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📄 emDropbox User Guide & Reference Manual

emDropbox User Guide & Reference Manual

A client for Dropbox services.


This section presents an overview of emDropbox, its structure, and its capabilities.

What is emDropbox?

SEGGER emDropbox is a software library that enables you to create secure connections between a client and the Dropbox server and manage files in a Dropbox account.

SEGGER emDropbox is hardware independent and uses other components from emSSL and the SEGGER IoT Toolkit.

Design goals

SEGGER emDropbox is designed with the following goals in mind:

We believe all design goals are achieved by emDropbox.


SEGGER emDropbox is written in ANSI C and can be used on virtually any CPU. Here is a list of emDropbox features:

Package content

SEGGER emDropbox is provided in source code and contains everything required. The following table shows the content of the emDropbox package:

Files Description
Config Configuration header files and I/O implementation.
Doc emDropbox documentation.
SEGGER SEGGER software component source code.
IOT emDropbox implementation source code.
Application emDropbox sample applications for embedded targets.
Windows emDropbox sample applications for Windows.

Exploring emDropbox

This section describes how to try out emDropbox on a PC and embedded hardware with minimal effort. We highly recommend that you try out a working version of emDropbox, shipped by SEGGER, with a known-good setup, preferably on an emPower board, before attempting to add it to your own application.

Setting up Dropbox

SEGGER emDropbox is shipped with a precompiled example that can interact with a user’s Dropbox. In order to do this, you must run through some setup. This setup will be used, by way of example, throughout the manual.

The following is a step-by-step guide showing you the preparation necessary to use a third-party Dropbox application with your Dropbox account. These steps are common for unofficial applications using the Dropbox API to access your account and are required to restrict access to your account to what you permit.

Get a Dropbox account

To evaluate emDropbox you need a Dropbox account. If you do not already have an account, you can register a free personal account at https://www.dropbox.com.

Dropbox account home page

Register an application

To grant the sample application access to your Dropbox account you need to supply it with an access token. For this, log in to your Dropbox account in your browser and visit the Dropbox developers page, https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps. Click the Create app button to register a new application.

Application page

You will be asked three questions about the application:

New application page

Generate an access token

On the page after clicking the Create app button, you will be able to generate an “OAuth 2” access token. Please click the Generate button to create the token. Generating an access token

The token is based on your current login credentials and becomes invalid if you change your credentials. This means that you must to regenerate the access token if you change your password.

Access token

Setting up the example Dropbox Commander

Once you have an access token you are ready to use the Dropbox Commander application that provides command-line access to your Dropbox account.

Setting up the access token for use with Dropbox Commander can be done in two ways.

Using the "token" command

Start Dropbox Command and use the command “token x” where “x” is to be replaced by your access token.

Using the "startup.cli" file

You can enter commands to be executed during startup of Dropbox Commander into the file startup.cli that resides in the same folder as Dropbox Commander. You can open the file with your preferred text editor and exchange the x for your access token, resulting in the token command being executed automatically on each start of Dropbox Commander.

Startup file

Using Dropbox Commander

Dropbox Commander comes with several commands such as listing directory content, file management and file upload and download that allow you to operate on your Dropbox account.

You should be able to confirm access to your Dropbox by using the dir command to list the contents of your Dropbox.

C:> Dropbox.exe

(c) 2014-2018 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH   www.segger.com
SEGGER Dropbox Commander V2.20 compiled Feb 23 2018 23:49:34


This utility demonstrates that you can use SEGGER
software to access Dropbox content securely with emSSL
and any TCP/IP stack (such as embOS/IP) that supports

For more information, contact info@segger.com.

Type "?" for a list of commands.

> ls
  9459751  Get Started With Dropbox.pdf
> put monologue.txt
Wrote 232 bytes
> ls
  9459751  Get Started With Dropbox.pdf
      232  monologue.txt
> cp monologue.txt batty.txt
> ls
      232  batty.txt
  9459751  Get Started With Dropbox.pdf
      232  monologue.txt
> get "Get Started With Dropbox.pdf"
Wrote 9459751 bytes
> _

A complete listing of Dropbox Commander is presented in Dropbox Commander complete listing.

Using emDropbox

This section describes how to configure emDropbox for use and set up a shell connection using a sample project. The sample project can be customized and integrated into your application.

In this section we assume that you have a fully-functioning embOS/IP project, with emSSL, and that is able to connect to the network and all that is required is to add emDropbox to the project.

Sample applications

SEGGER emDropbox ships with a number of sample applications that demonstrate how to integrate Dropbox capability into your application. Each sample application shows a different aspect of emDropbox.

The sample applications are:

Application Description
IOT_DROPBOX_PutFile.c Upload file to Dropbox.
IOT_DROPBOX_GetFile.c Download file from Dropbox.
IOT_DROPBOX_Commander.c Full-featured Dropbox client.

A note on the samples

Each sample that we present in this section is written in a style that makes it easy to describe and that fits comfortably within the margins of printed paper. Therefore, it may well be that you would rewrite the sample to have a slightly different structure that fits better, but please keep in mind that these examples are written with clarity as the prime objective, and to that end we sacrifice some brevity and efficiency.

Where to find the sample code

All samples are included in the Application directory of the emDropbox distribution.

Uploading a file

To upload a file to Dropbox is straightforward. This example uploads content to the file monologue.txt in the account’s root directory.

For a complete listing of this application, see IOT_DROPBOX_PutFile complete listing.

Application entry

The main application task is responsible for setting up the environment ready for emDropbox. This is simply boilerplate code that has no configuration:

void MainTask(void) {
  int Status;

  Initialize system components

The calls to SEGGER_SYS_Init() and SEGGER_SYS_IP_Init() use the SEGGER system abstraction layer to initialize services to the application.

  Initialize SSL component

This initializes the SSL component. All Dropbox communication must be protected using TLS (also known as SSL). SEGGER emDropbox requires emSSL to provide the TLS connection, so please refer to the emSSL User Guide & Reference Manual for details on emSSL. The cipher suites and elliptic curves that are common to emSSL and the Dropbox server is covered in Cipher suites and elliptic curves.

Set up emDropbox

Once the system components are initialized, it’s time to set up emDropbox.

