the last clicked item.



Returns the default distance used for the TICKER animation.


U16 TICKER_GetDefaultAnimDist(void);

Return value

Default distance used for the TICKER animation.



Returns the default period used for the TICKER animation.


int TICKER_GetDefaultAnimPeriod(void);

Return value

Default period used for the TICKER animation.



Returns the default background color used for TICKER widgets.


GUI_COLOR TICKER_GetDefaultBkColor(void);

Return value

Default background color.



Returns the default distance between twi TICKER text items.


U16 TICKER_GetDefaultDist(void);

Return value

Default distance between two TICKER items.



Returns the default font used for TICKER widgets.


GUI_FONT *TICKER_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Pointer to the default font used for TICKER widgets.



Returns the default frame color used for framed fonts.


GUI_COLOR TICKER_GetDefaultFrameColor(void);

Return value

Default frame color.



Returns the default text color used for TICKER widgets.


GUI_COLOR TICKER_GetDefaultTextColor(void);

Return value

Default text color.



Returns a pointer to the font used to display the text of the given TICKER widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.

Return value

Pointer to the font used to display the text of the given TICKER widget.



Copies the text of the given TICKER widget to the given buffer. The 0-Byte at the end of the string is written in any case.


int TICKER_GetItemText(TICKER_Handle   hObj,
                       char          * pDest,
                       U32             BufferSize,
                       U32             ItemIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the TICKER widget.
pDest Pointer to a user defined buffer.
BufferSize Size of the buffer.

Return value

Number of bytes copied.



Returns the alignment of the given TICKER widget.


int TICKER_GetTextAlign(TICKER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the TICKER widget.

Return value

Alignment of the text.



Returns the text color of the given TICKER widget.


GUI_COLOR TICKER_GetTextColor(TICKER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the TICKER widget.

Return value

Text color of the given TICKER widget.



Returns the frame color used for framed fonts of the given TICKER widget.


GUI_COLOR TICKER_GetFrameColor(TICKER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the TICKER widget.

Return value

Frame color of the given TICKER widget.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Sets the background color of the TICKER widget.


void TICKER_SetBkColor(TICKER_Handle hObj,
                       GUI_COLOR     Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.
Color Color to be used for the background. (range 0x000000 and 0xFFFFFF or a valid color define) GUI_INVALID_COLOR to make background transparent

Additional information

The background of this widget can either be filled with any available color or transparent. If a valid RGB color is specified, the background is filled with the color, otherwise the background (typically the content of the parent window) is visible. If the background is transparent, the widget is treated as transparent window, otherwise as non-transparent window. Note that using a background color allows more efficient (faster) rendering.



Sets the background color of the TICKER widget.


void TICKER_SetConsecutive(TICKER_Handle hObj,
                           int           OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.
OnOff 1 to turn consecutive mode on 0 to turn consecutive mode off

Additional information

This functiuon has only an effect when the widget is in continous mode.



Used to set widget into continous mode.


void TICKER_SetContinuousMode(TICKER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.


Sets the current item being display at first.


void TICKER_SetCurrentItemIndex(TICKER_Handle hObj,
                                U32           ItemIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the TICKER widget.
ItemIndex Index of the item to be shown.


Sets the default distance used for TICKER widget animation.


void TICKER_SetDefaultAnimDist(U16 AnimDist);


Parameter Description
AnimDist Distance used for TICKER animations.


Sets the default period used for TICKER widget animation.


void TICKER_SetDefaultAnimPeriod(int AnimPeriod);


Parameter Description
AnimPeriod Period used for TICKER animations.


Sets the default background color used for TICKER widgets.


void TICKER_SetDefaultBkColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used for the background.


Sets the default distance between two TICKER text items.


void TICKER_SetDefaultDist(U16 Dist);


Parameter Description
Dist Distance between two TICKER items.


Sets the default font used for TICKER widgets.


void TICKER_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to the font to be set as default.


Sets the default frame color used for framed fonts.


void TICKER_SetDefaultFrameColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used.


Sets the default text color used for TICKER widgets.


void TICKER_SetDefaultTextColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used.


Sets the font to be used for a specified TICKER widget.


void TICKER_SetFont(      TICKER_Handle   hObj,
                    const GUI_FONT      * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.
pFont Pointer to the font to be used.


Sets the frame color for fonts of a specified TICKER widget.


void TICKER_SetFrameColor(TICKER_Handle hObj,
                          GUI_COLOR     Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.
Color New frame color.


Sets the distance between two items


void TICKER_SetItemDist(TICKER_Handle hObj,
                        int           Dist);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.
Dist Distance between two items


Sets the text to be used for a specified TICKER widget.


int TICKER_SetItems(      TICKER_Handle    hObj,
                    const char          ** ppStrings,
                          U32              NumItems);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.
ppStrings List of string to be added
NumItems Number items in the list

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Sets the text to be used for a specified TICKER widget.


int TICKER_SetItemText(      TICKER_Handle   hObj,
                       const char          * s,
                             U32             ItemIndex);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.
s Text to be displayed.
ItemIndex Index of item to be changed

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Sets movement properties of the TICKER widget.


void TICKER_SetMovement(TICKER_Handle hObj,
                        int           Dist,
                        int           Period);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.
Dist Distance in pixel to be moved in the given time (continous mode). Time to next item auto mode (animated mode).
Period Time it takes to move the given distance (continous mode). Time it takes to move from one item to the next (animated mode).

Additional information

If animated mode is used only the scond parameter “Period” is used. In continous mode both are used.

Restarts ongoing animation.



Sets the text alignment of a specified TICKER widget.


void TICKER_SetTextAlign(TICKER_Handle hObj,
                         int           Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.
Align Text alignment.


Sets the text color of a specified TICKER widget.


void TICKER_SetTextColor(TICKER_Handle hObj,
                         GUI_COLOR     Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.
Color New text color.


Sets the wrapping mode of the TICKER widget.


void TICKER_SetWrapMode(TICKER_Handle hObj,
                        GUI_WRAPMODE  WrapMode);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.
WrapMode Wrap mode to be used.

Additional information

Affects only the animated mode.



Starts the TICKER.


void TICKER_Start(TICKER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.


Stops the TICKER.


void TICKER_Stop(TICKER_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TICKER widget.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

TICKER flags


TICKER flags used by the TICKER widget. These flags are used to configure the TICKER Widget.


#define TICKER_CF_TOP          GUI_TA_TOP
#define TICKER_DIR_VERTICAL    (1)


Definition Description
Vertical alignment
TICKER_CF_TOP Align Y-position with top of font.
TICKER_CF_VCENTER Center Y-position of font.
TICKER_CF_BOTTOM Align Y-position with bottom pixel line of font.
TICKER_DIR_HORIZONTAL Used to set horizontal motion in animated mode.
TICKER_DIR_VERTICAL Used to set vertical motion in animated mode.

TREEVIEW: Treeview widget

A TREEVIEW widget can be used to show a hierarchical view of information like files in a directory or items of an index, whereas each item can be a node or a leaf. Each node can have a number of sub items and can be closed or opened.

A node consists of a button image, which shows a plus sign in closed state or a minus sign in open state, two item images (one for closed and one for open state) and the item text. Pressing the button image or double clicking the item image toggles the state (open or closed) of the node.

A leaf consists of an item image and the item text. The current selection can be marked by highlighting the item text or by highlighting the whole row. All items of a tree are joined by lines per default.


All TREEVIEW-related routines are located in the file(s) TREEVIEW*.c, TREEVIEW*.h. All identifiers are prefixed TREEVIEW.

The table below shows the appearances of the TREEVIEW widget:

Description TREEVIEW widget
TREEVIEW widget with row selection enabled.
TREEVIEW widget with text selection enabled.
TREEVIEW widget with some application defined bitmaps and lines off.
Description of terms


This means a TREEVIEW item which can be a leaf or a node.


A leaf is a TREEVIEW item which is not able to have any children. It is represented by the leaf bitmap and the item text.


A node is a TREEVIEW item which is able to have children. It is represented by the button bitmap, the node bitmap and the item text. The state of the node can be toggled by pressing the button bitmap or by double clicking the node bitmap or the selected area of the item. In open state the children are visible below the node at the next level of indentation.

Button bitmap

This means the bitmap visible at nodes which can be pressed to toggle the state of the node.

Item bitmap

Left beside the item text the item bitmap is shown. Which bitmap is shown depends in the item (leaf or node) and in case of a node it also depends on the state, collapsed or expanded.

Expanded state

In expanded state the children of a node are visible and the minus sign is shown in the button bitmap.

Collapsed state

In collapsed state the children of a node are hidden and the plus sign is shown in the button bitmap.

Joining lines

Lines which are used to connect the items of a tree. The lines connect the button bit- maps of the nodes and the item bitmaps of the leafs according to the hierarchy of the tree.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
S TREEVIEW_FONT_DEFAULT &GUI_Font13_1 Default font used to draw the text.
N TREEVIEW_BKCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Background color for unselected state.
N TREEVIEW_BKCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_BLUE Background color for selected state.
N TREEVIEW_BKCOLOR2_DEFAULT 0xC0C0C0 Background color for disabled state.
N TREEVIEW_TEXTCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Text color for unselected state.
N TREEVIEW_TEXTCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Text color for selected state.
N TREEVIEW_TEXTCOLOR2_DEFAULT GUI_GRAY Text color for disabled state.
N TREEVIEW_LINECOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_BLACK Line color for unselected state.
N TREEVIEW_LINECOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Line color for selected state.
N TREEVIEW_LINECOLOR2_DEFAULT GUI_GRAY Line color for disabled state.
Item image for node in closed state.
Item image for node in open state.
Item image for leaf.
Plus sign.
Minus sign.
N TREEVIEW_INDENT_DEFAULT 16 Number of pixels for indenting.
N TREEVIEW_TEXT_INDENT_DEFAULT 20 Number of pixels for indenting text.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make TREEVIEW widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_TREEVIEW0    0x240
#define GUI_ID_TREEVIEW1    0x241
#define GUI_ID_TREEVIEW2    0x242
#define GUI_ID_TREEVIEW3    0x243
#define GUI_ID_TREEVIEW4    0x244
#define GUI_ID_TREEVIEW5    0x245
#define GUI_ID_TREEVIEW6    0x246
#define GUI_ID_TREEVIEW7    0x247
#define GUI_ID_TREEVIEW8    0x248
#define GUI_ID_TREEVIEW9    0x249
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a treeview widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT TREEVIEW has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the widget area without releasing.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED Value (selection) of the TREEVIEW widget has changed.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Reaction
GUI_KEY_RIGHT If the cursor is at a closed node, the node is opened.
If the cursor is at an open node the cursor moves to the first child of the node.
GUI_KEY_DOWN The cursor moves to the next visible item below the current position.
GUI_KEY_LEFT If the cursor is at a leaf the cursor moves to the parent node of the item.
If the cursor is at an open node, the node will be closed.
If the cursor is at a closed node, the cursor moves to the next parent node.
GUI_KEY_UP The cursor moves to the previous visible item above the current position.

The table below lists the available TREEVIEW-related routines of emWin in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
Common routines
TREEVIEW_AttachItem() Attaches an already existing item to the TREEVIEW widget.
TREEVIEW_CreateEx() Creates a TREEVIEW widget.
TREEVIEW_CreateIndirect() Creates a TREEVIEW widget from a resource table.
TREEVIEW_CreateUser() Creates a TREEVIEW widget using extra bytes as user data.
TREEVIEW_DecSel() Moves the cursor to the previous visible item.
TREEVIEW_GetDefaultBkColor() Returns the default background color.
TREEVIEW_GetDefaultFont() Returns the default font used to draw the item text.
TREEVIEW_GetDefaultLineColor() Returns the default line color.
TREEVIEW_GetDefaultTextColor() Returns the default text color.
TREEVIEW_GetItem() Returns the requested item.
TREEVIEW_GetSel() Returns the currently selected item.
TREEVIEW_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with TREEVIEW_SetUserData().
TREEVIEW_IncSel() Moves the cursor to the next visible item of the given TREEVIEW widget.
TREEVIEW_InsertItem() The function creates and inserts one new TREEVIEW item relative to the given item.
TREEVIEW_ScrollToSel() Scrolls the given TREEVIEW widget to show the current selection.
TREEVIEW_SetAutoScrollH() Enables or disables the use of an automatic horizontal scroll bar.
TREEVIEW_SetAutoScrollV() Enables or disables the use of an automatic vertical scroll bar.
TREEVIEW_SetBitmapOffset() Sets the offset of the plus/minus bitmap.
TREEVIEW_SetBkColor() Sets the background color.
TREEVIEW_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color used for new TREEVIEW widgets.
TREEVIEW_SetDefaultFont() Sets the default font used for new TREEVIEW widgets.
TREEVIEW_SetDefaultLineColor() Sets the default line color used for new TREEVIEW widgets.
TREEVIEW_SetDefaultTextColor() Sets the default text color used for new TREEVIEW widgets.
TREEVIEW_SetFont() Sets the font to be used to draw the item text of the given TREEVIEW widget.
TREEVIEW_SetHasLines() Manages the visibility of the joining lines between the TREEVIEW items.
TREEVIEW_SetImage() Sets the images used to draw the TREEVIEW items.
TREEVIEW_SetIndent() Sets the indentation of TREEVIEW items in pixels.
TREEVIEW_SetLineColor() Sets the color used to draw the joining lines between the TREEVIEW items.
TREEVIEW_SetOwnerDraw() Enables the TREEVIEW to be owner drawn.
TREEVIEW_SetSel() Sets the currently selected item of the TREEVIEW widget.
TREEVIEW_SetSelMode() Sets the selection mode of the TREEVIEW widget.
TREEVIEW_SetTextColor() Sets the color used to draw the TREEVIEW items of the given TREEVIEW widget.
TREEVIEW_SetTextIndent() Sets the indentation of item text in pixels.
TREEVIEW_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a TREEVIEW widget.
Item related routines
TREEVIEW_ITEM_Collapse() Collapses the given node.
TREEVIEW_ITEM_CollapseAll() Collapses the given node and all subnodes.
TREEVIEW_ITEM_Create() Creates a new TREEVIEW item.
TREEVIEW_ITEM_Delete() Deletes the given TREEVIEW item.
TREEVIEW_ITEM_Detach() Detaches the given item without deleting it.
TREEVIEW_ITEM_Expand() Expands the given node.
TREEVIEW_ITEM_ExpandAll() Expands the given node and all subnodes.
TREEVIEW_ITEM_GetInfo() Returns an information structure of the given item.
TREEVIEW_ITEM_GetText() Returns the item text.
TREEVIEW_ITEM_GetUserData() Returns the UserData value of the treeview item.
TREEVIEW_ITEM_SetImage() The function sets images to be used only with the given TREEVIEW item.
TREEVIEW_ITEM_SetText() The function sets the text of the given item.
TREEVIEW_ITEM_SetUserData() Sets the UserData value of the TREEVIEW item.

Data structures

Structure Description
TREEVIEW_ITEM_INFO Structure that contains information about a node in a TREEVIEW widget.


Group of defines Description
TREEVIEW bitmap indexes Bitmap indexes used by the TREEVIEW widget.
TREEVIEW color indexes Color indexes used by the TREEVIEW widget.
TREEVIEW create flags Create flags used by the TREEVIEW widget.
TREEVIEW item flags Define the item type of a newly created TREEVIEW item.
TREEVIEW position flags (get) Specify the position when retrieving a TREEVIEW item.
TREEVIEW position flags (insert) Specify the position when creating a new TREEVIEW item.
TREEVIEW selection modes Define the selection mode of a TREEVIEW widget.


Attaches an already existing item to the TREEVIEW widget.


int TREEVIEW_AttachItem(TREEVIEW_Handle      hObj,
                        TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem,
                        TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItemAt,
                        int                  Position);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
hItem Handle of item to be attached.
hItemAt Handle of a currently attached item which specifies the position to be used.
Position See TREEVIEW position flags (insert) for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The function can be used for attaching a single item as well as for attaching a complete tree. Note that in case of attaching a tree, the root item of the tree needs to be passed as hItem. If attaching the first item to an empty treeview the parameters hItem and Position should be 0.



Creates a TREEVIEW widget of a specified size at a specified location.


TREEVIEW_Handle TREEVIEW_CreateEx(int     x0,
                                  int     y0,
                                  int     xSize,
                                  int     ySize,
                                  WM_HWIN hParent,
                                  int     WinFlags,
                                  int     ExFlags,
                                  int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new TEXT widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags See TREEVIEW create flags.
Id Window ID of the widget.

Return value

Handle of the created widget. 0, if the function fails.

Additional information

The values of parameter ExFlags can be OR-combined.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter ExFlags of the function TREEVIEW_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function TREEVIEW_CreateEx() can be referred to.

Before After


Moves the cursor to the previous visible item of the given TREEVIEW widget.


void TREEVIEW_DecSel(TREEVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.

Additional information

If there is no previous visible item the cursor remains on the current position.



Returns the default background color used for new TREEVIEW widgets.


GUI_COLOR TREEVIEW_GetDefaultBkColor(int Index);


Parameter Description
Index See TREEVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default background color used for new TREEVIEW widgets.



Returns the default font used to draw the item text of new TREEVIEW widgets.


GUI_FONT *TREEVIEW_GetDefaultFont(void);

Return value

Default font used to draw the item text of new TREEVIEW widgets.



Returns the default color used to draw the joining lines of new TREEVIEW widgets.


GUI_COLOR TREEVIEW_GetDefaultLineColor(int Index);


Parameter Description
Index See TREEVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default color used to draw the joining lines of new treeview widgets.



Returns the default text color used to draw the item text of new TREEVIEW widgets.


GUI_COLOR TREEVIEW_GetDefaultTextColor(int Index);


Parameter Description
Index See TREEVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Default text color used to draw the item text of new TREEVIEW widgets.



Returns the handle of the requested treeview item.


                                      TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem,
                                      int                  Flags);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
hItem Handle of TREEVIEW item specifying the position to start search from.
Flags See TREEVIEW position flags (get) for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

Handle of the requested TREEVIEW item on success, otherwise 0.


The picture shows a TREEVIEW widget with several items. The following shows how parameter Flags can be used for getting TREEVIEW items relative to parameter hItem:

To get the first item when no item is known the TREEVIEW_GET_FIRST and TREEVIEW_GET_LAST flags are used. In this case hItem is 0. If the requested item does not exist, the function returns 0.



Returns the handle of the currently selected TREEVIEW item.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.

Return value

Handle of the currently selected treeview item. If no item has been selected the return value is 0.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().

Before After


Moves the cursor to the next visible item of the given TREEVIEW widget.


void TREEVIEW_IncSel(TREEVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.

Additional information

If there is no next visible item the cursor remains on the current position.

Before After


The function creates and inserts one new TREEVIEW item relative to the given item.


TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle TREEVIEW_InsertItem(      TREEVIEW_Handle        hObj,
                                               int                    IsNode,
                                               TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle   hItemPrev,
                                               int                    Position,
                                         const char                 * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
IsNode See TREEVIEW item flags for a full list of permitted values.
hItemPrev Handle of TREEVIEW item specifying the position of the new item.
Position See TREEVIEW position flags (insert) for a full list of permitted values.
s Text of new TREEVIEW item.

Return value

Handle of the new item on success, otherwise 0.

Before After


Scrolls the given TREEVIEW widget to show the current selection.


void TREEVIEW_ScrollToSel(TREEVIEW_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
Before After


Enables or disables the use of an automatic horizontal scroll bar.


void TREEVIEW_SetAutoScrollH(TREEVIEW_Handle hObj,
                             int             State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
State 1 for enabling an automatic horizontal scroll bar, 0 for disabling.
Before After


Enables or disables the use of an automatic vertical scroll bar.


void TREEVIEW_SetAutoScrollV(TREEVIEW_Handle hObj,
                             int             State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
State 1 for enabling an automatic vertical scroll bar, 0 for disabling.
Before After


Sets the offset of the plus/minus bitmap.


void TREEVIEW_SetBitmapOffset(TREEVIEW_Handle hObj,
                              int             Index,
                              int             xOff,
                              int             yOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
Index Currently the only permitted value for this parameter is TREEVIEW_BI_PM.
xOff Horizontal offset.
yOff Vertical offset.

Additional information

If xOff and yOff are set to 0 (default), the plus/minus bitmap is centered horizontally and vertically in the indentation space left of the actual item. The indentation space is related to the parent item (if exists) or to the left border of the widget. See “before / after” screenshots of the function TREEVIEW_SetIndent().

Before After


Sets the background color of the given TREEVIEW widget.


void TREEVIEW_SetBkColor(TREEVIEW_Handle hObj,
                         int             Index,
                         GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
Index See TREEVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.


Sets the default background color used for new TREEVIEW widgets.


void TREEVIEW_SetDefaultBkColor(int       Index,
                                GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index See TREEVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.


Sets the default font used for new TREEVIEW widgets.


void TREEVIEW_SetDefaultFont(const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
pFont Pointer to GUI_FONT structure to be used.


Sets the default line color used for new TREEVIEW widgets.


void TREEVIEW_SetDefaultLineColor(int       Index,
                                  GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index See TREEVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.


Sets the default text color used for new TREEVIEW widgets.


void TREEVIEW_SetDefaultTextColor(int       Index,
                                  GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index See TREEVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.
Before After


Sets the font to be used to draw the item text of the given TREEVIEW widget.


void TREEVIEW_SetFont(      TREEVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                      const GUI_FONT        * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
pFont Pointer to GUI_FONT structure to be used.
Before After


Manages the visibility of the joining lines between the TREEVIEW items.


void TREEVIEW_SetHasLines(TREEVIEW_Handle hObj,
                          int             State);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
State 1 for showing the lines, 0 for not showing the lines.

Additional information

Per default the lines are shown.

Before After


Sets the images used to draw the TREEVIEW items.


void TREEVIEW_SetImage(      TREEVIEW_Handle   hObj,
                             int               Index,
                       const GUI_BITMAP      * pBitmap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
Index See TREEVIEW bitmap indexes for a full list of permitted values.
pBitmap Pointer to bitmap structure to be used.
Before After


Sets the indentation of TREEVIEW items in pixels. Indentation is 16 pixels by default.


int TREEVIEW_SetIndent(TREEVIEW_Handle hObj,
                       int             Indent);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
Indent Distance (in pixels) to indent treeview items.

Return value

Previous indentation.

Before After


Sets the color used to draw the joining lines between the TREEVIEW items.


void TREEVIEW_SetLineColor(TREEVIEW_Handle hObj,
                           int             Index,
                           GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
Index See TREEVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.


Enables the TREEVIEW to be owner drawn.


void TREEVIEW_SetOwnerDraw(TREEVIEW_Handle         hObj,
                           WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC * pfDrawItem);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
pfDrawItem Pointer to the owner draw function. See User drawn widgets.

Supported commands

Before After


Sets the currently selected item of the TREEVIEW widget.


void TREEVIEW_SetSel(TREEVIEW_Handle      hObj,
                     TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
hItem Handle of treeview item to be selected.

Additional information

If the given TREEVIEW item is a child of a closed node no selection is visible after calling this function.

Before After


Sets the selection mode of the TREEVIEW widget.


void TREEVIEW_SetSelMode(TREEVIEW_Handle hObj,
                         int             Mode);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
Mode See TREEVIEW selection modes.

Additional information

Default selection mode is text selection. If row selection is activated, the complete row can be used to select the item. If text selection is active, only the item text and the item bitmap can be used for selection.

Before After


Sets the color used to draw the TREEVIEW items of the given TREEVIEW widget.


void TREEVIEW_SetTextColor(TREEVIEW_Handle hObj,
                           int             Index,
                           GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
Index See TREEVIEW color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.
Before After


Sets the indentation of item text in pixels. Text indentation is 20 pixels by default.


int TREEVIEW_SetTextIndent(TREEVIEW_Handle hObj,
                           int             TextIndent);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of TREEVIEW widget.
TextIndent Text indentation to be used.

Return value

Previous text indentation.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

Before After


Collapses the given node and shows the plus sign afterwards.


void TREEVIEW_ITEM_Collapse(TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem);


Parameter Description
hItem Handle of the item to be collapsed.

Additional information

The given item needs to be a node. Otherwise the function returns immediately.

Before All nodes collapsed Expanded again


Collapses the given node and all subnodes and shows the plus sign afterwards.


void TREEVIEW_ITEM_CollapseAll(TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem);


Parameter Description
hItem Handle of the item to be collapsed.

Additional information

This function collapses all subnodes, so if the given node is expanded again, all subnodes are in collapsed state.



Creates a new TREEVIEW item.


TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle TREEVIEW_ITEM_Create(      int    IsNode,
                                          const char * s,
                                                U32    UserData);


Parameter Description
IsNode See TREEVIEW item flags for a full list of permitted values.
s Pointer to item text to be shown.
UserData 32 bit value to be used by the application.

Return value

Handle of new item on success, otherwise 0.

Additional information

After creating a treeview item it contains a copy of the text.



Deletes the given TREEVIEW item.


void TREEVIEW_ITEM_Delete(TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem);


Parameter Description
hItem Handle of item to be deleted.

Additional information

If the item is currently not attached to any TREEVIEW, the parameter hObj should be 0. The function can be used to delete a single item as well as for deleting a complete tree. In case of deleting a tree the root element of the tree should be passed to the function.



Detaches the given TREEVIEW item from the TREEVIEW widget.


void TREEVIEW_ITEM_Detach(TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem);


Parameter Description
hItem Handle of item to be detached.

Additional information

The function detaches the given item and all of its children from the TREEVIEW widget.

Before After


Expands the given node and shows the minus sign afterwards.


void TREEVIEW_ITEM_Expand(TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem);


Parameter Description
hItem Handle of node to be expanded.

Additional information

The given item needs to be a node. Otherwise the function returns immediately.

Before After


Expands the given node and all subnodes and shows the minus sign afterwards.


void TREEVIEW_ITEM_ExpandAll(TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem);


Parameter Description
hItem Handle of node to be expanded.


Returns a structure with information about the given item.


void TREEVIEW_ITEM_GetInfo(TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle   hItem,
                           TREEVIEW_ITEM_INFO   * pInfo);


Parameter Description
hItem Handle of TREEVIEW item.
pInfo Pointer to a TREEVIEW_ITEM_INFO structure to be filled by the function.

Additional information

The elements of the information structure are explained under TREEVIEW_ITEM_INFO.



Returns the item text of the given TREEVIEW item.


void TREEVIEW_ITEM_GetText(TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle   hItem,
                           U8                   * pBuffer,
                           int                    MaxNumBytes);


Parameter Description
hItem Handle of TREEVIEW item.
pBuffer Pointer to buffer filled by the function.
MaxNumBytes Size of the buffer in bytes.

Additional information

If MaxNumBytes is less than the item text length the buffer is filled with the first MaxNumBytes of the item text.



The function returns the 32 bit value associated with the given treeview item which can be used by the application program.




Parameter Description
hItem Handle of TREEVIEW item.
Before After


The function sets images to be used only with the given TREEVIEW item.


void TREEVIEW_ITEM_SetImage(      TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle   hItem,
                                  int                    Index,
                            const GUI_BITMAP           * pBitmap);


Parameter Description
hItem Handle of TREEVIEW item.
Index See TREEVIEW bitmap indexes. Only the first three values …CLOSED, …OPEN and …LEAF may be used.
pBitmap Pointer to bitmap structure to be used.

Additional information

This function ’overwrites’ the default images of the widget. If no individual image is set the default image is used.

Before After


The function sets the text of the given item.


                                           const char                 * s);


Parameter Description
hItem Handle of TREEVIEW item.
s Pointer to text to be used.

Return value

Handle of the TREEVIEW item with the new text.

Additional information

The text will be copied into the treeview item. Note that using this function changes the handle of the item. After calling this function, the new handle needs to be used.



The function sets a 32 bit value associated with the given treeview item which can be used by the application program.


void TREEVIEW_ITEM_SetUserData(TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem,
                               U32                  UserData);


Parameter Description
hItem Handle of TREEVIEW item.
UserData 32 bit value to be used by the application program.


Structure that contains information about a node in a TREEVIEW widget.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  IsNode;
  int  IsExpanded;
  int  HasLines;
  int  HasRowSelect;
  int  Level;

Structure members

Member Description
IsNode 1 if item is a node, 0 if not.
IsExpanded 1 if item (node) is open, 0 if closed.
HasLines 1 if joining lines are visible, 0 if not.
HasRowSelect 1 if row selection is active, 0 if not.
Level Indentation level of item.
TREEVIEW bitmap indexes


Bitmap indexes used by the TREEVIEW widget. Refer to TREEVIEW_SetImage().


#define TREEVIEW_BI_OPEN      1
#define TREEVIEW_BI_LEAF      2
#define TREEVIEW_BI_PLUS      3
#define TREEVIEW_BI_MINUS     4
#define TREEVIEW_BI_PM        5


Definition Description
TREEVIEW_BI_CLOSED Image of closed nodes.
TREEVIEW_BI_OPEN Image of open nodes.
TREEVIEW_BI_LEAF Image of leaf.
TREEVIEW_BI_PLUS Plus sign of closed nodes.
TREEVIEW_BI_MINUS Minus sign of open nodes.
TREEVIEW_BI_PM Used by TREEVIEW_SetBitmapOffset() for setting the offset of the plus/minus bitmaps.
TREEVIEW color indexes


Color indexes used by the TREEVIEW widget.


#define TREEVIEW_CI_UNSEL       0
#define TREEVIEW_CI_SEL         1


Definition Description
TREEVIEW_CI_UNSEL Color of unselected element.
TREEVIEW_CI_SEL Color of selected element.
TREEVIEW_CI_DISABLED Color of disabled element.
TREEVIEW create flags


Create flags used by the TREEVIEW widget. These flags are used for the ExFlags parameter of TREEVIEW_CreateEx(). These values can be OR-combined.


#define TREEVIEW_CF_HIDELINES          (1 << 0)
#define TREEVIEW_CF_ROWSELECT          (1 << 1)


Definition Description
TREEVIEW_CF_HIDELINES Joining lines are not displayed.
TREEVIEW_CF_ROWSELECT Activates row selection mode.
TREEVIEW_CF_AUTOSCROLLBAR_H Enables the use of an automatic horizontal scroll bar.
TREEVIEW_CF_AUTOSCROLLBAR_V Enables the use of an automatic vertical scroll bar.
TREEVIEW item flags


Flags that define the item type of a newly created TREEVIEW item.


#define TREEVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_LEAF    (0 << 0)
#define TREEVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_NODE    (1 << 0)


Definition Description
TREEVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_LEAF Used to create a leaf.
TREEVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_NODE Used to create a node.
TREEVIEW position flags (get)


These flags are used to specify a position when retrieving an item of the TREEVIEW widget using the routine TREEVIEW_GetItem().


#define TREEVIEW_GET_FIRST           0
#define TREEVIEW_GET_LAST            1
#define TREEVIEW_GET_PARENT          5


Definition Description
TREEVIEW_GET_FIRST Returns the first item of the TREEVIEW widget. Parameter hItem is not required and can be 0.
TREEVIEW_GET_LAST Returns the last item of the TREEVIEW widget. Parameter hItem is not required and can be 0.
TREEVIEW_GET_NEXT_SIBLING Returns the next child item of the parent node of hItem.
TREEVIEW_GET_PREV_SIBLING Returns the previous child item of the parent node of hItem.
TREEVIEW_GET_FIRST_CHILD Returns the first child of the given node.
TREEVIEW_GET_PARENT Returns the parent node of the given item.
TREEVIEW position flags (insert)


These flags are used to specify a position when creating and inserting a new item into the TREEVIEW widget.


#define TREEVIEW_INSERT_ABOVE          0
#define TREEVIEW_INSERT_BELOW          1


Definition Description
TREEVIEW_INSERT_ABOVE Attaches the item above the given position at the same indent level as the given position.
TREEVIEW_INSERT_BELOW Attaches the item below the given position at the same indent level as the given position.
TREEVIEW_INSERT_FIRST_CHILD Attaches the item below the given position by indenting it. The given position needs to be a node level.
TREEVIEW selection modes


Flags that are used to define the selection mode of a TREEVIEW widget. Refer to TREEVIEW_SetSelMode() for more information.




Definition Description
TREEVIEW_SELMODE_ROW Activates row selection mode.
TREEVIEW_SELMODE_TEXT Activates text selection mode.

The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the widget can be used:


Several other examples also make use of this widget and may also be helpful to get familiar with the widget.

Screenshot of WIDGET_TreeviewTryit.c

WHEEL: Wheel widget

The WHEEL widget is an updated and more versatile version of the LISTWHEEL widget.

The widget can show a given number of texts and/or bitmap arrays on a rotating wheel that the user can scroll through.

Orientation Plain mode Morph mode


All WHEEL-related routines are located in the file(s) WHEEL*.c, WHEEL.h.
All identifiers are prefixed WHEEL.

Structure of the WHEEL widget


Around each item a frame box is drawn. The sizes for center box and the boxes that are not in the center can be set with WHEEL_SetSizesPlain() or WHEEL_SetSizesMorph(), respectively, depending on the selected mode.

The fill color, frame color, radius and line thickness can be set with WHEEL_SetBox().

Optionally, different box properties can be set to the center item box with WHEEL_SetCenterBox().

Center item

The center item is the item currently in the middle of the WHEEL list. To highlight the center item and distinguish it from the other items, specific center properties can be set to the boxes, texts and bitmaps.

The center item is also considered as the selected item. Its index can be retrieved with WHEEL_GetSel().

Text and bitmap lists

The content of the WHEEL boxes are a number of text lists and bitmap lists.

To add a list of texts, WHEEL_AddText() may be called for each text list to be added.

Optionally, different text properties can be set for the center state using WHEEL_SetCenterTextAttrPlain() or WHEEL_SetCenterTextAttrMorph(), respectively, depending on the selected mode.

To add lists of bitmaps, WHEEL_AddBitmaps() may be called for each bitmap list to be added.

Optionally, different bitmaps to be displayed in the center state may be added with WHEEL_SetCenterBitmaps().

Morph mode

In morph mode the properties of an item are morphed to the center item properties, as the item is moving to the center position. These item properties are the added texts, bitmaps, colors, and so on.

Plain mode

In plain mode the properties are not morphed. Instead, the items are clipped once they enter the center of the WHEEL.

Stop mode

In stop mode the rotating WHEEL will stop once the first or last element of the list has been reached. It can be enabled by passing the flag WHEEL_MODE_STOP when creating the widget.

Endless mode

In endless mode the rotating WHEEL will continuously move without stopping when the last element has been reached. After the last element, the first element will appear again. It can be enabled by passing the flag WHEEL_MODE_ENDLESS when creating the widget.

Widget orientation

The WHEEL widget can be created horizontally or vertically.


The overlay feature allows a maximum of three bitmaps to be added to the WHEEL. These overlay bitmaps are drawn at a certain position on top of the WHEEL items.

This can be used e.g. to create a highlighting effect. A semi-transparent bitmap can be used as an overlay to highlight the center cell, as shown below.

Without overlay With overlay
Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N WHEEL_PERIOD_DEFAULT 300 Motion period.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make WHEEL widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_WHEEL0    0x390
#define GUI_ID_WHEEL1    0x391
#define GUI_ID_WHEEL2    0x392
#define GUI_ID_WHEEL3    0x393
#define GUI_ID_WHEEL4    0x394
#define GUI_ID_WHEEL5    0x395
#define GUI_ID_WHEEL6    0x396
#define GUI_ID_WHEEL7    0x397
#define GUI_ID_WHEEL8    0x398
#define GUI_ID_WHEEL9    0x399
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a WHEEL widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED Selection of the WHEEL has changed.

The table below lists the available emWin WHEEL-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
WHEEL_AddBitmaps() Adds a new list of bitmaps to the WHEEL.
WHEEL_AddText() Adds a new list of texts to the WHEEL.
WHEEL_ClrCenterBox() Disables the center box for the WHEEL widget.
WHEEL_ClrCenterBitmaps() Removes the given list of center bitmaps.
WHEEL_ClrCenterText() Clears the center properties set to the given text list.
WHEEL_CreateEx() Creates a WHEEL widget of a specified size at a specified location.
WHEEL_CreateIndirect() Creates a WHEEL widget from a resource table entry.
WHEEL_CreateUser() Creates a WHEEL widget of a specified size at a specified location with optional user data.
WHEEL_GetItemText() Retrieves a given item text.
WHEEL_GetReleasedItem() Returns the index of the last released item of the WHEEL.
WHEEL_GetSel() Returns the index of the selected item.
WHEEL_GetUserData() Retrieves the extra data of a WHEEL widget.
WHEEL_IsMoving() Returns if the WHEEL is currently moving by an animation or motion input.
WHEEL_MoveToPos() Moves the WHEEL to the position of a given index using an animation with default period.
WHEEL_SetBkColor() Sets the background color for the WHEEL.
WHEEL_SetBox() Sets the properties how all the boxes of all items are drawn.
WHEEL_SetCenterBitmaps() Adds the given list of bitmaps to the WHEEL and sets it as center bitmaps.
WHEEL_SetCenterBox() Enables a center box for the WHEEL and sets the properties for the center box.
WHEEL_SetHBorder() Sets a horizontal border for all items.
WHEEL_SetItemText() Sets a string in a given text list of the WHEEL.
WHEEL_SetMode() Sets the mode of the WHEEL widget.
WHEEL_SetOwnerDraw() Sets the WHEEL widget to be owner drawn.
WHEEL_SetOverlay() Sets an overlay bitmap to the WHEEL.
WHEEL_SetOverlayColor() Sets a color to the overlay bitmap set with WHEEL_SetOverlay(), if an alpha bitmap is being used.
WHEEL_SetPeriod() Sets the motion period for a WHEEL widget.
WHEEL_SetSel() Sets the selection to the given index.
WHEEL_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a WHEEL widget.
“Morph mode”-only functions
WHEEL_OwnerDrawMorph() Default function to draw a WHEEL item in morph mode.
WHEEL_SetSizesMorph() Sets the sizes of the cells in morph mode.
WHEEL_SetCellBitmapAttrMorph() Sets attributes for a bitmap list that is associated with non-center cells.
WHEEL_SetCenterTextAttrMorph() Sets the center text attributes of a given text list for morph mode.
“Plain mode”-only functions
WHEEL_OwnerDrawPlain() Default function to draw a WHEEL item in plain mode.
WHEEL_SetCellColorPlain() Sets the color of the boxes that are not in the center.
WHEEL_SetCenterColorPlain() Sets the color of the center box.
WHEEL_SetCenterTextAttrPlain() Sets the center text attributes of a given text list for plain mode.
WHEEL_SetSizesPlain() Sets the sizes of the cells in plain mode.


Group of defines Description
WHEEL create flags WHEEL create flags to be used in the create functions.
WHEEL mode flags WHEEL mode flags to select the widget’s mode.
WHEEL overlay indexes WHEEL overlay indexes to be used for overlay related functions.


Adds a new list of bitmaps to the WHEEL.


int WHEEL_AddBitmaps(      WHEEL_Handle    hObj,
                     const GUI_BITMAP   ** ppBitmap,
                           unsigned        NumItems,
                           U8              Align,
                           I16             xOff,
                           I16             yOff,
                           GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
ppBitmap  in  Pointer to an array of GUI_BITMAP structures.
NumItems Number of items in array pointed to by ppBitmap.
Align Alignment to be used for the bitmaps.
xOff X-offset for the alignment in pixels.
yOff Y-offset for the alignment in pixels.
Color Color to be used for alpha bitmaps.

Return value

= -1 On error.
≠ -1 Index of newly added bitmap list.


Adds a new list of texts to the WHEEL.


int WHEEL_AddText(      WHEEL_Handle      hObj,
                  const GUI_ConstString * ppText,
                        unsigned          NumItems,
                        U8                Align,
                        I16               xOff,
                        I16               yOff,
                        GUI_COLOR         Color,
                  const GUI_FONT        * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
ppText  in  Pointer to an array of string pointers containing the elements to be displayed.
NumItems Number of items in the array ppText.
Align Alignment of the texts.
xOff X-offset to the alignment in pixels.
yOff Y-offset to the alignment in pixels.
Color Text color to be used.
pFont  in  Font to be used.

Return value

= -1 On error.
≠ -1 Index of newly added text list.


Disables the center box for the WHEEL widget. The properties set with WHEEL_SetBox() will be used for the center box.


void WHEEL_ClrCenterBox(WHEEL_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.


Removes the given list of center bitmaps.


void WHEEL_ClrCenterBitmaps(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned     Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index Index of the bitmap list to be removed.


Clears the center properties set to the given text list.


void WHEEL_ClrCenterText(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned     Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index Index of the text list.


Creates a WHEEL widget of a specified size at a specified location.


WHEEL_Handle WHEEL_CreateEx(int     x0,
                            int     y0,
                            int     xSize,
                            int     ySize,
                            WM_HWIN hParent,
                            int     WinFlags,
                            int     ExFlags,
                            int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
NumItems Number of items of the WHEEL.
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new WHEEL widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags OR-combination of special creation flags. See WHEEL create flags for a list of permitted values.
Id Window ID of the widget.

Return value

= 0 Creation of the WHEEL failed.
≠ 0 Handle of the created WHEEL widget.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect().



Creates a WHEEL widget of a specified size at a specified location with optional user data.


WHEEL_Handle WHEEL_CreateUser(int     x0,
                              int     y0,
                              int     xSize,
                              int     ySize,
                              WM_HWIN hParent,
                              int     WinFlags,
                              int     ExFlags,
                              int     Id,
                              int     NumExtraBytes);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
NumItems Number of items of the WHEEL.
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new WHEEL widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags OR-combination of special creation flags. See WHEEL create flags for a list of permitted values.
Id Window ID of the widget.
NumExtraBytes Number of additional bytes to be allocated for user data.


Returns the default period that is used for newly created WHEEL widgets.


int WHEEL_GetDefaultPeriod(void);

Return value

Default period for new WHEEL widgets.



Retrieves a given item text.


int WHEEL_GetItemText(WHEEL_Handle   hObj,
                      unsigned       Index,
                      unsigned       Row,
                      char         * pBuffer,
                      int            MaxLen);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
IndexText Index of the text list.
IndexItem Index of the item in the text list.
pBuffer  out  Pointer to a char array to store the text.
MaxLen Size of the buffer.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Deletes a given text from a text list.


int WHEEL_DelItemText(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                      unsigned     Index,
                      unsigned     Row);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index Index of text list.
Row Index of text item to be deleted.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Retrieves a given item text.


int WHEEL_GetItemText(WHEEL_Handle   hObj,
                      unsigned       Index,
                      unsigned       Row,
                      char         * pBuffer,
                      int            MaxLen);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
IndexText Index of the text list.
IndexItem Index of the item in the text list.
pBuffer  out  Pointer to a char array to store the text.
MaxLen Size of the buffer.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Returns the number of text lists.


int WHEEL_GetNumText(WHEEL_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.

Return value

Number of text lists added to the WHEEL.



Returns the number text items that are present in a text list.


int WHEEL_GetNumTextItems(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned     Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index Index of the text list.

Return value

Number of text items in the given text list.



Returns the index of the last released item of the WHEEL.


int WHEEL_GetReleasedItem(WHEEL_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.

Return value

Index of last released item.



Returns the index of the selected item. The selected item is the item that is currently in the center of the WHEEL.


int WHEEL_GetSel(WHEEL_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.

Return value

Index of the selected item.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Adds a new text to an existing text list.


int WHEEL_InsertItemText(      WHEEL_Handle   hObj,
                               unsigned       Index,
                               unsigned       Row,
                         const char         * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index Index of text list.
Row Row position to insert the string into.
s  in  Pointer to string to be inserted.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Returns if the WHEEL is currently moving by an animation or motion input.


int WHEEL_IsMoving(WHEEL_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.

Return value

0 WHEEL is not moving.
1 WHEEL is moving.


Moves the WHEEL to the position of a given index using an animation with default period.


void WHEEL_MoveToPos(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                     int          Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index Index of item to move to.


Moves the WHEEL to the position of a given index using an animation with given period.


void WHEEL_MoveToPosEx(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                       int          Index,
                       U32          Period);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index Index of item to move to.
Period Period in ms for the moving animation.


Default function to draw a WHEEL item in morph mode.


int WHEEL_OwnerDrawMorph(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo);


Parameter Description
pDrawItemInfo Pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure.

Additional information

This function is useful if WHEEL_SetOwnerDraw() has been used. pDrawItemInfo->Col is used to pass the CenterShare.



Default function to draw a WHEEL item in plain mode.


int WHEEL_OwnerDrawPlain(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo);


Parameter Description
pDrawItemInfo Pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure.

Additional information

This function is useful if WHEEL_SetOwnerDraw() has been used. pDrawItemInfo->Col is used to pass the subindex.



Sets the alignment of a WHEEL widget.


void WHEEL_SetAlign(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                    U8           Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Align New alignment.


Sets the background color for the WHEEL.


void WHEEL_SetBkColor(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                      GUI_COLOR    BkColor);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
BkColor Background color for the WHEEL widget.


Sets the properties how all the boxes of all items are drawn.


void WHEEL_SetBox(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                  GUI_COLOR    Color,
                  GUI_COLOR    FrameColor,
                  U8           FrameRadius,
                  U8           FrameSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Color Fill color of the box.
FrameColor Frame color of the box.
FrameRadius Radius of the box.
FrameSize Frame thickness of the box.


Sets the properties to the given center bitmaps.


void WHEEL_SetCenterBitmapAttr(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                               unsigned     Index,
                               U8           Align,
                               I16          xOff,
                               I16          yOff,
                               GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index Index of the bitmap list.
Align New bitmap alignment to be set.
xOff x-Offset to the alignment of the bitmap.
yOff y-Offset to the alignment of the bitmap.
Color Color to be used by the bitmap (only for alpha bitmaps).


Adds the given list of bitmaps to the WHEEL and sets it as center bitmaps. This means they will only be displayed in the center cell.


void WHEEL_SetCenterBitmaps(      WHEEL_Handle    hObj,
                                  unsigned        Index,
                            const GUI_BITMAP   ** ppBitmap,
                                  unsigned        NumItems,
                                  U8              Align,
                                  I16             xOff,
                                  I16             yOff,
                                  GUI_COLOR       Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index Zero-based index of non-center bitmap list this center bitmap list should be associated with.
ppBitmap  in  Pointer to array of GUI_BITMAP pointers to be added.
NumItems Number of items in the list pointed to by ppBitmap.
Align Alignment to be used for the bitmaps.
xOff x-Offset to the alignment.
yOff y-Offset to the alignment.
Color Color to be used for the bitmaps (only for alpha bitmaps).


Enables a center box for the WHEEL and sets the properties for the center box.


void WHEEL_SetCenterBox(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                        GUI_COLOR    Color,
                        GUI_COLOR    FrameColor,
                        U8           FrameRadius,
                        U8           FrameSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Color Fill color of the center box.
FrameColor Frame color of the center box.
FrameRadius Radius of the center box.
FrameSize Frame thickness of the center box.


Sets the color of the center box. This function is to be used if the WHEEL is in plain mode.


void WHEEL_SetCenterColorPlain(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                               GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Color New color.


Sets attributes for a bitmap list that is associated with non-center cells. Only to be used for WHEELs in morph mode.


void WHEEL_SetCellBitmapAttrMorph(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                                  unsigned     Index,
                                  U8           Align,
                                  I16          xOff,
                                  I16          yOff,
                                  GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index Zero-based index of bitmap list.
Align New alignment to be set for the bitmaps.
xOff x-Offset to the alignment.
yOff y-Offset to the alignment.
Color Color to be used (only for alpha bitmaps).


Sets the color of the boxes that are not in the center. This function is to be used if the WHEEL is in plain mode.


void WHEEL_SetCellColorPlain(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                             GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Color New color.


Sets the center text attributes of a given text list for morph mode.


void WHEEL_SetCenterTextAttrMorph(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                                  unsigned     Index,
                                  U8           Align,
                                  I16          xOff,
                                  I16          yOff,
                                  GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index Zero-based index of the text list.
Align Alignment to be used for the texts.
xOff X-offset for the alignment in pixels.
yOff Y-offset for the alignment in pixels.
Color Color to be used for the texts.


Sets the center text attributes of a given text list for plain mode.


void WHEEL_SetCenterTextAttrPlain(      WHEEL_Handle   hObj,
                                        unsigned       Index,
                                        U8             Align,
                                        I16            xOff,
                                        I16            yOff,
                                        GUI_COLOR      Color,
                                  const GUI_FONT     * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index Zero-based index of the text list.
Align Alignment to be used for the texts.
xOff X-offset for the alignment in pixels.
yOff Y-offset for the alignment in pixels.
Color Color to be used for the texts.
pFont  in  Font to be used for the texts.


Sets a default period that is used for newly created WHEEL widgets.


void WHEEL_SetDefaultPeriod(int Period);


Parameter Description
Period New period to be set.


Sets a horizontal border for all items.


void WHEEL_SetHBorder(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                      U16          HBorder);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
HBorder Horizontal border position in px.


Sets a string in a given text list of the WHEEL.


int WHEEL_SetItemText(      WHEEL_Handle   hObj,
                            unsigned       Index,
                            unsigned       Row,
                      const char         * s);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
IndexText Index of the text list.
IndexItem Index of the item in the text list.
s  in  Pointer to a string.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.


Sets the mode of the WHEEL widget.


void WHEEL_SetMode(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                   U16          Mode);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Mode OR-combination of mode flags, see WHEEL mode flags.


Sets an overlay bitmap to the WHEEL. The overlay is optional.

A total of three overlay bitmaps can be set which are drawn in the order determined by the Index parameter.


void WHEEL_SetOverlay(      WHEEL_Handle   hObj,
                            unsigned       Index,
                      const GUI_BITMAP   * pBitmap,
                            U8             Align,
                            I16            xOff,
                            I16            yOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index See WHEEL overlay indexes.
pBitmap  in  Pointer to GUI_BITMAP structure.
Align Alignment of the bitmap.
xOff x-Offset to the alignment of the bitmap.
yOff y-Offset to the alignment of the bitmap.


Sets a color to the overlay bitmap set with WHEEL_SetOverlay(), if an alpha bitmap is being used.


void WHEEL_SetOverlayColor(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                           unsigned     Index,
                           GUI_COLOR    Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index See WHEEL overlay indexes.
Color Color to be used.


Sets the WHEEL widget to be owner drawn.


void WHEEL_SetOwnerDraw(WHEEL_Handle            hObj,
                        WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC * pfDrawItem);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
pfDrawItem Pointer to owner draw function.

Additional information

This function sets a function pointer to a function which will be called by the widget if a WHEEL item has to be drawn.



Sets the motion period for a WHEEL widget.


void WHEEL_SetPeriod(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                     U32          Period);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Period New period.


Sets the selection to the given index. The new selection will be in the center of the WHEEL.


void WHEEL_SetSel(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                  int          Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
Index Index of new selected item.


Sets the sizes of the cells in morph mode.


void WHEEL_SetSizesMorph(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                         U16          CellSize,
                         U16          CenterSize,
                         U16          Cutaway,
                         U8           AlignCutaway);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
CellSize Size of non-center cells.
CenterSize Size of the center cell.
Cutaway Number of pixels that are cut away from non-center cells.
AlignCutaway Alignment of non-center cells when Cutaway is set.


Sets the sizes of the cells in plain mode.


void WHEEL_SetSizesPlain(WHEEL_Handle hObj,
                         U16          CellSize,
                         U16          CenterSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of WHEEL widget.
CellSize Size of non-center cells.
CenterSize Size of the center cell.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

WHEEL create flags


Flags that are passed when the WHEEL is created.




Definition Description
WHEEL_CF_HORIZONTAL The WHEEL moves horizontally.
WHEEL_CF_VERTICAL The WHEEL moves vertically.
WHEEL mode flags


Flags that define the movement behavior of the widget and the WHEEL’s cells.


#define WHEEL_MODE_PLAIN      0


Definition Description
WHEEL_MODE_ENDLESS The WHEEL’s list moves continuously and does not stop when the end of the list has been reached.
WHEEL_MODE_STOP The WHEEL’s list moves from the first element to the last one and stops when the last element has been reached.
WHEEL_MODE_PLAIN Puts the WHEEL into plain mode. While the list is moving the items don’t morph into one another, but the center item is highlighted.
WHEEL_MODE_MORPH Puts the WHEEL into morph mode. While the list is moving one item morphs into the next item.

Additional information

A more detailed explanation of the WHEEL modes can be found at the beginnging of the chapter.

WHEEL overlay indexes


Indexes for the WHEEL’s overlay bitmaps.


#define WHEEL_OI_FIRST     0
#define WHEEL_OI_SECOND    1
#define WHEEL_OI_THIRD     2


Definition Description
WHEEL_OI_FIRST First overlay bitmap that is drawn above the WHEEL.
WHEEL_OI_SECOND Second overlay bitmap that is drawn above the WHEEL.
WHEEL_OI_THIRD Third overlay bitmap that is drawn above the WHEEL.

WINDOW: Window widget

The WINDOW widget is used to create a dialog window from a resource table. It should be used if the dialog should not look like a frame window. The window widget acts as background and as a container for child windows: It can contain child windows and fills the background, typically with gray.
It behaves much like a frame-window without frame and title bar and is used for dialogs.


All WINDOW-related routines are located in the file(s) WINDOW.c, DIALOG.h.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
Default background color for new WINDOW widgets.
Keyboard reaction

The widget can not gain the input focus and does not react on keyboard input.


The table below lists the available emWin WINDOW-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.

Routine Description
WINDOW_CreateEx() Creates a WINDOW widget.
WINDOW_CreateIndirect() Creates a WINDOW widget from a resource table entry.
WINDOW_CreateUser() Creates a WINDOW widget using extra bytes as user data.
WINDOW_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with WINDOW_SetUserData().
WINDOW_SetBkColor() Sets the background color for the given WINDOW widget.
WINDOW_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color used for WINDOW widgets.
WINDOW_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a WINDOW widget.


Creates a WINDOW widget of a specified size at a specified location.


WM_HWIN WINDOW_CreateEx(int           x0,
                        int           y0,
                        int           xSize,
                        int           ySize,
                        WM_HWIN       hParent,
                        int           WinFlags,
                        int           ExFlags,
                        int           Id,
                        WM_CALLBACK * cb);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the WINDOW widget (in parent coordinates)
y0 Topmost pixel of the WINDOW widget (in parent coordinates)
xSize Size of the WINDOW widget in X
ySize Size of the WINDOW widget in Y
hParent Handle of parent window
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags Not used yet, reserved for future use
Id Window ID of the WINDOW widget
cb Pointer to callback routine.

Return value

Handle of the created WINDOW widget; 0 if the function fails.



The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter WinFlags of the function WINDOW_CreateEx(). The Sample folder contains the file WIDGET_Window.c which shows how to use the WINDOW widget in a dialog resource.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function WINDOW_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Sets the background color for the given WINDOW widget.


void WINDOW_SetBkColor(WM_HWIN   hObj,
                       GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the WINDOW widget.
Color Background color to be used.


Sets the default background color used for WINDOW widgets.


void WINDOW_SetDefaultBkColor(GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be used.


Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

Obsolete widgets

KNOB: Knob widget (obsolete)


The KNOB widget is obsolete and has been replaced by the ROTARY widget!

The KNOB widget is used to change a value with a knob. The KNOB widget is transparent per default and it requires a memory device containing a drawn knob to be visible. If the memory device contains transparency, any content can be shown in the background.

Drawn knob with transparency How it appears used as KNOB widget


All KNOB-related routines are in the file(s) KNOB.c and KNOB.h.
All identifiers are prefixed with KNOB.

Ticks and Ticksize

A Tick describes the smallest range of movement of the KNOB widget. The smallest size of one Tick (Ticksize 1) equates 1/10 of a degree. So it takes 3600 Ticks to fulfill one round. The size of one Tick can be set with the function KNOB_SetTickSize().

Ticksize Ticks for one round
60 60
36 100
300 12

This widget requires the optional memory devices. Without the optional memory devices package the widget can not be used! The memory device which contains the drawn knob will not be deleted if the KNOB widget gets deleted. Make sure to delete the memory device by yourself if it is not any longer required.

Memory requirements

At least the widget uses two memory devices with a color depth of 32bpp (one with the drawn knob, one for internal use). The required amount of memory depends on using an additional memory device for the background or not. Detailed information on how to calculate memory requirements can be found in the chapter Memory Devices.

Approximate memory usage without a background device: XSIZE * 4 * YSIZE * 2

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N KNOB_KEYVALUE_DEFAULT 1 Range the KNOB will rotate on one key press in 1/10 of degree.
N KNOB_OFFSET_DEFAULT 0 An offset added to initial point of the KNOB in 1/10 of degree.
N KNOB_PERIOD_DEFAULT 1500 Time the KNOB takes to stop in ms.
N KNOB_SNAP_DEFAULT 0 Interval where the KNOB automatically stops in 1/10 of degree.
N KNOB_TICKSIZE_DEFAULT 1 Size of one tick in 1/10 of degree.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make KNOB widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_KNOB0    0x300
#define GUI_ID_KNOB1    0x301
#define GUI_ID_KNOB2    0x302
#define GUI_ID_KNOB3    0x303
#define GUI_ID_KNOB4    0x304
#define GUI_ID_KNOB5    0x305
#define GUI_ID_KNOB6    0x306
#define GUI_ID_KNOB7    0x307
#define GUI_ID_KNOB8    0x308
#define GUI_ID_KNOB9    0x309
Notification codes

The following events are sent from a KNOB widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT KNOB has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the KNOB area without releasing.
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED The value of the KNOB widget has been changed.
Keyboard reaction

The widget reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Reaction
GUI_KEY_UP The KNOB rotates CCW.

The table below lists the available emWin KNOB-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.

Routine Description
KNOB_AddValue() Adds a value to the position of the KNOB widget around its rotary axis.
KNOB_CreateEx() Creates a KNOB widget.
KNOB_CreateIndirect() Creates a KNOB widget from a resource table entry.
KNOB_CreateUser() Creates a KNOB widget using extra bytes as user data.
KNOB_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with KNOB_SetUserData().
KNOB_GetValue() Returns the current value of the KNOB widget.
KNOB_SetBkColor() Sets a color for the background of the KNOB widget.
KNOB_SetBkDevice() Sets a memory device to be shown as background.
KNOB_SetDevice() Sets a memory device which contains a drawn knob.
KNOB_SetInvert() Inverts the value of the knob.
KNOB_SetKeyValue() Sets a value which defines the movement range of the KNOB on one key press.
KNOB_SetOffset() Sets an offset angle for the KNOB widget.
KNOB_SetPeriod() Sets a time period which defines how long the KNOB will need to stop.
KNOB_SetPos() Sets a new position for the KNOB widget around its rotary axis.
KNOB_SetRange() Sets a range within the KNOB can be rotated.
KNOB_SetRotateHQ() Selects high quality rotating.
KNOB_SetRotateLQ() Selects low quality rotating.
KNOB_SetSnap() Sets a range between snap positions where the KNOB automatically stops.
KNOB_SetTickSize() Sets the size of one tick.
KNOB_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a KNOB widget.


Adds a value to the position of the KNOB widget around its rotary axis.


void KNOB_AddValue(KNOB_Handle hObj,
                   I32         Value);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the KNOB widget.
Value Value to be added to the position around the rotary axis in ticks.

Additional information

A positive Value rotates the knob counter-clockwise and a negative Value clockwise.



Creates a KNOB widget of a specified size at a specified location with the possibility to assign a parent window.


KNOB_Handle KNOB_CreateEx(int     x0,
                          int     y0,
                          int     xSize,
                          int     ySize,
                          WM_HWIN hParent,
                          int     WinFlags,
                          int     Id);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the KNOB widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the KNOB widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the KNOB widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the KNOB widget (in pixels).
hParent Parent window of the KNOB widget.
Id ID of the KNOB widget.
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).

Return value

Handle of the created KNOB widget.

Additional information

The created widget is not visible by default. In order to have the widget being drawn a Memory Device needs to be set first. Using the function KNOB_SetDevice() a Memory Device containing the actual knob can be set.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The elements Flags and Para of the resource passed as parameter are not used.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function KNOB_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns the value of the current position around its rotary axis.


I32 KNOB_GetValue(KNOB_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of KNOB widget.

Return value

Value of the current position of the KNOB around its rotary axis in 1/10 of a degree.

Additional information

The value describes the angle in relation to the starting point. The starting point is defined by the offset which is set using the function KNOB_SetOffset(). Depending on the configured range (KNOB_SetRange()) the returned value might be more than 3600.

Without background color With background color


Sets a color for the background of the KNOB widget.


void KNOB_SetBkColor(KNOB_Handle hObj,
                     GUI_COLOR   BkColor);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of KNOB widget.
Color Color to be set as background color.

Additional information

Default color is transparent. It is not possible to set semi-transparent colors, only opaque colors are allowed.

Without background device With background device


Sets a memory device to be shown as background.


void KNOB_SetBkDevice(KNOB_Handle       hObj,
                      GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemBk);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of KNOB widget.
hMemBk Handle of a memory device which should be used as background.

Additional information

The widget will not delete the background device if the widget gets deleted. So make sure to delete the background device by yourself.



Sets a memory device which contains a drawn knob. This drawing defines the appearance of the knob.


void KNOB_SetDevice(KNOB_Handle       hObj,
                    GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemSrc);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of KNOB widget.
hMemSrc Handle of a memory device which is used for the appearance of the KNOB.

Additional information

The memory device must have a color depth of 32bpp. Without setting a memory device the KNOB will be invisible.



Inverts the output and input value for the KNOB widget.


void KNOB_SetInvert(KNOB_Handle hObj,
                    U8          Invert);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of KNOB widget.
Invert Enables or disables invert. Can be 1 or 0.


Sets a value which defines the movement range of the KNOB on one key press.


void KNOB_SetKeyValue(KNOB_Handle hObj,
                      I32         KeyValue);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of KNOB widget.
KeyValue Value is used for the movement range on one key press. Unit is 1/10 of a degree.

Additional information

If a tick size larger than 1 is set the KNOB widget uses the tick size as KeyValue. This function is used only if no tick size is set.



Sets an offset angle for the KNOB widget. The knob will appear rotated from the beginning of the application.


void KNOB_SetOffset(KNOB_Handle hObj,
                    I32         Offset);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of KNOB widget.
Offset Offset position of the knob around its rotary axis in 1/10 of a degree.


Sets a time period which defines how long the KNOB will need to stop.


void KNOB_SetPeriod(KNOB_Handle hObj,
                    I32         Period);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of KNOB widget.
Period Time it takes to stop the KNOB in ms.

Additional information

The period can not be larger than 46340ms. Default is 1500ms.



Sets a new position for the KNOB widget around its rotary axis.


void KNOB_SetPos(KNOB_Handle hObj,
                 I32         Pos);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of KNOB widget.
Pos New position around the rotary axis in ticks.


Sets a range within the KNOB can be rotated.


void KNOB_SetRange(KNOB_Handle hObj,
                   I32         MinRange,
                   I32         MaxRange);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of KNOB widget.
MinRange The minimum of the movement range in ticks. This value defines the distance from the starting point to the minimum value which can be reached by rotating the KNOB widget clockwise. MinRange defines the range to move clockwise. MaxRange defines the range to move counterclockwise.
MaxRange The maximum of the movement range in ticks. This value defines the distance from the starting point to the maximum value which can be reached by rotating the KNOB widget counterclockwise.

Additional information

The difference between MinRange and MaxRange defines the movement area. If the TickSize is set to 10 and MinRange is set to 0 and MaxRange to 720 the KNOB is able to rotate twice around its rotary axis. If MinRange and MaxRange are equal the KNOB will be able to rotate freely. Since 0 is the starting point, it is recommended to include 0 in the range.



These functions are used to choose high and low quality rotating. The LQ variant has a better performance than HQ, but the HQ variant looks better.


void KNOB_SetRotateHQ(KNOB_Handle hObj);
void KNOB_SetRotateLQ(KNOB_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of KNOB widget.


Sets a range between snap positions where the KNOB automatically stops. After the KNOB starts rotating it calculates the closest snap position to its stopping point and stops at this snap position. If the KNOB is released between to snap positions it rotates to the closest.


void KNOB_SetSnap(KNOB_Handle hObj,
                  I32         Snap);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of KNOB widget.
Snap Sets the range between snap positions in ticks.

Additional information

If TickSize is set to 1 (default) and Snap is 300 every 30 degrees will be a snap position.



Sets the tick size of the KNOB. The tick size defines the minimum movement of the knob in 1/10 of degrees.


void KNOB_SetTickSize(KNOB_Handle hObj,
                      I32         TickSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of KNOB widget.
TickSize Sets the Ticksize of the KNOB widget.

Additional information

The default TickSize is 1, it takes 3600 Ticks to fulfill one round. For example if TickSize is set to 10 the minimum movement is 1 degree and it takes 360 Ticks to fulfill one round. This function should be called before any other KNOB function.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().

LISTWHEEL: Listwheel widget (obsolete)


The LISTWHEEL widget is obsolete and has been replaced with the WHEEL widget!

This widget is similar to the LISTBOX widget described earlier in this chapter. Whereas the data of a LISTBOX is selected by moving the cursor with the keyboard or by using a SCROLLBAR the LISTWHEEL works completely different: The whole data area can be moved via pointer input device (PID). Striking over the widget from top to bottom or vice versa moves the data up or downwards. When releasing the PID during the data area is moving it slows down its motion and stops by snapping in a new item at the snap position. Further the data is shown in a loop. After the last data item it continues with the first item like in a chain. So the data can be ’rotated’ like a wheel:

Description LISTWHEEL widget
Application example showing three wheels for selecting a date. The example uses the owner draw mechanism to overlay the widget with a customized alpha mask for the shading effect.

The table above shows a screenshot of the example WIDGET_ListWheel.c located in the example folder Sample\Tutorial\ of the emWin package.


All LISTWHEEL-related routines are located in the file(s) LISTWHEEL*.c, LISTWHEEL.h.
All identifiers are prefixed LISTWHEEL.

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N LISTWHEEL_BKCOLOR0_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Background color of normal text.
N LISTWHEEL_BKCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_WHITE Background color of selected text.
N LISTWHEEL_TEXTCOLOR1_DEFAULT GUI_BLUE Text color of selected text.
Predefined IDs

The following symbols define IDs which may be used to make LISTWHEEL widgets distinguishable from creation.

#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW0    0x200
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW1    0x201
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW2    0x202
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW3    0x203
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW4    0x204
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW5    0x205
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW6    0x206
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW7    0x207
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW8    0x208
#define GUI_ID_LISTVIEW9    0x209
Notification codes

The following events are sent from the widget to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED Widget has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED Widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_MOVED_OUT Widget has been clicked and pointer has been moved out of the widget without releasing.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED An item has been snapped at the snap position.
Keyboard reaction

This widget currently does not react on keyboard input.


The table below lists the available emWin LISTWHEEL-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
LISTWHEEL_AddString() Adds a new string.
LISTWHEEL_CreateEx() Creates a LISTWHEEL widget.
LISTWHEEL_CreateIndirect() Creates a LISTWHEEL widget from a resource table entry.
LISTWHEEL_CreateUser() Creates a LISTWHEEL widget using extra bytes as user data.
LISTWHEEL_GetBkColor() Returns the background color of the widget.
LISTWHEEL_GetFont() Returns the font which is used to draw the data items of the given LISTWHEEL widget.
LISTWHEEL_GetItemFromPos() Returns the index of the item matching the given position.
LISTWHEEL_GetItemText() Returns the text of the requested data item.
LISTWHEEL_GetLBorder() Returns the size in pixels between the left border of the widget and the beginning of the text.
LISTWHEEL_GetLineHeight() Returns the height of one data item.
LISTWHEEL_GetNumItems() Returns the number of data items of the given LISTWHEEL widget.
LISTWHEEL_GetPos() Returns the zero-based index of the item which is currently snapped in.
LISTWHEEL_GetRBorder() Returns the size in pixels between the right border of the widget and the end of the text.
LISTWHEEL_GetSel() Returns the zero-based index of the currently selected item.
LISTWHEEL_GetSnapPosition() Returns the position in pixels from the top of the LISTWHEEL widget at which the data items should be ’snapped in’.
LISTWHEEL_GetTextAlign() Returns the text alignment of the given LISTWHEEL widget.
LISTWHEEL_GetTextColor() Returns the text color of the widget.
LISTWHEEL_GetUserData() Retrieves the data set with LISTWHEEL_SetUserData().
LISTWHEEL_IsMoving() Returns the current state (moving or not moving) of the given LISTWHEEL widget.
LISTWHEEL_MoveToPos() Moves the data area of the LISTWHEEL widget to the given position.
LISTWHEEL_OwnerDraw() Default function for managing drawing operations of one data item.
LISTWHEEL_SetBkColor() Sets the specified background color for selected and unselected items.
LISTWHEEL_SetDeceleration() Sets the deceleration behavior of the LISTWHEEL.
LISTWHEEL_SetFont() Sets the font which should be used to draw the data items.
LISTWHEEL_SetLBorder() Sets the size in pixels of the left border.
LISTWHEEL_SetLineHeight() Sets the line height used to draw a data item.
LISTWHEEL_SetOwnerDraw() Sets an application defined owner draw function for the widget which is responsible for drawing the widget items.
LISTWHEEL_SetPos() Sets the data area of the LISTWHEEL widget to the given position.
LISTWHEEL_SetRBorder() Sets the size in pixels of the right border.
LISTWHEEL_SetSel() The function sets the selected item.
LISTWHEEL_SetSnapPosition() The function sets the relative position from the top of the widget at which the items should snap in.
LISTWHEEL_SetText() It removes any existing item and adds the given items passed by the function.
LISTWHEEL_SetTextAlign() Sets the text alignment used to draw the items of the LISTWHEEL widget.
LISTWHEEL_SetTextColor() Sets the color to be used to draw the text.
LISTWHEEL_SetTimerPeriod() Sets the time interval after which the LISTWHEEL will be updated in milliseconds.
LISTWHEEL_SetUserData() Sets the extra data of a LISTWHEEL widget.
LISTWHEEL_SetVelocity() Starts moving the LISTWHEEL widget using the given velocity.


Group of defines Description
LISTWHEEL color indexes Color indexes used by the LISTWHEEL widget.


Adds a new data item (typically a string) to the widget.


void LISTWHEEL_AddString(      LISTWHEEL_Handle   hObj,
                         const char             * pString);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a LISTVIEW widget
pString Pointer to the string to be added.

Additional information

The width of the given text should fit into the horizontal widget area. Otherwise the text will be clipped during the drawing operation.



Creates a LISTWHEEL widget of a specified size at a specified location.


LISTWHEEL_Handle LISTWHEEL_CreateEx(      int               x0,
                                          int               y0,
                                          int               xSize,
                                          int               ySize,
                                          WM_HWIN           hParent,
                                          int               WinFlags,
                                          int               ExFlags,
                                          int               Id,
                                    const GUI_ConstString * ppText);


Parameter Description
x0 Leftmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
y0 Topmost pixel of the widget (in parent coordinates).
xSize Horizontal size of the widget (in pixels).
ySize Vertical size of the widget (in pixels).
hParent Handle of parent window. If 0, the new LISTVIEW widget will be a child of the desktop (top-level window).
WinFlags Window create flags. Typically WM_CF_SHOW in order to make the widget visible immediately (refer to Window create flags for a list of available parameter values).
ExFlags Not used, reserved for future use.
Id Window ID of the widget.
ppText Pointer to an array of string pointers containing the elements to be displayed.

Return value

Handle of the created LISTWHEEL widget; 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

If the parameter ppText is used the last element of the array needs to be a NULL element.


char * apText[] = {
LISTWHEEL_CreateEx(10, 10, 100, 100, WM_HBKWIN, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, GUI_ID_LISTWHEEL0, apText);


The prototype of this function is explained at the beginning of this chapter. Details can be found in the description of the function <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect(). The element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure is not used. The element Flags is used according to the parameter WinFlags of the function LISTWHEEL_CreateEx().



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_CreateUser(). For a detailed description of the parameters the function LISTWHEEL_CreateEx() can be referred to.



Returns the background color of the widget.


                               unsigned int     Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
Index See LISTWHEEL color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The background color of the given widget.



Returns the font which is used to draw the data items of the given LISTWHEEL widget.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.

Return value

Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure which is used to draw the data items.



Returns the index of the item matching the given position.


int LISTWHEEL_GetItemFromPos(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj,
                             int              yPos);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
yPos Y-position of the LISTWHEEL widget.

Return value

Index of the item matching the given position. -1, if an item index could not be determined.



Returns the text of the requested data item.


void LISTWHEEL_GetItemText(LISTWHEEL_Handle   hObj,
                           unsigned           Index,
                           char             * pBuffer,
                           int                MaxSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
Index Index of the requested item.
pBuffer Buffer for storing the text.
MaxSize Size in bytes of the buffer.

Return value

The function copies the text of the given item into the given buffer. If the size of the buffer is too small the text will be clipped.



Returns the size in pixels between the left border of the widget and the beginning of the text.


int LISTWHEEL_GetLBorder(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.

Return value

Number of pixels between left border and text.



Returns the height of one data item.


unsigned LISTWHEEL_GetLineHeight(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.

Return value

Height of one data item.

Additional information

This function returns the value set by the function LISTWHEEL_SetLineHeight(). A return value of zero means the height of one item depends on the size of the current font. For more details, refer to LISTWHEEL_SetLineHeight(), LISTWHEEL_GetFont() and GUI_GetYSizeOfFont().



Returns the number of data items of the given LISTWHEEL widget.


int LISTWHEEL_GetNumItems(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.

Return value

Number of data items of the given LISTWHEEL widget.



Returns the zero-based index of the item which is currently snapped in.


int LISTWHEEL_GetPos(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.

Return value

Index of the item which is currently snapped in.

Additional information

The position at which the items being snapped can be set with the function LISTWHEEL_SetSnapPosition(). For more details, refer to LISTWHEEL_SetSnapPosition().



Returns the size in pixels between the right border of the widget and the end of the text.


int LISTWHEEL_GetRBorder(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.

Return value

Number of pixels between right border and text.



Returns the zero-based index of the currently selected item.


int LISTWHEEL_GetSel(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.

Return value

Index of the currently selected item.

Additional information

For more information, refer to LISTWHEEL_SetSel().



Returns the position in pixels from the top of the LISTWHEEL widget at which the data items should be ’snapped in’.


int LISTWHEEL_GetSnapPosition(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.

Return value

Snap position in pixels from the top edge of the LISTWHEEL widget.

Additional information

The default value is 0.



Returns the text alignment of the given LISTWHEEL widget.


int LISTWHEEL_GetTextAlign(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.

Return value

Text alignment of the given LISTWHEEL widget.

Additional information

For more information, refer to LISTWHEEL_SetTextAlign().



Returns the text color of the widget.


                                 unsigned int     Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
Index See LISTWHEEL color indexes for a full list of permitted values.

Return value

The text color of the given widget.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_GetUserData().



Returns the current state (moving or not moving) of the given LISTWHEEL widget.


int LISTWHEEL_IsMoving(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
Index See table below.

Return value

0 not moving
1 moving


Moves the data area of the LISTWHEEL widget to the given position.


void LISTWHEEL_MoveToPos(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj,
                         unsigned int     Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
Index Zero-based index of the item to which the ’wheel’ should move.

Additional information

The widget starts moving by choosing the shortest way. If for example 7 items are available and item 2 is currently snapped and the widget should move to the last item it begins moving backwards until the seventh item has been reached. Detailed information on how to set a position can be found in the description of LISTWHEEL_SetPos().



Default function for managing drawing operations of one data item.


int LISTWHEEL_OwnerDraw(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
Index Zero-based index of the item to which the ’wheel’ should move.

Return value

Depends on the command in the Cmd element of the WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure pointed by pDrawItemInfo.

Additional information

This function is useful if LISTWHEEL_SetOwnerDraw() is used. It can be used to retrieve the original size of a data item and/or to draw the text of a data item and should be called for all commands which are not managed by the application defined owner draw function. For more information, refer to User drawn widgets, LISTWHEEL_SetOwnerDraw() and to the provided example.

Before After


Sets the specified background color for selected and unselected items.


void LISTWHEEL_SetBkColor(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned int     Index,
                          GUI_COLOR        Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
Index See LISTWHEEL color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color New background color.


Sets the deceleration behavior of the LISTWHEEL. The higher the deceleration value, the less time it takes for the LISTWHEEL to stop moving.


void LISTWHEEL_SetDeceleration(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj,
                               unsigned         Deceleration);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
Deceleration Deceleration value.

Additional information

The default value of the deceleration is 15. This can be change with the configuration option LISTWHEEL_DECELERATION_DEFAULT.

Before After


Sets the font which should be used to draw the data items.


void LISTWHEEL_SetFont(      LISTWHEEL_Handle   hObj,
                       const GUI_FONT         * pFont);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
pFont Pointer to a GUI_FONT structure.
Before After


Sets the border size between the left edge of the widget and the beginning of the text.


void LISTWHEEL_SetLBorder(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned         BorderSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
BorderSize Desired border size.

Additional information

The default value of the border size is 0.

Before After


Sets the line height used to draw a data item.


void LISTWHEEL_SetLineHeight(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj,
                             unsigned         LineHeight);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
LineHeight Desired height. Default is 0 which means the font size determines the height of a line.

Additional information

Per default the height of a line depends on the used font. The value set by this function ’overwrites’ this default behavior.

Before After


Sets an application defined owner draw function for the widget which is responsible for drawing the widget items.


void LISTWHEEL_SetOwnerDraw(LISTWHEEL_Handle        hObj,
                            WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC * pfOwnerDraw);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
pfOwnerDraw Pointer to owner draw function.

Supported commands

Additional information

This function sets a pointer to an application defined function which will be called by the widget when a data item has to be drawn or when the x or y size of a item is needed. It gives you the possibility to draw anything as data item, not just plain text. pfDrawItem is a pointer to an application-defined function of type WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC which is explained at the beginning of the chapter.


The following example routine draws 2 red indicator lines over the widget:

static int _OwnerDraw(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo) {
  switch (pDrawItemInfo->Cmd) {
    GUI_DrawHLine(40, 0, 99);
    GUI_DrawHLine(59, 0, 99);
    return LISTWHEEL_OwnerDraw(pDrawItemInfo);
  return 0;


Sets the data area of the LISTWHEEL widget to the given position.


void LISTWHEEL_SetPos(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj,
                      unsigned         Index);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
Index Zero-based index of the item to which the ’wheel’ should be set.

Additional information

Detailed information on how to move the LISTWHEEL to a position can be found in the description of LISTWHEEL_MoveToPos().

Before After


Sets the border size between the left edge of the widget and the beginning of the text.


void LISTWHEEL_SetRBorder(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj,
                          unsigned         BorderSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
BorderSize Desired border size.

Additional information

The default value of the border size is 0.

Before After


The function sets the selected item.


void LISTWHEEL_SetSel(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj,
                      int              Sel);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
Sel Zero-based index of item to be selected.

Additional information

Only one item can be selected. Per default the item with index 0 is selected.

Before After


The function sets the relative position from the top of the widget at which the items should snap in.


void LISTWHEEL_SetSnapPosition(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj,
                               int              SnapPosition);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
SnapPosition Relative position in pixels from the top of the widget at which the items should be snapped in.

Additional information

Per default the snap position is 0 which means the items are snapped in at the top of the widget. The function LISTWHEEL_GetPos() can be used to get the zero based index of the current item which has been snapped in.

Before After


It removes any existing item and adds the given items passed by the function.


void LISTWHEEL_SetText(      LISTWHEEL_Handle   hObj,
                       const GUI_ConstString  * ppText);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
ppText Pointer to an array of strings. The last item needs to be a NULL pointer.

Additional information

Note that the last element pointed to by ppText needs to be a NULL pointer.


The following example should demonstrate how the function should be used:

static char * _apText[] = {
static void _SetContent(void) {
  LISTWHEEL_SetText(hWin, _apText);
Before After


Sets the text alignment used to draw the items of the LISTWHEEL widget.


void LISTWHEEL_SetTextAlign(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj,
                            int              Align);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
Align Alignment to be used to draw the items of the widget.

Additional information

For details about text alignment, refer to GUI_SetTextAlign().

Before After


Sets the color to be used to draw the text.


void LISTWHEEL_SetTextColor(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj,
                            unsigned int     Index,
                            GUI_COLOR        Color);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
Index See table below. See LISTWHEEL color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.


Sets the time interval after which the LISTWHEEL will be updated in milliseconds. By default this will be every 25ms.


void LISTWHEEL_SetTimerPeriod(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj,
                              GUI_TIMER_TIME   TimerPeriod);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
TimerPeriod Timer period used for updating the LISTWHEEL.

Additional information

The default value of 25 can be set with the configuration option LISTWHEEL_TIMER_PERIOD.



Prototype explained at the beginning of the chapter as <WIDGET>_SetUserData().



Starts moving the LISTWHEEL widget using the given velocity.


void LISTWHEEL_SetVelocity(LISTWHEEL_Handle hObj,
                           int              Velocity);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of LISTWHEEL widget.
Velocity Starting speed.

Additional information

The velocity decreases automatically. The higher the given velocity the longer it takes for the movement to stop.


This function is used in the sample applications MEMDEV_ListWheelEffects.c and WIDGET_ListWheel.c.

LISTWHEEL color indexes


Color indexes to be used by the LISTWHEEL widget.


#define LISTWHEEL_CI_SEL      1


Definition Description
LISTWHEEL_CI_UNSEL Color of unselected element.
LISTWHEEL_CI_SEL Color of selected element.


Widgets may be created and used on their own, as they are by nature windows them- selves. However, it is often desirable to use dialog boxes, which are windows that contain one or more widgets.

A dialog box (or dialog) is normally a window that appears in order to request input from the user. It may contain multiple widgets, requesting information from the user through various selections, or it may take the form of a message box which simply provides information (such as a note or warning) and an “OK” button.

For common tasks like choosing a file, choosing a color or (as mentioned before) for showing simple text messages emWin offers ’common dialogs’. These dialogs can be configured to achieve the look and feel of the application.

Dialog basics

Input focus

The Window Manager remembers the window or window object that was last selected by the user with the touch-screen, mouse, keyboard, or other means. This window receives keyboard input messages and is said to have the input focus.

The primary reason for keeping track of input focus is to determine where to send keyboard commands. The window which has input focus will receive events generated by the keyboard.

