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📄 emWeb User Guide & Reference Manual

User Guide & Reference Manual
Document: UM07002
Software Version: 3.54.0
Document revision: 0


The emWeb Web server is an optional extension to emNet. The Web server can be used with emNet or with a different TCP/IP stack. All functions that are required to add a Web server task to your application are described in this chapter.

emNet Web server

The emNet Web server is an optional extension which adds the HTTP protocol to the stack. It combines a maximum of performance with a small memory footprint. The Web server allows an embedded system to present Web pages with dynamically generated content. It comes with all features typically required by embedded systems: multiple connections, authentication, forms and low RAM usage. RAM usage has been kept to a minimum by smart buffer handling.

The Web server implements the relevant parts of the following Request For Comments (RFC).

RFC# Description
[RFC 1945] HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0 Direct download: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc1945.txt
[RFC 2069] An Extension to HTTP : Digest Access Authentication Direct download: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc2069.txt
[RFC 2616] HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 Direct download: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc2616.txt

The following table shows the contents of the emNet root directory:

Directory Content
.\Application\ Contains the example application to run the Web server with emWeb. The standard application consists of two files. IP_WebserverSample.c and Webserver_DynContent.c. IP_WebserverSample.c fits for the most applications without modifications. Webserver_DynContent.c includes the dynamic parts of our sample application, like virtual files, CGI functions, etc.
.\Config\ Contains the Web server configuration file. Refer to Web server configuration for detailed information.
.\Doc\ Contains the emWeb manual.
.\IP\ Contains the Web server sources, IP_Webserver.c, IP_Webserver.h and IP_UTIL_BASE64.c, IP_UTIL.h.
.\SEGGER\ Contains SEGGER helper functions.
.\Shared\IP\Application\ Contains the file Webserver_DynContent.c to run the Web server with emWeb.
.\Shared\IP\IP_FS\ Contains the sources for the file system abstraction layer (emFile, Windows and Linux) and the read-only file system. Refer to File system abstraction layer for detailed information.
.\Windows\IP\Webserver\ Contains the source, the project files and an executable to run emNet Web server on a Microsoft Windows host. Refer to Using the Web server sample for detailed information.
.\Windows\IP\UDPDiscoverGUI\ Contains UDP Discover tool to find the target in network.

Feature list


TCP/IP stack

The emWeb Web server requires a TCP/IP stack. It is optimized for emNet, but any RFC-compliant TCP/IP stack can be used. The shipment includes a Win32 simulation, which uses the standard Winsock API and an implementation which uses the socket API of emNet.

Multi tasking

The Web server needs to run as a separate thread. Therefore, a multi tasking system is required to use the emWeb Web server.

HTTP backgrounds

It is a communication protocol originally designed to transfer information via hypertext pages. The development of HTTP is coordinated by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) and the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). The current protocol version is 1.1.

Protocol Stack

HTTP communication basics

HTTP is a challenge and response protocol. A client initiates a TCP connection to the Web server and sends a HTTP request. A HTTP request starts with a method token. [RFC 2616] defines 8 method tokens. The method token indicates the method to be performed on the requested resource. emWeb Web server supports all methods which are typically required by an embedded Web server.

HTTP method Description
GET The GET method means that it retrieves whatever information is identified by the Request-URI.
HEAD The HEAD method means that it retrieves the header of the content which is identified by the Request-URI.
POST The POST method submits data to be processed to the identified resource. The data is included in the body of the request.

The following example shows parts of a HTTP session, where a client (for example, asks the emWeb Web server for the hypertext page example.html. The request is followed by a blank line, so that the request ends with a double newline, each in the form of a carriage return followed by a line feed.

GET /example.html HTTP/1.1

The first line of every response message is the Status-Line, consisting of the protocol version followed by a numeric status code. The Status-Line is followed by the content-type, the server, expiration and the transfer-encoding. The server response ends with an empty line, followed by length of content that should be transferred. The length indicates the length of the Web page in bytes.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Server: emWeb
Expires: THU, 26 OCT 1995 00:00:00 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked


Thereafter, the Web server sends the requested hypertext page to the client. The zero at the end of the Web page followed by an empty line signalizes that the transmission of the requested Web page is complete.

    <title>emWeb examples</title>
      <h1>Website: example.htm</h1>

HTTP status codes

The first line of a HTTP response is the Status-Line. It consists of the used protocol version, a status code and a short textual description of the Status-Code. The Status-Code element is a 3-digit integer result code of the attempt to understand and satisfy the request.

The first digit of the Status-Code defines the class of response. The last two digits do not have any categorization role. There are 5 values for the first digit:

Refer to [RFC 2616] for a complete list of defined status-codes. emWeb Web server supports a subset of the defined HTTP status codes. The following status codes are implemented:

Status code Description
200 OK. The request has succeeded.
401 Unauthorized. The request requires user authentication.
404 Not found. The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.
501 Not implemented. The server does not support the HTTP method.
503 Service unavailable. The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading of the server.

Using the Web server sample


Ready to use examples for Microsoft Windows and enNet are supplied. Please refer to Using the Web server Windows sample for the Microsoft Windows Web server.

The following emWeb examples are supplied:

Sample Description
IP_WebserverSample.c Standard Web server sample using IPv4.
IP_WebserverSample_IPv4_IPv6_SSL.c Web server sample that is configurable to run both IPv4 and IPv6 with or without SSL support.
IP_WebserverSample_IPv6.c Web server sample using IPv6.
IP_WebserverSample_Secure.c Web server sample using IPv4 and offering SSL support.
IP_WebserverSample_select_IPv4_IPv6.c Web server sample using IPv4 and IPv6.
IP_WebserverSample_SingleTask_IPv4_IPv6.c Web server sample that can be used with one task and both IPv4 and IPv6.

If you use another TCP/IP stack, the samples have to be adapted.

Connection handling

Note: The following explanation does not apply to the “single task”-sample, since this sample only uses one task.

The Web server itself does not handle multiple connections. The connection handling is part of the example applications. The sample applications open a port which listens on port 80 until an incoming connection is detected in a parent task that accepts new connections (or rejects them if no more connections can be accepted).

Task handling

For each accepted client connection, the parent task creates a child task running IP_WEBS_ProcessEx() in a separated context that will then process the request of the connected client (for example a browser). This way the parent task is ready to handle further incoming connections on port 80.

Therefore the sample uses n client connections + one for the parent task.

Some browsers may open multiple connections and do not even intend to close the connection. They rather keep the connections open for further data that might be requested. To give other clients a chance, a special handling is implemented in the Web server.

The emWeb Web server has two functions for processing a connection in a child task:

TCP Backlog handling

In addition to available connections that can be served directly, a feature called “backlogging” can be used.

This means additional connections will be accepted (SYN/ACK is sent from target) but not yet processed. They will be processed as soon as a free connection becomes available once a child task has served the clients request and has been closed. Connections in backlog will be kept active until the client side sends a reset due to a possible timeout in the client.

The sample applications can be used on the most targets without the need for changing any of the configuration flags. The server processes up to 22 connections using the default configuration.

Note: 22 connections means that the target can handle up to 22 clients in parallel, if every client uses only one connection. Because a single Web browser often attempts to open more than one connection to a Web server to request the files (.gif, .jpeg, etc.) which are included in the requested Web page, the number of possible parallel connected clients is less than the number of possible connections.

The 22 connections split into 20 connections that are available to be kept in the backlog of a socket (which means that up to 20 connections wait to be fetched by the application with an accept()) and up to 2 connections currently processed.

Every connection is handled in a separate task. Therefore, the Web server uses up to three tasks in the default configuration, one task which listens on port 80 and accepts connections and two tasks to process the accepted connections. To modify the number of connections, only the macro MAX_CONNECTIONS has to be modified.

The most of the supplied sample Web pages include dynamic content, refer to Dynamic content for detailed information about the implementation of dynamic content.

File system

The example applications use a read-only file system to make Web pages available. Refer to File system abstraction layer for detailed information about the read-only file system.

Running the Web server example on target hardware

The emWeb Web server sample application should always be the first step to check the proper function of the Web server with your target hardware.

All source files located in the following directories (and their subdirectories) have to be added to your project for the Web server to run successfully. You also need to update the include paths.

To use the sample websites shipped with your Web server, add all files located in these subdirectories and also update the include paths.

It is recommended that you keep the provided folder structure.

Setting up a Web server sample

Procedure to follow

Setting up a Web server sample is an easy process that consists of the following steps:

Step 1: Select a Web server application sample

The first step is to select one of the samples that are shipped to run the Web server. There are a few different Web server samples that come with emWeb, to understand the difference between each sample, refer to Using the Web server sample. To keep it simple, in this example the standard Web server sample IP_WebserverSample.c will be used.

Exclude all application files from your project build, except for Main.c and IP_WebserverSample.c. Your project can then look like this:

Example project

Step 2: Choose a sample website

There currently are two website samples to choose from: the standard sample and the newer 2018 sample. For the sake of simplicity, we will select the standard website sample.

First, make sure you have included the dynamic content files into your project. There are two of those files, Webserver_DynContent_2018.c and Webserver_DynContent.c. You can easily change between them by setting the WEBS_USE_SAMPLE_2018 define in your Web server configuration. You will find more on that in the chapter Web server configuration.

Second, you also need to choose the correct file system. There are several file system configurations that you can choose from. Two of them being read-only file systems, one for the standard Web server and one for the 2018 Web server.

Using a read-only file system is the simplest way. If you want to use a real file system there is also the emFile abstraction layer to use on a target. How to set up the emFile file system is explained in Changing the file system type.

In this example, we have to use the standard read-only file system. Exclude all file system folders from your project build except FS_RO.

FS excluded example

Step 3: Build the project and test it

Build the project, it should compile without errors and warnings. After you run your project, you may test the Web server by entering the IP of your target into your browser.

Webserver Test

Changing the file system type

By default, the Web server uses the supplied read-only file system. If a real file system like emFile should be used to store the Web pages, you have to modify the function _WebServerParentTask() of the example IP_WebserverSample.c.

Excerpt from IP_WebserverSample.c:

*       _WebServerParentTask
static void _WebServerParentTask(void) {
  struct sockaddr    Addr;
  struct sockaddr_in InAddr;
  U32  Timeout;
  long hSockListen;
  long hSock;
  int  AddrLen;
  int  i;
  int  t;
  int  t0;
  int  r;

  Timeout = IDLE_TIMEOUT;
  // Assign file system
  _pFS_API = &IP_FS_ReadOnly;  // To use a a real filesystem like emFile
                               // replace this line.
//  _pFS_API = &IP_FS_FS;        // Use emFile

The usage of the read-only file system is configured with the following line:

_pFS_API = &IP_FS_ReadOnly;

To use emFile as file system for your Web server application, add the emFile abstraction layer IP_FS_FS.c to your project and change the line to:


Make sure to add all Web server files to the root directory of your storage medium and insert the medium into your target.

In IP_FS_emFile.c you will find three configurable defines, which are the following:

Refer to File system abstraction layer for detailed information about the emFile and read-only file system abstraction layer.

Long file name support

The FAT file system was not designed for long file name (LFN) support, limiting file names to twelve characters (8.3).

Therefore when using the emFile abstraction layer and depending upon LFN support, it is important to note that this has to be activated manually. Also note that this requires LFN as an optional package for emFile.

To activate LFN support, simply add the following statement to the routine _InitIfRequired(). You will find this routine in the emFile abstraction layer file IP_FS_emFile.c.


Using the Web server Windows sample

If you have MS Visual C++ 6.00 or any later version available, you will be able to work with a Windows sample project using emWeb Web server. If you do not have the Microsoft compiler, an precompiled executable of the Web server is also supplied.

Building the Web server sample program

Open the workspace Start_Webserver.dsw with MS Visual Studio (for example, double-clicking it). There is no further configuration necessary. You should be able to build the application without any error or warning message.

Building the Webserver sample program

The server uses the IP address of the host PC on which it runs. Open a Web browser and connect by entering the IP address of the host ( to connect to the Web server. The port being used is 8181.

IP example

Dynamic content

emWeb supports different approaches to implement dynamic content in your Web server application. A Common Gateway Interface (CGI) like interface for static HTML pages with dynamic elements and virtual files which are completely generated from the application.

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

A Common Gateway Interface (CGI) like interface is used to implement dynamic content in Web pages. Every Web page will be parsed by the server each time a request is received. The server searches the Web page for a special tag. In the default configuration, the searched tag starts with <!—-#exec cgi=“ and ends with ”—->. The tag will be analyzed and the parameter will be extracted. This parameter specifies a server-side command and will be given to the user application, which can handle the command. The following screenshot shows the example page index.htm.

CGI example

The HTML source for the page includes the following line:

<!--#exec cgi="Counter"-->

When the Web page is requested, the server parses the tag and the parameter Counter is searched for in an array of structures of type WEBS_CGI. The structure includes a string to identify the command and a pointer to the function which should be called if the parameter is found.

typedef struct {
  const char * sName;   // e.g. "Counter"
  void  (*pf)(WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput, const char* sParameters, const char* sValue);

In the example, Counter is a valid parameter and the function _callback_ExecCounter will be called. You need to implement the WEBS_CGI array and the callback functions in your application.

static const WEBS_CGI _aCGI[] = {
  {"Counter"   , _callback_ExecCounter  },

_callback_ExecCounter() is a simple example of how to use the CGI feature. It returns a string that includes the value of a variable which is incremented with every call to _callback_ExecCounter().

static void _callback_ExecCounter( WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput,
                                   const char*  sParameters,
                                   const char*  sValue ) {
  char ac[80];

            "<br>Current page hit count: %lu",
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, ac);

If the Web page includes the CGI tag followed by an unknown command (for example, a typo like COounter instead of Counter in the source code of the Web page) an error message will be sent to the client.

CGI error example

Add new CGI functions to your Web server application

To define new CGI functions, three things have to be done.

    static const WEBS_CGI _aCGI[] = {
      {"Counter"   ,    _callback_ExecCounter           },
      {"GetIndex",      _callback_ExecGetIndex          },
      {"UserCGI",       _callback_ExecUserCGI           },
      {NULL,            _callback_DefaultHandler        }
    static void _callback_ExecUserCGI(       WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                                       const char        * sParameters
                                       const char        * sValue ) {
      /* Add application code here */
    <!--#exec cgi="UserCGI"-->

Virtual files

emWeb supports virtual files. A virtual file is not a real file which is stored in the used file system. It is a function which is called instead. The function generates the content of a file and sends it to the client.

The Web server checks the extension of all requested files, the extension .cgi is by default used for virtual files. To change the extension that is used to detect a virtual file, refer to IP_WEBS_SetFileInfoCallback for detailed information.

The emWeb Web server comes with an example (CallVirtualFile.htm) that requests a virtual file. The sample Web page contains a form with two input test fields, named FirstName and LastName, and a button to transmit the data to the server.

Virtual file

When the button on the Web page is pressed, the file Send.cgi is requested. The emWeb Web server recognizes the extension .cgi, checks if a virtual file with the name Send.cgi is defined and calls the defined function. The function in the example is _callback_SendCGI() and gets the string FirstName=Foo&LastName=Bar as parameter.

typedef struct {
  const char * sName;
  void  (*pf)(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput, const char * sParameters);

In the example, Send.cgi is a valid URI and the function _callback_SendCGI() will be called.

static const WEBS_VFILES _aVFiles[]  = {
  {"Send.cgi", _callback_SendCGI  },

The virtual file Send.cgi gets two parameters. The strings entered in the input fields Firstname and LastName are transmitted with the URI. For example, you enter Foo in the first name field and Bar for last name and push the button. The browser will transmit the following string to our Web server:


You can parse the string and use it in the way you want to. In the example we parse the string and output the values on a Web page which is build from the function _callback_CGI_Send().

*       WebsSample_SendPageHeader
*  Function description:
*    Sends the header of the virtual file.
*    The virtual files in our sample application use the same HTML layout.
*    The only difference between the virtual files is the content and that
*    each of them use an own title/heading.
void WebsSample_SendPageHeader(WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput, const char* sName) {
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, sName);
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "</title>");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "</head><body><header><h2>");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, sName);
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "</h2></header>");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<div>");

*       WebsSample_SendPageFooter
*  Function description:
*    Sends the footer of the virtual file.
*    The virtual files in our sample application use the same HTML layout.
void WebsSample_SendPageFooter(WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput) {
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "</div><img src=\"Logo.gif\" alt=\"Segger logo\">");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<footer><p><a href=\"index.htm\">Back to main</a></p>");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<p>SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH || <a href=\"http://www.segger.com\">www.segger.com</a>");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "(external link)</p></footer></body></html>");

*       _callback_CGI_Send
static void _callback_CGI_Send(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput, const char * sParameters) {
        int    r;
  const char * pFirstName;
        int    FirstNameLen;
  const char * pLastName;
        int    LastNameLen;

  // Header of the page
  _SendPageHeader(pOutput, "Virtual file sample");
  // Content
  r = IP_WEBS_GetParaValuePtr(sParameters, 0, NULL, 0, &pFirstName, &FirstNameLen);
  r |= IP_WEBS_GetParaValuePtr(sParameters, 1, NULL, 0, &pLastName, &LastNameLen);
  if (r == 0) {
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<H2>First name: ");
    IP_WEBS_SendMem(pOutput, pFirstName, FirstNameLen);
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "</H2>");
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<H2>Last name: ");
    IP_WEBS_SendMem(pOutput, pLastName, LastNameLen);
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "</H2>");
  } else {
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<br>Error!");
  // Footer of the page

The output of _callback_CGI_Send() should be similar to:

CGI output

Server-Sent Events (SSE)

Server-Sent Events (SSE) are an HTML5 technology which enables a Web server to push data to Web pages over HTTP. The Web browser establishes an initial connection, which is used for the Web server updates.

The emWeb Web server supports SSE to supply the Web browser with dynamic content. A Web browser can request information via EventSource objects. The idea behind SSE is that the Web server keeps an connection to Web browser open and sends data via this connection whenever it is necessary. This means that the Web browser receives data as a stream without polling. This reduces the HTTP protocol overhead.

To subscribe to an event stream, you have create an EventSource object and pass it the URL of your stream.

  if(typeof(EventSource) !== "undefined") {
    var source = new EventSource("SSETime.cgi");
    source.onmessage = function(event) {
      document.getElementById("Time").innerHTML  = "<H1>" + event.data + "</H1>";
      document.getElementById("Time").innerHTML += 
      "The browser gets the system time via a Server-Sent Event (SSE).
      <br>No meta refresh (reload) required!";
  } else {
    document.getElementById("Time").innerHTML =
    "Sorry, your browser does not support Server-Sent Events (SSE)...";

The source code excerpt above creates a new EventSource object. The EventSource objects starts immediately listening for events on the given URL SSETime.cgi. Everytime when the Web browser will receive data, the data will be displayed on the Web page.