IOT_DROPBOX_Init     (&_DbxCtx, _aJSONBuf, sizeof(_aJSONBuf));  
IOT_DROPBOX_SetIO    (&_DbxCtx, &_IOAPI, &_SSLCtx);    
IOT_DROPBOX_SetAPIKey(&_DbxCtx, "<your access token>");  

  Initialize the client context

The call to IOT_DROPBOX_Init() sets up the emDropbox context and provides some working store. The working store is required to parse JSON responses sent by the Dropbox server and its size depends upon the maximum length of filenames that are stored in your Dropbox. In this case we have defined the buffer with a maximum of 260 characters:

static char _aJSONBuf[260];

This means that emDropbox will handle incoming names of up to 260 octets. Windows operating systems only allow file names and folder names of 260 characters or less, so this is an acceptable configuration value.


As a filename can contain characters outside of the US ASCII 7-bit code, Dropbox encodes those characters as Unicode escapes in the JSON response. The underlying JSON parser converts those escapes into UTF-8 encoding, where a single character in the filename can expand to between two and five octets in the buffer.

  Initialize I/O interface

The call to IOT_DROPBOX_SetIO() sets up the connection and I/O API required for Dropbox connections. The interface is described in the section I/O over SSL, and we defer implementation details until later.

  Set secret API key (access token)

The call to IOT_DROPBOX_SetAPIKey() sets up the access token associated with the Dropbox account. Copy and paste the access token you generated from Generate an access token.

Upload file content

Once emDropbox context is set up for I/O and has the access token, everything is ready to work with your Dropbox. In this example we will upload some static content to the file monologue.txt. Here is the content to upload:

static const char _aContent[] =
  "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.\n"
  "Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.\n"
  "I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.\n"
  "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.\n"
  "Time to die.\n";

Uploading the content is as follows:

Status = IOT_DROPBOX_PutBegin(&_DbxCtx, "monologue.txt", sizeof(_aContent));   
if (Status >= 0) {
  Status = IOT_DROPBOX_PutContent(&_DbxCtx, _aContent, sizeof(_aContent));   
  if (Status >= 0) {

  Set operation flags

Dropbox provides a number of options when uploading a file that already exists:

In this instance the flag IOT_DROPBOX_FLAG_OVERWRITE is set on the emDropbox request which requsts that an existing be overwritten. The other flag is IOT_DROPBOX_FLAG_AUTORENAME which automatically renames any existing file of the same name. After initialization, no flags are set in the emDropbox context and it’s considered an error to overwrite an existing file.

  Start the upload

Commencing the upload requires that not only is the file name provided, but also the payload size. The payload size is the uploaded file’s size, which must be less than 150 MB. Unfortunately, the Dropbox API does not provide a way to stream an unbounded stream where the size is not known in advance, so the size of the file is always required.

  Upload data

If the upload is started successfully, the file content can be uploaded using IOT_DROPBOX_PutContent(). In this example we use a single call to upload the entire file content in one go.

Although Dropbox does not support unbounded content, it is possible to call IOT_DROPBOX_PutContent() multiple times to upload the bounded content in “chunks.” So, for instance, the above single-call upload can be rewritten to upload one byte at a time:

for (i = 0; Status >= 0 && i < sizeof(_aContext); ++i) {
  Status = IOT_DROPBOX_PutContent(&_DbxCtx, &_aContent[i], 1);

  Finish upload

If all preceding steps completed successfully, the call to IOT_DROPBOX_PutEnd() finishes off the upload and processes the response from the Dropbox server.

Close connection

Irrespective of whether an upload completes successfully or not, the connection to the Dropbox server must be closed to release resources:


That’s all there is to uploading a file, so now it’s time to show how I/O is handled.

I/O over SSL

SEGGER emDropbox requires a set of methods that control how a TLS connection is set up and torn down, and also a set of methods that implement I/O over that secure connection after it is established.

The API is embodied in the IOT_IO_API type:

typedef struct {
  int (*pfConnect)   (void *pSession, const char *sHost, unsigned Port);
  int (*pfDisconnect)(void *pSession);
  int (*pfSend)      (void *pSession, const void *pData, unsigned DataLen);
  int (*pfRecv)      (void *pSession,       void *pData, unsigned DataLen);

In this example the methods are implemented by functions local to the application:

static const IOT_IO_API _IOAPI = {

Here is the initialization of the emDropbox I/O again:


Notice that the third argument passed into IOT_DROPBOX_SetIO() is the address of an SSL context: this context is passed to all IOT_IO_API methods as their first parameter, pSession.


Connection requires that a secure socket, protected by TLS, is opened to the Dropbox server.

static int _Connect(void *pVoid, const char *sHost, unsigned Port) {   
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  int           Socket;
  int           Status;
  pSession = pVoid;
  Status = SEGGER_SYS_IP_Open(sHost, Port);   
  if (Status >= 0) {
    Socket = Status;
    SSL_SESSION_Prepare(pSession, Socket, &_IP_Transport);   
    Status = SSL_SESSION_Connect(pSession, sHost);   
    if (Status < 0) {
  return Status;

  Receive connection parameters

The implementation of the TLS setup requires that a TCP socket is opened to the given host and port specified by sHost (a domain name that must be resolved) and Port which is in host byte order.

The first parameter, pSession, is a pointer to an SSL session context, of type SSL_SESSION.

  Open socket connection

The incoming parameters are used to set up a TCP socket to the provided host and port.

  Prepare to upgrade to secure

The SSL session context is initialized and the underlying socket I/O is set up. Please refer to the emSSL User Guide & Reference Manual for further details relating to the SSL setup.

  Upgrade socket to secure

Once the session is initialized, emSSL is called to create a secure connection over the socket. If the handshake fails, the TCP socket is closed and the connection fails.


