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📄 emVNC User Guide & Reference Manual

User Guide & Reference Manual
Document: UM22001
Software Version: 1.0.0
Document revision: 0


This chapter provides an introduction to using emVNC. It explains the basic concepts behind emVNC.

What is emVNC

emVNC is a VNC server optimized to run on embedded devices. It can be used with a graphic library (like emWin) or with a simple pixel storage.

emVNC supports multiple transport layers, TCP/IP or USB can be used to provide a VNC connection to a device.

emVNC features

emVNC is written in ANSI C and can be used on virtually any CPU. Here is a list of emVNC features:

Basic concepts

VNC is a remote control tool for GUI environments and graphical applications. Using a VNC connection allows the user to remote control the ’desktop’ of an embedded target device and to interact with it using a PC’s mouse and keyboard. It is based on the RFB protocol as described in RFC6143 and compatible with standard RFB / VNC client implementations.

This server module allows you to connect via any socket-like transport layer (e.g. TCP/IP or USB Bulk) to an embedded device and interact with it via a virtual display. You can use this display like any other display.

You can use a stand-alone virtual display without any real hardware, or you can synchronize it with actually existing display hardware of your embedded device.

Development environment (compiler)

The CPU used is of no importance; only an ANSI-compliant C compiler complying with at least one of the following international standard is required:

If your compiler has some limitations, let us know and we will inform you if these will be a problem when compiling the software. Any compiler for 16/32/64-bit CPUs or DSPs that we know of can be used. A C++ compiler is not required, but can be used. The application program can therefore also be programmed in C++ if desired.

Use of undocumented functions

Functions, variables and data-types which are not explained in this manual are considered internal. They are in no way required to use the software. Your application should not use and rely on any of the internal elements, as only the documented API functions are guaranteed to remain unchanged in future versions of the software. If you feel that it is necessary to use undocumented (internal) functions, please get in touch with SEGGER support in order to find a solution.

Configuring emVNC

This chapter explains how to configure emVNC.

Using The VNC Server Module

To use this module go through this step-by-step list:

Integration Layer

The VNC Server Module is a VNC / RFB protocol implementation and is kept as abstract and simple as possible, so that it can be used with any kind of display and over any kind of connection. To use it, you need to fill the following abstractions:

You can find several examples in the examples/ directory, and in the separately provided example pack for the emPower embedded board. These include full integrations for plain framebuffers and for SEGGER’s emWin GUI framework, SEGGER’s emNet TCP/IP stack, SEGGER’s emUSB-Device USB device stack and also for Linux. (The latter mostly for testing of the protocol implementation.)

Detailed information on each of these layers follows. Please refer to VNC.h and VNC_ConfExample.h for exact interface definition of the layers that you need to provide.


As mentioned, you need to provide a VNC_Conf.h that should be based on VNC_ConfExample.h. Here you can en/disable optional features, but you also have to provide some type definitions and glue logic for the module.

Session Management

You need to provide a session management that is responsible for accepting/setting up connections when a new client wants to connect, and to run the servers protocol handler function repeatedly for each connection until that client disconnects.

Best practice is to give each client a separate task or thread, such that a blocking network layer doesn’t block other tasks. Another option is to only accept a single client connection at a time and to run the main session management and this client connection in a single task.

Overall, for a single client connection you need to setup a VNC_CONTEXT with VNC_ServerInit(). Then repeatedly run VNC_HandleClientProtocol() until a negative value is returned, indicating that the client disconnected or a protocol error forced a disconnect. After that, or at any other time that VNC_HandleClientProtocol() is not running, the VNC_CONTEXT may be destroyed. Remember to free any other resource related to the client connection, like a socket or a USB bulk handle.

Transport Layer

The transport layer to a connected client is abstracted in VNC_CLIENT_CALLBACKS and requires that you provide a callback VNC_SEND to send data to the connected client, and VNC_RECV to receive data from the client.

Display Layer

The display layer is abstracted in VNC_DISPLAY_CALLBACKS. You need to provide callbacks VNC_GET_SIZE, VNC_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT, VNC_GET_PIXEL and optionally VNC_GET_RECT to return information on the display. You may provide VNC_LOCK and VNC_UNLOCK to allow locking against concurrent access to the display.