SSETime.cgi is implemented in the supplied emWeb Web server sample application (Webserver_DynContent.c). From the perspective of the Web server it is a virtual file. Please refer to Virtual files on page 510 for further information about virtual files. The following excerpt of Webserver_DynContent.c shows the implementation of the virtual file SSETime.cgi.

*       _callback_CGI_SSETime
*  Function description:
*    Sends the system time to the Web browser every 500 ms.
static void _callback_CGI_SSETime(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                                  const char * sParameters) {
  int r;

  // Construct the SSE Header
  IP_WEBS_SendHeaderEx(pOutput, NULL, "text/event-stream", 1);
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "retry: 1000\n");
    while(1) {    
      r = _SendTime((void*)pOutput);
      if (r == 0) {     // Data transmitted
      } else {

First step to send data as an event stream is to send the MIME type text/event-stream to the Web browser. The Web browser attempts to reconnect to the Web server ~3 seconds after a connection is closed. You can change that timeout by sending a line beginning with retry:, followed by the number of milliseconds to wait before trying to reconnect. The event stream message is build in _SendTime(). After sending the data OS_Delay() suspends the task for 500ms. _SendTime() will be called again after the delay as long as the connection is open.

*       _SendTime
*  Function description:
*    Sends the system time to the Web browser.
*  Return value:
*    0: Data successfully sent.
*   -1: Data not sent.
*    1: Data successfully sent. Connection should be closed.
static int _SendTime(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput) {  
  int r;
  // Send implementation specific header to client
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "data: ");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "System time: ");
  IP_WEBS_SendUnsigned(pOutput, OS_GetTime32(), 10, 0);
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<br>");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "\n\n");          // End of the SSE data  
  r = IP_WEBS_Flush(pOutput);
  return r;

The return value of _SendTime() is checked in _callback_CGI_SSETime(). This is necessary to prove if the data connection is still open. If the connection has been closed by the client, the endless loop will be left and the Web server will end the Web server child task.

SSE is currently not support by all popular browsers. The following Web browsers support Server-Sent Events natively.

Browser Supported Notes
Google Chrome Yes Starting with Chrome Ver. 27
MS Internet Explorer No —-
Mozilla Firefox Yes Starting with Firefox Ver. 30
Opera Yes Starting with Ver. 23
Safari Yes Starting with Ver. 5.1

Since the Microsoft Internet Explorer does not support Server-Sent Events, we use the JavaScript library eventsource.js in our samples to make them also usable with Microsoft Internet Explorer. eventsource.js can be downloaded with the following link:

eventsource.js uses the MIT license. It can be used and modified according to your needs.

SSE samples

The emWeb Web server comes with some sample Web pages to demonstrate how SSE can be used to get and visualize data from your target.

File Description
Shares.htm The sample demonstrates the usage of Server-Sent Events (SSE) and AJAX with the emWeb Web server. For detailed information about the sample refer to AJAX.
SSE_IP.htm Shows some emWeb status information.
SSE_OS.htm Shows some embOS status information.
SSE_Time.htm Shows the system time.

You can find these samples in your shipment under the following direction:


The emWeb Web server supports AJAX. AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is the foundation to build responsive and dynamic Web applications, which look and feel like desktop applications. AJAX is a special way to communicate with a Web server. In opposite to the old fashioned synchronous way where every data transmission to or from the server needs a reload of the whole Web page, AJAX works behind the scenes. With AJAX it is possible to grab the data you want and display it instantly in a Web page. No page refreshes needed, no waiting, no flickering in the browser. AJAX works on all major browsers.

AJAX combines some well-known Web techniques like HTML and CSS, JavaScript and XML. From the perspective of a developer the really interesting part AJAX are the XMLHttpRequests. An XMLHttpRequest object is an API available to Web browser scripting languages such as JavaScript and the core component for the asynchronous communication. The name XMLHttpRequest is a little bit misleading, since XMLHttpRequest can be used to send and receive any kind of data, not just XML. In most cases the exchanged data is plain text, HTML or JSON.

To exchange data without a reload of the whole page, you need create an XMLHttpRequest object. The way to create an XMLHttpRequest object is browser dependent. Therefore, it make sense to capsule the creation in a JavaScript function, which tries to handle every browser. An example is listed below:

      // Create a XMLHttpRequest.
      // Tries to handle the different browser implementation
      function _CreateRequest() {
        try {
          request = new XMLHttpRequest();
        } catch (tryMS) {
          try {
            request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
          } catch (otherMS) {
            try {
              request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
            } catch (failed) {
              request = null;
        return request;

With an XMLHttpRequest object it is easy to exchange data with a Web server. The XMLHttpRequest object only needs an URI which should be requested from the server and a callback function, which will be called as soon as data will be received.

      // Request the details from the server.
      function _GetData(itemName) {
        request = _CreateRequest();   // Create an  XMLHttpRequest
        if (request == null) {
          alert("Unable to create request");
        var url= "../GetData.cgi";
        request.open("GET", url, true);
        request.onreadystatechange = _SampleFunction;

In the example GetData.cgi is a virtual file, which will be requested from the emWeb Web server and _SampleFunction is registered as callback function. For further information about the implementation of a virtual file, refer to Virtual files.

After setting the callback function, the request has to be sent. _SampleFunction will be called each time the readyState of the request object changes. To guarantee that the request is complete and the transmission status is ok, the readyState and HTTP status should be checked in your callback function.

      // Request the details from the server.
      function _SampleFunction() {
        if (request.readyState == 4) { // Is the request complete ?
          if (request.status == 200) { // Status OK ?
            // Do something with the received data.

Simplified AJAX example

The following example will explain how AJAX can be used to send data from your target to your browser in a very simple way.

This sample sends the current target system time to the browser when the onclick event has been triggered. This is done by clicking the div area above the text field.

AJAX example

The HTML code contains a <div>-element with a certain ID and a title. The title is important, as it is the parameter that will be sent via the GET request. The only purpose of the ID is to make it easier to address the output text field in the JavaScript code.

<div id="click" title="Time">Click here to show the system time</div>

It then sets up the URL by adding the GET parameter. This parameter is the Note: SimpleAJAX.cgi is the virtual file used for this sample. Always make sure to use the same file name as specified in your C code.

Sending the AJAX request

The following function is most important for this sample application as it sends the AJAX request.

// Request the details from the server.
function _GetDetails(itemName) {
  request = _CreateRequest(); 
  if (request == null) {
    alert("Unable to create request");
  var url= "../SimpleAJAX.cgi?text=" + escape(itemName); 
  request.open("GET", url, true);
  request.onreadystatechange = _DisplayDetails; 

  Creating the request

The request will be created via the _CreateRequest() function. Since this function is alike as in the AJAX example above, please refer to AJAX for deeper explanation.

  Setting up the request URL

Now the request URL will be set up. The URL contains the name of the virtual file used for AJAX, in this example it is SimpleAJAX.cgi. Then there is the request parameter, in this example it is the title property of the HTML object, as mentioned before.

  Opening the request and setting the event property

We open a new GET request with the URL we just created. Now, the callback function has to be set for the onreadystatechange event. This means when the ready state has changed, the function _DisplayDetails will be called.

  Sending the request

The last step is sending the request.

Handling the response text

When the readyState changes, the callback function _DisplayDetails will be executed. If the status is correct, the responseText property will be written into the text field element.

// Checks if the request was successful and updates the text field.
function _DisplayDetails() {
  if (request.readyState == 4) { // Is the request complete ?
    if (request.status == 200) { // Status OK ?
      textBox = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0];
      textBox.innerHTML = request.responseText;

Setting up the onclick event

The last step regarding JavaScript code is to up the onclick events. This is for initializing the HTML elements by setting up the onClick event. When the element is clicked their corresponding function will be called.

// Initializes the elements required for the AJAX sample.
function _InitPage() {
  div = document.getElementById("click"); 

  div.onclick = function() { 
window.onload = _InitPage; 

  Fetching the HTML object

First we fetch the correct HTML object that should be clickable by its ID.

  Setting up the onclick event

We set up the onclick event property with the _GetDetails() function and the HTML elements’ title as the parameter. Therefore, when the div is clicked, the function will be executed.

  Setting up the onload event

Now we set the onload event for the website with the _InitPage() function. This means once the page is loaded, the function will be executed and therefore the onclick event for the div element will be set.

C callback routine

Finally, there is a callback routine in the dynamic content C file. This routine sends the current system time to the browser if the GET parameter matches.

*       _callback_CGI_AJAX_Time
*  Function description:
*    Sends the current system time to the browser.
static void _callback_CGI_AJAX_Time(WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput,
                                    const char* sParameters) {
  char acPara[10];

  IP_WEBS_GetParaValue(sParameters, 0, NULL, 0, acPara, sizeof(acPara)); 

  if(strcmp(acPara, "Time") == 0) { 
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "System time: ");
    IP_WEBS_SendUnsigned(pOutput, OS_GetTime32(), 10, 0); 

  Fetch request parameter

First, we have to store the request parameter in a char array.

  Handle request parameter

Next, we process the request parameter by checking if it equals “Time”. This parameter is the title attribute of the clicked element.

  Send response text

The last step is to send the correct response text that will then be displayed in the output div.

Virtual files

Using SSE requires a virtual file, which has to be added with its corresponding callback routine to the virtual file array in the dynamic content file.

*       _aVFiles
*  Function description
*    Defines all virtual files used by the web server.
static const WEBS_VFILES _aVFiles[]  = {
  {"SimpleAJAX.cgi", _callback_CGI_AJAX_Time },
  { NULL,            NULL                    }

Combined use of SSE and AJAX

You can also combine the use of Server-Sent Events (SSE) and AJAX. This will be demonstrated with some examples, a simplified one and two advanced examples.

Simplified AJAX/SSE sample

The following example will explain how AJAX can be used in conjunction with SSE in a simple way.

This sample is similar to the SSE_Simple example, since it also sends the target system time and the count of SSE events sent to the browser via Server-Sent Events.

The main difference is, and that is where AJAX comes into place, that you can choose which information should be displayed. This is done by clicking a certain HTML element and is handled via the onclick event.

SSE and AJAX example

As shown above, you simply click on a certain list element to show the desired data.

The HTML code contains a div element used for displaying the data and two list elements for selecting which data should be shown.

<div id="output"></div>
<h3>Select data you want to display</h3>
  <li id="Time">Target system time</li>
  <li id="NumEvents">Number of SSE events sent</li>

AJAX and SSE callback routines

First, we will take a look at how the callback routines necessary for SSE and AJAX work. You will find these routines in the dynamic content C file.

The following callback handles the AJAX part of this sample and processes the request parameter.

*       _callback_CGI_AJAX_Data
*  Function description:
*    Processes the AJAX data.
static void _callback_CGI_AJAX_Data(WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput,
                                    const char* sParameters) {
  char acPara[20];

  IP_WEBS_GetParaValue(sParameters, 0, NULL, 0, acPara, sizeof(acPara)); 

  if(strcmp(acPara, "Time") == 0) { 
    _DisplaySSECount = 0; 
                                "<h4>System time: %d</h4>",
  } else if(strcmp(acPara, "NumEvents") == 0) {
    _DisplaySSECount = 1;
                                "<h4>Number of SSE events sent: %d</h4>",

  Fetch request parameter

First, we have to store the request parameter in a char array.

  Handle request parameter

Next, we can process the request parameter by checking if it either equals “Time” or “NumEvents”. This parameter is the id attribute of the clicked element.

  Set flag

We also need to set a flag that indicates which data is displayed at the moment. With the help of this flag, we only send information via SSE that is actually required. The use of this flag will be explained a bit deeper later on.

  Send response text

The last step is to send the correct response text that will then be displayed in the output div.

C code

Now we will take a look at the callback routine required for SSE.

*       _SendTime
*  Function description:
*    Sends the system time and the total number of SSE events
*    to the Web browser.
*  Return value:
*    0: Data successfully sent.
*   -1: Data not sent.
*    1: Data successfully sent. Connection should be closed.
static int _SendSSE(WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput) {
  int  r;
  U32  Time;

#ifdef _WIN32
  Time = GetTickCount();
  Time = OS_GetTime32();
  // Send implementation specific header to client
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "data: ");
  if(_DisplaySSECount == 0) { 
    IP_WEBS_SendUnsigned(pOutput, Time, 10, 0); // Send system time 
  } else {
    IP_WEBS_SendUnsigned(pOutput, _NumSSESent, 10, 0); // Send number of SSE events
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "\r\n");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "\n\n"); // End of the SSE data
  r = IP_WEBS_Flush(pOutput);
  return r;

*       _callback_CGI_SSESimple
*  Function description:
*    Sends the SSE data.
static void _callback_CGI_SSE_AJAX_Simple(WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput,
                                          const char* sParameters) {
  int r;

  // Construct the SSE Header
  IP_WEBS_SendHeaderEx(pOutput, NULL, "text/event-stream", 1);
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "retry: 1000\n");  // Normally, the browser attempts to reconnect to the server ~3 seconds after each connection is closed. We change that timeout 1 sec.
  for (;;) {
    r = _SendSSE(pOutput); 
    if (r == 0) {     // Data transmitted, Web browser is still waiting for new data.
#ifdef _WIN32
    } else { // Even if the data transmission was successful,
             // it could be necessary to close the connection after transmission.
      break; // This is normally the case if the Web server otherwise
             // could not process new connections.

  Send the SSE header and SSE data

After constructing the SSE header, we send the actual SSE data via the _SendSSE() helper function.

  Check flag

By checking the flag set in the AJAX callback routine (see above), we only need to send the data that is actually required. This is either the target system time or the total count of all SSE events sent.

  Increase counter

After the SSE event has been sent, the counter will be increased.

Virtual files

We also need to add both virtual files with their callbacks to the virtual file array.

*       _aVFiles
*  Function description
*    Defines all virtual files used by the web server.
static const WEBS_VFILES _aVFiles[]  = {
  {"SSE_Data_Simple.cgi", _callback_CGI_SSE_AJAX_Simple },
  {"AJAX_Data_Simple.cgi", _callback_CGI_AJAX_Data      },
  { NULL, NULL }
JavaScript code

The following section will explain how the JavaScript code used in this sample works. The function _CreateRequest() is identical to the function in the previous AJAX chapters, it will therefore be skipped. Please refer to AJAX for an explanation.

Setting up the onclick event

The first step is to set the function that will be called when the onclick event is triggered for each list element.

// Initializes the elements required for AJAX.
function _InitPage() {
  liElem = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
  for(var i = 0; i < liElem.length; i++) { 
    li = liElem[i];
    li.onclick = function() { 
window.onload = _InitPage; 

  Iterating through all list elements

We fetch all <li> elements present in the HTML code and iterate through them. This makes it a lot easier, rather than adding the function manually to each element.

  Setting up the onclick event

For each <li> element we set up the _GetDetails() function. The parameter is the id property of the current list element.

  Setting up the onload event

Now we set the onload event for the website with the _InitPage() function. This means once the page is loaded, the function will be executed and therefore the onclick event for each list element will be set.

Sending the AJAX request

// Request the details from the server.
function _GetDetails(itemName) {
  request = _CreateRequest(); 
  if (request == null) {
    alert("Unable to create request");
  var url= "../AJAX_Data_Simple.cgi?text=" + escape(itemName); 
  request.open("GET", url, true);
  request.onreadystatechange = _DisplayDetails; 

  Creating the request

The request will be created via the _CreateRequest() function. Since this function is alike as in the AJAX example above, please refer to AJAX for deeper explanation.

  Setting up the request URL

The request URL contains the name of the virtual file used for AJAX, in this example it is AJAX_Data_Simple.cgi. Then there is the request parameter, in this example being the id of the list element.

  Opening the request and setting the event property

We open a new GET request with the URL we just created. Now, the callback function has to be set for the onreadystatechange event. This means when the ready state has changed, the function _DisplayDetails will be called.

  Sending the request

The last step is sending the request.

Handling the response text

This callback function is called when the onreadystatechange event has been triggered. The div element with the id “output” is retrieved from the document. If the request status is correct, the contents of the div element will be changed to the response text from the request.

// Checks if the request was successful and updates the text field.
function _DisplayDetails() {
  if (request.readyState == 4) { // Is the request complete ?
    if (request.status == 200) { // Status OK ?
      textBox = document.getElementById("output");
      textBox.innerHTML = request.responseText;

Processing the SSE data

The last step is to process the data sent to the browser via SSE.

if(typeof(EventSource) !== "undefined") {
  var source = new EventSource("SSE_Data_Simple.cgi"); 
  source.onmessage = function(event) {
    out = document.getElementById("output");
    if(out.innerHTML.includes("Number of SSE events sent")) { 
      out.innerHTML = "<h4>Number of SSE events sent: " + event.data + "</h4>";
    } else {
      out.innerHTML = "<h4>System time: " + event.data + "</h4>";
} else {
  document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "Sorry, your browser does not support Server-Sent Events (SSE)...";

  Retrieving the event data

We fetch the SSE data by using the EventSource interface with the virtual file we set up for SSE. In this case it is SSE_Data_Simple.cgi.

Note: Be careful not to mix up both virtual files. Make sure you use the virtual file linked with the SSE callback to process SSE data and not the virtual file used for AJAX.

  HTML manipulation

The output div now contains the response text and depending on which information is displayed, we can determine which SSE data should be written into the output div.

The SSE data can be accessed with event.data. For instance, you could split the data string if needed, an example would be a comma separated value list. In this example this is not necessary, since only one value is sent at a time.

Additional AJAX and SSE samples

The emWeb Web server comes with some advanced sample Web pages to demonstrate how AJAX can be used to get and visualize data from your target.

File Description
Products.htm Simple AJAX sample. The Web page shows pictures of SEGGER middleware products. On click on one of the pictures an XMLHTTPRequest is created and additional product related information is requested from the emWeb Web server.
Shares.htm The sample demonstrates the usage of Server-Sent Events (SSE) and AJAX with the emWeb Web server. The displayed stock quotes table is random data generated by the server and updated every second via SSE. The graph is updated via AJAX. Every update of the stock prices table triggers the graph library to request the last 30 stock prices of the selected company to redraw the graph. All stock quotes are fictional. The goal of this example is to demonstrate how simple it is to visualize any kind of data with the emWeb Web server. The sample uses the open source JavaScript library RGraph for the visualization of the stock quotes. RGraph is an HTML5 charts library, which uses the MIT license. The latest version of the library can be downloaded from .

All samples are hardware independent and tested with popular Web browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome.

For further information about AJAX, XMLHttpRequest handling, and data visualization we recommend one of the many available reference books.

Form handling

The emWeb Web server supports both POST and GET actions to receive form data from a client. POST submits data to be processed to the identified resource. The data is included in the body of the request. GET is normally only used to requests a resource, but it is also possible to use GET for actions in Web applications. Data processing on server side might create a new resource or update existing resources or both.