Disconnecting an established connection is handled by forwarding the incoming void pointer to SSL_SESSION_Disconnect() as an SSL session conext. Disconnection always succeeds and returns a success code.

static int _Disconnect(void *pVoid) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  pSession = pVoid;
  return 0;
Send data

Sending data to an established connection is handled by forwarding the incoming void pointer to SSL_SESSION_Send() as an SSL session conext, along with the data to send.

static int _Send(void *pVoid, const void *pData, unsigned DataLen) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  pSession = pVoid;
  return SSL_SESSION_Send(pSession, pData, DataLen);
Receive data

Receiving data from an established connection is handled by forwarding the incoming void pointer to SSL_SESSION_Receive() as an SSL session conext, along with the object to receive into.

static int _Recv(void *pVoid, void *pData, unsigned DataLen) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  pSession = pVoid;
  return SSL_SESSION_Receive(pSession, pData, DataLen);

IOT_DROPBOX_PutFile complete listing

*                   (c) SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH                  *
*                        The Embedded Experts                        *
*                           www.segger.com                           *

-------------------------- END-OF-HEADER -----------------------------

File        : IOT_DROPBOX_PutFile.c
Purpose     : Demonstration of the SEGGER Dropbox API.


*       #include Section

#include "IOT_Dropbox.h"
#include "SSL.h"
#include "SEGGER_SYS.h"

*       Prototypes

static int _Connect   (void *pVoid, const char *sHost, unsigned Port);
static int _Disconnect(void *pVoid);
static int _Send      (void *pVoid, const void *pData, unsigned DataLen);
static int _Recv      (void *pVoid, void *pData, unsigned DataLen);

*       Static const data

static const SSL_TRANSPORT_API _IP_Transport = {

static const IOT_IO_API _IOAPI = {

static const char _aContent[] =
  "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.\n"
  "Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.\n"
  "I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.\n"
  "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.\n"
  "Time to die.\n";

*       Static data

static SSL_SESSION         _SSLCtx;
static char                _aJSONBuf[260];

*       Static code

*       _Connect()
*  Function description
*    Connect to host using secure sockets.
*  Parameters
*    pVoid - Pointer to SSL session context.
*    sHost - Name of server we wish to connect to.
*    Port  - Port number in host byte order.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _Connect(void *pVoid, const char *sHost, unsigned Port) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  int           Socket;
  int           Status;
  pSession = pVoid;
  Status = SEGGER_SYS_IP_Open(sHost, Port);
  if (Status >= 0) {
    Socket = Status;
    SSL_SESSION_Prepare(pSession, Socket, &_IP_Transport);
    Status = SSL_SESSION_Connect(pSession, sHost);
    if (Status < 0) {
  return Status;

*       _Disconnect()
*  Function description
*    Disconnect from host.
*  Parameters
*    pVoid - Pointer to SSL session context.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _Disconnect(void *pVoid) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  pSession = pVoid;
  return 0;

*       _Send()
*  Function description
*    Send data to host.
*  Parameters
*    pVoid   - Pointer to SSL session context.
*    pData   - Pointer to octet string to send over SSL.
*    DataLen - Octet length of the octet string to send.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _Send(void *pVoid, const void *pData, unsigned DataLen) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  pSession = pVoid;
  return SSL_SESSION_Send(pSession, pData, DataLen);

*       _Recv()
*  Function description
*    Receive data from host.
*  Parameters
*    pVoid   - Pointer to SSL session context.
*    pData   - Pointer to object that receives the data.
*    DataLen - Octet length of receiving object.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _Recv(void *pVoid, void *pData, unsigned DataLen) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  pSession = pVoid;
  return SSL_SESSION_Receive(pSession, pData, DataLen);

*       Public code

*       MainTask()
*  Function description
*    Application entry point.
void MainTask(void) {
  int Status;
  IOT_DROPBOX_Init     (&_DbxCtx, _aJSONBuf, sizeof(_aJSONBuf));
  IOT_DROPBOX_SetIO    (&_DbxCtx, &_IOAPI, &_SSLCtx);
  IOT_DROPBOX_SetAPIKey(&_DbxCtx, "<your access token>");
  Status = IOT_DROPBOX_PutBegin(&_DbxCtx, "monologue.txt", sizeof(_aContent));
  if (Status >= 0) {
    Status = IOT_DROPBOX_PutContent(&_DbxCtx, _aContent, sizeof(_aContent));
    if (Status >= 0) {

/*************************** End of file ****************************/

Downloading a file

To download a file from Dropbox is straightforward. This example downloads the file monologue.txt, uploaded from the previous example, from the account’s root directory.

For a complete listing of this application, see IOT_DROPBOX_GetFile complete listing.

Much of the code is identical to the previous example, so this section concentrates on the download.

Download file content

Downloading a file from Dropbox mirrors upload: there are steps that start, continue, and complete downloading.

Status = IOT_DROPBOX_GetBegin(&_DbxCtx, "Monologue.txt");   
if (Status >= 0) {
  for (;;) {
    N = IOT_DROPBOX_GetContent(&_DbxCtx, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)-1);   
    if (N <= 0) {
    aBuf[N] = 0;

  Start the download

The call to IOT_DROPBOX_GetBegin() starts downloading the file monologue.txt from the user’s root directory. If the file is not found or cannot be opened for any reason, the return value is negative and can be decoded as an error from emDropbox or, alternatively, as an error from the SSL connection.

  Download data

Once the download has been started, successive calls to IOT_DROPBOX_GetContent() deliver the file content. Any error during download (for example a network error) is returned as a negative status; when all content has been delivered successfully, IOT_DROPBOX_GetContent() returns zero.

  Finish upload

If all preceding steps completed successfully, the call to IOT_DROPBOX_GetEnd() finishes off management of the download.

Close connection

Irrespective of whether a download completes successfully or not, the connection to the Dropbox server must be closed to release resources:


That’s all there is to downloading a file.

IOT_DROPBOX_GetFile complete listing

*                   (c) SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH                  *
*                        The Embedded Experts                        *
*                           www.segger.com                           *

-------------------------- END-OF-HEADER -----------------------------

File        : IOT_DROPBOX_GetFile.c
Purpose     : Demonstration of the SEGGER Dropbox API.