Event Layer

The optional event layer allows the server to publish events like key-presses or mouse motion, that a client sends to us. To use it, provide a VNC_EVENT_CALLBACKS with any or all of VNC_MOUSE, VNC_KEYBOARD and VNC_COPY. These will be called when any events are received from the client. To ignore these events, simply set these callbacks to NULL.

Authentication Layer

If password authentication is enabled and a password is set, you need to provide a VNC_AUTH_CALLBACKS structure with VNC_GET_CHALLENGE, which must return 16 random bytes. Otherwise the challenge/response authentication would be predictable.

Note that the authentication mechanism defined in the RFB protocol is by no means secure and should not be relied upon. But using a different, better authentication method would make using standard VNC clients impossible, and increase the server’s size and computational needs even further.

Running emVNC

When the target is running the emVNC server and you are using emNet or a different TCP/IP stack for communication any VNC client can be used to connect to your target.

If you are using emUSB for the data transfer SEGGER’s emVNC PC client should be used.


In this chapter, you will find a description of all API functions as well as all required data and function types.

Target API

This section describes the functions that can be used by the target application.

Function Description
VNC_ServerInit() Initialize VNC_CONTEXT structure so a server-process may be started on it.
VNC_EnableMouseInput() Enables or disables mouse input via VNC.
VNC_DisplayChanged() Tells the VNC server that an area of the display was changed.
VNC_EnableKeyboardInput() Enables or disables keyboard input via VNC.
VNC_HandleClientProtocol() Check up on client, maintain connection and answer any pending requests.
VNC_RingBell() Ring a bell on the client if it has one.
VNC_SetLockFrame() Configures the VNC server not to read the display while the display layer performs drawing operations.
VNC_SetPassword() Sets the password to use for authentication of clients.
VNC_SetProgName() Sets the title to be displayed in the title bar of the client window.
VNC_SetRetryCount() Sets the number of additional trials in case of an error when trying to write data to a client.
VNC_SetSize() Sets the display size to be transmitted to the client.



Initialize VNC_CONTEXT structure so a server-process may be started on it. Call this function to initialize a client connection.


void VNC_ServerInit(      VNC_CONTEXT           * pContext,
                    const VNC_DISPLAY_CALLBACKS * Display,
                    const VNC_CLIENT_CALLBACKS  * Client,
                    const VNC_AUTH_CALLBACKS    * Auth,
                    const VNC_FILE_CALLBACKS    * File,
                    const VNC_EVENT_CALLBACKS   * Event);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a VNC_CONTEXT structure. This structure is used internally by the VNC server and should not be on the stack.
Display Pointer to a VNC_DISPLAY_CALLBACKS structure containing display callback function pointers.
Client Pointer to a VNC_CLIENT_CALLBACKS structure containing client callback function pointers.
Auth Pointer to a VNC_AUTH_CALLBACKS structure containing authentication callback function pointers. This parameter is only available when VNC_SUPPORT_AUTH is enabled.
File Pointer to a VNC_FILE_CALLBACKS structure containing file callback function pointers. This parameter is only available when VNC_SUPPORT_FILE is enabled.
Event Pointer to a VNC_EVENT_CALLBACKS structure containing display callback function pointers.



Enables or disables mouse input via VNC.


void VNC_EnableMouseInput(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                          int           OnOff);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a VNC_CONTEXT structure.
OnOff 1 for enabling mouse input, 0 for disabling.



Tells the VNC server that an area of the display was changed.


void VNC_DisplayChanged(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                        unsigned      x,
                        unsigned      y,
                        unsigned      Width,
                        unsigned      Height);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a VNC_CONTEXT structure.
x Base coordinate of changed area
y Base coordinate of changed area
Width Width of changed area
Height Height of changed area


MUST NOT be called while holding the display lock.



Enables or disables keyboard input via VNC.


void VNC_EnableKeyboardInput(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                             int           OnOff);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a VNC_CONTEXT structure.
OnOff 1 for enabling keyboard input, 0 for disabling.



Check up on client, maintain connection and answer any pending requests. Call this function regularly for every client to maintain the client connection.


int VNC_HandleClientProtocol(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a VNC_CONTEXT structure.