Every HTML form consists of input items like textfields, buttons, checkboxes, etc. Each of these input items has a name tag. When the user places data in these items in the form, that information is encoded into the form data. Form data is a stream of <name>=<value> pairs separated by the & character. The value each of the input item is given by the user is called the value. The <name>=<value> pairs are URL encoded, which means that spaces are changed into “+” and special characters are encoded into hexadecimal values. Refer to [RFC 1738] for detailed information about URL encoding. The parsing and decoding of form data is handled by the emWeb Web server. Thereafter, the server calls a callback function with the decoded and parsed strings as parameters. The responsibility to implement the callback function is on the user side.

Valid characters for CGI function names:

Valid characters for CGI parameter values:

Simple form processing sample

The following example shows the handling of the output of HTML forms with your Web server application. The example Web page FormGET.htm implements a form with three inputs, two text fields and one button.

Form example

An excerpt of the HTML code of the Web page as it is added to the server is listed below:

  <H1>Please enter your name...</H1>
  <H2>Hello <!--#exec cgi="FirstName"--> <!--#exec cgi="LastName"-->!</H2>
  <form action="" method="GET">
    <label for="FirstName">First name: </label>
    <input name="FirstName" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30"
           value="<!--#exec cgi="FirstName"-->">&nbsp;
    <label for="LastName">Last name: </label>
    <input name="LastName"  type="text" size="30" maxlength="30"
           value="<!--#exec cgi="LastName"-->">&nbsp;
    <input type="submit" value="Change">

The action field of the form can specify a resource that the browser should reference when it sends back filled-in form data. If the action field defines no resource, the current resource will be requested again.

If you request the Web page from the emWeb Web server and check the source of the page in your Web browser, the CGI parts “<!—-#exec cgi=”FirstName“—->” and “<!—-#exec cgi=”LastName“—->” will be executed before the page will be transmitted to the server, so that in the example the values of the value= fields will be empty strings.

The HTML code of the Web page as seen by the Web browser is listed below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Virtual file sample</title>
    <link href="Styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <header>Virtual file sample</header>
    <div class="content">
      <form action="Send.cgi" method="GET">
        <label for="FirstName">First name: </label>
        <input name="FirstName" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30" value="">&nbsp;
        <label for="LastName">Last name: </label>
        <input name="LastName"  type="text" size="30" maxlength="30" value="">&nbsp;
        <input type="submit" value="Change">
    <img src="Logo.gif" alt="Segger company logo" class="logo">
        <a href="index.htm">
        Back to main</a></p><p>SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH &amp; Co. KG || 
        <a href="http://www.segger.com">www.segger.com</a>
        <span class="hint">(external link)</span>

To start form processing, you have to fill in the FirstName and the LastName field and click the Send button. In the example, the browser sends a GET request for the resource referenced in the form and appends the form data to the resource name as an URL encoded string. The form data is separated from the resource name by ?. Every <name>=<value> pair is separated by &.

For example, if you type in the FirstName field John and Doe in the LastName field and confirm the input by clicking the Send button, the following string will be transmitted to the server and shown in the address bar of the browser.

Note: If you use POST as HTTP method, the <name>=<value> pairs are not shown in the address bar of the browser. The <name>=<value> pairs are in this case included in the entity body.

The emWeb Web server parses the form data. The <name> field specifies the name of a CGI function which should be called to process the <value> field. The server checks therefore if an entry is available in the WEBS_CGI array.

static const WEBS_CGI _aCGI[] = {
  {"FirstName",   _callback_ExecFirstName},
  {"LastName",    _callback_ExecLastName },

If an entry can be found, the specified callback function will be called.

The callback function for the parameter FirstName is defined as follow:

*       Static data
static char _acFirstName[12];

*       _callback_FirstName
static void _callback_ExecFirstName(        WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                                      const char        * sParameters,
                                      const char        * sValue ) {
  if (sValue == NULL) {
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, _acFirstName);
  } else {
    _CopyString(_acFirstName, sValue, sizeof(_acFirstName));

The function returns a string if sValue is NULL. If sValue is defined, it will be written into a character array. Because HTTP transmission methods GET and POST only transmit the value of filled input fields, the same function can be used to output a stored value of an input field or to set a new value. The example Web page shows after entering and transmitting the input the string Hello John Doe above the input fields until you enter and transmit another name to the server.


Basic Authentication

“HTTP/1.0”, includes the specification for a Basic Access Authentication scheme. The basic authentication scheme is a non-secure method of filtering unauthorized access to resources on an HTTP server, because the user name and password are passed over the network as clear text. It is based on the assumption that the connection between the client and the server can be regarded as a trusted carrier. As this is not generally true on an open network, the basic authentication scheme should be used accordingly.

The basic access authentication scheme is described in:

RFC# Description
[RFC 2617] HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication Direct download: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc2617.txt

The “basic” authentication scheme is based on the model that the client must authenticate itself with a user-ID and a password for each realm. The realm value should be considered an opaque string which can only be compared for equality with other realms on that server. The server will service the request only if it can validate the user-ID and password for the protection space of the Request-URI. There are no optional authentication parameters.

Upon receipt of an unauthorized request for a URI within the protection space, the server should respond with a challenge like the following:

WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Embedded Web server"

where “Embedded Web server” is the string assigned by the server to identify the protection space of the Request-URI. To receive authorization, the client sends the user-ID and password, separated by a single colon (“:”) character, within a Base64 encoded string in the credentials.

If the user agent wishes to send the user-ID “user” and password “pass”, it would use the following header field:

Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz

Basic Authentication example

The client requests a resource for which authentication is required:

GET /conf/Authen.htm HTTP/1.1

The server answers the request with a “401 Unauthorized” status page. The header of the 401 error page includes an additional line WWW-Authenticate. It includes the realm for which the proper user name and password should be transmitted from the client (for example, a Web browser).

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2008 17:00:44 GMT
Server: emWeb
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 695
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
X-Pad: avoid browser bug
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Embedded Web server"

<HEAD><TITLE>401 Unauthorized</TITLE></HEAD>
<H1>401 Unauthorized</H1>
Browser not authentication-capable or authentication failed.<P>

The client interprets the header and opens a dialog box to enter the user name and password combination for the realm of the resource.

Authentication example

Note: The emWeb Web server example always uses the following user name and the password combination:

Enter the proper user name/password combination for the requested realm and confirm with the OK button. The client encodes the user name/password combination to a Base64 encoded string and requests the resource again. The request header is enhanced by the following line: Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz

GET /conf/Authen.htm HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz

The server decodes the user name/password combination and checks if the decoded string matches to the defined user name/password combination of the realm. If the strings are identical, the server delivers the page. If the strings are not identical, the server answers again with a “401 Unauthorized” status page.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Server: emWeb
Expires: THU, 26 OCT 1995 00:00:00 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

    <TITLE>Web server configuration</TITLE>
    <!-- Content of the page -->

Configuration of the Basic Authentication

The emWeb Web server checks the access rights of every resource before returning it. The user can define different realms to separate different parts of the Web server resources. An array of WEBS_ACCESS_CONTROL structures has to be implemented in the user application. Refer to Structure WEBS_ACCESS_CONTROL for detailed information about the elements of the WEBS_ACCESS_CONTROL structure. If no authentication should be used, the array includes only one entry for the root path.

WEBS_ACCESS_CONTROL _aAccessControl_Basic[] = {
  { "/", NULL, NULL, NULL },

To define a realm “conf”, an additional WEBS_ACCESS CONTROL entry has to be implemented.

WEBS_ACCESS_CONTROL _aAccessControl_Basic[] = {
  { "/conf/", "Login for configuration", "user:pass", NULL },
  { "/", NULL, NULL, NULL },

The string “Login for configuration” defines the realm. “user:pass” is the user name/password combination stored in one string.

Digest Authentication

The Digest Authentication uses the same mechanisms used by the Basic Authentication but aims for an improved security level. This is reached by not transferring the password in plain text. In addition it allows to store the password in the web server in hashed form instead of plain text as well.

Digest authentication is based on MD5 hashing to prevent the password being sent plain text. Several variables are known to both sides, transferred in plain text. These known variables are hashed on their own and then being hashed with the password not transferred in plain text on each side. Only if both resulting hashes are equal the server allows access to a protected path.

While MD5 can be brute forced, like many other password based schemes its security is based on the length of the password used. A longer and good randomized password requires more time to be brute forced.

Current MD5 brute force tools running on GPUs are said to be able to brute force a password of 7 characters within 6 minutes. So by adding more characters this will result in much longer run times, multiplied by the number of valid letters in the password and multiplied by the number of characters added.

While Digest Authentication is not the most secure way to prevent unauthorized access to the Web server it can be used to harden the security by combining it with SSL. SSL itself will secure the connection while Digest Authentication prevents plain text passwords to be stored on the target.

Configuration of the Digest Authentication

The Digest Authentication is setup similar to the Configuration of the Basic Authentication except that only the username and a hash MD5(Username:Realm:Password) is stored. Refer to Structure WEBS_ACCESS_CONTROL for detailed information about the elements of the WEBS_ACCESS_CONTROL structure.

The following example shows the realm “conf” being added for the following parameters:

WEBS_ACCESS_CONTROL aAccessControl_Digest[] = {
  {"/conf/","Login for configuration","user","59294bd4737af087eea5da392cc23c14"},
  { "/"    , NULL                    , NULL , NULL },
  { NULL   , NULL                    , NULL , NULL }

The Digest Authentication HA1 string can be calculated by using the following example:

char acHA1[33];
const char* sUserRealmPass = "User:Login for configuration:Pass";
IP_WEBS_AUTH_DIGEST_CalcHA1(sUserRealmPass, strlen(sUserRealmPass), &acHA1[0], sizeof(acHA1));
acHA1[32] = 0;


Unlike Basic Authentication the Realm can not be changed without recalculating all hashes in the table which would require the password to be known.

Digest Authentication can be enabled for the Web server sample applications such as IP_WebserverSample.c by enabling the WEBS_USE_AUTH_DIGEST define in the WEBS_Conf.h file.

File upload

The emWeb Web server supports file uploads from the client. For this to be possible a real file system has to be used and the define WEBS_SUPPORT_UPLOAD has to be defined to “1”. To enable file upload in your application IP_WEBS_AddUpload() has to be called.

From the application side uploading a file in general is the same as for other form data as described in Form handling. For file uploading a <form> field with encoding of type multipart/form-data is needed. An upload form field may contain additional input fields that will be parsed just as if using a non upload formular and can be parsed in your callback using IP_WEBS_GetParaValue() or by using IP_WEBS_GetParaValuePtr().

Simple form upload sample

The following example shows the handling of file uploads with your Web server application. The example Web page Upload.htm implements a form with a file upload field.

File upload example

The HTML code of the Web page as it is added to the server is listed below:

        <form action="Upload.cgi" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
          <p>Select a file: <input name="Data" type="file">
          <input type="submit"><input type="reset">

The action field of the form can specify a resource that the browser should reference when it has finished handling the file upload. If the action field defines no resource, the current resource will be requested again.

To upload a file, you have to select a file by using the browse button and select a file to upload and click the Send button. In the example, the browser sends a POST request for the resource referenced in the form and appends the form and file data in an encoded string.

File upload example

The emWeb Web server parses additional form data passed besides the file to be uploaded. This works the same as handling form data described in Form handling. The action parameter of the <form> field specifies the name of a virtual file that should be processed. A callback can then be used to provide an answer page referring the state of the upload. The example below shows how to check the success of an upload using a virtual file provided by the WEBS_VFILES array:

static const WEBS_VFILES _aVFiles[]  = {
 {"Upload.cgi", _callback_CGI_UploadFile  },
  { NULL, NULL }

If an entry can be found, the specified callback function will be called.

The callback function for the file Upload.cgi is defined as follow:

*       Static data

*       _callback_CGI_UploadFile
static  void  _callback_CGI_UploadFile(      WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput,
                                       const char*        sParameters) {
        int    r;
  const char * pFileName;
        int    FileNameLen;
  const char * pState;       // Can be 0: Upload failed; 
                             // 1: Upload succeeded; Therefore we do not need to 
                             //    know the length, it will always be 1.

  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<HTML><BODY>");
  r  = IP_WEBS_GetParaValuePtr(sParameters, 0, NULL, 0, &pFileName, &FileNameLen);
  r |= IP_WEBS_GetParaValuePtr(sParameters, 1, NULL, 0, &pState   , NULL);
  if (r == 0) {
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "Upload of \"");
    IP_WEBS_SendMem(pOutput, pFileName, FileNameLen);
    if (*pState == '1') {
      IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "\" successful!<br>");
      IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<a href=\"");
      IP_WEBS_SendMem(pOutput, pFileName, FileNameLen);
      IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "\">Go to ");
      IP_WEBS_SendMem(pOutput, pFileName, FileNameLen);
      IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "</a><br>");
    } else {
      IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "\" not successful!<br>");
  } else {
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "Upload not successful!");
 IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "</BODY></HTML>");

In addition to the provided form fields from the upload form used two additional entries will be added to the end of the parameter list available for parsing:

The example Web page shows after the upload has been finished.

File upload finished example

The source of the Web page as seen by the Web browser is listed below:

Upload of "1.gif" successful!<br>
<a href="1.gif">Go to 1.gif</a><br>

Web server configuration

The emWeb Web server can be used without changing any of the compile time flags. All compile time configuration flags are preconfigured with valid values, which match the requirements of most applications.

Web server compile time configuration

The emWeb Web server can be used without changing any of the compile time flags. All compile time configuration flags are preconfigured with valid values, which match the requirements of most applications.

The following types of configuration macros exist:

Binary switches "B"

Switches can have a value of either 0 or 1, for deactivated and activated respectively. Actually, anything other than 0 works, but 1 makes it easier to read a configuration file. These switches can enable or disable a certain functionality or behavior. Switches are the simplest form of configuration macros.

Numerical values "N"

Numerical values are used somewhere in the source code in place of a numerical constant. A typical example is the configuration of the sector size of a storage medium.

Alias "A"

A macro which operates like a simple text substitute. An example would be the define U8, which the preprocessor would replace with unsigned char.

Function replacements "F"

Macros can basically be treated like regular functions although certain limitations apply, as a macro is still put into the source code as simple text replacement. Function replacements are mainly used to add specific functionality to a module which is highly hardware-dependent. This type of macro is always declared using brackets (and optional parameters).

Web server compile time configuration switches

Type Symbolic name Default Description
F WEBS_WARN -- Defines a function to output warnings. In debug configurations (DEBUG = 1) WEBS_WARN maps to IP_Warnf_Application().
F WEBS_LOG -- Defines a function to output logging messages. In debug configurations (DEBUG = 1) WEBS_LOG maps to IP_Logf_Application().
N WEBS_IN_BUFFER_SIZE 256 Defines the size of the input buffer. The input buffer is used to store the HTTP client requests. Please refer to Web server runtime configuration for further information about the usage.
N WEBS_OUT_BUFFER_SIZE 1460 Defines the size of the output buffer. The output buffer is used to store the HTTP response. Please refer to Web server runtime configuration for further information about the usage.
N WEBS_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE 512 Defines the size of file input buffer and for form parameters
N WEBS_PARA_BUFFER_SIZE 256 Defines the size of the buffer used to store the parameter/value string that is given to a virtual file. If virtual files are not used in your application, remove the definition from WEBS_Conf.h to save RAM. Please refer to Web server runtime configuration for further information about the usage.
N WEBS_FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE 64 Defines the size of the buffer used to store the requested URI/filename to access on the filesystem. Please refer to Web server runtime configuration for further information about the usage.
N WEBS_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE 512 Defines the size of the TEMP buffer used internally by the Web server.
B WEBS_USE_AUTH_DIGEST 0/1 Defines if standard plain text basic authentication will be used for protected paths or MD5 encrypted digest authentication.
N WEBS_AUTH_BUFFER_SIZE 32 Defines the size of the buffer used to store the authentication string. Refer to Basic Authentication for detailed information about authentication.
B WEBS_SUPPORT_UPLOAD 0/1 Defines if file upload is enabled. Defaults to 0: Not enabled, for source code shipments and 1: Enabled, for object shipments. If you do not use the upload feature, define WEBS_SUPPORT_UPLOAD to 0.
N WEBS_UPLOAD_FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE 64 Defines the size of the output buffer.
N WEBS_URI_BUFFER_SIZE 0 Defines the size of the buffer used to store the “full URI” of the accessed resource. By default this feature is disabled.
N WEBS_MAX_ROOT_PATH_LEN 12 Maximum allowed root path length of the Web server in multiples of a CPU native unit (typically int). If the root path of the Web server is the root of your media you can comment out this define or set it to zero. Example: For the root path “/httpdocs” the define needs to be set to at least 9. As this is not a multiple of an int, set it to 12.

Status message Web pages

The status message Web pages are visualizations of the information transmitted to the client in the header of the Web server response. Because these visualizations are not required for the functionality of the Web server, the macros can be empty.

Type Symbolic name Default
A WEBS_401_PAGE “<HTML>\n” \ “<HEAD>\n” \ “<TITLE>401 Unauthorized</TITLE>\n” \ “</HEAD>\n” \ “<BODY>\n” \ “<H1>401 Unauthorized</H1>\n” \ “Browser not authentication-capable” \ “or authentication failed.\n” \ “</BODY>\n” \ “</HTML>\n”
A WEBS_404_PAGE “<HTML>\n” \ “<HEAD>\n” \ “<TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE>\n” \ “</HEAD>\n” \ “<BODY>\n” \ “<H1>404 Not Found</H1>\n” \ “The requested document was not ” \ “found on this server.\n” \ “</BODY>\n” \ “</HTML>\n”
A WEBS_501_PAGE “<HTML>\n” \ “<HEAD>\n” \ “<TITLE>501 Not implemented</TITLE>\n” \ “</HEAD>\n” \ “<BODY>\n” \ “<H1>Command is not implemented</H1>\n” \ “</BODY>\n” \ “</HTML>\n”
A WEBS_503_PAGE “<HTML>\n” \ “<HEAD>\n” \ “<TITLE>503 Connection limit reached</TITLE>\n” \ </HEAD>\n“ \ ”<BODY>\n“ \ ”<H1>503 Connection limit reached</H1>\n“ \ ”The max. number of simultaneous connections to “ \ ”this server reached.\n“ \ ”<p>Please try again later.</p>\n“ \ ”</BODY>\n“ \ ”</HTML>\n“

Web server runtime configuration

The input buffer, the output buffer, the parameter buffer, the filename buffer and the maximum root path length are runtime configurable. Up to version 2.20h compile time switches WEBS_IN_BUFFER_SIZE, WEBS_OUT_BUFFER_SIZE and WEBS_PARA_BUFFER_SIZE were used to configure the sizes of the buffers. These compile time switches along with new switches like WEBS_MAX_ROOT_PATH_LEN are still available to guarantee compatibility to previous versions and are used as default values for the buffer sizes in applications where the runtime configuration function IP_WEBS_ConfigBufSizes() is not called. For further information, please refer to IP_WEBS_ConfigBufSizes.