To move the input focus within a dialog to the next focusable dialog item the key GUI_KEY_TAB can be used. To move backwards GUI_KEY_BACKTAB can be used.

Blocking vs. non-blocking dialogs

Dialog windows can be blocking or non-blocking.

A blocking dialog blocks the thread of execution. It has input focus by default and must be closed by the user before the thread can continue. A blocking dialog does not disable other dialogs shown at the same time. With other words a blocking dialog is not a modal dialog. Blocking means, the used functions (GUI_ExecDialogBox() or GUI_ExecCreatedDialog()) does not return until the dialog is closed.

A non-blocking dialog, on the other hand, does not block the calling thread—it allows the task to continue while it is visible. The function returns immediately after creating the dialog.

Blocking functions should never be called from within a callback function. This may cause malfunction of the application.

Dialog procedure

A dialog box is a window, and it receives messages just as every other window in the system does. Most messages are handled automatically by the client callback routine of the dialog box. The others are passed to the client callback routine which is specified as a parameter upon creation. The client callback function is known as the dialog procedure.

Since a dialog itself usually consists of 2 windows (dialog and client window), messages have to be sent using the correct handle. After a dialog was created there is only one handle to the dialog. In order to access the client window, the function WM_GetClientWindow() should be used.

Dialog messages

There are two types of additional messages which are sent to the dialog procedure: WM_INIT_DIALOG and WM_NOTIFY_PARENT. The WM_INIT_DIALOG message is sent to the dialog procedure immediately before a dialog box is displayed. Dialog procedures typically use this message to initialize widgets and carry out any other initialization tasks that affect the appearance of the dialog box. The WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message is sent to the dialog box by its child windows in order to notify the parent of any events in order to ensure synchronization. The events sent by a child depend on its type and are documented separately for every type of widget.

Creating a dialog

Two basic things are required to create a dialog box: a resource table that defines the widgets to be included, and a dialog procedure which defines the initial values for the widgets as well as their behavior. Once both items exist, you need only a single function call (GUI_CreateDialogBox() or GUI_ExecDialogBox()) to actually create the dialog.

Resource table

Dialog boxes may be created in a blocking manner (using GUI_ExecDialogBox()) or as non-blocking (using GUI_CreateDialogBox()). A resource table must first be defined which specifies all widgets to be included in the dialog. The example shown below creates a resource table:

static const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO _aDialogCreate[] = {
  { FRAMEWIN_CreateIndirect, "Dialog", 0,               10,  10,  180, 230, 0,              0 },
  { BUTTON_CreateIndirect,   "OK",     GUI_ID_OK,       100,  5,  60,  20,  0,              0 },
  { BUTTON_CreateIndirect,   "Cancel", GUI_ID_CANCEL,   100, 30,  60,  20,  0,              0 },
  { TEXT_CreateIndirect,     "LText",  0,               10,  55,  48,  15,  TEXT_CF_LEFT,   0 },
  { TEXT_CreateIndirect,     "RText",  0,               10,  80,  48,  15,  TEXT_CF_RIGHT,  0 },
  { EDIT_CreateIndirect,     NULL,     GUI_ID_EDIT0,    60,  55,  100, 15,  0,             50 },
  { EDIT_CreateIndirect,     NULL,     GUI_ID_EDIT1,    60,  80,  100, 15,  0,             50 },
  { TEXT_CreateIndirect,     "Hex",    0,               10,  100, 48,  15,  TEXT_CF_RIGHT,  0 },
  { EDIT_CreateIndirect,     NULL,     GUI_ID_EDIT2,    60,  100, 100, 15,  0,              6 },
  { TEXT_CreateIndirect,     "Bin",    0,               10,  120, 48,  15,  TEXT_CF_RIGHT,  0 },
  { EDIT_CreateIndirect,     NULL,     GUI_ID_EDIT3,    60,  120, 100, 15,  0,              0 },
  { LISTBOX_CreateIndirect,  NULL,     GUI_ID_LISTBOX0, 10,  10,  48,  40,  0,              0 },
  { CHECKBOX_CreateIndirect, NULL,     GUI_ID_CHECK0,   10,  140,  0,  0,   0,              0 },
  { CHECKBOX_CreateIndirect, NULL,     GUI_ID_CHECK1,   30,  140,  0,  0,   0,              0 },
  { SLIDER_CreateIndirect,   NULL,     GUI_ID_SLIDER0,  60,  140, 100, 20,  0,              0 },
  { SLIDER_CreateIndirect,   NULL,     GUI_ID_SLIDER1,  10,  170, 150, 30,  0,              0 }

Widgets can be included in a dialog by using the <WIDGET>_CreateIndirect() function for indirect creation. Detailed information can be found in the chapter Widgets (window objects)

Dialog procedure

The example above has been created using the blank dialog procedure shown below. This is the basic template which should be used as a starting point when creating any dialog procedure:

*    Dialog procedure
static void _cbCallback(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {

For this example, the dialog box is displayed with the following line of code:

GUI_ExecDialogBox(_aDialogCreate, GUI_COUNTOF(_aDialogCreate),
                  _cbCallback, 0, 0, 0);

The resulting dialog box looks as follows, or similar (the actual appearance will depend on your configuration and default settings):

After creation of the dialog box, all widgets included in the resource table will be visible, although as can be seen in the previous screenshot, they will appear “empty”. This is because the dialog procedure does not yet contain code that initializes the individual elements. The initial values of the widgets, the actions caused by them, and the interactions between them need to be defined in the dialog procedure.

Initializing the dialog

The typical next step is to initialize the widgets with their respective initial values. This is normally done in the dialog procedure as a reaction to the WM_INIT_DIALOG message. The program excerpt below illustrates things:

*    Dialog procedure
static void _cbCallback(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  WM_HWIN hItem;
  WM_HWIN hWin;
  hWin = pMsg->hWin;
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
    hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_EDIT0);
    EDIT_SetText(hItem, "EDIT widget 0");
    hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_EDIT1);
    EDIT_SetText(hItem, "EDIT widget 1");
    EDIT_SetTextAlign(hItem,       GUI_TA_LEFT);
    hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_EDIT2);
    EDIT_SetHexMode(hItem, 0x1234, 0, 0xffff);
    hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_EDIT3);
    EDIT_SetBinMode(hItem, 0x1234, 0, 0xffff);
    hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_CHECK0);
    CHECKBOX_Check(WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_CHECK0));
    hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_CHECK1);
    WM_DisableWindow(WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_CHECK1));
    CHECKBOX_Check(WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_CHECK1));
    hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_SLIDER0);
    SLIDER_SetWidth(WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_SLIDER0), 5);
    hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_SLIDER1);
    SLIDER_SetValue(WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_SLIDER1), 50);
    hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_LISTBOX0);
    LISTBOX_SetText(hItem, _apListBox);

The initialized dialog box now appears as follows, with all widgets containing their initial values:

Defining dialog behavior

Once the dialog has been initialized, all that remains is to add code to the dialog procedure which will define the behavior of the widgets, making them fully operable. Continuing with the same example, the final dialog procedure is shown below:

*    Dialog procedure
static void _cbCallback(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  WM_HWIN hEdit0, hEdit1, hEdit2, hEdit3;
  WM_HWIN hListBox;
  WM_HWIN hWin
  int   NCode
  int   Id;
  hWin = pMsg->hWin;
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
    /* Get window handles for all widgets */
    hEdit0  = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_EDIT0);
    hEdit1  = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_EDIT1);
    hEdit2  = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_EDIT2);
    hEdit3  = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_EDIT3);
    hListBox = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_LISTBOX0);
    /* Initialize all widgets */
    EDIT_SetText(hEdit0, "EDIT widget 0");
    EDIT_SetText(hEdit1, "EDIT widget 1");
    EDIT_SetTextAlign(hEdit1, GUI_TA_LEFT);
    EDIT_SetHexMode(hEdit2, 0x1234, 0, 0xffff);
    EDIT_SetBinMode(hEdit3, 0x1234, 0, 0xffff);
    LISTBOX_SetText(hListBox, _apListBox);
    WM_DisableWindow(WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_CHECK1));
    CHECKBOX_Check( WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_CHECK0));
    CHECKBOX_Check( WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_CHECK1));
    SLIDER_SetWidth( WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_SLIDER0), 5);
    SLIDER_SetValue( WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_SLIDER1), 50);
  case WM_KEY:
    switch (((WM_KEY_INFO*)(pMsg->Data.p))->Key) {
    case GUI_ID_ESCAPE:
      GUI_EndDialog(hWin, 1);
    case GUI_ID_ENTER:
      GUI_EndDialog(hWin, 0);
    Id  = WM_GetId(pMsg->hWinSrc);     /* Id of widget           */
    NCode = pMsg->Data.v;              /* Notification code      */
    switch (NCode) {                   
    case WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED:     /* React only if released */
      if (Id == GUI_ID_OK) {           /* OK Button              */
        GUI_EndDialog(hWin, 0);                                  
      if (Id == GUI_ID_CANCEL) {       /* Cancel Button          */
        GUI_EndDialog(hWin, 1);                                  
    case WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED:  /* Selection changed      */
      FRAMEWIN_SetText(hWin, "Dialog - sel changed");
      FRAMEWIN_SetText(hWin, "Dialog - notification received");

Dialog API

The table below lists the available dialog-related routines in alphabetical. Detailed descriptions follow:

Routine Description
GUI_CreateDialogBox() Creates a dialog box.
GUI_ExecCreatedDialog() Executes an already created dialog box.
GUI_ExecDialogBox() Creates and executes a dialog box.
GUI_EndDialog() Ends (closes) a dialog box.


Creates a dialog box.


WM_HWIN GUI_CreateDialogBox(const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO * paWidget,
                                  int                      NumWidgets,
                                  WM_CALLBACK            * cb,
                                  WM_HWIN                  hParent,
                                  int                      x0,
                                  int                      y0);


Parameter Description
paWidget Pointer to resource table defining the widgets to be included in the dialog.
NumWidgets Total number of widgets included in the dialog.
cb Pointer to an application-specific callback function (dialog procedure).
hParent Handle of parent window (0 = no parent window).
x0 X-position of the dialog relative to parent window.
y0 Y-position of the dialog relative to parent window.

Return value

Handle of the created dialog. This handle can be used to access the first widget from the resource table. This should be a FRAMEWIN or WINDOW widget.

Additional information

The parameter cb is used as callback function for the client window. If a callback function should be set for the dialog window, the function WM_SetCallback() should be used with the handle returned by GUI_CreateDialogBox(). The handle of the client window can be determined using the function WM_GetClientWindow() passing the handle of the dialog which was returned by GUI_CreateDialogBox().



Executes an already created dialog box.


int GUI_ExecCreatedDialog(WM_HWIN hDialog);


Parameter Description
hDialog Handle to dialog box.

Return value

Return value which was passed to GUI_EndDialog().

Additional information

This is a blocking function. It does not return until the dialog is closed using the function GUI_EndDialog(). The WM_CF_SHOW flag is set, so the dialog is drawn the next time the Window Manager is executed.



Creates and executes a dialog box.


int GUI_ExecDialogBox(const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO * paWidget,
                            int                      NumWidgets,
                            WM_CALLBACK            * cb,
                            WM_HWIN                  hParent,
                            int                      x0,
                            int                      y0);


Parameter Description
paWidget Pointer to a resource table defining the widgets to be included in the dialog.
NumWidgets Total number of widgets included in the dialog.
cb Pointer to an application-specific callback function (dialog procedure).
hParent Handle of parent window (0 = no parent window).
x0 X-position of the dialog relative to parent window.
y0 Y-position of the dialog relative to parent window.

Return value

Return value which was passed to GUI_EndDialog().

Additional information

This function actually calls GUI_CreateDialogBox() and GUI_ExecCreatedDialog(). It is blocking and therefore does not return until the dialog is closed using the function GUI_EndDialog(). The WM_CF_SHOW flag is set, so the dialog is drawn the next time the Window Manager is executed.



Ends (closes) a dialog box. The dialog and its child windows will be removed from memory.


void GUI_EndDialog(WM_HWIN hDialog,
                   int     r);


Parameter Description
hDialog Handle to dialog box.
r Value which is returned by the function GUI_ExecDialogBox(). This value is ignored in case a non-blocking dialog is closed.

Additional information

After the next call of WM_Exec() (gets also called in GUI_Delay()) the handle hDialog is no longer valid. Please note, that a WM_DELETE will be send delayed to the closed dialog.


The CALENDAR dialog can be used for selecting or setting a date. The dialog consists of 2 buttons for month wise scrolling, a text which shows the current year and month and a pad of days. A small surrounding frame is shown surrounding the current date and the current selection is highlighted. The keyboard and/or the pointer input device (PID) can be used for selecting a date. The dialog supports the Gregorian calendar which is used since 1582.

The buttons to the left and right of month and year can be modified by using the IDs of the BUTTON widgets.

The left button uses the ID GUI_ID_BUTTON0 and right one GUI_ID_BUTTON1. By calling the function WM_GetDialogItem() with the proper ID it is possible to receive the BUTTON handle and manage the buttons as any other BUTTON widget.

Notification codes

The following events are sent from the dialog to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
CALENDAR_NOTIFICATION_MONTH_CLICKED Month/year-text has been clicked.
CALENDAR_NOTIFICATION_MONTH_RELEASED Month/year-text has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED Widget has been clicked.
WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED Widget has been released.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SCROLL_CHANGED One of the scroll buttons has been pressed.
WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED The selection has been changed.
Keyboard reaction
Key Reaction
GUI_KEY_PGUP Selection moves one month back.
GUI_KEY_PGDOWN Selection moves one month forward.
GUI_KEY_LEFT Selection moves to the left.
GUI_KEY_RIGHT Selection moves to the right.
GUI_KEY_UP Selection moves one line up.
GUI_KEY_DOWN Selection moves one line down.

The table below lists the available CALENDAR-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions follow.


Routine Description
CALENDAR_AddKey() Adds user input to a specified CALENDAR dialog.
CALENDAR_Create() Creates a CALENDAR dialog.
CALENDAR_GetDate() Returns the current date.
CALENDAR_GetDaysOfMonth() Returns the number of days in a specific month.
CALENDAR_GetSel() Returns the currently selected date.
CALENDAR_GetWeekday() Returns the number of the weekday of a given date.
CALENDAR_SetDate() Sets the current date.
CALENDAR_SetSel() Sets the currently selected date.
CALENDAR_SetDefaultBkColor() Sets the default background color to be used for new CALENDAR dialogs.
CALENDAR_SetDefaultColor() Sets the default color to be used for new CALENDAR dialogs.
CALENDAR_SetDefaultDays() Sets the text to be used to label the days.
CALENDAR_SetDefaultFont() Sets the font(s) to be used for drawing the CALENDAR items.
CALENDAR_SetDefaultMonths() Sets the text to be used for the current month / year.
CALENDAR_SetDefaultSize() Sets the sizes to be used by the dialog.
CALENDAR_ShowDate() Shows a given date on the calendar.

Data structures

Structure Description
CALENDAR_DATE Structure used by the routine CALENDAR_GetDate() to retrieve a date.


Group of defines Description
CALENDAR color indexes Color indexes used by the CALENDAR dialog.
CALENDAR font indexes Font indexes used by the CALENDAR dialog.
CALENDAR size indexes Size indexes used by the routine CALENDAR_SetDefaultSize().


Adds user input to a specified CALENDAR dialog.


                    int     Key);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of CALENDAR handle.
Key Character to be added.


Creates a CALENDAR dialog.


                        int      xPos,
                        int      yPos,
                        unsigned Year,
                        unsigned Month,
                        unsigned Day,
                        unsigned FirstDayOfWeek,
                        int      Id,
                        int      Flags);


Parameter Description
hParent Handle of the parent window which should receive the notification messages.
xPos X position in pixels of the dialog in client coordinates.
yPos Y position in pixels of the dialog in client coordinates.
Year Current year (1582-9999).
Month Current month (1-12).
Day Current day (1-31).
FirstDayOfWeek First weekday to be used (0=Saturday, 1=Sunday, … , 6=Friday).
Id Id to be used for the CALENDAR dialog.
Flags Additional flags for the WINDOW widget.

Return value

Handle of the dialog on success, otherwise 0.

Additional information

Year, Month and Day specify the current date. Per default this is also the initial selection. FirstDayOfWeek determines an offset for the first day to be shown. Default is showing Saturday at first.



Returns the current date.


void CALENDAR_GetDate(WM_HWIN         hWin,
                      CALENDAR_DATE * pDate);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of CALENDAR dialog.
pDate Pointer to a CALENDAR_DATE structure.

Additional information

Current date and selected date are different items. The selection can be moved by the keyboard interface and/or the PID whereas the current date can be specified when creating the dialog or by using the function CALENDAR_SetDate().



Returns the number of days in a specific month.


int CALENDAR_GetDaysOfMonth(CALENDAR_DATE * pDate);


Parameter Description
pDate Pointer to a CALENDAR_DATE structure.

Return value

≠ 0 Number of days in the given month of the given year.
= 0 Error.

Additional information

The members Year and Month of the parameter have to be set to get the number of days of the specified month in the specified year.



Returns the currently selected date.


void CALENDAR_GetSel(WM_HWIN         hWin,
                     CALENDAR_DATE * pDate);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of CALENDAR dialog.
pDate Pointer to a CALENDAR_DATE structure.


Returns the number of the weekday of a given date.


int CALENDAR_GetWeekday(CALENDAR_DATE * pDate);


Parameter Description
pDate Pointer to CALENDAR_DATE structure.

Return value

0 Saturday
1 Sunday
2 Monday
3 Tuesday
4 Wednesday
5 Thursday
6 Friday
Before After


Sets the current date.


void CALENDAR_SetDate(WM_HWIN         hWin,
                      CALENDAR_DATE * pDate);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of CALENDAR dialog.
pDate Pointer to a CALENDAR_DATE structure.
Before After


Sets the currently selected date.


void CALENDAR_SetSel(WM_HWIN         hWin,
                     CALENDAR_DATE * pDate);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of CALENDAR dialog.
pDate Pointer to a CALENDAR_DATE structure.


Sets the default background color to be used for new CALENDAR dialogs.


void CALENDAR_SetDefaultBkColor(unsigned  Index,
                                GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index See CALENDAR color indexes. Only …WEEKEND, …WEEKDAY, …SEL and …HEADER are applicable for a background color.
Color Color to be used


Sets the default color to be used for new CALENDAR dialogs.


void CALENDAR_SetDefaultColor(unsigned  Index,
                              GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index See CALENDAR color indexes. CALENDAR_CI_HEADER is not applicable for this routine.
Color Color to be used


Sets the text to be used to label the days.


void CALENDAR_SetDefaultDays(const char ** apDays);


Parameter Description
apDays Pointer to an array of 7 string pointers containing the strings to be used.

Additional information

The first string of the array should point to the abbreviation of Saturday, the second to Sunday and so on. The array needs to have at least 7 strings. If there are too few strings passed to the function the behavior of emWin becomes undefined.



Sets the font(s) to be used for drawing the CALENDAR items.


void CALENDAR_SetDefaultFont(      unsigned   Index,
                             const GUI_FONT * pFont);


Parameter Description
Index See CALENDAR font indexes for a full list of permitted values.
pFont Font to be used.


Sets the text to be used for the current month / year.


void CALENDAR_SetDefaultMonths(const char ** apMonths);


Parameter Description
apMonth Pointer to an array of 12 string pointers containing the strings to be used.

Additional information

The first string of the array should point to the text for ’January’, the second to the text for ’February’ and so on. The array needs to have at least 12 strings. If there are too few strings passed to the function the behavior of emWin becomes undefined.



Sets the sizes to be used by the dialog.


void CALENDAR_SetDefaultSize(unsigned Index,
                             unsigned Size);


Parameter Description
Index See CALENDAR size indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Size Size to be used.

Additional information

The size in x of the complete dialog can be calculated as follows: xSizeDialog = 7 * CellSizeX The size in y of the complete dialog can be calculated as follows: ySizeDialog = 7 * CellSizeY + HeaderSizeY



Shows a given date on the calendar.


void CALENDAR_ShowDate(WM_HWIN         hWin,
                       CALENDAR_DATE * pDate);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of CALENDAR dialog.
pDate Pointer to a CALENDAR_DATE structure.


Structure used by the routine CALENDAR_GetDate() to retrieve a date.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  Year;
  int  Month;
  int  Day;

Structure members

Member Description
Year Year of requested date.
Month Month of requested date.
Day Day of requested date.
CALENDAR color indexes


Color indexes used by the CALENDAR dialog.


#define CALENDAR_CI_SEL        2
#define CALENDAR_CI_HEADER     3
#define CALENDAR_CI_MONTH      4
#define CALENDAR_CI_LABEL      5
#define CALENDAR_CI_FRAME      6


Definition Description
CALENDAR_CI_WEEKEND Color to be used for weekend days.
CALENDAR_CI_WEEKDAY Color to be used for weekdays.
CALENDAR_CI_SEL Color to be used for the selection.
CALENDAR_CI_HEADER Background color to be used for the header area.
CALENDAR_CI_MONTH Color to be used for the month (and year) text.
CALENDAR_CI_LABEL Color to be used for labeling the days.
CALENDAR_CI_FRAME Color to be used for the frame of the current date.
CALENDAR font indexes


Font indexes used by the CALENDAR dialog.


#define CALENDAR_FI_HEADER     1


Definition Description
CALENDAR_FI_CONTENT Font to be used for labeling and the numbers.
CALENDAR_FI_HEADER Font to be used for month / year.
CALENDAR size indexes


Size indexes used by the routine CALENDAR_SetDefaultSize().


#define CALENDAR_SI_CELL_X    1
#define CALENDAR_SI_CELL_Y    2


Definition Description
CALENDAR_SI_HEADER Y-size in pixels used for the header area. (default is 25)
CALENDAR_SI_CELL_X Cell size in X to be used for one item in the day pad. (default is 18)
CALENDAR_SI_CELL_Y Cell size in Y to be used for one item in the day pad. (default is 13)


The CHOOSECOLOR dialog can be used to select a color from a given color array.

Notification codes

The following events are sent from the dialog to its parent window as part of a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message:

Message Description
WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED Sent immediately after a new color has been selected by the PID or the keyboard.
WM_NOTIFICATION_CHILD_DELETED Sent when the dialog has been closed.
WM_NOTIFICATION_VALUE_CHANGED Sent if the dialog was closed using the ’Ok’ button with a different than the initial selection.
Keyboard reaction

The dialog reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Reaction
GUI_KEY_ESCAPE Dialog execution will be canceled.
GUI_KEY_ENTER Reaction depends on the focused button.
GUI_KEY_LEFT Cursor moves to the left.
GUI_KEY_RIGHT Cursor moves to the right.
GUI_KEY_UP Cursor moves one line up.
GUI_KEY_DOWN Cursor moves one line down.

The table below lists the available CHOOSECOLOR-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions follow.


Routine Description
CHOOSECOLOR_Create() Creates a dialog for choosing a color and returns immediately.
CHOOSECOLOR_GetSel() Returns the index of the currently selected color.
CHOOSECOLOR_SetSel() Sets the current selection.
CHOOSECOLOR_SetDefaultColor() Sets the colors to be used to draw the surrounding frame of the colors.
CHOOSECOLOR_SetDefaultSpace() Determines the space between the color rectangles.
CHOOSECOLOR_SetDefaultBorder() Sets the size of the border between the colors and the dialog frame to be used.
CHOOSECOLOR_SetDefaultButtonSize() Sets the button size to be used.


Group of defines Description
CHOOSECOLOR color indexes Color indexes used by the CHOOSECOLOR dialog.


Creates a dialog for choosing a color and returns immediately.


WM_HWIN CHOOSECOLOR_Create(      WM_HWIN     hParent,
                                 int         xPos,
                                 int         yPos,
                                 int         xSize,
                                 int         ySize,
                           const GUI_COLOR * pColor,
                                 unsigned    NumColors,
                                 unsigned    NumColorsPerLine,
                                 int         Sel,
                           const char      * sCaption,
                                 int         Flags);


Parameter Description
hParent Handle of the parent window which should receive the notification messages.
xPos X position in pixels of the dialog in client coordinates.
yPos Y position in pixels of the dialog in client coordinates.
xSize X-size of the dialog in pixels.
ySize Y-size of the dialog in pixels.
pColor Pointer to an array of 32 bit color values containing the colors to be used.
NumColors Number of colors to be shown.
NumColorsPerLine Number of colors to be shown per line.
Sel Initial index value to be used for the selection / focus.
sCaption Title to be shown in the title bar.
Flags Additional flags for the FRAMEWIN widget.

Return value

Handle of the dialog on success, otherwise 0.

Additional information

The following default values are used:



Returns the index of the currently selected color.




Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the CHOOSECOLOR dialog.

Return value

Index of the currently selected color.



Sets the current selection.


                        int     Sel);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle of the CHOOSECOLOR dialog.
Sel New selection to be used.

Additional information

The given selection should be smaller than the number of colors. In case of a negative value no initial selection will be shown.

Before After


Sets the colors to be used to draw the surrounding frame of the colors.


void CHOOSECOLOR_SetDefaultColor(unsigned  Index,
                                 GUI_COLOR Color);


Parameter Description
Index See CHOOSECOLOR color indexes for a full list of permitted values.
Color Color to be used.
Before After


Determines the space between the color rectangles.


void CHOOSECOLOR_SetDefaultSpace(unsigned Index,
                                 unsigned Space);


Parameter Description
Index See table below.
Space Space in pixels to be used.
Permitted values for parameter Index
GUI_COORD_X Space in X to be used between the colors.
Default value is 5.
GUI_COORD_Y Space in Y to be used between the colors.
Default value is 5.
Before After


Sets the size of the border between the colors and the dialog frame to be used.


void CHOOSECOLOR_SetDefaultBorder(unsigned Index,
                                  unsigned Border);


Parameter Description
Index See table below.
Border Border to be used.
Permitted values for parameter Index
GUI_COORD_X Space in X to be used between border and colors.
Default value is 4.
GUI_COORD_Y Space in Y to be used between border and colors.
Default value is 4.

Additional information

The horizontal value is also used to determine the space between the buttons.

Before After


Sets the button size to be used.


void CHOOSECOLOR_SetDefaultButtonSize(unsigned Index,
                                      unsigned ButtonSize);


Parameter Description
Index See table below.
ButtonSize Size in pixels to be used.
Permitted values for parameter Index
GUI_COORD_X Button size in X.
GUI_COORD_Y Button size in Y.
CHOOSECOLOR color indexes


Color indexes used by the CHOOSECOLOR dialog.




Definition Description
CHOOSECOLOR_CI_FRAME Color to be used to draw the frame surrounding each color. Default is GUI_GRAY.
CHOOSECOLOR_CI_FOCUS Color to be used to draw the focus rectangle. Default is GUI_BLACK.


The CHOOSEFILE dialog can be used for browsing through a directory and for selecting a file. It uses a user defined callback routine for retrieving data. So it can be used with any file system.

Configurating options
Type Macro Default Description
N CHOOSEFILE_DELIM \ Default delimiter to be used.
Keyboard reaction

The dialog reacts to the following keys if it has the input focus:

Key Reaction
GUI_KEY_TAB The next widget of the dialog gains the input focus.
GUI_KEY_BACKTAB The previous widget of the dialog gains the input focus.
GUI_KEY_ENTER The behavior depends on the currently focused widget.
GUI_KEY_ESCAPE Dialog will be canceled.
Path- and file names

The maximum length of path- and file names is limited to 256 bytes.


The table below lists the available CHOOSEFILE-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow.


Routine Description
CHOOSEFILE_Create() Creates a CHOOSEFILE dialog using the given parameters.
CHOOSEFILE_EnableToolTips() Enables ToolTips for CHOOSEFILE dialogs.
CHOOSEFILE_SetButtonText() Uses text instead of the default image.
CHOOSEFILE_SetDefaultButtonText() Sets the default text to be used for new dialogs.
CHOOSEFILE_SetDelim() Sets the delimiter used within a path.
CHOOSEFILE_SetToolTips() Sets the text to be shown by the ToolTips.
CHOOSEFILE_SetTopMode() Makes the button bar visible at the top of the dialog.

Data structures

Structure Description


Group of defines Description
CHOOSEFILE button indexes Bitmap indexes used by the CHOOSEFILE dialog.


Prototype Description
CHOOSEFILE_GET_DATA_FUNC A callback which has to pass information about the requested file to the dialog.


Creates a CHOOSEFILE dialog using the given parameters.


WM_HWIN CHOOSEFILE_Create(      WM_HWIN           hParent,
                                int               xPos,
                                int               yPos,
                                int               xSize,
                                int               ySize,
                          const char            * apRoot[],
                                int               NumRoot,
                                int               SelRoot,
                          const char            * sCaption,
                                int               Flags,
                                CHOOSEFILE_INFO * pInfo);


Parameter Description
hParent Handle of parent window.
xPos X position in pixels of the dialog in client coordinates.
yPos Y position in pixels of the dialog in client coordinates.
xSize X-size of the dialog in pixels.
ySize Y-size of the dialog in pixels.
apRoot  in  Pointer to an array of strings containing the root directories to be used.
NumRoot Number of root directories.
SelRoot Initial index of the root directory to be used.
sCaption  in  Title to be shown in the title bar.
Flags Additional flags for the FRAMEWIN widget.
pInfo  in  Pointer to a CHOOSEFILE_INFO structure.

Parameter apRoot

This parameter should point to an array of string pointers containing the root directories shown in the DROPDOWN widget of the dialog. The directory names do not need to have a delimiter (slash or backslash) at the end. They are copied by the function to their own locations and do not need to remain valid after creating the dialog. Empty strings are not supported and could lead to an undefined behavior of the dialog.

Return value

Handle of the dialog on success, otherwise 0.

Additional information

The following default values are used:

Before After


Enables ToolTips for CHOOSEFILE dialogs.


void CHOOSEFILE_EnableToolTips(void);

Additional information

The text of the ToolTips can be configured. Details can be found in the description of CHOOSEFILE_SetToolTips.

Before After


Uses text instead of the default image.


void CHOOSEFILE_SetButtonText(      WM_HWIN    hWin,
                                    unsigned   ButtonIndex,
                              const char     * pText);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle of the CHOOSEFILE dialog.
ButtonIndex See CHOOSEFILE button indexes for a full list of permitted values.
pText Pointer to a string to be used.

Additional information

The function copies the string(s) into its own memory location(s). The size of the buttons depend on the used text. The dialog makes sure, that all buttons which use text instead of an image have the same size.



Sets the default text to be used for new dialogs.


void CHOOSEFILE_SetDefaultButtonText(      unsigned   ButtonIndex,
                                     const char     * pText);


Parameter Description
ButtonIndex See CHOOSEFILE button indexes for a full list of permitted values.
pText Text to be used per default.


Sets the delimiter used within a path. Default is a backslash.


void CHOOSEFILE_SetDelim(char Delim);


Parameter Description
Delim Delimiter to be used.
Before After


Sets the text to be shown by the ToolTips.


void CHOOSEFILE_SetToolTips(const TOOLTIP_INFO * pInfo,
                                  int            NumItems);


Parameter Description
pInfo Pointer to an array of TOOLTIP_INFO structures.
NumItems Number of items pointed by pInfo.

Additional information

The elements of the TOOLTIP_INFO structure are described in the section ToolTips.

Before After


Makes the button bar visible at the top of the dialog.


void CHOOSEFILE_SetTopMode(unsigned OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff 1 for top mode, 0 (default) for bottom mode.


Structure that contains information for creating a CHOOSEFILE dialog.

The structure is also passed to a CHOOSEFILE_GET_DATA_FUNC and contains information about a given file or directory.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int                        Cmd;
  const char               * pMask;
  char                     * pName;
  char                     * pExt;
  char                     * pAttrib;
  U32                        SizeL;
  U32                        SizeH;
  U32                        Flags;
  char                       pRoot[CHOOSEFILE_MAXLEN];

Structure members

Member Description
Cmd Command for GetData() function. See below.
pMask This parameter is passed to the GetData() function and contains a mask which can be used for filtering the search result.
pName Pointer to the file name of the requested file.
pExt Pointer to the extension of the requested file.
pAttrib Pointer to the attribute string of the requested file.
SizeL Lower 32 bit of the file size.
SizeH Upper 32 bit of the file size.
Flags If the requested file is a directory it should be set to CHOOSEFILE_FLAG_DIRECTORY, otherwise it should be set to 0.
pRoot Pointer to a string containing the complete path of the currently used directory.
pfGetData Pointer to the GetData() function to be used.
Permitted values for element Cmd
CHOOSEFILE_FINDFIRST The first entry of the current directory should be returned.
CHOOSEFILE_FINDNEXT The next entry of the current directory should be returned.


This command is sent to the given callback routine to get the first entry of the current directory. The element pRoot of the CHOOSEFILE_INFO structure pointed by the parameter pInfo of the callback function contains the path to be used.

The following elements of the CHOOSEFILE_INFO structure should be used by the application to return information of the requested file: pName, pExt, pAttrib, SizeL, SizeH and Flags.

The parameter pAttrib contains a string to be shown in the ’Attrib’ column. This string has to be build by the application. So each attributes independent of the used file system can be shown.

All strings used to return information about the file are copied by the dialog into its own memory locations.

If no file could be found the GetData() function should return 1.


This command is sent to the given callback routine to get the next entry of the chosen directory. If no further file could be found the GetData() function should return 1.

CHOOSEFILE button indexes


Button indexes used by the CHOOSEFILE dialog.


#define CHOOSEFILE_BI_OK        1
#define CHOOSEFILE_BI_UP        2


Definition Description
CHOOSEFILE_BI_CANCEL Index of ’Cancel’ button.
CHOOSEFILE_BI_OK Index of ’Ok’ button.
CHOOSEFILE_BI_UP Index of ’Up’ button.


A callback which has to pass information about the requested file to the dialog.

Type definition



Parameter Description
pInfo  in/out  Pointer to a CHOOSEFILE_INFO structure which contains all details of the requested file and needs to be filled by the function.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.

Additional information

The following structure elements of pInfo have to be set by this function:


The following shows an example of the GetData() function which can be used with WIN32. The sample folder also contains a sample which can be used with emFile. Here the WIN32 example:

static const struct {
  U32 Mask;
  char c;
} _aAttrib[] = {
static int _GetData(CHOOSEFILE_INFO * pInfo) {
  static HANDLE hFind;
  static int NewDir;
  static char acDrive [_MAX_DRIVE];
  static char acDir   [_MAX_DIR];
  static char acName  [_MAX_FNAME];
  static char acExt   [_MAX_EXT];
  static char acMask  [_MAX_PATH];
  static char acPath  [_MAX_PATH];
  static char acAttrib[10] = {0};
  WIN32_FIND_DATA Context;
  int i, r;
  char c;
  switch (pInfo->Cmd) {
    if (hFind != 0) {
    // Split path into drive and directory
    _splitpath(pInfo->pRoot, acDrive, acDir, NULL, NULL);
    NewDir = 1;
    // Do not 'break' here...
    if (NewDir) {
      _makepath(acMask, acDrive, acDir, NULL, NULL);
      strcat(acMask, pInfo->pMask);
      hFind = FindFirstFile(acMask, &Context);
      if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        hFind = 0;
        return 1;
    } else {
      r = FindNextFile(hFind, &Context);
      if (r == 0) {
        hFind = 0;
        return 1;
    NewDir = 0;
    // Generate attribute string (pInfo->pAttrib)
    for (i = 0; i < GUI_COUNTOF(_aAttrib); i++) {
      c = (Context.dwFileAttributes & _aAttrib[i].Mask) ? _aAttrib[i].c : '-';
      acAttrib[i] = c;
    // Make name and extension (pInfo->pName, pInfo->pExt)
    if ((Context.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) {
      _splitpath(Context.cFileName, NULL, NULL, acName, acExt);
    } else {
      strcpy(acName, Context.cFileName);
      acExt[0] = 0;
    // Pass data to dialog
    pInfo->pAttrib = acAttrib;
    pInfo->pName   = acName;
    pInfo->pExt    = acExt;
    pInfo->SizeL   = Context.nFileSizeLow;
    pInfo->SizeH   = Context.nFileSizeHigh;
    pInfo->Flags   = (Context.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) 
                     ? CHOOSEFILE_FLAG_DIRECTORY : 0;
  return 0;


A MESSAGEBOX is used to show a message in a frame window with a title bar, as well as an “OK” button which must be pressed in order to close the window. It requires only one line of code to create or to create and execute a message box.


All MESSAGEBOX-related routines are in the file(s) MESSAGEBOX*.c, MESSAGEBOX.h and GUI.h.

Simple message boxes

Configuration options
Type Macro Default Description
N MESSAGEBOX_BORDER 4 Distance between the elements of a message box and the elements of the client window frame.
N MESSAGEBOX_XSIZEOK 50 X-size of the “OK” button.
N MESSAGEBOX_YSIZEOK 20 Y-size of the “OK” button.
S MESSAGEBOX_BKCOLOR GUI_WHITE Color of the client window background.
Keyboard reaction

The widget consists of a FRAMEWIN, a TEXT and a BUTTON widget. When executing a message box the BUTTON widget gains the input focus. Detailed information on how keyboard events are handled by the BUTTON widget can be found in the section BUTTON: Button widget.


The table below lists the available emWin MESSAGEBOX-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions follow.

Routine Description
GUI_MessageBox() Creates and displays a message box.
MESSAGEBOX_Create() Creates a message box.


Creates and displays a message box.


int GUI_MessageBox(const char * sMessage,
                   const char * sCaption,
                         int    Flags);


Parameter Description
sMessage Message to display.
sCaption Caption for the title bar of the frame window.
Flags See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Flags
GUI_MESSAGEBOX_CF_MOVEABLE The message box can be moved by dragging the title bar or the frame.
0 No function.

Additional information

This function offers the possibility to create and execute a MESSAGEBOX with one line of code. An example implementation can be found in the sample application DIALOG_MessageBox.c which is located in the Sample folder. Details about dragging can be found in the description of FRAMEWIN_SetMoveable().



Creates a message box.


WM_HWIN MESSAGEBOX_Create(const char * sMessage,
                          const char * sCaption,
                                int    Flags);


Parameter Description
sMessage Message to display.
sCaption Caption for the title bar of the frame window.
Flags See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Flags
GUI_MESSAGEBOX_CF_MODAL Creates a modal message box. The default is creating a non modal message box.

Return value

Handle of the message box window.

Additional information

The function creates a message box consisting of a frame window with the caption text in the title bar, a text widget with the message text and a button widget representing the ’OK’ button. After creating the message box the dialog behavior may be changed by using a user defined callback function or the properties of the box items can be modified using the widget API functions.

The following IDs can be used for accessing the items:

ID Description
GUI_ID_TEXT0 ID of the TEXT widget containing the message text.
GUI_ID_OK ID of the ’OK’ BUTTON widget.

The frame window can be accessed by the handle returned by this function. The function GUI_ExecCreatedDialog() should be used to execute the message box.


Skinning is a method of changing the appearance of one or multiple widgets. It allows changing the look by using a dedicated skin which defines how the widgets are rendered. This makes it easy to change the appearance of a complete group of widgets in a similar way by changing only the skin.
Without skinning, widget member functions have to be used to change the look for each single widget or the callback function has to be overwritten.

What is a 'skin'

A skin is just a simple callback function which is available for drawing all details of a widget. It works by exactly same way as a ’user draw function’ of a widget, an older method of widget customization which was available before skinning was implemented.

From using API functions to skinning

There are different methods to change the appearance of a widget. Widget API functions, user draw functions, skinning and overwriting the callback function can be used to modify the appearance of a widget. The decision of the method to be used depends on what should be changed. The following explains what can be achieved with each method.

Using widget API functions

The default API functions can be used to change attributes like size, color, font or bitmaps used to draw a widget using the classical design. The following screenshot shows a typical sample of what can be done:

Before After

Some attributes can be changed but the basic appearance stays the same.

User draw functions

Some widgets like LISTBOX, FRAMEWIN, GRAPH or BUTTON widgets offer user draw functions. These functions can be used to draw some additional details or to replace the default drawing method for some items. The following screenshot shows a user drawn title area of a frame window. The user draw function renders the gradient in the title area, which can’t be achieved with the widget API functions:

Before After


Contrary to the methods mentioned above skinning covers the drawing of the whole widget and not only some details. We also used this opportunity to lift the appearance of the skinnable widgets which look much more up-to-date as the classical widget design. The following table shows the look of the about box from above in comparison with the new default skin:

Classical design Default skin

Overwriting the callback function of a widget

Before skinning was implemented, the only method of changing the complete appearance of a widget was overwriting the callback function of a widget. This gives full control over the complete message processing of the widget. It can be used in combination with the other methods. The main disadvantage of overwriting the callback function is that lots of code needs to be written by the user. This process is prone to error.

Using widget API for skinned widgets

Some functions do not have an effect anymore on widget properties. For example, the function BUTTON_SetColor() doesn’t work with the Flex skin, due to the fact that the BUTTON doesn’t consist of a single color anymore.

Skinnable widgets

Skinning only makes sense if a widget consists of several widget specific details. It does not make sense for each kind of widget. A TEXT widget for example does not require a separate skin, because it consists only of the text itself.
Currently the following widgets support skinning:

Using a skin

The shipment of emWin contains a ready-to-use default skin for all above listed skinnable widgets. They have been named <WIDGET>_SKIN_FLEX.
The following table shows the available default skins for all skinnable widgets:

Widget Default skin
Runtime configuration

To use these skins the function <WIDGET>_SetSkin(<WIDGET>_SKIN_FLEX) can be used. Further it is possible to set a default skin by <WIDGET>_SetDefaultSkin() which is used automatically for each new widget.

Switching from classic design to a skin

The most recommended way of using a skin is first setup the widget behavior and then creating the widget.


The following example shows how a skin can be used:

BUTTON_SetSkin(hButton, BUTTON_SKIN_FLEX); // Sets the skin for the given widget
BUTTON_SetDefaultSkin(BUTTON_SKIN_FLEX);   // Sets the default skin for new widgets

Additional information

<WIDGET>_SetSkin() can be called at any time causing the given widget to use the set skinning routine.
<WIDGET>_SetDefaultSkin() has to be called before creating the widget which should use the set skinning routine.
<WIDGET>_SetDefaultSkin() should be used when multiple or all widgets should use the same skinning routine.
Compile-time configuration

If Skinning should be used by default the compile time configuration macro WIDGET_USE_FLEX_SKIN needs to be defined as 1 in GUIConf.h.


To use skinning per default the macro should be added to the file GUIConf.h:


Simple changes to the look of the 'Flex' skin

Similar to the API functions available for changing the attributes of the classical look the attributes of the ’Flex’ skin can also be changed. This can be done without knowing all details of the skinning mechanism.
The function(s) <WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps() explained in detail later in this chapter can be used to change the attributes. For each skin exist functions for getting and setting the attributes.


The following code shows how to change the attributes of the button skin:

Props.aColorFrame[0] = 0x007FB13C;
Props.aColorFrame[1] = 0x008FfF8F;
Props.Radius  = 6;

Since skin properties are general to a certain type of widget, setting skin properties does not invalidate any window. Widgets which are affected by any changes have to be invalidated as shown above.


Before After

Major changes to the 'Flex' skin

The drawing mechanism of the default design without skinning is a ’black box’ for the application designer. The same is true for skinning if no major changes of the default look are required. If changing the attributes of the default skin is not sufficient to realize the required look, it is required to understand the details of the drawing mechanism of skinning.

The skinning callback mechanism

The drawing mechanism for all skinnable widgets is very similar and looks as follows:

int <WIDGET>_DrawSkin(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo) {
  switch (pDrawItemInfo->Cmd) {
    /* Draw the background */
    /* Draw the text */
    /* Additional function calls required to create the widget */

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int Cmd Command to be processed.
int ItemIndex Index of item to be drawn.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate in window coordinates.
void * p Data pointer to widget specific information.

This scheme is identical to all skinnable widgets. The callback function receives a pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. The structure pointed by pDrawItemInfo contains a command which has to be processed, a handle to the widget and further information whose meaning may vary by widget. The skinning callback function has to react with drawing a dedicated detail or with returning a dedicated value. How to use the drawing information in detail is explained later in this chapter.

Changing the look of the default skin

Understanding the above callback mechanism is important because changing a skin can easily be done by deriving a new skin from an existing one. A small example should show how the look of the default skin of a widget can be changed. Assuming the default look of the frame window skin should be changed because an icon should be shown on the left side of the title bar. The default appearance of the FRAMEWIN skin is as follows:

This should be changed to the following:

This can be done easily by using a customized skin derived from the default skin. The following code shows how this can be achieved. It shows a custom skinning callback function which is used as skin by the function FRAMEWIN_SetSkin(). Because the icon should be drawn in the text area of the frame window the function overwrites the default behavior of the text drawing:

All other tasks should be performed by the default skin:
  return FRAMEWIN_DrawSkinFlex(pDrawItemInfo);


static int _DrawSkinFlex_FRAME(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo) {
  char acBuffer[20];
  GUI_RECT Rect;
  switch (pDrawItemInfo->Cmd) {
  // Draw icon at the left side
  GUI_DrawBitmap(&_bmLogo_30x15, pDrawItemInfo->x0, pDrawItemInfo->y0);
  // Draw text beneath
  FRAMEWIN_GetText(pDrawItemInfo->hWin, acBuffer, sizeof(acBuffer));
  Rect.x0 = pDrawItemInfo->x0   // Default position of text
          + _bmLogo_30x15.XSize // + X-size of icon
          + 4;                  // + small gap between icon and text
  Rect.y0 = pDrawItemInfo->y0;
  Rect.x1 = pDrawItemInfo->x1;
  Rect.y1 = pDrawItemInfo->y1;
  GUI_DispStringInRect(acBuffer, &Rect, GUI_TA_VCENTER);
  // Use the default skinning routine for processing all other commands
  return FRAMEWIN_DrawSkinFlex(pDrawItemInfo);
  return 0;
void _SetSkin(WM_HWIN) {
  // Set the derived
  FRAMEWIN_SetSkin(hFrame, _DrawSkinFlex_FRAME);
List of commands

The skinning routine receives a pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. The Cmd member of this structure contains the command which needs to be processed. There are several commands which are sent to the skinning routine of a widget, but only a set of commands is sent to a certain type of widget. Further the exact meaning may vary according to the widget. How to react to commands is explained in the widget specific sections of this chapter. The following table gives an overview of the commands which are sent to the skinning routines:

Command Id (Cmd) Description
Creation messages
WIDGET_ITEM_CREATE Sent to each skinnable widget after it has been created but before it is drawn.
Information messages
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_BORDERSIZE_B Used to get the size of the bottom border.
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_BORDERSIZE_L Used to get the size of the left border.
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_BORDERSIZE_R Used to get the size of the right border.
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_BORDERSIZE_T Used to get the size of the top border.
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_BUTTONSIZE Used to get the button size.
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_XSIZE Used to get the X-size.
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_YSIZE Used to get the Y-size.
Drawing messages
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_ARROW Used to draw an arrow.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND Used to draw the background.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BITMAP Used to draw a bitmap.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BUTTON Used to draw the button area.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BUTTON_L Used to draw the left button area.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BUTTON_R Used to draw the right button area.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_FOCUS Used to draw the focus rectangle.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_FRAME Used to draw the frame of a widget.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_OVERLAP Used to draw the overlapping region.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_SEP Used to draw a separator.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_SHAFT Used to draw the shaft area.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_SHAFT_L Used to draw the left shaft area.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_SHAFT_R Used to draw the right shaft area.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_TEXT Used to draw the text.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_THUMB Used to draw the thumb area.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_TICKS Used to draw tick marks.

General Skinning API

The table below lists available skinning-related routines in alphabetical order. These functions are common to all skinnable widgets, and are listed here in order to avoid repetition. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow. The additional skinning member functions available for each widget may be found in later sections.

Routine Description
<WIDGET>_DrawSkinFlex() Skinning callback function of the default skin.
<WIDGET>_GetSkinFlexProps() Returns the current properties of the skin.
<WIDGET>_SetDefaultSkin() Sets the default skin used for new widgets.
<WIDGET>_SetDefaultSkinClassic() Sets the classical design as default for new widgets.
<WIDGET>_SetSkin() Sets a skin for the given widget.
<WIDGET>_SetSkinClassic() Sets the classical design for the given widget.
<WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps() Sets the properties of the skin.


These functions are the skinning callback functions of the default skin and are responsible to draw the complete widget.


int <WIDGET>_DrawSkinFlex(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo);


Parameter Description
pDrawItemInfo Pointer to a data structure of type WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO.

Additional information

A derived skin can use this function for drawing details of the default skin.



These functions return the attributes of the default skin. The widget specific descriptions later in this chapter explain the skin attributes in detail.


void <WIDGET>_GetSkinFlexProps(<WIDGET>_SKINFLEX_PROPS * pProps,
                               int                       Index);


Parameter Description
pProps Pointer to a skin specific configuration structure of type <WIDGET>_SKINFLEX_PROPS to be filled by the function.
Index Widget state (pressed, active, selected, …) for which the details should be retrieved.


These functions set the default skin which is used for new widgets of the dedicated type.


void <WIDGET>_SetDefaultSkin(WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC * pfDrawSkin);


Parameter Description
pfDrawSkin Pointer to a skinning callback function of type WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC.

Additional information

The given pointer should point to the skinning callback routine to be used for all new widgets. Details can be found in the description of <WIDGET>_SetSkin().



These functions set the classical design for all new widgets of the dedicated type.


void <WIDGET>_SetDefaultSkinClassic(void);

Additional information

The behavior of widgets which use the classical design is completely identical to the behavior before implementing the skinning feature.



These functions can be used for setting a skin for the given widget.


void <WIDGET>_SetSkin(<WIDGET>_Handle         hObj,
                      WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC * pfDrawSkin);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to the dedicated widget.
pfDrawSkin Pointer to a skinning callback function of type WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC.


typedef int WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo);

Additional information

Default widget API functions may have no effect in case a skin is used.



These functions switch to the classical design without skinning for the given widget.


void <WIDGET>_SetSkinClassic(<WIDGET>_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to the dedicated widget.

Additional information

Additional information can be found in the description of <WIDGET>_SetDefaultSkinClassic().



With these functions some attributes of the default skin can be changed without deriving an own skin. The widget specific descriptions later in this chapter will explain in detail what can be changed.


void <WIDGET>_SetSkinFlexProps(const <WIDGET>_SKINFLEX_PROPS * pProps,
                                     int                       Index);


Parameter Description
pProps Pointer to a skin specific configuration structure of type <WIDGET>_SKINFLEX_PROPS.
Index Details of the state (pressed, active, selected, …) for which the details should be valid.


The following picture shows the details of the skin:

The BUTTON skin consists of a rounded border and a rectangular inner area which is filled by 2 gradients. The surrounding border is drawn by 2 colors.

Detail Description
A Top color of top gradient.
B Bottom color of top gradient.
C Top color of bottom gradient.
D Bottom color of bottom gradient.
E Outer color of surrounding frame.
F Inner color of surrounding frame.
G Color of area between surrounding frame and inner rectangular area.
R Radius of rounded corner.
T Optional text.
Configuration structure

To set up the default appearance of the skin or to change it at run time configuration structures of type BUTTON_SKINFLEX_PROPS are used:

Elements of structure BUTTON_SKINFLEX_PROPS

Data type Element Description
U32 aColorFrame[3] [0] - Outer color of surrounding frame.
[1] - Inner color of surrounding frame.
[2] - Color of area between frame and inner area.
U32 aColorUpper[2] [0] - First (upper) color of upper gradient.
[1] - Second (lower) color of upper gradient.
U32 aColorLower[2] [0] - First (upper) color of lower gradient.
[1] - Second (lower) color of lower gradient.
int Radius Radius of rounded corner.
Configuration options

The default appearance of the skin can be defined using custom configuration structures of the type BUTTON_SKINFLEX_PROPS in GUIConf.h. The following table shows the identifiers which are used for the different states of the skinned BUTTON widget:

Macro Description
BUTTON_SKINPROPS_PRESSED Defines the default attributes used for pressed state.
BUTTON_SKINPROPS_FOCUSED Defines the default attributes used for focused state.
BUTTON_SKINPROPS_ENABLED Defines the default attributes used for enabled state.
BUTTON_SKINPROPS_DISABLED Defines the default attributes used for disabled state.
Skinning API

The table below lists the available routines in alphabetical order:

Routine Description
BUTTON_DrawSkinFlex() Skinning callback function of BUTTON_SKIN_FLEX. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
BUTTON_GetSkinFlexProps() Returns the properties of the given button skin. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
BUTTON_SetDefaultSkin() Sets the default skin used for new button widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
BUTTON_SetDefaultSkinClassic() Sets the classical design as default for new button widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
BUTTON_SetSkin() Sets a skin for the given button widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
BUTTON_SetSkinClassic() Sets the classical design for the given button widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
BUTTON_SetSkinFlexProps() Sets the properties of the given button skin.
Before After


Sets the properties of the given button skin.


void BUTTON_SetSkinFlexProps(const BUTTON_SKINFLEX_PROPS * pProps,
                                   int                     Index);


Parameter Description
pProps Pointer to a structure of type BUTTON_SKINFLEX_PROPS.
Index See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Index
BUTTON_SKINFLEX_PI_PRESSED Properties for pressed state.
BUTTON_SKINFLEX_PI_FOCUSED Properties for focused state.
BUTTON_SKINFLEX_PI_ENABLED Properties for enabled state.
BUTTON_SKINFLEX_PI_DISABLED Properties for disabled state.

Additional information

The function passes a pointer to a BUTTON_SKINFLEX_PROPS structure. It can be used to set up the colors and the radius of the skin.

List of commands

The skinning routine receives a pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. The Cmd member of this structure contains the command which needs to be processed. The following table shows all commands passed to the BUTTON_SKIN_FLEX callback function:

Command Description
WIDGET_ITEM_CREATE Is sent immediately after creating the widget.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND The skinning function should draw the background.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BITMAP The skinning function should draw the optional button bitmap.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_TEXT The skinning function should draw the optional button text.

The WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure is explained at the beginning of the chapter.


The skinning routine should, if necessary, set up skin related properties like e.g. transparency or text alignment.


The background of the widget should be drawn.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex See table below.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate in window coordinates, normally 0.
int y0 Topmost coordinate in window coordinates, normally 0.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate in window coordinates.
Permitted values for element ItemIndex
BUTTON_SKINFLEX_PI_PRESSED The widget is pressed.
BUTTON_SKINFLEX_PI_FOCUSED The widget is not pressed but focused.
BUTTON_SKINFLEX_PI_ENABLED The widget is not focused but enabled.
BUTTON_SKINFLEX_PI_DISABLED The widget is disabled.

The optional button bitmap should be drawn.


A detailed description of the elements can be found under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND.

Additional information

The function BUTTON_GetBitmap() can be used to get the optional button bitmap.


The optional button text should be drawn.


A detailed description of the elements can be found under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND.

Additional information

The function BUTTON_GetText() can be used to get the optional text.


The following picture shows the details of the skin:

The button area of the CHECKBOX skin consists of a frame and a rectangular inner area which is filled by a gradient. The frame is drawn by 3 colors. If it is checked, a checkmark is shown in the center of the box:

Detail Description
A First color of frame.
B Second color of frame.
C Third color of frame.
D Upper color of gradient.
E Lower color of gradient.
F Color of checkmark.
R Focus rectangle.
S Size in pixels of button area.
T Optional text.
Configuration structure

To set up the default appearance of the skin or to change it at run time configuration structures of type CHECKBOX_SKINFLEX_PROPS are used:

Elements of structure CHECKBOX_SKINFLEX_PROPS

Data type Element Description
U32 aColorFrame[3] [0] - Outer color of frame.
[1] - Middle color of frame.
[2] - Inner color of frame.
U32 aColorInner[2] [0] - First (upper) color of gradient.
[1] - Second (lower) color of gradient.
U32 ColorCheck Color of checkmark.
int ButtonSize Size in pixels of the button area. (Obsolete. Use the functions CHECKBOX_GetSkinFlexButtonSize() and
Configuration options

The default appearance of the skin can be determined by setting custom configuration structures of the above type in GUIConf.h. The following table shows the available configuration options:

Macro Description
CHECKBOX_SKINPROPS_ENABLED Defines the default attributes used for enabled state.
CHECKBOX_SKINPROPS_DISABLED Defines the default attributes used for disabled state.
Skinning API

The table below lists the available routines in alphabetical order:

Routine Description
CHECKBOX_DrawSkinFlex() Skinning callback function of CHECKBOX_SKIN_FLEX. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
CHECKBOX_GetSkinFlexButtonSize() Returns the button size of the specified CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_GetSkinFlexProps() Returns the properties of the given checkbox skin. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
CHECKBOX_SetDefaultSkin() Sets the default skin used for new checkbox widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
CHECKBOX_SetDefaultSkinClassic() Sets the classical design as default for new checkbox widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
CHECKBOX_SetSkin() Sets a skin for the given checkbox widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
CHECKBOX_SetSkinClassic() Sets the classical design for the given checkbox widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
CHECKBOX_SetSkinFlexButtonSize() Sets the button size of the specified CHECKBOX widget.
CHECKBOX_SetSkinFlexProps() The function can be used to change the properties of the skin.


Returns the button size of the specified CHECKBOX widget.


int CHECKBOX_GetSkinFlexButtonSize(CHECKBOX_Handle hObj);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a CHECKBOX widget.

Return value

Button size.

Before After


Sets the button size of the specified CHECKBOX widget.


void CHECKBOX_SetSkinFlexButtonSize(CHECKBOX_Handle hObj,
                                    int             ButtonSize);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle to a CHECKBOX widget.
ButtonSize Size to be set.
Before After


The function can be used to change the properties of the skin.


void CHECKBOX_SetSkinFlexProps(const CHECKBOX_SKINFLEX_PROPS * pProps,
                                     int                       Index);


Parameter Description
pProps Pointer to a structure of type CHECKBOX_SKINFLEX_PROPS.
Index See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Index
CHECKBOX_SKINFLEX_PI_ENABLED Properties for enabled state.
CHECKBOX_SKINFLEX_PI_DISABLED Properties for disabled state.

Additional information

The function passes a pointer to a CHECKBOX_SKINFLEX_PROPS structure. It can be used to set up the colors of the skin. Please note that the size of the widgets using the skin won’t be changed if for example the new button size is different to the old button size. This can not be done by the skin, because it does not ’know’ which widget is using it. If required resizing should be done by the application, for example with WM_ResizeWindow(). The function CHECKBOX_GetSkinFlexProps() can be used to get the current attributes of the skin.

List of commands

The skinning routine receives a pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. The Cmd member of this structure contains the command which needs to be processed. The following table shows all commands passed to the CHECKBOX_SKIN_FLEX callback function:

Command Description
WIDGET_ITEM_CREATE Is sent immediately after creating the widget.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BUTTON The background of the button area should be drawn.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BITMAP The checkmark of the button area should be drawn.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_FOCUS The focus rectangle should be drawn.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_TEXT The optional text should be drawn.

The skinning routine should, if necessary, set up skin related properties like e.g. transparency or text alignment.


The button area of the widget without checkmark should be drawn. It is typically drawn at the left side of the widget area.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of widget area in window coordinates, normally 0.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of widget area in window coordinates, normally 0.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of widget area in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of widget area in window coordinates.

The content of hWin, x0, y0, x1 and y1 is the same for all commands of this skin.


The checkmark should be drawn in the center of the button area.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Element Description
ItemIndex 1 - The widget is checked.
2 - Second checked state when using a 3 state button.
hWin,x0,y0,x1,y1 These elements are described under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BUTTON.

The focus rectangle should be drawn around the text.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Element Description
p The void pointer points to the zero terminated optional text of the widget.
hWin,x0,y0,x1,y1 These elements are described under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BUTTON.

Additional information

The element p can be casted to a text pointer. Details can be found in the description of WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_TEXT.


The optional text should be drawn. The text is typically drawn at the right side of the button area.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Element Description
p The void pointer points to the zero terminated optional text of the widget.
hWin,x0,y0,x1,y1 These elements are described under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BUTTON.

Additional information

To get a text pointer the element p can be casted to a text pointer:

char * s;
s = (char *)pDrawItemInfo->p;

The following picture shows the details of the skin:

The DROPDOWN skin consists of a rounded frame and a rectangular inner area which is filled by two gradients. The rounded frame is drawn by 3 colors. At the right side a small triangle is drawn. Between text and triangle a small separator is drawn:

Detail Description
A First color of frame.
B Second color of frame.
C Third color of frame.
D Top color of top gradient.
E Bottom color of top gradient.
F Top color of bottom gradient.
G Bottom color of bottom gradient.
H Separator between text and triangle.
I Triangle.
R Radius of rounded corner.
T Optional text.

The dropdown widget in open state consists of an additional LISTBOX widget. The skin does not affect the LISTBOX.

Configuration structure

To set up the default appearance of the skin or to change it at run time configuration structures of type DROPDOWN_SKINFLEX_PROPS are used:

Elements of structure DROPDOWN_SKINFLEX_PROPS

Data type Element Description
U32 aColorFrame[3] [0] - Outer color of surrounding frame.
[1] - Inner color of surrounding frame.
[2] - Color of area between frame and inner area.
U32 aColorUpper[2] [0] - Top color of top gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of top gradient.
U32 aColorLower[2] [0] - Top color of bottom gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of bottom gradient.
U32 ColorArrow Color used to draw the arrow.
U32 ColorText Color used to draw the text.
U32 ColorSep Color used to draw the separator.
int Radius Radius of rounded corner.
Configuration options

The default appearance of the skin can be determined by setting custom configuration structures of the above type in GUIConf.h. The following table shows the available configuration options:

Macro Description
DROPDOWN_SKINPROPS_OPEN Defines the default attributes used for open state.
DROPDOWN_SKINPROPS_FOCUSED Defines the default attributes used for focused state.
DROPDOWN_SKINPROPS_ENABLED Defines the default attributes used for enabled state.
DROPDOWN_SKINPROPS_DISABLED Defines the default attributes used for disabled state.
Skinning API

The table below lists the available routines in alphabetical order:

Routine Description
DROPDOWN_DrawSkinFlex() Skinning callback function of DROPDOWN_SKIN_FLEX. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
DROPDOWN_GetSkinFlexProps() Returns the properties of the given dropdown skin. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
DROPDOWN_SetDefaultSkin() Sets the default skin used for new dropdown widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
DROPDOWN_SetDefaultSkinClassic() Sets the classical design as default for new dropdown widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
DROPDOWN_SetSkin() Sets a skin for the given dropdown widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
DROPDOWN_SetSkinClassic() Sets the classical design for the given dropdown widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
DROPDOWN_SetSkinFlexProps() The function can be used to change the properties of the skin.
Before After


The function can be used to change the properties of the skin.


void DROPDOWN_SetSkinFlexProps(const DROPDOWN_SKINFLEX_PROPS * pProps,
                                     int                       Index);


Parameter Description
pProps Pointer to a structure of type DROPDOWN_SKINFLEX_PROPS.
Index See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Index
DROPDOWN_SKINFLEX_PI_OPEN Properties for open state.
DROPDOWN_SKINFLEX_PI_FOCUSED Properties for focused state.
DROPDOWN_SKINFLEX_PI_ENABLED Properties for enabled state.
DROPDOWN_SKINFLEX_PI_DISABLED Properties for disabled state.

Additional information

The function passes a pointer to a DROPDOWN_SKINFLEX_PROPS structure. It can be used to set up the colors and the radius of the skin. The function DROPDOWN_GetSkinFlexProps() can be used to get the current attributes of the skin.

List of commands

The skinning routine receives a pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. The Cmd member of this structure contains the command which needs to be processed. The following table shows all commands passed to the DROPDOWN_SKIN_FLEX callback function:

Command Description
WIDGET_ITEM_CREATE Is sent immediately after creating the widget.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_ARROW The skinning function should draw the arrow.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND The skinning function should draw the background.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_TEXT The skinning function should draw the optional button text.

The skinning routine should, if necessary, set up skin related properties like e.g. transparency or text alignment.


The triangle (arrow) at the right side should be drawn.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

A detailed description of the elements can be found under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND.


The background of the widget should be drawn.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex See table below.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate in window coordinates, normally 0.
int y0 Topmost coordinate in window coordinates, normally 0.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate in window coordinates.
Permitted values for element ItemIndex
DROPDOWN_SKINFLEX_PI_FOCUSED The widget is in not pressed but focused.
DROPDOWN_SKINFLEX_PI_ENABLED The widget is in not focused but enabled.

The text of the currently selected string should be drawn within the button area of the dropdown widget. The text is typically drawn at the left side of the button area.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

A detailed description of the elements can be found under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND.


The following picture shows the details of the skin:

The FRAMEWIN skin consists of a title bar, rounded corners at the top, a gradient used to draw the background of the title bar, a border whose size is configurable and a separator between title bar and client area:

Detail Description
A Outer color of surrounding frame.
B Inner color of surrounding frame.
C Color of area between frame and inner area.
Gt Top color of top title bar gradient.
Gb Bottom color of title bar gradient.
Bt Top size of border.
Bb Bottom size of border.
Bl Left size of border.
Br Right size of border.
W Area of client window.
R Radius of rounded corner.
T Optional text.
Configuration structure

To set up the default appearance of the skin or to change it at run time configuration structures of type FRAMEWIN_SKINFLEX_PROPS are used:

Elements of structure FRAMEWIN_SKINFLEX_PROPS

Data type Element Description
U32 aColorFrame[3] [0] - Outer color of surrounding frame.
[1] - Inner color of surrounding frame.
[2] - Color of area between frame and inner area.
U32 aColorTitle[2] [0] - Top color of top title bar gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of title bar gradient.
int Radius Radius of rounded corners.
int SpaceX Optional space in X between title text and border of title gradient.
int BorderSizeL Left size of border.
int BorderSizeR Right size of border.
int BorderSizeT Top size of border.
int BorderSizeB Bottom size of border.
Configuration options

The default appearance of the skin can be determined by setting custom configuration structures of the above type in GUIConf.h. The following table shows the available configuration options:

Macro Description
FRAMEWIN_SKINPROPS_ACTIVE Defines the default attributes used for active state.
FRAMEWIN_SKINPROPS_INACTIVE Defines the default attributes used for inactive state.
Skinning API

The table below lists the available routines in alphabetical order:

Routine Description
FRAMEWIN_DrawSkinFlex() Skinning callback function of FRAMEWIN_SKIN_FLEX. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
FRAMEWIN_GetSkinFlexProps() Returns the properties of the given FRAMEWIN skin. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultSkin() Sets the default skin used for new framewin widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
FRAMEWIN_SetDefaultSkinClassic() Sets the classical design as default for new framewin widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
FRAMEWIN_SetSkin() Sets a skin for the given framewin widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
FRAMEWIN_SetSkinClassic() Sets the classical design for the given framewin widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
FRAMEWIN_SetSkinFlexProps() The function can be used to change the properties of the skin.
Before After


The function can be used to change the properties of the skin.


void FRAMEWIN_SetSkinFlexProps(const FRAMEWIN_SKINFLEX_PROPS * pProps,
                                     int                       Index);


Parameter Description
pProps Pointer to a structure of type FRAMEWIN_SKINFLEX_PROPS.
Index See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Index
FRAMEWIN_SKINFLEX_PI_ACTIVE Properties for active state.
FRAMEWIN_SKINFLEX_PI_INACTIVE Properties for inactive state.

Additional information

The function passes a pointer to a FRAMEWIN_SKINFLEX_PROPS structure. It can be used to set up the colors, radius and border size of the skin. The function FRAMEWIN_GetSkinFlexProps() can be used to get the current attributes of the skin. When creating a frame window using this skin the values for inactive state are used for calculating size and position of the client window.

List of commands

The skinning routine receives a pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. The Cmd member of this structure contains the command which needs to be processed. The following table shows all commands passed to the FRAMEWIN_SKIN_FLEX callback function:

Command Description
WIDGET_ITEM_CREATE Is sent immediately after creating the widget.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND The skinning function should draw the title background.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_FRAME The skinning function should draw the frame.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_SEP The skinning function should draw the separator.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_TEXT The skinning function should draw the title text.
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_BORDERSIZE_L The skinning function should return the left border size.
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_BORDERSIZE_R The skinning function should return the right border size.
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_BORDERSIZE_T The skinning function should return the top border size.
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_BORDERSIZE_B The skinning function should return the bottom border size.
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_RADIUS The skinning function should return the radius of the corners.

The skinning routine should, if necessary, set up skin related properties like e.g. transparency or text alignment.


The skinning routine should draw the background of the title area.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex See table below.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of title area in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of title area in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of title area in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of title area in window coordinates.
Permitted values for element ItemIndex
FRAMEWIN_SKINFLEX_PI_ACTIVE The widget is in active state.
FRAMEWIN_SKINFLEX_PI_INACTIVE The widget is in inactive state.

The skinning routine should draw the complete border without the title area and the separator.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex See table below.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate in window coordinates, normally 0.
int y0 Topmost coordinate in window coordinates, normally 0.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate in window coordinates (xSize of window - 1).
int y1 Bottommost coordinate in window coordinates (ySize of window - 1).
Permitted values for element ItemIndex
FRAMEWIN_SKINFLEX_PI_ACTIVE The widget is in active state.
FRAMEWIN_SKINFLEX_PI_INACTIVE The widget is in inactive state.

The skinning routine should draw title text.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

A detailed description of the elements can be found under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND.


The skinning routine should return the size of the according border.


The following picture shows the details of the skin:

The HEADER skin consists of a bar with a thin border which is divided into separate items. The background of the bar consists of a top and a bottom gradient. Each item can have a text, a bitmap and an indicator which can be used for example to show the sorting order:

Detail Description
A Top color of top gradient.
B Bottom color of top gradient.
C Top color of bottom gradient.
D Bottom color of bottom gradient.
E First color of frame.
F Second color of frame.
I Indicator.
T Text (optional).
P Bitmap (optional).
Configuration structure

To set up the default appearance of the skin or to change it at run time configuration structures of type HEADER_SKINFLEX_PROPS are used:

Elements of structure HEADER_SKINFLEX_PROPS

Data type Element Description
U32 aColorFrame[2] [0] - First color of frame and separators.
[1] - Second color of frame and separators.
U32 aColorUpper[2] [0] - Top color of top gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of top gradient.
U32 aColorLower[2] [0] - Top color of bottom gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of bottom gradient.
U32 ColorArrow Color of indicator.
Configuration options

The default appearance of the skin can be determined by setting custom configuration structures of the above type in GUIConf.h. The following table shows the available configuration options:

Macro Description
HEADER_SKINPROPS Defines the default attributes used for drawing the skin.
Skinning API

The table below lists the available routines in alphabetical order:

Routine Description
HEADER_DrawSkinFlex() Skinning callback function of HEADER_SKIN_FLEX. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
HEADER_GetSkinFlexProps() Returns the properties of the given HEADER skin. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
HEADER_SetDefaultSkin() Sets the default skin used for new HEADER widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
HEADER_SetDefaultSkinClassic() Sets the classical design as default for new HEADER widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
HEADER_SetSkin() Sets a skin for the given HEADER widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
HEADER_SetSkinClassic() Sets the classical design for the given HEADER widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
HEADER_SetSkinFlexProps() The function can be used to change the properties of the skin.
Before After


The function can be used to change the properties of the skin.


void HEADER_SetSkinFlexProps(const HEADER_SKINFLEX_PROPS * pProps,
                                   int                     Index);


Parameter Description
pProps Pointer to a structure of type HEADER_SKINFLEX_PROPS.
Index See table below.

Additional information

The function passes a pointer to a HEADER_SKINFLEX_PROPS structure. It can be used to set up the colors of the skin. The function HEADER_GetSkinFlexProps() can be used to get the current attributes of the skin.

List of commands

The skinning routine receives a pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. The Cmd member of this structure contains the command which needs to be processed. The following table shows all commands passed to the HEADER_SKIN_FLEX callback function:

Command Description
WIDGET_ITEM_CREATE Is sent immediately after creating the widget.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_ARROW The indicator arrow of the header item should be drawn.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND The background of the header item should be drawn.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BITMAP The bitmap of the header item should be drawn.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_OVERLAP The overlapping region of the widget should be drawn.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_TEXT The test of the header item should be drawn.

The skinning routine should, if necessary, set up skin related properties like e.g. transparency or text alignment.


The skinning routine should draw the optional direction indicator. This message is sent only if the indicator of the header item is enabled.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

A detailed description of the elements can be found under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND.


The skinning routine should draw the background of an item area.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Is always 0.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of item area in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of item area in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of item area in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of item area in window coordinates.

The skinning routine should draw the optional item bitmap. The message is only sent in case of an existing bitmap.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

A detailed description of the elements can be found under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND.


The skinning routine should draw the overlapping region.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

A detailed description of the elements can be found under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND.


The skinning routine should draw the optional item text. The message is only sent in case of an existing text.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

A detailed description of the elements can be found under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND.

The following picture shows the details of the skin:

The MENU skin covers horizontal as well as vertical MENU widgets. Since both variations require the ability to be handled differently, most items can be colored separately. The background is drawn by a gradient for horizontal MENU widgets. The vertical version only consists of a single background color. Selected and selected items having a submenu are drawn using a gradient an a frame. All vertical items are surrounded by a frame. Horizontal items are just underlined. Vertical items with a submenu consist of an arrow indicating the submenu. Separators are drawn using 2 lines with 2 different colors. The item text is displayed using the same color for all items.

Detail Description
A Top color of the background gradient. (horizontal)
B Bottom color of the background gradient. (horizontal)
C Background color. (vertical)
D Frame color. (horizontal)
E Frame color. (vertical)
F Bottom color of the background gradient for selected items. (horizontal)
G Top color of the background gradient for selected items. (horizontal)
H Bottom color of the background gradient for selected items. (vertical)
I Top color of the background gradient for selected items. (vertical)
J Frame color for selected items. (horizontal)
K Frame color for selected items. (vertical)
L Left separator color. (horizontal)
M Right separator color. (horizontal)
N Top separator color. (vertical)
O Bottom separator color. (vertical)
P Color of the arrow indicating submenus.
Q Color of the text.
Configuration structure

To set up the default appearance of the skin or to change it at run time configuration a structure of the type MENU_SKINFLEX_PROPS must be used:

Elements of structure MENU_SKINFLEX_PROPS

Data type Element Description
U32 aBkColorH[2] Horizontal:
[0] - Top color of background gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of horizontal background gradient.
U32 BkColorV Background color. (vertical)
U32 FrameColorH Frame color. (horizontal)
U32 FrameColorV Frame color. (vertical)
U32 aSelColorH[2] Horizontal:
[0] - Top color of the background gradient for selected items.
[1] - Bottom color of the background gradient for selected items.
U32 aSelColorV[2] Vertical:
[0] - Top color of the background gradient for selected items.
[1] - Bottom color of the background gradient for selected items.
U32 FrameColorSelH Frame color for selected items. (horizontal)
U32 FrameColorSelV Frame color for selected items. (vertical)
U32 aSepColorH[2] Horizontal:
[0] - Left separator color.
[1] - Right separator color.
U32 aSepColorV[2] Vertical:
[0] - Top separator color.
[1] - Bottom separator color.
U32 ArrowColor Color of the arrow indicating submenus.
U32 TextColor Color of the text.
Configuration options

The default appearance of the skin can be determined by setting custom configuration structures of the above type in GUIConf.h. The following table shows the available configuration options:

Macro Description
MENU_SKINPROPS_ACTIVE_SUBMENU Defines the default attributes which are used to draw the item in case its submenu is active.
MENU_SKINPROPS_DISABLED Defines the default attributes which are used to draw the item in disabled state.
MENU_SKINPROPS_DISABLED_SEL Defines the default attributes which are used to draw the item in case it is selected in disabled state.
MENU_SKINPROPS_ENABLED Defines the default attributes which are used to draw the item in enabled state.
MENU_SKINPROPS_SELECTED Defines the default attributes which are used to draw the item in selected state.
Skinning API

The table below lists the available routines in alphabetical order:

Routine Description
MENU_DrawSkinFlex() Skinning callback function of MENU_SKIN_FLEX. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
MENU_GetSkinFlexProps() Returns the properties of the given MENU skin. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
MENU_SetDefaultSkin() Sets the default skin used for new MENU widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
MENU_SetDefaultSkinClassic() Sets the classical design as default for new MENU widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
MENU_SetSkin() Sets a skin for the given MENU widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
MENU_SetSkinClassic() Sets the classical design for the given MENU widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
MENU_SetSkinFlexProps() The function can be used to change the colors of the skin.
MENU_SkinEnableArrow() Toggles the drawing of an arrow.
Before After


The function can be used to change the colors of the skin.


void MENU_SetSkinFlexProps(const MENU_SKINFLEX_PROPS * pProps,
                                 int                   Index);


Parameter Description
pProps Pointer to a structure of type MENU_SKINFLEX_PROPS.
Index See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Index
MENU_SKINFLEX_PI_ENABLED Properties for enabled state.
MENU_SKINFLEX_PI_SELECTED Properties for selected state.
MENU_SKINFLEX_PI_DISABLED Properties for disabled state.
MENU_SKINFLEX_PI_DISABLED_SEL Properties for disabled selected state.
MENU_SKINFLEX_PI_ACTIVE_SUBMENU Properties for active submenu state.

Additional information

The function passes a pointer to a MENU_SKINFLEX_PROPS structure. It can be used to set up the colors of the skin. The function MENU_GetSkinFlexProps() can be used to get the current attributes of the skin.

Before After


Toggles the drawing of an arrow.


void MENU_SkinEnableArrow(MENU_Handle hObj,
                          int         OnOff);


Parameter Description
hObj Handle the MENU widget.
OnOff 1 to enable drawing of arrows. 0 to disable drawing of arrows.

Additional information

Arrows are drawn only…

List of commands

The skinning routine receives a pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. The Cmd member of this structure contains the command which needs to be processed. The following table shows all commands passed to the MENU_SKIN_FLEX callback function:

Command Description
WIDGET_ITEM_CREATE Is sent immediately after creating the widget.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_ARROW The skinning function should draw the arrow.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND The skinning function should draw the background.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_FRAME The skinning function should draw the frame.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_SEP The skinning function should draw the separator.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_TEXT The skinning function should draw the text.

The skinning routine should, if necessary, set up skin related properties like e.g. transparency or text alignment.


The skinning routine should draw the arrow.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Index of the according item (≥ 0).
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of the item area in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of the item area in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of the item area in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of the item area in window coordinates.

Additional information

This message is sent only in case drawing arrows is enabled. Drawing is enabled by default when using MENU_SKIN_FLEX. Detailed information on how to enable/disable drawing of arrows can be found in the description of the function MENU_SkinEnableArrow.

Additional information

This message is sent only in case drawing arrows is enabled. Drawing is enabled by default when using MENU_SKIN_FLEX. Detailed information on how to enable/disable drawing of arrows can be found in the description of the function MENU_SkinEnableArrow.


The skinning routine should draw the background.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Index of the according item (≥ 0) or -1.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of the item area in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of the item area in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of the item area in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of the item area in window coordinates.

Additional information

This message is sent once per each item of the MENU widget. In case a horizontal MENU widget is not completely covered by items, WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND is sent one more time with ItemIndex = -1 and the coordinates of the unused area right of the last item.


The skinning routine should draw the surrounding frame.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO



The skinning routine should draw the text.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO



The following picture shows the details of the skin:

The MULTIPAGE skin consists of the tabs which are drawn using a frame and 2 horizontal gradients as background. The according text is displayed on top of the background:

Detail Description
A Background color for selected items.
B Top color of top gradient.
C Bottom color of top gradient.
D Top color of bottom gradient.
E Bottom color of bottom gradient.
F Frame color.
G Text color.
Configuration structure

To set up the default appearance of the skin or to change it at run time configuration structures of type MULTIPAGE_SKINFLEX_PROPS are used:

Elements of structure MULTIPAGE_SKINFLEX_PROPS

Data type Element Description
U32 BkColor Background color for selected items.
U32 aBkUpper[2] [0] - Top color of top gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of top gradient.
U32 aBkLower[2] [0] - Top color of bottom gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of bottom gradient.
U32 FrameColor Frame color.
U32 TextColor Text color.
Configuration options

The default appearance of the skin can be determined by setting custom configuration structures of the above type in GUIConf.h. The following table shows the available configuration options:

Macro Description
MULTIPAGE_SKINPROPS_ENABLED Defines the default attributes for drawing enabled tabs.
MULTIPAGE_SKINPROPS_SELECTED Defines the default attributes for drawing selected tabs.
MULTIPAGE_SKINPROPS_DISABLED Defines the default attributes for drawing disabled tabs.
Skinning API

The table below lists the available routines in alphabetical order:

Routine Description
MULTIPAGE_DrawSkinFlex() Skinning callback function of MULTIPAGE_SKIN_FLEX. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
MULTIPAGE_GetSkinFlexProps() Returns the properties of the given MULTIPAGE skin. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
MULTIPAGE_SetDefaultSkin() Sets the default skin used for new MULTIPAGE widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
MULTIPAGE_SetDefaultSkinClassic() Sets the classical design as default for new MULTIPAGE widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
MULTIPAGE_SetSkin() Sets a skin for the given MULTIPAGE widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
MULTIPAGE_SetSkinClassic() Sets the classical design for the given MULTIPAGE widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
MULTIPAGE_SetSkinFlexProps() The function can be used to change the colors of the skin.
Before After


The function can be used to change the colors of the skin.


void MULTIPAGE_SetSkinFlexProps(const MULTIPAGE_SKINFLEX_PROPS * pProps,
                                      int                        Index);


Parameter Description
pProps Pointer to a structure of type MULTIPAGE_SKINFLEX_PROPS.
Index See table below.
Permitted values for parameter Index
MULTIPAGE_SKINFLEX_PI_ENABLED Properties for enabled state.
MULTIPAGE_SKINFLEX_PI_SELECTED Properties for selected state.
MULTIPAGE_SKINFLEX_PI_DISABLED Properties for disabled state.

Additional information

The function passes a pointer to a MULTIPAGE_SKINFLEX_PROPS structure. It can be used to set up the colors of the skin. The function MULTIPAGE_GetSkinFlexProps() can be used to get the current attributes of the skin.