*       #include Section

#include "IOT_Dropbox.h"
#include "SSL.h"
#include "SEGGER_SYS.h"

*       Prototypes

static int _Connect   (void *pVoid, const char *sHost, unsigned Port);
static int _Disconnect(void *pVoid);
static int _Send      (void *pVoid, const void *pData, unsigned DataLen);
static int _Recv      (void *pVoid, void *pData, unsigned DataLen);

*       Static const data

static const SSL_TRANSPORT_API _IP_Transport = {

static const IOT_IO_API _IOAPI = {

*       Static data

static SSL_SESSION         _SSLCtx;
static char                _aJSONBuf[260];

*       Static code

*       _Connect()
*  Function description
*    Connect to host using secure sockets.
*  Parameters
*    pVoid - Pointer to SSL session context.
*    sHost - Name of server we wish to connect to.
*    Port  - Port number in host byte order.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _Connect(void *pVoid, const char *sHost, unsigned Port) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  int           Socket;
  int           Status;
  pSession = pVoid;
  Status = SEGGER_SYS_IP_Open(sHost, Port);
  if (Status >= 0) {
    Socket = Status;
    SSL_SESSION_Prepare(pSession, Socket, &_IP_Transport);
    Status = SSL_SESSION_Connect(pSession, sHost);
    if (Status < 0) {
  return Status;

*       _Disconnect()
*  Function description
*    Disconnect from host.
*  Parameters
*    pVoid - Pointer to SSL session context.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _Disconnect(void *pVoid) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  pSession = pVoid;
  return 0;

*       _Send()
*  Function description
*    Send data to host.
*  Parameters
*    pVoid   - Pointer to SSL session context.
*    pData   - Pointer to octet string to send over SSL.
*    DataLen - Octet length of the octet string to send.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _Send(void *pVoid, const void *pData, unsigned DataLen) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  pSession = pVoid;
  return SSL_SESSION_Send(pSession, pData, DataLen);

*       _Recv()
*  Function description
*    Receive data from host.
*  Parameters
*    pVoid   - Pointer to SSL session context.
*    pData   - Pointer to object that receives the data.
*    DataLen - Octet length of receiving object.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _Recv(void *pVoid, void *pData, unsigned DataLen) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  pSession = pVoid;
  return SSL_SESSION_Receive(pSession, pData, DataLen);

*       Public code

*       MainTask()
*  Function description
*    Application entry point.
void MainTask(void);
void MainTask(void) {
  char aBuf[128];
  int  Status;
  int  N;
  IOT_DROPBOX_Init     (&_DbxCtx, _aJSONBuf, sizeof(_aJSONBuf));
  IOT_DROPBOX_SetIO    (&_DbxCtx, &_IOAPI, &_SSLCtx);
  IOT_DROPBOX_SetAPIKey(&_DbxCtx, "<your access token>");
  Status = IOT_DROPBOX_GetBegin(&_DbxCtx, "monologue.txt");
  if (Status >= 0) {
    for (;;) {
      N = IOT_DROPBOX_GetContent(&_DbxCtx, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)-1);
      if (N <= 0) {
      aBuf[N] = 0;

/*************************** End of file ****************************/

Adding emDropbox to your project

In this section we assume that you have a fully-functioning embOS/IP project, with emSSL, and that is able to connect to the network and all that is required is to add emDropbox to the project. You can use the sample “start” projects as a reference when setting up your own application.

  Set up include directories

You should make sure that the include path contains the following directories (the order of inclusion is of no importance):

The contents of CRYPTO and SSL are part of the emSSL distribution and are not included in the emDropbox add-on.


Always make sure that you have only one version of each file!

It is frequently a major problem when updating to a new version of emDropbox if you have old files included and therefore mix different versions. If you keep Dopbox Client in the directories as suggested (and only in these), this type of problem cannot occur. When updating to a newer version, you should be able to keep your configuration files and leave them unchanged. For safety reasons, we recommend backing up (or at least renaming) the existing directories before updating.

  Add source files

Add the source code files that you find in the shipment to your project. The SEGGER and CRYPTO folders are shared components.

  Initialize emSSL

You initialize emSSL using SSL_Init(). You must call SSL_Init() before using any other emSSL API function and before using emDropbox.

With these three steps, emDropbox is installed and ready to run.

API reference

This section summarizes the API functions of emDropbox. The Dropbox Client API is kept as simple as possible to provide a straightforward way for integration into a product.

Preprocessor symbols

Dropbox client errors


Errors that the Dropbox Client can generate.


#define IOT_DROPBOX_STATUS_BAD_OAUTH_REQUEST              -902
#define IOT_DROPBOX_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTABLE                 -905
#define IOT_DROPBOX_STATUS_RATE_LIMITED                   -906
#define IOT_DROPBOX_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR                   -908
#define IOT_DROPBOX_STATUS_BAD_IMAGE                      -909
#define IOT_DROPBOX_STATUS_OTHER_ERROR                    -911
#define IOT_DROPBOX_STATUS_NOT_FILE                       -912
#define IOT_DROPBOX_STATUS_NOT_FOLDER                     -913


Definition Description
IOT_DROPBOX_STATUS_FILE_OR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND Dropbox response: 404 or path/not_found
IOT_DROPBOX_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTABLE Dropbox response: 406, 409, 429
IOT_DROPBOX_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR Dropbox response: 5xx not otherwise covered
IOT_DROPBOX_STATUS_BAD_IMAGE Dropbox response: 415
IOT_DROPBOX_STATUS_OTHER_ERROR Dropbox response: any response not otherwise covered

Additional information

Note that lower-level errors originating from the underlying socket or HTTP Client (which the Dropbox Client uses as a service) are also possible as errors returned by the API.

The Dropbox REST API responses are converted to Dropbox Client errors and the table indicates the Dropbox response that corresponds to the Dropbox Client error.

Dropbox request flags


Flags that a Dropbox request can honor.


#define IOT_DROPBOX_FLAG_MUTE          0


Definition Description
IOT_DROPBOX_FLAG_MUTE Unused, deprecated by Dropbox REST API v2.
IOT_DROPBOX_FLAG_OVERWRITE Overwrite file on upload if it exists.
IOT_DROPBOX_FLAG_AUTORENAME Auto-rename file on conflict.

See also


Data types



Metadata extracted from a metadata query.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  char  aTag[];
  char  aPath[];
  U64   Size;
  U8    IsFolder;
  U8    IsDeleted;
  U8    aHash[];
  U64   Version;
  char  aModified[];
  int   Valid;

Structure members

Member Description
aTag Tag, field=“.tag”
aPath Canonical file path, field=“name”
Size File size in bytes, field=“size”
IsFolder Nonzero for folders, derived, “.tag = folder”
IsDeleted Nonzero for deleted files, field=“is_deleted
aHash File digest, binary, field=“hash”
Version File version, field=“ver”
aModified Timestamp of last modification, field=“client_modified” [note: Dropbox provides this only for files]
Valid Nonzero when members contain valid data

See also




Callback invoked during metadata enumeration.