API functions

In this chapter, you will find a description of each emWeb function.


The table below lists the available API functions within their respective categories.

Function Description
Main configuration functions
IP_WEBS_AddFileTypeHook() This function registers a FileType hook that can be used to extend or overwrite file types stored in _aFileType[].
IP_WEBS_AddPreContentOutputHook() This function registers a hook with a callback that is called before content (including header) is generated by the web server.
IP_WEBS_AddProgressHook() This function registers a hook with a callback that is called on during several progression steps when serving a request.
IP_WEBS_AddRequestNotifyHook() This function registers a hook with a callback that is called on each request to pass some information like URI and METHOD used to the application.
IP_WEBS_ConfigBufSizes() Sets the buffer size used by the Web server tasks.
IP_WEBS_ConfigFindGZipFiles() Enables checking if a requested file is available gzip compressed.
IP_WEBS_ConfigIndexRules() Configures rules for URIs that end with a slash ’/’.
IP_WEBS_ConfigRootPath() This function sets the root path in the filesystem used to serve pages relative from this path.
IP_WEBS_ConfigStaticEncodedFiletypes() Enables checking if a requested file is available encoded/compressed.
IP_WEBS_ConfigUploadRootPath() Sets the the root path in the filesystem used to upload files relative from this path.
IP_WEBS_CountRequiredMem() Counts the memory required for one thread.
Generic functions
IP_WEBS_Flush() Flushes the output buffer.
IP_WEBS_Init() Initializes the Web server application context.
IP_WEBS_OnConnectionLimit() Outputs an error message to the connected client.
IP_WEBS_Process() Thread functionality of the web server.
IP_WEBS_ProcessEx() Thread functionality of the web server.
IP_WEBS_ProcessLast() Thread functionality of the web server.
IP_WEBS_ProcessLastEx() Processes a HTTP request of a client and closes the connection thereafter.
IP_WEBS_Redirect() Sends a page from the file system to the browser instead of the regular content.
IP_WEBS_Reset() Resets internal variables for a clean start of the Web Server.
IP_WEBS_RetrieveUserContext() Retrieves a previously stored user context for the current output session.
IP_WEBS_SendFormattedString() Sends a string with placeholders that will be filled using SEGGER_vsnprintfEx().
IP_WEBS_Send204NoContent() This function sends a “204 No Content” response for a captive portal test.
IP_WEBS_SendHeader() Outputs a valid HTML header.
IP_WEBS_SendHeaderEx() Outputs a valid HTML header.
IP_WEBS_SendLocationHeader() Sends a header with a redirection code for the browser.
IP_WEBS_SendMem() Sends data to a connected target.
IP_WEBS_SendString() Sends a zero-terminated string to a connected target.
IP_WEBS_SendStringEnc() Encodes and sends a zero-terminated string to a connected target.
IP_WEBS_SendUnsigned() Sends an unsigned value to the client.
IP_WEBS_SetErrorPageCallback() Sets a callback that gets executed when an error page is sent.
IP_WEBS_SetFileInfoCallback() Sets a callback that can be used to pass file system information about a requested file back to the web server.
IP_WEBS_SetHeaderCacheControl() Sets the string to be sent for the cache-control field in the header.
IP_WEBS_MarkSendingCustomHeader() Lets the webserver know that a custom built header will be sent by the application.
IP_WEBS_SetUploadFileSystemAPI() Sets the FS API to use for file uploads.
IP_WEBS_SetUploadMaxFileSize() Sets the maximum file size per file that can be uploaded.
IP_WEBS_StoreUserContext() Stores a user context for the current output session.
CGI/virtual file related functions
IP_WEBS_AddVFileHook() Registers a function table containing callbacks to check and serve simple virtual file content that is not further processed by the Web server.
IP_WEBS_CompareFilenameExt() Checks if the given filename has the given extension.
IP_WEBS_ConfigSendVFileHeader() Configures behavior of automatically sending a header containing a MIME type associated to the requested files extension based on an internal list for a requested virtual file.
IP_WEBS_ConfigSendVFileHookHeader() Configures behavior of automatically sending a header containing a MIME type associated to the requested files extension based on an internal list for a requested file being served by a registered VFile hook.
IP_WEBS_DecodeAndCopyStr() Checks if a string includes url encoded characters, decodes the characters and copies them into destination buffer.
IP_WEBS_DecodeString() Checks if a string includes url encoded characters, decodes the characters.
IP_WEBS_GetDecodedStrLen() Returns the length of a HTML encoded string when decoded excluding null character.
IP_WEBS_GetNumParas() Returns the number of parameters/value pairs.
IP_WEBS_GetParaValue() Parses a string for valid parameter/value pairs and writes results in buffer.
IP_WEBS_GetParaValuePtr() Parses a string for valid parameter/value pairs and returns a pointer to the requested parameter and the length of the parameter string without termination.
IP_WEBS_GetConnectInfo() Retrieves the connect info that has been passed to the Web Server process function from the application.
IP_WEBS_GetURI() Retrieves the requested URI up to the ’?’ char or the “full URI” including ’?’ character and all characters up to the next space.
IP_WEBS_UseRawEncoding() Overrides the previously selected encoding of the Web Server to use RAW encoding.
Basic/Digest Authentication related functions
IP_WEBS_AUTH_DIGEST_CalcHA1() Calculates the auth digest MD5 hash for the HA1 hash value to use in the WEBS_ACCESS_CONTROL table.
IP_WEBS_AUTH_DIGEST_GetURI() Retrieves the URI sent in the client authorization.
IP_WEBS_GetProtectedPath() Retrieves the protected path that is tried to access by the current request.
IP_WEBS_UseAuthDigest() Use auth digest instead of auth basic for HTTP authentication.
METHOD extension related functions
IP_WEBS_METHOD_AddHook() Registers a callback to serve special content upon call of a METHOD.
IP_WEBS_METHOD_AddHook_SingleMethod() Registers a callback to serve special content upon call of a METHOD.
IP_WEBS_METHOD_CopyData() This function can be called from a METHOD hook callback to copy the received amount of data as stated by the “Content-Length” field of the header.
WebSocket extension related functions
IP_WEBS_WEBSOCKET_AddHook() This function registers a WebSocket hook that can be used to connect to a WebSocket implementation.
HEADER extension related functions
IP_WEBS_HEADER_AddFieldHook() Registers a callback that will be notified if the registered header field is received.
IP_WEBS_HEADER_CopyData() Copies the requested amount of data from line with the current header field.
IP_WEBS_HEADER_GetFindToken() Searches the current header line for a token and copies its value into a buffer.
IP_WEBS_HEADER_SetCustomFields() Sets a custom string of header fields to be included with the next header sent.
Upload related functions
IP_WEBS_AddUpload() Adds the upload functionality to the Web server.
IP_WEBS_ChangeUploadMaxFileSize() This function allows to change the maximum file size allowed for the file that is in upload.
IP_WEBS_GetUploadFilename() Copies the original filename of an upload into the given buffer.
IP_WEBS_SetUploadAPI() Sets the upload API of type WEBS_UPLOAD_API to use.
Utility functions
IP_UTIL_BASE64_Decode() Performs chunked Base64 encoding according to RFC 3548.
IP_UTIL_BASE64_Encode() Performs Base64 encoding according to RFC 3548.
IP_UTIL_BASE64_EncodeChunk() Performs chunked Base64 encoding according to RFC 3548.



This function registers a FileType hook that can be used to extend or overwrite file types stored in _aFileType[] .


void IP_WEBS_AddFileTypeHook(      WEBS_FILE_TYPE_HOOK * pHook,
                             const char                * sExt,
                             const char                * sContent);


Parameter Description
pHook Pointer to a structure of WEBS_FILE_TYPE_HOOK.
sExt String containing the extension.
sContent String containing the MIME type assigned to the extension.

Additional information

The function can be used to extend or override the basic list of file extension to MIME type correlations included in the Web server. It might be necessary to extend the this list in case you want to serve a yet unknown file format. The header sent for this file in case a client requests it will be generated based on this information.

Refer to Structure WEBS_FILE_TYPE_HOOK for detailed information about the structure WEBS_FILE_TYPE_HOOK.


static WEBS_FILE_TYPE_HOOK _FileTypeHook;

int main(void){
  // Register *.new files to be treated as binary that will
  // be offered to be downloaded by the browser.
  IP_WEBS_AddFileTypeHook(&_FileTypeHook, "new", "application/octet-stream");



This function registers a hook with a callback that is called before content (including header) is generated by the web server.


void IP_WEBS_AddPreContentOutputHook(WEBS_PRE_CONTENT_OUTPUT_HOOK * pHook,
                                     IP_WEBS_pfPreContentOutput     pf,
                                     U32                            Mask);


Parameter Description
pHook Pointer to a resource of WEBS_PRE_CONTENT_OUTPUT_HOOK.
pf Callback to execute before content is sent in a response.
Mask Mask of Bitwise-OR’d values when to execute the callback: WEBS_PRE_DYNAMIC_CONTENT_OUTPUT

Additional information

This hook can be used to intercept the web server right before sending content to its best knowledge. As all form data has been processed at this time this can be used to decide if all form data is valid like for a user:pass combination processed via a form. For example upon invalid login data it is possible to redirect from within the callback back to the login page using IP_WEBS_Redirect().

Refer to Structure WEBS_PRE_CONTENT_OUTPUT_HOOK for detailed information about the structure WEBS_PRE_CONTENT_OUTPUT_HOOK.



This function registers a hook with a callback that is called on during several progression steps when serving a request.


void IP_WEBS_AddProgressHook(WEBS_PROGRESS_HOOK * pHook,
                             IP_WEBS_pfProgress   pf);


Parameter Description
pHook Pointer to a structure of WEBS_PROGRESS_HOOK
pf Callback to execute on a request.

Additional information

A progress hook can be used for example to allocate some memory to store data between form handling callbacks on BEGIN of serving the request. The memory can then be freed again when finally the END progress is reported and the request is fully progressed.

Additional information

Refer to Structure WEBS_PROGRESS_HOOK for detailed information about the structure WEBS_PROGRESS_HOOK.



This function registers a hook with a callback that is called on each request to pass some information like URI and METHOD used to the application.


void IP_WEBS_AddRequestNotifyHook(WEBS_REQUEST_NOTIFY_HOOK * pHook,
                                  IP_WEBS_pfRequestNotify    pf);


Parameter Description
pHook Pointer to a structure of WEBS_REQUEST_NOTIFY_HOOK
pf Callback to execute on a request.

Additional information

Refer to Structure WEBS_REQUEST_NOTIFY_HOOK for detailed information about the structure WEBS_REQUEST_NOTIFY_HOOK.



Sets the buffer size used by the Web server tasks.


void IP_WEBS_ConfigBufSizes(WEBS_BUFFER_SIZES * pBufferSizes);


Parameter Description
pBufferSizes Configuration of buffer sizes.

Additional information

The structure WEBS_BUFFER_SIZES is defined as follow:

typedef struct WEBS_BUFFER_SIZES {
  U32 NumBytesInBuf;
  U32 NumBytesOutBuf;
  U32 NumBytesFilenameBuf;
  U32 MaxRootPathLen;
  U32 NumBytesParaBuf;

Since version 3.00, the buffers used by the Web server are runtime configurable. Earlier versions of the Web server used compile time switches to define the buffer sizes. If IP_WEBS_ConfigBufSizes() will not be called, the values of the compile time switches will be used to configure the buffer sizes.

We recommend at least 256 bytes for the input buffer and 512 bytes for the output buffer. If virtual files are not used in your application, the parameter buffer and others can be set to 0 to save RAM.



Enables checking if a requested file is available gzip compressed.


void IP_WEBS_ConfigFindGZipFiles(const char * sExtension,
                                       int    ReplaceLastChar);


Parameter Description
sExtension Extension including period letter to add to the end of the URI requested. The resulting URI will be tried to open and sent back gzip compressed.
ReplaceLastChar Replace the last character of the requested URI with the first character of the extension.

Additional information

The browser needs to accept gzip compressed content and will tell the web server if this is supported.

Only files that do not contain dynamic content can be used. When enabled and allowed by the browser, a gzip compressed version of the requested file is tried to be opened. If this fails, the original filename is tried.




Configures rules for URIs that end with a slash ’/’.


void IP_WEBS_ConfigIndexRules(const WEBS_INDEX_RULE * pRules);


Parameter Description
pRules Pointer to NULL entry terminated list of index rules.

Additional information

The index autocomplete is applied based on the given rules. Resources like method hooks (e.g. for REST API) are handled prioritized and are typically not be affected by these rules.

When not installing rules with this routine, only the root folder URI “/” is autocompleted to “/index.htm”.


// List and order in which URIs ending with a slash '/' are tried
// to be autocompleted. The list has to be NULL terminated.
// Note:
//   Please make sure that if you are using non 8.3 names such as
//   "index.html", Long-File-Name (LFN) is supported and enabled
//   with your filesystem.
static WEBS_INDEX_AUTOCOMPLETE_ITEM _aIndexAutocomplete[] = {
  { "index.htm"  },
  { "index.html" },
  { NULL         }

// Rules which index URIs (paths ending on a slash '/') are to be
// autocompleted in which way. Entries include sub-folders.
static WEBS_INDEX_RULE _aIndexRule[] = {
  { "/" , _aIndexAutocomplete },
  { NULL, NULL                }




Enables checking if a requested file is available encoded/compressed.


void IP_WEBS_ConfigStaticEncodedFiletypes
                                    (const WEBS_STATIC_ENCODED_FILETYPES * paList);


Parameter Description
paList List of WEBS_STATIC_ENCODED_FILETYPES entries. The list has to end with a NULLed entry that is used as end marker.

Additional information

Overrides IP_WEBS_ConfigFindGZipFiles() if used.

The browser provides encoding supported via the “Accept-Encoding” field. Content for a known encoding can only be delivered if it is offered in the same request.

Only files that do not contain dynamic content can be used. When enabled and allowed by the browser, an encoded/compressed version of the requested file is tried to be opened. If this fails, the original filename is tried.

For an example on how to use the members of the WEBS_STATIC_ENCODED_FILETYPES structure, please refer to the example provided for IP_WEBS_ConfigFindGZipFiles() .


static const WEBS_STATIC_ENCODED_FILETYPES _aEncodedContent[] = {
  { "br"  , ".br", 0u },  // Brotli
  { "gzip", ".gz", 0u },  // GZIP
  { NULL  , NULL , 0u }   // End of list




This function sets the root path in the filesystem used to serve pages relative from this path.


int IP_WEBS_ConfigRootPath(const char * sRootPath);


Parameter Description
sRootPath Root path to prepend to URI.

Return value

0 O.K.
1 Error.

Additional information

By default the root path used is the root path of your filesystem. Configuring a root path can be used to separate the Web server from other services like an FTP server root folder. A classic use sample would be that all Web pages are stored in the subfolder “/httpdocs”. In this case you can call IP_WEBS_ConfigRootPath(“/httpdocs”) to load all Web pages relative from this folder in your filesystem instead from the root folder of your filesystem.

Other services like an FTP server can be used to grant access to the root folder of your filesystem to allow access to the /httpdocs subfolder and other files in your filesystem as well.

The root path can be as long as the maximum root path length configured. If IP_WEBS_ConfigBufSizes() will not be called to set the maximum root path length, the default WEBS_MAX_ROOT_PATH_LEN will be used.



Sets the the root path in the filesystem used to upload files relative from this path.


int IP_WEBS_ConfigUploadRootPath(const char * sUploadRootPath);


Parameter Description
sUploadRootPath Root path to prepend to upload.

Return value

0 O.K.
1 Error.

Additional information

By default uploads are placed in the root folder of your filesystem. Configuring an upload root path can be used to redirect uploads to another path like an “/upload” folder.

The upload root path can be as long as the maximum path that can be used with the upload filename defined by WEBS_UPLOAD_FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE (minus 1 byte for string termination).



Counts the memory required for one thread. This can be used to determine the total required memory pool size for a configuration.


U32 IP_WEBS_CountRequiredMem(WEBS_CONTEXT * pContext);


Parameter Description
pContext Context keeping track of configured settings. Can be NULL.

Return value

Amount of memory required for internals for handling one thread.

Additional information

In addition to the memory requirement calculated for the Web server internals some additional memory might be required for managing a memory pool.



Flushes the output buffer.


int IP_WEBS_Flush(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput);


Parameter Description
pOutput Pointer to the WEBS_OUTPUT structure.

Return value

1 Data transmitted, connection will be closed.
0 Data transmitted, connection will be kept open after transmission.
-1 Error. Data not transmitted, connection will be closed.

Additional information

Normally, the stack handles all the data transmission. IP_WEBS_Flush() should only be used in special use cases like implementing Server-Sent Events, where data transmission should be done immediately.



Initializes the Web server application context. Has to be called if IP_WEBS_ProcessEx() and IP_WEBS_ProcessLastEx() are used for the task handling.


void IP_WEBS_Init(      WEBS_CONTEXT     * pContext,
                  const WEBS_IP_API      * pIP_API,
                  const WEBS_SYS_API     * pSYS_API,
                  const IP_FS_API        * pFS_API,
                  const WEBS_APPLICATION * pApplication);


Parameter Description
pContext Application specific Web server context.
pIP_API Pointer to a structure holding the IP related API functions.
pSYS_API Pointer to a structure holding the system related API functions.
pFS_API Pointer to a structure holding the file system related API functions.
pApplication Web server application settings.

Additional information

The parameter pContext is a structure holding all the required function pointers to the routines used to send and receive bytes from/to the client, access the file system, allocate and free memory, etc.

typedef struct WEBS_CONTEXT {
  const WEBS_IP_API      *pIP_API;
  const WEBS_SYS_API     *pSYS_API;
  const IP_FS_API        *pFS_API;
  const WEBS_APPLICATION *pApplication;
        void             *pWebsPara;
        void             *pUpload;

WEBS_IP_API includes all functions, which are required for the used IP stack and is defined as follow:

typedef struct WEBS_IP_API {
  IP_WEBS_tSend    pfSend;
  IP_WEBS_tReceive pfReceive;

typedef int (*IP_WEBS_tSend)    (const unsigned char  *pData,
                                                int    len,
                                                void  *pConnectInfo );
typedef int (*IP_WEBS_tReceive) (const unsigned char  *pData,
                                                int    len,
                                                void  *pConnectInfo );

The send and receive functions should return the number of bytes successfully sent/received to/from the client. The pointer pConnectInfo is passed to the send and receive routines. It can be used to pass a pointer to a structure containing connection information or to pass a socket number.

WEBS_SYS_API includes all functions, which are required to allocate and free memory and is defined as follow:

typedef struct WEBS_SYS_API {
  IP_WEBS_tAlloc   pfAlloc;
  IP_WEBS_tFree    pfFree;

typedef void *(*IP_WEBS_tAlloc) (               U32    NumBytesReq );

typedef void  (*IP_WEBS_tFree)  (               void  *p);

The alloc function returns a void pointer to the allocated space, or NULL if there is insufficient memory available.