List of commands

The skinning routine receives a pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. The Cmd member of this structure contains the command which needs to be processed. The following table shows all commands passed to the MULTIPAGE_SKIN_FLEX callback function:

Command Description
WIDGET_ITEM_CREATE Is sent immediately after creating the widget.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND The skinning function should draw the background.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_FRAME The skinning function should draw the frame.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_TEXT The skinning function should draw the text.

All commands make use of the WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure, which contains the required information to draw the widget using a skin.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Index of the item to display.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of the client area/current tab in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of the client area/current tab in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of the client area/current tab in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of the client area/current tab in window coordinates.
void * p Pointer to a MULTIPAGE_SKIN_INFO structure.

Elements of structure MULTIPAGE_SKIN_INFO

Data type Element Description
GUI_ROTATION * pRotation GUI_ROTATE_0, if the MULTIPAGE widget is horizontal. GUI_ROTATE_CW, if the MULTIPAGE widget is vertical.
unsigned Align Current alignment of the MULTIPAGE widget. Contains an or-combination of the bit definitions listed below.
int Sel Index of the currently selected item. This helps to determine if the currently processed item is selected and therefore might require to be drawn in a different way.
U16 State Current state of the MULTIPAGE widget. See table below.
U8 FrameFlags Determines which lines of the frame need to be drawn using an or-combination of the bit definitions listed below.
U8 PageStatus State of the current page.
Possible bits set in the element Align
MULTIPAGE_ALIGN_RIGHT If set, items must be aligned to the right. Otherwise items must be aligned to the left.
MULTIPAGE_ALIGN_BOTTOM If set, items must be aligned to the bottom. Otherwise items must be aligned to the left.
Possible bits set in the element State
WIDGET_STATE_VERTICAL If set, items must be drawn in vertical order. Otherwise items must be drawn in horizontal order.
Possible bits set in the element FrameFlags
MULTIPAGE_SKIN_FRAME_TOP If set, the top line of the frame needs to be drawn.
MULTIPAGE_SKIN_FRAME_BOTTOM If set, the bottom line of the frame needs to be drawn.
MULTIPAGE_SKIN_FRAME_LEFT If set, the left line of the frame needs to be drawn.
MULTIPAGE_SKIN_FRAME_RIGHT If set, the right line of the frame needs to be drawn.
Possible bits set in the element PageStatus
MULTIPAGE_STATE_ENABLED If set, items must be drawn in vertical order. Otherwise items must be drawn in horizontal order.

The skinning routine should, if necessary, set up skin related properties like e.g. transparency or text alignment.


The skinning routine should draw the background of the given tab.


The skinning routine should draw the surrounding frame. In case ItemIndex is given with -1 the frame of the client window has to be drawn. In case of ItemIndex ≥ 0, a single tab should be drawn. The coordinates in the WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure are set according to the ItemIndex.


The skinning routine should draw the text.


The following picture shows the details of the skin:

The PROGBAR skin consists of a bar with a thin border. The background is drawn by 4 gradients, a top and a bottom gradient at the left and at the right side and a text which shows the current state per default:

Detail Description
A Top color of top left gradient.
B Bottom color of top left gradient.
C Top color of bottom left gradient.
D Bottom color of bottom left gradient.
E Top color of top right gradient.
F Bottom color of top right gradient.
G Top color of bottom right gradient.
H Bottom color of bottom right gradient.
I Color of frame.
T Text (optional).
Configuration structure

To set up the default appearance of the skin or to change it at run time configuration structures of type PROGBAR_SKINFLEX_PROPS are used:

Elements of structure PROGBAR_SKINFLEX_PROPS

Data type Element Description
U32 aColorUpperL[2] [0] - Top color of top gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of top gradient.
U32 aColorLowerL[2] [0] - Top color of bottom gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of bottom gradient.
U32 aColorUpperR[2] [0] - Top color of top gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of top gradient.
U32 aColorLowerR[2] [0] - Top color of bottom gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of bottom gradient.
U32 ColorFrame Color of frame.
U32 ColorText Color of text.
Configuration options

The default appearance of the skin can be determined by setting custom configuration structures of the above type in GUIConf.h. The following table shows the available configuration options:

Macro Description
PROGBAR_SKINPROPS Defines the default attributes used for drawing the skin.
Skinning API

The table below lists the available routines in alphabetical order:

Routine Description
PROGBAR_DrawSkinFlex() Skinning callback function of PROGBAR_SKIN_FLEX. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
PROGBAR_GetSkinFlexProps() Returns the properties of the given PROGBAR skin. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
PROGBAR_SetDefaultSkin() Sets the default skin used for new PROGBAR widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
PROGBAR_SetDefaultSkinClassic() Sets the classical design as default for new PROGBAR widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
PROGBAR_SetSkin() Sets a skin for the given PROGBAR widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
PROGBAR_SetSkinClassic() Sets the classical design for the given PROGBAR widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
PROGBAR_SetSkinFlexProps() The function can be used to change the colors of the skin.
Before After

Additional information

The function passes a pointer to a PROGBAR_SKINFLEX_PROPS structure. It can be used to set up the colors of the skin. The function PROGBAR_GetSkinFlexProps() can be used to get the current attributes of the skin.

List of commands

The skinning routine receives a pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. The Cmd member of this structure contains the command which needs to be processed. The following table shows all commands passed to the PROGBAR_SKIN_FLEX callback function:

Command Description
WIDGET_ITEM_CREATE Is sent immediately after creating the widget.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND The skinning function should draw the background.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_FRAME The skinning function should draw the frame.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_TEXT The skinning function should draw the text.

The skinning routine should, if necessary, set up skin related properties like e.g. transparency or text alignment.


The skinning routine should draw the background.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Is always 0.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of widget area in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of widget area in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of widget area in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of widget area in window coordinates.
void * p Pointer to a PROGBAR_SKINFLEX_INFO structure.

Elements of structure PROGBAR_SKINFLEX_INFO

Data type Element Description
int IsVertical 0 if the progress bar is horizontal, 1 if it is vertical.
int Index See table below.
const char * pText Pointer to the text to be drawn.
Permitted values for element Index
PROGBAR_SKINFLEX_L Horizontal progress bar: The left part should be drawn.
Vertical progress bar: The top part should be drawn.
PROGBAR_SKINFLEX_R Horizontal progress bar: The right part should be drawn.
Vertical progress bar: The bottom part should be drawn.

Additional information

The message is sent twice, once for the left/top part and once for the right/bottom part of the progress bar. The information in the PROGBAR_SKINFLEX_INFO structure pointed by element p of the WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure can be used to get the information what exactly should be drawn. The parameters x0, y0, x1 and y1 of the WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure mark only the area which should be drawn, left/right or top/bottom.


The skinning routine should draw the surrounding frame.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Is always 0.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of widget area in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of widget area in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of widget area in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of widget area in window coordinates.

The skinning routine should draw the text.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

A detailed description of the elements can be found under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_FRAME.


The following picture shows the details of the skin:

The RADIO skin consists of a configurable button and a text for each item. If the widget has the input focus the currently selected item text is surrounded by a focus rectangle:

Detail Description
A Outer color of button frame.
B Middle color of button frame.
C Inner color of button frame.
D Inner color of button.
F Focus rectangle.
S Size of button.
T Item text.
Configuration structure

To set up the default appearance of the skin or to change it at run time configuration structures of type RADIO_SKINFLEX_PROPS are used:

Elements of structure RADIO_SKINFLEX_PROPS

Data type Element Description
U32 aColorButton[4] [0] - Outer color of button frame.
[1] - Middle color of button frame.
[2] - Inner color of button frame.
[3] - Inner color of button.
int ButtonSize Size of the button in pixels. Only even values are allowed. If an odd value is entered, the value will be reduced by 1.
Configuration options

The default appearance of the skin can be determined by setting custom configuration structures of the above type in GUIConf.h. The following table shows the available configuration options:

Macro Description
RADIO_SKINPROPS_CHECKED Defines the default attributes used for checked state.
RADIO_SKINPROPS_UNCHECKED Defines the default attributes used for unchecked state.
Skinning API

The table below lists the available routines in alphabetical order:

Routine Description
RADIO_DrawSkinFlex() Skinning callback function of RADIO_SKIN_FLEX. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
RADIO_GetSkinFlexProps() Returns the properties of the given RADIO skin. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
RADIO_SetDefaultSkin() Sets the default skin used for new RADIO widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
RADIO_SetDefaultSkinClassic() Sets the classical design as default for new RADIO widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
RADIO_SetSkin() Sets a skin for the given RADIO widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
RADIO_SetSkinClassic() Sets the classical design for the given RADIO widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
RADIO_SetSkinFlexProps() The function can be used to change the colors of the skin and the size of the button.
Before After


The function can be used to change the colors of the skin and the size of the button.


void RADIO_SetSkinFlexProps(const RADIO_SKINFLEX_PROPS * pProps,
                                  int                    Index);


Parameter Description
pProps Pointer to a structure of type RADIO_SKINFLEX_PROPS.
Index 0 for checked properties, 1 for unchecked properties.

Additional information

The function passes a pointer to a RADIO_SKINFLEX_PROPS structure. It can be used to set up the colors and the button size of the skin. The function RADIO_GetSkinFlexProps() can be used to get the current attributes of the skin.

List of commands

The skinning routine receives a pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. The Cmd member of this structure contains the command which needs to be processed. The following table shows all commands passed to the RADIO_SKIN_FLEX callback function:

Command Description
WIDGET_ITEM_CREATE Is sent immediately after creating the widget.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BUTTON The skinning function should draw the button of one item.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_FOCUS The skinning function should draw the focus rectangle.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_TEXT The skinning function should draw the text of one item.
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_BUTTONSIZE The skinning function should return the button size.


The skinning routine should, if necessary, set up skin related properties like e.g. transparency or text alignment.


The skinning routine should draw the button of one item.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Index of item to be drawn.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of the button area in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of the button area in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of the button area in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of the button area in window coordinates.

The skinning routine should draw the focus rectangle around the text of the currently selected item.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Index of item to be drawn.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of the focus rectangle in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of the focus rectangle in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of the focus rectangle in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of the focus rectangle in window coordinates.

Additional information

The given rectangular area in x0, y0, x1 and y1 considers the font settings and the item text.


The skinning routine should draw the text of one item.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Index of item to be drawn.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of the text area in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of the text area in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of the text area in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of the text area in window coordinates.

Additional information

The given rectangular area in x0, y0, x1 and y1 considers the font settings and the item text.


The skinning routine should return the button size.


The SCROLLBAR skin consists of a left and a right button with an arrow, a shaft area and a thumb with a grasp:

Detail Description
A Top color of top gradient.
B Bottom color of top gradient.
C Top color of bottom gradient.
D Bottom color of bottom gradient.
E Top color of shaft gradient.
F Bottom color of shaft gradient.
G Grasp of thumb area.
H Button arrow.
I Outer frame color.
J Inner frame color.
K Color of frame edges.
L Left button.
T Thumb area.
R Right button.
S Shaft area.
Configuration structure

To set up the default appearance of the skin or to change it at run time configuration structures of type SCROLLBAR_SKINFLEX_PROPS are used:

Elements of structure SCROLLBAR_SKINFLEX_PROPS

Data type Element Description
U32 aColorFrame[3] [0] - Outer frame color.
[1] - Inner frame color.
[2] - Color of frame edges
U32 aColorUpper[2] [0] - Top color of top gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of top gradient.
U32 aColorLower[2] [0] - Top color of bottom gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of bottom gradient.
U32 aColorShaft[2] [0] - Top color of shaft gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of shaft gradient.
U32 ColorArrow Color of button arrow.
U32 ColorGrasp Color of grasp.
Configuration options

The default appearance of the skin can be determined by setting custom configuration structures of the above type in GUIConf.h. The following table shows the available configuration options:

Macro Description
SCROLLBAR_SKINPROPS_PRESSED Defines the default attributes used for pressed state.
SCROLLBAR_SKINPROPS_UNPRESSED Defines the default attributes used for unpressed state.
Skinning API

The table below lists the available routines in alphabetical order:

Routine Description
SCROLLBAR_DrawSkinFlex() Skinning callback function of SCROLLBAR_SKIN_FLEX. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SCROLLBAR_GetSkinFlexProps() Returns the properties of the given SCROLLBAR skin. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SCROLLBAR_SetDefaultSkin() Sets the default skin used for new SCROLLBAR widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SCROLLBAR_SetDefaultSkinClassic() Sets the classical design as default for new SCROLLBAR widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SCROLLBAR_SetSkin() Sets a skin for the given SCROLLBAR widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SCROLLBAR_SetSkinClassic() Sets the classical design for the given SCROLLBAR widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SCROLLBAR_SetSkinFlexProps() The function can be used to change the colors of the skin and the size of the button.
Before After


The function can be used to change the colors of the skin and the size of the button.


void SCROLLBAR_SetSkinFlexProps(const SCROLLBAR_SKINFLEX_PROPS * pProps,
                                      int                        Index);


Parameter Description
pProps Pointer to a structure of type SCROLLBAR_SKINFLEX_PROPS.
Index Should be 0.
Permitted values for parameter Index
SCROLLBAR_SKINFLEX_PI_PRESSED Properties for pressed state.
SCROLLBAR_SKINFLEX_PI_UNPRESSED Properties for unpressed state.

Additional information

The function passes a pointer to a SCROLLBAR_SKINFLEX_PROPS structure. It can be used to set up the colors of the skin. The function SCROLLBAR_GetSkinFlexProps() can be used to get the current attributes of the skin.

List of commands

The skinning routine receives a pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. The Cmd member of this structure contains the command which needs to be processed. The following table shows all commands passed to the SCROLLBAR_SKIN_FLEX callback function:

Command Description
WIDGET_ITEM_CREATE Is sent immediately after creating the widget.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BUTTON_L The skinning function should draw the left button.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BUTTON_R The skinning function should draw the right button.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_OVERLAP The skinning function should draw the overlapping area.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_SHAFT_L The skinning function should draw the left part of the shaft.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_SHAFT_R The skinning function should draw the right part of the shaft.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_THUMB The skinning function should draw the thumb.
WIDGET_ITEM_GET_BUTTONSIZE The skinning function should return the button size.

The skinning routine should draw a button.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Index of item to be drawn.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of the button in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of the button in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of the button in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of the button in window coordinates.
void * p Pointer to a SCROLLBAR_SKINFLEX_INFO structure.

Elements of structure SCROLLBAR_SKINFLEX_INFO

Datatype Element Description
int IsVertical 0 if the progress bar is horizontal, 1 if it is vertical.
int State See table below.
Permitted values for element State
PRESSED_STATE_NONE Nothing is pressed.
PRESSED_STATE_RIGHT The right button is pressed.
PRESSED_STATE_LEFT The left button is pressed.
PRESSED_STATE_THUMB The thumb is pressed.

The skinning routine should draw the thumb.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Index of item to be drawn.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of the overlapping area in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of the overlapping area in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of the overlapping area in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of the overlapping area in window coordinates.

Additional information

An overlapping area can exist if a dialog has a vertical and a horizontal scroll bar at the borders. Normally the overlapping region looks identical to the shaft area.


The following screenshot shows a window with 2 scroll bars which have an overlapping region at the lower right corner of the client window:


The skinning routine should draw a shaft area.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Index of item to be drawn.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of the shaft area in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of the shaft area in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of the shaft area in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of the shaft area in window coordinates.

The skinning routine should draw the thumb.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Index of item to be drawn.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of the thumb area in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of the thumb area in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of the thumb area in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of the thumb area in window coordinates.
void * p Pointer to a SCROLLBAR_SKINFLEX_INFO structure.


A detailed description of the elements can be found under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BUTTON_L.


The skinning routine should return the button size. The button size means the following:


The following code can be used to return the right values in most cases:

int _SkinningCallback(const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo) {
  pSkinInfo = (SCROLLBAR_SKINFLEX_INFO *)pDrawItemInfo->p;
  switch (pDrawItemInfo->Cmd) {
    return (pSkinInfo->IsVertical) ? 
  pDrawItemInfo->x1 - pDrawItemInfo->x0 + 1 :
  pDrawItemInfo->y1 - pDrawItemInfo->y0 + 1;


The following picture shows the details of the skin:

The SLIDER skin consists of a shaft with slider and tick marks above. Further a focus rectangle is shown if the widget has the input focus. The slider is drawn by a frame and a gradient:

Detail Description
A Outer color of slider frame.
B Inner color of slider frame
C Top color of gradient.
D Bottom color of gradient.
E First color of shaft.
F Second color of shaft.
G Third color of shaft.
H Focus rectangle.
I Tick marks.
J Size of a tick mark.
K Size of the shaft.
Configuration structure

To set up the default appearance of the skin or to change it at run time configuration structures of type SLIDER_SKINFLEX_PROPS are used:

Elements of structure SLIDER_SKINFLEX_PROPS

Data type Element Description
U32 aColorFrame[2] [0] - Outer frame color.
[1] - Inner frame color.
U32 aColorInner[2] [0] - Top color of gradient.
[1] - Bottom color of gradient.
U32 aColorShaft[3] [0] - First frame color of shaft.
[1] - Second frame color of shaft.
[2] - Inner color of shaft.
U32 ColorTick Color of tick marks.
U32 ColorFocus Color of focus rectangle.
int TickSize Size of tick marks.
int ShaftSize Size of shaft.
Configuration options

The default appearance of the skin can be determined by setting custom configuration structures of the above type in GUIConf.h. The following table shows the available configuration options:

Macro Description
SLIDER_SKINPROPS_PRESSED Defines the default attributes used for pressed state.
SLIDER_SKINPROPS_UNPRESSED Defines the default attributes used for unpressed state.
Skinning API

The table below lists the available routines in alphabetical order:

Routine Description
SLIDER_DrawSkinFlex() Skinning callback function of SLIDER_SKIN_FLEX. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SLIDER_GetSkinFlexProps() Returns the properties of the given SLIDER skin. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SLIDER_SetDefaultSkin() Sets the default skin used for new SLIDER widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SLIDER_SetDefaultSkinClassic() Sets the classical design as default for new SLIDER widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SLIDER_SetSkin() Sets a skin for the given SLIDER widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SLIDER_SetSkinClassic() Sets the classical design for the given SLIDER widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SLIDER_SetSkinFlexProps() The function can be used to change colors, tick mark and shaft size of the skin.
Before After


The function can be used to change colors, tick mark and shaft size of the skin.


void SLIDER_SetSkinFlexProps(const SLIDER_SKINFLEX_PROPS * pProps,
                                   int                     Index);


Parameter Description
pProps Pointer to a structure of type SLIDER_SKINFLEX_PROPS.
Index Should be 0.
Permitted values for parameter Index
SLIDER_SKINFLEX_PI_PRESSED Properties for pressed state.
SLIDER_SKINFLEX_PI_UNPRESSED Properties for unpressed state.

Additional information

The function passes a pointer to a SLIDER_SKINFLEX_PROPS structure. It can be used to set up the colors of the skin. The function SLIDER_GetSkinFlexProps() can be used to get the current attributes of the skin.

List of commands

The skinning routine receives a pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. The Cmd member of this structure contains the command which needs to be processed. The following table shows all commands passed to the SLIDER_SKIN_FLEX callback function:

Command Description
WIDGET_ITEM_CREATE Is sent immediately after creating the widget.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_FOCUS The skinning function should draw the focus rectangle.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_SHAFT The skinning function should draw the shaft.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_THUMB The skinning function should draw the slider.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_TICKS The skinning function should draw the tick marks.

The skinning routine should, if necessary, set up skin related properties like e.g. transparency or text alignment.


The skinning routine should draw the focus rectangle.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Index of item to be drawn.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of the widget in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of the widget in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of the widget in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of the widget in window coordinates.

The skinning routine should draw the shaft.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Index of item to be drawn.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of the widget + 1 in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of the widget + 1 in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of the widget - 1 in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of the widget - 1 in window coordinates.

The skinning routine should draw the slider itself.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Index of item to be drawn.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of the slider in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of the slider in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of the slider in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of the slider in window coordinates.
void * p Pointer to a SLIDER_SKINFLEX_INFO structure.

Elements of structure SLIDER_SKINFLEX_INFO

Data type Element Description
int Width Width of the slider.
int IsPressed 1 if the slider is pressed, 0 if not.
int IsVertical 0 if the slider is horizontal, 1 if it is vertical.

The skinning routine should draw the tick marks.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex Index of item to be drawn.
int x0 Leftmost coordinate of the widget + 1 in window coordinates.
int y0 Topmost coordinate of the widget + 1 in window coordinates.
int x1 Rightmost coordinate of the widget - 1 in window coordinates.
int y1 Bottommost coordinate of the widget - 1 in window coordinates.
void * p Pointer to a SLIDER_SKINFLEX_INFO structure.

Elements of structure SLIDER_SKINFLEX_INFO

Data type Element Description
int Width With of the slider.
int NumTicks Number of ticks to be drawn.
int Size Length of the tick mark line.
int IsPressed 1 if the slider is pressed, 0 if not.
int IsVertical 0 if the slider is horizontal, 1 if it is vertical.


The following picture shows the details of the skin:

The SPINBOX skin consists of a rounded border and 2 rectangular inner areas which are drawn in dependence of the size of the EDIT widget. The background color of the EDIT widget is set to the set color of the inner area of the SPINBOX widget. The 2 buttons are drawn each with a gradient of 2 colors.

Detail Description
A Outer color of surrounding frame.
B Inner color of surrounding frame.
C Color of the displayed value.
D Color of the text cursor (always inverse).
E Color of the button frame.
F 2 color gradient of the upper button.
G Arrow color.
H 2 color gradient of the lower button.
I Background color.

Configuration structure

To set up the default appearance of the skin or to change it at run time, configuration structures of type SPINBOX_SKINFLEX_PROPS are used:

Elements of structure SPINBOX_SKINFLEX_PROPS

Data type Element Description
GUI_COLOR aColorFrame[2] [0] - Outer color of the surrounding frame.
[1] - Inner color of the surrounding frame.
GUI_COLOR aColorUpper[2] [0] - Upper gradient color of the upper button.
[1] - Lower gradient color of the upper button.
GUI_COLOR aColorLower[2] [0] - Upper gradient color of the lower button.
[1] - Lower gradient color of the lower button.
GUI_COLOR ColorArrow Color of the button arrows.
GUI_COLOR ColorBk Color of the background.
GUI_COLOR ColorText Color of the text.
GUI_COLOR ColorButtonFrame Color of the button frame.
Configuration options

The default appearance of the skin can be determined by setting custom configuration structures of the above type in GUIConf.h. The following table shows the available configuration options:

Macro Description
SPINBOX_SKINPROPS_PRESSED Defines the default attributes used for pressed state.
SPINBOX_SKINPROPS_FOCUSED Defines the default attributes used for focused state.
SPINBOX_SKINPROPS_ENABLED Defines the default attributes used for enabled state.
SPINBOX_SKINPROPS_DISABLED Defines the default attributes used for disabled state.
Skinning API

The table below lists the available routines in alphabetical order:

Routine Description
SPINBOX_DrawSkinFlex() Skinning callback function of SPINBOX_SKIN_FLEX. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SPINBOX_GetSkinFlexProps() Returns the properties of the given spinbox skin. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SPINBOX_SetDefaultSkin() Sets the default skin used for new spinbox widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SPINBOX_SetDefaultSkinClassic() Sets the classical design as default for new spinbox widgets. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SPINBOX_SetSkin() Sets a skin for the given spinbox widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SPINBOX_SetSkinClassic() Sets the classical design for the given spinbox widget. (Explained at the beginning of the chapter)
SPINBOX_SetSkinFlexProps() The function can be used to change the properties of the skin.
Before After


The function can be used to change the properties of the skin.


void SPINBOX_SetSkinFlexProps(const SPINBOX_SKINFLEX_PROPS * pProps,
                                    int                      Index);


Parameter Description
pProps Pointer to a structure of type SPINBOX_SKINFLEX_PROPS.
Index Should be 0.
Permitted values for parameter Index
SPINBOX_SKINFLEX_PI_PRESSED Properties for pressed state.
SPINBOX_SKINFLEX_PI_FOCUSED Properties for focused state.
SPINBOX_SKINFLEX_PI_ENABLED Properties for enabled state.
SPINBOX_SKINFLEX_PI_DISABLED Properties for disabled state.

Additional information

The function passes a pointer to a SPINBOX_SKINFLEX_PROPS structure. It can be used to set up the colors and the radius of the skin. The function SPINBOX_GetSkinFlexProps() can be used to get the current attributes of the skin.

List of commands

The skinning routine receives a pointer to a WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure. The Cmd member of this structure contains the command which needs to be processed. The following table shows all commands passed to the SPINBOX_SKIN_FLEX callback function:

Command Description
WIDGET_ITEM_CREATE Is sent immediately after creating the widget.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND The skinning function should draw the background.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BUTTON_U The skinning function should draw the upper button.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BUTTON_D The skinning function should draw the lower button.
WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_FRAME The skinning function should draw the surrounding frame.

The WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO structure is explained at the beginning of the chapter.


The skinning routine should, if necessary, set up skin related properties like e.g. transparency or text alignment.


The background should be drawn.

Elements of structure WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO

Data type Element Description
WM_HWIN hWin Handle to the widget.
int ItemIndex See table below.
int x0 Leftmost window coordinate, normally 0.
int y0 Topmost window coordinate, normally 0.
int x1 Rightmost window coordinate.
int y1 Bottommost window coordinate.
Permitted values for element ItemIndex
SPINBOX_SKINFLEX_PI_PRESSED The widget is pressed.
SPINBOX_SKINFLEX_PI_FOCUSED The widget is not pressed but focused.
SPINBOX_SKINFLEX_PI_ENABLED The widget is not focused but enabled.
SPINBOX_SKINFLEX_PI_DISABLED The widget is disabled.

The upper button should be drawn.


A detailed description of the elements can be found under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND.


The lower button should be drawn.


A detailed description of the elements can be found under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND.


The surrounding frame should be drawn.


A detailed description of the elements can be found under WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_BACKGROUND.


Lines are approximated by a series of pixels that must lie at display coordinates. They can therefore appear jagged, particularly lines which are nearly horizontal or nearly vertical. This jaggedness is called aliasing.

Anti-aliasing is the smoothing of lines and curves. It reduces the jagged, stair-step appearance of any line that is not exactly horizontal or vertical. emWin supports different anti-aliasing qualities, anti-aliased fonts and high-resolution coordinates. Support for anti-aliasing is a separate software item and is not included in the emWin basic package. The software for anti-aliasing is located in the subdirectory GUI\AntiAlias.


Anti-aliasing smooths curves and diagonal lines by “blending” the background color with that of the foreground. The higher the number of shades used between background and foreground colors, the better the anti-aliasing result (and the longer the computation time).

Quality of anti-aliasing

The quality of anti-aliasing is set by the routine GUI_AA_SetFactor(), which is explained later in this chapter. For an idea of the relationship between the anti-aliasing factor and the corresponding result, take a look at the image pictured.

The first line is drawn without anti-aliasing (factor 1). The second line is drawn anti-aliased using factor 2. This means that the number of shades from foreground to background is 2 * 2 = 4. The next line is drawn with an anti-aliasing factor of 3, so there are 3 * 3 = 9 shades, and so on. Factor 4 should be sufficient for most applications. Increasing the anti-aliasing factor further does not improve the result significantly, but increases the calculation time dramatically.

Anti-aliased fonts

Two types of anti-aliased fonts, low-quality (2bpp) and high-quality (4bpp), are supported. The routines required to display these fonts are automatically linked when using them. The following table shows the effect on drawing the character C without anti-aliasing and with both types of anti-aliased fonts:

Font type Black on white White on black
(no anti-aliasing)
1 bpp
2 shades
2 bpp
4 shades
4 bpp
16 shades

Anti-aliased fonts can be created using the Font Converter. The general purpose of using anti-aliased fonts is to improve the appearance of text. While the effect of using high-quality anti-aliasing will be visually more pleasing than low-quality anti-aliasing, computation time and memory consumption will increase proportionally. Low-quality (2bpp) fonts require twice the memory of non-anti-aliased (1bpp) fonts; high-quality (4bpp) fonts require four times the memory.

Character representation in font files

The pixels of anti-aliased fonts are represented by intensity values of 2 bits (2bpp fonts) and 4 bits (4bpp fonts). Those values are used to calculate the pixel intensities (a value between 0 and 255) for mixing the foreground with the background. The intensities are calculated per default as follows:


Intensity = <value in font> × (255 ÷ 3)


Intensity = <value in font> × (255 ÷ 15)

Gamma correction

If the above described linear calculation does not lead into the expected appearance, the intensities could be set by the customer. To be able to do that gamma correction should be enabled by GUI_AA_EnableGammaAA4() and user defined values should be set by GUI_AA_SetGammaAA4().

High-resolution coordinates

When drawing items using anti-aliasing, the same coordinates are used as for regular (non-anti-aliasing) drawing routines. This is the default mode. It is not required to consider the anti-aliasing factor in the function arguments. An anti-aliased line from (50, 100) to (100, 50) would be drawn with the following function call:

GUI_AA_DrawLine(50, 100, 100, 50);

The high-resolution feature of emWin lets you use the virtual space determined by the anti-aliasing factor and your display size. The advantage of using high-resolution coordinates is that items can be placed not only at physical positions of your display but also “between” them. The virtual space of a high-resolution pixel is illustrated below based on an anti-aliasing factor of 3:

To draw a line from pixel (50, 100) to (100, 50) in high-resolution mode with anti-aliasing factor 3, you would write:

GUI_AA_DrawLine(150, 300, 300, 150);

High-resolution coordinates must be enabled with the routine GUI_AA_EnableHiRes(), and may be disabled with GUI_AA_DisableHiRes(). Both functions are explained later in the chapter. For example programs using the high-resolution feature, see the examples at the end of the chapter.

Anti-aliasing API

The table below lists the available routines in the anti-aliasing package, in alphabetical order within their respective categories. Detailed descriptions of the routines can be found in the sections that follow.

Routine Description
Control functions
GUI_AA_DisableHiRes() Disables high-resolution coordinates.
GUI_AA_EnableHiRes() Enables high-resolution coordinates.
GUI_AA_GetFactor() Returns the current antialiasing quality factor.
GUI_AA_PreserveTrans() Makes sure that alpha channel remains after drawing operations.
GUI_AA_SetBufferSize() Sets the antialiasing buffer size which is required for managing one pixel line.
GUI_AA_SetFactor() Sets the antialiasing quality factor.
Drawing functions
GUI_AA_DrawArc() Displays an antialiased arc at a specified position in the current window.
GUI_AA_DrawCircle() This function draws an anti aliased circle.
GUI_AA_DrawLine() Displays an antialiased line at a specified position in the current window.
GUI_AA_DrawPie() Draws a circle sector.
GUI_AA_DrawPolyOutline() Displays the outline of an anti-aliased polygon defined by a list of points, at a specified position in the current window and with a specified thickness.
GUI_AA_DrawRoundedFrame() Draws an anti-aliased rounded frame at a specified position.
GUI_AA_DrawRoundedFrameEx() Draws an anti-aliased rounded frame using a pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.
GUI_AA_DrawRoundedRect() Draws the outline of an antialiased rectangle with rounded corners using the current pen size.
GUI_AA_DrawRoundedRectEx() Draws the outline of an antialiased rectangle with rounded corners using the current pen size.
GUI_AA_FillCircle() Displays a filled, antialiased circle at a specified position in the current window.
GUI_AA_FillEllipse() Displays a filled, antialiased ellipse at a specified position in the current window.
GUI_AA_FillEllipseXL() Displays a filled, antialiased ellipse at a specified position in the current window.
GUI_AA_FillPolygon() Fills an antialiased polygon defined by a list of points, at a specified position in the current window.
GUI_AA_FillRoundedRect() Draws a filled and antialiased rectangle with rounded corners.
GUI_AA_FillRoundedRectEx() Draws a filled and antialiased rectangle with rounded corners.
GUI_AA_SetDrawMode() This function determines how the background color is fetched for mixing.
Gamma correction
GUI_AA_EnableGammaAA4() Enables custom defined intensity values for 4bpp antialiased fonts.
GUI_AA_GetGammaAA4() Retrieves the currently used intensity values.
GUI_AA_SetGammaAA4() Sets the intensity values to be used.
Control functions


Disables high-resolution coordinates.


void GUI_AA_DisableHiRes(void);

Additional information

High-resolution coordinates are disabled by default.



Enables high-resolution coordinates.


void GUI_AA_EnableHiRes(void);


Returns the current antialiasing quality factor.


int GUI_AA_GetFactor(void);

Return value

The current antialiasing factor.



For a detailed description please refer to GUI_PreserveTrans.


unsigned GUI_AA_PreserveTrans(unsigned OnOff);
Parameter Description
OnOff 1 enables transparency preserving, 0 disables it.

Return value

Old state.



Sets the antialiasing buffer size which is required for managing one pixel line.


void GUI_AA_SetBufferSize(int BufferSize);


Parameter Description
BufferSize Size of the buffer in bytes.

Additional information

It is important, that the buffer size is at least as large as the width of the widest display. After the buffer is initialized once, there is no check if the size fits to the requirements of the drawing operation. A too small buffer size leads into undefined behavior. One byte is required for each pixel.



Sets the antialiasing quality factor.


void GUI_AA_SetFactor(int Factor);


Parameter Description
Factor Antialiasing quality factor to use. Minimum: 1 (no antialiasing); default: 3; maximum: 6.

Additional information

For good quality and performance, it is recommended to use an antialiasing quality factor of 2-4.

Drawing functions


Displays an antialiased arc at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_AA_DrawArc(int x0,
                    int y0,
                    int rx,
                    int ry,
                    int a0,
                    int a1);


Parameter Description
x0 Horizontal position of the center.
y0 Vertical position of the center.
rx Horizontal radius.
ry Vertical radius.
a0 Starting angle (degrees).
a1 Ending angle (degrees).


Currently the ry parameter is not available. The rx parameter is used instead.

Additional information

If working in high-resolution mode, position and radius must be in high-resolution coordinates. Otherwise they must be specified in pixels.



This function draws an anti aliased circle.


void GUI_AA_DrawCircle(int x0,
                       int y0,
                       int r);


Parameter Description
x0 X-center position.
y0 Y-center position.
r Radius to be used.

Additional information

This function uses the set pensize to draw the circle.



Displays an antialiased line at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_AA_DrawLine(int x0,
                     int y0,
                     int x1,
                     int y1);


Parameter Description
x0 X-starting position.
y0 Y-starting position.
x1 X-end position.
y1 Y-end position.

Additional information

If working in high-resolution mode, the coordinates must be in high-resolution coordinates. Otherwise they must be specified in pixels.



Draws a circle sector.


void GUI_AA_DrawPie(int x0,
                    int y0,
                    int r,
                    I32 a0,
                    I32 a1);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
y0 Y-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
r Radius of the circle (half the diameter).
a0 Starting angle (degrees * 1000).
a1 End angle (degrees * 1000).


Displays the outline of an anti-aliased polygon defined by a list of points, at a specified position in the current window and with a specified thickness.

If a function pointer has been set with GUI_AA_SetFuncDrawPolyOutline(), the set function will be called instead.


void GUI_AA_DrawPolyOutline(const GUI_POINT * pSrc,
                                  int         NumPoints,
                                  int         Thickness,
                                  int         x,
                                  int         y);


Parameter Description
pSrc Pointer to the polygon to display.
NumPoints Number of points specified in the list of points.
Thickness Thickness of the outline. If 0 is passed, the current pen size will be used.
x X-position of origin.
y Y-position of origin.

Additional information

The polyline drawn is automatically closed by connecting the endpoint to the starting point. The starting point must not be specified a second time as an endpoint.

If working in high-resolution mode, the coordinates must be in high-resolution coordinates. Otherwise they must be specified in pixels.

This routine allocates and frees memory for internal calculations. The memory requirement is sizeof(GUI_POINT) * (NumPoints + 1) * 2 bytes.


static GUI_POINT _aPoints[] = {
  {  0,  0 }, 
  { 15, 30 }, 
  {  0, 20 }, 
  {-15, 30 }
void Sample(void) {
  GUI_AA_DrawPolyOutline(_aPoints, GUI_COUNTOF(_aPoints), 3, 150, 40);

Screenshot of above example



Draws an anti-aliased rounded frame at a specified position.


void GUI_AA_DrawRoundedFrame(int x0,
                             int y0,
                             int x1,
                             int y1,
                             int r);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the upper left corner.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner.
x1 X-position of the lower right corner.
y1 Y-position of the lower right corner.
r Radius of frame.

Additional information

In contrast to a rounded rectangle, an anti-aliased frame does not have semi-transparent lines on the outside. Furthermore, with increased pen size, the drawn frame stays within the given rectangular area.



Draws an anti-aliased rounded frame using a pointer to a GUI_RECT structure.


void GUI_AA_DrawRoundedFrameEx(const GUI_RECT * pRect,
                                     int        r);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to GUI_RECT structure.
r Radius of frame.

Additional information

See GUI_AA_DrawRoundedFrame().



Draws the outline of an antialiased rectangle with rounded corners using the current pen size.


void GUI_AA_DrawRoundedRect(int x0,
                            int y0,
                            int x1,
                            int y1,
                            int r);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the upper left corner.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner.
x1 X-position of the lower right corner.
y1 Y-position of the lower right corner.
r Radius to be used for the rounded corners.


#include "GUI.h"
void MainTask(void) {
  GUI_AA_DrawRoundedRect(10, 10, 50, 50, 5);

Screenshot of above example



Draws the outline of an antialiased rectangle with rounded corners using the current pen size.


void GUI_AA_DrawRoundedRectEx(const GUI_RECT * pRect,
                                    int        r);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to the rectangle to draw.
r Radius to be used for the rounded corners.


Displays a filled, antialiased circle at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_AA_FillCircle(int x0,
                       int y0,
                       int r);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
y0 Y-position of the center of the circle in pixels of the client window.
r Radius of the circle (half of the diameter).

Additional information

If working in high-resolution mode, the coordinates must be in high-resolution coordinates. Otherwise they must be specified in pixels.



Displays a filled, antialiased ellipse at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_AA_FillEllipse(int x0,
                        int y0,
                        int rx,
                        int ry);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the center of the ellipse in pixels of the client window.
y0 Y-position of the center of the ellipse in pixels of the client window.
rx Radius in X of the ellipse.
ry Radius in Y of the ellipse.

Additional information

If working in high-resolution mode, the coordinates must be in high-resolution coordinates. Otherwise they must be specified in pixels.



Displays a filled, antialiased ellipse at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_AA_FillEllipseXL(int x0,
                          int y0,
                          int rx,
                          int ry);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the center of the ellipse in pixels of the client window.
y0 Y-position of the center of the ellipse in pixels of the client window.
rx Radius in X of the ellipse.
ry Radius in Y of the ellipse.

Additional information

If working in high-resolution mode, the coordinates must be in high-resolution coordinates. Otherwise they must be specified in pixels.

This function can be used for large ellipses.



Fills an antialiased polygon defined by a list of points, at a specified position in the current window.


void GUI_AA_FillPolygon(const GUI_POINT * pPoints,
                              int         NumPoints,
                              int         x0,
                              int         y0);


Parameter Description
pPoint Pointer to the polygon to display.
NumPoints Number of points specified in the list of points.
x X-position of origin.
y Y-position of origin.

Additional information

The polyline drawn is automatically closed by connecting the endpoint to the starting point. The starting point must not be specified a second time as an endpoint. If working in high-resolution mode, the coordinates must be in high-resolution coordinates. Otherwise they must be specified in pixels.



Draws a filled and antialiased rectangle with rounded corners.


int GUI_AA_FillRoundedRect(int x0,
                           int y0,
                           int x1,
                           int y1,
                           int r);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the upper left corner.
y0 Y-position of the upper left corner.
x1 X-position of the lower right corner.
y1 Y-position of the lower right corner.
r Radius to be used for the rounded corners.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error due to invalid parameters (e.g. radius is too big).


#include "GUI.h"
void MainTask(void) {
  GUI_AA_FillRoundedRect(10, 10, 54, 54, 5);

Screenshot of above example



Draws a filled and antialiased rectangle with rounded corners.


int GUI_AA_FillRoundedRectEx(const GUI_RECT * pRect,
                                   int        r);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to the rectangle to draw.
r Radius to be used for the rounded corners.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error due to invalid parameters (e.g. radius is too big).


This function determines how the background color is fetched for mixing.


int GUI_AA_SetDrawMode(int Mode);


Parameter Description
Mode Mode to be used (see table below)
Permitted values for parameter Mode
GUI_AA_TRANS Default behavior. Anti-aliased pixels are mixed with the current content of the frame buffer.
GUI_AA_NOTRANS Anti-aliased pixels are mixed with the current background color set with GUI_SetBkColor().

Return value

0 on success
1 if Mode did not contain a permitted value.

Additional information

The default behavior of antialiasing in emWin is mixing pixels with the current content of the frame buffer. But under certain circumstances using the currently set background color (GUI_SetBkColor()) for mixing may be an advantage. This makes it possible to redraw antialiased items completely without having to redraw the background.

Gamma correction


Enables custom defined intensity values for 4bpp antialiased fonts. As described at the beginning of that chapter per default the intensities are calculated by a linear manner. After enabling gamma correction the intensities could be set by GUI_AA_SetGammaAA4().


void GUI_AA_EnableGammaAA4(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff 1 for enabling gamma correction, 0 for using linear default values.


Retrieves the currently used intensity values.


void GUI_AA_GetGammaAA4(U8 * pGamma);


Parameter Description
pGamma The pointer should point to an array of U8 values.

Additional information

The function copies the currently used set of values into the given buffer.



Sets the intensity values to be used.


void GUI_AA_SetGammaAA4(U8 * pGamma);


Parameter Description
pGamma The pointer should point to an array of 16 intensity values.

Additional information

The function copies the values to an emWin internal buffer.


Different anti-aliasing factors

The following example creates diagonal lines with and without anti-aliasing. The source code is available as AA_Lines.c in the examples shipped with emWin.

*                     SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH                    *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
*                                                                    *
*                    emWin example code                              *
*                                                                    *
File        : AA_Lines.c
Purpose     : Shows lines with different antialiasing qualities
#include "GUI.h"
*        Show lines with different antialiasing qualities
static void DemoAntialiasing(void) {
  int i, x1, x2, y;
  y = 2;
  // Set drawing attributes
  x1 = 10;
  x2 = 90;
  // Draw lines without antialiasing
  GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("\nNormal", (x1 + x2) / 2, 10);
  for (i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
    GUI_DrawLine(x1, 40 + i * 15, x2, 40 + i * 15 +  y);
  x1 = 110;
  x2 = 190;
  // Draw lines with antialiasing quality factor 2
  GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("Antialiased\n\nusing factor 2", (x1 + x2) / 2, 10);
  for (i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
    GUI_AA_DrawLine(x1, 40 + i * 15, x2, 40 + i * 15 +  y);
  x1 = 210;
  x2 = 290;
  // Draw lines with antialiasing quality factor 6
  GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("Antialiased\n\nusing factor 6", (x1 + x2) / 2, 10);
  for (i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
    GUI_AA_DrawLine(x1, 40 + i * 15, x2, 40 + i * 15 +  y);
*        MainTask
void MainTask(void) {

Screenshot of above example

Lines placed on high-resolution coordinates

This example shows anti-aliased lines placed on high-resolution coordinates. It is available as AA_HiResPixels.c.

*                     SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH                    *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
*                                                                    *
*                    emWin example code                              *
*                                                                    *
File        : AA_HiResPixels.c
Purpose     : Demonstrates high resolution pixels
#include "GUI.h"
*        Show lines placed on high resolution pixels
static void ShowHiResPixels(void) {
  int i, Factor;
  Factor = 5;
  GUI_DispStringAt("This example uses high resolution pixels.\n", 50, 10);
  GUI_DispString  ("Not only the physical pixels are used.\n");
  GUI_DispString  ("Enabling high resolution simulates more\n");
  GUI_DispString  ("pixels by using antialiasing.\n");
  GUI_DispString  ("Please take a look at the magnified output\n");
  GUI_DispString  ("to view the result.\n");
  GUI_AA_EnableHiRes();       /* Enable high resolution */
  GUI_AA_SetFactor(Factor);   /* Set quality factor */
  // Drawing lines using high resolution pixels
  for (i = 0; i < Factor; i++) {
    int x = (i + 1) * 5 * Factor + i - 1;
    GUI_AA_DrawLine(x, 50, x, 199);
*        MainTask
void MainTask(void) {
  while(1) {

Magnified screenshot of above example

Moving pointer using high-resolution anti-aliasing

This example illustrates the use of high-resolution anti-aliasing by drawing a rotating pointer that turns 0.1 degrees with each step. There is no screenshot of this example because the effects of high-resolution anti-aliasing are only visible in the movement of the pointers. Without high-resolution the pointer appears to make short “jumps”, whereas in high-resolution mode there is no apparent jumping. The example can be found as AA_HiResAntialiasing.c.

*                     SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH                    *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
*                                                                    *
*                    emWin example code                              *
*                                                                    *
File        : AA_HiResAntialiasing.c
Purpose     : Demonstrates high resolution antialiasing
#include "GUI.H"
*        Data
#define countof(Obj) (sizeof(Obj)/sizeof(Obj[0]))
static const GUI_POINT aPointer[] = {
  {  0,  3 },
  { 85,  1 },
  { 90,  0 },
  { 85, -1 },
  {  0, -3 }
static GUI_POINT aPointerHiRes[countof(aPointer)];
typedef struct {
  GUI_POINT aPoints[countof(aPointer)];
  int Factor;
*        Drawing routines
static void DrawHiRes(void * p) {
  PARAM * pParam = (PARAM *)p;
  if (pParam->AutoInfo.DrawFixed) {
    GUI_ClearRect(0, 0, 99, 99);
  GUI_AA_FillPolygon(pParam->aPoints,    countof(aPointer),
                     5 * pParam->Factor, 95 * pParam->Factor);
static void Draw(void * p) {
  PARAM * pParam = (PARAM *)p;
  if (pParam->AutoInfo.DrawFixed) {
    GUI_ClearRect(100, 0, 199, 99);
  GUI_AA_FillPolygon(pParam->aPoints, countof(aPointer), 105, 95);
*        Demonstrate high resolution by drawing rotating pointers
static void ShowHiresAntialiasing(void) {
  GUI_AUTODEV aAuto[2];
  PARAM       Param;
  int         i;
  Param.Factor = 3;
  GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("Using\nhigh\nresolution\nmode", 50, 120);
  GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("Not using\nhigh\nresolution\nmode", 150, 120);
  // Create GUI_AUTODEV objects
  for (i = 0; i < countof(aAuto); i++) {
  // Calculate pointer for high resolution
  for (i = 0; i < countof(aPointer); i++) {
    aPointerHiRes[i].x = aPointer[i].x * Param.Factor;
    aPointerHiRes[i].y = aPointer[i].y * Param.Factor;
  GUI_AA_SetFactor(Param.Factor); /* Set antialiasing factor */
  while(1) {
    for (i = 0; i < 1800; i++) {
      float Angle = (i >= 900) ? 1800 - i : i;
      Angle *= 3.1415926f / 1800;
      // Draw pointer with high resolution
      GUI_RotatePolygon(Param.aPoints, aPointerHiRes, countof(aPointer), Angle);
      GUI_MEMDEV_DrawAuto(&aAuto[0], &Param.AutoInfo, DrawHiRes, &Param);
      // Draw pointer without high resolution
      GUI_RotatePolygon(Param.aPoints, aPointer, countof(aPointer), Angle);
      GUI_MEMDEV_DrawAuto(&aAuto[1], &Param.AutoInfo, Draw, &Param);
*        MainTask
void MainTask(void) {

Memory Devices

Memory Devices can be used in a variety of situations, mainly to be used as a buffer for further drawing operations. For example, some images take some time to be displayed or loaded from memory. To reduce the overhead of loading or decoding images again and again, these images be drawn only once into a Memory Device. Later on only the Memory Device has to be displayed which is in most cases a simple memcpy operation. This will highly reduce the drawing time for frequently used images.

Memory Devices can also be used to modify a drawing before displaying it. This includes rotation, changing color and alpha values as well as blurring and blending. Further Memory Devices can be used as a last option to prevent flickering, but the first choice should be multi-buffering or a cache in case of an indirect display driver.


Memory Devices are an additional (optional) software item and are not shipped with the emWin basic package. The software for Memory Devices is located in the subdirectory GUI\Memdev.

Using Memory Devices: Illustration

The following table shows screenshots of the same operations handled with and without a Memory Device. The objective in both cases is identical: a work piece is to be rotated and labeled with the respective angle of rotation (here, 10 degrees). In the first case (without a Memory Device) the screen must be cleared, then the polygon is redrawn in the new position and a string with the new label is written. In the second case (with a Memory Device) the same operations are performed in memory, but the screen is not updated during this time. The only update occurs when the routine GUI_MEMDEV_CopyToLCD is called, and this update reflects all the operations at once. Note that the initial states and final outputs of both procedures are identical.

API function Without Memory Device With Memory Device
Step 0:
Initial state
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
(only when using Memory Device)

Supported color depth (bpp)

Memory Devices are available in 4 different color depths:

Creating Memory Devices "compatible" to the display

There are two ways to create Memory Devices. If they are use to avoid flickering, a Memory Device compatible to the display is created. This “compatible” Memory Device needs to have the same or a higher color depth as the display. emWin automatically selects the “right” type of Memory Device for the display if the functions GUI_MEMDEV_Create(), GUI_MEMDEV_CreateEx() are used.

The Window Manager, which also has the ability to use Memory Devices for some or all windows in the system, also uses these functions.

This way, the Memory Device with the lowest color depth (using the least memory) is automatically used.

Creating Memory Devices for other purposes

Memory Devices of any type can be created using GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed(). A typical application would be the use of a Memory Device for printing as described later in this chapter.

Memory Devices and the Window Manager

The Window Manager works seamlessly with Memory Devices. Every window has a flag which tells the Window Manager if a Memory Device should be used for rendering. This flag can be specified when creating the window or set/reset at any time.

If the Memory Device flag is set for a particular window, the WM automatically uses a Memory Device when drawing the window. It creates a Memory Device before drawing a window and deletes it after the drawing operation. If enough memory is available, the whole window fits into the size of the Memory Device created by the WM. If not enough memory is available for the complete window in one Memory Device, the WM uses ’banding’ for drawing the window. Details about ’banding’ are described in the chapter Banding Memory Device. The memory used for the drawing operation is only allocated during the drawing operation. If there is not enough memory available when (re-)drawing the window, the window is redrawn without Memory Device.

Memory Devices and multiple layers

The Memory Device API does not offer any option to specify a layer. Memory Devices are associated with the current layer at creation. The color conversion settings of the current layer are automatically used by Memory Devices.


// Create a Memory Device associated with layer 1
hMem = GUI_MEMDEV_Create(0, 0, 100, 100);
GUI_DrawLine(0, 0, 99, 99);
// Select layer 0
// The following line copies the Memory Device to layer 1 and not to layer 0

Memory requirements

If creating a Memory Device the required number of bytes depends on the color depth of the Memory Device and whether transparency support is needed or not.

Memory usage without transparency support

The following table shows the memory requirement in dependence of the system color depth for Memory Devices without transparency support.

Color depth of Memory Device System color depth (LCD_BITSPERPIXEL) Memory usage
1 bpp 1 bpp 1 byte / 8 pixels:
(XSIZE + 7) ÷ 8 × YSIZE
8 bpp 2, 4 and 8 bpp XSIZE × YSIZE
16 bpp 12 and 16 bpp 2 bytes / pixel:
32 bpp 18, 24 and 32 bpp 4 bytes / pixel:


A Memory Device of 111 pixels in X and 33 pixels in Y should be created. It should be compatible to a display with a color depth of 12 bpp and should support transparency. The required number of bytes can be calculated as follows:

Number of required bytes = (111 × 2 + (111 + 7) ÷ 8) × 33 = 7788 bytes

Memory usage with transparency support

If a Memory Device should support transparency it needs one additional byte / 8 pixels for internal management.

Color depth of Memory Device System color depth (LCD_BITSPERPIXEL) Memory usage
1 bpp 1 bpp 2 byte / 8 pixels:
(XSIZE + 7) ÷ 8 × YSIZE × 2
8 bpp 2, 4 and 8 bpp 1 bytes / pixel + 1 byte / 8 pixels:
(XSIZE + (XSIZE + 7) ÷ 8) × YSIZE
16 bpp 12 and 16 bpp 2 bytes / pixel + 1 byte / 8 pixels:
(XSIZE × 2 + (XSIZE + 7) ÷ 8) × YSIZE
32 bpp 18, 24 and 32 bpp 4 bytes / pixel:


A Memory Device of 200 pixels in X and 50 pixels in Y should be created. It should be compatible to a display with a color depth of 4bpp and should support transparency. The required number of bytes can be calculated as follows:

Number of required bytes = (200 + (200 + 7) ÷ 8) × 50 = 11250 bytes

Memory usage with window animation functions

One static Memory Device is created for each, the given window and all of its child window. The color depth is always 32bpp.


Using Memory Devices typically does not significantly affect performance, except static memory devices, which are explained in detail later. When Memory Devices are used, the work of the driver is easier: It simply transfers bitmaps to the display controller. On systems with slow drivers (for example displays connected via serial interface), the performance is better if Memory Devices are used; on systems with a fast driver (such as memory mapped display memory, GUIDRV_Lin and others) the use of Memory Devices has a slight impact on performance because the device needs to be drawn as well.
If ’banding’ is needed, the used time to draw a window increases with the number of bands. The more memory available for Memory Devices, the better the performance.

Performance gain with Static Memory Devices

As mentioned above, static memory devices are able to affect the performance significantly. If a window with this flag needs to be drawn, emWin first checks if a static memory device exists for that window. If not, it will be created first and the content of the window/widget will be (pre)rendered in that memory device. When moving such a window, only the already existing memory needs to be drawn at the new position instead of invalidating and redrawing the content again.

Memory requirement

This option often improves performance significantly, but it also needs a large amount of RAM. The more complex the process of drawing of a window/widget is, the greater is the performance gain which can be achieved when using this option. But please note that each static memory device requires 4 bytes of memory for each pixel. That means using this option only makes sense, if a couple of MBytes are available for emWin.


We measured the performance gain with the following screens:

We measured the following performance gain for swiping operations when enabling static memory devices:

CPU-Load Frames per second
Static memory devices disabled 57% 8
Static memory devices enabled 24% 16

We used an iMXRT1060 with the Pixel Pipeline (PXP) accelerator enabled for drawing 32 bpp memory devices for this test. It shows that the CPU load is halved and the framerate is doubled with this option. The total performance gain here is therefore around a factor of approx. 4.4.

Basic functions

The following routines are those that are normally called when using Memory Devices. Basic usage is rather simple:

In order to be able to use Memory Devices...

Memory Devices are enabled by default. In order to optimize performance of the software, support for Memory Devices can be switched off in the configuration file GUIConf.h by including the following line:

#define GUI_SUPPORT_MEMDEV        0

If this line is in the configuration file and you want to use Memory Devices, either delete the line or change the define to 1.

MultiLayer / MultiDisplay configuration

As explained earlier in this chapter Memory Devices “compatible” to the display needs to have the same or a higher color depth as the display. When creating a Memory Device compatible to the display emWin “knows” the color depth of the currently selected layer/display and automatically uses the lowest color depth.

Configuration options

Type Macro Default Description
B GUI_USE_MEMDEV_1BPP_FOR_SCREEN 1 Enables the use of 1bpp Memory Devices with displays of 1bpp color depth.


On systems with a display color depth ≤ 8bpp the default color depth of Memory Devices compatible to the display is 8bpp. To enable the use of 1bpp Memory Devices with displays of 1bpp color depth the following line should be added to the configuration file GUIConf.h:


Memory Device API

The table below lists the available routines of the emWin Memory Device API. All functions are listed in alphabetical order within their respective categories. Detailed descriptions of the routines can be found in the sections that follow.


Routine Description
Basic functions
GUI_MEMDEV_Clear() Marks the entire contents of a Memory Device as “unchanged”.
GUI_MEMDEV_ClearAlpha() Clears all alpha values in the given memory device.
GUI_MEMDEV_CopyFromLCD() Reads back the content of the display and stores it in the given Memory Device.
GUI_MEMDEV_CopyRect() Copies a rectangular area from one memory device to another one.
GUI_MEMDEV_CopyToLCD() Copies the contents of a Memory Device from memory to the LCD.
GUI_MEMDEV_CopyToLCDAA() Copies the contents of a Memory Device (antialiased) to the LCD.
GUI_MEMDEV_CopyToLCDAt() Copies the contents of a Memory Device to the LCD at the given position.
GUI_MEMDEV_Create() Creates the Memory Device (first step).
GUI_MEMDEV_CreateCopy() This function creates a copy from a memory device.
GUI_MEMDEV_CreateEx() Creates a Memory Device.
GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed() Creates a Memory Device with dedicated color depth color conversion.
GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed32() Creates a 32bpp Memory Device.
GUI_MEMDEV_Delete() Deletes a Memory Device.
GUI_MEMDEV_DrawPerspectiveX() Draws the given Memory Device perspectively distorted into the current selected device.
GUI_MEMDEV_GetBitsPerPixel() Returns the color depth of given Memory Device.
GUI_MEMDEV_GetDataPtr() Returns a pointer to the data area (image area) of a Memory Device.
GUI_MEMDEV_GetSelMemdev() Returns a handle to the currently selected Memory Device.
GUI_MEMDEV_GetXSize() Returns the X-size (width) of a Memory Device.
GUI_MEMDEV_GetYSize() Returns the Y-size (height) of a Memory Device in pixels.
GUI_MEMDEV_MarkDirty() Marks a rectangle area as dirty.
GUI_MEMDEV_PunchOutDevice() Punches out a shape of a Memory Device defined by a 8bpp mask Memory Device.
GUI_MEMDEV_ReduceYSize() Reduces the Y-size of a Memory Device.
GUI_MEMDEV_Rotate() Rotates and scales a Memory Device and writes the result into a Memory Device using the ’nearest neighbor’ method.
GUI_MEMDEV_RotateAlpha() Rotates and scales a Memory Device and blends in the result into a Memory Device using the ’nearest neighbor’ method and the given alpha value.
GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQ() Rotates and scales a Memory Device and writes the result into a Memory Device using the ’high quality’ method.
GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQAlpha() Rotates and scales a Memory Device and blends in the result into a Memory Device using the ’high quality’ method and the given alpha value.
GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQHR() Rotates and scales a Memory Device and writes the result into a Memory Device using the ’high quality’ as well as the ’high resolution’ method.
GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQT() Rotates and scales a Memory Device and writes the result into a Memory Device using the ’high quality’ method. (Optimized for images with a large amount of transparent pixels)
GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHR() Rotates and scales a Memory Device and writes the result into a Memory Device using the ’high resolution’ method.
GUI_MEMDEV_Select() Activates a Memory Device (or activates LCD if handle is 0).
GUI_MEMDEV_SerializeBMP() Creates a BMP file from the given Memory Device.
GUI_MEMDEV_SerializeExBMP() Creates a BMP file from a given rectangular area of a memory device.
GUI_MEMDEV_SetOrg() Changes the origin of the Memory Device on the LCD.
GUI_MEMDEV_Write() Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device.
GUI_MEMDEV_WriteAlpha() Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device using alpha blending.
GUI_MEMDEV_WriteAlphaAt() Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device at the specified position using alpha blending.
GUI_MEMDEV_WriteAt() Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device at the specified position.
GUI_MEMDEV_WriteEx() Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device at position (0, 0) using alpha blending and scaling.
GUI_MEMDEV_WriteExAt() Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device at the specified position using alpha blending and scaling.
GUI_MEMDEV_WriteOpaque() Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device.
GUI_MEMDEV_WriteOpaqueAt() Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device at the specified position.
GUI_SelectLCD() Selects the LCD as target for drawing operations.
Banding Memory Device
GUI_MEMDEV_Draw() Use a Memory Device for drawing.
Auto device object functions
GUI_MEMDEV_CreateAuto() Creates an auto device object.
GUI_MEMDEV_DeleteAuto() Deletes an auto device object.
GUI_MEMDEV_DrawAuto() Executes a specified drawing routine using a banding Memory Device.
Measurement device object functions
GUI_MEASDEV_ClearRect() Clears the measurement rectangle.
GUI_MEASDEV_Create() Creates a measurement device.
GUI_MEASDEV_Delete() Deletes a measurement device.
GUI_MEASDEV_GetRect() Retrieves the measurement result.
GUI_MEASDEV_Select() Selects a measurement device as target for drawing operations.
Animation functions
GUI_MEMDEV_FadeInDevices() Performs fading in one device over another Memory Device.
GUI_MEMDEV_FadeOutDevices() Performs fading out one device overlaying another Memory Device.
GUI_MEMDEV_SetAnimationCallback() Sets a user defined callback function to be called while animations are processed.
GUI_MEMDEV_SetTimePerFrame() Sets the minimum time used for one animation frame.
Animation functions (Window Manager required)
GUI_MEMDEV_FadeInWindow() Fades in a window by animating the alpha value from transparent to opaque.
GUI_MEMDEV_FadeOutWindow() Fades out a window animating the alpha value from opaque to transparent.
GUI_MEMDEV_MoveInWindow() Moves a window into the screen.
GUI_MEMDEV_MoveOutWindow() Moves a window out of the screen.
GUI_MEMDEV_ShiftInWindow() Shifts a Window in a specified direction into the screen to its actual position.
GUI_MEMDEV_ShiftOutWindow() Shifts a Window in a specified direction out of the screen from its actual position.
GUI_MEMDEV_SwapWindow() Swaps a window with the old content of the target area.
Blending, Blurring and Dithering functions
GUI_MEMDEV_BlendColor32() Blends a window with the given color and blending intensity.
GUI_MEMDEV_CreateBlurredDevice32() Creates a blurred copy of the given Memory Device using the currently set blurring function.
GUI_MEMDEV_CreateBlurredDevice32HQ() Creates a blurred copy of the given Memory Device at high quality.
GUI_MEMDEV_CreateBlurredDevice32LQ() Creates a blurred copy of the given Memory Device at low quality.
GUI_MEMDEV_Dither32() The function dithers the given memory device using the given fixed palette mode.
GUI_MEMDEV_SetBlurHQ() Sets the blurring behavior of the function GUI_MEMDEV_CreateBlurredDevice32() to HQ.
GUI_MEMDEV_SetBlurLQ() Sets the blurring behavior of the function GUI_MEMDEV_CreateBlurredDevice32() to LQ.
Blending and Blurring functions (Window Manager required)
GUI_MEMDEV_BlendWinBk() Blends the background of a window.
GUI_MEMDEV_BlurAndBlendWinBk() Blurs and blends the background of a window.
GUI_MEMDEV_BlurWinBk() Blurs the background of a window.
Setting up multiple buffering for animation functions
GUI_MEMDEV_MULTIBUF_Enable() Enable use of multiple buffers for memory device animation functions.
Memory bitmaps
GUI_MBITMAP_Create() Create a memory bitmap from local resources.
GUI_MBITMAP_CreateEx() Create a memory bitmap from external resources.
GUI_MBITMAP_CreateUser() Create a memory bitmap with more options from local resources.
GUI_MBITMAP_CreateUserEx() Create a memory bitmap with more options from external resources.
GUI_MBITMAP_Delete() Delete a memory bitmap.
GUI_MBITMAP_SetColorFormat() Set a default color format to be used.


Group of defines Description
Color conversion routines Defines the desired color conversion routine for a memory device.
Direction symbols Direction in which a window should be moved to using memory devices.
Memory device color depths Available color depths for fixed memory devices.
Memory device flags Flags to be used for the creation of a memory device.
Basic functions


Marks the entire contents of a Memory Device as “unchanged”.


void GUI_MEMDEV_Clear(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to a Memory Device.

Additional information

The next drawing operation with GUI_MEMDEV_CopyToLCD() will then write only the bytes modified between GUI_MEMDEV_Clear() and GUI_MEMDEV_CopyToLCD().



Clears all alpha values in the given Memory Device with the help of an 1bpp Memory Device mask.


int GUI_MEMDEV_ClearAlpha(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemData,
                          GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemMask);


Parameter Description
hMemData Handle to a Memory Device. Must be a 32bpp Memory Device.
hMemMask Optional handle to a Memory Device mask. Must be an 1bpp Memory Device with the same size as the hMemData handle.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The Memory Device mask must have the same dimensions as the given hMemData Memory Device. To use the Memory Device mask, an area has to be specified where the alpha values should be cleared. To do so basic drawing functions should be used. The function sets all pixels of the data memory device to opaque, which have the index value 1 in the mask memory device. If hMemMask is 0, the alpha values of the whole memory device will be set to opaque. No transparency remains then.


#include "GUI.h"
*       MainTask
void MainTask(void) {
  GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemData;
  GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemMask;
  // Background
  GUI_DrawGradientV(0, 0, 320, 240, GUI_BLUE, GUI_RED);
  // Mask device
  hMemMask = GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed(0, 0, 320, 240, GUI_MEMDEV_NOTRANS,
                                     GUI_MEMDEV_APILIST_1,  GUICC_1); 
  GUI_DrawLine(0, 240, 320, 0);
  GUI_DrawLine(0, 0, 320, 240);
  // Data Device
  hMemData = GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed(0, 0, 320, 240, GUI_MEMDEV_NOTRANS,
                                     GUI_MEMDEV_APILIST_32, GUICC_8888);
  GUI_DrawGradientH(0, 0, 320, 240, GUI_BLUE, GUI_TRANSPARENT);
  // Calling GUI_MEMDEV_ClearAlpha()
  GUI_MEMDEV_ClearAlpha(hMemData, hMemMask);
  // Result
  while (1) {


Background Data Mask Result


Reads back the content of the display and stores it in the given Memory Device.


void GUI_MEMDEV_CopyFromLCD(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to a Memory Device.


Copies a rectangular area from one memory device to another one.


int GUI_MEMDEV_CopyRect(      GUI_MEMDEV_Handle   hMemSrc,
                              GUI_MEMDEV_Handle   hMemDst,
                        const GUI_RECT          * pRect,
                              int                 xDst,
                              int                 yDst);


Parameter Description
hMemSrc Handle to a Memory Device we copy from.
hMemDst Handle to a Memory Device we copy to.
pRect  in  A rectangle which defines the area to be copied. Coordinates must be relative to the memory device(s).
xDst The x coordinate the rectangle should be copied to in the destination device.
yDst The y coordinate the rectangle should be copied to in the destination device.

Return value

0 On success.
1 On error.

Additional information

It is allowed to pass the same memory device handle to hMemSrc and hMemDst.



Copies the contents of a Memory Device from memory to the LCD.


void GUI_MEMDEV_CopyToLCD(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to a Memory Device.

Additional information

This function ignores the clipping area of the Window Manager as well as the alpha channel. Therefor using this function from within a paint event is not recommended. In order to display a Memory Device regarding the clipping area as well as the alpha channel, the function GUI_MEMDEV_WriteAt() should be used instead.



Copies the contents of a Memory Device (antialiased) to the LCD.




Parameter Description
hMem Handle to a Memory Device.

Additional information

The device data is handled as antialiased data. A matrix of 2x2 pixels is converted to 1 pixel. The intensity of the resulting pixel depends on how many pixels are set in the matrix.


Creates a Memory Device and selects it for output. A large font is then set and a text is written to the Memory Device:

GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem = GUI_MEMDEV_Create(0,0,60,32);

Screenshot of above example



Copies the contents of a Memory Device to the LCD at the given position.


                            int               x,
                            int               y);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to a Memory Device.
x Position in X
y Position in Y


Creates a Memory Device.


GUI_MEMDEV_Handle GUI_MEMDEV_Create(int x0,
                                    int y0,
                                    int xSize,
                                    int ySize);


Parameter Description
x0 X-position of the Memory Device.
y0 Y-position of the Memory Device.
xSize X-size of the Memory Device.
ySize Y-size of the Memory Device.

Return value

Handle of the created Memory Device. If the routine fails the return value is 0.



This function creates a copy from a memory device.


GUI_MEMDEV_Handle GUI_MEMDEV_CreateCopy(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemSrc);


Parameter Description
hMemSrc Handle of the memory device to be copied.

Return value

The return value is a handle of a memory device containing the copy of hMemSrc. If there is not enough memory to create a memory device as copy, this function returns 0.



Creates a Memory Device.


GUI_MEMDEV_Handle GUI_MEMDEV_CreateEx(int x0,
                                      int y0,
                                      int xSize,
                                      int ySize,
                                      int Flags);


Parameter Description
x0 x-position of the Memory Device.
y0 y-position of the Memory Device.
xSize x-size of the Memory Device.
ySize y-size of the Memory Device.
Flags A list of permitted values can be found under Memory device flags.

Return value

Handle of the created Memory Device. If the routine fails the return value is 0.



Creates a Memory Device with dedicated color depth color conversion.


GUI_MEMDEV_Handle GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed(      int                  x0,
                                               int                  y0,
                                               int                  xSize,
                                               int                  ySize,
                                               int                  Flags,
                                         const GUI_DEVICE_API     * pDeviceAPI,
                                         const LCD_API_COLOR_CONV * pColorConvAPI);


Parameter Description
x0 x-position of the Memory Device.
y0 y-position of the Memory Device.
xSize x-size of the Memory Device.
ySize y-size of the Memory Device.
Flags A list of permitted values can be found under Memory device flags.
pMemDevAPI A list of permitted color depths can be found under Memory device color depths.
pColorConvAPI A list of permitted color conversion routines can be found under Color conversion routines.

Return value

Handle of the created Memory Device. If the routine fails the return value is 0.

Additional information

This function can be used if a Memory Device with a specified color conversion should be created. This could make sense if for example some items should be printed on a printer device. The Sample folder contains the code example MEMDEV_Printing.c which shows how to use the function to print something in 1bpp color conversion mode.


The following example shows how to create a Memory Device with 1bpp color depth:

GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem;
hMem = GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed(0, 0, 128, 128, 0,
                              GUI_MEMDEV_APILIST_1, // Used API list
                              GUI_COLOR_CONV_1);    // Black/white color conversion


Creates a Memory Device with a color depth of 32bpp and GUICC_8888 color conversion.


GUI_MEMDEV_Handle GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed32(int x0,
                                           int y0,
                                           int xSize,
                                           int ySize);


Parameter Description
x0 x-position of the Memory Device.
y0 y-position of the Memory Device.
xSize x-size of the Memory Device.
ySize y-size of the Memory Device.

Return value

Handle to the created Memory Device. If the routine fails the return value is 0.

Additional information

This function makes it more easy to create a 32 bpp memory device which is often required.



Deletes a Memory Device.


void GUI_MEMDEV_Delete(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemDev);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to the Memory Device which has to be deleted.


Draws the given Memory Device perspectively distorted into the currently selected device.


void GUI_MEMDEV_DrawPerspectiveX(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem,
                                 int               x,
                                 int               y,
                                 int               h0,
                                 int               h1,
                                 int               dx,
                                 int               dy);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to source Memory Device with the image to be drawn.
x Horizontal start position in pixels.
y Vertical start position in pixels.
h0 Height of the leftmost edge of the image to be drawn.
h1 Height of the rightmost edge of the image to be drawn.
dx Width of the image to be drawn.
dy Position in y from the topmost pixel at the right relative to the topmost pixel at the left.

The picture below explains the parameters more detailed:

Additional information

The function draws the contents of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device. The origin of the source device should be (0, 0). Size and distortion of the new image is defined by the parameters dx, dy, h0 and h1. Note that the function currently only works with Memory Devices with 32-bpp color depth and a system color depth of 32 bpp.


The following example shows how to use the function:

GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem0, hMem1, hMem2;
hMem0 = GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed(0, 0, 150, 150, GUI_MEMDEV_NOTRANS,  
hMem1 = GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed(0, 0,  75, 150, GUI_MEMDEV_HASTRANS, 
hMem2 = GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed(0, 0,  75, 150, GUI_MEMDEV_HASTRANS, 
GUI_JPEG_Draw(_aJPEG, sizeof(_aJPEG), 0, 0);
GUI_MEMDEV_DrawPerspectiveX(hMem0, 0,  0, 150, 110, 75,  20);
GUI_MEMDEV_DrawPerspectiveX(hMem0, 0, 20, 110, 150, 75, -20);
GUI_MEMDEV_CopyToLCDAt(hMem0,   0, 10);
GUI_MEMDEV_CopyToLCDAt(hMem1, 160, 10);
GUI_MEMDEV_CopyToLCDAt(hMem2, 245, 10);

Screenshot of above example



Returns the color depth of given Memory Device.


int GUI_MEMDEV_GetBitsPerPixel(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemDev);


Parameter Description
hMemDev Handle to the Memory Device which color depths should be retreived.

Return value

Bits per pixel of the given Memory Device.



Returns a pointer to the data area (image area) of a Memory Device. This data area can then be manipulated without the use of GUI functions; it can for example be used as output buffer for a JPEG or video decompression routine.


void *GUI_MEMDEV_GetDataPtr(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.

Return value

Data pointer to the Device’s data area. NULL on error.

Additional information

The device data is stored from the returned address onwards. An application modifying this data has to take extreme caution that it does not overwrite memory outside of this data area.


Allocating dynamic memory could cause invalid data pointers!

It should be kept sure, that no memory is allocated during the pointer is used. Allocating memory could cause invalid pointers because of memory cleaning operations.

Organization of the data area

The pixels are stored in the mode “native” to the display (or layer) for which they are intended. For layers with 8 bpp or less, 8 bits (1 byte) are used per pixel; for layers with more than 8 and less or equal 16 bpp, a 16 bit value (U16) is used for one pixel.

The memory is organized in reading order which means: First byte (or U16), stored at the start address, represents the color index of the pixel in the upper left corner (y=0, x=0); the next pixel, stored right after the first one, is the one to the left at (y=0, x=1). (Unless the Memory Device area is only 1 pixel wide).

The next line is stored right after the first line in memory, without any kind of padding. Endian mode is irrelevant, it is assumed that 16 bit units are accessed as 16 bit units and not as 2 separate bytes.

The data area is comprised of xSize * ySize pixels, so xSize * ySize bytes for 8bpp or lower Memory Devices, 2 * xSize * ySize bytes (accessed as xSize * ySize units of 16 bits) for 16 bpp Memory Devices.



Returns a handle to the currently selected Memory Device.


GUI_MEMDEV_Handle GUI_MEMDEV_GetSelMemdev(void);

Return value

Handle of the currently selected Memory Device. 0 if no device is selected.



Returns the X-size (width) of a Memory Device.


int GUI_MEMDEV_GetXSize(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.

Return value

X-size of Memory Device.



Returns the Y-size (height) of a Memory Device in pixels.


int GUI_MEMDEV_GetYSize(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.

Return value

Y-size of Memory Device.



Marks a rectangle area as dirty.


void GUI_MEMDEV_MarkDirty(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem,
                          int               x0,
                          int               y0,
                          int               x1,
                          int               y1);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.
x0 x-coordinate of the upper left corner.
y0 y-coordinate of the upper left corner.
x1 x-coordinate of the lower right corner.
y1 y-coordinate of the lower right corner.


Punches out a shape of a Memory Device defined by a 8bpp mask Memory Device.

The mask device must consist of 8bpp index values which define the intensity of the pixels to be used:

Intensity values between 0 and 255 mean semi transparency. The behavior of the function depends on the draw mode:

The punching operation will be done in the given device hMemData.


int GUI_MEMDEV_PunchOutDevice(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemData,
                              GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemMask);


Parameter Description
hMemData Memory Device which should be punched out. Must be a 32 bit Memory Device.
hMemMask Handle to the Memory Device mask, which contains the intensity values.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


#include "GUI.h"
*       MainTask
void MainTask(void) {
  GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemData;
  GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemMask;
  GUI_RECT          Rect;
  // Background
  GUI_DrawGradientV(0, 0, 99, 49, GUI_DARKGRAY, GUI_DARKBLUE);
  // Mask device
  hMemMask = GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed(0, 0, 99, 49, GUI_MEMDEV_NOTRANS,
                                     GUI_MEMDEV_APILIST_8,  GUICC_8);
  GUI_AA_FillCircle(49, 24, 20);
  GUI_DrawLine(0, 0, 99, 49);
  // Data Device
  hMemData = GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed32(0, 0, 99, 49);
  Rect.x0 = 6;
  Rect.y0 = 0;
  Rect.x1 = 99;
  Rect.y1 = 49;
  GUI_DispStringInRectEx("Punch\nme\nout!", &Rect,
                          GUI_TA_HCENTER | GUI_TA_VCENTER, 20, GUI_ROTATE_0);
  // Result
  GUI_MEMDEV_PunchOutDevice(hMemData, hMemMask);
  while (1) {


Background Data Mask Result


Reduces the Y-size of a Memory Device.


void GUI_MEMDEV_ReduceYSize(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem,
                            int               YSize);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.
YSize New Y-size of the Memory Device.

Additional information

Changing the size of the Memory Device is more efficient than deleting and then recreating it.


General Description

The functions rotate and scale the given source Memory Device. The source device will be rotated and scaled around its center and then shifted by the given amount of pixels. The result is saved into the given destination Memory Device. All these functions have similar postfixes containing the sequences ’HQ’, ’HQT’, ’HR’ and ’Alpha’ which are explained in the following:

Description 'HQ'

HQ stands for “High Quality”. The functions which are named HQ use a more complex algorithm for calculating the destination pixel data. The HQ-algorithm can be used to achieve accurate results. The functions without the HQ addition use the ’nearest neighbor’ method which is fast, but less accurate.

Description 'HQT'

HQT stands for “High Quality Transparency”. The HQT algorithm improves the performance when rotating Memory Devices containing completely transparent pixels. The more completely transparent pixels the Memory Device contains, the more significant the performance boost gets. This function is still a HQ function and therefore produces results of the same accuracy.

Description 'HR'

HR stands for “High Resolution”. The functions named HR use a precision of 8 sub-pixels. This makes it possible to display a Memory Device much more precisely on the screen.

Description 'Alpha'

The ’Alpha’ functions allow to use an alpha value for blending in the source device into the destination device. A value between 0 and 255 can be used, where 0 means completely visible and 255 completely transparent. Of course alpha values of the source device will be considered.


void GUI_MEMDEV_Rotate (GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hSrc,
                        GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hDst,
                        int               dx,
                        int               dy,
                        int               a,
                        int               Mag);
void GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQT (GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hSrc,
                           GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hDst,
                           int               dx,
                           int               dy,
                           int               a,
                           int               Mag);
void GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQ (GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hSrc,
                          GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hDst,
                          int               dx,
                          int               dy,
                          int               a,
                          int               Mag);


Parameter Description
hSrc Handle of Memory Device to be rotated and scaled.
hDst Handle of destination device.
dx Distance in pixels for shifting the image in X.
dy Distance in pixels for shifting the image in Y.
a Angle to be used for rotation in degrees * 1000.
Mag Magnification factor * 1000.

Prototypes Alpha

void GUI_MEMDEV_RotateAlpha (GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hSrc,
                             GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hDst,
                             int               dx,
                             int               dy,
                             int               a,
                             int               Mag,
                             U8                Alpha);
void GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQAlpha(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hSrc,
                              GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hDst,
                              int               dx,
                              int               dy,
                              int               a,
                              int               Mag,
                              U8                Alpha);

Parameters Alpha

Parameter Description
hSrc Handle of Memory Device to be rotated and scaled.
hDst Handle of destination device.
dx Distance in pixels for shifting the image in X.
dy Distance in pixels for shifting the image in Y.
a Angle to be used for rotation in degrees * 1000.
Mag Magnification factor * 1000.
Alpha Alpha value to be used for blending in the device.

Prototypes HR

void GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQHR(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hSrc,
                           GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hDst,
                           I32               dx,
                           I32               dy,
                           int               a,
                           int               Mag);
void GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHR (GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hSrc,
                          GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hDst,
                          I32               dx,
                          I32               dy,
                          int               a,
                          int               Mag);

Parameters HR

Parameter Description
hSrc Handle of Memory Device to be rotated and scaled.
hDst Handle of destination device.
dx Distance in pixels for shifting the image in X.
dy Distance in pixels for shifting the image in Y.
a Angle to be used for rotation in degrees * 1000.
Mag Magnification factor * 1000.

The following picture gives a more detailed impression of the parameters:

Additional information

Both Memory Devices, source and destination, need to be created using a color depth of 32bpp.

Furthermore, GUI_MEMDEV_NOTRANS should be used as Flags parameter when creating the devices. If it is intended to preserve transparency, the according areas in both Memory Devices need to be filled with transparency before calling a rotate function. The Sample folder contains the MEMDEV_ZoomAndRotate.c application which shows in detail how the function can be used.

Performance advantage of GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQT()

The following table shows an approximation of the performance in comparison to GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQ() in dependence of the percentage of transparent pixels:

Percentage of transparent pixels Performance advantage
0% - 3%
10% 0%
50% + 21%
90% + 74%


  GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemSource;
  GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemDest;
  GUI_RECT RectSource = {0, 0, 69, 39};
  GUI_RECT RectDest   = {0, 0, 79, 79};
  hMemSource = GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed32(RectSource.x0, RectSource.y0, 
                                        RectSource.x1 - RectSource.x0 + 1, 
                                        RectSource.y1 - RectSource.y0 + 1);
  hMemDest   = GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed32(RectDest.x0,   RectDest.y0,   
                                        RectDest.x1   - RectDest.x0   + 1, 
                                        RectDest.y1   - RectDest.y0   + 1);
  GUI_DrawGradientVEx(&RectSource, GUI_WHITE, GUI_DARKGREEN);
  GUI_DispStringInRect("emWin", &RectSource, GUI_TA_HCENTER | GUI_TA_VCENTER);
  GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQ(hMemSource, hMemDest, 
                      (RectDest.x1 - RectSource.x1) / 2, 
                      (RectDest.y1 - RectSource.y1) / 2, 
                      30 * 1000, // 30 degrees rotation angle
  GUI_MEMDEV_CopyToLCDAt(hMemSource,  10, (RectDest.y1 - RectSource.y1) / 2);
  GUI_MEMDEV_CopyToLCDAt(hMemDest,   100, 0);

Screenshot of the above example using GUI_MEMDEV_Rotate()

Screenshot of the above example using GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQ()

Screenshot of the above example using GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQHR()

This screenshot shows the 8 steps to move an anti-aliased corner one pixel to the right using sub-pixels.