Return value

> 0 OK, a delay of this milliseconds is suggested before recalling the event handler.
= 0 OK
< 0 error


pContext->aOutBuffer MUST be empty when calling. It will be used, but is guaranteed to be empty afterwards again.



Ring a bell on the client if it has one.


void VNC_RingBell(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a VNC_CONTEXT structure.



Configures the VNC server not to read the display while the display layer performs drawing operations.


void VNC_SetLockFrame(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                      unsigned      OnOff);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a VNC_CONTEXT structure.
OnOff If set to a value >0 frame locking will be enabled.

Additional information

This can be configured at compile time by using the compile time switch VNC_LOCK_FRAME.


The default of this is set via VNC_LOCK_FRAME.



Sets the password to use for authentication of clients


void VNC_SetPassword(      VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                     const char        * sPassword);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a VNC_CONTEXT structure.
sPassword Location of password to use. Set to NULL to disable authentication.


sPassword must remain valid until server is terminated or a new password is set. It is NOT copied to a local buffer.



Sets the title to be displayed in the title bar of the client window.


void VNC_SetProgName(      VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                     const char        * sProgName);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a VNC_CONTEXT structure.
sProgName Title to be displayed in the title bar of the client window.



Sets the number of additional trials in case of an error when trying to write data to a client.


void VNC_SetRetryCount(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                       unsigned      Count);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a VNC_CONTEXT structure.
Count Number of additional trials to be used in case of an error (default is 0).



Sets the display size to be transmitted to the client.


void VNC_SetSize(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                 unsigned      Width,
                 unsigned      Height);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a VNC_CONTEXT structure.
Width X-size to be used.
Height Y-size to be used.

Additional information

This function must be called between VNC_ServerInit() and VNC_ServerRun(). The size passed to this function may be smaller than the real display. If the access methods (pfGetPixel) supports out-of-bounds access, the size may also be larger than the actual display. Per default the server uses the layer size.


The table below lists the available structures.

Structure Description
VNC_DISPLAY_CALLBACKS Callbacks used to handle display operations.
VNC_CLIENT_CALLBACKS Callbacks used for data transfer.
VNC_EVENT_CALLBACKS Callbacks used to handle VNC events.
VNC_AUTH_CALLBACKS Callbacks used for authentication.



Callbacks used to handle display operations.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  VNC_LOCK             * pfLock;
  VNC_UNLOCK           * pfUnlock;
  VNC_GET_SIZE         * pfGetSize;
  VNC_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT * pfGetPixelFormat;
  VNC_GET_PIXEL        * pfGetPixel;
  VNC_GET_RECT         * pfReadRect;

Structure members

Member Description
pfLock Lock display.
pfUnlock Unlock display.
pfGetSize Get display size.
pfGetPixelFormat Get pixel format.
pfGetPixel Get a single pixel.
pfReadRect [Optional] Get rectangle.



Callbacks used for data transfer.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  VNC_SEND * pfSend;
  VNC_RECV * pfRecv;

Structure members

Member Description
pfSend Send data to client.
pfRecv Receive data from client.



Callbacks used to handle VNC events.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  VNC_MOUSE    * pfMouse;
  VNC_KEYBOARD * pfKeyboard;
  VNC_COPY     * pfCopy;

Structure members

Member Description
pfMouse [Optional] Mouse callback.
pfKeyboard [Optional] Keyboard callback.
pfCopy [Optional] Copy callback.



Callbacks used for authentication.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  VNC_GET_CHALLENGE * pfGetChallenge;

Structure members

Member Description
pfGetChallenge [Optional] Handle authentication.

Function Types

The table below lists the available function types.

Type Description
VNC_SEND Send data to client.
VNC_RECV Receive data from client.
VNC_LOCK Protect display against concurrent accesses.
VNC_UNLOCK Remove lock placed by VNC_LOCK.
VNC_GET_SIZE Retrieves the display size.
VNC_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT Retrieves the pixel format.
VNC_GET_PIXEL Get color value for a specified pixel.
VNC_GET_RECT Optional callback to retrieve multiple pixels in one go.
VNC_MOUSE Handle mouse event coming from client.
VNC_KEYBOARD Handle keyboard event coming from client.
VNC_COPY Handle client copied text.
VNC_GET_CHALLENGE Handle authentication.