For details about the parameter pFS_API and the IP_FS_API structure, refer to File system abstraction layer. For details about the parameter pApplication and the WEBS_APPLICATION structure, refer to Structure WEBS_APPLICATION.

The pWebsPara and pUpload should not be changed. The stack fills the structures, if necessary.

IP_WEBS_Init() has to be called if IP_WEBS_ProccessEx() and IP_WEBS_ProcessLastEx() are used for the connection handling. Refer to IP_WEBS_ProcessEx and IP_WEBS_ProcessLastEx for detailed information.


/* Excerpt from IP_WebserverSample.c*/
*     _WebServerChildTask
static void _WebServerChildTask(void *pContext) {
  WEBS_CONTEXT ChildContext;
  long hSock;
  int Opt;

  hSock    = (long)pContext;
  Opt      = 1;
  setsockopt(hSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &Opt, sizeof(Opt));
  // Initialize the context of the child task.
  IP_WEBS_Init(&ChildContext, &_Webs_IP_API, &_FS_API, &_Application);
  if (_ConnectCnt < MAX_CONNECTIONS) {
    IP_WEBS_ProcessEx(&ChildContext, pContext, NULL);
  } else {
    IP_WEBS_ProcessLastEx(&ChildContext, pContext, NULL);

*       _WebServerParentTask
static void _WebServerParentTask(void) {
  struct sockaddr    Addr;
  struct sockaddr_in InAddr;
  U32  Timeout;
  long hSockListen;
  long hSock;
  int  AddrLen;
  int  i;
  int  t;
  int  t0;

  Timeout = IDLE_TIMEOUT;
  // Assign file system
  _pFS_API = &IP_FS_ReadOnly;  // To use a a real filesystem like emFile
                               // replace this line.
//  _pFS_API = &IP_FS_FS;        // Use emFile
//  IP_WEBS_AddUpload();         // Enable upload
  // Configure buffer size.
  IP_MEMSET(&BufferSizes, 0, sizeof(BufferSizes));
  BufferSizes.NumBytesInBuf       = WEBS_IN_BUFFER_SIZE;
  // Use max. MTU configured for the last interface added minus worst
  // case IPv4/TCP/VLAN headers. Calculation for the memory pool
  // is done under assumption of the best case headers with - 40 bytes.
  BufferSizes.NumBytesOutBuf      = IP_TCP_GetMTU(_IFaceId) - 72;
  BufferSizes.NumBytesParaBuf     = WEBS_PARA_BUFFER_SIZE;
  BufferSizes.NumBytesFilenameBuf = WEBS_FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE;
  BufferSizes.MaxRootPathLen      = WEBS_MAX_ROOT_PATH_LEN;
  // Configure the size of the buffers used by the Webserver child tasks.
  // Give the stack some more memory to enable the dynamical memory
  // allocation for the Web server child tasks
  IP_AddMemory(_aPool, sizeof(_aPool));
  // Get a socket into listening state
  hSockListen = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  if (hSockListen == SOCKET_ERROR) {
    while(1); // This should never happen!
  memset(&InAddr, 0, sizeof(InAddr));
  InAddr.sin_family      = AF_INET;
  InAddr.sin_port        = htons(80);
  InAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
  bind(hSockListen, (struct sockaddr *)&InAddr, sizeof(InAddr));
  listen(hSockListen, BACK_LOG);
  // Loop once per client and create a thread for the actual server
  do {
    // Wait for an incoming connection
    hSock = 0;
    AddrLen = sizeof(Addr);
    if ((hSock = accept(hSockListen, &Addr, &AddrLen)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
      continue;    // Error
    // Create server thread to handle connection.
    // If connection limit is reached, keep trying for some time before giving up
    // and outputting an error message
    t0 = OS_GetTime32() + 1000;
    do {
      if (_ConnectCnt < MAX_CONNECTIONS) {
        for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) {
          U8 r;
          r = OS_IsTask(&_aWebTasks[i]);
          if (r == 0) {
            setsockopt(hSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &Timeout, sizeof(Timeout));
            OS_CREATETASK_EX(&_aWebTasks[i], "Webserver Child", _WebServerChildTask,
                              TASK_PRIO_WEBS_CHILD, _aWebStacks[i], (void *)hSock);
            goto Next;
      // Check time out
      t = OS_GetTime32();
      if ((t - t0) > 0) {
        IP_WEBS_OnConnectionLimit(_Send, _Recv, (void*)hSock);
    } while(1);
  }  while(1);



Outputs an error message to the connected client.


void IP_WEBS_OnConnectionLimit(IP_WEBS_tSend      pfSend,
                               IP_WEBS_tReceive   pfReceive,
                               void             * pConnectInfo);


Parameter Description
pfSend Pointer to the function used to send.
pfReceive Pointer to the function used to receive.
pConnectInfo Pointer to the connection info (typically the socket).

Additional information

This function is typically called by the application if the connection limit is reached. Refer to IP_WEBS_Process() and IP_WEBS_ProcessLast() for further information.


Pseudo code:

// Call IP_WEBS_Process() or IP_WEBS_ProcessLast() if multiple or just
// one more connection is available
do {
  if (NumAvailableConnections > 1) {
  } else if (NumAvailableConnections == 1) {
} while (!Timeout)
// No connection available even after waiting => Output error message



Thread functionality of the web server. Returns when the connection has been handled or an error occurred.


int IP_WEBS_Process(      IP_WEBS_tSend      pfSend,
                          IP_WEBS_tReceive   pfReceive,
                          void             * pConnectInfo,
                    const IP_FS_API        * pFS_API,
                    const WEBS_APPLICATION * pApplication);


Parameter Description
pfSend Pointer to the function to be used by the server to send data to the client.
pfReceive Pointer to the function to be used by the server to receive data from the client.
pConnectInfo Connection info (typically socket handle).
pFS_API API for file system operations.
pApplication Web Server application settings.

Return value

= 1 Connection detached.
= 0 O.K.
< 0 Error.

Additional information

A connection detached return value means that an additional functionality like WebSockets has been enabled and the connection context has been dispatched to another resource and should therefore not be closed by the web server thread.

The following types are used as function pointers to the routines used to send and receive bytes from/to the client:

typedef int (*IP_WEBS_tSend)    ( const unsigned char * pData,
                                                 int    len,
                                                 void * pConnectInfo );
typedef int (*IP_WEBS_tReceive) ( const unsigned char * pData,
                                                 int    len,
                                                 void * pConnectInfo );

The send and receive functions should return the number of bytes successfully sent/received to/from the client. The pointer pConnectInfo is passed to the send and receive routines. It can be used to pass a pointer to a structure containing connection information or to pass a socket number. For details about the parameter pFS_API and the IP_WEBS_FS_API structure, refer to File system abstraction layer chapter. For details about the parameter pApplication and the WEBS_APPLICATION structure, refer to Structure WEBS_APPLICATION.

Refer to IP_WEBS_ProcessLast and IP_WEBS_OnConnectionLimit for further information.



Thread functionality of the web server. Returns when the connection has been handled or an error occurred.


int IP_WEBS_ProcessEx(      WEBS_CONTEXT * pContext,
                            void         * pConnectInfo,
                      const char         * sRootPath);


Parameter Description
pContext Context keeping track of configured settings.
pConnectInfo Connection info (typical socket handle).
sRootPath String with the root path to use for HTML pages. Example: “/httpdocs”

Return value

= 1 Connection detached.
= 0 O.K.
< 0 Error.

Additional information

IP_WEBS_ProcessEx() is a more flexible version of IP_WEBS_Process() and should be used instead. The parameter pContext is a structure holding all the required function pointers to the routines used to send and receive bytes from/to the client, access the file system, allocate and free memory, etc.

It has to be initialized before usage. Refer to IP_WEBS_Init() for further information.

Refer to IP_WEBS_ProcessLastEx() and IP_WEBS_OnConnectionLimit() for further information about the thread handling of the Web server.

A connection detached return value means that an additional functionality like WebSockets has been enabled and the connection context has been dispatched to another resource and should therefore not be closed by the web server thread.



Thread functionality of the web server.


int IP_WEBS_ProcessLast(      IP_WEBS_tSend      pfSend,
                              IP_WEBS_tReceive   pfReceive,
                              void             * pConnectInfo,
                        const IP_FS_API        * pFS_API,
                        const WEBS_APPLICATION * pApplication);


Parameter Description
pfSend Function pointer to socket send routine.
pfReceive Function pointer to socket receive routine.
pConnectInfo Connection info (typical socket handle).
pFS_API API for file system operations.
pApplication Web Server application settings.

Return value

= 1 Connection detached.
= 0 O.K.
< 0 Error.

Additional information

This is typically called for the last available connection. In contrast to IP_WEBS_Process(), this function closes the connection as soon as the command is completed in order to not block the last connection longer than necessary and avoid Connection-limit errors.

A connection detached return value means that an additional functionality like WebSockets has been enabled and the connection context has been dispatched to another resource and should therefore not be closed by the web server thread.

The following types are used as function pointers to the routines used to send and receive bytes from/to the client:

typedef int (*IP_WEBS_tSend)    (const unsigned char * pData,
                                                int    len,
                                                void * pConnectInfo);

typedef int (*IP_WEBS_tReceive) (const unsigned char * pData,
                                                int    len,
                                                void * pConnectInfo);

The send and receive functions should return the number of bytes successfully sent/received to/from the client. The pointer pConnectInfo is passed to the send and receive routines. It can be used to pass a pointer to a structure containing connection information or to pass a socket number. For details about the parameter pFS_API and the IP_WEBS_FS_API structure, refer to File system abstraction layer. For details about the parameter pApplication and the WEBS_APPLICATION structure, refer to Structure WEBS_APPLICATION. Refer to IP_WEBS_Process and IP_WEBS_OnConnectionLimit for further information.



Processes a HTTP request of a client and closes the connection thereafter.


int IP_WEBS_ProcessLastEx(      WEBS_CONTEXT * pContext,
                                void         * pConnectInfo,
                          const char         * sRootPath);


Parameter Description
pContext Context keeping track of configured settings.
pConnectInfo Connection info (typical socket handle).
sRootPath String with the root path to use for HTML pages. Example: “/httpdocs”

Return value

= 1 Connection detached.
= 0 O.K.
< 0 Error.

Additional information

Thread functionality of the web server. This is typically called for the last available connection. IP_WEBS_ProcessLastEx() is a more flexible version of IP_WEBS_Process() and should be used instead. In contrast to IP_WEBS_Process(), this function closes the connection as soon as the command is completed in order to not block the last connection longer than necessary and avoid connection-limit errors.

The parameter pContext is a structure holding all the required function pointers to the routines used to send and receive bytes from/to the client, access the file system, allocate and free memory, etc.:

It has to be initialized before usage. Refer to IP_WEBS_Init() for further information.

Refer to IP_WEBS_ProcessLastEx() and IP_WEBS_OnConnectionLimit() for further information about the thread handling of the Web server.

A connection detached return value means that an additional functionality like WebSockets has been enabled and the connection context has been dispatched to another resource and should therefore not be closed by the web server thread.



Sends a page from the file system to the browser instead of the regular content. This way a redirect depending on a result can be realized. The MIME type will be determined automatically from the file name or can be overridden.


int IP_WEBS_Redirect(      WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                     const char        * sFileName,
                     const char        * sMIMEType);


Parameter Description
pOutput Out context of the connection
sFileName FileName of the file to redirect to. Will be used for MIME type recognition for header.
sMIMEType MIME type to be used in header. May be NULL.

Return value

< 0 Error
= 0 O.K.

Additional information

The function shall only be called if no other data has been sent out before. The page that will be sent is parsed for CGIs the same way as it would be parsed when being directly being accessed by the browser. However the URL accessed by the browser will remain the same and the browser will show the same URL as address.


*       _CGI_Redirect
static void _CGI_Redirect(WEBS_OUTPUT *pOutput, const char *sParameters) {
  IP_WEBS_Redirect(pOutput, "/index.htm", NULL);  // Redirect back to index



Resets internal variables for a clean start of the Web Server.


void IP_WEBS_Reset(void);

Additional information

As the Web Server is not directly connected to the IP stack itself it can not register to the IP stacks de-initialize process. Once the stack has been de-initialized this routine shall be called before re-initializing the IP stack and using the Web Server again.



Retrieves a previously stored user context for the current output session.


void *IP_WEBS_RetrieveUserContext(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput);


Parameter Description
pOutput Out context of the connection.

Return value

Pointer to the previously stored user context or NULL.

Additional information

A user context retrieved will not reset the stored context. The user stored context remains valid until either set to NULL by the user or the connection being closed.

In case a browser reuses an already opened connection the user context is not reset. This can be used to identify a connection reuse or to exchange data within the same connection. It is user responsibility to make sure that the user context is set back to NULL by the last callback if this behavior is not desired.



Sends a string with placeholders that will be filled using SEGGER_vsnprintfEx().


int IP_WEBS_SendFormattedString(      WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                                const char        * sFormat,


Parameter Description
pOutput Connection context.
sFormat Formatted string that might contain placeholders.

Return value

Number of characters (without termination) that would have been stored if the buffer had been large enough.

Additional information

Allows sending a string containing placeholders without the need to have the final string created into a temporary buffer in the application. The output buffer is used directly which saves a buffer and avoids unnecessary copy operations from the application to the output buffer.



This function sends a “204 No Content” response for a captive portal test.


int IP_WEBS_Send204NoContent(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput);


Parameter Description
pOutput Out context of the connection.

Additional information

The function can be used to send a “204 No Content” response as answer to a captive portal test. A captive portal test is a test if the internet can be reached, for example when using a WiFi connection. For this a known domain that serves the resource “domain.tld/generate_204” is accessed. If the request succeeds, this means there is internet access.

If a captive portal test fails, this means there is no or very poor internet connectivity and the WiFi client might switch to another network automatically to test if it has better internet access.

Implementing a capitve portal test on an embedded device might be necessary if you run a WiFi AccessPoint on the target to prevent the WiFi client to disconnect from a network that has no internet access.

Typically the captive portal page served by the webserver is used together with distributing the targets IP address as primary DNS server via a DHCP server on the AP/target and accepting and faking all DNS answers to resolve to the target itself. This way all HTTP(S) connections will end being served the web pages from the target. This is often used with hotel WiFi networks to provide a login page.



Outputs a valid HTML header.


int IP_WEBS_SendHeader(      WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                       const char        * sFileName,
                       const char        * sMIMEType);


Parameter Description
pOutput Out context of the connection.
sFileName String containing the file name including extension to be written to the header.
sMIMEType MIME type to be used in header. If set, sFileName will be ignored.

Return value

0 O.K., header sent.

Additional information

This function can be used in case automatically generating and sending a header has been switched off using IP_WEBS_ConfigSendVFileHeader() or IP_WEBS_ConfigSendVFileHookHeader(). Typically this is the first function you call from your callback generating content for a virtual file or a VFile hook registered callback providing content before you send any other data.

Depending on the MIME type used the browser may wait for new data forever if the connection is not closed after all data has been transferred. For example “application/octet-stream” will leave the browser waiting forever if transfer size is not sent in the header. Therefore, IP_WEBS_SendHeader() informs the Web server to close the connection after sending the data.

A typical header may look as follows:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: image/gif
Server: emNet
Expires: 1 JAN 1995 00:00:00 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked



Outputs a valid HTML header.


int IP_WEBS_SendHeaderEx(      WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                         const char        * sFileName,
                         const char        * sMIMEType,
                               U8            ReqKeepCon);


Parameter Description
pOutput Out context of the connection.
sFileName String containing the file name including extension to be written to the header.
sMIMEType MIME type to be used in header. If set, sFileName will be ignored.
ReqKeepCon 1: If possible, keep connection open after data transmission. 0: Close connection, after data transmission.

Return value

0 O.K., header sent, Connection will be kept open after transmission.
1 O.K., header sent, Connection will be closed after transmission.

Additional information

This function can be used in case automatically generating and sending a header has been switched off using IP_WEBS_ConfigSendVFileHeader() or IP_WEBS_ConfigSendVFileHookHeader(). Typically this is the first function you call from your callback generating content for a virtual file or a VFile hook registered callback providing content before you send any other data.

Depending on the MIME type used the browser may wait for new data forever if the connection is not closed after all data has been transferred. For example “application/octet-stream” will leave the browser waiting forever if transfer size is not sent in the header. Therefore, IP_WEBS_SendHeaderEx() informs the Web server to close the connection after sending the data.



Sends a header with a redirection code for the browser.


void IP_WEBS_SendLocationHeader(      WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                                const char        * sURI,
                                const char        * sCodeDesc);


Parameter Description
pOutput Out context of the connection.
sURI URI where to redirect the browser.
sCodeDesc Any code and description that supports the “Location: <URI>” field like: “301 Moved Permanently” “302 Found” “303 See Other”

Additional information

A redirect like 303 can be used to forward the user to the same page after POST data has been submitted, resulting in no resending of the POST data upon a refresh of the page.



Sends data to a connected target.


int IP_WEBS_SendMem(      WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                    const char        * s,
                          unsigned      NumBytes);


Parameter Description
pOutput Pointer to the WEBS_OUTPUT structure.
s Pointer to a memory location that should be transmitted.
NumBytes Number of bytes that should be sent.

Return value

0 O.K.



Sends a zero-terminated string to a connected target.


int IP_WEBS_SendString(      WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                       const char        * s);


Parameter Description
pOutput Pointer to the WEBS_OUTPUT structure.
s Pointer to a string that should be transmitted.

Return value

0 O.K.



Encodes and sends a zero-terminated string to a connected target.


int IP_WEBS_SendStringEnc(      WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                          const char        * s);


Parameter Description
pOutput Pointer to the WEBS_OUTPUT structure.
s Pointer to a string that should be transmitted.

Return value

0 O.K.

Additional information

This function encodes the string s with URL encoding, which means that spaces are changed into “+” and special characters are encoded to hexadecimal values. Refer to [RFC 1738] for detailed information about URL encoding.



Sends an unsigned value to the client.


int IP_WEBS_SendUnsigned(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                         unsigned      v,
                         unsigned      Base,
                         int           NumDigits);


Parameter Description
pOutput Pointer to the WEBS_OUTPUT structure.
v Value that should be sent.
Base Numerical base of the value v.
NumDigits Number of digits that should be sent. 0 can be used as a wildcard.

Return value

0 O.K.



Sets a callback that gets executed when an error page is sent.


void IP_WEBS_SetErrorPageCallback(IP_WEBS_pfSendErrorPage   pf,
                                  void                    * pConfig);


Parameter Description
pf Pointer to a callback function to send an error page.
pConfig Reserved for future API extension. Use NULL.

Additional information

If the callback returns with WEBS_NO_ERROR_PAGE_SENT, the default content of the WEBS_XXX_PAGE define will be sent.