Type definition



Parameter Description
pMeta Pointer to parsed metadata.

See also


Information functions

The table below lists the functions that return emDropbox information.

Function Description
IOT_DROPBOX_GetVersionText() Get Dropbox Client version as printable string.
IOT_DROPBOX_GetCopyrightText() Get Dropbox Client copyright as printable string.



Get Dropbox Client version as printable string.


char *IOT_DROPBOX_GetVersionText(void);

Return value

Zero-terminated version string.



Get Dropbox Client copyright as printable string.


char *IOT_DROPBOX_GetCopyrightText(void);

Return value

Zero-terminated copyright string.

Configuration functions

The table below lists the functions provided by the emDropbox API. Detailed description of each function is found in the sections that follow.

Function Description
IOT_DROPBOX_Init() Initialize a Dropbox client context.
IOT_DROPBOX_Exit() Disconnect Dropbox client from server.
IOT_DROPBOX_SetIO() Set HTTP transport I/O.
IOT_DROPBOX_SetAPIKey() Set API key for user’s Dropbox.
IOT_DROPBOX_SetFlag() Set client context flag.
IOT_DROPBOX_ClrFlag() Clear client context flag.



Clear client context flag.


                         unsigned              Flag);


Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.
Flag Flag to clear.



Disconnect Dropbox client from server.




Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.



Initialize a Dropbox client context.


                      char                * pJSONBuf,
                      unsigned              JSONBufLen);


Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.
pJSONBuf Pointer to JSON parse buffer.
JSONBufLen Octet length of the JSON parse buffer.

Additional information

The JSON parse buffer must be large enough to accumulate JSON “atoms” such as strings and numbers. If the JSON buffer is not large enough when processing a JSON atom, the JSON parse fails and the error is propagated through the Dropbox client to the caller.



Set API key for user’s Dropbox.


                           const char                * pAPIKey);


Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.
pAPIKey Pointer to API key.

Additional information

The Dropbox client takes possession of the API key and the data that it points to must remain within scope during all API calls until the Dropbox context is released by IOT_DROPBOX_Exit().



Set client context flag.


                         unsigned              Flag);


Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.
Flag Flag to set.



Set HTTP transport I/O.


                       const IOT_IO_API          * pAPI,
                             void                * pContext);


Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.
pAPI Pointer to I/O API.
pContext Pointer to context passed to I/O API.

Management functions

The table below lists the functions provided by the emDropbox API. Detailed description of each function is found in the sections that follow.

Function Description
IOT_DROPBOX_Copy() Copy file or folder.
IOT_DROPBOX_Remove() Delete file or folder.
IOT_DROPBOX_Move() Move file or folder.
IOT_DROPBOX_CreateFolder() Create folder.



Copy file or folder.


                     const char                * sFromPath,
                     const char                * sToPath);


Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.
sFromPath Existing path to user file or folder within Dropbox.
sToPath New path for user file or folder within Dropbox.

Return value

≥ 0 Success.
< 0 Failure.



Delete file or folder.


                       const char                * sPath);


Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.
sPath Existing path to user file or folder within Dropbox.

Return value

≥ 0 Success.
< 0 Failure.



Move file or folder.


                     const char                * sFromPath,
                     const char                * sToPath);


Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.
sFromPath Existing path to user file or folder within Dropbox.
sToPath New path for user file or folder within Dropbox.

Return value

≥ 0 Success.
< 0 Failure.



Create folder.


int IOT_DROPBOX_CreateFolder(      IOT_DROPBOX_CONTEXT * pSelf,
                             const char                * sPath);


Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.
sPath Path to new folder within Dropbox.

Return value

≥ 0 Success.
< 0 Failure.

Upload and download functions

The table below lists the functions provided by the emDropbox API. Detailed description of each function is found in the sections that follow.

Function Description
IOT_DROPBOX_GetBegin() Download file from Dropbox.
IOT_DROPBOX_GetContent() Continue download from Dropbox.
IOT_DROPBOX_GetEnd() Finish download from Dropbox.
IOT_DROPBOX_GetMetadata() Acquire and process Dropbox metadata.
IOT_DROPBOX_PutBegin() Upload file to Dropbox.
IOT_DROPBOX_PutContent() Continue upload to Dropbox.
IOT_DROPBOX_PutEnd() Finish upload to Dropbox.



Download file from Dropbox.


                         const char                * sPath);


Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.
sPath Path to existing file within Dropbox.

Return value

≥ 0 Success.
< 0 Failure.



Continue download from Dropbox.


                           void                * pData,
                           unsigned              DataLen);


Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.
pData Pointer to object that receives the data.
DataLen Maximum amount of data to receive.

Return value

≥ 0 Success.
< 0 Failure.



Finish download from Dropbox.




Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.



Acquire and process Dropbox metadata.


int IOT_DROPBOX_GetMetadata(      IOT_DROPBOX_CONTEXT            * pSelf,
                            const char                           * sPath,
                                  IOT_DROPBOX_METADATA_ENUM_FUNC * pfEnum);


Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.
sPath Path to user folder within Dropbox.
pfEnum Pointer to metadata enumeration function.

Return value

≥ 0 Success.
< 0 Failure.



Upload file to Dropbox.


                         const char                * sPath,
                               unsigned              ContentLen);


Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.
sPath Path to new file within Dropbox.
ContentLen Octet length of the payload (file size) to be uploaded.

Return value

≥ 0 Success.
< 0 Failure.



Continue upload to Dropbox.


int IOT_DROPBOX_PutContent(      IOT_DROPBOX_CONTEXT * pSelf,
                           const void                * pData,
                                 unsigned              DataLen);


Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.
pData Pointer to payload data to transmit to Dropbox.
DataLen Octet length of the payload data to transmit to Dropbox.

Return value

≥ 0 Success.
< 0 Failure.



Finish upload to Dropbox.




Parameter Description
pSelf Pointer to Dropbox client context.

Return value

≥ 0 Success.
< 0 Failure.