Activates a Memory Device (or activates LCD if handle is 0).




Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.

Return value

Previously selected device. 0, if the display was selected.



Creates a BMP file from the given Memory Device.


void GUI_MEMDEV_SerializeBMP(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle        hDev,
                             GUI_CALLBACK_VOID_U8_P * pfSerialize,
                             void                   * p);


Parameter Description
hDev Handle to Memory Device.
pfSerialize Pointer to a user defined serialization function. See prototype below.
p Pointer to user defined data passed to the serialization function.

Additional information

To create a BMP file the color depth of the given Memory Device is used. In case it is 32bpp the resulting BMP file will consist of valid alpha data which is recognized by the Bitmap Converter.

An example for serialization can be found in the description of GUI_BMP_Serialize().


void GUI_CALLBACK_VOID_U8_P(U8     Data,
                            void * p);


Creates a BMP file from a given rectangular area of a memory device.


void GUI_MEMDEV_SerializeExBMP(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle        hDev,
                               GUI_CALLBACK_VOID_U8_P * pfSerialize,
                               void                   * p,
                               int                      xPos,
                               int                      yPos,
                               int                      xSize,
                               int                      ySize);


Parameter Description
hDev Handle to Memory Device.
pfSerialize Pointer to a user defined serialization function. See prototype below.
p Pointer to user defined data passed to the serialization function.
xPos X-position of upper left position of the rectangular area.
yPos Y-position of upper left position of the rectangular area.
xSize X-size of the rectangular area.
ySize Y-size of the rectangular area.

Additional information

An example for serialization can be found in the description of GUI_BMP_Serialize().


void GUI_CALLBACK_VOID_U8_P(U8     Data,
                            void * p);


Changes the origin of the Memory Device on the LCD.


void GUI_MEMDEV_SetOrg(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem,
                       int               x0,
                       int               y0);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.
x0 Horizontal position (of the upper left pixel).
y0 Vertical position (of the upper left pixel).

Additional information

This routine can be helpful when the same device is used for different areas of the screen or when the contents of the Memory Device are to be copied into different areas. Changing the origin of the Memory Device is more efficient than deleting and then recreating it.



Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device.


void GUI_MEMDEV_Write(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.

Additional information

In case of writing a 32 bpp memory device with alpha channel the alpha values will be considered for mixing the content of the given memory device with the content of the currently selected device.



Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device using alpha blending.


void GUI_MEMDEV_WriteAlpha(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem,
                           int               Alpha);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.
Alpha Alpha blending factor, 0 - 255

Additional information

Alpha blending means mixing 2 colors with a given intensity. This function makes it possible to write semi-transparent from one Memory Device into an other Memory Device. The Alpha -parameter specifies the intensity used when writing to the currently selected device. In case of writing a 32 bpp memory device with alpha channel the alpha values will also be considered.



Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device at the specified position using alpha blending.


void GUI_MEMDEV_WriteAlphaAt(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem,
                             int               Alpha,
                             int               x,
                             int               y);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.
Alpha Alpha blending factor, 0 - 255
x Position in X
y Position in Y

Additional information

See GUI_MEMDEV_WriteAlpha().



Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device at the specified position.


void GUI_MEMDEV_WriteAt(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem,
                        int               x,
                        int               y);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.
x Position in X
y Position in Y

Additional information

(See GUI_MEMDEV_Write)



Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device at position (0, 0) using alpha blending and scaling.


void GUI_MEMDEV_WriteEx(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem,
                        int               xMag,
                        int               yMag,
                        int               Alpha);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.
xMag Scaling factor for X-axis * 1000.
yMag Scaling factor for Y-axis * 1000.
Alpha Alpha blending factor, 0 - 255.

Additional information

A negative scaling factor mirrors the output. Also refer to GUI_MEMDEV_WriteExAt() below.



Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device at the specified position using alpha blending and scaling.


void GUI_MEMDEV_WriteExAt(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem,
                          int               x,
                          int               y,
                          int               xMag,
                          int               yMag,
                          int               Alpha);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.
x Position in X.
y Position in Y.
xMag Scaling factor for X-axis * 1000.
yMag Scaling factor for Y-axis * 1000.
Alpha Alpha blending factor, 0 - 255.

Additional information

A negative scaling factor mirrors the output.


The following example creates 2 Memory Devices: hMem0 (40x10) and hMem1 (80x20). A small white text is drawn at the upper left position of hMem0 and hMem1. Then the function GUI_MEMDEV_WriteEx() writes the content of hMem0 to hMem1 using mirroring and magnifying:

GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem0, hMem1;
hMem0 = GUI_MEMDEV_Create(0, 0, 40, 10);
hMem1 = GUI_MEMDEV_Create(0, 0, 80, 20);
GUI_DispStringAt("Text", 0, 0);
GUI_MEMDEV_WriteExAt(hMem0, 0, 0, -2000, -2000, 160);

Screenshot of the above example



Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device.


void GUI_MEMDEV_WriteOpaque(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.

Additional information

In case of writing a 32 bpp memory device with alpha channel the alpha values will not be changed and copied as they are. Although, the name implies that the memory device becomes fully opaque the alpha values will remain. The alpha values will be copied without mixing with the background.



Writes the content of the given Memory Device into the currently selected device at the specified position.


void GUI_MEMDEV_WriteOpaqueAt(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem,
                              int               x,
                              int               y);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to Memory Device.

Additional information

In case of writing a 32 bpp memory device with alpha channel the alpha values will not be changed and copied as they are. Although, the name implies that the memory device becomes fully opaque the alpha values will remain. The alpha values will be copied without mixing with the background.



Selects the LCD as target for drawing operations.


void GUI_SelectLCD(void);
Example for using a Memory Device

The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how Memory Devices can be used:

This example demonstrates the use of a Memory Device. Some items are written to a Memory Device and then copied to the display. Note that several other examples also make use of Memory Devices and may also be helpful to get familiar with them.

Screenshot of above example

Banding Memory Device

A Memory Device is first filled by executing the specified drawing functions. After filling the device, the contents are drawn to the LCD. There may be note enough memory available to store the complete output area at once, depending on your configuration. A banding Memory Device divides the drawing area into bands, in which each band covers as many lines as possible with the currently available memory.



Drawing function to avoid flickering.


int GUI_MEMDEV_Draw(GUI_RECT            * pRect,
                    GUI_CALLBACK_VOID_P * pfDraw,
                    void                * pData,
                    int                   NumLines,
                    int                   Flags);


Parameter Description
pRect Pointer to a GUI_RECT structure for the used LCD area.
pfDraw Pointer to a callback function for executing the drawing.
pData Pointer to a data structure used as parameter for the callback function.
NumLines 0 (recommended) or number of lines for the Memory Device.
Flags A list of permitted values can be found under Memory device flags. GUI_MEMDEV_NOTRANS is recommended.

Return value

0 if successful.
1 if the routine fails.

Additional information

If the parameter NumLines is 0, the number of lines in each band is calculated automatically by the function. The function then iterates over the output area band by band by moving the origin of the Memory Device.

Example for using a banding Memory Device

The Sample folder contains the following example which shows how the function can be used:

Screenshot of above example

Auto device object functions

Memory Devices are useful when the display must be updated to reflect the movement or changing of items, since it is important in such applications to prevent the LCD from flickering. An auto device object is based on the banding Memory Device, and may be more efficient for applications such as moving indicators, in which only a small part of the display is updated at a time.
The device automatically distinguishes which areas of the display consist of fixed objects and which areas consist of moving or changing objects that must be updated. When the drawing function is called for the first time, all items are drawn. Each further call updates only the space used by the moving or changing objects. The actual drawing operation uses the banding Memory Device, but only within the necessary space. The main advantage of using an auto device object (versus direct usage of a banding Memory Device) is that it saves computation time, since it does not keep updating the entire display.



Creates an auto device object.


int GUI_MEMDEV_CreateAuto(GUI_AUTODEV * pAutoDev);


Parameter Description
pAutoDev Pointer to a GUI_AUTODEV object.

Return value

Currently 0, reserved for later use.



Deletes an auto device object.


void GUI_MEMDEV_DeleteAuto(GUI_AUTODEV * pAutoDev);


Parameter Description
pAutoDev Pointer to a GUI_AUTODEV object.


Executes a specified drawing routine using a banding Memory Device.


int GUI_MEMDEV_DrawAuto(GUI_AUTODEV         * pAutoDev,
                        GUI_AUTODEV_INFO    * pAutoDevInfo,
                        GUI_CALLBACK_VOID_P * pfDraw,
                        void                * pData);


Parameter Description
pAutoDev Pointer to a GUI_AUTODEV object.
pAutoDevInfo Pointer to a GUI_AUTODEV_INFO object.
pfDraw Pointer to the user-defined drawing function which is to be executed.
pData Pointer to a data structure passed to the drawing function.

Return value

0 if successful.
1 if the routine fails.

Additional information

The GUI_AUTODEV_INFO structure contains the information about what items must be drawn by the user function:

typedef struct {
  char DrawFixed;

DrawFixed is set to 1 if all items have to be drawn. It is set to 0 when only the moving or changing objects have to be drawn. We recommend the following procedure when using this feature:

typedef struct {
  GUI_AUTODEV_INFO AutoDevInfo; /* Information about what has to be drawn */
  /* Additional data used by the user function */
static void Draw(void * p) {
  PARAM * pParam = (PARAM *)p;
  if (pParam->AutoDevInfo.DrawFixed) {
    /* Draw fixed background */
  /* Draw moving objects */
  if (pParam->AutoDevInfo.DrawFixed) {
    /* Draw fixed foreground (if needed) */
void main(void) {
  PARAM Param;                     /* Parameters for drawing routine */
  GUI_AUTODEV AutoDev;             /* Object for banding Memory Device */
  /* Set/modify information for drawing routine */
  GUI_MEMDEV_CreateAuto(&AutoDev); /* Create GUI_AUTODEV-object */
  GUI_MEMDEV_DrawAuto(&AutoDev,    /* Use GUI_AUTODEV-object for drawing */
  GUI_MEMDEV_DeleteAuto(&AutoDev); /* Delete GUI_AUTODEV-object */
Example for using an auto device object

The example MEMDEV_AutoDev.c demonstrates the use of an auto device object. It can be found as MEMDEV_AutoDev.c. A scale with a moving needle is drawn in the background and a small text is written in the foreground. The needle is drawn with the anti-aliasing feature of emWin. High-resolution anti-aliasing is used here to improve the appearance of the moving needle. For more information, see the chapter Antialiasing.

Screenshot of above example

Measurement device object functions

Measurement devices are useful when you need to know the area used to draw something. Creating and selecting a measurement device as target for drawing operations makes it possible to retrieve the rectangle used for drawing operations.



Call this function to clear the measurement rectangle of the given measurement device.


void GUI_MEASDEV_ClearRect(GUI_MEASDEV_Handle hMemDev);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to measurement device.


Creates a measurement device.


GUI_MEASDEV_Handle GUI_MEASDEV_Create(void);

Return value

The handle of the measurement device.



Deletes a measurement device.


void GUI_MEASDEV_Delete(GUI_MEASDEV_Handle hMemDev);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to measurement device.


Retrieves the result of the drawing operations.


void GUI_MEASDEV_GetRect(GUI_MEASDEV_Handle   hMem,
                         GUI_RECT           * pRect);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to measurement device.
pRect Pointer to GUI_RECT-structure to store result.


Selects a measurement device as target for drawing operations.


void GUI_MEASDEV_Select(GUI_MEASDEV_Handle hMemDev);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to measurement device.


The following example shows the use of a measurement device. It creates a measurement device, draws a line and displays the result of the measurement device:

void MainTask(void) {
  GUI_MEASDEV_Handle hMeasdev;
  GUI_RECT Rect;
  hMeasdev = GUI_MEASDEV_Create();
  GUI_DrawLine(10, 20, 30, 40);
  GUI_MEASDEV_GetRect(hMeasdev, &Rect);
  GUI_DispDec(Rect.x0, 3);
  GUI_DispString(" Y0:");
  GUI_DispDec(Rect.y0, 3);
  GUI_DispString(" X1:");
  GUI_DispDec(Rect.x1, 3);
  GUI_DispString(" Y1:");
  GUI_DispDec(Rect.y1, 3);

Screenshot of the above example

Animation functions

Animations can be used to inject some life into the application. They will always help to let the user’s eye smoothly capture what happens. All animation functions require 32-bit devices.



Performs fading in one device over another Memory Device.


int GUI_MEMDEV_FadeInDevices(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem0,
                             GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem1,
                             int               Period);


Parameter Description
hMem0 Handle of background Memory Device.
hMem1 Handle of Memory Device to be faded in.
Period Time period in which the fading is processed.

Return value

0 if successful.
1 if the function fails.

Additional information

This function requires hMem0 and hMem1 to be of the same size and to be located at the same position on the screen.


An example application using fading functions can be found in the file MEMDEV_FadingPerformance.c which is located in the folder Sample\Tutorial.




Performs fading out one device overlaying another Memory Device.


int GUI_MEMDEV_FadeOutDevices(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem0,
                              GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem1,
                              int               Period);


Parameter Description
hMem0 Handle of background Memory Device.
hMem1 Handle of Memory Device to be faded out.
Period Time period in which the fading is processed.

Return value

0 if successful.
1 if the function fails.

Additional information

This function requires hMem0 and hMem1 to be of the same size and to be located at the same position on the screen.



Sets a user defined callback function to be called while animations are processed. The function should contain code to determine whether processing of the current animation shall go on or abort.


void GUI_MEMDEV_SetAnimationCallback(GUI_ANIMATION_CALLBACK_FUNC * pCbAnimation,
                                     void                        * pVoid);


Parameter Description
pCbAnimation Pointer to the user defined callback function.
pVoid Data pointer.

Additional information

The callback function is called every time an animation function has just copied the actual step to the screen.


The following example shows the use of a GUI_ANIMATION_CALLBACK_FUNC, which gives the possibility to react on PID events:

static int _cbAnimation(int TimeRem, void * pVoid) {
  int Pressed;
  if (TimeRem /* Insert Condition */) {
    /* ... React on remaining Time ... */
  Pressed = _GetButtonState();
  if (Pressed) {
    return 1;   // Button was     pressed, stop     animation
  } else {
    return 0;   // Button was not pressed, continue animation
void main(void) {
  GUI_MEMDEV_SetAnimationCallback(_cbAnimation, (void *)&_Pressed);
  while (1) {
    /* Do animations... */


Sets the minimum time used for one animation frame. If the process of drawing requires less time GUI_X_Delay() is called with the time difference.


void GUI_MEMDEV_SetTimePerFrame(unsigned TimePerFrame);


Parameter Description
TimePerFrame Minimum time used for one animation frame.
Animation functions (Window Manager required)

The following animation functions require usage of the Window Manager.



Fades in/out a window by decreasing/increasing the alpha value.


int GUI_MEMDEV_FadeInWindow (WM_HWIN hWin,
                             int     Period);
int GUI_MEMDEV_FadeOutWindow(WM_HWIN hWin,
                             int     Period);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle to the window which has to be faded out.
Period Time period in which the fading is processed.

Return value

0 if successful.
1 if the function fails.

Additional information

After the window has been faded the desktop and its child windows are validated.


An example application using the fading functions for windows can be found in the file SKINNING_NestedModal.c which is located in the folder Sample\Tutorial.




Moves a window into/out of the screen. First the window is drawn minimized/maximized at the specified position/its actual position and then moved to its actual position/the specified position while magnifying to its actual size/demagnifying. The window can be spun clockwise as well as counterclockwise while it is moving.


int GUI_MEMDEV_MoveInWindow (WM_HWIN hWin,
                             int     x,
                             int     y,
                             int     a180,
                             int     Period);
int GUI_MEMDEV_MoveOutWindow(WM_HWIN hWin,
                             int     x,
                             int     y,
                             int     a180,
                             int     Period);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle to the window which has to be moved
x Position in x from/to where the window is moved
y Position in y from/to where the window is moved
a180 Count of degrees the window will be spun for: a180 = 0 -> no spinning a180 > 0 -> clockwise a180 < 0 -> counterclockwise
Period Time period in which the moving is processed

Return value

0 if successful.
1 if the function fails.

Additional information

First the window is drawn maximized at its actual position and then moved to the specified position while demagnifying. The window can be spun clockwise as well as counterclockwise while it is moving. After the window has been moved the desktop and its child windows are validated. GUI_MEMDEV_MoveOutWindow() requires approximately 1 MB of dynamic memory to run properly in QVGA mode.


An example application using the functions GUI_MEMDEV_MoveInWindow() and GUI_MEMDEV_MoveOutWindow() can be found in the file SKINNING_NestedModal.c which is located in the folder Sample\Tutorial folder.




Shifts a Window in a specified direction into/out of the screen to/from its actual position.


int GUI_MEMDEV_ShiftInWindow (WM_HWIN hWin,
                              int     Period,
                              int     Direction);
int GUI_MEMDEV_ShiftOutWindow(WM_HWIN hWin,
                              int     Period,
                              int     Direction);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle to the window which has to be shifted.
Period Time period in which the shifting is processed.
Edge See permitted values under Direction symbols.

Return value

0 if successful.
1 if the function fails.

Additional information

After the window has been shifted the desktop and its child windows are validated. GUI_MEMDEV_ShiftOutWindow() requires approximately 1 MB of dynamic memory to run properly in QVGA mode.


An example application using the functions GUI_MEMDEV_ShiftInWindow() and GUI_MEMDEV_ShiftOutWindow() can be found in the file SKINNING_Notepad.c which is located in the folder Sample\Tutorial folder.




Swaps a window with the old content of the target area.


int GUI_MEMDEV_SwapWindow(WM_HWIN hWin,
                          int     Period,
                          int     Edge);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle to the window which has to be swapped.
Period Time period in which the shifting is processed.
Edge See permitted values under Direction symbols.

Return value

0 if successful.
1 if the function fails.

Additional information

After the window has been swapped the desktop and its child windows are validated. GUI_MEMDEV_SwapWindow() requires approximately 1 MB of dynamic memory to run properly in QVGA mode.


Blending, Blurring and Dithering functions


Blends a window with the given color and blending intensity.


int GUI_MEMDEV_BlendColor32(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem,
                            U32               BlendColor,
                            U8                BlendIntens);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to the Memory Device which has to be blended.
BlendColor Color which is used for the blending effect.
BlendIntens Intensity of the blending effect. Should be 0 (no blending) - 255 (full blending).

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Creates a blurred copy of the given Memory Device using the currently set blurring function.


GUI_MEMDEV_Handle GUI_MEMDEV_CreateBlurredDevice32(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemSrc,
                                                   U8                Depth);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to the Memory Device which has to be blurred.
Depth Depth of the blurring effect. Should be specified with 1-10.

Return value

Handle of the blurred Memory Device.

Additional information

The source Memory Device should consist of a color depth of 32 bpp. The resulting Memory Device will be of the same size at 32 bpp. Information about memory usage and performance can be found in the descriptions of the …HQ() and …LQ()-function. This function works according to the currently set blurring quality. In order to change the quality, the functions GUI_MEMDEV_SetBlurHQ() and GUI_MEMDEV_SetBlurLQ() can be used. The default quality is high.


This screenshot shows the same elements without effect in the top row, blurred at high quality in the left column and blurred at low quality in the right column. The blurring depth was set as follows:

Row number Blurring depth
1st row 0
2nd row 1
3rd row 3
4th row 5
5th row 7


The performance is given relative to the time it takes to create a blurred device at high quality using a blurring depth of 1.

Blurring depth High Quality Low Quality
1 1 1.32
3 3.54 2.01
5 8.65 2.65
7 16.16 3.26

According to the values creating a blurred device at high quality using a blurring depth of 5 takes approximately half the time it would take to create a blurred device at high quality using a blurring depth of 7.



Creates a blurred copy of the given Memory Device at high quality.


GUI_MEMDEV_Handle GUI_MEMDEV_CreateBlurredDevice32HQ(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemSrc,
                                                     U8                Depth);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to the Memory Device which has to be blurred.
Depth Depth of the blurring effect. Should be specified with 1-10.

Return value

Handle of the blurred Memory Device. 0, if the function fails.

Additional information

The source Memory Device should consist of a color depth of 32 bpp. The resulting Memory Device will be of the same size at 32 bpp. This routine requires an addition of 16 bytes per pixel plus memory to allocate iterator arrays which are used to accelerate pixel addressing. The required memory for the iterator arrays depends on the blurring depth to perform. The number of bytes is calculated as follows:

Size = (1 + Depth * (Depth - 1) * 4) * (3 * sizeof(int) + 4)

A screenshot can be found under GUI_MEMDEV_CreateBlurredDevice32.



Creates a blurred copy of the given Memory Device at low quality.


GUI_MEMDEV_Handle GUI_MEMDEV_CreateBlurredDevice32LQ(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemSrc,
                                                     U8                Depth);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to the Memory Device which has to be blurred.
Depth Depth of the blurring effect. Should be specified with 1-10.

Return value

Handle of the blurred Memory Device. 0, if the function fails.

Additional information

The source Memory Device should consist of a color depth of 32 bpp. This is a creating function. The created Memory Device will be of the same size at 32 bpp. Beyond that no additional memory is required. A screenshot can be found under GUI_MEMDEV_CreateBlurredDevice32().

Before After


The function dithers the given memory device using the given fixed palette mode. Please note that the function does not reduce the color depth of the memory device. If dithered images with a reduced color depth (and less storage requirement) are desired, the bitmap converter should be used to dither the images.


int GUI_MEMDEV_Dither32(      GUI_MEMDEV_Handle    hMem,
                        const LCD_API_COLOR_CONV * pColorConvAPI);


Parameter Description
hMem Handle to the Memory Device which has to be dithered.
pColorConvAPI Color conversion to be used.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The function works only with memory devices having a color depth of 32bpp.



Sets the blurring quality to high.


void GUI_MEMDEV_SetBlurHQ(void);

Additional information

Setting the blurring quality affects the function GUI_MEMDEV_CreateBlurredDevice32() which in turn is called by other functions. (e.g. GUI_MEMDEV_BlurWinBk()).



Sets the blurring quality to low.


void GUI_MEMDEV_SetBlurLQ(void);

Additional information

Additional information is stated under “GUI_MEMDEV_SetBlurHQ()”.

Blending and Blurring functions (Window Manager required)


Blends the background of a window within the given period from its initial state to the given blending intensity.


int GUI_MEMDEV_BlendWinBk(WM_HWIN hWin,
                          int     Period,
                          U32     BlendColor,
                          U8      BlendIntens);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle to the window which has to be blended.
Period Effect Period.
BlendColor Color which is used for the background to be blended with.
BlendIntens Final intensity of the blending effect. Should be 0 (no blending) - 255 (full blending).

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


The following screenshots show the background window being blended in 5 steps. The blending is performed using GUI_BLACK as BlendColor. BlendIntens is given with the highest possible value of 255.



Blurs and blends the background of a window within the given period from its initial state to the given blurring value and blending intensity.


int GUI_MEMDEV_BlurAndBlendWinBk(WM_HWIN hWin,
                                 int     Period,
                                 U8      BlurDepth,
                                 U32     BlendColor,
                                 U8      BlendIntens);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle to the window which has to be blurred.
Period Effect Period.
BlurDepth Final depth of the blurring effect. Should be specified with 1-10.
BlendColor Color which is used for the background to be blended with.
BlendIntens Final intensity of the blending effect. Should be 0 (no blending) - 255 (full blending).

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The blurring quality can be changed using the functions GUI_MEMDEV_SetBlurHQ() or GUI_MEMDEV_SetBlurLQ().


The following screenshots show the background window being blurred and blended in 5 steps. The used values are 10 as blurring depth and 64 as blending intensity. The blending color is GUI_WHITE.



Blurs the background of a window within the given period from its initial state to the given blurring value.


int GUI_MEMDEV_BlurWinBk(WM_HWIN hWin,
                         int     Period,
                         U8      BlurDepth);


Parameter Description
hWin Handle to the window whose background has to be blurred.
Period Effect Period.
BlurDepth Final depth of the blurring effect. Should be specified with 1-10.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The blurring quality can be changed using the functions GUI_MEMDEV_SetBlurHQ() or GUI_MEMDEV_SetBlurLQ().


The following screenshots show the background window being blurred in 5 steps. The used blurring depth is 10.

Setting up multiple buffering for animation functions

’Animation functions’ refers to all functions listed in chapters



Normally memory device animation functions do not use multiple buffers. But under certain circumstances it could make sense to enable multiple buffers here. If enabled, the animation functions use GUI_MULTIBUF_Begin() and GUI_MULTIBUF_End() before/after drawing the memory device on the display.


int GUI_MEMDEV_MULTIBUF_Enable(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff Use 1 for enabling, 0 for disabling use of multiple buffers.

Return value

Previous state.

Additional information

Normally memory device animation functions do not use multiple buffers. But under certain circumstances it could make sense to enable multiple buffers here. If enabled, the animation functions use GUI_MULTIBUF_Begin() and GUI_MULTIBUF_End() before/after drawing the memory device on the display. That function makes sense in connection with ’GUI_DCACHE_SetClearCacheHook()’.

Memory bitmaps

Memory Bitmaps are images pre-rendered in RAM. Any image format supported by emWin can be pre-rendered. The created memory bitmaps can be used with any API call expecting a bitmap as parameter.

In general it is much faster to render bitmaps instead of common image formats since decoding and formatting is is performed once rather than each time an image is displayed. Performance is increased further if these bitmaps are located in fast RAM. Using memory bitmaps increases the performance and responsiveness of a GUI.

Memory bitmaps are intended to be created once on startup. It is not possible to alter a memory bitmap once created. In order to change the content of a memory bitmap, simply delete it and create it anew.

The disadvantage is an increased requirement for RAM which can be in the order of megabytes, depending on the size, color depth, and number of memory bitmaps created.

Currently only 16 and 32 bit per pixel memory bitmaps are supported.

Memory requirement

The memory required for a bitmap is calculated as shown below:

Color depth * XSIZE * YSIZE + Sizeof memory bitmap struct

For a 32 bpp Bitmap and a size of 100 pixels in each direction this results in:

4 * 100 * 100 + 28 = 40.028 bytes


The following example shows how to create a memory bitmap from a PNG and use it with an IMAGE widget.

#include "DIALOG.h"

void MainTask(void) {
  WM_HWIN       hImage;
  GUI_MBITMAP * pMBitmap;

                                (const void *)_acMyPng,
  hImage   = IMAGE_CreateEx(10,
  IMAGE_SetBitmap(hImage, GUI_MBITMAP_2BITMAP(pMBitmap));
  while (1) {
Predefined drawing functions


The following table shows predefined drawing functions which can be used to create a memory bitmap.


Definition Description
GUI_MBITMAP_BITMAP Create a bitmap from a bitmap, e.g. decompress an RLE compressed bitmap.
GUI_MBITMAP_BMP Create a bitmap from a BMP file located directly-addressable memory.
GUI_MBITMAP_DTA Create a bitmap from a DTA file located directly-addressable memory.
GUI_MBITMAP_GIF Create a bitmap from a GIF file located directly-addressable memory.
GUI_MBITMAP_JPEG Create a bitmap from a JPEG file located directly-addressable memory.
GUI_MBITMAP_PNG Create a bitmap from a PNG file located directly-addressable memory.
GUI_MBITMAP_SVG Create a bitmap from a SVG file located directly-addressable memory.
GUI_MBITMAP_BMP_EX Create a bitmap from a BMP file located in external storage.
GUI_MBITMAP_DTA_EX Create a bitmap from a DTA file located in external storage.
GUI_MBITMAP_GIF_EX Create a bitmap from a GIF file located in external storage.
GUI_MBITMAP_JPEG_EX Create a bitmap from a JPEG file located in external storage.
GUI_MBITMAP_PNG_EX Create a bitmap from a PNG file located in external storage.
GUI_MBITMAP_SVG_EX Create a bitmap from a SVG file located in external storage.
User defined drawing function


Instead of using predefined drawing functions the user can also define a custom drawing function. This drawing function defines how emWin creates the content of a memory bitmap. There are two different prototypes. One to be used with GUI_MBITMAP_Create() and one for GUI_MBITMAP_CreateEx().


typedef int GUI_MBITMAP_DRAW_IMAGE (const void              * p,
                                          int                 Size,
                                          GUI_MBITMAP_PARAM * pPara);
                                      void              * p,
                                      GUI_MBITMAP_PARAM * pPara);

Structure members

p Pointer to the image data.
Size The size of the image data.
pPara Pointer to GUI_MBITMAP_PARAM.
pfGetData Function pointer to GetData function
p Function pointer to delete a memory device
pPara Pointer to GUI_MBITMAP_PARAM.

Additional information

The member Cmd of GUI_MBITMAP_PARAM is used to signal which operation should be performed next. When receiving the commands GUI_MBITMAP_CMD_XSIZE and GUI_MBITMAP_CMD_YSIZE the drawing function has to return the dimensions of the bitmap to be created. This can be either the actual size of an image or any other size preferred by the user.

The command GUI_MBITMAP_CMD_DRAW signals that the bitmap content has to be drawn. Typically this is an image but can also be any other kind of drawing operation.

For a detailed description of GUI_MBITMAP_PARAM please refer to GUI_MBITMAP_PARAM.


The following example shows how to use a custom drawing function. In the example a red X is placed on top of a PNG drawn into a memory bitmap.

static int _DrawImage(const void * p, int Size, GUI_MBITMAP_PARAM * pPara) {
  switch (pPara->Cmd) {
    return GUI_PNG_GetXSize(p, Size);
    return GUI_PNG_GetYSize(p, Size);
    GUI_PNG_Draw(p, Size, 0, 0);
    GUI_DrawLine(0, 0,                pPara->xSize - 1, pPara->ySize - 1);
    GUI_DrawLine(0, pPara->ySize - 1, pPara->xSize - 1, 0);
    return 0;
  return 0;

                       (const void *)_acPNG_50x50,


A drawing function receives a pointer to a GUI_MBITMAP_PARAM structure. This structure is used to pass a command, the bitmap dimensions and a pointer to extra data to the drawing function.

typedef struct {
  U8     Cmd;
  int    xSize;
  int    ySize;
  void * pExtra;

Structure members

Member Description
Cmd Command passed to the drawing function
xSize xSize of the bitmap to be generated
ySize ySize of the bitmap to be generated
pExtra Pointer to extra data.

Values of Cmd

Symbol Description
GUI_MBITMAP_CMD_XSIZE Requesting the x size if the bitmap.
GUI_MBITMAP_CMD_YSIZE Requesting the y size if the bitmap.
GUI_MBITMAP_CMD_DRAW Draw the actual bitmap.

Additional information

pExtra can be used to pass a pointer to extra data to a custom drawing function.



A pointer to a GUI_MBITMAP_CONFIG structure can be passed to the functions GUI_MBITMAP_CreateUser() and GUI_MBITMAP_CreateUserEx() to set custom functions for creating and deleting memory devices. Additionally a pointer to extra data can be set.

typedef struct {
  void *                      pExtra;

Structure members

Member Description
pfCreateMemdev Function pointer to create a memory device
pfDeleteMemdev Function pointer to delete a memory device
pExtra Pointer to extra data.

Prototypes for pfCreateMemdev and pfDeleteMemdev

                                                    int    ySize,
                                                    void * pExtra);
                                                    void            * pExtra);

Additional information

The function pointers allowing the user to set custom functions for creating and deleting memory devices.

For creating a memory device only the following color formats are supported.

Definition Description
GUICC_555 Fixed palette mode 555.
GUICC_M555 Fixed palette mode M555.
GUICC_565 Fixed palette mode 565.
GUICC_M565 Fixed palette mode M565.
GUICC_888 Fixed palette mode 888.
GUICC_M888 Fixed palette mode M888.
GUICC_8888 Fixed palette mode 8888.
GUICC_M8888I Fixed palette mode M8888I.


This function creates a memory bitmap by using resources located directly accessable memory.


                                const void                   * pData,
                                      int                      SizeOfData);


Parameter Description
pFuncDraw Pointer to a drawing function.
pData Function pointer to a get data function.
SizeOfData Pointer to the data.

Return value

A pointer to a memory bitmap.

Additional information

For further information and a more detailed create function refer to GUI_MBITMAP_CreateUser().



This function creates a memory bitmap by using resources located external memory.


                                  GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC         * pfGetData,
                                  void                      * p);


Parameter Description
pFuncDrawEx  in  Pointer to a drawing function.
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Pointer to the data.

Return value

A pointer to a memory bitmap.

Additional information

For further information and a more detailed create function refer to GUI_MBITMAP_CreateUserEx().



This function creates a memory bitmap by using resources located directly accessable memory.


                                    const void                   * pData,
                                          int                      SizeOfData,
                                          int                      xSize,
                                          int                      ySize,
                                          GUI_MBITMAP_CONFIG     * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pFuncDraw Pointer to a drawing function.
pData Pointer to the image.
SizeOfData Size of the image in bytes.
xSize x size of the bitmap to be created.
ySize y size of the bitmap to be created.
pConfig Pointer to a configuration structure.

Return value

A pointer to a memory bitmap.

Additional information

This function is used when GUI_MBITMAP_Create() is not detailed enough. It also allows the user to attach user data in the last parameter. This user data can be accessed in a custom drawing function. Predefined values for pFuncDraw can be found under GUI_MBITMAP_PARAM.



This function creates a memory bitmap by using resources located external memory.


                                      GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC         * pfGetData,
                                      void                      * p,
                                      int                         xSize,
                                      int                         ySize,
                                      GUI_MBITMAP_CONFIG        * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pFuncDrawEx  in  Pointer to a drawing function.
pfGetData  in  Function pointer to a GetData function. For more details, please refer to the chapter FileAccess.
p  in  Pointer to the data.
xSize x size of the bitmap to be created.
ySize y size of the bitmap to be created.
pConfig  in  Pointer to a configuration structure.

Return value

A pointer to a memory bitmap.

Additional information

This function is used when GUI_MBITMAP_CreateEx() is not detailed enough. It also allows the user to attach user data in the last parameter. This user data can be accessed in a custom drawing function. Which type of GetData function has to be used is defined by the type of image to be drawn. For details please refer to Getting data with the …Ex() functions.



This function deletes the given memory bitmap.


void GUI_MBITMAP_Delete(GUI_MBITMAP * pMBitmap);


Parameter Description
pMBitmap Pointer to memory bitmap.


This function sets the color depth to be used.


void GUI_MBITMAP_SetColorFormat(const GUI_DEVICE_API     * pDeviceAPI,
                                const LCD_API_COLOR_CONV * pColorConvAPI);


Parameter Description
pDeviceAPI API list used to create temporary memory device.
pColorConvAPI Color conversion used to create temporary memory device.

Additional information

The default is auto mode. In this mode the created bitmaps will use either 16 or 32 bpp depending on the display driver configuration. Pass NULL as parameter to return to default.

Color conversion routines


This parameter defines the desired color conversion. For more details about the used bits per pixel and the color conversion, refer to the chapter Colors.


#define GUICC_1       &LCD_API_ColorConv_1
#define GUICC_2       &LCD_API_ColorConv_2
#define GUICC_4       &LCD_API_ColorConv_4
#define GUICC_565     &LCD_API_ColorConv_565
#define GUICC_M565    &LCD_API_ColorConv_M565
#define GUICC_8666    &LCD_API_ColorConv_8666
#define GUICC_888     &LCD_API_ColorConv_888
#define GUICC_8888    &LCD_API_ColorConv_8888


Definition Description
GUICC_1 Fixed palette mode 1. (black/white)
GUICC_2 Fixed palette mode 2. (4 gray scales)
GUICC_4 Fixed palette mode 4. (16 gray scales)
GUICC_565 Fixed palette mode 565.
GUICC_M565 Fixed palette mode M565.
GUICC_8666 Fixed palette mode 8666.
GUICC_888 Fixed palette mode 888.
GUICC_8888 Fixed palette mode 8888.
GUICC_M8888I Fixed palette mode M8888I.
Direction symbols


Symbols used by memory device routines to determine in which direction a window should be moved.


#define GUI_MEMDEV_EDGE_LEFT      0
#define GUI_MEMDEV_EDGE_TOP       2


Definition Description
GUI_MEMDEV_EDGE_LEFT Shift window to the left.
GUI_MEMDEV_EDGE_RIGHT Shift window to the right.
GUI_MEMDEV_EDGE_TOP Shift window to the top.
GUI_MEMDEV_EDGE_BOTTOM Shift window to the bottom.

See also

Memory device color depths


Defines the color depth of the Memory Device in bpp. The color depth of the Memory Device should be equal or greater than the required bits for the color conversion routines.




Definition Description
GUI_MEMDEV_APILIST_1 Create Memory Device with 1bpp color depth (1 byte per 8 pixels). Use if the specified color conversion requires 1bpp.
GUI_MEMDEV_APILIST_8 Create Memory Device with 8bpp color depth (1 byte per pixel). Use if the specified color conversion requires 8bpp or less.
GUI_MEMDEV_APILIST_16 Create Memory Device with 16bpp color depth (1 U16 per pixel). Use if the specified color conversion requires more than 8 bpp (high color modes).
GUI_MEMDEV_APILIST_32 Create Memory Device with 32bpp color depth (1 U32 per pixel). Use if the specified color conversion requires more than 16 bpp (true color modes).

Additional information

A Memory Device with a 1bpp color conversion (GUI_COLOR_CONV_1) for example requires at least a Memory Device with 1bpp color depth. The available Memory Devices are 1bpp, 8bpp, 16bpp and 32bpp Memory Devices. So an 1bpp Memory Device should be used.

If using a 4 bit per pixel color conversion (GUI_COLOR_CONV_4) at least 4bpp are needed for the Memory Device. In this case an 8bpp Memory Device should be used.

Memory device flags


Flags to be used for the creation of a memory device.


#define GUI_MEMDEV_NOTRANS     (1 << 0)


Definition Description
GUI_MEMDEV_HASTRANS Default: The Memory Device is created with a transparency flag which ensures that the background will be drawn correctly.
GUI_MEMDEV_NOTRANS Creates a Memory Device without transparency. The user must make sure that the background is drawn correctly. This way the Memory Device can be used for non-rectangular areas. An other advantage is the higher speed: Using this flag accelerates the Memory Device approx. by 30 - 50%.

MultiTouch support (MT)

Initially the concept of emWin was based on a single touch and keyboard interface. Since smartphones with MultiTouch capabilities became more and more attractive, it was a need to implement MultiTouch capabilities also to emWin. The emWin implementation is able to recognize up to 10 touch points, whereas the maximum number of touch points is limited by the target hardware.

Single touch screens usually consist of resistive touch panels. Most of the MultiTouch panels are capacitive panels which behave different to resistive panels. Whereas a resistive touch panel needs a noticeable pressure, a capacitive panel just requires a smooth touch for recognizing the touch event.

MultiTouch support is an add-on and not part of the emWin basic package. It has to be purchased separately. The emWin Simulation supports the MultiTouch feature, so it is possible to evaluate MultiTouch samples which are provided on www.segger.com. To do so it is necessary to have a MultiTouch display connected to the computer.

The following chapter shows the implementation of MultiTouch functionality in emWin.


A MultiTouch panel enables the application to react on multiple touch point inputs simultaneously. The implementation of MT support in emWin offers different consecutive levels of MT access:

Basic buffer access

The MT buffer is able to store a configurable number of MT events. The buffer access API functions consists of functions for storing new events, polling the buffer, setting the touch screen orientation and basically enabling MT support. A detailed description of the available API functions follows later.

Gesture support

This level of MT support is responsible for gesture recognition and requires the window manager. If a gesture is detected, a WM_GESTURE message with more detailed information is send to the according window. It can be used to modify any kind of data. Detailed descriptions how to use the gesture messages follow later.

Window animation

emWin also offers the possibility for automatic window animation via gesture support. Windows can be moved and resized automatically by gesture input. This can be achieved simply by setting the according flags when creating the window. It does not include automatic resizing of fonts and objects shown in the window. This need to be done by the application based on a factor which is passed to/from the application. Details follow later in this chapter.

Getting started

Only a few things need to be considered to be able to use MT support. It needs to be enabled, the MT buffer needs to be filled and it must be ensured that the buffer is polled by emWin if gesture support or window animation is required.

Enabling MT support

To be able to use MT support it needs to be enabled once. It is recommended to do that immediately after the initialization:

void MainTask(void) {

Filling the MT buffer

Further it is required to fill the MT buffer with MT events. That can be done either by an existing MT driver like GUIMTDRV_TangoC32 or by filling the buffer by a custom driver. In case of using a custom driver the function GUI_MTOUCH_StoreEvent() needs to be used to do that. The function will be explained later in detail.

Polling the MT buffer

Once MT support has been enabled, the window manager (WM) automatically polls the MT buffer. That is done when executing an emWin update function (typically GUI_Exec(), GUI_Delay() or WM_Exec()). If no gesture support is required the buffer can also be polled manually by the functions GUI_MTOUCH_GetEvent() and GUI_MTOUCH_GetTouchInput(). In case of automatic polling by emWin the gesture detecting module will automatically send WM_GESTURE messages to the according window.

Using basic buffer access

The functions explained later under Basic buffer access API can be used for that. Polling works as follows:

Polling an MT event from the buffer

GUI_MTOUCH_GetEvent() should be used to get an existing MT event from the buffer. It passes a pointer to a GUI_MTOUCH_EVENT structure to the function to be filled with information like the number of touch points of the current event. If the function fails there is no existing event. Otherwise the GUI_MTOUCH_EVENT structure contains the number of touch points associated to the event.

Getting the touch points of an MT event

GUI_MTOUCH_GetTouchInput() should be used for getting the point information for each single touch point. It passes a pointer to a GUI_MTOUCH_INPUT structure to the function to be filled by the function. That information comprises position, ID and flags.

Example 1

The following code shows a very simple function which continuously polls the MT buffer and draws each touch point:

#include "GUI.h"
void MainTask(void) {
  unsigned i;
  do {
    if (GUI_MTOUCH_GetEvent(&Event) == 0) {
      for (i = 0; i < Event.NumPoints; i++) {
        GUI_MTOUCH_GetTouchInput(&Event, &Input, i);
        GUI_DrawPoint(Input.x, Input.y);
 } while (1);

Screenshot of above sample

Example 2

The sample folder of emWin contains the sample MTOUCH_ScratchAndGestures.c. It can be used to get more familiar with processing basic buffer access and MT support. It contains a scratchpad sub sample which detects multiple points and uses their IDs for assigning a unique color.


Using gestures

Gestures in emWin are based on motion detection via MultiTouch panel. Each gesture starts by detecting the first touch input and ends on releasing it.


To be able to use gesture support, the following needs to be considered:

Supported gestures

The following table gives an overview of the currently supported gestures:

Gesture Touch points Description
Panning 1 Dependent on the first motion detection the gesture supports motion on one axis (X or Y) or both simultaneous.
Zooming 2 This gesture is started when detecting a relative motion between 2 touch points and can be used to scale an object. Can be combined with rotating and panning.
Rotating 2 When detecting initially a change of the angle between 2 touch points rotation gesture is started. Can be combined with zooming and panning.

Processing gesture input

Gesture input is send to the according window by a WM_GESTURE message. For detailed gesture information a pointer to a structure of type WM_GESTURE_INFO (explained in detail below) is passed to the window. The “Flags” element of that structure is used to specify the kind of information passed to the window.

The supported flags are listed under MultiTouch gesture flags.

The structure explained under WM_GESTURE_INFO explains all elements which are relevant for processing gesture messages. The pZoomInfo element should not be used by the application.


The sample folder of emWin contains the sample MTOUCH_ScratchAndGestures.c. It can be used to get more familiar with processing gestures and MT support. It contains a sub sample which animates a small vector graphic by gesture functions.


Window animation

Automatic window animation can be used to scale and pan windows automatically by gesture input. Currently that feature can be used for bare windows and can not be used with any of the widgets. Scaling of objects shown within scaled windows need to be done by the application. For that purpose the element “Factor” of the WM_GESTURE_INFO structure can be used as explained in the following.


To be able to use automatic window animation, the following needs to be considered:

Reacting on gestures

Processing automatic window animation is similar to bare gesture support with the difference, that the object to be animated is the window itself which is modified automatically by emWin. But to be able to do this automatic animation the window manager needs additional information. This is done by passing a pointer to a WM_ZOOM_INFO structure to the WM. It is passed by the pZoomInfo element of the structure WM_GESTURE_INFO.


The window to be animated can be moved and scaled by using the parent window as a kind of view port. If the size of the animated window is larger than the parent the WM makes sure that the zoomed window covers the complete area of the parent window. If it is smaller the WM makes sure, that it is not moved over the parents border.

Scalable fonts

Text can be rendered at different sizes using scalable TrueType fonts. This requires a fast CPU and a reasonable amount of RAM and ROM. Details can be found in the chapter TrueType Font (TTF) format.

Basic buffer access API

The table below lists the available MT buffer access routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions follow:


Routine Description
GUI_MTOUCH_Enable() This routine needs to be called to enable the MT buffer.
GUI_MTOUCH_GetEvent() Returns an event and removes it from the buffer.
GUI_MTOUCH_GetTouchInput() This function is responsible for getting information of a dedicated touch point.
GUI_MTOUCH_IsEmpty() Returns if the MT buffer is empty or not.
GUI_MTOUCH_SetOrientation() This function can be used to set the touch screen orientation, e.g.
GUI_MTOUCH_StoreEvent() Routine to be used by the touch screen driver to store a new event with associated touch points into the MT buffer.

Data structures

Structure Description
GUI_MTOUCH_EVENT Data structure used by GUI_MTOUCH_GetEvent() to store a multi touch event in.
GUI_MTOUCH_INPUT Data structure used by GUI_MTOUCH_GetEvent() to store a multi touch event in.
WM_GESTURE_INFO Stores the information about a gesture.


Group of defines Description
MultiTouch flags Data structure used by GUI_MTOUCH_GetEvent() to store a multi touch event in.
MultiTouch gesture flags Flags used for processing gesture input.


This routine needs to be called to enable the MT buffer.


void GUI_MTOUCH_Enable(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff 1 for enabling the buffer, 0 for disabling.


Returns an event and removes it from the buffer.




Parameter Description
pEvent Pointer to a structure of type GUI_MTOUCH_EVENT to be filled by the function.

Return value

0 on success
1 if the function fails. Can be used to check if an event was available or not.

Additional information

The most important information returned by that function is the availability of an event and how many touch points are available. Further the time stamp may be of interest which is filled automatically on storing an event into the buffer.



This function is responsible for getting information of a dedicated touch point. It requires a pointer to a GUI_MTOUCH_EVENT structure previously filled by GUI_MTOUCH_GetEvent() and a pointer to a GUI_MTOUCH_INPUT structure to be filled by this function with the touchpoint details.


int GUI_MTOUCH_GetTouchInput(GUI_MTOUCH_EVENT * pEvent,
                             GUI_MTOUCH_INPUT * pInput,
                             unsigned           Index);


Parameter Description
pEvent Pointer to the event structure filled by GUI_MTOUCH_GetEvent().
pBuffer Pointer to a structure of type GUI_MTOUCH_INPUT to be filled by the function.
Index Index of the requested touch point.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The parameter Index needs to be < the available number of touch points. A unique Id is normally managed the touch controller which is passed by the Id element of GUI_MTOUCH_INPUT.



Returns if the MT buffer is empty or not.


int GUI_MTOUCH_IsEmpty(void);

Return value

1 if buffer is empty.
0 if it contains MT events.


This function can be used to set the touch screen orientation, e.g. if the display does not operate by the default orientation or if the display orientation is different to the MT orientation.


void GUI_MTOUCH_SetOrientation(int Orientation);


Parameter Description
Orientation One or more “OR” combined values of the table below


Routine to be used by the touch screen driver to store a new event with associated touch points into the MT buffer. The number of available touch points is passed by the NumPoints element of the structure pointed by pEvent. pInput then points to an array of GUI_MTOUCH_INPUT structures containing the information of each touch point.


void GUI_MTOUCH_StoreEvent(GUI_MTOUCH_EVENT * pEvent,
                           GUI_MTOUCH_INPUT * pInput);


Parameter Description
pEvent Pointer to a structure of type GUI_MTOUCH_EVENT.
pInput Pointer to the first element of an array of GUI_MTOUCH_INPUT structures.

Additional information

The number of possible touch points is limited per default to 10. The new event will automatically get a time stamp information which can be used later.


Make sure that the element Id of GUI_MTOUCH_INPUT is ≠ 0.

Data structures


Data structure used by GUI_MTOUCH_GetEvent() to store a multi touch event in.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int             LayerIndex;
  unsigned        NumPoints;
  GUI_TIMER_TIME  TimeStamp;
  PTR_ADDR        hInput;

Structure members

Member Description
LayerIndex Layer index of touched layer (normally 0).
NumPoints Number of available touch points.
TimeStamp Time stamp in ms of that event.
hInput Internal use.


Data structure used by GUI_MTOUCH_GetEvent() to store a multi touch event in.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  I32  x;
  I32  y;
  U32  Id;
  U16  Flags;

Structure members

Member Description
x X-position in pixels of the touch point.
y Y-position in pixels of the touch point.
Id Unique Id, should be provided by the touch driver. Make sure that this element is ≠ 0.
Flags See MultiTouch flags.


Stores the information about a gesture.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int            Flags;
  GUI_POINT      Point;
  GUI_POINT      Center;
  I32            Angle;
  I32            Factor;
  WM_ZOOM_INFO * pZoomInfo;

Structure members

Member Description
Flags Information regarding gesture type. See MultiTouch gesture flags.
Point Relative movement to be processed by the application.
Center Center point for zooming.
Angle Relative angle difference to be processed by the application.
Factor When starting a zoom gesture the application has to set the element to the initial value for the gesture. After that during the gesture it contains the updated value to be processed by the application.
pZoomInfo Pointer to be set to a valid location of a WM_ZOOM_INFO structure. The application should keep sure, that the location remains valid during the gesture.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  I32        FactorMin;
  I32        FactorMax;
  U32        xSize;
  U32        ySize;
  U32        xSizeParent;
  U32        ySizeParent;
  I32        Factor0;
  int        xPos0;
  int        yPos0;
  GUI_POINT  Center0;

Structure members

Member Description
FactorMin Minimum factor to be used (<< 16).
FactorMax Maximum factor to be used (<< 16).
xSize Native xSize of window to be zoomed in pixels.
ySize Native ySize of window to be zoomed in pixels.
xSizeParent Internal use.
ySizeParent Internal use.
Factor0 Internal use.
xPos0 Internal use.
yPos0 Internal use.
Center0 Internal use.
MultiTouch flags


Data structure used by GUI_MTOUCH_GetEvent() to store a multi touch event in.


#define GUI_MTOUCH_FLAG_DOWN    (1 << 0)
#define GUI_MTOUCH_FLAG_MOVE    (1 << 1)
#define GUI_MTOUCH_FLAG_UP      (1 << 2)


Definition Description
GUI_MTOUCH_FLAG_DOWN New touch point has touched the surface.
GUI_MTOUCH_FLAG_MOVE Touch point has been moved.
GUI_MTOUCH_FLAG_UP Touch point has released the surface.
MultiTouch gesture flags


Flags used for processing gesture input.


#define WM_GF_BEGIN     (1 << 0)
#define WM_GF_END       (1 << 1)
#define WM_GF_PAN       (1 << 2)
#define WM_GF_ZOOM      (1 << 3)
#define WM_GF_ROTATE    (1 << 4)
#define WM_GF_DTAP      (1 << 5)


Definition Description
WM_GF_BEGIN This flag is set when sending the first message for the gesture.
WM_GF_END Set when releasing a touch point at the end of a gesture.
WM_GF_PAN A panning gesture is detected. The element “Point” of WM_GESTURE_INFO contains the relative movement in pixels to be processed by the application.
WM_GF_ZOOM Zooming is active. When starting a zooming gesture the element “Factor” of WM_GESTURE_INFO has to be set to the initial value to be used by the gesture. During the gesture the same element contains the updated value to be processed by the application. If movement should be considered simultaneously the element “Point” contains also the relative movement.
WM_GF_ROTATE Rotation is active. The element “Angle” of WM_GESTURE_INFO contains the relative movement in degrees (<< 16) to be processed by the application. To be able to achieve a smooth rotation the value is passed in 1/65536 degrees. If movement should be considered simultaneously the element “Point” contains also the relative movement.
WM_GF_DTAP Internal use.

VNC Server

The emWin VNC server can be used for administration of the embedded target and a variety of other purposes. It supports compressed (hextile) encoding. VNC stands for ’Virtual Network Computing’. It is a client server system based on a simple display protocol which allows the user to view and control a computing ’desktop’ environment from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures, communicating via TCP/IP.

In other words: The display contents of the embedded device are visible on the screen of the machine running the client (for example, your PC); your mouse and keyboard can be used to control the target.

This feature is available in the emWin simulation and trial versions. emWin VNC support is available as a separate package and is therefore not included in the basic package. VNC support requires emWin color.

If a file system is available, it is possible to achieve file transfers between client and target together with the emWin VNC client.


VNC consists of two types of components. A server, which generates a display, and a viewer, which actually draws the display on your screen. The remote machine (target or simulation) can not only be viewed, but also controlled via mouse or keyboard. The server and the viewer may be on different machines and on different architectures. The protocol (RFB V3.3) which connects the server and viewer is simple, open, and platform independent. No state is stored at the viewer. Breaking the viewer’s connection to the server and then reconnecting will not result in any loss of data. Because the connection can be remade from somewhere else, you have easy mobility. Using the VNC server, you may control your target from anywhere and you can make screenshots (for example, for a manual) from a “live” system.


In addition to the default functionality of RFB V3.3 the emWin VNC server supports file transfers. Please note that file transfer is not part of the RFB protocol.

Only supported client for file transfer is emVNC

There does not exist a standard for file transfer operations within the RFB protocol. Because of that it requires a non-standard protocol extension which only works with the emVNC client. Only emVNC can be used for file transfers between the emWin VNC server and the client machine.


TCP/IP stack

Since the communication between the server and the viewer is based on a TCP/IP connection, VNC requires a TCP/IP stack. In the Win32 simulation environment, TCP/IP (Winsock) is normally present. In the target, a TCP/IP stack needs to be present. The TCP/IP stack is NOT part of emWin. The flexible interface ensures that any TCP/IP stack can be used.

Multi tasking

The VNC server needs to run as a separate thread. Therefore a multi tasking system is required to use the emWin VNC server.

File system (only for file transfers)

A file system is required only if the file transfer feature should be used.

Notes on this implementation

Supported client to server messages

The emWin VNC server supports pointer event messages and keyboard event messages.


The server supports raw encoding and hextile encoding.


Most viewers support hextile encoding, which supports descent compression. A typical quarter VGA screen requires typically 20 - 50 KB of data.
The server handles incremental updates; in most cases the updated display area is a lot smaller than the entire display and less data needs to be transmitted.

The following table shows some performance examples:

Hardware / Configuration ms / screen
STM32F4, 168MHz, internal RAM, WQVGA, 16bpp, HexTile 32 ms
STM32F4, 168MHz, internal RAM, WQVGA, 16bpp, Raw 76 ms
ARM7, 50MHz, external RAM cached, QVGA, 16bpp, HexTile 250 ms

Multiple servers

The implementation is fully thread safe and reentrant; multiple VNC-servers can be started on the same CPU for different layers or displays. If the target (of course the same holds true for the simulation) has multiple displays or multiple layers, this can be a useful option.

Multiple connections

Multiple to the same layer are possible, given that for each connection a task and a GUI_VNC_CONTEXT structure is created.

emVNC client

The emVNC client is part of the emWin basic package and can be found in the tools folder as emVNC.exe. It can be used to establish a VNC connection from an MS Windows system to a VNC server. The viewer uses the RFB protocol 3.3. It has been tested with different VNC servers including the emWin VNC server, as well as TightVNC and RealVNC.

How to connect to a VNC-server

Once emVNC is started, it prompts for typing the network address of a VNC server to connect with:

Connecting to a VNC server using the simulation on the same PC

A VNC server running on the local host can be accessed by entering:


Alternatively connecting to localhost could be done by hitting the <RETURN> key or by pressing the “Connect” button while the text control is left empty.

Connecting to a VNC server running on a different PC or the target

In order to connect to a system in the network the IP address or the name has to be entered: or Paul02

Additionally the server index can be specified in order to connect to a certain server: or Paul02:1


The following screenshots show the viewer:

Connected to the simulation Connected to the target
Opening the file transfer dialog

To spare a constantly visible menu bar in the VNC client, we added the menu option for opening the file transfer dialog to the system menu:

The system menu could be opened by a clicking on the upper left emVNC symbol or by the keyboard shortcut <ALT>+<SPACE>.


The menu option ’Open file transfer window’ is only available if the connected server has been started with file transfer support.

The file transfer window

The above shown file transfer window is divided into a server- and a client side. It shows the content of the currently selected directories of both sides. The following operations are available:

Selecting (multiple) files

Single clicking multiple files during <STRG> is pressed or moving the cursor with <UP> or <DOWN> to the desired file(s) and press <SPACE> while <STRG> is pressed.

Single file transfer

Double-clicking a file starts a single transfer to the opposite side.

Transfer selected files

The buttons >> and << can be used for starting the transfer from client to server >> or from server to client <<.

Deleting selected files

The Delete buttons can be used to delete the selected files from server or client.

Refreshing content

Pressing the Refresh button updates the content.

Closing the file transfer window

Pressing <ESC> or the Close button

Connecting with a web browser


Additionally to an IP task, a webserver task is also necessary for a browser connection.

The example under Sample\GUI_X\GUI_VNC_X_StartServer.c contains an implementation using emNet for the IP and webserver stack and embOS as the operating system. The implementation can be adapted to different operating systems and/or IP stacks.

How to connect

Connecting with a web browser via WebSocket is also possible. noVNC is a free and open-source client that can be used.


Before noVNC can be used with newer Firefox versions, the option privacy.file_unique_origin has to be set to false under about:config.

To connect, simply enter the target IP and the port 80. The path to be used is “websockify”.

Multiple connections are also possible through the browser, as long as a task and a GUI_VNC_CONTEXT structure is created for each desired connection.

emWin VNC server

Starting the emWin VNC server

The one and only thing to start the VNC server is to call the function GUI_VNC_X_StartServer():

void MainTask(void) {
  GUI_VNC_X_StartServer(0,   // Layer index
                        0);  // Server index

The above function call creates a thread which listens on port 5900 for an incoming connection. After a connection has been detected GUI_VNC_Process() will be called.


The VNC server listens on port 590x, where x is the server index. So for most PC servers, the port will be 5900, because they use display 0 by default.

Enabling file transfer support

File transfer is enabled by calling GUI_VNC_X_StartServerFT() instead of GUI_VNC_X_StartServer(). In addition to the task of starting the VNC-thread it sets an API-table containing function pointers for file access. Further it enables the RFB protocol extensions required for file transfers.

Starting the VNC server in the simulation

The simulation library contains a ready to use implementation of the function GUI_VNC_X_StartServer() which simply needs to be called by the application code. It creates a thread which listens on port 590x until an incoming connection is detected and then calls GUI_VNC_Process(), which is the implementation of the actual server.

Example of starting the VNC server on the target system

To be able to use the VNC server on the target it is required to have an implementation of GUI_VNC_X_StartServer() or GUI_VNC_X_StartServerFT() which works with the available IP library and in case of using file transfer also with the available file system. A ready to use implementation of that function which works with emNet and emFile is available under Sample\GUI_X\GUI_VNC_X_StartServer.c.

Since this example does not use dynamic memory allocation to allocate memory for the GUI_VNC_CONTEXT structure and task(s), the maximum number of connections has to be specified with the VNC_MAX_CONNECTIONS define.

This sample could also be used as starting point for adapting it to other libraries than emNet and emFile. Only small changes should be required in that case.

RAM and ROM requirements


About 4.9 KB on ARM7 with hextile encoding, about 3.5 KB without hextile encoding.


The VNC support does not use static data. For each instance one GUI_VNC_CONTEXT structure (approx. 60 bytes) is used.


Each instance needs one TCP/IP socket and one thread.

VNC Server API

The following table lists the available VNC-related functions in alphabetical order. Detailed function descriptions follow:


Routine Description
GUI_VNC_AttachToLayer() Attaches a VNC server to a layer. Without a MultiLayer configuration the given index must be 0.
GUI_VNC_EnableFileTransfer() Enables file transfer extension.
GUI_VNC_EnableKeyboardInput() Enables or disables keyboard input via VNC.
GUI_VNC_GetNumConnections() Returns the number of connections to the server.
GUI_VNC_Process() The actual VNC server; initializes the communication with the viewer.
GUI_VNC_RingBell() Rings a bell on the client if it has one.
GUI_VNC_SetFS_API() Sets a function table used for file access.
GUI_VNC_SetLockFrame() Configures the VNC server not to read the display while the GUI performs drawing operations.
GUI_VNC_SetPassword() Sets the password required to connect with the server.
GUI_VNC_SetProgName() Sets the text to be shown in the viewers title bar.
GUI_VNC_SetRetryCount() Sets the number of additional trials in case of a write error.
GUI_VNC_SetSize() Sets the area to be transmitted to the client.
GUI_VNC_X_StartServer() Routine to be called to start a thread listening for an incoming connection and executing the VNC server.
GUI_VNC_X_StartServerFT() Same as above with file transfer support.

Data structures

Structure Description
IP_FS_API Table containing the function pointers for file access.


This function attaches the given layer to the VNC server.


void GUI_VNC_AttachToLayer(GUI_VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                           int               LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a GUI_VNC_CONTEXT structure.
LayerIndex Zero-based index of layer to be handled by the server. Normally, with single layer configurations, this parameter should be 0.

Return value

= 0 if the function succeed
≠ 0 if the function fails.


Enables or disables the file transfer extension.


void GUI_VNC_EnableFileTransfer(unsigned OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff 1 for enabling keyboard input, 0 for disabling.

Return value

= 0 if the function succeeds.
≠ 0 if the function fails.

Additional information

This routine needs to be called by GUI_VNC_X_StartServerFT() for enabling file transfer in the protocoll. Please also refer to the sample code under Sample\GUI_X\GUI_VNC_X_StartServer.c which shows how to enable file transfer on the target.



Enables or disables keyboard input via VNC.


void GUI_VNC_EnableKeyboardInput(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff 1 for enabling keyboard input, 0 for disabling.


Returns the number of currently existing connections to the server.


int GUI_VNC_GetNumConnections(void);

Return value

Number of connections.



The function sets the send and receive function used to send and receive data and starts the communication with the viewer.


int GUI_VNC_Process(GUI_VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                    GUI_tSend         pfSend,
                    GUI_tRecv         pfReceive,
                    void            * pConnectInfo);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a GUI_VNC_CONTEXT structure.
pfSend Pointer to the function to be used by the server to send data to the viewer.
pfReceive Pointer to the function to be used by the server to read from the viewer.
pConnectInfo Pointer to be passed to the send and receive function.

Additional information

The GUI_VNC_CONTEXT structure is used by the server to store connection state information. The send and receive functions should return the number of bytes successfully send/received to/from the viewer. The pointer pConnectInfo is passed to the send and receive routines. It can be used to pass a pointer to a structure containing connection information or to pass a socket number. The following types are used as function pointers to the routines used to send and receive bytes from/to the viewer:

typedef int (* GUI_tSend) (const U8 * pData,
             int                      len,
             void                   * pConnectInfo);
typedef int (* GUI_tReceive) (U8 * pData,
             int                   len,
             void                * pConnectInfo);


static GUI_VNC_CONTEXT _Context; /* Data area for server */
static int _Send(const U8* buf, int len, void * pConnectionInfo) {
  SOCKET Socket = (SOCKET)pConnectionInfo;
static int _Recv(U8* buf, int len, void * pConnectionInfo) {
  SOCKET Socket = (SOCKET)pConnectionInfo;
static void _ServerTask(void) {
  int Socket;
  GUI_VNC_Process(&_Context, _Send, _Recv, (void *)Socket);


Ring a bell on the client if it has one.


void GUI_VNC_RingBell(void);


The following description of the IP_FS_API structure is an excerpt of the document UM07001 User & Reference Guide for embOS/IP which is also available separately on www.segger.com.


Sets a function table used for accessing files.


void GUI_VNC_SetFS_API(const IP_FS_API * pFS_API);


Parameter Description
pFS_API Pointer to an IP_FS_API structure containing function pointers for file access.

Additional information

This routine needs to be called by GUI_VNC_X_StartServerFT() for enabling file transfer in the protocol. Please also refer to the sample code under Sample\GUI_X\GUI_VNC_X_StartServer.c which shows how to enable file transfer on the target.



Configures the VNC server not to read the display while the GUI performs drawing operations.


void GUI_VNC_SetLockFrame(unsigned OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff If set to a value >0 frame locking will be enabled. Default is enabled frame locking.

Additional information

This can be configured at compile time by using the compile time switch GUI_VNC_LOCK_FRAME.



Sets a password required to connect to the server.


void GUI_VNC_SetPassword(U8 * sPassword);


Parameter Description
sPassword Password required to connect to the server.

Additional information

Per default no password is required. If a password is set the server creates a random challenge of 16 Bytes and encrypts it using DES. The unencrypted challenge is sent to the client and should return encrypted. If the client’s response matches the encrypted challenge, authentification was successful.



Sets the title to be displayed in the title bar of the client window.


void GUI_VNC_SetProgName(const char * sProgName);


Parameter Description
sProgName Title to be displayed in the title bar of the client window.


Sets the number of additional trials in case of an error when trying to write data on the line.


void GUI_VNC_SetRetryCount(unsigned Cnt);


Parameter Description
Cnt Number of additional trials to be used in case of an error (default is 0).


Sets the display size to be transmitted to the client.


void GUI_VNC_SetSize(unsigned xSize,
                     unsigned ySize);


Parameter Description
xSize X-size to be used.
ySize Y-size to be used.

Additional information

Per default the server uses the layer size. The size passed to this function can be smaller or larger than the real display.



This function has to start a thread listening for an incoming connection. If a connection is established it has to execute the actual VNC server GUI_VNC_Process(). The function has to be supplied by the customer because the implementation depends on the used TCP/IP stack and on the used operating system. The emWin shipment contains an example implementation under Sample\GUI_X\GUI_VNC_X_StartServer.c. It could be used as a starting point for adapting it to other systems.


int GUI_VNC_X_StartServer(int LayerIndex,
                          int ServerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer to be shown by the viewer.
ServerIndex Server index.

Return value

0 OK.
-1 Error.

Additional information

There is no difference to start a VNC server in the simulation or on the target. In both cases you should call this function. The simulation contains an implementation of this function, the hardware implementation has to be done by the customer.



Function which has to be implemented by the customer to start the VNC server with file transfer support. Additionally to starting a server thread the function has to enable the file transfer extensions by calling GUI_VNC_EnableFileTransfer() and it has to set a function table to be used for file access by GUI_VNC_SetFS_API().


int GUI_VNC_X_StartServerFT(int LayerIndex,
                            int ServerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer to be shown by the viewer.
ServerIndex Server index.

Return value

Returns 0.

Additional information

Under Sample\GUI_X\GUI_VNC_X_StartServer.c a sample is available which shows a sample implementation using embOS/IP and emFile.

Data structures


Table containing the function pointers for file access.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  void * (* pfOpenFile)              (const char  * sFilename, 
                                      const char  * sOpenFlags             );
  int    (* pfCloseFile)             (      void  * hFile                  );
  int    (* pfReadAt)                (      void  * hFile,
                                            void  * pBuffer,
                                            U32     Pos,
                                            U32     NumBytes               );
  long   (* pfGetLen)                (      void  * hFile                  );
  void   (* pfForEachDirEntry)       (      void  * pContext,
                                      const char  * sDir,
                                            void (* pf) (void * pContext,
                                                         void * pFileEntry));
  void   (* pfGetDirEntryFileName)   (      void  * pFileEntry,
                                            char  * sFileName,
                                            U32     SizeOfBuffer           );
  U32    (* pfGetDirEntryFileSize)   (      void  * pFileEntry,
                                            U32   * pFileSizeHigh          );
  int    (* pfGetDirEntryFileTime)   (      void  * pFileEntry             );
  U32    (* pfGetDirEntryAttributes) (      void  * pFileEntry             );
  void * (* pfCreate)                (const char  * sFileName              );
  void * (* pfDeleteFile)            (const char  * sFilename              );
  int    (* pfRenameFile)            (const char  * sOldFilename,
                                      const char  * sNewFilename           );
  int    (* pfWriteAt)               (      void  * hFile,
                                            void  * pBuffer,
                                            U32     Pos,
                                            U32     NumBytes               );
  int    (* pfMKDir)                 (const char  * sDirName               );
  int    (* pfRMDir)                 (const char  * sDirName               );
  int    (* pfIsFolder)              (const char  * sPath                  );
  int    (* pfMove)                  (const char  * sOldFilename,
                                      const char  * sNewFilename           );

Structure members

Function Description
Read only file system functions (required)
pfOpenFile Pointer to a function that creates/opens a file and returns the handle of these file.
pfCloseFile Pointer to a function that closes a file.
pfReadAt Pointer to a function that reads a file.
pfGetLen Pointer to a function that returns the length of a file.
Directory query operations
pfForEachDirEntry Pointer to a function which is called for each directory entry.
pfGetDirEntryFileName Pointer to a function that returns the name of a file entry.
pfGetDirEntryFileSize Pointer to a function that returns the size of a file.
pfGetDirEntryFileTime Pointer to a function that returns the timestamp of a file.
pfGetDirEntryAttributes Pointer to a function that returns the attributes of a directory entry.
Write file operations
pfCreate Pointer to a function that creates a file.
pfDeleteFile Pointer to a function that deletes a file.
pfRenameFile Pointer to a function that renames a file.
pfWriteAt Pointer to a function that writes a file.
Additional directory operations (optional)
pfMKDir Pointer to a function that creates a directory.
pfRMDir Pointer to a function that deletes a directory.
Additional operations (optional)
pfIsFolder Pointer to a function that checks if a path is a folder.
pfMove Pointer to a function that moves a file or directory.

Legacy features

The following chapter contains all features of emWin that are considered to be outdated. These features are still supported by emWin, but are not recommended to be used anymore.



When using sprites the background over which they are moved must not be drawn using RLE-compressed or alpha channel bitmaps.

A sprite is an image which can be shown above all other graphics on the screen. A sprite preserves the screen area it covers. It can be moved or removed at any time, fully restoring the screen content. Animation by use of multiple images is possible. Sprites are completely independent from all other drawing operations as well as window operations: sprites do not affect drawing or window operations; drawing or window operations do not affect sprites.
Sprites can be seen as objects which are sitting “on top” of the screen, similar to cursors.


emWin Sprites are implemented as a pure software solution. No additional hardware is required to use emWin Sprites. They can be shown, moved and deleted without affecting already visible graphics.

Memory requirements

Each sprite needs a memory area for saving the display data ’behind’ the sprite to be able to restore the background on moving operations or on removing the sprite. Further a memory area for a color cache is required. The size of the color cache depends on the number of colors used in the sprite image. So the complete number of bytes required for a sprite can be calculated as follows:

SizeOfSpriteObject (~30 bytes) + (XSize * YSize + NumberOfBitmapColors) * REQUIRED_BYTES_PER_PIXEL

Maximum number of Sprites

The number of simultaneous visible sprites is not limited by emWin. It depends only on the available memory.


Note that drawing a sprite is more computer-bound than drawing a simple bitmap, because it has to manage the background data and intersections with other sprites.


Z-order is an ordering of overlapping two-dimensional objects, in this case the sprites. When two sprites overlap, their Z-order determines which one appears on top of the other. The sprite created at last is the topmost sprite.

Sprite API

The table below lists the available Sprite-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions follow:

Routine Description
GUI_SPRITE_Create() Creates a Sprite at the given position in the current layer.
GUI_SPRITE_CreateAnim() Creates an animated Sprite at the given position in the current layer.
GUI_SPRITE_CreateEx() Creates a Sprite at the given position in the desired layer.
GUI_SPRITE_CreateExAnim() Creates an animated Sprite at the given position in the current layer.
GUI_SPRITE_CreateHidden() Creates a hidden Sprite at the given position in the current layer.
GUI_SPRITE_CreateHiddenEx() Creates a hidden Sprite at the given position in the given layer.
GUI_SPRITE_Delete() Deletes the given Sprite.
GUI_SPRITE_GetState() Returns if the given Sprite is visible or not.
GUI_SPRITE_Hide() Hides the given Sprite.
GUI_SPRITE_SetBitmap() Sets a new image for drawing the Sprite.
GUI_SPRITE_SetBitmapAndPosition() Sets the position and the image at once.
GUI_SPRITE_SetLoop() Enables/Disables infinite animation of the given Sprite.
GUI_SPRITE_SetPosition() Moves the Sprite to the new position.
GUI_SPRITE_Show() Shows the given Sprite.
GUI_SPRITE_StartAnim() Starts the animation of the given Sprite.
GUI_SPRITE_StopAnim() Stops the animation of the given Sprite.


Creates a Sprite at the given position in the current layer.


                                    int          x,
                                    int          y);


Parameter Description
pBM Pointer to a bitmap structure to be used for drawing the Sprite.
x X-position of the Sprite in screen coordinates.
y Y-position of the Sprite in screen coordinates.

Return value

Handle of the new Sprite, 0 on failure.

Additional information

The bitmap addressed by the parameter pBM needs to agree with the following requirements:



Creates an animated Sprite at the given position in the current layer.


                                        int           x,
                                        int           y,
                                        unsigned      Period,
                                  const unsigned    * pPeriod,
                                        int           NumItems);


Parameter Description
ppBM Pointer to an array of bitmap pointers to be used for drawing the Sprite.
x X-position of the Sprite in screen coordinates.
y Y-position of the Sprite in screen coordinates.
Period Period to be used to switch between the images.
pPeriod Pointer to an array containing the periods to be used to switch between the images.
NumItems Number of images.

Return value

Handle of the new Sprite, 0 on failure.

Additional information

The bitmaps addressed by the parameter ppBM needs to agree with the following requirements:



Creates a Sprite at the given position in the desired layer.


                                      int          x,
                                      int          y,
                                      int          Layer);


Parameter Description
pBM Pointer to a bitmap structure to be used for drawing the Sprite.
x X-position of the Sprite in screen coordinates.
y Y-position of the Sprite in screen coordinates.
Layer Layer of Sprite.

Return value

Handle of the new Sprite, 0 on failure.

Additional information

Additional information can be found under GUI_SPRITE_Create().



Creates an animated Sprite at the given position in the current layer.


                                          int           x,
                                          int           y,
                                          unsigned      Period,
                                    const unsigned    * pPeriod,
                                          int           NumItems,
                                          int           LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
ppBM Pointer to an array of bitmap pointers to be used for drawing the Sprite.
x X-position of the Sprite in screen coordinates.
y Y-position of the Sprite in screen coordinates.
Period Period to be used to switch between the images.
pPeriod Pointer to an array containing values to be used to switch between the images.
NumItems Number of images.
LayerIndex Layer of Sprite.

Return value

Handle of the new Sprite, 0 on failure.

Additional information

Additional information can be found under GUI_SPRITE_CreateAnim().



Creates a hidden Sprite at the given position in the current layer.


                                          int          x,
                                          int          y);


Parameter Description
pBM Pointer to a bitmap structure to be used for drawing the Sprite.
x X-position of the Sprite in screen coordinates.
y Y-position of the Sprite in screen coordinates.

Return value

Handle of the new Sprite, 0 on failure.

Additional information

More details can be found in the description of GUI_SPRITE_Create().



Creates a hidden Sprite at the given position in the given layer.


                                            int          x,
                                            int          y,
                                            int          Layer);


Parameter Description
pBM Pointer to a bitmap structure to be used for drawing the Sprite.
x X-position of the Sprite in screen coordinates.
y Y-position of the Sprite in screen coordinates.
Layer Layer to be used.

Return value

Handle of the new Sprite, 0 on failure.

Additional information

More details can be found in the description of GUI_SPRITE_Create().



Deletes the given Sprite.


void GUI_SPRITE_Delete(GUI_HSPRITE hSprite);


Parameter Description
hSprite Handle of Sprite to be deleted.

Additional information

The function deletes the Sprite from the memory and restores its background automatically.



Returns if the given Sprite is visible or not.


int GUI_SPRITE_GetState(GUI_HSPRITE hSprite);


Parameter Description
hSprite Handle of Sprite.

Return value

1 if the Sprite is visible.
0 if not.


Hides the given Sprite.


void GUI_SPRITE_Hide(GUI_HSPRITE hSprite);


Parameter Description
hSprite Handle of Sprite to hide.

Additional information

The function removes the given Sprite from the list of visible Sprites.



Sets a new image for drawing the Sprite.


int GUI_SPRITE_SetBitmap(      GUI_HSPRITE   hSprite,
                         const GUI_BITMAP  * pBM);


Parameter Description
hSprite Handle of Sprite.
pBM Pointer to a bitmap structure to be used for drawing the Sprite.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The new bitmap must have exact the same size as the previous one. Passing a pointer to a bitmap of a different size causes the function to fail. The function immediately replaces the visible Sprite image on the screen. No further operation is required for showing the new image.



Sets the position and the image at once.


int GUI_SPRITE_SetBitmapAndPosition(      GUI_HSPRITE   hSprite,
                                    const GUI_BITMAP  * pBM,
                                          int           x,
                                          int           y);


Parameter Description
hSprite Handle of Sprite.
pBM Pointer to the new bitmap structure to be used to draw the Sprite.
x New X-position in screen coordinates.
y New Y-position in screen coordinates.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

It makes a difference on using the functions GUI_SPRITE_SetBitmap() and GUI_SPRITE_SetPosition() one after another or using this function. Whereas the image on the screen will be rendered twice on calling GUI_SPRITE_SetBitmap() and GUI_SPRITE_SetPosition() it is rendered only once on using this function, which can be used very well in animations.



Enables/Disables infinite animation of the given Sprite.


                       int         OnOff);


Parameter Description
hSprite Handle of the Sprite.
OnOff 1 to enable infinite animation. 0 to disable it.

Return value

-1 if the function failed.
0 if infinite animation was not previously set.
1 if infinite animation was previously set.


Moves the Sprite to the new position.


void GUI_SPRITE_SetPosition(GUI_HSPRITE hSprite,
                            int         x,
                            int         y);


Parameter Description
hSprite Handle of Sprite.
x New X-position in screen coordinates.
y New Y-position in screen coordinates.

Additional information

The function moves the given Sprite to the new position.



Shows the given Sprite.


void GUI_SPRITE_Show(GUI_HSPRITE hSprite);


Parameter Description
hSprite Handle of Sprite.

Additional information

The function adds the given Sprite to the list of visible Sprites.



Starts the animation of the given Sprite.


int GUI_SPRITE_StartAnim(GUI_HSPRITE hSprite);


Parameter Description
hSprite Handle of Sprite.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Stops the animation of the given Sprite.


int GUI_SPRITE_StopAnim(GUI_HSPRITE hSprite);


Parameter Description
hSprite Handle of Sprite.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.



When using cursors the background over which they are moved must not be drawn using RLE-compressed or alpha channel bitmaps.

emWin includes a system-wide cursor which may be changed to other, predefined styles. Also automatically animated cursors are supported. Although the cursor always exists, it is hidden by default. It will not be visible until a call is made to show it, and may be hidden again at any point.

Available cursors

The following cursor styles are currently available. If a call to GUI_CURSOR_Show() is made and no style is specified with GUI_CURSOR_Select(), the default cursor will be a medium arrow.

Arrow cursors Cross cursors
Small arrow
Small cross
Medium arrow (default cursor)
Medium cross
Large arrow
Large cross

Inverted arrow cursors Inverted cross cursors
Small inverted arrow
Small inverted cross
Medium inverted arrow
Medium inverted cross
Large inverted arrow
Large inverted cross

Animated cursors
Medium animated hourglass

Cursor API

The table below lists the available cursor-related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions follow:


Routine Description
GUI_CURSOR_GetState() Returns if the cursor is currently visible or not.
GUI_CURSOR_Hide() Hides the cursor.
GUI_CURSOR_Select() Sets a specified cursor style.
GUI_CURSOR_SelectAnim() Sets an animated cursor.
GUI_CURSOR_SetPosition() Sets the cursor position.
GUI_CURSOR_Show() Shows the cursor.

Data structures

Structure Description
GUI_CURSOR_ANIM Structure that stores information about a cursor animation used by GUI_CURSOR_SelectAnim().


Returns if the cursor is currently visible or not.


int GUI_CURSOR_GetState(void);

Return value

1 if the cursor is visible.
0 if not.


Hides the cursor.


void GUI_CURSOR_Hide(void);

Additional information

This is the default cursor setting. If the cursor should be visible, the function GUI_CURSOR_Show() needs to be called.



Sets a specified cursor style.


GUI_CURSOR *GUI_CURSOR_Select(const GUI_CURSOR * pCursor);


Parameter Description
pCursor Pointer to the cursor to be selected.
Permitted values for parameter pCursor
(Predefined cursors)
GUI_CursorArrowS Small arrow.
GUI_CursorArrowM Medium arrow.
GUI_CursorArrowL Large arrow.
GUI_CursorArrowSI Small inverted arrow.
GUI_CursorArrowMI Medium inverted arrow.
GUI_CursorArrowLI Large inverted arrow.
GUI_CursorCrossS Small cross.
GUI_CursorCrossM Medium cross.
GUI_CursorCrossL Large cross.
GUI_CursorCrossSI Small inverted cross.
GUI_CursorCrossMI Medium inverted cross.
GUI_CursorCrossLI Large inverted cross.

Additional information

If this function is not called, the default cursor is a medium arrow.



Sets an animated cursor.


int GUI_CURSOR_SelectAnim(const GUI_CURSOR_ANIM * pCursorAnim);


Parameter Description
pCursorAnim Pointer to a GUI_CURSOR_ANIM structure used for the animation.
Permitted values for parameter pCursor
(Predefined cursors)
GUI_CursorAnimHourglassM Animated hourglass, medium size.


Sets the cursor position.


void GUI_CURSOR_SetPosition(int xNewPos,
                            int yNewPos);


Parameter Description
x X-position of the cursor.
y Y-position of the cursor.