Custom error pages are only supported if the browser supports at least HTTP/1.1 for chunked encoding, for HTTP/1.0 only RAW encoding is available and the default content of the WEBS_XXX_PAGE define will be sent.



Sets a callback that can be used to pass file system information about a requested file back to the web server.


void IP_WEBS_SetFileInfoCallback(IP_WEBS_pfGetFileInfo pf);


Parameter Description
pf Pointer to a callback function.

Additional information

The function can be used to change the default behavior of the Web server. If the file info callback function is set, the Web server calls it to retrieve the file information. The file information are used to decide how to handle the file and to build the HTML header. By default (no file info callback function is set), the Web server parses every file with the extension .htm to check if dynamic content is included; all requested files with the extension .cgi are recognized as virtual files. Beside of that, the Web server sends by default the expiration date of a Web site in the HTML header. The default expiration date (THU, 01 JAN 1995 00:00:00 GMT) is in the past, so that the requested Webpage will never be cached. This is a reasonable default for Web pages with dynamic content. If the callback function returns 0 for DateExp, the expiration date will not be included in the header. For static Webpages, it is possible to add the optional “Last-Modified” header field. The “Last-Modified” header field is not part of the header by default. Refer to Structure IP_WEBS_FILE_INFO for detailed information about the structure IP_WEBS_FILE_INFO.


static void _GetFileInfo(const char * sFilename, IP_WEBS_FILE_INFO * pFileInfo){
  int v;
  // .cgi files are virtual, everything else is not
  v = IP_WEBS_CompareFilenameExt(sFilename, ".cgi");
  pFileInfo->IsVirtual = v ? 0 : 1;
  // .htm files contain dynamic content, everything else is not
  v = IP_WEBS_CompareFilenameExt(sFilename, ".htm");
  pFileInfo->AllowDynContent = v ? 0 : 1;
  // If file is a virtual file or includes dynamic content,
  // get current time and date stamp as file time
  pFileInfo->DateLastMod = _GetTimeDate();
  if (pFileInfo->IsVirtual || pFileInfo->AllowDynContent) {
    // Set last-modified and expiration time and date
    pFileInfo->DateExp     = _GetTimeDate(); // If "Expires" HTTP header field should
                                             // be transmitted, set expiration date.
  } else {
    pFileInfo->DateExp     = 0xEE210000; // Expiration far away (01 Jan 2099)
                                         // if content is static



Sets the string to be sent for the cache-control field in the header. The field itself has to be part of the string, e.g.: “Cache-Control: no-cache ”.


void IP_WEBS_SetHeaderCacheControl(const char * sCacheControl);


Parameter Description
sCacheControl Cache control field content.



Lets the webserver know that a custom built header will be sent by the application.


void IP_WEBS_MarkSendingCustomHeader(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                                     void        * p);


Parameter Description
pOutput Out context of the connection.
p Reserved for future API extension.

Additional information

After calling this routine the very first output to the connection before any other content is expected to be an HTTP conform header that at least contains the minimal response line such as “HTTP/1.1 200 OK ”. The response code of course does not have to be 200 and the description can vary upon your use case as well. Sending the custom header can be done using regular sendstring API such as IP_WEBS_SendString() .

By using this API the connection also gets marked to be closed when done (not kept open for additional requests on this connection).



Sets the FS API to use for file uploads.


void IP_WEBS_SetUploadFileSystemAPI(const IP_FS_API * pFS_API);


Parameter Description
pFS_API FS API of type IP_FS_API to use.

Additional information

Using different file system APIs for files to serve and files being uploaded can become handy as it allows serving static pages from a read only file system while using a writeable file system for uploads like a new firmware image.



Sets the maximum file size per file that can be uploaded.


void IP_WEBS_SetUploadMaxFileSize(U32 MaxFileSize);


Parameter Description
MaxFileSize Maximum number of bytes per uploaded file.



Stores a user context for the current output session. The user context can be used to exchange data between CGI callbacks of the same connection.


void IP_WEBS_StoreUserContext(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                              void        * pContext);


Parameter Description
pOutput Out context of the connection.
pContext User context to store.

Additional information

Sometimes it might be necessary to exchange information between several callbacks that will be called one after another when a Web page is processed or form data is submitted. The user can use this mechanism to store data into the current connection context in one callback and retrieve the data from another callback of the same connection. Callbacks such as CGIs will be called in the order they are referenced by the Web page. Therefore the order of their accesses is known and can be used in dynamic memory allocation.


A sample using pseudo code is shown below.

*       _CGI_1
*  Notes
*    This is the first callback accessed for the operation requested
*    by the browser. This is a perfect place to allocate some memory.
static void _CGI_1(WEBS_OUTPUT *pOutput, const char *sParameters, const char *sValue)
  char *s;

  s = (char*)OS_malloc(13);                     // Allocate memory for data as
                                                // data has to remain valid outside
                                                // of this routine.
  strcpy(s, "Hello world!");                    // Fill with data
  IP_WEBS_StoreUserContext(pOutput, (void*)s);  // Store pointer to text for other
                                                // callback to access.

*       _CGI_2
*  Notes
*    This is the last callback accessed for the operation requested
*    by the browser. This is a perfect place to free the previously
*    allocated memory.
static void _CGI_2(WEBS_OUTPUT *pOutput, const char *sParameters, const char *sValue)
  char *s;

  s = (char*)IP_WEBS_RetrieveUserContext(pOutput);  // Retrieve previously stored
                                                    // data.
  printf("%s", s);                                  // Output data.
  IP_WEBS_StoreUserContext(pOutput, NULL);          // Invalidate user context.
  OS_free((void*)s);                                // Free allocated memory.



Registers a function table containing callbacks to check and serve simple virtual file content that is not further processed by the Web server.


void IP_WEBS_AddVFileHook(WEBS_VFILE_HOOK        * pHook,
                          WEBS_VFILE_APPLICATION * pVFileApp,
                          U8                       ForceEncoding);


Parameter Description
pHook Pointer to a structure of WEBS_VFILE_HOOK
pVFileApp Pointer to a structure of WEBS_VFILE_APPLICATION
ForceEncoding When set to HTTP_ENCODING_RAW chunked encoding will not be used. Necessary for some implementations such as UPnP. Further options might be added later.

Additional information

The function can be used to serve simple dynamically generated content for a requested file name that is simply sent back as generated by the application and is not further processed by the Web server.

Refer to Structure WEBS_VFILE_HOOK for detailed information about the structure WEBS_VFILE_HOOK. Refer to Structure WEBS_VFILE_APPLICATION for detailed information about the structure WEBS_VFILE_APPLICATION.


/* Excerpt from IP_WebserverSample_UPnP.c */
*       _UPnP_GenerateSend_upnp_xml
* Function description
*   Send the content for the requested file using the callback provided.
* Parameters
*   pContextIn     - Send context of the connection processed for
*                    forwarding it to the callback used for output.
*   pf             - Function pointer to the callback that has to be
*                    for sending the content of the VFile.
*     pContextOut    - Out context of the connection processed.
*     pData          - Pointer to the data that will be sent
*     NumBytes       - Number of bytes to send from pData. If NumBytes
*                      is passed as 0 the send function will run a strlen()
*                      on pData expecting a string.
* Notes
*   (1) The data does not need to be sent in one call of the callback
*       routine. The data can be sent in blocks of data and will be
*       flushed out automatically at least once returning from this
*       routine.
static void _UPnP_GenerateSend_upnp_xml(void * pContextIn,
  void (*pf) (void * pContextOut, const char * pData, unsigned NumBytes))
  char ac[128];

  pf(pContextIn, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n"
                 "<root xmlns=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0\">\r\n"
                     "</specVersion>\r\n", 0);

/* Excerpt from IP_WebserverSample_UPnP.c */
// UPnP webserver VFile hook
static WEBS_VFILE_HOOK _UPnP_VFileHook;

/* Excerpt from IP_WebserverSample_UPnP.c */
*       _UPnP_CheckVFile
* Function description
*   Check if we have content that we can deliver for the requested
*   file using the VFile hook system.
* Parameters
*   sFileName      - Name of the file that is requested
*   pIndex         - Pointer to a variable that has to be filled with
*                    the index of the entry found in case of using a
*                    filename<=>content list.
*                    Alternative all comparisons can be done using the
*                    filename. In this case the index is meaningless
*                    and does not need to be returned by this routine.
* Return value
*   0              - We do not have content to send for this filename,
*                    fall back to the typical methods for retrieving
*                    a file from the Web server.
*   1              - We have content that can be sent using the VFile
*                    hook system.
static int _UPnP_CheckVFile(const char * sFileName, unsigned * pIndex) {
  unsigned i;

  // Generated VFiles
  if (strcmp(sFileName, "/upnp.xml") == 0) {
    return 1;
  // Static VFiles
  for (i = 0; i < SEGGER_COUNTOF(_VFileList); i++) {
    if (strcmp(sFileName, _VFileList[i].sFileName) == 0) {
      *pIndex = i;
      return 1;
  return 0;

*       _UPnP_SendVFile
* Function description
*   Send the content for the requested file using the callback provided.
* Parameters
*   pContextIn     - Send context of the connection processed for
*                    forwarding it to the callback used for output.
*   Index          - Index of the entry of a filename<=>content list
*                    if used. Alternative all comparisons can be done
*                    using the filename. In this case the index is
*                    meaningless. If using a filename<=>content list
*                    this is faster than searching again.
*   sFileName      - Name of the file that is requested. In case of
*                    working with the Index this is meaningless.
*   pf             - Function pointer to the callback that has to be
*                    for sending the content of the VFile.
*     pContextOut    - Out context of the connection processed.
*     pData          - Pointer to the data that will be sent
*     NumBytes       - Number of bytes to send from pData. If NumBytes
*                      is passed as 0 the send function will run a strlen()
*                      on pData expecting a string.
static void _UPnP_SendVFile( void* pContextIn,
  unsigned Index,
  const char* sFileName,
  void (*pf) ( void* pContextOut, const char* pData, unsigned NumBytes ))

  // Generated VFiles
  if (strcmp(sFileName, "/upnp.xml") == 0) {
    _UPnP_GenerateSend_upnp_xml(pContextIn, pf);
  // Static VFiles
  pf(pContextIn, _VFileList[Index].pData, _VFileList[Index].NumBytes);


/* Excerpt from IP_WebserverSample_UPnP.c */

*       MainTask
void MainTask(void);
void MainTask(void) {
  // Activate UPnP with VFile hook for needed XML files



Checks if the given filename has the given extension


char IP_WEBS_CompareFilenameExt(const char * sFilename,
                                const char * sExt);


Parameter Description
sFilename Null-terminated filename, such as “Index.html”
sExt Null-terminated filename extension with dot, such as “.html”

Return value

= 0 Match.
≠ 0 Mismatch.

Additional information

The test is case-sensitive, meaning:

IP_WEBS_CompareFilenameExt("Index.html", ".html")     ---> Match
IP_WEBS_CompareFilenameExt("Index.htm",  ".html")     ---> Mismatch
IP_WEBS_CompareFilenameExt("Index.HTML", ".html")     ---> Mismatch
IP_WEBS_CompareFilenameExt("Index.html", ".HTML")     ---> Mismatch



Configures behavior of automatically sending a header containing a MIME type associated to the requested files extension based on an internal list for a requested virtual file.


void IP_WEBS_ConfigSendVFileHeader(U8 OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff Default: On. 0: Off, header will not be automatically generated and sent. 1: On, header will be automatically generated.

Additional information

In case you decide not to let the Web server generate a header with the best content believed to be known you will either have to completely send a header on your own or sending a header using the function IP_WEBS_SendHeader(). Sending a header has to be done before sending any other content.



Configures behavior of automatically sending a header containing a MIME type associated to the requested files extension based on an internal list for a requested file being served by a registered VFile hook.


void IP_WEBS_ConfigSendVFileHookHeader(U8 OnOff);


Parameter Description
OnOff Default: On. 0: Off, header will not be automatically generated and sent. 1: On, header will be automatically generated.

Additional information

In case you decide not to let the Web server generate a header with the best content believed to be known you will either have to completely send a header on your own or sending a header using the function IP_WEBS_SendHeader(). Sending a header has to be done before sending any other content.



Checks if a string includes url encoded characters, decodes the characters and copies them into destination buffer.


void IP_WEBS_DecodeAndCopyStr(      char * pDest,
                                    int    DestLen,
                              const char * pSrc,
                                    int    SrcLen);


Parameter Description
pDest Buffer to store the decoded string.
DestLen Size of the destination buffer.
pSrc Source string that should be decoded.
SrcLen Size of the source string.

Additional information

Destination string is 0-terminated. Source and destination buffer can be identical.

pSrc SrcLen pDest DestLen
“FirstName=J%F6rg” 16 “FirstName=Jörg” 15
“FirstName=John” 14 “FirstName=John” 15



Checks if a string includes url encoded characters, decodes the characters.


int IP_WEBS_DecodeString(const char * s);


Parameter Description
s Pointer to a zero-terminated string.

Return value

< 0 Error.
= 0 String does not include url encoded characters. No change.
> 0 Length of the decoded string excluding the terminating null character.



Returns the length of a HTML encoded string when decoded excluding null character.


int IP_WEBS_GetDecodedStrLen(const char * s,
                                   int    Len);


Parameter Description
s Pointer to a string.
Len Length of the source string excluding terminating null character.

Return value

< 0 Error.
> 0 Length of decoded string excluding the terminating null character.



Returns the number of parameters/value pairs.


int IP_WEBS_GetNumParas(const char * sParameters);


Parameter Description
sParameters Null-terminated parameter string, such as “Var1=Val1&Var2=Val2”

Return value

= -1 No parameter/value pair / error in parameter string detected
> 0 Number of parameter/value pairs

Additional information

Parameters are separated from values by a “=”. If a string includes more as one parameter/value pair, the parameter/value pairs are separated by a “&”. For example, if the virtual file Send.cgi gets two parameters, the string should be similar to the following: “Send.cgi?FirstName=Foo&LastName=Bar”.

sParameter is in this case FirstName=Foo&LastName=Bar. If you call IP_WEBS_GetNumParas() with this string, the return value will be 2.



Parses a string for valid parameter/value pairs and writes results in buffer.


int IP_WEBS_GetParaValue(const char * sBuffer,
                               int    ParaNum,
                               char * sPara,
                               int    ParaLenIn,
                               char * sValue,
                               int    ValueLenIn);


Parameter Description
sBuffer Zero-terminated string that should be parsed
ParaNum Zero-based index of the parameter/value pairs.
sPara Buffer to store the parameter name. (Optional, can be NULL.)
ParaLenIn Size of the buffer to store the parameter. (0 if sPara is NULL.)
sValue Buffer to store the value. (Optional, can be NULL.)
ValueLenIn Size of the buffer to store the value. (0 if sValue is NULL.)

Return value

= 0 OK
> 0 Error

Additional information

A valid string is in the following format:

<Param0>=<Value0>&<Param1>=<Value1>& ... <Paramn>=<Valuen>

If the parameter value string is FirstName=John&LastName=Doo and parameter 0 should be copied, sPara will be FirstName and sValue John. If parameter 1 should be copied, sPara will be LastName and sValue Doo.



Parses a string for valid parameter/value pairs and returns a pointer to the requested parameter and the length of the parameter string without termination.


int IP_WEBS_GetParaValuePtr(const char  * sBuffer,
                                  int     ParaNum,
                            const char ** ppPara,
                                  int   * pParaLen,
                            const char ** ppValue,
                                  int   * pValueLen);


Parameter Description
sBuffer Zero-terminated parameter/value string that should be parsed.
ParaNum Zero-based index of the parameter/value pairs.
ppPara Pointer to the pointer locating the start of the requested parameter name. (Optional, can be NULL.)
pParaLen Pointer to a buffer to store the length of the parameter name without termination. (Optional, can be NULL.)
ppValue Pointer to the pointer locating the start of the requested parameter value. (Optional, can be NULL.)
pValueLen Pointer to a buffer to store the length of the parameter value without termination. (Optional, can be NULL.)

Return value

= 0 OK
> 0 Error

Additional information

A valid string is in the following format:

<Param0>=<Value0>&<Param1>=<Value1>& ... <Paramn>=<Valuen>

This function can be used in case you simply want to check or use the parameters passed by the client without modifying them. Depending on your application this might save you a lot of stack that otherwise would have to be wasted for copying the same data that is already perfectly present to another location. This saves execution time as of course the data will not have to be copied.


/* Excerpt from IP_WebserverSample.c */
*       _callback_CGI_Send
static void _callback_CGI_Send(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput, const char * sParameters) {
        int    r;
  const char * pFirstName;
        int    FirstNameLen;
  const char * pLastName;
        int    LastNameLen;

  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput,  "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Virtual  file  example</TITLE></HEAD>");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<style type=\"text/css\"> \
    H1, H1, H2, H4 { color: white; font-family: Helvetica; } \
    PRE {  color: white;  margin-left: 2%; ; font-size=150%} \
    BODY{padding:0px; margin:0px; text-align:center; font-family:Verdana, Helvetica,
sans-serif; background:#6699CC url(bg.png) repeat-x; font-size:11px; color:white } \
    A:link { font-weight:bold; color:white; text-decoration:none; } \
    A:visited { font-weight:bold; color:silver; text-decoration:none; } \
    A:focus { font-weight:bold; color:white; text-decoration:underline; } \
    A:hover { font-weight:bold; color:silver; text-decoration:none; } \
    A:active { font-weight:bold; color:white; text-decoration:underline; }\
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<BODY><CENTER><HR><H1>Virtual file example</H1><HR></
  r  = IP_WEBS_GetParaValuePtr(sParameters, 0, NULL, 0, &pFirstName, &FirstNameLen);
  r |= IP_WEBS_GetParaValuePtr(sParameters, 1, NULL, 0, &pLastName, &LastNameLen);
  if (r == 0) {
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "First name: ");
    IP_WEBS_SendMem(pOutput, pFirstName, FirstNameLen);
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<BR>Last name: ");
    IP_WEBS_SendMem(pOutput, pLastName, LastNameLen);
  } else {
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<BR>Error!");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<BR><BR><BR>");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "<HR><CENTER><A HREF=\"index.htm\">Back to main</A></
CENTER><IMG SRC=\"logo.gif\" ALT=\"Segger logo\">&nbsp;&nbsp; SEGGER Microcontroller
GmbH &amp; Co. KG &nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF=\"http://www.segger.com\">www.segger.com</A></



Retrieves the connect info that has been passed to the Web Server process function from the application.


void *IP_WEBS_GetConnectInfo(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput);


Parameter Description
pOutput Out context of the connection.

Return value

Connection info passed to process function.