Configuring emSSL for Dropbox

Cipher suites and elliptic curves

Bescause RAM and flash is limited on embedded systems, it’s important to know what capabilities are required to connect to a server securely. With emSSL it is possible to scan a server and derive a set of cipher suites that are common to client and server.

The Dropbox API uses api.dropboxapi.com for general administration and content.dropboxapi.com for file upload and download. Using emSSL’s scan capability provides the set of common cipher suites:

C:> ssl_scan -c api.dropboxapi.com

(c) 2014-2018 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH    www.segger.com
emSSL TLS Scan V2.52 compiled Feb  2 2018 16:07:16

Scanning cipher suites for content.dropboxapi.com:443...

009D RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384              TLS 1.2  RSA     171 ms
003D RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256              TLS 1.2  RSA     195 ms
0035 RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA                 TLS 1.2  RSA     183 ms
009C RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256              TLS 1.2  RSA     181 ms
003C RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256              TLS 1.2  RSA     151 ms
002F RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA                 TLS 1.2  RSA     170 ms
000A RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA                TLS 1.2  RSA     175 ms
C030 ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384        TLS 1.2  RSA      77 ms
     | secp256r1
C028 ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384        TLS 1.2  RSA      64 ms
     | secp256r1
C014 ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA           TLS 1.2  RSA      94 ms
     | secp256r1
C02F ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256        TLS 1.2  RSA      94 ms
     | secp256r1
C027 ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256        TLS 1.2  RSA     101 ms
     | secp256r1
C013 ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA           TLS 1.2  RSA      94 ms
     | secp256r1
009F DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384          TLS 1.2  RSA     253 ms
006B DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256          TLS 1.2  RSA     259 ms
0039 DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA             TLS 1.2  RSA     264 ms
009E DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256          TLS 1.2  RSA     262 ms
0067 DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256          TLS 1.2  RSA     267 ms
0033 DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA             TLS 1.2  RSA     274 ms

19 common cipher suites out of 78 tested

C:> _

The only elliptic curve supported by the Dropbox server is P-256 and this will be the only curve that needs to be installed into emSSL when acting as a Dropbox client.

Resource usage

This chapter covers the resource usage of emDropbox. It contains information about the memory requirements in typical systems, which can be used to obtain sufficient estimates for most target systems.

Memory footprint

SEGGER emDropbox uses shared components such as the HTTP client, JSON parser, and emSSL for secure connections. In addition it will require a TCP/IP stack such as embOS/IP. The numbers presented for emDropbox exclude the emSSL and TCP/IP stack requirements because these can be configured separately and resource requirements are documented in their respective manuals.

Target system configuration

The following table shows the hardware and the toolchain details of a typical target system:

Detail Description
CPU Cortex-M4
Tool chain SEGGER Embedded Studio with Clang version 3.7
Model Thumb-2 instructions
Compiler options Highest size optimization

ROM use

The following table shows the ROM requirement for the emDropbox components:

Component Size (approximate)
emDropbox (all capabilities) 2.2 KB
HTTP client 2.3 KB
JSON Parser 2.0 KB
Total 6.5 KB

RAM use

SEGGER emDropbox has no static RAM requirement.


Dropbox Commander complete listing

*                   (c) SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH                  *
*                        The Embedded Experts                        *
*                           www.segger.com                           *

-------------------------- END-OF-HEADER -----------------------------

File        : IOT_DROPBOX_Commander.c
Purpose     : Demonstration of the SEGGER Dropbox API.


*       #include Section

#include "IOT_Dropbox.h"
#include "SSL.h"
#include "SEGGER_SYS.h"
#include "SEGGER_SHELL.h"
#include "SEGGER_MEM.h"
#include <stdio.h>

*       Prototypes

static int _ExecToken      (SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell);
static int _ExecMkdir      (SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell);
static int _ExecCat        (SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell);
static int _ExecGet        (SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell);
static int _ExecPut        (SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell);
static int _ExecLs         (SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell);
static int _ExecRm         (SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell);
static int _ExecMv         (SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell);
static int _ExecCp         (SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell);

*       Local data types

typedef struct {
  SSL_SESSION         SSLContext;

*       Static const data

static const SEGGER_SHELL_CONSOLE_API _ConsoleAPI = {

static const SSL_TRANSPORT_API _IP_Transport = {

static const SEGGER_SHELL_COMMAND_API _aCommands[] = { 
  { "token",  "Set the access token.",    "<token>",             NULL, _ExecToken },
  { "mkdir",  "Create a folder.",         "<name>",              NULL, _ExecMkdir },
  { "type",   "Display file content.",    "<name>",              NULL, _ExecCat   },
  { "cat",    "Display file content.",    "<name>",              NULL, _ExecCat   },
  { "get",    "Retrieve a file.",         "<name>",              NULL, _ExecGet   },
  { "put",    "Store a file.",            "<name>",              NULL, _ExecPut   },
  { "dir",    "List directory contents.", "[<name>]",            NULL, _ExecLs    },
  { "ls",     "List directory contents.", "[<name>]",            NULL, _ExecLs    },
  { "del",    "Remove a file or folder.", "<name>",              NULL, _ExecRm    },
  { "rm",     "Remove a file or folder.", "<name>",              NULL, _ExecRm    },
  { "cp",     "Copy a file or folder.",   "<fromame> <toname>",  NULL, _ExecCp    },
  { "copy",   "Copy a file or folder.",   "<fromame> <toname>",  NULL, _ExecCp    },
  { "mv",     "Rename a file or folder.", "<oldname> <newname>", NULL, _ExecMv    },
  { "rename", "Rename a file or folder.", "<oldname> <newname>", NULL, _ExecMv    }

*       Static data

static SEGGER_MEM_CONTEXT   _MemContext;
static char                 _aToken[128];
static char                 _aJSONBuf[260];

*       Static code

*       _PrintBanner()
*  Function description
*    Displays the application's sign-on banner.
*  Parameters
*    pShell - Pointer to shell context.
static void _PrintBanner(SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell) {
  SEGGER_SHELL_Printf(pShell, "\n");
  SEGGER_SHELL_Printf(pShell, "%s   www.segger.com\n",
  SEGGER_SHELL_Printf(pShell, "SEGGER Dropbox Commander V%s ",
  SEGGER_SHELL_Printf(pShell, "compiled " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n\n");