Additional information

Normally this function is called internally by the Window Manager and does not need to be called from the application.



Shows the cursor.


void GUI_CURSOR_Show(void);

Additional information

The default setting for the cursor is hidden; therefore this function must be called if you want the cursor to be visible.

Data structures


Structure that stores information about a cursor animation used by GUI_CURSOR_SelectAnim().

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const GUI_BITMAP **  ppBm;
  int                  xHot;
  int                  yHot;
  unsigned             Period;
  const unsigned     * pPeriod;
  int                  NumItems;

Structure members

Member Description
ppBm Pointer to an array of pointers to bitmaps to be used for the animated cursor.
xHot X-position of hot spot. Details can be found below.
yHot Y-position of hot spot. Details can be found below.
Period Period to be used to switch between the images.
pPeriod Pointer to an array containing the periods to be used to switch between the images.
NumItems Number of images used for the animation.

Additional information

The bitmaps addressed by ppBM need to fulfill with the following requirements:

Other bitmaps or insufficient memory cause the function to fail.

The pPeriod is only required if the periods for the images are different. If the same period should be used for all images Period should be used instead of pPeriod. In this case pPeriod should be NULL.

xHot and yHot determine the hot spot position of the cursor. This means the relative position in X and Y from the upper left corner of the image to the position of the pointer input device.

Customized cursors can be realized by passing a pointer to a custom defined GUI_CURSOR_ANIM structure.

Virtual screens / Virtual pages

A virtual screen means a display area greater than the physical size of the display. It requires additional video memory and allows instantaneous switching between different screens even on slow CPUs. The following chapter shows

If a virtual display area is configured, the visible part of the display can be changed by setting the origin.


The virtual screen support of emWin can be used for panning or for switching between different video pages.


If the application uses one screen which is larger than the display, the virtual screen API functions can be used to make the desired area visible.

Virtual pages

Virtual pages are a way to use the display RAM as multiple pages. If an application for example needs 3 different screens, each screen can use its own page in the display RAM. In this case, the application can draw the second and the third page before they are used. After that the application can switch very fast between the different pages using the virtual screen API functions of emWin. The only thing the functions have to do is setting the right display start address for showing the desired screen. In this case the virtual Y-size typically is a multiple of the display size in Y.


The virtual screen feature requires hardware with more display RAM than required for a single screen and the ability of the hardware to change the start position of the display output.

Video RAM

The used display controller should support video RAM for the virtual area. For example if the display has a resolution of 320x240 and a color depth of 16 bits per pixel and 2 screens should be supported, the required size of the video RAM can be calculated as follows:

Size = 320 * 240 * 16 / 8 * 2
Size = 307200 Bytes

Configurable display start position

The used display controller needs a configurable display start position. This means the display driver even has a register for setting the frame buffer start address or it has a command to set the upper left display start position.


Virtual screens should be configured during the initialization. The function LCD_SetVSizeEx() needs to be used to define the virtual display size. Further it is required to react on the command LCD_X_SETORG in the driver callback routine by setting the right frame buffer start address.



Sets the size of the virtual display area.


int LCD_SetVSizeEx(int LayerIndex,
                   int xSize,
                   int ySize);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
xSize X-Size in pixels of the virtual area of the given layer.
ySize Y-Size in pixels of the virtual area of the given layer.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.

Additional information

The function requires a display driver which is able to manage dynamically changes of the virtual display size. If the display driver does not support this feature the function fails.


In the following a few examples are shown to make clear how to use virtual screens with emWin.

Basic example

The following example shows how to use a virtual screen of 128x192 and a display of 128x64 for instantaneous switching between 3 different screens.


LCD_SetSizeEx (0, 128, 64);
LCD_SetVSizeEx(0, 128, 192);


GUI_FillRect(0,  0, 127, 63);
GUI_FillRect(0, 64, 127, 127);
GUI_FillRect(0, 128, 127, 191);
GUI_DispStringAt("Screen 0", 0,  0);
GUI_DispStringAt("Screen 1", 0, 64);
GUI_DispStringAt("Screen 2", 0, 128);
GUI_SetOrg(0, 64); /* Set origin to screen 1 */
GUI_SetOrg(0, 128); /* Set origin to screen 2 */


The table below shows the output of the display:

Description Display output Contents of virtual area
Before executing
GUI_SetOrg(0, 64)
After executing
GUI_SetOrg(0, 64)
After executing
GUI_SetOrg(0, 128)

Real time example using the Window Manager

The shipment of emWin contains an example which shows how to use virtual screens in a real time application. It can be found under Sample\Tutorial\VSCREEN_RealTime.c:

Screen 0 / Page 0 Screen 1 / Page 1

After showing a short introduction, the example creates 2 screens on 2 separate pages as shown above. The first screen shows a dialog which includes a graphical representation of 2 temperature curves. When pressing the “Set color” button, the application switches instantaneously to the second screen, even on slow CPUs. After pressing the “OK” button of the “Adjust color” dialog, the application switches back to the first screen.
For more details, see the source code of the example.

Viewer Screenshot of the above example

If using the viewer both screens can be shown at the same time. The screenshot above shows the visible display at the left side and the contents of the whole configured virtual display RAM at the right side.

Dialog example using the Window Manager

The second advanced example is available in the folder Sample/GUI/VSCREEN_MultiPage. It uses the virtual screen to show 4 screens on 3 different video pages. The application consists of the following screens:

Main screen / Page 0 Setup screen / Page 1
Calibration screen / Page 2 About screen / Page 2

After a short intro screen the “Main Screen” is shown on the display using page 0. After the “Setup” button is pressed, the “Setup” screen is created on page 1. After the screen has been created, the application makes the screen visible by switching to page 1. The “Calibration” and the “About” screen both use page 2. If the user presses one of the buttons “Calibration” or “About” the application switches to page 2 and shows the dialog.

Viewer Screenshot of the above example

The viewer can show all pages at the same time. The screenshot above shows the visible display at the left side and the contents of the whole layer (virtual display RAM) with the pages 0 - 2 at the right side.

Virtual screen API

The following table lists the available routines of the virtual screen support.

Routine Description
GUI_GetOrg() Returns the display start position.
GUI_SetOrg() Sets the display start position.


Returns the display start position.


void GUI_GetOrg(int * px,
                int * py);


Parameter Description
px Pointer to variable of type int to store the X position of the display start position.
py Pointer to variable of type int to store the Y position of the display start position.

Additional information

The function stores the current display start position into the variables pointed by the given pointers.



Sets the display start position.


void GUI_SetOrg(int x,
                int y);


Parameter Description
x New X position of the display start position.
y New Y position of the display start position.


The following chapter contains all sub-chapters on the tools supplied with emWin.


This chapter provides a short overview about what the AppWizard is and some of its features.

To learn more about the AppWizard and how to use it, refer to the document UM03003 AppWizard User Guide & Reference Manual.

About the AppWizard

What is the AppWizard?

The AppWizard is a tool for creating complete and ready-to-use emWin applications. The tool makes it very easy to build an application, manage resources and even define the application’s behavior.

What You See Is What You Get

The AppWizard tool incorporates the idea of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). This means while the user is building their application with the tool, they simultaneously see the output of their build.

To go along with this motto, testing is made very easy, as it just requires a quick press of the F5 key to enter Play mode.

Define the application's behavior

Interactions are a key part of the AppWizard, they make it very easy to define what the application should do on certain events. For example, when clicking a button, the language of the application is changed or an animation is performed and so on.

Conditions and calculations are also powerful tools for defining the application logic and behavior.

Custom drawings

Additionally to the many widgets that are usable in AppWizard, the user can also define custom drawings which are displayed in the application.

Resource management

This tool manages application resources entirely by itself. This means the user does not have to fiddle around with any text, font or image files. When adding images to the AppWizard, all of the converting is done automatically.

Font creation and image conversion can be done comfortably within the tool. No external application is required.

The text manager lets the user easily save the application’s texts in different languages, which makes building a multilingual application incredibly easy.

In case of a small addressable ROM area, the tool can also outsource all kinds of resources to an SD card. This does not have to apply for all resource files, it can be done individually for each resource file.

Target system

The AppWizard’s output works with any system having at least 130 KBytes of RAM and 256 KBytes of ROM. The tool comes with predefined BSPs for many target boards. Some of them already contain a ready-to-use emFile system properly configured for the according board which makes it possible to outsource resources to SD card without writing any additional line of code. Please note that for commercial use a license is required.


The AppWizard generates an application as a bundle of C source and header files. If the user wants to debug their application and, perhaps, add custom defined code, the generated application comes with a simulation project.


If you use the simulation when debugging your application, you cannot see the display output when stepping through the source code. The primary purpose of emWinView is to solve this problem. It shows the contents of the simulated layer(s) or display(s) while debugging in the simulation.

The viewer gives you the following additional capabilities:



Before the tool can be used, it has to be installed using the wizard that is located in the emWin shipment folder.


To uninstall the tool, simply run the uninstaller located in the installation directory.

Using the simulation and the viewer

If you use the simulation when debugging your application, you cannot see the display output when stepping through the source code. This is due to a limitation of Win32: If one thread (the one being debugged) is halted, all other threads of the process are also halted. This includes the thread which outputs the simulated display on the screen.

The emWin viewer solves this problem by showing the display window and the color window of your simulation in a separate process. It is your choice if you want to start the viewer before debugging your application or while you are debugging. Our suggestion:

The advantage is that you can now follow all drawing operations step by step in the LCD window.

Virtual pages

By default the viewer opens one window per layer which shows the visible part of the video RAM, normally the display. If the configured virtual video RAM is larger than the display, the command View → Virtual Layer → Layer (0…4) can be used to show the whole video RAM in one window. When using the function GUI_SetOrg(), the contents of the visible screen will change, but the virtual layer window remains unchanged:

For more information about virtual screens, refer to chapter Virtual screens / Virtual pages.


If an application uses multiple buffers, the main layer window will always show the front buffer. This means that during debugging, changes to the frame buffer will not be visible until the buffers have been switched.

To see all buffers, the entire video RAM can be opened as a virtual layer. This is done the same way as opening virtual layers, as described above.

Multiple displays

If you are working with multiple displays you should set the viewer into ’Multi display mode’ by using the command Options → Multi layer/display… → Multi display mode.

Multiple layers

If you are working with multiple layers you should set the viewer into ’Multi layer mode’ by using the command Options → Multi layer/display… → Multi layer mode.

When starting the debugger the viewer will show every single layer and also a composite view of the layers. In order for a composite view to be shown, the composite view has to be enabled by calling SIM_GUI_SetCompositeSize() in SIM_X_Config().


The example below shows a screenshot of the viewer running the “WeatherForecast” demo with two layers configured.


The composite view of the viewer shows all layers; layers with higher index are on top of layers with lower index and can have transparent pixels.

The layer 0 can have transparency, in that case the background color for the composite view is used. This background color can be set using SIM_GUI_SetCompositeColor() in SIM_X_Config().

The user can define how transparency should be displayed in emWinView for layers in multi-layer configurations. It can be a gray checkerboard pattern (as seen above) or a custom defined color.

Palette-based layers

When the viewer is started, any palette-based layers will automatically show their palette next to them.

The currently selected palette color can also be shown highlighted, this can be read below under Highlight palette colors.


Selection Tool

The selection tool can be used to select an area in a layer. This area can be copied to the clipboard by right-clicking the selection.

By default, the selection is highlighted, as shown below. This can be disabled by clicking Options → Highlight selection.

The tool can also be used to measure a distance in a layer. The size and top-left position of the selection rectangle is shown below the layer.

Right-clicking on the selection info below the layer view allows editing of the position and size of the selection rectangle. This can be useful, when the selection should be prepared for copying a specific region of the layer.

Hand Tool

The hand tool allows scrolling through a zoomed layer by clicking and dragging instead of using the mouse wheel.


A layer can be magnified using the zooming tools above the layer. The + and - buttons increase/decrease the zooming level by one.

Increases the zoom level.
Decreases the zoom level.
Resets the zoom level to 100%.

The dropdown allows the selection of a specific zoom level.


The grid can be toggled by clicking the button right to the layer.

This can be done once the zooming level is at 300% or above.

The button below allows the selection of a color for the grid. The selected color is specific to the layer.

Under Options → Grid color… a default grid color can be selected.

XOR grid

Instead of a specific color, the grid can also be drawn inverted to the underlying pixel color (XOR mode). This can be useful when a grid with a single color is not visible due to parts of the layer having the same color.

A XOR grid is always visible, because the color below the grid is inverted. The only exception would be the color 7F7F7F, since inverting this color will result in the same color.

Grid in black Grid in XOR mode


Always on top

Per default the viewer window is always on top. You can change this behavior by selecting Options → Always on top from the menu.

Highlight palette colors

When this feature is enabled, hovering over a palette-based layer will show the color in the palette as highlighted. You can enable this by selecting Options → Highlight palette colors.

Copy to clipboard

Copy layer image

The contents of a layer or composite view can be copied to the clipboard by right-clicking the layer/view and selecting Copy to clipboard.

When a selection has been made and Copy to clipboard is clicked, the selected part of the layer will be copied to clipboard.

Pressing CTRL + C also copies the selected image to clipboard.

Copy color

When a pixel in a layer is right clicked, selecting Copy color will copy the color as an ARGB value to clipboard.

Color and index values of palette colors can also be copied to clipboard.

Closing and opening layers

Layers can be closed by clicking the X button in the upper right corner.

They can also be opened and closed via the View menu.

Bitmap Converter

The Bitmap Converter is designed for converting common image file formats like BMP, PNG, JPEG or GIF into the desired emWin bitmap format. That can be a C file which can directly be compiled and linked with the project or a binary format, which can be loaded at runtime. Simply load an image into the application. Convert the color format if you want or have to, and save it in the appropriate format.

Screenshot of the Bitmap Converter

What it does

The Bitmap Converter is primarily intended as a tool to convert bitmaps from a PC format to a C file. Bitmaps which can be used with emWin are normally defined as GUI_BITMAP structures in C. The structures — or rather the picture data which is referenced by these structures — can be quite large. It makes therefore sense to use the Bitmap Converter to generate C files from bitmaps.

Another useful feature is the ability to save images as C stream files. The advantage against a normal C file is, that these data streams can be located anywhere on any media whereas C files need to be located in the addressable ROM area.

The Bitmap Converter also features color conversion, so that the resulting C code is not unnecessarily large. Typically the number of bits per pixel are reduced to achieve less memory consumption. The tool displays the converted image as well.

A number of simple functions can be performed with the Bitmap Converter, including scaling the size, flipping the bitmap horizontally or vertically, rotating it, and inverting the bitmap indices or colors (these features can be found under the Image menu). Any further modifications to an image must be made in a bitmap manipulation program such as Adobe Photoshop or Corel Photopaint. It usually makes the most sense to perform any image modifications in such a program, using the Bitmap Converter for converting purposes only.

Loading a bitmap

Supported input file formats

The Bitmap Converter supports the following file types:

  • Windows bitmap files
  • Graphic Interchange Format
  • Portable Network Graphics
  • Joint Photographic Experts Group format
  • C bitmaps
(*.c *.cc *.cpp *.cxx *.h *.hh *.hpp *.hxx)
  • Streamed bitmaps

Windows Bitmap Files (BMP)

The Bitmap Converter supports the most common bitmap file formats. Bitmap files of the following formats can be opened by the Bitmap Converter:

Trying to read bitmap files of other formats will cause an error message of the Bitmap Converter.

Graphic Interchange Format (GIF)

The Bitmap Converter supports reading GIF files. For general editing only the first image of the GIF file is used. GIF image consisting of several images may be converted to animated sprites, animated cursors or emWin movie files.

Transparency and interlaced GIF images are supported by the converter.

Note: Compressed/optimized GIFs are not supported, the Bitmap Converter will not decompress the GIF frames. These GIFs must first be manually decompressed (aka. “un-optimized”) with tools like GIMP.

Portable Network Graphic (PNG)

The PNG format is the most recommended format to create images with alpha blending. The Bitmap Converter supports reading PNG images with alpha channel.

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)

The JPEG format is the most common used format when dealing with photos. JPEG files using a lossy compression method. Because of that they are not the ideal format for diagrams or similar.

The Bitmap Converter supports reading JPEG images.

C bitmaps and streamed bitmaps (C and DTA)

The Bitmap Converter supports reading of previously converted bitmaps in both the C and the DTA format.

Despite animated sprites and cursors being also saved as a C file, it is not possible to load these into the Bitmap Converter.

Any file with a C/C++ file extension, whether they are header or source files, are interpreted as C bitmap files.

Loading from a file

An image file of one of the supported formats may be opened directly in the Bitmap Converter by selecting File → Open.

Using the clipboard

Any other type of bitmap (that is, .jpg, .jpeg, .tif) may be opened with another program, copied to the clipboard, and pasted into the Bitmap Converter. This process will achieve the same effect as loading directly from a file.

Color conversion

The primary reason for converting the color format of a bitmap is to reduce memory consumption. The most common way of doing this is by using the option Best palette as in the above example, which customizes the palette of a particular bitmap to include only the colors which are used in the image. It is especially useful with full-color bitmaps in order to make the palette as small as possible while still fully supporting the image. Once a bitmap file has been opened in the Bitmap Converter, simply select Image → Convert Into → Best palette from the menu. If it is necessary to keep transparency select Image → Convert Into → Best palette + transparency.

For certain applications, it may be more efficient to use a fixed color palette, chosen from the menu under Image → Convert Into. For example, suppose a bitmap in full-color mode is to be shown on a display which supports only four grayscales. It would be a waste of memory to keep the image in the original format, since it would only appear as four grayscales on the display. The full-color bitmap can be converted into a four-grayscale, 2bpp bitmap for maximum efficiency.

The procedure for conversion would be as follows:

Step Result
Step 1: Load the image
  • The Bitmap Converter is opened and the same file is loaded as in steps 1 and 2 of the example shown in Saving the file.
  • The Bitmap Converter displays the loaded bitmap.
Step 2: Convert the image
  • Choose Image → Convert Into → Gray4
  • The Bitmap Converter displays the converted bitmap.
  • In this example, the image uses less memory since a palette of only 4 grayscales is used instead of the full-color mode. If the target display supports only 4 grayscales, there is no use in having a higher pixel depth as it would only waste memory.


Dithering is a method for showing more details on systems with only a few available colors than with a simple color conversion. It gives the illusion of a better color depth by using noise to randomize quantization error. If for example a photo needs to be drawn on a b/w system normally not much details would be visible after a simple conversion. However, dithering is able to show much more details:

Original black / white black / white, dithered

The above table shows clearly the difference between dithering and a simple conversion. To dither a picture the command Image → Dither to → … should be used:

Using a custom palette

Converting bitmaps to a custom palette and saving them without palette information can save memory and can increase the performance of bitmap drawing operations.

More efficient memory utilization

Per default each bitmap contains its own palette. Even the smallest bitmaps can contain a large palette with up to 256 colors. In many cases only a small fraction of the palette is used by the bitmap. If using many of these bitmaps the amount of memory used by the palettes can grow rapidly.
So it can save much ROM if converting the bitmaps used by emWin to the available hardware palette and saving them as (D)evice (D)ependent (B)itmaps without palette information.

Better bitmap drawing performance

Before emWin draws a bitmap, it needs to convert each device independent bitmap palette to the available hardware palette. This is required because the pixel indices of the bitmap file are indices into the device independent bitmap palette and not to the available hardware palette. Converting the bitmap to a DDB means that color conversion at run time is not required and speeds up the drawing.

Saving a palette file

The Bitmap Converter can save the palette of the currently loaded bitmap into a palette file which can be used for converting other bitmaps with the command Image → Convert Into → Custom palette. This requires that the current file is a palette based file and not a RGB file. To save the palette the command File → Save palette… can be used.

Palette file format

Custom palette files are simple files defining the available colors for conversion. They contain the following:

Total file size is therefore: 16 + (NumColors * 4) bytes. A custom palette file with 8 colors would be 16 + (8 * 4) = 48 bytes. At this point, a binary editor must be used in order to create such a file.
The maximum number of colors supported is 256; the minimum is 2.


This example file would define a palette containing 2 colors—red and white:

0000: 65 6d 57 69 6e 50 61 6c 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0010: ff 00 00 00 ff ff ff 00

The 8 headers make up the first eight bytes of the first line. The U32 is stored lsb first (big endian) and represents the next four bytes, followed by the four 0 bytes. Colors are stored 1 byte per color, where the 4th byte is 0 as follows: RRGGBB00. The second line of code defines the two colors used in this example.

Palette files for fixed palette modes

Using the custom palette feature can even make sense with the most common used fixed palette modes, not only with custom hardware palettes. For the most palette based fixed palette modes a palette file can be found in the folder Sample\Palette.

Converting a bitmap

The command Image → Convert Into → Custom palette should be used for converting the currently loaded bitmap to a custom palette. The Bitmap Converter tries to find the nearest color of the palette file for each pixel of the currently loaded bitmap.

Generating C files from bitmaps

The main function of the Bitmap Converter is to convert PC-formatted bitmaps into C files which can be used by emWin. Before doing so, however, it is often desirable to modify the color palette of an image so that the generated C file is not excessively large.
The bitmap may be saved as a bmp, png or a gif file (which can be reloaded and used or loaded into other bitmap manipulation programs) or as a C file. A C file will serve as an input file for your C compiler. It may contain a palette (device-independent bitmap, or DIB) or be saved without (device-dependent bitmap, or DDB). DIBs are recommended, as they will display correctly on any display; a DDB will only display correctly on a display which uses the same palette as the bitmap.
C files may be generated as “C with palette”, “C without palette”, “C with palette, compressed” or “C without palette, compressed”. For more information on compressed files, see the section “Compressed bitmaps” as well as the example at the end of the chapter.

Supported bitmap formats

The following table shows the currently available output formats for C and C stream files:

Format Color depth
Com- pression Trans- parency Palette
1 bit per pixel 1 no yes yes
2 bits per pixel 2 no yes yes
4 bits per pixel 4 no yes yes
8 bits per pixel 8 no yes yes
Compressed, RLE1 1 yes yes yes
Compressed, RLE4 4 yes yes yes
Compressed, RLE8 8 yes yes yes
12 bits per pixel 444_12 12 no no no
12 bits per pixel M444_12, red and blue swapped 12 no no no
12 bits per pixel 444_12_1 12 no no no
12 bits per pixel M444_12_1, red and blue swapped 12 no no no
12 bits per pixel 444_16 12 no no no
12 bits per pixel M444_16, red and blue swapped 12 no no no
High color 555 15 no no no
High color 555, red and blue swapped 15 no no no
High color 565 16 no no no
High color 565, red and blue swapped 16 no no no
High color 565, compressed 16 yes no no
High color 565, red and blue swapped, compressed 16 yes no no
High color A555 with alpha channel 15 no yes no
High color AM555 with alpha channel, red and blue swapped 15 no yes no
High color A565 with alpha channel 16 no yes no
High color AM565 with alpha channel, red and blue swapped 16 no yes no
True color 888 24 no no no
True color 8888 with alpha channel 32 no yes no
True color 8888 with alpha channel, compressed 32 yes yes no
True color M8888I with alpha channel, red and blue swapped, alpha inverted 32 no yes no
Alpha channel 8 no yes no
Alpha channel, compressed 8 yes yes no
Palette information

A bitmap palette is an array of 24 bit RGB color entries. Bitmaps with a color depth from 1 - 8 bpp can be saved with (device independent bitmap, DIB) or without palette information (device dependent bitmap DDB).

Device independent bitmaps (DIB)

The color information is stored in the form of an index into the color array. Before emWin draws a DIB, it converts the 24 bit RGB colors of the bitmap palette into color indices of the hardware palette. The advantage of using DIBs is that they are hardware independent and can be drawn correctly on systems with different color configurations. The disadvantages are the additional ROM requirement for the palette and the slower performance because of the color conversion.

Device dependent bitmaps (DDB)

The pixel information of a DDB is the index of the displays hardware palette. No conversion needs to be done before drawing a DDB. The advantages are less ROM requirement and a better performance. The disadvantage is that these bitmaps can not be displayed correctly on systems with other color configurations.


A palette based bitmap can be converted to a transparent bitmap. Transparency means each pixel with index 0 will not produce any output. The command Image → Transparency can be used to select the color which should be used for transparency. After selecting the transparent color, the pixel indices of the image will be recalculated, so that the selected color is on position 0 of the bitmap palette. When saving the bitmap file as C file, it will be saved with the transparency attribute.

Alpha blending

Alpha blending is a method of combining an image with the background to create the effect of semi transparency. The alpha value of a pixel determines its transparency. The color of a pixel after drawing the bitmap is a blend of the former color and the color value in the bitmap. In emWin, logical colors are handled as 32 bit values. The lower 24 bits are used for the color information and the upper 8 bits are used to manage the alpha value. An alpha value of 0 means the image is opaque and a value of 0xFF means completely transparent. Whereas BMP and GIF files do not support alpha blending PNG files support alpha blending. So the easiest way to create bitmap files with alpha blending is to load a PNG file. When working with BMP and/or GIF files the Bitmap Converter initially has no information about the alpha values.

Loading a PNG file

This is the most recommended way for creating bitmaps with an alpha mask:

The PNG file contains all required information.

Loading the alpha values from an alpha mask bitmap

This method loads the alpha values from a separate file. Black pixels of the alpha mask file means opaque and white means transparent. The following table shows an example:

Starting point Alpha mask Result

The command File → Load Alpha Mask can be used for loading an alpha mask.

Creating the alpha values from two bitmaps

This method uses the difference between the pixels of two pictures to calculate the alpha values. The first image should show the item on a black background. The second image should show the same on a white background. The following table shows an example of how to create the alpha values using the command File → Create Alpha:

Starting point Black background White background Result

The command File → Create Alpha can be used tor creating the alpha values.

Selecting the best format

emWin supports various formats for the generated C file. It depends on several conditions which will be the ’best’ format and there is no general rule to be used. Color depth, compression, palette and transparency affect the drawing performance and/or ROM requirement of the bitmap.

Color depth

In general the lower the color depth the smaller the ROM requirement of the bitmap. Each display driver has been optimized for drawing 1bpp bitmaps (text) and bitmaps with the same color depth as the display.


The supported RLE compression method has the best effect on bitmaps with many horizontal sequences of equal-colored pixels. Details later in this chapter. The performance is typically slightly slower than drawing uncompressed bitmaps.


The ROM requirement of a palette is 4 bytes for each color. So a palette of 256 colors uses 1 KB. Furthermore emWin needs to convert the colors of the palette before drawing the bitmap. Advantage: Bitmaps are device independent meaning they can be displayed on any display, independent of its color depth and format.


The ROM requirement of transparent bitmaps is the same as without transparency. The performance is with transparency slightly slower than without.

High color and true color bitmaps

Special consideration is required for bitmaps in these formats. Generally the use of these formats only make sense on displays with a color depth of 15 bits and above. Further it is strongly recommended to save the C files in the exact same format used by the hardware. Note that using the right format will have a positive effect on the drawing performance. If a high color bitmap for example should be shown on a system with a color depth of 16bpp which has the red and blue components swapped, the best format is ’High color 565, red and blue swapped’. Already a slightly other format has the effect, that each pixel needs color conversion, whereas a bitmap in the right format can be rendered very fast without color conversion. The difference of drawing performance in this case can be factor 10 and more.

Saving the file

The basic procedure for using the Bitmap Converter is illustrated below:

Step Result
Step 1: Start the application.
  • The Bitmap Converter is opened showing an empty window.
Step 2: Load a bitmap into the Bitmap Converter.
  • Choose File → Open
  • Locate the document you want to open and click Open. The Bitmap Converter can open images of the bmp, gif, png and sbmp format.
  • The Bitmap Converter displays the loaded bitmap.
Step 3: Choose conversion
  • Choose Image → Convert Into
  • Select the desired palette. In this example, the option Best palette is chosen.
  • The Bitmap Converter displays the converted bitmap.
  • The image is unchanged in terms of appearance, but uses less memory since a palette of only 15 colors is used instead of the full-color mode. These 15 colors are the only ones actually required to display this particular image.
Step 4: Save the bitmap as a C file.
  • Choose File → Save As.
  • Select a destination and a name for the C file.
  • Select the file type. In this example, the file is saved as C bitmap file.
  • Click Save.
Step 5: Specify bitmap format.
  • If the bitmap should be saved as C file the format should now be specified. Use one of the available formats shown in the dialog. If the bitmap should be saved without palette, activate the check box Without palette.
  • The Bitmap Converter will create a separate file in the specified destination, containing the C source code for the bitmap.

Generating C stream files

A C stream file consists of the same information as a C file. Contrary to a C file a data stream can be located anywhere and does not need to be compiled or linked with the project. All supported output formats described for C files are also available for C stream files. emWin supports creating bitmaps from data streams and drawing data streams directly. Detailed information about C stream file support can be found under Drawing streamed bitmaps.

(all values LSB):
Header (16 Bytes)
  2 Bytes Id (0x42, 0x4d, "BM")
  16 Bits Format (FORMAT_1BPP      - 1 
                  FORMAT_2BPP      - 2 
                  FORMAT_4BPP      - 4 
                  FORMAT_8BPP      - 5 
                  FORMAT_RLE1      - 32
                  FORMAT_RLE4      - 6 
                  FORMAT_RLE8      - 7 
                  FORMAT_565       - 8 
                  FORMAT_M565      - 9 
                  FORMAT_555       - 10
                  FORMAT_M555      - 11
                  FORMAT_RLE16     - 12
                  FORMAT_RLEM16    - 13
                  FORMAT_8888      - 16
                  FORMAT_RLE32     - 15
                  FORMAT_24        - 17
                  FORMAT_RLEALPHA  - 18
                  FORMAT_444_12    - 19
                  FORMAT_M444_12   - 20
                  FORMAT_444_12_1  - 21
                  FORMAT_M444_12_1 - 22
                  FORMAT_444_16    - 23
                  FORMAT_M444_16   - 24
                  FORMAT_A555      - 25
                  FORMAT_AM555     - 26
                  FORMAT_A565      - 27
                  FORMAT_AM565     - 28
                  FORMAT_M8888I    - 29)
  16 Bits xSize
  16 Bits ySize
  16 Bits BytesPerLine
  16 Bits BitsPerPixel
  16 Bits NumEntries (Number of colors in palette based bitmaps)
  16 Bits HasTrans (1 if transparency exists, 0 if not)
Palette data (4 bytes per entry)
  for each entry:
    if ("Save colors in ARGB" == 0):
      8 Bits Red
      8 Bits Green
      8 Bits Blue
      8 Bits Alpha
    if ("Save colors in ARGB" == 1):
      8 Bits Blue
      8 Bits Red
      8 Bits Green
      8 Bits Alpha
// Pixel order is from left to right and from top to bottom
  for each line:
    for each pixel:
      1-8 Bits per pixel index value
Pixel data (FORMAT_RLE1):
  MSB:    Color index
  7 Bits: Number of pixels
Pixel data (FORMAT_RLE4):
  8 Bit Counter
  if (Counter > 0):
    8 Bits index value into palette (Counter: number of pixels of same color)
    // Lower nibble used only
  if (Counter == 0):
    8 Bits number of pixels (1 or 2)
    8 Bits Index values into palette (Pixel 1: upper nibble, Pixel 2: lower nibble)
    // If (HasTrans == 1) and (Index == 0) pixel is transparent
Pixel data (FORMAT_RLE8):
  8 Bit Counter
  if (Counter > 0):
    8 Bits index value into palette (Counter: number of pixels of same color)
  if (Counter == 0):
    8 Bits number of pixels (1 or 2)
    for each pixel:
      8 Bits Index value into palette
      // If (HasTrans == 1) and (Index == 0) pixel is transparent
  8 Bit Counter
  if (Counter > 0):
    8 Bits Intensity (Counter: number of pixels of same intensity)
  if (Counter == 0):
    8 Bits number of pixels (1 or 2)
    for each pixel:
      8 Bits Intensity (Counter: number of pixels of same intensity)
Pixel data (FORMAT_RLE16, FORMAT_RLEM16):
  8 Bit Counter
  if (Counter > 0):
    16 Bits color index value (Counter: number of pixels of same color)
  if (Counter == 0):
    8 Bits number of pixels (1 or 2)
    for each pixel:
      16 Bits color index value
Pixel data (FORMAT_RLE32):
  8 Bit Counter
  if (Counter > 0):
    32 Bits color value (Counter: number of pixels of same color)
  if (Counter == 0):
    8 Bits number of pixels (1 or 2)
    for each pixel:
      32 Bits color index value
Pixel data (FORMAT_565, FORMAT_M565, FORMAT_555, FORMAT_M555):
  for each line:
    for each pixel:
      16 Bits color index
Pixel data (FORMAT_8888, FORMAT_M8888I):
  for each line:
    for each pixel:
      32 Bits color value
Pixel data (FORMAT_24):
  for each line:
    for each pixel:
      8 Bits Red
      8 Bits Green
      8 Bits Blue
Pixel data (FORMAT_444_12,    FORMAT_M444_12, FORMAT_444_12_1
            FORMAT_M444_12_1, FORMAT_444_16,  FORMAT_M444_16):
  for each line:
    for each pixel:
      16 Bits color index (12 Bits used only, dependent on format)
Pixel data (FORMAT_A555, FORMAT_AM555, FORMAT_A565, FORMAT_AM565):
  for each line:
    for each pixel:
      16 Bits color index (15 Bits color, 1 bit alpha, dependent on format)

Compressed bitmaps

The Bitmap Converter and emWin support run-length encoding (RLE) compression of bitmaps in the resulting source code files. The RLE compression method works most efficiently if your bitmap contains many horizontal sequences of equal-colored pixels. An efficiently compressed bitmap will save a significant amount of space. However, compression is not recommended for photographic or dithered images since they do not normally have sequences of identical pixels. It should also be noted that a compressed image may take slightly longer to display.

Storing a bitmap using RLE compression can be done by selecting one of the according output formats when saving as a C file: “C with palette, compressed” or “C without palette, compressed”. There are no special functions needed for displaying compressed bitmaps; they are displayed the same way uncompressed bitmaps are displayed.

Compression ratios

The ratio of compression achieved will vary depending on the bitmap used. The more horizontal uniformity in the image, the better the ratio will be. A higher number of bits per pixel will also result in a higher degree of compression.

In the bitmap used in the previous examples, the total number of pixels in the image is (200 * 94) = 18,800.

Since 2 pixels are stored in 1 byte, the total uncompressed size of the image is 18,800 / 2 = 9,400 bytes.

The total compressed size for this particular bitmap is 3,803 bytes for 18,800 pixels (see the example at the end of the chapter).

The ratio of compression can therefore be calculated as 9,400 / 3,803 = 2.47.

Creating animated sprites / cursors

The Bitmap Converter can be used to convert animated GIF files to animated sprites / cursors in C file format. This functionality is offered by the entries in the file menu which are shown below:

After clicking one of the according file menu entries, a file dialog appears and an animated GIF file can be chosen. Once this is done the name of the resulting C file needs to be specified. Converting animated GIF files to animated sprites / cursors does not require any further parameters. The process is performed automatically. Since the effort depends on the input GIF file, completing this task may take a moment. The Bitmap Converter can be used again as soon as the mouse cursor is changed to the simple arrow again.

Animated Sprite example

The following shows the structure of an animated sprite C file as it is generated by the Bitmap Converter. Although animations consist of several images, the palette and pixel data structures are shown only once here. Variable data is described using place holders.

File header

*            (c) 1998 - 2020 Segger Microcontroller GmbH             *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
*                           www.segger.com                           *
*                                                                    *
* C-file generated by                                                *
*                                                                    *
*        Bitmap Converter for emWin V6.14.                           *
*        Compiled Aug 27 2020, 16:57:05                              *
*                                                                    *
*        (c) 1998 - 2020 Segger Microcontroller GmbH                 *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
* Source file: %_FILENAME_%.gif (Animated Sprite)                    *
* Dimensions:  %_X_SIZE_% * %_Y_SIZE_%                               *
* NumImages:   %_NUMBER_OF_IMAGES_%                                  *
* Duration:    %_OVERALL_DURATION_%                                  *
* NumBytes:    %_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_%                                   *
*                                                                    *
* Usage:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "GUI.h"
  #define GUI_CONST_STORAGE const

Palette and pixel data


  %_NUMBER_OF_COLORS_%,   // Number of entries
  %_TRANSPARENCY_FLAG_%,  // No transparency

static GUI_CONST_STORAGE unsigned char _ac%_FILENAME_%%_INDEX_%[] = {

General data

  { %_X_SIZE_%,                %_Y_SIZE_%,
    %_BYTES_PER_LINE_%,        %_BITS_PER_PIXEL_%,
    _ac%_FILENAME_%%_INDEX_%,  &_Pal%_FILENAME_%%_INDEX_%

const GUI_BITMAP * apbm%_FILENAME_%[] = {

const unsigned aDelay%_FILENAME_%[] = {

/*************************** End of file ****************************/
Animated Cursor example

The file structure for animated cursors almost equals the structure for animated sprites. Therefor only the differences are mentioned here. The array of bitmap pointers is defined as static:

static const GUI_BITMAP * _apbm%_FILENAME_%[] = {

The array of delays is defined as static:

static const unsigned _aDelay%_FILENAME_%[] = {

A non-static definition of a GUI_CURSOR_ANIM structure is placed at the end:

const GUI_CURSOR_ANIM Cursor%_FILENAME_% = {
  _apbm%_FILENAME_%,    // Pointer to an array of bitmaps
  0,                    // x coordinate of the hot spot
  0,                    // y coordinate of the hot spot
  0,                    // Period, should be 0 here
  _aDelay%_FILENAME_%,  // Pointer to an array of periods
  %_NUMBER_OF_IMAGES_%  // Number of images
Additional information

The hot spot coordinate define the position which is recognized by emWin when PID events occur. If the hot spot should not be represented by the topmost leftmost pixel, the according values in the GUI_CURSOR_ANIM structure may be modified.
The array of delays is always created. In case every image uses the same delay, the forth value in the GUI_CURSOR_ANIM structure may be set accordingly. In this case the array of delays may be deleted after the fifth value of the GUI_CURSOR_ANIM structure was set to NULL.

Converting GIFs into Bitmap-EMFs

About Bitmap-EMFs

General information about the Bitmap-EMF format can be read in the “Movies” chapter under Bitmap-EMF files.

Generating a Bitmap-EMF using the Bitmap Converter

GIF animations can be converted into bitmap-based EMFs using the Bitmap Converter. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to generate EMF files from GIF animations.

Color format dialog

This dialog will be prompted when the desired format is 16bpp or lower. The listed color formats are dependent on the previously selected bitmap format. For example, when selecting the 8bpp format, all available color formats for 8bpp are available for conversion, as shown above in step 5.

Playing a movie

The “Movies” chapter provides detailed information about how bitmap-EMFs can be displayed using emWin. An example can be found under Bitmap-EMF files.

Memory footprint

The memory footprint of any exported files is shown in the lower left corner of the Bitmap Converter. The byte count of an exported C bitmap, cursor or sprite is a sum of the number of bytes needed for all structures, palettes and pixel data.

For C bitmaps, sprites and animated cursors, the amount of bytes is also written into the header.

Command line usage

It is also possible to work with the Bitmap Converter using the command prompt. All conversion functions available in the Bitmap Converter menu are available as commands, and any number of functions may be performed on a bitmap in one command line.

Format for commands

Commands are entered using the following format:

BmpCvt <filename>.bmp <-command>

If more than one command is used, one space is typed between each. For example, a bitmap with the name logo.bmp is converted into Best palette format and saved as a C file named logo.bmp all at once by entering the following at the command prompt:

BmpCvt logo.bmp -convertintobestpalette -saveaslogo,1 -exit

Note that while the file to be loaded into the Bitmap Converter always includes its bmp extension, no file extension is written in the -saveas command. An integer is used instead to specify the desired file type. The number 1 in the -saveas command above designates “C with palette”. The -exit command automatically closes the program upon completion. See the table below for more information.

Command line options

The following table lists all permitted Bitmap Converter commands. It can also be viewed at any time by entering BmpCvt -? at the command prompt.

Command Description
General commands
-exit Terminate PC program automatically.
-hide Hides the application window.
-saveas<filename>,<type>[,<fmt>][,<noplt>] Save file as filename.
<filename> User-specified file name including the file extension.
<type> Must be an integer from 1 to 4 as follows:
1: C with palette (.c file)
2: Windows Bitmap file (bmp file)
3: C stream (.dta file)
4: GIF format (gif file)
<fmt> Specifies the bitmap format (only if type = 1):
1: 1 bit per pixel*
2: 2 bits per pixel*
4: 4 bits per pixel*
5: 8 bits per pixel*
32: RLE1 compression*
6: RLE4 compression*
7: RLE8 compression*
8: High color 565
9: High color 565, red and blue swapped
10: High color 555
11: High color 555, red and blue swapped
12: RLE16 compression
13: RLE16 compression, red and blue swapped
15: True color 32bpp, compressed
16: True color 32bpp
17: True color 24bpp
18: Alpha channel 8bpp, compressed
19: 16bpp (444_12)
20: 16bpp (444_12), RB swapped
21: 16bpp (444_12_1)
22: 16bpp (444_12_1), RB swapped
23: 16bpp (444_16)
24: 16bpp (444_16), RB swapped
25: High color (A555) with alpha channel
26: High color (AM555) with alpha channel, red and blue swapped
27: High color (A565) with alpha channel
28: High color (AM565) with alpha channel, red and blue swapped
29: True color 32bpp, red and blue swapped, alpha inverted
If this parameter is not given, the Bitmap Converter uses the following default formats in dependence of the number of colors of the bitmap:
Number of colors ≤ 2: 1 bit per pixel
Number of colors ≤ 4: 2 bits per pixel
Number of colors ≤ 16: 4 bits per pixel
Number of colors ≤ 256: 8 bits per pixel
RGB: High color 565
<noplt> Saves the bitmap with or without palette (only if type = 1)
0: Save bitmap with palette (default)
1: Save bitmap without palette
Conversion commands
-convertintobw Convert image to BW.
-convertintogray4 Convert image to Gray4.
-convertintogray16 Convert image to Gray16.
-convertintogray64 Convert image to Gray64.
-convertintogray256 Convert image to Gray256.
-convertinto111 Convert image to 111.
-convertinto222 Convert image to 222.
-convertinto233 Convert image to 233.
-convertinto323 Convert image to 323.
-convertinto332 Convert image to 332.
-convertinto8666 Convert image to 8666.
-convertintorgb Convert image to RGB.
-convertintobestpalette Convert image to best palette.
-convertintotranspalette Convert image to best palette with transparency.
-convertintocustompalette<filename> Convert image to a custom palette using the provided palette file.
Dithering commands
-ditherintobw Dither image to BW.
-ditherintogray4 Dither image to Gray4.
-ditherintogray16 Dither image to Gray16.
-ditherintogray64 Dither image to Gray64.
-ditherintogray256 Dither image to Gray256.
-ditherinto111 Dither image to 111.
-ditherinto222 Dither image to 222.
-ditherinto233 Dither image to 233.
-ditherinto323 Dither image to 323.
-ditherinto332 Dither image to 332.
-ditherinto8666 Dither image to 8666.
Other commands
-ARGB Save colors in ARGB mode.
-ABGR Save colors in ABGR mode.
-fliph Flip image horizontally.
-flipv Flip image vertically.
-invertindices Invert indices.
-invertpalette Invert palette entries.
-reducecolors4 Reduce colors to 4.
-reducecolors16 Reduce colors to 16.
-reducecolors256 Reduce colors to 256.
-rotate90cw Rotate image by 90 degrees clockwise.
-rotate90ccw Rotate image by 90 degrees counterclockwise.
-rotate180 Rotate image by 180 degrees.
-scale<width>,<height> Scale image to the given width and height (in percent).
-transparency<color> Sets the transparent color to the given RGB color.
Command line help
-help Displays the command line table.
-? Displays the command line table.



The Bitmap Converter offers you three more options when converting and saving a bitmap file. When clicking on the ’Options’ entry in the menu bar an options dialog will pop up.
The following table will explain the available options:

Option Description
Preserve transparency If checked this option allows to convert an image, containing transparent pixels, in a palette based format and preserve the transparency. If not checked the transparency gets lost.
Big endian mode This option is only useful if an image gets stored as a DTA file. With the C files the compiler takes care of the endianness but for binary files it is necessary to have them available with the proper byte order.
Save colors in ARGB This option makes sure to save the colors of a palette as 32bit value where the alpha channel is inverted and the red and blue channels are swapped.

Example of a converted bitmap

A typical example for the use of the Bitmap Converter would be the conversion of your company logo into a C bitmap. Take another look at the example bitmap pictured below:

The bitmap is loaded into the Bitmap Converter, converted to Best palette, and saved as “C with palette”. The resulting C source code is displayed below (some data is not shown to conserve space).

Resulting C code (generated by the Bitmap Converter)

*            (c) 1998 - 2020 Segger Microcontroller GmbH             *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
*                           www.segger.com                           *
*                                                                    *
* C-file generated by                                                *
*                                                                    *
*        Bitmap Converter for emWin V6.14.                           *
*        Compiled Aug 27 2020, 16:57:05                              *
*                                                                    *
*        (c) 1998 - 2020 Segger Microcontroller GmbH                 *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
* Source file: SeggerLogo200                                         *
* Dimensions:  200 * 100                                             *
* NumColors:   256                                                   *
* NumBytes:    20164                                                 *
*                                                                    *

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "GUI.h"
  #define GUI_CONST_STORAGE const

extern GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_BITMAP bmSeggerLogo200;

static GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_COLOR _ColorsSeggerLogo200[] = {
#if (GUI_USE_ARGB == 0)
  0x00FFFFFF, 0x00353537, 0x009C4B37, 0x00CDCDCD,
  0x00FFFFFF, 0x00373535, 0x00374B9C, 0x00CDCDCD,

  33,  // Number of entries
  0,   // No transparency
  (const LCD_COLOR *)&_ColorsSeggerLogo200[0]

static GUI_CONST_STORAGE unsigned char _acSeggerLogo200[] = {
  0x00, 0x00,       // Not all data is shown in this example.
  0x00, 0x92,
  0xC6, 0x22,
  0x0A, 0x22

  200, // xSize
  100, // ySize
  200, // BytesPerLine
  8,   // BitsPerPixel
  _acSeggerLogo200,  // Pointer to picture data (indices)
  &_PalSeggerLogo200 // Pointer to palette

/*************************** End of file ****************************/

Compressing the file

We can use the same bitmap image to create a compressed C file, which is done simply by loading and converting the bitmap as before, and saving it as “C with palette, compressed”. The source code is displayed below (some data is not shown to conserve space).
The compressed image size can be seen towards the end of the file as 3,730 bytes for 18,800 pixels.

Resulting compressed C code (generated by the Bitmap Converter)

*            (c) 1998 - 2020 Segger Microcontroller GmbH             *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
*                           www.segger.com                           *
*                                                                    *
* C-file generated by                                                *
*                                                                    *
*        Bitmap Converter for emWin V6.14.                           *
*        Compiled Aug 27 2020, 16:57:05                              *
*                                                                    *
*        (c) 1998 - 2020 Segger Microcontroller GmbH                 *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
* Source file: SeggerLogo200                                         *
* Dimensions:  200 * 100                                             *
* NumColors:   256                                                   *
* NumBytes:    3894                                                  *
*                                                                    *

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "GUI.h"
  #define GUI_CONST_STORAGE const

extern GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_BITMAP bmSeggerLogo200_comp;

static GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_COLOR _ColorsSeggerLogo200_comp[] = {
#if (GUI_USE_ARGB == 0)
  0x00FFFFFF, 0x00353537, 0x009C4B37, 0x00CDCDCD,
  0x00FFFFFF, 0x00373535, 0x00374B9C, 0x00CDCDCD,

static GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_LOGPALETTE _PalSeggerLogo200_comp = {
  33,  // Number of entries
  0,   // No transparency
  (const LCD_COLOR *)&_ColorsSeggerLogo200_comp[0]

static GUI_CONST_STORAGE unsigned char _acSeggerLogo200_comp[] = {
  /* RLE: 006 Pixels @ 000,000 */ 6, 0x00, 
  /* RLE: 188 Pixels @ 006,000 */ 188, 0x01, 
  /* RLE: 188 Pixels @ 006,099 */ 188, 0x01, 
  /* RLE: 006 Pixels @ 194,099 */ 6, 0x00, 
};  // 3730 bytes for 20000 pixels

GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_BITMAP bmSeggerLogo200_comp = {
  200, // xSize
  100, // ySize
  200, // BytesPerLine
  GUI_COMPRESS_RLE8, // BitsPerPixel
  _acSeggerLogo200_comp,   // Pointer to picture data (indices)
  &_PalSeggerLogo200_comp, // Pointer to palette

/*************************** End of file ****************************/

Font Converter

The Font Converter is a tool which allows convenient converting of TrueType and BDF based fonts into an emWin (bitmap) font which can be easily integrated into emWin based applications.

emWin font formats

emWin fonts are defined either as GUI_FONT structures in C files or as binary files in the format of System Independent Fonts (SIF) or External Bitmap Fonts (XBF).


The Font Converter is not part of the emWin Basic package. The full version has to be purchased separately. The emWin basic package comes with the demo version of the Font Converter which provides full functionality and accurate storage of pixel data. However, the demo version’s license only allows usage for non-commercial purposes.

Font licenses

Any used fonts may be protected by copyright or any other intellectual property right of their legal owner.

The Font Converter does not come with any fonts, nor any permission or license to use any font for converting purposes. It is the user’s sole responsibility to not infringe upon any third-party intellectual property rights by making use of the fonts in their application. The user must obtain a license for the font if the legal owner requires it.

Screenshot of the Font Converter with a loaded font

Supported file formats

The following table shows a summary of which font file formats are supported by the Font Converter. All of these file formats can be opened. Opened fonts can be saved in one of the three emWin formats.

  • TrueType fonts
  • OpenType fonts
  • TrueType collections
  • Web Open Font Format
  • Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format
(*.c *.cc *.cpp *.cxx *.h *.hh *.hpp *.hxx)


System requirements

The Font Converter can be used on Windows platforms.

It uses the FreeType engine to render fonts. This means the user does not have to install TrueType-based fonts anymore to open them.

Font indexing

The Font Converter previous to emWin V6.34 made use of the Windows font mapper to render fonts. This meant that font files needed to be installed on the user’s PC and were indexed internally by the Windows font engine.

The main difference of using FreeType instead of the Windows font mapper is that FreeType does not know about installed fonts on the user’s PC. A direct reference to a font file (either through a file path or through a buffer with the file data) is required to load and render it.

For the user the main advantage is that fonts do not need to be installed in order to be loaded. Instead, any supported font file can simply be opened by drag and drop or through the menu bar.

For convenient browsing through available font families, the font directories on the user’s PC are indexed on start-up of the tool.

The system font directories is always indexed, but the user may also set custom font directories. More about this can be read in the Preferences sub-chapter under “Additional font directories”.

Once new font directories have been added, the directories can be indexed again by clicking Tool → Index font directories in the tool bar.

System font directories

The following table lists the standard font directories of each supported operating system.

Operating system System font directories
  • C:\Windows\Fonts
  • C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts

Creating an emWin font file from a font on the computer

The basic procedure for using the Font Converter for creating an emWin font file from a supported font is illustrated below. The steps are explained in detail in the following sections.

Step 1: Open an installed font or select a font file directly

The first step is to select the font file that should be converted. This can be done the following ways:

Step 2: Specifying the type of font

For TrueType-based fonts, the dialog “Font generation options” will open. It allows selection of the destination font format. If legacy font formats are shown (explained later), the SJIS encoding may also be selected.

Step 3: Specifying the font

After confirming the previous dialog the font dialog is opened which allows choosing a font, its style and size.

The font families and styles in the selection lists depend on the font directories that were indexed. You can set a custom font directory to be indexed so that fonts in this directories are also shown in the dialog. Please see the section “Additional font directories” in the sub-chapter Preferences.

In this example, a regular-style, 26 point Cascadia Code font is selected.

Please note that fonts with a size larger than 255 pixels in any direction can not be created nor displayed.

In case a TrueType-based font file has been selected with File → Open font file…, the same font dialog will appear but only showing the font families included in the selected file. The user may here select a style provided by the file and specify the font size as well.

Step 4: Modifying the font

Detail information on the possibilities to modify the currently loaded font can be found in the section User Interface.

Step 5: Saving the font file

Choosing File → Save As… from the menu bar opens the “Save font as” dialog which is shown below. In this dialog the desired format of the font file can be selected:

  • C file
(*.c *.cc *.cpp *.cxx *.h *.hh *.hpp *.hxx)
  • System independent font
  • External bitmap font

Clicking the Save button creates a font file of the selected format at the current location using the specified file name. Detailed information about the font types and how to use them can be found in the chapter Fonts.

Font Generation Options dialog

When triggering the menu option File → New the font generation dialog will open first. It allows selection of the destination font format and the destination encoding. Legacy font formats may or may not be shown, this is determined in the tool’s preferences.

Without legacy formats (default) With legacy formats
Type of font to generate


With emWin V6.36, the old font formats that were formerly known as Standard fonts have been renamed to Legacy fonts. For more information about why this has been done, please see the note in the chapter Font types.

By default, the legacy formats are hidden in the tool. To show the formats when generating a new font, the option Hide legacy formats has to be disabled in the preferences.

Font type (since V6.36) Font type (until V6.34g) Description
Legacy Standard Creates a 1 bit per pixel font without anti-aliasing.
Creates an anti-aliased font using 2 bits per pixel.
Creates an anti-aliased font using 4 bits per pixel.
Standard Extended Creates a non anti-aliased 1 bit per pixel font with extended character information. This type supports compound characters like they are used in the Thai language.
Creates a non anti-aliased 1 bit per pixel font with extended character information with a surrounding frame. A framed font is always drawn in transparent mode regardless of the current settings. The character pixels are drawn in the currently selected foreground color and the frame is drawn in background color.
Creates an anti-aliased 2 bit per pixel font with extended character information. Each character has the same height and its own width. The pixel information is saved with 2bpp anti-aliasing information and covers only the areas of the glyph bitmaps.
Creates an anti-aliased 4 bit per pixel font with extended character information. Each character has the same height and its own width. The pixel information is saved with 4bpp anti-aliasing information and covers only the areas of the glyph bitmaps.
Encoding Description
16 Bit
With Unicode encoding, you have access to all characters in a font. Windows font files contain a maximum of 65536 characters. All character codes of the C file are the same as those in the Windows font file.
8/16 Bit
Shift JIS (Japanese Industry Standard) enables mapping from Unicode to Shift JIS in accordance with the Unicode standard 2. For example, the Katakana letter “KU” is shifted from its Unicode value of 0x30AF to the Shift JIS value of 0x834E, the Kanji character 0x786F is shifted to 0x8CA5 and so on.

Font Dialog

The Font Dialog opens after the font generation options have been confirmed:

This dialog allows selecting a font to be loaded in the Font Converter. Confirming this dialog using the ’OK’ button opens the font and the included characters of that font are rendered and displayed in the main user interface.


Fonts which are legally owned by third parties may require a valid license in order to use them in a target system. emWin does not include any licenses for third-party fonts.

All fonts included in emWin can be used according to the license under which emWin was provided. Detailed listings of those fonts and the included character sets can be found under Standard fonts.

Font, font style and size

These menus are used to select the particular font family and style to be converted. The size of the font is specified in pixels or points.

Unit of Size

This option button can be used to set points or pixels as measuring unit. Point sizes are converted to pixel sizes using this formula:

Pixel size = (Point size * DPI) / 72


The current DPI is used for this calculation. This means that e.g. if the Font Converter is scaled to 125% by the operating system, 16pt would be 26px, whereas with 100% scaling 16pt equals 21px.


Effects may be used to perform additional transformations before the glyphs are rendered. The glyphs may be emboldened and/or italicized.

This is useful when there is only a regular style of a font family is available, but additional styles are required.


The sample box in the font dialog renders a sample string to display what the currently selected font looks like.


The sample string is rendered using FreeType, not using emWin. Therefore the displayed string may not look like the exact same as when rendering the string in emWin using the same font.

User Interface

After clicking OK in the Font dialog box, the main user interface of the Font Converter appears, loaded with the previously selected font. You may convert the font into a C file immediately if you wish or edit its appearance first.

The Font Converter is divided into two areas. In the upper area, all font characters appear scaled 1:1 as they will be displayed on your target device. Disabled characters are shown with a gray background. Per default all character codes which are not included in the chosen font are disabled. For example, many fonts do not include character codes from 0x00 to 0x1F and 0x7F to 0x9F, so these codes are grayed out.

The current character is displayed in a magnified scale on the left side of the lower area. Additional information about the font and the current character can be seen on the right side. If you want to modify the character data, you must first focus the lower area, either by pressing the <TAB> key or by simply clicking in the area.

Selecting the current character

Characters may be selected:

"Go to character..." dialog

This dialog allows entering a desired character code (in hexadecimal or decimal) to move the selection to the given character.

The dialog can be opened by clicking View → Go to character… or by pressing CTRL + G.

Toggling character status

Use the right mouse button to toggle the status of a specific character or to enable/disable an entire row or block of characters.

The menu point Edit → Toggle character as well as the <SPACE> key will toggle the status of the current character.

If you need to change the status of a particular range of characters, choose Edit → Enable range of characters… or Edit → Disable range of characters… from the menu. The range to be enabled or disabled is then specified in a dialog box using hexadecimal or decimal character values.

To disable all characters, select Edit → Disable all characters from the menu.

Selecting pixels

When the lower area of the user interface is activated, you can move through the pixels with the cursor, either by using the <UP>, <DOWN>, <LEFT> and <RIGHT> keys or by clicking on the pixels with the left mouse button.

Modifying character bits

In the lower-left corner of the tool you can find the bitmap view of the currently selected character.

Pixels can be selected and inverted using the <SPACE> key. If the font format is anti-aliased the intensity of a pixel can be increased and decreased with the keys <+> and <->.

The yellow area is used in non-legacy fonts to represent the spacing used for the character. Since the spacing solely depends on the font height and character metrics, it cannot be edited using the character bitmap view.

When a framed font is currently loaded, the character frame is also shown here in blue. The frame itself cannot be edited, because it is generated according to the normal character bitmap. This means once character bits are changed, a new frame is also generated.

Standard fonts Framed fonts

While hovering the mouse over a pixel, the status bar displays the intensity of that pixel.

A right click on a pixel also shows a context menu with all possible manipulation options on the pixel.

Character and font manipulation

There are a number of different operations available to manipulate data regarding characters or the entire font.

Size operations

The size of a character (the font) may be modified by selecting Edit → Insert → Right, Left, Top, Bottom or Edit → Delete → Right, Left, Top, Bottom from the menu, or by using the toolbar:

Button Operation
Add one column to the right edge of the character bitmap. Increases horizontal character size by 1.
Add one column to the right edge of the character bitmap. Increases horizontal character size by 1.
Add one row to the top edge of the character bitmap. Increases vertical character size by 1.
Add one row to the bottom edge of the character bitmap. Increases vertical character size by 1.
Delete one column at the right edge of the character bitmap. Decreases horizontal character size by 1.
Delete one column at the left edge of the character bitmap. Decreases horizontal character size by 1.
Delete one row of the top edge of the character bitmap. Decreases vertical character size by 1.
Delete one row of the bottom edge of the character bitmap. Decreases vertical character size by 1.

Shift operations

Choose Edit → Shift → Right, Left, Up or Down from the menu to shift the bits of the current character in the respective direction, or use the toolbar:

Button Operation
Shift all pixels to the right.
Shift all pixels to the left.
Shift all pixels up.
Shift all pixels down.

Move operations (standard font formats only)

Choose Edit → Move → Right, Left, Up or Down from the menu to move the character position in the respective direction, or use the toolbar:

Button Operation
Move image to the right.
Move image to the left.
Move image up.
Move image down.

Change cursor distance (standard font formats only)

Choose Edit → Cursor distance → Increase or Decrease from the menu to move the character position in the respective direction, or use the toolbar:

Button Operation
Increase cursor distance.
Decrease cursor distance.

Change font height (standard font formats only)

Choose Edit → Font height → [Insert, Delete] [top, bottom] from the menu to add or remove a row to or from the font, or use the toolbar:

Button Operation
Insert a row at the top of the font.
Insert a row at the bottom of the font.
Delete a row from the top of the font.
Delete a row from the bottom of the font.

Undo/Redo system

The undo and redo buttons allow reversing any action that has had an effect on the current font.

This includes all the above-mentioned size, shift, move, etc. operations, as well as manipulating the pixel values of bitmaps, merging of fonts or changing the enable state of characters.

Button Operation
Un-does the last performed action.
Re-does the last undone action.

The undo/redo history is linear, that means there won’t be multiple histories if actions are undone and new actions are performed. When this is the case, the actions that were undone will be cleared and the new performed actions will be added to the history.

Modifying the viewing mode

The view mode may be changed by selecting the following options from the menu:

View/All Characters

If enabled (default), all characters are shown. If disabled, only the rows with at least one enabled character are shown.

Button Operation
Toggles viewing mode.


The preferences dialog can be opened by clicking Tool → Preferences….



Option Default Description
Log actions in C file headers Enabled Logs all actions performed on a font and writes them into a header at the top of C files.
Create log file in working directory Disabled Exports the log of all actions into a separate .log file

Line endings

Allows to select between the following line endings that are added to generated C font files:

  • Windows-style line endings
  • Mac-style line endings
  • Linux-style line endings

Fonts options

Option Default Description
Use included bitmap sizes Enabled Some TTF fonts have included bitmaps for smaller font sizes. When this setting is enabled, these included bitmaps are always preferred over rendering the glyph bitmaps normally.
Normalize negative character positions Disabled Some TTF fonts may include glyphs with negative Y positions. emWin would not display the full glyph, but would clip at Y position 0. When this option is enabled, empty rows will automatically be inserted at the top edge of the font until no glyph has a negative Y position. This procedure could also be done manually after the font has been loaded.

Additional font directories

Here, custom user directories can be set that will be searched for fonts on start-up of the Font Converter.

Any TrueType-based fonts that are found in the user font directories (as well as the system directories) are then known by the Font Converter. For the user this means two things:

After clicking Edit font directories…, a dialog will open:

Through the buttons on the top, directories may be added or deleted. Optionally, the user font directories may also be indexed recursively. Please note that the recursion depth is limited to 10 directories. When the custom directories have been modified, they can be re-indexed by clicking Tool → Index font directories.

User Interface

Legacy options

Option Default Description
Hide legacy font formats Enabled Hidden legacy font formats means that the formats that were formerly called “Standard” are not shown in the font generation dialog. This does not have an impact on opening existing legacy font files, this is always possible whether or not this option is set.

Numeral system

Allows to choose between hexadecimal and decimal as the default numeral system used in dialogs that require char codes to be entered.

When hexadecimal is selected (default) the “0x” prefix is automatically added to line edits, so that they don’t need to be entered manually every time.

Currently, the only dialogs this option affects are the dialog for enabling or disabling characters and the “Go to char” dialog.

Reset UI state

Clears all automatically saved states that are related to the Font Converter’s GUI. This mainly includes the size and position of opened dialogs and windows, or entered options within dialogs.

Saving a font file

As mentioned before, the Font Converter can save opened fonts into one of the three font formats supported by emWin:

  • C file
(*.c *.cc *.cpp *.cxx *.h *.hh *.hpp *.hxx)
  • System independent font
  • External bitmap font

All of these formats are explained in more detail in the chapter Font formats.

To save the font file, select File → Save As… or press CTRL + S. A file dialog will open, select the correct file filter for the format you want to the save font in. Then, select the desired destination path and file name and finally press “Save”.

Loading and modifying existing emWin fonts

The Font Converter is also able to open existing font files and to modify their font data. The tool can open any of the three above-mentioned font formats.


If C font files have been modified manually, it can not be guaranteed that they can be opened by the Font Converter. The tool is not compiling the C font, it is only parsing the text contents of the C file.

To open an emWin font file, simply select File → Open font file… in the tool bar or press CTRL + O.

Merging fonts with other font files

The Font Converter is able to add the content of an existing font file to the current font data. Once a font has been loaded via File → Open font file… or created by File → New… any other supported font file can be merged to it using File → Merge font file….

Notes about merging fonts

Duplicate characters in both fonts (merge mode)

In case duplicate characters are found in both fonts that are to be merged, the user will be asked whether the duplicate characters should be overwritten or left unchanged:

Pattern files

In order not having to enable every single required character manually, pattern files can be used. Pattern files are simple text files that include the text which has to be displayed in the application. They need to be saved in Unicode format (LE) including a BOM (Byte Order Mark) at the beginning.

Creating pattern files using Notepad

One option for creating a pattern file is to use Notepad, which is part of the Windows accessories:

Creating pattern files using the Font Converter

A pattern file may also be created directly in the Font Converter. Select Edit → Save pattern file from the menu to create a text file which includes all currently enabled characters.

Enabling characters using a pattern file

It is usually helpful to begin by disabling all characters. Select Edit → Disable all characters from the menu if you need to do so. Now choose Edit → Read pattern file. After opening the appropriate pattern file, all characters included in the file are enabled. If the pattern file contains characters which are not included in the currently loaded font, a message box will appear.

Kerning files

To be able to use kerning with standard fonts kerning tables are required. A kerning table has to fit exactly for the font it has been created for. Such a kerning table contains a set of kerning pairs. Each kerning pair consists of the codepoints it should be used for and the kerning distance. The kerning distance is used to adjust the horizontal cursor before drawing the character.

Saving a kerning file

If kerning is needed we recommend saving the kerning file immediately after the font file. Select File → Save kerning table… to do so.

Using the kerning table

A file with a kerning table contains two things:

// Kerning pairs
GUI_CONST_STORAGE U16 aMyFont_64_Kerning[] = {
  0x0020, 0x0041, (U16)-3, 0x0020, 0x0054, (U16)-1, 0x0020, 0x0059, (U16)-1, ...
  0x0041, 0x0020, (U16)-3, 0x0041, 0x0054, (U16)-4, 0x0041, 0x0056, (U16)-4, ...
  0x0077, 0x002E, (U16)-3, 0x0079, 0x002C, (U16)-4, 0x0079, 0x002E, (U16)-4, 

// Number of kerning pairs: 95
U32 MyFont_64_Kerning_NumPairs = (sizeof(aMyFont_64_Kerning) / sizeof(aMyFont...

For more details about kerning please refer to the chapter Fonts.

Command line usage

The Font Converter also allows usage from command line. In the installation directory, the GUI build of the tool is included, as well as a command line version (suffixed with _CL).

Both executables accept the same command line syntax, the only difference is that the command line tool prints output to the command line and is not dependent on the QtGui DLL.

Command processing

For processing of the command line arguments, the following rules apply:

General notes about the syntax

Legacy syntax

The command line syntax used in the Font Converter previous to emWin V6.34 is still supported, but for the sake of simplicity, it is not included in this manual anymore.

Summarized syntax

A short summary of the command line usage of the tool with all available commands can be seen below.

FontConverter_CL.exe  {<file path>|-c <family name>,<style name>}
                      [-h <font height>{px|pt}]
                      [-f <output font format>]
                      [-fi <index>]
                      [-enc <UC|SJIS>]
                      [-e {<first char>[-<last char>]|all}] ...
                      [-d {<first char>[-<last char>]|all}] ...
                      [-p <file path>] ...
                      [-ef <action>[,<count>]] ...
                      [-ec <action>,{<first char>[-<last char>]|all}[,<value>]] ...
                      [-m <file path>[,<REPLACE|KEEP>]]
                       -s <file path>
Table of commands

The following table shows the available command line options:

Command Flag Parameters Description
<file path> Open font file. Allowed are TTF, TTC, BDF, C, XBF and SIF font files.
Note: This command is positional, meaning it is only accepted as the first command and it must not be prefixed with any kind of flag.
-create -c <family name>,<style name> Creates a new font file from family and style name. The font will be looked up according to the set font directories.
-height -h <font height>{px|pt} Height of font in pixels or points. Only required for generating TrueType fonts. If no format suffix is supplied, the integer is assumed to be in pixels.
-format -f <font format> Output font format.
Legal values for <font format>:
LEG - Legacy, 1bpp
LEG_AA2 - Legacy, 2bpp
LEG_AA4 - Legacy, 4bpp
STD - Standard, 1bpp
FRM - Standard, framed
AA2 - Standard, anti-aliased, 2bpp
AA4 - Standard, anti-aliased, 4bpp
-bold -b Emboldens the outline of each character. Only used for TTF and TTC.
-italic -i Italicizes each character by a fixed angle. Only used for TTF and TTC.
-face -fi <index> Face index to be used (optional, only used for TTC fonts and multi-master TTF fonts).
-encoding -enc <encoding> Destination encoding of the font.
Legal values for <encoding>:
UC - 16-bit Unicode encoding.
SJIS - Shift JIS (Shift Japanese Industrial Standards) encoding.
-enable -e {<first char>[-<last char>]|all} Enable a range of characters. Allowed are decimal or hexadecimal ranges (e.g. 0x10-0x30), single character codes or “all”.
-disable -d {<first char>[-<last char>]|all} Enable a range of characters. Allowed are decimal or hexadecimal ranges (e.g. 0x10-0x30), single character codes or “all”.
-readpattern -p <file path> Reads a pattern file.
-editfont -ef <action>[,<count>] Equivalent to the ’Edit’ menu (font dependent).
Legal values for <action>:
INSTOP - Inserts a row at the top of the font.
INSBOTTOM - Inserts a row at the bottom of the font.
DELTOP - Deletes a row at the top of the font.
DELBOTTOM - Deletes a row at the bottom of the font.
-editchar -ec <action>,{<first char>[-<last char>]|all}[,<value>] Equivalent to the ’Edit’ menu (character dependent).
Legal values for <action>:
SHIFTR - Shifts pixel data of character range to the right by <value> px.
SHIFTL - Shifts pixel data of character range to the left by <value> px.
SHIFTU - Shifts pixel data of character range up by <value> px.
SHIFTD - Shifts pixel data of character range down by <value> px.
MOVER - Moves the character range by <value> pixels to the right.
MOVEL - Moves the character range by <value> pixels to the left.
MOVEU - Moves the character range by <value> pixels up.
MOVED - Moves the character range by <value> pixels down.
INST - Insert <value> rows at the top of the character range.
INSB - Insert <value> rows at the bottom of the character range.
INSL - Insert <value> columns on the left of the character range.
INSR - Insert <value> columns on the right of the character range.
DELT - Delete <value> rows from the top of the character range.
DELB - Delete <value> rows from the bottom of the character range.
DELL - Delete <value> columns from the left of the character range.
DELR - Delete <value> columns from the right of the character range.
CINC - Increments the cursor distance for the given range <value> times.
CDEC - Decrements the cursor distance for the given range <value> times.
-merge -m <file path>[,<merge mode>] Merge the currently loaded font with another font file. Only C, XBF, SIF and BDF allowed.
Legal values for <merge mode>:
REPLACE - Replaces duplicate characters in opened font with characters from new font.
KEEP - Retains duplicate characters in opened font.
-save -s <file path> Save font file at the given file location. The selected output format will be deduced from the given file extension.
-listfonts -lf Lists all font families and styles found in the given font directories. These fonts may be used in the -create command.
-verbose -v Enables verbose mode, prints every action performed on the font (i.e. the entire log).
-exit -x Exits the command line.
-hide Hides the application window in GUI mode.
-help -? Displays usage information and exits.
Loading a font file from command line

Loading from file path

To load any font file of the supported file types (TrueType-based, BDF, C, SIF or XBF) the open font file command listed as the first command in the above table can be used.

Simply pass the file path as the first argument:

FontCvt.exe FontFile.xbf

Loading from family name

Alternatively to the file path, TrueType-based fonts may also be opened with the -create command, which means passing the family and style name of the font.

The given family will be looked up in the font directories that were set.

FontCvt.exe -c Roboto,Bold
Execution examples

Load the font Roboto Bold with a height of 48 pixels and save it as a C font in the format “Standard, anti-aliased, 4bpp”.

FontCvt.exe -c Roboto,Bold -h 48px -f AA4 -s Roboto.c

Read the C font file FontFile.c, disables all characters, reads a pattern file and saves it.

FontCvt.exe FontFile.c -d all -p Pattern.txt -s OutputFont.c

Open a TrueType collection file, selects face index 1, sets the font height to 24 points and saves it as an XBF file in the format “Standard, anti-aliased, 2bpp”.

FontCvt.exe cambria.ttc -h 24pt -face 1 -f AA2 -s Cambria.xbf

Differences to old Font Converter versions

Although the latest version of the Font Converter is fully backward compatible, users may notice differences in the output between the newer and older versions of the tool.

Since version 6.36, the Font Converter employs a new method for retrieving font metrics from font files. As a result, the properties of the generated fonts may differ from those produced by earlier versions of the Font Converter.

The degree of these differences may vary based on the particular font in use.

Below is a comparison of the character ’A’ generated by the old and new versions of the Font Converter. The generated font is Noto Sans with a height of 24 pixels. As a result, it may be necessary to adjust the font sizes when updating older projects with fonts generated by the new Font Converter.

Font Cvt before V6.36 Font Cvt since V6.36

Font Examples

This section provides examples of C files generated by the Font Converter in standard and in 4bpp anti-aliased mode, respectively.

Resulting C code, standard mode

The following is an example of a C file in standard mode:

*                     SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH                    *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
*                           www.segger.com                           *
*                                                                    *
*  C-file generated by                                               *
*                                                                    *
*        Font Converter V6.34                                        *
*        Compiled: 14:16:45 Jul 24 2023                              *
*                                                                    *
*        Copyright (c) SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH 1998 - 2023       *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
*  File:   Arial13_1bpp.c                                            *
*  Font:   Arial Regular                                             *
*  Height: 13                                                        *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
*  [Font]: Initial height of font: 13px.                             *
*  [Font]: Disabled all characters.                                  *
*  [Char 0x0041]: Enabled.                                           *
*                                                                    *

#include "GUI.h"

  #define GUI_CONST_STORAGE const

// The following line needs to be included in any file selecting the font.
// font.
extern GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_FONT GUI_FontArial13_1bpp;

// Start of unicode area Basic Latin
static GUI_CONST_STORAGE unsigned char acGUI_FontArial13_1bpp_0041[9] = { // Code 0041, LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A

static GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_CHARINFO_EXT GUI_FontArial13_1bpp_CharInfo[1] = {
  {    7,    9,    0,    2,    7, acGUI_FontArial13_1bpp_0041 }, // Code 0041, LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A

static GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_FONT_PROP_EXT GUI_FontArial13_1bpp_Prop1 = {
  0x0041, // First character
  0x0041, // Last character
  &GUI_FontArial13_1bpp_CharInfo[0], // Address of first character

  GUI_FONTTYPE_PROP_EXT, // Type of font
  13, // Height of font
  13, // Vertical space of font
  1, // Magnification in X
  1, // Magnification in Y
  {&GUI_FontArial13_1bpp_Prop1}, // Pointer to first block
  11, // Baseline
  16, // Height of lowercase characters
  22, // Height of capital characters

/*************************** End of file ****************************/
Resulting C code, 4 bpp anti-aliased mode

The following is an example of a C file in 4 bpp anti-aliased mode:

*                     SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH                    *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
*                           www.segger.com                           *
*                                                                    *
*  C-file generated by                                               *
*                                                                    *
*        Font Converter V6.34                                        *
*        Compiled: 14:16:45 Jul 24 2023                              *
*                                                                    *
*        Copyright (c) SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH 1998 - 2023       *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
*  File:   Arial13_4bpp.c                                            *
*  Font:   Arial Regular                                             *
*  Height: 13                                                        *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
*  [Font]: Initial height of font: 13px.                             *
*  [Font]: Disabled all characters.                                  *
*  [Char 0x0041]: Enabled.                                           *
*                                                                    *

#include "GUI.h"

  #define GUI_CONST_STORAGE const

// The following line needs to be included in any file selecting the font.
// font.
extern GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_FONT GUI_FontArial13_4bpp;

// Start of unicode area Basic Latin
static GUI_CONST_STORAGE unsigned char acGUI_FontArial13_4bpp_0041[45] = { // Code 0041, LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
  0x00, 0x05, 0xF5, 0x00, 0x00, 
  0x00, 0x0A, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x00, 
  0x00, 0x0E, 0x1E, 0x00, 0x00, 
  0x00, 0x5B, 0x0B, 0x50, 0x00, 
  0x00, 0xA6, 0x06, 0xA0, 0x00, 
  0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x00, 
  0x04, 0xB0, 0x00, 0xB4, 0x00, 
  0x0A, 0x50, 0x00, 0x5A, 0x00, 
  0x0D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0D, 0x00, 

static GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_CHARINFO_EXT GUI_FontArial13_4bpp_CharInfo[1] = {
  {    9,    9,   -1,    2,    7, acGUI_FontArial13_4bpp_0041 }, // Code 0041, LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A

static GUI_CONST_STORAGE GUI_FONT_PROP_EXT GUI_FontArial13_4bpp_Prop1 = {
  0x0041, // First character
  0x0041, // Last character
  &GUI_FontArial13_4bpp_CharInfo[0], // Address of first character

  GUI_FONTTYPE_PROP_AA4_EXT, // Type of font
  13, // Height of font
  13, // Vertical space of font
  1, // Magnification in X
  1, // Magnification in Y
  {&GUI_FontArial13_4bpp_Prop1}, // Pointer to first block
  11, // Baseline
  16, // Height of lowercase characters
  22, // Height of capital characters

/*************************** End of file ****************************/


emWinSPY is designed for showing runtime information of the embedded target on a PC. It shows information about the currently connected emWin application like memory status, a tree with detailed information about all currently existing windows and a list of user input, which optionally can be written into a log file. Further it is able to take screenshots of the current screen. Communication works via a socket connection (TCP/IP) or Segger’s Real Time Transfer (RTT), a technology explained in detail on our website.


The emWinSPY consists of two types of components: A server on application side, which is responsible for supplying data, and the emWinSPY viewer, which requests and shows that data. Server and viewer may be on different machines and on different architectures. The communication between server and viewer could be achieved via a socket connection (TCP/IP) or via Segger’s Real Time Transfer (RTT). RTT is a technology for interactive user I/O in embedded applications.



If a J-Link debug probe and RTT is available on the used system, the communication could be achieved over an RTT connection. To be able to use RTT the free available RTT-code needs to be added to the project, which is available on our website:


TCP/IP stack

Alternatively the communication between server and viewer could be achieved by a socket connection. In that case a TCP/IP stack is required. In the Win32 simulation environment, TCP/IP (Winsock) is normally present. On the target hardware a TCP/IP stack needs to be present. The TCP/IP stack is NOT part of emWin. The flexible interface ensures that any TCP/IP stack can be used.

Multi tasking

The emWinSPY server needs to run as a separate thread. Therefore a multi tasking system is required.

Compile-time configuration

Support for emWinSPY needs to be enabled using the following definition in GUIConf.h:


Currently emWinSPY (server and viewer) is part of the basic package. It is also available in the emWin simulation and trial version.

Starting the emWinSPY server...

...in the simulation environment

The only thing to be done here is calling GUI_SPY_StartServer(). In the simulation environment that function automatically starts an emWinSPY server thread which waits on port 2468 for an incoming connection.

...on the target hardware

Starting the server on the target hardware works exactly the same as in the simulation by calling GUI_SPY_StartServer(). But whereas the simulation already contains a routine for starting the server, that routine needs to be supplied by the application on hardware side. The routine to be added is GUI_SPY_X_StartServer().


The challenge of the routine is creating a task which executes the actual server GUI_SPY_Process(). The way how that could be achieved depends on the used communication method.


emWin comes with a ready to use sample for that function. It could be found in the sample folder: Sample\GUI_X\GUI_SPY_X_StartServer.c.

That sample contains a ready to use implementation to be used with JLink RTT and/or embOS/IP. It is easily adaptable to any IP-stack and any RTOS.


int GUI_SPY_X_StartServer(void);

The emWinSPY viewer

The screen

The screen of the viewer is divided into 4 areas:

Area Description
Status Major purpose is showing the current state of memory allocation.
History History of memory allocation.
Windows Shows a tree of all existing windows.
Input List of user interface input: Keyboard, Touch and MTouch
Status area

The table below shows the information of the status area:

Item Description
GUI-Version Used GUI-Version of emWin application
Total bytes Total bytes of memory available for emWin
Free bytes Remaining free bytes
Dynamic bytes Number of bytes currently allocated dynamically
Fixed bytes Number of bytes used by fixed allocation
Peak Maximum number of bytes used (fixed + dynamic)
Max layers Maximum number of layers configured by GUI_NUM_LAYERS
Used layers Number of layers used with current configuration.
Max tasks Maximum number of GUI-tasks

Fixed bytes / Dynamic bytes

The memory management of emWin uses 2 kinds of memory allocation: dynamic allocated memory and fixed blocks. Dynamically allocated memory can be freed and reused for further dynamic allocation operations. A fixed memory block is no longer available for dynamic memory allocation. Once a fixed memory block is allocated, that block could not be used for dynamic allocation. Examples for fixed memory blocks are driver caches or conversion buffers.

History area

It shows the changes of used bytes, fixed bytes and memory peak in the curse of time. The history remains after disconnecting and reconnecting. A context menu available with a right click allows clearing the history.

Windows area

That screen contains a tree of all currently existing windows with some additional information about their current states. The following table shows the available information:

Column Description
Window Type of window.
Handle The handle of the window.
x0/y0 Position of the window in screen coordinates.
Width/Height Size of the window.
Visbl. Shows if the window (and its children) is visible or not.
Trans Transparency flag of the window.
MDev Shows if automatic use of memory devices is enabled for that window.
Enbl. Shows if the window is enabled or disabled.
Input area

Dummy=3NumBytes4 Dummy=3NumBytes4

That window shows the user interface input recognized by emWinSPY. The following table shows the available information:

Column Description
Type PID: Pointer interface input
KEY: Keyboard input
MTOUCH: MultiTouch input
Time Timestamp created on target side
Content PID: X- and Y-position, Layer, UP or DOWN
KEY: Keycode and UP or DOWN
MTOUCH: X- and Y-position, TP-Id and DOWN, MOVE or UP for each TP (TP: Touchpoint)
Connecting to target

The connection parameters to be entered depend on the choice of communication.

Connecting via TCP/IP

An URL or an IP-address could be used here. emWinSPY remembers the last used URL for the next connection.