Send data to client.

Type definition

typedef int (VNC_SEND)(      VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                       const U8          * pBuffer,
                             unsigned      Len);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a valid VNC_CONTEXT structure.
pBuffer Pointer to the data to be sent.
Len Number of bytes to be sent.

Return value

> 0 Amount of data sent.
= 0 Disconnected from the client.
< 0 An error occurred.



Receive data from client.

Type definition

typedef int (VNC_RECV)(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                       U8          * pBuffer,
                       unsigned      Len);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a valid VNC_CONTEXT structure.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer.
Len Number of bytes to read.

Return value

> 0 Amount of data received.
= 0 Disconnected from the client.
< 0 An error occurred.



Protect display against concurrent accesses.

Type definition

typedef void (VNC_LOCK)(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a valid VNC_CONTEXT structure.



Remove lock placed by VNC_LOCK.

Type definition

typedef void (VNC_UNLOCK)(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a valid VNC_CONTEXT structure.



Retrieves the display size.

Type definition

typedef void (VNC_GET_SIZE)(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                            unsigned    * pWidth,
                            unsigned    * pHeight);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a valid VNC_CONTEXT structure.
pWidth  in  Display width.
pHeight  in  Display height.



Retrieves the pixel format. The callback must store the correct format inside VNC_CONTEXT->PixelFormat.

Type definition

typedef int (VNC_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT)(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a valid VNC_CONTEXT structure.

Return value

= 0 Success.
≠ 0 Error.



Get color value for a specified pixel.

Type definition

typedef U32 (VNC_GET_PIXEL)(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                            unsigned      x,
                            unsigned      y);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a valid VNC_CONTEXT structure.
x Pixel coordinate.
y Pixel coordinate.

Return value

U32 color value, in device format.

Additional information

The function must perform a color conversion if necessary.



Optional callback to retrieve multiple pixels in one go.

Type definition

typedef void (VNC_GET_RECT)(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                            unsigned      x,
                            unsigned      y,
                            unsigned      xSize,
                            unsigned      ySize,
                            U32         * pPixelBuffer);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a valid VNC_CONTEXT structure.
x Pixel coordinate.
y Pixel coordinate.
xSize Rectangle x size
ySize Rectangle y size
pPixelBuffer Pointer to a buffer to store the pixel data (pixel index only, no color conversion)

Additional information

The function should not perform a color conversion. When using this function the color format of the client and the color format used for the display must match.



Handle mouse event coming from client.

Type definition

typedef void (VNC_MOUSE)(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                         unsigned      x,
                         unsigned      y,
                         unsigned      PressedButtonMap);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a valid VNC_CONTEXT structure.
x Mouse coordinate.
y Mouse coordinate.
PressedButtonMap Map of buttons currently pressed on the mouse.



Handle keyboard event coming from client.

Type definition

typedef void (VNC_KEYBOARD)(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                            U16           Key,
                            char          IsPressed);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a valid VNC_CONTEXT structure.
Key VNC key code.
IsPressed 1 - key is pressed, 0 - key is released.



Handle client copied text.

Type definition

typedef void (VNC_COPY)(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                        char        * pBuffer,
                        unsigned      Length);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a valid VNC_CONTEXT structure.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer containing the copied text.
Length Length of the data in the buffer.



Handle authentication.

Type definition

typedef void (VNC_GET_CHALLENGE)(VNC_CONTEXT * pContext,
                                 U8          * pChallenge);


Parameter Description
pContext Pointer to a valid VNC_CONTEXT structure.
pChallenge Pointer to a buffer containing the authentication challenge.

Additional information

This must save a challenge of VNC_AUTH_CHALLENGE_SIZE bytes in pChallenge. Usually that should be newly generated random data.


Contacting support

Before contacting support please make sure that you are using the latest version of the emVNC package. Also please check the chapter Configuring debugging output and run your application with enabled debug support.

If you are a registered emVNC user and you need to contact the emVNC support please send the following information via email to ticket_emnet@segger.com
By sending us an email your (personal) data will automatically be processed. For further information please refer to our privacy policy which is available at https://www.segger.com/legal/privacy-policy/.

Please also take a few moments to help us to improve our service by providing a short feedback when your support case has been solved.