*       _PrintWarranty()
*  Function description
*    Displays the application's warranty information.
*  Parameters
*    pShell - Pointer to shell context.
static void _PrintWarranty(SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell) {
  SEGGER_SHELL_Printf(pShell, "This utility demonstrates that you can use SEGGER\n");
  SEGGER_SHELL_Printf(pShell, "software to access Dropbox content securely with emSSL\n");
  SEGGER_SHELL_Printf(pShell, "and any TCP/IP stack (such as embOS/IP) that supports\n");
  SEGGER_SHELL_Printf(pShell, "sockets.\n\n");
  SEGGER_SHELL_Printf(pShell, "For more information, contact info@segger.com.\n\n");
  SEGGER_SHELL_Printf(pShell, "Type \"?\" for a list of commands.\n\n");

*       _Connect()
*  Function description
*    Connect to host using secure sockets.
*  Parameters
*    pVoid - Pointer to SSL session context.
*    sHost - Name of server we wish to connect to.
*    Port  - Port number in host byte order.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _Connect(void *pVoid, const char *sHost, unsigned Port) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  int           Socket;
  int           Status;
  pSession = pVoid;
  Status = SEGGER_SYS_IP_Open(sHost, Port);
  if (Status >= 0) {
    Socket = Status;
    SSL_SESSION_Prepare(pSession, Socket, &_IP_Transport);
    Status = SSL_SESSION_Connect(pSession, sHost);
    if (Status < 0) {
  return Status;

*       _Disconnect()
*  Function description
*    Disconnect from host.
*  Parameters
*    pVoid - Pointer to SSL session context.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _Disconnect(void *pVoid) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  pSession = pVoid;
  return 0;

*       _Send()
*  Function description
*    Send data to host.
*  Parameters
*    pVoid   - Pointer to SSL session context.
*    pData   - Pointer to octet string to send over SSL.
*    DataLen - Octet length of the octet string to send.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _Send(void *pVoid, const void *pData, unsigned DataLen) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  pSession = pVoid;
  return SSL_SESSION_Send(pSession, pData, DataLen);

*       _Recv()
*  Function description
*    Receive data from host.
*  Parameters
*    pVoid   - Pointer to SSL session context.
*    pData   - Pointer to object that receives the data.
*    DataLen - Octet length of receiving object.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _Recv(void *pVoid, void *pData, unsigned DataLen) {
  SSL_SESSION * pSession;
  pSession = pVoid;
  return SSL_SESSION_Receive(pSession, pData, DataLen);

*       _PrintListing()
*  Function description
*    Display Dropbox metadata.
*  Parameters
*    pMetadata - Pointer to Dropbox metadata.
static void _PrintListing(const IOT_DROPBOX_METADATA *pMetadata) {
  if (pMetadata->IsFolder) {
    SEGGER_SYS_IO_Printf("    <DIR>  %s\n", pMetadata->aPath);
  } else {
    SEGGER_SYS_IO_Printf("%9lld  %s\n", pMetadata->Size, pMetadata->aPath);

*       _ExecMkdir()
*  Function description
*    Create a folder.
*  Parameters
*    pShell - Pointer to shell context.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _ExecMkdir(SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell) {
  char * sPath;
  int    Status;
  Status = SEGGER_SHELL_ReadNextArg(pShell, &sPath);
  if (Status >= 0) {
    Status = IOT_DROPBOX_CreateFolder(&_API.DropboxContext, sPath);
  return Status;

*       _ExecCat()
*  Function description
*    List a file.
*  Parameters
*    pShell - Pointer to shell context.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _ExecCat(SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell) {
  char   aBuf[128];
  char * sPath;
  int    Status;
  Status = SEGGER_SHELL_ReadNextArg(pShell, &sPath);
  if (Status >= 0) {
    Status = IOT_DROPBOX_GetBegin(&_API.DropboxContext, sPath);
  if (Status >= 0) {
    for (;;) {
      int N;
      N = IOT_DROPBOX_GetContent(&_API.DropboxContext, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)-1);
      if (N <= 0) {
      aBuf[N] = 0;
      SEGGER_SHELL_Printf(pShell, "%s", aBuf);
  return Status;

*       _ExecLs()
*  Function description
*    List a directory.
*  Parameters
*    pShell - Pointer to shell context.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _ExecLs(SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell) {
  char * sPath;
  int    Status;
  if (SEGGER_SHELL_HasUnreadArgs(pShell)) {
    Status = SEGGER_SHELL_ReadNextArg(pShell, &sPath);
  } else {
    Status = 0;
    sPath = "/";
  if (Status >= 0) {
    Status = IOT_DROPBOX_GetMetadata(&_API.DropboxContext, sPath, _PrintListing);
  return Status;

*       _ExecRm()
*  Function description
*    Remove a file or folder.
*  Parameters
*    pShell - Pointer to shell context.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _ExecRm(SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell) {
  char * sPath;
  int    Status;
  Status = SEGGER_SHELL_ReadNextArg(pShell, &sPath);
  if (Status >= 0) {
    Status = IOT_DROPBOX_Remove(&_API.DropboxContext, sPath);
  return Status;

*       _ExecMv()
*  Function description
*    Rename a file or folder.
*  Parameters
*    pShell - Pointer to shell context.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _ExecMv(SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell) {
  char * sFromPath;
  char * sToPath;
  int    Status;
  Status = SEGGER_SHELL_ReadNextArg(pShell, &sFromPath);
  if (Status >= 0) {
    Status = SEGGER_SHELL_ReadNextArg(pShell, &sToPath);
    if (Status >= 0) {
      Status = IOT_DROPBOX_Move(&_API.DropboxContext, sFromPath, sToPath);
  return Status;

*       _ExecCp()
*  Function description
*    Copy a file or folder.
*  Parameters
*    pShell - Pointer to shell context.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _ExecCp(SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell) {
  char * sFromPath;
  char * sToPath;
  int    Status;
  Status = SEGGER_SHELL_ReadNextArg(pShell, &sFromPath);
  if (Status >= 0) {
    Status = SEGGER_SHELL_ReadNextArg(pShell, &sToPath);
    if (Status >= 0) {
      Status = IOT_DROPBOX_Copy(&_API.DropboxContext, sFromPath, sToPath);
  return Status;