Connecting via RTT

That dialog is required to enter the according parameters for an RTT connection. emWinSPY remembers the parameters for a further connection.

Configuration options

'Working directory'

That folder is used for LOG-files and screenshots. The default value is the home directory of the current user.

'Log input to file'

If logging is activated (default), all user interface input is written into a file. The filename is created automatically by using the current local time of the PC. The format is YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS_MSEC.log. For example 2014_12_16_15_04_44_0943.log means the file was created at 12/2014 at 16:15 and 4 seconds. The last 4 digits contain the milliseconds. Each time a connection is closed (or aborted) the file is be closed and a new one is created once the connection is established again.

'Expand window tree automatically'

If that option is active the nodes of the windows tree are automatically expanded.

Reconnect to target automatically

If activated emWinSPY automatically tries to reconnect to a target after the connection has been closed.

Select connection to be used

Select between RTT and socket connection.

Taking a screenshot from the target

With the command Target → Get screenshot or by pressing <CTRL> + <G> a BMP-file containing the current content of the screen is created. The name of the file is created automatically by the same way as described under Log input to file above. Only the file extension is .bmp instead of .log. The screenshot can be found in the working directory.


The following table lists the emWinSPY related API functions.

Routine Description
GUI_SPY_Process() Actual emWinSPY-server to be called from the server thread.
GUI_SPY_SetMemHandler() This function may be used to set a memory handler for the emWinSPY.
GUI_SPY_StartServer() Starts the server thread by calling GUI_SPY_X_StartServer().
GUI_SPY_StartServerEx() Starts the server thread by calling the given function pointer.
GUI_SPY_X_StartServer() Responsible for creating the actual server thread, establishing connections and calling GUI_SPY_Process() from the server thread.


That function is the actual server which supplies the emWinSPY with the requested information. Simply call that function from the server thread after establishing a connection.


int GUI_SPY_Process(GUI_tSend   pfSend,
                    GUI_tRecv   pfRecv,
                    void      * pConnectInfo);


Parameter Description
pfSend Pointer to the function to be used by the server to send data to the emWinSPY.
pfRecv Pointer to the function to be used by the server to read data from the emWinSPY.
pConnectInfo Pointer to be passed to the send and receive function.

Return value

0 after the connection has been closed properly.
1 on error.

Additional information

The sample folder Sample\GUI_X contains a sample implementation of a server thread. It is located in the file GUI_SPY_X_StartServer.c.


static int _Send(const U8 * buf, int len, void * p) {
static int _Recv(U8 * buf, int len, void * p) {
static int _ServerTask(void * p) {
  int Sock;
  GUI_SPY_Process(_Send, _Recv, (void *)Sock);


This function may be used to set a memory handler for the emWinSPY. Some operations, especially collecting the windows information requires dynamic memory. That memory normally is allocated by using the emWin memory management system. With a separate memory manager (for example malloc and free) the server thread would not affect the dynamic memory manager.


void GUI_SPY_SetMemHandler(void * ( *pMalloc)(unsigned int ),
                           void   ( *pFree)(void * ));


Parameter Description
pMalloc Pointer to memory allocation routine.
pFree Pointer to memory release function.

Additional information

Using a separate memory manager is optional and not required.



That function starts the server by calling GUI_SPY_X_StartServer() explained later and sets the required hook functions for gathering information.


int GUI_SPY_StartServer(void);

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


This function starts the server by calling the function pointer passed to this function. With this function emWinSPY can be used, although GUI_SUPPORT_SPY is set to zero.


int GUI_SPY_StartServerEx(int ( *pGUI_SPY_X_StartServer)());


Parameter Description
pGUI_SPY_X_StartServer Pointer to a function which starts the SPY server. Same as GUI_SPY_X_StartServer().

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


That function actually is responsible for creating the server thread and establishing a connection. When running the simulation it already contains an implementation of that function. When running on hardware that function has to be supplied by the customer.


int GUI_SPY_X_StartServer(void);

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

As already mentioned earlier the sample folder Sample\GUI_X contains a sample implementation of a server thread. It is located in the file GUI_SPY_X_StartServer.c and is written to be used with embOS/IP. In case of using different tools it should be an easy task to adapt that sample.


emWin4Web is a Python-based command line tool for easily compiling emWin and AppWizard applications with Emscripten.


The following chapter shows all required steps to correctly install and configure emWin4Web.


Before installing emWin4Web, it should be made sure of that the following tools are all properly installed and are present in the system’s PATH variable.

Installing CMake

Download the latest release from the CMake website and install it.

CMake is distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-clause License. Please see the Copyright.txt of the release for details.

Confirm the version number of CMake and that it is accessible from the command line by running this command:

cmake --version

Installing Ninja

Ninja is used as a generator for CMake.

To install Ninja, download the latest release executable from GitHub. Then, move the executabale to a path that is accessible from command line.

Ninja is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. For more information, please refer to apache.org/licenses.

Confirm the version number of Ninja and that it is accessible from the command line by running this command:

ninja --version

Installing Python

Make sure Python 3.6 or higher is installed, this is a requirement by Emscripten since its core driver is a Python script. You can find the latest Python release here.

Confirm the version number of Python and that it is accessible from the command line by running this command:

py --version

Installing AppWizard

To compile AppWizard projects with emWin4Web the tool AppWizard also has to be installed. Required is AppWizard version 1.50 or higher.

You can find the AppWizard installer in your emWin shipment in the Tool directory or you can download the demo version on our website.

Run the installer and verify that everything has been correctly installed by opening the tool.

Installing Git (recommended, but not required)

Git is not required to run emWin4Web, but it is recommended for cloning the required third-party repositories that emWin4Web depends on. You can find the latest Git release on git-scm.com

Make sure any modern version of Git is installed and verify that it is working by running this command:

git --version

Instead of using Git, the third-party repositories that are described in detail later on can also be downloaded directly from GitHub.

Installing emWin4Web

Installation on Windows

Run the installer and install the tool in a directory of your choosing.

Optionally, you can check the option “Add emWin4Web to system PATH”. This will add the installation directory to the system’s PATH environment variable to be able to call emwin4web from anywhere.

Configuring emWin4Web

Setting up the emWin base directory

After the tool has been installed, a required configuration step is telling the tool where it finds the emWin sources. This is done as shown below. The path should point to the main /GUI directory.

emwin4web -s EMWIN_PATH=<your_emwin_path_here>

Note: The emWin base directory has to have its CMake scripts, otherwise this step will fail and it won’t be possible to use emWin4Web.

Setting up the Emscripten SDK

Go to a directory of your choosing where the Emscripten SDK should be copied to.

cd <your_emscripten_path>

Then, clone the Emscripten repository from GitHub.

git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git

Next, the file path to where the Emscripten SDK repository has been cloned needs to be set up in emWin4Web.

emwin4web -s EMSCRIPTEN_PATH=<your_emscripten_path>

The rest of the installation steps of Emscripten do not need to be executed now as emWin4Web will install the downloaded Emscripten SDK automatically.

Setting up NanoVG (optional, only required for SVG)

If applications using emWin’s SVG module are intented to be compiled, then the third-party library NanoVG also needs to be downloaded. More information about emWin’s NanoVG SVG driver can be found under GUI_SVG_DRIVER_NANOVG, also make note of any limitations of this driver.

NanoVG is licensed under the zlib license.

Go to a directory of your choosing where NanoVG should be copied to.

cd <your_nanovg_path>

Then, clone the NanoVG repository from Git. If Git is not available, download the repository content from GitHub.

git clone https://github.com/memononen/nanovg.git

Next, the file path to where the NanoVG repository has been cloned needs to be set up in emWin4Web.

emwin4web -s NANOVG_PATH=<your_nanovg_path>

Compiling an application

The code you want to compile has to be passed as the first arguments to the tool.

Accepted inputs for compilation are the following:

Please note that any directory paths will not be compiled recursively.

Configuring the application

Each application has its own properties, such as display size, color conversion, display shape, etc. These properties can be set with the corresponding command line options which are listed in detail at the end of this chapter.

Below is an example command that explicitly specifies the display size and color conversion.

emwin4web C:/Work/MyApp.c --display-size 800 480 --color-conv GUICC_M8888I -w

Application limitations

Any features that may be unsupported or caveats can be found in the chapter Emscripten support.

Running an application

The generated HTML, JavaScript and WebAssembly has to be hosted on a web server in order to run correctly.

These generated files are not suitable for opening locally. This is because for security reasons, modern browsers don’t allow loading WebAssembly or scripts on the file:/// protocol.

emWin4Web makes this easy, simply pass the -w option (or --webserver) to the command line. When the build has finished a local web server will be hosted and the generated HTML page will be opened automatically. To close the webserver, press CTRL + C.

Opening previously generated applications

To easily open a previously generated application, the HTML can be passed to emWin4Web. A local web server will be started and the given file will be opened.

emwin4web C:/Work/MyApp.html

Command line options

Below listed are all command line options of emWin4Web.

The command line arguments follow the POSIX Conventions for Command Line Arguments.

Flag Argument Parameters Description
Positional arguments
<INPUT> [<INPUT> …] *.c *.h *.cc *.hh *.cpp *.hpp *.cxx *.hxx files
C/C++ source and header files for the build.
Directories containing C/C++ source and header files for the build. The directory won’t be searched recursively.
*.AppWizard files
AppWizard project to be compiled.
*.html files
A previously generated HTML file will be opened in a web server.
General information
-h --help Shows the help text and exits.
--version Shows the program’s version and exits.
Global options
-s --setting [<SETTING>=<VALUE> …] If parameters are supplied, the given settings are updated. If no parameters are given, all current settings are listed.
Output options
-n --output-name <OUTPUT_NAME> Name for the output files.
-o --output-dir <OUTPUT_DIR> Directory for the output files.
-w --webserver Starts a local webserver after the build has finished and opens the generated HTML file.
emWin build options
-c --color-conv <COLOR_CONVERSION> Sets the color conversion to be used for building this application.
-d --display-size <XSIZE> <YSIZE> Sets the display size to be used for building this application.
-i --ignore <EMWIN_COMPONENT> [<EMWIN_COMPONENT> …] Ignores the given emWin subdirectories in the build. DisplayDriver is always ignored and AppWizard is only added for AppWizard projects.
-R --round For applications with round displays. This option is ignored when <DISPLAY_XSIZE><DISPLAY_YSIZE>
-S --svg Has to be set if SVGs are used in the application to enable hardware-accelerated SVG support.
General build options
-r --rebuild Forces a rebuild, cleans up previous build files before this build.
-D --define <DEFINE[=VALUE]> [<DEFINE[=VALUE]> …] Adds C preprocessor definitions to the build.
Miscellaneous options
-p --shellpage <SHELLPAGE_FILE> Sets a custom shellpage HTML file to be used for the output. More information about shellpages can be read below.

Global settings

emWin4Web keeps some global settings for more convenience and less required command line arguments. These settings contain mostly default values and the required paths. Below listed are all available settings and their default value.

These settings can be modified via the -s (or --setting) option, e.g.:

emwin4web -s DEFAULT_XSIZE=800
Setting Default value Description
DEFAULT_XSIZE 480 Default display xSize used when no display size is specified.
DEFAULT_YSIZE 272 Default display ySize used when no display size is specified.
DEFAULT_COLORCONV GUICC_8888I Default color conversion used for the application used when no color conversion is specified.
DEFAULT_OUTNAME emWinDemo Default name for the output files when no name is specified.
DEFAULT_OUTPATH See below. Default path where the output files will be copied to when no directory is specified.
EMWIN_PATH - Directory path to the emWin source code.
EMSCRIPTEN_PATH - Directory path to the Emscripten SDK.
NANOVG_PATH - Directory path to the NanoVG source code.
WEBSERVER_PORT 8000 Webserver port to be used.

To get an overview of the current state of all settings, simply run this command to get a listing of the settings file:

emwin4web -s


The DEFAULT_OUTPATH setting is automatically set to the following default value, based on the current operating system:

Operating System Default output path
Windows C:/Users/<USER>/AppData/Local/SEGGER/emWin4Web/out

Customization options

Custom HTML shellpages

Through the --shellpage command line option, it is possible to set a custom HTML shellpage to the compiled application.

A shellpage is the HTML structure that holds the WebAssembly application generated by Emscripten.

The shellpage can be as extensive or simple as desired, it only needs to be ensured that the following token is placed conveniently in the HTML.

{{{ SCRIPT }}}

This token will be replaced with the <script> element that loads the WebAssembly.

Furthermore, the shellpage should contain a <canvas> element. Below is a stripped-down example shellpage.

		<p id="output">
			<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
			var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
			var Module = {
				print: function(text) {
				printErr: function(text) {
				canvas: (function() {
					return canvas;
      window.addEventListener("click", () => window.focus());
		{{{ SCRIPT }}}

The Emscripten documentation also has a section on custom shell files.

GUI Builder


Since the release of the AppWizard tool, the GUI Builder is considered an obsolete tool. More information about AppWizard can be found in the chapter AppWizard.

The GUIBuilder application is a tool for creating dialogs without any knowledge of the C programming language. Instead of writing source code the widgets can be placed and sized by drag and drop. Additional properties can be added per context menu. Fine tuning can be done by editing the properties of the widgets. This does not require any knowledge of the C programming language. The dialogs can be saved as C files which can be enhanced by adding user defined code. Of course these C files with the embedded user code can be loaded and modified by the GUIBuilder.



The following diagram shows the elements of the graphical user interface of the GUIBuilder:

Widget selection bar

This bar contains all available widgets of the GUIBuilder. They can be added by a single click into the selection bar on the desired widget or by dragging them into the editor area.

Object tree

This area shows all currently loaded dialogs and their child widgets. It can be used for selecting a widget by clicking on the according entry.

Widget properties

It shows the properties of each widget and can be used for editing them.


The editor window shows the currently selected dialog. It can be used to place and resize the dialog and its widgets.

Getting started

Before starting a project, the GUIBuilder needs to know the project path. Per default this is the application path of the GUIBuilder. All files are saved in this folder.

Setting up the project path

After the first execution, the GUIBuilder directory contains the configuration file GUIBuilder.ini. Within this file the project path can be changed by editing the value ProjectPath:


Creating a dialog

The following shows how to create a dialog and how to modify the properties of the used widgets.

Selecting a parent widget

Each dialog requires a valid parent widget. So it is required to start with a widget which is able to serve as a parent. Currently there are 2 widgets which can be used at this point:

Frame window widget Window widget

The table above shows the according buttons of the widget selection bar. To get a widget into the editor the buttons can be single clicked, dragged with the mouse into the editor window or created by using the New menu.

Resizing and positioning in the editor

After placing a widget into the editor area it can be moved by using the mouse or the arrow keys of the keyboard. Resizing can be done by dragging the markers.

Modifying the widget properties

The lower left area of the GUIBuilder contains the property window. After creating a new widget it shows the default properties of the widget: Name, position, size and extra bytes. These properties are available for all kinds of widgets and can not be removed. Contrary to the default properties all additional properties can be removed by the context menu or by pressing <DEL> when the according line is selected. To change a value it can be selected by the keyboard by pressing <ENTER> (if the desired line is selected and the window has the focus) or by single clicking into the value field. Further the ’Edit’ entry of the context menu available with a right click can be used to start the edit operation. <ESC> can be used to abort the edit operation.

Adding additional functions to a widget

To get a context menu with the available functions for a widget either a right click in the editor window on the desired widget or a right click in the object tree can be done. Selecting a function adds a new property to the widget and starts the edit operation for the chosen function. In case of numerical or alpha numerical values the edit operation is done within the property window. In case of choosing fonts, text alignments or colors a separate selection window occurs.

Alignment selection

The alignment selection dialog shows the previous selected alignment in green. A single click within the box selects a new alignment. <ESC> aborts the selection.

Color selection

For selecting a color the Windows default color selection dialog occurs. <ESC> aborts the selection.

Font selection

The font selection dialog shows all available fonts of the GUIBuilder. The desired font can be selected by a single click on the desired font. <ESC> aborts the selection.

Deleting a widget property

This can be done easily by using the context menu of the property window or by pressing the <DEL> key if the desired property in the widget property window has the focus.

Deleting a widget

A widget can be deleted by pressing the <DEL> key if the widget is activated in the editor window. It can also be removed by selecting it in the object tree window and then pressing the <DEL> key. Deleting a widget automatically causes all of its child windows to be deleted as well.

Deleting a widget

A widget can be deleted by pressing the <DEL> key if the widget is activated in the editor window. It can also be removed by selecting it in the object tree window and then pressing the <DEL> key. Deleting a widget automatically causes all of its child windows to be deleted as well.

Saving the current dialog(s)

With the menu entry File → Save… all currently loaded dialogs will be saved in the project folder. Details on how to set up the project folder can be found in the section Getting started.
Each dialog will be saved as a single C file. The file names are generated automatically by the name of the dialog root widget (FRAMEWIN or WINDOW widget). The file names are build as follows:
<Widget name>DLG.c If for example the name of the widget is Framewin the file will be named FramewinDLG.c.

Output of the GUIBuilder

As mentioned above the result of the GUIBuilder are C files only. The following shows a small sample which is generated by the tool:

*           SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH            
*     Solutions for real time microcontroller applications     
*    C-file generated by:                         
*    GUI_Builder for emWin version 5.09              
*    Compiled Mar 23 2011, 09:52:04                
*    (c) 2011 Segger Microcontroller GmbH             
*    Internet: www.segger.com Support: support@segger.com     
//  USER START (Optionally insert additional includes)
#include "DIALOG.h"
*    Defines
#define ID_FRAMEWIN_0  (GUI_ID_USER + 0x0A)
#define ID_BUTTON_0   (GUI_ID_USER + 0x0B)
//  USER START (Optionally insert additional defines)
*    Static data
// USER START (Optionally insert additional static data)
*    _aDialogCreate
static const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO _aDialogCreate[] = {
  { FRAMEWIN_CreateIndirect, "Framewin", ID_FRAMEWIN_0, 0, 0, 320, 240, 0, 0, 0 },
  { BUTTON_CreateIndirect, "Button", ID_BUTTON_0, 5, 5, 80, 20, 0, 0, 0 },
//  USER START (Optionally insert additional widgets)
*    Static code
//  USER START (Optionally insert additional static code)
*    _cbDialog
static void _cbDialog(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  WM_HWIN hItem;
  int Id, NCode;
  //  USER START (Optionally insert additional variables)
  //  USER END
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
  // Initialization of 'Framewin'
  hItem = pMsg->hWin;
  // Initialization of 'Button'
  hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(pMsg->hWin, ID_BUTTON_0);
  BUTTON_SetText(hItem, "Press me...");
  // USER START (Opt. insert additional code for further widget initialization)
    Id  = WM_GetId(pMsg->hWinSrc);
    NCode = pMsg->Data.v;
    switch(Id) {
    case ID_BUTTON_0: // Notifications sent by 'Button'
      switch(NCode) {
     // USER START (Optionally insert code for reacting on notification message)
     // USER END
     // USER START (Optionally insert code for reacting on notification message)
     // USER END
    // USER START (Opt. insert additional code for further notification handling)
    // USER END
   // USER START (Optionally insert additional code for further IDs)
   // USER END
  // USER START (Optionally insert additional message handling)
*    Public code
*    CreateFramewin
WM_HWIN CreateFramewin(void) {
  WM_HWIN hWin;
  hWin = GUI_CreateDialogBox(_aDialogCreate,
                 GUI_COUNTOF(_aDialogCreate), _cbDialog, WM_HBKWIN, 0, 0);
  return hWin;
// USER START (Optionally insert additional public code)
/*************************** End of file ****************************/

Modifying the C files

As the sample code shows, it contains many sections for custom code. These are the following sections:

//  USER START (Optionally insert ...)

The start and end lines may not be modified. They are required for the GUIBuilder to be able to distinguish between user code and generated code. The following shows how it should work:

// USER START (Optionally insert additional includes)
#ifndef WIN32
  #include <ioat91sam9261.h>

How to use the C files

As the sample output shows, the code does not contain any code which uses the dialogs or with other words makes them visible on the display. Each file contains a creation routine at the end named Create<Widget name>(). These routines create the according dialog. Simply call these routines to make them occur on the display.


The following code shows how to draw the dialog of the previous output sample on a display:

#include "DIALOG.h"
*    Externals
WM_HWIN CreateFramewin(void);
*    Public code
*    MainTask
void MainTask(void) {
  WM_HWIN hDlg;
  // Call creation function for the dialog
  hDlg = CreateFramewin();
  // May do anything with hDlg
  // Keep program allive...
  while (1) {

Execution Model: Single Task / Multitask

emWin has been designed from the beginning to be compatible with different types of environments. It works in single task and in multitask applications, with a proprietary operating system or with any commercial RTOS such as embOS or uC/OS.

Supported execution models

We have to basically distinguish between 3 different execution models:

Single task system (super loop)

The entire program runs in one super loop. Normally, all software components are periodically called. Interrupts must be used for real time parts of the software since no real time kernel is used.

Multitask system: one task calling emWin

A real time kernel (RTOS) is used, but only one task calls emWin functions. From the graphic software’s point of view, it is the same as being used in a single task system.

Multitask system: multiple tasks calling emWin

A real time kernel (RTOS) is used, and multiple tasks call emWin functions. This works without a problem as long as the software is made thread-safe, which is done by enabling multitask support in the configuration and adapting the kernel interface routines. For popular kernels, the kernel interface routines are readily available.

Single task system (super loop)


The entire program runs in one super loop. Normally, all components of the software are periodically called. No real time kernel is used, so interrupts must be used for real time parts of the software. This type of system is primarily used in smaller systems or if real time behavior is not critical.

Superloop example (without emWin)

void main (void) {
  /* Init software components */
  /* Superloop: call all software components regularily */
  while (1) {
    /* Exec all compontents of the software */


No real time kernel is used (→ smaller ROM size, just one stack → less RAM for stacks), no preemption/synchronization problems.


The super loop type of program can become hard to maintain if it exceeds a certain program size. Real time behavior is poor, since one software component cannot be interrupted by any other component (only by interrupts). This means that the reaction time of one software component depends on the execution time of all other components in the system.

Using emWin

There are no real restrictions regarding the use of emWin. As always, GUI_Init() has to be called before you can use the software. From there on, any API function can be used. If the Window Manager’s callback mechanism is used, then an emWin update function has to be called regularly. This is typically done by calling the GUI_Exec() from within the super loop. Blocking functions such as GUI_ExecDialog() should not be used in the loop since they would block the other software modules. The default configuration, which does not support multitasking (#define GUI_OS 0) can be used; kernel interface routines are not required.

Superloop example (with emWin)

void main (void) {
  /* Init software components */
  GUI_Init();        /* Init emWin */
  /* Superloop: call all software components regularily */
  while (1) {
    /* Exec all compontents of the software */
    GUI_Exec();        /* Exec emWin for functionality like updating windows */

Multitask system: one task calling emWin


A real time kernel (RTOS) is used. The user program is split into different parts, which execute in different tasks and typically have different priorities. Normally the real time critical tasks (which require a certain reaction time) will have the highest priorities. One single task is used for the user interface, which calls emWin functions. This task usually has the lowest priority in the system or at least one of the lowest (some statistical tasks or simple idle processing may have even lower priorities).
Interrupts can, but do not have to be used for real time parts of the software.


The real time behavior of the system is excellent. The real time behavior of a task is affected only by tasks running at higher priority. This means that changes to a program component running in a low priority task do not affect the real time behavior at all. If the user interface is executed from a low priority task, this means that changes to the user interface do not affect the real time behavior. This kind of system makes it easy to assign different components of the software to different members of the development team, which can work to a high degree independently from each other.

Using emWin

If the Window Manager’s callback mechanism is used, then an emWin update function (typically GUI_Exec(), GUI_Delay()) has to be called regularly from the task calling emWin. Since emWin is only called by one task, to emWin it is the same as being used in a single task system.
The default configuration, which does not support multitasking (#define GUI_OS 0) can be used; kernel interface routines are not required. You can use any real time kernel, commercial or proprietary.

Multitask system: multiple tasks calling emWin


A real time kernel (RTOS) is used. The user program is split into different parts, which execute in different tasks with typically different priorities. Normally the real time critical tasks (which require a certain reaction time) will have the highest priorities. Multiple tasks are used for the user interface, calling emWin functions. These tasks typically have low priorities in the system, so they do not affect the real time behavior of the system.
Interrupts can, but do not have to be used for real time parts of the software.


The real time behavior of the system is excellent. The real time behavior of a task is affected only by tasks running at higher priority. This means that changes of a program component running in a low priority task do not affect the real time behavior at all. If the user interface is executed from a low priority task, this means that changes on the user interface do not affect the real time behavior. This kind of system makes it easy to assign different components of the software to different members of the development team, which can work to a high degree independently from each other.

Using emWin

If the Window Manager’s callback mechanism is used, then an emWin update function (typically GUI_Exec(), GUI_Delay()) has to be called regularly from one or more tasks calling emWin.
The default configuration, which does not support multitasking (#define GUI_OS 0) can NOT be used. The configuration needs to enable multitasking support and define a maximum number of tasks from which emWin is called (excerpt from GUIConf.h):

#define GUI_OS       1     // Enable multitasking support
#define GUI_MAXTASK  5     // Max. number of tasks that may call emWin

Kernel interface routines are required, and need to match the kernel being used. You can use any real time kernel, commercial or proprietary. Both the macros and the routines are discussed in the following chapter sections.



This excerpt shows the dedicated emWin update task. It is taken from the example MT_Multitasking, which is included in the examples shipped with emWin:

*          GUI background processing
* This task does the background processing.
* The main job is to update invalid windows, but other things such as
* evaluating mouse or touch input may also be done.
void GUI_Task(void) {
  while(1) {
    GUI_Exec();           /* Do the background work ... Update windows etc.) */
    GUI_X_ExecIdle();     /* Nothing left to do for the moment ... Idle processing */

Configuration functions for multitasking support

The following table shows the configuration functions available for a multitask system with multiple tasks calling emWin:

Routine Description
GUI_SetSignalEventFunc() Sets a function that signals an event.
GUI_SetWaitEventFunc() Sets a function which waits for an event.
GUI_SetWaitEventTimedFunc() Defines a function which waits for an event for a dedicated period of time.
GUI_WaitEvent() Sets emWin into wait state.



Sets a function that signals an event.


void GUI_SetSignalEventFunc(GUI_SIGNAL_EVENT_FUNC pfSignalEvent);


Parameter Description
pfSignalEvent Pointer to a function that signals an event.


typedef void (* GUI_SIGNAL_EVENT_FUNC)(void);

Additional information

Per default the GUI needs to periodically check for events unless a function is defined which waits and one that triggers an event. This function sets the function which triggers an event. It makes only sense in combination with GUI_SetWaitEventFunc(). and GUI_SetWaitEventTimedFunc(). The advantage of using these functions instead of polling is the reduction of CPU load of the waiting task to 0% while it waits for input. If the function has been specified as recommended and the user gives the system any input (keyboard or pointer input device) the specified function should signal an event.
It is recommended to specify the function GUI_X_SignalEvent() for the job.





Sets a function which waits for an event.


void GUI_SetWaitEventFunc(GUI_WAIT_EVENT_FUNC pfWaitEvent);


Parameter Description
pfWaitEvent Pointer to a function that waits for an event.


typedef void (* GUI_WAIT_EVENT_FUNC)(void);

Additional information

Per default the GUI needs to periodically check for events unless a function is defined which waits and one that triggers an event. This function sets the function which waits for an event. Makes only sense in combination with GUI_SetSignalEventFunc() and GUI_SetWaitEventTimedFunc(). The advantage of using these functions instead of polling is the reduction of CPU load of the waiting task to 0% while it waits for input. If the function has been specified as recommended and the system waits for user input the defined function should wait for an event signaled from the function specified by GUI_SetSignalEventFunc(). It is recommended to specify the function GUI_X_WaitEvent() for the job.





Defines a function which waits for an event for a dedicated period of time.


void GUI_SetWaitEventTimedFunc(GUI_WAIT_EVENT_TIMED_FUNC pfWaitEventTimed);


Parameter Description
pfWaitEventTimed Pointer to a function that waits for an event.


typedef void (* GUI_WAIT_EVENT_TIMED_FUNC)(int Period);
Parameter Description
Period Period in ms to wait for an event.

Additional information

Per default the GUI needs to periodically check for events unless a function is defined which waits and one that triggers an event. This function sets the function which waits for an event if a timer is active. Makes only sense in combination with GUI_SetSignalEventFunc() and GUI_SetWaitEventFunc(). If the function has been specified as recommended and the system waits for user input during a timer is active the defined function should wait until the timer expires or an event signaled from the function set by GUI_SetSignalEventFunc(). It is recommended to specify the function GUI_X_WaitEventTimed() for the job.





Sets emWin into wait state. If an event gets signaled emWin will continue.


void GUI_WaitEvent(void);

Additional information

This function is called to let emWin wait for an event which gets signaled by the function set by GUI_SetWaitEventFunc().


if (!GUI_Exec()) {

Configuration macros for multitasking support

The following table shows the configuration macros used for a multitask system with multiple tasks calling emWin:

Type Macro Default Description
N GUI_MAXTASK 4 Defines the maximum number of tasks from which emWin is called when multi-tasking support is enabled.
B GUI_OS 0 Activate to enable multitasking support.
F GUI_X_SIGNAL_EVENT - Defines a function that signals an event. (Obsolete)
F GUI_X_WAIT_EVENT GUI_X_ExecIdle Defines a function that waits for an event. (Obsolete)
F GUI_X_WAIT_EVENT_TIMED - Defines a function that waits for an event for a dedicated period of time. (Obsolete)



Defines the maximum number of tasks from which emWin is called to access the display.


Numerical value.

Additional information

This symbol is only relevant when GUI_OS is activated. If working with a pre-compiled library the function GUITASK_SetMaxTask() should be used instead. Further information can be found in the function description of GUITASK_SetMaxTask.



Enables multitasking support by activating the module GUITask.


Binary switch



Defines a function that signals an event.


Function replacement

Additional information

Per default the GUI needs to periodically check for events unless a function is defined which waits and one that triggers an event. This macro defines the function which triggers an event. It makes only sense in combination with GUI_X_WAIT_EVENT. The advantage of using the macros GUI_X_SIGNAL_EVENT and GUI_X_WAIT_EVENT instead of polling is the reduction of CPU load of the waiting task to 0% while it waits for input. If the macro has been defined as recommended and the user gives the system any input (keyboard or pointer input device) the defined function should signal an event.
It is recommended to specify the function GUI_X_SignalEvent() for the job.


#define GUI_X_SIGNAL_EVENT GUI_X_SignalEvent



Defines a function which waits for an event.


Function replacement

Additional information

Per default the GUI needs to periodically check for events unless a function is defined which waits and one that triggers an event. This macro defines the function which waits for an event. Makes only sense in combination with GUI_X_SIGNAL_EVENT. The advantage of using the macros GUI_X_SIGNAL_EVENT and GUI_X_WAIT_EVENT instead of polling is the reduction of CPU load of the waiting task to 0% while it waits for input. If the macro has been defined as recommended and the system waits for user input the defined function should wait for an event signaled from the function defined by the macro GUI_X_SIGNAL_EVENT.
It is recommended to specify the function GUI_X_WaitEvent() for the job.


#define GUI_X_WAIT_EVENT GUI_X_WaitEvent



Defines a function which waits for an event for a dedicated period of time.


Function replacement

Additional information

Per default the GUI needs to periodically check for events unless a function is defined which waits and one that triggers an event. This macro defines the function which waits for an event if a timer is active. Makes only sense in combination with GUI_X_SIGNAL_EVENT. If the macro has been defined as recommended and the system waits for user input during a timer is active the defined function should wait until the timer expires or an event signaled from the function defined by the macro GUI_X_SIGNAL_EVENT.
It is recommended to specify the function GUI_X_WaitEventTimed() for the job.


#define GUI_X_WAIT_EVENT_TIMED GUI_X_WaitEventTimed

Kernel interface API

An RTOS usually offers a mechanism called a resource semaphore, in which a task using a particular resource claims that resource before actually using it. The display is an example of a resource that needs to be protected with a resource semaphore. emWin uses the macro GUI_USE to call the function GUI_Use() before it accesses the display or before it uses a critical internal data structure. In a similar way, it calls GUI_Unuse() after accessing the display or using the data structure. This is done in the module GUITask.c.
GUITask.c in turn uses the GUI kernel interface routines shown in the table below. These routines are prefixed GUI_X_ since they are high-level (hardware-dependent) functions. They must be adapted to the real time kernel used in order to make the emWin task (or thread) safe. Detailed descriptions of the routines follow, as well as examples of how they are adapted for different kernels.

Routine Description
GUI_X_GetTaskId() Returns a unique ID for the current task.
GUI_X_InitOS() Creates the resource semaphore or mutex typically used by GUI_X_Lock() and GUI_X_Unlock().
GUI_X_Lock() Locks the GUI.
GUI_X_SignalEvent() Signals an event.
GUI_X_Unlock() Unlocks the GUI.
GUI_X_WaitEvent() Waits for an event.
GUI_X_WaitEventTimed() Waits for an event for the given period.



Returns a unique ID for the current task.


U32 GUI_X_GetTaskId(void);

Return value

ID of the current task as a 32-bit integer.

Additional information

Used with a real-time operating system. It does not matter which value is returned, as long as it is unique for each task/ thread using the emWin API and as long as the value is always the same for each particular thread.



Creates the resource semaphore or mutex typically used by GUI_X_Lock() and GUI_X_Unlock().


void GUI_X_InitOS(void);



Locks the GUI.


void GUI_X_Lock(void);

Additional information

This routine is called by the GUI before it accesses the display or before using a critical internal data structure. It blocks other threads from entering the same critical section using a resource semaphore/mutex until GUI_X_Unlock() has been called. When using a real time operating system, you normally have to increment a counting resource semaphore.



Signals an event.


void GUI_X_SignalEvent(void);

Additional information

This function is optional, it is used only via the macro GUI_X_SIGNAL_EVENT or the function GUI_SetSignalEventFunc().



Unlocks the GUI.


void GUI_X_Unlock(void);

Additional information

This routine is called by the GUI after accessing the display or after using a critical internal data structure. When using a real time operating system, you normally have to decrement a counting resource semaphore.



Waits for an event.


void GUI_X_WaitEvent(void);

Additional information

This function is optional, it is used only via the macro GUI_X_WAIT_EVENT or the function GUI_SetWaitEventFunc().



Waits for an event for the given period.


void GUI_X_WaitEventTimed(int Period);


Parameter Description
Period Period in ms to be used.

Additional information

This function is optional, it is used only via the macro GUI_X_WAIT_EVENT_TIMED or the function GUI_SetWaitEventTimedFunc().


Kernel interface routines for embOS

The following example shows an adaption for embOS (excerpt from file GUI_X_embOS.c located in the folder Sample\GUI_X):

#include "RTOS.H"
static OS_TASK* _pGUITask;
static OS_RSEMA _RSema;
void GUI_X_InitOS(void)    { OS_CreateRSema(&_RSema);    }
void GUI_X_Unlock(void)    { OS_Unuse(&_RSema);          }
void GUI_X_Lock(void)      { OS_Use(&_RSema);            }
U32  GUI_X_GetTaskId(void) { return (U32)OS_GetTaskID(); }
void GUI_X_WaitEvent(void) {
  _pGUITask = OS_GetpCurrentTask();
void GUI_X_SignalEvent(void) {
  if (_pGUITask) {
    OS_SignalEvent(1, _pGUITask);
void GUI_X_WaitEventTimed(int Period) {
  static OS_TIMER Timer;
  static int Initialized;
  if (Period > 0) {
    if (Initialized != 0) {
    Initialized = 1;
    OS_CreateTimer(&Timer, GUI_X_SignalEvent, Period);

Kernel interface routines for uC/OS

The following example shows an adaption for uC/OS (excerpt from file GUI_X_uCOS.c located in the folder Sample\GUI_X):

#include "INCLUDES.H"
static OS_EVENT * pDispSem;
static OS_EVENT * pGUITask;
U32   GUI_X_GetTaskId(void) { return ((U32)(OSTCBCur->OSTCBPrio)); }
void  GUI_X_Unlock(void)    { OSSemPost(pDispSem);                 }
void  GUI_X_InitOS(void)    {
  pDispSem = OSSemCreate(1);
  pGUITask = OSSemCreate(0);
void  GUI_X_Lock(void)      {
  INT8U err;
  OSSemPend(pDispSem, 0, &err);

Kernel interface routines for Win32

The following is an excerpt from the Win32 simulation for emWin. When using the emWin simulation, there is no need to add these routines, as they are already in the library.


Cleanup code has been omitted for clarity.

*      emWin - Multitask interface for Win32
  The following section consisting of 4 routines is used to make
  emWin thread safe with WIN32
static HANDLE hMutex;
void GUI_X_InitOS(void) {
  hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, 0, "emWinSim - Mutex");
unsigned int GUI_X_GetTaskId(void) {
  return GetCurrentThreadId();
void GUI_X_Lock(void) {
  WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, INFINITE);
void GUI_X_Unlock(void) {

File Access: GetData() functions

In this chapter, it is explained how emWin accesses external files through its GetData functions.

GetData functions

emWin’s interface to a host file system is very simple: It is provided through GetData functions which read the binary file content into a buffer.

Throughout emWin, there are different types of GetData functions, all of which are listed below.

Internal use of GetData functions

In general the GetData function is called one time at the beginning to retrieve overhead information and, after this, several times to retrieve the actual image data.

Additional information

Raster-based image format functions (BMP, GIF, JPEG, DTA and PNG) require the GetData function to fetch at least one pixel line of data. It is recommended to make sure that the GetData function is able to fetch at least one pixel line of the biggest image used by the application.

Different types of GetData functions

Every module or file type has its own type defined for a GetData function. Below listed is every different GetData type used in emWin. For more detailed information about each type, click it to go to the corresponding chapter.

The function prototype may be an alias to one of the global GetData function typedefs. If so, this is listed in the third column.

Module Function prototype… …resolves to

File Access API


Prototype Description
GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC Abstract function type which may refer to either GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_I or GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_II.
GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_I A callback which is used for loading external data into RAM.
GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_II A callback which is used for loading external data into RAM.



Abstract function type which may refer to either GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_I or GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_II.

It should only be used for function pointers which accept both above mentioned functions.

Type definition

typedef int GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC(      void   * p,
                              const U8   * * ppData,
                                    unsigned NumBytes,
                                    U32      Off);



A callback which is used for loading external data into RAM.

This routine must manage its own buffer to read the external data into and pass the address to this buffer to *ppData.

Type definition

typedef int GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_I(      void   * p,
                                const U8   * * ppData,
                                      unsigned NumBytes,
                                      U32      Off);


Parameter Description
p  in  Application defined void pointer, could be e.g. a file handle.
ppData  in/out  This function must set ppData to point to the location where the requested data resides in.
NumBytes Number of requested bytes.
Off Defines the offset to use for reading the source data.

Return value

The number of bytes which were actually read. If the number of read bytes does not match, the drawing function will return immediately.


The following is an example implementation for this function using the Win32 API.

int APP_GetData(void * p, const U8 ** ppData, unsigned NumBytes, U32 Off) {
  static char   _acBuffer[0x200];
  HANDLE      * phFile;
  DWORD         NumBytesRead;
  phFile = (HANDLE *)p;
  // Check buffer size
  if (NumBytes > sizeof(acBuffer)) {
    NumBytes = sizeof(acBuffer);
  // Set file pointer to the required position
  SetFilePointer(*phFile, Off, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
  // Read data into buffer
  ReadFile(*phFile, acBuffer, NumBytes, &NumBytesRead, NULL);
  // Set data pointer to the beginning of the buffer
  *ppData = acBuffer;
  // Return number of available bytes
  return NumBytesRead;



A callback which is used for loading external data into RAM.

This routine does not manage its own buffer. Instead, it receives a preallocated buffer to load the data into. The address to this buffer is *ppData.

Type definition

typedef int GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC_II(      void   * p,
                                 const U8   * * ppData,
                                       unsigned NumBytes,
                                       U32      Off);


Parameter Description
p  in  Application defined void pointer, could be e.g. a file handle.
ppData  in  Points to the location of the buffer address that needs to be filled with data read by this function.
NumBytes Number of requested bytes.
Off Defines the offset to use for reading the source data.

Return value

The number of bytes which were actually read. If the number of read bytes does not match, the drawing function will return immediately.


The following is an example implementation for this function using the Win32 API.

int APP_GetData(void * p, const U8 ** ppData, unsigned NumBytes, U32 Off) {
  HANDLE * phFile;
  DWORD    NumBytesRead;
  U8     * pData;
  pData  = (U8 *)*ppData;
  phFile = (HANDLE *)p;
  // Set file pointer to the required position
  SetFilePointer(*phFile, Off, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
  // Read data into buffer
  ReadFile(*phFile, pData, NumBytes, &NumBytesRead, NULL);
  // Return number of available bytes
  return NumBytesRead;

MultiLayer / MultiDisplay support

Multiple displays and multiple layers can be utilized via emWin MultiLayer support. If the hardware supports multiple layers, MultiLayer support can be used. If the hardware does not include such a function, multiple layers can be implemented using the emWin SoftLayer feature.

MultiLayer and MultiDisplay support work the same way. Each layer / display can be accessed with its own color settings, its own size and its own display driver. Initialization of more than one layer is quite simple: The maximum number of available layers GUI_NUM_LAYERS should be defined in GUIConf.h and each layer needs a display driver device which should be created during the initialization in the configuration routine LCD_X_Config(). There is no limitation regarding the maximum number of available layers.

All SoftLayers use an internal driver which works with 32bpp. The SoftLayer composite is converted to the color setting of the display. SoftLayers and MultiLayer support can not be used in combination. Therefor SoftLayers have to be configured slightly different from MultiLayers.


This chapter deals with multiple hardware layers (MultiLayer), multiple software layers (SoftLayer) and multiple displays (MultiDisplay). Since a lot of information is valid for each of those features, the following sections will just refer to it as layers unless there are functional differences.
Windows and drawing operations can be placed and performed on any layer. emWinView can output every single layer and the composite view in a separate window.

Selecting a layer for drawing operations

When drawing directly, per default layer 0 is used. Other layers can be selected by using the function GUI_SelectLayer().


The following example shows how to select a layer for drawing operations:

void MainTask(void) {
  // Draw something on default layer 0
  GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("Layer 0", 100, 46);
  // Draw something on layer 1
  GUI_FillRect(20, 20, 179, 79);
  GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("Layer 1", 100, 46);
  while(1) {

Screenshot of the above example

Selecting a layer for a window

The Window Manager automatically keeps track of which window is located in which layer. This is done in a fairly easy way: If the Window Manager is used, every layer has a top level (desktop) window. Any other window in this layer is visible only if it is a descendant of the according desktop window. Windows are connected to a certain layer depending on if they are a descendant of the layer’s desktop window.


The following example shows how to create 3 windows on 2 different desktop windows:

// Create 1 child window on desktop 0
hWin0 = WM_CreateWindowAsChild( 10, 20, 80, 70,
        WM_GetDesktopWindowEx(0), WM_CF_SHOW, _cbWin0, 0);
// Create 2 child windows on desktop 1
hWin1 = WM_CreateWindowAsChild( 10, 20, 80, 70,
        WM_GetDesktopWindowEx(1), WM_CF_SHOW, _cbWin1, 0);
hWin2 = WM_CreateWindowAsChild(110, 20, 80, 70,
        WM_GetDesktopWindowEx(1), WM_CF_SHOW, _cbWin2, 0);

The following table shows the screenshot and the window hierarchy of the above example:

Screenshot Window hierarchy
Moving a window from one layer to another

This can sometime be very desirable and can easily be accomplished: If a window is detached from its parent (The desktop window of one layer or any descendant of this desktop window) and attached to a window which lies in another layer, this window actually moves from one layer to another layer.


The following example shows how to attach a window to a new parent window:

// Create 1 child window on desktop 0
hWin0 = WM_CreateWindowAsChild( 10, 20, 80, 70, 
        WM_GetDesktopWindowEx(0), WM_CF_SHOW, _cbWin0, 0);
// Create 2 child windows on desktop 1
hWin1 = WM_CreateWindowAsChild( 10, 20, 80, 70, 
        WM_GetDesktopWindowEx(1), WM_CF_SHOW, _cbWin1, 0);
hWin2 = WM_CreateWindowAsChild(110, 20, 80, 70, 
        WM_GetDesktopWindowEx(1), WM_CF_SHOW, _cbWin2, 0);
// Detach window 2 from desktop 1 and attach it to desktop 0
WM_AttachWindow(hWin2, WM_GetDesktopWindowEx(0));

The following table shows the screenshot and the window hierarchy of the above example before attaching the window to the new parent:

Screenshot Window hierarchy

The next table shows the screenshot and the window hierarchy of the above example after attaching the window to the new parent:

Screenshot Window hierarchy

Using MultiLayer support

emWin does not distinguish between multiple layers or multiple displays. When using multiple layers normally the size and the driver for each layer is the same. The viewer shows each layer in a separate window. The composite window of the viewer shows all layers; layers with higher index are on top of layers with lower index and can have transparent pixels:


Transparency means that at the position of pixels with color index 0 in a layer > 0, the color of the background layer is visible. Since for all but layer 0 Index 0 means transparency, Index 0 can not be used to display colors. This also means that the color conversion should never yield 0 as best match for a color, since this would result in a transparent pixel. This means that only some fixed palette modes or a custom palette mode should be used and that you need to be careful when defining your own palette. You need to make sure that the color conversion (24 bit RGB -> Index) never yields 0 as result.

Fixed palette modes

The only available fixed palette modes including transparency (not Alpha Blending) are GUICC_M1555I and GUICC_8666_1. Details about fixed palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Custom palette mode

If a custom palette should be used in a layer > 0, the first color should not be used from the color conversion routines. The following shows an example definition for a custom palette with 15 gray scales:

static const LCD_COLOR _aColors_16[] = {
  GUI_TRANSPARENT, 0x000000, 0x222222, 0x333333,
  0x444444, 0x555555, 0x666666, 0x777777,
  0x888888, 0x999999, 0xAAAAAA, 0xBBBBBB,
static const LCD_PHYSPALETTE _aPalette_16 = {
 16, _aColors_16
void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  // Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer
  // Set user palette data (only required if no fixed palette is used)
  LCD_SetLUTEx(1, _aPalette_16);

The description of the function LCD_SetLUTEx() can be found under Custom palette mode.


The following example shows how to use transparency. It draws 3 color bars in layer 0. Layer 1 is filled with white and 3 transparent items are drawn.

GUI_FillRect(0, 0, 199, 33);
GUI_FillRect(0, 34, 199, 66);
GUI_FillRect(0, 67, 199, 99);
GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("Layer 1", 100, 4);
GUI_FillCircle(100, 50, 35);
GUI_FillRect(10, 10, 40, 90);
GUI_FillRect(160, 10, 190, 90);

Screenshots of above example

The table below shows the contents of the separate layers and the composite view, as the result appears on the display:

Layer 0 Layer 1 Display

Alpha blending

Alpha blending is a method of combining two colors for transparency effects. Assumed 2 colors C0 and C1 should be combined with alpha blending A (a value between 0 and 1 where 0 means invisible and 1 means 100% visible) the resulting color Cr can be calculated as follows:

Cr = C0 * (1 - A) + C1 * A

Logical colors are handled internally as 32 bit values. The lower 24 bits are used for the color information and the alpha blending is managed in the upper 8 bits. An alpha value of 0x00 means opaque and 0xFF means completely transparent (invisible).

Different methods

There are 3 different methods of managing the alpha information:

Fixed palette modes

For LUT alpha blending the fixed palette modes 822216 and 84444 can be used. Pixel alpha blending is supported only in 32 bpp mode using the fixed palette mode 8888. For details about the fixed palette modes, refer to the chapter Colors.


The following example shows how to use pixel alpha blending. It draws a circle in layer 0 and a yellow triangle build of horizontal lines with a vertical gradient of alpha values:

GUI_FillCircle(100, 50, 49);
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  U32 Alpha;
  Alpha = (i * 255 / 100) << 24;
  GUI_SetColor(GUI_YELLOW | Alpha);
  GUI_DrawHLine(i, 100 - i, 100 + i);

Screenshots of above example

The table below shows the contents of the separate layers and the composite view, as the result appears on the display:

Layer 0 Layer 1 Display

Hardware cursors

The term “Hardware cursor” means the use of cursor images in a separate layer with a transparent background. If a hardware supports multiple layers and the ability of layer positioning emWin can be configured to use a separate layer for managing the cursor. The main advantages of this kind of cursor support are a better performance because only a few registers need to be changed on a movement and the ability of custom drawings in the cursor layer. For details about usage, refer to GUI_AssignCursorLayer.

MultiLayer example

For information about a multi-layer example, see the chapter Simulation. Further, the Sample folder contains the following example which shows how to use multiple layer support:

Screenshot of above example

Configuring MultiLayer support

LCD Configuration of the above MultiLayer example

void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  // Set display driver and color conversion for first layer ...
  GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_LIN_16, // Display driver
                           GUICC_655,     // Color conversion
                           0, 0);
  //  ... and configure it
  LCD_SetSizeEx  (0, 400, 234);           // Physical display size in pixels
  LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx(0, (void *)0xc00000); // Video RAM start address
  // Set display driver and color conversion for second layer ...
  GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_LIN_8,  // Display driver
                           GUICC_86661,   // Color conversion
                           0, 1);
  // ... and configure it
  LCD_SetSizeEx(1, 400, 234);             // Physical display size in pixels
  LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx(1, (void *)0xc00000); // Video RAM start address

Using MultiDisplay support

Each display can be accessed with its own driver and with its own settings.

Enabling MultiDisplay support

To enable the MultiDisplay support you have to define the maximum number of layers in GUIConf.h:

#define GUI_NUM_LAYERS 2 /* Enables support for 2 displays/layers */

Further you have to create and configure a display driver device for each layer.

Run-time screen rotation

In some cases it may be necessary to change the display orientation at run-time. The MultiDisplay support allows to do this. In this case the file LCDConf.c should contain a display configuration for each required display orientation. Switching the display orientation then works as follows:

MultiDisplay example

The example below shows a screenshot of the simulation with 2 displays. The fist display is a 8bpp color display with a size of 320 * 240 pixels. The driver is GUIDRV_Lin_8. The second display is a 1bpp black and white display with a size of 240 * 128 pixels. The driver is GUIDRV_SLin_1.c:

Configuring MultiDisplay support

Configuration of the above example

void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  // Set display driver and color conversion for first layer ...
  GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_LIN_8,  // Display driver
                           GUICC_8666,    // Color conversion
                           0, 0);
  // ... and configure it
  LCD_SetSizeEx(0, 320, 240);             // Physical display size in pixels
  LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx(0, (void *)0xc00000); // Video RAM start address
  // Set display driver and color conversion for second layer ...
  GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_SLIN_1, // Display driver
                           GUICC_1,       // Color conversion
                           0, 1);
  // ... and configure it
  LCD_SetSizeEx(1, 240, 128);             // Physical display size in pixels

Using SoftLayers

In case multiple hardware layers are not supported, emWin offers the possibility to make use of software layers. The advantage of softlayers is they can be used on any target hardware meeting the memory requirements. The disadvantage is additional CPU load to render the layers. Rendering is done automatically by executing the GUI. Alternatively the function GUI_SOFTLAYER_Refresh() can be called to immediately refresh the layers.
emWin SoftLayers are highly optimized. Layers are refreshed only if there is at least one dirty area. Drawing operations are tracked automatically to create/extend according dirty areas. A refresh is processed by dividing dirty areas in sub-rectangles which affect the same layers for faster color calculation. This way processing all layers unnecessarily for all pixels is avoided.
If there are dirty areas, pixel data is processed from the bottom to the top starting with the top opaque layer. Layers below the top opaque layer would not have any impact on the result.

Mixing example (opaque and non-overlapping layers)

Assuming there is a configuration including 4 SoftLayers. Drawing operations have been done, so a dirty area exists. Layer 1 is opaque, layer 2 does not overlap the dirty area and layer 3 contains semi-transparent pixels. In this case the SoftLayer logic would ignore layer 0 and layer 2, so the only thing to do would be mixing the colors from layer 1 and 3.

Mixing example (composite color and several semi-transparent layers)

Assuming there is a configuration including 4 SoftLayers in which the layers contain either transparency, semi-transparency or are not affected by the dirty area at all, the composite color is used as “opaque layer”. In this case the composite color is mixed with the content of layer 0. The result would be mixed with the content of layer 1. In turn the result would be mixed with the content of layer 2. And so on…

Using SoftLayers within a simulation environment

In a simulation environment SoftLayers have to be set up differently from HardLayers. Below information should be a help for configuring the simulation properly for the use of SoftLayers. The according function descriptions can be found in the chapter Simulation.

Composite color

SoftLayers consist of their own composite color which can be set using the function GUI_SOFTLAYER_Enable() or GUI_SOFTLAYER_SetCompositeColor(). The function GUI_SIM_SetCompositeColor() does not have an effect with SoftLayers.

Composite size

The function SIM_GUI_SetCompositeSize() can be used for setting the size of the composite view. Calling this function is required for SoftLayer use.

Transparency mode

In order to benefit from transparency effects, Layers can be configured for a certain transparency mode using the function SIM_GUI_SetTransMode(). Transparency can be implemented either via “zero transparency” or via “pixel alpha”.

SIMConf.c example

void SIM_X_Config() {
  SIM_GUI_SetCompositeSize(480, 272);  // Set size of composite window

Memory requirements

emWin SoftLayers require storing additional information in RAM which can be subdivided in display related memory and layer related memory. The memory is taken from the memory pool which is assigned to emWin using GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory() in function GUI_X_Config() (GUIConf.c).

Required display related memory

Depending on the display size and color depth, SoftLayers require storing data for the following items:

The required display related memory can be calculated using the following formula:

ReqMem = 68 Bytes + xSizeDisp * 4 + xSizeDisp * ySizeDisp * BytesPerPixelDisp

Required layer related memory

Depending on the SoftLayer configuration, SoftLayers require additional memory to store one complete frame for each layer at a color depth of 32bpp.
The required display related memory can be calculated using the following formula:

ReqMem += xSize0 * ySize0 * 4 + xSize1 * ySize1 * 4 + ... (and so on)

Explanation of terms

Term Explanation
68 Bytes Required for context information in the SoftLayer driver.
xSizeDisp X-size of the display.
ySizeDisp Y-size of the display.
BytesPerPixelDisp Number of bytes per pixel used by the display.
xSize0 X-size of layer 0.
ySize0 Y-size of layer 0.

Configuring SoftLayers

SoftLayers need to be configured different from hardware layers. In order to set up the desired layers a data structure of type GUI_SOFTLAYER_CONFIG needs to be filled and passed to the function GUI_SOFTLAYER_Enable(). SoftLayers do not require each layer to have a separate driver device. There is an internal SoftLayer driver which is automatically used for all layers.


void LCD_X_Config(void) {
    {   0,   0, 480, 272, 1 },
    {   0,   0, 120, 108, 1 },
    {   0,   0, 120,  74, 1 },
    {  30,  30, 420,  35, 1 },
  // Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer
  // Display driver configuration
  LCD_SetSizeEx    (0, XSIZE_PHYS,   YSIZE_PHYS);
  LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx(0, (void *)VRAM_ADDR);
  // SoftLayer activation after existing single layer configuration

MultiLayer API

The table below lists the available MultiLayer related routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions follow:


Routine Description
General MultiLayer functions
GUI_AssignCursorLayer() The function assigns a layer to be used as cursor layer.
GUI_GetLayerPosEx() Returns the X- and Y-position of the given layer.
GUI_SelectLayer() Selects a layer for drawing operations.
GUI_SetLayerAlphaEx() Sets the alpha blending of the given layer.
GUI_SetLayerPosEx() Sets the X- and Y-position of the given layer.
GUI_SetLayerSizeEx() Sets the X- and Y-size of the given layer.
GUI_SetLayerVisEx() Sets the visibility of the given layer.
LCD_GetNumLayers() Returns the number of layers configured in your configuration.
SoftLayer specific functions
GUI_SOFTLAYER_Enable() Enables and configures SoftLayers.
GUI_SOFTLAYER_Refresh() Refreshes layers by rerendering the dirty area.
GUI_SOFTLAYER_SetCompositeColor() Sets the composite color.
GUI_SOFTLAYER_MULTIBUF_Enable() Enables the automatic use of Multiple Buffering with SoftLayers.

Data structures

Structure Description
GUI_SOFTLAYER_CONFIG Data structure used by GUI_SOFTLAYER_Enable() to configurate a soft layer.

General MultiLayer functions



The function assigns a layer to be used as cursor layer.


void GUI_AssignCursorLayer(unsigned LayerIndex,
                           unsigned CursorLayer);


Parameter Description
Index Layer index.
CursorLayer Layer to be used to manage the cursor.

Additional information

Using a hardware cursor means a layer is used as cursor layer. Contrary to the default cursor handling, where the cursor is drawn in the same video memory area as all other items, a hardware cursor is drawn in a separate layer. In this case emWin makes sure the background color of the hardware cursor layer is set to transparency and the selected cursor will be drawn into the layer. Whereas the default cursor management requires more or less calculation time to draw the cursor and to manage the background, moving a hardware cursor requires only the modification of a few registers. Note that using this function requires that the display driver supports layer positioning.



Returns the X- and Y-position of the given layer.


int GUI_GetLayerPosEx(unsigned   LayerIndex,
                      int      * pxPos,
                      int      * pyPos);


Parameter Description
Index Layer index.
pxPos Pointer to an integer to be used to return the X position of the given layer.
pyPos Pointer to an integer to be used to return the Y position of the given layer.

Additional information

To be able to use this function the hardware and the used display driver need to support layer positioning. If the driver does not support this feature the function returns immediately.



Selects a layer for drawing operations.


unsigned GUI_SelectLayer(unsigned Index);


Parameter Description
Index Layer index.

Return value

Index of the previously selected layer.



Sets the alpha blending of the given layer.


int GUI_SetLayerAlphaEx(unsigned LayerIndex,
                        int      Alpha);


Parameter Description
Index Layer index.
Alpha Alpha blending value of the given layer.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

To be able to use this function the hardware and the used display driver need to support layer alpha blending. If the driver does not support this feature the function returns immediately. The usable range of alpha values depends on the hardware. In many cases the range of alpha values is limited, for example 0 - 0x3f. emWin does not know something about limitations and passes the given value to the driver. It is the responsibility of the application to make sure that the given value is in a legal range.



Sets the X- and Y-position of the given layer.


int GUI_SetLayerPosEx(unsigned LayerIndex,
                      int      xPos,
                      int      yPos);


Parameter Description
Index Layer index.
xPos New X position of the given layer.
yPos New Y position of the given layer.

Additional information

To be able to use this function the hardware and the used display driver need to support layer positioning. If the driver does not support this feature the function returns immediately.



Sets the X- and Y-size of the given layer.


int GUI_SetLayerSizeEx(unsigned LayerIndex,
                       int      xSize,
                       int      ySize);


Parameter Description
Index Layer index.
xSize New horizontal size in pixels of the given layer.
ySize New vertical size in pixels of the given layer.

Additional information

To be able to use this function the hardware and the used display driver need to support layer sizing. If the driver does not support this feature the function returns immediately.



Sets the visibility of the given layer.


int GUI_SetLayerVisEx(unsigned LayerIndex,
                      int      OnOff);


Parameter Description
Index Layer index.
OnOff 1 if layer should be visible, 0 for invisible.

Additional information

To be able to use this function the hardware and the used display driver need to support this feature. If the driver does not support this feature the function returns immediately.



Returns the number of layers configured in your configuration.


int LCD_GetNumLayers(void);

Return value

Number of layers configured in your configuration.

SoftLayer specific functions



Enables and configures SoftLayers.


                         int                    NumLayers,
                         GUI_COLOR              CompositeColor);


Parameter Description
pConfig Pointer to a GUI_SOFTLAYER_CONFIG data structure.
NumLayers Number of layers to create using the config data.
CompositeColor The composite color is used in case certain areas do not contain opaque colors.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

This function may be called only from within the function LCD_X_Config(). The function LCD_X_Config() is called automatically from GUI_Init().



Refreshes layers by rerendering the dirty area.


int GUI_SOFTLAYER_Refresh(void);

Return value

0 if nothing was done
1 if something was done
2 on error.

Additional information

This function is called from the function GUI_Exec1() if SoftLayers are enabled. After a refresh was performed, the dirty area gets cleared.



Sets the composite color.


void GUI_SOFTLAYER_SetCompositeColor(U32 Color);


Parameter Description
Color Color to be set as composite color.

Additional information

The function SIM_GUI_SetCompositeColor() does not have an effect with SoftLayers.



Enables the automatic use of Multiple Buffering with SoftLayers.




Parameter Description
OnOff 0 to disable MultiBuffering support, 1 to enable MultiBuffering support.

Return value

The function returns the previous setting.

0 if MultiBuffering has not been used
1 if MultiBuffering has already been used.

Additional information

If Multiple Buffering is enabled, the function GUI_SOFTLAYER_Refresh() automatically calls the function GUI_MULTIBUF_BeginEx() and GUI_MULTIBUF_EndEx().

Data structures



Data structure used by GUI_SOFTLAYER_Enable() to configurate a soft layer.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  int  xPos;
  int  yPos;
  int  xSize;
  int  ySize;
  int  Visible;

Structure members

Member Description
xPos X-position.
yPos Y-position.
xSize X-size.
ySize Y-size.
Visible 1 = visible, 0 = not visible.

Display drivers

A display driver supports a particular family of display controllers and all displays which are connected to one or more of these controllers. The drivers can be configured by modifying their configuration files whereas the driver itself does not need to be modified. The configuration files contain all required information for the driver including how the hardware is accessed and how the controller(s) are connected to the display.

This chapter provides an overview of the display drivers available for emWin. It explains the following in terms of each driver:

Available display drivers

Since emWin V5 the driver interface has changed. Old display drivers, developed for emWin V4 or earlier, are not longer supported.

The display driver interface was changed in order to be able to configure drivers at run-time. This was required because emWin is often used as a precompiled library which should not have to be changed when using a different display.


Creating a precompiled library including the source files of a compile time configurable driver precludes configurability using the library.

To be able to support as many display controllers as possible in a short period, we migrated some of the older drivers to the new interface. Not all migrated display drivers are runtime configurable. The listings below show the sets of available runtime and compile time configurable display drivers.

Driver file naming convention

All files belonging to the same display driver begin with the name of the driver. So all files called <DriverName>*.* describe the whole driver.


The following files describe the GUIDRV_IST3088 display driver:

Run-time configurable drivers

The following table lists the currently available run-time configurable drivers developed for the current interface of emWin:

Driver Purpose of driver Supported bits/pixel
GUIDRV_BitPlains This driver can be used for solutions without display controller. It manages separate ’bitplains’ for each color bit. Initially it has been developed to support a solution for an R32C/111 which drives a TFT display without display controller. It can be used for each solution which requires the color bits in separate plains. 1 - 8
GUIDRV_Dist This driver supports displays with multiple controllers. Depends on the actual display drivers.
GUIDRV_FlexColor This driver supports a large number of different display-controllers, but they have one thing in common regarding the FrameBuffer management. This commonality is the method of accessing the FrameBuffer. The access to the FrameBuffer is done in two steps for all these controllers. First, the rectangular area to be written or read is defined. Then the linear output of the data or the reading of the corresponding data takes place. 16, 18, 24
GUIDRV_IST3088 Support for some controllers of Integrated Solutions Technology Inc. 4
GUIDRV_Lin This driver supports every display controller with linear addressable video memory with a direct (full bus) interface. This means that the video RAM is directly addressable by the address lines of the CPU.
The driver contains no controller specific code. So it can also be used for solutions without display controller which require a driver which only manages the video RAM.
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32
GUIDRV_S1D13C00 Display driver for Epson S1D13C00, indirect interface only. 8
GUIDRV_S1D13L01 Display driver for Epson S1D13L01, indirect interface only. 8, 16
GUIDRV_S1D13L02 Display driver for Epson S1D13L02, indirect interface only. 16
GUIDRV_S1D13L04 Display driver for Epson S1D13L04, indirect interface only. 24, 32
GUIDRV_S1D13513 Display driver for Epson S1D13513, indirect interface only. 24, 32
GUIDRV_S1D13748 Display driver for Epson S1D13748, indirect interface only. 16
GUIDRV_S1D13781 Display driver for Epson S1D13781, indirect interface only. 8, 16
GUIDRV_S1D15G00 Display driver for Epson S1D15G00, indirect interface only. 12
GUIDRV_SH_MEM Display driver for Sharp memory LCDs with 8- or 10 bit address interface. 1, 3
GUIDRV_SLin This driver supports various display controllers with linear addressable FrameBuffer and indirect interface. 1, 2, 4
GUIDRV_SLinEPD Driver for different ePaper display controller. 1
GUIDRV_SPage This driver supports different display controllers with indirect interface and page-wise organized FrameBuffer. A page is a horizontally associated array of bytes, where one byte contains 2-8 vertically arranged pixels depending on the color depth. 1, 2, 4
GUIDRV_SSD1322 Display driver for Solomon OLED controller SSD1322. 4
GUIDRV_SSD1926 Display driver for Solomon SSD1926, indirect interface only. 8
GUIDRV_UC1698G Display driver for UltraChip UC1698G. 1, 5

Compile-time configurable drivers

The following table lists the currently available drivers which has already been migrated to the current version of emWin:

Driver Purpose of driver Supported bits/pixel
GUIDRV_CompactColor_16 Predecessor of GUIDRV_FlexColor. 16
GUIDRV_Fujitsu_16 Display driver for Fujitsu MB87J2020 (Jasmine)
Display driver for Fujitsu MB87J2120 (Lavender)
1, 2, 4, 8, 16
GUIDRV_Page1bpp Predecessor of GUIDRV_SPage. 1
GUIDRV_07X1 Display driver for some pane-wise organized display controllers with indirect interface. 2
GUIDRV_6331 Display driver for some Samsung display controllers with indirect interface. 16
GUIDRV_7528 Display driver for Sitronix ST7528 4
GUIDRV_7529 Display driver for Sitronix ST7529 1, 4, 5


Some LCD-controllers may be supported twice, by a runtime and by a compile time configurable driver. In that case it is highly recommended to use/buy the runtime configurable driver, because those drivers are the successors of the compile time configurable drivers.

CPU / Display controller interface

Different display controllers can have different CPU interfaces. Basically there are two different interfaces:

Whereas the direct interface accesses the video memory directly by the address bus of the CPU, the indirect interface requires a more complex communication with the display controller to get access to the video memory. This can be done by different kinds of connections:

The following explains these interfaces and how to configure them. Note that not all configuration macros are always required. For details about which macros are required, refer to Detailed display driver descriptions.

Direct interface

Some display controllers (especially those for displays with higher resolution) require a full address bus, which means they are connected to at least 14 address bits. In a direct interface configuration, video memory is directly accessible by the CPU; the address bus is connected to the display controller.

The only knowledge required when configuring a direct interface is information about the address range (which will generate a CHIP-SELECT signal for the LCD controller) and whether 8-, 16- or 32-bit accesses should be used (bus-width to the display controller). In other words, you need to know the following:

Typical block diagram

Indirect interface - Parallel bus

Most controllers for smaller displays use an indirect interface to connect to the CPU. With an indirect interface, only one address bit (usually A0) is connected to the LCD controller. Some of these controllers are very slow, so that the hardware designer may decide to connect it to input/output (I/O) pins instead of the address bus.

Typical block diagram

8 (16) data bits, one address bit and 2 or 3 control lines are used to connect the CPU and one LCD controller. Four macros inform the LCD driver how to access each controller used. If the LCD controller(s) is connected directly to the address bus of the CPU, configuration is simple and usually consists of no more than one line per macro. If the LCD controller(s) is connected to I/O pins, the bus interface must be simulated, which takes about 5-10 lines of program per macro (or a function call to a routine which simulates the bus interface). The signal A0 is also called C/D (Command/Data), D/I (Data/Instruction) or RS (Register select), depending on the display controller.

Example routines for connection to I/O pins

Examples can be found in the folder Sample\LCD_X_Port:

Indirect interface - 4 pin SPI

Using a 4 pin SPI interface is very similar to a parallel interface. To connect a LCD display using 4 pin SPI interface the lines A0, CLK, DATA, and CS must be connected to the CPU.

Typical block diagram

Example routines for connection to I/O pins

An example can be found in the folder Sample\LCD_X_Port:

This sample uses port pins for the communication. This works very slow but can be used with each CPU. This should be optimized by the customer by using the hardware support of the CPU for this kind of communication.

Indirect interface - 3 pin SPI

To connect a LCD display using 4 pin SPI interface the lines CLK, DATA, and CS must be connected to the CPU.

Typical block diagram

Example routines for connection to I/O pins

This interface does not have a separate line for distinguish between data and commands to be transmitted to the display controller. There is no standardized method to manage this. Some controllers use an additional bit for distinguish between data and command, other controllers work different.
Examples can be found in the folder Sample\LCD_X_Port:

Indirect interface - I2C bus

This kind of interface use only 2 lines and a standardized protocol for the communication with the display controller.

Typical block diagram

Example routines for connection to I/O pins

An example can be found in the folder Sample\LCD_X_Port:

Similar to the serial communication examples this example uses port lines for the communication which works not very fast. If the CPU support this kind of communication these routines should be optimized by using the hardware functions.

Hardware interface configuration

The following explains how to configure the hardware communication between display driver and display controller.

Direct interface

Drivers which make use of a direct interface are usually configured by specifying the address of the video memory. In order to do so the function LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx() can be called. Details can be found in the section Display driver API.

Indirect interface

There are 2 kinds of display drivers:

Configuring these kinds of drivers works differently:

Run-time configuration

Run-time configurable drivers do not need to be configured at compile time. So this drivers can be used in a precompiled library.
Each driver has its own function(s) for setting up the hardware interface. This is done by passing a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used:

Elements of structure GUI_PORT_API

8 bit interface

Element Data type Description
pfWrite8_A0 void (*)(U8 Data) Pointer to a function which writes one byte to the controller with C/D line low.
pfWrite8_A1 void (*)(U8 Data) Pointer to a function which writes one byte to the controller with C/D line high.
pfWriteM8_A0 void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems) Pointer to a function which writes multiple bytes to the controller with C/D line low.
pfWriteM8_A1 void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems) Pointer to a function which writes multiple bytes to the controller with C/D line high.
pfRead8_A0 U8 (*)(void) Pointer to a function which reads one byte from the controller with C/D line low.
pfRead8_A1 U8 (*)(void) Pointer to a function which reads one byte from the controller with C/D line high.
pfReadM8_A0 void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems) Pointer to a function which reads multiple bytes from the controller with C/D line low.
pfReadM8_A1 void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems) Pointer to a function which reads multiple bytes from the controller with C/D line high.

16 bit interface

Element Data type Description
pfWrite16_A0 void (*)(U16 Data) Pointer to a function which writes one 16 bit value to the controller with C/D line low.
pfWrite16_A1 void (*)(U16 Data) Pointer to a function which writes one 16 bit value to the controller with C/D line high.
pfWriteM16_A0 void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems) Pointer to a function which writes multiple 16 bit values to the controller with C/D line low.
pfWriteM16_A1 void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems) Pointer to a function which writes multiple 16 bit values to the controller with C/D line high.
pfRead16_A0 U16 (*)(void) Pointer to a function which reads one 16 bit value from the controller with C/D line low.
pfRead16_A1 U16 (*)(void) Pointer to a function which reads one 16 bit value from the controller with C/D line high.
pfReadM16_A0 void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems) Pointer to a function which reads multiple 16 bit values from the controller with C/D line low.
pfReadM16_A1 void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems) Pointer to a function which reads multiple 16 bit values from the controller with C/D line high.
pfReadM32_A1 void (*)(U32 * pData, int NumItems) Pointer to a function which reads multiple 32 bit values from the controller with C/D line high.

32 bit interface

Element Data type Description
pfWrite32_A0 void (*)(U32 Data) Pointer to a function which writes one 32 bit value to the controller with C/D line low.
pfWrite32_A1 void (*)(U32 Data) Pointer to a function which writes one 32 bit value to the controller with C/D line high.
pfWriteM32_A0 void (*)(U32 * pData, int NumItems) Pointer to a function which writes multiple 32 bit values to the controller with C/D line low.
pfWriteM32_A1 void (*)(U32 * pData, int NumItems) Pointer to a function which writes multiple 32 bit values to the controller with C/D line high.
pfRead32_A0 U32 (*)(void) Pointer to a function which reads one 32 bit value from the controller with C/D line low.
pfRead32_A1 U32 (*)(void) Pointer to a function which reads one 32 bit value from the controller with C/D line high.
pfReadM32_A0 void (*)(U32 * pData, int NumItems) Pointer to a function which reads multiple 32 bit values from the controller with C/D line low.
pfReadM32_A1 void (*)(U32 * pData, int NumItems) Pointer to a function which reads multiple 32 bit values from the controller with C/D line high.

SPI interface

Element Data type Description
pfSetCS void (*)(U8 NotActive) Pointer to a function which is able to toggle the CS signal of the controller.

This structure contains function pointers for 8-, 16- and 32 bit access. Not all function pointers are used by each driver. The required functions are listed in the description of the according display driver.


The following shows a configuration example for the driver GUIDRV_SLin. It creates and configures the driver, initializes the required function pointers of the GUI_PORT_API structure and passes them to the driver:

GUI_DEVICE * pDevice;
CONFIG_SLIN Config = {0};
// Set display driver and color conversion
pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_SLIN_2, GUICC_2, 0, 0);
// Common display driver configuration
LCD_SetSizeEx (0, XSIZE, YSIZE);
// Driver specific configuration
Config.UseCache  = 1;
GUIDRV_SLin_Config(pDevice, &Config);
// Select display controller
// Setup hardware access routines
PortAPI.pfWrite16_A0  = _Write0;
PortAPI.pfWrite16_A1  = _Write1;
PortAPI.pfWriteM16_A0 = _WriteM0;
PortAPI.pfRead16_A1   = _Read1;
GUIDRV_SLin_SetBus8(pDevice, &PortAPI);

Details can be found in the descriptions of the run-time configurable drivers.

Compile-time configuration

A compile-time configurable driver requires its configuration in a header file. This configuration file is included when compiling the display driver. The compile-time configurable drivers use distinct macros for accessing the hardware. It depends on the interface details which macros are used. The following shows which macros are used by which kind of interface.

Macros used by an indirect interface

The following table shows the used hardware access macros:

Type Macro Description
F LCD_READ_A0 Reads a byte from LCD controller with A0 - line low.
F LCD_READ_A1 Reads a byte from LCD controller with A0 - line high.
F LCD_WRITE_A0 Writes a byte to the display controller with A0 - line low.
F LCD_WRITE_A1 Writes a byte to the display controller with A0 - line high.
F LCD_WRITEM_A1 Writes several bytes to the LCD controller with A0 - line high.

Macros used by a 4 pin SPI interface

The following table shows the used hardware access macros:

Type Macro Description
F LCD_WRITE_A0 Writes a byte to the display controller with A0 (C/D) - line low.
F LCD_WRITE_A1 Writes a byte to the display controller with A0 (C/D) - line high.
F LCD_WRITEM_A1 Writes several bytes to the LCD controller with A0 (C/D) - line high.

Macros used by a 3 pin SPI interface

The following table shows the used hardware access macros:

Type Macro Description
F LCD_WRITE Writes a byte to the display controller.
F LCD_WRITEM Writes several bytes to the LCD controller.

Macros used by a I2C bus interface

The following table shows the used hardware access macros:

Type Macro Description
F LCD_READ_A0 Reads a status byte from LCD controller.
F LCD_READ_A1 Reads a data byte from LCD controller.
F LCD_WRITE_A0 Writes a instruction byte to the display controller.
F LCD_WRITE_A1 Writes a data byte to the display controller.
F LCD_WRITEM_A1 Writes several data bytes to the LCD controller.


Reads a byte from LCD controller with A0 (C/D) - line low.


Function replacement


#define LCD_READ_A0(Result)
Parameter Description
Result Result read. This is not a pointer, but a placeholder for the variable in which the value will be stored.


Reads a byte from LCD controller with A0 (C/D) - line high.


Function replacement


#define LCD_READ_A1(Result)
Parameter Description
Result Result read. This is not a pointer, but a placeholder for the variable in which the value will be stored.


Writes a byte to the display controller with A0 (C/D) - line low.


Function replacement


#define LCD_WRITE_A0(Byte)
Parameter Description
Byte Byte to write.


Writes a byte to the display controller with A0 (C/D) - line low.


Function replacement


#define LCD_WRITE_A1(Byte)
Parameter Description
Byte Byte to write.


Writes several bytes to the LCD controller with A0 (C/D) - line high.


Function replacement


#define LCD_WRITEM_A1(paBytes, NumberOfBytes)
Parameter Description
paBytes Placeholder for the pointer to the first data byte.
NumberOfBytes Number of data bytes to be written.


Writes a byte to the LCD controller.


Function replacement


#define LCD_WRITE(Byte)
Parameter Description
Byte Byte to write.


Writes several bytes to the LCD controller.


Function replacement


#define LCD_WRITEM(paBytes, NumberOfBytes)
Parameter Description
paBytes Placeholder for the pointer to the first data byte.
NumberOfBytes Number of data bytes to be written.

Non-readable displays

Framebuffer cache for non-readable displays

Some display controllers with an indirect interface do not support reading back display data. Especially displays which are connected via SPI interface often have this limitation.

In this case we recommend using a framebuffer cache. For details how to enable a display data cache, refer to the sub-chapter Framebuffer cache.

Systems without enough RAM for a framebuffer cache

On systems with a very little RAM it is sometimes not possible to use a framebuffer cache. If a display is non-readable and a framebuffer cache can not be used, some features of emWin will not be supported. These features are the following:

This is valid for all drivers where one data unit (8, 16 or 32 bit) represents one pixel. Display drivers, where one data unit represents more than one pixel, can not be used if no display data cache is available and the display is not readable. An example is the GUIDRV_Page1bpp driver where one byte represents 8 pixels.

Display orientation

If the original display orientation does not match the requirements, there are different ways to change the display orientation:

Driver based configuration of display orientation

If the display driver supports different orientations it is recommended to use the driver for setting up the right orientation. The way how to configure the display orientation then depends on the display driver to be used. Whereas the display orientation of the most common drivers is run-time configurable some drivers need to be configured at compile time.

Run-time configuration

The display orientation of the most common driver is determined by creating the display driver device in LCD_X_Config() using the proper macro. The according macros are listed within the description of GUIDRV_Lin.

Compile-time configuration

The display orientation of some drivers with indirect interface like GUIDRV_CompactColor_16 needs to be configured at compile time in the configuration file of the driver.

Display orientations

There are 8 possible display orientations; the display can be turned 0°, 90°, 180° or 270° and can also be viewed from top or from bottom. The default orientation is 0° and top view. These 4 * 2 = 8 different display orientations can also be expressed as a combination of 3 binary switches: X-mirroring, Y-mirroring and X/Y swapping. For this purpose, the binary configuration macros listed below can be used with each driver in any combination. If your display is not oriented well, take a look at the config switches in the table below to make it work properly. The orientation is handled as follows: Mirroring in X and Y first, then swapping (if selected).

Display Orientation macros in driver configuration file Display Orientation macros in driver configuration file
No orientation macro required
#define LCD_MIRROR_Y 1
#define LCD_MIRROR_X 1
#define LCD_MIRROR_X 1
#define LCD_MIRROR_Y 1
#define LCD_SWAP_XY 1
#define LCD_SWAP_XY 1
#define LCD_MIRROR_Y 1
#define LCD_SWAP_XY 1
#define LCD_MIRROR_X 1
#define LCD_SWAP_XY 1
#define LCD_MIRROR_X 1
#define LCD_MIRROR_Y 1

Details on how to use multiple orientations simultaneously can be found in the section Run-time screen rotation.

Runtime rotation

The runtime rotation functions make it possible to change the current driver at runtime. It allows to add up to 7 drivers to the primarily configured (default) driver of a layer. Basically usage is the following:

When selecting a driver the current one will be deleted and unlinked and a new one is created and linked into the device chain of the layer. Immediately after creating a new driver the configuration callback function is called before the driver will be initialized.
The color configuration to be used when creating and linking a driver is taken from the default driver.

The following set of functions may be used:

Routine Description
LCD_ROTATE_AddDriver() Adds a driver to be used for display rotation.
LCD_ROTATE_AddDriverEx() Adds a driver to be used for display rotation of the given layer.
LCD_ROTATE_DecSel() Decrements the current selection.
LCD_ROTATE_DecSelEx() Decrements the current selection of the given layer.
LCD_ROTATE_IncSel() Increments the current selection.
LCD_ROTATE_IncSelEx() Increments the current selection of the given layer.
LCD_ROTATE_SetCallback() Sets a function to be called immediately after a driver has been selected.
LCD_ROTATE_SetSel() Selects the driver with the given index to be used.
LCD_ROTATE_SetSelEx() Selects the driver with the given index to be used for the given layer.


Adds a driver to be used for display rotation. It is recommended that it is a variant of the default driver with different orientation.


int LCD_ROTATE_AddDriver(const GUI_DEVICE_API * pDriver);


Parameter Description
pDriver Pointer to a display driver API.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.


Adds a driver to be used for display rotation of the given layer. It is recommended that it is a variant of the default driver with different orientation.


int LCD_ROTATE_AddDriverEx(const GUI_DEVICE_API * pDeviceAPI,
                                 int              LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
pDriver Pointer to a display driver API.
LayerIndex Layer index to be used.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.


Decrements the current selection. If the current driver is the default driver it selects the driver last added.


int LCD_ROTATE_DecSel(void);

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.


Decrements the current selection of the given layer. If the current driver is the default driver it selects the driver last added.


int LCD_ROTATE_DecSelEx(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index to be used.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.


Increments the current selection. If the current driver is the last driver it selects the default driver.


int LCD_ROTATE_IncSel(void);

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.


Increments the current selection of the given layer. If the current driver is the last driver it selects the default driver.


int LCD_ROTATE_IncSelEx(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index to be used.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.