Retrieves the requested URI up to the ’?’ char or the “full URI” including ’?’ character and all characters up to the next space.


char *IP_WEBS_GetURI(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                     char          GetFullURI);


Parameter Description
pOutput Out context of the connection.
GetFullURI Switch to select between URI and “full URI”. URI contains the resource address up to any delimiter such as “?”. The “full URI” contains the complete resource address accessed up to the next whitespace after the resource address including “?” and following characters. 0: URI. 1: “full URI”

Return value

Pointer to URI or “full URI”. NULL in case “full URI” was requested but no buffer was available to store the “full URI”.

Additional information

To support storing the “full URI” the define WEBS_URI_BUFFER_SIZE needs to be set. If it is not set or its size is too small, requesting the “full URI” will always return NULL.



Overrides the previously selected encoding of the Web Server to use RAW encoding. This also means closing the connection after answering the request.


void IP_WEBS_UseRawEncoding(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput);


Parameter Description
pOutput Out context of the connection.



Calculates the auth digest MD5 hash for the HA1 hash value to use in the WEBS_ACCESS_CONTROL table.


void IP_WEBS_AUTH_DIGEST_CalcHA1(const char     * pInput,
                                       unsigned   InputLen,
                                       char     * pBuffer,
                                       unsigned   BufferSize);


Parameter Description
pInput Input string of “User:realm:Pass”.
InputLen Length of input string without termination.
pBuffer Pointer to buffer that is at least 32 bytes to hold the unterminated ASCII MD5 hash.
BufferSize 32 bytes or more.



Retrieves the URI sent in the client authorization.


void IP_WEBS_AUTH_DIGEST_GetURI(WEBS_OUTPUT             * pOutput,
                                WEBS_AUTH_DIGEST_OUTPUT * pDigestOutput,
                                char                    * pBuffer,
                                unsigned                * pNumBytes);


Parameter Description
pOutput Connection context.
pDigestOutput Auth digest context.
pBuffer Where to store the URI.
pNumBytes  in  Size of buffer.  out  Number of characters stored.

Additional information

This function is only valid to be used from an auth digest callback and can be used if no new nonce is to be generated (which means the client has sent an authorization line) to retrieve this field value for a look up e.g. in a nonce cache.



Retrieves the protected path that is tried to access by the current request.


char *IP_WEBS_GetProtectedPath(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput);


Parameter Description
pOutput Output context

Return value

No protected path is accessed: NULL. Protected path is accessed : Path string.



Use auth digest instead of auth basic for HTTP authentication.


void IP_WEBS_UseAuthDigest(const WEBS_AUTH_DIGEST_APP_API * pAPI);


Parameter Description
pAPI Auth digest application API to use.

Additional information

Refer to Structure WEBS_AUTH_DIGEST_APP_API for more information.



Registers a callback to serve special content upon call of a METHOD.


void IP_WEBS_METHOD_AddHook(      WEBS_METHOD_HOOK * pHook,
                                  IP_WEBS_pfMethod   pf,
                            const char             * sURI);


Parameter Description
pHook Pointer to a structure of WEBS_METHOD_HOOK.
pf Callback function for special METHOD implementation
sURI Location that will execute the registered METHOD hook instead of handling it like a typical web site.

Additional information

The function can be used to implement Web applications that need to make use of METHODs in a special way such as REST (REpresentational State Transfer) that uses GET and POST in a different way they are typically used by a Web server. Refer to Structure WEBS_METHOD_HOOK for detailed information about the structure WEBS_METHOD_HOOK. Refer to Callback IP_WEBS_pfMethod for detailed information about the callback parameters of IP_WEBS_pfMethod.

Typically one URI on the server is used to serve such a special need and this function allows redefining METHODs for a specific URI for such cases. Locations within this URI such as /URI/1 in case /URI has been defined for the hook are served by the hook as well. In case further hooks are placed inside paths of other hooks the hook with the deepest path matching the requested URI will be used.


/* Excerpt from Webserver_DynContent.c */
*       _REST_cb
*  Function description
*    Callback for demonstrational REST implementation using a METHOD
*    hook. As there is no clearly defined standard for REST this
*    implementation shall act as sample and starting point on how
*    REST support could be implemented by you.
*  Parameters
*    pContext      - Context for incoming data
*    pOutput       - Context for outgoing data
*    sMethod       - String containing used METHOD
*    sAccept       - NULL or string containing value of "Accept" field of HTTP header
*    sContentType  - NULL or string containing value of "Content-Type" field of
*                    HTTP header
*    sResource     - String containing URI that was accessed
*    ContentLen    - 0 or length of data submitted by client
*  Return value
*    0             - O.K.
*    Other         - Error
static int _REST_cb(       void        *pContext,
                           WEBS_OUTPUT *pOutput,
                     const char        *sMethod,
                     const char        *sAccept,
                     const char        *sContentType,
                     const char        *sResource,
                           U32          ContentLen ) {
  int  Len;
  char acAccept[128];
  char acContentType[32];

  // Strings located at sAccept and sContentType need to be copied to
  // another location before calling any other Web Server API as they
  // will be overwritten.
  if (sAccept) {
    _CopyString(acAccept, sAccept, sizeof(acAccept));
  if (sContentType) {
    _CopyString(acContentType, sContentType, sizeof(acContentType));
  // Send implementation specific header to client
  IP_WEBS_SendHeader(pOutput, NULL, "application/REST");
  // Output information about the METHOD used by the client
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "METHOD:       ");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, sMethod);
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "\n");
  // Output information about which URI has been accessed by the client
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "URI:          ");
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, sResource);
  IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "\n");
  // Output information about "Accept" field given in header sent by client, if any
  if (sAccept) {
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "Accept:       ");
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, acAccept);
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "\n");
  // Output information about "Content-Type" field given in header sent by
  // client, if any
  if (sContentType) {
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "Content-Type: ");
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, acContentType);
  // Output content sent by client, or content previously sent by client that has
  // been saved
  if ((_acRestContent[0] || ContentLen) && sContentType) {
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "\n");
  if (_acRestContent[0] || ContentLen) {
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, "Content:\n");
  if (ContentLen) {
    // Update saved content
    Len = SEGGER_MIN(sizeof(_acRestContent) - 1, ContentLen);
    IP_WEBS_METHOD_CopyData(pContext, _acRestContent, Len);
    _acRestContent[Len] = 0;
  if (_acRestContent[0]) {
    IP_WEBS_SendString(pOutput, _acRestContent);
  return 0;

*       MainTask
void MainTask(void);
void MainTask(void) {
  // Register URI "http://<ip>/REST" for demonstrational REST implementation
  IP_WEBS_METHOD_AddHook(&_MethodHook, _REST_cb, "/REST");



Registers a callback to serve special content upon call of a METHOD.


void IP_WEBS_METHOD_AddHook_SingleMethod(      WEBS_METHOD_HOOK * pHook,
                                               IP_WEBS_pfMethod   pf,
                                         const char             * sURI,
                                         const char             * sMethod);


Parameter Description
pHook Pointer to a structure of WEBS_METHOD_HOOK.
pf Callback function for special METHOD implementation
sURI Location that will execute the registered METHOD hook instead of handling it like a typical web site.
sMethod Pointer to a string with a single METHOD to register such as “DELETE”.

Additional information

Same as IP_WEBS_METHOD_AddHook() but registers only on a single METHOD such as “DELETE” instead of forwarding all METHODs to a registered hook URI. This allows serving a page regularly using the standard GET/POST while at the same time making available special handling with other METHODs on the same URI.

Single METHOD hooks override generic METHOD hooks. This means that it is possible to register a generic hook using IP_WEBS_METHOD_AddHook() for all “other” METHODs and only register another hook to be executed upon for example “DELETE”.



This function can be called from a METHOD hook callback to copy the received amount of data as stated by the “Content-Length” field of the header.


int IP_WEBS_METHOD_CopyData(void     * pContext,
                            void     * pBuffer,
                            unsigned   NumBytes);


Parameter Description
pContext METHOD context for incoming data.
pBuffer Buffer to store data into.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.

Return value

< 0 Error
= 0 Connection closed
> 0 Number of bytes read

Additional information

The function can be used to implement Web applications that need to make use of METHODs in a special way such as REST (REpresentational State Transfer) that uses GET and POST in a different way they are typically used by a Web server. Refer to Structure WEBS_METHOD_HOOK for detailed information about the structure WEBS_METHOD_HOOK. Refer to Callback IP_WEBS_pfMethod for detailed information about the callback parameters of IP_WEBS_pfMethod.

Typically one URI on the server is used to serve such a special need and this function allows redefining METHODs for a specific URI for such cases. Locations within this URI such as /URI/1 in case /URI has been defined for the hook are served by the hook as well. In case further hooks are placed inside paths of other hooks the hook with the deepest path matching the requested URI will be used.



This function registers a WebSocket hook that can be used to connect to a WebSocket implementation.


                               const IP_WEBS_WEBSOCKET_API * pAPI,
                               const char                  * sURI,
                               const char                  * sProto);


Parameter Description
pHook Pointer to a structure of WEBS_WEBSOCKET_HOOK.
pAPI Web Server WebSocket API layer to use.
sURI Resource to register for WebSocket usage instead of handling it like a typical website.
sProto WebSocket protocol name. If no sub protocol is desired, use an empty string. Not optional!

Additional information

This function is only meant to register an URI for using it with the WebSocket protocol. A WebSocket stack is required for handling the protocol itself.



Registers a callback that will be notified if the registered header field is received.


void IP_WEBS_HEADER_AddFieldHook(      WEBS_OUTPUT            * pOutput,
                                       WEBS_HEADER_FIELD_HOOK * pHook,
                                       IP_WEBS_pfHeaderField    pf,
                                 const char                   * sField);


Parameter Description
pOutput Connection context.
pHook Pointer to a structure of WEBS_HEADER_FIELD_HOOK.
pf Callback function that gets notified if the registered header field is received.
sField Header field to catch, e.g.: “Cookie: ”.

Additional information

This function can be used to notify a callback for example if an HTTP cookie is received via the header field “Cookie: ”. Multiple hooks can be registered to the same context but each header is only allowed to be registered once. Hooks need to be registered for each new request again. Use IP_WEBS_AddProgressHook() if unsure when a request begins/ends. Other callback mechanism can be used as well.

The callback pf can return either WEBS_OK to remove the current line with the header field from the input buffer or return with WEBS_HEADER_FIELD_UNTOUCHED if, and only if, the line has not been modified by reading it form the input buffer or something else. In case of WEBS_HEADER_FIELD_UNTOUCHED the line will then be processed as it would normally by the server.



Copies the requested amount of data from line with the current header field.


int IP_WEBS_HEADER_CopyData(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                            void        * pBuffer,
                            unsigned      BufferSize,
                            unsigned    * pNumBytesLeft);


Parameter Description
pOutput Connection context.
pBuffer Buffer where to store data from input buffer into.
BufferSize Buffer size.
pNumBytesLeft Where to store the number of bytes left to read from the current line. Can be NULL.

Return value

< 0 Error.
≥ 0 Number of bytes read.

Additional information

This function can be called multiple times until pNumBytesLeft tells you that the end of the line has been reached.



Searches the current header line for a token and copies its value into a buffer.


int IP_WEBS_HEADER_GetFindToken(      WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                                const char        * sToken,
                                      int           TokenLen,
                                      char        * pBuffer,
                                      int           BufferSize);


Parameter Description
pOutput Connection context.
sToken Token to find in current header line e.g. “pagecnt”.
TokenLen Length of token to find without string termination.
pBuffer Buffer where to store the value if the token is found. The value is not automatically string terminated. Can be NULL to check for a token and its length.
BufferSize Size of buffer at pValBuffer .

Return value

< 0 Token not found.
≥ 0 Token found, length of value (0 if token without value “HttpOnly;”). If pBuffer is not big enough, the copy is aborted but but the length of the value if it would fit is returned.

Additional information

This function is meant to be used from an IP_WEBS_HEADER_AddFieldHook() callback once a header field to catch has been found. This function is an alternative to using IP_WEBS_HEADER_CopyData() as it allows to copy only the token you are looking for instead of copying the whole line from the input buffer. It does not only allow to process a single token with less memory but also allows to check for tokens more easily.



Sets a custom string of header fields to be included with the next header sent.


void IP_WEBS_HEADER_SetCustomFields(      WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                                    const char        * sAddFields);


Parameter Description
pOutput Connection context.
sAddFields String with additional header fields. The pointer has to remain valid until the request has been completely processed (or at least the header has been sent). Use IP_WEBS_AddProgressHook() to get notified about the END event of the request.

Additional information

This function can be used to set custom header fields to be sent like a “Set-Cookie:” header field to create an HTTP cookie.

Remark on usage for cookies: Only one cookie token=value pair can be set in one “Set-Cookie” line. To add multiple token=value pairs you have to add multiple “Set-Cookie” lines.



Adds the upload functionality to the Web server


int IP_WEBS_AddUpload(void);

Return value

1 Upload added.
0 Upload not added. (WEBS_SUPPORT_UPLOAD = 0)

Additional information

A real file system like emFile is required to upload files. Calling this function has no effect if the compile time switch WEBS_SUPPORT_UPLOAD is not defined to 1. In library versions of the Web server WEBS_SUPPORT_UPLOAD is always defined to 1.



This function allows to change the maximum file size allowed for the file that is in upload.


void IP_WEBS_ChangeUploadMaxFileSize(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                                     U32           MaxFileSize);


Parameter Description
pOutput Connection context.
MaxFileSize Maximum number of bytes to accept for the file upload.

Additional information

This function is only valid to be called from the IP_WEBS_pfModifyTempFilename callback. It can be used after peeking on the file name that is uploaded and identifying its extension to limit the maximum upload size before actually receiving the data. This can be used to prevent large image uploads for avatars and other things that do not make sense for the application.



Copies the original filename of an upload into the given buffer.


unsigned IP_WEBS_GetUploadFilename(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput,
                                   char        * pBuffer,
                                   U32           BufferSize);


Parameter Description
pOutput Connection context.
pBuffer Buffer where to store the filename.
BufferSize Size of destination buffer.

Return value

Number of characters copied including string termination: > 0 Error : = 0

Additional information

This function is only valid to be called from the IP_WEBS_pfModifyTempFilename callback.



Sets the upload API of type WEBS_UPLOAD_API to use.


void IP_WEBS_SetUploadAPI(const WEBS_UPLOAD_API * pAPI);


Parameter Description
pAPI Pointer to upload API.



Performs chunked Base64 encoding according to RFC 3548 .


int IP_UTIL_BASE64_Decode(const U8  * pSrc,
                                int   SrcLen,
                                U8  * pDest,
                                int * pDestLen);


Parameter Description
pSrc Pointer to the data to decode.
SrcLen Number of bytes to decode.
pDest Pointer to the destination buffer.
pDestLen  in  : Pointer to the destination buffer size. Has to be a minimum of 3 bytes to be able to decode one whole Base64 word.  out : Stores the number of bytes used in the destination buffer.

Return value

≥ 0 Number of source bytes decoded. Check the returned number of bytes against your SrcLen parameter. If less than SrcLen is returned this means that the destination buffer was full but at least one Base64 word was decoded to pDest .
< 0 Error, destination buffer too small to decode at least one Base64 word or less than one Base64 word (4 bytes) available to decode.

Additional information

For more information, refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3548 and http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2440.



Performs Base64 encoding according to RFC 3548 .


int IP_UTIL_BASE64_Encode(const U8  * pSrc,
                                int   SrcLen,
                                U8  * pDest,
                                int * pDestLen);


Parameter Description
pSrc Pointer to the data to encode.
SrcLen Number of bytes to encode.
pDest Pointer to the destination buffer.
pDestLen  in  : Pointer to the destination buffer size.  out : Stores the number of bytes used in the destination buffer.

Return value

≥ 0 Number of source bytes encoded. Check the returned number of bytes against your SrcLen parameter. If less than SrcLen is returned this means that the destination buffer was full but at least one Base64 word was stored at pDest .
< 0 Error, destination buffer too small to store at least one Base64 word.

Additional information

For more information, refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3548 and http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2440.



Performs chunked Base64 encoding according to RFC 3548 .


int IP_UTIL_BASE64_EncodeChunk(      IP_UTIL_BASE64_CONTEXT * pContext,
                               const U8                     * pSrc,
                                     int                      SrcLen,
                                     U8                     * pDest,
                                     int                    * pDestLen,
                                     char                     IsLastChunk);


Parameter Description
pContext Context holding continue information between chunks. Needs to be initialized with zero by application.
pSrc Pointer to the data to encode.
SrcLen Number of bytes to encode.
pDest Pointer to the destination buffer.
pDestLen  in  : Pointer to the destination buffer size.  out : Stores the number of bytes used in the destination buffer.
IsLastChunk Is this the last chunk of the data to encode ? = 0: Further chunks will follow, carry over less than 3 bytes from the input into the next chunk that will be encoded. ≠ 0: Last chunk, store all bytes left, even if not a multiple of 3.

Return value

≥ 0 Number of source bytes encoded. If this is not the last chunk, a further call is required for more input or to finalize. Check the returned number of bytes against your SrcLen parameter. If less than SrcLen is returned this means that the destination buffer was full but at least one Base64 word was stored at pDest .
< 0 Error, destination buffer too small to store at least one Base64 word.

Additional information

For more information, refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3548 and http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2440.

Data structures


Structure / Callback Description
WEBS_CGI Used to store the CGI command names and the pointer to the proper callback functions.
WEBS_ACCESS_CONTROL Used to store information for the HTTP Basic/Digest Authentication scheme.
WEBS_APPLICATION Used to store application-specific parameters.
IP_WEBS_FILE_INFO Used to store file-specific parameters.
WEBS_VFILE_APPLICATION Used to check if the application can provide content for a simple VFile.
WEBS_VFILE_HOOK Used to send application generated content from the application upon request of a specific file name.
WEBS_FILE_TYPE Used to extend or overwrite the file extension to MIME type correlation.
WEBS_FILE_TYPE_HOOK Used to extend or overwrite the file extension to MIME type correlation.
WEBS_METHOD_HOOK Used to extend the usage of METHODs in the Web server for a given URI.
WEBS_PRE_CONTENT_OUTPUT_HOOK Used to intercept the Web server before content is generated and sent.
WEBS_PROGRESS_HOOK Used to get notified of the current progression of the requests served.
WEBS_PROGRESS_INFO Used to pass information to a callback registered to be notified about the progression.
WEBS_REQUEST_NOTIFY_HOOK Used to get notified of incoming requests to the Web server.
WEBS_REQUEST_NOTIFY_INFO Used to pass information to a callback registered to be notified upon a request to the Web server.
WEBS_AUTH_DIGEST_APP_API Used to interact with the application when Digest Authentication is used.
WEBS_INDEX_AUTOCOMPLETE_ITEM List item to autocomplete an index request (URI ending with a slash ’/’).
WEBS_INDEX_RULE Rule for handling an index request (URI ending with a slash ’/’).
IP_WEBS_WEBSOCKET_API Used for interaction between webserver and a WebSocket implementation.
IP_WEBS_pfMethod Used to extend the usage of METHODs in the Web server for a given URI.
IP_WEBS_pfPreContentOutput Called before content is generated and sent by the Web server in regular cases like VFiles and files from a filesystem.
IP_WEBS_pfRequestNotify Called upon a request to the Web server.