*       _ExecToken()
*  Function description
*    Set authentication token.
*  Parameters
*    pShell - Pointer to shell context.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _ExecToken(SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell) {
  char     *sToken;
  int       Status;
  Status = SEGGER_SHELL_ReadNextArg(pShell, &sToken);
  if (Status >= 0) {
    if (strlen(sToken) < sizeof(_aToken)) {
      strcpy(&_aToken[0], sToken);
      IOT_DROPBOX_SetAPIKey(&_API.DropboxContext, &_aToken[0]);
    } else {
      Status = -1;
  } else {
    SEGGER_SHELL_Printf(pShell, "Token: %s\n", _API.DropboxContext.sToken);
    Status = 0;
  return Status;

*       _ExecGet()
*  Function description
*    Download file.
*  Parameters
*    pShell - Pointer to shell context.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _ExecGet(SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell) {
  char*    sPath;
  char*    sName;
  void*    hFile;
  unsigned ContentLen;
  int      Status;
  char     aBuf[128];
  int      N;
  Status = SEGGER_SHELL_ReadNextArg(pShell, &sPath);
  if (Status >= 0) {
    Status = IOT_DROPBOX_GetBegin(&_API.DropboxContext, sPath);
    if (Status >= 0) {
      sName = strrchr(sPath, '/');
      if (sName == 0) {
        sName = sPath;
      } else {
      hFile = fopen(sName, "wb");
      if (hFile == NULL) {
        Status = -1;
      } else {
        ContentLen = 0;
        for (;;) {
          N = IOT_DROPBOX_GetContent(&_API.DropboxContext, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf));
          if (N <= 0) {
          fwrite(aBuf, 1, N, hFile);
          ContentLen += N;
  if (Status >= 0) {
    SEGGER_SHELL_Printf(pShell, "Wrote %u bytes.\n", ContentLen);
  return Status;

*       _ExecPut()
*  Function description
*    Upload file.
*  Parameters
*    pShell - Pointer to shell context.
*  Return value
*    >= 0 - Success.
*    <  0 - Processing error.
static int _ExecPut(SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell) {
  char     aBuf[128];
  char*    sPath;
  void*    hFile;
  unsigned ContentLen;
  unsigned FilePos;
  unsigned FragLen;
  int      Status;
  Status = SEGGER_SHELL_ReadNextArg(pShell, &sPath);
  hFile = fopen(sPath, "rb");
  if (hFile == NULL) {
    Status = -1;
  } else {
    fseek(hFile, 0, SEEK_END);
    ContentLen = ftell(hFile);
    fseek(hFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
    Status = IOT_DROPBOX_PutBegin(&_API.DropboxContext, sPath, ContentLen);
    if (Status >= 0) {
      FilePos = 0;
      do {
        FragLen  = SEGGER_MIN(sizeof(aBuf), ContentLen-FilePos);
        fread(aBuf, 1, FragLen, hFile);
        FilePos += FragLen;
        Status = IOT_DROPBOX_PutContent(&_API.DropboxContext, aBuf, FragLen);
      } while ((FilePos < ContentLen) && (Status >= 0));
    if (Status >= 0) {
      Status = IOT_DROPBOX_PutEnd(&_API.DropboxContext);
  if (Status >= 0) {
    SEGGER_SHELL_Printf(pShell, "Wrote %u bytes.\n", ContentLen);
  return Status;

*       _ExecInitScript()
*  Function description
*    Execute initialization script.
*  Parameters
*    pShell    - Pointer to shell context.
*    sFileName - File name of initialization script.
static void _ExecInitScript(SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell, const char *sFileName) {
  FILE * pFile;
  char * pNewline;
  char   acBuf[256];
  pFile = fopen(sFileName, "r");
  if (pFile == 0) {
  while (!feof(pFile)) {
    fgets(acBuf, sizeof(acBuf)-1, pFile);
    pNewline = strchr(acBuf, '\n');
    if (pNewline) {
      *pNewline = 0;
    if (SEGGER_SHELL_ParseInput(pShell, acBuf) >= 0) {

*       _InitDropboxContext()
*  Function description
*    Initialize Dropbox client.
*  Parameters
*    pShell - Pointer to shell context.
static void _InitDropboxContext(SEGGER_SHELL_CONTEXT *pShell) {
  unsigned i;
  // Initialize our Dropbox context with an appropriate
  // bearer token.
  static const IOT_IO_API _IOAPI = {
  IOT_DROPBOX_Init (&_API.DropboxContext, _aJSONBuf, sizeof(_aJSONBuf));
  IOT_DROPBOX_SetIO(&_API.DropboxContext, &_IOAPI, &_API.SSLContext);
  for (i = 0; i < SEGGER_COUNTOF(_aCommands); ++i) {
    SEGGER_SHELL_AddCommandAPI(pShell, &_aCommands[i]);
  SEGGER_SHELL_AddCommandAPI(pShell, &SEGGER_SHELL_QuestionMarkAPI);

*       Public code

*       main()
*  Function description
*    Application entry point.
*  Parameters
*    argc - Argument count.
*    argv - Argument vector.
*  Return value
*    Application exit status.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char                 * sToken;
  int                    Status;
  // Initialize subsystems.
  // Inherit CLI passed from the OS.
  SEGGER_SHELL_Init(&Shell, &_ConsoleAPI, &_MemContext);
  SEGGER_SHELL_InheritExternal(&Shell, 0, argc, argv);
  // Initialize Dropbox context and commands.
  // Show startup text.
  // Process the startup script.
  IOT_DROPBOX_SetAPIKey(&_API.DropboxContext, "...access token is not set!...");
  _ExecInitScript(&Shell, "startup.cli");
  // Parse Dropbox access token to use.
  if (SEGGER_SHELL_ReadNextArg(&Shell, &sToken) >= 0) {    // Command name
    if (SEGGER_SHELL_ReadNextArg(&Shell, &sToken) >= 0) {  // First argument
      IOT_DROPBOX_SetAPIKey(&_API.DropboxContext, sToken);
  // Process shell.
  Status = SEGGER_SHELL_Enter(&Shell);
  return Status;

/*************************** End of file ****************************/