Sets a function to be called immediately after a driver has been selected. It is called immediately after creation and before initializing.


int LCD_ROTATE_SetCallback(void ( *pcbConfig)(GUI_DEVICE * , int , int ),
                           int  LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
pCbOnConfig Function to be called to configure driver.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.

Additional information

Main purpose of that function is to set a routine which is called by emWin to configure all properties of the driver. It is called immediately after selecting a driver. At least the display size has to be configured. In general it has to configure all things which normally are set in LCD_X_Config().



Selects the driver with the given index to be used.


int LCD_ROTATE_SetSel(int Index);


Parameter Description
Index Zero-based index of the driver to be used.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.


Selects the driver with the given index to be used for the given layer.


int LCD_ROTATE_SetSelEx(int Index,
                        int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
Index Zero-based index of the driver to be used.
LayerIndex Layer to be used.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.

Function based configuration of display orientation

Another possibility to set up the display orientation is to call GUI_SetOrientation(). Using these functions is recommended if the display driver can not be used.

Routine Description
GUI_SetOrientation() This function changes the display orientation by using a rotation device.
GUI_SetOrientationEx() This function changes the orientation in the specified layer by using a rotation device.


This function changes the display orientation by using a rotation device.


int GUI_SetOrientation(int Orientation);


Parameter Description
Orientation See the table below for an overview of valid values.
Resulting display Value to use for GUI_SetOrientation() Resulting display Value to use for GUI_SetOrientation()

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.

Additional information

The rotation device covers the complete virtual screen within an internal screen buffer. Because of this the use of this function requires additional memory for this additional screen buffer. The number of required bytes can be calculated as follows:

Virtual xSize * Virtual ySize * BytesPerPixel

The number of bytes per pixel is for configurations from 1-8bpp 1, for systems with more than 8bpp up to 16bpp 2 and for systems with more than 16bpp 4. Each drawing operation first updates this buffer. After this the affected pixels are passed to the display driver device.



This function changes the orientation in the specified layer by using a rotation device.


int GUI_SetOrientationEx(int Orientation,
                         int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
Orientation Refer to GUI_SetOrientation for an overview of valid values.
LayerIndex Index of the layer which Orientation has to be (re-)configured.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.

Additional information

See GUI_SetOrientation().

Orientation flags


Flags used by several GUI functions to define the display orientation.


#define GUI_MIRROR_X    (1 << 0)
#define GUI_MIRROR_Y    (1 << 1)
#define GUI_SWAP_XY     (1 << 2)


Definition Description
GUI_MIRROR_X Mirroring the X-axis.
GUI_MIRROR_Y Mirroring the Y-axis.
GUI_SWAP_XY Swapping X- and Y-axis.

Display driver callback function

A display driver requires a callback function. It is called by the driver for several tasks. One task is putting the display driver into operation which is also explained in the chapter Configuration. It is also called for other tasks which require hardware related operations like switching the display on and off or setting a lookup table entry.


Refer to LCD_X_DisplayDriver() for a full API description of the function.

Commands passed to the callback function

The following explains the common commands passed to the callback function. For details about display driver specific commands, refer to Detailed display driver descriptions. They are described under the topic ’Additional callback commands’.



As mentioned above the application should initialize the display controller and put it into operation if the callback routine receives this command. No parameters are passed on this command. Typically an initialization routine which initializes the registers of the display controller should be called in reaction of this command.





This command switches the display on.





This command switches the display off.





Sets the required layer alpha value. Should be used to set up the layer alpha register.


pData points to a data structure of type LCD_X_SETALPHA_INFO.

Elements of structure LCD_X_SETALPHA_INFO

Data type Element Description
int Alpha Alpha value to be used. 255 for transparent and 0 for opaque.


A lookup table entry should be set. The typical reaction should be writing an entry into the lookup table of the display controller.


pData points to a data structure of type LCD_X_SETLUTENTRY_INFO.

Elements of structure LCD_X_SETLUTENTRY_INFO

Data type Element Description
LCD_COLOR Color RGB value of the color to be written to the LUT. Note that the format required by the hardware could be different to the RGB format.
U8 Pos Zero based index of the LUT entry to be set.


The function is used in relation with virtual screens. It is called if the origin of the display should be set. A typical reaction can be modifying the frame buffer start address.


pData points to a data structure of type LCD_X_SETORG_INFO.

Elements of structure LCD_X_SETORG_INFO

Data type Element Description
int xPos New X-position of the physical display position within the virtual screen.
int yPos New Y-position of the physical display position within the virtual screen.


This function is used in relation with setting up the layer position. Please note that normally a layer could not exceed the physical range of a display. But it is possible to achieve the effect of a layer positioned outside of the display without modifying the content of the frame buffer. Such an effect could be used for example for moving a picture into the visible area of the display and/or for shifting it out of the display without any additional CPU load for repainting.
If for example a layer should look like starting with a negative X/Y-coordinate, for example (-10, -5) that values could not be used directly for setting up the registers of the layer position. The physical layer coordinate needs to be (0, 0) in that case. To achieve the effect of a negative position an offset needs to be added to the framebuffer start address. Further the visible length and height of the layer need to be adapted by subtracting the intersection in X and Y. If the given coordinates (for example passed to GUI_SetLayerPosEx()) lead into a completely invisible layer emWin automatically sends a LCD_X_SETVIS command.


pData points to a data structure of type LCD_X_SETPOS_INFO.

Elements of structure LCD_X_SETPOS_INFO

Data type Element Description
int xPos Physical X-position to be used to set up the layer position register.
int yPos Physical Y-position to be used to set up the layer position register.
int xLen Physical X-size of the layer.
int yLen Physical Y-size of the layer.
int BytesPerPixel Bytes used for one pixel.
U32 Off Offset to be added to the framebuffer start address.


To be able to use that functionality the following must be possible:



Used to set up the size of a layer at runtime.


pData points to a data structure of type LCD_X_SETSIZE_INFO.

Elements of structure LCD_X_SETSIZE_INFO

Data type Element Description
int xSize New X-size to be used for the given layer.
int ySize New Y-size to be used for the given layer.

Additional information

After changing the size of a layer at runtime normally the content of the layer needs to be repainted. Please note that this is not done automatically.



Used to set up the visibility of a layer at runtime.


pData points to a data structure of type LCD_X_SETVIS_INFO.

Elements of structure LCD_X_SETVIS_INFO

Data type Element Description
int OnOff 1 if layer should be visible, 0 for invisible.


This command is passed by the driver to tell the callback routine the start address of the video RAM. The typical reaction should be writing the address to the frame buffer start address register.


pData points to a data structure of type LCD_X_SETVRAMADDR_INFO.

Elements of structure LCD_X_SETVRAMADDR_INFO

Data type Element Description
void * pVRAM Points to the start address of the video RAM. This address is typically written to the video RAM base address register of the display controller.


This command is used in relation with multiple buffers. It tells the callback routine that the buffer with the given index should become visible.


pData points to a data structure of type LCD_X_SETVRAMADDR_INFO.

Elements of structure LCD_X_SHOWBUFFER_INFO

Data type Element Description
int Index Index of buffer which should become visible as soon as possible.

Additional information

Making the buffer visible could be done by setting the right framebuffer start address immediately or by doing that within an ISR which is called in the vertical non display period.

Detailed display driver descriptions


This driver has been developed for systems without display controller. It manages each color bit in a separate plain. This means if the color depth is for example 4 bits per pixel the driver manages 4 bit plains each containing one bit.
Initially the driver has been made to drive monochrome and color TFTs with an R323C/111 CPU via SPI interface. But the driver can be used also for similar applications.
The driver does only manage the content of the bit plains. It does not contain any display controller specific code.

Supported hardware



Bits per pixel

The driver has been developed for a color depth of 1 to 8 bits per pixel.


It is required to write an application defined routine which uses the content of the bit plains to generate the color signals for the display. The driver comes with a sample for the R32C/111 CPU which refreshes the display via timer interrupt routine using the SPI interface.

Driver selection

To use GUIDRV_BitPlains for the given display, the following command can be used e.g.:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_BITPLAINS, GUICC_M111, 0, 0);

More information about using the proper palette mode can be found in the chapter Colors.

Display data RAM organization

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the display. The display memory is divided into separate plains for each bit of the colors. This means that bit 0 of each pixel is stored in plain 0, the bit 1 in plain 1 and so on. The advantage of this method is that each color bit of the display data can be accessed very quickly.

RAM requirements

The required size of the display memory area can be calculated as follows:

Size = BitsPerPixel * (LCD_XSIZE + 7) / 8 * LCD_YSIZE


The pointers to the bit plain areas need to be passed to the configuration routine of the driver. They are not allocated within the driver but from application side.

Hardware configuration

Normally, the hardware interface is an interrupt service routine (ISR) which updates the display. The driver comes with an example written in “C” code. This routine should serve as an example.

Additional run-time configuration

The table below shows the available run-time configuration routines of this driver:

Routine Description
GUIDRV_BitPlains_Config() This function passes a pointer to a CONFIG_BITPLAINS structure to the driver.
LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx() Sets the address of the video RAM.

Elements of structure CONFIG_VRAM_BITPLAINS

Data type Element Description
U8 * apVRAM Array of pointers to the memory locations to be used by the driver for each bit plain. If the driver for example works in 2bpp mode only the first 2 pointers are used (One plain for each bit of the color information).


This function passes a pointer to a CONFIG_BITPLAINS structure to the driver.


void GUIDRV_BitPlains_Config(GUI_DEVICE       * pDevice,
                             CONFIG_BITPLAINS * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pConfig Pointer to a CONFIG_BITPLAINS structure explained below.

Elements of structure CONFIG_BITPLAINS

Data type Element Description
int Mirror Config switch to mirror the bits of the display data.

Configuration example

// Data arrays to be used by the display driver
static U8 _aPlain_0[BYTES_PER_LINE * YSIZE_PHYS];
static U8 _aPlain_1[BYTES_PER_LINE * YSIZE_PHYS];
static U8 _aPlain_2[BYTES_PER_LINE * YSIZE_PHYS];
// Structure to be passed to the driver
static struct {
  U8 * apVRAM[8];
} _VRAM_Desc = {
void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  // Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer
  // Display driver configuration
  if (LCD_GetSwapXY()) {
  } else {
  // Initialize VRAM access of the driver
  LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx(0, (void *)&_VRAM_Desc);


GUIDRV_Dist has been developed to support displays with multiple controllers. It is able to support multiple display areas each driven by a separate display controller. The distribution driver passes the drawing operations to the according display driver. This also works with overlapping operations. In these cases the operations are divided into sub operations for each affected controller. GUIDRV_Dist is part of the emWin basic package.

Supported hardware

The distribution driver is able to work with each runtime configurable display driver. Please note that it is required that each of the configured display drivers use the same color conversion as the distribution driver.

Driver selection

To be able to use this driver the following call has to be made:

RAM requirements


Run-time configuration

After the driver has been created the actual display drivers should be also created and added to the distribution device:

GUIDRV_Dist_AddDriver(pDevice, pDevice0, &Rect0);
GUIDRV_Dist_AddDriver(pDevice, pDevice1, &Rect1);


Adds a display driver to the distribution driver.


void GUIDRV_Dist_AddDriver(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                           GUI_DEVICE * pDriver,
                           GUI_RECT   * pRect);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the already created distribution device.
pDriver Pointer to the already created driver device to be added.
pRect Pointer to the rectangle in which outputs have to affect the driver.

Configuration example

void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  // Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer
  // Display size configuration
  // Create first display driver
  // Configuration of first driver
  // Create second display driver
  // Configuration of second driver
  // Add display drivers to distribution driver
  Rect0.x0 = 0;
  Rect0.y0 = 160;
  Rect0.x1 = 223;
  Rect0.y1 = 319;
  GUIDRV_Dist_AddDriver(pDevice, pDevice0, &Rect0);
  Rect1.x0 = 0;
  Rect1.y0 = 0;
  Rect1.x1 = 223;
  Rect1.y1 = 159;
  GUIDRV_Dist_AddDriver(pDevice, pDevice1, &Rect1);


Supported hardware


The supported display controllers are listed in the description of the function GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc.

Bits per pixel

Supported color depth is 16, 18 and 24 bpp.


The driver supports 8-bit, 9-bit, 16-bit and 18-bit indirect interface.

Driver selection

To be able to use this driver the following call has to be made:


Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Display data RAM organization

RAM requirements

This display driver requires approx. 500 Bytes to work and a line buffer. The size of the line buffer gets calculated as follow:

LCD_XSIZE * ((BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8)

It can also be used with and without a display data cache, containing a complete copy of the content of the display data RAM. The amount of memory used by the cache is:


BytesPerPixel is 2 for 16bpp mode and 4 for 18bpp mode. Using a cache avoids reading operations from the display controller in case of XOR drawing operations and further it speeds up string output operations.

Run-time configuration API

The following table lists the available run-time configuration routines:

Routine Description
LCD_SetDevFunc() The function sets additional and / or user defined functions of the display driver.
Commands supported by LCD_SetDevFunc()
Command Description
LCD_DEVFUNC_READMPIXELS Can be used to set a custom defined routine for reading multiple pixels from the display controller.
LCD_DEVFUNC_READPIXEL Can be used to set a custom defined routine for reading a single pixel from the display controller.

Further information about the LCD layer routines can be found under Display driver API.

Important note on reading back pixel data from the controller

Because of the plurality of the supported display controllers and their operation modes the driver has not been tested with each interface of each supported controller. The behavior of the controller when reading back pixel data often depends on custom configuration and hardware details. Because of that it could happen, that the driver has no appropriate reading function(s) available. In that case the above explained function LCD_SetDevFunc() can be used to set application defined functions for reading back pixel data.
The main problem for the driver here is not getting data from the driver. Getting the color bits in the right order is the problem here. The custom defined functions need to supply ’pixel index’ values. This index format needs to comply to the index format determined by the color conversion routines configured for the driver device. Because the data supplied by the hardware interface functions of the driver in most cases does not have the right index format, the reading routines need to convert that raw data into the required pixel index format determined by the driver device configuration. For details about the hardware interface functions please also refer to GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc() and its parameter pHW_API. For details about the pixel index format please also refer to GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink() and its parameter pColorConvAPI and the chapter Colors. A sample configuration which shows how custom reading functions can be achieved is available in the configuration file sample folder shipped with the driver.

Configuration API
Routine Description
Common configuration routines
GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc() Configures bus, cache, and hardware routines.
GUIDRV_FlexColor_Config() Configures orientation and offset of the SEG- and COM-lines.
GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetOrientation() Sets a new orientation for the given layer.
Detailed interface selection
GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetInterface66712_B9() Set up bus interface (TYPE_I, TYPE_II).
GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetInterface66712_B18() Set up bus interface (TYPE_I, TYPE_II).
GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetInterface66715_B9() Set up bus interface (TYPE_I, TYPE_II).
GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetInterface66715_B18() Set up bus interface (TYPE_I, TYPE_II).
Configuration of read back function
GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66709_B16() Read back function settings.
GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66712_B9() Read back function settings.
GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66712_B16() Read back function settings.
GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66715_B9() Read back function settings.
GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66715_B16() Read back function settings.
GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66720_B16() Read back function settings.
GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66772_B8() Read back function settings.
GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66772_B16() Read back function settings.

The above set of configuration functions set up the detailed behavior of the driver. In short they do the following:


Configures the LCD-controller to be used, color depth and cache settings.


Configures display orientation, dummy reads and first SEG- and COM-lines.


Configures the bus interface to be used.


Configures the behavior when reading back pixel data.

Calling sequence

The following shows a recommended sequence of configuration function calls:



Configures bus width, cache usage and hardware routines.


void GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                              GUI_PORT_API * pHW_API,
                              void           ( *pfFunc)(GUI_DEVICE * ),
                              void           ( *pfMode)(GUI_DEVICE * ));


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device structure.
pHW_API Pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure. See required routines below.
pfFunc Controller selection macro. See table below.
pfMode See table below.
Permitted values for parameter pfFunc
Supported display controller
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66702 Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Solomon SSD1284, SSD1289, SSD1298
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66708 Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • FocalTech FT1509
  • Ilitek ILI9320, ILI9325, ILI9328, ILI9335
  • LG Electronics LGDP4531, LGDP4551
  • OriseTech SPFD5408
  • Renesas R61505, R61580
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66709 Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Epson S1D19122
  • Himax HX8353, HX8325A, HX8357, HX8369
  • Ilitek ILI9338, ILI9340, ILI9341, ILI9342, ILI9163, ILI9481, ILI9486, ILI9488, ILI9806H
  • Lucid Display Technology LDT7138
  • Novatek NT39122
  • Orisetech SPFD54124C, SPFD5414D
  • Renesas R61516, R61526
  • Sitronix ST7628, ST7637, ST7687, ST7715, ST7735, ST7789, ST7796
  • Solomon SSD1355
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66712 Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Himax HX8340, HX8347, HX8352, HX8367
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66714 Set up the driver to use the following controller:
  • Solomon SSD2119
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66715 Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Himax HX8352B
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66718 Set up the driver to use the following controller:
  • Syncoam SEPS525
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66719 Set up the driver to use the following controller:
  • Samsung S6E63D6
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66720 Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Solomon SSD1961, SSD1963
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66721 Set up the driver to use one of the following controller:
  • RAIO RA8870, RA8875
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66722 Set up the driver to use one of the following controller:
  • Solomon SSD1351, SSD1353
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66723 Set up the driver to use one of the following controller:
  • Lucid Display Technology LDT7138
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66724 Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Sitronix ST7775
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66725 Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • UltraChip UC1698
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66772 Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Himax HX8301
  • Ilitek ILI9220, ILI9221
  • LG Electronics LGDP4525
  • Samsung S6D0117
  • Sitronix ST7712
  • Hitachi HD66772

The display controllers listed in the table above are the currently known controllers compatible to the driver. Please note that the used numbers of the selection macros are compatible to some of the LCD_CONTROLLER macro of the driver GUIDRV_CompactColor_16. This makes it easy to migrate from the compile time configurable GUIDRV_CompactColor_16 to the runtime configurable GUIDRV_FlexColor.

Permitted values for parameter pfMode
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C0B8 16bpp, no cache, 8 bit bus
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C1B8 16bpp, cache, 8 bit bus
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C0B16 16bpp, no cache, 16 bit bus
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C1B16 16bpp, cache, 16 bit bus
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M18C0B9 18bpp, no cache, 9 bit bus
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M18C1B9 18bpp, cache, 9 bit bus
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M18C0B18 18bpp, no cache, 18 bit bus
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M18C1B18 18bpp, cache, 18 bit bus
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M24C0B8 24bpp, no cache, 8 bit bus

Each controller selection supports different operation modes. The table below shows the supported modes for each controller:

Selection macro M16C0B8 M16C1B8 M16C0B16 M16C1B16 M18C0B9 M18C1B9 M18C0B18 M18C1B18 M24C0B8
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66702 X X X X - - - - -
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66708 X X X X - - - - -
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66719 X X X X - - - - -
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66721 X X X X - - - - -
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66722 X X - - - - - - -
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66723 X X - - - - - - -
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66724 X X X X - - - - -
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66725 X X - - - - - - -
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66772 X X X X - - - - -


X supported
- not supported

Required GUI_PORT_API routines

The required GUI_PORT_API routines depend on the used interface. If a cache is used the routines for reading data are unnecessary for each interface:

8 bit interface

Element Data type
pfWrite8_A0 void (*)(U8 Data)
pfWrite8_A1 void (*)(U8 Data)
pfWriteM8_A1 void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems)
pfRead8_A1 U8 (*)(void)
pfReadM8_A1 void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems)

16 bit interface

Element Data type
pfWrite16_A0 void (*)(U16 Data)
pfWrite16_A1 void (*)(U16 Data)
pfWriteM16_A1 void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems)
pfRead16_A1 U16 (*)(void)
pfReadM16_A1 void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems)

18 bit interface

Element Data type
pfWrite32_A0 void (*)(U32 Data)
pfWrite32_A1 void (*)(U32 Data)
pfWriteM32_A1 void (*)(U32 * pData, int NumItems)
pfRead32_A1 U32 (*)(void)
pfReadM32_A1 void (*)(U32 * pData, int NumItems)

9 bit interface

The following describes the behavior of the 9 bit bus variant of the driver. When working with a 9 bit interface the display controller uses the lines D17-D10 or lines D7-D0 (8 bit) for accessing the command register and D17-D9 or D8-D0 (9 bit) for passing data. This means the lines D17-D9 or D8-D0 are connected to the interface lines of the CPU.
The driver passes 16 bit values to the hardware routines. In dependence of the selected driver interface (TYPE_I or TYPE_II) the bits 7-0 (TYPE_I) or the bits 8-1 (TYPE_II) already contain the right values to be passed to the controller. No further shift operation is required in the hardware routines.
To be able to process pixel data as fast as possible, the driver passes two 16 bit data values per pixel (0000000R RRRRRGGG and 0000000G GGBBBBBB) to the hardware routines. Only the first 9 bits contain pixel data. So nothing need to be shifted in the hardware routines.
In case of using the 9 bit interface the driver requires 16 bit hardware routines for communicating with the controller.

Element Data type Description
pfWrite16_A0 void (*)(U16 Data) Routine used to set up the index register. Dependent on used bus interface DB8-DB1 or DB7-DB0 are used.
pfWrite16_A1 void (*)(U16 Data) Routine used to pass register parameters. Dependent on used bus interface DB8-DB1 or DB7-DB0 are used.
pfWriteM16_A1 void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems) Data to be written (DB0-DB9)
pfReadM16_A1 void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems) Data read (DB0-DB9)

In addition to the hardware interface functions described above, the driver requires the following functions in case it is configured for a 66721-type controller. These controllers require reading the controller status. According to the used interface these functions are:

8 bit interface

Element Data type
pfRead8_A0 U8 (*)(void);

16 bit interface

Element Data type
pfRead16_A0 U16 (*)(void);

Further these controllers do not support setting the orientation by the driver using GUIDRV_FlexColor_Config(). This needs to be done in the initialization by setting the Display Configuration Register 0x20 (DPCR) accordingly.



Configures orientation and offset of the SEG- and COM-lines.


void GUIDRV_FlexColor_Config(GUI_DEVICE       * pDevice,
                             CONFIG_FLEXCOLOR * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the device to configure.
pConfig Pointer to a CONFIG_FLEXCOLOR structure. See element list below.

Elements of structure CONFIG_FLEXCOLOR

Data type Element Description
int FirstSEG First segment line.
int FirstCOM First common line.
int Orientation One or more “OR”-combined values of the values to be found under Orientation flags.
U16 RegEntryMode Normally the display controller uses 3 bits of one register to define the required display orientation. Normally these are the bits ID0, ID1 and AM. To be able to control the content of the other bits the RegEntryMode element can be used. The driver combines this value with the required orientation bits during the initialization process.
int NumDummyReads Defines the number of reading operations which have to be done until valid data can be retrieved. Please note that only values ≠ 0 are accepted. If the controller does not need one or more dummy reads, -1 should be used here.
Permitted values for parameter Orientation
GUI_MIRROR_X Mirroring the X-axis
GUI_MIRROR_Y Mirroring the Y-axis
GUI_SWAP_XY Swapping X- and Y-axis


Sets the orientation of the screen when using GUIDRV_FlexColor.


int GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetOrientation(int Orientation,
                                    int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
Orientation The orientation to be used.
LayerIndex The index of the layer the orientation should be set for.


Sets the type of interface to be used.


void GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetInterface66712_B9(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                                           int          Type);
void GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetInterface66715_B9(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                                           int          Type);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the device to configure.
Type Type of the interface to be used. See possible types below.
Permitted values for parameter Type
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_IF_TYPE_I Uses lines DB7-DB0 for register access and lines DB8-DB0 for data access. (default)
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_IF_TYPE_II Uses lines DB8 to DB1 for register access and lines DB8-DB0 for data access.

Additional information

The difference between the interfaces affects the register access to the controller. Normally there are 2 kinds of possible interfaces available when working with the 18 bit bus interface. TYPE_I uses the lines D7 to D0 for register access whereas TYPE_II uses the lines D8 to D1.



Sets the type of interface to be used.


void GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetInterface66712_B18(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                                            int          Type);
void GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetInterface66715_B18(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                                            int          Type);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the device to configure.
Type Type of the interface to be used. See possible types below.
Permitted values for parameter Type
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_IF_TYPE_I Uses lines DB7-DB0 for register access and lines DB8-DB0 for data access. (default)
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_IF_TYPE_II Uses lines DB8 to DB1 for register access and lines DB8-DB0 for data access.

Additional information

The difference between the interfaces affects the register access to the controller. Normally there are 2 kinds of possible interfaces available when working with the 18 bit bus interface. TYPE_I uses the lines D7 to D0 for register access whereas TYPE_II uses the lines D8 to D1.



Sets the function(s) to be used for reading back pixel data. To be called before GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc().


void GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66709_B16(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                                           int          Func);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the device to configure.
Func Type of the interface to be used. See possible types below.
Permitted values for parameter Func
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_I 3 cycles and data conversion required. (default)
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_II 2 cycles and no conversion required.
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_III 3 cycles and data conversion required.

Additional information

The difference between the interfaces affects only reading back pixels. The right interface depends on the used controller.


Cycle D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1st Dummy read
2nd - - - - - - - - B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 - - -
3rd G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 - - R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 - - -

In dependence of controller settings red and blue could be swapped.


Cycle D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1st Dummy read
2nd B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0

In dependence of controller settings red and blue could be swapped.


Cycle D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1st Dummy read
2nd B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 - - - G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 - -
3rd R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 - - - - - - - - - - -

In dependence of controller settings red and blue could be swapped.



Sets the function(s) to be used for reading back pixel data. To be called before GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc().


void GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66712_B9(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                                          int          Func);
void GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66715_B9(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                                          int          Func);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the device to configure.
Type Type of the interface to be used. See possible types below.
Permitted values for parameter Func
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_I 3 cycles and data conversion required. (default)
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_II 3 cycles and data conversion required.

Additional information

The right function to be used depends on the behavior of the used controller.


Cycle D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1st Dummy read
2nd - - - - - - - B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 G5 G4 G3
3rd - - - - - - - G2 G1 G0 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0

In dependence of controller settings red and blue could be swapped.


Cycle D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1st Dummy read
2nd B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 - - G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 - -
3rd R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 - - - - - - - - - -

In dependence of controller settings red and blue could be swapped.



Sets the function(s) to be used for reading back pixel data. To be called before GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc().


void GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66712_B16(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                                           int          Func);
void GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66715_B16(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                                           int          Func);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the device to configure.
Type Type of the interface to be used. See possible types below.
Permitted values for parameter Func
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_I 4 cycles and data conversion required. (default)
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_II 4 cycles and data conversion required.
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_III 3 cycles and data conversion required.

Additional information

The right function to be used depends on the behavior of the used controller.


Cycle D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1st Dummy read
2nd - - - - - - - - B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 - - -
3rd - - - - - - - - G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 - -
4th - - - - - - - - R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 - - -

In dependence of controller settings red and blue could be swapped.


Cycle D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1st Dummy read
2nd - - - - - - - - G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 - -
3rd - - - - - - - - B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 - - -
4th - - - - - - - - R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 - - -

In dependence of controller settings red and blue could be swapped.


Cycle D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1st Dummy read
2nd B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 - - - G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 - -
3rd R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 - - - - - - - - - - -

In dependence of controller settings red and blue could be swapped.



Sets the function(s) to be used for reading back pixel data. To be called before GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc().


void GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66720_B16(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                                           int          Func);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the device to configure.
Type Type of the interface to be used. See possible types below.
Permitted values for parameter Func
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_I 3 cycles and data conversion required. (default)
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_II 2 cycles and no conversion required.

Additional information

The right function to be used depends on the behavior of the used controller. Whereas _FUNC_I extracts the index value by assembling it from the second and third word received from the controller, _FUNC_II uses the second word as it is. Please note that the right interface depends on the behavior of the used controller.


Cycle D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1st Dummy read
2nd - - - - - - - - B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 - - -
3rd G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 - - R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 - - -

In dependence of controller settings red and blue could be swapped.


Cycle D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1st Dummy read
2nd B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0

In dependence of controller settings red and blue could be swapped.



Sets the function(s) to be used for reading back pixel data. To be called before GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc().


void GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66772_B8(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                                          int          Func);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the device to configure.
Type Type of the interface to be used. See possible types below.
Permitted values for parameter Func
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_I 3 cycles and no conversion required. (default)
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_II 3 cycles and conversion required.

Additional information

The right function to be used depends on the behavior of the used controller. Whereas _FUNC_I extracts the index value by assembling it from the second and third word received from the controller, _FUNC_II uses the second word as it is. Please note that the right interface depends on the behavior of the used controller.


Cycle D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1st Dummy read
2nd B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 G5 G4 G3
3rd G2 G1 G0 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0

In dependence of controller settings red and blue could be swapped.


Cycle D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1st Dummy read
2nd R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 G5 G4 G3
3rd G2 G1 G0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

In dependence of controller settings red and blue could be swapped.



Sets the function(s) to be used for reading back pixel data. To be called before GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc().


void GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetReadFunc66772_B16(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                                           int          Func);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the device to configure.
Type Type of the interface to be used. See possible types below.
Permitted values for parameter Func
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_I 2 cycles and no conversion required. (default)
GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_READ_FUNC_II 2 cycles and conversion required.

Additional information

The right function to be used depends on the behavior of the used controller. Whereas _FUNC_I extracts the index value by assembling it from the second and third word received from the controller, _FUNC_II uses the second word as it is. Please note that the right interface depends on the behavior of the used controller.


Cycle D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1st Dummy read
2nd B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0


Cycle D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1st Dummy read
2nd R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

In dependence of controller settings red and blue can be swapped.


Supported hardware


This driver works with the following display controllers:

Bits per pixel

The supported color depth is 4 bpp.


The driver supports the 16-bit indirect interface.

Driver selection

To use GUIDRV_IST3088 for the given display, the following command should be used:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_IST3088_4, GUICC_4, 0, 0);
Display data RAM organization

The delineation above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the LCD.

RAM requirements

This display driver can be used with and without a display data cache, containing a complete copy of the content of the display data RAM. The amount of memory (in bytes) used by the cache is:

Run-time configuration

The table below shows the available run-time configuration routines of this driver:

Routine Description
GUIDRV_IST3088_SetBus16() Tells the driver to use the 16 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


Tells the driver to use the 16 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


void GUIDRV_IST3088_SetBus16(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                             GUI_PORT_API * pHW_API);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pHW_API Pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure. See required routines below.
Required GUI_PORT_API routines
Element Data types
pfWrite16_A0 void (*)(U16 Data)
pfWrite16_A1 void (*)(U16 Data)
pfWriteM16_A1 void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems)
Special requirements

The driver needs to work in the fixed palette mode GUICC_4. The driver does not work with other palettes or fixed palette modes. You should use GUICC_4 as color conversion.


This driver supports all display controllers with linear video memory accessible via direct interface. It can be used with and without a display controller. The driver does only manage the contents of the video memory. It does not send any commands to the display controller or assumes any specific registers. So it is independent of the register interface of the display controller and can be used for managing each linear mapped video memory.

Supported hardware


The driver supports all systems with linear mapped video memory.

Bits per pixel

Supported color depths are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32 bits per pixel.


The driver supports a full bus interface from the CPU to the video memory. The video memory needs to be accessible 8, 16 or 32 bit wise.

Color depth and display orientation

The driver consists of several files. They are named _[O]_[BPP].c. where the optional O stands for the desired display orientation and BPP for the color depth. The following table shows configuration macros which should be used for selecting the desired driver orientation during the initialization:

Identifier Color depth and orientation
GUIDRV_LIN_1 1bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_LIN_2 2bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_LIN_4 4bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_LIN_8 8bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_LIN_OX_8 8bpp, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_LIN_OXY_8 8bpp, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_LIN_16 16bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_LIN_OX_16 16bpp, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_LIN_OXY_16 16bpp, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_LIN_OY_16 16bpp, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_LIN_OS_16 16bpp, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_LIN_OSX_16 16bpp, X axis mirrored, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_LIN_OSY_16 16bpp, Y axis mirrored, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_LIN_24 24bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_LIN_OX_24 24bpp, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_LIN_OXY_24 24bpp, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_LIN_OY_24 24bpp, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_LIN_OS_24 24bpp, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_LIN_OSX_24 24bpp, X axis mirrored, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_LIN_OSY_24 24bpp, Y axis mirrored, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_LIN_32 32bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_LIN_OX_32 32bpp, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_LIN_OXY_32 32bpp, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_LIN_OY_32 32bpp, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_LIN_OS_32 32bpp, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_LIN_OSX_32 32bpp, X axis mirrored, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_LIN_OSY_32 32bpp, Y axis mirrored, X and Y swapped

The table above shows identifiers which can be used to select the driver. Each combination of orientation and color depth is possible. Please note that currently not all combinations are shipped with the driver. If the required combination is not available, please send a request to obtain the required combination.

Driver selection

To use for the given display, the following command can be used e.g.:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_LIN_OX_16, GUICC_565, 0, 0);

Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Display data RAM organization

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the pixels of the LCD in terms of the color depth and the endian mode.

Little endian video mode

Least significant bits are used and output first. The least significant bits are for the first (left-most) pixel.

Big endian video mode

Most significant bits are used and output first. The most significant bits are for the first (left-most) pixel.

RAM requirements

The driver itself only requires app. 100 bytes. But the frame buffer to be managed has to exist somewhere in the RAM.

Compile-time configuration

The following table lists the macros which must be defined for hardware access:

Macro Description
LCD_ENDIAN_BIG Should be set to 1 for big endian mode, 0 (default) for little endian mode.
Run-time configuration

The following table lists the available run-time configuration routines:

Routine Description
GUIDRV_Lin_SetThreshold() This function sets a limit for using an optional hardware accelerator function for filling operations.
LCD_SetDevFunc() The function sets additional and / or user defined functions of the display driver.
LCD_SetSizeEx() Sets the physical size of the visible area of the given display/layer.
LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx() Sets the address of the video RAM.
LCD_SetVSizeEx() Sets the size of the virtual display area.


This function sets a limit for using an optional hardware accelerator function for filling operations.


void GUIDRV_Lin_SetThreshold(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                             int          Threshold);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
Threshold Limit to be used for calling hardware acceleration function for filling operations.

Additional information

The hardware acceleration function to be used needs to be set with LCD_SetDevFunc using LCD_DEVFUNC_FILLRECT as function id. Setting a limit should make sure, that the acceleration function is not called for setting only a few pixels. Depending on the used hardware accelerator such a function often has more or less overhead which makes it inefficient for filling only a few pixels.

Commands supported by LCD_SetDevFunc()

The following table shows the supported values of the function:

Value Description
LCD_DEVFUNC_COPYBUFFER Can be used to set a custom defined routine for copying buffers. Makes only sense in combination with multiple buffers.
LCD_DEVFUNC_COPYRECT Can be used to set a custom defined routine for copying rectangular areas of the display.
LCD_DEVFUNC_DRAWBMP_1BPP Can be used to set a custom routine for drawing 1bpp bitmaps.
LCD_DEVFUNC_DRAWBMP_8BPP Can be used to set a custom routine for drawing 8bpp bitmaps.
LCD_DEVFUNC_DRAWBMP_32BPP Can be used to set a custom routine for drawing 32bpp bitmaps.
LCD_DEVFUNC_FILLRECT Can be used to set a custom defined routine for filling rectangles. Makes sense if for example a BitBLT engine should be used for filling operations.

Further information about the LCD layer routines can be found under Display driver API.

Configuration example

The following shows how to create a display driver device with this driver and how to configure it:

void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  // Set display driver and color conversion
  GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_LIN_8,    // Display driver
                           GUICC_8666,      // Color conversion
                           0, 0);
  // Display driver configuration
  LCD_SetSizeEx    (0, 320,  240);          // Physical display size in pixels
  LCD_SetVSizeEx   (0, 320,  480);          // Virtual  display size in pixels
  LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx(0, (void *)0x20000000); // Video RAM start address
Using the Lin driver in systems with cache memory

The rules to follow are quite simple:

Rule 1

All caches (if applicable, as in your case) should be fully enabled. This means I- and D- caches in systems with separate caches.

Rule 2

All code and data should be placed in cacheable areas to achieve maximum performance. If other parts of the application require some or all data to be placed in non- cacheable areas, this is not a problem but may degrade performance.

Rule 3

The cache settings for the frame buffer memory (which is really a shared memory area, accessed by both the CPU and the LCD-controller DMA) should make sure, that write operations are ’write-through’ operations. The physical memory should be always up to date, so that the DMA-access of the LCD-controller always get the current content of the frame buffer. In case of a ’write-back’ cache a write operation only changes the content of the cache, which is written to the physical memory not before the cache location is superseded.
In many systems with MMU, this can be achieved by mapping the RAM twice into the virtual address space: At its normal address, the RAM is cacheable and bufferable, at the second address, it is cacheable but not bufferable. The address of the VRAM given to the driver should be the non bufferable address.

'write-through' cache not available

If the CPU does not support a ’write-through’ cache please refer to chapter Framebuffer located in data cache area of CPU. It explains how multiple buffering and a cache clearance function can be used.


This driver has been developed for the Epson S1D13C00 display controller.

Supported hardware


This driver supports the Epson S1D13C00 only.

Bits per pixel

The driver supports two color depths, 6 bit per pixel + 2 bit alpha and 1 bit per pixel.

Each channel of the 6 bit per pixel + 2 bit alpha color format is represented by 2 bits (ARGB) where an alpha channel with both bits set is opaque.

Currently the only supported color conversions are GUICC_M2222I and GUICC_1.

If other color depths/formats (supported by the controller) are required just let us know.


The only interface routine required for this driver is a function to send 8bit data to the controller.


The first four bytes send in the data stream containing a VRAM address into the S1D13C00s VRAM.

Display orientation

The driver supports several orientations which can be selected by choosing the correct driver during in

Identifier Orientation
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_1_0 1 bpp Default orientation
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_1_OX 1 bpp X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_1_OY 1 bpp Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_1_OXY 1 bpp X and Y axis mirrored (rotated 180°)
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_1_OS 1 bpp X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_1_OSX 1 bpp X and Y swapped, X axis mirrored (rotated 90° CW)
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_1_OSY 1 bpp X and Y swapped, Y axis mirrored (rotated 90° CCW)
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_1_OSXY 1 bpp X and Y swapped, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_6_0 6 bpp Default orientation
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_6_OX 6 bpp X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_6_OY 6 bpp Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_6_OXY 6 bpp X and Y axis mirrored (rotated 180°)
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_6_OS 6 bpp X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_6_OSX 6 bpp X and Y swapped, X axis mirrored (rotated 90° CW)
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_6_OSY 6 bpp X and Y swapped, Y axis mirrored (rotated 90° CCW)
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_6_OSXY 6 bpp X and Y swapped, X and Y axis mirrored
Driver selection

To use GUIDRV_S1D13C00 for a 6 + 2 bpp configuration the following command can be used:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_S1D13C00_6_0, GUICC_M2222I, 0, 0);

To use GUIDRV_S1D13C00 for a 1 bpp configuration the following command can be used:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_S1D13C00_1_0, GUICC_1, 0, 0);
Display data RAM organization 1bpp

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the display.

Display data RAM organization 6 + 2bpp

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the display.

RAM requirements

This driver always uses a cache to mirroring the pixel data shown on the display. This cache improves the performance and makes reading from the display controller unnecessary.

The required size of the display cache can be calculated as follows:

Size = (BitsPerPixel * (LCD_XSIZE + 7) / 8) * LCD_YSIZE


If not using the the Window Manager use LCD_ControlCache() to lock and unlock the cache before and after drawing operations.

Run-time configuration

The table below shows the available run-time configuration routines of this driver:

Routine Description
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_Config() This function sets a config structure.
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_SetBaseAddress() This function sets the base address of the S1D13C00 VRAM.
GUIDRV_S1D13C00_SetBus() This function sets the hardware interface routines.


This function sets a config structure.


void GUIDRV_S1D13C00_Config(GUI_DEVICE      * pDevice,
                            CONFIG_S1D13C00 * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pConfig Pointer to a CONFIG_S1D13C00 structure

Additional information

It is mandatory to set a update function which triggers an update on the S1D13C00 controller. Without this function the driver won’t work.



This function sets the base address of the S1D13C00 VRAM. Typically this is 0x20000000.


void GUIDRV_S1D13C00_SetBaseAddress(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice,
                                    U32          BaseAddr);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
BaseAddr VRAM Base address.

Additional information

Typically the base address is 0x20000000 and doesn’t need to be changed.



This function sets the hardware interface routines.


void GUIDRV_S1D13C00_SetBus(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                            GUI_PORT_API * pPortAPI);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pPortAPI Port API structure

Additional information

Only pPortAPI->pfWriteM8_A1() is used.

Required GUI_PORT_API routines

Data type Element Description
void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems) pfWriteM8_A1 Pointer to a function which writes multiple bytes to the data register.

This is an example showing how receive the VRAM address from the data stream and use it to write to the S1D13C00s VRAM:

*       _WriteM8_A1
static void _WriteM8_A1(U8 * pData, int NumBytes) {
  U32 Addr;

  Addr  = 0;
  Addr |= *pData++;
  Addr |= *pData++ <<  8;
  Addr |= *pData++ << 16;
  Addr |= *pData++ << 24;
  seS1D13C00Write(Addr, pData,  NumBytes);




From a technical point of view both drivers are identically.

Supported hardware


This driver supports the Epson S1D13<DRV> only.

Bits per pixel

The supported color depth is 24 (Main and PIP1 layer) and 32 bpp (PIP2 layer).


The driver supports the 16-bit indirect interface only.

Driver selection

To use GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV> the following command should be used:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_32, GUICC_M888, 0, 0);

The Sample folder contains a configuration sample which shows in detail how to configure the driver.

Display data RAM organization

Relationship between memory and the SEG and COM lines.

RAM requirements

Approximately 2 KB.

Basic function

The driver uses the indirect interface mode of the S1D13<DRV>. It uses 3 registers for accessing the controller:

Run-time configuration

The table below shows the available run-time configuration routines of this driver:

Routine Description
Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_S1D13<DRV> structure to the driver.
Configures the driver to use the 16 bit indirect interface by passing a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure.


Configures the driver to work according to the passed CONFIG_S1D13<DRV> structure.


void GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_Config(GUI_DEVICE        * pDevice,
                              CONFIG_S1D13<DRV> * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pConfig Pointer to a CONFIG_S1D13<DRV> structure described below.

Elements of structure CONFIG_S1D13<DRV>

Data type Element Description
U32 BufferOffset This offset added to the VideoRAM start address, results in the start address used for the selected PIP layer.
int UseLayer (see table below)
Permitted values for UseLayer
GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_USE_PIP1 PIP1 should be used
GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_USE_PIP2 PIP2 should be used


Tells the driver to use the 16 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


void GUIDRV_S1D13513_SetBus16(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                              GUI_PORT_API * pHW_API);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pHW_API Pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure. See required routines below.

Required GUI_PORT_API routines

Data type Element Description
void (*)(U16 Data) pfWrite16_A0 Pointer to a function which writes one word to the index register.
void (*)(U16 Data) pfWrite16_A1 Pointer to a function which writes one word to the data register.
void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems) pfWriteM16_A1 Pointer to a function which writes multiple words to the data register.
U16 (*)(void) pfRead16_A0 Pointer to a function which reads one word from the index register.
U16 (*)(void) pfRead16_A1 Pointer to a function which reads one word from the data register.
void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems) pfReadM16_A1 Pointer to a function which reads multiple words from the data register.
void (*)(void) pfFlushBuffer Pointer to a function which waits until the busy flag of the status register is cleared (0).

Special requirements

The driver needs to work with the fixed palette modes explained above. It further requires a function which waits until the busy flag of the status register is cleared.




From a technical point of view both drivers are identically.

Supported hardware


This driver has been tested with the Epson S1D13<DRV>.

Bits per pixel

The supported color depth is 16 bpp.


The driver supports the 16-bit indirect interface.

Basic function

The driver currently supports indirect mode only. Only 2 registers, namely register 0 and 2 are used.

Hardware interface

AB[1] = GND
AB[2] = Used as Address pin
AB[3] = GND

AB[3:0] Register
000 Index
001 Status
010 Data
011 Reserved
100 GPIO Status
101 GPIO Config
110 GPIO Input Enable
111 GPIO Pull-down Control


The RESET pin should be connected to the system reset. The RESET pin of the Microcontroller / CPU is usually called NRESET.

Driver selection

To use GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV> for the given display, the following command should be used:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>, GUICC_M565, 0, 0);
Display data RAM organization

Relationship between memory and the SEG and COM lines.

RAM requirements

Approximately 500 bytes.

Run-time configuration

The table below shows the available run-time configuration routines of this driver:

Routine Description
Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_S1D13<DRV> structure to the driver.
Configures the driver to use the 16 bit indirect interface by passing a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure.


Configures the driver to work according to the passed CONFIG_S1D13<DRV> structure.


void GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_Config(GUI_DEVICE        * pDevice,
                              CONFIG_S1D13<DRV> * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pConfig Pointer to a CONFIG_S1D13<DRV> structure described below.

Elements of structure CONFIG_S1D13<DRV>

Data type Element Description
U32 BufferOffset This offset added to the VideoRAM start address, results in the start address used for the selected PIP layer.
int UseLayer PIP layer to be used.


Tells the driver to use the 16 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


void GUIDRV_S1D13748_SetBus16(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                              GUI_PORT_API * pHW_API);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pHW_API Pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure. See required routines below.
Required GUI_PORT_API routines
Data type Element Description
void (*)(U16 Data) pfWrite16_A0 Pointer to a function which writes one word to the controller with C/D line low.
void (*)(U16 Data) pfWrite16_A1 Pointer to a function which writes one word to the controller with C/D line high.
void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems) pfWriteM16_A1 Pointer to a function which writes multiple words to the controller with C/D line high.
U16 (*)(void) pfRead16_A1 Pointer to a function which reads one word from the controller with C/D line high.
void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems) pfReadM16_A1 Pointer to a function which reads multiple words from the controller with C/D line high.
Special requirements

The driver needs to work with the fixed palette mode GUICC_M565. The driver does not work with other palettes or fixed palette modes.




From a technical point of view both drivers are identically.

Supported hardware


This driver has been tested with the Epson S1D13<DRV>.

Bits per pixel

Currently the supported color depth is 8 and 16 bpp. This can be enhanced on demand.


Currently the driver supports only the 8-bit indirect serial host interface. Can be enhanced on demand.

Display orientation

The driver can be used with different orientations. The following table shows the configuration macros which can be used to create and link the driver during the initialization:

Identifier Color depth and orientation
GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_8C0 8bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_OXY_8C0 8bpp, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_OSY_8C0 8bpp, X axis mirrored, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_OSX_8C0 8bpp, Y axis mirrored, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_16C0 16bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_OXY_16C0 16bpp, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_OSY_16C0 16bpp, X axis mirrored, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_OSX_16C0 16bpp, Y axis mirrored, X and Y swapped

The table above shows identifiers which can be used to select the driver.

Driver selection

To use GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV> for the given display, the following command should be used for the 8bpp version:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_8C0, GUICC_8666, 0, 0);

To use the 16bpp version use the following command:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_16C0, GUICC_M565, 0, 0);
Display data RAM organization

Relationship between memory and the SEG and COM lines for 8bpp mode.

Relationship between memory and the SEG and COM lines for 16bpp mode.

RAM requirements

Approximately 1 KB.

Run-time configuration

The table below shows the available run-time configuration routines of this driver:

Routine Description
Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_S1D13<DRV> structure to the driver.
Configures the driver to use the 8 bit indirect serial host interface by passing a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure.
Sets a new orientation for the given layer.


Configures the driver to work according to the passed CONFIG_S1D13<DRV> structure.


void GUIDRV_S1D13<DRV>_Config(GUI_DEVICE        * pDevice,
                              CONFIG_S1D13<DRV> * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pConfig Pointer to a CONFIG_S1D13<DRV> structure described below.

Elements of structure CONFIG_S1D13<DRV>

Data type Element Description
U32 BufferOffset This offset added to the VideoRAM start address, results in the start address used for the selected PIP layer.
int WriteBufferSize Number of bytes used for the write buffer. The buffer should be large enough to be able to store at least one line of data + 5 bytes. Because the layer size can be changed dynamically, it is required to set up the buffer size during the configuration. The default value of the buffer size is 500 bytes.
int UseLayer Should be 1 if PIP layer should be used.
int WaitUntilVNDP Used for Multiple Buffering configurations only. If set to 1 the driver waits until the next vertical non display period has been reached. This can be used to reduce flickering effects with fast animations.


Tells the driver to use the 8 bit indirect serial host interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


void GUIDRV_S1D13781_SetBusSPI(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                               GUI_PORT_API * pHW_API);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pHW_API Pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure. See required routines below.


This function set the given orientation for the given layer.


int GUIDRV_S1D13781_SetOrientation(int Orientation,
                                   int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
Orientation The orientation to be used.
LayerIndex Index of the layer the orientation should be set for.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.
Required GUI_PORT_API routines
Data type Element Description
void (*)(U8 Data) pfWrite8_A0 Pointer to a function which writes one byte to the controller with C/D line low.
void (*)(U8 Data) pfWrite8_A1 Pointer to a function which writes one byte to the controller with C/D line high.
void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems) pfWriteM8_A1 Pointer to a function which writes multiple bytes to the controller with C/D line high.
U8 (*)(void) pfRead8_A1 Pointer to a function which reads one byte from the controller with C/D line high.
void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems) pfReadM8_A1 Pointer to a function which reads multiple bytes from the controller with C/D line high.
void (*)(U8 NotActive) pfSetCS Routine which is able to toggle the CS signal of the controller:
NotActive = 1 means CS = high
NotActive = 0 means CS = low
Optional functions

The following table shows the optional LCD-functions which are available with this driver:

Routine Description
GUI_GetLayerPosEx() Returns the X- and Y-position of the given layer.
GUI_SetLayerPosEx() Sets the X- and Y-position of the given layer.
GUI_SetLayerSizeEx() Sets the X- and Y-size of the given layer.
GUI_SetLayerVisEx() Sets the visibility of the given layer.
LCD_SetAlphaEx() Sets the layer alpha value of the given layer.
LCD_SetChromaEx() Sets the colors to be used for the chroma mode.
LCD_SetChromaModeEx() Enables the chroma mode of the given layer.

More details about the optional functions can be found in MultiLayer API.

Additional information

The display driver automatically initializes the following registers:

Register Description
0x60824 X-size of main layer.
0x60828 Y-size of main layer.
0x60840 Main layer settings.

This means the above registers do not need to be initialized by the applications initialization code for the display controller.


Supported hardware


The driver supports the Epson S1D15G00 controller.

Bits per pixel

Supported color depth is 12bpp.


The driver supports the 8 bit indirect interface.

Driver selection

To use GUIDRV_S1D15G00 for the given display, the following command should be used:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_S1D15G00, GUICC_M444_12, 0, 0);
Display data RAM organization

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the LCD.

RAM requirements

This display driver can be used with and without a display data cache, containing a complete copy of the contents of the LCD data RAM. The amount of memory used by the cache is:


Using a cache is recommended only if a lot of drawing operations uses the XOR drawing mode. A cache would avoid reading the display data in this case. Normally the use of a cache is not recommended.

Run-time configuration

The table below shows the available run-time configuration routines of this driver:

Routine Description
GUIDRV_S1D15G00_Config() Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_S1D15G00 structure to the driver.
GUIDRV_S1D15G00_SetBus8() Tells the driver to use the 8 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_S1D15G00 structure to the driver.


void GUIDRV_S1D15G00_Config(GUI_DEVICE      * pDevice,
                            CONFIG_S1D15G00 * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pConfig Pointer to a CONFIG_S1D15G00 structure described below.

Elements of structure CONFIG_S1D15G00

Data type Element Description
int FirstSEG First segment address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation. The value is normally 0.
int FirstCOM First common address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation. The value is normally 0.
int UseCache Enables or disables use of a data cache. Should be set to 1 for enabling and to 0 for disabling.


Tells the driver to use the 8 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


void GUIDRV_S1D15G00_SetBus8(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                             GUI_PORT_API * pHW_API);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pHW_API Pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure. See required routines below.
Required GUI_PORT_API routines
Data type Element Description
void (*)(U8 Data) pfWrite8_A0 Pointer to a function which writes one byte to the controller with C/D line low.
void (*)(U8 Data) pfWrite8_A1 Pointer to a function which writes one byte to the controller with C/D line high.
void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems) pfWriteM8_A1 Pointer to a function which writes multiple bytes to the controller with C/D line high.
U8 (*)(void) pfRead8_A1 Pointer to a function which reads one byte from the controller with C/D line high.
Configuration example
#define XSIZE 130
#define YSIZE 130
void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  GUI_DEVICE * pDevice;
  CONFIG_S1D15G00 Config = {0};
  // Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer
  pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_S1D15G00, GUICC_M444_12, 0, 0);
  // Display driver configuration
  LCD_SetSizeEx (0, XSIZE,  YSIZE);
  LCD_SetVSizeEx(0, XSIZE,  YSIZE);
  // Driver specific configuration
  Config.FirstCOM  = 2;
  GUIDRV_S1D15G00_Config(pDevice, &Config);
  // Setup hardware access routines
  _PortAPI.pfWrite8_A0  = _Write_A0;
  _PortAPI.pfWrite8_A1  = _Write_A1;
  _PortAPI.pfWriteM8_A1 = _WriteM_A1;
  GUIDRV_S1D15G00_SetBus8(pDevice, &_PortAPI);


The driver supports Sharp Memory LCDs. Those kind of displays do not support reading back the display content. Further this LCDs do not support writing single pixels. The smallest unit for a writing operation is one complete line of pixels. Because of that a cache is required in the driver. To achieve the best possible performance it is recommended to lock and unlock the cache before/after large drawing operations.

VCOM signal

Sharp Memory LCDs require a VCOM signal which should be toggled with a frequency of approx. 500-1000ms. That could be achieved per hardware (EXTMODE=H) or per software (EXTMODE=L). EXTMODE is the configuration pin of the LCD.


There are 2 possible ways to achieve toggling the EXTCOMIN signal. One solution is toggling the signal by a timer interrupt or a similar routine which is called with the required frequency. The second solution is using the function GUIDRV_SH_MEM_Config() explained later and uses a custom function called periodically by the driver.


In that case the driver uses the software interface of the Sharp Memory LCD to toggle the V-bit. The function GUIDRV_SH_MEM_Config() should be used to set the desired period.

Supported hardware


Sharp Memory LCDs (b/w and 3bpp) with 8- or 10 bit address interface and compatible displays.

Bits per pixel

Supported color depth is 1 and 3bpp.


The driver supports the indirect serial interface required for using that kind of LCDs.

Display orientation

The driver consists of several files. They are named _[O].c where the optional O stands for the desired display orientation. The following table shows the configuration macros which should be used to select the desired display orientation during the initialization:

Identifier Color depth and orientation
GUIDRV_SH_MEM 1bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_SH_MEM_OSX 1bpp, X and Y axis swapped, X mirrored (rotated CCW 90 degrees)
GUIDRV_SH_MEM_OSY 1bpp, X and Y axis swapped, Y mirrored (rotated CW 90 degrees)
GUIDRV_SH_MEM_OXY 1bpp, X and Y axis mirrored (turned by 180 degrees)
GUIDRV_SH_MEM_3 3bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_SH_MEM_OSX_3 3bpp, X and Y axis swapped, X mirrored (rotated CCW 90 degrees)
GUIDRV_SH_MEM_OSY_3 3bpp, X and Y axis swapped, Y mirrored (rotated CW 90 degrees)
GUIDRV_SH_MEM_OXY_3 3bpp, X and Y axis mirrored (turned by 180 degrees)
Driver selection

The following command could be used in LCD_X_Config():

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_SH_MEM, GUICC_1, 0, 0);
Display data RAM organization 1bpp

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the LCD.

Display data RAM organization 3bpp

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the LCD.

RAM requirements

This display driver requires a display data cache containing a complete copy of the content of the LCD data RAM. The amount of memory used by the cache in bytes is:

LCD_YSIZE * (LCD_XSIZE * BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8 + (LCD_YSIZE + 7) / 8
Run-time configuration

The table below shows the available run-time configuration routines of this driver:

Routine Description
GUIDRV_SH_MEM_Config() Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_SH_MEM structure to the driver.
GUIDRV_SH_MEM_SetBus8() Tells the driver to use the 8 bit indirect interface and passes pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver.
GUIDRV_SH_MEM_3_Config() Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_SH_MEM structure to the driver.
GUIDRV_SH_MEM_3_SetBus8() Tells the driver to use the 8 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_SH_MEM structure to the driver.


void GUIDRV_SH_MEM_3_Config(GUI_DEVICE    * pDevice,
                            CONFIG_SH_MEM * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pConfig Pointer to a CONFIG_SH_MEM structure described below.

Additional information

In most cases the member ’SendEnd’ of CONFIG_SH_MEM has to be set to 1. Some interfaces automatically send a ’line-end-command’. in this cases ’SendEnd’ has to to be set to 0.

Elements of structure CONFIG_SH_MEM

Data type Element Description
unsigned Period Period for toggling VCOM. In case of ’ExtMode’ is set to 1 the driver calls pfToggleVCOM with the given frequency. In case of ’ExtMode’ is 0 it toggles the V-bit of the software interface.
unsigned ExtMode Should be set to the same value as the EXTMODE pin of the LCD. If set to 1 the function pointed by pfToggleVCOM is called periodically for toggling the VCOM pin by a custom function.
unsigned ExtMode (see table below)
void (*)(void) pfToggleVCOM Function for toggling the EXTCOMIN line of the display.
unsigned AddressBitOrder Inverts the bit order of the address.
unsigned SendEnd Enables sending of line-end-command.
Permitted values for BitMode
GUIDRV_SH_MEM_8BITMODE Default setting right for the most Memory LCDs.
GUIDRV_SH_MEM_10BITMODE Must be used to support memory LCDs with 10 bit address interface like LS032B7DD02.


Tells the driver to use the 8 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


void GUIDRV_SH_MEM_3_SetBus8(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                             GUI_PORT_API * pHW_API);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pHW_API Pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure. See required routines below.
Required GUI_PORT_API routines
Data type Element Description
void (*)(U8 NotActive) pfSetCS Pointer to a function which is able to toggle the CS signal of the controller.
void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems) pfWriteM8_A1 Pointer to a function which writes multiple bytes to the controller.
Configuration Example
#define XSIZE 128
#define YSIZE 128
void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  GUI_DEVICE * pDevice;
  GUI_PORT_API PortAPI = {0};
  CONFIG_SH_MEM Config = {0};
  // Set display driver and color conversion
  pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_SH_MEM, GUICC_1, 0, 0);
  // Common display driver configuration
  if (LCD_GetSwapXY()) {
  } else {
  // Setup hardware access routines
  PortAPI.pfWriteM8_A1 = _WriteM1;
  PortAPI.pfSetCS      = _SetCS;
  GUIDRV_SH_MEM_SetBus8(pDevice, &PortAPI);
  // VCom management
  Config.Period  = 500;
  Config.SendEnd = 1;
  GUIDRV_SH_MEM_Config(pDevice, &Config);


Supported hardware


The driver works with the following display controllers:

Bits per pixel

Supported color depth is 1, 2 and 4 bits per pixel. Please consider that the supported controllers normally do not support all possible color depths to be used with the driver.


The driver supports the 8 bit indirect interface.

Color depth and display orientation

The driver can be used with different orientations and color depths. The following table shows the configuration macros which can be used to create and link the driver during the initialization:

Identifier Color depth and orientation
GUIDRV_SLIN_1 1bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_SLIN_OY_1 1bpp, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OX_1 1bpp, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OXY_1 1bpp, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OS_1 1bpp, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_SLIN_OSY_1 1bpp, X and Y swapped, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OSX_1 1bpp, X and Y swapped, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OSXY_1 1bpp, X and Y swapped, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_2 2bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_SLIN_OY_2 2bpp, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OX_2 2bpp, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OXY_2 2bpp, X axis mirrored, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OS_2 2bpp, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_SLIN_OSY_2 2bpp, X and Y swapped, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OSX_2 2bpp, X and Y swapped, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OSXY_2 2bpp, X and Y swapped, Y and X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_4 4bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_SLIN_OY_4 4bpp, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OX_4 4bpp, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OXY_4 4bpp, X axis mirrored, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OS_4 4bpp, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_SLIN_OSY_4 4bpp, X and Y swapped, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OSX_4 4bpp, X and Y swapped, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLIN_OSXY_4 4bpp, X and Y swapped, Y and X axis mirrored
Driver selection

To use GUIDRV_SLin for the given display, the following command can be used e.g.:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_SLIN_OX_1, GUICC_1, 0, 0);

Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Display data RAM organization

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the display.

RAM requirements

This display driver may be used with or without a display data cache, containing a complete copy of the frame buffer. If no cache is used, the driver only requires approx. 256 bytes of RAM.
It is recommended to use this driver with a data cache for faster LCD-access. The additional amount of memory used by the cache may be calculated as follows:

Size of RAM (in bytes) = BitsPerPixel * (LCD_XSIZE + 7) / 8 * LCD_YSIZE
Run-time configuration

The table below shows the available run-time configuration routines of this driver:

Routine Description
GUIDRV_SLin_Config() Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_SLIN structure to the driver.
GUIDRV_SLin_SetBus8() Tells the driver to use the 8 bit indirect interface and passes pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver.
GUIDRV_SLin_SetS1D13700() Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Epson S1D13700, S1D13305
  • RAIO 8835
GUIDRV_SLin_SetSSD1325() Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Solomon SSD1325
  • Solomon SSD1327
GUIDRV_SLin_SetSSD1848() Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Solomon SSD1848
GUIDRV_SLin_SetT6963() Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Toshiba T6963
GUIDRV_SLin_SetUC1617() Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Ultrachip UC1617


Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_SLIN structure to the driver.


void GUIDRV_SLin_Config(GUI_DEVICE  * pDevice,
                        CONFIG_SLIN * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pConfig Pointer to a CONFIG_SLIN structure described below.

Elements of structure CONFIG_SLIN

Data type Element Description
int FirstSEG First segment address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation. The value is normally 0.
int FirstCOM First common address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation. The value is normally 0.
int UseCache Enables or disables use of a data cache. Should be set to 1 for enabling and to 0 for disabling.
int UseDualScan Used only for the T6963. This element should be set to 1 in case a dual screen LCD is used.
int UseMirror Used only for the SSD1848. Should be normally 1.


Tells the driver to use the 16 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


void GUIDRV_Slin_SetBus8(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                         GUI_PORT_API * pHW_API);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device
pHW_API Pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure. See required routines below.

Required GUI_PORT_API routines

Element Data type
pfWrite8_A0 void (*)(U8 Data)
pfWrite8_A1 void (*)(U8 Data)
pfWriteM8_A0 void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems)
pfWriteM8_A1 void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems)
pfRead8_A1 U8 (*)(void)


Tells the driver that an Epson S1D13700 or S1D13305 controller should be used. Works also for RAIO 8835.


void GUIDRV_SLin_SetS1D13700(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device


Tells the driver that a Solomon SSD1325 controller should be used.


void GUIDRV_SLin_SetSSD1325(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device


Tells the driver that a Solomon SSD1848 controller should be used.


void GUIDRV_SLin_SetSSD1848(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device


Tells the driver that a Toshiba T6963 controller should be used.


void GUIDRV_SLin_SetT6963(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device


Tells the driver that an Ultrachip UC1617 controller should be used.


void GUIDRV_SLin_SetUC1617(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device
Configuration example
#define YSIZE 240
void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  GUI_DEVICE * pDevice;
  CONFIG_SLIN  Config  = {0};
  GUI_PORT_API PortAPI = {0};
  // Set display driver and color conversion
  pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_SLIN_2, GUICC_2, 0, 0);
  // Common display driver configuration
  LCD_SetSizeEx (0, XSIZE, YSIZE);
  LCD_SetVSizeEx(0, XSIZE, YSIZE);
  // Driver specific configuration
  Config.UseCache  = 1;
  GUIDRV_SLin_Config(pDevice, &Config);
  // Select display controller
  // Setup hardware access routines
  PortAPI.pfWrite16_A0  = _Write0;
  PortAPI.pfWrite16_A1  = _Write1;
  PortAPI.pfWriteM16_A0 = _WriteM0;
  PortAPI.pfRead16_A1   = _Read1;
  GUIDRV_SLin_SetBus8(pDevice, &PortAPI);



This driver is written to drive an electronic paper display (EPD) controller. Since EPD controller do not behave like typical LCD controllers it requires some special treatment.

Updating the display

Since most devices using an EPD are designed to have a low power consumption emWin puts the EPD controller into a deep sleep mode after performing a screen update. When writing to the display emWin sends a LCD_X_INITCONTROLLER command to the driver callback LCD_X_DisplayDriver() to wake up the controller. Therefore LCD_X_DisplayDriver() gets called multiple times with LCD_X_INITCONTROLLER command.

The user has multiple options to update the screen after performing drawing operations with emWin.

Per default the driver does not update the screen automatically and the user has to call LCD_Refresh() manually after performing the last drawing operation.

The GUIDRV_SLinEPD driver offers an auto update mode. When using this mode the driver checks periodically for changes in the driver cache and updates the screen automatically if changes are detected. This mode can be enabled by setting an auto update period with the function GUIDRV_SLinEPD_Config().

Partial update

Per default the driver refreshes the entire display if LCD_Refresh() gets called or the a change is detected in auto update mode. With the function GUIDRV_SLinEPD_EnablePartialMode() it is possible to update only changed areas of the screen to reduce BUS traffic.

Due to the nature of EPDs this mode might cause artifacts on the screen showing the previous content (“ghosting” effect). This is caused by non-initialized pixels on the EPD.

The UltraChip UC8451 is always in partial mode and updates only the necessary parts of the display.

Fast update

The UltraChip UC8451 provides a fast update mode which allows a quick refresh of the display. The downside of fast updates is that the display is not thoroughly cleared of previous pixels which means that “ghosting” effects can be noticed.

Fast update mode can be enabled or disabled using the routine GUIDRV_SLinEPD_EnableFastMode().

Supported hardware


The driver works with the following display controllers:

Bits per pixel

The driver currently supports 1 bpp color depth.


The driver supports the indirect interface (8 bit) of the display controller. Parallel, 4-pin SPI or I2C bus can be used.

Color depth and display orientation

The driver can be used with different orientations and 1bpp color depth. Each configuration requires a display driver cache. The following table shows the configuration macros which can be used to create and link the driver during the initialization:

Identifier Color depth Cache Orientation
GUIDRV_SLINEPD_1 1bpp Yes default
GUIDRV_SLINEPD_OY_1 1bpp Yes Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLINEPD_OX_1 1bpp Yes X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLINEPD_OXY_1 1bpp Yes X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLINEPD_OS_1 1bpp Yes X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_SLINEPD_OSY_1 1bpp Yes X and Y swapped, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLINEPD_OSX_1 1bpp Yes X and Y swapped, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SLINEPD_OSXY_1 1bpp Yes X and Y swapped, X and Y axis mirrored
Driver selection

To use GUIDRV_SLinEPD for the given display, the following call may be used in the function LCD_X_Config:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_SLINEPD_1, GUICC_1, 0, 0);

Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Display data RAM organization

RAM requirements

This display driver requires a display data cache. The data cache contains a complete copy of the LCD data RAM. The amount of memory used by the cache may be calculated as follows:


UltraChip UC8451

The UltraChip UC8451 in fast update mode requires two caches to be present in RAM. To calculate the RAM requirement, the above formula can be doubled.

Run-time configuration

The table below shows the available run-time configuration routines for this driver:

Routine Description
GUIDRV_SLinEPD_Config() Passes a CONFIG_SLINEPD structure to the driver.
GUIDRV_SLinEPD_EnableFastMode() Enables/disables fast update mode for UC8451.
GUIDRV_SLinEPD_EnablePartialMode() Enables/disables partial update mode for SSD1673.
GUIDRV_SLinEPD_SetBus8() Sets the interface for the driver.
GUIDRV_SLinEPD_SetSSD1673() Selects SSD1673 to be driven by the driver.
GUIDRV_SLinEPD_SetUC8451() Selects UC8451 to be driven by the driver.


Passes a CONFIG_SLINEPD structure to the driver.


void GUIDRV_SLinEPD_Config(GUI_DEVICE     * pDevice,
                           CONFIG_SLINEPD * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pConfig Pointer to a CONFIG_SLINEPD structure described below.

Additional information

This driver has an auto update mode. This mode uses a timer which checks periodically if the data in the cache have changed. If this is the reason the timer causes the driver to perform an update of the LCD.
If this function is not called the driver does not use the auto update mode.



Enables fast update mode for the following controllers:


void GUIDRV_SLinEPD_EnableFastMode(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff 0 for disabling, 1 for enabling.

Additional information

Fast update mode requires a second cache the size of the display. By default, fast update mode is disabled.



This function enables the partial update mode for the following controllers:


void GUIDRV_SLinEPD_EnablePartialMode(int OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff Enables (1) or disables (0) the partial update mode.


Tells the driver to use the 8 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


void GUIDRV_SLinEPD_SetBus8(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                            GUI_PORT_API * pHW_API);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pHW_API Pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure. See required routines below.


Configures the driver to use one of the following controllers:


void GUIDRV_SLinEPD_SetSSD1673(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.


When using the UC8451 controller, the cache has to be locked when performing drawing operations using LCD_ControlCache(LCD_CC_LOCK) and LCD_ControlCache(LCD_CC_UNLOCK). Unlocking the cache when the drawing operations are finished will result in a flush of the cache to the hardware and an update of the display contents. This only has to done if the window manager is not used, since the window manager locks and unlocks the cache automatically.


Configures the driver to use one of the following controllers:


void GUIDRV_SLinEPD_SetUC8451(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
Configuration example
void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  GUI_DEVICE     * pDevice;
  GUI_PORT_API     PortAPI = {0};
  CONFIG_SLINEPD   Config = {0};
  // Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer
  pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_SLINEPD_1, GUICC_1, 0, 0);
  // Display driver configuration
  if (LCD_GetSwapXY()) {
  } else {
  // Choose controller
  // Set up port API
  PortAPI.pfWrite8_A0  = _Write8_A0;
  PortAPI.pfWrite8_A1  = _Write8_A1;
  PortAPI.pfWriteM8_A1 = _WriteM8_A1;
  PortAPI.pfRead8_A0   = _Read8_A0;
  GUIDRV_SLinEPD_SetBus8(pDevice, &PortAPI);
  // Auto-Update
  Config.AutoUpdatePeriod = 1000;
  GUIDRV_SLinEPD_Config(pDevice, &Config);


Supported hardware


The driver works with the following display controllers:

Bits per pixel

The driver currently supports 1, 2 and 4 bpp resolutions.


The driver supports the indirect interface (8 bit) of the display controller. Parallel, 4-pin SPI or I2C bus can be used.

Color depth and display orientation

The driver can be used with different orientations and color depths. Each configuration can be used with or without a display driver cache. The following table shows the configuration macros which can be used to create and link the driver during the initialization:

Identifier Color depth Cache Orientation
GUIDRV_SPAGE_1C0 1bpp No default
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OY_1C0 1bpp No Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OX_1C0 1bpp No X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OXY_1C0 1bpp No X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OS_1C0 1bpp No X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSY_1C0 1bpp No X and Y swapped, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSX_1C0 1bpp No X and Y swapped, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSXY_1C0 1bpp No X and Y swapped, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_1C1 1bpp Yes default
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OY_1C1 1bpp Yes Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OX_1C1 1bpp Yes X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OXY_1C1 1bpp Yes X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OS_1C1 1bpp Yes X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSY_1C1 1bpp Yes X and Y swapped, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSX_1C1 1bpp Yes X and Y swapped, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSXY_1C1 1bpp Yes X and Y swapped, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_2C0 2bpp No default
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OY_2C0 2bpp No Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OX_2C0 2bpp No X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OXY_2C0 2bpp No X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OS_2C0 2bpp No X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSY_2C0 2bpp No X and Y swapped, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSX_2C0 2bpp No X and Y swapped, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSXY_2C0 2bpp No X and Y swapped, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_2C1 2bpp Yes default
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OY_2C1 2bpp Yes Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OX_2C1 2bpp Yes X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OXY_2C1 2bpp Yes X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OS_2C1 2bpp Yes X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSY_2C1 2bpp Yes X and Y swapped, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSX_2C1 2bpp Yes X and Y swapped, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSXY_2C1 2bpp Yes X and Y swapped, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_4C0 4bpp No default
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OY_4C0 4bpp No Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OX_4C0 4bpp No X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OXY_4C0 4bpp No X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OS_4C0 4bpp No X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSY_4C0 4bpp No X and Y swapped, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSX_4C0 4bpp No X and Y swapped, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSXY_4C0 4bpp No X and Y swapped, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_4C1 4bpp Yes default
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OY_4C1 4bpp Yes Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OX_4C1 4bpp Yes X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OXY_4C1 4bpp Yes X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OS_4C1 4bpp Yes X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSY_4C1 4bpp Yes X and Y swapped, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSX_4C1 4bpp Yes X and Y swapped, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SPAGE_OSXY_4C1 4bpp Yes X and Y swapped, X and Y axis mirrored

Important note for mirroring

As far as we know nearly all supported controllers of this driver support hardware mirroring for X- and Y-axis. If one or both of axis need to be mirrored it is highly recommended to use the hardware commands for mirroring within the initialization sequence of the controller, because software mirroring could cause a negative effect on the performance.

Driver selection

To use GUIDRV_SPage for the given display, the following call may be used in the function LCD_X_Config:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_SPAGE_4C0, GUICC_4, 0, 0);

Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Display data RAM organization

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the display.

RAM requirements

This display driver can be used with or without a display data cache. The data cache contains a complete copy of the LCD data RAM. If no cache is used, there are no additional RAM requirements.
It is highly recommended to use this driver with a data cache for faster LCD-access. Not using a cache degrades the performance of this driver seriously. The amount of memory used by the cache may be calculated as follows:

Size of RAM (in bytes) = (LCD_YSIZE + (8 / LCD_BITSPERPIXEL - 1)) / 8 * LCD_BITSPERPIXEL * LCD_XSIZE
Run-time configuration

The table below shows the available run-time configuration routines for this driver:

Routine Description
GUIDRV_SPage_Config() Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_SPAGE structure.
GUIDRV_SPage_SetBus8() Configures the driver to use the 8 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver.
GUIDRV_SPage_Set1502() Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Avant Electronics SBN0064G
  • Hitachi HD61202
  • S6B0108 (KS0108)
GUIDRV_SPage_Set1510() Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Epson S1D15605, S1D15606, S1D15607, S1D15608, S1D15705, S1D15710, S1D15714
  • Integrated Solutions Technology IST3020
  • New Japan Radio Company NJU6676
  • Novatek NT7502, NT7534, NT7538, NT75451
  • OriseTech SPLC502B
  • Samsung S6B0713, S6B0719, S6B0724, S6B1713
  • Sino Wealth SH1101A
  • Sitronix ST7522, ST7565, ST7567, ST7570, ST7571
  • Solomon SSD1303, SSD1305, SSD1805, SSD1815, SSD1821
  • Sunplus SPLC501C
  • UltraChip UC1601, UC1606, UC1608, UC1701
GUIDRV_SPage_Set1512() Set up the driver to use one of the following controllers:
  • Epson S1D15E05, S1D15E06, S1D15719, S1D15721
  • Integrated Solutions Technology IST3501
GUIDRV_SPage_SetST75256() Set up the driver to use the following controllers:
  • Sitronix ST75256, ST75160
GUIDRV_SPage_SetST75320() Set up the driver to use the following controller:
  • Sitronix ST75320
  • Sitronix ST7592
GUIDRV_SPage_SetST7591() Set up the driver to use the following controller:
  • Sitronix ST7591
GUIDRV_SPage_SetUC1610() Set up the driver to use the following controller:
  • UltraChip UC1610
GUIDRV_SPage_SetUC1611() Set up the driver to use the following controller:
  • UltraChip UC1611
GUIDRV_SPage_SetUC1628() Set up the driver to use the following controller:
  • UltraChip UC1628
GUIDRV_SPage_SetUC1638() Set up the driver to use the following controller:
  • UltraChip UC1638


Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_SPAGE structure to the driver.


void GUIDRV_SPage_Config(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                         CONFIG_SPAGE * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pConfig Pointer to a CONFIG_SPAGE structure described below.

Elements of structure CONFIG_SPAGE

Data type Element Description
int FirstSEG First segment address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation. The value is normally 0.
int FirstCOM First common address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation. The value is normally 0.


Tells the driver to use the 8 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


void GUIDRV_SPage_SetBus8(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                          GUI_PORT_API * pHW_API);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pHW_API Pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure. See required routines below.

Required GUI_PORT_API routines

Element Data type
pfWrite8_A0 void (*)(U8 Data)
pfWrite8_A1 void (*)(U8 Data)
pfWriteM8_A1 void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems)
pfRead8_A1 U8 (*)(void)


Configures the driver to use one of the following controllers:


void GUIDRV_SPage_Set1502(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.


Configures the driver to use one of the following controllers:


void GUIDRV_SPage_Set1510(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.


Configures the driver to use one of the following controllers:


void GUIDRV_SPage_Set1512(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.


Configures the driver to use the Sitronix ST75256 controller.


void GUIDRV_SPage_SetST75256(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.


Configures the driver to use the Sitronix ST75320 controller.


void GUIDRV_SPage_SetST75320(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.


Configures the driver to use the Sitronix ST7591 controller.


void GUIDRV_SPage_SetST7591(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.


Configures the driver use to the UltraChip UC1610 controller.


void GUIDRV_SPage_SetUC1610(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.


Configures the driver use to the UltraChip UC1611 controller.


void GUIDRV_SPage_SetUC1611(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.


Configures the driver use to the UltraChip UC1628 controller.


void GUIDRV_SPage_SetUC1628(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.


Configures the driver use to the UltraChip UC1638 controller.


void GUIDRV_SPage_SetUC1638(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
Configuration Example
void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  GUI_PORT_API   PortAPI = {0};
  CONFIG_SPAGE   Config  = {0};
  GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice;
  // Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer
  // Display size configuration
  if (LCD_GetSwapXY()) {
    LCD_SetSizeEx (0, YSIZE_PHYS,   XSIZE_PHYS);
  } else {
    LCD_SetSizeEx (0, XSIZE_PHYS,   YSIZE_PHYS);
  // Driver configuration
  Config.FirstSEG = 0;//256 - 224;
  GUIDRV_SPage_Config(pDevice, &Config);
  // Configure hardware routines
  PortAPI.pfWrite8_A0  = _Write8_A0;
  PortAPI.pfWrite8_A1  = _Write8_A1;
  PortAPI.pfWriteM8_A1 = _WriteM8_A1;
  PortAPI.pfReadM8_A1  = LCD_X_8080_8_ReadM01;
  GUIDRV_SPage_SetBus8(pDevice, &PortAPI);
  // Controller configuration


Supported hardware


The driver works with the following display controllers:

Bits per pixel

The driver currently supports 4 bpp color depth.


The driver supports the indirect interface (8 bit) of the display controller.

Driver selection

To use GUIDRV_SSD1322 for the given display, the following command can be used e.g.:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_SSD1322, GUICC_4, 0, 0);

Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Display data RAM organization

RAM requirements

This display driver requires a display data cache, containing a complete copy of the LCD data RAM. The amount of memory used by the cache may be calculated as follows:

Size of RAM (in bytes) = ((LCD_XSIZE + 1) / 2) \times LCD_YSIZE
Run-time configuration

The table below shows the available run-time configuration routines of this driver:

Routine Description
GUIDRV_SSD1322_Config() Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_SSD1322 structure to the driver.
GUIDRV_SSD1322_SetBus8() Tells the driver to use the 8 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_SSD1322 structure to the driver.


void GUIDRV_SSD1322_Config(GUI_DEVICE     * pDevice,
                           CONFIG_SSD1322 * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pConfig Pointer to a CONFIG_SSD1322 structure described below.

Elements of structure CONFIG_SSD1322

Data type Element Description
int FirstSEG First segment address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation. The value is normally 0.
int FirstCOM First common address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation. The value is normally 0.


Tells the driver to use the 8 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


void GUIDRV_SSD1322_SetBus8(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                            GUI_PORT_API * pHW_API);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pHW_API Pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure. See required routines below.
Required GUI_PORT_API routines
Data type Element Description
void (*)(U8 Data); pfWrite8_A0 Pointer to a function which writes one byte to the controller with C/D line low.
void (*)(U8 Data); pfWrite8_A1 Pointer to a function which writes one byte to the controller with C/D line high.
void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems); pfWriteM8_A1 Pointer to a function which writes multiple bytes to the controller with C/D line high.
U8 (*)(void); pfRead8_A1 Pointer to a function which reads one byte from the controller with C/D line high.
void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems); pfReadM8_A1 Pointer to a function which reads multiple bytes from the controller with C/D line high.
Configuration example
void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  CONFIG_SSD1322   Config = {0};
  GUI_DEVICE     * pDevice;
  GUI_PORT_API     PortAPI = {0};
  // Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer
  // Display size configuration
  if (LCD_GetSwapXY()) {
    LCD_SetSizeEx (0, YSIZE_PHYS,   XSIZE_PHYS);
  } else {
    LCD_SetSizeEx (0, XSIZE_PHYS,   YSIZE_PHYS);
  // Driver configuration
  Config.FirstSEG = 112;
  GUIDRV_SSD1322_Config(pDevice, &Config);
  // Configure hardware routines
  PortAPI.pfWrite8_A0  = LCD_X_SPI4_Write0;
  PortAPI.pfWrite8_A1  = LCD_X_SPI4_Write1;
  PortAPI.pfWriteM8_A1 = LCD_X_SPI4_WriteM1;
  PortAPI.pfRead8_A1   = LCD_X_SPI4_Read1;
  PortAPI.pfReadM8_A1  = LCD_X_SPI4_ReadM1;
  GUIDRV_SSD1322_SetBus8(pDevice, &PortAPI);


Supported hardware


This driver works with the Solomon SSD1926 display controller.

Bits per pixel

Currently supported color depth is 8. The display controller supports up to 32 bits per pixel. The driver can be extended on demand if support for an other color depth is required.


The driver supports the 16 bit indirect interface.