Structure WEBS_CGI


Used to store the CGI command names and the pointer to the proper callback functions.


typedef struct {
  const char * sName;
  void  (*pf)(WEBS_OUTPUT * pOutput, const char * sParameters);
Member Description
sName Name of the CGI command.
pf Pointer to a callback function.

Additional information

Refer to Common Gateway Interface (CGI) for detailed information about the use of this structure.



Used to store information for the HTTP Basic/Digest Authentication scheme.


typedef struct {
  const char* sPath;
  const char* sRealm;
  const char* sUserPass;
  const char* sCredentialsHash;
Member Description
sPath A string which defines the path of the resources.
sRealm A string which defines the realm which requires authentication. Optional, can be NULL.
sUserPass A string containing the user name[/password] combination. Basic auth: “User:Pass”. Digest auth: “User”. Optional, can be NULL.
sCredentialsHash A string containing the Digest credentials hash. Basic auth: Not used. Digest auth: MD5(“User:Realm:Pass”). Optional, can be NULL.

Additional information

If sRealm is initialized with NULL, sUserPass is not interpreted by the Web server. Refer to Basic Authentication for detailed information about the HTTP Basic Authentication scheme and Digest Authentication about the HTTP Digest Authentication scheme.



Used to store application-specific parameters.


typedef struct {
  const WEBS_CGI* paCGI;
  void  (*pfHandleParameter)(       WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput,
                              const char         sPara,
                              const char*        sValue );
  const WEBS_VFILES* paVFiles;
Member Description
paCGI Pointer to an array of structures of type WEBS_CGI.
paAccess Pointer to an array of structures of type WEBS_ACCESS_CONTROL.
pfHandleParameter Fallback callback in case paCGI is NULL.
paVFiles Pointer to an array of structures of type WEBS_VFILES.



Used to store file-specific parameters.


typedef struct {
const IP_FS_API* pFS_API;  // Allows override of FS API to use for a file.
      U32 DateLastMod;     // Used for "Last modified" header field
      U32 DateExp;         // Used for "Expires" header field
      U8  IsVirtual;
      U8  AllowDynContent;
Member Description
pFS_API File system API override.
DateLastMod The date when the file has been last modified.
DateExp The date of the expiration of the validity.
IsVirtual Flag to indicate if a file is virtual or not. Valid values are 0 for non-virtual, 1 for virtual files.
AllowDynContent Flag to indicate if a file should be parsed for dynamic content or not. 0 means that the file should not be parsed for dynamic content, 1 means that the file should be parsed for dynamic content.



Used to check if the application can provide content for a simple VFile.


  int  (*pfCheckVFile)(const char* sFileName, unsigned* pIndex);
  void (*pfSendVFile) (void* pContextIn,
                       unsigned Index,
                       const char* sFileName,
                       void (*pf) (void* pContextOut,
                                   const char* pData,
                                   unsigned NumBytes));
Member Description
pfCheckVFile Pointer to a callback for checking if content for a requested file name can be served.
pfSendVFile Pointer to a callback for actually sending the content for the requested file name using the provided callback pf. In case NumBytes is passed with ’0’ the callback expects to find a string and will automatically run strlen() to find out the length of the string internally. In case NumBytes is not passed ’>0’ only NumBytes from the start of pData will be sent.



Used to send application generated content from the application upon request of a specific file name.


typedef struct WEBS_VFILE_HOOK {
  struct WEBS_VFILE_HOOK*        pNext;
Member Description
pNext Pointer to the previously registered element of WEBS_VFILE_HOOK.
pVFileApp Pointer to an element of type WEBS_VFILE_APPLICATION.

Additional information

Refer to Structure WEBS_VFILE_HOOK for detailed information about the structure WEBS_VFILE_HOOK. Refer to Structure WEBS_VFILE_APPLICATION for detailed information about the structure WEBS_VFILE_APPLICATION.



Used to extend or overwrite the file extension to MIME type correlation.


typedef struct WEBS_FILE_TYPE {
  const char* sExt;
  const char* sContent;
Member Description
sExt String containing the extension without leading dot.
sContent String containing the MIME type associated to the extension.



Used to extend or overwrite the file extension to MIME type correlation.


typedef struct WEBS_FILE_TYPE_HOOK {
  struct WEBS_FILE_TYPE_HOOK*  pNext;
         WEBS_FILE_TYPE        FileType;
Member Description
pNext Pointer to the previously registered element of WEBS_FILE_TYPE_HOOK.
FileType Element of Structure WEBS_FILE_TYPE.

Additional information

Refer to Structure WEBS_FILE_TYPE for detailed information about the structure WEBS_FILE_TYPE.



Used to extend the usage of METHODs in the Web server for a given URI.


typedef struct WEBS_METHOD_HOOK {
  struct WEBS_METHOD_HOOK* pNext;
         IP_WEBS_pfMethod  pf;
  const  char*             sURI;
Member Description
pNext Pointer to the previously registered element of WEBS_METHOD_HOOK.
pf Pointer to callback handling the requested method of type Callback IP_WEBS_pfMethod.
sURI URI registered for METHODs callback.



Used to intercept the Web server before content is generated and sent.


         IP_WEBS_pfPreContentOutput    pf;
Member Description
pNext Pointer to the previously registered element of WEBS_PRE_CONTENT_OUTPUT_HOOK.
pf Pointer to callback of type Callback IP_WEBS_pfPreContentOutput.



Returns information about user authentication events. Currently only successful auth. attempts are reported.


typedef struct {
  const WEBS_ACCESS_CONTROL* pAccess;
Member Description
pAccess Pointer to the access control list entry that the user authenticated against. Can be NULL if not for a successful authentication attempt.
Event Authorization event that has happened: - WEBS_USER_AUTH_EVENT_SUCCESS



Used to get notified of the current progression of the requests served.


typedef struct WEBS_PROGRESS_HOOK {
  struct WEBS_PROGRESS_HOOK* pNext;
         IP_WEBS_pfProgress  pf;
Member Description
pNext Pointer to the previously registered element of WEBS_PROGRESS_HOOK.
pf Pointer to callback handling the requested method of type Callback IP_WEBS_pfProgress.



Used to pass information to a callback registered to be notified about the progression.


typedef struct WEBS_PROGRESS_INFO {
  WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput;
  U8           Status;
Member Description
pOutput Connection context.
Data Contains additional information for the state if available. At the moment only WEBS_PROGRESS_STATUS_USER_AUTH has additional information. For this status please refer to WEBS_USER_AUTH_INFO for the additional information available.



Used to get notified of incoming requests to the Web server.


         IP_WEBS_pfRequestNotify   pf;
Member Description
pNext Pointer to the previously registered element of WEBS_REQUEST_NOTIFY_HOOK.
pf Pointer to callback handling the requested method of type Callback IP_WEBS_pfRequestNotify.



Used to pass information to a callback registered to be notified upon a request to the Web server.


  const char*        sUri;
        WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput;
        U8           Method;
Member Description
sUri Pointer to string containing the requested location.
pOutput Connection context.
Method HTTP METHOD used in the request: - METHOD_GET - METHOD_HEAD - METHOD_POST



Used to interact with the application when Digest Authentication is used.


typedef struct {
  void (*pfStoreNonce)(WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput,
                       WEBS_AUTH_DIGEST_OUTPUT* pDigestOutput,
                       void (*pfStore)(
                               WEBS_OUTPUT*             pOutput,
                               WEBS_AUTH_DIGEST_OUTPUT* pDigestOutput,
                         const char*                    pNonce,
                               unsigned                 NonceLen),
                       int GenerateNew);
Member Description
pOutput Connection context.
pDigestOutput Digest Authentication context.
pfStore Callback executed from the pfStoreNonce callback to store a nonce known by the application.
- pOutput Connection context.
- pDigestOutput Digest Authentication context.
- pNonce Pointer to buffer containing the nonce to store.
- NonceLen Length of nonce to store without string termination.
GenerateNew = 0: Use old nonce or lookup nonce in an user implemented nonce cache. Nonce timeouts can be implemented by simply generating anew nonce once a timeout is reached. ≠ 0: Force generating a new nonce for a 401 response to send to the client.



List item to autocomplete an index request (URI ending with a slash ’/’). Used as an array of items with a NULL entry terminating the list.


typedef struct {
  const char* sPath;
Member Description
sPath Path to add after the slash.



Rule for handling an index request (URI ending with a slash ’/’). Used as an array of items with a NULL entry terminating the list.


typedef struct {
  const char*                         sURI;
  const WEBS_INDEX_AUTOCOMPLETE_ITEM* pAutocomplete;
Member Description
sURI String with URI this rule applies to (including sub-folders). Do not use the trailing slash, e.g. “/sub/folder” but use the root slash “/”.
pAutocomplete Pointer to NULL entry terminated array of index autocomplete items.



Used for interaction between webserver and a WebSocket implementation.


typedef struct {
  int (*pfGenerateAcceptKey)( WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput,
                              void*        pSecWebSocketKey,
                              int          SecWebSocketKeyLen,
                              void*        pBuffer,
                              int          BufferSize );
  void (*pfDispatchConnection)( WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput,
                                void*        pConnection );
Member Description
pfGenerateAcceptKey Callback used to generate the accept key that needs to be sent back for a WebSocket connection to be established. IP_WEBSOCKET_GenerateAcceptKey() can be used by the callback. Input/output buffer is the same. If this is not supported by your calculation callback the input buffer needs to be saved by your callback.
- pOutput Webserver connection context.
- pSecWebSocketKey Location of the received WebSocket key.
- SecWebSocketKeyLen Length of the received key.
- pBuffer Output buffer for the generated response key.
- BufferSize Size of the output buffer for the response key.
pfDispatchConnection Callback used to dispatch the connection handle from the Web server to another resource. Once the callback returns the transport connection (e.g. socket handle) no longer belongs to the webserver.
- pOutput Webserver connection context.
- pConnection Connection handle of the transport medium (e.g. socket handle).

Callback IP_WEBS_pfMethod


Used to extend the usage of METHODs in the Web server for a given URI.


typedef int (*IP_WEBS_pfMethod) (       void*        pContext,
                                        WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput,
                                  const char*        sMethod,
                                  const char*        sAccept,
                                  const char*        sContentType,
                                  const char*        sResource,
                                        U32          ContentLen );
Member Description
pContext METHOD context for incoming data used with IP_WEBS_METHOD_* routines.
pOutput Output context for IP_WEBS_* routines.
sMethod String containing METHOD requested by client.
sAccept String containing value of “Accept” field of header sent by client. May be NULL in case there was no such field.
sContentType String containing value of “Content-Type” field of header sent by client. May be NULL in case there was no such field.
sResource String containing URI that was accessed.
ContentLen Length of data submitted by client that can be read. 0 in case no data was sent by client.


Strings located at sAccept and sContentType need to be copied to another location before calling any other Web Server API as they will be overwritten.

Callback IP_WEBS_pfPreContentOutput


Called before content is generated and sent by the Web server in regular cases like VFiles and files from a filesystem.


typedef void (*IP_WEBS_pfPreContentOutput)( WEBS_OUTPUT* pOutput );
Member Description
pOutput Output context for IP_WEBS_* routines.

Callback IP_WEBS_pfRequestNotify


Called upon a request to the Web server.


typedef void (*IP_WEBS_pfRequestNotify) ( WEBS_REQUEST_NOTIFY_INFO* pInfo );
Member Description
pInfo Pointer to structure containing information about the current request being handled of type Structure WEBS_REQUEST_NOTIFY_INFO.


Data located in pInfo needs to be copied to another location if they shall be used outside of the callback as they will be overwritten.

Appendix A - File system abstraction layer

File system abstraction layer

This section provides a description of the file system abstraction layer used by emNet applications which require access to a data storage medium. The file system abstraction layer is supplied with the emNet web server and the emNet FTP server.

Three file system abstraction layer implementations are available:

File name Description
IP_FS_emFile.c Mapping of the emNet file system abstraction layer functions to emFile functions.
IP_FS_ReadOnly.c Implementation of a read-only file system. Typically used in a web server application.
IP_FS_Linux.c Mapping of the emNet file system abstraction layer functions to Linux file I/O functions.
IP_FS_Win32.c Mapping of the emNet file system abstraction layer functions to Windows file I/O functions.

File system abstraction layer function table

emNet uses a function table to call the appropriate file system function.

Data structure

typedef struct {
  // Read only file operations. These have to be present on ANY file system,
  // even the simplest one.
  void * (*pfOpenFile)   ( const char * sFilename,
                           const char * sOpenFlags );
  int    (*pfCloseFile)  (       void * hFile );
  int    (*pfReadAt)     (       void * hFile,
                                 void * pBuffer,
                                 U32    Pos,
                                 U32    NumBytes );
  long   (*pfGetLen)     (       void * hFile );
  // Directory query operations.
  void   (*pfForEachDirEntry)       (       void * pContext,
                                      const char * sDir,
                                            void (*pf) (void * pContext,
                                                        void * pFileEntry));
  void   (*pfGetDirEntryFileName)   (       void * pFileEntry,
                                            char * sFileName,
                                            U32    SizeOfBuffer );
  U32    (*pfGetDirEntryFileSize)   (       void * pFileEntry,
                                            U32  * pFileSizeHigh );
  int    (*pfGetDirEntryFileTime)   (       void * pFileEntry );
  U32    (*pfGetDirEntryAttributes) (       void * pFileEntry );
  // Write file operations.
  void * (*pfCreate)     ( const char * sFileName );
  void * (*pfDeleteFile) ( const char * sFilename );
  int    (*pfRenameFile) ( const char * sOldFilename,
                           const char * sNewFilename );
  int    (*pfWriteAt)    ( void       * hFile,
                           void       * pBuffer,
                           U32          Pos,
                           U32          NumBytes );
  // Additional directory operations
  int    (*pfMKDir)      (const char * sDirName);
  int    (*pfRMDir)      (const char * sDirName);
  // Additional operations
  int    (*pfIsFolder)   (const char * sPath);
  int    (*pfMove)       (const char * sOldFilename,
                          const char * sNewFilename);
  int    (*pfForEachDirEntryEx)     (       void * pContext,
                                      const char * sDir,
                                            void (*pf) (void * pContext,
                                                        void * pFileEntry));                          

Elements of IP_FS_API

Function Description
Read only file system functions (required)
pfOpenFile Pointer to a function that creates/opens a file and returns the handle of these file.
pfCloseFile Pointer to a function that closes a file.
pfReadAt Pointer to a function that reads a file.
pfGetLen Pointer to a function that returns the length of a file.
Directory query operations
pfForEachDirEntry Pointer to a function which is called for each directory entry. Obsolete. Use pfForEachDirEntryEx instead.
pfGetDirEntryFileName Pointer to a function that returns the name of a file entry.
pfGetDirEntryFileSize Pointer to a function that returns the size of a file.
pfGetDirEntryFileTime Pointer to a function that returns the timestamp of a file.
pfGetDirEntryAttributes Pointer to a function that returns the attributes of a directory entry.
Write file operations
pfCreate Pointer to a function that creates a file.
pfDeleteFile Pointer to a function that deletes a file.
pfRenameFile Pointer to a function that renames a file.
pfWriteAt Pointer to a function that writes a file.
Additional directory operations (optional)
pfMKDir Pointer to a function that creates a directory.
pfRMDir Pointer to a function that deletes a directory.
Additional operations (optional)
pfIsFolder Pointer to a function that checks if a path is a folder.
pfMove Pointer to a function that moves a file or directory.
pfForEachDirEntryEx Pointer to a function which is called for each directory entry.

emFile interface

The emNet web server and FTP server are shipped with an interface to emFile, SEGGER’s file system for embedded applications. It is a good example how to use a real file system with the emNet web server / FTP server.

/* Excerpt from IP_FS_FS.c */

const IP_FS_API IP_FS_FS = {
  // Read only file operations.
  // Simple directory operations.
  // Simple write type file operations.
  // Additional directory operations
  // Additional operations

The emFile interface is used in all SEGGER Eval Packages.

Read-only file system

The emNet web server and FTP server are shipped with a very basic implementation of a read-only file system. It is a good solution if you use emNet without a real file system like emFile.

/* Excerpt from FS_RO.c */

const IP_WEBS_FS_API IP_FS_ReadOnly = {
  // Read only file operations.
  // Simple directory operations.
  // Simple write type file operations.
  // Additional directory operations
  // Additional operations

The read-only file system can be used in the example applications. It is sufficient, if the server should only deliver predefined files which are hardcoded in the sources of your application. It is used by default with the emNet Web server example application.

Using the read-only file system

The read-only file system relies on an array of directory entries. A directory entry consists of a file name, a pointer to the data and an entry for the file size in bytes. This array of directory entries will be searched if a client requests a page.

/* Excerpt from FS_RO.c */
typedef struct {
  const char * sFilename;
  const unsigned char * pData;
  unsigned int FileSize;

#include "webdata\generated\embos.h"      /* HTML page */
#include "webdata\generated\index.h"      /* HTML page */
#include "webdata\generated\segger.h"     /* segger.gif */
#include "webdata\generated\stats.h"      /* HTML page */

DIR_ENTRY _aFile[] =  {
  /* file name     file array    current size  */
  /* ---------     ----------    ------------  */
  { "/embos.htm",   embos_file,   EMBOS_SIZE   },
  { "/index.htm",   index_file,   INDEX_SIZE   },
  { "/segger.gif",  segger_file,  SEGGER_SIZE  },
  { "/stats.htm",   stats_file,   STATS_SIZE   },
  { 0 }

The example source files can easily be replaced. To build new contents for the readonly file system the following steps are required:

    call cc example htm
    #include "webdata\generated\embos.h"      /* HTML page */
    #include "webdata\generated\index.h"      /* HTML page */
    #include "webdata\generated\segger.h"     /* segger.gif */
    #include "webdata\generated\stats.h"      /* HTML page */
    #include "webdata\generated\example.h"    /* NEW HTML page */

    DIR_ENTRY _aFile[] =  {
      /* file name     file array    current size  */
      /* ---------     ----------    ------------  */
      { "/embos.htm",   embos_file,   EMBOS_SIZE   },
      { "/index.htm",   index_file,   INDEX_SIZE   },
      { "/segger.gif",  segger_file,  SEGGER_SIZE  },
      { "/stats.htm",   stats_file,   STATS_SIZE   },
      { "/example.htm", example_file, EXAMPLE_SIZE },
      { 0 }

Windows file system interface

The emNet web server and FTP server is shipped with an implementation.

const IP_FS_API IP_FS_Win32 = {
  // Read only file operations.
  // Simple directory operations.
  // Simple write type file operations.
  // Additional directory operations
  // Additional operations

The Windows file system interface is supplied with the FTP and the Web server add-on packages. It is used by default with the emNet FTP server application.