Color depth and display orientation

This driver can be used with different orientations. The following table shows the configuration macros which can be used to create and link the driver during the initialization:

Identifier Color depth and orientation
GUIDRV_SSD1926_8 8bpp, default orientation
GUIDRV_SSD1926_OY_8 8bpp, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SSD1926_OX_8 8bpp, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SSD1926_OXY_8 8bpp, X and Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SSD1926_OS_8 8bpp, X and Y swapped
GUIDRV_SSD1926_OSY_8 8bpp, X and Y swapped, Y axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SSD1926_OSX_8 8bpp, X and Y swapped, X axis mirrored
GUIDRV_SSD1926_OSXY_8 8bpp, X and Y swapped, X and Y axis mirrored
Driver selection

To use GUIDRV_SSD1926 for the given display, the following command can be used e.g.:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_SSD1926, GUICC_323, 0, 0);

Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Display data RAM organization

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the display.

RAM requirements

This display driver may be used with or without a display data cache, containing a complete copy of the LCD data RAM. If no cache is used, there are no additional RAM requirements.
It is recommended to use this driver with a data cache for faster LCD-access. The amount of memory used by the cache may be calculated as follows:

Size of RAM (in bytes) = LCD_XSIZE \times LCD_YSIZE
Run-time configuration

The table below shows the available run-time configuration routines of this driver:

Routine Description
GUIDRV_SSD1926_Config() Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_SSD1926 structure to the driver.
GUIDRV_SSD1926_SetBus16() Tells the driver to use the 16 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_SSD1926 structure to the driver.


void GUIDRV_SSD1926_Config(GUI_DEVICE     * pDevice,
                           CONFIG_SSD1926 * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pConfig Pointer to a CONFIG_SSD1926 structure described below.

Elements of structure CONFIG_SSD1926

Data type Element Description
int FirstSEG First segment address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation. The value is normally 0.
int FirstCOM First common address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation. The value is normally 0.
int UseCache Enables or disables use of a data cache. Should be set to 1 for enabling and to 0 for disabling.


Tells the driver to use the 16 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


void GUIDRV_SSD1926_SetBus16(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                             GUI_PORT_API * pHW_API);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pHW_API Pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure. See required routines below.
Required GUI_PORT_API routines
Data type Element Description
void (*)(U16 Data) pfWrite16_A0 Pointer to a function which writes one word to the controller with C/D line low.
void (*)(U16 Data) pfWrite16_A1 Pointer to a function which writes one word to the controller with C/D line high.
void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems) pfWriteM16_A0 Pointer to a function which writes multiple words to the controller with C/D line low.
void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems) pfWriteM16_A1 Pointer to a function which writes multiple words to the controller with C/D line high.
U16 (*)(void) pfRead16_A1 Pointer to a function which reads one word from the controller with C/D line high.
Configuration Example
#define XSIZE 320L
#define YSIZE 240L
void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  GUI_DEVICE * pDevice_0;
  CONFIG_SSD1926 Config_0 = {0};
  // Set display driver and color conversion
  pDevice_0 = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_SSD1926_8, GUICC_8666, 0, 0);
  // Common display driver configuration
  LCD_SetSizeEx (0, XSIZE, YSIZE);
  LCD_SetVSizeEx(0, XSIZE, YSIZE);
  // Set driver specific configuration items
  Config_0.UseCache  = 1;
  // Set hardware access routines
  _PortAPI.pfWrite16_A0  = LCD_X_8080_16_Write00_16;
  _PortAPI.pfWrite16_A1  = LCD_X_8080_16_Write01_16;
  _PortAPI.pfWriteM16_A0 = LCD_X_8080_16_WriteM00_16;
  _PortAPI.pfWriteM16_A1 = LCD_X_8080_16_WriteM01_16;
  _PortAPI.pfRead16_A1   = LCD_X_8080_16_Read01_16;
  GUIDRV_SSD1926_SetBus16(pDevice, &_PortAPI);
  // Pass configuration structure to driver
  GUIDRV_SSD1926_Config(pDevice, &Config_0);


Supported Hardware


This driver has been tested with the UltraChip UC1698G.

Bits per pixel

5 bpp grayscales.


The driver supports the 8- and 16-bit indirect interface.

Color depth and display orientation

The driver consists of several files. They are named _[O]_[BPP]C[CACHE].c. The [O] is optional and stands for the desired display orientation. [BPP] means the color depth to use and [CACHE] is defined with 1 to use a cache and 0 to work without cache. The following table shows the driver files and the configuration macros which should be used to create and link the driver during the initialization:

Identifier Color depth and orientation
GUIDRV_UC1698G_5C0 5bpp, no cache, default orientation.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_OY_5C0 5bpp, no cache, Y axis mirrored.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_OX_5C0 5bpp, no cache, X axis mirrored.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_OXY_5C0 5bpp, no cache, Y and X axis mirrored.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_OS_5C0 5bpp, no cache, X and Y axis swapped.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_OSY_5C0 5bpp, no cache, Y axis mirrored, X and Y axis swapped.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_OSX_5C0 5bpp, no cache, X axis mirrored, X and Y axis swapped.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_OSXY_5C0 5bpp, no cache, X and Y axis mirrored, X and Y axis swapped.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_5C1 5bpp, cache, default orientation.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_OY_5C1 5bpp, cache, Y axis mirrored.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_OX_5C1 5bpp, cache, X axis mirrored.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_OXY_5C1 5bpp, cache, Y and X axis mirrored.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_OS_5C1 5bpp, cache, X and Y axis swapped.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_OSY_5C1 5bpp, cache, Y axis mirrored, X and Y axis swapped.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_OSX_5C1 5bpp, cache, X axis mirrored, X and Y axis swapped.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_OSXY_5C1 5bpp, cache, X and Y axis mirrored, X and Y axis swapped.
Driver selection

To use for the given display, the following command can be used e.g.:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_UC1698G_5C1, GUICC_5, 0, 0);

Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Display data RAM organization

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the pixels of the LCD in terms of the color depth.

RAM requirements

This display driver requires approx. 500 Bytes to work. It can also be used with and without a display data cache, containing a complete copy of the content of the display data RAM. The amount of memory used by the cache is:

(LCD_XSIZE + 2) / 3 * LCD_YSIZE * 2

Using a cache avoids reading operations from the display controller in case of XOR drawing operations and further it speeds up string output operations.

Run-time configuration

The table below shows the available run-time configuration routines of this driver:

Routine Description
GUIDRV_UC1698G_Config() Passes a pointer to a CONFIG_UC1698G structure to the driver.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_SetBus8() Tells the driver to use the 8 bit indirect interface and passes pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver.
GUIDRV_UC1698G_SetBus16() Tells the driver to use the 16 bit indirect interface and passes pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver.


Configures the driver to work according to the passed CONFIG_UC1698G structure.


void GUIDRV_UC1698G_Config(GUI_DEVICE     * pDevice,
                           CONFIG_UC1698G * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pConfig Pointer to a CONFIG_UC1698G structure described below.

Elements of structure CONFIG_UC1698G

Data type Element Description
int FirstSEG First segment address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation. The value is normally 0.
int FirstCOM First common address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation. The value is normally 0.
int NumDummyReads Number of dummy reads to do before the actual read operation.


Tells the driver to use the 8 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


void GUIDRV_UC1698G_SetBus8(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                            GUI_PORT_API * pHW_API);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pHW_API Pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure. The required routines are listed below.


Tells the driver to use the 16 bit indirect interface and passes a pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure to the driver containing function pointers to the hardware routines to be used.


void GUIDRV_UC1698G_SetBus16(GUI_DEVICE   * pDevice,
                             GUI_PORT_API * pHW_API);


Parameter Description
pDevice Pointer to the driver device.
pHW_API Pointer to a GUI_PORT_API structure. The required routines are listed below.
Required GUI_PORT_API routines

The required GUI_PORT_API routines depend on the used interface. If a cache is used the routines for reading data are unnecessary for each interface:

8 bit interface

Data type Element Description
void (*)(U8 Data); pfWrite8_A0 Pointer to a function which writes one byte to the controller with C/D line low.
void (*)(U8 Data); pfWrite8_A1 Pointer to a function which writes one byte to the controller with C/D line high.
void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems); pfWriteM8_A0 Pointer to a function which writes multiple bytes to the controller with C/D line low.
void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems); pfWriteM8_A1 Pointer to a function which writes multiple bytes to the controller with C/D line high.
U8 (*)(void); pfRead8_A0 Pointer to a function which reads one byte from the controller with C/D line low.
U8 (*)(void); pfRead8_A1 Pointer to a function which reads one byte from the controller with C/D line high.
void (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems); pfReadM8_A1 Pointer to a function which reads multiple bytes from the controller with C/D line high.

16 bit interface

Data type Element Description
void (*)(U16 Data); pfWrite16_A0 Pointer to a function which writes one word to the controller with C/D line low.
void (*)(U16 Data); pfWrite16_A1 Pointer to a function which writes one word to the controller with C/D line high.
void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems); pfWriteM16_A0 Pointer to a function which writes multiple words to the controller with C/D line low.
void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems); pfWriteM16_A1 Pointer to a function which writes multiple words to the controller with C/D line high.
U16 (*)(void); pfRead16_A0 Pointer to a function which reads one word from the controller with C/D line low.
U16 (*)(void); pfRead16_A1 Pointer to a function which reads one word from the controller with C/D line high.
void (*)(U16 * pData, int NumItems); pfReadM16_A1 Pointer to a function which reads multiple words from the controller with C/D line high.


Supported Hardware


This driver works with the following display controllers:

Bits per pixel

Supported color depth is 16 bpp.


The driver supports the indirect interface (8- and 16-bit) and the 3 pin SPI interface. Default mode is 8-bit indirect.

Driver selection and configuration

To be able to use this driver the following macro definition needs to be added to the configuration file LCDConf.h:


After this define has been added the display driver assumes the driver specific configuration file LCDConf_CompactColor_16.h in the configuration folder. All further compile time configuration macros should be defined in this file. To create a driver device using the GUIDRV_CompactColor_16 for the given display, e.g. the following command can be used:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_COMPACT_COLOR_16, GUICC_565, 0, 0);

Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Display data RAM organization

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the display.

RAM requirements

This display driver can be used with and without a display data cache, containing a complete copy of the contents of the display data RAM. The amount of memory used by the cache is:

LCD_XSIZE \times LCD_YSIZE \times 2 bytes 

Using a cache is only recommended if it is intended to use a lot of drawing operations using the XOR drawing mode. A cache would avoid reading the display data in this case. Normally the use of a cache is not recommended.

The driver uses a write buffer for drawing multiple pixels of the same color. If multiple pixels of the same color should be drawn, the driver first fills the buffer and then performs a single call of the LCD_WRITEM_A1 macro to transfer the data to the display controller at once. The default buffer size is 500 bytes.

Compile-time configuration

Controller selection

To select the desired controller the macro LCD_CONTROLLER should be used in the configuration file LCDConf_CompactColor_16.h. The following table shows the values to be used to select the appropriate controller:

Number Supported controller
66700 Sharp LR38825
  • Ilitek ILI9326
  • OriseTech SPFD5420A
  • Renesas R61509, R63401
66702 Solomon SSD1284, SSD1289, SSD1298
66703 Toshiba JBT6K71
66704 Sharp LCY-A06003
66705 Samsung S6D0129
66706 MagnaChip D54E4PA7551
66707 Himax HX8312
  • FocalTech FT1509
  • Ilitek ILI9320, ILI9325, ILI9328
  • LG Electronics LGDP4531, LGDP4551
  • OriseTech SPFD5408
  • Renesas R61505, R61580
  • Epson S1D19122
  • Himax HX8353
  • Ilitek ILI9342, ILI9481
  • Novatek NT39122
  • Orisetech SPFD54124C, SPFD5414D
  • Renesas R61516, R61526
  • Samsung S6D04H0
  • Sitronix ST7628, ST7637, ST7687, ST7715, ST7735
  • Solomon SSD1355, SSD1961, SSD1963
66710 Novatek NT7573
66711 Epson S1D13742, S1D13743
66712 Himax HX8347, HX8352
66713 Himax HX8340
66714 Solomon SSD2119
66715 Himax HX8352B
66716 Ampire FSA506
66717 Sitronix ST7787, ST7789
  • Hitachi HD66766
  • Ilitec ILI9161
  • Samsung S6D0110A
  • Himax HX8301
  • Hitachi HD66772
  • Ilitec ILI9220, ILI9221
  • Samsung S6D0117, S6D0128
  • Sitronix ST7712
66789 Hitachi HD66789

Display configuration

The following table shows the available configuration macros:

Macro Description
LCD_MIRROR_X Activate to mirror X-axis.
LCD_MIRROR_Y Activate to mirror Y-axis.
LCD_SWAP_XY Activate to swap X- and Y-axis.

For details, refer to Display orientation.

Hardware access

The following table shows the available configuration macros which can be defined in this file for configuring the hardware access:

Macro Description
LCD_NUM_DUMMY_READS Number of required dummy reads if a read operation should be executed. The default value is 2. If using a serial interface the display controllers HD66766 and HD66772 need 5 dummy reads. Sharp LR38825 needs 3 dummy reads with a 8-bit bus.
LCD_REG01 This macro is only required if a Himax HX8312A is used. Unfortunately the register 0x01 (Control register 1) contains orientation specific settings as well as common settings. So this macro should contain the contents of this register.
LCD_SERIAL_ID With a serial 3 wire interface this macro defines the ID signal of the device ID code. It should be 0 (default) or 1.
Please note: This macro is only used with the 3 wire protocol for Hitachi HD66772, Samsung S6D0117, Himax HX8301 and Ilitek ILI9220.
LCD_USE_SERIAL_3PIN This configuration macro has been implemented to support the 3 wire serial interface of the following controllers: Hitachi HD66772, Samsung S6D0117, Himax HX8301, Ilitek ILI9220. Should be set to 1 if the 3 wire serial interface is used. Default is 0.
Please note: Do not use this macro with other display controllers!
LCD_USE_PARALLEL_16 Should be set to 1 if the 16 bit parallel interface is used. Default is 0.
LCD_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE Defines the size of the write buffer. Using a write buffer increases the performance of the driver. If multiple pixels should be written with the same color, the driver first fills the buffer and then writes the content of the buffer using LCD_WRITEM_A1 instead of multiple calls of LCD_WRITE_A1. The default buffer size is 500 bytes.
LCD_WRITE_A0 Write a byte to display controller with RS-line low.
LCD_WRITE_A1 Write a byte to display controller with RS-line high.
LCD_READM_A1 Read multiple bytes (8 bit parallel interface) or multiple words (16 bit parallel interface) from display controller with RS-line high.
LCD_WRITEM_A1 Write multiple bytes (8 bit parallel interface) or multiple words (16 bit parallel interface) to display controller with RS-line high.
LCD_WRITEM_A0 Write multiple bytes (8 bit parallel interface) or multiple words (16 bit parallel interface) to display controller with RS-line low.

The ’Driver Output Mode’ and ’Entry Mode’ registers are initialized automatically.

Additional configuration switches

The following table shows optional configuration switches available for this driver:

Macro Description
LCD_CACHE When set to 0, no display data cache is used, which slows down the speed of the driver. Default is 1 (cache activated).
LCD_FIRSTCOM0 This macro can be used to define the first common address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display doc.
LCD_FIRSTSEG0 This macro can be used to define the first segment address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display doc.
LCD_SUPPORT_CACHECONTROL When set to 1, LCD_ControlCache() can be used.
Configuration example

The following shows how to select the driver and how it can be configured:


As explained above it should include the following for selecting the driver:



This file contains the display driver specific configuration and could look as the following:

// General configuration of LCD
#define LCD_CONTROLLER      66709 // Renesas R61516
#define LCD_BITSPERPIXEL       16
#define LCD_USE_PARALLEL_16     1
#define LCD_MIRROR_Y            1
// Indirect interface configuration
void LCD_X_Write01_16(unsigned short c);
void LCD_X_Write00_16(unsigned short c);
void LCD_X_WriteM01_16(unsigned short * pData, int NumWords);
void LCD_X_WriteM00_16(unsigned short * pData, int NumWords);
void LCD_X_ReadM01_16 (unsigned short * pData, int NumWords);
#define LCD_WRITE_A1(Word) LCD_X_Write01_16(Word)
#define LCD_WRITE_A0(Word) LCD_X_Write00_16(Word)
#define LCD_WRITEM_A1(Word, NumWords) LCD_X_WriteM01_16(Word, NumWords)
#define LCD_WRITEM_A0(Word, NumWords) LCD_X_WriteM00_16(Word, NumWords)
#define LCD_READM_A1(Word, NumWords)  LCD_X_ReadM01_16(Word, NumWords)


The following shows how to create a display driver device with this driver and how to configure it:

void LCD_X_Config(void) {
  // Set display driver and color conversion
  GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_COMPACT_COLOR_16, // Display driver
                           GUICC_M565,              // Color conversion
                           0, 0);
  // Display driver configuration
  LCD_SetSizeEx(0, 240, 320);                       // Physical display size in pixels


This driver supports the Fujitsu Graphic display controllers. It has been tested with “Jasmine”, but it should also work with “Lavender”, since all relevant registers are compatible.

Supported hardware


This driver works with the following display controllers:

Bits per pixel

Supported color depths are 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 bpp.


The driver has been tested with a 32 bit interface to the CPU. If a 16 bit interface is used, the 32-bit accesses can be replaced by 2 16-bit accesses.

Driver selection and configuration

To be able to use this driver the following macro definition needs to be added to the configuration file LCDConf.h:

#define LCD_USE_FUJITSU_16

After this define has been added the display driver assumes the driver specific con- figuration file LCDConf_Fujitsu_16.h in the configuration folder. All further compile time configuration macros should be defined in this file. To create a driver device using the GUIDRV_Fujitsu_16 for the given display, e.g. the following command can be used:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_FUJITSU_16, GUICC_556, 0, 0);

Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Available configuration macros (compile time configuration)

Controller selection

To select the desired controller the macro LCD_CONTROLLER should be used in the configuration file LCDConf_Fujitsu_16.h. The following table shows the values to be used to select the appropriate controller:

Number Supported controller
8720 Fujitsu Jasmine
8721 Fujitsu Lavender
Display data RAM organization

The display controller uses DRAM in an optimized, non-linear way (described in the Fujitsu documentation). Direct memory access is not used by the driver.

RAM requirements

About 16 bytes for some static variables.

Hardware configuration

This driver requires a direct interface for hardware access as described in the chapter Configuration. The following table lists the macros which must be defined for hardware access:

Macro Description
LCD_READ_REG Read a register of the display controller. (as 32 bit value) (optional)
LCD_WRITE_REG Write a register of the display controller. (as 32 bit value) (optional)

The driver contains a default for hardware access macros, which configures 32 bit access on the Fujitsu demonstration platform (Using an MB91361 or MB91362 and a Jasmine chip at address 0x30000000); if the target hardware is compatible with these settings, then LCD_READ_REG(), LCD_WRITE_REG() do not need to be defined.

Color format (R/B swap)

It seems that on some target systems, Red and blue are swapped. This can be changed via software if the config switch LCD_SWAP_RB is toggled in the configuration file.

Hardware initialization

The display controller requires a complicated initialization. Example code is available from Fujitsu in the GDC module. This code is not part of the driver, since it depends on the actual chip used, on the clock settings, the display and a lot of other things. We recommend using the original Fujitsu code, since the documentation of the chips is not sufficient to write this code. Before calling GUI_Init(), the GDC should be initialized using this code (typically called as GDC_Init(0xff)).


LCDConf.h for VGA display, 8bpp, Jasmine:

#define LCD_XSIZE         640 // X-resolution of LCD, Logical color
#define LCD_YSIZE         480 // Y-resolution of LCD, Logical color
#define LCD_CONTROLLER   8720 // Jasmine
Additional configuration switches

The following table shows optional configuration macros available for this driver:

Macro Description
LCD_ON Function replacement macro which switches the display on.
LCD_OFF Function replacement macro which switches the display off.


Supported hardware


This driver works with the following display controllers:

It should be assumed that it will also work with every similar organized controller.

Bits per pixel

Supported color depth is 1bpp.


The driver supports the indirect interface (8 bit) of the display controller. Parallel, 4-pin SPI or I2C bus can be used.

Driver selection and configuration

To be able to use this driver the following macro definition needs to be added to the configuration file LCDConf.h:


After this define has been added the display driver assumes the driver specific configuration file LCDConf_Page1bpp.h in the configuration folder. All further compile time configuration macros should be defined in this file. To create a driver device using the GUIDRV_Page1bpp for the given display, e.g. the following command can be used:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_PAGE1BPP, GUICC_1, 0, 0);

Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Compile-time configuration

Controller selection

To select the desired controller the macro LCD_CONTROLLER should be used in the configuration file LCDConf_Page1bpp.h. The following table shows the values to be used to select the appropriate controller:

Number Supported controller
  • Samsung KS0713, KS0724, S6B0713, S6B0724
  • UltraChip UC1601, UC1606
1502 Samsung KS0108B S6B0108B
1503 Hitachi HD61202
1504 Philips PCF8810, PCF8811
1505 Philips PCF8535
1506 New Japan Radio Company NJU6679
1507 Philips PCD8544
1508 Epson S1D15710
1509 Solomon SSD1303 OLED controller
  • Epson S1D15714
  • Integrated Solutions Technology IST3020
  • New Japan Radio Company NJU6676
  • Novatek NT7538, NT75451
  • Samsung S6B0719
  • Sino Wealth SH1101A
  • Sitronix ST7522, ST7565, ST7567
  • Solomon SSD1805, SSD1821
  • UltraChip UC1608, UC1701
1511 Epson S1D15721
1512 Epson S1D15E05, S1D15E06
1513 ST Microelectronics ST7548, STE2001, STE2002
1520 Epson SED1520
1560 Epson SED1560
  • Epson SED1565, S1D10605, S1D15605
  • Novatek NT7502, NT7534
  • Samsung S6B1713
  • Solomon SSD1815
  • Sunplus SPLC501C
1566 Epson SED1566
1567 Epson SED1567
1568 Epson SED1568
1569 Epson SED1569
1575 Epson SED1575, S1D15705
RAM requirements

This display driver can be used with or without a display data cache in the most cases. If one display contains more than 1 display controller you can not disable the cache. The data cache contains a complete copy of the contents of the display data RAM. If a cache is not used, there are no additional RAM requirements.
It is recommended to use this driver with a data cache for faster display-access. The amount of memory used by the cache may be calculated as follows:

Size of RAM (in bytes) = (LCD_YSIZE + 7) / 8 * LCD_XSIZE
Additional driver functions


The detailed description of this function can be found under LCD_ControlCache.

Hardware configuration

This driver accesses the hardware via indirect interface as described in the chapter Configuration. The following table lists the macros which must be defined for hardware access:

Macro Description
LCD_READ_A0 Read a byte from the display controller with A-line low.
LCD_READ_A1 Read a byte from the display controller with A-line high.
LCD_WRITE_A0 Write a byte to the display controller with A-line low.
LCD_WRITE_A1 Write a byte to the display controller with A-line high.
LCD_WRITEM_A1 Write multiple bytes to the display controller with A-line high.

Display orientation

Some of the supported display controllers supports hardware mirroring of x/y axis. It is recommended to use these functions instead of the display orientation macros of emWin.
If mirroring of the X axis is needed, the command 0xA1 (ADC select reverse) should be used in the initialization macro. This causes the display controller to reverse the assignment of column address to segment output. If the display size in X is smaller than the number of segment outputs of the display controller, the macro LCD_FIRSTSEG0 can be used to add an offset to the column address to make sure, the right RAM address of the display controller is accessed.
If mirroring of the Y axis is needed the command 0xC8 (SHL select revers) should be used in the initialization macro and the macro LCD_FIRSTCOM0 should be used to define the offset needed to access the right RAM address of the display controller.

Additional configuration switches

The following table shows optional configuration switches available for this driver:

Macro Description
LCD_CACHE When set to 0, no display data cache is used, which slows down the speed of the driver. Default is 1 (cache activated).
LCD_FIRSTCOM0 This macro can be used to define the first common address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display doc.
LCD_FIRSTSEG0 This macro can be used to define the first segment address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display doc.
LCD_SUPPORT_CACHECONTROL When set to 1, LCD_ControlCache() can be used.


Supported hardware


This driver works with the following display controllers:

Bits per pixel

Supported color depth is 2 bpp.


The controller supports either the 8-bit parallel interface as well as the 4-pin or 3-pin serial peripheral interface (SPI). The current version of the driver supports the 8-bit parallel or 4-pin SPI interface. 3 pin SPI is currently not supported.

Driver selection and configuration

To be able to use this driver the following macro definition needs to be added to the configuration file LCDConf.h:

#define LCD_USE_07X1

After this define has been added the display driver assumes the driver specific configuration file LCDConf_07X1.h in the configuration folder. All further compile time configuration macros should be defined in this file. To create a driver device using the GUIDRV_07X1 for the given display, e.g. the following command can be used:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_07X1, GUICC_2, 0, 0);

Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Controller selection

To select the desired controller the macro LCD_CONTROLLER should be used in the configuration file LCDConf_07X1.h. The following table shows the values to be used to select the appropriate controller:

Number Supported controller
  • Novatek NT7506
  • Solomon SSD1854
702 ST Microelectronics STE2010
711 Samsung KS0711, S6B0711
  • Novatek NT7508
  • Samsung KS0741, S6B0741
  • Sitronix ST7541, ST7571
  • Tomato TL0350A
Display data RAM organization

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the display. The display memory is divided into two panes for each pixel. The lower bit of each pixel is stored in pane 0 and the higher bit is stored in pane 1.

RAM requirements

This display driver may be used with or without a display data cache, containing a complete copy of the contents of the display data RAM. If a cache is not used, there are no additional RAM requirements.
It is recommended to use this driver with a data cache for faster display-access. The amount of memory used by the cache may be calculated as follows:

Size of RAM (in bytes) = (LCD_YSIZE + 7) / 8 * LCD_XSIZE * 2
Additional driver functions


The detailed function description can be found {LCD_ControlCache}.

Hardware configuration

This driver accesses the hardware using the indirect interface as described in the chapter Configuration. The following table lists the macros which must be defined for hardware access:

Macro Description
LCD_READ_A0 Read a byte from display controller with A-line low. (Used only if working without cache)
LCD_READ_A1 Read a byte from display controller with A-line high. (Used only if working without cache)
LCD_WRITE_A0 Write a byte to display controller with A-line low.
LCD_WRITE_A1 Write a byte to display controller with A-line high.
LCD_WRITEM_A1 Write multiple bytes to display controller with A-line high.

Display orientation

The supported display controllers supports hardware mirroring of x/y axis. It is recommended to use these functions instead of the display orientation macros of emWin. If mirroring of the X axis is needed, the command 0xA1 (ADC select reverse) should be used in the initialization macro. This causes the display controller to reverse the assignment of column address to segment output. If the display size in X is smaller than the number of segment outputs of the display controller, the macro LCD_FIRSTSEG0 can be used to add an offset to the column address to make sure, the right RAM address of the LCD controller is accessed.
If mirroring of the Y axis is needed the command 0xC8 (SHL select revers) should be used in the initialization macro and the macro LCD_FIRSTCOM0 should be used to define the offset needed to access the right RAM address of the display controller.

Additional configuration switches

The following table shows optional configuration switches available for this driver:

Macro Description
LCD_FIRSTCOM0 This macro can be used to define the first common address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation.
LCD_FIRSTSEG0 This macro can be used to define the first segment address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation.


Supported hardware


This driver works with the following display controllers:

Bits per pixel

Supported color depth is 16 bpp.


The driver supports the indirect interface (8 bit) of the display controller. Parallel or 4-pin SPI bus can be used.

Driver selection and configuration

To be able to use this driver the following macro definition needs to be added to the configuration file LCDConf.h:

#define LCD_USE_6331

After this define has been added the display driver assumes the driver specific configuration file LCDConf_6331.h in the configuration folder. All further compile time configuration macros should be defined in this file. To create a driver device using the GUIDRV_6331 for the given display, e.g. the following command can be used:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_6331, GUICC_565, 0, 0);

Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Controller selection

To select the desired controller the macro LCD_CONTROLLER should be used in the configuration file LCDConf_6331.h. The table below shows the values to be used to select the appropriate controller:

Number Supported controller
6331 Samsung S6B33B0X, S6B33B1X, S6B33B2X
Display data RAM organization

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the LCD.

RAM requirements

This display driver can be used with or without a display data cache, containing a complete copy of the LCD data RAM. The amount of memory used by the cache is:

LCD_XSIZE * LCD_YSIZE * 2 bytes.
Hardware configuration

This driver accesses the hardware with the indirect interface. The following table lists the macros which must be defined for hardware access:

Macro Description
LCD_WRITE_A0 Write a byte to display controller with A-line low.
LCD_WRITE_A1 Write a byte to display controller with A-line high.
LCD_WRITEM_A1 Write multiple bytes to display controller with A-line high.
LCD_DRIVER_OUTPUT_MODE_DLN ’Display Line Number’ (DLN) selection bits of the ’Driver Output Mode Set’ instruction. Details can be found in the display controller documentation.
LCD_DRIVER_ENTRY_MODE_16B Data bus width selection bit of the ’Entry Mode Set’ instruction. Details can be found in the display controller documentation.

The ’Driver Output Mode’ and ’Entry Mode’ are initializes automatically.

Additional configuration switches

The following table shows optional configuration switches available for this driver:

Macro Description
LCD_CACHE When set to 0, no display data cache is used, which slows down the speed of the driver. Default is 1 (cache activated).
Special requirements

The driver needs to work with the fixed palette mode 565. The driver does not work with other palettes or fixed palette modes. Further the driver needs to swap the red and the blue part of the color index. You should use the following macro definitions in the configuration file LCDConf.h:

#define LCD_SWAP_RB        1


Supported hardware


This driver works with the Sitronix ST7528 display controller.

Bits per pixel

Supported color depth is 4 bpp.


The driver supports the 8 bit parallel (simple bus) 4-pin SPI interface.

Driver selection and configuration

To be able to use this driver the following macro definition needs to be added to the configuration file LCDConf.h:

#define LCD_USE_7528

After this define has been added the display driver assumes the driver specific configuration file LCDConf_7528.h in the configuration folder. All further compile time configuration macros should be defined in this file. To create a driver device using the GUIDRV_7528 for the given display, e.g. the following command can be used:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_7528, GUICC_4, 0, 0);

Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Controller selection

To select the desired controller the macro LCD_CONTROLLER should be used in the configuration file LCDConf_7528.h. The following table shows the values to be used to select the appropriate controller:

Number Supported controller
7528 Sitronix ST7528
Display data RAM organization

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the LCD. The display memory is divided into four panes for each pixel. The least significant bit (LSB) of each pixel is stored in pane 0 and the MSB is stored in pane 3.

RAM requirements

This LCD driver may be used with or without a display data cache. If the cache is used it holds a complete copy of the contents of the LCD data RAM. If cache is not used, there are no additional RAM requirements.
It is recommended to use this driver with a data cache for faster LCD-access. The amount of memory used by the cache may be calculated as follows:

Size of RAM (in bytes) = (LCD_YSIZE + 7) / 8 * LCD_XSIZE * 4

A cache is required in SPI mode, because SPI does not allow reading of display contents.

Hardware configuration

This driver accesses the hardware with the indirect interface. The following table lists the macros which must be defined for hardware access:

Macro Description
LCD_WRITE_A0 Write a byte to LCD controller with A-line low.
LCD_WRITE_A1 Write a byte to LCD controller with A-line high.
LCD_WRITEM_A1 Write multiple bytes to display controller with A-line high.
LCD_READ_A1 Read a single byte from display controller with A-line high. Required only if no display data cache is configured.
LCD_READM_A1 Read multiple bytes from display controller with A-line high. Required only if no display data cache is configured.
Additional configuration switches

The following table shows optional configuration switches available for this driver:

Macro Description
LCD_FIRSTCOM0 This macro can be used to define the first common address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation.
LCD_FIRSTSEG0 This macro can be used to define the first segment address to be used in the data RAM of the display controller. The value can be determined experimentally or taken from the display documentation.
LCD_NUM_COM0 A Sitronix ST7528 controller can operate in 2 modes. Mode 0 with 132 segment and 128 common outputs and mode 1 with 160 segment and 100 common outputs. which mode is used depends on hardware, the mode can not be changed via command. Defines the number of available common outputs of the display controller.
Possible values for Sitronix ST7528 are:
  • 128 (default, mode 0)
  • 100 (mode 1)
LCD_NUM_SEG0 Defines the number of available segment outputs of the display controller.
Possible values for Sitronix ST7528 are:
  • 132 (default, mode 0)
  • 160 (mode 1)
LCD_CACHE When set to 0, no display data cache is used, which slows down the speed of the driver. Default is 1 (cache activated).


Supported hardware


This driver works with the Sitronix ST7529 display controller.

Bits per pixel

Supported color depths are 5 bpp (default), 4 bpp and 1bpp.


The driver supports the indirect interface (8 and 16 bit) of the display controller. Parallel, 3-pin SPI or 4-pin SPI access can be used.

Driver selection and configuration

To be able to use this driver the following macro definition needs to be added to the configuration file LCDConf.h:

#define LCD_USE_7529

After this define has been added the display driver assumes the driver specific configuration file LCDConf_7529.h in the configuration folder. All further compile time configuration macros should be defined in this file. To create a driver device using the GUIDRV_7529 for the given display, e.g. the following command can be used:

pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_7529, GUICC_5, 0, 0);

Detailed information about palette modes can be found in the chapter Colors.

Controller selection

To select the desired controller the macro LCD_CONTROLLER should be used in the configuration file LCDConf_7529.h. The following table shows the values to be used to select the appropriate controller:

Number Supported controller
7529 Sitronix ST7529
Display data RAM organization

The picture above shows the relation between the display memory and the SEG and COM lines of the LCD.

RAM requirements

This display driver can be used with or without a display data cache, containing a complete copy of the LCD data RAM. If no cache is used, there are no additional RAM requirements.
It is optional (but recommended) to use this driver with a data cache for faster LCD-access. The amount of memory used by the cache may be calculated as follows:

5bpp mode:
Size of RAM (in bytes) =  (LCD_XSIZE + 2) / 3 * 3 * LCD_YSIZE
4bpp mode:
Size of RAM (in bytes) = ((LCD_XSIZE + 2) / 3 * 3 + 1) / 2 * LCD_YSIZE
1bpp mode:
Size of RAM (in bytes) = ((LCD_XSIZE + 2) / 3 * 3 + 7) / 8 * LCD_YSIZE
Hardware configuration

This driver accesses the hardware with the indirect interface. The following table lists the macros which must be defined for hardware access:

Macro Description
LCD_WRITE_A0 Write a byte to LCD controller with A-line low.
LCD_WRITE_A1 Write a byte to LCD controller with A-line high.
LCD_WRITEM_A1 Write multiple bytes to display controller with A-line high.
LCD_READM_A1 Read multiple bytes from display controller with A-line high. Required only if no display data cache is configured.
LCD_FIRSTPIXEL0 If the display size in X is smaller than the number of segment outputs of the display controller, this macro can be used for defining the first visible pixel of the display. It should be used if the first segment lines of the display controller are not connected to the display.
Additional configuration switches

The following table shows optional configuration switches available for this driver:

Macro Description
LCD_CACHE When set to 0, no display data cache is used, which slows down the speed of the driver. Default is 1 (cache activated).

LCD layer and display driver API

This chapter explains functions used to set and get certain layer attributes, for example size, visibility or alpha value of a layer, where each layer is represented by a display driver configured in LCD_X_Config(). The chapter also describes how to manage the content of a display driver cache.

Please note that most of the following functions are not thread-safe. Therefore it is recommended to use GUI_LOCK/GUI_UNLOCK before/after using them in multitask environments.

Display driver API

The table below lists the available routines in alphabetical order. Detailed descriptions follow.

Routine Description
“Get” group
LCD_GetBitsPerPixel() Returns the number of bits per pixel.
LCD_GetBitsPerPixelEx() Returns the number of bits per pixel of given layer/display.
LCD_GetNumColors() Return the number of available colors.
LCD_GetNumColorsEx() Returns the number of available colors of given layer/display.
LCD_GetPosEx() Returns the position of the given layer in x and y direction.
LCD_GetVRAMAddr() Returns the address of the framebuffer for the current layer, more precisely the address of the current WriteBuffer.
LCD_GetVRAMAddrEx() Returns the address of the framebuffer for the given layer, more precisely the address of the current WriteBuffer.
LCD_GetVXSize() Return virtual X-size of LCD in pixels.
LCD_GetVXSizeEx() Returns virtual X-size of given layer/display in pixels.
LCD_GetVYSize() Return virtual Y-size of LCD in pixels.
LCD_GetVYSizeEx() Returns virtual Y-size of given layer/display in pixels.
LCD_GetXMag() Returns the magnification factor in x.
LCD_GetXMagEx() Returns the magnification factor of given layer/display in x.
LCD_GetXSize() Return physical X-size of LCD in pixels.
LCD_GetXSizeEx() Returns physical X-size of given layer/display in pixels.
LCD_GetYMag() Returns the magnification factor in y.
LCD_GetYMagEx() Returns the magnification factor of given layer/display in y.
LCD_GetYSize() Return physical Y-size of LCD in pixels.
LCD_GetYSizeEx() Returns physical Y-size of given layer/display in pixels.
“Set” group
LCD_SetAlphaEx() Sets the layer alpha value.*1
LCD_SetAlphaModeEx() Enables layer alpha mode.*1
LCD_SetChromaEx() Sets colors to be used for chroma mode.*1
LCD_SetChromaModeEx() Enables chroma mode.*1
LCD_SetPosEx() Sets the layer position of the given layer in x and y direction.
LCD_SetVisEx() Sets the visibility of a layer.*1
Configuration group
LCD_SetBufferPtr() This function is used to set an array with buffer addresses for the currently selected layer.
LCD_SetBufferPtrEx() This function is used to set an array with buffer addresses for the layer with the given index.
LCD_Off() Switches the display off.*1
LCD_OffEx() Switches the given display off.*1
LCD_On() Switches the display on.*1
LCD_OnEx() Switches the given display on.*1
LCD_Refresh() Refreshes the currently selected layer.*1
LCD_RefreshEx() Refreshes the layer with the given index.*1
LCD_SetDevFunc() Sets optional or custom defined routines for the display driver.*1
LCD_SetMaxNumColors() Sets the maximum number of colors used in palette based bitmaps.
LCD_SetSizeEx() Sets the physical size of the visible area of the given display/layer.
LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx() Sets the address of the video RAM of the given layer.*1
LCD_SetVSizeEx() Sets the size of the virtual display area of the given layer.*1
Cache group
LCD_ControlCache() Locks, unlocks and flushes the cache of the display controller if it is supported.


1. Optional function, not supported by each driver.

"Get" group


Returns the number of bits per pixel.


int LCD_GetBitsPerPixel(void);

Return value

Number of bits per pixel.



Returns the number of bits per pixel.


int LCD_GetBitsPerPixelEx(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
Index Layer index.

Return value

Number of bits per pixel.



Returns the number of currently available colors on the LCD.


U32 LCD_GetNumColors(void);

Return value

Number of available colors.



Returns the number of currently available colors on the LCD.


U32 LCD_GetNumColorsEx(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
Index Layer index.

Return value

Number of available colors.



Returns the position of the given layer in x and y direction.


int LCD_GetPosEx(int   LayerIndex,
                 int * pxPos,
                 int * pyPos);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
pxPos Contains layer position in x direction.
pyPos Contains layer position in y direction.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The content of the passed pointer is getting filled with values for x and y direction of the given layer.



Returns the address of the framebuffer for the current layer, more precisely the address of the current WriteBuffer.


void *LCD_GetVRAMAddr(void);

Return value

Void pointer to the framebuffer.



Returns the address of the framebuffer for the given layer, more precisely the address of the current WriteBuffer.


void *LCD_GetVRAMAddrEx(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
Index Layer index.

Return value

Void pointer to the framebuffer of the given layer.



Returns the virtual X- or Y-size, respectively, of the LCD in pixels. In most cases, the virtual size is equal to the physical size.


int LCD_GetVXSize(void);
int LCD_GetVYSize(void);

Return value

Virtual X/Y-size of the display.



Returns the virtual X- or Y-size, respectively, of the LCD in pixels. In most cases, the virtual size is equal to the physical size.


int LCD_GetVXSizeEx(int Index);
int LCD_GetVYSizeEx(int Index);


Parameter Description
Index Layer index.

Return value

Virtual X/Y-size of the display.



Returns the magnification factor in X- or Y-axis, respectively.


int LCD_GetXMag(void);
int LCD_GetYMag(void);

Return value

Magnification factor in X- or Y-axis.



Returns the magnification factor in X- or Y-axis, respectively.


int LCD_GetXMagEx(int Index);
int LCD_GetYMagEx(int Index);


Parameter Description
Index Layer index.

Return value

Magnification factor in X- or Y-axis.



Returns the physical X- or Y-size, respectively, of the LCD in pixels.


int LCD_GetXSize(void);
int LCD_GetYSize(void);

Return value

Physical X/Y-size of the display.



Returns the physical X- or Y-size, respectively, of the LCD in pixels.


int LCD_GetXSizeEx(int Index);
int LCD_GetYSizeEx(int Index);


Parameter Description
Index Layer index.

Return value

Physical X/Y-size of the display.

"Set" group


Sets the layer alpha value of the given layer.


int LCD_SetAlphaEx(int LayerIndex,
                   int Alpha);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
Alpha Alpha value (0-255) to be used. 0 means opaque, 255 fully transparent.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

This feature could only be available if the hardware supports layer alpha blending and if the driver callback function reacts on LCD_X_SETALPHA. Please note that the actual reaction on the given parameter(s) takes place in the driver callback function and depends on the customers implementation. The callback function is responsible for managing the appropriate SFRs to do the operation.



Enables the layer alpha mode of the given layer.


int LCD_SetAlphaModeEx(int LayerIndex,
                       int AlphaMode);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
AlphaMode A list of available modes can be found under Transparency modes.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

This feature could only be available if the hardware supports layer alpha blending and if the driver callback function reacts on LCD_X_SETALPHAMODE. Please note that the actual reaction on the given parameter(s) takes place in the driver callback function and depends on the customers implementation. The callback function is responsible for managing the appropriate SFRs to do the operation. Default behavior of a layer should be pixel alpha mode.



Sets the colors to be used for the chroma mode.


int LCD_SetChromaEx(int       LayerIndex,
                    LCD_COLOR ChromaMin,
                    LCD_COLOR ChromaMax);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
ChromaMin See description below.
ChromaMax See description below.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

This feature could only be available if the hardware supports chroma blending and if the driver callback function reacts on LCD_X_SETCHROMA. The hardware implementations of chroma modes are very different. Because of that the function of the parameters ChromaMin and ChromaMax also could have different meanings. In many cases chroma blending only supports one specific transparent color. In that case only the first parameter ChromaMin should be used. Other systems support a range of color bits to be used or a color and a mask. Please note that the actual reaction on the given parameter(s) takes place in the driver callback function and depends on the customers implementation. The callback function is responsible for managing the appropriate SFRs to do the operation.



Enables the chroma mode of the given layer.


int LCD_SetChromaModeEx(int LayerIndex,
                        int ChromaMode);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
ChromaMode 1 for enabling chroma mode, 0 for disabling (default)

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

This feature could only be available if the hardware supports chroma blending and if the driver callback function reacts on LCD_X_SETCHROMAMODE. Please note that the actual reaction on the given parameter(s) takes place in the driver callback function and depends on the customers implementation. The callback function is responsible for managing the appropriate SFRs to do the operation.



Sets the layer position of the given layer in x and y direction.


int LCD_SetPosEx(int LayerIndex,
                 int xPos,
                 int yPos);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
xPos New position in x direction.
yPos New position in y direction.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Sets the visibility of the given layer.


int LCD_SetVisEx(int LayerIndex,
                 int OnOff);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
OnOff 1 for visible (default), 0 for invisible.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

This function works properly only if the display driver callback function appropriately reacts to the command LCD_X_SETVIS. This in turn requires the display driver callback function to manage the appropriate SFRs accordingly. How to do this in detail is explained in the documentation of the display controller.

Configuration group


This function is used to set an array with buffer addresses for the currently selected layer. This allows incoherent buffers for multi-buffering.


int LCD_SetBufferPtr(void ** pBufferPTR);


Parameter Description
pBufferPTR An array with addresses to the different buffers.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The number of entries in the array must fit to the numbers of buffers set for multi-buffering.


static const U32 _aBufferPTR[] = {
  0x00000000,  // Begin first buffer
  0x00800000   // Begin second buffer


This function is used to set an array with buffer addresses for the layer with the given index. This allows incoherent buffers for multi-buffering.


int LCD_SetBufferPtrEx(int     LayerIndex,
                       void ** pBufferPTR);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Index of the layer the buffers are for.
pBufferPTR An array with addresses to the different buffers.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The number of entries in the array must fit to the numbers of buffers set for multi-buffering. pBufferPTR needs to stay valid as long as the emWin driver is in use.



Switches the currently selected display off.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.


Switches the given display off.


int LCD_OffEx(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Index of the layer/display.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Switches the currently selected display on.


void LCD_On(void);

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.


Switches the given display on.


int LCD_OnEx(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.


Refreshes the currently selected layer by flushing the entire cache to the LCD.


int LCD_Refresh(void);

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

This function is only available when using a driver with a cache.



Refreshes the given layer by flushing the entire cache to the LCD.


int LCD_RefreshEx(int LayerIndex);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

This function is only available when using a driver with a cache.



The function sets additional and / or user defined functions of the display driver.


int LCD_SetDevFunc(int  LayerIndex,
                   int  IdFunc,
                   void ( *pDriverFunc)());


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
IdFunc See table below.
pDriverFunc Pointer to function which should be used.
Permitted values for element IdFunc
LCD_DEVFUNC_COPYBUFFER Can be used to set a custom defined routine for copying buffers. Makes only sense in combination with multiple buffers.
LCD_DEVFUNC_COPYRECT Can be used to set a custom defined routine for copying rectangular areas.
LCD_DEVFUNC_DRAWBMP_1BPP Can be used to set a custom routine for drawing 1bpp bitmaps. Makes sense if a custom routine should be used for drawing text and 1bpp bitmaps.
LCD_DEVFUNC_DRAWBMP_8BPP Can be used to set a custom routine for drawing 8bpp bitmaps. Makes sense if a custom routine should be used for drawing 8bpp bitmaps.
LCD_DEVFUNC_FILLRECT Can be used to set a custom defined routine for filling rectangles. Makes sense if for example a BitBLT engine should be used for filling operations.
LCD_DEVFUNC_READMPIXELS Can be used to set a custom defined routine for reading multiple pixels from the display controller.
LCD_DEVFUNC_READPIXEL Can be used to set a custom defined routine for reading a single pixel from the display controller.
LCD_DEVFUNC_REFRESH Can be used to set a custom defined routine for refreshing the LCD.


Can be used to set up a function which copies a frame buffer to the desired location. This can make sense if for example a BitBLT engine is available to do the job. The function pointed by pDriverFunc should be of the following type:

void CopyBuffer(int LayerIndex,
                int IndexSrc,
                int IndexDst);
Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
IndexSrc Index of the source frame buffer to be copied.
IndexDst Index of the destination frame buffer to be overwritten.


Can be used to set up a function which copies a rectangular area of the screen to the desired location. This can make sense if for example a BitBLT engine is available to do the job.
The function pointed by pDriverFunc should be of the following type:

void CopyRect(int LayerIndex,
              int x0,
              int y0,
              int x1,
              int y1,
              int xSize,
              int ySize);
Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
x0 Leftmost pixel of the source rectangle.
y0 Topmost pixel of the source rectangle.
x1 Leftmost pixel of the destination rectangle.
y1 Topmost pixel of the destination rectangle.
xSize X-size of the rectangle.
ySize Y-size of the rectangle.


Can be used to set up a function which draws 1bpp bitmaps which includes also text. This can make sense if for example a BitBLT engine is available to do the job. The function pointed by pDriverFunc should be of the following type:

void DrawBMP1(      int              LayerIndex,
                    int              x,
                    int              y,
                    U8 const       * p,
                    int              Diff,
                    int              xSize,
                    int              ySize,
                    int              BytesPerLine,
              const LCD_PIXELINDEX * pTrans);
Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
x Leftmost coordinate in screen coordinates of the bitmap to be drawn.
y Topmost coordinate in screen coordinates of the bitmap to be drawn.
p Pointer to the pixel data of the bitmap.
Diff Offset to the first pixel pointed by parameter p. Supported values are 0-7.
xSize X-size in pixels of the bitmap to be drawn.
ySize Y-size in pixels of the bitmap to be drawn.
BytesPerLine Number of bytes of one line of bitmap data.
pTrans Pointer to an array of color indices to be used to draw the bitmap data. The first color index defines the background color, the second color index defines the foreground color.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

Please note that it depends on the display driver which values for parameter IdFunc are supported or not.


Can be used to set up a function which draws 8bpp palette based bitmaps. This can make sense if for example a BitBLT engine is available to do the job. The function pointed by pDriverFunc should be of the following type:

void DrawBMP8(      int              LayerIndex,
                    int              x,
                    int              y,
                    U8 const       * p,
                    int              xSize,
                    int              ySize,
                    int              BytesPerLine,
              const LCD_PIXELINDEX * pTrans);
Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
x Leftmost coordinate in screen coordinates of the bitmap to be drawn.
y Topmost coordinate in screen coordinates of the bitmap to be drawn.
p Pointer to the pixel data of the bitmap.
xSize X-size in pixels of the bitmap to be drawn.
ySize Y-size in pixels of the bitmap to be drawn.
BytesPerLine Number of bytes of one line of bitmap data.
pTrans Pointer to an array of color indices to be used to draw the bitmap data. These colors are addressed by the index values of the pixels.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

Please note that it depends on the display driver which values for parameter IdFunc are supported or not.


Can be used to set a custom function for filling operations. The function pointed by pDriverFunc should be of the following type:

void FillRect(int LayerIndex,
              int x0,
              int y0,
              int x1,
              int y1,
              U32 PixelIndex);
Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
x0 Leftmost coordinate to be filled in screen coordinates.
y0 Topmost coordinate to be filled in screen coordinates.
x1 Rightmost coordinate to be filled in screen coordinates.
y1 Bottommost coordinate to be filled in screen coordinates.
PixelIndex Color index to be used to fill the specified area.


Can be used to set a custom defined routine for reading multiple pixels from the display controller. The function pointed by pDriverFunc should be one of the following types:

void _ReadMPixels(int   LayerIndex,
                  U16 * pBuffer,
                  U32   NumPixels);
void _ReadMPixels(int   LayerIndex,
                  U32 * pBuffer,
                  U32   NumPixels);
Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
pBuffer Pointer to the buffer in which the pixel data has to be stored.
NumPixels Number pixels to read.

The required function type depends on the configured color depth of the display driver. In 16bpp mode a U16 pointer is required for the buffer and for 18bpp up to 32bpp a U32 pointer is required.


Can be used to set a custom defined routine for reading a single pixel from the display controller. The function pointed by pDriverFunc should be one of the following types:

U16 _ReadPixel(int LayerIndex);
U32 _ReadPixel(int LayerIndex);
Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.

The required type of the return value depends on the configured color depth of the display driver. In 16bpp mode U16 is required and for 18bpp up to 32bpp U32 is required.


Can be used to set a custom defined routine for updating the display with LCD_Refresh(). The function pointed by pDriverFunc should be of the following type:

void (int LayerIndex);
Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.

Purpose of LCD_DEVFUNC_REFRESH is to be able to set a custom function which triggers a display refresh. Whereas some drivers with indirect interface already have such a function, it can also be used with GUIDRV_Lin. In case of a display with DSI-interface it could be used to set a function for triggering a DSI-transfer.



Sets the maximum number of colors used in palette based bitmaps.


int LCD_SetMaxNumColors(unsigned MaxNumColors);


Parameter Description
MaxNumColors Maximum number of colors used in palette based bitmaps. Default is 256.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

During the process of initialization emWin allocates a buffer required for converting color values of the bitmaps into index values for the controller. This buffer requires 4 bytes per color. If the system is short on RAM and only a few colors are used, this function could spare up to 1016 bytes of dynamically RAM. Per default the buffer uses 1024 bytes of RAM. But if for example only 2 colors are used (typically b/w-configuration) only 8 bytes for 2 colors are required. The function needs to be called by the routine GUI_X_Config().



Sets the physical size of the visible area of the given display/layer.


int LCD_SetSizeEx(int LayerIndex,
                  int xSize,
                  int ySize);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
xSize X-Size in pixels of the visible area of the given layer.
ySize Y-Size in pixels of the visible area of the given layer.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The function requires a display driver which is able to manage dynamically changes of the display size. If the display driver does not support this feature the function fails.



Sets the address of the video RAM.


int LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx(int    LayerIndex,
                      void * pVRAM);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
pVRAM Pointer to start address of video RAM.

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The function requires a display driver which is able to manage dynamically changes of the video RAM address. If the display driver does not support this feature the function fails.



Sets the size of the virtual display area.


int LCD_SetVSizeEx(int LayerIndex,
                   int xSize,
                   int ySize);


Parameter Description
LayerIndex Layer index.
xSize X-Size in pixels of the virtual area of the given layer.
ySize Y-Size in pixels of the virtual area of the given layer.

Return value

0 on success.
1 on error.

Additional information

The function requires a display driver which is able to manage dynamically changes of the virtual display size. If the display driver does not support this feature the function fails.

Cache group


Locks, unlocks and flushes the cache of the display controller if it is supported.


int LCD_ControlCache(int Cmd);


Parameter Description
Cmd See table below.
Permitted values for element Cmd
LCD_CC_FLUSH Flushes the cache. The content of the cache which has changed since the last flushing operation is output to the display.
LCD_CC_LOCK Locks the cache. Drawing operations are cached, but not output to the display.
LCD_CC_UNLOCK Unlocks the cache. The cached data is flushed immediately. Further drawing operations are cached and output. (Write Through)

Return value

0 on success
1 on error.

Additional information

The function requires a display driver which is able to manage dynamically changes of the virtual display size. If the display driver does not support this feature the function fails. This function is automatically used for drawing operations of windows and strings.

Touch drivers

A touch driver supports a particular family of touch controllers and all touch pads which are connected to one of these controllers. The drivers can be configured by modifying their configuration files whereas the driver itself does not need to be modified. The configuration files contain all required information for the driver including how the hardware is accessed and how the controller(s) are connected to the display. This chapter provides an overview of the touch drivers available for emWin. It explains the following in terms of each driver:


The driver is written for the multi touch controller TangoC32 from PIXCIR. It is delivered along with the emWin MultiTouch feature.
The controller can be accessed via I2C interface. It provides an interrupt line which needs to be used by the application to generate an interrupt. Once the driver has been initialized right it automatically fills up the multi touch buffer of emWin.

Supported hardware

This driver works with the following controller:

Driver initialization

A good place for initializing the touch driver is the routine LCD_X_Config(). This makes sure, that the touch driver and the display driver has been initialized before emWin is used by the application.

First part

The first part of initializing the driver is calling the drivers configuration function. It sets up the function pointers for hardware communication.

Second part

To be able to do its work the drivers execution function needs to be called when touching the screen. That should be done via interrupt routine. For that case the touch controller provides an interrupt line which is active if a touch event occurs. The one and only thing which then should be done in the interrupt routine is calling the drivers execution function GUIMTDRV_TangoC32_Exec().


The following table shows the available functions of the driver.

Routine Description
GUIMTDRV_TangoC32_Init() Configuration function.
GUIMTDRV_TangoC32_Exec() Execution function.


Passes a pointer to a GUIMTDRV_TANGOC32_CONFIG structure to the driver. This structure contains all required function pointers and values required by the driver.




Parameter Description
pConfig Pointer to a GUIMTDRV_TANGOC32_CONFIG structure described below.

Elements of structure GUIMTDRV_TANGOC32_CONFIG

Data type Element
void (*)(U8 SlaveAddr) pf_I2C_Init
int (*)(U8 * pData, int Start, int Stop) pf_I2C_Read
int (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems, int Start, int Stop) pf_I2C_ReadM
int (*)(U8 Data, int Start, int Stop) pf_I2C_Write
int (*)(U8 * pData, int NumItems, int Start, int Stop) pf_I2C_WriteM
U8 SlaveAddr


Parameter Description
SlaveAddr I2C Slave address of touch controller to be used.

That pointer should point to a function which initializes the I2C communication. The element SlaveAddr is passed to the given function to set up the slave address of the touch controller device (normally 0x5C).


Parameter Description
pData Pointer to an unsigned character to store the byte.
Start Is set to 1 if bus communication starts, otherwise 0.
Stop Is set to 1 if bus communication should end after the read operation, otherwise 0.

That function is responsible for reading one byte of data. The given pointer pData is used to store the value.
Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1.


Parameter Description
pData Pointer to a buffer to be filled by the routine.
NumItems Number of bytes to be read.
Start Is set to 1 if bus communication starts, otherwise 0.
Stop Is set to 1 if bus communication should end after the read operation, otherwise 0.

That function is responsible for reading multiple bytes of data. The given pointer pData is used to store the value.
Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1.


Parameter Description
Data Byte to be written.
Start Is set to 1 if bus communication starts, otherwise 0.
Stop Is set to 1 if bus communication should end after the write operation, otherwise 0.

That function is responsible for writing one byte of data.
Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1.


Parameter Description
pData Pointer to buffer to be written.
NumItems Number of bytes to be written.
Start Is set to 1 if bus communication starts, otherwise 0.
Stop Is set to 1 if bus communication should end after the write operation, otherwise 0.

That function is responsible for writing multiple bytes of data. The given pointer pData is used to store the value.

Return value

Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1.


Supported hardware

This driver works with the following controller:

Driver initialization

A good place for initializing the touch driver is the routine LCD_X_Config(). This makes sure, that the touch driver and the display driver has been initialized before emWin is used by the application.

First part

The first part of initializing the driver is calling the drivers configuration function. It sets up the following things:

Second part

To be able to do its work the drivers execution function needs to be called periodically. We recommend an interval of 20-30 ms. The function call can be done from within a timer interrupt routine or from a separate task.


The following table shows the available functions of the driver.

Routine Description
GUITDRV_ADS7846_Config() Configuration function.
GUITDRV_ADS7846_Exec() Execution function.
GUITDRV_ADS7846_GetLastVal() Retrieves the last stored values.


Passes a pointer to a GUITDRV_ADS7846_CONFIG structure to the driver. This structure contains all required function pointers and values required by the driver.


void GUITDRV_ADS7846_Config(GUITDRV_ADS7846_CONFIG * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pConfig Pointer to a GUITDRV_ADS7846_CONFIG structure described below.
Permitted values for element Orientation
GUI_MIRROR_X Mirroring the X-axis
GUI_MIRROR_Y Mirroring the Y-axis
GUI_SWAP_XY Swapping X- and Y-axis
Data type Element Description
void (*)(U8 Data) pfSendCmd Hardware routine for sending a byte to the controller via its SPI interface.
U16 (*)(void) pfGetResult Hardware routine for getting the AD conversion result of the controller via its SPI interface.
The driver uses the 12 bit conversion mode. Per conversion the controller uses 16 clocks. Only the first 12 bits contain the result to be returned by this routine.
char (*)(void) pfGetBusy Hardware routine for getting the busy state of the controller.
The routine should return 1 if the controller is busy and 0 if not.
void (*)(char OnOff) pfSetCS Routine for toggling the CS signal of the controller. When receiving 1 the signal should become high and vice versa.
unsigned Orientation One or more “OR” combined values of the table below.
int xLog0 Logical X value 0 in pixels.
int xLog1 Logical X value 1 in pixels.
int xPhys0 A/D converter value for xLog0.
int xPhys1 A/D converter value for xLog1.
int yLog0 Logical Y value 0 in pixels.
int yLog1 Logical Y value 1 in pixels.
int yPhys0 A/D converter value for yLog0.
int yPhys1 A/D converter value for yLog1.
char (*)(void) pfGetPENIRQ If the PENIRQ line of the touch controller is connected to a port of the target hardware a touch event can be detected by the driver. Upon polling the driver’s exec routine the driver can check if a touch event is ready to be sampled by checking the PENIRQ line. Without PENIRQ line the driver will always try to sample a touch event even if no touch happened which will consume time even if not necessary. Without PENIRQ it is the responsibility of the user’s pfGetResult() routine to return 0xFFFF if the measured AD value is out of bounds. If both, the PENIRQ and the touch pressure recognition are enabled first the PENIRQ will signal that there is a touch event. Afterwards the touch pressure measurement is used to confirm that this was a valid touch and the touch had enough pressure to deliver good measurements.
The routine should return 1 if a touch event is recognized and 0 if not.
int PressureMin Minimum pressure threshold. A measured pressure below this value means we do not have a valid touch event.
int PressureMax Maximum pressure threshold. A measured pressure above this value means we do not have a valid touch event.
int PlateResistanceX Resistance of the X-plate of the touch screen. This value is needed for calculation of the touch pressure.


Execution function of the touch driver.


char GUITDRV_ADS7846_Exec(void);

Return value

0 No update has occured.
1 Touch has been updated.

Additional information

We recommend to call the routine each 20-30 ms. If the routine detects a valid touch event it stores the result into the touch buffer via a function call to GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx(). Please note that the driver needs some function pointers to be filled correctly to be able to communicate with the external peripheral. The correct assignment of these function pointers is checked during driver configuration and leads to an abort to GUI_ErrorOut() on missing pointers.



Retrieves the last stored values for some internal variables that might be needed for calibration of the driver without knowing its internals.


void GUITDRV_ADS7846_GetLastVal(GUITDRV_ADS7846_LAST_VAL * p);


Parameter Description
p Pointer to a GUITDRV_ADS7846_LAST_VAL structure.

Elements of structure GUITDRV_ADS7846_LAST_VAL

Data type Element Description
int xPhys Last measured x value
int yPhys Last measured y value
int z1Phys Last measured z1 value
int z2Phys Last measured z2 value
int PENIRQ Last sampled PENIRQ state if PENIRQ callback has been set
int Pressure Last measured touch pressure if touch pressure measurement is enabled

Additional information

This function is an optional function and not required to be able to use the driver.

Performance and Resource Usage

High performance combined with low resource usage has always been a major design consideration. emWin runs on 8/16/32-bit CPUs. Depending on which modules are being used, even single-chip systems with less than 64 KB ROM and 2 KB RAM can be supported by emWin. The actual performance and resource usage depends on many factors (CPU, compiler, memory model, optimization, configuration, display controller interface, etc.). This chapter contains benchmarks and information about resource usage in typical systems which can be used to obtain sufficient estimates for most target systems.


The following chapter shows driver benchmarks on different targets and performance values of image drawing operations.

Driver benchmark

We use a benchmark test to measure the speed of the display drivers on available targets. This benchmark is in no way complete, but it gives an approximation of the length of time required for common operations on various targets.

Configuration and performance table

CPU LCD Controller (GUIDRV_…) bpp Bench1 Filling Bench2 Small fonts Bench3 Bit fonts Bench4 Bitmap 1bpp Bench5 Bitmap 2bpp Bench6 Bitmap 4bpp Bench7 Bitmap 8bpp Bench8 DDP bitmap
ARM Cortex-A9
16 335M 15.9M 21.8M 32.6M 21.2M 19.8M 10.0M 62.4M
32 182M 14.0M 20.3M 25.7M 24.2M 22.7M 12.7M 69.1M
ARM Cortex-M4
8 182M 2.74M 3.67M 5.67M 2.02M 1.94M 2.30M 21.4M
16 131M 3.65M 5.19M 7.68M 4.08M 3.89M 20.64M 25.59M
32 67.7M 3.65M 5.22M 7.80M 5.68M 5.14M 20.98M 20.11M
16 5.9M 1.14M 1.75M 2.52M 2.04M 1.94M 1.14M 5.67M
16 981.35K 504.36K 564.5K 635.68K 616.09K 604.03K 560.38K 876.54K
16 7.14M 581K 1.85M 1.96M 694K 645K 410K 2.94M
16 123M 3.79M 5.21M 7.59M 2.27M 2.21M 1.77M 15.2M


Bench1: Filling

Bench the speed of filling. An area of 64×64 pixels is filled with different colors.

Bench2: Small fonts

Bench the speed of small character output. An area of 60×64 pixels is filled with small-character text.

Bench3: Big fonts

Bench the speed of big character output. An area of 65×48 pixels is filled with big-character text.

Bench4: Bitmap 1bpp

Bench the speed of 1bbp bitmaps. An area of 58×8 pixels is filled with a 1bpp bitmap.

Bench 5: Bitmap 2bpp

Bench the speed of 2bbp bitmaps. An area of 32×11 pixels is filled with a 2bpp bitmap.

Bench6: Bitmap 4bpp

Bench the speed of 4bbp bitmaps. An area of 32×11 pixels is filled with a 4bpp bitmap.

Bench7: Bitmap 8bpp

Bench the speed of 8bbp bitmaps. An area of 32×11 pixels is filled with a 8bpp bitmap.

Bench8: Device-dependent bitmap, 8 or 16 bpp

Bench the speed of bitmaps 8 or 16 bits per pixel. An area of 64 pixels is filled with a bitmap. The color depth of the tested bitmap depends on the configuration. For configurations ≤ 8bpp, a bitmap with 8 bpp is used; 16bpp configurations use a 16-bpp bitmap.

Image drawing performance (Bitmap, BMP and GIF)

The following table shows the drawing performance of the various image formats supported by emWin. The measurement for the following table has been done on an ARM Cortex-A9 (RZA1H) running with 360MHz and with 16bpp display color depth using GUIDRV_LIN_16:

Image format Megapixels per second
Internal bitmap format: 1bpp C file 47.5
Internal bitmap format: 4bpp C file 27.5
Internal bitmap format: 8bpp C file 41.6
Internal bitmap format: 16bpp C file, high color 103
Internal bitmap format: 24bpp C file, true color 888 8.0
Internal bitmap format: RLE4 C file 14.5
Internal bitmap format: RLE8 C file 16.4
Internal bitmap format: RLE16 C file 10.3
BMP file 8bpp 44.6
BMP file 16bpp 4.6
BMP file 24bpp 5.7
BMP file 32bpp 5.6
BMP file RLE4 32.9
BMP file RLE8 23.2
GIF file 4.1

Image drawing performance (JPEG)

The following tables showing measurements of JPEG decoding and drawing.

The JPEG decoder is able to use five diferent software for computing the IDCT during the decoding process of a JPEG image. Details about configuring the desired IDCT algorithm can be found in the chapter IDCT configuration.

STM32F769I (STM32F769I-Discovery)

The measurement for the following tables has been done on an STM32F769I CPU running with 200MHz and a color configuration of 16bpp. Used IDE is SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM V7.30 with Segger compiler toolchain.


No hardware accelleration has been used

Performance of the JPEG decoder only

The following table shows the performance of the actual decoder with the drawing function disabled.

IDCT-Configuration Gray H1V1 H1V2 H2V1 H2V2 Gray
I32_SCALAR 3.640 1.525 1.977 2.141 2.540 1.623 0.720 0.918 0.969 1.131
I16_SCALAR 3.767 1.534 1.994 2.177 2.576 1.641 0.718 0.917 0.972 1.129

Performance of displaying JPEG images

The following table shows the performance of the complete process of drawing JPEG images.

IDCT-Configuration Gray H1V1 H1V2 H2V1 H2V2 Gray
I32_SCALAR 1.646 1.347 1.701 1.809 2.099 1.053 0.678 0.854 0.897 1.035
I16_SCALAR 1.668 1.344 1.712 1.828 2.114 1.063 0.678 0.856 0.902 1.039

The measurement for the following tables has been done on an R7FA6M3AH3CFC CPU running with 120MHz and a color configuration of 16bpp. Used IDE is Renesas e²Studio with GCC toolchain.


Hardware accelleration has been used. Note that not all formats are supported by the hardware accelerator and limited amount of available RAM prevented the drawing of some JPEG formats.

Anyway, the tables showing a huge performance boost by using a dedicated hardware accelerator for JPEG decoding.

Performance of the JPEG decoder only

The following table shows the performance of the actual decoder with the drawing function disabled.

IDCT-Configuration Gray H1V1 H1V2 H2V1 H2V2 Gray
I32_SCALAR 0.259 9.011 0.466 10.915 11.919 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
I16_SCALAR 0.262 9.011 0.468 10.915 11.919 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Performance of displaying JPEG images

The following table shows the performance of the complete process of drawing JPEG images.

IDCT-Configuration Gray H1V1 H1V2 H2V1 H2V2 Gray
I32_SCALAR 0.202 8.879 0.357 10.925 11.919 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
I16_SCALAR 0.204 8.879 0.358 10.915 11.919 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

RAM requirements

This chapter does not contain the RAM requirement of each single module but shows the features with appreciable additional RAM requirement. The operation area of emWin varies widely, depending primarily on the application and features used. Because of that it’s quite difficult to estimate the memory requirements for emWin applications. Instead of listing each module or widget individually, it makes more sense to explain the memory requirements of different features in a functional context.

Display driver

In general, it is important to distinguish between drivers with direct and indirect interfaces.

Direct interface

The most important display driver for that kind of interface is GUIDRV_LIN. In a direct interface configuration, video memory is directly accessible by the CPU; the address bus is connected to the display controller. That means the display driver manages the content of the frame buffer directly via the address bus. But that also means that RAM requirement for the frame buffer must be considered which depends on the used color depth and the display size.

For one single frame buffer the RAM requirement can be calculated as follows:

SizeOfFrameBuffer in bytes = BitsPerPixel * xSize * ySize / 8

Most drivers require a few additional bytes for a context structure and a small line buffer.

Indirect interface

These drivers usually work with COG displays with controller ’on board’ or separate display controllers on the target hardware. This also means that the driver has no direct access to the framebuffer. In this case (usually) no framebuffer is needed on the CPU side, which saves RAM. With one exception: if the display is not readable, the driver needs a cache, which then contains the contents of the framebuffer. For non-readable displays with indirect interface the same amount of memory is needed as described above for the direct interface.


This feature is used to avoid tearing and flickering effects and normally only used with display drivers with direct interface. The memory requirement is calculated by multiplying the size of a single buffer by the number of required buffers


To be able to calculate at least one line of antialiased content emWin requires 3 line buffers for the whole display width with a color depth of 32 bpp. That means a display of 480 pixels requires an additional buffer of 3 * 480 * 4 bytes for antialiased operations.

Memory devices

Some functions of emWin (e.g. high quality image scaling, rotary widget and more…) are only available with the optional memory device module. The chapter Memory Requirements shows in detail how much memory is required under certain circumstances.


The RAM requirements of the widgets are different. Widgets like a BUTTON or a CHECKBOX do not have a notable RAM requirement. However, other widgets can have quite a big influence on the memory footprint. For example the LISTVIEW or LISTBOX may contain a large number of texts. Another example is the ROTARY widget which requires memory devices.


Fonts do not increase the RAM requirement of an application. With one important exception: In case of using the TrueType-engine at runtime the RAM requirement increases significantly. For that case details can be found in chapter TrueType Font (TTF) format.


And last but not least the basic functions for converting color palettes of bitmaps require a buffer for the converted palettes which uses per default 1 KByte of RAM. More details can be found in the chapter Optimizing RAM requirement


The basic stack requirement is approximately 600 bytes. If using the Window Manager additional 1000 bytes should be calculated. For Memory Devices further additional 200 bytes are recommended. Please note that the stack requirement also depends on the application, the used compiler and the CPU. If enough RAM is available and you want to be on the safe side, simply set the stack size to 4 KBytes. This should also be enough for unusual applications and protect against surprises.

Orientation device

First of all: This device is not the most recommended method for rotating the display. But if the used display driver does not support changing the display orientation the orientation device could be used. Please note that this device uses as much memory as required to hold a copy of the complete frame buffer. The additional memory requirement of this feature is xSizeDisplay * ySizeDisplay * 4. Details can be found in the chapter GUI_SetOrientation().

Language module

The amount of additional RAM required depends on the kind of use of the language module and on the size of the text files used. Details can be found in the chapter Text- and language resource files.

Memory requirements of example applications

Because it is quite impossible to list the exact memory requirements for the GUI components, we made 3 example applications:

In dependence of the used toolchain the values of the following measurements can vary on different systems.

Measurement Environment

The memory requirement for the example applications have been measured with the following environment:

What is used:
IDE SEGGER Embedded Studio V7.30
Compiler SEGGER
Display size 800x480
Display driver GUIDRV_LIN_16
Color configuration 16 bpp, GUICC_M565
Compiler optimization ’Level 2 for size’

Included Content

The tables below do not contain the requirements for the following:

The lists contain only the memory requirement of the emWin related code. We have excluded the display controller management, because it is very different and depends a lot of the used driver. Whereas drivers with indirect interface often only require a short initialization sequence, drivers with direct interface like GUIDRV_LIN require more overhead.

Also the memory requirement for the standard libraries has been excluded. The memory requirement here often varies a lot.

For convenience we used our operating system embOS to initialize the CPU on the one hand and to provide emWin with a time base on the other hand, for which actually also a simple timer interrupt is sufficient.

'Hello World' application

Details about how to write a hello world application can be found in the chapter The “Hello world” example program.


To get a realistic result for an application which does not make use of advanced features like the window manager, memory devices or multitasking, we have used the following configuration:

Feature State
Window Manager Off
Memory Devices Off
MultiTasking Off
MultiBuffering Off
Memory Requirement

The following table shows the memory requirement of a hello world application.

Code 10.980
RO Data 2.857
RW Data 96
ZI Data 548
Summary 13.837 644
+Framebuffer 768.000
+Memory 4.096
+Stack 600
Summary 13.837 773.340


Code and const data for emWin is app. 14 KBytes


RAM requirement is app. 5.5 KBytes (including GUI memory and stack size). Because the resolution of the display is quite large the frame buffer requires additional 800 x 480 x 2 = 750 KBytes.

Window manager application

It is difficult to write ’the’ typical WindowManager application because, for one thing, the widgets needed for it can be very different and, depending on the application, more or less data and other resources such as bitmaps are used in them. Because of that we decided to use the following application which is from optical aspects not representative:

But it references a quite large amount of widgets which is important to get a realistic impression of the ROM requirement of emWin.


We have used the following configuration:

Feature State
Window Manager On
Memory Devices On
MultiTasking On
MultiBuffering On
Memory Requirement

The following table shows the memory requirement of a Window Manager application.

Code 146.092
RO Data 25.844
RW Data 2.351
ZI Data 1.747
Summary 171.936 4.098
+Framebuffer 1.536.000
+Memory 25.600
+Stack 2.000
Summary 171.936 1.567.698


Code and const data for emWin is app. 170 KBytes


RAM requirement is app. 31 KBytes (including GUI memory and stack size). Because the resolution of the display is quite large the frame buffers (we need 2 for doublebuffering) require additional 800 x 480 x 2 x 2 = 1.500 KBytes.

Optimizing footprint

The amount of RAM and ROM required by emWin could be optimized in some cases. This chapter shows when it is possible to spare some RAM and/or ROM and how that could be achieved.

Optimizing RAM requirement

In general the application should not allocate much more memory as required by the application. But unfortunately it is not possible providing a simple formula which can be used for that. If the simulation is used it is possible to open a window which shows the current amount of used/free memory of the executing application by right-clicking the simulation window. For details please also refer to View system info. All of the below shown RAM optimizations can be done with a precompiled library.

Systems using bitmaps with less than 256 colors

If less than 256 colors are used by bitmaps the size of the buffer required for bitmap palette conversion could be reduced. Per default palettes with up to 256 colors can be converted. That requires 256 * 4 = 1024 bytes. If the bitmaps used by the application use less than 256 colors the size of the buffer could be reduced. That could be done by calling the function LCD_SetMaxNumColors() with the maximum number of colors used by bitmaps. Details can be found in the description of LCD_SetMaxNumColors.

Systems using a display driver with indirect interface

If the system is short on RAM and a driver with indirect interface is used it is recommended not to use a display driver cache. If the display controller supports reading back frame buffer data it should be possible to use the driver without a cache. Details about cache configuration can be found in the respective display driver description.

Systems using multi tasking support (GUI_OS == 1)

If multiple tasks are configured emWin uses a maximum of 4 tasks per default. That requires approx. 110 bytes per task which makes 4 * 110 = 440 bytes. If less than 4 GUI-tasks are used that can be done by fine tuning the maximum number of tasks by calling the function GUITASK_SetMaxTask() from GUI_X_Config(). For details please also refer to the function GUITASK_SetMaxTask.

Optimizing ROM requirement

In general here can not be done much on emWin side. But may some features could be disabled which spare a few KByte of ROM requirement. The below shown optimizations can only be done when compiling the source code of emWin.

Using the Window Manager without transparent windows

If the application does not require transparent windows the source of emWin can be compiled with the following option set in the configuration file GUIConf.h:


Disable text rotation

If the application does not use the functions for drawing rotated text the code required for that operations can be disabled by inserting the following define in the configuration file GUIConf.h:



This chapter should help if any problem occurs. This could be a problem with the tool chain, with the hardware, the use of the GUI functions or with the performance and it describes how to contact emWin support.

Problems with tool chain (compiler, linker)

The following shows some of the problems that can occur with the use of your tool chain. The chapter tries to show what to do in case of a problem and how to contact the emWin support if needed.

Compiler crash

You ran into a tool chain (compiler) problem, not a problem of emWin. If one of the tools of your tool chain crashes, you should contact your compiler support:

"Tool internal error, please contact support"

Compiler warnings

The code of emWin has been tested on different target systems and with different compilers. We spend a lot of time on improving the quality of the code and we do our best to avoid compiler warnings. But the sensitivity of each compiler regarding warnings is different. So we can not avoid compiler warnings for unknown tools.

Warnings you should not see

These kinds of warnings should not occur:

"Function has no prototype"
"Incompatible pointer types"
"Variable used without having been initialized"
"Illegal redefinition of macro"

Warnings you may see

Warnings such as the ones below should be ignored:

"Integer conversion, may lose significant bits"
"Statement not reached"
"Descriptionless statements were deleted during optimization"
"Condition is always true/false"
"Unreachable code"

Most compilers offer a way to suppress selected warnings.

Warning "Parameter not used"

Depending of the used configuration sometimes not all of the parameters of the functions are used. To avoid compiler warnings regarding this problem you can define the macro GUI_USE_PARA in the file GUIConf.h like the following example:

#define GUI_USE_PARA(para) (void)para

emWin uses this macro wherever necessary to avoid this type of warning.

Compiler errors

emWin assumes that the used compiler is ANSI C compatible. The compiler should cover at least one of the following standards:

Limited number of arguments in a function pointer call

But some compilers are not 100% ANSI C compatible and have for example a limitation regarding the number of arguments in a function pointer call:

typedef int tFunc(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, 
                  int f, int g, int h, int i, int j);
static int _Func(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, 
                 int f, int g, int h, int i, int j) {
  return a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h;
static void _Test(void) {
  int Result;
  tFunc * pFunc;
  pFunc = _Func;
  Result = pFunc(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

If the example above can not be compiled, only the core version of emWin can be used. The additional packages of emWin like the Window Manager or the Memory Device module sometimes need to pass up to 10 parameters with a function pointer call. The core package of emWin needs only up to 2 parameters in a function pointer call. But you can also use emWin if your compiler only supports one argument in a function pointer call. If so some functions are not available, for example rotating text or UTF-8 encoding.

Linker problems

Undefined externals

If your linker shows the error message “Undefined external symbols…”, check if the following files have been included to the project or library:

Executable to large

Some linkers are not able to link only the modules/functions referenced by the project. This results is an executable with a lot of unused code. In this case the use of a library would be very helpful. For details about how to build an emWin library, refer to the chapter Getting Started.

Problems with hardware/driver

If your tools are working fine but your display does not work may one of the following helps to find the problem.

Stack size to low?

Make sure that there have been configured enough stack. Unfortunately we can not estimate exactly how much stack will be used by your configuration and with your compiler. Further the required stack size depends a lot on the application.

Initialization of the display wrong?

Please check if the controller initialization has been adapted to your needs.

Display interface configured wrong?

When starting to work with emWin and the display does not show something you should use an oscilloscope to measure the pins connected with the display/controller. If there is a problem, check the following:

Problems with API functions

If your tool chain and your hardware works fine but the API functions do not function as documented, make a small example as described in Contacting support. This allows us to easily reproduce the problem and solve it quickly.

Problems with the performance

If there is any performance problem with emWin it should be determined, which part of the software causes the problem.

Does the driver cause the problem?

To determine the cause of the problem the first step should be writing a small test routine which executes some test code and measures the time used to execute this code. Starting point should be the file ProblemReport.c described above. To measure the time used by the real hardware driver the shipment of emWin contains the driver GUIDRV_NULL. This driver can be used if no output to the hardware should be done. Selecting GUIDRV_NULL can be achieved by the same way as setting up a real driver:

GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_LIN_16, GUICC_565, 0, 0);

The difference between the used time by the real driver and GUIDRV_NULL shows the execution time spent in the real hardware driver.

Driver not optimized?

If there is a significant difference between the use of the real driver and GUIDRV_NULL the cause of the problem could be a not optimized driver mode. If working with a driver which does not use the default orientation (nothing mirrored, nothing swapped) the driver may not be optimized for the configured mode. In this case, please contact our support, we should be able to optimize the code.

Comparable results

To be able to measure the hardware performance for having a comparable result, emWin comes with 2 samples (located in the folder Sample\Tutorial) which could be used for measuring the hardware performance. The first one is BASIC_DriverPerformance.c. It measures the time required for different kinds of drawing operations which should be supported by each driver. The second one is BASIC_Performance.c. It calculates prime numbers and prints the result of reached loops/second. This sample could be used to check the basic configuration of the CPU.

Contacting support

If you need to contact the emWin support, send the following information to the support:

Problem report

The following file can be used as a starting point when creating a problem report. Also fill in the CPU, the used tool chain and the problem description. It can be found under Sample\Tutorial\ProblemReport.c:

*                SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG                *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
*                                                                    *
*                       emWin problem report                         *
*                                                                    *
File                : ProblemReport.c
CPU                 : 
Compiler/Tool chain : 
Problem description : 
#include "GUI.h"
/*  Add further GUI header files here as required. */
*       Static code
* Please insert helper functions here if required.
*       MainTask
void MainTask(void) {
    To do:  Insert the code here which demonstrates the problem.
  while (1);   /* Make sure program does not terminate */